RWC Quality Manual 8 July
RWC Quality Manual 8 July
RWC Quality Manual 8 July
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Ruwacon (PTY) Ltd Date: 29 June 2011
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Ruwacon (PTY) Ltd Date: 29 June 2011
Title Page no
1. SCOPE 4
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2. General
The preparation, review and approval of the manual are the responsibility off:
2.4 Applicability. The manual applies to all work and activities executed by Ruwacon,
including the interactions with sub contractors, suppliers, vendors and service providers.
3. Vision statement
The vision of Ruwacon is to become market leaders of the construction industry in South
Africa. The company strives to earn the respect of stakeholders through its commitment
to continuous improvement driven by respect, integrity, respect, trust and teamwork.
4. Mission statement
5. Profile
5.1 Ruwacon was established in 1999 by Pieter Ruthven, the current Chief Executive
Officer of the company. At that point in time the closed corporation was a civil
construction company. In 2003, the closed corporation converted to a private
company and 30% of its shares were acquired by Gavin Davids, the current
Managing Director of Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd.
5.2 The company showed tremendous revenue growth and a new office complex was
built in Bloemfontein in 2007. Regional offices have been established in Cape
Town, Centurion, Prieska and East London.
5.3 Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd has a 9GBPE 8CEPE rating with the Construction Industry
Development Board. This puts Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd in a favourable position since
the company is one of a few construction companies in South Africa with 51%
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5.4 Transformation is driven at the highest level and pro-active measures are taken to
ensure that the company complies with the Codes of Good Practice as stipulated
in Government Gazette 29617. Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd currently holds a level 4 BEE
8. Quality Policy (Clause 5.3) Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd has as a matter of policy adopted
ISO 9001 as quality management principles to achieve the desired result.
It is further the policy of Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd to continuously identify and develop
processes and procedures. Top management are committed to ensure that:
8.1 Continually improve the management system and quality to ensure effectiveness
safe working conditions and rendering a satisfactory service to our clients.
8.2 Management skills, expertise and resources are used in the most cost effective
manner to produce complete the projects of the required standard and quality.
8.3 Ruwacon (Pty) Ltd is compliant with all legislation and regulations relevant to our
8.4 The policy including the management system, the objectives and procedures are
communicated to and understood by all employees and parties involved in our
8.5 All employees and other parties involved in our operations implement and maintain
the management system.
8.7 Line managers are authorized and directly responsible to ensure execution of the
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9.1 Providing agreed levels of product quality and services to our clients, by
appreciating and fully understanding their needs and expectations.
9.2 Maintaining competent and capable resources to comply with regulatory, client and
company requirements.
9.3 Continuous assessment of our employees’ training needs are done and necessary
training is provided in order to benefit all stakeholders.
9.4 The reduction of our operational cost through the effective implementation of the
Quality Management System.
9.5 Involving and encouraging our Suppliers and Sub- Contractors to continuously
improve their performances
3 Work procedures Explain details of specific tasks or activities. Documents required for
and Instructions It includes: effective planning,
Project quality plans, quality control sheets, operation, and control of
procedure documents, work instructions, the processes.
drawings, flowcharts, workman standards, test
methods, checklists, product specifications,
operating and machine manuals.
4 Record Completed forms, checklists, tags, labels, test Requirement as per ISO
results, evaluations on worked performed, 9001 4.2.4
suppliers, available as evidence of compliance
the requirements of ISO 9001
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11.1 As stipulated in the Quality Policy Ruwacon’s management teams are committed
to define, implement and control the Quality management system as per
11.2 Management shall ensure that employees on all levels are acquainted with the
Quality management system, objectives and procedures. These will be regularly
discussed at the site- departmental, cost and board meetings in respect of client
requirements, achievement of objectives, legal, statutory and regulatory
11.3 Managers on all levels are responsible to ensure execution of the procedures with
respect to their functions and works in the various departments or on projects.
11.4.1 Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are
established, implemented and maintained.
11.4.4 Ensuring that appropriate communication processes are established within the
organization and that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of
the quality management system.
11.4.5 Ensure that a review of the organization's quality management system, at planned
intervals, are done to ensure its continuous suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness. This review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement
and the need for changes to the quality management system, including the quality
policy and quality objectives.
11.4.7 Ensure that all personnel are trained in the usage of the Quality Management
System and that all such training is applied to all operations and activities the
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13. Management Review. (Clause 5.6). The overall compliance of the Quality
Management System is discussed on a monthly basis during the Cost meetings. An
annually review of the total system is done as per the Quality Manual and monthly
feedback reports. This will include the following:
14. The records of the management review include the decisions and actions in
respect of the following:
15. Resource management. (Clause 6). Management will identify and provide
resources to:
15.3.1 Human resources. The identification and acquisition of human resources with
respect to competency will be controlled by the human resources manger. (Refer
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Ruwacon (PTY) Ltd Date: 29 June 2011 Job profiles will form an integral part of the identification of required training for
all personnel whose activities can have a impact on the quality of work. Company personnel at all levels will be evaluated upon their employment and
on a ongoing basis to determine their individual and collective competency and The Human Resource Manager in consultation with the Managing Director ,if
necessary with Senior personnel will determine the level and type of training
required. The SHEQ manager will undertake training in the effective use of the
company's Quality Management System. All new personnel or new duties to be allocate too personnel, will be assessed
to determine their competency, capability, and required training needs. A training matrix will be established for all personnel. Records of all training
undertaken will be generated and maintained. (Refer to Training Procedures)
15.3.4 Working environment. Ruwacon will determine and manage the work
environment in order to achieve the requirements as per safety, health and
environmental specifications and programs.
16.1 Planning of Projects. Ruwacon will plan and develop activities as per Estimators
policy and procedure and the various operational procedures. (Refer to QOPS-
PROC/01- After contract awarding) to achieve the following:
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16.1.3 Project requirements in terms of program and other specifics in terms of the
16.1.4 Required verification, validation, monitoring, inspection and tests for the specific
16.1.5 Maintain records to provide proof of the requirements in terms of the project and
other specifications.
16.2.3 Specified requirements are within the company's scope of supply, capability and
16.2.4 Any additional resources and controls are identified and taken cognizance of.
16.2.6 All received orders ,including contractual pricing will be correlated and verified
against submitted tenders and quotations
16.2.7 Any ambiguities, queries are resolved and agreed on prior to the acquisition/
purchasing any additional resources or the commencement of any production or
site activity or stock delivery.
16.2.8 Any proposed deviation from the clients regulatory or technical requirements are
identified and formally addressed.
17. Design and development. (Clause 7.3) Due to the nature of the Company's
business activities- Construction erection to individual clients requirements ,
Design & Development has not been included into the Quality Management System
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18.3 Orders and any related purchase specifications will clearly identify requirements by
type, drawing numbers, standards, specifications, preservation, packaging
identification, traceability and protection.
18.6 All supplied documentation will be reviewed for deficiencies related to quality
quantity, price, and delivery time.
18.7 Data from verifications will be analyzed on a continual basis via the Quality
Assurance Officer three monthly 1 reports.
18.8 The location of inspections including any of the company's clients that they may
wish to undertake will be specified as agreed on, should it not be upon receipt at
the clients premises.
18.10 All purchased products that do not conform to requirements from suppliers or sub-
contractors may be removed from the company's suppliers list, if consistently fail
to comply with the company's requirements
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20. Client Property. (Clause 7.5.4 Management will ensure procedures and
measures to protect and safeguard the value of clients property. Such controls will be
monitored on a continual basis. Should any client’s property be subject to loss or
damage, or any incident, while under control of Ruwacon or a sub contractor, it will be
immediately recorded, reported and investigated. Feedback will be given to the client
21. Handling, Storage, Packaging, Protection and Delivery. Clause 7.5.5) This
includes the following:
21.2 Storage. Designated storage areas, lay down areas, and pallets will be specified
and provided to ensure that all received material and products are protected to
minimize the risk of loss, damage, leaks or deterioration. Storage areas and their
contents will be monitored on an ongoing basis to verify storage conditions and the
integrity of the storage goods. Good storage practices implemented by:
21.4 Ruwacon will take great care regarding, toxic materials, flammable products and
corrosive items.
22. Packaging, Preservation and Protection. All packaging and its protection
requirements, related to all supplied material will be stipulated to the extend necessary to
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our suppliers and sub contractor. Site store personnel to ensure conformance to Health
and Safety requirements, and the protection of materials .
23. Delivery. The communication related to, and the timing of delivery of material to
clients sites, will be agreed on tender or contract receipt stages and will be monitored by
site management. The company's suppliers / sub contractors adherence to the clients or
company delivery requirements will be monitored regularly.
24. Company delivery vehicles will be maintained in a satisfactory road worthy condition
and the continual assessment of the licenses of company drivers will be undertaken.
The safe loading of company and approved transport delivery vehicles will be monitored
through necessary documentation e.g. delivery notes or purchase orders
25. Control of monitoring and measuring equipment Clause 7.6) Ruwacon will
determine the monitoring and measuring equipment required to ensure evidence of
conformity of product, prevention of any hazard and risk as identified through the risk
assessment process. General control and inspections of monitoring and measuring
equipment will be in accordance with the procedure for management of plant and
equipment. The following will be ensured:
25.1 The company will identify, select and provide all necessary, measuring and
monitoring devices for the successful activities of its operations.
25.2 Any device, which may be utilized as aid to control site activities or verification of
materials will be controlled by using surveys and checklists
25.3 Any equipment identified as being outside of specific limits will necessitate (where
practical) in the re-inspection of materials/products, previously accepted or
25.4 Records of all measuring and monitoring devices and their subsequent calibration I
verification equipment will be retained.
25.5 All the equipment been used, will be stored in such manner to protect it integrity
when on or off site.
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27. Process Control. Ruwacon will ensure that all processes in the execution of the
work are controlled. This will be based on the principle of monitoring the specific activity
as part of the process and institute corrective actions where the process will deviate from
the prescribed route. The control measures will include the utilization of the following
28. Internal audits and inspections.(Claus 8.2.2) Audits will be planned and
conducted as follow:
28.1 Monthly audits. Informal monthly audits/ inspections are conducted to monitor
the execution of the procedures and to ensure that all procedures as distributed
are available on site. The audits sheet will be updated as the procedures are
completed and distributed. The personnel of the SHEQ department is responsible
for these audits and inspections. Feedback on the audits will be included in the
monthly quality report to senior management.
28.2 Compliance audits. These audits are done on the total quality management
system every six months. The results hereof with the monthly audits will be used
in the management review.
28.3 Follow-up inspections and audits will be conducted to ensure that corrective
actions had been taken on the non conformances.
29. Control of non conforming products. Clause 8.3) Ruwacon will ensure that all
products, services and processes that do not conform to the set requirements are
identified and immediate corrective actions take. Records of non conformances and
action taken will be kept and also used for the management review purposes.The detail
of the non conformances will also be used to determine preventative actions.
30 Analysis of data. (Clause 8.4) Ruwacon will determine the appropriate data
required to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. The sources of
information that will be applicable are as follows:
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31. Improvement. (Clause 8.5) Ruwacon will continually improve on the quality
management system through the use of the various policies and objectives, reports, data
analysis and corrective and preventative actions. This will also revolve around the
following actions:
31.1 Corrective actions. Ruwacon will take action to determine non conformances and
corrective measures to prevent re-occurrence.
31.2 Preventative actions. Ruwacon will determine and eliminate non conformances
and implement actions to prevent these non conformances in time and the
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