Critical Thinking:: Strategies For Improving Student Learning, Part II
Critical Thinking:: Strategies For Improving Student Learning, Part II
Critical Thinking:: Strategies For Improving Student Learning, Part II
and Y have passed and that they are now “certified” to test others. How-
in a newsletter format.
that takes place among its constituents. Program location (as
defined by reporting structure) may affect program visibility, Advantages and Disadvantages
perceived status, and resource allocation decisions. Ultimately, of Centralized Programs
these variables have an impact on student success.
Idea # 7: Make the Course Work-Intensive Organizational Structure
The research literature suggests that centralized program
structures increase the chances of student success (Boylan, 2002;
for the Students Boylan, Bliss, & Bonham, 1997; Littleton, 2000). Centralization
$15/volume (4 issues)
How are programs structured in U.S. higher education? Saxon, contributes to higher developmental pass rates and increased student
Sullivan, Boylan, and Forrest (2005) report from a national study retention. These benefits likely stem from increased coordination
conducted more than 10 years ago that 52% of all developmental and communication among the personnel involved in delivering
There are two significant mistakes to avoid. The first is designing classes so programs are centralized. This figure includes 2- and 4-year
colleges. Thirteen percent of successful developmental programs
developmental courses and learning services (Boylan, 2002).
Centralization enables proximity of personnel and, therefore,
students can pass them without thinking deeply about the content of the in Texas report having fully centralized programs. This information more collaborative efforts in planning and development.
Centralized programs are more likely to be staffed with
Published by the
is from a study of 43 Texas community colleges and universities
full-time faculty, and they may offer more comprehensive
course. The second is designing classes so that the instructor must work identified as successful based on Texas Academic Skills Program
(TASP) student performance (Boylan & Saxon, 1998). support services. Teachers may also be more effective and
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) offers have higher motivation to work with underprepared students
harder than the students.
National Center for Developmental Education
more comprehensive data on the organization of “remedial” if developmental education is their primary task (Perin, 2002).
courses (National Center for Education Statistics, 2003). An Centralized programs also contribute to easier access for students.
In a class that consists mainly of lectures with periodic quizzes and assumption of this research is that courses offered in separate
divisions and in learning centers are considered centralized.
Typically faculty and support services are located proximally to
developmental classrooms. This enables increased interaction
examinations, students can often get a passing grade by “cramming” the Courses described as housed in their traditional academic
departments are considered decentralized. These definitions apply
between students and program resources. Increased integration
and interaction among support services contributes to student
NCES Remedial Education Course Data
and leadership when their program is centralized. Klicka
standing a body of content when they don’t. The problem is that most
Institution Reading Writing Mathematics
Type (1998) concurs and adds that centralization ensures
Centralized Decentralized Centralized Decentralized Centralized Decentralized
visibility and attention during program resource allocation.
All One may also speculate that services and resources
cramming feeds only the short-term memory. Students adept at it will say institutions 41% 57% 29% 70% 26% 72%
designated solely for the delivery of developmental
2-year 41% 58% 36% 64% 35% 64% education are easier to account for and to evaluate for
things like, “I got an A in Statistics last semester, but don’t ask me any Private
2-year - - 14% 81% - 87%
On the other hand, certain disadvantages may result
questions about it. I’ve forgotten most of what I learned.” Public
4-year 42% 56% 27% 70% 25% 73%
from a centralized developmental program structure.
Perin (2002) suggests that aligning the content of
4-year 43% 55% 23% 76% 19% 81% developmental courses with college-level courses may
be more difficult to manage in a centralized program.
Note. Dashes indicate data not available. The data in Table 1 are adapted from “Remedial The coordination and effectiveness of paired-course
education at degree-granting postsecondary institutions in Fall 2000,” by the National Center offerings may suffer as well. A centralized program is
VOLUME 32, ISSUE 2 • WINTER 2008 for Education Statistics (2003), Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
probably more expensive to operate than a decentralized
one, or at least the components of a centralized program are
According to the NCES data, it appears that 2-year schools
are less likely to centralize their programs. In a national study more clearly delineated, making obvious its scope and degree of
of community colleges, Shults (2000) found that 61% had accountability. It certainly is more visible to administrators who