Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants A Case Study
Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants A Case Study
Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants A Case Study
1, 2006
Summary: At its plant in the Dutch town of IJmuiden, steel-producer Corus has its own electri- Key words:
city network. For steel making electrical energy is needed, specially for the mill section, due to power quality,
older techniques these installations produces more voltage distortion on the Corus network. harmonics,
This can cause equipment outages, and thus halt production. This paper presents an innovative resonance,
solution to these problems, thereby limiting production losses and system mal operation and non linear loads,
without exceeding of harmonic limits at the connection to the grid- operators network. filter,
power electronics
W.T.J. Hulshorst et al.: Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants #%
problems have occurred at substation H and P.
To analyze the power quality problems and
propose mitigation options a number of
consequent steps were taken. These general
numbers of steps can be used for other problem
related to similar problems.
#& Electric Power Quality and Utilization, Magazine Vol. II, No 1, 2006
This could indicate a series resonance scenario.
Since the levels were so high, a voltage wave
shape has been measured at an electrical wall
outlet socket for conformation purposes. The
wave shape is shown at Figure 5.
As can be seen in Figure 5, there are multiple
zero crossings. Some equipment will switch off
when such a voltage is applied. Next to the
multiple zero crossings, it can also been seen
that there is a classic resonance at the 23rd
W.T.J. Hulshorst et al.: Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants #'
technical lifetime of these drives has not been
reached yet.
In evaluating solutions to the resonance
problems several mitigation options were
considered. These were:
1. Detuning of the harmonic resonance
frequency with passive components (C & L)
2. SVC (TCR and C) and STATCOM solutions
3. Splitting network into a high and low THD
level grids
A summary of the first two options are provided
in the Table 1.
Although the solutions described above will
Fig. 6. Mechanisms
high impedance to the flow of harmonic reduce the problem regarding the harmonics,
of parallel (a) and
series (b) resonance currents at the resonance frequency. This the costs to invest were still too high. Therefore
parallel resonance is initiated by distortion a remarkable solution has been found sufficient
generated internally, i.e. within the load for the Corus production process by
connection point. In this case a inrush current subdividing the grid into two separated grids
associated with the switching transformer with a high THD level and a low THD level grid.
or distorting converter load can be assumed At the grid with low THD level all sensitive
to be the generating source current Ih. In equipment for harmonics were connected. At
this case the impedance at the resonance is the high THD level, all large harmonic sources
high, resulting in higher voltage distortion and equipment that could handle these high THD
at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC), or levels were connected. Although the harmonic
where the equipment and load is connected. problems still exist, the process could still fulfill
Series Resonance (Figure 6 (b)) of the without losing production due to the resonance
equivalent network capacitance Cs, and the or harmonic problems. To subdivide the grid
supply reactance Ls, is resulting from Corus only had to invest in a 10 kV cable, which
externally generated or injected distortion was less then half of the cost for the other given
from other parts of the system. A series solutions. The harmonic distortion at the PCC
resonance is characterized as low impedance with the gridowner (150 kV) remains the same
for harmonic currents at the resonance level as before the studies.
frequency. In this case the background
supply voltage distortion is the mechanism.
In this case the impedance at the resonance 4. Plant and grid expansion
is low, resulting in higher current distortion For a couple of years the split-network solution,
through the load, cable capacitance or where the grid is separated into high- and low
capacitor bank installations. THD level grids, has operating successfully.
In practice these two phenomenon are linked in The steel production process has not been
one circuit and both increased levels in the stopped due to harmonic or resonance
voltage and current distortions are practically problems. Equipment did fulfill the expectations
measured as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 and did not fail and the financial damages due
to lack of power quality at the several locations
3.6. Harmonic mitigation options in the plant were minimized.
Reduction of the harmonics at the sources is Corus recently decided to add a Near Infra Red
also a possibility, however this would mean that (NIR) installation to its facilities. This special
most of the drives used have to be changed steel coating installation is made of
which is not an economical solution since the 12 different units (10 units having a rating of
Option C bank + filter STATCOM STATCOM + C
(TCR + C)
Rating (MVAr) 30 – 50 35 – 60 5 – 10 55 – 60
Filtering +/- +/- + ++
Detuning +/- + + ++
Effectivity Limited Sufficient Good Excellent
Flexibility -- +/- ++ ++
W.T.J. Hulshorst et al.: Harmonic Analyses and Mitigation in Large Industrial Steel Plants $
To model the NIR installation information, the Still the solution with two-phase shifting
NIR model was created with manufacturer input transformer was not adequate. The level of the
data. Since the information provided by the NIR 23rd harmonic was still not acceptable.
manufacturer was very limited, a worst-case To reduce the 23rd harmonic the NIR installation
model, meaning the harmonic sources contain was connected to the 10 kV grid with 3
harmonics according the theory of a 6-pulse transformers. 2 transformers were having a
converter was used. phase shift of plus or minus 7,5 degree, while
The dry type transformers to connect the NIR the third transformer was an Yyd transformer.
to the 10 kV network, were modeled according As can seen from figure 10, this resulted in a
to reference 3 including the frequency reduced 23rd harmonic.
dependency of the resistance in the transformer. Although the 47th and 49th harmonics are still
high, it is expected that these high values will be
4.3. Different transformer configurations much lower in reality, since the resistance in the
To reduce the harmonic contents caused by network will damp them. All simulations were
the NIR installation, at the 10 kV bus bar HVS14, performed with the NIR at full load and at a loading
several transformer configurations were were some units were switched off. For the case
considered. Figure 9 shows the results of an with 3 transformers, the highest values were
simulation were the NIR installation is achieved when the NIR installation is at full load.
connected with two Yyd transformers compared
with a solution were a phase shift is made within 4.4. Select transformer configuration
the transformer, one with +7,5 degree and one Based on the results it was decided to use 3
transformer with 7,5 degree. As can seen the transformers were two will have a phase shift.
transformer with the phase shifting will result Although these two transformers are about 10-
in a lower THD level, since the 11th, 13th, 35th 15% more expensive compared with a transformer
Fig. 9. Results simula-
tion Yyd versus Zyd
and 37th harmonics are much lower compared without phase shifting, this solution was still
(phase shift) configura- with the transformer without phase shifting. the most acceptable solution to Corus.
4.5. Specification of the transformer
To make sure the transformers fulfill the
requirements of harmonic loading, the harmonic
loading for each transformer was calculated. This
harmonic content was provided within
the specification of the transformer to the
manufacturer [3]. The manufacturer was asked
to establish the influence of the harmonics on
the losses, cooling and life expectation of the
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