Pump Maintenance
Pump Maintenance
Pump Maintenance
Pump is the machine that lifts liquids, moves them from place to place,
pressurises them for a number of useful tasks.
Enter into a power station. A number of pumps are in action - feeding water
to boiler, cooling the condenser, oiling the bearings etc. So it is obvious that
reliability, availability and efficiency of a power station depends a lot on the
behaviour of these machines; hence the importance of maintaining pumps in a well
planned way.
Implementation of the maintenance plan needs skilled and trained
maintenance personnel. ln the following section soft his book, attempt has been
made to acquaint trainees with different types of pumps used in power stations (See
Table 1. 1 Fig. 1. 1) and the ways of maintaining them systematically. A 'trouble
shooting chart' has also been added to enable the trainees to react quickly to
abnormal conditions.
2 Discharge Channel Vertical, Double Stage, Pumping water When Cooling Towers
(C.T. Pump) Propeller type, Mix Flow through Cooling tower are required to main-
tain water temperature
3 Control Structure H.P.5 Stages, Vertical. To supply water to
L.P. Pumps 3-stages, various systems like
Vertical, Volute type fire fighting, E.S.P. for
flushing, bottom ash
removal,ash pump
sealing and coolign
2.0 Classification of Pumps
Pumps are basically of three types
i Reciprocating
ii Rotary, and
iii Centrifugal
2.1 Reciprocating pump
In this type energy is added to the liquid by the to and fro movement of piston(s),
plunger(s), diaphragms etc.
Reciprocating pumps can be sub-divided into following varieties i) Piston pumps
i Plunger purnps
Piston - in the drive end converts the steam or air pressure into mechnical energy.
The piston in the pumping end converts the mechanical energy into fluid movement.
Piston Ring - acts as the seating element between the piston and the cylinder walls.
Cylinder - the tubular chamber that contains the piston.
6.2.2 Materials for lmpelier
The following criteria should be considered in the selection of the material
for the impeller :
Corrosion resistance
Abrasive-wear resistance
Cavitation resistance
Casting and machining properties
The following criteria should be considered in the selection of the material
for a centrifugal pump shaft :
Endurance limit
Corrosion resistance
Notch sensitivity
The endurance 1'tm'tt 'is the stress below which the shaft will withstand an
infinite number of stress reversals without failure. Since one stress reversal occurs
for each revolution of the shaft this means that, ideally at least, the shaft will never
fail if the actual maximum bending stress in the shaft is less than the endurance limit
of the shaft materials.
are given specific names to Indicate their purpose. For example, a shaft sleeve used
between two multistage pump impellers in conjunction with the interstage bushing
to form an interstage leakage joint is called an interstage or distance sleeve.
6.4 Bearings
The function of bearings in centrifugal pumps are :
Reducing frictional force.
2. Carefully withdraw the old packing, using paired extractor tools of the correct size,
placed on opposite sides of the shaft. Remove any vestiges of the old packing and
wipe the stuffing box clean.
4. Check the shaft to ensure run out does not exceed 0.025 mm T.I.R.
5. The shaft surface in way of the packing rings must be free from scars, pitting, grooves
or ridges.
6. Examine the gland follower for general condition and fit. The inner radial clearance
should be .25 mm to .4 mm maximum and the outer radial clearance should be .25
mm maximum., to prevent risk of cocking or touching on the shaft.
7. Check the clearance between the neck bush and 'the r 1 haft. If this is greater than
.25 mm radiaily. it may be advantageous to employ a tin, close clearance spacer
ring in the bottom of the stuffing box, to prevent risk of packing extrusion.
2. Place the packing round the shaft, or a- mandrel of the specified diameter. (The bore
of metallic and intruded packing spirals should conform to this diameter).
3. To assist in cutting. rings, two guide lines parallel, to the shaft axis and separated by
a distance equal to the packing section may be drawn on the spiral.
4. Cut the rings from the spiral at an angle of 45' diagonally across the guide lines - no
gap is left between the ends.
4. Check the shaft to ensure it can be turned. afte@ fittina each packing ring.
5. If alantern ring is fitted, it must be correctly Positioned below the inlet connection
allowing for slight compression of the bottom Packing rings. Bring the gland
follower up squarely against the last packing ring and tighten the nuts to finaer
6. Tighten the nuts finally aftpr charqinq the valve.
0 0
F C lb/in2 bar
Natural fibre Cotton Plaited or bri- 199 90 - - 6-9 Water
ded with lubricant
PTFE yarns
with lubricant
PTFE / Aramid fibres coated fibres -364 to 220 to 2900 to 200 to 1-14 Not
aramid treated with braided or +570 +300 14500 +1000 particularly
PTFE plaited and suitable
dispersion impregnated for valve
with stem
lubricant seals.
Expanded Pure Tape form -328 to -200 to 4350 300 0-14 High
graphite expanded +1100 +600 temperature
graphite services sealing
gases and low
pure Flexible plait -328 to -200 to 4350 300 0-14 Viscosity fluids :
expanded +1100 +600 all services
'graphite requiring
leak tightness.
Both internal and external types always have three primary points Fig. 6.8 at which
sealing must be done as described below:
Point (1) - Between the stationary element and casing. This point. is sealed by
conventional gaskets or some synthetic 'O' ring.
Point (2) - Between the rotating element and shaft (or shaft sleeve). This point is sealed
by '0' rings, bellows or some form of flexible wedges.
Po i nt (3) - Between the mating surfaces of rotating and stationary seal elements.
Leakage between these two surfaces cannot be entirely stopped but can be
reduced to insignificant amount by maintaining a very close contact.
A double-suction impeller is axialy balanced with the pressure orv one side equal to
that on the other side Fig. 7.2 . Though this is theoretically true, in practice even in the
double suction pump axial unbalance persists. To compensate for this, all centrifugal
pumps incorporate thrust bearings.
The back of the disc is subject to the balancing chamber back pressure,
whereas the disc face experiences a range of pressures (discharge pressure at its
smallest diameter to back pressure at its periphery). The inner and outer
diameters of the disc are so chosen that the total force acting on the disc face and
that acting on its back wall will balance the impeller axial thrust Fig. 7.5.
If the axial thrust increases during operation, the disc moves tovvards the disc
head reducing the axial clearance. This will result in reduction in leakage and
hence in the back pressure in the balancing chamber. This automatically
increases the A p acting on the disc and moves it away from the disc head,
increasing the clearance. Now, the pressure builds up in the balancing chamber
and the disc is again moved towards disc head until an equilibrium 1 is reached.
Thus automatic compensation is ensured.
8.6.2 lmpeller Maintenance
An impeller removed from the pum p casing should be carefully examined on
all surfaces for Unusual wear, such as abrasion, corrosion or cavitation. Most pump
for general service use bronze impellers which has a reasonably long life.
Occasionally, these pumps operate on high suction lifts or at part capacities both of
which affect impeller, life. Pumps handling water containing sand may use bronze,
cast-iron, nickle or even chrome steel impellers depending upon the amount of sand,
its abrasiveness and the character of the water.
PAGE 56 Allowable wear
It is difficult to generalize on the amount of wear allowable before apump
should be dismantled and the wearing joint renewed, because too many factors ar 1
e involved. Internal leakage through the rings naturally means an efficiency tor,,;.
Ring renewal should be such that the overhaul cost will be offset by the power
savings. lhus, with constant use and high power costs, stified. The rule of thumb
that 100 percent more frequent renewal can be ju increase in ring clearance justifies
ring renewal can be used as a guide.
Even though the clearance is not excessive and the pump can be reassembled
without renewing the wearing ring joint, always check the impetier hub diameter
and the inside diameter of the stationary wearing ring for ecce- ntricity of wear. Measurement of clearance
(3) Repeat this operation for every clearance joint and make a record of all
This operation is best carried out, however, with the rotor removed from the
pump casing it is best suited to multi stage pumps because once the rotor is out of the
casing of pumps, the stationary rings may be freely removed and the clearance
determined by measuring the two diameters and calculating the difference.
One note of warning : This short-cut method gives no clue to the condition of
adjacent clearance sufaces. In other words, burrs, grooves, or indentations caused
by foreign matter passing through the clearances will go undetected, as will the
resultant damage to the surfaces.
8.7.3 Tolerances
It is difficult to lay down limits of accuracy within which adjustments should be
made because of the differences in the size and speed of units, but as a roagh guide it is
suggested it is suggested that when checking angulat alignement readings the following
variations can be tolerated :
Couplings up to 300 mmdiameterO.05 mm
Couplings over 300 mm diameter ... 0.07 mm
In checking the radial alignment of shaft,readings varying by mo,,than 0.102 mm on
gauge i.e. 0.051 mm eccentricity call for adjustment.
9.6.3 If the bearing or the shaft to which it is attached is too large to be set up on arbor
press, then a bearing puller can be used, see Fig. 9.3. Although a bearing puller is
used mostly to remove a bearing, it can pull a bearing into position as well.
9.14.3 When oils are used for low temperature applications, the pour point (lowest
temperature at which the oil is fluid) must be low enough to ensure that the oil
remains in a completely fluid state. If the oil does not have a low pour point,
starting and running friction will be high, increasing wear.
9.14.4 In high temperature application, the oil must be resistant to breaking down and
oxidation. When oxidation occurs, the oil not only loses its effectiveness but forms
deposits that add contaminants to the system.- Most lubricating oils used for ball or
roller bearing applications are formulated with chemical additives to resist oxidation
b) Another type of natural lubrication frequent y used is called splash or ring lubrication,
shown in Fig. 9.8. Splash lubrication uses the revolving motion of the machine parts
to distribute the lubricant. In splash lubrication, a large gear is partly submerged in
the oil contained in the reservoir or sump. As the gear revolves, it splashes oil around
10.1 Some faults that can be diagnosed by observation are lised in the following table:
I) Pump does not deliver Impeller rotating in wrong Reverse direction of rotation.
liquid direction
Suction lift too high Keep the suction lift within the
permissible ranges. Check with
vaccum gauge.
ii) Pump does deliver Air or vapour Lock in suction Stop pump and reprime
rated quantity. line
iii) Pump does not Impeller rotating in wrong Reverse direction of rotation.
generate rated delivery direction
iv) Pump loses liquid Suction line not fully Stop pump and reprime
vi) Excessive Vibration Air or vapour Lock in suction Stop pump and reprime
vii) Bearings Pump and driving unit Disconnect coupling and realign
Overheating out of alingment pump and driving unit.
Oil level too low or too Replenish with correct grade of oil
high. or dain down to correct level.
Not enough bearing cooling Check the jacket cooling media inlet
(in case of jacket cooling). flow and temp.
Oil seals fitted too close check the correct fit between the
by on the shaft. rotating shaft and seal.
viii) Bearings wear Pump and driving unit Disconnect coupling and realign
rapidly. out of alignemet pump and driving unit.
ix) Stuffing box leakage Wrong grade packing Replace with correct grade of packing.
Improper mounting of packing Follow the correct way to fit the gland
x) Packing with short Wrong grade packing Check and select the correct grade
life. of packings.
10.2 Check list for Commissioning Of pump after major overhaul
Ensure trial run of motor is completed.,
Ensure fabrication of suction and discharge pipe is completed.
Ensure suction and discharge pipes are supported on permanent hangers.
Ensure all the temporary supports are removed.
Ensure suction and discharge flange bolts are free in the holes.
Ensure alignment is checked.
Ensure suction and discharge pipes are connected after ensuring no foreign material
is inside the pump.
Ensure no change in alignment reading. after pipings are connected.
Ensure in case of any slight change motor, is adjusted.