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EagleRock Quarry

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Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.

Eagle Rock Quarry Project, British Columbia

43-101 Technical Report and
Qualified Persons Review, British Columbia

Prepared for:
Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.
Larry Smith, P.Geo

Effective Date: 18 November 2005

Recognizing that Eagle Rock Materials Ltd. (ERML) has legal and
regulatory obligations in a number of global jurisdictions, AMEC Americas
Limited (AMEC) consents to the filing of this report with any stock
exchange and other regulatory authority and any publication by ERML,
including electronic publication on ERML’s website accessible by the
public, of this report.

This report was prepared as a National Instrument 43-101 Technical

Report, in accordance with Form 43-101F1, for ERML by AMEC. The
quality of information, conclusions, and estimates contained herein is
consistent with the level of effort involved in AMEC’s services, based on: i)
information available at the time of preparation, ii) data supplied by outside
sources, and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set forth in
this report. This report is intended to be used by ERML, subject to the
terms and conditions of its contract with AMEC. That contract permits
ERML to file this report as a Technical Report with Canadian Securities
Regulatory Authorities pursuant to provincial securities legislation. Except
for the purposes legislated under provincial securities laws, any other use
of this report by any third party is at that party’s sole risk.

Larry B. Smith, R. Geo, C. P. Geo

780 Vista Blvd., Suite 100
Sparks, Nevada 89434
Tel: (775) 331-2375
Fax: (775) 331-4153

I, Larry B. Smith, R. Geo, C.P. Geo., am a Registered Geologist and Chartered

Professional Geologist, and Manager of Mining & Metals Consulting of AMEC Mining &
Metals, Inc. of 6575 Stone Valley Drive in the city of Reno in the state of Nevada.

I am registered as a Professional Geologist in the state of Wyoming (PG-324), am a

Fellow and Chartered Professional Geologist in the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy (Registration number 209301) and am a Certified Professional Geologist with
the American Institute of Professional Geologists (CPG-10313). I graduated from Boise
State University with a Bachelor of Science in geology in 1972 and subsequently
obtained a Master of Science degree in Economic Geology from the Colorado School of
Mines in 1982.

I have practiced my profession continuously since 1972 and have been involved in:
mineral exploration for uranium, copper, gold, silver, nickel, lead, zinc, and industrial
minerals in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America; exploration data
evaluation, geological modeling and resource modeling of gold, copper, iron,
manganese and industrial mineral deposits in the United States, Canada, Colombia,
Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Greenland, Bosnia and Niger.

As a result of my experience and qualifications, I am a Qualified Person as defined in

National Instrument 43-101.

I am currently a Consulting Geologist and have been so since February 1998.

I am responsible for the preparation of the technical report titled Technical Report and
Qualified Persons Review, Eagle Rock Quarry Project, British Columbia, dated 18
November 2006 (the ‘Technical Report”) relating to the Eagle Rock Quarry Project
located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I prepared Sections 1-15, 18
and 20. I prepared Section 16 using the results of a feasibility study of process designs
prepared by Terra Nova Technologies (TNT, and AMEC company). I prepared Section
17 with the assistance of Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo. and Chief Geologist, AMEC. I
prepared Section 19 with the assistance of Mr. Frank Y. Yu in matters pertaining to
materials handling and processing, design of marine facilities and infrastructure, with the
assistance of Mr. Mark Pearson, P.Eng. and Mr. P. G. Beaudoin, P.Eng. in matters
pertaining to quarry designs, and with the assistance of Mr. David A. Holmes, R.Geo
(USA) in matters pertaining to aggregate markets. This report was prepared under my
direct supervision.

AMEC E&C Services Inc.

780 Vista Blvd., Suite 100
Sparks, Nevada 89434
Fax www.amec.com

I was the Qualified Person responsible for the preparation of the previous technical
report on the Eagle Rock property, titled “Technical Report, Preliminary Assessment,
Alberni Aggregates Project, British Columbia, dated 4 April 2002”. I have had no other
prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report.

On January 23 and 24, 2002, I visited the Eagle Rock Quarry project on Vancouver
Island for the purposes of reviewing pertinent geological data in detail sufficient to
support the estimate of crushed-rock resources on the project. A site visit was not
necessary as part of this update to the Technical Report because no exploration or site
development activities have been undertaken since March 2002. Work undertaken
between March 2002 and the present has focussed on engineering designs and
environmental studies.

I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect to the subject matter
of this technical report that is not reflected in this report and that the omission to disclose
would make this report misleading.

I am independent of Polaris Minerals Corporation in accordance with the application of

Section 1.5 of National Instrument 43-101.

I have read National Instrument 43-101 and certify that the Technical Report has been
prepared in compliance with that Instrument. I further certify that, as of the date of this
certificate, the Technical Report contains all of the information required under Form 43-
101F1 in respect of the property that is the subject of the report.

Dated at Reno, Nevada, this 18th day of November, 2005.

Larry B. Smith
Larry B. Smith, R. Geo, C. P. Geo
780 Vista Blvd., Suite 100
Sparks, Nevada 89434
Tel: (775) 331-2375
Fax: (775) 331-4153


TO: British Columbia Securities Commission

Alberta Securities Commission
Saskatchewan Securities Commission
Manitoba Securities Commission
Ontario Securities Commission
Commission des valeurs mobilieres du Quebec
Nunavut Legal Registry
Officer of the Administrator, New Brunswick
Nova Scotia Securities Commission
Registrar of Securities, Prince Edward Island
Securities Commission of Newfoundland
Registrar of Securities, Government of the Yukon Territories
Securities Registry, Government of the Northwest Territories

AND TO: Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.

I, Larry B. Smith, do hereby consent to the filing of the technical report prepared for Eagle Rock Materiasl
Ltd. titled Technical Report and Qualified Persons Review, Eagle Rock Quarry Project, British Columbia
and dated 18 November 2005 (the "Technical Report") with the securities regulatory authorities referred
to above.

I further consent (a) to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other regulatory
authority and any publication of the Technical Report by them for regulatory purposes, including
electronic publication in the public company files on their websites accessible by the public, and (b) to the
publication of the Technical Report and/or excerpts thereof and/or information therein by Eagle Rock
Materials Ltd. on its company website or otherwise, and (c) to the use of my name as a Qualified Person
in connection with the Technical Report in any continuous disclosure documents or other regulatory
documents or filings of Eagle Rock Materials Ltd., in all applicable jurisdictions.

I certify that I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect to the subject matter of
the Technical Report, which is not reflected in the Technical Report, the omission to disclose which
makes the Technical Report misleading.

Dated this 18 day of November 2005.

Larry B. Smith

AMEC E&C Services Inc.

780 Vista Blvd., Suite 100
Sparks, Nevada 89434
Fax www.amec.com


1.0 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Property Description and Tenure .................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Geology ........................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Exploration Program and Test Results............................................................................ 1-3
1.5 Mineral Resource ............................................................................................................ 1-4
1.6 Mining .............................................................................................................................. 1-5
1.7 Process............................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.8 Marine Facility and Shipping ........................................................................................... 1-6
1.9 Infrastructure ................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.10 Environmental.................................................................................................................. 1-7
1.11 Markets ............................................................................................................................ 1-8
1.12 Capital Cost ..................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.13 Financial Analysis .......................................................................................................... 1-10
1.14 Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................. 1-11
2.0 INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE ...................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Terms of Reference......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Aggregate ........................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Chemical Properties of Aggregate ..................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Physical Properties of Aggregate ....................................................................... 2-4
2.2.4 Aggregate Specifications and Testing................................................................ 2-4
2.2.5 Units of Measure ................................................................................................ 2-6
3.0 DISCLAIMER................................................................................................................................ 3-1
4.0 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION ............................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Location ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Mineral Tenure ................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.3 Permits and Agreements ................................................................................................. 4-5
PHYSIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 5-1
6.0 HISTORY...................................................................................................................................... 6-1
7.0 GEOLOGICAL SETTING ............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Regional Geology ............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Local Geology.................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.1 General ............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 Karmutsen Formation ......................................................................................... 7-4
7.2.3 Corrigan Pluton – Granodiorite........................................................................... 7-4
7.2.4 Petrography of Granodiorite ............................................................................... 7-5
7.2.5 Sand and Gravel Deposits ................................................................................. 7-9
8.0 DEPOSIT TYPES ......................................................................................................................... 8-1
9.0 MINERALIZATION ....................................................................................................................... 9-1
10.0 EXPLORATION .......................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Geological Mapping....................................................................................................... 10-1

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10.2.1 Methods ............................................................................................................ 10-1

10.2.2 Joint Mapping ................................................................................................... 10-2
11.0 DRILLING ................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 Drilling Program ............................................................................................................. 11-1
11.2 Core Logging ................................................................................................................. 11-3
11.3 Core Inspection ............................................................................................................. 11-3
11.4 Data Entry...................................................................................................................... 11-7
12.0 SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH .................................................................................. 12-1
12.1 Roadcut and Outcrop Sampling .................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Drill Core Sampling........................................................................................................ 12-2
13.0 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY ......................................................... 13-1
13.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Los Angeles Abrasion Test Protocol ............................................................................. 13-1
13.3 Magnesium Sulphate Soundness Test Protocol ........................................................... 13-2
13.4 Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity Protocol .............................................................. 13-2
13.5 Point Load Measurements............................................................................................. 13-3
13.6 Geochemical Analyses .................................................................................................. 13-3
13.7 Results – Surface Samples ........................................................................................... 13-4
13.8 Results – Drill Core........................................................................................................ 13-5
13.9 Geochemistry of Surface Samples and Drill Core......................................................... 13-6
13.10 Assay Quality Assurance and Quality Control............................................................... 13-7
13.11 Check Samples ............................................................................................................. 13-7
14.0 DATA VERIFICATION................................................................................................................ 14-1
15.0 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................ 15-1
16.0 MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING .................................................. 16-1
17.0 MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES............................................. 17-1
17.1 Mineral Resource Quality .............................................................................................. 17-1
17.2 Mineral Resource Quantity ............................................................................................ 17-2
17.3 Mineral Resource Marketability ..................................................................................... 17-2
17.4 Mineral Resource Classification .................................................................................... 17-3
18.0 OTHER DATA AND INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 18-1
PRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 19-1
19.1 Open Pit......................................................................................................................... 19-1
19.2 Materials Handling and Processing............................................................................... 19-3
19.3 Marine Facility and Shipping ......................................................................................... 19-4
19.3.1 Shipping Estimates......................................................................................... 19-11
19.4 Infrastructure and Site Layout ..................................................................................... 19-12
19.4.1 Site Location................................................................................................... 19-12
19.4.2 Access Road .................................................................................................. 19-12
19.4.3 Accommodation.............................................................................................. 19-14
19.4.4 Site Preparation, Offices and Other Buildings................................................ 19-14
19.4.5 Surface Water and Drainage.......................................................................... 19-15
19.4.6 Electrical Power Supply.................................................................................. 19-16
19.4.7 ANFO and Explosives .................................................................................... 19-16
19.4.8 Fuel Storage ................................................................................................... 19-16
19.4.9 Processing Plant............................................................................................. 19-16

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19.4.10 Dock Facilities ................................................................................................ 19-16

19.5 Environmental Considerations..................................................................................... 19-17
19.5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 19-17
19.5.2 Biophysical Environment ................................................................................ 19-17
19.5.3 First Nations Consultation .............................................................................. 19-20
19.5.4 Environmental Monitoring............................................................................... 19-21
19.6 Marketing ..................................................................................................................... 19-21
19.6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 19-21
19.6.2 Supply-Demand Balance, Major California Markets ...................................... 19-22
19.6.3 Distribution System – Major California Markets ............................................. 19-23
19.6.4 Aggregate Prices – Major California Markets................................................. 19-24
19.7 Capital Cost ................................................................................................................. 19-25
19.8 Financial Analysis ........................................................................................................ 19-25
20.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 20-1
21.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 21-1


Table 1-1: Materials Quality – Corrigan Granodiorite .......................................................................... 1-3

Table 1-2: Eagle Rock Quarry Project – Mineral Resource Summary, 4 April 2002 2005.................. 1-5
Table 1-3: Eagle Rock Quarry Project Scheduled Tonnages .............................................................. 1-6
Table 1-4: Product Sizes and Percentage of Production..................................................................... 1-6
Table 1-5: Summary of Results of Financial Analysis ....................................................................... 1-10
Table 4-1: Land Tenure........................................................................................................................ 4-1
Table 11-1: Core Holes – Eagle Rock Quarry ..................................................................................... 11-1
Table 13-1: Grading of Sample for Los Angeles Abrasion Test .......................................................... 13-1
Table 13-2: Sample Grading for Sulphate Soundness Test ................................................................ 13-2
Table 13-3: Materials Quality Tests for Quarry Samples..................................................................... 13-4
Table 13-4: Material Quality Tests – Corrigan Granodiorite Drill Core ................................................ 13-5
Table 13-5: Point Load Values for Drill Core ....................................................................................... 13-6
Table 13-6: Geochemistry of Surface Samples ................................................................................... 13-6
Table 16-1: Product Sizes and Production Rates ................................................................................ 16-1
Table 17-1: Mean and Coefficient of Variation (CV – mean/standard deviation) of Quality Values –
Corrigan Granodiorite ....................................................................................................... 17-2
Table 17-2: Eagle Rock Quarry Project – Mineral Resource Summary, 4 April 2002 ......................... 17-4
Table 19-1: Eagle Rock Quarry Project Scheduled Tonnages (Measured and Indicated Resources)19-2
Table 19-2: Mine Equipment Requirements ........................................................................................ 19-2
Table 19-3: Product Sizes and Production Rates ................................................................................ 19-3
Table 19-4: Rate and Throughput Analysis – Shiploading .................................................................. 19-4
Table 19-5: Supply-Demand Balance (1999 to 2020) ....................................................................... 19-22
Table 19-6: Summary of Results of Financial Analyses (2002 Preliminary Assessment) ................. 19-26
Table 19-7: Results of Sensitivity Analysis (2002 Preliminary Assessment)..................................... 19-27

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Figure 4-1: Project Location Map .......................................................................................................... 4-2

Figure 4-2: Lease Tenure...................................................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-3: Location of Proposed Quarry, Plant, and Infrastructure ..................................................... 4-4
Figure 5-1: Proposed Site of Eagle Rock Quarry, Looking North Towards Port Alberni ...................... 5-2
Figure 5-2: Lower Bench Proposed for Processing Plant Site.............................................................. 5-2
Figure 7-1: Regional Geology ............................................................................................................... 7-2
Figure 7-2: Site Geology ....................................................................................................................... 7-3
Figure 7-3: Corrigan Granodiorite at Q1 Site in Eastern Portion of Proposed Quarry.......................... 7-6
Figure 7-4: Corrigan Granodiorite in Northeastern Portion of Proposed Quarry .................................. 7-6
Figure 7-5: Narrow Shear Zone in Granodiorite, Southern Portion of Proposed Quarry...................... 7-8
Figure 7-6: Sand and Gravel Deposits on Lower Topographic Bench ................................................. 7-9
Figure 10-1: Materials Quality, Jointing and RQD, Section North 5439750 ......................................... 10-3
Figure 10-2: Plan Map of RQD Measurements, Surface Sites ............................................................. 10-4
Figure 11-1: Location of Drill holes and Surface Quarry Samples........................................................ 11-2
Figure 11-2: Drill Core of Massive Granodiorite from Hole A01-02 ...................................................... 11-5
Figure 11-3: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A02-02..................................................................... 11-5
Figure 11-4: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A03-02..................................................................... 11-6
Figure 11-5: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A04-02..................................................................... 11-6
Figure 11-6: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A05-02..................................................................... 11-7
Figure 17-1: Plan Map of Resource Classification ................................................................................ 17-5
Figure 17-2: Resource Classification, Section North 5439750 ............................................................. 17-6
Figure 17-3: Resource Classification, Section East 365000................................................................. 17-7
Figure 19-1: Marine Facility – Navigational Map of Marine Facility Area.............................................. 19-6
Figure 19-2: Marine Facility, Bathymetry – Hocking Point .................................................................... 19-7
Figure 19-3: Marine Facility, Site Plan .................................................................................................. 19-8
Figure 19-4: Marine Facility, Site Cross Section ................................................................................... 19-9
Figure 19-5: Marine Facility – Cantilever Dolphins ............................................................................. 19-10
Figure 19-6: Site Layout ...................................................................................................................... 19-13
Figure 19-7: Watersheds..................................................................................................................... 19-19

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% = percent
° = degrees
°C = degrees celsius
cm = centimetres
dwt = deadweight metric tonnes
g = grams
g/cc = grams per cubic centimetre
g/m = grams per cubic metre
h = hour(s)
ha = hectares (10,000 square metres)
HP = horsepower
kg = kilograms
km = kilometres
km = square kilometres
KN _ kiloNewtons
kW = kilowatts
M = millions
m = metres
m = cubic metres
masl = meters above sea level
mm = millimetres
Mm = millions of cubic metres
MN/m = millions Newtons per square metre
Mtpy = millions dry metric tonnes per year
MW = megawatts
ppm = parts per million
st = short tons
t = dry metric tonnes
tph = dry metric tonnes per hour
tpy = dry metric tonnes per year
$M = millions Canadian Dollars
US$ M = millions US dollars
$/t = Canadian dollars per dry metric tonne
US$/t = US dollars per dry metric tonne
US$/st = US dollars per dry short ton
wt % = weight percent

All dollar figures ($) in this report refer to Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated as United States
dollars (US$). Project exploration data use the SI system of measurement and this is retained
throughout the report with the exception of discussion of United States markets for aggregate, where
sales units are customarily quoted in U.S. dollars per short ton.

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ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

CIM - Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
GPS - Global Positioning System
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
NPV - Net Present Value
NWPA - Navigational Waters Protection Act
RQD - Rock Quality Designation
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator

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1.1 Introduction

Eagle Rock Materials Ltd. (ERML), which is owned 70% by Polaris Minerals Corporation
(Polaris) and 30% by First Nations commissioned AMEC E&C Services Limited (AMEC) to
provide an independent Qualified Person’s Review and Technical Report for the Eagle
Rock Quarry Project, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This report represents an
update of the Technical Report, Preliminary Assessment, Alberni Aggregates Project,
British Columbia, dated 4 April 2002, originally commissioned by Polaris. Mr. Larry B.
Smith R.Geo (USA), Manager of Mining and Metals Consulting for AMEC, served as the
Qualified Person responsible for preparation of the updated Technical Report as defined in
National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, to support
disclosure of Mineral Resources as of 31 March 2003. The format and content of the
report are intended to conform to Form 43-101F1 of National Instrument 43-101
(NI 43-101) of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

Frank Y Yu, P. Eng. assisted Mr. Smith in matters pertaining to materials handling &
processing, marine facility, infrastructure, and 2002 cost estimates. Mr. Henri B Letient, P.
Eng., assisted in matters pertaining to environment. Dr. Stephen Juras, P.Geo., carried
out resource estimates and developed resource classification criteria. Mr. Mark Pearson,
P. Eng., assisted in matters regarding pit designs, mining and financial analyses. Quarry
designs were updated in 2003 by P.G. Beaudoin, P. Eng., Steven Hodgson P. Eng., and
Mark Pearson, P. Eng. as part of a feasibility study managed by AMEC E&C Services
Limited. The feasibility study was not formally completed due to a strategic decision by
ERML to put the project on hold in favour of developing a separate natural sand and gravel

The Eagle Rock Quarry Project is focused on development of a granodiorite resource that
would be mined, crushed, and shipped to markets in California and other Pacific Coast
destinations where shortages of high quality concrete and asphalt aggregate exist. The
intended source is a granodiorite pluton located at Hocking Point on the Alberni Inlet,
approximately 15 km south of Port Alberni. Exploration work completed to date
demonstrates that the granodiorite exceeds ASTM standards for concrete and asphalt
aggregate in regards to abrasion resistance, sulphate soundness, and water absorption.

Concurrent with exploration studies, ERML prepared a Preliminary Assessment of the

project. The Assessment included an evaluation of aggregate markets in California, review
of options for shipping, consideration of appropriate mining, processing, and reclamation
plans, evaluation of social, economic, and environmental planning factors, development of
preliminary capital and operating costs and preliminary financial modeling of the proposed

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Information for the review and this technical report were obtained from ERML in
Vancouver, British Columbia, a field office in Port Alberni, British Columbia and at the
project site. Larry B. Smith conducted a site visit on 23 and 24 January 2002. Mr. Frank Y
Yu and Mr. Henri F Letient conducted the review of the Preliminary Assessment, and Mr.
Yu performed an independent site visit on 15 March 2002. ERML also commissioned
studies of major aggregate markets in California. D.A. Holmes, R. Geo (USA) completed
these studies in March 2002 and updated the information in July 2005. A site visit was not
necessary as part of the update of the technical report because no additional exploration or
development had been undertaken since March of 2002. Additional work consisted of
engineering designs, market research, and environmental studies.

ERML commissioned AMEC in early 2003 to undertake a feasibility study for preparation of
a final development plan, incorporating capital costs for infrastructure, crushing, conveying
and loading facilities, and a revised mine plan. The feasibility study was not completed in
its entirety because Polaris made a corporate decision to develop the Orca Sand and
Gravel Project, located near Port McNeill, Vancouver Island, ahead of the Eagle Rock
Quarry. Capital cost updates, changes in the proposed mine plan and the results of
environmental studies developed in the feasibility work are provided in this update of the
Technical Report.

1.2 Property Description and Tenure

ERML holds a 50 year crown lease for exploitation of crushed rock and sand and gravel
resources covering the entire area of granodiorite, sand and gravel being considered for
mining. The property includes minor occurrences of sand and gravel which are not
considered suitable for commercial development but may be used as an aggregate for site
development and construction. The lease (District Lot 2173) covers 339 ha and
commences November 1, 2005. Mineral claim and lease boundaries have been surveyed.

Polaris originally staked two foreshore lease applications (FLAs) of 25 ha and 6 ha to

provide docking facilities north and south of Hocking Point. ERML subsequently dropped
the 25 ha lease to the south in favour of extending the 6 ha lease to 12.5 ha to the north of
Hocking Point where water conditions were much better.

On 16 January 2002, an agreement was approved by the Port Alberni Port Authority under
which ERML will assume the lease of the southern portions of existing Lease Lots 1688A
and 1688B thus extending the 6 ha FLA to the north. This transfer of rights is conditional
upon ERML receiving a Project Approval Certificate under the BC Environmental
Assessment Act. This foreshore area is located to the north of Hocking Point and is
suitable for ship loading according to a sonar survey.

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1.3 Geology

The Eagle Rock Quarry Project is located in the southern part of the Insular Belt of the
Canadian Cordillera. The region is underlain by Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic age
sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, which are affected by a northwesterly-
aligned structural fabric. Early Jurassic (181 to 142 Ma) granitic plutons of the Island
Intrusive suite intrude all layered sequences. The plutons occur as a series of relatively
small, three to ten kilometre long stocks, most commonly located within the cores of
anticlines. One of these plutons, termed the Corrigan intrusive, underlies a 3 km2 area
immediately west of Hocking Point. The Corrigan pluton intrudes mafic volcanic rocks of
the Karmutsen Formation and is a granodiorite to potassium quartz diorite. Jointing is
weakly to moderately developed. Small zones of felsite and mafic inclusions are locally
present. Shearing and intense fracturing are limited to narrow fault zones.

1.4 Exploration Program and Test Results

Polaris carried out an exploration program from January to March 2002. The program was
designed to determine the suitability of the Corrigan granodiorite for use as crushed-rock
aggregate and to evaluate the geological continuity of the physical and chemical
characteristics of the rock throughout the proposed quarry area. The exploration program
included detailed mapping of geological and geotechnical features, collection of surface
samples for materials testing, the drilling of nine vertical core holes, sampling cores for
materials testing, analysis of trace, minor and major elements, and thin section studies.
This work revealed that the Corrigan granodiorite exceeds ASTM standards for concrete
and asphalt aggregate in regards to Los Angeles abrasion resistance, sulphate soundness,
water absorption and lack of chemical contaminants. Average results are shown in
Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: Materials Quality – Corrigan Granodiorite

Test Samples Average Standard Standard Reference No.

LA Abrasion Resistance 17 17.8 < 50 < 50 131

Magnesium Sulphate Soundness 16 0.44 <15 <15 C88
Water Absorption 14 0.37 <1.0 <1.0 C127
Bulk Specific Gravity 14 2.66 2.60 to 2.70 2.60 to 2.70 C127

Nine vertical core holes were drilled at a nominal spacing of 500 m across the proposed
quarry area. Holes ranging in depth from 100 m to 225 m depending on the drill-hole collar
elevation. The base of each hole is approximately the 75 m elevation, which is the
conceptual base of the proposed pit.

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Surface samples were collected between most drill holes, and well as from road cuts along
the lower, southern portion of the proposed pit. The spacing between surface samples and
drill holes combined is approximately 200 m. Detailed mapping of geological and
geotechnical features was done at outcrops and roadcut exposures spaced at
approximately 150 m. Logging roads provide an excellent network of bedrock exposures
across the entire proposed quarry area. Given the relatively high percentage of bedrock
exposure (approximately 40%), it is unlikely that materials different than the granodiorite
exposed are present in the subsurface. Geological mapping, sampling, and drilling
demonstrate that the physical characteristics of the Corrigan granodiorite have a very high
continuity across the proposed quarry area.

1.5 Mineral Resource

The mineral resource estimate for the Eagle Rock Quarry Project comprised three

• demonstration of physical and chemical property homogeneity, i.e., mineral resource

• volume/tonnage estimate of material, i.e., mineral resource quantity
• marketability of the mineral resource.

Consideration of these components is necessary in order to classify an aggregate mineral

resource and is consistent with the guidelines for the reporting of industrial minerals in the
CIM definitions referred to in National Instrument 43-101.

Mapping and diamond drilling data showed that the Corrigan granodiorite displays uniform
textural and structural characteristics. The rock was demonstrated to be highly competent
and to contain a potentially favourable jointing pattern with respect to obtaining an even-
sized coarse fraction and angular fracture faces in resulting crushed material. Results of
key quality measurements used in assessing aggregate resources gave highly favourable
results. These included tests of LA Abrasion Resistance, Sulphate Soundness, Adsorption
and Bulk Density.

The volume and tonnage of the Corrigan granodiorite in the project area were estimated
from a 3-dimensional block model utilizing commercial mine planning software
(MineSight®). Model cell size was 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high.

Market studies support classification of the Corrigan granodiorite as a mineral resource as

specified in National Instrument 43-101, Companion Policy 43-101CP, Section 1.5a,
“Industrial Minerals”. Mineral resources do not have demonstrated economic viability until
all economic, design and other modifying factors are applied to demonstrate that the
resources can be extracted at a profit.

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No consistent classification guidelines for measured, indicated, and inferred mineral

resources are available for aggregate deposits. AMEC developed a protocol for the Eagle
Rock Quarry Project which incorporated research into existing methodology (e.g., The
Aggregate Handbook by the US National Stone Association), all data types (outcrop,
quarry and drill hole) and demonstrated Corrigan granodiorite characteristics. The
classification protocol consisted of two parts: defining limits at surface followed by a set of
rules for sub-surface projection. The remarkable continuity in observed and measured
characteristics allowed the highest level of confidence (Measured mineral resource) to be
declared up to 200 m laterally from a drill hole, if supported in that particular area by a
sampled quarry site. Indicated mineral resources were then defined as material within 2 x
400 m (the Measured distance). The remaining project surface area met this condition.
No surface Inferred Mineral Resource material is present.

Table 1-2: Eagle Rock Quarry Project – Mineral Resource Summary, 4 April 2002 2005
Volume Tonnage
Class (Mm ) (Mt)

Measured Mineral Resource 89.48 238.0

Indicated Mineral Resource 168.77 448.9
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource 258.25 686.9
Inferred Mineral Resource 8.64 23.0
Note: Bulk density value = 2.66; Mineral Resource calculated only to 75 m elevation.

Mineral Resources have not changed since April 2002.

1.6 Mining

Mining studies as part of the 2003 feasibility study were based upon the removal of
3.0 Mtpy of aggregate and scalpings in years 1 through 4, increasing production to
6.0 Mtpy in subsequent years. Scalpings are the product of a primary screening of the
shot rock from the quarry which ensures that any residual soil or organic overburden is
removed prior to the processing plant as it would be deleterious to quality aggregate
products. Equipment sizing is adequate for an operation of this size.

The preliminary quarry design uses an existing logging road as the pit crest, with inter-
ramp pit slopes of 45° projecting down to the pit base at 75 masl. Preliminary pit designs
incorporate three production phases using only Measured and Indicated Mineral
Resources. Total tonnage by phase is outlined in Table 1-3. Reserves have not been
declared because the feasibility study has not been completed; therefore the mineral
resources do not yet have a demonstrated economic viability. Preliminary quarry designs
instead ensure that the resources have reasonable expectations for future economic
extraction and therefore meet the CIM definition of mineral resources.

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Table 1-3: Eagle Rock Quarry Project Scheduled Tonnages

Phase (‘000 t)
I 14,516
II 39,438
III 488,299
Total 542,253

1.7 Process

A process plant was designed in the 2003 feasibility study to provide flexibility in handling
initial and future production rates and production of variable products. The plant is
comprised of the following components:

• primary crushing
• fine crushing and screening
• manufactured sand plant
• final sizing and washing
• storage/blending and ship loadout.

The proposed plant will produce five saleable product sizes through four-stage crushing
and screening. Product sizes are listed in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4: Product Sizes and Percentage of Production

Size Percent of Production
Manufactured Sand 26
4.8 x 9.5 mm (#4 x 3/8 inch) 19
9.5 x 13 mm (3/8 x ½ inch) 20
13 x 19 mm (1/2 x ¾ inch) 19
19 x 25 mm (3/4 x 1 inch) 16
Total 100

AMEC believes that process designs are at a level commensurate with a feasibility study.

1.8 Marine Facility and Shipping

The design of the Marine Facility was completed by Seabulk Systems Inc. in 2003. A site
plan and brief descriptions of the facilities and operation are included.
The site for the Marine Facility (north of Hocking Point) has been suitably chosen due to
both its sheltered location from southwesterly winds and the presence of deep, unimpeded,

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water close to shore. The site location has deep water relatively close to shore allowing a
solution to be utilised for mooring the ships using “stiff legs” or mooring supports anchored
to the shore, thus avoiding construction in the waters of the inlet.
AMEC has determined that the majority of deep-sea ships calling into Port Alberni facilities
are lumber carriers (maximum 56,800 dwt) destined for Japan. AMEC is not aware of any
navigational constraints for Panamax class vessels in the Alberni Inlet, but the use of such
vessels needs to be confirmed with the necessary authorities.

Ship loading rates were increased to 5,000 tph per Terra Nova Technologies (TNT, and
AMEC company) process plant feasibility study, Conveyor C54. It is recommended that
further investigation into freight portfolio management be undertaken as this cost has a
large net effect on the project IRR.

1.9 Infrastructure

Infrastructure issues, particularly accommodation, water supply and drainage and electrical
power supply were well addressed in the draft 2003 feasibility study. Appropriate site
preparation costs have been estimated. Infrastructure includes:

• power supply and substations

• service buildings
• access roads
• shiploader
• sedimentation ponds
• site drainage
• civil work.

1.10 Environmental

ERML was issued Environmental Assessment Certificate M03-01 on 17 September 2003

by the Province of British Columbia, executed by the Minister of Sustainable Resource
Management, the Minister of Energy and Mines, and the Minister of Water, Land and Air
Protection. This certificate covers the construction, operation, and dismantling of the Eagle
Rock Quarry and is subject to conditions outlined in the certificate document.

The main environmental issues and concerns have been highlighted and no potentially
significant flaws have been identified in the approach taken by ERML in addressing
environmental issues.

The most significant environmental issues associated with the project are related to
surface water, fisheries and visual impacts. Potential concerns have been adequately
highlighted and means of addressing these identified. ERML retained Klohn Crippen to

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conduct an environmental baseline study, to assess potential environmental impacts and

to prepare the Environmental Assessment Certificate Application Report. Klohn Crippen’s
scope of work is considered adequate to sufficiently expand on the initial environmental

Polaris took the approach to have First Nations and the local population involved early on
in the project. This would benefit the project and facilitate the permitting process. ERML
was subsequently formed, after completion of the resource evaluation phase, to be the
development company for Eagle Rock Quarry and provide the vehicle in which the First
Nations would own their project interests. The project could provide a boost to the local
depressed economy that relies highly on the forest sector.

1.11 Markets

ERML has retained United States-based consultants experienced in evaluating aggregate

markets and the development of marketing strategies. The lead consultant is Holmes
Reserves LLC (Holmes) whose principal, David A. Holmes, is an aggregate geologist with
more than 40 years’ experience in aggregate studies in the western United States. In
2001, Holmes completed a study of the California market for aggregates, concentrating on
the San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles basin areas. In 2005, Polaris commissioned
Holmes to update the earlier study and expand it to include the San Diego area. This later
report (Holmes 2005) provides a detailed assessment of the present supply, demand, and
structure of aggregate markets in the San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego regions,
as well as the strengths and weaknesses of major producers in these areas. The study
also provides a range of prices for concrete aggregate in each market, both FOB quarry
and delivered.

The large coastal urban centres of Los Angeles (17.4 million people), San Francisco
(6.8 million), and San Diego (2.8 million) continue to see significant population growth, yet
aggregate supplies are in a state of decline. Aggregate supplies are permanently deficient
and will need to be augmented with imports.

The San Francisco market will need an additional 12.6 Mst of new aggregate supply
annually by 2010. This shortfall may be met from several sources, including additional
production capacity at existing operations (e.g., Vulcan at Pleasanton); longer trucking
distances; development of rail distribution networks; and importation by sea. This new
source requirement may increase to as much as 18.1 Mstpy by 2015.

The Los Angeles basin (Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino
counties) will become significantly aggregate deficient by 2010, requiring new sources of
21.3 Mstpy by that time.

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San Diego is the seventh largest city in the nation and one of the four fastest-growing
metropolitan areas. Resources have been rapidly depleting at existing indigenous
sources, and replacements are hard to permit due to a variety of environmental factors and
resistance by local communities to quarrying.

Imports of sand by sea from British Columbia into San Diego began in 2005, although the
quantity is still relatively small. This market represents a significant future opportunity for
British Columbia imports if suitable dock terminal space can be developed.

Methods used by Holmes to investigate the price structure, supply, and demand balance
and the description of competitors in the market are appropriate and of sufficient accuracy
for a feasibility study.

Detailed research of sales prices by Holmes (2005) is considered to be proprietary and to

provide Polaris with a competitive advantage. To protect this information, AMEC reviewed
all detailed pricing information and made a judgement regarding the appropriateness of
ERML’s average selling prices, which vary depending on the point of delivery or
distribution. The pricing revealed in his study provides reasonable revenues above the
cost of production and shipping.

1.12 Capital Cost

AMEC’s reviewed capital cost estimates in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment report by
Polaris Minerals (predecessor of Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.). At this time, total capital
costs for mine, infrastructure, processing facilities, and loading facilities for a 3 Mtpy
production rate were estimated to be $83.9 million (2002 Canadian dollars) at an accuracy
of ±30%. AMEC’s review consisted of evaluation of the estimating approach,
completeness of capital items and total cost relative to similar operations. AMEC believed
that this estimate was low relative to site preparation costs that would be incurred, and that
a final estimate based on a more thorough estimating approach would be at or marginally
over the +30% of the expected range of accuracy.

Financial analyses performed in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment used the $83.9 million
capital cost estimate and 2002 operating costs.

Capital costs were updated in a 2003 feasibility study that was not completed because
Polaris decided to pursue development of the Orca Sand and Gravel Project near Port
McNeill, Vancouver Island, rather than continue development of the Eagle Rock Quarry.
The capital cost for Eagle Rock was re-estimated at $120.9 million (2003 Canadian dollars)
in the 2003 feasibility study. This estimate included direct field costs, plus indirect costs
associated with the design, construction and commissioning of the facilities at a 3 Mtpy
production rate. Direct costs included mining, site development, production facilities,
utilities, ancillary buildings, and loadout facilities. Cost estimates were based on design

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criteria, process flowsheets, general arrangement drawings, budget quotations from

vendors, AMEC’s database, and project work breakdown structures. AMEC quoted the
accuracy as being ±15% at an 80% confidence level.

Capital cost estimates have not been updated since March of 2003.

1.13 Financial Analysis

Financial analyses were completed as part of the 2002 preliminary assessment and
technical report (AMEC, 2002). These were not updated as part of the 2003 feasibility
study because the feasibility study was put in abeyance before it was entirely completed.
Operating costs for the quarry, processing and G&A were reviewed in the 2003 feasibility
study and found to be within 10% of the same cost centres estimated in 2002. Product
prices did not change. Shipping and dock facilities operating costs in the market areas
were not updated, but were assumed to be the same as in 2002. Changes in operating
costs were generally captured within sensitivity ranges of ±10% and ±20%. Capital costs
increased by 43% and therefore were not captured in the 2002 sensitivity analyses. The
impact of increased capital costs should be reviewed after reactivation of the project in the
future. Capital and operating costs will need to be updated again, and financial analyses
must be completed before reserves can be declared in the future.

A base case of a 3 Mtpy mining rate and a target case of 6 Mtpy mining rate were
completed in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment using two financing scenarios. Results for
a 100% equity and a 60/40 debt/equity mix are shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5: Summary of Results of Financial Analysis

Equity Debt/Equity

Base Case (3 Mtpy)

Internal Rate of Return 18.4% 25.1%
Equity Payback – Years 5.33 4.52
Capital Cost 83.9 83.9
Undiscounted Net Cash Flow 25 years 363.4 354.3
NPV of Net Cash Flow at 8% 84.7 91.1
Target Case (6 Mtpy)
Internal Rate of Return 22.3% 32.0%
Equity Payback – Years 5.82 4.72
Capital Cost 113.9 113.9
Undiscounted Net Cash Flow 25years 729.5 741.4
NPV of Net Cash Flow at 8% 178.4 198.9

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The results indicate after-tax returns varying from 18.4% to 32.0% depending on the case
and the financial leverage applied. Sensitivity analyses suggest that the performance of
the base case will decrease significantly as capital costs increase from $83.9 million to
$120 million. The impact of this on declaration of reserves will need to be examined in the

1.14 Conclusions and Recommendations

The following conclusions may be drawn from review of the Exploration Studies and the
Preliminary Assessment:

• ERML holds mineral development rights to crushed stone and dimension stone in an
area located 15 km south of Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, along the west shore of
the Alberni Inlet. ERML also has foreshore leases to provide docking facilities on the
• The Eagle Rock Quarry deposit consists of a relatively massive and uniform
granodiorite pluton. The hypidiomorphic-granular texture is conducive to production of
cubic and relatively consistent grain sizes upon crushing and tests performed to date
support these conclusions.
• ERML has mapped rock types and measured the orientations of major joint sets in
outcrops and road cuts. In addition, ERML drilled vertical core holes to provide a
reasonable three-dimensional coverage of the granodiorite. Core logging has
confirmed that the pluton within the area proposed for quarrying is a continuous,
relatively massive, medium-grained granodiorite. Mapping and core logging of
geotechnical and geological features has been done in accordance with industry
standard practices.
• American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) tests on quarry samples demonstrated
that the Corrigan granodiorite exceeds ASTM standards for concrete and asphalt
aggregate and is generally superior to competing materials in the California market.
• Outcrop mapping was performed and suggests a high degree of continuity in the
composition, texture, and structure of the granodiorite.
• Results of work to date suggest that the Corrigan granodiorite meets the criteria for a
crushed stone deposit with regard to quality, quantity, market, and transportation costs.
• Total Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources are 686.9 Mt of granite suitable for
production of crushed rock aggregate. Eighty percent of these resources are within a
preliminary pit designed with a base at the 75 m elevation and using 45° pit slopes.
• A feasibility study was conducted in 2003 addressing the design and capital cost of the
quarry, process plant and loading facilities. The plant will produce five saleable
aggregate product sizes through four-stage crushing and screening operations. The

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design allows for expansion from an initial capacity of 3 Mtpy during Years 1 through 4
to 6 Mtpy later in the project life as the mine production ramps up.
• A bulk loading terminal will be developed on the north side of Hocking Point. Product
will be moved to market utilizing Panamax or similar vehicles with a payload of
approximately 75,000 tonnes. The stockpile reclaim system will have a capacity of
5,000 tph. This reclaim capacity will allow the loading of a ship with a 24 hour
turnaround time.
• The site for the Marine Facility (north of Hocking Point) has been suitably chosen due
to both its sheltered location from southwesterly winds and the presence of deep,
unimpeded, water close to shore.
• Seabulk’s marine facility design will need to be further investigated as a ‘trade-off’
study during the next phase of the project development to determine the best option for
the project marine materials handling and shiploading facilities.
• AMEC has determined that the majority of deep-sea ships calling to Port Alberni
facilities are lumber carriers destined for Japan. AMEC is not aware of any
navigational constraints for Panamax class vessels in the Alberni Inlet.
• Infrastructure issues have been reasonably well addressed.
• The main environmental issues and concerns have been highlighted. No potentially
‘fatal flaws’ have been identified in the approach taken by ERML in addressing
environmental issues.
• The most significant environmental issues associated with this project are related to
surface water, fisheries and visual impacts. The potential concerns have been
highlighted and the means of addressing these identified. ERML retained Klohn
Crippen to conduct an Environmental Baseline Study, to assess potential
environmental impacts and to prepare the Environmental Assessment Certificate
Application Report. ERML received a Mine Permit approving the work system and
reclamation program for work located at the Eagle Rock Quarry. ERML has also
received an Environmental Assessment Certificate covering the construction,
operation, and dismantling of the Eagle Rock Quarry.
• The interests of local indigenous peoples (First Nations) have been accommodated in
the ownership structure of ERML which was formed in October 2002 specifically for
this purpose.
• Environmental and geotechnical work conducted by Frontier Geosciences adequately
addresses site preparation.
• Market studies in 2002 and market studies updated in 2005 reveal that the San
Francisco Bay region and the Los Angeles Basin are permanently deficient in
aggregate sources relative to demand and that a suitable market can be developed for
Eagle Rock Materials’ crushed rock aggregate.

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• Capital cost estimates for a 3 Mtpy operation increased from $83.9 million (Canadian
2002 dollars) at a preliminary assessment level in 2002 to $120 million (Canadian 2003
dollars) with feasibility-level estimates in March 2003. Accuracy of the 2003 estimate
is ±15% at an 80% confidence level. The impact of this change will need to be
assessed when the project is reactivated in the future.
• Financial analyses performed in 2002 revealed positive IRRs ranging from 18% to 32%
with the preliminary assessment capital costs. Sensitivity analyses show that the
project is most sensitive to operating costs and less so to capital costs, however
sensitivity ranges did not include increases as large as those found in the 2003 capital
cost update. Operating costs did not change from 2002 to 2003. Financial analyses
will need to be revised once the project is reactivated.
• Reserves have not been declared. Mineral resources do not yet have a demonstrated
economic viability, but do have reasonable expectations for future economic extraction.
• Annual holding costs total $18,424.83 and consist of the annual rental on the Crown
Lease and Foreshore Lease payments to the Port Alberni Port Authority. AMEC
recommends that these payments be continued.

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2.1 Introduction

Eagle Rock Materials Ltd. ((ERML), which is owned 70% by Polaris Minerals Corporation
(Polaris) and 30% by First Nations) commissioned AMEC E&C Services Limited (AMEC) to
provide an independent Qualified Person’s Review and Technical Report for the Eagle
Rock Quarry Project, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This report represents an
update of the Technical Report, Preliminary Assessment, Alberni Aggregates Project,
British Columbia, dated 4 April 2002, originally commissioned by Polaris Minerals. Mr.
Larry B. Smith R.Geo (USA), Manager of Mining and Metals Consulting for AMEC, served
as the Qualified Person responsible for preparation of the updated Technical Report as
defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, to
support disclosure of Mineral Resources as of 31 March 2003. Mr. Smith, in addition to
supervising the preparation of the Technical Report, conducted and supervised the review
of the geological data and the resource estimation work by AMEC. The format and content
of the report are intended to conform to Form 43-101F1 of National Instrument 43-101
(NI 43-101) of the Canadian Securities Administrators.

Mr. Smith was assisted by Frank Y Yu, P. Eng., for matters pertaining to materials handling
and processing, the marine facility, infrastructure and costs for the 2002 Technical Report.
Mr. Henri B Letient, P. Eng., assisted in matters pertaining to environment. Dr. Stephen
Juras, P.Geo., carried out resource estimates and developed resource classification
criteria. Mr. Mark Pearson, P. Eng., assisted in matters regarding pit designs, mining and
financial analyses in the 2002 Technical report. Quarry designs were updated in 2003 by
P. G. Beaudoin, P. Eng., Steven Hodgson, P. Eng., and Mark Pearson, P. Eng. as part of a
feasibility study managed by AMEC E&C Services Limited. Terra Nova Technologies
(TNT, an AMEC company) prepared the 2003 design and capital costs of the process plant
and conveyance facilities from the mine to the shiploader as part of this study.

Polaris initially conducted an extensive study of a number of potential aggregate sources

from Alaska to Mexico, and selected the Alberni Inlet site as one of the most favourable
areas on the Pacific coast of North America. In early 2001, Polaris commissioned G.R.
Rawsthorne and Associates (GRRA) to prepare a conceptual study on a potential
aggregate site located at Hocking Point in the Alberni Inlet. GRRA’s report was used to
support Crown Land and Foreshore Lease applications to cover the project.

During the period 7 January 2002 to 5 March 2002, Polaris conducted a geological
mapping and diamond-drilling program at the Eagle Rock Quarry Project. The program
was designed to test the physical and chemical characteristics of the crushed granitic rock
at Hocking Point for use as construction aggregate. ERML geologists Alex Boronowski
and Gary Nordin supervised the project. The area was mapped in detail and 1,529 m of
NQ2 size (50.08 mm diameter) diamond drilling in nine drill holes was completed. A

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detailed geological outcrop distribution map was completed over the area establishing the
uniformity and lateral continuity of the intrusive over an area measuring 2.0 km x 1.5 km.

Representative drill core intervals selected for sampling were cut in half. One-half was
utilized for a composite test sample and the other half was stored in the core box for future
reference. Seven surface rock samples and ten composite drill core samples were sent to
AMEC Laboratory in Burnaby, B.C., for testing of Specific Gravity and Absorption, Los
Angeles Abrasion and Impact Loss, Magnesium Sulphate Soundness Loss). Nine
selected drill core samples and two surface rock samples were sent to Vancouver
Petrographic for thin section study. The previous mentioned nine selected drill core
samples and six surface rock samples were sent to ALS Laboratory for 34 element ICP
and whole rock geochemical analysis.

Concurrent with exploration studies, ERML prepared a Preliminary Assessment (2002) of

the project. The Assessment included an evaluation of aggregate markets in California, a
review of options for shipping, consideration of appropriate mining, processing, and
reclamation plans, evaluation of social, economic and environmental planning factors,
development of preliminary capital and operating costs and preliminary financial modeling
of the proposed operation.

ERML commissioned AMEC E&C Services Limited in late 2002 to carry out a feasibility
study incorporating more detailed quarry designs, design of crushing, washing and
conveyance facilities, design of site infrastructure, dock loading facilities, capital, and
operating cost estimates, and environmental considerations. A majority of the feasibility
study was executed, but the study was not completed due to a corporate decision to delay
development of the project and instead pursue development of the Orca Sand and Gravel
Project, located near Port McNeill, Vancouver Island. Competed aspects of the feasibility
study were reviewed and incorporated in this update of the Technical Report.

ERML commissioned studies of major aggregate markets in California. D.A. Holmes, r.

Geol. (USA), an independent consulting geologist, completed these studies in March 2002
and in July 2005.

ERML holds a 50 year crown lease covering the upland portion of the project commencing
1 November 2005. An agreement has been made with the port authority and the land
owners for the foreshore portion of the project for the docking facilities and the draft lease
is being currently being negotiated.

ERML was issued a Mine Permit on 24 September 2003 for the Eagle Rock Quarry. They
were granted an Environmental Assessment Certificate on 17 September 2003 and a
conditional water license on 15 March 2005.

AMEC reviewed all pertinent geological information including geological maps, drill logs,
material quality tests, and the Preliminary Assessment prepared by ERML. This work was

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performed in sufficient detail to support preparation of a Technical Report. Mr. Larry B.

Smith conducted the review of data and performed an independent site inspection on 23
and 24 January 2002. Mr. Frank Y Yu and Mr. Henri F Letient conducted the review of the
Preliminary Assessment, and Mr. Yu performed an independent site visit on 15 March

A site visit was not necessary as part of this update to the Technical Report because no
exploration or site development activities have been undertaken since March 2002. All
work between March 2002 and the present have focussed on engineering designs and
environmental studies.

2.2 Terms of Reference

2.2.1 Aggregate

The term “aggregate” as applied to the Eagle Rock Quarry Project, is crushed stone
produced from the mining and crushing of granitic bedrock. The project does contain
some sand and gravel resources in elevated river terraces and reworked glacial till. ERML
may conduct more detailed investigations of these materials in the future, but at the
present time they not considered to represent a potential source of aggregates.
Construction aggregates are hard, essentially inert materials suitable for being formed into
a stable mass by the addition of cementing or binding materials that produce a concrete by
compaction, or used in their natural form to produce a road or foundation fill. Aggregates
are normally from 80% to 100% of the material volume of the construction mass in which
they are used (Herrick, 1994).

Accepted criteria for a commercial crushed stone deposit include (Herrick, 1994):

• Quality – the materials should pass rigid specifications for strength, durability and
chemical inertness (no sulphides)
• Quantity – there should be a volume of rock for a production life of 10 years or more,
preferably 20 years or more
• Market – there must be an adequate market to support development of the deposit
• Transportation – transportation costs must be competitive for the intended market
• Environmental – the environmental impacts of mining, processing and transportation of
crushed stone must be within acceptable limits
• Permitting – mining, processing, and transportation of the crushed stone must be
permitted by governmental agencies.

2.2.2 Chemical Properties of Aggregate

Chemical properties of crushed stone are important in determining its suitability for use in
cement, concrete, and road base. The aggregate most ideally should be inert and not

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change chemically during use. Some rocks contain minerals that are chemically reactive
in Portland cement, bituminous concrete or asphalt. In cement, alkali-silica reactivity can
occur when silica reacts with alkali in the cement to form a gel around aggregate particles.
The gel expands, causing spalling of the concrete. This generally occurs only where the
rock contains silica in the form of natural glass, chalcedony, opal, chert, finely divided
quartz, and strained quartz. A granodiorite such as the Eagle Rock Quarry granite will not
contain this type of silica.

Sulphides such as pyrite, if present in the rock, can react with oxygen and water to form
iron hydroxides and sulphates. This will produce discoloration and weakening of the

Rocks with high silica contents can have negative surface electrical charges and, as a
result, attract moisture. Moisture along the surface of the rock grain breaks down the
adhesion between the grain and bituminous material in asphalt, creating a condition called
stripping. For this reason, some quartzites, gneisses, granites, and schists with very high
quartz contents may induce stripping in asphalt. Surfactant chemicals are added to reduce
this effect. The Corrigan granodiorite has a relatively low quartz content (approximately
25% modal quartz).

2.2.3 Physical Properties of Aggregate

Physical properties critical for performance of crushed stone include strength or durability,
porosity and pore size, and volume integrity (maintenance of constant volume) while being
subjected to freezing and thawing conditions. The natural habit of breaking into cubic or
relatively cubic particles on crushing is also important.

Aggregate quality of igneous rocks like granite is determined by the strength of interlocking
bonds between quartz, feldspars, amphiboles, and biotite. Fine to medium grained, mafic
igneous rocks such as diabase, gabbro, and diorite are highly resistant to abrasion due to
the strength of interlocking grains. More felsic igneous rocks are less resistant to abrasion,
but generally have a strength that is quite suitable for use as aggregate.

Igneous rocks should not be appreciably weathered if being considered as a source of

crushed stone. Weathering transforms feldspars to argillaceous material and mafic
minerals form iron oxides.

2.2.4 Aggregate Specifications and Testing

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), U.S. Department of Transportation
(Federal Highway Commission), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and state highway
departments publish specifications for crushed stone used in construction in the United

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States. Specifications vary depending on the area, climate, and desired use. Tests follow
rigid protocols and include the following:

• Los Angeles Abrasion Test: This is a standardized test in which crushed material is
subjected to impact and abrasion from steel balls in a mill for a set amount of time.
The amount of material lost to fines is measured. Most specifications for bituminous
concrete and Portland cement require a lost of less than 40% to 50%.
• Soundness Test: The resistance to freezing and thawing is measured by subjecting
crushed materials to repeated cycles of immersion and drying in sodium or magnesium
sulphate solution. The amount of fines produced in the process is measured.
Specifications for bituminous concrete and Portland cement generally require
production of 15% or less fines.
• Gradation Test: The rock is crushed at variable starting sizes to determine the natural
gradation in grain sizes produced from each. Material with a uniform and wide range in
sizing (from coarse to fine) will be desirable for a product (such as foundation concrete)
different from one with a narrow range in grain sizes (such as drainage material).
Ranges allowable for each sieve size are relatively wide.
• Deleterious Materials: The amounts of deleterious materials such as organic matter,
chert, clay, coal, coke, shale, and soft particles are measured. No more than 0.25%
clay lumps, 2.0% soft fragments and 0.25% coal and lignite are allowed.
• Fines: A wash test is used to measure the amount of minus 200 Mesh material
naturally present or produced in crushing. Excessive fine material will prevent the
aggregate from draining freely or may form an unwanted coating on coarse particles,
which will require a binder to be added to the mix. Fines are present due to the natural
clay content of the material or the presence of clay-coated fracture planes in the rock.
Tests should indicate less than 0.5% excess fines. An unweathered granodiorite
should have very low natural fines.
• Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Test: The specific gravity and water absorption
is measured by water immersion. The specific gravity is used to determine the
Portland cement or bitumen concrete mixture. The amount of water absorption is
necessary to determine the amount of water that must be added in concrete mixes.
Granites generally have a specific gravity near 2.65 g/cm3 and relatively low water
• Particle Shape: Crushed particles should be as cubic as possible with a minimum of
flat and elongated pieces. Metamorphic rocks or sheared rocks often have a platy
cleavage and produce an unacceptable amount of flat particles. Bituminous concrete
and Portland cement specifications require less than 15% elongated particles.
Uniform, medium grained granodiorite should produce few elongated particles during

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ERML tested the Corrigan granodiorite using the Los Angeles Abrasion Resistance,
Magnesium Sulphate Soundness, Water Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity tests.
These tests provide the most important measures of suitability for crushed-rock aggregate
and are adequate at the present stage of the project. Future studies should include
Gradation and Particle Shape tests to provide more detailed information to potential

2.2.5 Units of Measure

All dollar figures ($) in this report refer to Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated as
United States dollars (US$). Project exploration data use the SI system of measurement
and this is retained throughout the report with the exception of discussion of United States
markets for aggregate, where sales units are customarily quoted in U.S. dollars per short
ton. AMEC converted English sales units in the marketing report by D.A. Holmes to US$/t
to ensure conformity between resource estimates, production units and sale price units.
All references to prices for aggregate in this report are US$/t.

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AMEC’s review of the Eagle Rock Quarry Project relied on the following reports by ERML’s
consultants in regards to the description of mineral leases, geotechnical investigations,
process designs, marketing, shipping, loading facilities and environmental considerations.
AMEC used this information under the assumption that each was prepared by a Qualified

• AMEC E&E Limited, 2003, Geotechnical Investigation, Eagle Rock Quarry.

• G.R. Rawsthorne and Associates, Inc., April 2001, Conceptual Study in Support of the
Proposed Alberni Aggregates Project.
• David A. Holmes, 14 March 2002, Preliminary Report on the Market for Aggregates
from Canadian Coastal Sources to California Markets.
• David A. Holmes, July 2005, Market Report for Polaris Minerals Corporation,
Evaluating Present and Future Construction Aggregate Supply and Demand in the San
Francisco Bay and Southern California Market Areas.
• Eagle Rock Materials Ltd., 2003 Eagle Rock Quarry Project EIA, Final Application
Report, January 2003.
• Vancouver Petrographics, Ltd., March 2002, Petrographic Examination of Eleven Core
• Simpson, Spence & Young (Canada), March 2002, An Ocean Transportation Study.
• Seabulk Systems Inc. 2003, Design of Shiploading Facilities
• Terra Nova Technologies, 2003, Feasibility Study Process Plant Design, Eagle Rock
Quarry Project.

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4.1 Location

The Eagle Rock Quarry Project property is located 15 km south of Port Alberni, Vancouver
Island (Figure 4-1). It is adjacent to the Alberni Inlet, immediately west of Hocking Point.
The centre of the property is at latitude 49°5.25’ North and longitude 124°51’ West. The
property is reached by traveling 28 km on the Macktush Creek and Cous Creek main
logging roads along the west side of the Alberni Inlet. The Island Timberlands Limited
Partnership (ITLP) maintains these roads. The property can also be reached by boat
15 km from Port Alberni.

4.2 Mineral Tenure

ERML holds a 50 year Crown Lease for exploitation of crushed rock and sand and gravel
resources covering the entire area of granodiorite, sand and gravel being considered for
mining. This lease (District Lot 2173) covers 339 ha and commences 1 November 2005
(Figure 4-2). Mineral claim and lease boundaries have been surveyed. An annual rental
of Cdn$8,424.83 is presently payable. Royalties come into effect once production actually
commences. The location of the proposed quarry and infrastructure are shown on
Figure 4-3.

Polaris originally staked two foreshore lease applications (FLAs) of 25 ha and 6 ha to

provide docking facilities north and south of Hocking Point. ERML subsequently dropped
the 25 ha lease to the south in favour of extending the 6 ha lease to 12.5 ha to the north of
Hocking Point where water conditions were much better. The draft lease for District Lots
2177 and 2178 (Figure 4-3) is being negotiated presently. This foreshore area is located
to the north of Hocking Point and is suitable for ship loading according to a sonar survey.
ERML has a verbal agreement with the new Chief Executive of the Port Alberni Port
Authority to an annual rent of Cdn$10,000 which will be ratified at a forthcoming board
meeting. A small wharfage fee (royalty) is payable once shipments commence.

Table 4-1: Land Tenure

Claim Tenure Mining Map Expiry

Name Number Owner Division Number Units Date

Alberni 385367 Eagle Rock Materials Ltd. Alberni 092F02W 20 29 March 2010

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Figure 4-1: Project Location Map

Eagle Rock Quarry


0 15


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Figure 4-2: Lease Tenure

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Figure 4-3: Location of Proposed Quarry, Plant, and Infrastructure

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4.3 Permits and Agreements

A Mine Permit was issued by the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Energy and
Mines on 24 September 2003. This permit (Q-219) approves the work system and
reclamation program for work located at the Eagle Rock Quarry. An amendment to this
report was issued on 2 June 2005 regarding reclamation security. The permit is subject to
conditions on the work system, protection of land and watercourses, and reclamation
program outlined in the permit document.

Environmental Assessment Certificate M03-01 was issued on 17 September 2003 by the

Province of British Columbia signed by the Minister of Sustainable Resource Management,
the Minister of Energy and Mines, and the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection. This
certificate covers the construction, operation and dismantling of the Eagle Rock Quarry
and is subject to conditions outlined in the certificate document.

No federal approvals are required for the Eagle Rock Quarry Project. The Coast Guard
approved ship loader plans confirming that ERML did not require a Navigable Waters
Protection Act permit.

The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District fully rezoned the Eagle Rock Quarry in July 2003
from forest reserve to a combination of heavy industrial, waterfront industrial, and
waterfront conservation and public use.

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The Eagle Rock Quarry Project is reached by traveling 28 km southwest of Port Alberni on
ITLP’s Macktush Creek and Cous Creek main logging roads. The proposed quarry area is
comprised of low, tree-covered hills, which have been extensively logged, along the west
side of the Alberni Inlet. This area can also be reached by boat at a distance of 15 km
southwest of Port Alberni.

The west side of Vancouver Island has a relatively humid and cool climate. Average
daytime temperature in the summer is mid 20°C. The average temperature in winter is
approximately 0°C. West Vancouver Island is one of the wettest environments in the
Pacific Northwest. Annual rainfall is in excess of 100 cm.

Topography at the project is moderate, consisting of a series of terraces that rise from sea
level along the shore of the inlet to an elevation of 333 m at a point 1.5 km west of Hocking
Point. Bounded by Featherstone Creek on the north, which empties into the Macktush
Inlet immediately to the south of the Macktush campsite, and by Cook Creek on the south,
the proposed quarry site forms a broad hill approximately 2 km x 1.2 km. This hill is
located immediately west of a large topographic bench, which is immediately above
tidewater (Figure 5-1). The lower bench is approximately 700 m wide and 1.2 km long and
has an elevation of from 50 m to 80 m. The northern end of the bench is shown on in the
lower right portion of Figure 5-1. The flattest, southern portion of the bench is shown in
Figure 5-2.

The western half of the bench contains sand and gravel deposits. The east half of the
bench is proposed as a site for stockpiling and conveying of crushed rock. The proposed
quarry area is not cut by perennial streams and has numerous areas where ponds can be
constructed for settling fines washed from crushed rock.

The proposed quarry area has been the site of logging for most of the last century.
Existing trees consist mainly of low-value, second-generation growth. Logging roads criss-
cross the area and provide excellent access for drilling and geological mapping.

Port Alberni is a deep-water port serviced by a community of approximately 19,000

inhabitants. The timber industry and related shipping has been the main source of
commerce, but these activities have decreased significantly in the last decade. The local
labour force is highly skilled.

The Alberni Inlet is 30 km long and is routinely navigated by ships by lumber carriers of
from 43,000 to 56,800 dwt. The Pacific Pilotage Authority located at Cape Beale manages
pilotage within the Inlet. Tugs are available in Port Alberni.

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Figure 5-1: Proposed Site of Eagle Rock Quarry, Looking North Towards Port Alberni

Figure 5-2: Lower Bench Proposed for Processing Plant Site

During the course of the feasibility study BC Hydro confirmed that they would make power
available to be supplied through a 25 kV overhead pole line from Port Alberni to the quarry
site along existing logging roads. Budget prices were sought from three specialist
contractors and were of a similar magnitude to the cost of an on-site diesel generation
facility. It should be noted that the Environmental Assessment Certificate was issued on
the basis of on-site diesel power generation and that an amendment will be required if the
BC Hydro grid supply is to be pursued. However, as the use of a grid supply will produce a
significant improvement to the emissions from the facility, it can be anticipated that such an
amendment will be readily obtained. Agreements for easements for the pole line over the
lands between Alberni and the quarry site will also be required and it is understood that
ITLP and the Crown are the two land owners for the proposed route.

Water for product washing and domestic use (non potable) will be obtained from holding
ponds constructed near the processing facilities with water diverted from South Creek.

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Polaris conducted a review of potential quarry sites in 2001 ranging from Mexico to Alaska.
This work resulted in the identification of the Eagle Rock site as the most suitable. In early
2001, Polaris commissioned G.R. Rawsthorne and Associates to prepare a conceptual
study of the aggregate site. This report was used to support Polaris’ Crown Land
application and Foreshore Lease applications.

Alex Boronowski, independent geologist for Polaris and Gary Nordin and Michael Beley,
both directors of Polaris, began an exploration program in January 2002 to better define
the development potential of granite resources on the property. This program included the
following detailed work:

• geological mapping of outcrops and roadcut exposures covering the entire proposed
• collection of seven surface samples of granodiorite for use in materials testing,
- Los Angeles Abrasion Resistance
- Magnesium Sulphate Soundness
- Absorption
- Bulk Specific Gravity
• nine core holes, drilled to the conceptual base of the proposed quarry
• detailed geological and geotechnical logging of drill core
• collection of ten composite samples from drill core for materials testing
• point load tests on drill core and surface samples
• thin section studies of seven core samples
• geochemical and whole-rock analyses of seven core samples.

Work was designed to determine the suitability of granodiorite for use as concrete and
asphalt aggregate and to demonstrate the continuity of these characteristics within the
area of interest.

Concurrent with exploration studies, Polaris prepared a Preliminary Assessment of the

project. The Assessment included an evaluation of aggregate markets in California, review
of options for shipping, consideration of appropriate mining, processing, and reclamation
plans, evaluation of social, economic, and environmental planning factors, development of
preliminary capital and operating costs and preliminary financial modeling of the proposed

Polaris also commissioned studies of major aggregate markets in California. D.A. Holmes
completed these studies in March 2002 and July 2005.

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In October 2002, ERML was formed as a venture with equity of 70% Polaris Minerals
Corporation and 30% First Nations joint venture. The Hupacasath and Ucluelet First
Nations each own 10% of the venture. The remaining 10% is presently held in trust for the
third First Nation, the Tseshaht, who also claim the project to be within their traditional
territory, until they make a final decision regarding their participation in the development of
the quarry.

In late 2002, ERML commissioned AMEC to complete a feasibility study of the Eagle Rock
Quarry Project, including updated quarry designs, design of process facilities and
infrastructure, geotechnical investigations, environmental considerations, project execution
plan and capital and operating cost estimates. The study was continued until March 2003,
but was not entirely completed because Polaris made the strategic decision to develop the
Orca Sand and Gravel deposit near Port McNeill, Vancouver Island first and defer
development of the Eagle Rock Quarry.

ERML was granted a 50 year crown lease covering the upland portion of the project
commencing 1 November 2005. An agreement was made with the port authority and the
land owners for the foreshore portion of the project for the docking facilities and the draft
lease is being currently being negotiated.

ERML was issued a Mine Permit on 24 September 2003 for the Eagle Rock Quarry. They
were granted an Environmental Assessment Certificate on 17 September 2003 and a
conditional water license on 15 March 2005.

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7.1 Regional Geology

The Eagle Rock Quarry Project is located in the southern part of the Insular Belt of the
Canadian Cordillera. The region is underlain by Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic age
sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, which are partitioned by a northwesterly-
aligned structural fabric (Figure 7-1). Devonian calc-alkaline, marine volcanic rocks of the
Sicker Group are the oldest rocks in the region. These are present north of the project
near the head of the Alberni Inlet. Tholeiitic lavas of the Triassic Karmutsen Formation
overlie the Sicker Group. Karmutsen volcanic rocks underlie most of the area surrounding
the proposed quarry site. Early Jurassic (181 to 142 Ma) granitic plutons of the Island
Intrusive suite, which is the same age as Bonanza Formation volcanic rocks, intrude all
layered sequences. The plutons occur as a series of relatively small, three to ten kilometre
long stocks, most commonly located within the cores of anticlines.

The metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Alberni Inlet region are folded
along northwest trends within a broad anticlinorium termed the Buttle Lake Anticlinorium.
The anticlinorium is characterized by broad, open folds in the Karmutsen volcanics and
more irregular folds and thrust faults in the Sicker Group and Bonanza Group volcanics.
Folds are cut by frequent faults and shear zones orthogonal to fold axes.

The northwest trending, Cowichan Anticlinorium is the most prominent feature in the
Alberni region, located near the top of Alberni Inlet. Subsidiary folds are both parallel and
oblique to the trend. The subsidiary Macktush Anticline in the project area displays a
broad open fold in the massive lavas of the Triassic age Karmutsen Formation, with an
axial plane strike of 315° azimuth and symmetrical dips of 30°. A felsic granitic intrusion
on the westerly flank of the Corrigan Pluton intrudes massive pillow lavas of the Triassic
age Karmutsen Formation along the axis of the anticlinorium in the project area.

7.2 Local Geology

7.2.1 General

Three mappable rock units are present in ERML’s Eagle Rock Quarry Project: a Jurassic
age granitic intrusion of the Island Intrusive Suite, a quartz-feldspar porphyry dyke and the
Triassic age Karmutsen Formation consisting of massive basaltic lavas (Figure 7-2).

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Figure 7-1: Regional Geology

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Figure 7-2: Site Geology

Geological Map
Eagle Rock Quarry

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The granitic intrusive underlies the majority of the project area. It measures 3 km x 2 km
and intrudes Karmutsen lavas in the core of the Macktush anticline along a north trend.
The quartz feldspar porphyry dyke intrudes the granitic intrusive in the centre of the project
area along an east-west trend. It varies in width from 5 m to 30 m and has been mapped
along a strike of 800 m. Karmutsen Formation massive basaltic lavas are present in the
northeast and southwestern margins of the project area and are in fault contact with the
granitic intrusive.

7.2.2 Karmutsen Formation

Dark green massive chloritic altered volcanic rocks of the mapped Karmutsen Formation
are exposed on the northeast and southwestern margin of the map area. They are in fault
contact with the granitic intrusive. The lavas are tholeiitic in composition and occur as
rusty brown weathering, dark grey to green massive amygdaloidal lava. The lavas contain
prominent glomeroporphyritic plagioclase in aphanitic groundmass.

7.2.3 Corrigan Pluton – Granodiorite

ERML has only studied the Corrigan pluton in the quarry area in detail. Some mapping
and descriptions are available from Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 498 (Yorath,
Southerland Brown and Massey, 1999) and Geological Survey of Canada Paper 72-44
(Carson, 1973). The proposed quarry site is approximately 1.5 km across and is
positioned in the centre of the pluton, away from areas that potentially could have a high
frequency of volcanic inclusions or zones of more intense shearing.

Gary Nordin and Alex Boronowski of Polaris developed the following information from
detailed mapping. Information is consistent with AMEC’s observations of outcrops and
road cuts during a site visit on 23 and 24 January 2002. The intrusive is a light grey-white
weathering, non-foliated granodiorite. It is medium grained, slightly porphyritic, uniform
granodiorite to potassium quartz diorite. The granodiorite consists mainly of from 45% to
75% plagioclase generally with more calcic cores and sodic rims, anhedral to subhedral
1 mm to 3 mm crystals. Quartz ranges from 15% to 25% as interstitial 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm
crystals containing a few inclusions of mafic grains and K-spar. Potassium feldspar
averages 10% to 15% and occurs as anhedral 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm grains. Many grains
contain dusting of hematite with patches of calcite-epidote replacement. Mafic minerals
comprise from four to five percent of the rock and consist mainly of 0.3 mm to 0.88 mm
crystals of biotite with or without hornblende, with slight alteration to chlorite. Opaque
minerals average from 0.3% to 0.5% and are generally magnetite.

The dominant alteration is propylitic with slight alteration of the feldspars to chlorite and
sericite, and biotite partly altered to chlorite. Potassium feldspar contains dusty hematite
and patches of carbonate-epidote. Inclusions of fine to medium-grained diorite or meta-
volcanics comprise less than 1% of the rock.

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AMEC observed in its field examination that small dikes and local zones of leucocratic,
fine-grained phases are also present. One felsic dike from two to five metres wide cuts
east-west through the centre of the granodiorite and has been mapped by ERML as a
separate geological unit. The dike area is a dark green siliceous dacite dyke with from
15% to 20%, 2 mm to 3 mm quartz and feldspar subhedral crystals in a very fine grained
dark green siliceous groundmass with sericite-ankerite alteration.

Leucocratic zones are relatively small (a few metres across) and irregular. Small (1 cm to
5 cm) inclusions of mafic Karmutsen volcanic rocks are common, but rarely exceed more
than a few percent of the rock. Figure 7-3 is a photograph of relatively typical Corrigan
granodiorite exposed at site Q1 in the eastern portion of the proposed quarry. Figure 7-4
is a photograph of granodiorite with felsite zones in the northeastern portion of the
proposed quarry.

The principal geological observations in the core and on outcrop in the uniform granitic
body are the nature and orientation of the joint sets and fracture zones. The intrusive body
is in contact with Triassic age pillow lavas of the Karmutsen Formation on the extreme
northeast and southwestern margins of the map area. The contact on the northeast is
along a sharp shear contact with strike 150° and dip of 40° west. A strong fracture zone
marks the southwestern contact and no dip attitudes were observed.

7.2.4 Petrography of Granodiorite

Thin section studies reveal no petrographic characteristics that may be deleterious, nor the
presence of undesirable minerals such as opal, chert and chalcedony.

All samples but one are of a medium grained granodiorite to locally potassic quartz
diorite. (The boundary between these is taken at 10% K-feldspar.) A few samples are
slightly to moderately porphyritic, but most are equigranular. Many contain subhedral,
growth-zoned plagioclase grains (probably oligoclase/andesine composition) with
interstitial patches of quartz and K-feldspar; in many samples, K-feldspar rims plagioclase
grains. Quartz commonly is concentrated moderately in coarse patches, some of which
contain mafic inclusions. Mafic minerals are dominated by biotite with minor to
moderately abundant hornblende. Oxide minerals are dominated by magnetite with much
less abundant ilmenite. (Because no polished sections were examined, opaque minerals
were distinguished by the magnetic property of the rock and by alteration textures.
Accessory minerals include apatite and zircon.

One sample is of a porphyritic dacite dike with phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende,

quartz, and minor biotite in a variable groundmass, partly extremely fine grained and
partly very fine grained. The latter also contains patches with well developed plagioclase

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Figure 7-3: Corrigan Granodiorite at Q1 Site in Eastern Portion of Proposed Quarry

Figure 7-4: Corrigan Granodiorite in Northeastern Portion of Proposed Quarry

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The dominant alteration is of the propylitic type. Samples show a moderate variation in
alteration intensity both within and between samples from fresh to strongly altered.
Alteration intensity varies between minerals, generally being more intense in mafic
minerals than in feldspars. Plagioclase is altered to sericite and less commonly to
Mineral X [orthorhombic calc-silicate]; alteration to Mineral X commonly is more intense
near veinlets of Mineral X. Locally plagioclase is altered to intergrowths of Mineral X
and epidote. Alteration of plagioclase generally is more intense in the more-calcic parts
of the grains. K-feldspar contains abundant dusty hematite and locally is replaced
slightly by irregular patches of calcite or epidote. Biotite is partly altered towards
chlorite (pleochroism from pale to light or medium brown), and partly replaced by
pseudomorphic chlorite, commonly with patches and lenses of epidote and/or Mineral
Y. Some biotite grains contain secondary lenses of Mineral X along cleavage planes.
Hornblende is partly altered to pseudomorphic tremolite/actinolite; pleochroism varies
from light to medium brownish green in the freshest grains to pale to light green in more
altered grains. Some hornblende grains are altered completely to variable intergrowths
of two or more of calcite, chlorite, quartz, and minor epidote. Magnetite may be altered
to hematite in some samples, but based on the moderate magnetism of many of the
samples it probably is mainly fresh. Ilmenite commonly is fractured moderately and
replaced along fractures by chlorite and leucoxene.

Interstitial patches generally comprise less than 1% of the samples. They vary widely in
texture and composition. Most of the largest patches are dominated by chlorite, with or
without minor Mineral X and epidote. A few patches are dominated by Mineral X; a few are
dominated by epidote or allanite. Some contain minor calcite. Commonly plagioclase and
less commonly quartz have euhedral grain terminations against interstitial patches.

Thin section studies reveal no petrographic characteristics that may be deleterious, nor the
presence of adverse alteration minerals.

The granodiorite is locally faulted and sheared, but these structures are relatively
infrequent. Faults are apparent in the alignment of stream drainages and weathered
zones, or are exposed in road cuts. Figure 7-5 is a photograph of a one-meter wide zone
of shearing exposed in a road cut in the southern portion of the proposed quarry. ERML
has mapped seven fault or fracture zones within the proposed quarry. They form an
orthogonal set with attitudes of 270°/80° north, 030°/85° east and 270°/10° to 30° north.
The rocks are chlorite-sericite altered for widths from two to 80 m along these principal
fault-fracture zones. The joint sets are generally parallel to these faults.

Regional mapping shows no displacements of the granite-volcanic contacts along these

faults. The alteration along these fault-fracture zones is probably due to late magmatic
fluids. The three main fault-fracture sets are located along the north and west limits of the
quarry area. Mapped widths of fracturing, alteration, and low Rock Quality Designations

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Figure 7-5: Narrow Shear Zone in Granodiorite, Southern Portion of Proposed Quarry

(RQD) are 20 m to 80 m. These fracture zones have controlled the erosion of the granitic
pluton creating a circular rounded knob, which is the planned quarry site with a topographic
high of 333 m above sea level. Four smaller fracture zones are located in the central
portion of the project area with widths of 10 m to 30 m. The widest zone is parallel to the
southern margin of a quartz-feldspar-porphyry (dacite) dyke along a trend of 080°/80°

Based on core drilling and outcrop mapping, strongly fractured and veined zones appear to
comprise a small volume of the granodiorite.

The Corrigan granodiorite is moderately jointed. Dominant joint patterns are:

• azimuth of 330° to 030°, dip of 90° to 70° east and west

• azimuth of 60° to 120°, dip of 90° to 70° north and south
• azimuth of 60° to 120°, dip of 20° to 40° north and south.

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7.2.5 Sand and Gravel Deposits

Sand and gravel deposits are present locally on the lower topographic terrace immediately
west of Hocking Point. These deposits appear to be reworked glacial material and are
comprised mostly of silty sand. The sand and gravel occur over an area up to 0.5 km wide
and 1.2 km long. The thickness and continuity of the sands has not been determined with
drilling or trenching. Figure 7-6 shows a borrow cut in sand and gravel at the northern end
of the lower bench.

Figure 7-6: Sand and Gravel Deposits on Lower Topographic Bench

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The Eagle Rock Quarry Project deposit consists of a relatively massive and uniform
granodiorite pluton. The Corrigan granodiorite is generally unweathered and unaltered and
contains very few zones of strong fracturing and shearing that may produce deleterious
fines. The granodiorite is medium grained, locally porphyritic and is comprised of 40% to
50% plagioclase, 20% potassium feldspar, 25% fine-grained clouded quartz, 15% coarse
hornblende, 1% biotite and 1% magnetite. The hypidiomorphic-granular texture of
interlocking grains of plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, hornblende, and biotite
create a relatively strong rock with reasonable resistance to impact and abrasion. This
texture also is conducive to production of cubic and relatively consistent grain sizes upon
crushing. Los Angeles Abrasion tests and Sulphate Soundness tests performed to date
support these conclusions.

Local dykes and zones of fine-grained, quartz-feldspar porphyry and leucocratic

granodiorite are present. These are generally more dense and siliceous than the main
granodiorite body.

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Mineralization at the Eagle Rock Quarry Project consists of a granodiorite that is suitable
for use as a crushed-rock aggregate. Characteristics of the granodiorite are described in
detail in Section 7.0 of this report.

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10.1 Introduction

Polaris developed an exploration program to define the continuity of physical and chemical
characteristics of the Corrigan granodiorite over the entire area proposed for quarrying.
This program consisted of the following elements:

• detailed mapping of outcrops and road cuts

• collection of bulk samples from road cuts for materials testing
• drilling nine core holes at a nominal spacing of 0.5 km. Design depth of each core hole
was the base of the proposed quarry (75 m elevation)
• detailed geological and geotechnical logging of core
• sampling of core for materials testing
• thin-section studies
• geochemical analyses of seven granodiorite samples.

10.2 Geological Mapping

10.2.1 Methods

Logging roads transverse a majority of the proposed quarry site. Roads generally follow
natural terraces in the granite and are spaced at nominal horizontal and vertical intervals of
from 200 m to 300 m and from 50 m to 75 m, respectively. Although vegetation is
relatively thick, outcrops of bedrock comprise from 25% to 40% of south-facing slopes in
the quarry area. Outcrops are scarcer along the north edge of the proposed quarry where
slopes are north facing. The availability of outcrops and road cuts is highly advantageous
for mapping physical characteristics of the granodiorite and structures such as fault and
fracture zones.

Outcrop and roadcut exposures are almost continuous between drill holes and the
granodiorite intrusive is highly uniform throughout this area. Materials quality testing of the
rock for construction aggregate purposes included Los Angeles Abrasion and Impact
Losses, Magnesium Sulphate Soundness Losses, Absorption and Specific Gravity.
Testing was conducted on representative drill core samples from each drill hole and seven
large rock surface samples (Q1-Q3, Q8-Q11) located throughout the planned quarry area.

Polaris geologists Alex Boronowski and Gary Nordin mapped road cuts and outcrops in the
period between 8 January and 5 March 2002. Geological and geotechnical features were
logged at points spaced at a nominal 150 m throughout the map area. The mapping was
carried out in a manner that produced data for a majority of surface exposures throughout
the entire planned quarry area at elevations from approximately 100 m to the top of the hill
at 333 m. A total of 143 sites were mapped.

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Mapping was done on a 1:5,000 scale orthophotograph with 5 m elevation contours. The
orthophotograph was produced by Eagle Mapping of Port Coquitlam from a September
2001, colour, 1:35,000 scale aerial photograph supplied by Weyerhaeuser. Locations
were determined with non-geodetic grade, hand-held Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
GPS accuracy is ±5 m.

Outlines of outcrops and roadcut exposures were drawn on the orthophotograph during
mapping. Geological and geotechnical data were recorded directly on tabular data sheets
in the field, using the Knight Piésold geotechnical manual, “Field Procedures Manual –
Geotechnical Data Collection for Exploration Geologists.” The following information was

• weathering
• alteration
• structure type: fault, fracture, joint, schistosity, veining, etc.
• jointing:
- strike and dip
- infilling
- aperture (openness)
- roughness
- shape
- persistence (length)
- spacing (distance between joints)
- presence of water.
• rock field strength (from hammer blows).

Polaris plotted major joint sets on a 1:5000 scale geological map using conventional joint
symbols. Each joint set is annotated with the persistence and spacing of those sets.
Locations were established with a non-geodetic grade Global Positioning System (GPS).
Location accuracy is approximately ±5 m.

10.2.2 Joint Mapping

Jointing is the dominant mappable feature observed in the uniform granite. Polaris
measured Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and joint orientations at all surface geological
data points and performed detailed logging of joint condition, number of joints and RQD
measurements on drill core.

RQD and joint frequency per metre are shown on vertical cross sections developed by
AMEC using Polaris data (Example, Figure 10-1). In addition, AMEC also plotted RQD
measurements on a topographic plan of outcrop locations for the property (Figure 10-2).

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Figure 10-1: Materials Quality, Jointing and RQD, Section North 5439750

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Figure 10-2: Plan Map of RQD Measurements, Surface Sites

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The Corrigan granodiorite is a very competent rock with an average recorded range RQD
on surface and drill core of 40% to 100% with an average of 70% to 80%.

There are three principal joint sets on the Project described as follows:

Set 1: Azimuth strike 330° to 030°

Dip 70°to 90° East and West
Persistence 1 m to 3 m
Frequency 0.20 m to 0.50 m
Set 2: Azimuth strike 60° to 120°
Dip 70° to 90° North and South
Persistence 1 m to 10 m
Frequency 0.5 m to 2.0 m
Set 3: Azimuth strike 60° to 120°
Dip 20° to 40° North and South
Persistence 2 m to 10 m
Frequency 2 m to 6 m

The steeply dipping north trending joint set is generally the most dominate joint on surface
outcrops with a spacing frequency of 20 cm to 50 cm. The joints form a horsetail pattern of
branching joints and fractures. The joints are tight and best exposed on weathered rock
surfaces or in a blasted quarry site.

The east-west trending joints form predominant bluff faces throughout the property with
steeply dipping generally south facing scarps of 5 m to 20 m.

The flat lying joint set generally strike east west and form large flat terraces throughout the
property. The forestry access roads generally follow these benches. The lower planned
facilities area is on a large 50 m to 70 m elevation bench, which has been created by
glacier action.

The orientation and frequency of jointing in the Corrigan granodiorite should be beneficial
to excavation of an even-sized coarse fraction prior to placement of materials in a primary
crusher. Optimal blasting design will need to be determined to produce the best
combination of feed to the primary crusher and limit production of fines. The jointing may
also be beneficial to development of angular (square) fracture faces in crushed rock, a
desirable characteristic for asphalt aggregate.

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11.1 Drilling Program

Polaris drilled nine NQ2 (50 mm diameter) core holes totalling 1,529.5 m. The location of
these holes is shown in Figure 11-1. Core holes are located from 300 m to 500 m apart
and were positioned to determine the continuity of granodiorite and any other rock types
within the full extent of the proposed quarry. All holes are vertical. Depths range from
100 m to 225 m depending on the collar elevation. The base of the concept quarry
(elevation of 80 m) was used to determine the depth of each hole. Hole locations were
established with a non-geodetic grade GPS. Acid bottle tests were used at the base of
each hole to estimate deviations from vertical. No significant deviations were noted.

Geological and geotechnical logging was performed by Polaris geologists Alex Boronowski
and Gary Nordin during the period between 8 January and 5 March 2002. Logging was
performed at a facility in Port Alberni where the core is presently secured in storage.
AMEC reviewed drill cores from holes A01-02 through A05-02 on 24 January 2002 and
compared drill logs to actual core.

Table 11-1: Core Holes – Eagle Rock Quarry

UTM Easting UTM Northing Collar Elevation Depth
Drill Hole (m) (m) (m) (m)
A01-02 365582.2 5439768.5 175.5 103.62
A02-02 365329.6 5439346.5 170.0 100.27
A03-02 364884.6 5439219.0 203.6 151.78
A04-02 364436.6 5439052.0 203.7 124.35
A05-02 365165.5 5440013.0 219.2 141.12
A06-02 365211.3 5439719.0 265.9 203.59
A07-02 364307.8 5439706.5 307.4 206.64
A08-02 364772.4 5439831.0 295.7 224.93
A09-02 364994.8 5439613.0 295.0 224.93

Core was drilled with a 3.3 m core barrel. Core recovery was generally 100% with local
short intervals (0.1 m to 0.3 m) of 75% to 90% recovery in highly fractured and faulted
zones. Average recovery was 98%. Core was placed in 4 m wooden boxes and
transported to a logging and storage facility in Port Alberni. The core was then washed,
photographed with a digital camera and logged for geological and geotechnical elements.

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Figure 11-1: Location of Drill holes and Surface Quarry Samples

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11.2 Core Logging

Core was logged using the Knight Piésold geotechnical manual, “Field Procedures
Manual-Geotechnical Data Collection for Exploration Geologists.” The following features
were logged:

• drilled interval
• core recovery
• rock quality designation (RQD)
• hardness
• number of Joints
• joint condition
- persistence
- aperture
- roughness
- infill Material
- weathering
• geological description
- rock type
- colour
- texture
- alteration type and strength
- presence of vein or shear structures
- vein or shear infilling material
- presence of sulphides.

In addition, a rock discontinuity log was created. The angle to core axes, type, and
modifying aspects (such as clay or mineral fill) of joints, fractures, and faults are recorded
on this log.

RQD values indicate a weakly fractured rock without significant zones of strongly broken
material. For all nine drillholes, the RQD averages 78%, with a standard deviation of 25%
and a coefficient of variation of 0.31. RQD is most strongly affected by jointing, which does
not lower the usefulness of the granodiorite but instead may improve angular breakage of
the rock. Relatively limited, narrow zones of strongly fractured granodiorite have very low
(25%) RQD values.

11.3 Core Inspection

AMEC inspected all drill cores for holes 01-02 through 05-02. Holes 06-02 to 09-02 were
drilled immediately following AMEC’s visit. AMEC compared geological and geotechnical
logs against the drill core and found the logging to be generally of high quality. The
following observations were made:

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• A01-02: This hole is positioned in the east-central portion of the proposed quarry, with
a collar elevation of about 175 m. Weathering at the top of the hole is very limited.
Amphiboles are weakly oxidized and feldspars are weakly altered to clays to a depth of
6 m. Most of the drill core consists of massive, medium-grained, light grey granodiorite
with weak, greenish saussaritization. Figure 11-2 is a photograph of average core for
hole A01-02.
• A02-02: This drill hole is located 400 m southwest of 01-02 and at an equal elevation.
A west-northwest trending alignment of drainage suggests that a fracture system or
fault may be present near the drill collar. Drill core consists mostly of a massive, light
green-grey, weakly saussaritized granodiorite with frequent jointing. Figure 11-3 is a
photograph of core from A02-02.
• A03-02: This hole is located 400 m west-southwest of hole 02-02 and at an elevation
of 200 m. Small inclusions of mafic Karmutsen volcanic rocks are abundant in the
upper portion of the drill hole. Most inclusions are strongly healed, although some
have strongly fractured margins with strong carbonate-chlorite-epidote alteration. This
is best developed at from 67 m to 86 m. Below 86 m the rock is a very massive,
unaltered granodiorite with few fractures and joints. Figure 11-4 shows core from this
• A04-02: The fourth hole is located in the southwest quadrant of the proposed quarry,
500 m west of hole 03-02. Collar elevation is approximately 215 m. The drill hole was
positioned within a strong, north-trending linear defined by topography. The top six
metres of the hole is strongly fractured. Strong clay gouge marking a fault zone is
present at a depth of from 8 m to 11 m. Surface oxidation is present to three metres.
The rock is generally a massive, medium-grained granodiorite with weak, greenish
saussaritization. Sub-vertical quartz-carbonate veinlets are locally present but do not
comprise more than one percent of the rock. The granodiorite is moderately chloritized
to 40 m, then fresh to the base of the hole at 125 m. Figure 11-5 shows core from
• A05-02: Hole 5 is located 500 m northwest of hole 01-02, near the northern boundary
of the proposed quarry. Collar elevation is approximately 220 m. Total hole depth is
120 m. AMEC inspected core for the last 50 m of the hole at the drill rig. This portion
of the hole consists of generally massive, weakly saussaritized granodiorite with local
leucocratic, zones of felsite and minor, sub-vertical quartz-calcite veinlets. Figure 11-6
shows core from this hole.

Core holes A06-02 to A09-02 were drilled after AMEC’s site visit. AMEC reviewed the
geological logs for these holes and found that the granodiorite encountered in each is
similar in physical characteristics to core inspected for holes A01-02 to A05-02.

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Figure 11-2: Drill Core of Massive Granodiorite from Hole A01-02

Figure 11-3: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A02-02

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Figure 11-4: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A03-02

Figure 11-5: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A04-02

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Figure 11-6: Drill Core of Granodiorite from Hole A05-02

11.4 Data Entry

Polaris manually entered geological logs and geotechnical logs of drill core and surface
exposures into Excel spreadsheets to be used for computerized data evaluation. A single
entry method was used. Polaris geologists inspected entries for errors. AMEC re-entered
geological and geotechnical data into Excel spreadsheets and checked these
spreadsheets against Polaris files. No errors were found.

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12.1 Roadcut and Outcrop Sampling

Polaris collected seven, 60 kg samples of granodiorite from road cuts at different sites
throughout the proposed quarry. The road cuts are actually small quarries of granodiorite
that Weyerhauser used for base materials in building timber access roads in the immediate
area. In this regard, the sites are good locations for unweathered granodiorite. Road cuts
form vertical faces from five to ten meters high. Sample locations were surveyed with a
non-geodetic grade GPS. Location accuracy is ±5 m.

Polaris geologists Alex Boronowski and Gary Nordin collected samples using a 6 kg
sledgehammer. Samples were first stored at a locked facility in Port Alberni then
transported to the AMEC Earth and Environmental (AMEC E&E) laboratory in Burnaby,
B.C. for materials testing.

Site Q1 is located at an elevation of 77.5 m along a logging road immediately northeast of

the area referred to as the “lower bench.” UTM coordinates are 365530E and 5439150N.
Site Q2 is located approximately 450 m west of Q1 along the same logging road and at an
elevation of 110 m. UTM coordinates of the site are 365130E and 5438990N. Site Q3 is
located 600 m north of Q3 at an elevation of 275 m (near the highest elevation of the
quarry). UTM coordinates are 365080E and 5439580N.

Site Q8 is located on a logging road 200 m south of drill hole A01-02, or one-half the
distance to hole A02-02. The elevation is 170 m. UTM coordinates of the site are
365510E and 5,439,580N.

Site Q9 is on a logging road 180 m west of hole A02-02 at an elevation of 190 m. UTM
coordinates are 365185E and 5439285N.

Site Q10 is located on the lower road of the south side of the proposed quarry, 200 m
southwest of Q1. The elevation is 110 m. UTM coordinates are 365360E and 5439075N.

Site Q11 is located along a logging road in the far southwest corner of the proposed
quarry, 200 m south of hole A04-02. The elevation is 150 m. UTM coordinates are
364520E and 5438885N.

Polaris submitted the samples to AMEC E&E, Burnaby, B.C. for materials testing. AMEC
E&E performed the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (ASTM C131), Magnesium Sulphate
Soundness Test (ASTM C88), Bulk Specific Gravity and Absorption (ASTM C127), and
Bulk Specific Gravity (S.S.D. basis) on each sample. Results are discussed in Section 13.

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12.2 Drill Core Sampling

Drill core was sampled for materials testing. Polaris selected generally representative
samples totalling from 0.6 m to 1.5 m from each 4 m core box. Each marked interval was
then cut in half with a core saw. One half was placed in sample bags and the other half
retained in the core box for reference. All samples for each drill hole were then
composited to produce a 50 kg to 60 kg sample representing each drill hole. Two
composite samples were collected for hole A05-02 and one composite sample was
collected from all other holes. The samples were first stored in a locked facility in Port
Alberni then transported to AMEC E&E Laboratories in Burnaby, B.C. for testing. AMEC
E&E performed the Los Angeles Abrasion resistance test (ASTM 131), Sulphate
Soundness test (ASTM C88) and Absorption (ASTM C127), and Bulk Specific Gravity
(S.S.D. basis) on each sample.

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13.1 Introduction

Sample preparation protocols follow methods specified for the Los Angeles Abrasion
Resistance test (ASTM C131), Sulphate Soundness test (ASTM C88), Bulk Density and
Absorption (ASTM C127), and Bulk Specific Gravity (S.S.D. basis). Other tests may be
required in the future by potential clients. These may include, but not necessarily be
restricted to:

• gradation – size fractions generated from different starting crush sizes

• deleterious materials – presence of organic matter, chert, iron, etc.
• fines – amount of –200 mesh material generated at different crush sizes
• specific gravity and water absorption – in situ bulk density and saturated moisture
• particle shape – dimensions and angularity of particles produced by crushing.

13.2 Los Angeles Abrasion Test Protocol

The Los Angeles Abrasion test determines the resistance of crushed rock to production of
fines from abrasion and impact with steel balls. Sample preparation consists of crushing
the rock and splitting the sample to produce the following weights of specific sieve sizes,
(see Table 13-1).

Table 13-1: Grading of Sample for Los Angeles Abrasion Test

Sieve Size Mass of Sizes
Passing (mm) Retained On (mm) (g)

37.5 25.0 1,250 ± 25

25.0 19.0 1,250 ± 25
19.0 12.5 1,250 ± 10
12.5 9.5 1,250 ± 10
Total 5,000 ± 10

Samples meeting these specifications are placed in a cylindrical mill with twelve 46.8 mm
steel spheres and the mill turned 500 revolutions. The weight of minus 1.7 mm fines
produced in this process is then measured and reported as a percentage of the original

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13.3 Magnesium Sulphate Soundness Test Protocol

Sulphate soundness tests on Corrigan granodiorite samples were performed on coarse

aggregate specimens. These are crushed rock from which sizes smaller than 4.75 mm
have been removed. Remaining coarse particles are split to provide the following weights
of each mesh size, (see Table 13-2).

Table 13-2: Sample Grading for Sulphate Soundness Test

Sieve Size Mass of Sizes
Passing (mm) Retained On (mm) (g)
63.0 50.0 3,000 ± 300
50.0 37.5 2,000 ± 200
37.5 25.0 1,000 ± 50
25.0 19.0 500 ± 30
19.0 12.5 670 ± 10
12.5 9.5 330 ± 5
9.5 4.75 300 ± 5
Total 7,800

These materials are subjected to saturation and drying in a supersaturated solution of

magnesium chloride for five cycles. The samples are then washed with a barium chloride
solution and dried to a consistent weight at 110°C. The dried sample is sieved again and
the loss measured as the change in total weight of all sieve sizes combined relative to the
original weight.

13.4 Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity Protocol

ASTM test C127 determines the absorption or water on coarse aggregate and the bulk
specific gravity. Bulk specific gravity is determined dry and “saturated-surface dry” (is an
apparent bulk specific gravity). Bulk specific Gravity is the ratio of the mass of a unit
volume of aggregate to the mass of the same volume of water at a stated temperature.
The Saturated-Surface Dry bulk specific gravity and absorption are determined after
soaking the aggregate in water for 24 hours. Absorption refers to the increase in weight of
aggregate due to water in the pores of the material, but not including water adhering to the
outside surface of the particles, and is expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the
aggregate sample. The aggregate is considered dry when it has been maintained at a
temperature of 110 ± 5°C for a time sufficient to remove all uncombined water.

A sample of the crushed aggregate is first sieved to remove all material less than 4.75 mm.
A 5 kg sample is required for 1½ in aggregate. The sample is immersed in water at room
temperature for 24 hours. The sample is then removed from the water and rolled in an

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absorbent cloth to remove all surface water. The dried sample is then weighted in air and
then weighed in water. The sample is then dried at 110 ± 5°C and re-weighed.

Results are reported to the nearest 0.01% moisture.

13.5 Point Load Measurements

Polaris measured the Point Load Strength Index of surface rock and diamond drill core
samples to determine the relative strengths of granodiorites within the proposed quarry.
Point Load Strength Indices were calculated according to ASTM Designation D5731-95,
“Standard Test Method Determination of the Point Load Strength Index of Rock.” ERML
rented an ELE Point Load Test Apparatus, Model 77-0110, Load Gauge No. 12148463
(5.6kN)/12148497 (56kN) from Klohn Crippen, who supplied an operations manual for the
Point Load Test Apparatus and a nomogram Table for computing the point load strength
index and associated Strength Designation.

The point load testing procedure consists of placing a sample between two platen contact
points, measuring the distance between the platens and then applying a loading force via a
hydraulic jack to the contact points until the sample breaks. The breaking point (failure
load) is measured on a calibrated dial as, kilo-Newtons (kN). The measured platen
separation (D) and the failure load (P) are plotted on the nomogram Table in order to
compute the Point Load Strength Index (Is) in MN/m² and the correlating Strength
Designation increments between Extremely Low and Extremely High.

Polaris tested drill core samples at regular intervals or when changes in rock type
occurred. A total 143 core samples from 9 NQ2 drill holes, A01-02 to A09-02, with drill
core diameter of 50.08 mm were tested. Axial and diametrical core tests were conducted
on the core samples. The axial core test consists of placing the ends of the core in contact
with the platens. The length/diameter ratio should be between 0.3 and 1.0 for the axial
test. The diametrical core test consists of placing the diameter of the core in contact with
the platens. The total length of the core sample should be longer than the diameter of the
core (L>0.5D), where L is half of the length of the core and D is the diameter of the core.

Polaris tested rock surface samples from Quarry sites Q1 through Q11 where the
specimen size ratio of depth/width was between 0.3 and 1.0.

13.6 Geochemical Analyses

Polaris submitted nine core samples for a 34-trace element suite to be determined by
Induced Coupled Plasma Atomic Adsorption (ICP). The samples were nominal 200 g
splits of materials sent to John G. Payne for thin-section studies. Analyses were
performed by ALS Chemex in Vancouver, B.C. In addition, ALS performed whole-rock
analyses of the same samples.

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13.7 Results – Surface Samples

Test results for the seven surface samples from roadcuts and outcrops are shown in
Table 13-3. The location of surface samples is shown on Figure 11-1.

Table 13-3: Materials Quality Tests for Quarry Samples

LA Abrasión Sulphate Soundness Bulk Specific Gravity Absorption Bulk Specific Gravity
Sample (wt. % Fines Produced) (wt. % Fines Produced) (ASTM C127) (g/cc) (wt. %) (S.S.D. basis) (g/cc)
Q1 24.78 1.13 - - -
Q2 18.10 0.20 - - -
Q3 30.65 1.45 - - -
Q8 15.50 0.24 2.64 0.36 2.65
Q9 18.20 0.41 2.66 0.33 2.67
Q10 14.50 0.33 2.65 0.34 2.66
Q11 14.30 0.18 2.65 0.36 2.66
Average 19.43 0.56 2.65 0.35 2.66

The granodiorite produced very good results in the LA Abrasion test, with an average of
19.4% fines. The majority of the results are in the range of from 14.3% to 24.8%. ASTM
specifications for concrete and asphalt aggregate allow for a maximum loss of 50%.
California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) requires abrasion resistance values
of less than 45% to 50%, depending on the use. The Corrigan granodiorite far exceeds
these requirements. Abrasion values of competitive granitic materials in California,
according to D.A. Holmes (2002) are less than 30%.

Average fines produced in the sulphate soundness test is 0.56%. ASTM specifications for
concrete and asphalt aggregate require values less than 15%. The Corrigan granodiorite
far exceeds this standard.

Weight percent water absorption averages 0.35%. ASTM specification for concrete and
asphalt aggregate require less than 1% absorption. Normal granite absorption ranges
from 0.07% to 0.30% and granite aggregate sources in California have absorption values
of from 0.7% to 0.8% (D.A. Holmes, 2002).

The average specific gravity of 2.65 g/cc is within the ASTM range of 2.60 g/cc to
2.76 g/cc.

Point load test results for the 11 surface samples show a subequal split between Extremely
High (10.0 to 12.0 MN/m2) and Very High (7.0 to 9.0 MN/m2) values. Six samples
produced Extremely High strength indices five samples produced Very High strength
indices. There are no ASTM standards for Point Load results for aggregate. These data
will be used in future mining cost studies.

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13.8 Results – Drill Core

Table 13-4 lists results of materials testing for drill core. The location of drill holes is shown
on Figure 11-1.

Table 13-4: Material Quality Tests – Corrigan Granodiorite Drill Core

Drill Hole Hole LA Abrasion Sulphate Soundness Absorption Bulk Specific Gravity Bulk Specific Gravity
Composite Interval (% loss) (% loss) (%) (g/cc) (ASTM C127) (g/cc) (S.S.D. Basis)
A01-02 14.93-43.19-103.62 18.3 0.36 0.37 2.65 2.66
A02-02 15.75-54.67-100.27 17.0 0.32 0.40 2.64 2.65
A03-02 6.72-79.76-151.78 16.9 0.32 0.36 2.66 2.67
A04-02 7.5-74.27-124.35 15.8 0.33 0.36 2.66 2.67
A05-02 12.5-78.45 16.5 0.34 0.37 2.66 2.66
A05-02 78.45-141.12 16.9 0.35 0.37 2.65 2.66
A06-02 19.51-121.5-203.59 17.1 0.39 0.38 2.65 2.66
A07-02 0.61-111.34-224.93 14.9 0.31 0.46 2.67 2.67
A08-02 7.3-121.24-224.93 16.8 0.33 0.38 2.66 2.67
A09-02 12.52-133.75-224.93 16.7 - 0.37 2.66 2.67
Average 16.7 0.34 0.38 2.66 2.67

Fines produced in the LA abrasion test on drill cores average 16.7%. Fresh drill core
produced somewhat lower values than those obtained from surface outcrops and roadcuts
(average of 19.4%). Surface samples may have been somewhat affected by a small
amount of weakly weathered material. Core results far exceed the ASTM and CALTRANS
requirements of less than 45% to 50% and are superior to competing materials in
California that reportedly have LA Abrasion test values of 30% and less.

Fines produced in the sulphate soundness test range from 0.31% to 0.43%, with an
average of 0.34%. This far exceeds the ASTM requirement of less than 15% for concrete
and asphalt aggregate.

Average absorption for drill core samples is 0.34%, with a very narrow range of from
0.37% to 0.46%. This meets ASTM requirements of less than one percent absorption and
exceeds the absorption quality of other California competing materials of from 0.7% to
0.8% (D.A. Holmes, 2002).

Specific gravity from drill core averages 2.66 g/cc, within the ASTM range of 2.60 g/cc to
2.70 g/cc.

Point load tests on 143 core samples produced the results shown in Table 13-5.

Results show that the Corrigan granodiorite dominantly has a Very High to Extremely High
strength index. Values from drill core are consistent with surface samples.

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Table 13-5: Point Load Values for Drill Core

Range in Indices
Strength (MN/m ) Number of Samples Percentage of Samples
Extremely High 10.0 to 13.3 17 12
Very High 3.4 to 9.8 109 76
High 1.8 to 2.6 5 4
Medium 0.63 to 0.8 2 1
Low 0.12 to 0.28 5 4
Very Low 0.05 to 0.08 4 3

13.9 Geochemistry of Surface Samples and Drill Core

Geochemical analyses show no elevated levels of elements that may be deleterious to

aggregate. Average values are shown in Table 13-6.

Table 13-6: Geochemistry of Surface Samples

ICP Analyses Whole Rock Analyses
Element Average (ppm) Element Average (%)
Ag <0.2 Al2O3 14.7
As <2 BaO 0.11
B <10 CaO 3.14
Ba 62 Cr2O3 0.01
Be <0.5 Fe2O3 2.99
Bi <2 K2O 2.31
Cd <0.5 MgO 0.97
Co 5 MnO 0.08
Cr 48 Na2O 3.99
Cu 6 P2O5 0.08
Ga 5 SiO2 69.5
Hg <1 SrO 0.03
Mo 4 TiO2 0.29
Mn 394 LOI 1.37
Ni 1.6 - -
P 349 - -
Pb 3.2 - -
Sb <2 - -
Sr 20 - -
Tl <10 - -
U <10 - -
V 38 - -
W <10 - -
Zn 25 - -

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13.10 Assay Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Chemical analyses were done in accordance with standard analytical procedures for
Induced Coupled Plasma Atomic Adsorption. Whole rock analyses were done by standard
procedures for X-Ray Fluorescence. Given that the determination of chemical components
is for the purpose of determining the relative presence of deleterious elements, rather than
the determination of accurate estimates of saleable metals, insertion of blanks, duplicates
and standards are not necessarily appropriate in the case of the Eagle Rock Quarry

13.11 Check Samples

AMEC did not perform check sampling of roadcut and drill core for the purpose of Los
Angeles Abrasion Resistance, Sulphate Soundness, and Absorption and Bulk Specific
Gravity tests. Test results show that the Corrigan granodiorite is far superior to limits
established by the ASTM for aggregate material. This means that a large variance in
laboratory test results could occur without classifying the granodiorite as unsuitable for use
as crushed-rock aggregate. In addition, the relatively uniform appearance of the Corrigan
granodiorite in outcrop and drill core and the correlation between test results and published
LA Abrasion Resistance and Sulphate Soundness values for granites makes it unlikely that
materials with unacceptable characteristics are present. It would be more prudent instead
to improve the confidence limits in the acceptability of the material for aggregate by
increasing the number and area coverage of samples. This can be achieved in the future
with additional core drilling as development of the quarry advances.

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AMEC checked joint-set mapping of outcrops and road cuts and core logging for the five
core holes available at the time of its field review. Polaris’ logging and mapping was done
professionally and accurately. AMEC visited drill collar sites for core holes A01-02 to A05-
02 and found that their locations agree with the locations shown on project maps.

AMEC E&E provided certificates for LA Abrasion Resistance, Magnesium Sulphate

Soundness, Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity tests. These are on file at the Vancouver
office of AMEC. Values recorded on certificates agree with values for these
measurements as tabulated in this report.

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There are no adjacent aggregate properties that are pertinent to the exploration and
development of the Eagle Rock Quarry Project.

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In late 2002, ERML retained Terra Nova Technologies Inc. (TNT, an AMEC company) to
prepare a feasibility study for the conceptual design and capital cost of the process plant
for the Eagle Rock Quarry project. The design covered all crushing, screening and
processing facilities from the primary crusher to the head pulley of Conveyor 53, which
feeds onto the Seabulk Systems Inc. shiploader conveyor.

The primary objective of the design of the aggregate crushing and screening plant is to
provide a process facility capable of handling initial and future production rates and flexible
enough to meet the demands of the aggregate market. The plant will produce five
saleable aggregate product sizes through four-stage crushing and screening operations.
The design allows for expansion from an initial capacity of 3 Mtpy during Years 1 through 4
to 6 Mtpy later in the project life as the mine production rate ramps up.

The five product sizes and production rates are listed in Table 4-1.

Table 16-1: Product Sizes and Production Rates

Size % Production Rate (tpy)
Sand 26 693,000
4.8 x 9.5 mm (#4 x ⅜ in) 19 493,000
9.5 x 13 mm (⅜ in x ½ in) 20 531,000
13 x 19 mm (½ in x ¾ in) 19 493,000
19 x 25 mm (¾ in x 1 in) 16 431,000

The process plant facility is divided into five major areas:

• Area 10 Primary crushing

• Area 20 Fine crushing and screening
• Area 30 Manufactured sand plant
• Area 40 Final sizing and washing
• Area 50 Storage/blending and ship loadout.

These areas represent two distinct operating systems: a production system, which includes
Areas 10, 20, 30, and 40 and a product reclaim/blending and loadout system, Area 50. In
the initial phase, the production system will operate 5½ d/wk at 854 tph.

Facilities designs are at a feasibility study level.

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The mineral resource estimate for the Eagle Rock Quarry Project comprised three

• demonstration of physical and chemical property homogeneity, i.e., mineral resource

• volume/tonnage estimate of material, i.e., mineral resource quantity
• marketability of the mineral resource.

Consideration of these components are necessary in order to classify an aggregate

mineral resource and are consistent with the guidelines for the reporting of industrial
minerals in the CIM definitions referred to in National Instrument 43-101. Mineral reserves
have not been declared. Until all economic, design and other modifying factors are applied
to define reserves, the mineral resources do not have a demonstration economic viability.
Studies have been sufficient to demonstrate that mineral resources have reasonable
expectations for future economic extraction; therefore these materials meet the CIM
definition of resources.

Mineral Resources were estimated by Dr. Stephen Juras, PGeo., in March of 2002.
Resources have not changed since 2002.

17.1 Mineral Resource Quality

Physical properties are examined in detail in Sections 10 and 11 whereas chemical

properties are discussed in Section 13. Mapping and diamond drilling data showed that
the Corrigan granodiorite displays uniform textural and structural characteristics. The rock
was demonstrated to be highly competent and to contain a potentially favourable jointing
pattern with respect to obtaining an even-sized coarse fraction and angular fracture faces
in resulting crushed material. Results of key quality measurements used in assessing
aggregate resources gave highly favourable results. These included tests of LA Abrasion
Resistance, Sulphate Soundness, Adsorption and Bulk Density. Measurements were
obtained on both quarry and drill core samples and though they were similar to one
another, AMEC recommends using the drill core averages to define the quality
characteristics for the Corrigan granodiorite. The drill core measurements were less
affected by surface weathering. Length weighted drill core results of the quality tests are
shown in Table 17-1.

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Table 17-1: Mean and Coefficient of Variation (CV – mean/standard deviation)

of Quality Values – Corrigan Granodiorite
Test Mean CV

LA Abrasion (% loss) 16.580 0.050

Sulphate Soundness (% loss) 0.350 0.110
Adsorption (%) 0.380 0.080
Bulk Density 2.657 0.003

17.2 Mineral Resource Quantity

The volume and tonnage of the Corrigan granodiorite in the project area were estimated
from a 3-dimensional block model utilizing commercial mine planning software
(MineSight®). Model cell size was 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high. The surface
project limits were defined by a property ringing logging road, which needs to be preserved
to the north and east, by the Cook Creek drainage area to the west and project
infrastructure needs and planned pit bottom elevation contour to the south (see Figures 7-2
and 17-1). The subsurface limit is the 75 m elevation level – planned quarry pit bottom.
The bulk density value used was 2.66. Results are contained in the Table showing the
classified mineral resource in Section 17.4.

17.3 Mineral Resource Marketability

ERML has demonstrated through its studies to date that the Corrigan granodiorite has a
reasonable potential of being a commercial source of crushed rock for aggregate.
Materials testing of drill core and surface samples show that the granodiorite has superior
qualities relative to abrasion resistance, sulphate soundness, and water absorption.
Independent studies of the California aggregate market demonstrate that the San
Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles Basin are permanently aggregate deficient and that
marine imports will be required to meet projected demands starting in 2003. Other
competitors, such as Hanson Aggregates, have already moved to establish aggregate
offloading docks in San Francisco. A preliminary survey of available dock sites in the Bay
Area in 2002, and updates to that survey in 2005 have identified sites where aggregate
docking facilities would be supported by the present Port Authorities. The surveys also
identified at least one potential docking facility at the Los Angeles Port.

Eagle Rock Aggregates Inc. (ERA), a wholly owned subsidiary of ERML, has secured a
port site for the offloading and distribution of aggregates within the City of Richmond on
San Francisco Bay. ERA has entered into a 20 year lease, extendable at ERA’s option to
40 years, with Levin Enterprises Inc. the owners of this private port facility. It is intended to
bring the sand and gravel from the Orca project into this facility initially, however, land is
available for future expansion to accommodate the import of Eagle Rock Quarry products

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through this terminal. Development permits have been obtained from the City of Richmond
and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission for the ERA aggregate terminal.

ERML has utilized a selling price (ex dock) for the Corrigan granodiorite, which would be
competitive with rates presently being charged by competitors in the core urban areas in
Los Angeles and San Francisco. Lower prices prevail farther inland near sand and gravel
pits and crushed rock quarries around the fringes of the urban areas.

Market studies support classification of the Corrigan granodiorite as a mineral resource as

specified in National Instrument 43-101, Companion Policy 43-101CP, Section 1.5a,
“Industrial Minerals”.

17.4 Mineral Resource Classification

The aggregate mineral resource as of 4 April 2002 is classified as Measured, Indicated,

and Inferred mineral resources. The classified mineral resources are shown in Table 17.2.
The classification is also shown in projected plan view in Figure 17.1 and in sectional views
in Figures 17.2 and 17.3.

No consistent classification guidelines for Measured, Indicated, and Inferred mineral

resources are available for aggregate deposits. AMEC developed a protocol for the Eagle
Rock Quarry Project that incorporated research into existing methodology (e.g., The
Aggregate Handbook by the US National Stone Association), all data types (outcrop,
quarry and drill hole) and demonstrated Corrigan granodiorite characteristics. The
classification protocol consisted of two parts: defining limits at surface followed by a set of
rules for sub-surface projection. The remarkable continuity in observed and measured
characteristics allowed the highest level of confidence (Measured mineral resource) to be
declared up to 200 m laterally from a drill hole, if supported in that particular area by a
sampled quarry site. Indicated mineral resources were then defined as material within 2 m
x 400 m (the Measured distance). The remaining project surface area met this condition.
No surface Inferred Mineral Resource material is present.

Subsurface projection was set to one half the respective lateral projection. Surface
Measured mineral resources were projected to 100 m and surface Indicated mineral
resources were projected to 200 m. Material between 100 m and 200 m below surface
Measured mineral resources was classified as Indicated mineral resource. Any material
200 m below surface was classified as Inferred mineral resource. Resources were
classified only to the project pit bottom of 75 m elevation.

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Table 17-2: Eagle Rock Quarry Project – Mineral Resource Summary, 4 April 2002
Volume Tonnage
Class (Mm ) (Mt)

Measured Mineral Resource 89.48 238.0

Indicated Mineral Resource 168.77 448.9
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource 258.25 686.9

Inferred Mineral Resource 8.64 23.0

Note: Bulk density value = 2.66; Mineral Resource calculated only to 75 m elevation.

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Figure 17-1: Plan Map of Resource Classification

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Figure 17-2: Resource Classification, Section North 5439750

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Figure 17-3: Resource Classification, Section East 365000

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ERML commissioned AMEC to provide a feasibility study of the Eagle Rock Quarry Project
in 2002. ERML decided to put the partially completed study on hold because of a
corporate decision to pursue development of the Orca natural sand and gravel project
located near Port McNeill, Vancouver Island. What follows is a brief synopsis of findings
from the partially completed AMEC feasibility report.

• The mine plan for the Eagle Rock Quarry project was developed by Peter Beaudoin,
P.Eng., with input from Steven Hodgson and Mark Pearson of AMEC The quarry will
be developed in three phases. The pit will be developed as single benches with 75°
face slopes and 11 m safety benches, for final pit slopes of 45°. Overall, the proposed
pit covers an area of 162 ha and contains a total of 542 Mt of material suitable to
produce the desired products. With this design, the mine could operate continuously
for more than 90 years at a rate of approximately 6 Mtpy. Production in Years 1
through 4 would be 3 Mtpy.
• Terra Nova Technologies Inc. prepared a feasibility study-level design and capital cost
estimate for the process plant and conveyance facilities. The plant will produce five
saleable aggregate product sizes through four-stage crushing and screening
operations. The design allows for expansion from an initial capacity of 3 Mtpy during
Years 1 through 4 to 5 Mtpy later in the project life as the mine production rate ramps
up. Power supply will be provided by BC Hydro through 25 kV overhead lines from
Port Alberni. A substation will be constructed at the tap point connection to the BC
Hydro grid. Power will be distributed at 4.16 kV on pole-mounted lines to the process
and ancillary loads. It should be noted that this supply requires an amendment to the
Environmental Assessment Certificate issued for the quarry but this is not expected to
be a problem in view of the favourable impact on emissions.
• Plans for site development, including access, surface drainage, earthworks, water
management, waste management, ANFO and explosives, and ancillary buildings are
included in the feasibility study.
• Geophysical work to provide data for civil design and quantities of cut material was
conducted by Frontier Geosciences (Frontier) under the direction of AMEC E&E. The
work included geotechnical mapping and test pitting and methods to determine soil
cover depths over bedrock. Frontier recommended removing some sand and gravel
layers and the use of raft foundations and vertical dowels in the area of the primary
and secondary crushing areas. They also recommended drains to be constructed in
the excavations for the stockpile reclaim conveyors and anchors and supports to be
designed within the foundation for the shiploading facilities.
• ERML prepared a Environmental Impact Assessment report which presents a thorough
assessment of the project. The key project-related environmental issues identified in

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the EIA were the freshwater ecosystem, groundwater, dust, noise, visual impact, and
the terrestrial ecosystem.
• The project execution plan and master schedule were developed to meet construction
and start-up milestones within the proposed timeframe and estimated capital cost of
the project.
• The total estimated cost to design, construct, procure, and commission the facilities for
a production rate of 3 Mtpy is between $103,000,000 and $141,800,000, with an 80%
probability that $120,900,000 will not be exceeded. The estimate covers the direct
field costs of executing the project, plus the indirect costs associated with the design,
construction, and commissioning of the new facilities.

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Two series of studies were undertaken in 2002 and 2003 to assess the suitability of the
Corrigan Granite as a source of crushed rock aggregate, evaluate the market for these
materials in major urban areas of the West Coast of the United States and to develop
designs for a proposed quarry, processing facilities and ship loading facilities at the Eagle
Rock site. In early 2002 a Preliminary Assessment was completed which provided detailed
exploration data, resource estimates, preliminary pit designs, conceptual process and ship
loading designs, preliminary capital costs, financial analyses and environmental studies. In
late 2003, ERML commissioned AMEC E&C Services (now AMEC Americas Limited) to
produce a feasibility study that would include updated quarry designs with geotechnical
support, production plans, detailed process and infrastructure designs, ship loading facility
designs, environmental assessments, and capital and operating cost estimates. Most
design and cost estimation aspects of this study were performed, but the study was not
completed because of a decision by Polaris Minerals in March of 2003 to pursue
development of the Orca sand and gravel project near Port McNeill, Vancouver Island and
to defer development of the Eagle Rock quarry.

In this report, all dollar figures ($) refer to Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated as
United States dollars (US$). US$ /t refers to US$ per tonne. AMEC converted sales
prices in US$/short ton quoted by Polaris in its Preliminary Assessment to US$/tonne to
establish consistency between resource, production and sales units.

19.1 Open Pit

Mining studies have been based upon the removal of 3.0 Mtpy of aggregate and scalpings
in years 1 through 4, increasing production to 6.0 Mtpy in subsequent years. Equipment
sizing is adequate for an operation of this size.

The design of the quarry is based on utilizing the Macktush Creek road as the crest limit,
projecting down at an inter-ramp angle of 45° to the pit bottom at 75 masl. The pit design
uses Measured and Indicated Resources and single benches with 75° face slopes and
11 m safety benches. Overall, the proposed pit covers an area of 162 ha and contains a
total of 542 million tonnes of Measured and Indicted Resources. The mine could operate
continuously for more than 90 years at a rate of approximately 6 Mtpy.

Reserves have not been declared because the feasibility study has not been completed.
Quarry designs instead have been developed to ensure reasonable expectations of future
economic extraction of the resources.

The pit has been divided into three phases, as shown in Table 19-1. To minimize mine
operating costs, the lower portion of the quarry will be mined from the bottom up in two

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relatively short phases at elevations ranging from 75 m (pit bottom) to over 200 m. The
third phase will be mined from the top down. The western extent of Phases I and II is
limited by steep bluffs that outcrop in and around the 200 m elevation; access to the top of
these bluffs must therefore be from the west. Development of Phase III must begin at least
two to three years in advance of the completion of Phases I and II. A new haulage road
will be required in Phase III to provide access to the higher benches at elevations up to
315 m. The road will be parallel to the existing logging road and will be entirely within
Eagle Rock Quarry property.

Ramp designs meet the requirements of Sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 of the Health, Safety,
and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia.

Table 19-1: Eagle Rock Quarry Project Scheduled Tonnages

(Measured and Indicated Resources)
Phase (‘000 t)
I 14,516
II 39,438
III 488,299
Total 542,253

The open pit would be mined using conventional haulage trucks and a front shovel
excavator. Development work for each phase will include access road construction
followed by clearing, grubbing, and overburden removal. It is assumed that the latter
activities will be contracted out to local businesses. Once a bench level has been
prepared, production equipment will drill, blast, load and haul material to the plant for
processing. Mine equipment requirements for the initial 3 Mtpy production rate are listed in
Table 19-2.

Table 19-2: Mine Equipment Requirements

Equipment Size Number
Diesel-hydraulic front shovel 7m 1
Back-up front-end loader 6m 1
Diesel-hydraulic blasthole drill 6 in 1
Haulage truck 63 t 2
Support Equipment
Tracked bulldozer 300 kW 1
Grader 160 kW 1
Hydraulic backhoe 1m 1

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Workforce requirements are based on the number of equipment units needed to achieve
the production schedule at the expected productivities. The quarry will operate two shifts
per workday, 8 hours per shift, Monday to Friday, with a single 8-hour shift on Saturday.
The schedule includes 10 statutory holidays per year. Total annual operating time is
therefore 277 working days, or 554 shifts.

19.2 Materials Handling and Processing

ERML retained Terra Nova Technologies Inc. (TNT, an AMEC company) to prepare a
feasibility study for the conceptual design and capital cost of the process plant for the
Eagle Rock Quarry project. The design covered all crushing, screening, and processing
facilities from the primary crusher to the head pulley of Conveyor 53, which feeds onto the
Seabulk Sytems Inc. shiploader conveyor. TNT’s design is briefly outlined below.

The primary objective of the design of the aggregate crushing and screening plant is to
provide a process facility capable of handling initial and future production rates and flexible
enough to meet the demands of the aggregate market. The plant will produce five
saleable aggregate product sizes through four-stage crushing and screening operations.
The design allows for expansion from an initial capacity of 3 Mtpy during Years 1 through 4
to 6 Mtpy later in the project life as the mine production rate ramps up.

The five product sizes and production rates are listed in Table 19-3.

Table 19-3: Product Sizes and Production Rates

Production Rate
Size (%) (tpy)
Sand 26 693,000
4.8 x 9.5 mm (#4 x ⅜ in) 19 493,000
9.5 x 13 mm (⅜ in x ½ in) 20 531,000
13 x 19 mm (½ in x ¾ in) 19 493,000
19 x 25 mm (¾ in x 1 in) 16 431,000

The process plant facility is divided into five major areas:

• Area 10 Primary crushing

• Area 20 Fine crushing and screening
• Area 30 Manufactured sand plant
• Area 40 Final sieving and washing
• Area 50 Storage/blending and ship loadout.

These areas represent two distinct operating systems: a production system, which includes
Areas 10, 20, 30 and 40, and a product reclaim/blending and loadout system, Area 50. In

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the initial phase, the production system will operate 5½ days per week at 854 tonnes per

19.3 Marine Facility and Shipping

The chosen location for the loading facility is on the north side of Hocking Point. This site
offers protection from prevailing winds, the presence of deep, unimpeded, water close to
shore, and does not interfere with the navigation light on Hocking Point. The site location
with deep water relatively close to shore allows a solution to be utilised for mooring the
ships using “stiff legs” or mooring supports anchored to the shore, thus avoiding
construction in the waters of the Inlet.

A bulk loading terminal will be developed at this location. Product will be moved to market
utilizing Panamax or similar vessels with a payload of approximately 75,000 tonnes. The
stockpile reclaim system will have a capacity of 5,000 tph. This reclaim capacity will allow
the loading of the ship with a 24 hour turnaround time. The site plan and marine facility
design by Klohn Crippen and Seabulk Systems Inc. for the Marine Facility are provided in
Figures 19-1 through 19-5.

AMEC has performed a preliminary rates analysis for the loading of dedicated self-
unloading Panamax vessels and this is presented below in Table 19-4.

Table 19-4: Rate and Throughput Analysis – Shiploading

3.0 Mtpy
Area Description Units 5,000 tph
1 Berth in Use Days & Utilization
Day in Year days 365
Weather Lost Days (2%) days 7.3
Berth Utilization % 20
Berth In Use days 72
2 Ship Size Distribution & Ships per Year
Handymax (not used) % of fleet 0
Panamax (53,000 t average parcel) % of fleet 100
Cape Size (not used) % of fleet
VLCC (not used) % of fleet
Average Shipment Size t 53,000
Average Number of Ships Per Year No 57
3 Operational Delays
access channel – approach h 1.0
turn and berth h 0.5
documentation and loading preparation h 1.0
hatch changes h 0.00
shifting/warping movements (0.75 h per movement) h 12.00
final trimming h 1.0
documentation and survey h 0.5
deberth h 0.5
depart channel h 0.5
Total Operational Delays Per Vessel h 17.0

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3.0 Mtpy
Area Description Units 5,000 tph
4 Efficiency of Reclaim System
Reclaim availability 90
Conveyor availability (0.97^No of conveyors) 91
Shiploader availability 95
Reclaim system availability (avail1 x avail2 x …) 78
5 Average Loading Hours Available per Vessel
At Berth Days per Vessel days 1.26
At Berth Hours per Vessel h 30.3
Potential Loading Hours per Vessel h 13.3
Actual Loading Hours per Vessel h 10.4
6 Reclaim & Loading Rates
Average Required Loading Rate (Nominal) tph 5094
Min. Required Design Rate tph 6368

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Figure 19-1: Marine Facility – Navigational Map of Marine Facility Area

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Figure 19-2: Marine Facility, Bathymetry – Hocking Point

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Figure 19-3: Marine Facility, Site Plan

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Figure 19-4: Marine Facility, Site Cross Section

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Figure 19-5: Marine Facility – Cantilever Dolphins

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Close coordination will be required between the design of the overland conveyor and the
shiploader. This is particularly the case if the overland conveyor is regenerative (sloping
downhill) or if the conveyor is particularly long. Consideration should be given, during the
next phase of the project development, to the introduction of a small transfer conveyor,
located prior to the shiploader.

AMEC has determined that the majority of deep-sea ships calling to Port Alberni facilities
are lumber carriers destined for Japan. Maximum size ships presently calling into Port
Alberni are geared Handysize vessels of between 46,000 dwt to 56,800 dwt due to berth
dredging limitations. However, AMEC is not aware of navigation constraints for Panamax
class ships in Trevor Channel or Alberni Inlet, but confirmation of this should be sought
through the Pacific Pilotage Authority. The use of tugs for both berthing and departure
would be mandatory and are required according to both Vancouver Pacific Pilotage and
Pacific Towing of Port Alberni. Tugs would require a minimum total horsepower of 5% of
deadweight tonnage, or in the case of Panamax vessels, approximately 3,500 HP with no
bow thrusters on the deep-sea ship, or 2,000 HP with bow thrusters. Three tugs would
likely be supplied, available locally, at an approximate cost of $6,000 to $10,000 per vessel
movement. These costs have been sufficiently allowed for by ERML and are comparable
with those used in the Ocean Transportation Study by Simpson, Spence, and Young.

A Shipping rate of US$4.94/t, used by ERML is comparable with the shipping rate of
US$4.97/t quoted by Spence, Simpson & Young (SSY) for a Panamax self-unloader. Due
to the preliminary status of the receiving dock location in California, ERML has used an
average shipping cost for both the San Francisco and Los Angeles routes. AMEC
considers this rate to be conservative but appropriate for scoping level study. Individual
shipping costs for the two markets need to be identified once more information is obtained
at the next phase of the project development.

19.3.1 Shipping Estimates

On regular schedule between the Bay area and Port Alberni, bunkering will likely take
place in San Francisco. Load time in port for all ship sizes is assumed to be one day.
Taking into account shift changes, there are 20 available operating hours in a 24-hour day.
To complete loading (3 Mtpy Base Case) in one day, an average shiploading rate of
between 2,400 tph to 5,100 tph would be required (see Table 19-3). Note that ‘average’
loading rate is not equivalent to a ‘design’ loading rate. ERML’s reported shiploading
system rate of 5,000 tph will allow loading of a Panamax vessel in one day. The shipping
rate and/or the ship loading time should be reviewed during the next phase of the project
development, as this will also have an impact on the estimated shipping rate.

Further investigation into freight portfolio management should be undertaken during the
next phase of the project development since this cost has a large net effect on project IRR.
Investigation should include management of the project freight portfolio through a

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combination of contracts of affreightment, spot fixing and hedging such as freight futures
agreements (FFA’s) and Biffex (Baltic Freight Futures Exchange) contracts to hedge
against possible large increases in freight costs in future years.

19.4 Infrastructure and Site Layout

19.4.1 Site Location

The site is located on the west side of the Alberni Inlet, approximately 15 km south of the
town of Port Alberni. It is accessible by a 26 km logging road from Highway 4 which is a
provincial highway connecting Port Alberni to Ucluelet.

Infrastructure issues, particularly accommodation, water supply and drainage and electrical
power supply were well addressed in the draft 2003 feasibility study. Appropriate site
preparation costs have been estimated. Infrastructure includes:

• power supply and substations

• service buildings
• access roads
• shiploader
• sedimentation ponds
• site drainage
• civil work.

ERML’s Site Layout is provided as Figure 19-6.

19.4.2 Access Road

Access to the site is by a logging road, which starts at the turnoff from the provincial
Highway 4 west of the town of Port Alberni. ITLP (formerly Weyerhauser) owns
approximately one mile of the logging road, close to Highway 4. The rest of the road lies
on Crown land. In 2002, Weyerhaeuser upgraded the road to 75,000 kg capacity. In
areas with steep grade, logging truck traffic is co-ordinated with radio. The width of the
road varies in different areas but can be used for transportation of equipment for the Eagle
Rock Quarry Project.

An agreement for the use of the road will be negotiated with ITLP to transport equipment
and materials during construction and fuel, ammonium nitrate, explosives and
consumables during operation of the quarry.

The road is located in TFL 44, ITLP’s largest, long-term forestry block and is expected to
be used for forestry purposes during the life of the Eagle Rock Quarry Project.

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Figure 19-6: Site Layout

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19.4.3 Accommodation

The town of Port Alberni is close to the site and operation on night shift and over weekends
is not expected for the Project. The workforce including management staff would reside in
the town of Port Alberni and commute on a daily basis. A camp at the site is not
anticipated and ERML intends to transport workers to site by buses with no private
vehicles of the employees being allowed on the road for safety reasons. Another option
would be to transport workers to site by water taxi from Port Alberni approximately eight
nautical miles from the project site. No allowance has been made for the cost of non-
production staff such as first aid attendant and the cost to transport the labour force to/from
the mine site.

19.4.4 Site Preparation, Offices and Other Buildings

The quarry site is a shallow hill of granite rising in a series of benches from sea level to an
elevation of 333 m. Rock will be quarried down to the 75 m elevation. The process plant
will be constructed at an elevation of approximately 55 m between the quarry and the
existing logging road. This area is a low-lying bench overlain with soils of varying types
and depths, indented with steep-sided gulleys and streams that feed into South Creek,
which in turn outfalls into Alberni Inlet. The process plant site will be approximately
1,200 m long x 500 m wide, bounded by the edge of the quarry to the northwest, the
logging road to the southeast, Cook Creek to the southwest and Dock Creek to the

In January 2003, ERM awarded two contracts to provide topographic and geotechnical
data to assist engineering in the development of the site layout and to calculate quantities
of cut-and-fill material. Global Geomatics provided 1:1,000 digital topographic maps with
1 m contour intervals. Frontier Geosciences, under the direction of AMEC E&E, conducted
a seismic refraction investigation to provide information on the depth of bedrock in the
areas of interest. AMEC E&E coordinated test pitting in critical areas of the proposed plant
and facility locations. Detailed recommendations for site preparation are included in the
EIA report (ERML, 2003).

Two double-walled steel tanks, 4 m in diameter each with a capacity of 38,000 L, will be
provided for fuel storage. The total tank capacity is based on a design fuel consumption of
10,000 L/d and 7 days’ storage. This requirement should be revisited in the event that a
BC Hydro power supply is provided to the site because a smaller fuel storage capacity will
be adequate if the diesel power generation facility, as envisioned in the EIA, is eliminated.

The truckshop will be a rectangular pre-engineered building 25 m long x 24 m wide

founded on spread footings on soil. The building will be configured to accommodate two
15 m long x 9.2 m wide truck repair bays, one light vehicle repair bay, a warehouse and
tool crib area, an electrical shop, lube oil storage room, a lunchroom, a single office and a

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washroom on the ground floor. Ventilation equipment will be enclosed in a mechanical

room on the second floor above the warehouse. A 10 tonne bridge crane with minimum
10 m clearance will service the vehicle bays. The exterior walls of the building above
2.6 m height will be clad with insulated, pre-painted profiled steel complete with internal
liner. The lower walls will be masonry to complement the adjacent office and dry buildings,
which will be load-bearing blockwork type. Internal architectural finishes include steel stud
walls complete with vinyl gyproc on both sides, and suspended ceilings in the office areas.

The dry/laboratory will be a rectangular blockwork building with a steel-clad and steel-
framed truss type roof, 23 m long x 17.5 m wide by approximately 4 m high. The building
will be founded on strip footings on soil. The changeroom will contain 100 clean and 100
dirty lockers, showers and other facilities to accommodate up to 87 men and 13 women.
The laboratory will occupy an area 4.6 m wide x 17.5 m long at one end of the building. A
first aid room will also be included in this building. Internal architectural finishes include
steel stud walls complete with vinyl gyproc on both sides, suspended ceilings, ceramic tiles
and other floor finishes as required.

The administration office building will be a rectangular blockwork and metal-clad building
with a steel-clad and steel-framed truss type roof, 16 m long x 7.5 m wide x approximately
4 m high. The building will be founded on strip footings on soil. The external appearance
of the building has been architecturally enhanced to replicate a West Coast Indian
longhouse. The building layout has been designed to accommodate two offices, a general
clerical/files area, a meeting/training room, a storage area, and other service facilities.
Internal architectural finishes include steel stud walls complete with vinyl gyproc on both
sides and suspended ceilings.

Site preparation costs were considered to have been underestimated in AMEC’s initial
review. AMEC’s feasibility report addressed this issue and increased costs accordingly.
Further discussion is provided under Capital in Section 19.7.

19.4.5 Surface Water and Drainage

The surface runoff of the site drains into two creeks; one running into the Inlet close to the
proposed dock site (referred to as Dock Creek for the purposes of identification in the EIA
only); and the other creek entering the Inlet south of the proposed process plant site
through a culvert under the access road. This second creek was referred to as South
Creek for the purposes of the EIA, however, as a consequence of the conditional Water
Licence being issued, Land and Water British Columbia Inc. subsequently authorized the
permanent naming of this drainage as South Creek. The project will utilize a constructed
sediment control system on South Creek consisting of two ponds which will impound
surface water from the quarry and provide process wash water (ERML, 2003). Process
water will be recycled through a filtration plant with the resulting clean water being returned
to the settling pond system. The settling pond system will drain into South Creek using a

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drop inlet spillway. The spillway will run in a culvert under the road that crosses South
Creek, which in turn will be used as the embankment for the pond system. The present
plan has been developed based on accurate surface mapping by two Polaris geologists
and designed by Klohn Crippen who studied the hydrology of the area in detail.

ERML received a Conditional Water License (No. 1180099) from Land & Water BC
granting water rights on South Creek (Figure 19-7). According to the license, the
maximum quantity of water which may be held in storage is 118 acre feet of which
0.1 ft3/sec is to be released for conservation purpose into the lower reach of South Creek
during the summer period from storage, and 156,200 gallons per day may be diverted for
industrial purpose. The license commenced on 13 February 2003.

19.4.6 Electrical Power Supply

Power will be supplied by BC Hydro through a 25 kV overhead pole line from Port Alberni
to the quarry site along existing logging roads. A substation will be constructed at the tap
point connection to the BC Hydro grid. Power will be distributed at 4.16 kV on pole-
mounted lines to the process and ancillary loads. This will require an amendment to the
Environmental Assessment Certificate and the consent of the two land owners along the
easement for the logging service roads, neither of which is expected to be a problem.

19.4.7 ANFO and Explosives

Ammonium nitrate and explosives would be delivered to site on demand by contractors.

The ANFO would be mixed and fed into blast holes by contractor onsite with fuel oil
supplied by ERML. No on-site ANFO or explosive storage is anticipated for the Project.

19.4.8 Fuel Storage

A fuel storage station complete with dispensers and containment for spillage would be
provided. It would be located south of the process plant and close to the road for easy
access. The station has not been identified in the conceptual layout but needs to be
considered at the next phase of the project development.

19.4.9 Processing Plant

This is described under Section 19.2.

19.4.10 Dock Facilities

This is described under section 19.3.

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19.5 Environmental Considerations

19.5.1 Introduction

In January 2003, ERM submitted a final application report for the Eagle Rock Quarry
project to the BC Environmental Assessment Office. The report presents a thorough
assessment of the project, including potential impacts on the surrounding natural
environment and on the nearby communities.

Environmental Assessment Certificate M03-01 was issued on 17 September 2003 by the

Province of British Columbia and executed by the Minister of Sustainable Resource
Management, the Minister of Energy and Mines, and the Minister of Water, Land and Air
Protection. This certificate covers the construction, operation, dismantling, and operation
of the Eagle Rock Quarry and is subject to conditions outlined in the certificate document.
The project did not trigger an application under the Canadian Environmental Assessment
Act (CEAA).

The key project-related environmental issues identified in the EIA are summarized below.

19.5.2 Biophysical Environment

Freshwater Ecosystem

The quarry facilities have been carefully sited to avoid impacts on the Featherstone and
Cook Creek watercourses. Impacts from the project on surface water quality will be
restricted to South Creek. The watersheds in the project area are shown in Figure 19-7. It
is proposed to construct and operate settling basins in South Creek for the removal of
sediment from quarry and site runoff and to serve as a process water storage reservoir.
The project involves washing aggregate materials but includes a water treatment facility
(filtration plant) to remove suspended solids so that process water can be recycled.

A waterfall on South Creek 26 m upstream of the outlet to Alberni Inlet restricts fish habitat
to this lower section of the creek. The project facilities have been sited to avoid direct
impacts on this section. Mitigation measures have been included to reduce impacts
resulting from three project-related conditions:

• increase in total suspended solids due to surface disturbance and dust

• increase in nitrate concentrations due to blasting agents used on site
• changes to the natural stream flow in South Creek due to the construction of settling
ponds approximately 215 m upstream of the fish-bearing section.

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Efforts to minimize erosion and sedimentation into the creek will include sediment control
structures, a two-stage settling pond system upstream of the fish habitat section and
progressive reclamation of the quarry site.

Use of best-management practices for nitrogen-based blasting agents and the addition of
large amounts of water into the drainage are expected to keep nitrogen levels in the fish-
bearing section of South Creek well below provincial guidelines. Modelling based on the
maximum predicted mass of nitrate was conducted to determine predicted nitrogen
concentrations in South Creek for an average year, a 1 in 10 wet year and a 1 in 10 dry
year; all predicted concentrations were below provincial guidelines.

The EIA acknowledges that stream flows in South Creek will need to be maintained
throughout the life of the project to assure food and nutrient supply to the fish-bearing
section of the creek. The settling pond system has been designed with a “bleed line”
through the downstream pond to convey water downstream and thus maintain these flows.

The water discharged from the settling basins into the lower reaches of South Creek will
have to consistently meet Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of
Freshwater Aquatic Life (CCME Guidelines) to avoid classification as a deleterious
substance under the Federal Fisheries Act. The key parameters of concern are likely to be
total suspended solids and nitrogen compounds.


From studies to date, it appears that the rock mass will have very low flows and that the
quarry will act as a discharge area. As such, the quarry development is not expected to
have adverse effects on groundwater. However, additional field testing, including
hydrogeologic mapping, water level monitoring, in situ permeability testing and
groundwater chemistry, is recommended to confirm these assumptions.


Perhaps the most significant issue with respect to the quarrying process is the production
of dust. Many control measures have been proposed to help the effects of dust on the
surrounding environment. These include speed limits for vehicles, covering and stabilizing
exposed soils, watering and possibly using dust control reagents on road surfaces,
automatic spray suppression systems throughout the processing plant, progressive
reclamation, efficient blasting, and enclosure of the shiploading conveyor. In conjunction
with these measures, dust levels will be monitored and a response plan created that
outlines procedures to be followed if dust levels become elevated.

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Figure 19-7: Watersheds

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Many stakeholders have identified noise as a concern. Although ambient noise levels will
increase during project construction and operation, significant off-site disturbance is not
anticipated. Several mitigative measures have been proposed, including mufflers and
noise-dampening systems for equipment, limiting production to the daytime, avoiding noisy
activities during sensitive wildlife cycles and recreational activities, where possible, and
using blasting techniques that reduce blasting noise.

Visual Impact

To alleviate concerns with respect to the visual impacts of the site on recreational and
tourism use of Alberni Inlet, a visual quality objective has been set. A buffer of second-
growth forest will be left along the boundary of the site adjacent to Alberni Inlet to help hide
the lower part of the quarry and the process plant both during and after production. Visual
impacts of the upper part of the quarry, above the forest buffer, will be addressed at
closure. Closure work will include revegetating the quarry floor and benches, rounding the
vertical profile of the benches and recontouring the bench faces to reduce long straight
lines. The combination of softened lines and vegetation should allow the quarry to partially
blend into the surrounding landscape.

Terrestrial Ecosystem

Many wildlife inventories have been conducted in the site area, with specific attention to
identifying any threatened or endangered species that may inhabit the project area. The
only species found to be of potential concern is the marbled murrelet, which tends to
habituate in old growth forests. To prevent disturbance during possible murrelet breeding
and nesting periods, it is proposed to clear old growth areas required for project purposes
only between 15 September to 31 March. Other sections of old growth forest, particularly
along the foreshore of Alberni Inlet, will be maintained and therefore continue to provide
habitat, along with the nearby Macktush and Cook Creek valleys.

19.5.3 First Nations Consultation

The three First Nations groups who reside in the area around the Eagle Rock Quarry site
have been consulted extensively with respect to the project. Two specific concerns are
heritage sites and current traditional uses of the site. A thorough archaeological study was
conducted in the vicinity of the proposed quarry. Several sites containing Culturally
Modified Trees (CMT’s) were identified, and the facility layout was adjusted accordingly to
prevent their disturbance.

Current traditional land uses are hunting and trapping. Although some wildlife habitat loss
will result from the quarry project, the quality of the habitat is considered to be limited, and

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wildlife in the area should not be significantly affected. The First Nations trapper who has
registered tenure for the area, including the project site, has been contacted and is
supportive of the quarry project.

19.5.4 Environmental Monitoring

ERM has committed to implementing ongoing environmental monitoring programs during

the quarry life to assess impacts that the project may have on the surrounding natural
environment and to measure performance against the various regulatory requirements and
standards that will apply to the project.

19.6 Marketing

19.6.1 Introduction

ERML has retained United States-based consultants experienced in evaluating aggregate

markets and the development of marketing strategies. The lead consultant is Holmes
Reserves LLC (Holmes) whose principal, David A. Holmes, is an aggregate geologist with
more than 40 years’ experience in aggregate studies in the western United States. In
2001, Holmes completed a study of the California market for aggregates, concentrating on
the San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles basin areas. In 2005, ERML commissioned
Holmes to update the earlier study and expand it to include the San Diego area. This later
report (Holmes 2005) provides a detailed assessment of the present supply, demand, and
structure of aggregate markets in the San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego regions,
as well as the strengths and weaknesses of major producers in these areas. The study
also provides a range of prices for concrete aggregate in each market, both FOB quarry
and delivered. The following discussion of California markets is derived from the Holmes
2005 report. Methods used by Holmes to investigate the price structure, supply, and
demand balance and the description of competitors in the market are appropriate and of
sufficient accuracy for a feasibility study.

California has a population of 36 million people and is one of the most dynamic economies
in the United States. It ranks first in the country in total non-fuel mineral production and
consumes approximately 215 Mt of aggregate annually. In 2004, approximately 161 Mt of
sand and gravel and 54 Mt of crushed rock were used in the construction industry in the

The large coastal urban centres of Los Angeles (17.4 million people), San Francisco (6.8
million), and San Diego (2.8 million) continue to see significant population growth, yet
aggregate supplies are in a state of decline. Aggregate supplies are permanently deficient
and will need to be augmented with imports. Significant new infrastructure projects, such
as the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge or the proposed San Francisco airport
expansion, can exacerbate shortages in aggregate supply and contribute to increasing

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prices. Major integrated producers, such as Vulcan Materials and Hanson Aggregates,
have been acquiring smaller producers at a rapid rate to ensure they have sources for their
products, and this consolidation of scarce resources has led to increased premiums being
paid for acquisitions. These producers also recognize the need for establishing sources
for aggregate imports and have begun importing sand and gravel from Canada and
Mexico. Hanson established an aggregate terminal at Pier 94 in San Francisco in 2000
and utilizes self-unloading ships and a conveyer-stacker system to unload sand and gravel
from Sechelt, British Columbia. They have also partnered with a Mexican group to import
sand by barge into southern California.

19.6.2 Supply-Demand Balance, Major California Markets

The Holmes 2005 market study assessment of the supply-and-demand balance for
aggregate in the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego markets is shown in
Table 19-5. This information is largely derived from aggregate supply studies undertaken
by California government agencies, supplemented by industry sources and research.

Table 19-5: Supply-Demand Balance (1999 to 2020)

Million Short Tons
1999 2005 2010 2015 2020
San Francisco Region
Consumption 39.0 39.3 42.3 44.3 47.0
Indigenous production 33.3 30.2 29.7 26.2 24.8
New Source Requirements 5.7 9.1 12.6 18.1 22.2
Los Angeles Region
Consumption 68.5 80.4 84.0 86.9 93.4
Indigenous production 68.2 79.5 62.7 60.6 48.1
New Source Requirements 0.3 0.9 21.3 26.3 45.3
San Diego Region
Consumption 22.1 22.2 23.8 25.2 26.8
Indigenous Production 22.0 19.2 17.2 10.2 6.6
New Source Requirements 0.1 3.0 6.6 15.0 20.2

In the San Francisco area, two existing sand and gravel plants closed during 2002 due to
reserve depletion and removed 4.9 Mst of annual production capacity from the market.
The loss of such a large production capacity would normally have created immediate
shortages; however, coincidentally, the demand declined at this time as a result of the
“high-tech recession” that hit the area, and Hanson began importing sand and gravel from
British Columbia as a replacement. The San Francisco market will need an additional
12.6 Mst of new aggregate supply annually by 2010. This shortfall may be met from
several sources, including additional production capacity at existing operations (e.g.,
Vulcan at Pleasanton); longer trucking distances; development of rail distribution networks;

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and importation by sea. This new source requirement may increase to as much as an
additional 6 Mstpy to 18.1 Mstpy by 2015. Actual requirements will depend on the balance
between costs for long-haul sources and for new imports, plus intangibles such as sales
and delivery infrastructure and established relationships between suppliers and users. It is
inevitable that the overall costs for distributing aggregates, and therefore prices, will rise
over this period.

The Los Angeles basin (Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino
counties) will become significantly aggregate deficient by 2010, requiring new sources of
21.3 Mstpy by that time. This shortfall would have occurred sooner, but existing sand and
gravel quarries in the Irwindale area were permitted to deepen their excavations in 2003
and thus extend their operational life. Alternative permitted sources are limited at present.
This situation may change if permits are obtained for new projects, such as the 75 Mst
gravel deposit near the town of Santa Clara, owned by TXI. There is significant opposition
for such new projects, however, providing an opportunity for the marine importation of cost-
competitive sources. Crushed rock from Texada Island, British Columbia, has already
been imported into the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles by Lafarge for use in one-off
port infrastructure construction projects.

San Diego is the seventh largest city in the nation and one of the four fastest-growing
metropolitan areas. Resources have been rapidly depleting at existing indigenous
sources, and replacements are hard to permit due to a variety of environmental factors and
resistance by local communities to quarrying per se.

Sand and gravel are being imported over long distances by truck from Los Angeles basin
quarries, and sand is being imported by barge from Mexico; however, the quantities
available from Mexico are limited and the quality is only average. Imports of sand by sea
from British Columbia began in 2005, although the quantity is still relatively small.
However, this market represents a significant future opportunity for British Columbia
imports if suitable dock terminal space can be developed.

19.6.3 Distribution System – Major California Markets

Marine importation of aggregate into the San Francisco, Los Angeles basin, and San
Diego markets must take into account how the import site (dock terminal) is positioned
relative to the local transportation system and locations of alternative sources in each area.
This affects the target price of the product FOB the dock site. In addition, the ability of the
transportation system to serve (or not serve) the distribution requirements for aggregate
from conventional sources outside the urban areas will have a major impact on the
competitiveness of these conventional sources. Holmes has studied and assessed the
strategic advantage of a variety of ports in each region and the availability of different
means of transportation of the aggregate from docksite to potential markets.

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All three target market regions have major freeway road systems that provide most truck
access from quarries and plant sites to construction sites. Transportation in the San
Francisco Bay area is complicated by the bottleneck of major bridges connecting the East
Bay with the Peninsula. Traffic congestion in both San Francisco and Los Angeles is
significant, and delays over as much as six hours of the normal workday can occur. Traffic
delays cause major increases in trucking costs for aggregate, and the rates charged have
to take into account the anticipated delays on any particular route. Trucking costs
increased substantially between 2004 and 2005 and will increase further as the industry
adjusts to diesel fuel costs expected to rise to $2.50 to $2.80 per gallon compared with
only $0.88 in 2003. With longer distances required to source supplies, the cost impact is
significant. The delivery of sand and gravel from Marysville to the San Francisco North
Bay market adds approximately $14.00/st to the cost of the aggregate.

Both the San Francisco and Los Angeles basin regions are served by the Union Pacific
Railroad and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. These railroads have reduced
their local service, removing spurs, sidings, and marshalling yards in favour of improving
services to container shipping ports that feed transcontinental lines. Whether the
consideration is distribution outwards from port sites, or supplying into the market from
outlying resource areas, it will not be easy to find suitable rail-connected sites capable of
being developed into major aggregate receiving and distribution depots.

19.6.4 Aggregate Prices – Major California Markets

Research by Holmes has established current aggregate prices on an FOB basis for the
target markets. In addition, price increases since 1999 and current increase trends have
been examined to provide a view on the probable level of annual real price increases up to
2020. These increases are inevitable as the aggregate industry adjusts to several factors
including the high cost of recent acquisitions; development costs of new replacement
resources; increased operating costs at existing operations from factors such as deeper
excavations; and increased transportation costs for longer distance delivery, including sea-
borne imports.

Detailed research of sales prices by Holmes (2005) is considered to be proprietary and to

provide ERML with a competitive advantage. To protect this information, AMEC reviewed
all detailed pricing information and made a judgement regarding the appropriateness of
ERML’s average selling prices, which vary depending on the point of delivery or
distribution. AMEC is relying on Holmes' research and his representations as a Qualified
Person in aggregate marketing studies and considers that the pricing revealed in his study
provides reasonable revenues above the cost of production and shipping.

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19.7 Capital Cost

AMEC’s reviewed capital cost estimates in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment report by
Polaris Minerals (predecessor of Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.). At this time, total capital
costs for mine, infrastructure, processing facilities, and loading facilities for a 3 Mtpy
production rate were estimated to be $83.9 million (2002 Canadian dollars) at an accuracy
of ±30%. AMEC’s review consisted of evaluation of the estimating approach,
completeness of capital items and total cost relative to similar operations. AMEC believed
that this estimate was low relative to site preparation costs that would be incurred, and that
a final estimate based on a more thorough estimating approach would be at or marginally
over the +30% of the expected range of accuracy.

Financial analyses performed in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment used the $83.9 million
capital cost estimate and 2002 operating costs.

Capital costs were updated in AMEC’s 2003 feasibility study, but a final report was not
issued because of Polaris’ decision to defer the project. As part of this study, AMEC
estimated a total capital cost of $120.9 million (2003 Canadian dollars). The estimate
included direct field costs, plus indirect costs associated with the design, construction and
commissioning of the facilities at a 3 Mtpy production rate. Direct costs included mining,
site development, production facilities, utilities, ancillary buildings, and loadout facilities.
Cost estimates were based on design criteria, process flowsheets, general arrangement
drawings, budget quotations from vendors, AMEC’s database, and project work
breakdowns. AMEC quoted the accuracy as being ±15% at a 80% confidence level.

Capital cost estimates have not been updated since March of 2003.

19.8 Financial Analysis

In the project base case, the Eagle Rock Quarry Project quarry operation would supply
aggregate to the Southern California market at a rate of 3 Mtpy in year 1 through 4, then
an increase to 6 Mtpy in year 5 and after. Resources are sufficient to sustain a 90-year
mine life.

The analysis performed as part of the 2002 Preliminary Assessment were adequate for
that level of study and represented the financial outcomes that could be expected for the
assumptions made regarding revenues and costs to the project. AMEC subsequently
found in 2003 that, in line with general recommendations, provided in its 2002 Technical
Report, capital costs for a 3 Mtpy operation increased as much as 43%.

Project revenues are derived from the results of a 2002 marketing study by D.A. Holmes,
which was subsequently updated in July 2005. Pricing of this type of material is difficult
and is closely tied to the supply and demand functions of the specific target market.

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Indications from the marketing study and projections from the information in the marketing
study done by ERML, indicate that the target markets of San Francisco and Los Angeles
will be entering a supply deficit over the early years of the project operation, with
indications that it will increase steadily over the project period.

Revenues are dependant on the accuracy of the projected supply/demand ratios in the
marketing study and negotiated deals similar to other industrial minerals. This poses a
greater price risk than conventional metals mining where commodity prices are established
and published numbers.

Results for the financial analyses in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment for a base case of a
3 Mtpy mining rate and a target case of 6 Mtpy mining rate are provided in Table 19-6 were
completed in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment using two financing scenarios. Results for
a 100% equity and a 60/40 debt/equity mix are shown in Table 19-6.

Table 19-6: Summary of Results of Financial Analyses (2002 Preliminary Assessment)

Equity Debt/Equity

Base Case (3 Mtpy)

Internal Rate of Return 18.4% 25.1%
Equity Payback – Years 5.33 4.52
Capital Cost 83.9 83.9
Undiscounted Net Cash Flow 25 years 363.4 354.3
NPV of Net Cash Flow at 8% 84.7 91.1
Target Case (6 Mtpy)
Internal Rate of Return 22.3% 32.0%
Equity Payback – Years 5.82 4.72
Capital Cost 113.9 113.9
Undiscounted Net Cash Flow 25years 729.5 741.4
NPV of Net Cash Flow at 8% 178.4 198.9

Results indicated after-tax returns varying from 18.4% to 32.0% depending on the case
and the financial leverage applied.

A sensitivity study done in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment indicated that the project is
slightly more sensitive to changes in operating costs and less so to changes in capital
costs and exchange rates. Using 2002 capital and operating costs, the project is not
overly sensitive to ±10% changes in product price (Table 19-7).

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Table 19-7: Results of Sensitivity Analysis (2002 Preliminary Assessment)

+10% Base -10%
Variable Favourable Case Adverse

Base Case – 100% Equity

IRR Selling Price 22.3% 18.4% 14.2%
(25 Yrs.) Operating Costs * 21.0% 18.4% 15.6%
Capital Costs 19.9% 18.4% 17.1%
Exchange Rate 19.8% 18.4% 17.1%
NPV Selling Price 122.9 84.7 46.6
@ 8% Operating Costs * 108.3 84.7 59.9
Capital Costs 90.2 84.7 79.1
Exchange Rate 105.0 84.7 68.2
Base Case – 60:40 Debt:Equity
IRR Selling Price 30.8% 25.1% 18.0%
(25 Yrs.) Operating Costs * 29.2% 25.1% 20.9%
Capital Costs 29.1% 25.1% 22.2%
Exchange Rate 26.6% 25.1% 23.7%
NPV Selling Price 127.3 91.1 51.6
@ 8% Operating Costs * 114.4 91.1 67.3
Capital Costs 96.7 91.1 85.6
Exchange Rate 111.3 91.1 74.6
* Total of quarry, shipping and dock costs, excluding depreciation

Quarries fall under the definition of a mine for tax purposes. Taxation has been addressed
using a single rate of 34.5% against calculated taxable income. This rate represents the
gross effects of all levels of taxation on the project. Suitable allowances have been made
for classifying assets with respect to capital cost allowances under federal tax guidelines to
estimate taxable income. As a check the effective tax paid was calculated to be
approximately 35% of “cash flow before tax” over the 25-year period.

This effective tax rate is in line with what would be expected if detailed provincial and
mining taxes had been considered. For purposes of this study the provision for taxation is
adequate. At the next level of study, tax consequences should be considered in greater
detail given the progressive revisions instituted by the BC government in the fall of 2001,
which included incentives for mining activity, reduced tax rates, and elimination of
provincial capital taxes.

Financial analyses were not completed in AMEC’s 2003 feasibility study because the
project was put on hold. In this study, operating costs for the quarry, processing and G&A
were reviewed and found to be within 10% of the same cost centres estimated in 2002.
Product prices did not change. Shipping and dock facilities operating costs in the market
areas were not updated, but were assumed to be the same as in 2002. Changes in

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operating costs were generally captured within sensitivity ranges of ±10% and ±20%.
However, capital costs increased by 43% and therefore were not captured in the 2002
sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity analyses suggest that the performance of the base case
will decrease significantly as capital costs increase from $83.9 million to $120 million. The
impact of this on declaration of reserves will need to be examined in the future. Reserves
cannot be declared until both operating and capital costs are updated and financial
analyses are completed to demonstrate that mineral resources are extractable at a profit.

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The following conclusions may be drawn from review of the Exploration Studies and the
Preliminary Assessment:

• ERML holds mineral development rights to crushed stone and dimension stone in an
area of approximately 5 km2. The site is located 15 km south of Port Alberni,
Vancouver Island and along the west shore of the Alberni Inlet. ERML has also
claimed 31 ha of foreshore leases to provide docking facilities on the inlet, and
negotiated the transfer of portions of existing foreshore leases to extend these claims.
• The Eagle Rock Quarry deposit consists of a relatively massive and uniform
granodiorite pluton. The Corrigan granodiorite is generally unweathered and unaltered
and contains very few zones of strong fracturing and shearing that may produce
deleterious fines. The hypidiomorphic-granular texture is conducive to production of
cubic and relatively consistent grain sizes upon crushing. Los Angeles Abrasion tests
and Sulphate Soundness tests performed to date support these conclusions.
• Polaris as a predecessor to ERML mapped rock types and measured the orientations
of major joint sets in outcrops and road cuts over an area of approximately 2.5 km2. In
addition, Polaris drilled nine vertical NQ2 (50 mm diameter) core holes to provide a
reasonable three-dimensional coverage of the granodiorite within the volume proposed
for mining. Core logging has confirmed that the pluton within the area proposed for
quarrying is a continuous, relatively massive, medium-grained granodiorite with
relatively closely spaced joints and relatively infrequent shearing. Mapping and core
logging of geotechnical and geological features has been done in accordance with
industry standard practices.
• Los Angeles Abrasion Resistance, Magnesium Sulphate Soundness, Absorption and
Bulk Specific Gravity tests were obtained for seven quarry samples and ten, composite
samples from nine core holes. These tests were performed in accordance with
American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) protocols C181, C88 and C127,
respectively and results demonstrated that the Corrigan granodiorite exceeds ASTM
standards for concrete and asphalt aggregate and is generally superior to competing
materials in the California market.
• Outcrop mapping was done at an interval of from 100 m to 150 m. Mapping suggests
a high degree of continuity in the composition, texture, and structure of the granodiorite
between drill holes and outcrop samples.

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• Results of work to date suggest that the Corrigan granodiorite meets the criteria for a
crushed stone deposit with regard to:
- Quality – Samples tested to date meet specifications for concrete, Portland cement
and asphalt aggregate
- Quantity – The volume of rock within the area that can be quarried will provide a
mine life considerably in excess of 20 years at 6 Mtpy
- Market – Market studies demonstrate that should support development of the
deposit although the exact timing will depend on further detailed study and a
positive reaction from potential customers
- Transportation – Transportation costs are competitive for the intended market.
• ERML has received a Mine Permit approving the work system and reclamation
program for work located at the Eagle Rock Quarry. ERML has also received an
Environmental Assessment Certificate covering the construction, operation,
dismantling, and operation of the Eagle Rock Quarry. Support agreements with local
indigenous peoples (First Nations) have been developed through the ownership
structure of ERML.
• A feasibility study was conducted for the conceptual design and capital cost of the
process plant. The plant will produce five saleable aggregate product sizes through
four-stage crushing and screening operations. The design allows for expansion from
an initial capacity of 3 Mtpy during Years 1 through 4, to 6 Mtpy in subsequent years.
• A bulk loading terminal will be developed on the north side of Hocking Point. Product
will be moved to market utilizing Panamax or similar vehicles with a payload of
approximately 75,000 tonnes. The stockpile reclaim system will have a capacity of
5,000 tph. This reclaim capacity will allow the loading of a ship with a 24 hour
turnaround time. The general arrangement of the loading facilities is in the EIA.
• The site for the Marine Facility (north of Hocking Point) has been suitably chosen due
to both its sheltered location from southwesterly winds and the presence of deep,
unimpeded, water close to shore. The preferred site location with deep water relatively
close to shore allows a solution to be utilised for mooring the ships using “stiff legs” or
mooring supports anchored to the shore, thus avoiding construction in the waters of
the inlet.
• AMEC has determined that the majority of deep-sea ships calling to Port Alberni
facilities are lumber carriers destined for Japan. AMEC is not aware of any
navigational constraints for Panamax class vessels in the Alberni Inlet, but the use of
such vessels needs to be confirmed with the necessary authorities. The type of
shiploader to be used at the marine facility should also be confirmed to ensure it is
compatible with the philosophy of distributing aggregate evenly within the ships hold.
• Infrastructure issues, particularly access road, accommodation, water supply and
drainage and electrical power supply have been reasonably well addressed.

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November 2005

• The most significant environmental issues associated with this project are related to
surface water, fisheries and visual impacts. The potential concerns have been
highlighted and the means of addressing these identified. ERML retained Klohn
Crippen to conduct an Environmental Baseline Study, to assess potential
environmental impacts and to prepare the Project Approval Certificate Application
Report. ERML was issued an Environmental Assessment Certificate on 17 September
2003 covering the construction, operation and dismantling of the Eagle Rock Quarry.
• The main environmental issues and concerns have been addressed through
appropriate mitigation plans. No potentially ‘fatal flaws’ have been identified in the
approach taken by ERML in addressing environmental issues.
• Environmental and geotechnical work conducted by Frontier Geosciences adequately
addresses site preparation. Plans for the truck shop, fuel storage, dry/laboratory, and
administration buildings are adequately detailed for a scoping level study.
• ERML has taken the approach to have First Nations and the local population involved
early on in the project. This has benefited the project and has facilitated the permitting
process. The Project could provide a boost to the local depressed economy that relies
highly on the forest sector.
• Market studies reveal that the San Francisco Bay region and the Los Angeles Basin
are permanently deficient in aggregate sources relative to demand. Between 2.7 to
4.5 Mt of new aggregate imports will be required annually in the San Francisco Bay
region by 2003 to meet projected consumption. The Los Angeles region will require
between 4.5 to 5.4 Mt of new imports by 2005 to meet projected demands.
• ERML’s use of an average selling price (loaded into trucks at dock) in its financial
analyses is comparative with rates presently being charged by its competitors and
appropriate given this information.
• AMEC’s review of the capital cost estimate in the 2002 Preliminary Assessment for the
proposed Eagle Rock Quarry Project concentrated on estimating approach,
completeness, and overall capital cost.
• Estimates of capital and operating costs were updated to feasibility study levels in early
2003, although these were not used to complete financial and sensitivity studies to
declare reserves. Financial analyses undertaken as part of the Preliminary
Assessment in 2002 indicated after-tax returns of from 18% to 32%, depending on the
financial leverage applied. However, these analyses used capital costs approximately
40% lower than capital costs updated one year later in a feasibility study. Operating
costs did not change significantly. The impact of the increased capital cost will need to
be determined when the project is reactivated. At that time, capital and operating costs
will need to be again updated and financial analyses completed to demonstrate that
Measured and Indicated Resources can be extracted at a profit before reserves can be

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November 2005

• Annual holding costs total $18,424.83 and consist of the annual rental on the Crown
Lease and Foreshore Lease payments to the Port Alberni Port Authority. AMEC
recommends that these payments be continued.

149958 Page 20-4

November 2005

AMEC, 2002, Technical Report Alberni Aggregates, British Columbia, Report prepared for
Polaris Minerals Corporation, 4 April 2002.

AMEC E&E, 2003, Geotechnical Investigation Summary, Eagle Rock Quarrry, Report
prepared for Eagle Rock Materials Ltd., March 2003.

Beaudoin, P.G., 2003, Eagle Rock Materials Ltd. Feasibility Study Quarry Operations,
Report prepared for Eagle Rock Materials, Ltd, February 2003.

Carson, D.J.T., 1973, The Plutonic Rocks of Vancouver Island, Geol. Survey of Canada
Paper 72-44.

Eagle Rock Materials Ltd., 2003 Eagle Rock Quarry Project EIA, Final Application Report,
January 2003.

G.R. Rawsthorne and Associates, 2001, Conceptual Study in Support of the Proposed
Alberni Aggregates Project, private report prepared for Polaris Minerals Corporation,
April 2001, 32 pg.

Herrick, D.H., 1994, Crushed Stone, in Industrial Minerals and Rocks, 6th Edition, Society
for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, D.D. Carr, Senior Editor, 1994, pp. 975-986.

Holmes, D.A., 2002, Preliminary Report on the Market for Aggregates from Canadian
Coastal Sources to California Markets.

Holmes Reserves LLC, 2005, Market Report, Evaluating Present and Future Construction
Aggregate Supply and Demand in the San Francisco Bay and Southern California
Market Areas, Report prepared for Polaris Minerals Corporation, July 2005.

Klohn Crippen, 2001, Alberni Aggregates Project Environmental Assessment, Proposal for
Consulting Services, November 2001.

Polaris Minerals Corporation, 2002, Alberni Aggregates Project, Preliminary Assessment,

March 2002.

Polaris Minerals Corporation, 2002, Geological Report, Alberni Aggregates Project.

Seabulk Systems, Inc., 2002, Design of Shiploading Facilities, Eagle Rock Quarry, Report
prepared for Eagle Rock Materials Ltd.

Simpson, Spence & Young (Canada), 2002, An Ocean Transportation Study, March 2002.

149958 Page 21-1

November 2005

Yorath, C.J., Southerland Brown, A. and Massey, N.W.D., 1999, Lithoprobe, Southern
Vancouver Island, B.C., Geol. Survey of Canada Bulletin 498.

Metso Mineral, 2002, Process Simulation Flowsheet for Alberni Aggregates Project
Materials Handling Facility, March 2002.

Terra Nova Technologies, 2003, Feasibility Study Process Plant Design, Eagle Rock
Quarry Project.

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November 2005
The undersigned prepared this Technical Report, titled Technical Report and Qualified Persons
Review, Eagle Rock Quarry Project, British Columbia, dated 18 November 2005, in support of
the public disclosure of Mineral Resource estimates for the Eagle Rock Quarry as of
18 November 2005. The format and content of the report are intended to conform to Form
43-101F1 of National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) of the Canadian Securities Administrators.


Larry B. Smith 18 November 2005

AMEC Americas Limited

111 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 400
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5W3
Tel +1 604-664-3471
Fax +1 604-664-3041

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