Govt. College of Engineering & Technology
Govt. College of Engineering & Technology
Govt. College of Engineering & Technology
Introduction to Linear Control System: Control Systems, types of control systems, feedback and its
effects, mathematical modeling of physical systems.
System Representation: Block diagrams, representation of control systems, transfer functions, signal
flow graphs, polar and Bode plot representation of loop gains of control systems.
Time Domain Analysis of Control Systems: Time domain analysis of first & 2nd order Control systems.
Typical test signals for time response of control systems, time domain performance of first and second
order control systems (steady state response and transient response).
Design of Feedback Control Systems: Approaches to system design, phase lead, and phase lag
design using Bode-diagram and root locus techniques. Introduction to P,PI and PID controllers Polar
Analysis of Linear Feedback Systems : Stability characteristic equation, stability of linear time
invariant systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability Criterion, Root locus plot, Bode plot, Polar Plot, Niquest
Frequency Domain Analysis of Control Systems: Frequency domain characteristics second order
systems relative stability, graphic methods of determining gain margin and phase margin, Nicholas
Control Components: General block diagram of a control system, a.c. and d.c. Servomotors, a.c.
tachometer, synchro transmitter and receiver, synchro pair as control transformer, a.c and d.c position
control system, stepper motor. magnetic amplifier.
NOTE : There shall be total eight questions, four from each section. Five questions have to be
attempted selecting at least two questions from each section. Use of calculator and semi log
graph are allowed.