Chapter 6 PDF
Chapter 6 PDF
Chapter 6 PDF
General Principles
Pumps are mechanical devices that lift water Pumping head is the pressure required for a
from lower to higher level by application of pump to transfer liquid from one level to
some form of energy. There are several types of another. Total head required is computed based
pumps with different operating principles on static head between the centre line of the
suitable for various conditions of use. pump and the high water level, frictional losses
in pipes, fittings and valves, and velocity at entry
It is important to understand these principles so point.
that the most efficient pumps are selected for
particular type of building or application. There Efficiency of a pump is the ratio of the network
are positive displacement reciprocating pumps, done by the pump in lifting water, to the energy
centrifugal pumps, centripetal pumps, and applied to do the work. A pump has loss of
centrifugal jet pumps. energy due to the motive power of its driving
mechanism, e.g an electric motor, engine, etc.
The suction operation of the pump creates The net efficiency of the total set is given by the
vacuum in its inlet chamber and the atmospheric efficiencies of the individual equipments.
pressure pushes the water up the pump inlet
chamber. It gains energy due to the reciprocating Each pump impeller has its own operating
or centrifugal action of the pump develops characteristics, which define its capability and
pressure within and enables the water to flow to efficiency. These can either be calculated for
higher elevations. each individual pump and its impeller or the
pump characteristic read from graphs and
Suction lift is constrained by the available nomographs normally furnished by each pump
atmospheric pressure, as the atmospheric manufacture for their products.
pressure reduces with altitude, so does the pump
suction capacity. The vapour pressure of the Reciprocating Pumps
liquid at its operating temperature also affects the
suction capacity of a pump. If the available Reciprocating pumps are plungers or cylindrical
suction head is less than the vapour pressure, rams that are made to move to and fro by an
water will evaporate, causing a condition known engine or motor crank mounted on a wheel of
as cavitation that may damage the pump due to the drive. The movement allows pressure to
erosion or vibration associated with it. Vapour build up with each stroke, which is then pushed
pressure conditions arise largely in systems up to higher levels in subsequent strokes. A set
handling hot water. of valves on the suction and delivery prevents
back-flow and building up of pressure.
The net available suction pressure is known as
net positive suction head. It depends on various Reciprocating pumps give a fluctuating flow,
factors such as atmospheric pressure; head loss which is overcome by having two or more
due to friction in pipe, pipe fittings and foot cylinders acting together to provide uniform
valve, velocity head at suction face, and vapour flow. Reciprocating pumps generally have limited
pressure at the operating temperature. discharge capacity but generate very higher
Efficiency of the pump is quite low due to Vertical Submersible Pumps
several moving parts and valves. The pumps
have limited applications in building water supply Vertical wet or dry-pits submersible pumps are
systems and high-pressure applications. those in which the pump is submerged in liquids
and driven by a vertically-mounted motor driven
Centrifugal Pumps by a long shaft. The motor is normally above the
high-flood level or above the maximum water-
Centrifugal pumps (Figure 6.1) have circular level in the tanks to prevent the motor from
impellers mounted on a shaft inside a housing submerging in water.
known as volute. When rotated at high speed,
the impeller creates a vacuum and sucks the In dry-pit pumps, pumps are installed in a
water in the volute. The circular motion of the separate dry compartment and bearings of the
impeller transfers the rotating dynamic energy to pump shaft lubricated by specialized mechanism
water, which then develops pressure at the outlet which pumps grease in the required positions.
and the water can be transferred to a higher level.
Centrifugal pumps are more efficient than Vertical pumps used for clear water and sewage
reciprocating pumps as they have lesser rotating pumping are submerged or at some level as that
parts. of the liquid and thus have positive suction. They
are ideal for automatic operations, difficult
Depending on the type of impellers used, the suction conditions or where priming of the
pumps have a variety of pumping applications. pump is a problem. The vertical pump shaft
They are used extensively in water supply, length is a limitation and is normally restricted to
irrigation, sewage, heating air conditioning and in 5-6m.
domestic appliances such as air coolers, washing
machines, dish washer, etc.
Submersible pumps are commonly used in They are designed for an average duty cycle of 20
tubewells, deep open-wells, canals, lakes, lift min per hour. Although they can run for longer
irrigation and other water supply schemes. periods, their life will be shortened. Continuous
duty pumps can run 24 hours per day as long as
Submersible pumps are easy to install and do not they are located in a sump where incoming water
required a separate pump house above or below can flow over a motor. These pumps are often
ground, thus saving considerably in terms of found in water feature or pond where 24 hour
costs. circulation is required.
The jet assembly, in principle, applies additional The common demands on the control system for
energy at the suction point in the form of a a rainwater pump are as follows:
properly designed jet in a venture tube.
· The water must be available at all times.
The additional energy is derived from the pump · When the switch to drinking water takes
itself from its delivery side. The pressure of the place, no rainwater must get into the
jet pump has to be high for the jet action, but drinking water system.
delivery pressure is controlled by a pressure · If there is not enough water in the
regulator. rainwater tank, the pump cannot be
switched on (run-dry protection).
Rainwater Pump
Self-sucking pump with fixed flow control,
Pumps can be broken down into two major especially designed for use in rainwater
categories consists of clear or gray water pumps harvesting systems is shown in Figure 6.3. The
and solids handling pumps. Within these two pump curve shown in Figure 6.3 can be used to
broad categories, they are further differentiated select an appropriate size of the pump which is
by the type of impeller employed, the design of based on the lifting head and desired flow.
the motor, and the expected duty cycle.
The typical equipment and accessories of the
Clear or rainwater pumps are designed to pump pump is as follows:
water that is free of trash, sewage and other large
solids. These pumps employ oil filled motors. Oil § Filter with hose connection for easy
transfers heat from the motor to the pump case cleaning
and also lubricate the bearings and mechanical § Sound absorptive rubber stands
seals. Motors are rated for either intermittent or § Inlet plugs on pressure and suction sides
continuous duty. Intermittent duty pumps are § Cable for electric connection.
the most common for rainwater harvesting
Submersible pump designed for use in rainwater
systems is shown in Figure 6.4. The pump is
available in two different types:
Figure 6.6: Typical Storage Tank and Pump Figure 6.8: Typical Underground Storage Tank
Installed in the Basement. with Submersible Pump.
Figure 6.7: Typical Underground Tank and Figure 6.9: Typical Underground Storage Tank
Pump in the Basement. with Submersible Pump and Pump in the
Rainwater Filters
Table 6.1 Guidelines for residential first flush Figure 6.11: Floating Ball Valve Fist Flush
quantities System
Rooftops of 100m2 or smaller 25 -50 liters
Rooftops of 100m2 or larger 50 liters per Maintenance of rainwater filter
The rainwater filter systems are to be maintained
Table 6.2 Guidelines for surface catchments or regularly and the maintenance are to be carried
for very large rooftops out as follows:
Rooftops or surface catchments 2500 liters 1. Contaminated water in the rainwater
of 4356m2 or larger filter should be drained on a regular basis
(5000liters if surface contains excessive soil, dust or debris) after each rainfall event.
Multiple first flush devices instead of a larger first flush 2. Remove debris whenever necessary.
may be required depending on slope of the catchments 3. Debris shields and vegetation traps
surface and time required for rainwater to reach the first
flush device. should be cleaned regularly to allow
unrestricted flows to filter storage.
Figure 6.13: Typical Configurations of Rainwater
Filters for Rainwater Tank at Ground Level.