GenMath Week 6
GenMath Week 6
GenMath Week 6
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Martina H. Robles Learning Area General Mathematics
II. CONTENT Represents real-life situations using Distinguishes rational function, rational
Solves a rational equations and inequalities
rational function equation, and rational inequality
Eliminate denominators by multiplying Rewrite the inequality with a single Present a simple scenario Finding Asymptotes (vertical, horizontal
each term of the equation by the least fraction on one side of the inequality involving rational function and oblique or slant)
common denominator. Eliminating symbol and 0 on the other side
denominators may introduce
B. Establishing a purpose for the extraneous solutions. Check the
lesson solution of the transformed equations Determine over what intervals the Determining the polynomials,
with the original equations. fraction takes on positive and negative linear function, constant function
values. and quadratic function
Factor each denominator in the Problem that can be modeled using Represent the speed of a runner Solving asymptotes and apply the
fraction. Check for extraneous solution rational inequalities. (square base) as a function of the time it takes procedures.
C. Presenting examples/ instances by substituting the answer back to to run 100 meters in the track.
of the new lesson original equation
G. Finding practical applications of Cite the application of rational Cite the application of rational
concepts and skills in daily living Cite the application of rational equation inequalities equation
Let the learner determine the rational Let the learner identify the Let the learner apply the concept in
Let the learner apply the concept in
inequalities and plot the intervals on rational function. solving asymptotes.
solving rational equations to solve word
H. Making generalizations and the number line.
problems. Rational equations can be
abstractions to the lesson
applied to problems with variables in
the denominator.
V. REMARKS Worksheets can be given as an Worksheets can be given as an Worksheets can be given as an Worksheets can be given as an
assignment assignment assignment assignment