Astm C201
Astm C201
Astm C201
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
calorimeter shall be 131⁄2 by 9 in. (342 by 228 mm) and shall shall be placed around the edges of the test specimen and guard
have two inlet and two outlet water connections. The outer brick to prevent side flow of heat. The test specimen and guard
guard shall extend 2 in. (51 mm) laterally from the inner guard brick shall cover an area of approximately 18 by 131⁄2 in. (456
and shall extend vertically to the member comprising the by 342 mm).
bottom of the heating chamber (see Fig. 3). The separation NOTE 1—A total of nine 9-in. (228-mm) straight brick may be submit-
between the calorimeter and the inner guard shall be 1⁄32 in. (0.8 ted for test, six of which would be cut to obtain the soap brick.
5.2 Preparation of Test Sample—The 9 by 41⁄2-in. (228 by
4.1.3 Water-Circulating System—A water-circulating sys- 114-mm) faces of the three straight brick and the 9 by 21⁄4-in.
tem shall be provided for supplying the calorimeter assembly (228 by 57-mm) faces of the soap brick shall be ground flat and
with water at constant pressure and at a temperature that is not parallel, and the thickness shall not vary more than 60.01 in.
changing at a rate greater than 1°F (0.5°C)/h. The inlet water (60.3 mm). The thickness shall be not more than 3 (76 mm)
pressure shall be at least the equivalent of 10 ft of hydrostatic nor less than 2 in. (51 mm). The sides that are to be placed in
pressure (29.9 kPa). The inlet water temperature shall at all
times be within +5°F (+3°C) or −2°F (−1°C) of the room
temperature. Fig. 5 shows the arrangement that shall be used 4
Method E 220 specifies calibration procedures for thermocouples.
for meeting these conditions. The regulating valves for con- 5
The following procedures are recommended: Roeser, W. F., “Thermoelectric
trolling the rate of water flow through the calorimeter assembly Thermometry,” and Roeser, W. F., and Wensel, H. T., “Methods of Testing
Thermocouples and Thermocouple Materials,” Temperature, Its Measurement and
shall be capable of maintaining a constant rate of flow within Control, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, NY, 1941, pp. 180 and 284,
61 % during the test period. respectively.
contact shall be ground flat and at right angles to the 9 by per cubic foot (or kilograms per cubic metre) shall be deter-
41⁄2-in. face of the brick and the 9 by 21⁄4-in. face of the soap mined in accordance with Test Methods C 134, with the
brick. exception that the thickness measurement shall be made in
accordance with those methods.
NOTE 2—Additional instructions are given in the methods of test for
specific materials (see Section 7) concerning the preparation of the
specimen, placing of guard brick, and the like. 7. Procedure
7.1 Use the procedures for testing specific types of refrac-
6. Bulk Density of Test Specimen tory materials as described in the following test methods: Test
6.1 The test specimen shall be dried at 220 to 230°F (105 to Method C 182, Test Method C 202, Test Method C 417, and
110°C) for 12 h, after which time its bulk density, in pounds Test Method C 767.
10. Report
10.1 The report shall include the following:
10.1.1 Brand name or other identifying information,
10.1.2 Bulk density of the dried test specimen (see Section
10.1.3 General description of the test specimen before and
after test with respect to possible structural changes caused by
exposing the test specimen to the heating chamber tempera-
10.1.4 The thermal conductivity data as calculated in accor-
dance with Section 8 at the mean temperatures recorded during
a 2-h holding period with a steady state of heat flow, and
reported at the mean of the two temperatures used in the
10.1.5 A curve showing the actual thermal conductivity
values obtained versus mean temperatures, and
10.1.6 When requested, the data recorded for Section 8 shall
be included in the report.
D—To drain. M—Magnetic control valve.
E—Cooling coil. O—Overflow pipe. 11.1.1 Results of round-robin tests between four laborato-
F—Water filter. T—Thermostat (controls M). ries on three varieties of refractory material ranging in k-value
G—Center calorimeter. V—Valves. from 2 to 165 were evaluated.
H—Inner guard calorimeter. W—Water inlet.
I—Outer guard calorimeter. 11.1.2 Polynomial regressions were established by com-
FIG. 5 Water-Circulating System with Automatic Temperature
puter, and the residual sum of squares and degree of freedom
Control were summated for the within-laboratory variances. Between-
laboratory variances were calculated from the regression
curves of the four laboratories at four mean temperatures
(500°F, 1000°F, 1500°F, and 2000°F).
8.1.4 Mean temperature between each pair of thermo- 11.1.3 The components of variance for the thermal conduc-
couples in the test specimen as calculated from the tempera- tivity, k, (Btu·in./h·ft2·°F) expressed as coefficients of varia-
tures recorded in 8.1.3, tions were:
8.1.5 Average rise in temperature of the water flowing Within laboratories, Vw= 3.4 %
through the calorimeter, Between laboratories, Vb= 9.0 %
8.1.6 Average rate of water flow through the calorimeter,
11.2 Precision—For the components of variation given in
11.1, two averages of test values will be considered signifi-
8.1.7 Rate of heat flow through the test specimen per unit
cantly different at the 95 % probability level if the difference
equals or exceeds the critical differences listed as follows: (t =
9. Calculation 1.96)
No. of Samples in Each Critical differences, % of grand average k (Btu·in./
9.1 Calculate the thermal conductivity as follows: Average h·ft2·°F)
within-lab between-lab
@k 5 qL /[A~ t1 2 t2!# ( n) precision precision, %
1 9.4 % 26.6
2 6.6 % 25.8
where: 3 5.5 % 25.5
k = thermal conductivity, Btu·in./h·ft 2·°F (or W/m·K), 5 4.2 % 25.0
q = Btu/h flowing into the calorimeter (temperature rise, °F 11.3 Supplemental Interlaboratory Data— One refractory
(K) of the water flowing through the calorimeter times material was tested by four laboratories in which the thermo-
the weight of flowing water, lb/h (or W)), couples were permanently affixed by one laboratory. Polyno-
L = thickness (distance between hot junctions at which t 1
mial regression equations on these data revealed the following
and t2 are measured), in. (or m),
components of variance:
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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