Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Installation Manual
SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 START-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
DUCTWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SAFETY CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
FILTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
GAS PIPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 REPLACEMENT PART CONTACT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
ELECTRICAL POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WIRING DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
VENT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Duct Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Gas Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Vertical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Electrical Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Coil Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Combustion Air Inducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Horizontal Right Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Thermostat Chart - Single Stage AC with
Horizontal Left Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Single Stage Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
PC Series Upflow Coil Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Thermostat Chart - Single Stage HP with
Horizontal Left or Right application (Right Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Single Stage Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Combustible Floor Base Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Combustion Airflow Path Through The
Horizontal Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Furnace Casing to the Burner Compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Typical Attic Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Outside and Ambient Combustion Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Typical Suspended Furnace / Crawl Space Installation . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Gas Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Reading Gas Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Side Return Cutout Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Furnace Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Gas Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Unit Clearances to Combustibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Free Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Coil Projection Dimensions - PC Series Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gas Rate (CU FT/HR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cabinet and Duct Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Inlet Gas Pressure Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Recommended Filter Sizes (High Velocity 600 FPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nominal Manifold Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Nominal Manifold Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Blower Performance CFM - Any Position
Ratings & Physical / Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 (without filter) - Bottom Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Estimated Free Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Blower Performance CFM - Any Position
Unconfined Space Minimum Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 (without filter) - Left Side Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
These high efficiency, compact units employ induced combustion, reli- DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not
able hot surface ignition and high heat transfer aluminized tubular heat avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
exchangers. The units are factory shipped for installation in upflow or WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not
horizontal applications and may be converted for downflow applica- avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not
These furnaces are designed for residential installation in a basement, avoided may result in minor or moderate injury. It is also used to
closet, alcove, attic, recreation room or garage and are also ideal for alert against unsafe practices and hazards involving only property dam-
commercial applications. All units are factory assembled, wired and age.
tested to assure safe dependable and economical installation and oper-
These units are Category I listed and may be common vented with
another gas appliance as allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code.
Improper installation may create a condition where the operation of
SECTION I: SAFETY the product could cause personal injury or property damage.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte-
This is a safety alert symbol. When you see this symbol on nance can cause injury or property damage. Failure to carefully
labels or in manuals, be alert to the potential for personal read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in fur-
injury. nace malfunction, death, personal injury and/or property dam-
age. Only a qualified contractor, installer or service agency should
Understand and pay particular attention to the signal words DANGER,
install this product.
SPECIFIC SAFETY RULES AND PRECAUTIONS 12. When moving or handling this furnace prior to installation it is rec-
1. Only Natural gas or Propane (LP) gas are approved for use with ommended to leave the doors on the furnace to provide support
this furnace. and to prevent damage or warping of the cabinet. When lifting the
furnace by the cabinet, support the ends of the furnace rather than
2. Install this furnace only in a location and position as specified in
lifting by the cabinet flanges at the return air openings (bottom or
these instructions.
sides) or supply air opening.
3. A gas-fired furnace for installation in a residential garage must be
13. When lifting the furnace, it is acceptable to use the primary heat
installed as specified in these instructions.
exchanger tubes as a lifting point provided that the tubes are lifted
4. Provide adequate combustion and ventilation air to the furnace at the front of the heat exchangers where attached to the vestibule
space as specified in these instructions. panel. Do not use the top return bend of the heat exchangers as
5. Combustion products must be discharged outdoors. Connect this lifting points as the tubes may shift out of position or their location
furnace to an approved vent system only, as specified in SEC- brackets/baffles.
TION VI of these instructions.
6. Test for gas leaks as specified in these instructions.
As soon as a unit is received, it should be inspected for possible dam-
age during transit. If damage is evident, the extent of the damage
For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in should be noted on the carrier’s freight bill. A separate request for
every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for resi- inspection by the carrier’s agent should be made in writing. Also, before
dential purposes, including those owned or operated by the Com- installation, the unit should be checked for screws or bolts which may
monwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less have loosened in transit. There are no shipping or spacer brackets
than seven (7) feet above finished grade in the area of the venting, which need to be removed from the interior of this unit.
including but not limited to decks and porches, the following require-
ments shall be satisfied: FURNACE LOCATION AND CLEARANCES
1. INSTALLATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. At The furnace shall be located using the following guidelines:
the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas 1. Where a minimum amount of air intake/vent piping and elbows will
fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall be required.
observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an
2. As centralized with the air distribution as possible.
alarm and battery back-up is installed on the floor level where
the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing 3. Where adequate combustion air will be available (particularly
plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a battery operated or when the appliance is not using outdoor combustion air).
hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed 4. Where it will not interfere with proper air circulation in the confined
on each additional level of the dwelling, building or structure space.
served by the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment. Installation in freezing temperatures:
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the
1. Furnace shall be installed in an area where ventilation facilities
services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation of
hard wired carbon monoxide detectors provide for safe limits of ambient temperature under normal oper-
ating conditions.
a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas
fueled equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic,
the hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and
battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent floor
level. Improper installation in an ambient below 32ºF (0° C) could create a
hazard, resulting in damage, injury or death.
b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can
not be met at the time of completion of installation, the 2. Do not allow return air temperature to be below 55ºF (13°C) for
owner shall have a period of thirty (30) days to comply with extended periods. To do so may cause condensation to occur in
the above requirements; provided, however, that during the main heat exchanger, leading to premature heat exchanger
said thirty (30) day period, a battery operated carbon mon- failure.
oxide detector with an alarm shall be installed. Clearances for access/service:
2. APPROVED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. Each car- Ample clearances should be provided to permit easy access to the unit.
bon monoxide detector as required in accordance with the The following minimum clearances are recommended:
above provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL
1. Twenty-four (24) inches (61 cm) between the front of the furnace
2034 listed and IAS certified.
and an adjacent wall or another appliance, when access is
3. SIGNAGE. A metal or plastic identification plate shall be perma- required for servicing and cleaning.
nently mounted to the exterior of the building at a minimum
2. Eighteen (18) inches (46 cm) at the side where access is required
height of eight (8) feet above grade directly in line with the
for passage to the front when servicing or for inspection or replace-
exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented gas fueled
ment of flue/vent connections.
heating appliance or equipment. The sign shall read, in print
size no less than one-half (1/2) inch in size, "GAS VENT In all cases, accessibility clearances shall take precedence over clear-
DIRECTLY BELOW. KEEP CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUC- ances for combustible materials where accessibility clearances are
TIONS". greater.
4. INSPECTION. The state or local gas inspector of the side wall Installation in a residential garage:
horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve the A gas-fired furnace for installation in a residential garage must be
installation unless, upon inspection, the inspector observes car- installed so the burner(s) and the ignition source are located not less
bon monoxide detectors and signage installed in accordance than 18” (46 cm) above the floor, and the furnace must be located or
with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1 through 4. protected to avoid physical damage by vehicles.
Table 1: Unit Clearances to Combustibles (All Dimensions in Inches, and All Surfaces Identified with the Unit in an Upflow Configuration)
Top Front Rear Left Side Right Side Flue Floor/ Line
Application Closet Alcove Attic
In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) Bottom Contact
Upflow 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 6 (15.2) Combustible Yes Yes Yes No
Upflow B-Vent 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (2.5) Combustible Yes Yes Yes No
Downflow 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 6 (15.2) 1 (25.4)1 Yes Yes Yes No
Downflow B-Vent 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (2.5) 1 Yes Yes Yes No
1 (25.4)
Horizontal 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 6 (15.2) Combustible No Yes Yes Yes2
Horizontal B-Vent 1 (2.5) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (2.5) Combustible No Yes Yes Yes2
1. Special floor base or air conditioning coil required for use on combustible floor.
2. Line contact only permitted between lines formed by the intersection of the rear panel and side panel (top in horizontal position) of the furnace jacket and building
joists, studs or framing.
Mounting Plate
Do not drill any holes or drive any screws into the front duct
flange on the coil in order to prevent damaging coil tubing. See
Figure 6
(Used for upflow
or horizontal
right installations)
(Used for downflow or
horizontal left installations)
Ductwork Do not drill
or Screw FURNACE
Upflow this flange
Primary Alternate
Drain Secondary Drain Location FIBERGLASS
NOTICE The internal bottom panel must be removed for this application.
Attic installations must meet all minimum clearances to combustibles
Each coil is shipped with an external tie plate that should be used to and have floor support with required service accessibility.
secure the coil to the furnace. It should be installed on the back side
of the coil using the dimpled pilot holes. See Figure 7. HORIZONTAL APPLICATION
Gas Furnace
This furnace may be installed in a horizontal position on either side
Air flo
w as shown above. It must not be installed on its back.
This appliance is certified for line contact when the furnace is installed
in the horizontal left or right position. The line contact is only permissible
between lines that are formed by the intersection of the top and two
sides of the furnace and the building joists, studs or framing. This line Support
may be in contact with combustible material. Refer to Figure 10. Rod
When a furnace is installed in an attic or other insulated space, Angle (x3)
keep all insulating materials at least 12 inches (30.5 cm) away from Maintain 6” minimum
furnace and burner combustion air openings. clearance between support
rods and front of furnace
28.5” A 1.5” 1”
4” Diameter
.5” 24.38” Vent Connection .5”
BTUH (kW) Nominal Cabinet Cabinet Dimensions (Inches)
Operating Weights
Input 3/min) Size
CFM (m
A A (cm) B B (cm) C C (cm) Lbs
60 (17.6) 1200 (34.0) A 14 1/2 36.8 13 3/8 34.0 10.3 26.2 94
80 (23.4) 1200 (34.0) B 17 1/2 44.4 16 3/8 41.6 11.8 29.9 103
80 (23.4) 1600 (45.3) C 21 53.3 19 7/8 50.5 13.6 34.5 114
100 (29.3) 1600 (45.3) C 21 53.3 19 7/8 50.5 13.6 34.5 118
100 (29.3) 2000 (56.6) C 21 53.3 19 7/8 50.5 13.6 34.5 122
120 (35.1) 2000 (56.6) C 21 53.3 19 7/8 50.5 15.8 40.1 129
Side of
NOTICE Furnace
Single side return above 1800 CFM is approved as long as the filter
velocity does not exceed filter manufacturer’s recommendation. Corner
Table 4: Recommended Filter Sizes (High Velocity 600 FPM)
FIGURE 13: Side Return Cutout Markings
CFM Cabinet Side Bottom
Install the side filter rack following the instructions provided with that
(m³/min) Size (in) (in)
accessory. If a filter(s) is provided at another location in the return air
1200 (34.0) A 16 x 25 14 x 25 system, the ductwork may be directly attached to the furnace side
1200 (34.0) B 16 x 25 16 x 25 panel.
1600 (45.3) C 16 x 25 20 x 25
2000 (56.6) C (2) 16 x 25 20 x 25
1. Air velocity through throwaway type filters may not exceed 300 feet per min- Some accessories such as electronic air cleaners and pleated
ute (91.4 m/min). All velocities over this require the use of high velocity fil- media may require a larger side opening. Follow the instructions
2. Do not exceed 1800 CFM using a single side return and a 16x25 filter. For
supplied with that accessory for side opening requirements. Do not
CFM greater than 1800, you may use two side returns or one side and the cut the opening larger than the dimensions shown in Figure 12.
bottom or one return with a transition to allow use of a 20x25 filter.
Horizontal Filters Pressure Vent Port
Inlet Outlet
Wrench O
All filters and mounting provision must be field supplied. All installa- Boss
tions must have a filter installed. Inlet N
O Main Regulator
Pressure Adjustment
Any branch duct (rectangular or round duct) attached to the plenum Port On/Off Switch
must attach to the vertical plenum before the filter. Use of straps and/or (Shown in ON position)
supports is required to support the weight of the external filter box.
FIGURE 14: Gas Valve
Downflow Filters
Downflow furnaces typically are installed with the filters located above
the furnace, extending into the return air plenum or duct. Any branch
duct (rectangular or round duct) attached to the plenum must attach to Plan your gas supply before determining the correct gas pipe entry.
the vertical plenum above the filter height. Use 90-degree service elbow(s), or short nipples and conventional
90-degree elbow(s) to enter through the cabinent access holes.
Filter(s) may be located in the duct system external to the furnace using
an external duct filter box attached to the furnace plenum or at the end GAS PIPING INSTALLATION
of the duct in a return filter grille(s). The use of straps and/or supports is
Properly sized wrought iron, approved flexible or steel pipe must be
required to support the weight of the external filter box.
used when making gas connections to the unit. If local codes allow the
SECTION IV: GAS PIPING use of a flexible gas appliance connection, always use a new listed con-
nector. Do not use a connector that has previously serviced another gas
Some utility companies or local codes require pipe sizes larger than the
minimum sizes listed in these instructions and in the codes. The furnace
rating plate and the instructions in this section specify the type of gas
An overpressure protection device, such as a pressure regulator, approved for this furnace - only use those approved gases. The instal-
must be installed in the gas piping system upstream of the furnace lation of a drip leg and ground union is required. Refer to Figure 15.
and must act to limit the downstream pressure to the gas valve so it
does not exceed 0.5 PSI [14" w.c. (3.48 kPa)]. Pressures exceeding
0.5 PSI [14” w.c. (3.48 kPa)] at the gas valve will cause damage to
the gas valve, resulting in a fire or explosion or cause damage to
the furnace or some of its components that will result in property
damage and loss of life.
Ground External
Union Gas Gas Manual
Pipe Valve Shut-off
Drip Valve Drip
Drip Leg Drip Leg
Leg Leg Gas Pipe To Gas
Upflow Downflow Horizontal Ground
Configuration Configuration Configuration Drip Leg
An accessible manual shutoff valve must be installed upstream of The gas valve body is a very thin casting that cannot take any
the furnace gas controls and within 6 feet (1.8 m) of the furnace. external pressure. Never apply a pipe wrench to the body of the gas
valve when installing piping. A wrench must be placed on the octa-
The furnace must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by gon hub located on the gas inlet side of the valve. Placing a wrench
closing its individual external manual shutoff valve during any pressure to the body of the gas valve will damage the valve causing improper
testing of the gas supply piping system at pressures equal to or less operation and/or the valve to leak.
than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa).
Gas piping may be connected from either side of the furnace using any
of the gas pipe entry on both sides of the furnace. Refer to Figure 12.
This furnace is constructed at the factory for natural gas-fired operation, This furnace is constructed at the factory for natural gas-fired operation
but may be converted to operate on propane (LP) gas by using a fac- at 0 – 5,000 feet (0 – 1,524 m) above sea level.
tory-supplied LP conversion kit. Follow the instructions supplied with The manifold pressure must be changed in order to maintain proper
the LP kit. and safe operation when the furnace is installed in a location where the
altitude is greater than 5,000 feet (1,524 m) above sea level. Refer to
Table 5 for proper manifold pressure settings.
LoNOx furnaces requiring propane (LP) gas must have the LoNOx HIGH ALTITUDE PRESSURE SWITCH CONVERSION
screens removed prior to installation and operation. See propane For installation where the altitude is less than 5,000 feet (1,524 m), it is
instructions. not required that the pressure switch be changed unless you are in an
area subject to low pressure inversions.
(MJ/cu m)
950 3.5 3.5 3.3 35.4 0.87 0.87 0.81
1000 3.5 3.2 2.9 37.3 0.87 0.80 0.73
1050 3.5 2.9 2.7 39.1 0.87 0.73 0.67
1100 3.2 2.7 2.4 41.0 0.80 0.66 0.61
2500 (LP) 9.8 8.2 7.5 93.2 (LP) 2.44 2.03 1.86
Single Stage Air Conditioner – Single Stage Furnace with Hi-Efficiency Motor
24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common
Full Stage Compressor Full Stage Compressor Compressor
Compressor Contactor
24 – Volt Hot
24 – Volt Hot
(Heat XFMR)
Fan Fan
Full Stage Heat
24 – Volt Hot
(Cool XFMR)
Full Stage Heat
FIGURE 18: Thermostat Chart - Single Stage AC with Single Stage Furnaces
Single Stage Heat Pump – Single Stage Furnace with Hi-Efficiency Motor
*DN22U00124 *BN21H00124 *DP32H70124 FURNACE HEAT PUMP
24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common
Y1 Y/Y2 Y
First Stage Compressor Full Stage Compressor Compressor
24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot
Fan Fan
E W W1/66(out)
Emergency Heat Full Stage Heat Heat
N/A N/A Third Stage Heat
Reversing Valve Reversing Valve
Energized in Cool Energized in Cool
Malfunction Light Malfunction Light
Second Stage Compressor
W1 W
Second Stage Aux. Heat Auxiliary Heat
External Humidistat
Open on Humidity Rise
24VAC Humidifier
Step 1 of Thermostat
Installer / Configuration
Menu must be set to
Heat Pump 1
Step 9 of Thermostat
Installer / Configuration
Menu must be set to
Pump OFF
FIGURE 19: Thermostat Chart - Single Stage HP with Single Stage Furnaces
VENTING This type of installation requires that the supply air to the appli-
ance(s) be of a sufficient amount to support all of the appliance(s)
Category I venting consists of vertically venting one or more appliances in the area. Operation of a mechanical exhaust, such as an exhaust
in B-vent or masonry chimney (as allowed), using single wall metal pipe fan, kitchen ventilation system, clothes dryer or fireplace may cre-
or B-vent connectors. Type B-vent system extends in a general vertical ate conditions requiring special attention to avoid unsatisfactory
direction and does not contain offsets exceeding 45°. A vent system operation of gas appliances. A venting problem or a lack of supply
having not more than one 60° offset is permitted. air will result in a hazardous condition, which can cause the appli-
ance to soot and generate dangerous levels of CARBON MONOX-
VENTING INTO AN EXISTING CHIMNEY IDE, which can lead to serious injury, property damage and / or
For Category I installations, the furnace shall be connected to a factory death.
built chimney or vent complying with a recognized standard, or a
masonry or concrete chimney lined with a material acceptable to the An unconfined space is not less than 50 cu.ft (1.42 m3) per 1,000 Btu/
authority having jurisdiction. Venting into an unlined masonry chimney hr (0.2928 kW) input rating for all of the appliances installed in that
or concrete chimney is prohibited. area.
Where use of an existing chimney is unavoidable, the following rules Rooms communicating directly with the space containing the appli-
must be followed: ances are considered part of the unconfined space, if doors are fur-
nished with openings or louvers.
1. The masonry chimney must be built and installed in accordance
with nationally recognized building codes or standards and must A confined space is an area with less than 50 cu.ft (1.42 m3) per 1,000
be lined with approved fire clay tile flue liners or other approved Btu/hr (0.2928 kW) input rating for all of the appliances installed in that
liner material that will resist corrosion, softening, or cracking from area. The following must be considered to obtain proper air for combus-
flue gases. THIS FURNACE IS NOT TO BE VENTED INTO AN tion and ventilation in confined spaces.
Combustion Air Source From Outdoors
2. This furnace must be vented into a fire clay tile lined masonry
chimney only if a source of dilution air is provided, such as by com- The blocking effects of louvers, grilles and screens must be given con-
mon venting with a draft hood equipped water heater. If no source sideration in calculating free area. If the free area of a specific louver or
of dilution air is available, Type B vent must be used, or masonry grille is not known, refer to Table 7, to estimate free area.
chimney vent kit 1CK0603 or 1CK0604 must be used. Refer to the
Table 7: Estimated Free Area
instructions with the kit to properly apply these masonry chimney
kits. Wood or Metal Wood 20-25%*
3. The chimney must extend at least 3 ft (91 cm) above the highest Louvers or Grilles Metal 60-70% *
point where it passes through a roof of a building and at least two 1/4” (0.635 cm)
feet higher than any portion of the building with a horizontal dis- Screens+
mesh or larger 100%
tance of ten feet.
* Do not use less than 1/4” (6.4 mm) mesh
4. The chimney must extend at least 5 ft (1.5 m) above the highest + Free area of louvers and grille varies widely; the installer should follow
equipment draft hood or flue collar. louver or grille manufacturer’s instructions.
Minimum Free Area 120,00060 in2 (387 cm2) 30 in2 (193 cm2) 7” (18 cm)
BTUH Input Rating EXAMPLE: Determining Free Area.
Required for Each Opening
Appliance 1 Appliance 2 Total Input
60,000 60 in2 (387 cm2)
100,000 + 30,000 = (130,000 4,000) = 32.5 Sq. In. Vertical
80,000 80 in2 (516 cm2) Appliance 1 Appliance 2 Total Input
100,000 100 in2 (645 cm2) 100,000 + 30,000 = (130,000 2,000) = 65 Sq. In. Horizontal
120,000 120 in2 (742 cm2)
Soffit Outlet
Vent Air (a) Soffit Outlet Outlet
Vent Air (b) Air (a)
Gas Gas
Heater Water Water
Inlet Heater Inlet Inlet Heater
Ventilated Inlet
Air (b) Air (a) Air (b)
Crawl Space Air (a)
Air Supply Openings and Ducts municate directly with the outdoors and shall have a minimum free
1. An opening may be used in lieu of a duct to provide the outside air area of:
supply to an appliance unless otherwise permitted by the authority a. 1 square in per 3000 Btu per hour (6.45 cm3 per 0.879 kW) of
having jurisdiction. The opening shall be located within 12” (30.5 the total input rating of all equipment located in the enclosure.
cm) horizontally from, the burner level of the appliance. Refer to b. Not less than the sum of all vent connectors in the confined
AND SUPPLY AIR SAFETY CHECK” in these instructions for
additional information and safety check procedure. 3. The duct shall be least the same cross-sectional area as the free
area of the air supply inlet opening to which it connects.
2. The duct shall be either metal, or a material meeting the class 1
requirements of CAN4-S110 Standard for Air Ducts. 4. The blocking effects of louvers, grilles and screens must be given
consideration in calculating free area. If the free area of a specific
3. The duct shall be least the same cross-sectional area as the free
louver or grille is not known. Refer to Table 7 to estimate free area.
area of the air supply inlet opening to which it connects.
4. The duct shall terminate within 12” (30.5 cm) above, and within 24” Ventilated Combustion Air
(61 cm) horizontally from, the burner level of the appliance having The ventilated attic space or a crawl space from which the combustion
the largest input. air is taken must comply with the requirements specified in “AIR
5. A square or rectangular shaped duct shall only be used when the SOURCE FROM OUTDOORS” in this instruction or in Section 5.3, Air
required free area of the supply opening is 9 in2 (58.06 cm2) or for Combustion and Ventilation of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
larger. When a square or rectangular duct is used, its small dimen- Z223.1 (latest edition). This type installation requires two properly sized
sion shall not be less than 3” (7.6 cm). pipes. One brings combustion air from a properly ventilated attic space
6. An air inlet supply from outdoors shall be equipped with a means or crawl space and a second pipe that extends from the furnace vent
to prevent the direct entry of rain and wind. Such means shall not connection (top right of unit) to the exterior of the building.
reduce the required free area of the air supply opening.
Vent and Supply (Outside) Air Safety Check Procedure
7. An air supply inlet opening from the outdoors shall be located not
For Category I furnaces, vent installations shall be in accordance with
less than 12” (30.5 cm) above the outside grade level.
Parts 7 and 11 of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54,
Combustion Air Source from Outdoors and or Section 7 and Appendix B of the CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and
1. Two permanent openings, one within 12” (30.5 mm) of the top and Propane Installation Codes, the local building codes, furnace and vent
one within 12” (30.5 mm) of bottom of the confined space, Two manufacture's instructions.
permanent openings, shall communicate directly or by means of Multi-story or common venting systems are permitted and must be
ducts with the outdoors, crawl spaces or attic spaces. installed in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/
2. One permanent openings, commencing within 12” (30.5 cm) of the NFPA 54 and / or the CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installa-
top of the enclosure shall be permitted where the equipment has tion Codes, local codes, and the manufacture's instructions.
clearances of at least 1” (2.54 cm) from the sides and back and 6”
Vent connectors serving Category I furnaces shall not be connected
(15.24 cm) from the front of the appliance. The opening shall com-
into any portion of mechanical draft systems operating under positive
Horizontal portions of the venting system shall be supported to prevent It is recommended that you follow the venting safety procedure below.
sagging using hangers or perforated straps and must slope upwards This procedure is designed to detect an inadequate ventilation system
not less than 1/4” per foot (21 mm/m) from the furnace to the vent termi- that can cause the appliances in the area to operate improperly causing
nal. unsafe levels of Carbon Monoxide or an unsafe condition to occur.
SECTION VII: START-UP AND 4. Unplug the igniter from the wire harness. Disconnect the flame
ADJUSTMENTS sensor wires located on top of the air shield. Unplug the gas valve
from the wiring harness.
The initial start-up of the furnace requires the following additional
procedures: 5. Remove the screws holding the burner assembly to the vestibule
6. Remove the burner assembly. It should be possible to swing the
burner assembly out of the way without disconnecting the remain-
All electrical connections made in the field and in the factory should ing wires.
be checked for proper tightness. 7. With the burner assembly out of the way, simply slide the NOx
screens out of the heat exchanger tubes and discard the screens.
When the gas supply is initially connected to the furnace, the gas piping
8. Replace all components in reverse order. Reconnect all wiring.
may be full of air. In order to purge this air, it is recommended that the
ground union be loosened until the odor of gas is detected. When gas is GAS PIPING LEAK CHECK
detected, immediately retighten the union and check for leaks. Allow
five minutes for any gas to dissipate before continuing with the start-up
procedure. Be sure proper ventilation is available to dilute and carry
away any vented gas.
NOx SCREEN REMOVAL (Lo-NOx Models Only) Failure to follow the safety warnings exactly could result in serious
injury, death or property damage.
If the furnace is equipped with NOx screens and is to be used with LP
Never test for gas leaks with an open flame. Use a commercially
(propane) gas, the screens must be removed prior to start-up.
available soap solution made specifically for the detection of leaks
1. Make sure that the electrical power to the unit is turned off and that to check all connections. A fire or explosion may result causing
the gas supply is turned off at the shut-off valve. property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
2. Remove the blower compartment and burner compartment access
3. Disconnect the gas supply piping at the union to permit removal of
the entire burner and gas control assembly from the vestibule Burner ignition may not be satisfactory on first startup due to resid-
panel. Use the wrench boss on the gas valve when removing or ual air in the gas line or until gas manifold pressure is adjusted. The
installing the piping. ignition control will make three attempts to light before locking out.
It is recommended that when the gas supply is first connected to the CALCULATING THE FURNACE INPUT
furnace, the ground union be loosened until the odor of gas is detected. (NATURAL GAS)
When gas is detected, immediately tighten the union and check for gas
leaks. Allow five minutes for any gas to dissipate before continuing with
the start-up procedure. Be sure that proper ventilation is available to NOTICE
dilute and carry away any vented gas. Burner orifices are sized to provide proper input rate using natural
With furnace in operation, check all of the pipe joints, gas valve connec- gas with a heating value of 1030 BTU/Ft3 (38.4 MJ/m3). If the heat-
tions and manual valve connections for leakage using an approved gas ing value of your gas is significantly different, it may be necessary
detector, a non-corrosive leak detection fluid or other leak detection to replace the orifices.
methods. Take appropriate action to stop any leak. If a leak persists,
replace the faulty component.
The furnace and its equipment shut-off valve must be disconnected NOTICE
from the gas supply during any pressure testing of that system at test DO NOT set manifold pressure less than 3.2 in wc or more than 3.8
pressures in excess of 1/2” psig (3.45 kPa). in wc for natural gas at sea level. If manifold pressure is outside this
range, change main burner orifices.
The furnace must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by
closing the equipment shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the
gas supply system.
Be sure to relight any gas appliances that were turned off at the
start of this input check.
Seconds For Size of Test Dial Seconds For Size of Test Dial
1 Revolution 1 Cu Ft 2 Cu Ft 5 Cu Ft 1 Revolution 1 Cu Ft 2 Cu Ft 5 Cu Ft
10 360 720 1800 50 72 144 360
11 327 655 1636 51 71 141 355
12 300 600 1500 52 69 138 346
13 277 555 1385 53 68 136 340
14 257 514 1286 54 67 133 333
15 240 480 1200 55 65 131 327
16 225 450 1125 56 64 129 321
17 212 424 1059 57 63 126 316
18 200 400 1000 58 62 124 310
19 189 379 947 59 61 122 305
20 180 360 900 60 60 120 300
21 171 343 857 62 58 116 290
22 164 327 818 64 56 112 281
23 157 313 783 66 54 109 273
24 150 300 750 68 53 106 265
25 144 288 720 70 51 103 257
26 138 277 692 72 50 100 250
27 133 267 667 74 48 97 243
28 129 257 643 76 47 95 237
29 124 248 621 78 46 92 231
30 120 240 600 80 45 90 225
31 116 232 581 82 44 88 220
32 113 225 563 84 43 86 214
33 109 218 545 86 42 84 209
34 106 212 529 88 41 82 205
35 103 206 514 90 40 80 200
36 100 200 500 92 39 78 196
37 97 195 486 94 38 76 192
38 95 189 474 96 38 75 188
39 92 185 462 98 37 74 184
40 90 180 450 100 36 72 180
41 88 176 439 102 35 71 178
42 86 172 429 104 35 69 173
43 84 167 419 106 34 68 170
44 82 164 409 108 33 67 167
45 80 160 400 110 33 65 164
46 78 157 391 112 32 64 161
47 76 153 383 116 31 62 155
48 75 150 375 120 30 60 150
49 73 147 367
Table 11: Inlet Gas Pressure Range Natural Gas 3.5" w.c. (0.87 kPa)
Propane (LP) Gas 10.0" w.c. (2.488 kPa)
Natural Gas Propane (LP)
Minimum* 4.5” w.c. (1.12 kPa) 8.0” w.c. (1.99 kPa) OUTLET VENT PORT
Maximum 10.5” w.c. (2.61 kPa) 13.0” w.c. (3.24 kPa) PORT
The inlet gas pressure operating range table specifies what the BOSS
minimum and maximum gas line pressures must be for the furnace O
to operate safely. The gas line pressure MUST BE a minimum of: PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT
• 7” w.c. (1.74 kPA) for Natural Gas (Shown in ON position)
• 11” w.c. (2.74 kPA) for Propane (LP) Gas
in order to obtain the BTU input specified on the rating plate and/or FIGURE 22: Gas Valve
the nominal manifold pressure specified in these instructions and
on the rating plate.
2. Once the correct gas inlet pressure has been established, see
If gas valve regulator is turned in (clockwise), manifold pressure is
Table 11, turn the gas valve to OFF and turn the electrical supply
increased. If screw is turned out (counter clockwise), manifold pres-
switch to OFF; then remove the flexible tubing from the gas valve
sure will decrease.
pressure tap and tighten the pressure tap plug using the 3/32” (2.4
mm) allen wrench. 4. After the manifold pressure has been adjusted, re-calculate the
3. Turn the electrical and gas supplies back on, and with the burners furnace input to make sure you have not exceeded the specified
in operation, check for gas leakage around the gas valve pressure input on the rating plate. Refer to “CALCULATING THE FURNACE
port for leakage using an approved non-corrosive gas leak detec- INPUT (NATURAL GAS)”.
tion fluid, or other non-flammable leak detection methods. 5. Once the correct BTU (kW) input has been established, turn the
Read the manifold gas pressure gas valve to OFF and turn the electrical supply switch to OFF; then
remove the flexible tubing from the gas valve pressure tap and
Connect the positive side of the manometer to the adapter previously
tighten the pressure tap plug using the 3/32” (2.4 mm) Allen
installed in the OUT P Tap on the gas valve. Do not connect any tubing
to the negative side of the manometer, as it will reference atmospheric
pressure. Refer to Figure 23 for connection details. 6. Turn the electrical and gas supplies back on, and with the burners
in operation, check for gas leakage around the gas valve pressure
port for leakage using an approved non-corrosive gas leak detec-
tion fluid, or other non-flammable leak detection methods.
Table 13: Blower Performance CFM - Any Position (without filter) - Bottom Return
Table 14: Blower Performance CFM - Any Position (without filter) - Left Side Return
Main power to the unit must still be interrupted at the main power Heating Cycle
disconnect switch before any service or repair work is to be done to When the thermostat switch is set on HEAT and the fan is set on AUTO,
the unit. Do not rely upon the interlock switch as a main power dis- and there is a call for heat, a circuit is completed between terminals R
connect. Blower and burner must never be operated without the and W of the thermostat. When the proper amount of combustion air is
blower panel in place. being provided, the pressure switch will close, the ignition control pro-
vides a 17-second ignitor warm-up period, the gas valve then opens,
This unit is equipped with an electrical interlock switch mounted in the the gas starts to flow, ignition occurs and the flame sensor begins its
burner compartment. This switch interrupts all power at the unit when sensing function. The blower motor will energize 30 seconds after the
the panel covering the blower compartment is removed. gas valve opens, if a flame is detected. Normal furnace operation will
Electrical supply to this unit is dependent upon the panel that covers the continue until the thermostat circuit between R and W is opened, which
blower compartment being in place and properly positioned. causes the ignition system and gas valve to de-energize and the burner
flames to be extinguished. The vent motor will operate for 15 seconds
and the blower motor will operate for the amount of time set by the fan-
These controls are mounted on the burner assembly. If the temperature off delay jumper located on the control board. See Figure 24. The heat-
in the area surrounding the burner exceeds its set point, the gas valve ing cycle is now complete, and ready for the start of the next heating
is de-energized. The operation of this control indicates a malfunction in cycle.
the combustion air blower, heat exchanger or a blocked vent pipe con-
If the flame is not detected within 7 seconds of the gas valve opening,
nection. Corrective action is required. These are manual reset controls
the gas valve is shut off and a retry operation begins. Also, if the flame
that must be reset before operation can continue.
is lost for 2 seconds during the 10-second stabilization period, the gas
PRESSURE SWITCHES valve is shut off and a retry operation begins. During a retry operation,
the vent motor starts a 15 second inter-purge and the ignitor warm-up
This furnace is supplied with a pressure switch, which monitors the flow
time is extended to 27 seconds. If the flame is established for more than
through the combustion air/vent piping system. This switch de-ener-
10 seconds after ignition during a retry, the control will clear the ignition
gizes the gas valve if any of the following conditions are present.
attempt (retry) counter. If three retries occur during a call for heat, the
1. Blockage of vent piping or terminal. furnace will shut down for one hour. If at the end of the one hour shut
2. Failure of combustion air blower motor. down there is a call for heat, the furnace will initiate a normal start cycle.
If the problem has not been corrected the furnace will again lockout
after three retries.
There is a high temperature limit control located on the furnace vesti-
A momentary loss of gas supply, flame blowout, or a faulty flame probe
bule panel near the gas valve. This is an automatic reset control that
circuit will result in a disruption in the flame and be sensed within 1.0
provides over temperature protection due to reduced airflow. This may
seconds. The gas valve will de-energize and the control will begin a
be caused by:
recycle operation. A normal ignition sequence will begin after a 15 sec-
1. A dirty filter. ond inter-purge. If during the five recycles the gas supply does not
2. If the indoor fan motor should fail. return, or the fault condition is not corrected the ignition control will lock-
3. Too many supply or return registers closed or blocked off. out for 60 minutes.
The control module will lockout if the limit trips 5 consecutive times. If During burner operation, a momentary loss of power for 50 milliseconds
this occurs, control will reset & try ignition again after 1 hour. or longer will de-energize the gas valve. When the power is restored,
the gas valve will remain de-energized and the ignition sequence will
SEQUENCE OF OPERATION immediately restart.
The following describes the sequence of operation of the furnace. Refer
to Owners Manual for component location. Hot Surface Ignition System
Continuous Blower
Cooling/heating thermostats have a fan switch that has an ON and
AUTO position. In the ON position the thermostat circuit is completed HOT SURFACE IGNITION SYSTEM
between terminals R and G. The motor will operate continuously on the Do not attempt to light this furnace by hand (with a match or any
speed selected on the “FAN SPEED” jumper on the main control board. other means). There may be a potential shock hazard from the
components of the hot surface ignition system. The furnace can
only be lit automatically by its hot surface ignition system.
TROUBLESHOOTING 2 RED FLASHES: This indicates that the normally open pressure
The following visual checks should be made before troubleshooting: switch contacts are stuck in the closed position. The control confirms
these contacts are open at the beginning of each heat cycle. This would
1. Check to see that the power to the furnace and the ignition control
indicate a faulty pressure switch or miswiring.
module is ON.
2. The manual shut-off valves in the gas line to the furnace must be 3 RED FLASHES: This indicates the normally open pressure switch
open. contact did not close after the inducer was energized. This could be
caused by a number of problems: faulty inducer, blocked vent pipe, bro-
3. Make sure all wiring connections are secure.
ken pressure switch hose or faulty pressure switch.
4. Review the sequence of operation. Start the system by setting the
thermostat above the room temperature. Observe the system’s 4 RED FLASHES: This indicates that the main limit switch has opened
response. Then use the troubleshooting section in this manual to its normally closed contacts. The control will operate the supply air
check the system’s operation. blower and inducer. This condition may be caused by: dirty filter,
improperly sized duct system, incorrect blower speed setting, incorrect
firing rate or faulty blower motor. Also, this fault code could be caused
by a blown fuse located on the control board.
Never bypass any safety control to allow furnace operation. To do 5 RED FLASHES: This fault is indicated if the normally closed contacts
so will allow furnace to operate under potentially hazardous condi- in the rollout switch opens. The rollout control is manually reset. If it has
tions. opened, check for proper combustion air, proper inducer operation, and
Do not try to repair controls. Replace defective controls with UPG primary heat exchanger failure or burner problem. Be sure to reset the
Source 1 Parts. switch and cycle power (24VAC) to the control after correcting the fail-
Never adjust pressure switch to allow furnace operation. ure condition. Also, this fault code could be caused by a blown fuse
located on the control board.
6 RED FLASHES: This indicates that after the unit was operating, the
The furnace has built-in, self-diagnostic capability. If a system problem pressure switch opened 4 times during the call for heat. If the main
occurs, a blinking LED can flash red, green or amber to indicate various blower is in a “Delay on” mode, it will complete it, and any subsequent
conditions. delay off period. The furnace will lock out for one hour and then restart.
The control continuously monitors its own operation and the operation 7 RED FLASHES: This fault code indicates that the flame could not be
of the system. If a failure occurs, the LED will indicate the failure code. If established. This no-light condition occurred 3 times (2 retries) during
the failure is internal to the control, the light will stay on continuously. In the call for heat before locking out. Low gas pressure, faulty gas valve,
this case, the entire control should be replaced, as the control is not dirty or faulty flame sensor, faulty hot surface ignitor or burner problem
field repairable. may cause this. The furnace will lock out for one hour and then restart.
Flash sequence codes 1 through 12 are as follows: LED will turn “on” 8 RED FLASHES: This fault is indicated if the flame is lost 5 times (4
for 1/4 second and “off” for 1/4 second. This pattern will be repeated the recycles) during the heating cycle. This could be caused by low gas
number of times equal to the code. For example, six “ON” flashes pressure, dirty or faulty flame sensor or faulty gas valve. The furnace
equals a number 6 fault code. All flash code sequences are broken by a will lock out for one hour and then restart.
2 second “OFF” period.
9 RED FLASHES: Indicates reversed line voltage polarity or grounding
SLOW GREEN FLASH: Normal operation. problem. Both heating and cooling operations will be affected. Check
SLOW AMBER FLASH: Normal operation with call for heat. polarity at furnace and branch. Check furnace grounding. Check that
RAPID RED FLASH: Twinning error, incorrect 24V phasing. Check flame probe is not shorted to chassis.
twinning wiring. 10 RED FLASHES: Flame sensed with no call for heat. Check gas
RAPID AMBER FLASH: Flame sense current is below 1.5 microamps. valve and gas valve wiring.
Check and clean flame sensor. Check for proper gas flow. Verify that 11 RED FLASHES: This indicates that a primary or auxiliary limit switch
current is greater than 1.5 microamps at flame current test pad. has opened its normally-closed contacts and has remained open for
4 AMBER FLASHES: The control is receiving a “Y” signal from the more than five minutes. This condition is usually caused by a failed
thermostat without a “G” signal, indicating improper thermostat wiring. blower motor or blower wheel. Cycle power (24VAC) to the control to
1 RED FLASH: This indicates that flame was sensed when there was reset the hard lockout condition after correcting the failure condition.
not a call for heat. The control will turn on both the inducer motor and
supply air blower. A gas valve that leaks or is slow closing would typi-
cally cause this fault.