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Chapter 8. Axisymmetrically Loaded Members: Figure P7.42

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Figure P7.42.

Here E1 is associated with the behavior in the xz plane, and E2, G2, and v2 with the direction
perpendicular to the xz plane. Now the elasticity matrix, Eq. (7.54), becomes

where n = E1/E2 and m = G2/E2.

7.43. Redo Case Study 7.1 if the discretized beam consists of triangular elements 1 4 3 and 1 2 4
(Fig. 7.27b). Assume the remaining data to be unchanged.

Chapter 8. Axisymmetrically Loaded Members

8.1 Introduction

In the class of axisymmerically loaded members, the fundamental problem may be defined in terms of the radial
coordinate. There are numerous practical situations in which the distribution of stress manifests symmetry
about an axis. Examples include pressure vessels, compound cylinders, clad reactor elements, chemical reaction
vessels, heat exchanger tubes, solid or hollow spherical structures, turbine disks, and components of many other
machines used in aerospace to household. This chapter concerns mainly “exact” stress distribution in various
axisymmetrically loaded machine and structural components. The methods of mechanics of materials, the
theory of elasticity, and finite elements are used. The displacements, strains, and stresses at locations far
removed from the ends due to pressure, thermal, and dynamic loadings are discussed. Applications to
compound press or shrink-fit cylinders, disk flywheels, and design of hydraulic cylinders are included. Before
doing these, however, we begin with an analysis of stress developed in thick-walled vessels.

Basic Relations

Consider a large thin plate having a small circular hole subjected to uniform pressure, as shown in Fig. 8.1.
Note that axial loading is absent, and therefore σz = 0. The stresses are clearly symmetrical about the z axis, and
the deformations likewise display θ independence. The symmetry argument also dictates that the shearing
stresses τrθ must be zero. Assuming z independence for this thin plate, the polar equations of equilibrium (3.31),
reduce to

- 408 -

Figure 8.1. Large thin plate with a small circular hole.

Here σθ and σr denote the tangential (circumferential) and radial stresses acting normal to the sides of the
element, and Fr represents the radial body force per unit volume, for example, the inertia force associated with
rotation. In the absence of body forces, Eq. (8.1) reduces to


Consider now the radial and tangential displacements u and v, respectively. There can be no tangential
displacement in the symmetrical field; that is, v = 0. A point represented by the shaded element abcd in the
figure will thus move radially as a consequence of loading, but not tangentially. On the basis of displacements
indicated, the strains given by Eqs. (3.33) become


Substituting u = rεθ into the first expression in Eq. (8.3), a simple compatibility equation is obtained:



The equation of equilibrium [Eq. (8.1) or (8.2)], the strain–displacement or compatibility relations [Eqs. (8.3) or
(8.4)], and Hooke’s law are sufficient to obtain a unique solution to any axisymmetrical problem with specified
boundary conditions.

8.2 Thick-Walled Cylinders

The circular cylinder, of special importance in engineering, is usually divided into thin-walled and thick-walled
classifications. A thin-walled cylinder is defined as one in which the tangential stress may, within certain
prescribed limits, be regarded as constant with thickness. The following familiar expression applies to the case
of a thin-walled cylinder subject to internal pressure:
- 409 -
Here p is the internal pressure, r the mean radius (see Sec. 13.13), and t the thickness. If the wall thickness
exceeds the inner radius by more than approximately 10%, the cylinder is generally classified as thick walled,
and the variation of stress with radius can no longer be disregarded (see Prob. 8.1).

In the case of a thick-walled cylinder subject to uniform internal or external pressure, the deformation is
symmetrical about the axial (z) axis. Therefore, the equilibrium and strain–displacement equations, Eqs. (8.2)
and (8.3), apply to any point on a ring of unit length cut from the cylinder (Fig. 8.2). Assuming that the ends of
the cylinder are open and unconstrained, σz = 0, as is subsequently demonstrated. Thus, the cylinder is in a
condition of plane stress and, according to Hooke’s law (3.34), the strains are given by


Figure 8.2. Thick-walled cylinder.

From these, σr and σθ are as follows:


Substituting this into Eq. (8.2) results in the following equidimensional equation in radial displacement:


having a solution
- 410 -

The radial and tangential stresses may now be written in terms of the constants of integration c1 and c2 by
combining Eqs. (a) and (8.6):



The constants are determined from consideration of the conditions pertaining to the inner and outer surfaces.

Observe that the sum of the radial and tangential stresses is constant, regardless of radial position: σr + σθ =
2Ec1/(1 – ν). Hence, the longitudinal strain is constant:

We conclude, therefore, that plane sections remain plane subsequent to loading. Then σz = Eεz = constant = c.
But if the ends of the cylinder are open and free,

or c = σz = 0, as already assumed previously.

For a cylinder subjected to internal and external pressures pi and po, respectively, the boundary conditions are


where the negative sign connotes compressive stress. The constants are evaluated by substitution of Eqs. (d)
into (b):


leading finally to

- 411 -

These expressions were first derived by French engineer G. Lamé in 1833, for whom they are named. The
maximum numerical value of σr is found at r = a to be pi, provided that pi exceeds po. If po > pi, the maximum
σr occurs at r = b and equals po. On the other hand, the maximum σθ occurs at either the inner or outer edge
according to the pressure ratio, as discussed in Section 8.3.

Recall that the maximum shearing stress at any point equals one-half the algebraic difference between the
maximum and minimum principal stresses. At any point in the cylinder, we may therefore state that


The largest value of τmax is found at r = a, the inner surface. The effect of reducing po is clearly to increase τmax.
Consequently, the greatest τmax corresponds to r = a and po = 0:


Because σr and σθ are principal stresses, τmax occurs on planes making an angle of 45°with the plane on which
σr and σθ act, as depicted in Fig. 8.3. This is quickly confirmed by a Mohr’s circle construction. The pressure
pyp that initiates yielding at the inner surface is obtained by setting τmax = σyp/2 in Eq. (8.10):


Figure 8.3. (a) Thick-walled cylinder under pi; (b) an element at the inner edge in which τmax

- 412 -
Here σyp is the yield stress in uniaxial tension.

Special Cases

Internal Pressure Only

If only internal pressure acts, Eqs. (8.8) reduce to




Since b2/r2 ≥ 1, σr is negative (compressive) for all r except r = b, in which case σr = 0, the maximum radial
stress occurs at r = a. As for σθ, it is positive (tensile) for all radii and also has a maximum at r = a.

To illustrate the variation of stress and radial displacement for the case of zero external pressure, dimensionless
stress and displacement are plotted against dimensionless radius in Fig. 8.4a for b/a = 4.

Figure 8.4. Distribution of stress and displacement in a thick-walled cylinder with b/a = 4: (a)
under internal pressure; (b) under external pressure.

- 413 -
External Pressure Only

In this case, pi = 0, and Eq. (8.8) becomes




The maximum radial stress occurs at r = b and is compressive for all r. The maximum σθ is found at r = a and is
likewise compressive.

For a cylinder with b/a = 4 and subjected to external pressure only, the stress and displacement variations over
the wall thickness are shown in Fig. 8.4b.

Example 8.1. Analysis of a Thick-Walled Cylinder

A thick-walled cylinder with 0.3-m and 0.4-m internal and external diameters is fabricated of a
material whose ultimate strength is 250 MPa. Let ν = 0.3. Determine (a) for po = 0, the
maximum internal pressure to which the cylinder may be subjected without exceeding the
ultimate strength, (b) for pi = 0, the maximum external pressure to which the cylinder can be
subjected without exceeding the ultimate strength, and (c) the radial displacement of a point on
the inner surface for case (a).


- 414 -
a. From Eq. (8.13), with r = a,



b. From Eq. (8.16), with r = a,



c. Using Eq. (8.14), we obtain

Closed-Ended Cylinder

In the case of a closed-ended cylinder subjected to internal and external pressures, longitudinal or z-directed
stresses exist in addition to the radial and tangential stresses. For a transverse section some distance from the
ends, this stress may be assumed uniformly distributed over the wall thickness. The magnitude of σz is then
determined by equating the net force acting on an end attributable to pressure loading to the internal z-directed
force in the cylinder wall:

piπa2 – poπb2 = (πb2 – πa2)σz

The resulting expression for longitudinal stress, applicable only away from the ends, is


Clearly, here it is again assumed that the ends of the cylinder are not constrained: εz ≠ 0 (see Prob. 8.13).

8.3 Maximum Tangential Stress

- 415 -
An examination of Figs. 8.4a and b shows that if either internal pressure or external pressure acts alone, the
maximum tangential stress occurs at the innermost fibers, r = a. This conclusion is not always valid, however,
if both internal and external pressures act simultaneously. There are situations, explored next, in which the
maximum tangential stress occurs at r = b [Ref. 8.1].

Consider a thick-walled cylinder, as in Fig. 8.2, subject to pi and po. Denote the ratio b/a by R, po/pi by P, and
the ratio of tangential stress at the inner and outer surfaces by S. The tangential stress, given by Eqs. (8.8), is




The variation of the tangential stress σθ over the wall thickness is shown in Fig. 8.5 for several values of S and
P. Note that for pressure ratios P, indicated by dashed lines, the maximum magnitude of the circumferential
stress occurs at the outer surface of the cylinder.

Figure 8.5. Maximum tangential stress distribution in a thick-walled cylinder under internal
and external pressures.

8.4 Application of Failure Theories

Unless we are content to grossly overdesign, it is necessary to predict, as best possible, the most probable
failure mechanism. Thus, while examination of Fig. 8.5 indicates that failure is likely to originate at the
innermost or outermost fibers of the cylinder, it cannot predict at what pressure or stresses failure will occur. To
do this, consideration must be given the stresses determined from Lamé’s equations, the material strength, and
an appropriate theory of failure consistent with the nature of the material.

- 416 -
Example 8.2. Thick-Walled Cylinder Pressure Requirement

A steel cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure four times greater than the external pressure.
The tensile elastic strength of the steel is σyp = 340 MPa, and the shearing elastic strength τyp =
σyp/2 = 170 MPa. Calculate the allowable internal pressure according to the various yielding
theories of failure. The dimensions are a = 0.1 m and b = 0.15 m. Let ν = 0.3.


The maximum stresses occur at the innermost fibers. From Eqs. (8.8), for r = a and pi = 4po, we


The value of internal pressure at which yielding begins is predicted according to the various
theories of failure, as follows:

a. Maximum shearing stress theory:

b. Energy of distortion theory [Eq. (4.5a)]:

c. Octahedral shearing stress theory: By use of Eqs. (4.6) and (1.38), we have


The results found in (b) and (c) are identical as expected (Sec. 4.8). The onset of inelastic action
is governed by the maximum shearing stress: the allowable value of internal pressure is limited
to 125.9 MPa, modified by an appropriate factor of safety.

8.5 Compound Cylinders: Press or Shrink Fits

If properly designed, a system of multiple cylinders resists relatively large pressures more efficiently, that is,
requires less material, than a single cylinder. To assure the integrity of the compound cylinder, one of several
methods of prestressing is employed. For example, the inner radius of the outer member or jacket may be made
- 417 -
smaller than the outer radius of the inner cylinder. The cylinders are assembled after the outer cylinder is heated,
contact being effected upon cooling. The magnitude of the resulting contact pressure p, or interface pressure,
between members may be calculated by use of the equations of Section 8.2. Examples of compound cylinders,
carrying very high pressures, are seen in compressors, extrusion presses, and the like.

Referring to Fig. 8.6, assume the external radius of the inner cylinder to be larger, in its unstressed state, than
the internal radius of the jacket, by an amount δ. The quantity δ is called the shrinking allowance, or also
known as the radial interference. Subsequent to assembly, the contact pressure, acting equally on both
members, causes the sum of the increase in the inner radius of the jacket and decrease in the outer radius of the
inner member to exactly equal δ. By using Eqs. (8.14) and (8.17), we obtain


Figure 8.6. Compound cylinder.

Here Eo, νo and Ei, νi represent the material properties of the outer and inner cylinders, respectively. When both
cylinders are made of the same materials, we have Eo = Ei = E and νo = νi = ν. In such a case, from Eq. (8.22),


The stresses in the jacket are then determined from Eqs. (8.12) and (8.13) by treating the contact pressure as pi.
Similarly, by regarding the contact pressure as po, the stresses in the inner cylinder are calculated from Eqs.
(8.15) and (8.16).

Example 8.3. Stresses in a Compound Cylinder under Internal Pressure

A compound cylinder with a = 150 mm, b = 200 mm, c = 250 mm, E = 200 GPa, and δ = 0.1
mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 140 MPa. Determine the distribution of tangential
stress throughout the composite wall.


In the absence of applied internal pressure, the contact pressure is, from Eq. (8.23),

- 418 -
The tangential stresses in the outer cylinder associated with this pressure are found by using Eq.

The stresses in the inner cylinder are, from Eq. (8.16),

These stresses are plotted in Fig. 8.7, indicated by the dashed lines kk and mm. The stresses
owing to internal pressure alone, through the use of Eq. (8.13) with b = c, are found to be (σθ)r =
0.15 = 297.5 MPa, (σθ)r = 0.2 = 201.8 MPa, (σθ)r = 0.25 = 157.5 MPa, and are shown as the dashed
line nn. The stress resultant is obtained by superposition of the two distributions, represented by
the solid line. The use of a compound prestressed cylinder has thus reduced the maximum stress
from 297.5 to 257.8 MPa. Based on the maximum principal stress theory of elastic failure,
significant weight savings can apparently be effected through such configurations.

Figure 8.7. Example 8.3. Tangential stress distribution produced by a

combination of shrink-fit and internal pressure in a thick-walled compound
cylinder. Dashed lines nn represent stresses due to pi alone.

It is interesting to note that additional jackets prove not as effective, in that regard, as the first one. Multilayered
shrink-fit cylinders, each of small wall thickness, are, however, considerably stronger than a single jacket of the
same total thickness. These assemblies can, in fact, be designed so that prestressing owing to shrinking
combines with stresses due to loading to produce a nearly uniform distribution of stress throughout.* The closer
this uniform stress is to the allowable stress for the given material, the more efficiently is the material utilized.
A single cylinder cannot be uniformly stressed and consequently must be stressed considerably below its
allowable value, contributing to inefficient use of material.
- 419 -
Example 8.4. Design of a Duplex Hydraulic Conduit

Figure 8.8 shows a duplex hydraulic conduit composed of a thin steel cylindrical liner in a
concrete pipe. For the steel and concrete, the properties are Es and Ec, νc, respectively. The
conduit is subjected to an internal pressure pi. Determine the interface pressure p transmitted to
the concrete shell.

Figure 8.8. Example 8.4. Thick-walled concrete pipe with a steel cylindrical liner.


The radial displacement at the bore (r = a) of the concrete pipe is, from Eq. (8.14),


The steel sleeve experiences an internal pressure pi and an external pressure p. Thus,


On the other hand, Hooke’s law together with Eq. (8.2) yields at r = a


Finally, evaluation of u from Eqs. (b) and (c) and substitution into Eq. (a) result in the interface
pressure in the form:


- 420 -

Note that, for practical purposes, we can use Es/Ec = 15, νc = 0.2, and 2t/(2a – t) = t/a. Equation
(8.24) then becomes


where R = b/a. From the foregoing, observe that, as the thickness t of the liner increases, the
pressure p transmitted to the concrete decreases. However, for any given t/a ratio, the p increases
as the diameter ratio (R) of the concrete increases.

8.6 Rotating Disks of Constant Thickness

The equation of equilibrium, Eq. (8.1), can be used to treat the case of a rotating disk, provided that the
centrifugal “inertia force” is included as a body force. Again, stresses induced by rotation are distributed
symmetrically about the axis of rotation and assumed independent of disk thickness. Thus, application of Eq.
(8.1), with the body force per unit volume Fr equated to the centrifugal force ρω2r, yields


where ρ is the mass density and ω the constant angular speed of the disk in radians per second. Note that the
gravitational body force ρg has been neglected. Substituting Eq. (8.6) into Eq. (8.26), we have


requiring a homogeneous and particular solution. The former is given by Eq. (a) of Section 8.2.

It is easily demonstrated that the particular solution is

The complete solution is therefore


which, upon substitution into Eq. (8.6), provides the following expressions for radial and tangential stress:

- 421 -


The constants of integration may now be evaluated on the basis of the boundary conditions.

Annular Disk

In the case of an annular disk with zero pressure at the inner (r = a) and outer (r = b) boundaries (Fig. 8.9) the
distribution of stress is due entirely to rotational effects. The boundary conditions are


Figure 8.9. Annular rotating disk of constant thickness.

These conditions, combined with Eq. (8.27b), yield two equations in the two unknown constants,


from which

- 422 -

The stresses and displacement are therefore

(8.28 a–c)

Applying the condition dσr/dr = 0 to the first of these equations, it is readily verified that the maximum radial
stress occurs at . Then, substituting the foregoing into Eq. (8.28a), the maximum radial stress is given


Figure 8.10a is a dimensionless representation of stress and displacement as a function of radius for an annular
disk described by b/a = 4.

Figure 8.10. Distribution of stress and displacement in a rotating disk of constant thickness:
(a) annular disk; (b) solid disk.

Solid Disk

In this case, a = 0, and the boundary conditions are


To satisfy the condition on the displacement, it is clear from Eq. (8.27a) that c2 must be zero. The remaining
constant is now evaluated from the first expression of Eq. (d):

- 423 -
Combining these constants with Eqs. (8.27), the following results are obtained:

(8.30 a–c)

The stress and displacement of a solid rotating disk are displayed in a dimensionless representation (Fig. 8.10b)
as functions of radial location.

The constant thickness disks discussed in this section are generally employed when stresses or speeds are low
and, as is clearly shown in Fig. 8.10b, do not make optimum use of material. Other types of rotating disks,
offering many advantages over flat disks, are discussed in the sections to follow.

Clearly, the sharp rise of the tangential stress near r = a is observed in Fig. 8.10a. It can be shown that, by
setting r = a in Eq. (8.29b) and letting a approach zero, the resulting σθ is twice that given by Eq. (8.30b). The
foregoing conclusion applies to the radial stress as well. Thus, a small hole doubles the stress over the case of
no hole.

8.7 Design of Disk Flywheels

A flywheel is usually employed to smooth out changes in the speed of a shaft caused by torque fluctuations (Fig.
8.11). Flywheels are thus found in small and large machinery, such as compressors, internal combustion
engines, punch presses, and rock crushers. At high speeds, considerable stresses may be induced in these
components. Since failure of a rotating disk is particularly hazardous, analysis of the stress effects is important.
Designing of energy-storing flywheels for hybrid-electric cars is an active area of contemporary research. Disk
flywheels, that is, rotating annular disks of constant thickness, are made of high-strength steel plate.

Figure 8.11. A flywheel shrunk onto a shaft.

An interference fit produces stress concentration in the shaft and in the (hub of) the disk, owing to the abrupt
change from uncompressed to compressed material. Various design modifications are usually made in the faces
of the disk close to the shaft diameter to decrease the stress concentrations at each sharp corner. Often, for a
press or shrink fit, a stress concentration factor K is used. The value of K, depending on the contact pressure,
the design of the disk, and the maximum bending stress in the shaft, rarely exceeds 2 [Ref. 8.3]. It should be
- 424 -
noted that an approximation of the torque capacity of the assembly may be made on the basis of a coefficient of
friction of about f = 0.15 between shaft and disk. The American Gear and Manufacturing Association (AGMA)
standard suggests a value of 0.15 < f < 0.20 for shrink or press fits having a smooth finish on both surfaces.

The Method of Superposition

Combined radial stress, tangential stress, and displacement of an annular disk due to internal pressure p between
the disk and the shaft and angular speed ω may readily be obtained through the use of superposition of the
results obtained previously. Therefore, we have




In the foregoing, the quantities (σr)p, (σθ)p, and (u)p are given by Eqs. (8.8). The tangential stress σθ often
controls the design. It is a maximum at the inner boundary (r = a). Hence,


As noted previously, owing to rotation alone, maximum radial stress occurs at and is given by Eq.
(8.29). On the other hand, due to the internal pressure only, the largest radial stress is at the inner boundary and
equals σr,max = –p.

It is customary to neglect the inertial stress and displacement of a shaft. Hence, for a shaft, we approximately


We note, however, that the contact pressure p depends on angular speed ω. For a prescribed contact pressure p
at angular speed ω, the required initial radial interference δ may be found from Eqs. (8.31c) and (8.33) for the
displacement u. In so doing, with r = a, we obtain

- 425 -

Here the quantities Ed and Es represent the moduli of elasticity of the disk and shaft, respectively. Clearly, the
preceding equation is valid as long as a positive contact pressure is maintained.

Example 8.5. Torque and Power Capacity of a Flywheel

A flat steel disk with t = 20 mm and a = 50 mm is shrunk onto a shaft, causing a contact pressure
p (Fig. 8.11). The coefficient of static friction is f = 0.15. Determine the torque T carried by the
fit and power P transmitted to the disk when the assembly is rotating at n = 2400 rpm and p = 25


The force (axial or tangential) required for the assembly may be written in the form


The torque capacity of the fit is therefore


Substituting the given numerical values,

T = 2π(502)(0.15)(25)(0.02) = 1.178 kN ·m

Power transmitted is expressed by


Here the angular velocity of the disk ω = 24000(2π)/60 = 251.3 rad/s. We thus have P = (1.178)
(251.3) = 296 kW.

Example 8.6. Rotating Shrink-Fit Performance Analysis

A flat 0.5-m outer diameter, 0.1-m inner diameter, and 0.075-m-thick steel disk is shrunk onto a
steel shaft (Fig. 8.12). If the assembly is to run at speeds up to n = 6900 rpm, determine (a) the
shrinking allowance, (b) the maximum stress when not rotating, and (c) the maximum stress
when rotating. The material properties are ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4, E = 200 GPa, and ν = 0.3.

Figure 8.12. Example 8.6. Tangential stresses produced by the combination of a

shrink fit and rotation in a disk of constant thickness.
- 426 -

a. The radial displacements of the disk (ud) and shaft (us) are, from Eqs. (8.28)
and (8.30),

We observe that us may be neglected, as it is less than 1% of ud of the disk at the

common radius. The exact allowance is

b. Applying Eq. (8.23), we have

Therefore, from Eq. (8.18),

c. From Eq. (8.28), for r = 0.05,

A plot of the variation of stress in the rotating disk is shown in Fig. 8.12.

- 427 -
Example 8.7. Maximum Speed of a Flywheel Assembly

A flywheel of 380-mm diameter is to be shrunk onto a 60-mm diameter shaft (Fig. 8.11). Both
members are made of steel with ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4, E = 200 GPa, and ν = 0.3. At a maximum
speed of n = 6000 rpm, a contact pressure of p = 20 MPa is to be maintained. Find (a) the
required radial interference; (b) the maximum tangential stress in the assembly; (c) the speed at
which the fit loosens, that is, contact pressure becomes zero.

a. Through the use of Eq. (8.34), we obtain


Substituting the given numerical values p = 20 MPa and ω = 6000(2π/60) =

628.32 rad/s, Eq. (a) results in δ = 0.02 mm.
b. Applying Eq. (8.32), we obtain

c. Carrying δ = 0.02 × 10–3 m and p = 0 into Eq. (a) leads to

We thus have . Note that, at this speed, the shrink fit

becomes completely ineffective.

8.8 Rotating Disks of Variable Thickness

In Section 8.6, the maximum stress in a flat rotating disk was observed to occur at the innermost fibers. This
explains the general shape of many disks: thick near the hub, tapering down in thickness toward the periphery,
as in a steam turbine. This not only has the effect of reducing weight but also results in lower rotational inertia.

The approach employed in the analysis of flat disks can be extended to variable thickness disks. Let the profile
of a radial section be represented by the general hyperbola (Fig. 8.13),


- 428 -
Figure 8.13. Disk of hyperbolic profile.

where t1 represents a constant and s a positive number. The shape of the curve depends on the value selected for
s; for example, for s = 1, the profile is that of an equilateral hyperbola. The constant t1 is simply the thickness
at radius equal to unity. If the thickness at r = a is ti and that at r = b is to, as shown in the figure, the hyperbolic
curve is fitted by forming the ratio

and solving for s. Clearly, Eq. (8.36) does not apply to solid disks, as all values of s except zero yield infinite
thickness at r = 0.

In a turbine application, the actual configuration may have a thickened outer rim to which blades are affixed
and a hub for attachment to a shaft. The hyperbolic relationship cannot describe such a situation exactly, but
sometimes serves as an adequate approximation. If greater accuracy is required, the hub and outer ring may be
approximated as flat disks, with the elements of the assembly related by the appropriate boundary conditions.

The differential equation of equilibrium (Eq. 8.26) must now include t(r) and takes the form


Equation (8.37) is satisfied by a stress function of the form


Then the compatibility equation (8.4), using Eqs. (a) and Hooke’s law, becomes


Introducing Eq. (8.36), we have

- 429 -

This is an equidimensional equation, which the transformation r = eα reduces to a linear differential equation
with constant coefficients:


The auxiliary equation corresponding to Eq. (d) is given by

m2 + sm – (1 + νs) = 0

and has the roots


The general solution of Eq. (d) is then


The stress components for a disk of variable thickness are therefore, from Eqs. (a),


Note that, for a flat disk, t = constant; consequently, s = 0 in Eq. (8.36) and m = 1 in Eq. (8.38). Thus, Eqs.
(8.39) reduce to Eqs. (8.30), as expected. The constants c1 and c2 are determined from the boundary conditions


The evaluation of the constants is illustrated in the next example.

Example 8.8. Rotating Hyperbolic Disk

- 430 -
The cross section of the disk in the assembly given in Example 8.6 is hyperbolic with ti = 0.075
m and to = 0.015 m; a = 0.05 m, b = 0.25 m, and δ = 0.05 mm. The rotational speed is 6900 rpm.
Determine (a) the maximum stress owing to rotation and (b) the maximum radial displacement at
the bore of the disk.


a. The value of the positive number s is obtained by the use of Eq. (8.36):

Substituting ti/to = 5 and b/a = 5, we obtain s = 1. The profile will thus be given
by t = ti/r. From Eq. (8.38), we have

Hence the radial stresses, using Eqs. (8.39) and (f) for r = 0.05 and 0.25, are

from which

The stress components in the disk, substituting these values into Eqs. (8.39), are


The maximum stress occurs at the bore of the disk and from Eqs. (g) is equal to
(σθ)r = 0.05 = 0.0294 ρω2. Note that it was 0.052 ρω2 in Example 8.6. For the same
speed, we conclude that the maximum stress is reduced considerably by tapering
the disk.
b. The radial displacement is obtained from the second equation of (8.5), which
together with Eq. (g) gives ur = 0.05 = (rσθ/E)r = 0.05 = 0.00147ρω2/E. Again, this is
advantageous relative to the value of 0.0026 ρω2/E found in Example 8.6.

8.9 Rotating Disks of Uniform Stress

If every element of a rotating disk is stressed to a prescribed allowable value, presumed constant throughout,
the disk material will clearly be used in the most efficient manner. For a given material, such a design is of
minimum mass, offering the distinct advantage of reduced inertia loading as well as lower weight. What is
- 431 -
sought, then, is a thickness variation t(r) such that σr = σθ = σ = constant everywhere in the body. Under such a
condition of stress, the strains, according to Hooke’s law, are εr = εθ = ε = constant, and the compatibility
equation (8.4) is satisfied.

The equation of equilibrium (8.37) may, under the conditions outlined, be written



which is easily integrated to yield


This variation assures that σθ = σr = σ = constant throughout the disk. To obtain the value of the constant in Eq.
(8.41), the boundary condition t = t1 at r = 0 is applied, resulting in c1 = t1 (Fig. 8.14).

Figure 8.14. Profile of disk of uniform strength.

Example 8.9. Rotating Disk of Uniform Strength

A steel disk of the same outer radius, b = 0.25 m, and rotational speed, 6900 rpm, as the disk of
Example 8.6 is to be designed for uniform stress. The thicknesses are t1 = 0.075 m at the center
and t2 = 0.015 m at the periphery. Determine the stress and disk profile.


From Eq. (8.41),


- 432 -

t = c1e–ρ(ω2/2σ)r2 = 0.075e–25.752r2

Recall that the maximum stress in the hyperbolic disk of Example 8.8 was 0.0294 ρω2. The
uniformly stressed disk is thus about 34% stronger than a hyperbolic disk with a small hole at its

In actual practice, fabrication and design constraints make it impractical to produce a section of exactly
constant stress in a solid disk. On the other hand, in an annular disk, if the boundary condition is applied such
that the radial stress is zero at the inner radius, constancy of stress dictates that σθ and σr be zero everywhere.
This is clearly not a useful result for the situation as described. For these reasons, the hyperbolic variation in
thickness is often used.

8.10 Thermal Stresses in Thin Disks

In this section, our concern is with the stresses associated with a radial temperature field T(r) that is
independent of the axial dimension. The practical applications are numerous and include annular fins and
turbine disks. Because the temperature field is symmetrical with respect to a central axis, it is valid to assume
that the stresses and displacements are distributed in the same way as those of Section 8.1, and therefore the
equations of that section apply here as well.

In this case of plane stress, the applicable equations of stress and strain are obtained from Eq. (3.37) with
reference to Eq. (3.26):


The equation of equilibrium, Eq. (8.2), is now


Introduction of Eq. (8.3) into expression (a) yields the following differential equation in radial displacement:


This is rewritten
- 433 -

to render it easily integrable. The solution is


where a, the inner radius of an annular disk, is taken as zero for a solid disk, and ν and α have been treated as

Annular Disk

The radial and tangential stresses in the annular disk of inner radius a and an outer radius b may be found by
substituting Eq. (8.43) into Eq. (8.3) and the results into Eq. (8.42):



The constants c1 and cs are determined on the basis of the boundary conditions (σr)r = a = (σr)r = b = 0. Equation
(d) thus gives

The stresses are therefore


Solid Disk

In the case of a solid disk of radius b, the displacement must vanish at r = 0 in order to preserve the continuity
of material. The value of c2 in Eq. (8.43) must therefore be zero. To evaluate c1, the boundary condition (σr)r=b
= 0 is employed, and Eq. (d) now gives
- 434 -
Substituting c1 and c2 into Eqs. (d) and (e), the stresses in a solid disk are found to be


Given a temperature distribution T(r), the stresses in a solid or annular disk can thus be determined from Eqs.
(8.44) or (8.45). Note that T(r) need not be limited to those functions that can be analytically integrated. A
numerical integration can easily be carried out for σr, σθ to provide results of acceptable accuracy.

8.11 Thermal Stress in Long Circular Cylinders

Consider a long cylinder with ends assumed restrained so that w = 0. This is another example of plane strain,
for which εz = 0. The stress–strain relations are, from Hooke’s law,


For εz = 0, the final expression yields


Substitution of Eq. (a) into the first two of Eqs. (8.46) leads to the following forms in which z stress does not


Inasmuch as Eqs. (8.2) and (8.3) are valid for the case under discussion, the solutions for u, σr, and σθ proceed
as in Section 8.10, resulting in

- 435 -



Finally, from Eq. (a), we obtain


Solid Cylinder

For the radial displacement of a solid cylinder of radius b to vanish at r = 0, the constant c2 in Eq. (b) must
clearly be zero. Applying the boundary condition (σr)r = b = 0, Eq. (c) may be solved for the remaining constant
of integration,


and the stress distributions determined from Eqs. (c), (d), and (e):



To derive an expression for the radial displacement, c2 = 0 and Eq. (f) are introduced into Eq. (b).

- 436 -
The longitudinal stress given by Eq. (8.49a) is valid only for the case of a fixed-ended cylinder. In the event the
ends are free, a uniform axial stress σz = s0 may be superimposed to cause the force resultant at each end to

This expression together with Eq. (e) yields


The longitudinal stress for a free-ended cylinder is now obtained by adding s0 to the stress given by Eq. (e):


Stress components σr and σθ remain as before. The axial displacement is obtained by adding u0 = –νs0r/E, a
displacement due to uniform axial stress, s0, to the right side of Eq. (b).

Cylinder with Central Circular Hole

When the inner (r = a) and outer (r = b) surfaces of a hollow cylinder are free of applied load, the boundary
conditions (σr)r = a = (σr)r = b = 0 apply. Introducing these into Eq. (c), the constants of integration are


Equations (c), (d), and (e) thus provide


- 437 -

If the ends are free, proceeding as in the case of a solid cylinder, the longitudinal stress is described by


Implementation of the foregoing analyses depends on a knowledge of the radial distribution of temperature T(r).

Example 8.10. Thermal Stresses in a Cylinder

Determine the stress distribution in a hollow free-ended cylinder, subject to constant

temperatures Ta and Tb at the inner and outer surfaces, respectively.


The radial steady-state heat flow through an arbitrary internal cylindrical surface is given by
Fourier’s law of conduction:


Here Q is the heat flow per unit axial length and K the thermal conductivity. Assuming Q and K
to be constant,

This is easily integrated upon separation:


Here c1 and c2, the constants of integration, are determined by applying the temperature
boundary conditions (T)r = a = Ta and (T)r = b = Tb. By so doing, Eq. (j) may be written in the form


When this is substituted into Eqs. (8.50) and (8.51a), the following stresses are obtained:

- 438 -

We note that, for ν = 0, Eqs. (8.53) provide a solution for a thin hollow disk. In the event the
heat flow is outward, that is, Ta > Tb, examination of Eqs. (8.53) indicates that the stresses σθ and
σz are compressive (negative) on the inner surface and tensile (positive) on the outer surface.
They exhibit their maximum values at the inner and outer surfaces. On the other hand, the radial
stress is compressive at all points and becomes zero at the inner and outer surfaces of the

In practice, a pressure loading is often superimposed on the thermal stresses, as in the case of chemical reaction
vessels. An approach is to follow similarly to that already discussed, with boundary conditions modified to
reflect the pressure; for example, (σr)r = a = –pi, (σr)r = b = 0. In this instance, the internal pressure results in a
circumferential tensile stress (Fig. 8.4a), causing a partial cancellation of compressive stress owing to

Note that, when a rotating disk is subjected to inertia, loading combined with an axisymmetrical distribution of
temperature T(r), the stresses and displacements may be determined by superposition of the two cases.

8.12 Finite Element Solution

In the previous sections, the cases of axisymmetry discussed were ones in which along the axis of revolution (z)
there was uniformity of structural geometry and loading. In this section, the finite element approach of Chapter
7 is applied for computation of displacement, strain, and stress in a general axisymmetric structural system,
formed as a solid of revolution having material properties, support conditions, and loading, all of which are
symmetrical about the z axis, but that may vary along this axis. A simple illustration of this situation is a sphere
uniformly loaded by gravity forces.

“Elements” of the body of revolution (rings or, more generally, tori) are used to discretize the axisymmetric
structure. We shall here employ an element of triangular cross section, as shown in Fig. 8.15. Note that a node
is now in fact a circle; for example, node i is the circle with ri as radius. Thus, the elemental volume dV
appearing in the expressions of Section 7.13 is the volume of the ring element (2πr dr dz).

Figure 8.15. Triangular cross section of axisymmetric solid finite element.

- 439 -
The element clearly lies in three-dimensional space. Any randomly selected vertical cross section of the
element, however, is a plane triangle. As already discussed in Section 8.1, no tangential displacement can exist
in the symmetrical system; that is, v = 0. Inasmuch as only the radial displacement u and the axial displacement
w in a plane are involved (rz plane), the expressions for displacement established for plane stress and plane
strain may readily be extended to the axisymmetric analysis [Ref. 8.4].

8.13 Axisymmetric Element

The theoretical development follows essentially the procedure given in Chapter 7, with the exception that, in
the present case, cylindrical coordinates are employed (r, θ, z), as shown in Fig. 8.15.

Strain, Stress, and Elasticity Matrices

The strain matrix, from Eqs. (2.4), (3.33a), and (3.33b), may be defined as follows:


The initial strain owing to a temperature change is expressed in the form

{ε0}e = {αT, αT, αT, 0}

It is observed from Eq. (8.54) that the tangential strain εθ becomes infinite for a zero value of r. Thus, if the
structural geometry is continuous at the z axis, as in the case of a solid sphere, r is generally assigned a small
value (for example, 0.1 mm) for the node located at this axis.

It can be demonstrated that the state of stress throughout the element {σ}e is expressible as follows:


A comparison of Eqs. (8.55) and (7.58) yields the elasticity matrix

- 440 -

Displacement Function

The nodal displacements of the element are written in terms of submatrices δu and δv:


The displacement function {f}e, which describes the behavior of the element, is given by




Here the α’s are the constants, which can be evaluated as follows. First, we express the nodal displacements

Then, by the inversion of these linear equations,

- 441 -

where A is defined by Eq. (7.67) and


Finally, upon substitution of Eqs. (8.58) into (8.57), the displacement function is represented in the following
convenient form:



{f}e = [N]{δ}e



The element strain matrix is found by introducing Eq. (8.60) together with (8.61) into (8.54):





- 442 -
It is observed that the matrix [B] includes the coordinates r and z. Thus, the strains are not constant, as is the
case with plane stress and plane strain.

The Stiffness Matrix

The element stiffness matrix, from Eq. (7.61), is given by


and must be integrated along the circumferential or ring boundary. This may thus be rewritten


where the matrices [D] and [B] are defined by Eqs. (8.56) and (8.63), respectively. It is observed that
integration is not easily performed as in the case of plane stress problems, because [B] is also a function of r
and z. Although tedious, the integration can be carried out explicitly. Alternatively, approximate numerical
approaches may be used. In a simple approximate procedure, [B] is evaluated for a centroidal point of the
element. To accomplish this, we substitute fixed centroidal coordinates of the element


into Eq. (8.63) in place of r and z to obtain . Then, by letting , from Eqs. (8.64), the element
stiffness is found to be


This simple procedure leads to results of acceptable accuracy.

External Nodal Forces

In the axisymmetric case, “concentrated” or “nodal” forces are actually loads axisymmetrically located around
the body. Let qr and qz represent the radial and axial components of force per unit length, respectively, of the
circumferential boundary of a node or a radius r. The total nodal force in the radial direction is


Similarly, the total nodal force in the axial direction is

- 443 -

Other external load components can be treated analogously. When the approximation leading to Eq. (8.66) is
used, we can, from Eq. (7.58), readily obtain expressions for nodal forces owing to the initial strains, body
forces, and any surface tractions (see Prob. 8.49).

In summary, the solution of an axisymmetric problem can be obtained, having generated the total stiffness
matrix [K], from Eq. (8.64) or (8.66), and the load matrices {Q}. Then Eq. (7.60) provides the numerical values
of nodal displacements {δ} = [K]–1{Q}. The expression (8.62) together with Eq. (8.63) yields values of the
element strains. Finally, Eq. (8.55), upon substitution of Eq. (8.62), is used to determine the element stresses.

Case Study 8.1 Thick-Walled High-Pressure Steel Cylinder

Figure 8.16a illustrates a thick-walled pipe having the inner radius a and outer
radius b under external pressure po. Plot the distribution of stress, as found by the
FEA and equations obtained by the theory of elasticity in Section 8.2, across the
wall of the cylinder. Given: b = 2a and v = 0.3.

Figure 8.16. Case Study 8.1. (a) Thick-walled cylinder subjected to external
pressure and modeling of a slice at section A–B; (b) distribution of tangential
and radial stresses in the cylinder for b = 2a.


Only a thin segment or slice of the cylinder need be analyzed. We shall use a total
of 20 triangular elements, gradually decreasing in size toward the region under
pressure, as shown at a section A–B in Fig. 8.16a. The boundary conditions for
the mesh system may be depicted by rollers at the nodes along the top and bottom
faces of the slice, so that at these nodes the displacements w are to be constrained
to vanish.
Employing a general-purpose finite element program [Refs. 8.5 through 8.9], the
tangential stresses σθ and radial stresses σr are calculated. The nondimensional
results are sketched in Fig. 8.16b. In addition, the exact results given by Eqs.
(8.15) and (8.16) are shown. Observe the excellent agreement between the
solutions found by the two approaches.

- 444 -
8.1. RANOV, T. and PARK, F. R., On the numerical value of the tangential stress on thick-walled
cylinders, J. Appl. Mech., March 1953.
8.2. BECKER, S. J. and MOLLICK, L., The theory of the ideal design of a compound vessel, Trans.
ASME, J. Engineering Industry, May 1960, 136.
8.3. UGURAL, A. C., Mechanical Design: An Integrated Approach, McGraw-Hill, New York,
2004, Chap. 16.
8.4. YANG, T. Y., Finite Element Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,
1986, Chap. 10.
8.5. ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C. and TAYLOR, R. I., The Finite Element Method, 4th ed., Vol. 2 (Solid
and Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics and Nonlinearity), McGraw-Hill, London, 1991.
8.6. COOK, R. D., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 2nd ed., Wiley, New
York, 1980.
8.7. BATHE, K. I., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, N.J., 1996.
8.8. DUNHAM, R. S. and NICKELL, R. E., “Finite element analysis of axisymmetric solids with
arbitrary loadings,” Report AD 655 253, National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
VA, June 1967.
8.9. UTKU, S., Explicit expressions for triangular torus element stiffness matrix, AIAA Journal,
6/6, 1174–1176, June 1968.


Sections 8.1 through 8.5

8.1. A cylinder of internal radius a and external radius b = 1.10a is subjected to (a) internal
pressure pi only and (b) external pressure po only. Determine for each case the ratio of maximum
to minimum tangential stress.
8.2. A thick-walled cylinder with closed ends is subjected to internal pressure pi only. Knowing
that a = 0.6 m, b = 1 m, σall = 140 MPa, and τall = 80 MPa, determine the allowable value of pi.
8.3. A cylinder of inner radius a and outer radius na, where n is an integer, has been designed to
resist a specific internal pressure, but reboring becomes necessary. (a) Find the new inner radius
rx required so that the maximum tangential stress does not exceed the previous value by more
than Δσθ, while the internal pressure is the same as before. (b) If a = 25 mm and n = 2 and after
reboring the tangential stress is increased by 10%, determine the new diameter.
8.4. A steel tank having an internal diameter of 1.2 m is subjected to an internal pressure of 7
MPa. The tensile and compressive elastic strengths of the material are 280 MPa. Assuming a
factor of safety of 2, determine the wall thickness.
8.5. Two thick-walled, closed-ended cylinders of the same dimensions are subjected to internal
and external pressure, respectively. The outer diameter of each is twice the inner diameter. What
is the ratio of the pressures for the following cases? (a) The maximum tangential stress has the
same absolute value in each cylinder. (b) The maximum tangential strain has the same absolute
value in each cylinder. Take .
8.6. Determine the radial displacement of a point on the inner surface of the tank described in
Prob. 8.4. Assume that outer diameter 2b = 1.2616 m, E = 200 GPa, and ν = 0.3.
8.7. Derive expressions for the maximum circumferential strains of a thick-walled cylinder
subject to internal pressure pi only, for two cases: (a) an open-ended cylinder and (b) a closed-
ended cylinder. Then, assuming that the allowable strain is limited to 1000 μ, pi = 60 MPa, and b
= 2 m, determine the required wall thickness. Use E = 200 GPa and .
- 445 -
8.8. An aluminum cylinder (E = 72 GPa, ν = 0.3) with closed and free ends has a 500-mm
external diameter and a 100-mm internal diameter. Determine maximum tangential, radial,
shearing, and longitudinal stresses and the change in the internal diameter at a section away from
the ends for an internal pressure of pi = 60 MPa.
8.9. Rework Prob. 8.8 with pi = 0 and po = 60 MPa.
8.10. A steel cylinder of 0.3-m radius is shrunk over a solid steel shaft of 0.1-m radius. The
shrinking allowance is 0.001 m/m. Determine the external pressure po on the outside of the
cylinder required to reduce to zero the circumferential tension at the inside of the cylinder. Use
Es = 200 GPa.
8.11. A steel cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure only. (a) Obtain the ratio of the wall
thickness to the inner diameter if the internal pressure is three-quarters of the maximum
allowable tangential stress. (b) Determine the increase in inner diameter of such a cylinder, 0.15
m in internal diameter, for an internal pressure of 6.3 MPa. Take E = 210 GPa and .
8.12. Verify the results shown in Fig. 8.5 using Eqs. (a) and (8.21) of Section 8.3.
8.13. A thick-walled cylinder is subjected to internal pressure pi and external pressure po. Find (a)
the longitudinal stress σz if the longitudinal strain is zero and (b) the longitudinal strain if σz is
8.14. A cylinder, subjected to internal pressure only, is constructed of aluminum having a tensile
strength σyp. The internal radius of the cylinder is a, and the outer radius is 2a. Based on the
maximum energy of distortion and maximum shear stress theories of failure, predict the limiting
values of internal pressure.
8.15. A cylinder, subjected to internal pressure pi only, is made of cast iron having ultimate
strengths in tension and compression of σu = 350 MPa and MPa, respectively. The
inner and outer radii are a and 3a. Determine the allowable value of pi using (a) the maximum
principal stress theory and (b) the Coulomb–Mohr theory.
8.16. A flywheel of 0.5-m outer diameter and 0.1-m inner diameter is pressed onto a solid shaft.
The maximum tangential stress induced in the flywheel is 35 MPa. The length of the flywheel
parallel to the shaft axis is 0.05 m. Assuming a coefficient of static friction of 0.2 at the common
surface, find the maximum torque that may be transmitted by the flywheel without slippage.
8.17. A solid steel shaft of 0.1-m diameter is pressed onto a steel cylinder, inducing a contact
pressure p1 and a maximum tangential stress 2p1 in the cylinder. If an axial tensile load of PL =
45 kN is applied to the shaft, what change in contact pressure occurs? Let .
8.18. A brass cylinder of outer radius c and inner radius b is to be press-fitted over a steel
cylinder of outer radius b + δ and inner radius a (Fig. 8.6). Calculate the maximum stresses in
both materials for δ = 0.02 mm, a = 40 mm, b = 80 mm, and c = 140 mm. Let Eb = 110 GPa, νb =
0.32, Es = 200 GPa, and νs = 0.28.
8.19. An aluminum alloy cylinder (Ea = 72 GPa, νa = 0.33) of outer and inner diameters of 300
and 200 mm is to be press-fitted over a solid steel shaft (Es = 200 GPa, νs = 0.29) of diameter
200.5 mm. Calculate (a) the interface pressure p and (b) the change in the outer diameter of the
aluminum cylinder.
8.20. A thin circular disk of inner radius a and outer radius b is shrunk onto a rigid plug of radius
a + δo (Fig. P8.20). Determine (a) the interface pressure; (b) the radial and tangential stresses.

Figure P8.20.

- 446 -
8.21. When a steel sleeve of external diameter 3b is shrunk onto a solid steel shaft of diameter 2b,
the internal diameter of the sleeve is increased by an amount δ0. What reduction occurs in the
diameter of the shaft? Let .
8.22. A cylinder of inner diameter b is shrunk onto a solid shaft. Find (a) the initial difference in
diameters if the contact pressure is p and the maximum tangential stress is 2p in the cylinder and
(b) the axial compressive load that should be applied to the shaft to increase the contact pressure
from p to p1. Let .
8.23. A brass solid cylinder is a firm fit within a steel tube of inner diameter 2b and outer
diameter 4b at a temperature T1°C. If now the temperature of both elements is increased to T2°C,
find the maximum tangential stresses in the cylinder and in the tube. Take αs = 11.7 × 10–6/°C, αb
= 19.5 × 10–6/°C, and , and neglect longitudinal friction forces at the interface.
8.24. A thick-walled, closed-ended cylinder of inner radius a and outer radius b is subjected to
an internal pressure pi only (Fig. P8.24). The cylinder is made of a material with permissible
tensile strength σall and shear strength τall. Determine the allowable value of pi. Given: a = 0.8 m,
b = 1.2 m, σall = 80 MPa, and τall = 50 MPa.

Figure P8.24.

8.25. A thick-walled cylindrical tank of inner radius a and outer radius b is made of ASTM A-48
cast iron (see Table D.1) having a modulus of elasticity E and Poisson’s ratio of v. Calculate the
maximum radial displacement of the tank, if it is under an internal pressure of pi, as illustrated in
Fig. P8.24. Given: a = 0.5 m, b = 0.8 m, pi = 60 MPa, E = 70 GPa and v = 0.3.
8.26. A steel cylinder (σyp = 350 MPa) having inner radius a and outer radius 3a is subjected to
an internal pressure pi (Fig. P8.24). Find the limiting values of the pi, using (a) the maximum
shear stress theory; (b) the maximum energy of distortion theory.
8.27. A cylinder with inner radius a and outer radius 2a is subjected to an internal pressure pi
(Fig. P8.24). Determine the allowable value of pi, applying (a) the maximum principal stress
theory; (b) the Coulomb–Mohr theory. Assumptions: The cylinder is made of aluminum of σu =
320 MPa and .
8.28. A bronze bushing 60 mm in outer diameter and 40 mm in inner diameter is to be pressed
into a hollow steel cylinder of 120-mm outer diameter. Calculate the tangential stresses for steel
- 447 -
and bronze at the boundary between the two parts. Given: Eb = 105 GPa, Es = 210 GPa, v = 0.3.
Assumption: The radial interference is equal to δ = 0.05 mm.
8.29. A cast-iron disk is to be shrunk on a 100-mm-diameter steel shaft. Find (a) the contact
pressure; (b) the minimum allowable outside diameter of the disk. Assumption: The tangential
stress in the disk is limited to 80 MPa. Given: The radial interference is δ = 0.06 mm, Ec = 100
GPa, Es = 200 GPa, and v = 0.3.
8.30. A cast-iron cylinder of outer radius 140 mm is to be shrink-fitted over a 50-mm-radius
steel shaft. Find the maximum tangential and radial stresses in both parts. Given: Ec = 120 GPa,
vc = 0.2, Es = 210 G Pa, vs = 0.3. Assumption: The radial interference is δ = 0.04 mm.
8.31. In the case of which a steel disk (v = 0.3) of external diameter 4b is shrunk onto a steel
shaft of diameter of b, internal diameter of the disk is increased by an amount λ. Find the
reduction in the diameter of the shaft.
8.32. A gear of inner and outer radii 0.1 and 0.15 m, respectively, is shrunk onto a hollow shaft
of inner radius 0.05 m. The maximum tangential stress induced in the gear wheel is 0.21 MPa.
The length of the gear wheel parallel to shaft axis is 0.1 m. Assuming a coefficient of static
friction of f = 0.2 at the common surface, what maximum torque may be transmitted by the gear
without slip?

Sections 8.6 through 8.13

8.33. A solid steel shaft of radius b is pressed into a steel disk of outer radius 2b and the length
of hub engagement t = 3b (Figure 8.11). Calculate the value of the radial interference in terms of
b. Given: The shearing stress in the shaft caused by the torque that the joint is to carry equals
120 MPa; E = 200 GPa, and f = 0.2.
8.34. A cast-iron gear with 100-mm effective diameter and t = 40 mm hub engagement length is
to transmit a maximum torque of 120 N ·m at low speeds (Fig. 8.11). Determine (a) the required
radial interference on a 20-mm diameter steel shaft; (b) the maximum stress in the gear due to a
press fit. Given: Ec = 100 GPa, Es = 200 GPa, v = 0.3, and f = 0.16.
8.35. Show that for an annular rotating disk, the ratio of the maximum tangential stress to the
maximum radial stress is given by


8.36. Determine the allowable speed ωall in rpm of a flat solid disk employing the maximum
energy of distortion criterion. The disk is constructed of an aluminum alloy with σyp = 260 MPa,
, ρ = 2.7 kN ·s2/m4, and b = 125 mm.
8.37. A rotating flat disk has 60-mm inner diameter and 200-mm outer diameter. If the
maximum shearing stress is not to exceed 90 MPa, calculate the allowable speed in rpm. Let ν =
1/3 and ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4.
8.38. A flat disk of outer radius b = 125 mm and inner radius a = 25 mm is shrink-fitted onto a
shaft of radius 25.05 mm. Both members are made of steel with E = 200 GPa, ν = 0.3, and ρ =
7.8 kN ·s2/m4. Determine (a) the speed in rpm at which the interface pressure becomes zero and
(b) the maximum stress at this speed.
8.39. A flat annular steel disk (ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4, ν = 0.3) of 4c outer diameter and c inner
diameter rotates at 5000 rpm. If the maximum radial stress in the disk is not to exceed 50 MPa,
determine (a) the radial wall thickness and (b) the corresponding maximum tangential stress.

- 448 -
8.40. A flat annular steel disk of 0.8-m outer diameter and 0.15-m inner diameter is to be shrunk
around a solid steel shaft. The shrinking allowance is 1 part per 1000. For ν = 0.3, E = 210 GPa,
and ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4, determine, neglecting shaft expansion, (a) the maximum stress in the
system at standstill and (b) the rpm at which the shrink fit will loosen as a result of rotation.
8.41. Show that in a solid disk of diameter 2b, rotating with a tangential velocity v, the
maximum stress is . Take .
8.42. A steel disk of 500-mm outer diameter and 50-mm inner diameter is shrunk onto a solid
shaft of 50.04-mm diameter. Calculate the speed (in rpm) at which the disk will become loose on
the shaft. Take ν = 0.3, E = 210 GPa, and ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4.
8.43. Consider a steel rotating disk of hyperbolic cross section (Fig. 8.13) with a = 0.125 m, b =
0.625 m, ti = 0.125 m, and to = 0.0625 m. Determine the maximum tangential force that can
occur at the outer surface in newtons per meter of circumference if the maximum stress at the
bore is not to exceed 140 MPa. Assume that outer and inner edges are free of pressure.
8.44. A steel turbine disk with b = 0.5 m, a = 0.0625 m, and to = 0.05 m rotates at 5000 rpm
carrying blades weighing a total of 540 N. The center of gravity of each blade lies on a circle of
0.575-m radius. Assuming zero pressure at the bore, determine (a) the maximum stress for a disk
of constant thickness and (b) the maximum stress for a disk of hyperbolic cross section. The
thickness at the hub and tip are ti = 0.4 m and to = 0.05 m, respectively. (c) For a thickness at the
axis ti = 0.02425 m, determine the thickness at the outer edge, to, for a disk under uniform stress,
84 MPa. Take ρ = 7.8 kN ·s2/m4 and g = 9.81 m/s2.
8.45. A solid, thin flat disk is restrained against displacement at its outer edge and heated
uniformly to temperature T. Determine the radial and tangential stresses in the disk.
8.46. Show that for a hollow disk or cylinder, when subjected to a temperature distribution given
by T = (Ta – Tb) ln (b/r)/ln (b/a), the maximum radial stress occurs at


8.47. Calculate the maximum thermal stress in a gray cast-iron cylinder for which the inner
temperature is Ta = –8°C and the outer temperature is zero. Let a = 10 mm, b = 15 mm, E = 90
GPa, α = 10.4 × 10–6 per °C, and ν = 0.3.
8.48. Verify that the distribution of stress in a solid disk in which the temperature varies linearly
with the radial dimension, T(r) = T0(b – r)/b, is given by


Here T0 represents the temperature rise at r = 0.

8.49. Redo Example 7.12 with the element shown in Fig. 7.26 representing a segment adjacent to
the boundary of a sphere subjected to external pressure p = 14 MPa.
8.50. A cylinder of hydraulic device having inner radius a and outer radius 4a is subjected to an
internal pressure pi. Using a finite element program with CST (or LST) elements, determine the
distribution of the tangential and radial stresses. Compare the results with the exact solution
shown in Fig. 8.4a.

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8.51. A cylinder of a hydraulic device with inner radius a and outer radius 4a is under an
external pressure po. Employing a finite element computer program with CST (or LST) elements,
calculate the distribution of tangential and radial stresses.
8.52. Redo Prob. 8.51 if the cylinder is under an internal pressure pi. Compare the results with
the exact solution shown in Fig. 8.4.
8.53. Resolve Prob. 8.51 for the case in which the cylinder is subjected to internal pressure pi
and external pressure po = 0.5pi.

Chapter 9. Beams on Elastic Foundations

9.1 Introduction

In the problems involving beams previously considered, support was provided at a number of discrete locations,
and the beam was usually assumed to suffer no deflection at these points of support. We now explore the case
of a prismatic beam supported continuously along its length by a foundation, itself assumed to experience
elastic deformation. We shall take the reaction forces of the elastic foundation to be linearly proportional to the
beam deflection at any point. This simple analytical model of a continuous elastic foundation is often referred
to as the Winkler model.

The foregoing assumption not only leads to equations amenable to solution but also represents an idealization
closely approximating many real situations. Examples include a railroad track, where the elastic support
consists of the cross ties, the ballast, and the subgrade; concrete footings on an earth foundation; long steel
pipes resting on earth or on a series of elastic springs; ship hulls; or a bridgedeck or floor structure consisting of
a network of closely spaced bars.

9.2 General Theory

Let us consider a beam on elastic foundation subject to a variable loading, as depicted in Fig. 9.1. The force q
per unit length, resisting the displacement of the beam, is equal to –kv. Here v is the beam deflection, positive
downward as in the figure. The quantity k represents a constant, usually referred to as the modulus of the
foundation, possessing the dimensions of force per unit length of beam per unit of deflection (for example,
newtons per square meter or pascals).

Figure 9.1. Beam on elastic (Winkler) foundation.

The analysis of a beam whose length is very much greater than its depth and width serves as the basis of the
treatment of all beams on elastic foundations. Referring again to Fig. 9.1, which shows a beam of constant
section supported by an elastic foundation, the x axis passes through the centroid, and the y axis is a principal
axis of the cross section. The deflection v, subject to reaction q and applied load per unit length p, for a
condition of small slope, must satisfy the beam equation:


For those parts of the beam on which no distributed load acts, p = 0, and Eq. (9.1) takes the form
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