DLL Math 11
DLL Math 11
DLL Math 11
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher GLORY MAE A. GENOVIA Learning Area General Mathematics
Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 Quarter First
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
A. Content Standards The learner's demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of functions
B. Performance Standards The learner's shall be able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real-life situations using functions.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives M11GM-Ia-1 & M11GM-Ia-4 M11GM-Ia-2 & M11GM-Ia-4 M11GM-Ia-3 & M11GM-Ia-4
Functions as a representations Evaluate an expression (integers, Evaluate an expression: addition, Evaluate an expression: composition and
of real-life situations fractions & decimals) on different subtraction, multiplication and linear combination
functions. division.
V. REMARKS Worksheets can be given as an Worksheets can be given as an Worksheets can be given as an
assignment assignment assignment Worksheets can be given as an assignment