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Work Study and Ergonomics SIRAJ PDF

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Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in yourAnswer Book

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Note : (l) Attempt all questions.

(2) Marks are mentioned against each one.

1. Attempt any FOUR of the following : (4x5:20)

(A) Define productivity and different measure used to
describe it. What is its role in controlling ?
(B) What do you mean by standard of living ? Mention
and explain its determinants.
(C) How might an increase in productivity of a business affect
(i) employees, (ii) stockholders, and (iii) consumers ?
(D) What do you mean by Labour and Land productivity ?

(E) What is lndustrial Engineering ? What are the fields

that come in its scope ? How is it different from Indusiial
Management ?

(F) What do you mean by Job Evaluation ? How it is done ?


2. Attempt any TWO of the following : (2x10:20)

(A) (i) Define the motion and time study according to
(a) Taylor and (b) Gilbreth. 4

EMTS02(DLT-44270 trrys-Olet
(ii) Summarize the work of H L Gantt. 7

(iii) What do you mean by primary secondary and

tertiary analysis of facts and present method ?

(B) (i) Construct a process chart and flow diagram for

making coffee in an electric coffee maker' 5
(ii) Explain the advantages of multiactivity chan'
Explain it with the help of an example' 5
(C) (i) Prepare two handed operation chart for opening
several different designs of soft-drink cans and
(ii) Explain a Wink' 1

(iii) Mention different Therbligs. 6

3. Attempt any TWO of the followings : (2x10:20)

(A) (i) What are the steps in performing a stop watch

time studY t 5

(ii) What are predetermined motion times ? 3

(iii) Describe job that contains productive as well as

non Productive time. 2

(B) (i) Distinguish between actual time, normal time and

standard time. 4

(ii) What are the limitations of time study ? 3

(iii) What is synthetic rating system ? 3

(C) An analyst has become familiar with a job and has

divided it into four elements' The element times for
the first four cycles are given below with a performance

rating of each element. Determine the normal time for
the job. 10

Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Performance

1 2
l 4 Rating (%)

1 1.3 8 1.58 t.7 | t.49 100

2 0.29 0.35 0.30 0.3 8 t20

J 0.61 0.58 0.53 0.s7 105

4 0.77 0.82 0.74 0.88 90

4. Attempt any TWO of the followings :r- (2x10:20)

(A) (i) Distinguish between work sampling and time study'

(ii) Define a wage incentive plan' For what reasons

might a company elect to use a wage incentive
plan ? 2+3

(iii) Explain how wage and incentive systems are related

to cost and ProductivitY. 3

(B) (D Explain different methods of job evaluation on

the basis of their merits and demerits' 5

(ii) Distinguish between conventional wage-inpentive

system. 5

(C) Employees in the assembly deptt' of Mc Daniel

Microwave Corporation are paid on a one-for-one
incentive plan beginningatg}o/o of standard' Tom Minor
works in this deptt. and earns base wage of
$ 9.20lhour for a 40 hour-week' The standard for
job is 7 units/hour. Last week, Tom produced
3 l0 units.
(i) How manY standard hour did Tom Produce last
week ?
(ii) How much gross pay did he earn for this week ?

lTurn Over
following : '(4x5=20)
5. Attempt/Answer any FOUR of the
(i) Explain the process of rating the work of an operative'
(ii) different types of recording technique
different Processes'
(iii) Explain the important anthrometric factors in
(iv) How the human capabilities can be assessed ?
(v) Define element, task, job, operation and process'
(vi) Explain synthetic rating method'


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