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Vibration Applications of Vibrating Screens PDF

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Vibration Monitoring

of Vibrating Screens

This article discusses the many facets of monitoring vibrating
screens by providing an overview of the type of data associated
with vibrating screens, and the standards that control the
industry. It also provides data examples and advanced analysis
techniques, such as orbital and vibration analysis. Finally, a
listing of some common bad actors and their solutions is

Andy Page
15 pages
October 2002

SKF Reliability Systems

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Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

Introduction the vibrating screen. The vibrating screen is

normally overlooked as being a key
In most traditional applications of vibration component for analysis on the initial sight
analysis, data is collected on rotating assessment. This is, in part, due to their size
elements, and analyzed to determine the and seemingly violent motion. However, the
mechanical condition of the equipment. For vibration analyzer is capable of providing a
example: bearing faults, gear faults, wealth of data that can help both maintenance
misalignment and coupling problems can be and production get full utilization out of their
diagnosed using vibration analysis. More screen.
advanced uses could include buildings and
other structures, where data collected could A vibrating screen is a piece of equipment that
detect certain design flaws and/or structural separates different size material. Separation of
degradation. These types of structural material is accomplished by means of
applications are certainly appropriate in the screening media, commonly referred to as
material handling industry. They are being decks, which act like filters. The screen deck
implemented throughout the industry, and has certain size opening in the mesh. The
established programs are starting to realize the smaller material falls through the opening
many benefits of a vibration analysis program. while the larger material remains on top of the
screen deck. The entire screen can vibrate at
However, a key component in the industry up to 1000 cycles per minute and can have as
that escapes the more traditional analysts is

Figure 1. Typical 8’ x 24’ Inclined Vibrating Screen. This illustration shows two spring systems that support the
vibrating screen as well as the shaft and mounting plate that holds the shaft in place.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 2

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

many as three decks. The decks are arranged that the carrier frequency would be filtered
above each other, usually with the larger out, leaving only the higher frequency data
opening screen deck being on top and the (impacting) of the bearings and/or gears, e.g.
lower screens having smaller opening by the enveloping technique.
respectively. As material is feed onto the top
deck, the screen can vibrate at over 5 g. The Enveloping is a signal processing technique in
material falls through the openings and is which a filtering method is used to filter
separated. Each deck’s overflow is usually vibration that is associated with the general
directed into a chute and the material that falls functions of the machine. Vibration caused by
completely through is sent to another chute. items such as running speed of the machine
and in the case of vibrating screens, the
The screen is supported on all four corners by product that is moving across the screen mesh
either steel springs or rubber donuts, and can cause vibration that is not associated with
either rests on the floor or is suspended by the components in the machine.
rods or chain. An eccentric shaft on the
vibrating screen provides the motion of the In figure 2, a “good” spectrum contains a once
screen. This shaft is contained within a per revolution impact as indicated by the peak
housing that serves as the mount for the at running speed. This is normal in vibrating
bearing. Screens can have up to three shafts, screens due to the eccentric shaft in the drive
each in their respective housing. mechanism. The “bad” spectrum contains
peaks that are non-synchronous to rotation
This article discusses the process of collecting speed. These peaks matched the inner race
vibration data on a vibrating screen, including fault frequency of the bearing. A normal
signal processing techniques and the method waveform usually shows peaks of over 1 g,
in which data should be obtained. This method due to the eccentric shaft a peak alarm of 2 g
includes a checklist that can be used to make is chosen (Figure 3). The increase in vibration
certain the screen is thoroughly evaluated. The peaks is illustrated Figures 4 and 5, due to
article then describes examples of data bearing damage.
obtained from screens operating in good and
Sec - Shaker Screens
poor conditions. Analysis techniques such as S-4 -RFB Right Feed Bearing
screen gages or screen cards and vibration 0.16
Route Spectrum

analysis are discussed in depth. 0.14 09-SEP-97 10:56

(PkVue- HP 500 Hz)

Signal Modulation Concerns
RMS Acceleration in G-s

OVRALL= .3617 A-DG

RMS = .3597
Signal modulation is a concern when trying to LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 812.
obtain a vibration signature on the drive 0.08
RPS = 13.53
mechanism. The screen is moving at a speed 0.06
of up to 1000 CPM and can be producing
forces in excess of 5.0 g. Modulated data 0.04

provides little useable information about the 0.02

condition of the bearings or gears in the drive
mechanism. 0

0 100 200 300 400 500

Typical modulated data would only appear as Frequency in Hz

a single peak at turning speed. To get usable Figure 2. Spectrum of a bearing in good condition.
information, the modulation would have to be Single elevated peak on the right side is running speed
corrected for as it was collected. That means of the machine.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 3

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens
Sec - Shaker Screens Ter - Shaker Screens
S-4 -RFB Right Feed Bearing S-3 -LFB Left Feed Bearing
2.5 24
Waveform Display Waveform Display
09-SEP-97 10:56 21
2.0 09-SEP-97 13:57
1.5 RMS = .4037 RMS = 2.49
LOAD = 100.0 15 LOAD = 100.0
Acceleration in G-s

Acceleration in G-s
RPM = 812. RPM = 812.
RPS = 13.53 12
RPS = 13.54

0.5 9
PK(+) = 2.01 PK(+) = 21.01
PK(-) = .8839 6 PK(-) = 3.63
CRESTF= 4.97 CRESTF= 8.45

-1.5 -6

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time in Seconds
Time in Seconds
Figure 3. Time waveform of a bearing in good
Figure 5. Time waveform of bearing with the inner race
condition. The g-values read on the y-axis are elevated
fault frequencies. The peaks in this time waveform are
from the normal levels of 0.5 to –0.5 g’s that are
due to impacts in the bearing.
typically seen in this machine.

Ter - Shaker Screens Traditional Inspection

S-3 -LFB Left Feed Bearing
Route Spectrum
09-SEP-97 13:57
Traditional techniques for identifying
(PkVue- HP 500 Hz)
problems with vibration screens include:
RMS Acceleration in G-s


RMS = 2.27 • Measuring spring height
LOAD = 100.0

RPM = 812.
• Checking for level spring mounts
RPS = 13.54

• Checking the level of screen (side to side)


• Checking for evenly distributed flow from

0.1 feed chute
• Checking for restrictions to motion

0 100 200 300 400 500 • Checking the stroke (trace of the motion)
Frequency in Hz
• Measuring the stroke length
Figure 4. Spectrum of bearing with inner race fault
frequencies. The multiple peaks are the inner race • Measuring screen speed
defect frequencies and sidebands of running speed
surround the inner race peaks. The traditional analysis of a screen’s motion,
acceleration, and angle is accomplished with a
screen card or screen gauge. A screen card is
a rectangular, magnetic card that has several
black circles of varying diameters on it. It also
has several straight lines all at different angles
© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 4
Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

from the edge of the card. This card is placed Vibration Data Collection
squarely on the screen. While the screen is
running the circles will appear as an oval. The Vibration data is collected at each corner of
oval with the most solid center is the correct the screen. Either Feed (F) or Discharge (D)
throw of the screen. The straight line that is end of the screen as it relates to the material
clearest is the proper angle of the screen. on the screen mesh and Left (L) or Right (R)
side of the screen designates each corner. FL
To get an idea of the orbital motion of the would indicate Feed Left, etc.
screen a white sticker is applied to each corner
of the screen. A pen or pencil, held firmly,
lightly applied to the sticker, allows the
motion of the screen to be traced onto the
sticker. The resulting “plot” is the motion of
the screen, and the length of the long axis of
the oval is the screen’s “throw” or "stroke
length." The speed of the screen can be
assessed with a contact tachometer or strobe
light. The acceleration of a screen is
approximated by the following equation:

Acceleration (g) =
(screen speed in RPM)2 x (screen throw in
inches) / 100,000
Figure 6. Area on the vibrating screen where sensors
are placed to collect vibration data related to the
In the table below, example screen
screen, bearings and motor.
accelerations are summarized.
Nominal There are two sensors collecting data. One is
Stroke Speed g-Index
Application Aperture oriented on the Y-axis and the other on the X-
Size (mm) (mm) (Rpm) (target) axis. Both are shown in Figure 6. The
Elements HD ND HD ND Loaded direction of material flow arrow is related to
the material on the screen mesh moving in the
Scalping >75 12.0 - 10.5 750 - 800 3.8 indicated direction.

Ballast 75 to 32 10.0 - 8.5 850 - 900 4.0

Aggregates 25.4 to 6.7 9.0 - 8.0 900 - 950 4.1

<6.7 8.0 - 7.0 950 - 1000 4.0

Table 1. HD - Heavy Duty: Deep bed depth. High % of

near size particles in feed, plugging or blinding is a
problem; ND - Normal Duty: Nearly optimum bed
depth, average % of near size particles in feed, &
minimal plugging or blinding. In the chart above,
stroke is equal to screen throw in the equation.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 5

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens
Prim - Road Rock Screen
Road Scrn -FLV Screen Stroke - Front Left Vert
cycles per minute, we know the number of
Waveform Display shaft rotations per minute.
6 06-FEB-97 10:20

4 RMS = 4.91 Knowing the differences between a “good”

LOAD = 100.0 vibration signature and a "poor" vibration
Acceleration in G-s

RPM = 998.
RPS = 16.63 signature on a vibrating screen, allows
0 problems to be detected in time. Consider the
PK(+) = 7.08

PK(-) = 7.02 examples shown in Figures 9-11.
CRESTF= 1.45

-4 D&F - Eljay Screen

Eljay Scrn-BL Screen Stroke - Back Left

RMS Acc in G-s

17-OCT-96 18:44
-8 OVRALL= 4.15 A-DG
2.0 RMS = 4.14
0 100 200 300 400 500
1.0 LOAD = 100.0
Time in mSecs RPM = 799.
RPS = 13.32
Figure 7. Waveform of vibrating screen in good 0 20 40 60 80 100
condition; the time waveform data of a vibrating screen Frequency in Hz
indicates a sinusoidal movement of the screen. This
means that the screen is moving up and down similarly WAVEFORM DISPLAY
Acc in G-s

4 17-OCT-96 18:44
to a wave in a body of water. 0 RMS = 4.40
-4 PK(+) = 7.41
Prim - Road Rock Screen
-8 PK(-) = 11.39
Road Scrn -FLV Screen Stroke - Front Left Vert
Route Spectrum
CRESTF= 2.59
06-FEB-97 10:20
Freq: 13.32
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
OVRALL= 4.89 A-DG Ordr: 1.000
Time in Seconds
RMS Acceleration in G-s

RMS = 4.86 Spec: 3.979

LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 998.
Figure 9. This screen data reflects that something is
RPS = 16.63 allowing the screen to travel outside of its designed
parameters. The data in the top graphic show several
2 peaks after the first peak. These peaks indicate
something that is loose in the system. A weak cross
1 member was suspected. And upon inspection some
broken bolts on the cross member connection plate
Freq: 16.63
were found and replaced. New data was taken after the
0 20 40 60 80 100
Ordr: 1.000 repair and the spectrum returned to normal.
Frequency in Hz Spec: 4.859

Figure 8. The conversion of the time waveform, Figure

7, to a acceleration spectrum. The spectrum contains a
peak indicating imbalance at 16.63Hz or 997.8 rpm, the
running speed of the shaft on the vibrating screen. This
is a normal spectrum and time waveform example
collected from a screen in good operating conditions.
The imbalance seen is part of the design of the screen.
It allows the screen to move material across the mesh.

The vibration data in Figure 7-8 show the

speed of the screen. Notice in the top right
hand corner of this spectrum we see the RPM
= 998. This is accomplished through the fact
that for each complete rotation of the shaft the
screen makes one complete cycle up and
down. Therefore, by measuring the number of

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 6

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens
ST - Shaker Screens
Tertiary -FL Screen Stroke - Front Left
Orbit Analysis
PK Vel in In/Sec

18 25-OCT-96 12:30
It was mentioned earlier that the data needed
OVRALL= 22.80 V-DG to be collected in the vertical and horizontal
PK = 22.66
LOAD = 100.0
planes at the same time. And to accomplish
RPM = 730. this, a dual channel analyzer is needed. The
0 20 40 60 80 100
RPS = 12.16
data needs to be in phase to provide us with
Frequency in Hz
the capability to make a so-called orbit plot.
An orbit plot is a plot of the relative motion
4 between two transducers. In the case of a
Acc in G-s

25-OCT-96 12:30
0 RMS = 3.43 vibrating screen it is referred to as the trace of
PK(+) = 6.66
PK(-) = 5.59
the screen’s stroke.
CRESTF= 1.95
Freq: 6.078 Why is that necessary when we have the
1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
Time in mSecs
Ordr: .500 screen waveforms and spectra already?
Spec: .770
Because the pure waveforms and spectra do
Figure 10. This particular screen had rubber donuts
used as baffles for the movement of the screen rather not always alert us to everything we want to
than steel springs. Further inspection revealed that the know about the motion of the screen.
rubber donuts were supposed to be 10” high but had
collapsed to 7” high. The rubber donuts were replaced For example, the 4 plots in Figures 12-13
and data was taken and recorded in the graphic reflect what would be considered a normal
following this one
screen, with nothing in the spectra or
ST - Shaker Screens waveforms to alert a problem.
Tertiary -FL Screen Stroke - Front Left
RMS Acc in G-s

ROUTE SPECTRUM Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline

3.0 28-OCT-96 16:12 8X20 W -FLV Screen Stroke - Front Left Vert
RMS Acc in G-s


RMS = 3.57 2.5 06-FEB-97 14:40
1.0 LOAD = 100.0 2.0 OVRALL= 2.59 A-DG
RPM = 818. 1.5 RMS = 2.57
0 1.0
RPS = 13.64 LOAD = 100.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 RPM = 782.
Frequency in Hz RPS = 13.04
0 20 40 60 80 100
4 WAVEFORM DISPLAY Frequency in Hz
Acc in G-s

2 28-OCT-96 16:12
Acc in G-s

PK(+) = 5.50 2 06-FEB-97 14:40

PK(-) = 5.20 RMS = 2.59
-4 0
CRESTF= 1.53 PK(+) = 4.06
-6 -2
PK(-) = 3.80
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 CRESTF= 1.57
Time in mSecs
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Figure 11. The data following the replaced baffles is Time in Seconds
shown to the left. Notice there is no wasted energy in
the spectrum, exhibited as extra peaks other than the Figure 12. Front left verticals.
first peak, like in the prior graphic above this set of

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 7

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens
Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline Prim - Road Rock Screen
8X20 W -FLH Screen Stroke - Front Left Horiz Road Scrn - PTS=FLV FLH
3.0 8
RMS Acc in G-s


2.4 06-FEB-97 14:40 6 06-FEB-97 10:20
1.8 OVRALL= 2.40 A-DG
RMS = 2.39 4 RMSX= 4.89
LOAD = 100.0 RMSY= 4.73
RPM = 782. 2 LOAD = 100.0

FLH in G-s
0 RPM = 1800.
RPS = 13.04
RPS = 30.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 0

Frequency in Hz

Acc in G-s

06-FEB-97 14:40 -4
0 RMS = 2.41
PK(+) = 3.65 -6
PK(-) = 3.80
CRESTF= 1.58 -8
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
FLV in G-s
Time in Seconds
Figure 15. This would be the perfect orbit plot for an
Figure 13. Front left horizontals. inclined screen. The smooth circle indicates that the
screen is traveling smoothly without bottoming out on
However, if we plot the two waveforms the frame or that components on the machine are not
simultaneously, a different graph is obtained, excessively loose or broken.
(Figure 14). Tracking the orbit plot can
IPS - Shaker Screens
provide a wealth of data not seen in the 1 - PTS=FLV FLH
spectra and waveforms. It becomes easier to 6
21-JAN-97 10:18
spot a screen with problems when we compare 4
its orbit plot to that of a good one, for example RMSX= 2.63
RMSY= 2.46
in Figures 15-16. 2
LOAD = 100.0
FLH in G-s

RPM = 811.
Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline RPS = 13.52
06-FEB-97 14:40 -2
RMSX= 2.59
RMSY= 2.41
LOAD = 100.0
FLH in G-s

RPM = 782. -6
RPS = 13.04
0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
FLV in G-s


Figure 16. Horizontal screens, screens that have a flat

mesh angle, should have an orbit plot like this. Notice
the motion is all in a line. This indicates smooth motion
-6 and throw of the material from one end of the screen
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 mesh to the other.
FLV in G-s

Figure 14. From the plot to the left, the motion, Knowing those facts makes it very easy to identify a bad
indicated by the circle-like object, has two flat spots, actor when it looks like the examples in Figures 17-
located at approximately the 4 and 10 o’clock 18.
positions. The flat spots indicate that the screen is not
traveling in a smooth circular motion as designed but
instead in a chopping motion. Investigating the
components of the screen reveled broken internal cross
© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 8
Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

CPS - Shaker Screens
Relating Traditional Inspections
ORBIT DISPLAY with Vibration Analysis
6 22-JAN-97 17:26
Relating the traditional inspections with the
4 RMSX= 3.04
RMSY= 2.20 vibration data provides a tool for
2 LOAD = 100.0 troubleshooting and “tuning” screen
FRH in G-s

RPM = 766.
RPS = 12.77 performance. The collection of the vibration
data in the vertical and horizontal planes at the
-2 same time provides us with key data.
Screen Speed: The frequency of the up and
-6 down motion of the screen is the speed of the
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
FRV in G-s
Orbit Plot: By graphing the screens vertical
and horizontal vibration at the same time we
get and actual trace of the motion of the
Figure 17. This screen had several broken springs. The screen.
lack of spring resilience is causing the screen to
bottom-out onto the frame or possibly the ground. In
the bottom left area of the trace, the flat spot indicates Screen Angle: By treating the vertical and
the bottoming out. horizontal vibration at the speed of the screen
as vectors in the x and y planes, we can use
CPS - Shaker Screens
the following equation to calculate the angle
ORBIT DISPLAY of throw of the screen.
13-FEB-97 15:55
RMSX= 2.32
Arctangent (y/x) = Angle of Throw
RMSY= 2.15
LOAD = 100.0 Screen Force At Angle Of Incidence: Again
FRH in G-s

RPM = 780.
RPS = 13.00 by using the vectors we can solve for the
resultant vector. Which would be the actual g
of acceleration by which the material on the
screen is handled, Figure 19.


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
FRV in G-s

Figure 18. The springs were replaced and the follow-up

data looked like this. Further inspection found that the
top screen deck had excessive wear on the right hand
side. This condition allowed a large percentage of the Figure 19: "a" is equal to the hypotenuse of the
material to pass through on the right hand side of the triangle formed by x and y. Therefore, by solving for a
screen and thus overload it on that side. It was by a = √(x2 + y2), we arrive with the resultant vector of
overloaded so much that is caused the screen to throw x and y.
material from right-to- left rather than the designed
direction of left-to-right. Actual Length Of Stroke: By taking the
acceleration of the resultant vector a in g’s
(RMS) and converting it to displacement in
© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 9
Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

mils (Peak - Peak)) at the speed of the screen, Prim - Road Rock Screen
Road Scrn -FLH Screen Stroke - Front Left Horiz
we can calculate the actual stroke length by:

RMS Acc in G-s

4 06-FEB-97 10:20

Stroke Length = (2 × (G’s RMS × 386.4 × 3 OVRALL= 4.72 A-DG

RMS = 4.70
1.414)) ÷ (2π (RPM/60))2 2
LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 998.
RPS = 16.63
with Stroke Length in mils Peak - Peak. 0 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency in Hz
Example Screen Information Derived
from Vibration Data 4

Acc in G-s
06-FEB-97 10:20
Consider the data viewed in Figures 20-22. 0 RMS = 4.74
PK(+) = 6.77
With this data we can derive: -4 PK(-) = 6.67
CRESTF= 1.43
• Speed: 998 rpm Freq: 16.63
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Ordr: 1.000
• Horizontal Force: X = 4.694 g's Time in Seconds Spec: 4.694

• Vertical Force: Y = 4.859 g's Figure 21. Front left corner - horizontal.
• Angle Of Stroke: 45.98° Prim - Road Rock Screen
Road Scrn - PTS=FLV FLH
• Force At Angle Of Stroke: 6.756 g’s 8
6 06-FEB-97 10:20

• Stroke Length: 0.676 mils (peak –peak) 4 RMSX= 4.89

RMSY= 4.73
Prim - Road Rock Screen
2 LOAD = 100.0
Road Scrn -FLV Screen Stroke - Front Left Vert
FLH in G-s

RPM = 998.
RMS Acc in G-s

RPS = 16.63
4 06-FEB-97 10:20
3 OVRALL= 4.89 A-DG -2
RMS = 4.86
LOAD = 100.0 -4
RPM = 998.
RPS = 16.63 -6
0 20 40 60 80 100
Frequency in Hz
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Acc in G-s

06-FEB-97 10:20
0 RMS = 4.90
PK(+) = 7.08 Figure 22. The orbit plot of the screen from Figures 20
-4 PK(-) = 7.02
and 21 shows that the orbit is the normal ellipse
CRESTF= 1.45
-8 without any sudden flat spots in the orbit that are
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Freq: 16.63 caused by bottoming out or broken/loose components.
Ordr: 1.000
Time in Seconds Spec: 4.859

Figure 20. Front left corner - vertical.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 10

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

Bad Orbit Causes Example weak cross member

MSP - Shaker Screens
Various reasons for detected problems are: 43 - PTS=FLV FLH

• Pedestals not equidistant from screen body 4

21-JAN-97 16:27

RMSX= 2.61
• Trunion not level 2
RMSY= 2.65
LOAD = 100.0

FLH in G-s
RPM = 880.
• Springs not plumb 0
RPS = 14.66

• Screen not level


• Weak Column

• Broken Welds
• Weak Beams (Torsional Weakness) -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
FLV in G-s
• Structural Resonance
• Belts Too Tight MSP - Shaker Screens
• Motor Broke Over Center ORBIT DISPLAY
21-JAN-97 16:28
• Broken Cross Member RMSX= 1.91
RMSY= 2.68
• Weak or Broken Springs LOAD = 100.0
FRH in G-s

RPM = 882.
RPS = 14.69
• Uneven Feed 0




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
FRV in G-s

Figure 23. Orbit plots of the vibrating screen at the left

and right discharge chutes. These orbits are not smooth
circles with a singular path but instead multiple paths.
In this example, the bolts that attach the cross member
to the screen frame had rusted and sheared. Without the
cross member attached to the frame, the screen lost its’
rigidity. This loss in rigidity caused the screen to
vibrate in an uncontrolled manner.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 11

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens
MSP - Shaker Screens
Example mesh degradation
ORBIT DISPLAY Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline
18-FEB-97 14:49 8X20 E - PTS=BLV BLH
4 6
Orbit Display
RMSX= 2.57 04-APR-97 14:23
RMSY= 2.57 4
LOAD = 100.0 RMSX= 1.88
FLH in G-s

RPM = 877. RMSY= 2.16

RPS = 14.61 LOAD = 100.0

BLH in G-s
RPM = 656.
RPS = 10.93



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6
FLV in G-s
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
BLV in G-s

MSP - Shaker Screens Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline

6 6
18-FEB-97 14:50 04-APR-97 14:24
4 4
RMSX= 2.54 RMSX= 2.09
RMSY= 2.65 RMSY= 2.42
2 2
LOAD = 100.0 LOAD = 100.0
FLH in G-s
FRH in G-s

RPM = 879. RPM = 656.

RPS = 14.65 RPS = 10.93
0 0

-2 -2


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
FLV in G-s
FRV in G-s

Figure 25. Orbit plots of the vibrating screen at the left

Figure 24. Orbit plots of the vibrating screen at the left
and right discharge chutes. These orbits are not smooth
and right discharge chutes. These were taken after the
circles with a singular path but instead multiple paths.
cross-member was replaced and re-bolted.
The problem in this scenario was that the screen mesh
had degraded in several areas and material was falling
through in several places, which caused the material to
build up and bottom-out the screen mesh.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 12

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline

Orbit Display
3 06-FEB-97 14:33

2 RMSX= 1.90
RMSY= 1.93
1 LOAD = 100.0
BLH in G-s

RPM = 1796.
RPS = 29.93





-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
BLV in G-s

Ter - Hewitt Robbins - Incline

Orbit Display
3 06-FEB-97 14:34

2 RMSX= 2.22
RMSY= 1.89
1 LOAD = 100.0
FLH in G-s

RPM = 653.
RPS = 10.88





-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
FLV in G-s

Figure 26. Orbit plots of the vibrating screen at the left

and right discharge chutes. These were taken after the
mesh was replaced and the material was cleared from
underneath the screen.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 13

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

Example structural problem

Vertical Discharge Right


B Horizontal
.859 in./sec
Vibration readings were taken on the pedestals supporting
the springs on several corners. The arrows above represent
the vibration amplitudes in all three planes. The vertical
reading was collected with the transducer mounted in
position A. The horizontal reading was collected with the
transducer in position B. And the axial reading was also
collected in position B, but with the transducer facing the
body of the screen. The vertical and horizontal readings are
too high and indicate that the structure on which the screen
is resting is unstable or loose. Corrective action should be
taken to stiffen the structure.

Feed Right
Vibration readings were taken on this corner in the same
manner and the amplitudes are noted.
The amplitudes on this corner are lower than the discharge
.389 in/sec Horizontal end, but still are above the recommended levels.

.591 in/sec

Feed Left Vibration readings were taken on this corner in the same
Vertical Axial manner and the amplitudes are noted.

.095 in/sec 1.243 in/sec The vertical amplitude on this corner is considerably lower
than the other corners and within the tolerable limit. This
indicates that the structural movement at this corner in the
vertical plane is not a problem. However, the horizontal
Horizontal amplitude remains high. The maximum axial movement
was noted on this corner.
.661 in/sec
No structural readings were collected on this corner. It was
Discharge Left surmised that the reading on this corner would be similar to
the other corners. And that the other readings were
sufficient to display the structural issues.

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 14

Vibration Monitoring of Vibrating Screens

Conclusion explore the additional resources on

@ptitudeXchange such as:
Vibrating screens are used in many types of
applications and should be maintained SKF Handbook Vibrating Screens, publication
regularly to keep them running trouble-free number SKF_4202_E
during production schedules. It is important to
address many of the potential problems with Bearing Failure Case Study, MB02009
vibrating screens though continued monitoring
and analysis of the components that comprise Early Warning Fault Detection in Rolling
the system. Through an insight of the overall Element Bearings Using Microlog
system and common problems and possible Enveloping, CM3021
solutions, the reader is helped to better
understand the process and solutions to many Vibration Principles, JM02007
of those problems.
An Introductory Guide to Vibration, JM02001
SKF Copperhead
For more information on vibration analysis http://www.skf.com/copperhead
techniques and vibrating screens, please

© 2004 SKF Reliability Systems All Rights Reserved 15

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