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Mahatma Education Society’s

Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani

Department of Civil Engineering

Class - BE OSAY (2020-21) Semester- VII

Subject – Water Resources Engineering -II

Assignment No.1 Topic- Gravity



1. Write a short note on cracking of a concrete during the construction of concrete

gravity dam and remedial measures

2. Design a practical profile of gravity dam of stone masonry with the following data.

RL of base of dam=1450m, RL of HFL =1480.5 m, Specific gravity of masonry =2.4

, safe compressive stress for masonry = 120t/m2, Height of waves= 1 m.

3. Design a practical profile of a gravity dam of stone masonry, given the following

a.​ R.L of the base of dam = X+R m

b.​ R
​ .L of HFL = Y m

c. Specify gravity of masonry = 2.8; safe compressive stress for masonry =

150t/m2 and height of wave = 1.2m

Value Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll
of X no.1-10 no.11-2 no.21-3 no.31-4 no.41-5 no.51-6 no.61onwards
0 0 0 0 0
and Y

X 1450 1430 1440 1445 1448 1452 1450

Y 1480.5 1481 1479 1478 1482 1480 1481

Where R is your Roll No.

4. A concrete dam can be assumed to be trapezoidal in section having top width 2m and
bottom width Y m ,height of dam X m and its upstream face has a batter of 1:10
.Check the stability of the dam in full reservoir condition assuming no free board
allowance .Consider uplift pressure with intensity factor 100% .Also determine
stresses at toe and heel. Assume weight of concrete 24 KN/m3,unit shear strength of
concrete 14kg/m2 ,and coefficient of friction between concrete and foundation soil is

Val Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll no.

ue no.1 no.1 no.21 no.31 no.41- no.51 61onwa
-10 1-20 -30 -40 50 -60 rds

X 15+ 14+ 15+R 13+R 15+R/ 16+R 15+R/5.

R R/2 /3 /4 4.5 /5 1

Y 10 9 8 11 8 10 9
5. A 25 m high concrete dam having trapezoidal section has top width 2 m and bottom
width X m .The base of dam exposed to water has a slope of 1:10.On the reservoir side
water stands upto to top .assume weight of concrete 2400 kg/m3, coefficient of friction
0.75, allowable shear stress 5 kg/m2.Consider weight of dam, water pressure and
uplift pressure and check the stability of dam. Extra condition ‘Y’

Value Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll no.

of X no.1-1 no.11 no.21- no.31 no.41- no.51 61onwa
0 -20 30 -40 50 -60 rds
and Y

X 16 14 15 17 18 13 15

Condit Consi With Consi With Consi With Conside

ion Y der out der out der out r tail
tail tail tail tail tail tail water
water water water water water water pressure
pressu press pressu press pressu press
re ure re ure re ure

6. A concrete gravity dam has maximum reservoir level 150m , base level of dam is
100m ,tail water elevation 110.0m,base width of dam 40m,location of drainage gallery
10m from u/s face, u/s face is vertical. F.B.= 3m, top width=7.5m, .assume weight of
concrete 2.4t/m3.compute hydrostatic thrust and uplift force at its base level. Also
compute principal stress and shear stress at toe.

7. Check the stability of gravity dam shown in the figure for reservoir empty and

reservoir full condition. Also find principal stresses and shear stresses at toe and heel.
Assume µ=0.75, Consider only weight of dam ,water pressure and uplift pressure.
Take average shear strength q= 1.4 MPa and Wc= 24k>N/m3.Also check stability (i)
when uplift pressure does not act(ii) when drain are choked

8. A concrete gravity dam is 60m above the deepest foundation. Free board is 3.2m, top

width is 7m.The upstream face has a slope of 0.15 H:1 V for the lowest 15m depth and
vertical for the remaining upper part. The downstream face is vertical for the first 6m,
thereafter it is sloping at 1V :0.75 H. Drainage gallery is 6m from the upstream face.
Tail water depth is 2m.Sp. Wt. of concrete is 25KN/m3.Coefficient of uplift and
friction 0.7 each. Check the stability of dam for reservoir full condition.

Note :- For all numerical R is student’s roll no.

Subject In charge: Manisha Jamgade Date of distribution: 13/8/2020

Domain Coordinator: Date of Submission:3/9/2020

Assignment No.2 Earth and Rock Fill Dams:


1. In order to find the factor of safety of d/s slope during steady seepage ,the section of the
dam was drawn to scale of 1cm= 4m ,and the following results obtained on a critical
slip surface :

Area of N- rectangle =14.4 sq. Cm

Area of T –rectangle= 6.4 sq.cm

Area of U –rectangle= 4.9 sq.cm

Length of arc =12.6 cm

• Laboratory test have furnished values of 26 for effective angle and 19.5 KN/m2 for cohesion

.unit weight of soil= 19 KN/m3.Determine the factor of safety of the slope.

• In order to find the factor of safety of d/s slope during steady seepage ,the section of the dam

was drawn to scale of 1cm= 4m+ ​R/10 ,and the following results obtained on a critical slip
surface :

2. An earthen dam made of homogenous material has following data:

Coeff. of permeability of dam material=5 x 10​-4​ cm/sec

Total height of dam= 20m

Free board =2m,upstream slope= 4: 1, downstream slope = 3:1 , top width= 6m, length of
filter =20+​R/50 m ,.determine the phreatic line for this dam section and discharge passing
through the dam.

3. In a slip circle analysis of d/s slope of dam was drawn to a scale 1 cm = 5 m+​ R/20​ .
and the results obtained are
Area of N- rectangle =15.25 sq. cm

Area of T –rectangle= 6.5 sq.cm

Area of U –rectangle= 5.2 sq.cm

Length of arc =12.5 cm

The properties of the material of the dam are ; effective angle of friction 26º ,Unit
cohesion=0.2kg/cm2, unit weight of soil= 2 gm/cc. Determine the factor of safety of the

4. What is typical earth-rockfill dam? Draw a typical cross –section where do you prefer

such types of dams.

5.​ D
​ esign of relief well in earthen dam

6. Explain advantages and limitations of rockfill dam.

7. Write short note on :-

a. Rock toe

b. Relief wells

c. Rockfill dam

d. Slope protection in earthen dam

Subject In charge: Manisha Jamgade Date of distribution: 28/8/2020

Domain Coordinator: Date of Submission:8/9/2020

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