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An Overview of Wireless

Communication Systems-II

 Cellular Systems
 Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
 Wireless MAN (Wi-Max)
 Other existing systems
 Emerging Systems
 Challenges in Wireless System Design
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)

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 WLANs connect “local” computers (typ. 250m range)

 Breaks data into packets
 Channel access is shared (random access)
 Backbone Internet provides best-effort service
 Poor performance for some apps (e.g. video)
Wireless LANs
 Wireless LAN systems are standardized by IEEE 802.11x
working groups
 Wireless LAN networks are growing quickly for home and
office applications- access outside operator networks
 Lower cost and ease of implementation are the significant
 Being endowed with roaming capabilities and voice enabled
devices to compete directly with carrier-owned networks

Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi alliance

for certified products based on the IEEE 802.11
standards. This certification warrants
interoperability between different wireless devices.
Therefore all WLANs are not Wi-Fi enabled but the
converse is true.
Wireless LAN Standards
 802.11b -1999 (About to be obsolete)
 Modified form of original 802.11 (1997)
 Standard for 2.4GHz band (80 MHz)
 Frequency hopped spread spectrum
 1.6-10 Mbps, 500 ft range

 802.11a and g ( 802.11g is Emerging Generation)

 Standard for 5GHz band (300 MHz)
 OFDM with time division
 20-70 Mbps, variable range
 802.11n (New Standard)
 5 GHz band, 40 MHz Channels
 Speeds up to 600 Mbps
Satellite Systems

 Cover very large areas

 Different orbit heights
 GEOs (39000 Km) versus LEOs (2000 Km)
 Optimized for one-way transmission
 Radio (DAB) and movie (SatTV, DVB) broadcasting
 Most two-way systems struggling
 Expensive alternative to terrestrial system
 A few ambitious systems on the horizon

 Cable replacement RF technology (low cost)

 Short range (10m, extendable to 100m)
 2.4 GHz band (crowded)
 1 Data (700 Kbps) and 3 voice channels
 Widely supported by telecommunications, PC,
and consumer electronics companies

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

 Operates completely on licenced spectrums

 Very high data rate support
 Can withstand larger multipath delay spread
 Better QoS provisioning
 Larger coverage area
 Ideal candidate for providing Wireless Internet
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)

 Evolution of IEEE family of standard for BWA

-IEEE 802.16 Working group on BWA is responsible

for development of the standards
-The standard provides secification for PHY and MAC
IEEE 802.16-2001
-First issue of the family intend to provide fixed BWA access in a
point-to-point (PTP) topology.
-Single carrier modulation
-10-66 GHz frequency range
-QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM (optional) modulation schemes
IEEE 802.16a
-Added physical layer support for 2-11 GHz
-Non Line of Sight (NLOS) operation becomes possible
-Advanced power management technique and adaptive antenna arrays
were included
-OFDM was included as an alternative to single carrier modulation
-BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM (optional)
IEEE 802.16-2004 (IEEE 802.16d)
-2-11 GHZ frequency range
-256 subcarriers OFDM Technique
-Fixed and limited mobile access
IEEE 802.16-2005 (IEEE 802.16e)
-Scalable OFDMA
-Mobile BWA
IEEE 802.16m...??
Ad-Hoc/Mesh Networks

Outdoor Mesh

Indoor Mesh
Ad-Hoc Networks

 Peer-to-peer communications.
 No backbone infrastructure.
 Routing can be multihop.
 Topology is dynamic.
 Fully connected with different link SINRs
Wireless Sensor Networks
Data Collection and Distributed Control

•Hard Energy Constraints

•Hard Delay Constraints
•Hard Rate Requirements

Nodes can cooperate in transmission, reception,

compression, and signal processing. 15
Sensor Networks
Energy is the driving constraint

 Nodes powered by nonrechargeable batteries

 Data flows to centralized location.
 Low per-node rates but up to 100,000 nodes.
 Data highly correlated in time and space.
Ultrawideband Radio (UWB)
 UWB is an impulse radio: sends pulses of tens of
picoseconds(10-12) to nanoseconds (10-9)
 Duty cycle of only a fraction of a percent
 A carrier is not necessarily needed
 Uses a lot of bandwidth (GHz)
 High data rates, up to 500 Mbps
 7.5 Ghz of “free spectrum” in the U.S.
 Multipath highly resolvable: good and bad
 Useful for short range high data rate services

 High data transmission rate

 100Mbps, 480Mbps, up to 1Gbps
 Short distance
 About 10m
 Positioned at WPAN
 Low power consumption
 100mW ~ 250mW
 100mW in 100Mbps
Wireless Biomedical Systems


Wireless Telemedicine
In- Body Wireless Devices
-Sensors/monitoring devices
-Drug delivery systems Recovery from
-Medical robots Nerve Damage
-Neural implants
Next-Generation Cellular
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
 OFDM/MIMO (the PHY wars are over)
 Much higher data rates (50-500 Mbps)
 Greater spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz)
 Flexible use of up to 100 MHz of spectrum
 Low packet latency (<5ms).
 Increased system capacity
 Reduced cost-per-bit
 Total multimedia support
Spectrum Regulation

 Spectral Allocation in US controlled by FCC

 FCC auctions spectral blocks for set applications.
 Some spectrum is set aside for universal use

 Worldwide spectrum controlled by ITU-R

Regulation can stunt innovation, cause economic

disasters, and delay system rollout
US Spectrum allocation today
Coexistence Challenge:
Many devices use the same radio band

 Technical Solutions:
 Interference Cancellation
 Smart/Cognitive Radios
Next-Generation Devices
Everything Wireless in One Device
Technology Solutions

 Exploiting multiple antennas

 Better modulation and coding
 Better MAC/scheduling
 Exploiting Interference
 Cooperation and cognition
 Picocells and Femtocells
 Cross-Layer Design
802.11n Other Tradeoffs:
3G Rate vs. Coverage
Rate Rate vs. Delay
Rate vs. Cost
802.11g/a Rate vs. Energy



ZigBee Range
Fundamental Design Breakthroughs Needed..
The Wireless Evolution
 The wireless vision encompasses many exciting
systems and applications
 Technical challenges transcend across all layers
of system design
 Standards and spectral allocation heavily impact
the evolution of wireless technology
 Wireless systems today aim at greater data rates,
coverage, QoS and interoperability
 There is a tremendous scope for innovative and
interesting research problems.

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