Makalah Kewirausahaan
Makalah Kewirausahaan
Makalah Kewirausahaan
From Group 2 :
Evi Apnitasari
Suci Rahmania
A. Abortion
a. Definition of Abortion
Abortion is a threat or release of the product of conception before the fetus can
live outside the womb. As a limitation is a pregnancy of less than 20 weeks or
the fetal weight is less than 500 grams, (Prawirohardjo, 2009).
The end of a pregnancy before the child can live in the outside world is called
an abortion. New children may live in the outside world when their weight
reaches 1000 grams or 28 weeks of gestation. There are also those who take as
a limit for abortions of children weighing less than 500 grams. If a child born
weighing between 500 - 999 grams is also called immature.
Causes Spontaneous abortion cannot always be stopped, the most common are:
1. Chromosomal abnormalities
Chromosomal abnormalities that occur during the fertilization process most often
occur because the incoming sperm has the wrong number of chromosomes, so that
the fertilized egg or embryo cannot develop normally, and chromosomal
abnormalities can also be caused by genetic factors, where genetic factors are
often causes spontaneous abortion on fetal chromosomes are more than 60%, and
this spontaneous abortion occurs during gestations where the pregnancy is less
than 22 weeks.
Inflammation that is in the uterine wall and causes oxygenation of the placenta to
be disturbed, resulting in impaired growth and fetal death, and this situation can
occur since the mother has a young pregnancy and will result in an abortion as
much as 40%, for example because the mother has hypertension for years.
3. Diabetes
4. Hormonal Factors
5. Infection
The mother is infected with a large number of organisms which then causes
spontaneous abortion. Examples of infections that have been associated with
spontaneous abortion in as much as 20-30% include infection by Listeria
monocytogenes, where the infection can cause miscarriage in pregnant women
and will develop mild flu-like symptoms.
6. Abnormal
7. Other causes
8. Lifestyle
a) Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day is associated with an increased risk
of spontaneous abortion, and some studies show that the risk of spontaneous
abortion increases with father smokers. Other factors, such as alcohol use, can
directly poison the fetus.
b) Obesity can also have hormonal disturbances that will result in disturbances in
c. Type of Abortion
2. Inevitable Abortion
5. Missed Abortion
Missed abortion is an embryo or fetus that has died in the womb efore 20 weeks
of gestation, however, the complete conception is still stays in the womb for 8
weeks or more. Usually preceded signs of imminent abortion which then
disappear spontaneously or after treatment
6. Habitual Abortion
B. Tuba Pregnancy
a. Definiton of Tuba Pregnancy
Tuba pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine
cavity, the fetus cannot survive and does not develop at all often. Ectopic
pregnancy is also called ectopic pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, eccecyesis.
Ectopic pregnancy is the cause of maternal death in the first trimester of
gestation. The frequency of ectopic pregnancy ranges from 1: 14.6% of
b. Etiology of Tuba Pregnancy
The cause of an tuba pregnancy is not certain. However, the most
common cause of ectopic pregnancy is tubal factor (95%). Below are the
causes of an tuba pregnancy:
C. Molar Pregnancy
a. Definition of Molar Pregnancy
Molar Pregnancy is a benign tumor of the trophoblast and is an abnormal
pregnancy, with the characteristics of rare, vascularized and edematous
villus stoma, the fetus usually dies but the enlarged and edematous villus
is alive and growing continuously, so the picture given is as a cluster.
b. Etiology of Molar Pregnancy
The cause of molar pregnancy is not known with certainty, but there are
factors that cause it:
1. Ovum factor
2. Immunoselective of trophoblast
3. Age
Factors of age below 20 years and over 35 years can occur molar
pregnancy. The prevalence of hydatidiform pregnancy occurring at the
beginning or at the end of childbearing age is relatively high. However, it
cannot be denied that at any age during childbearing age, molar pregnancy
can occur.
5. High parity
6. Protein deficiency
D. Placental Abruption
a. Definition of Placental Abruption
Placental abruption (abrubtio placenta) is the detachment of part or all of the
placenta which in normal circumstances implies over 22 weeks and before
the birth of the child. Placental abruption is the release of the placenta which
is normally located in the uterine fundus / uterine body before the fetus is
born (PB POGI, 1991). Placental abruption is the detachment of the placenta
from its normal implantation site in the uterus before the fetus is born. Which
occurs at 22 weeks gestation or the fetus weight is above 500 grams (Rustam
2002). So the complete definition is: placental abruption is part or all of the
normal placenta implantation between week 22 and the birth of the child
(according to Obstetric Pathology 2002).
The main cause of placental abruption is not clear. However, some of the
things below are suspected to be factors that influenced its occurrence, including
the following:
1. Placenta previa totalis is placenta previa that covers the birth canal at a 4
cm opening.
2. Placenta Previa Parsialis If the placenta partially covers the uterine osteum
3. Placenta previa marginalis. Placenta previa which is around the edge of the
osteum uteri internum
Patients with placenta previa come with complaints vaginal bleeding in the
second trimester of pregnancy and trimester of pregnancy third. The
management of placenta previa depends on gestational age patients where
active management will be carried out, namely ending pregnancy, or
expectation i.e. maintaining the pregnancy for possible.
The expectative goal is that the fetus is not born prematurely, the patient is
treated without carrying out an internal examination through the canal
servisis. Diagnosis efforts are carried out non-invasively. Monitoring
clinical practice is done strictly and well
2. Active therapy
Pregnant women over 22 weeks with bleeding active vaginal and lots of it,
should be treated immediately active regardless of fetal maturity. How to
complete labor with placenta previa.
1) Caesarean section
The scalp of the fetus is clamped with Cunam Willet, then given load
sufficiently until the bleeding stops. This action less effective at
pressing the placenta and often causes bleeding of the scalp. This
action usually done on fetuses who have died and bleeding is not
Placenta previa with bleeding is an urgent emergency require good handling.
Forms of aid to the placenta is: