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5.BMC Neocity Ev

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Neuolly EV BMC __cirvaus senes neoory evecrric venicue (5m LowFLoon) ih TH ENGINE Brond/Model Type Noof Cyinders Stroke Volume Maximum Power Maximum Torque ylinder Diomater x Stroke BATTERY ‘BrondiMode! Fuel Tank Volume Charging Tme ‘TRANSMISSION srandiMode! Speed Number AXLES Front Axle BrondMode Lood Capacity oor Axle BrandMode Dit. speed af Ratio Load Copaciy STEERING BrondModel Type BRAKES Brake System Type Retarderfintarder Type ‘SUSPENSION Front Axle Rear Axle nealing VEHICLE BODY Profle Type TIRES: Size/Number RIMS see —— ‘vis, meio chorotrtis ond equpment refer omaton purposes ary andthey ee nex cortrac BMG resrvesthe rt tore hem wircutprr war (etber 27) ‘Ta SUMO MD3000 [Driver TM4 002004} Permanent Magnet Asyinchronaus Engine /35 kW (310 HP) 8 1000-8000 rpm ‘3000 Nm 0-600 rpm Lislon Samsung Call MECAR Battery 266 kh W68Sx4P], 6000 AC adKW xonours 26 100kW x2 hours (80) [BRISTIFS TJ0 66-196 independent) B500KG BRST BRA 104-195 DCIA7S (RIX Porta) single 46:1 oaooKg Hema 0095 Hydraulo (Electric Motor Assisted) Full pneumatic duol rou air cise broke (FrondRear, EBS pneumatically controled hand broke effected on reo axle brokes ‘A Belows (2), Telescopic Absorber £21 Level Sensor (2) ‘Air Belows (4), Telescopic Absorber 4, Level Sensor (2) Right Side Kneeling (ECAS) Monocoave Type (Low Floor) 245/708 19,5 Tubeless | 6-1 076x195 ‘sc oTowori saNAYlVETiCARETAS. . HEADQUARTERS Cru Res Man Tem toy As Aary Mev Tetstient Cras Na Kon kno kk Kar. 34235 ene STANBUL/ TURRET. 90 22) 4580430. 90212480435, FagTORYKenpoea Code No: 2a8 Parsee 25000 Breve 2M TURAVE (90 282} 4771809 F 80:20) 4771877879) : ECIONAL DIRECTORATE Nox Lov Of Kairmck Moh Curizpncr 4vriNO-3-€ Kae 26 N6 OS5IO SOBER | ANCARA TURE T. (90912) 208 9125-20-27 F, {00312285 9128 DIMENSIONS (mm) ‘A Whesloase 4695 8500 2450 1: Moximum Height M3 Inner Height | 2390 Front Overhong 2040 Rear Overhong 1925, H Front rock wath 2072 4: Rear Track With ig85 X Entrance Height 340. L Inner wie 2350 Step Number Nostep Turing Rodius [Kerb to kerb) 7050 CAPACITY / AXLE LOADS Possenger Capacity —_21 Seated +61 Standing 25 Seated + 43 Standing ‘Allowable Maximum Front Axle 5150 ‘Allowable Maxirum Rear Axle Load 9750 Gross Vehicle Weignt 14900 ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Electro Structure 24 Negative Chassis Battery 2x12.V/ 900 An (2x60 AN) Aternator Bajpower Do/OC Converter, Water Cooled, 3008 ‘STANDART FEATURES ‘Manuel Foldable Disabled Ramo ‘Autommio Fire Detection System Elecircaly Controied Side Miro LED Interor Ughting isolted Diver Cabin Digital Chook Electrioaly Controlled Engine Coaing System ‘Adjustable Steering Entegrated Weh Custer OPTIONAL FEATURES ‘Ar Condition LED Destination Pane! Carrera Survellonce System wth Recording Egctrtoaty Controlled oof Hatch Lica Mani / USB Charger Turbo Ar Vertiatn, Fre Preesure Detection System BMC PU fos MI eOMM TOO sR) ENGINE Brand/Model 5 Noof Cyinders Stroke Volume Maximum Power Maximum Toreve | ip te 23) |e aN MOO ag LO) ‘cumming 886,7 E60 2508 Eur0-6 ‘Turbocharged Interocaler, Diesel ° or 187 KW (250 HPI 82100 rpm 41000 Nm 000-1600 rpm Cynder Diameter x Stroke 107/124 FUEL SYSTEM ‘Brond/Model Ful Tonk Volume AagBive Tonk Volume ‘TRANSMISSION BrondiModel ‘Speed Number AMES Front Ave BrandiMode! Lead capocty Rear Axle BrandiMede! Ditt.spaed Diff Ratio Load Capacity ‘STEERING Brondlodel Type BRAKES Brake System Type Petorderinarder Type ‘SUSPENSION Front Axle Rear Axle nesting VEHICLE BODY Profle Type TIRES Size/Numbor RIMS. sie Bosch Eleatronic 2asit soit Volth wae 854,6 Automatic 4Forward-1Reverse BRST IFS TJ0 66-196 (independent) 5500kg, [RIST BRA 104-105 DOIATS [Rigt Portal single 48071 10.400 kg Hema 0095 Hydrouie Full pneumatic dual rout ir dsc brake (Front/Rear EBS Pneumaticaly controlled hand brake effected an rear cae brokes Hydraulic retarder, activated vio hand lever andlor brake pedal ‘Air Slows (2), Hydraulic Absorber (2, Level Sensor (2) ‘Ar Blows (4), Hydrol Absorber (4), Level Sensar (2) Right Side Kneeling (ECAS) 245 /70R19.5 Tubeless /6+1 678x195 DIMENSIONS (mm) ‘Wheelbase 5175 B:Vehicle Length ‘0000 ©: Overall Wich 2450 Maxum Height 343 E nner Height 2390 F Front Qverhang 2040 6: Rear Ovechang 2785 H Front Track with 2072 ‘Rear Trak Wt 1885 i Ererance Heigh 340 nner wath 2350 ‘Step Number Nostep Turning Radius (Kerb to kerb) 7930 CAPACITY / AXLE LOADS Possenger Cacasty 26 Seated +62 Standing 26 Sauted ~ 65 Stonding +1 Wheelchair Allowable Maximumn Front Axle Load 5160 ‘Alowaible Maximum Rear Axle Lood 9750 Gross Vehicle Weight 14900 ELECTRIC/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Blectrie Structure 24 Negative Chassis Battery 2xl2V / 360 An [2x'80 Ah) terreno: 26 /3x1208, Storer Engine 2av ‘STANDART FEATURES ‘Manuel Foldable Disabled romp Automatic Fire Dstoction System Electricaly Controled Side Mirrors LED Interior Lighting ‘Solated Driver Cotin Digital Clock Eloctricaly Controlled Engine Cooing System ‘Adjustable Steering Encegrated Wh Custer OPTIONAL FEATURES ‘Ae Condition LED Destination Ponal ‘Camera Survelance System with Recording Electrol Controled Roof Hatch Lcd Monitor US® Charger Enghne Room Automatic Fre Extinguisher System Turbo air Venttion Fie Prossure Detection System ea _A1 vis, oneriog chores oc qupment rr 1 OTOMOTISANAYI VE TicARET AS. smaten purposes ony endear nat carrot EMCresaves ok ty them wha por wring (tobe 207 HEADQUARTERS ore Ma. Tem Otay A Ar Mev Tektiknt Cacésl Wo:2 Kon za & Bok Ko 94295 Esl ISTANBUL TURAYE T0022 428040. 90221480435 FacTORY karepags Cais No: 28 Sorbo 35000 Bnav ie /TURRNVE . (00 282} 47716 OO. 90232) 477187 (78-79) EGIONAL DIRECTORATE Net Level Of, Keak Mah, Ouray Bur No 3-« Ket 26 Na 36.0580 SURO / ANCARA/ TURANE T. 0 82) 285 9125-26-27. (9012) 280 M120

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