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NI VB-8012: Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

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NI VB-8012
NI VirtualBench™ All-In-One Instrument

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These specifications are for the National Instruments VirtualBench VB-8012 only. These
specifications are valid following 30 minutes of warmup and are typical at 25 °C unless
otherwise noted. For feature differences between the VirtualBench application for Windows
and iPad, go to ni.com/info and enter vbfeatures.

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Analog Channels
Vertical System
Number of channels 2 single-ended, non-isolated
Bandwidth (-3 dB)1
............................................................................ 100 MHz
............................................................................ 8 bits
Accuracy 2
............................................................................ ±2% of input, ±1% full scale (Vpk-pk)
Input coupling DC, AC

1 Bandwidth using the accessory oscilloscope probe in 10X mode.

2 Indicates warranted specifications valid at Tcal ±5 °C. Temperature coefficients are
calculated using the temperature change from last external calibration.
Vertical sensitivity (range) 10 mV/div (100 mVpk-pk)

20 mV/div (200 mVpk-pk)

50 mV/div (400 mVpk-pk)

100 mV/div (1 Vpk-pk)

200 mV/div (2 Vpk-pk)

500 mV/div (4 Vpk-pk)

1 V/div (10 Vpk-pk)

2 V/div (20 Vpk-pk)

5 V/div (40 Vpk-pk)

impedance 1 MΩ || 20 pF

Table 1. DC Offset Range

Range Programmable Offset Range

10 mV/div, 20 mV/div, 50 mV/div ±5 V

100 mV/div, 200 mV/div, 500 mV/div, ±20 V

1 V/div, 2 V/div, 5 V/div

Acquisition modes
............................................................................ Sample, peak detect, averaging

Horizontal System
sample rate 1 GS/s single channel,
500 MS/s/channel, dual channel
Maximum record length
............................................................................ 1 MS/channel

2 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Digital Channels/Logic Analyzer
Vertical System
of channels 34
Maximum input frequency
............................................................................ 100 MHz
Input voltage
............................................................................ 0 to 5 V

Note Mixed signal oscilloscope digital channels are designed to withstand

accidental overvoltage from signals on the VB-8012 or similar devices. They are not
recommended for use with signals likely to exceed 0 to 5 V in normal operation.

Input threshold Programmable, 0 to 2.0 V3
Threshold accuracy
............................................................................ 350 mV
Additional/internal channels
............................................................................ Digital I/O lines, function generator start,
external trigger (TRIG), power line frequency

Horizontal System
Timing mode sample rate2
............................................................................ 1 GS/s (down to ~15 kS/s)
Maximum external sample clock rate 100 MHz
Record length
.................................................................... 1 MS
.................................................................... 4 kS
............................................................................External Sample Clock, 1:1, 2:1, and
n*4:1 where n is an integer
Maximum sample compression
............................................................................ 215 to 1

3 Programmable input threshold is only available with the NI VirtualBench driver. The VirtualBench
application has an input threshold of 1.65 V.
4 Under most conditions, the logic analyzer can acquire 1 MS of data. Under some
conditions with very high sustained activity on multiple inputs, the logic analyzer may
only capture 4 kS of data.

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 3

Trigger modes Normal, Auto, Single, Force
Trigger sources
............................................................................ Oscilloscope analog channels, oscilloscope
digital channels, function generator start,
digital I/O lines, external trigger (TRIG),
power line frequency
Trigger types
.................................................................... Edge with hysteresis
.................................................................... Edge, glitch5, level, pattern
Trigger resolution
GS/s mode 1 ns
500 MS/s mode
.................................................................... 2 ns
Trigger export
.................................................................... Available through external trigger (TRIG)

Waveform Measurements
Oscilloscope time5
............................................................................ Period, frequency, positive duty cycle,
negative duty cycle, positive pulse width,
negative pulse width, rise time, fall time,
rise rate, fall rate
Oscilloscope voltage6
............................................................................ High, low, amplitude, maximum, minimum,
peak-to-peak, overshoot, undershoot, RMS,
mean, cycle RMS, cycle mean
Logic analyzer time6
............................................................................ Period, frequency, positive duty cycle,
negative duty cycle, positive pulse width,
negative pulse width

Waveform Math
Operations 7
............................................................................ A + B, A - B, A * B, FFT

5 Glitch triggers are only available with the NI VirtualBench driver.

6 Waveform measurements are only available in the VirtualBench application.
7 Waveform math is only available in the VirtualBench application.

4 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Function Generator (FGEN)
Waveforms Sine, square, ramp/triangle, DC, arbitrary8
Update rate 125 MS/s
............................................................................ 14 bits
Number of channels
............................................................................ 1
Output impedance
............................................................................ 50 Ω
Switchable filter9
............................................................................ 36 MHz lowpass, 7-pole, elliptical
Maximum frequency 20 MHz
Total harmonic distortion
1 MHz
............................................................ -55 dBc
10 MHz
............................................................ -50 dBc
Spurious free dynamic range
.................................................................... -70 dB at 1 MHz (non-harmonic)
Phase noise (1 MHz)
.................................................................... -115 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset
Maximum frequency
.................................................................... 5 MHz
Rise/fall time
.................................................................... <20 ns (10% to 90%)
.................................................................... <5%
.................................................................... 8 ns cycle-to-cycle
Ramp/triangle maximum frequency
............................................................................ 150 kHz
Accuracy (with >10 kΩ load)
Amplitude (1 kHz sine)
.................................................................... ±(1% of setting + 5 mV)
.................................................................... ±(1% of setting + 5 mV)
Output range
50 Ω
.................................................................... ±6 V
Hi-Z (>10 kΩ)
.................................................................... ±12 V
DC offset
50 Ω
.................................................................... ±6 V
Hi-Z (>10 kΩ)
.................................................................... ±12 V

Note The combination of signal amplitude and DC offset cannot exceed the output
range specifications.

8 Arbitrary waveforms are only available with the NI VirtualBench driver.

9 Switchable filters are only available with the NI VirtualBench driver. The VirtualBench
application automatically enables the lowpass filter in sine mode.

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 5

.................................................................... ≤100 ppm
.................................................................... 1 μHz
Arbitrary waveform
.................................................................... 1 MS
Sample rate
.................................................................... 125 MS/s
............................................................................ ±0.3 dB to 20 MHz
............................................................................ Short-circuit protected

types Start of buffer10
resolution 8 ns
Trigger export
............................................................................ Available through external trigger (TRIG)

Digital I/O
Number of channels
............................................................................ 8
Direction control
............................................................................ Input or output, software-selectable
Logic level
............................................................................ 5 V compatible LVTTL input,
3.3 V LVTTL output
strength 4 mA
Input voltage
............................................................................ 0 to 5 V

Note Digital I/O lines are designed to withstand accidental overvoltage from
signals on the VB-8012 or similar devices. They are not recommended for use with
signals likely to exceed 0 to 5 V in normal operation.

DIO channel pull resistors 10 kΩ, pull-down

External Power
3.3 V output
Voltage 3.3 V ±10%
.................................................................... 20 mA

10 The function generator can only produce a trigger.

6 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Digital Multimeter
Functions DC voltage, AC voltage, DC current,
AC current, resistance, diode, continuity
............................................................................ 5½ digits
Sample rate
............................................................................ 5 S/s

Caution Do not use this device for connection to signals or for measurements
within Measurement Categories III or IV. For more information about Measurement
Categories, refer to the Safety Voltages section.

Input protection
diode Up to 300 V DC
DC and AC voltage
.................................................................... Up to 300 V DC or 265 V ACrms,
400 V AC peak
DC and AC current
DMM A current Internal ceramic fuse, 10 A 250 V, time-delay,
connector fuse 5 × 20 mm, T 10A H 250V
(Cooper Bussmann part number S505H-10-R
at www.cooperbussmann.com)
DMM mA current
............................................................ Internal ceramic fuse, 1.25 A 250 V,
connector fuse time-delay, 5 × 20 mm, T 1.25A H 250V
(Cooper Bussmann part number S505H-1.25-R
at www.cooperbussmann.com)

Caution Fuses are located on bottom of device underneath door. Use Phillips #1
screwdriver for removal. Ensure all hazardous voltages are disconnected from the
device prior to removal of door.

Fuse When this fuse symbol is marked on a device, take proper precautions.

common-mode voltage 300 V DC or ACrms

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 7

Table 2. DC Voltage Accuracy
Range Input Impedance 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature Coefficient2
± (% of Reading + ± (% of Reading +
% of Range) % of Range)/°C

100 mV* >10 GΩ, 10 MΩ 0.015 + 0.005 0.001 + 0.0005

1V >10 GΩ, 10 MΩ 0.015 + 0.005 0.001 + 0.0005

10 V >10 GΩ, 10 MΩ 0.015 + 0.005 0.001 + 0.0005

100 V 10 MΩ 0.035 + 0.005 0.005 + 0.0005

300 V 10 MΩ 0.035 + 0.005 0.005 + 0.0005

* Add 15 µV if not immediately following offset null.

Table 3. DC Current Accuracy

Range Burden Voltage 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature Coefficient2
± (% of Reading + ± (% of Reading +
% of Range) % of Range)/°C

10 mA <0.03 V 0.070 + 0.020 0.0035 + 0.0010

100 mA <0.3 V 0.070 + 0.003 0.0020 + 0.0010

1A <0.03 V 0.130 + 0.025 0.0065 + 0.0010

10 A* <0.3 V 0.130 + 0.004 0.0045 + 0.0010

* 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. Add 300 ppm/A for currents >2.2 A. After measuring >5 A,
wait two minutes to get full accuracy in the 1 A range.

Table 4. DC Resistance Accuracy (2-Wire)*, 1 V Open Circuit Voltage

Range Short-Circuit 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature Coefficient2
Current ± (% of Reading + ± (% of Reading +
% of Range) % of Range)/°C

100 Ω 170 μA 0.018 + 0.050 0.0010 + 0.0005

1 kΩ 170 μA 0.018 + 0.005 0.0010 + 0.0005

10 kΩ 70 μA 0.018 + 0.005 0.0010 + 0.0005

8 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Table 4. DC Resistance Accuracy (2-Wire)*, 1 V Open Circuit Voltage (Continued)
Range Short-Circuit 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature Coefficient2
Current ± (% of Reading + ± (% of Reading +
% of Range) % of Range)/°C

100 kΩ 10 μA 0.018 + 0.005 0.0010 + 0.0005

1 MΩ 1.1 μA 0.035 + 0.005 0.0040 + 0.0005

10 MΩ 1.1 μA 0.085 + 0.005 0.0100 + 0.0005

100 MΩ 1.1 μA 1.3 + 0.005 0.1000 + 0.0005

* Perform offset nulling.

Caution The input terminals of the DMM are not protected for electromagnetic
interference. As a result, the DMM may experience reduced measurement accuracy
or other temporary performance degradation when connected to unshielded test leads
in an environment with radiated or conducted radio frequency electromagnetic

DC continuity accuracy range11

............................................................................ 100 Ω
DC diode test range 2V
Effective Common-Mode Rejection >100 dB
Ratio (CMRR), 1 kΩ
resistance in LO lead
Rejection Ratio >100 dB
(NMRR), 50/60 Hz ±0.1%
............................................................................ 105% of range except 300 V

11 DC continuity is only available in the VirtualBench application.

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 9

Table 5. AC Voltage Accuracy
Range (rms) Peak Voltage Frequency 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature
± (% of Reading + Coefficient2
% of Range) ± (% of Reading +
% of Range)/°C

100 mV, 1 V, ±210 mV, 20 Hz to 0.91 + 0.10 0.01 + 0.005

10 V, 100 V, ±2.1 V, ±21 V, 45 Hz
265 V ±210 V, ±400 V
45 Hz to 0.30 + 0.05 0.01 + 0.005
65 Hz

65 Hz to 0.21 + 0.05 0.01 + 0.005

1 kHz

1 kHz to 0.12 + 0.05 0.01 + 0.005

5 kHz

5 kHz to 0.35 + 0.05 0.01 + 0.005

20 kHz

Table 6. AC Current Accuracy

Range Peak Burden Frequency 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature
(rms) Current Voltage ± (% of Reading + Coefficient2
(rms) % of Range) ± (% of Reading +
% of Range)/°C

5 mA ±10.5 mA <0.02 V 20 Hz to 0.20 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.005

1 kHz

1 kHz to 0.60 + 0.01

5 kHz

50 mA ±105 mA <0.2 V 20 Hz to 0.20 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.005

1 kHz

1 kHz to 0.50 + 0.01

5 kHz

10 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Table 6. AC Current Accuracy (Continued)
Range Peak Burden Frequency 1-Year Accuracy2 Temperature
(rms) Current Voltage ± (% of Reading + Coefficient2
(rms) % of Range) ± (% of Reading +
% of Range)/°C

500 mA ±1.05 A <0.02 V 20 Hz to 0.15 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.005

1 kHz

1 kHz to 0.50 + 0.01

5 kHz

5A ±10.5 A <0.2 V 20 Hz to 0.25 + 0.03 0.01 + 0.005

1 kHz

1 kHz to 0.60 + 0.03

5 kHz

Caution The input terminals of the DMM are not protected for electromagnetic
interference. As a result, the DMM may experience reduced measurement accuracy
or other temporary performance degradation when connected to unshielded test leads
in an environment with radiated or conducted radio frequency electromagnetic

impedance 10 MΩ || 200 pF
CMRR, 1 kΩ resistance in LO lead
............................................................................ >70 dB (DC to 60 Hz)

DC Power Supply
Outputs 0 to +6 V/0 to 1 A,
0 to +25 V/0 to 500 mA (isolated),
0 to -25 V/0 to 500 mA (isolated)

Note The +25 V and -25 V channels are bank isolated from ground but not from
each other.

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 11

Table 7. DC Accuracy/Resolution
Output Type +6 V +25 V -25 V

DC output2 Voltage 0 to +6 V 0 to +25 V 0 to -25 V

Current12 1A 500 mA 500 mA

Programming accuracy2,12 Voltage 0.1% + 5 mV 0.1% + 20 mV 0.1% + 20 mV

± (% of reading + offset)
Current 0.2% + 10 mA 0.15% + 4 mA 0.15% + 4 mA

Readback accuracy2,13 Voltage 0.1% + 5 mV 0.1% + 20 mV 0.1% + 20 mV

± (% of reading + offset)
Current 0.2% + 10 mA 0.15% + 4 mA 0.15% + 4 mA

Programming resolution Voltage 1.7 mV 6.5 mV 6.5 mV

Current 0.30 mA 0.15 mA 0.15 mA

Readback resolution Voltage 0.41 mV 1.7 mV 1.7 mV

Current 70 µA 35 µA 35 µA

Load regulation Voltage 0.01% + 25 mV 0.03% + 5 mV 0.03% + 5 mV

± (% of reading + offset)14

Overvoltage protection
............................................................................ 30 V (25 V channels) and 10 V (6 V channel)
Reverse voltage protection
............................................................................ 400 mV

External Trigger (TRIG)

Direction control Input or output, software-selectable
Logic level
............................................................................ 5 V compatible LVTTL input,
3.3 V LVTTL output
strength 4 mA
Input voltage
............................................................................ 0 to 5 V

Note The external trigger line is designed to withstand accidental overvoltage from
signals on the VB-8012 or similar devices. It is not recommended for use with
signals likely to exceed 0 to 5 V in normal operation.

12 Minimum programmable current limit is 1% of range.

13 Programming and readback accuracy specified at no load.
14 Change in output voltage for any load within range.

12 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Wired Interface
USB specification
............................................................................ USB 2.0 Hi-Speed

Wireless Interface
Table 8. Network Protocols and Ports Used
Port Protocol Function

Port 80/TCP HTTP Device configuration (web, MAX)

Port 443/TCP HTTP Device configuration (web, MAX)

Port 3580/TCP Service locator Device configuration (web, MAX)

Port 9090/TCP Configuration only VirtualBench instrument protocol

Port 5353/UDP Multicast DNS Device discovery

Network IP configuration
............................................................................ IPv4, DHCP Client/Server
Radio mode
............................................................................ IEEE 802.11 b,g,n
Wireless modes
............................................................................ AP mode (default), client mode
Frequency band
............................................................................ 2.4 GHz ISM
Channel width
............................................................................ 20 MHz
............................................................................ USA 1-11, International 1-13
(12 and 13 client mode only)
TX power
............................................................................ +10 dBm max (10 mW)
............................................................................ Open, WPA, WPA2, WPA2-Enterprise
security EAP types EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS/MS-CHAPv2,
............................................................................External RP-SMA omnidirectional dipole

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 13

Power Requirements
Caution The protection provided by the VirtualBench hardware can be impaired if
it is used in a manner not described in the NI VB-8012 Safety, Environmental, and
Regulatory Information document.

Voltage input range 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption
............................................................................ 100 W maximum
Power input connector
............................................................................ IEC C13 power connector
Power disconnect
............................................................................ The AC power cable provides main power
disconnect. Do not position the equipment so
that it is difficult to disconnect the power
cable. Depressing the front panel power button
does not inhibit the internal power supply.

Calibration cycle (digital multimeter, 1 year
mixed signal oscilloscope,
function generator,
DC power supply)
temperature Tcal ± 5 °C
Warmup time 30 minutes

14 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Physical Characteristics
....................................................................25.40 cm × 19.05 cm × 7.39 cm
(10.00 in. × 7.50 in. × 2.91 in.)
Enclosure with connectors and
.................................................................... 25.40 cm × 23.37 cm × 13.97 cm
antenna (10.00 in. × 9.20 in. × 5.50 in.)

Note Use the VirtualBench instrument in a horizontal orientation. Allow at least

10.16 cm (4.0 in.) of clearance in front and behind the VirtualBench instrument for
USB, power, and common connector cabling.

Weight 2.05 kg (4 lb 8.3 oz)
Mixed signal oscilloscope
.................................................................... BNC
Logic analyzer
.................................................................... 2x20 shrouded IDC header
External trigger
.................................................................... BNC
Function generator
.................................................................... BNC
Digital I/O
............................................................ Pluggable screw terminal, 3.5 mm
(14 position)
Screw terminal wiring
............................................................ 0.1 to 2.0 mm2 (30 to 14 AWG)
............................................................0.25 N · m (2.2 lb · in.)
Digital multimeter
.................................................................... 4 mm banana jacks
DC power supply
............................................................ Pluggable screw terminal, 3.81 mm
(6 position)
Screw terminal wiring
............................................................ 0.1 to 2.0 mm2 (30 to 14 AWG)
............................................................0.25 N · m (2.2 lb · in.)
Security cable slot
............................................................................ 1, complies with Kensington security slot

If you need to clean the device, wipe it with a dry towel.

Safety Voltages
Connect only voltages that are within these limits.

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 15

DMM Isolation Voltages
Hazardous Voltage This icon denotes a warning advising you to take precautions
to avoid electrical shock.

Channel-to-earth ground
.................................................................... 300 V, Measurement Category II
.................................................................... 3,000 Vrms, verified by a 5 s dielectric
withstand test
Measurement Category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly connected to the
electrical distribution system. This category refers to local-level electrical distribution, such as
that provided by a standard wall outlet, for example, 115 V for U.S. or 230 V for Europe.

Caution Do not connect the VirtualBench hardware to signals or use for

measurements within Measurement Categories III or IV.

DC Power Supply Isolation Voltages

+25 V and -25 V-to-earth ground 60 VDC, Measurement Category I

Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O (Other) are equivalent. The input
circuits are not intended for direct connection to the MAINs building installations of
Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.

temperature 0 to 40 °C
Storage temperature
............................................................................ -20 to 70 °C
Operating humidity
............................................................................ 10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
DMM full accuracy at 10 to 80%
humidity 5 to 95% RH, noncondensing
............................................................................ Forced air circulation (positive pressurization)
through a fan. Fan speed automatically adjusts
according to operating conditions. Intake and
exhaust locations are on rear of device. Ensure
that the intake and exhaust locations are not

16 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

Pollution Degree
............................................................................ 2
Maximum altitude
............................................................................ 2,000 m
Indoor use only.

Shock and Vibration

Operational shock 30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse (Tested
in accordance with IEC 60068-2-27. Test
profile developed in accordance with
Random vibration
.................................................................... 5 to 500 Hz, 0.3 grms
.................................................................... 5 to 500 Hz, 2.4 grms (Tested in accordance
with IEC-60068-2-64. Nonoperating test
profile exceeds the requirements of
MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3.)

This product meets the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical
equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:
• IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
• UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1

Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Online
Product Certification section.

Electromagnetic Compatibility
This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for radio equipment and
for telecommunication terminal equipment:
• EN 61000-6-4 (IEC 61000-6-4): Emissions
• EN 61000-6-2 (IEC 61000-6-2): Immunity
• EN 55022 (CISPR 22): Class A emissions
• EN 55024 (CISPR 24): Immunity
• AS/NZS CISPR 22: Class A emissions

NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications | © National Instruments | 17

• FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions
• ICES-001: Class A emissions

Note For EMC declarations, certifications, and additional information, refer to the
Online Product Certification section.

CE Compliance
This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows:
• 2006/95/EC; Low-Voltage Directive (safety)
• 2004/108/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)
• 1995/5/EC; Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive

Online Product Certification

Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance
information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit ni.com/
certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the
Certification column.

Environmental Management
NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible
manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is
beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.
For additional environmental information, refer to the Minimize Our Environmental Impact
web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and
directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in
this document.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

EU Customers At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must be
disposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information about
how to recycle NI products in your region, visit ni.com/environment/weee.

电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国 RoHS)
中国客户 National Instruments 符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物
质指令(RoHS)。关于 National Instruments 中国 RoHS 合规性信息,请登录
ni.com/environment/rohs_china。(For information about China RoHS
compliance, go to ni.com/environment/rohs_china.)

18 | ni.com | NI VirtualBench VB-8012 Specifications

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