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S.No Questions Year
1 Give the advantages of fluid power system? Apr2018 5
2 Draw the symbol of pressure relief valve? Apr2018 412
List any four fields of application of fluid power used more effectively than
3 Apr2017 3
other power sources.
4 How is the pumping action in positive displacement pumps accomplished? Apr2017 407
5 Write any four applications of fluid power systems Apr2015 3
6 Define Darcy Weisbach equation Apr2015 25
7 List any four advantages of fluid power. Nov2014 5
Sketch the ANSI symbols of 4/2 solenoid operated spring return valve and
8 Nov2014 102
adjustable flow control valve
9 What is the Importance of Reynolds Number? May2014 24
10 Write the Darcy’s equation. May2014 25
11 Give the advantages of fluid power system. Nov2013 5
12 Draw the symbol of pressure relief valves. Nov2013 412
13 List the Application of fluid Power in Agriculture and aviation industries. May2013 406
14 Write the procedure to calculate the pressure drop in hydraulic circuits. May2013 412
15 Under what condition pneumatic systems are preferred? Nov2012 250
16 List the primary function of hydraulic fluid Nov2012 406
17 Why fluid power system called muscle of the industry? Nov2011 7
18 Define the terms absolute viscosity and kinematic viscosity. Nov2011 16
1 Write about positive displacement pumps. Apr2018 37
2 What is tandem cylinder? Apr2018 68
3 What is a double rod cylinder? Apr2017 68
4 What is a solenoid operated directional control valve? Apr2017 94
5 Write about positive displacement pumps Apr2015 37
6 What is tendem cylinder? Apr2015 68
7 Gear pumps are positive displacement pumps’ – Justify. Nov2014 37
8 Sketch a tandem cylinder and list its significance Nov2014 68
9 What is a balanced vane pump? May2014 43
10 Sketch the pressure Vs flow plot of positive and non-positive pumps. May2014

11 What are the main advantages of gear motors? Nov2013 56

12 What is a pressure compensated vane pump, and how does it work? Nov2013 42
13 Differentiate double rod and tandem cylinder. May2013

14 Why do Screw pumps generate less noise while running? May2013 408-22
15 What is a balanced vane pump? Nov2012 409-28
16 Name the different type of cylinder mounding. Nov2012 411
17 What is a non –positive displacement pump? Nov2011 441-51
18 What is a telescopic cylinder? What is its use? Nov2011 411-50
1 Draw the symbol of shuttle valve and write its use Apr2018 261
2 Why flow control valve is essential in hydraulic circuits? Apr2018 102
3 List the purpose of a regenerative circuit. Apr2017 416-89
4 What is meant by speed control circuit system? Apr2017 271
5 Explain briefly the non separator type gas loaded accumulator Apr2015 139
6 What is ladder diagram? Apr2015
7 Sketch the significance of a shuttle valve. Nov2014 261
8 What are relays? Nov2014 333
9 What is chattering in pressure valves? May2014

10 What is the function of accumulators? May2014 416-95

11 What is the function of intensifiers? Nov2013 169
12 What is meant by sizing of accumulators? Nov2013 147
13 Differentiate fixed and Variable displacement pumps. May2013 408-24
14 List the basic arrangements in hydraulic drive. May2013 417-98
15 What is the function of unloading value and sequence valve? Nov2012
16 What is the intensifier and where is it used? Nov2012 415-86
17 What is the function of an unloading valve? Nov2011 412-55
18 List the applications of an intensifier. Nov2011 169
1 What is the need for mufflers? Apr2018
2 Name the different types of air motors. Apr2018
3 Name any three types of air compressors Apr2017
4 What is an electro pneumatic circuit? Apr2017 334
5 What is the function of pressure regulator in a pneumatic system ? Apr2015 255
6 What is a sequencing circuit? Apr2015
7 Mention the significance of synchronous movement of two cylinder control. Nov2014

8 Sketch a circuit for synchronous movement of two cylinders. Nov2014

9 What is the function of quick exhaust valve? May2014 261

10 What is the condition to be satisfied while grouping in cascade method? May2014

11 What are the advantages of using sequencing circuit? Nov2013 178

12 Where speed control circuits are required? Nov2013

13 Mention advantages of air motor over electric motor. May2013 420

14 What do you mean by logic control? May2013 421
15 What is a power back? Nov2012 387
16 What is the function of air filter and dryer? Nov2012

17 What is a FRL unit? Nov2011 419

18 What is the purpose of a shuttle valve in a pneumatic circuit? Nov2011 261
1 What is a ladder diagram? Apr2018 423
2 Define low cost automation. Apr2018 424
3 List the problems caused by gases in hydraulic fluids. Apr2017

4 Compare hydraulic power packs with pneumatics power packs. Apr2017

5 What is fluidics? Apr2015 421

6 What are the basic elements of PLC? Apr2015 423
7 List any four differences between proportional and servo valves Nov2014

8 What are the advantages of fluidic elements? Nov2014 421

9 What are fluidic devices? May2014 420
10 What are ladder diagrams? May2014 423
11 What are the advantages of using servo systems? Nov2013

12 List out any two PLC applications in fluid power control? Nov2013

13 What is ladder diagram? May2013 424

14 Define low cost automation May2013 424
15 Differentiate pressure switch and temperature switch. Nov2012 332
16 When to use timer and relay? Why? Nov2012 333
17 What is a power pack? Nov2011 387
18 How do microprocessors differ from PLC’s? Nov2011

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S.No Questions Year Page No

i) List the desired properties of hydraulic fluids. (8) 16-2.3

1 ii) What are the components required for basic hydraulic system? Also Apr2018
mention their function. (8) 35-4.1
i) List the application of fluid power system employed in industries. (8) 3-1.4
2 ii) How can you measure the frictional losses in laminar flow and turbulent Apr2018
flow? (8) 25-3.3
a) Explain the difference between hydraulics and pneumatics system.(6) 249-12.1
3 b) Discuss briefly about the frictional loss in laminar flow and in turbulent Apr2017
flow. (10) 25-3.3
Explain the working and construction of two basic types of piston pumps
4 Apr2017 44-4.7
with a neat sketch. (16)
(i) Explain the types of fluid power system (10) 6-1.6
5 Apr2015
(ii) List out the properties of hydraulic fluids (6) 16
(i) Explain the various fluids used in the hydraulic system with advantage 15-2.2
6 and disadvantages (10) Apr2015
(ii) Write short notes in valves and fittings (6) 87-91
Write short note on the significance of following properties of hydraulic oil.
7 (a) Viscosity (4); (b)Oxidation stability (4) Nov2014 16-2.3
(c) Demulsibility (4); (d) Neutralization number (4)
The system shown in fig. Q. 11(b) contains a hydraulic pump delivering high
pressure oil of specific gravity 0.9 and kinematic viscosity 1.25 × 104 𝑚2 /s,
to a hydraulic motor. A 15 m pipe of internal diameter 25 mm and thickness
of 5 mm connects the pump and motor. The pipe has two elbow fittings
8 Nov2014 31-33
(k=0.75) and one check valve (k=4.0). The motor is placed 6m above the
pump. The pressure required to drive the loaded motor is 34bar. Determine
the pump discharge pressure, if the discharge from the pump is 150 lpm.
(i) Enumerate and briefly discuss the properties and factors considered for 17
9 selection of oils. (12) May2014
(ii) List the advantages of hydraulic systems. (4) 18
(i) Discuss the various types of oils used in power hydraulic System (8) 15-2.2
10 May2014
(ii) Briefly discuss the operation of a manually operated hydraulic jack. (8)
Describe the applications of fluid power system and list the main 3
11 Nov2013
components required for a power pack with circuit. (15) 35 & 172)
State and explain the types of fluid power control systems with its
12 Nov2013 6-1.6
advantages. (15)
(i) Explain the various types of fluid power system.(8) 6
13 May2013
(ii) Write the advantages of fluid power system. (8)
Write notes on 18
14 (i) Neutralization number (8) May2013
(ii) Frictional losses in laminar and turbulent flow.(8) 23
(i) Write the advantage and applications of fluid power with respect to 3
15 machine tool application (10) Nov2012
(ii) How to select oil for the industrial application? (6) 15
(i) Write short notes on: 23,25
16 a) Laminar and turbulent flow; b) Darcy-Weisbach equation. (8) Nov2012
(ii) What is moody diagram? Explain the important characteristics of its (12) 26
(i) What are the basic components that are required for a hydraulic system? 35+CN
17 Explain their functions. (8) Nov2011
(ii) What types of fluids available for hydraulic system? Explain 2 of them(8) 6
(i) Write short notes on: 23
18 (a) Laminar and turbulent flow; (b) Reynolds number. (8) Nov2011
(ii) Explain the working principle of hydraulic press with neat sketch. (8) 24
Draw a neat sketch of variable discharge axial flow piston pump. Also
1 explain its construction and operation with how to calculate minimum and Apr2018 44
maximum discharge .Give its graphical symbol. (16)
Classify the types of hydraulic cylinders. Describe the working of a double
2 Apr2018 63 & 68
acting tandem cylinder & gear motor. Give its graphical symbols (16)
(i) Explain how the vanes are held in contact with the cam ring in high
performance vane motors. (8)
3 Apr2017
(ii) What is a limited rotation hydraulic actuator? How does it differ from a 55
hydraulic motor? (8)
Explain in details about a cartridge valves and its types and also list the
4 Apr2017 111
benefits of using cartridge valves. (16)
(i) How pumps are classified? (6) 37
5 Apr2015
(ii) Explain with sketch the working principle of internal gear pump (10) 39
(i) Explain with sketch the working principle of telescopic cylinder (12) 69
6 Apr2015
(ii) What is power pack? Give its advantages (4)
With a neat sketches, explain the working principle of the following 43
7 69
components (i) balanced vane pump (8); (ii) Telescopic cylinders (8)
(i)With a neat sketch, explain the cushioning mechanism in a cylinder. (8) Nov2014
8 (ii)With a neat sketch explain the working principle of an external gear
motor. (8) 56
(i) With a sketch, explain the working of vane pump showing the discharge 41
9 Can be varied. (12) May2014
(ii) Sketch the plots showing pump performance (4) 47
(i) With a suitable sketch describe the cushioning mechanism used in Linear
actuators. (8)
10 May2014
(ii) Stating the application of rotary actuators, discuss the working of gear 56
motor with a sketch. (8)
Draw a neat sketch of variable discharge axial flow pump .Also explain its
11 constructions and operation with how to calculate minimum and maximum Nov2013
discharge. Give its graphical symbol. (15)
Classify the types of hydraulic cylinders. Describe the working of a double 63,64,
12 Nov2013
acting tandem cylinder and gear motor. Give the graphical symbols. (15)
(i) Explain the construction and Working of bend axis type piston pump 44
13 with neat sketch. (12) May2013
(ii) Write short notes on lope pump. (4) 39
(i) Explain any three types of Special cylinder used in Hydraulics with neat 68
14 sketch. (12) May2013
(ii) What is cylinder cushion? (4) 65
(i) Explain the construction and working of an swash plate type piston Pump 46
15 with neat sketch. (12) Nov2012
(ii)Write a short note on telescopic cylinder. (4) 69
(i) Explain the working of a gear type motor and vane type motors. (12) 56
16 Nov2012
(ii) Explain the use cushioning of cylinder. (4) 65
(i) Draw a single cylinder continuous reciprocating circuit using suitable
components and also give the specifications. (8)
17 Nov2011
(ii) How are the pumps classified? Explain with suitable sketch the working 37,41
of unbalanced vane pump? (8)
(i) Explain the working principle of external gear pump and determine its 38
18 performance measures. (10) Nov2011
(ii) What are the factors to be considered in the selection of a pump? (6) 224
i) Explain the construction of pressure relief valve with neat sketch. 88
1 Apr2018
ii) Design the hydraulic press circuit using unloading valve with sketch. 183
i) Explain any two types of accumulator circuits with sketch. (8)
2 ii) Design the circuit to speed up the extending speed of a double acting Apr2018 144
cylinder with suitable circuit. (8)
(i) Discuss how the control of a single acting cylinder and a double acting
cylinder is done in hydraulic circuit. (8)
3 Apr2017 174,175
(ii) Explain the purpose, construction and operation of double pump
hydraulic system. (8)
(i) What is a hydrostatic transmission? Name any four advantages it 188
4 typically possesses. (8) Apr2017
(ii) Explain in details about two state servo valve working principle. (8) 157
(i) Explain the following circuits with neat sketch 105
5 Apr2015
(a) Meter –in; (b) Meter –out; (c) Bleed off (16) 106
Write down the various types of accumulator and explain working of
6 Apr2015 137
bladder type accumulator with a suitable sketch (16)
Write short notes on : 88
7 Nov2014
(i) Simple pressure relief valve (8); (ii) Sequence valve (8) 97
A pump /accumulator power pack is to supply the fluid flow demanded by a
hydraulic system shown in fig Q.13 (b). The system working pressure is 125
bar and the maximum pressure at the accumulator is 200 bars. Assuming
the accumulator precharge pressure is 90% of its maximum working
8 pressure, determine Nov2014
(i) The actual pump delivery required. (6)
(ii) The maximum volume of fluid to be stored in the accumulator. (6)
(ii) The accumulator volume assuming an isothermal charge and
discharge of the accumulator. (4)
(i) Explain the operation of a pressure compensated flow control valve, With 103-104
9 a suitable sketch. (10) May2014
(ii) Sketch an unloading circuit and explain its working. (6) 96
(i) Sketch a circuit to demonstrate the use of accumulator as leakage
compensator and explain its working. (10)
10 May2014
(ii) With a circuit explain the working of an intensifier used in pressing 170
Operation. (6)
Sketch and explain commonly used 3-position 4-way direction control
11 valves. Also state the applications for closed centre, open centre and tandem Nov2013 92-93
center valves. (15)
With the help of circuit diagrams. Explain the applications of accumulators.
12 Nov2013 138-147
Also illustrate its types. (15)
(i) Explain the construction of pressure relief valve with neat sketch. (8) 88
13 (ii)Design hydraulic press circuit using unloading valve with neat sketch. May2013
(8) 96-97
(i) Explain any two types of accumulator circuit s with sketch. (8) 144-146
14 (ii) Design the circuit to speed up the extending speed of double acting May2013
cylinder with suitable circuit. (8) 106
(i) Explain the working of a pilot operated pressure relief valve with Neat 88
15 sketch. (8) Nov2012
(ii) Explain the use of counter-balance valve with a circuit. (8) 98-99
(i) Explain the different type of accumulator with neat sketch. (12) 138-143
16 (ii) Explain the commonly used electrical control devices in fluid power Nov2012
Systems. (4) 331
(i) Describe a hydraulic circuit for synchronizing two cylinders. (8) 173
17 Nov2011
(ii) Explain the operation of a check valve with a neat sketch. (8) 90-91
(i) Explain with a suitable circuit how an accumulator can be used as
(1) An emergency power source. 144-145
18 (2) A Leakage compensator. (8) Nov2011
(ii) Highlight the advantages of regenerative circuit and explain it with 171
suitable applications. (8)
Draw an pneumatic circuit by cascade method for following sequence of
1 operation A+B+B-A- where A and B are the two cylinder and + indicate Apr2018
extension and – indicates retraction of the cylinder. (16)
2 Briefly explain FRL unit with neat sketch. (16) Apr2018 255-257

Discuss the following with a neat sketch:

3 Apr2017 261,260
(i)Quick exhaust valve (8); (ii)Air control valve (8)
(i) Discuss briefly about design procedure of cascade method. (8) 315
4 Apr2017
(ii) Explain in detail about fluidic control of fluid power system. (8) 300-305
Draw an pneumatic circuit by cascade method for following sequence of
5 operation A+ B+ B-A- Where A and B are the two cylinder and + indicates Apr2015
extension and – indicates retraction cylinder (16)
6 Briefly explain FRL unit with neat sketch (16) Apr2015 255-257

(i) Explain the working principle of a reciprocating compressor with a neat

7 Nov2014 262
sketch. (8)
(ii) Explain the importance of a quick exhaust valve with an industrial
example. (8)
A setup for assembly of component with a base part using a locking pin is
shown in fig. Q.14 (b). The component is fixed on the base part manually.
Once the start button is pressed, cylinder A slowly presses the component
8 into the base part, followed by cylinder B which slowly presses the locking Nov2014
pin from the side. After inserting locking pin, cylinder B retract followed by
cylinder A. develop a pneumatic circuit for the above operation using
cascade method.(16)
(i) Briefly describe the construction and functioning of filter regulator and
9 Lubricator. (8) May2014 255-257
(ii) Sketch a typical pneumo-hydarulic circuit and explain its operation. (8)
Design a circuit for the sequence A+ , B+ , B- , A- , C+ , C- (where A,B,C Stand
10 for cylinders, ‘+’ indicates extension and ‘–‘retraction of respective May2014
Cylinders), using cascade method explains it’s working. (16)
Explain the constructional features of filter, regulator and lubricator with a
11 Nov2013 255-257
sketch. (15)
Design and draw a sequentional circuit for the operations of two cylinders K
12 Nov2013
and Y using cascade method. (15)
(i) Write the procedure for selection of filter, regulator and lubricator. (12) 279
13 May2013
(ii) Write a short note on muffler. (4)
Design an electro pneumatic circuit using cascade
14 May2013
Method for the following sequence; A+B+B-A-C+C - (16)
(i) With a neat sketch explain the working of piston compressor. (8) 251-252
15 Nov2012
(ii) Explain meter-in and meter-out circuits with neat sketch. (8) 105-106
Design an electro pneumatic circuit using cascade method for the following
16 Nov2012
sequences A+ B+B-A-C+C- (16)
(i) Discuss the construction of FRL unit. (8) 255-257
17 Nov2011
(ii) Explain working principle of double acting cylinder with neat sketch. (8) 64
Develop an electro pneumatic circuit by cascade method for the following
18 sequence: A+B+B-B- Where A and B stands for cylinders. + indicates Nov2011
extension and – indicates retraction of cylinders. (16)
i)Explain the working of electro hydraulic servo system with neat
1 sketch(10) Apr2018 156
ii) What is meant by fluidics? Name fluidics and its uses. (6)
i) Two double acting pneumatic cylinder A and B with double – solenoid
valves have to work in the following sequences. A+,B+,A-,B- . Draw a ladder
2 diagram and indicate the input and output devices. Both the cylinders have Apr2018
limit switches. (10)
(ii)Write short notes on failure &trouble shooting in pneumatic circuits (6)
(i) Explain briefly about the most common causes of hydraulic system
3 breakdown. (10) Apr2017 385
(ii)Discuss in details about low cost automation. (6)
Design pneumatic circuits for the following application in the industry
4 Apr2017 391
(i) Pick and place operation (8); (ii) Tool handling in a CNC machine (8)
(i) What is PLC? Explain the application of PLC in fluid controls (8)
5 (ii) List five things that cause a noisy in a pump? (4) Apr2015
(iii) What is tree – branching chart? (4)
Briefly explain with neat sketch the construction and working Principle of
6 proportional pressure relief valve and proportional Apr2015
Direction control valve (16)
(i) Explain the working principle of a single stage servo valve. (8)
7 Nov2014 157
(ii) Write short notes on Bi-stable flip-flop. (8)
(i) With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a proportional
8 pressure relief valve. (8) Nov2014
(ii) With a block diagram, explain the major units of a PLC. (8)
(i) Sketch and explain the operation of a proportional valve. (8) 161
9 (ii) With a block diagram describe the functioning of an electro hydraulic May2014
Servo system. (8) 156
(i) Design an electro-pneumatic circuit for effecting the sequence A1B1A0B0
(where A, B stand for cylinders, 1 indicates extension and 0 Retraction of
10 respective cylinders) explain its working, provide an auto/manual selector May2014
module and an emergency stop. (12)
(ii) Briefly explain the functioning of a PLC. (4)
Design an electro pneumatic circuit for the following sequence. A+A-B+B-
11 Nov2013
where + is extensions and – is retraction (15)
State the applications of fluidic devices. Explain the importance of electro
12 Nov2013 156
hydraulic servo systems and proportional valves. (15)
13 Explain the various types of pneumatic elements with simple sketch. (16) May2013

Explain the installation procedures for various hydraulic systems and its
14 May2013
maintenance procedures (16)
(i) Explain the electro hydraulic servo system with a neat sketch. (8) 156
15 (ii) Draw the explain the ladder diagram for electrical control of Nov2012
Regenerative circuit. (8) 337
(i)Explain the major components of PLC with a block diagram. (10)
16 Nov2012 346
(ii) Compare the ladder diagram electrical circuit and PLC circuit. (6)
(i) Explain the construction and operation of a two stage electro hydraulic
servo valve. (10)
17 Nov2011 157
(ii) What are the factors considered during the installation of pneumatic
systems? (6)
(i) Explain the working principle of a PLC with neat sketch. (8)
18 (ii) List out any four operating problems associated with pumps and valves Nov2011 346
and the possible causes and suitable remedy for each problem. (8)

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