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Lab No # 01: Objective

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LAB NO # 01

Familiarization with Electrical Engineering Lab Equipment (Oscilloscope, Function Generator,

Power Supply, Multimeter, etc )

Acquittance of electrical lab and it equipment's

All experiments in the laboratory will be performed at a test bench which has several basic
electronic instruments permanently installed. They include: a dc power supply, a waveform
generator, a digital multimeter (DMM), and a digital oscilloscope. A DVM is really a universal
meter which can also measure current (both dc and ac) and resistance, with high precision. Other
instruments, such as an analog oscilloscope or an analog universal meter, and circuit components
(e.g. resistance or capacitance substitution boxes) can be obtained from the stock room, as

1. Digital Multi-meter:
A digital multimeter is a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values principally
voltage (volts), current (amps) and resistance (ohms). It is a standard diagnostic tool for
technicians in the electrical/electronic industries.
Digital multimeters long ago replaced needle-based analog meters due to their ability to measure
with greater accuracy, reliability and increased impedance. Fluke introduced its first digital
multimeter in 1977.

2. Wave-form Generator:
Function Generator or sometimes called a Waveform Generator is a device or circuit that
produces a variety of different waveforms at a desired frequency. It can generate Sine waves,
Square waves, Triangular and Sawtooth waveforms as well as other types of output waveforms.
3. Frequency Counter:
A frequency counter is an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring
frequency. Frequency counters usually measure the number of cycles of oscillation, or pulses per
second in a periodic electronic signal.

4. Digital Oscilloscope:
A digital oscilloscope is a complex electronic device composed of various software and
electronic hardware modules that work together to capture, process, display and store data that
represents the signals of interest of an operator.

5. Variable Linear DC Power Supply:

A variable power supply is one which includes some means for the user to easily adjust the
output voltage and sometimes the current. Adjustment is most often accomplished with a
potentiometer, but may also be done with an analog control voltage, a digital input, an
autotransformer, etc.
During the first laboratory period, the instructor will provide the students with a general
idea of what is expected from them in this course..In addition, the instructor will review
the safety concepts of the course.

During this period, the instructor will briefly review the equipment which will be used
throughout the semester. The location of instruments, equipment, and components (e.g.
resistors, capacitors, connecting wiring) will be indicated. The guidelines for instrument
use will be reviewed.

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