Sa 325 PDF
Sa 325 PDF
Sa 325 PDF
(Identical with ASTM Specification A 325-00 except for the deletion of the term “private label distributor” in 16.1 and 16.5.)
D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging 3.1.8 Zinc Coating — Specify the zinc coating pro-
F 436 Specification for Hardened Steel Washers cess required, for example, hot dip, mechanically depos-
F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical ited, or no preference (see 4.3).
Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fas- 3.1.9 Other Finishes — Specify other protective
teners, Washers, and Rivets finish, if required.
F 788 /F 788M Specification for Surface Discontinuities
of Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series 3.1.10 Test reports, if required (see Section 14).
F 959 Specification for Compressible-Washer-Type 3.1.11 Special requirements.
Direct Tension Indicators for Use with Structural Fas-
teners NOTE 3 — A typical ordering description follows: 1000 pieces 1 in.
dia ⴛ 4 in. long Heavy Hex Structural Bolt, Type 1 ASTM A 325-XX;
G 101 Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion
each with one Hardened Washer, ASTM F 436 Type 1; and one Heavy
Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels Hex Nut, ASTM A 563 Grade DH. Each component hot dip zinc coated.
Nuts lubricated.
2.2 ANSI /ASME Standards:
B1.1 Unified Screw Threads 3.2 Recommended Nuts:
B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws 3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, all nuts used on
B18.18.3M Inspection and Quality Assurance for Special these bolts shall conform to the requirements of Specifi-
Purpose Fasteners cation A 194 /A 194M or A 563, shall be heavy hex, and
2.3 Military Standard: shall be of the class and surface finish for each type of
MIL-STD 105 Sampling Procedure and Tables for bolt as follows:
Inspection by Attributes Bolt Type and Finish Nut Class and Finish
4.3 Zinc Coatings, Hot-Dip and Mechanically 5.3 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser
Deposited: from finished material representing each lot of bolts. The
4.3.1 When zinc-coated fasteners are required, the chemical composition thus determined shall conform to
purchaser shall specify the zinc-coating process, for the requirements specified in 5.1 or 5.2.
example, hot dip, mechanically deposited, or no pref- 5.4 Heats of steel to which bismuth, selenium, tellu-
erence. rium, or lead has been intentionally added shall not be
4.3.2 When hot-dip is specified, the fasteners shall permitted for bolts.
be zinc coated by the hot-dip process and the coating shall
5.5 For Type 1 bolts made from plain carbon steel
conform to the coating weight /thickness and performance
or alloy steel, heats of steel to which boron has been
requirements of Class C of Specification A 153.
intentionally added shall not be permitted.
4.3.3 When mechanically deposited is specified,
the fasteners shall be zinc coated by the mechanical depo- 5.6 Compliance with 5.4 and 5.5 shall be based on
sition process and the coating shall conform to the coating certification that heats of steel having any of the listed
weight /thickness and performance requirements of Class elements intentionally added were not used to produce
50 of Specification B 695. the bolts.
4.3.4 When no preference is specified, the supplier 5.7 Chemical analyses shall be performed in accor-
may furnish either a hot-dip zinc coating in accordance dance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology
with Specification A 153, Class C, or a mechanically A 751.
deposited zinc coating in accordance with Specification
B 695, Class 50. Threaded components (bolts and nuts)
shall be coated by the same zinc-coating process and the 6. Mechanical Properties
supplier’s option is limited to one process per item with 6.1 Hardness — The bolts shall conform to the hard-
no mixed processes in a lot. ness specified in Table 3.
4.4 Lubrication — When zinc-coated nuts are ordered 6.2 Tensile Properties:
with the bolts, the nuts shall be lubricated in accordance 6.2.1 Bolts having a length of 3 times the diameter
with Specification A 563, Supplementary Requirement or longer (see 6.2.3) shall be tested full size and shall
S1, to minimize galling. conform to the tensile strength and proof load or alterna-
4.5 Secondary Processing — If heat treatment, zinc tive proof load specified in Table 4.
coating, lubrication, or other processing affecting proper- 6.2.2 Bolts having a length less than 3 times the
ties is performed by a subcontractor, the fasteners shall diameter are not subject to tensile tests, except as permit-
be inspected after such processing by the party responsi- ted in 6.2.3.
ble for supplying the fasteners to the user or installer. 6.2.3 Bolts having a length of 2 times the diameter
Heat-treated fasteners shall be tested for all mechanical or longer may be tested full size for tensile properties
properties; hot-dip zinc-coated fasteners for all mechani- whenever test equipment is available. In such cases refer-
cal properties and rotational capacity; mechanically zinc- ence to “3 times the diameter” in Table 3, 6.2.1, and
coated fasteners for rotational capacity; and lubricated 6.2.2 shall be considered to be “2 times the diameter.”
fasteners for rotational capacity.
6.2.4 For bolts on which hardness and tension tests
are performed, acceptance based on tensile requirements
5. Chemical Composition shall take precedence in the event of controversy over
low hardness tests.
5.1 Type 1 bolts shall be plain carbon steel,
carbon /boron steel, or alloy steel, at the manufacturer’s 6.3 Rotational Capacity Test:
option, conforming to the chemical composition specified 6.3.1 Definition — The rotational capacity test is
in Table 1. intended to evaluate the presence of a lubricant, the effi-
5.2 Type 3 bolts shall be weathering steel and shall ciency of the lubricant and the compatability of assem-
conform to one of the chemical compositions specified blies as represented by the components selected for
in Table 2. The selection of the chemical composition, testing.
A, B, C, D, E, or F, shall be at the option of the bolt 6.3.2 Requirement — Zinc-coated bolts and zinc
manufacturer. See Guide G 101 for methods of estimating coated and lubricated nuts tested full size in an assembled
the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low alloy steels. joint or tension-measuring device, in accordance with
10.2, shall not show signs of failure when subjected to 7.4 The gaging limit for bolts shall be verified during
the nut rotation in Table 5. The test shall be performed manufacture. In case of dispute, a calibrated thread ring
by the responsible party (see Section 15) prior to shipment gage of the same size as the oversize limit in 7.3 (Class
after zinc coating and lubrication of nuts. X tolerance, gage tolerance plus) shall be used to verify
6.3.3 Acceptance Criteria — The bolt and nut compliance. Assembly of the gage, or the nut described
assembly shall be considered as nonconforming if the above, must be possible with hand effort following appli-
assembly fails to pass any one of the following specified cation of light machine oil to prevent galling and damage
requirements: to the gage. These inspections, when performed to resolve Inability to install the assembly to the disputes, are to be performed at the frequency described
nut rotation in Table 5. in Table 6. Inability to remove the nut after installing
to the rotation specified in Table 5.
8. Workmanship Shear failure of the threads as determined
by visual examination of bolt and nut threads following 8.1 Surface discontinuity limits shall be in accordance
removal. with Specification F 788 /F 788M. Torsional or torsional tension failure of
the bolt. Elongation of the bolt, in the threads between
the nut and bolt head, is to be expected at the required 9. Number of Tests and Retests
rotation and is not to be classified as a failure. 9.1 Testing Responsibility:
9.1.1 Each lot shall be tested by the manufacturer
7. Dimensions prior to shipment in accordance with the production lot
7.1 The bolts shall be full-body conforming to the identification control quality assurance plan in 9.2
dimensions for heavy hex structural bolts specified in through 9.6.
ANSI /ASME B18.2.1.
9.1.2 When bolts are furnished by a source other
7.1.1 Heavy hex structural bolts shall be supplied, than the manufacturer, the responsible party as defined
unless otherwise specified. For bolts other than Heavy in 15.1 shall be responsible for assuring all tests have been
Hex Structural, dimensional requirements must be speci- performed and the bolts comply with the requirements of
fied on the purchase inquiry and order. The thread length this specification (see 4.5).
may not be changed except as provided in Supplementary
Requirement S1. Special thread lengths can be ordered 9.2 Purpose of Lot Inspection — The purpose of a
under Specification A 449. production lot inspection program is to ensure that each
7.2 Threads shall be the Unified Coarse Thread Series lot conforms to the requirements of this specification. For
as specified in ANSI /ASME B1.1, and shall have Class such a plan to be fully effective it is essential that second-
2A tolerances. When specified, 8-pitch thread series may ary processors, distributors, and purchasers maintain the
be used on bolts over 1 in. in diameter. identification and integrity of each lot until the product
is installed.
7.3 Unless otherwise specified, bolts to be used with
nuts or tapped holes which have been tapped oversize, 9.3 Production Lot Method — All bolts shall be pro-
in accordance with Specification A 563, shall have Class cessed in accordance with a lot identification-control
2A threads before hot-dip or mechanically deposited zinc quality assurance plan. The manufacturer, secondary
coating. After zinc coating, the maximum limit of pitch processors, and distributors shall identify and maintain
and major diameter may exceed the Class 2A limit by the integrity of each production lot of bolts from raw-
the following amount: material selection through all processing operations and
Diameter, in.A Oversize Limit, in.A treatments to final packing and shipment. Each lot shall
⁄4 0.016 be assigned its own lot-identification number, each lot
⁄16, 3⁄8 0.017 shall be tested, and the inspection test reports for each
⁄16, 1⁄2 0.018 lot shall be retained.
⁄16 to 3⁄4 incl. 0.020
⁄8 0.022 9.4. Production Lot Definition — A production lot, for
1.0 to 11⁄4 incl. 0.024 purposes of assigning an identification number and from
13⁄8, 11⁄2 0.027
which test samples shall be selected, shall consist of all
These values are the same as the overtapping required for zinc-coated bolts processed essentially together through all operations
nuts in Specification A 563. to the shipping container that are of the same nominal
size, the same nominal length, and produced from the surfaces of the bolt head and nut. The hole in the joint
same mill heat of steel. shall have the same nominal diameter as the hole in the
washer. The initial tightening of the nut shall produce a
9.5 Number of Tests
load in the bolt not less than 10% of the specified proof
9.5.1 The minimum number of tests from each load. After initial tightening, the nut position shall be
production lot shall conform to the following: marked relative to the bolt, and the rotation shown in
Number of Pieces in Number of Acceptance Table 5 shall be applied. During rotation, the bolt head
Test Production Lot Tests Number shall be restrained from turning.
800 and less 1 0
Hardness 801 to 8,000 2 0
Tensile 8,001 to 35,000 3 0
Proof load 35,001 to 150,000 8 0 11. Visual Inspection for Head Bursts
150,001 and over 13 0
11.1 Requirement — Each lot shall be visually
Rotational 150,000 and less 2 0
inspected for head bursts and shall meet an acceptable
quality level of 2.5 as specified in Table 7.
Coating 250,000 and less 4 0
weight 11.2 Testing — AQL sampling and inspection shall
Dimensions In accordance with the manufacturer’s standard be conducted in accordance with the sample size, accept-
quality control practices. In the event of dis- ance, and rejection values specified in Table 7. Samples
pute, acceptance shall be based on the require- shall be picked at random.
ments for Final Inspection, Nondestructive
shown in ASME/ANSI B18.18.3M 11.3 Definitions:
Thread fit
Noncoated Same as Dimensions 11.3.1 Burst — A burst is an open break in the metal
Coated In accordance with 7.4 and Table 6 (material). Bursts can occur on the flats or corners of the
Head bursts In accordance with Section 11 and Table 7 heads of bolts.
9.6 When tested in accordance with the required sam- 11.3.2 Defective Bolt — A defective bolt, for the
pling plan, a lot shall be rejected if any of the test speci- purposes of the visual inspection for bursts, shall be any
mens fail to meet the applicable test requirements. bolt that contains a burst in the flat of the head which
extends into the top crown surface of the head (chamfer
circle) or the under-head bearing surface. In addition,
10. Test Methods bursts occurring at the intersection of two wrenching
10.1 Tensile and Hardness: flats shall not reduce the width across corners below the
10.1.1 Tensile and hardness tests shall be conducted specified minimum.
in accordance with Test Methods F 606 using the wedge 11.3.3 Lot — A lot, for the purposes of visual
tension testing of full size product method to determine inspection, shall consist of all bolts of one type having
full size tensile strength. the same nominal diameter and length made from the
10.1.2 Proof load shall preferably be determined same heat of material and by the same production process
using Method 1, Length Measurement. and subsequently submitted for final inspection at one
10.1.3 Fracture shall be in the body or threads of time.
the bolt without any fracture at the junction of the head 11.4 Acceptance Criteria:
and body.
11.4.1 Manufacturer — If the number of defective
10.2 Rotational Capacity — The zinc-coated bolt shall bolts found during inspection by the manufacturer is
be placed in a steel joint or tension measuring device and greater than the acceptance number given in Table 7 for
assembled with a zinc-coated washer and a zinc-coated the sample size, all bolts in the lot shall be visually
and lubricated nut with which the bolt is intended to be inspected and all defective bolts shall be removed and
used. The nut shall have been provided with the lubricant destroyed.
described in the last paragraph of the Manufacturing Pro-
cesses section of Specification A 563. The joint shall be 11.4.2 Purchaser — If the number of defective bolts
one or more flat structural steel plates or fixture stack up found during inspection by the purchaser is greater than
with a total thickness, including the washer, such that 3 the acceptance number given in Table 7 for the sample
to 5 full threads of the bolt are located between the bearing size, the lot shall be subject to rejection.
17.2 Package Marking: ordered with A 325 heavy hex structural bolts, the ship-
17.2.1 Each shipping unit shall include or be plainly ping unit shall be marked with the lot number in addition
marked with the following information: to the marking required by the applicable product specifi-
cation; ASTM designation and type; Purchase order number; and Size; Country of origin. Name and brand or trademark of the
manufacturer; Number of pieces; 18. Keywords Lot number; when nuts, washers, or 18.1 bolts; carbon steel; steel; structural; weather-
direct tension indicators, or a combination thereof, are ing steel
Carbon Steel Carbon Boron Steel Alloy Steel
Heat Product Heat Product Heat Product
Element Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
Carbon 0.30–0.52 0.28–0.55 0.30–0.52 0.28–0.55 0.30–0.52 0.28–0.55
Manganese, min. 0.60 0.57 0.60 0.57 0.60 0.57
Phosporus, max. 0.040 0.048 0.040 0.048 0.035 0.040
Sulfur, max. 0.050 0.058 0.050 0.058 0.040 0.045
Silicon 0.15–0.30 0.13–0.32 0.10–0.30 0.08–0.32 0.15–0.35 0.13–0.37
Boron see 5.5 and 5.6 0.0005–0.003 0.0005–0.003 see 5.5 and 5.6 ...
Alloying elements ... ... ... ...
Steel, as defined by the American Iron and Steel Institute, shall be considered to be alloy when the maximum of the range given for the
content of alloying elements exceeds one or more of the following limits: Manganese, 1.65%; silicon, 0.60%; copper, 0.60% or in which a
definite range or a definite minimum quantity of any of the following elements is specified or required within the limits of the recognized field
of constructional alloy steels; aluminum, chromium up to 3.99%, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zir-
conium, or any other alloying elements added to obtain a desired alloying effect.
Composition, %
Type 3 Bolts A
Element A B C D E F
Heat analysis 0.33–0.40 0.38–0.48 0.15–0.25 0.15–0.25 0.20–0.25 0.20–0.25
Product analysis 0.31–0.42 0.36–0.50 0.14–0.26 0.14–0.26 0.18–0.27 0.19–0.26
Heat analysis 0.90–1.20 0.70–0.90 0.80–1.35 0.40–1.20 0.60–1.00 0.90–1.20
Product analysis 0.86–1.24 0.67–0.93 0.76–1.39 0.36–1.24 0.56–1.04 0.86–1.24
Heat analysis 0.040 max. 0.06–0.12 0.035 max. 0.040 max. 0.040 max. 0.040 max.
Product analysis 0.045 max. 0.06–0.125 0.040 max. 0.045 max. 0.045 max. 0.045 max.
Heat analysis 0.050 max. 0.050 max. 0.040 max. 0.050 max. 0.040 max. 0.040 max.
Product analysis 0.055 max. 0.055 max. 0.045 max. 0.055 max. 0.045 max. 0.045 max.
Heat analysis 0.15–0.35 0.30–0.50 0.15–0.35 0.25–0.50 0.15–0.35 0.15–0.35
Product analysis 0.13–0.37 0.25–0.55 0.13–0.37 0.20–0.55 0.13–0.37 0.13–0.37
Heat analysis 0.25–0.45 0.20–0.40 0.20–0.50 0.30–0.50 0.30–0.60 0.20–0.40
Product analysis 0.22–0.48 0.17–0.43 0.17–0.53 0.27–0.53 0.27–0.63 0.17–0.43
Heat analysis 0.25–0.45 0.50–0.80 0.25–0.50 0.50–0.80 0.30–0.60 0.20–0.40
Product analysis 0.22–0.48 0.47–0.83 0.22–0.53 0.47–0.83 0.27–0.63 0.17–0.43
Heat analysis 0.45–0.65 0.50–0.75 0.30–0.50 0.50–1.00 0.60–0.90 0.45–0.65
Product analysis 0.42–0.68 0.47–0.83 0.27–0.53 0.45–1.05 0.55–0.95 0.42–0.68
Heat analysis ... ... 0.020 min. ... ... ...
Product analysis ... ... 0.010 min. ... ... ...
Heat analysis ... 0.06 max. ... 0.10 max. ... ...
Product analysis ... 0.07 max. ... 0.11 max. ... ...
Heat analysis ... ... ... 0.05 max. ... ...
Product analysis ... ... ... ... ... ...
A, B, C, D, E, and F are classes of material used for Type 3 bolts. Selection of a class shall be at the option of the bolt manufacturer.
Bolts having a length less than 3 times the diameter are subject only to minimum/maximum hardness.
Such lengths cannot be reasonably tensile tested.
D p Nominal diameter or thread size.
Bolt Size, Proof Load, B Proof Load, B
Threads per Inch Tensile Length Yield
and Series Stress Area, A Strength, B Measurement Strength
Designation in.2 Min., lbf Method Method, Min.
⁄2–13 UNC 0.142 17,050 12,050 13,050
⁄8–11 UNC 0.226 27,100 19,200 20,800
⁄4–10 UNC 0.334 40,100 28,400 30,700
⁄8–9 UNC 0.462 55,450 39,250 42,500
The stress area is calculated as follows:
As p 0.7854 [D − (0.9743/n)]2
As p stress area, in.2,
D p nominal bolt size, and
n p threads per inch.
Loads tabulated are based on the following:
⁄2 to 1, incl. 120,000 psi 85,000 psi 92,000 psi
11⁄8 to 11⁄2, incl. 105,000 psi 74,000 psi 81,000 psi
Nominal Nut Rotation, degrees
Bolt Length, in. (Turn)
Up to and including 4 ⴛ dia 240 (2⁄3)
Over 4 ⴛ dia, but not exceeding 8 ⴛ dia 360 (1)
Over 8 ⴛ dia, but not exceeding 12 ⴛ dia 420 (11⁄6)
Over 12 ⴛ dia Test not applicable
Lot Size Sample Size A,B Acceptance Number A
2 to 90 13 1
91 to 150 20 2
151 to 280 32 3
281 to 500 50 5
501 to 1,200 80 7
1,201 to 3,200 125 10
3,201 to 10,000 200 14
10,001 and over 315 21
Sample sizes of acceptance numbers are extracted from “Single Sampling Plan for Normal Inspec-
tion” Table IIA, MIL-STD-105.
Inspect all bolts in the lot if the lot size is less than the sample size.
Sample Acceptance
Lot Size Size A,B Number A Rejection No.
2 to 8 2 0 1
9 to 15 3 0 1
16 to 25 5 0 1
26 to 150 20 1 2
151 to 280 32 2 3
281 to 500 50 3 4
501 to 1,200 80 5 6
1,201 to 3,200 125 7 8
3,201 to 10,000 200 10 11
10,001 to 35,000 315 14 15
Sample sizes, acceptance numbers, and rejection numbers are extracted from “Single Sampling Plan
for Normal Inspection” Table IIA, MIL-STD-105.
Inspect all bolts in the lot if the lot size is less than the sample size.
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the pur-
chaser in the contract or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be
agreed upon in writing between the manufacturer and purchaser. Supplementary require-
ments shall in no way negate any requirement of the specification itself.
S1. Bolts Threaded Full Length will permit, shall not exceed the length of 21⁄2 threads
S1.1 Bolts with nominal lengths equal to or shorter for bolt sizes 1 in. and smaller, and 31⁄2 threads for bolt
than four times the nominal bolt diameter shall be sizes larger than 1 in.
threaded full length. Bolts need not have a shoulder, and
the distance from the underhead bearing surface to the S1.2 Bolts shall be marked in accordance with Section
first complete (full form) thread, as measured with a GO 16, except that the symbol shall be A 325 T instead of
thread ring gage, assembled by hand as far as the thread A 325.