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Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College (An Autonomous Government Engineering College) JALPAIGURI-735102

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The Rules and Regulations relating to Academic

activities of
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College


Phone: 03561 – 255131 (Principal), Fax: 03561 – 256143

255465 (EPABX)

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JGEC/Academic Rules and Regulations
The Rules and Regulations relating to Academic activities of
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College

1. Introduction:
Short title
Scope of the Regulations:
2. Academic Programs:
3. Academic Calendar
4. Admission:
5. Attendance
6. Conduct and Discipline
7. Course Curricula:Course Structure
8. Summer Industrial Training:
9. Grading System
10. Assessment of Performance:
10.1 Theoretical subjects:
10.2 Laboratory subjects:
10.3 Sessional subjects:
11.Assessment of Project Work and Viva-Voce
12. Examinations
13. Supplementary Examination
14. Grade Revision
15. Graduation Requirement
16. Striking-off the name from the Institute Roll List
17. Relaxation
18. Academic Council
18.1 Constitution of Academic Council
18.2 Powers and duties of the Academic Council:
19. Departmental Committee
19.1 Meetings
19.2 Functions of the Head of the Department
19.3 Powers and Functions of the Departmental Committee
19.4 Quorum and notice
20. The Council for Sports, students’ welfare and other Extra-curricular activities
20.1 Constitution
20.2 Meeting and Quorum
20.3 Powers and duties:
20.4 Meeting
20.5 Quorum
21. Board of Studies
21.1 Constitution of the Board of Studies.
21.2 Powers & function of the Board of studies
21.3 Meeting
21.4 Quorum
22. The Board of Examinations
22.1Constitution of Board of Examinations
22.2Tenure of nominated members
22.3Powers and functions

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JGEC/Academic Rules and Regulations
22.4Obligation of officers and staff
22.5Removal of doubts
23. The Regulations relating to the Conduct of Examinations
24. Issue of Admit Card
25. Results notification and Marks-sheet
26. Eligibility for appearing in Examinations
27. Promotions
28. Preservation of used answer scripts
29. Fees for Duplicate Certificate, marks-sheet, Admit Card etc.
30. Scrutiny of answer scripts
31. Employment of amanuensis
32. General instruction to the candidates
33. Examination Rules for UG /PG Examinations
a. Appointment of Paper-setters and respective Examiners
b. Dutiesof Paper-setters and respective Examiners
c. Review committee
d. Remuneration
e. Removal of doubts
34. Rules for the Guidance of for conduction of the Examination
a. Rules
b. Instructions to invigilators
c.Appointment of Tabulators
35. Review of results.
36. Removal of doubts.
37. Grievance / Redressal:
38. Recommendations of UGC for Academic Council
39. Recommendations of UGC for Board of Studies

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JGEC/Academic Rules and Regulations
The Rules and Regulations relatingto Academic activitiesof
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College

1. Introduction:
 These Rules and Regulations govern the policies and procedures on the admission of
students, teachingand conduction of examinations, evaluation and announcement of
 These Rules and Regulations are approved by the BOG on recommendation of the
Academic Council of JGEC and shall supersede all corresponding earlier Regulations of
the College, along with the amendments thereto, and shall be binding on all concerned
related to the undergoingprogrammes.
 These Rules and Regulations may evolve, get refined, revised, updated, amended,
modified or changed through appropriate approvals from the Governing body on the
recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time, and shall be binding on all
parties concerned.
 Periodic refinements in the Academic Rules and Regulations and Curriculum on the
students admitted in the earlier years, shall be dealt with appropriately and carefully, so as
to ensure that such students are not subjected to any injustice whatsoever, although they
are required to conform to these revised Rules and Regulations and Curriculum.
 In order to guarantee fairness and justice to all the parties concerned, in view of the
periodic revisions and refinements, specific issues referred to shall be addressed separately
by the Academic Council of the College.
 Any disputes arising from these Regulations must be addressed to the Governing Body of
JGEC. The decision of the BOG shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
 Any legal disputes arising from these Regulations shall be limited to the legal jurisdiction
determined by the location of JGEC, which is the Town of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal State
and not that of any other party.

Short title:
These Rules and Regulations may be called as the The Rules andRegulations relatingto
Academic activities of Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg. College
The following shall be the authorities of the Collegerelating to Academic activities:
1. The Academic Council.
2. The Departmental Committee(s)
3. Board of Studies
4. The Board of Examination
5. The Council for Sports and other Extra-curricular activities
The other bodies which will be referred as when as required.

Scope of the Regulations:

a. The provisions of this Rules and Regulation are applicable to all Programs and disciplines
listed in clause-2 and will also be applicable to new Under-Graduate(UG) & Post-
graduate(PG) disciplines that are introduced from time to time .
b. The Board of Governors (BOG) may, on the recommendation of the Academic Council,
can change any or all parts of this Rules and Regulation at any time, if considered

2. Academic Programs:
a. The following Undergraduate Programs are Offered by the Institute:

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i. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in CivilEngineering leading to the award of B.Tech. Degree
in Civil Engineering.
ii. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in Electrical Engineering leading to the award of B.Tech.
Degree in Electrical Engineering.
iii. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in Mechanical Engineering leading to the award of B.Tech.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
iv. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in Computer Science and Engineering leading to the award
of B.Tech. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering.
v. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in Electronics and Communication Engineering leading to
the award of B.Tech. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
vi. 4-year (8-semesters) courses in Information Technology leading to the award of B.Tech.
Degree in Information Technology.

b. The following Post Graduate Programs are Offered by the Institute:

i. 2-year (4-semesters) courses in Electrical Engineering leading to the award of M.Tech.
Degreein Electrical Engineering.
( specialization: Power Electronics & Drives )
ii. 2-year (8-semesters) courses in Mechanical Engineering leading to the award ofM.Tech.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
( special -inaction: Production Technology & Management )

3. Academic Calendar:
3.1 The academic session is divided into two semesters each of approx.15 week’s duration:
an Odd Semester (July-December) and an EvenSemester (January-May).
3.2 The Academic Council approves and publish the schedule of academic activities for a
session, inclusive of semester breaks etc., shall be laid down in the Academic Calendar
for the session and published on Institute Web Site. The Academic Calendar shall strive
to provide for a total of about 90 working days in each semester.

4. Admission:
Eligibility criteria for B.E / M. Tech shall be in conformation with the orders and
guidelines of West Bengal State Government,WBUT andother ordersappropriate statutory
bodies &authorities in force at the time of admission.
(a) Admission process will be according to the directions of the appropriate statutory bodies
and authorities.
(b) Lateral admission directly to Second Year B.E. course for candidates with 3 year diploma
qualification shall be accepted on the directions of the appropriate authorities.
4.1 Admission to all B.Tech. courses/programs of will be made in the Odd Semester of each
session, at the First Year level, through a Joint Entrance Examination (JEM) conducted
4.2 Lateral Entry Admission to all B.Tech. courses/programs of will be made in the Odd
Semester of each session, at the Second Year level, through a Joint Entrance Examination
(JELET) conducted by WBJEEB.
4.3 Admission to all M.Tech. courses/programs of will be made in the Odd Semester of each
session, at the First Year level, through a selection procedure conducted by WBUT.
4.4 All students admitted to any of the courses shall be required to pay at the time of
admissionand also in subsequent semesters prevalent tuition and other fees as prescribed
by the Institute till they are on roll.

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4.5 The Institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student, and ask him/her to
discontinue his/her studies at any stage of his/her career ongrounds of unsatisfactory
academic performance, irregular attendance in classesor indiscipline.
4.6 A student admitted in any other University/ Institution and registered or applied for
registration is required to submit the proper migration certificate prior to admission to
the college. Otherwise he is not eligible for registration in this college.

5. Attendance
5.1 Attendance in all classes (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, workshops, Extra Academic
Activity including its related camps and other publicized activities etc.) is compulsory. A
student may be debarred from appearing at an examination on the ground of
unsatisfactory attendance.
5.2 The teacher concerned may condone absence from classes for a very short period(1 to 3
days) due to unavoidable reasons provided he/she is satisfied with the explanation.
If the period of absence is for a short duration (of not more than two weeks) for which prior
application could not be made , application for leave shall have to be submitted ( through
Hostel Superintendent for the hostel resident ) to the Academic council stating fully the
reasons for the leave requested for along with supporting document(s). The academic
council may grant such leave.
5.3 If the period of absence is likely to exceed two weeks, a prior application for grant of
leave will have to be submitted through the Head of the Department to the Academic
Council, with the supporting documents. The decision to grant or condone such leave
shall be taken by the Academic council after considering all the required points.
5.4 It will be the responsibility of the student to get his absence from classes condoned by the
appropriate authority.
5.5Absence from classes without prior permission will be considered as an act of indiscipline.
Such cases will be dealt with in accordance with Section 4.5
5.6 A student must intimate his/her absence to the superintendent of the Hostel in which
he/she is residing, before availing of any leave. Failing to do so will be construed as
breach of discipline and will be dealt with as per provisions in Section 6.5

6. Conduct and Discipline

6.1 Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the precincts of the Institute in a
manner befitting the students of an institution of national importance.
6.2 Students shall show due respect to the teachers of the Institute, the Superintendent of the
Hostels, the Sports and Athletics officers; proper courtesy and consideration should be
extended to the employees of the Institute and of the Hostels. They shall also pay due
attention and courtesy to visitors.
6.3 Students are required to develop a friendly relationship with fellow students. In particular,
they are expected to show kindness and consideration to the new students admitted to the
Institute every year. Law bans ragging in any form to anybody - acts of ragging will be
considered as gross indiscipline and will be severely dealt with.
6.4 The following acts of omission and/or commission shall constitute gross violation of the
code of conduct and are liable to invoke disciplinary measures:
 Ragging.
 Furnishing false statement of any kind in the form of application for admission or for
award of scholarship etc.
 Displaying lack of courtesy and decorum; resorting to indecent behavior anywhere
within or outside the campus.

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 Willfully damaging or stealthily removing any property/belongings of the Institute,
Hostels or fellow students.
 Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of
hallucinogenic drugs.
 Adoption of unfair means in the examinations.
 Organizing or participating in any group activity in company with others in or outside
the campus without prior permission of the appropriate authority.
 Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books.
 Resorting to noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing studies of fellow students.
 Misuse of Internet/e-mail facilities or tempering/hacking with servers anywhere in the
Hostels/Departments etc.
 Not intimating his/her absence to the Superintendent of the Hostel before availing any
Commensurate with the gravity of the offence, the punishment may be reprimand, fine, and
expulsion from the Hostel, debarment from an examination, rustication for a specified
period or even outright expulsion from the Institute, debarment from the campus
interview and any type of scholarship.

6.5 For an offence committed (a) in the Hostel, (b) in the Department or a classroom and (c)
elsewhere, the Supdt., the Head of the Department and the Academic council,
respectively, shall have the authority to reprimand or impose fine or take any other
suitable measure.
All cases involving punishment other than reprimand shall be reported to the Chairman of the
Standing Institute Disciplinary Committee.
6.6(a) All major acts of indiscipline, which may have serious repercussion on the general
body of students, and/or which may warrant a uniform and more formalized nature of
investigation, shall be handled by the Standing Institute Disciplinary Committee
formed by Academic council. The Standing Disciplinary Committee consists of the
following ex-officio and other members:
(i) Assistant Proctor - Convener
(ii) Chairman, Hostel Advisory committee - Chairman
(iii) Supdt.of the Hostel, where the student concerned is a boarder -Member
(iv) One Faculty nominated by the Academic council, byrotation for 2 years - Member
(v) One of the students to be nominated by the Principal , for one year – Member
(vii) The Deputy Registrar (Academic) - Member
In addition, the Chairman may invite any other person(s) to be associated with the
proceedings of a particular case, if his/her/their participation is considered necessary in
disposing of the matter.
(b) Recommendation of the committee, which will include the suggested punishment in cases
of guilt proven, will be forwarded to the Principal.
Cases of adoption of unfair means in an examination shall be dealt with by the Board
ofExamination. The Committee shall recommend appropriate measures in each case to
the Chairman of the academic council for the punishment

7. Course Curricula
7.1 Course Structure
The general course structure for all Programs (B.Tech.) comprises of the following
 Common Curricula for First Year.
 Theory and Laboratory /Design/Sessional subjects with regular class room contact.

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 Non Credit components of Extra Academic Activity
 Industrial Training.
 Comprehensive Viva Voce.
 Project in Two semesters( 7th and 8th semester) for B.Tech.
 Project in Two semesters( 3rd and 4th semester) for M.Tech.

7.2 Except Extra Academic Activity each component of the curriculum has credits attached
to it.
7.3 The detailed approved curricula for various Disciplines along with the syllabus for each
subject for all the programs are available in the Institute Website.
7.4 The curricula to be followed in the first two semesters by students of B.Tech Degree
programs shall be common.
7.5 Subjects: Subjects are broadly classified into two categories:
7.5.1 Theory, Laboratory, Practical, Sessional and Design based courses having a regular
class room/laboratory contact. These Subjects have a Lecture – Tutorial – Practical
(experiment / practical / sessional/design) component (L-T-P) to indicate the contact
hours per week.
7.5.2 Comprehensive Viva Voce, Project, Field Trips and Industrial Training which do not
have regular class room contact.
7.6 Teaching of subjects would be reckoned in terms of credits.
7.7Extra Academic Activity: Every student must register and complete the Extra Academic
Activity (EAA) requirements as laid down in the curriculum.
 EAA (NCC, NSO, NSS, Games & Sports, cultural activities, Gym, and others ) is
being coordinated by Program Coordinator and the individual modules by Program
 Clearing EAA is mandatory for the award of the degree.
7.8 Maximum Time Limit: The total time (maximum duration) to earn the degreeis limited
to 8 years for 4-year B.Tech. course, 4 years for 2-year M.Tech. coursefrom the date
of the first entry to course.The total time (maximum duration) to earn the degree is
limited to 6 years for lateral entry B.Tech. course

8. Summer Industrial Training:

8.1The curricula for all B.Tech. Degree courses would include compulsory industrial
training for at least of 4 weeks for 2 credits, to be carried out in the summer vacation
at end of the sixth semester.
8.2 The performance evaluation of the student in the Summer Industrial Training will be
evaluated based on his submission of a certificate from the organization of his training
followed by a combined viva-voce/presentation and report examination.

9. Grading System
9.1 As a measure of students’ performance a seven point grading system , formulated by
academic council, on a base of 10 shall be followed in the College. Categorization of
these grades and their correlation shall be as under:

Qualification Grade Score on 100 Point

percentage points
Outstanding ‘O’ 100 to 90 10

Excellent ‘E’ 89 to 80 9

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Very Good ‘A’ 79 to 70 8

Good ‘B’ 69 to 60 7

Fair ‘C’ 59 to 50 6

Below ‘D’ 49 to 40 5
Failed ‘F’ Below 40 2

9.1.1 A transitory letter grade I (carrying points 2) shall be introduced for cases where the
candidate fails to appear in End Semester Examination(s) and/or where the results are
incomplete. The grade shall automatically be converted in to appropriate grade(s) as
and when the results are complete.
9.1.2 No student shall be allowed to receive / complete the final degree with any I or F
9.1.3 There shall be no class / division awarded to a student either at semester or degree
9.1.4 Conversion of SGPA/YGPA/DGPA into percentage Marks: In case of a specific
query by students/employers regarding conversion of GPA into percentage marks, the
following formula will be adopted fornotional conversion of GPA into percentage
marks. Formula : % Marks = (GPA-0.75)*10
9.1.5 The College shall declare the DGPA of a student on the final semester grade card. The
DGPA indicates his overall performance in the course keeping relative importance of
all courses identical.
9.1.6 A student’s level of competence shall be categorized by the DEGREE GRADE
POINT AVERAGE (DGPA) and shall be the basis of judging his overall competence
in the course. The modality of arriving at the DGPA is indicated for individual groups
of courses under rules governing their execution.
9.2 A student’s level of competence shall be categorized by the GRADE POINT
AVERAGE to be specified as:
SGPA – Semester Grade Point Average
YGPA – Yearly Grade Point Average
DGPA – Degree Grade Point Average
Definition of terms:
a) POINT – Integer qualifying each letter grade.
b) CREDIT – Integer signifying the relative emphasis of individual course item(s) in
a semester as indicated by the Course structure and syllabus.
c) CREDIT POINT = (b) X (a) for each course item.
d) CREDIT INDEX= ∑ CREDIT POINT of a course items in a semester carried by
the corresponding to the grade awarded to the candidates for the subject..
e) GRADE POINT AVERAGE(GPA) , in general terms, is defined as :
But it is always qualified by the specified period reference, as detailed below.

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SGPA=---------------------- , for a Semester



, for an academic year.

9.2.3 DEGREE GRADE POINT AVERAGE (DGPA) – a student of four year programme
shall, at the end of his programme receive his grade card for the programme only in
the form of a DGPA according to
i. For 4 YearUG course:

1 xYGPA(I yr.) + 1 x YGPA(II yr). + 1.5 xYGPA(III yr). +

1.5 x YGPA (IV yr.)
ii. For 3 Year UG course ( Lateral Entry):

1 xYGPA(II yr). + 1.5 xYGPA(III yr). + 1.5 x YGPA (IV yr.)

iii. For 2 Year PG course:

1 xYGPA(I yr.) + 1xYGPA(II yr. )

= -------------------------------------------------
10. Assessment of Performance:
10.1 Theoretical subjects:
Internal assessment: There will be continuous assessment of a student’s performance
throughout the semester through class tests, quizzes, assignments, group discussions and
class attendance for the theoretical subjects and marks will be awarded by the subject
Marks allotted for this is 30.
End semester examination: Rest 70 marks will be awarded through centralized end
semester examinations.
Questions pattern for end semester examinations:

For B.Tech. : Group A: 10 marks with short answered questions ( no MCQ).

Group B: 60 marks with long questions ( 6x10 or 5x12 or 4x15)

For M.Tech. : 70 marks with long answered questions ( 7x10 or 5x14)

10.2 Laboratory subjects:

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Full internal assessment: There will be continuous assessment of a student’s performance
throughout the semester through laboratory tests, laboratory reports, viva-voce, quizzes,
assignments, group discussions for the laboratory subjects and marks will be awarded
by the subject teacher/co-ordination committee formed for this purpose. Marks allotted
for this is 100.
10.3 Sessional subjects:
Full internal assessment: There will be continuous assessment of a student’s performance
throughout the semester through sessional works, viva-voce, quizzes, assignments, for
the sessional subjectsand marks will be awarded by the subject teacher/co-ordination
committee formed for this purpose. Marks allotted for this is 100.

11. Assessment of Project Work and Viva-Voce

11.1 Performance in the various activities involved in the project would be assessed
individually at the end of each semester in which it is being carried out as per the
curriculum. The student is required to submit a written report (THESIS) at the end of the
semester. The Head of the Department would appoint a project evaluation board for the
purpose of assessment. The project evaluation board of the fourth semester for M.Tech.
Degree program would include an external expert to be appointed by the Academic
council from a panel recommended by the Head of the respective Department. The
different components of evaluation and the weights assigned to these components are
depicted below:
Subcomponent Weight
Supervisor’s assessment 40%
Project Report/Thesis (to be assessed by the board) 20%
Evaluation Board’s assessment 40%
The student is required to give a seminar on the project work done. The evaluation board
would conduct the viva-voce. Dates for conducting the seminar and the viva-voce, to be
held at the end of the semesters, would be announced in the academic calendar.
11.2 The grades for projects of 7thand 8th semesters for B.Tech. and 3rd and 4th semesters for
M.Tech. have to be submitted within the respective deadline of grade submission as per
Academic Calendar. If a student cannot complete the project for any reason, by
deadline, he/she will get an ‘F’ grade. The extension of project in a semester can be
made with the prior approval by Academic council on the application made by the
student through his/her Project Supervisor and Departmental Head.
11.3 The Head of the Department would constitute the Viva-Voce Board(s) for conducting
the comprehensive viva-voce examination as per the requirement of the curriculum. The
Board would decide the relative weights of the different aspects of the viva-voce and
decide the grades to be awarded to the students. The dates of the viva-voce, to be
conducted at the end semesters, would be announced in the academic calendar.

12. Examinations
12.1 Class test (s) and the End-Semester Examinations in respect of the theory component of
the subjects are conducted on the dates specified as per academic calendar.
12.2 Semester Examination for subjects are held centrally while Class tests are held in the
12.2.1 A student will be issued an Admit Card for appearing in an examination, only if he/she
has: Paid all Institute and Mess dues of the semester.

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JGEC/Academic Rules and Regulations Not been debarred from appearing in the examination as a result of disciplinary
12.2.2 A student may be debarred from appearing at the class tests or End-Semester
Examination on the report of a teacher/ chairman, coordination committee, if his/her: Attendance at lecture/tutorial/laboratory classes has not been satisfactory during the
period, and/or, Performance in the assignment works during the semester has not been satisfactory.
12.3 Attendance in class tests :
12.3.1 Class tests, assignments, tutorials, vivavoce, laboratory assignments, etc., are the
constituent components of continuous assessment process, and a student must fulfill all
therequirements as prescribed by the teacher/co-ordination committee of the subject. If
due to any compelling reason (such as his/her illness, calamity in the family, etc.) a
student fails to meet any of therequirements within/on the scheduled date and time, the
teacher/coordination committee in consultation with the concerned Head of the
Department may take such steps (including conduction of
compensatorytests/examinations) as are deemed fit.
12.3.2 Attendance in end-semester examination:
Appearing in the end-semester examination in the theory component of a subject is
compulsory for a student. If a student fails to appear in the end-semester examination
he/she will be assigned an ‘F’ grade in the subject
12.4 Students will be permitted to appear in the examinations in only those subjects for which
they have registered at the beginning of the semester and have not been debarred.
12.5 The evaluation of performance in the Extra Academic Activities (EAA) will be done by
the respective program officers.
12.6 For the benefit of and as a process of learning by the students, the scripts after correction
of all class tests, assignments etc., would be shown to the students within 4 weeks from
the date of tests/examinations.

13. Supplementary Examination

13.1 A student will be eligible to appear in the supplementary examination in a subject if
he/she actually appeared at the last end-semester examination in that subject and
obtained the grade ‘F’.
13.2 However if a student has been absent in the End Semester examination (a) due to
medical reasons, that are duly certified by the physician of this college Hospital or (b)
due to a calamity in the family his/her case will be considered for supplementary with
full credit. In such cases the student must apply in writing to the academic council
through the Head of the Department.
13.3 All medical cases will be put up for consideration to the medical board. Only upon
certification by the medical board the student will be granted full credit.
13.4 Intending students must submit their applicationalong with the necessary fees to the
Academic Section by the date as announced by a notification.
13.6 The supplementary examinations shall be held on such dates as laid down in the
Academic Calendar for the year along with the normal semester examination.
13.7 The supplementary examinations for 7th and 8th semesters shall be held on such dates
as laid down in the Academic Calendar for the year. The schedule for those
examinations should be completed within one month after the declaration of result of
the 8th semester for B.Tech.
13.8 The final grades awarded to the students must be sent to the Academic section on or date
specified in the academic calendar.

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14. Grade Revision
Any change of grade of a student in a subject will be done only upon detection of genuine
error of omission and/or commission of the concerned teacher. This must be approved by
the departmental UG committee and must be forwarded by the teacher/coordinator
through the Head of the Department.
14.1 For the subjects of particular semesters, the change of grade has to be made within a
maximum period of 7 (seven) days.
14.2For the subjects of final 8th semester the change of grade has to be made within a
maximum period of 3 (three) days..

15. Graduation Requirement

15.1 In order to qualify for a Degree of the Institute covered under these Regulations a
student must:
15.1.1 Complete all the credit requirements for the degree as laid down in the prescribed
curriculum of the discipline.
15.1.2 Obtain a CGPA of 6.00 or higher at the end of the semester in which he/she completes
all the requirements for the degree.
15.1.3 Have cleared all dues to the Institute, the Hostel of Residence, the Library and the

16. Striking-off the name from the Institute Roll List

If a student does not attend the classes and appear examination for 3 (three) consecutive
semesters, without the approval of the competent authority his/her name will be struck
off from the Institute Roll List.
17. Relaxation
The Academic council may, under exceptional circumstances, consider any case of a student
having a minor deficiency in respect of any of the requirements stated in these
Regulations and relax the relevant provision of these Regulations based on the merit of
the case. The grounds on which such relaxation is granted shall invariably be recorded
and cannot be cited as precedence.

18. Academic Council

18.1Constitution of Academic Council
DURING THE ELEVENTH PLAN PERIOD (2007-2012) as As modified up to 8th
January, 2013, that states the “RECOMMENDED COMPOSITION OF THE

18.2Powers and duties of the Academic Council: The Academic Council of Jalpaiguri
Govt. Engg. College shall exercise the following powers and to perform the following
i) To make proposals to the Board of Governors (BOG) of JGEC for the establishment of a
new Department, Centers, Laboratories, Study and Research Centers to be maintained by
the College.
ii) To advise the BOG on the institution of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificate and other
academic distinctions.
iii) To consider the results of examinations leading to the conferment of any degreeor
certificate of the College and to recommend such results to the BOG for approval.

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iv) To provide for the inspection or investigation into the affairs of any department of the
College and submit report to the BOG.
v) To have general supervision over the Boards of Studies attached to the Academic
vi) To frame the rules relating to the courses of UG / PG studies and to recommend the
BOG for making of regulations in this behalf.
vii) To appoint, if required by the BOG, after considering the views of the Board of Studies
attached to the Academic Council, Board of Examiners in the subject or subjects relating
to UG /PG studies including the prizes and medals.
viii) To call for such reports or information as the Academic Council may consider
necessary for efficient discharge of its duties from the teaching departments, research
units or Board of Studies.
ix) To consider any educational matter relating to Academic Council and arrive at
decisions or make recommendation to the appropriate authority or officer.
x) To maintain contact with the corresponding Council for undergraduate or postgraduate
studies for the purpose of sharing ideas and ensuring coordination.
xi) To make rules for the transaction of its own business.
xii) To recommend to the BOG the conferment of post-graduate degrees, diplomas and
xiii) To make proposal to the BOG about the initiation of new courses.
xiv) Making regulations regarding the admission of students to different programs of study
in the college.
xv) Making regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and
functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
xvi) To Publish yearly academic calendar regarding the starting & closing of the semester
classes, filling up examination form, paper setting, moderation schedule, examination
schedule, answer scripts evaluation schedule, scrutiny schedule, result publishing
schedule, review schedule etc.

19. Departmental Committee

19.1 Constitution of the Departmental Committee
There shall be a Departmental Committee for each Department under the Academic Council
for UG /P.G. studies. The Departmental committee shall consists of –
1. Head of the Department who shall be the Chairman and Convener.
2. All whole timer teachers of the Departments. Part-time teachers and Visiting teachers
shall be the invitee to the Committee.
There shall be a Head of the Department who shall be appointed by the Principal among the
Teachers of the Department.
19.2 Meetings
The Head of the Department shall normally preside over the meetings of the Departmental
Committee. If the Head of the Department is absent in any meeting convened by him, the
senior most member of the Departmental Committee shall preside over that meeting.
19.3 Functions of the Head of the Department

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1. The Head of the Department shall act in accordance with the resolutions and policies
adopted by the Departmental Committee. If there is any difference of opinion between
the Head of the Department and the Departmental Committee, the matter shall be
referred to the Academic Council concerned whose decision thereon shall be final.
2. The Head of the Department shall ordinarily convene at least one meeting of the
Departmental Committee in a month and shall prepare agenda and issue notices for
the meeting and keep the minutes thereof.
19.4 Powers and Functions of the Departmental Committee
Subject to the provisions of the Statutes, the Regulations and the Rules, the Departmental
Committee shall have the following powers and functions:
i. To organize and carry out teaching and research;
ii. To identify the academic areas which need be initiated or strengthened and to
recommend suitable measures in this respect;
iii. To recommend requirements in respect of teaching, research, technical and other posts
for the Department;
iv. To recommend purchase of books, journal laboratory materials, equipment, furniture
and such other materials as are necessary for the Department;
v. To suggest proposals for inclusion in the annual budget;
vi. To allocate funds placed at the disposal of the Department for the purpose of teaching
and research;
vii. To maintain equipment and other articles purchased for or allotted to the Department;
viii. To draw up and implement schedules for UG /PG courses, as drawn up by the
Academic Council concerned;
ix. To assign research & project students to Teachers;
x. To ensure proper discipline in the Department;
xi. To form sub-committee as and when necessary;
xii. To perform such other functions as are conducive to the academic and other
developmental interests of the Department;
xiii. To be responsible to the higher authority for due observance of Statutes, Regulations
and Rules relating to the Faculty and the Department and for taking necessary action
on the decisions of the higher authorities;
xiv. To Prepare a panel of paper setters, moderators, examiners, scrutinizers, head
examiners, reviewers etc. for each semester. The same to be submitted to the Board of
Examinations through Board of studies before the middle of each semester.
xv. Moderation to be carried out by the panel appointed by the Controller of Examinations.
19.5 Quorum and notice
1. One-half of the total number of existing members of a Departmental Committee plus one
shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Departmental Committee;
2. At least four days' notice shall be required for an ordinary meeting of the Departmental
Committee. Emergency meeting may be convened at short notice, as and when necessary
provided that such a meeting shall consider only one agendum.
3. Other rules for the transactions of business of the Departmental Committee shall be
framed by the Academic Council.

20. The Council for Sports, students’ welfare andother Extra-curricular activities
20.1 Constitution
There shall be a Council of Students' Welfare consisting of the following members –
a. The Principal, who shall be the Chairman;
b. In-charge students' welfare

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c. The Medical Officer;
d. Superintendents of Hostels;
e. Assistant Proctor--Convener
f. One person nominated by the Governing Body from amongst its members
g. Students with sports background to be nominated by the Principal.
20.2 Meeting and Quorum
1. In the absence of the Principal, representative of Governing Body present shall
preside at the meeting of the Council of Students' Welfare.
2. One-half of the total number of existing members of the Committee plus one member
shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Council.
3. The Council shall meet at least four times a year and oftener, if necessary.
20.3 Powers and duties:
i. To formulate and make recommendations on matters of policy concerning all aspects
of students' welfare, games & sports and other extra-curricular activities in particular
and of the College community in general;
ii. To implement the policies of the College in respect of the welfare of the students;
iii. Give general guidelines regarding issue of sports equipment to Halls and Hostels,
Common Rooms etc.
iv. To advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to discipline among students;
v. Decide policy regarding representation of the College in outside sports bodies or any
representation concerning sports & other extra-curricular activities.
vi. To provide for the promotion of health and welfare of students and to exercise such
supervision and control as will secure their well being;
vii. To advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to residence of students;
viii. Fix dates for College Sports Meet and important sports and other extracurricular
ix. To advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to financial assistance to
x. To frame and amend rules for Halls and Hostels;
xi. To provide guidance for students publication;
xii. To exercise supervision over such bodies connected with students' activities as may be
instituted by the authorities;
xiii. To provide guidance to the students regarding avenues of higher education and
opportunities for employments;
xiv. To form Committees and delegate some of its functions to these Committees, while
retaining ultimate responsibility;
xv. To advise on such other relevant matter as may be referred to it by any competent
authority of the College; and
xvi. To make rules for the purpose of duly exercising the powers delegate to it or
discharging the duties imposed upon it by the Statutes, the Ordinances or the
Regulations; Provided that every such rule made by the Council and every
amendment and repeal thereof shall be submitted to the Governing Body for their

20.4 Meeting
The Council shall sit as and when necessary. Ordinarily there shall be a meeting at the
beginning of each academic session to determine sports and otherextracurricular activities
policy, approve corresponding programme for the session, and make detailed allocation of
funds for this purpose.

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20.5 Quorum
One-third of the total number of members of the Sports Council plus one shall be a quorum
for a meeting of the Sports Council; Provided that no quorum shall be required in an
adjourned meetingor in a meeting convened for the second time after being postponed earlier
for want of quorum.

21. Board of Studies

21.1 Constitution of the Board of Studies.
DURING THE ELEVENTH PLAN PERIOD (2007-2012) as As modified up to 8th January,
The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the Board but in his / her absence the
members shall select one of its members amongst themselves to act as Chairman with the
permission of thePrincipal.
21.2 Powers & function of the Board of studies
i. To coordinate proposals of all the Board of Studies related to various courses of the
College before transmitting the same to the Academic Council / Board of
ii. To consider proposals of introduction of new courses and transmit the same to the
Academic Council.
iii. Consider proposal of restructuring or renaming of existing course.
iv. Recommend to the Academic Council concerned courses of studies and syllabi for
the various examinations of the Institute in the subject or subjects with which the
Board is concerned;
v. Recommend to the Academic Council books for study including text-books;
vi. Recommend to the Academic Council improvements in the methods of teaching,
study and examinations;
vii. Recommend the proposed panel of paper setters, moderators, examiners,
scrutinizers, head examiners, reviewers etc. for each semester. submitted by the
departmental committee to the Academic Council and Board of Examination
concerned examiners.
viii. Consider the report on all matters that may be referred to it by the Academic
Council concerned
21.3 Meeting
The Committee shall ordinarily meet twice in every academic session and more often when
so directed by the Chairman.
21.4 Quorum
One-half of the total number of existing members of a Board of Studies plus one shall be a
quorum for a meeting.

22. The Board of Examinations

The Regulations relating to constitution powers and functions of the Board of
There shall be one a Board of Examination attached to the Academic Council for post-
graduate and under graduate studies.
22.1Constitution of Board of Examinations

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Board of Examination for UG /PG course attached to the Academic Council for post-
graduate and under graduate studies shall consist of –
i) The Principal who shall be the Chairman.
ii) The Secretary, Academic Council
iii) The Chairman’s , Board of Studies.
iv) The Controller of Examinations, who shall be the ex-officio Secretary.
v) One teacher to be nominated by the Academic Council
vi) Deputy Registrar
vii) Assistant Controller
22.2Tenure of nominated members
A member nominated under clause (v) of Board of Examinations shall hold office for a
period of two years.
22.3Powers and functions
Subject to any Statues, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules and subject to the general control by
the Academic Committee the Board shall-
i) Prepare, if required by the Academic Council, yearly academic calendar regarding
the starting & closing of the semester classes, filling up examination form, paper
setting, moderation schedule, examination schedule, answer scripts evaluation
schedule, scrutiny schedule, result publishing schedule, review schedule etc.
ii) Prepare invigilators and helpers duty roasters.
iii) Appoint, if required by the Academic Council, paper setters, examiners, moderators,
head examiners, reviewer.
iv) Appoint, if required by the Academic Council, tabulators and scrutinizers.
v) Prescribe the duties and responsibilities of the paper setters, examiners and the
Moderation Committee.
vi) Moderate the results of examinations if considered necessary in consultation with
the Academic Council.
vii) Approve and publish the results of College examinations at the post-graduate level
and under-graduate level, if required by the Academic Council concerned.
viii) Report to the Academic Council and Governing Body the results of various
examinations with necessary comments.
ix) Conduct the various examinations of the University and that of the College. To
execute this, a Semester Examination Committee will be formed by the Principal
time to time.
22.4Obligation of officers and staff
It shall be incumbent on the Controller of Examinations and any other College officers or
staff directly or indirectly concerned with examination matters to abide by the directions of
the Board of Examination in respect of all such matters.
22.5Removal of doubts
In case of any doubt or difficulty as to the interpretation of these Regulations the matter shall
be referred to the Principal and his decision thereon shall be final.
24. The Regulations relating to the Conduct of Examinations
Application for Admission to Examinations and payment of fees

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i) Applications for admission to the College examinations shall be made by the candidates
in the prescribed form and accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed. The
application together with prescribed fees shall be submitted to the cashier.
ii) No student shall be admitted to any examinations of the College unless he has paid the
prescribed fees within the date specified by the Controller of Examinations. A student
may, however, submit the examination fees with a late fine (to be decided by Academic
Council) within seven days after expiry of the specified date. The Principal may however
extend the period of grace at his discretion.
iii) Examination fee once paid shall not be refunded unless a candidate is declared to
ineligible to appear at the examination.

24. Issue of Admit Card

i) A student whose application has been accepted for admission to an examination after
being duly processed provided he is eligible, shall be given an Admit Card containing
the name of the candidate, the Examination Roll Number assigned to him and if
possible with photo of the candidate.
ii) The generation and distribution of Admit Card will be under the discretion of the
Controller of Examinations. No candidate shall be permitted into the Examination Hall
without the admit card, provided that a teacher on duty may, if otherwise satisfied of the
identity of the candidate allow him to seat for the examination provisionally, on
condition that the admit card would be produced before he is permitted to continue with
the examination further.
iii) Permission to appear at any examination may withdraw before or during the course of
the examination for conduct which, in the opinion of the Principal, justifies the
candidate’s exclusion from the examination.
iv) No candidate will be entitled to receive his admit card if he owes any money to the
College or has outstanding dues to hostels on any amount and fails to pay it, or has
borrowed or has in his possession any book or other property belonging to the College
unless he has been permitted to take the admit card by the Principal under exceptional
circumstances; provided that in such cases the examination result of such candidate
shall not be published until such dues have been paid.

Subject to enhancement or reduction as may be made by a resolution of the Academic

Council, the fees payable foradmission to College Examinations will be decided.

25. Results notification and Marks-sheet

i) The result notification for each examination shall contain the name and the
examination roll number of the examinee, the undergraduate or post-graduate
subjects of study and the class/division awarded.
ii) Marks-sheet of an Examination shall be available for issue within thirty working
days from the date of publication of result.

26. Eligibility for appearing in Examinations

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a. A student shall be eligible to appear in an examination provided he pursues a regular
course of study in respective department and attends at least 75% of theoretical,
practical and sessional classes on an average, held during the semester. The
attendance shall be considered from the date of first entry class in that particular
semester in the college.
b. Concessions: A student who has been absent for short periods due to participation in
cultural, sports, other academic/official assignments in the interest of the
college/government with prior written permission of head of the institute shall be
permitted a
maximum of additional concession of 10% in attendance and would be eligible for
appearing in examination with a minimum of 65% of attendance in a semester.
c. A student is eligible if he or she satisfies attendance ( clause-5), conduct and
discipline ( clause-6) and promotions ( clause-27)
d. A student shall be admitted to any examination of the College only if he has paid the
prescribed fee by the date specified by the Controller of Examinations. A student
may, however, deposit the examination fee with prescribed additional fee for late
submission of application after the expiry of the specified day, provided that no such
period of grace shall apply to a candidate for an examination for clearing his backlog
or special examinations if any.
e. A candidate shall be allowed in an examination only after he is issued an Admit Card
for the relevant examination by the College.
f. Without valid admit card, registration card and college photo identity card a
candidates is not permitted or allowed to enter the examination hall or to appear in the

27. Promotions
a. In order to pass a course a candidate must secure at least Pass Grade in each of the
Theory, Practical and Sessional items and maintain a minimum level of overall
performance as specified in the rules formulated by the Academic Council.
b.Unless otherwise stated in the rules governing promotion, the promotional status
between two consecutive semesters and/or two consecutive levels/years shall be
indicated on the semester credit card as per details below:
 Passed and Promoted (denoted by P) and indicating that the candidate has cleared
every course item of both odd and even semester of the academic year. He has no
backlog from the lower levels.
 Eligible for promotion with backlog ( denoted by XP) indicating thatThe candidate
is eligible for promotion with backlog of course items of the just completed lower
level, subject to his applying for the same to the Principal of the institute.
 Ineligible for promotion ( denoted by X), indicating that the candidate is not
eligible for promotion to the next higher level due to non-fulfillment of stipulations
governing eligibility for promotion to next level/year.
 A candidate shall be eligible for promotion to the next higher level/year if he satisfies
the conditions laid down under the rules formulated by Academic Council.

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 The College shall publish a list of all successful candidates of each of the semester
examinations within a reasonable time from the date of last examination.
 The overall performance of a successful candidate for the award of a degree shall be
based on the combined results of all the examinations of the concerned programme.
 A student’s level of competence shall be categorized accordance with criteria decided
by rules formulated by Academic Council.
28. Preservation of used answer scripts
The answer scripts of examinations shall be preserved for a period of one year after the date
of publication of results and may be disposed of thereafter.

29. Fees for Duplicate Certificate, marks-sheet, Admit Card etc.

i) A fee of Rs………. Shall be charged for the issue of a duplicate certificate for any
degree, provided the applicant submits an affidavit certifying the loss of the original
one, and signed in the presence of a magistrate.
ii) Duplicate marks-sheet can be issued on payment of a fee of Rs………… for each copy
of marks-sheet.
iii) A fee of Rs………… shall be charged for the issue of a duplicate Admit Card.

30. Scrutiny of answer scripts

i) All answer scripts after evaluation should be scrutinized by scrutinizers. The
Scrutinizers are to be appointed for various examinations by the Controller of
Examinations, on the recommendation of the Academic council.
ii) The scrutinizer shall be supplied with two copies of marked award list, the examined
answer scripts concerned and one copy of the relevant question paper.
iii) He/she shall check the marks in accordance with the instructions issued by the
Controller of Examinations. He/she shall see that no answer or its part has been left
unmarked and that the candidate has not answered more than the required number of
iv) The same procedure shall be followed in case of answer pertaining to different groups
written in separate answer scripts.
v) In case of any discrepancy, the scrutinizer shall report the matter in writing to the Head
examiner. If the discrepancy is due to wrong counting, the scrutinizer shall make
necessary corrections with the approval of the Controller of Examinations. If the
discrepancy requires assessment of an unmarked answer, the scripts shall be referred
back to the examiner for examination and marking.
vi) The scrutinizer shall submit a scrutiny report to the Head Examiner / Controller of
31. Employment of amanuensis
i) If a candidate is prevented by physical disability from writing down the answers, the
Controller of Examinations or in an emergency the Officer-in-charge may allow, if he is
satisfied regarding the genuineness of the case, an amanuensis brought by the examinee
provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
a) A certificate regarding physical disability of the candidate from a registered medical
practitioner justifying the employment of an amanuensis.

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b) That the amanuensis should be approved by the Controller or the Officer-in-charge,
c) The academic qualification of an amanuensis should be lower than that of the
ii) A separate sitting arrangement should be made if an amanuensis is allowed. An
amanuensis, if permitted, cannot be replaced under any circumstances and the
employment of the amanuensis should be mentioned on the top-sheet of the answer book
by the Officer-in-charge. The matter should be reported to the Board of Examinations.

32. General instruction to the candidates

1) No candidate shall be admitted to the Examination Hall without proper Admit Card
issued by the College, Registration card issued by the University and College photo
identity card. Candidates shall bring their respective Admit Cards, college photo identity
card and the University Registration certificate every day of the examination and shall
produce whenever required. Candidates are liable to be expelled from the examination
Hall for failure to produce the Admit Card and the University Registration Receipt.
2) No candidate shall bring with him into the Examination Hall any papers, mobiles, books,
notes, or other similar electronic gadget. Any candidates bringing into the Examination
Hall any of the above mentioned material are liable to be punished.
3) In the event of a candidate being found guilty of the use of unfair the candidates shall be
cancelled and the candidate shall have no claim to the result at any stage even after the
announcement of his result nor will he have any claim to the refund of fees paid. It will
be open to the College to impose such other punishment as it may consider necessary.

4) Candidates are forbidden to write their names in any part of their answer books,
Examiners are requested to report all such cases to the Controller of Examinations. If the
rule is violated, the paper is liable to be cancelled.
5) Candidates suffering from any form of contagious or infectious diseases or from any
illness or diseases considered to be prejudicial to the general body of students under
examination will not be admitted to or allowed to remain in the Examination Hall.
Special arrangements may, however, be made for candidates who are suffering from
certain categories of diseases if application is made to the Controller of Examinations
with sufficient notice. If the use of the sick bed is permitted, the candidate shall bring
bed sheet, pillow, etc
6) Under no circumstances will a candidate be allowed to appear at an examination at any
place other than one approved by the College.
7) The examination will be held on the dates and according to the schedule previously
notified by the College.
8) The doors of the Examination Hall will be opened, half an hour on the first day and
quarter of an hour on subsequent days, before the time announced for the
commencement of the examination.
9) Five minutes before the commencement of the Examination a warning bell will be
rung as a signal for all students to take their seats when all candidates must their
allotted seats bearing the Roll Numbers given in the Admit Cards.
10) No candidate will be admitted, or given a question paper after more than half an hour
of the commencement of the examination. Any candidate reporting late shall take his
seat with the permission of the Controller of Examinations.

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11) No candidate shall leave the Examination Hall until an hour has elapsed from the time
of the distribution of the papers. He must leave the answer book within the
Examination Hall when leaving the Hall.
12) No candidate shall finally leave the Examination Hall without submitting the answer
script. No candidate shall re-enter the Examination Hall during the hours of
examination after submission of the answer script.
13) Warning bells will be rung every day fifteen minutes and five minutes before the time
fixed for the close of the examination. A final bell will be rung at closing time.
14) At the endof the examination a candidate must not leave the seat until his answer
script is collected by the invigilator. In case, however, he desires to submit the answer
script before the close of examination, he shall hand it over to the invigilator on duty.
15) Candidates must not remain in the Examination Hall after submitting their answer
scripts to the invigilator.
16) Before entering the Examination Hall candidates must deposit at a place set aside for
the purpose books, mobiles, notes or other material which are forbidden for candidates
to have in their possession. Such articles may be left their only at the candidates' own
risk. Candidates found in possession of any forbidden material while under
examination in contravention of these rules shall be liable to usual penalties including
17) During examination hours communication of all kinds is strictly forbidden between
candidates themselves or between candidates and other persons whether inside or
outside the Examination Hall.
18) In case of any need or help a candidate will draw the attention of the invigilator by
standing up in his seat.
19) Candidates must not write anything other than what is required in the way of an
answer. They shall not take away any writing or scribbling from the Examination Hall
at any time.
20) Candidates are required to sign their names and prove their identity as and when
required to do so.
21) Candidates shall not adopt any unfair means at the Examination. Any breach or
attempted breach of any of these or other examination rules will render them liable to
expulsion and to any other penalty as the College may deem fit.
22) Notwithstanding the issue of the Admit Card, the College shall have the right, for any
reasons which may appear to them sufficient, to cancel the admission of any candidate
to any examination, whether before, during or after the examination.
The College may also debar a candidate from appearing at any subsequent College or
University examination or Examinations. The decision of the College in all such cases
shall be final.
23) In case not covered by the foregoing rules reference shall be made to the Controller of
Examinations for a special directions, and his decision shall be accepted as final.
24) If for any emergency the examination on any day starts later than the scheduled time,
the loss of time will be fully compensated.
25) Candidates shall use answer scripts supplied by the College bearing endorsement of the
College authorities.
26) The permission granted through an error to a candidate who was not eligible for
appearing at that examination shall be withdrawn at any
33. Examination Rules for UG /PG Examinations
a. Appointment of Paper-setters and respective Examiners

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The paper-setters shall be examiners unless otherwise decided by the Board of Studies
and the Board of Examinations and approved by the Academic Council concerned.

The appointment of Paper setters, Examiners shall be made in Form prescribed by the
Board of Examinations on the recommendations of the respective Board of Studies and
under the general supervision of the Academic Council for postgraduate and
undergraduate studies concerned.
b. Dutiesof Paper-setters and respective Examiners
1) The paper-setter / Examiner shall be required to decline the offer if any of his near
relations appear at the examination in connection with which he is appointed.
2) The question paper, written legibly on the paper in his own hand or typed personally,
with all scientific and technical terms written distinctly, and bearing signature on
each page, should be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations by name in sealed
3) It is absolutely necessary that the question paper should be sent to the Controller of
Examinations so as to reach him on or before the prescribed date. If the paper-setter
is unable to do so immediate intimation should be given so that alternative
arrangements may be made.
4) Any change of address of the paper-setter / examiner should be intimated forthwith.
5) Persons setting papers shall be guided, as to the scope of the subject of examination,
by the syllabus prescribed for the purpose as decided by the concerned Board of
6) The total marks in any theoretical paper will be 70% through semester examination
and 30% through internal assessment. In caseof internal assessment marks will be
divided into marks for class test, marks for attendance and marks for class
7) The question set for semester examination will be such as will reasonably conform to
the standard expected in respect of that examination and should be fairly distributed
over the course covered by the paper.
Questions pattern for end semester examinations:
For B.Tech. :
Group A: 10 marks with short answered type questions (Fivequestions of 2 marks
each ie. 5x2, noMCQ).
Group B: 60 marks with long answered type questions (Five questions of 12 marks
each ie. 5x12)
For M.Tech. : 70 marks with long questions (Five questionsof14 marks each ie.

8) No copy of manuscripts of the question paper to be retained by the paper-setter and

all relevant drafts, notes etc should be effectively destroyed.
9) Personal seal for sealing envelopes containing question papers shall be used.
10) All correspondence in this connection should be addressed to the Controller of
Examinations by name and marked confidential.
11) The answer books/ project reports/ thesis shall be kept confidential and in safe

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12) The examiners may report at once to the Controller of Examinations, if any candidate
attempts to communicate with them with the object of influencing the marks.
13) The examiners shall report to the Controller of Examinations if they find any
incriminatory evidence of adopting unfair means by the candidate(s).
14) The examiners shall be guided by the scheme of evaluation (norm) for examination
theory papers, project reports and thesis reports determined by the respective Board
of Studies and approved by the Academic Council for implementation through Board
of Examinations.
15) For Under graduate course, project viva-voce will be conducted by those examiners
who have adjudicated the dissertation/project. Viva-voce will be a defense of the
dissertation/project and it will be treated as a part of the examination. Non-
appearance in viva-voce, however, will be count as failure for which candidate will
be required to appear at the special supplementary examination.
16) For Post graduate course, project viva-voce will be conducted by the external
examiner and those examiners who have adjudicated the dissertation/project. Viva-
voce will be a defense of the dissertation/project and it will be treated as a part of the
examination. Non-appearance in viva-voce, however, will be count as failure for
which candidate will be required to appear at the special supplementary examination.
External examiner (outside the college, if possible) to be appointed by Controller of
Examinations in consultation with the Head of the Department.
17) For grand viva of Under graduate course, the teachers of the department will be the
18) For grand viva of Postgraduate course, the, teachers of the department will be the
examiner along with an external examiner (outside the college, if possible) to be
appointed by Controller of Examinations in consultation with the Head of the
19) Marks distribution for sessional papers may be decided by the corresponding
Departmental committee.
c. Review committee
Review examiners shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations ordinarily
from a panel recommended by the Board of Examination. Such examiners shall be
persons other than those who originally examined the answer scripts of the same
paper of the same examination.

d. Remuneration
The rates of remuneration to the paper-setters, examiners, moderators, tabulators and
scrutinizers shall be determined by the Academic Council.
e. Removal of doubts
1) In the case of any doubt or difficulty as to the interpretation of these ordinances, the
matter shall be referred to the Principal and his decision thereon final.
2) It is, however, clarified that examinations which are in operation or the preparation for
which have been initiated before the coming into force these rules shall be deemed to
have been allowed to be completed under the rules in force prior to the coming into
force these rules.

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34. Rules for the Guidance of for conduction of the Examination
a. Rules
1) The Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for strict supervision and
efficient conduct of the examination in accordance with the rules laid down for the
2) The Controller of Examinations should arrive at the centre at least half-an-hour
before the commencement of the examination.
3) Sealed packets containing question papers must be opened by the Controller of
Examinations himself in the presence of some invigilators about 30 minutes before
the time scheduled for the commencement of the examination. The Controller of
Examinations will arrange the distribution of the question papers with the help of
invigilators. The distribution of question papers to candidates may start with the
warning bell rung five minutes before the time for the commencement of the
4) The doors, of the Examination Hall will be opened, half an hour on the first day and
quarter of an hour on subsequent days, before the time for the commencement of the
5) The Controller of Examinations should arrange proper time signals. A bell should be
rung at the end of every hour. Warning bells should be rung 15 minutes and also 5
minutes before the commencement and before the closing of the examination.
6) A candidate who fails to produce his Admit Card may be provisionally permitted to
sit for the examination for the day provided the candidates assures to produce the
Admit Card on the following day. Such cases should be reported to the Controller of
7) No candidate will be admitted after the expiry of half an hour from the
commencement of the examination.
8) No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall until an hour has
elapsed from the time when the papers are given out.
9) The Controller of Examinations shall either sign the answer books used by the
candidates or have his facsimile signature stamped. The main answer book and the
supplementary sheets shall have the signature of the invigilator also. Blank or unused
scripts or sheets should never be signed or stamped.
10) None other than a teacher shall be appointed as an invigilator.
11) The Officer-in-Charge of examination should take all precautionary measures usually
associated with the examination and should, in particular, ensure that there is no
communication between one candidate and another and also between candidates and
other persons either inside or outside the Examination Hall during the period of
examination. The cases of candidates detected in adopting unfair means or
communicating with one another or found in unauthorized possession of books or
papers or other materials during the examination should be dealt with in accordance
with the procedure laid down in paragraph (12) below.
12) As soon as a candidate is found using unfair means by the invigilator, the invigilator
shall immediately take possession of answer-script and any other paper and material
and call upon the candidate to subscribe his signature to the paper or material of
which possession has been taken. Thereafter the invigilator shall take a statement
from the candidate in explanation of his conduct. The invigilator shall initial with the
date all the papers and materials which the candidate had in his possession. Thereafter
the invigilator shall submit along with the script and the relevant papers and materials,
a report to the Officer-in- Chargeof examination immediately giving his comments.
All the circumstances under which the candidate was found to adopt unfair means

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should be fully and clearly stated in his report. Soon after the matter is reported to the
Controller of Examinations he shall provide the candidate with a fresh answer book in
order to enable him to continue writing his answers. However, the time lost in the
process may be compensated by allowing extra-time to the candidate. Soon after the
conclusion of the day's examination, the Controller of Examinations shall submit a
detailed report to the respective Board of Examinations giving his comments and
enclosing the report of the invigilator together with the statement of the candidate, if
any, and the material and the Controller of Examinations shall refer the matter to an
“Examination disciplinary cum enquiry committee” constituted as prescribed in
relevant rules. The Controller of Examinations shall be the convener of the
Committee. The examination result of such candidate shall not be published until the
College authority so decides.

13) If circumstances to demand, the Controller of Examinations may expel a candidate

from the Examination Hall and debar him from appearing at the examination for the
paper. He shall submit a report to the Board of Examinations concerned forthwith.
14) The Controller of Examinations with the help of the invigilators should check the
answer books of the candidates against the attendance list and get them arranged
serially, packed and sealed with the top-sheet duly filled in and signed as soon as
possible after the conclusion of the examination in each paper.
15) The answer-scripts (in specific cases) shall be dispatched to the College after each
day's Examination in properly sealed packets.
16) Candidates suffering from any form of contagious or infectious diseases, or from any
illness or diseases considered to be prejudicial to the general body of students under
examination will not be admitted into or allowed to remain in the Examination Hall.
Special arrangements may, however, be made for candidates who are suffering from
certain categories of diseases if application is made to the Controller of Examinations
if application is made to the Controller of Examinations with sufficient notice. Such a
candidate shall bring with the necessary material such as bed, pillow etc.
17) Under no circumstances will a candidate be allowed to appear at an examination at
any place other than one approved by the College.
18) After the completion of Examination, the Controller of Examinations shall send the
following documents to the University or arrange to keep for future purpose as the
case may be:
(i) Attendance sheets with signature of candidates appearing in each paper of the
(ii) Absentee Statement,
(iii) A statement showing distribution of answer-scripts and supplementary sheet on
each day and in each paper of the Examination,
(iv) A question paper account indicating the number of question papers received,
number issued to candidates, number used in packets of answer scripts and number
19) In case of emergency the Officer-in-Charge can take steps as he may deem necessary
to run the examination smoothly.
b. Instructions to invigilators
1) There shall be at least two invigilators in a room.
2) The invigilators shall be in over-all charge of the room assigned to them subjects to
the control of the Controller of Examinations.
3) The invigilators shall report to the Controller of Examinations of the examination
centre at least half-an-hour before the commencement of the examination and

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ascertain the rooms to which they have been posted and the number of candidates in
these rooms.
4) Invigilators should be present in the Examination Halls during the hours of
5) The Invigilators from each room shall obtain from the Controller of Examinations
before the commencement of the examination as many answer books as there are
candidates in the room and also sufficient number of supplementary answer sheets
and any other special requirements, such as graph paper, stream table and so forth
distributed to the returned by the candidates tally with the number of candidates
actually appearing in the examination. Undistributed answer books and supplementary
sheets should be returned to the Controller of Examinations. In case of any
discrepancy, the matter should be communicated to the Controller of Examinations
6) Answer books are to be distributed to the candidates who have taken their seats. No
answer book shall be left on the table which has not been occupied by a candidate.
7) Supplementary answer sheets shall be supplied when the invigilator is satisfied that
the candidate has used up the previous answer book.
8) The invigilator shall ensure that candidates have not in their possession books, note-
book, etc., in the Examination Hall.
9) Candidates shall be admitted to the Examination Hall 15 minutes before the scheduled
time and shall be asked to take their seats as soon as they enter. On the first day of the
examination they may be allowed to enter the Hall half-an-hour before the scheduled
10) The candidates shall write their Room Numbers and Registration Numbers only in the
space provided for the purpose on the answer books, and on maps, graph papers, etc.,
attached inside answer books used by them.
11) Candidates shall not tear out any leaves from their answer books.
12) If a candidate uses a supplementary answer sheet (as the case may be) he shall got
them securely stitched before leaving the Examination Hall.
13) At the time of taking signatures of candidates on attendance sheets the invigilator
shall see that the candidates on attendance sheets the invigilator shall see that the
candidate has entered his correct Roll Number and Registration Number on the cover
of the answer book. No script in which the candidate has not written his Roll Number
and Registration Number shall be accepted.The invigilator should put his signature on
the cover page of the answer book. The invigilator should initial against the absentee
14) All invigilators from each Hall shall report to the Controller of Examinations at least
30 minutes before the examination for collecting question papers and they shall
directly go to the Hall allotted to them. The distribution of question papers to
candidates may start with the warning bell rung five minutes before the time for the
commencement of the examination.
15) The invigilator shall not allow a candidate to leave the Examination Hall within the
first hour and no candidate shall be permitted to sit for the examination half-an-hour
after the commencement of the examination.
16) The invigilators should examine the Admit Cards of all the candidates to see that their
admission to the Examination Hall is regular. If a candidate fails to bring his Admit
Card his name and Roll Number shall be reported to the Controller of Examinations
who may allow the candidate for the day provided he assures to produce the Admit
Card on the following day.

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17) The invigilator shall see that there is no communication among the candidates in the
Examination Hall or outside during the examination.
18) The invigilator may note that a bell will be rung at the end of every hour. A warning
bell will be rung 15 minutes and also 5 minutes before the commencement and before
the closing time.
19) All doors of the Examination shall be closed five minutes before the final bell is rung.
Candidates should not be allowed to leave their seats until all the answer scripts in
that Hall have been collected.
20) Invigilators should check Admit Card of the candidates with the Roll Number on
the answer scripts in order to avoid any discrepancy in the Roll Number. He also
should check the university registration certificate and college photo identity
21) No change in the invigilation duty list is permitted under any circumstances without
the prior approval of the Controller of Examinations.
22) Invigilators should follow the instructions in para.( 34.a.12)

c.Appointment of Tabulators
1) Two tabulators for tabulating the results of undergraduate or postgraduate
examination shall be appointed by the Chairman, Academic Council concerned. Two
tabulators will tabulate the results independently and compare their tabulation sheets.
Each of them will submit the tabulated result to the Controller of Examinations within
a week's time from the date of receipt of all marks for the particular examination.
Borderline cases should be noted in lead pencil in the remarks column against the
2) Each tabulator should submit a report on the number of passes, with class and number
of failures with borderline cases for consideration by the Board of Examinations.
3) Grace if any, as approved by the Academic Council concerned is to be inserted in the
tabulation chart by the tabulators.
4) The mark-sheet should be prepared by the Tabulators. It should bear a certificate of
verification from the person who compares the marks sheet with the original
tabulation charts.
5) The mark-sheet should be issued to the candidates within a week from the publication
of the result.
6) The marks-sheet of postgraduate candidates should show the field of specialization.
7) Grace marks, if any, should not show in the marks-sheet.

35. Review of results.

1) A candidate for any of the examinations may apply to the Controller of Examinations
for review of his results within 15 days (excluding long vacation) of the date of issue
of marks-sheet of the relevant examination in the prescribed form together with a non-
refundable fee of Rs. …. Per paper, subject to the following conditions.
i) Applications for review shall be restricted to the theoretical papers only of the
regular annual examinations (and not of any compartmental, supplementary or
special examination) and no application for review of answer script in any practical
or oral examination or internal assessment or of the Dissertation shall be
ii) In case where two or more examiners have examined the same answer scripts no
review of the relevant answer script will be made.

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iii) In case of all concerned examinations a candidate will be allowed to apply for the
review of the theoretical papers, provided he secures pass marks in the aggregate of
all other papers.
2) Review Examiners shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations ordinarily
from a panel recommended by the Board of Examinations. Such examiners shall be
persons other than these who originally examined the answer scripts of the same
paper of the same examination.
3) The application for review along with an attested copy of the marks sheet of the
examination together with the requisite fee shall be submitted within the scheduled
time to the Controller of Examination
4) If all the conditions for review including submission of requisite fees in the prescribed
manner are not observed by a candidate his application will not be entertained and the
College shall not be liable to inform him the reason for not entertaining the

36.Removal of doubts.
In the case of any doubt or difficulty as to the interpretation of these Regulations, the
matter shall be referred to the Director and his decision shall be final.
37. Grievance / Redressal:
(a) Students who have any grievances related to their academic matters shall apply to
the appropriate authority.
(b) There shall be a provision to review the answer scripts

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I. Composition:
1. The principal (Chairman).
2. All the heads of department in the college.
3. Four teachers of the college representing different categories of teaching staff by
rotation on the basis of seniority of service in the college.
4. Not less than four experts from outside the college representing such areas as
Industry, Commerce, Law, Education, Medicine, Engineering etc., to be
nominated by the Governing Body.
5. Three nominees of the university.
6. A faculty member nominated by the principal (member secretary).

II. Terms of Members:

The term of the nominated members shall be two years.

III. Meetings:
The principal shall convene a meeting of the Academic Council at least once a year.

IV. Functions:
Without prejudice to the generality of functions mentioned, the Academic Council
will have powers to:
(a) Scrutinise and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of
Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and
modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures
relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any
proposal, it will have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of
Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
(b) Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of
study in the college.
(c) Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance
and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
(d) Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes
of study.
(e) Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships,
fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
(f) Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made
by it.
(g) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.

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JGEC/Academic Rules and Regulations
I. Composition:
1. Head of the department concerned (Chairman).
2. The entire faculty of each specialisation.
3. Two experts in the subject from outside the college to be nominated by the
Academic Council.
4. One expert to be nominated by the vice-chancellor from a panel of six
recommended by the college principal.
5. One representative from industry/corporate sector/allied area relating to placement.
6. One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal.

The chairman, Board of Studies, may with the approval of the principal of the college,
(a) Experts from outside the college whenever special courses of studies are to be
(b) Other members of staff of the same faculty. II. Term
The term of the nominated members shall be two years.

III. Meeting
The principal of the college shall draw the schedule for meeting of the Board of
Studies for different departments. The meeting may be scheduled as and when
necessary, but at least once a year.

IV. Functions The Board of Studies of a department in the college shall:

(a) prepare syllabi for various courses keeping in view the objectives of the college,
interest of the stakeholders and national requirement for consideration and approval of
the Academic Council;
(b) suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
(c) suggest panel of names to the Academic Council for appointment of examiners;
(d) coordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the

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