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1 Mathematics

√ √
1−2x− 3 1−3x
1. lim x2
A. −1/2
B. 1/2
C. -1/3
D. 1/3
E. 2/3

2. The function f (x) is such that f 00 (x) + 2f 0 (x) + f (x) = 0 for all x. If f (0) = 1 and f 0 (0) = 1
then f (1) =?
A. 0
B. 1
C. e−1
D. 2e−1
E. 3e−1

3. The length of the projection of the vector x = (1, −5, 5) onto the plane spanned by the
vectors e1 = (2, 5, 1) and e2 = (1, 4, 2) is

A. 24

B. 24
C. 27

D. 27
E. None of these

4. Which of the following is the maximum value of the function f (x, y, z) = 2x + y − z + 1 at

the condition that x2 + y 2 + 2z 2 = 22?
A. -10
B. 5
C. 8
D. 12
E. 24

5. The random number X is such that its expected value E(X) is equalto 3, and its variance
Var(X) is equal to 4. Which of the following is equal to E (X + 1)2 ?
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 16
E. 20
2 Chemistry

6. We added 1L of water solution with 2×1022 molecules of hydrogen chloride to 1g of sodium.

What is the final pH value of the solution? The atomic weight of sodium is 23 g/M .
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
E. 13

7. How many elements in the Periodic Table are liquid under standard temperature and pres-
sure conditions?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

8. What is the concentration of Fe3+ in the aqueous solution of 0.1M FeCl3 and 0.1M SnCl2
after equilibrium is achieved? EoFe3+ /Fe2+ = 0.771 V, EoSn2+ /Sn = 0.15 V.
A. 4.1 × 10−4
B. 1 × 10−6
C. 1.4 × 10−7
D. 2.0 × 10−13
E. 6.4 × 10−15

9. Which of the following polymers is formed through polycondensation reaction?

A. Polyethylene
B. Polyethylene terephthalate
C. Polylysine
D. Polyacrilic acid
E. None of the above

10. What is the final product of the reaction of aniline with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric
acid at 5o C in the excess of aniline?





Page 2
N+ N Cl−






3 Physics

11. Imagine you are to rotate a bucket with water on a rope in vertical direction. The length
of the rope is 50 cm, and the mass of the water in the bucket is 1 kg. You are rotating the
bucket with angular frequency ω = 4.47 s−1 . What is the weight of the bucket with water
in the upper and in the lower points of trajectory?
A. 1 N and 1 N
B. 10 N and 10 N
C. 100 N and 100 N
D. 0 N and 20 N
E. 10 N and 20 N

12. A parallel light beam falls on a convex lens with the focal length f1 = 30 cm. At what
distance from this lens a concave lens with the focal length f2 = −10 cm should be placed
to keep the beam parallel?
A. 15 cm
B. 20 cm
C. 30 cm
D. 40 cm
E. 50 cm

13. The nitrogen (N2) gas in the gravitational field has a partial pressure p0 = 760 mmHg.
What pressure will it have at the altitude h = 1 km at the temperature 27o C? The atomic
mass of nitrogen is 14 g/M . The universal gas constant is 8.31 K·M .
A. 638 mmHg
B. 679 mmHg
C. 695 mmHg
D. 734 mmHg
E. 760 mmHg

14. The equation y = 2A sin 2π( Tt − λx ) represents a wave whose

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A. amplitude is 4πA
B. period is T /2π
C. wave speed is x/t
D. wave speed is λ/T
E. phase velocity is in the negative x-direction

15. There are two cylinders with the same radius R = 10 cm and mass m = 1 kg. The first
one is hollow, the second one is solid and twice longer than the first one. Both cylinders
are pushed so they start rolling directly upwards with initial velocity of the center of mass
v = 20 cm/s. What is the difference between the heights of places where the cylinders stop?
Losses of energy for friction are neglected.
A. 0 cm
B. 0.5 cm
C. 1 cm
D. 2 cm
E. 4 cm

4 Molecular Biology

16. Which molecule is depicted below?



B. tryptophane
C. cysteine
D. serine
E. alanine

17. Where does eukaryotic ribosome start translation?

A. at GC-rich hairpins followed by oligoU tracts
B. at promoters
C. at the first AUG start codon from the 5’-end of mRNA
D. at the 5’-end of mRNA
E. at the AUG start codon preceded by the Shine-Dalgarno sequence

18. One of the main mechanisms of mRNA processing and maturation in eukaryotes is
A. trimming of the 5’-end by exonucleases

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B. capping
C. homologous recombination
D. base excision repair
E. massive snoRNA-guided pseudouridinylation

19. Where does bacterial RNA polymerase terminate transcription?

A. at stop codons
B. where Rho factor chasing RNA polymerase may reach it
C. at the binding sites of termination (release) factors RF1 and RF2s
D. at polyadenylation sites
E. at the ribosome binding sites

20. Nucleotide excision repair is

A. ATP dependent process of nucleosome repositioning in transcription
B. removal of damaged DNA base which is directly recognized by DNA glycosylase
C. excision of RNA primer in the process of lagging strand DNA replication
D. exonuclease trimming of the DNA 5’-end at the site of double strand break
E. recognition of DNA helix with distorted geometry by damage sensing proteins
followed by removal of damaged oligonucleotide

5 General Biology

21. Which neurotransmitter is destroyed in the synaptic cleft after its release from synapto-
A. acetylcholine
B. adenosine
C. gamma aminobutyric acid
D. enkephalin
E. endorphin

22. Which of the following processes can occur only during one part of a day (light or dark one)
in plant cells?
A. Calvin cycle
B. Transfer of electrons through the electron transport chain of a chloroplast
C. Crebs cycle
D. Glycolysis
E. Transfer of electrons through the mitochondrial electron transport chain

23. Which of the following is NOT true about mitochondrias?

A. Have their own DNA
B. Have double membrane
C. Have their own plasmids
D. Perform glycolysis

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E. Divide asexually

24. Of the following organisms, which are capable of autotrophy?

I. cyanobacteria
II. bryophytes
III. methanogens
IV. ascomycetes
V. rodents
B. II, V
D. I, II, IV
E. I, II, IV, V

25. Which of the five options below most accurately fills in the gaps in the following sentence
about the generation of action potential?

“The of neuron’s membrane causes increasing influx of ions,

which further the membrane to approximately mV. A simultane-
ous outflux of ions through the voltage-gated channels causes membrane’s

A. depolarization/Na+/depolarizes/+50/K+/hyperpolarization
B. depolarization/K+/depolarizes/+50/Na+/hyperpolarization
C. depolarization/Na+/depolarizes/-80/K+/hyperpolarization
D. hyperpolarization/K+/hyperpolarizes/-80/Na+/depolarization
E. hyperpolarization/Na+/hyperpolarizes/-80/K+/depolarization

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