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The American Language Course (ALO is a comprehensive, multilevel languagt? program for
teaching EngHsh for vocational and profesional purposea. It is deaigned primarüy for intensiva
English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for alower-paced
inatruction. The ALC's curriculum has been developed by the Defense Languago IiisLitiiU:
English Language Center (DLIELCK which is a US Department of Defense schnol underthe
operational Control of thc US Air Forcé. The primary focus of the ALC ís toprovidí? n Inn^iin^fi
curriculum for a diverse mternational military populatiun. To that end, the course in^hidea nut
only general English tópica, but also military tupies of a general nature highlighting Lhe lypical
language military personnel will encounter ÍTI theír professional and vocational career fjeldg.
The ALC hag, howeverh alsobeen very successfiílíy used in non-milítary learning environments
and in US high schools with immigrant student pnpulations.

Course components
The e' 'i'-.h ii.j i ,1 instructional packages Jbr Uooks 1-UU tunaist of Lhe following:
* Instructor tóxt(IT)
v Homewotk and evaluatíon cxercises booklet <HW and EE)
*- Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)
> Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLATT)
> Computer-deLivered Interactive multimedia instructjoo (IMI)
> Quiz kit
*-OptÍonal trainingaids

Inquines and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more infnrrnatjon about DLIELC publicationa to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Laekland Air Forcé Base, Texas 78236-5259
E-maü: LESL^lacklond.of.miI
© 2QOG by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and íts licensors. Notico of
Rights: All rights reserved.No part of this boolc may be reproduced ur tronsrnitted m anyform
or by any me/ana, electronic, mechanical» photocopying, recording, or otherwisc, without tbc
prior written permistión of the publishcr.

This book supersedey ALC fif^k 13 Student Text, January 1991,

Second Edition, January 2006

Second printing. June 2006

ALC Book 13: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

1 Luisón Voc-ibij-ary Funcliang Giíimrn,iticnl SiruclNií-* Skills

1 We'resure we'l! > Ask about Replace rhat-ciause with so > Lisien & select topic
win. and exprese or not. > Read (ule & listinfo
certainty and > WilJ i( rain1 1 believe so. hkRly lohfi in ilñ rfrxl
^Today'5 sports üncertamty 1 hope not.
page i- Read di le & select info
> Interview atte r a Express certainty with Hkely to be Inflslejit
basketball game Cñrfatn, positive, sure > Read title & select
Followed by (hat-clause. questFcns llker/to be
•- Coach Tom
Short süpeilaiive adwerbs: answered ir itstext
ear¡y, ¡ar, tasf, iiartS, Itiglr, -- Tlmed reacllng J1 minute)
late, IQW, near, sfow, soon, & arswerfj quastions
straighí > Edit a lexi. Underiine
changos & rowritotoxl
2 Materials people >- Request and Permission with cculd; > Listen 3 select topio
use deny permission response with can & cari'! * Read Text 5 glve oral
Revtew jnodals for 50% summary
* Recychng
materials possibility, permission. & *• Read Lexlfi «rile
•* Shoppingfor ability (presenT* past) summary
icwelry Noun adj uncís /coinpound
> Clothing nouns
maten ais > sftoe shop, booKsfore

What's your sise? *- Role-play buying Separable phrasal verbs > Lisien & wrfte Eopic
$ selllng cloihss *• l'll wakeyou upat Ga.m. > Lisien & select types oí
- Finding ,'our size A accessories Reportad spaech wilh safó info in a lext
> Measuring
& íoSdand Ihe modals > Rol e- pía/ with cía ásmales
i. Coate at 50% off may, might, can, coufd, » Listen, sümmarize role-
b& able to play
> She ddves a hard
bargaJn. Verb + -GF/-OÍ to forrn y Read tille & selecl info
nouns meanmg one who hkely lo be in ils lent
4 oiré whfch > Read tille & selecl
> He visils often. He's my questions likely to be
tavorite visitor. an^vered ir itstext
* Tlmed readrng <1 minute)
& answer G questions
~ Lel's play batí! - Ask for and How+ adjecTivo inquestions t- Listen & write lopic
give intormalion about linear measurement, >• Read text & give oral
i- BasKelball in
dbout linear age, weighl, lemperature summary
the USA
measüremeni Srmple present it dause + * Read lext & write
> The helght
of basketball present (general Irulhs) su m mar/
players Simple prese ni if clause + > Edil a tetó, rewhte it. &
>- Slayjng in shapa i m peralte LJnderlme The changes
íor sports Irvli 'ir !i pronouns a few.
.. Companng a iiítie, a lo!, any, many,
USa metnc rnuch, none, some

5 Review
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and slruclures iniroduced m Lessons 1 - 4.

Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focusea on four componente of language learning:
vocabulary, graimnutical structures, language funcüons, and ñkills.
• The lessona present vocabulary (individual worda as well as expressions) thal Lhc
learner needs to understand and use in arder to comrnunicate effectively in Eiiglish.
Each new leason builds on the vocabulary of the prevíous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in profesional and vocational contexts.
A significant fes ture of the General English phaae of the ALC is that military
vocabulary is included wherever applicable,
* The presentation ofgrammarís carefully sequenced.Thegrammatkalatruutures
presented in the lessons are the forais a language tearner needs ín order to speak
and write standard English, New grammar is often depicteci in charts or tahles that
serve to íbcus the Icarner's attention on the particular structure being presentecl.
* Language fanctíons are the ways we aae a language to communicatc, Jn each lesson,
oxercises that focus on functions show the learner how and whcn to use ccrtain
words, phrases, and sentencos.
• In addition, language and academit skills ejierciaes are interapersed throughout the
lessons. These focus on developiog the learner's language proficiency in listeoing,
speaking, reading, and wríting.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the contení of the
current book. The four columns autlíne the new material as it relates to the language
acquisition components described above, Each lesson beginü with a table of contente
folJowed by a prevíew page. The preview page provides a summary of the ncw niuterial
preaented in the lesson. Each ALC book has four lessons introducing now material
and one review lesson, These are foüowed hy a homework section and daily evaluntion
exercises. Various appt?ndicea are also included.
The homework and the evaluation exercises sre at the back of this text. It generally
takes aboul two hours to complete the daily homework assígnments. The evaluation
exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
well students have learned the material.
The appendices follow the fifth lesson, Appendix A provides an alphabotical list of
new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word
or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of
grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is providud along with
each entry for easy reference, The other appendices are included a^ reference materiala.


Book 13 Con ten ts
LESSON 1: We're sure we'Il win 1
LESSON 2: Materials people use 31
LESSON 3: What's your size? 57
LESSON 4: Let's play ball! 85
LESSON 5: Review 109
A: WordList A-l
B: Structure List B-1
C: TheEnglishAlphabet C-l
D: American Engiish Sounds D-l
E: List of Contractions - — E-l
F: Spelhng Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs F-l
G: Principal Parts of Some Irregular Vorbs G-l
H: Patterns of Irregular Verbs H-l
I: Punctuation and Capitalizetion 1-1
J: Lesson Resources „„..... - J—1
B13L1 ti Listening akill 1-3
B13L1 #2 Rcading skill ... «.,.. - J-5
B13L1 #3 Listening skill J-7
B13L2 #1 Listening skill J-9
B13L2#2 Listenúig skill J-ll
B13L3 #1 Listening skílf J-13
B13L3S2 Readíng skill J-15
B13L3 #3 Listening skill J-17
B13L3#4 Listening skill J-19
B13L4 #1 Rute J-21
B13L4 #2 Listening tikill ,„.„,..« J-23
B13L4 #3 Listening skill J-25



- saioN uasn -
We're sure we'll win.

VOCABULARY: A look al today's sports page . - ............ -3

An interview after a basketball game . . . . . . . . . .6
READING: Predkting a tevt's content from its title . . ....... 9
VOCABULARY: Homonyms: Examimng a word's meanings ...... 11
LISTEN1NG: Identifying the topic ....... . - ......... 14
VOCABULARY: Coach Tom isn't like most coaches ............ 15
GRAMMAR: ü andrcoí to replace a THAT-clause ...... 16
Usingadjective + THAT-dause ............ 19
DIALOGS: Expressíng cerlainly and uncertainty ....... . . 22

GRAMMAR: Using superlative adverbs ............... 25

WRITING: Editing a paragraph for text changes ......... 29
READING: Readingfasterforbettercomprehenaion ....... 30

Previeiv ••'s new in Lesson 1?
Nouns Verba Olher words
coach beat -* beat / beaten certaín
doubt believe certainly
field coach farthest / fvirthcst
goal doubt for sure
jump imagine most
knot joín poñitive
match jump quite
meaning kick ao
meter lose -* lost / tost surely
player match towardís)
poínt race uucertaiii
practico acore
race suppose
repórter lie (up)
ropc throw -* tbrew / thrown
acore win —• won / won


Do yon think it's going to rain today? Ash about and expresa certalnty and
I think so. It's very cloudy outsíde- j 'ice -tai ni y

Jane is sure (that) she'll wín the tennis Do you think you did well on
match. test?
No, I didn't. I didn't have enough
Sam ran the fastest of all the boys in the time to read all the
clasa. Are you going to the beach
I suppase ao, but l'm not really aure-
Vocabulary A look at today's sports page

Sports Page The mes

The last time the two teams metf the
FLAGWELLFIREWINS! Pire lost to the Jets. That game's final
score was 2 to 1. That's why Fire fans
Ricky Jones scores final goal were quite nervous about last night^s
match. Our Flagwell Times' repórter
talked te» Coach Travis after yesterday's
garae. "Our players practiced hard and
were prepared to play cxccllent soccer, I
think they did a great Job," the coach
aaid, "I don't believe that we'll lose any
mure games this year We played well
and beat the Jackson Jets tonight.
TheyVe alwa^ heen a hard team to
Looking ahead to ne?tt week, Flagwell
Fire meets the Texas Stars on Saturday
at the Flagwell atadium. The Fire plans
to win, and the Texas Stars won't want
Ricky Jones scored his team's winning to lose. Last night, the Stars tied with
goal again, and Flagwell fans saw their the Lakeside Storm 1 to 1. Other games
favorite team win last night's soccer around the country had these scores: The
game with a score of 2 to 1, Stanley Smoke beat the Coronado Cata 3
Without a doubt, Jones is a soccer to 1, and in the match between the Bryan
player with a great career ahead of him. Blades and Milehigh Wind, the Wind
Hundreds of fans came to see Jones and won 2 to 0.
the hometown team, the Flagwell Fire,
play the Jackson Jets. The fans were OUR READERS'OPINIONS
certainly happy with the game they
Flagwell fans' favorites:
Jones received a well-placed pass from 1. soccer
teammate Tim Smith in the last minute 2. basketball
of play. He kicked it high over the goalie 3. baseball
into the right córner of the goal fco acore
the winning point. It was a great fmish 4. football
to an exciting game between two very Soccer is the mostpopular sport among
strong teams. Flagwíjll's stadium waa our readers.
full, and the home crowd was clearly Wftat sports are the most popular in
pleased with their team's winning your cíty or country?

EXERCISE A Match each item wrth Its meanlng.

1. to win a. to hit wíth the foot

2. totie b. tomake points in a game or sport
3. to kick c. to have the same number of points
4. to acore d. to get the greateat number of points

EXERCISE B Match each item with its meaníng.

1. a coach a. a person who doea a sport like soccer or foothall

2. a team b. a point a player scorea in a game or match
3. a goal c, a person who teachos a team how to play a aport
4. a player d, a group of peoplc who play toguther on one aide ín a game

EXERCISE C Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

kickcd match certainly

quite point
stadium üed

Many soccer fana carne to the tu watch the

between the Flagwell Fire and the Jackaon Jets. The
game was excitíng! The fans thought the Fire wasn't
going to win bccause thc Jets the score 1 to 1 fíve minutes
before the end of the game. Then, Smith passed the hall to Jones. Jones
the ball hard to score a aecond to win the game, The iinal
was 2 to 1, For the fans» this was
the bestgame of the
EXERCISE D Gheck (y'} the statements that are true for you.

I like to ptay tennis. I don't like tennis. I íikc

What about you? playing on a team. My favorite
sport i s basketbalL

1. I like to watch sports on televisión.

2. I like playing orí a team.
3. I enjoy sports that I can do alone, like swimming and running,
4. My cauntry's national sport is soccer,

5. I have been a coach for a sports team.

6. I believe children should play sports in school every day.
7. I think players on professional teams make too much money.

EXERCISE E Write 3 more statements about sports that are true for you.

Afteryou write 3 statements, discuss the Ítems you ckecked in Exerrise D and the staíements
you turóte bdow with ynur classmates.


Vocabulary An interview after a basketball game

Rcod tíie co/wersotion about íhegame. There are three speaker^: Max Lt th? TV repórter,
Hank Cárter is tlie ha sk etbnll player, and Brnd SiniK in thecoack.

Max: Hank;, that was quite a game you

just played!
Hank: It's nice of you to say that, Max, but
we really need to thank my
teammates and Coach Sims. I
believe everyone on our team has
wíjrked very hard this season.
Coach Sims: There's no doubt in ray mind that
this team is the bcst group of
players I have ever coached, This
was a great game, and it's been a
great season. In my opinión, we won
this game because we've got a great
team. Hank just joined our team
this year, and he's a wonderful
player But every one of the players
comes to practice every day ready
to work hard. ífemember, basketball is a team sport. We can win when
every player does his best. I was positivc that this team could win
tonight's game, and they did a great Job-
Max: Hank, let's tslk about tonight^s game. With only ten seconda left to
play, the score was tied 101 to 101. The fans were calling, "Oñt the bal!!
Get thebaIl!"You jumpedupin the air to catch the ball, racud dowfl
the court towards the basket, and threw it in. Everyune in Ihe crowd
stopped talking, everybody was watching, and the ball went straight
into the basket. Juat thcn, the bcll rang to end the game. That goal
scored three points, and your team won. I imagine you felt wondtrfuL
Hank: Yes, as a matter of fact, I felt really good, Max. That was the farthe&t I
have ever thrown the ball to make a basket. I truly doubted the ball
cou]d go in, but it did. Our team made 104 points, the most points
we've ever scored in a game!
Max; Agam, it was a great game, Hank, and thanks to both you and Coacli
Sims for taking time to talk to us this evening,
EXERCISE A Answer the questions.
1. What is Max's profession, and what is he talking to the two men about?
2. Who ¡E the team's coach, Hank Cárter or Brad Sims?

3. What is the coach's opinión of his baskctball team?

4. How long has Hank Cárter been on Brad Sims' team?
5. What does the coach believe must happen if a team wants to win?
6. How much time was left in the garué when the score was tied at 101?
7. Hank threw the ball a long distance to score the last basket. Is this Lhe farthcst
he's every thrown a ball to make a basket?
8. Dicí Hank'a team beat the other team?
9. What was the final score of the game?

EXEROSE B Match the beglnning of the sentence with the best ending.

1, Webcat a. every dayV

2. Our team scored b. Tim's twice this month.
3- Do the players go to practice c. 84 points.
4. This week, Sally has thrown the ball d, Ihe Fire 3 to 1 today
5. John's team has beaten e. Ihe farthest.

EXERCISE C Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. Roddy kicked a. and caught U again.

2. Mary coached b. theThundor55 to 55.
3. The Stars tied c. each other towards the goal,
4. The players raced c!. thegirla'socccr U'am,
5. Did the team win e. a goal to win the gamef
6, The boy threw the ball op in the air f. the match?

EXERCISE D Cross out the word that doesn't go wilh the center word.


team coach


EXERCISE E Write the new phrases you can make wilh the words above.

match 2, aball 3. a
a a soccer

a match a
a match a
a a

Write sentences with the new phrases above.

Number 1 is an exomple.
1 I went to &occer practlce at echool yggterday aftemoon.

Reading Predicting a text's contení from its title


is the first thing we see or hear about an article, a book, a movie, or a song,
can be a sentence, phrase, or a single word.
has specíal punctuation:
• capitalizo the first word, the last word, and all majorwords.
• don'l capitalice words like a, an, íha, and, or, but, to, from, in, on.
• don'l end wi(h a period, but do end with a question or exclamation mark.

EXERCISE A Rewrite these tilles with corree! punctuation.

1. foods americana like to eat

2. understanding your car's guarantee

EXERCISE B Read a title, Circte Information that mlght be In the

More íhart one answer is possible.

1. Dangerous Sports in the USA

a. why some sports are dangerous
b. the number of players on a team
c. the number of people who get hurt each year
d. why people in some countries play sports

2. The Cost of Huntmg Weapons

a, the best place to buy hunting weapons
b- kc'eping your weapon under ]ock and key
c. how to make your own weapon
d. the high price of weapons
EXERCISE C Read the tltle. Sctcct questlons the textmight answer.
More tkan one answer is possibie.

1. A Student'fi Firñt Day at a Language School

a. What time does dass start?
b. When is the lunch brcak?
c. Who will coach the soccer team?
2. City Baseball Team Loses First Game
a, What was the score at the end of the game?
b- How many games has the team lost?
c. Can you use vending machines during the game?
3. How to Get a Driver's License
a- WhaL kind of test must a new driver take?
b, What kind of car will I drive to the testing office?
c, Where can I get a book to study the rules of the ruud?

EXERCISE D Reatí a titlc. Wrjte two or three thlngs the text míght fia y.

Soccer - A World Sport Teamwork Is Importan! Sports in the MiJitary

Vocabulary Hotnonyms: Examining a word's meanings

Does the word

tie have two Well, it's a homonym.
Homonyms are words that
sound the samo bul have
different meanings. Sometimes
they look Ihe same, too, I mean
we spetl them the same way In
fact, fie has more than
two different meanings.

Look ai the pictüfeB and read the seníences.

John tookoffhisjacket and loosened The dog a]ways ran away, so the man
knot of his tie. tied it up with a rope.

The man put on his ahoes and There was a tie in the men's high
fitarted to tic his shoelaces. One jump.'Fwo meneachjumped 1-7
shoelace broke. He took a píece of meters. They tied for the hi^hest
and used ít to tie th3t shoe. jump.

field (n.) 1. an área of land in the playea 29 games to decide the

cQimtry where people keep best playar in thie match. 8,
anímala or grow fruits and somethin^ that looks the same or
vegetables: The farmer mas very similar tn something else: 1
ujorking in the field. 2. HQ botight you another citp. It's a
área of ground marked for a match for the QHG I bnike laat
game or sport, for example, week- 4. two things, for
Hoccer or baseball: The teams example clothes, that look nice
took the field and the game together because they are ¡similar
began. 3. a subject or área of or haré the same colora: I dun't
study or work: Patrick wants tu know if the furmture in my
study math because ií is a field honse and íkr finifit f bought for
that is interesting to him. my uralls are going to be a gond
match. —(vj 5. when two or
goal (n.) 1. in sports, the place or more things are or look the same,
marked área at the end of a they match: Your aocke dor^t
sports Üe3d that a píayer must match. Otut m blue, and the
kick, hit, or pasa the ball through olhfr is blach. YQI¿ shintlfí wcar
to Bcore a poínt: The soccer two bine socks that match each
píayer kicked the ball into the other. 6. when two or more
goal. 2. in sports, when a things look nice together because
píayer kicks or hits a ball into they have something similar, like
the goal área and scores the color, they match: Her scorf
point QTpomts'.Andy Denson matches ker gloues
ecored Ittto goals for Team USA. betiittifully. 7. to find a person
fíis team won 2 tu 1. 3. or thing that goea logetlier with
somethíng a person plan» or another peraon or thing; Mntch
hopea to do m the future: My the word in the Izft calumn ivith
goal is to speak Spanish well. its tnetiniíig in tile right column.
I'm certain thftt I'li be able do
it! point (n.) 1- what players acore
and culi ni in sports and gantes to
match \nj 1. a small piece of decide who is thü winner: Satti
wood or paper that a person can Miller acvred 16 poinís for New
use to start a fire or light a México Uniuersity in lasí night's
cdgarette: / need a match to start game with Tl-ias State
the ftre. 2. ¡n sports» a match Univarsity. —(v.í 2. to hold
is ancther word for a game ou1 a fingerk o hand, or a thin
between two (or more) people or objcct like a pendí to make
two teams: ín tennis yesterday. another person look at
Dan Peters won his match ivith something: She pointed tv the
Rob Green. The final score ufas ufindoiv and saidr "Look, a
6-3, 4-6, 6-4. The two men storm is cotning."
EXERCISE A Look at the underlined word. Write the number oí ¡ES ctcf inition
Look at the page on the lefi- Sean to flnd Che word and the meaning U has in the sentence
belau>. Number 1 is an exampie.
? i. Qur soccer team beat the Texas Stars by 3 goals.
2. Clark's new job is in the fiejd of international husmees,
3, Coach Tora prepared his team for the last match of the season.
4. Dallas lost their final game by only one ppint.
5. The crowd became very excited as the playera ran out onto the
6- What kind of goals do you have for your career?

7. YÜUrihouldchange that tie. It doesn't match tho ahirt yuu're

8. When you go to the store, could you picase get me a box of matches?

EXERCISE B Read sentence pairs. Find one word that goes in both blanks.

tiod match
goaí fieid point

1. Argentina*s team ñnished one ahead.

Babies to things they want when they are very young.

2. My is to go to medical school and become a doctor.

The team scored one in the ílrst halfof the match-

3. Megwants to study in the of mathematics atthe university.

The children are playing soccer in an open near the achool.

4. Qur team the Jets 7 to 7.

She the string around the package.

5. I need a to make a fíre.

I'm looking for a tie that will this shirt.
Lístening Identifying the topic


• isthesubjectof the paragraph,

• is a word or phrase.

EXERCISE A Listen and circle tne letter that best identífles the toplc.

1. a. Rules and signs

b. Suramer fun
c. Safe swimming
d. How to swim
2. a. Children's sports
b. A sports doctor's job
c. A coach's advice
d. School teams
3- a. Children's doctora
b. Televisión and children
c. Tired chiJdren
d. Free time for children

EXERCISE B the exchange betow. Give your opinión on the toplc.

DÍSCIÍSS tfnf tvpic with your portner. Use tkt* words think, believe, and imagine ¡uhen yvu
give your opinión.
Yea, I do, I'd like each school to
Da you think
that overyone should
learn how to swim?

Vocabulary Coach Tom isn't like most coaches.

Kate: Look at those douds! Fni certain itll

rain. Do you suppose we'll have swim
team practice today?
Mike: I beiieve so. Coach Tom won't let a littJe
wind and rain stop us.
Kate; Surely if it rains hard, he'll end practice
Mike: I imagine so, But Coach Tbm isn't like
most coaches. HG won't stop until a
storm gets cióse. We have sume very
important races tomorrow. So what's
the problem?
Katü: Wall, I need tci calf my mnm on my cell
pilone to tell her what time to pick ine
up after practico, but Tm uncertain
about the time.
Mike: Just wait until practice starts, and cali
her when you know.

EXERCISE Check the boxes lo show your opinión. Discuss with a partner.
Write your own quesiion for Number 8. Ask yvur partner's opinión.

Do you think I don't think so.

1. ,,, tennis is easy to play? D

2. ... soccer is more exciting than tennis?
3. ... your country has the beat soccer players? D

4. .,. sports are more interesting than books? H

5. ... books are more ínteresting than movies?

6- ... your country is tho most beautiful in the world? D

7. ... English grammar is difñcult to learn? D
Grammar Using so and not to replace a THAT-cfause

I beheve that
he carne to work
I haven't seen
Sam today-Did he
come to work?

V Instead oí repeating infon natío n in aTHAT-clause, use soafterwords llke

believe, guess, bope, imagine, suppose, and tlanü.

EXERCISE A Rewrilo thc ¡osponses using so.

Usan example.

1. A; I haven't sueii Sam today. Did he come to work?

B: I believe (that) he carne to work. so.

2. A: Does Bill have a sister?

B: I think <thatt Bill has a skter.

3. A: The garden looks so dry. Ig it going to rain loday?

B; I hope fthat) it ia eoine to rain.

4. A: I just saw the maü truck. Did the mail come?

B: I imagine (that) thc mail oame.

5. A: It's after 8 a,m- Has John left for work?

B: I suppose tthat) Jtihn's Jeft for work.

6. A: Ray looks tired, Did he play tennis yeaterday?

B: I gaess fthat) he plaved tennis yeaterday
f Are you going
( downtown this I suppose not I don't think so.
weekend? V Tm too busy I don't believe so.
>— I don't imagine so.
1 don't suppose so.

I hope
I guess not,
I suppose

*T* í suppose noíJs more common than / don't suppose so.

EXERCISE B Write negative responses wJth'T'and the words ¡n().

Number 1 is an exampte.

1. Do you think that the book quiz will he hard?

I hope not. (hope)

2. Will your son go to California again this summer?

3. Are you and Ann still going to buy a new car?

4. Max has been sick. Will he play in tonight's match?

5. Ifs a long drive to Dallas. Will Barry and Gloria get there before dark?
6. Al looks tired. Does he still want to go to the movie with
7. Do you need to go to the dentist?
EXERCISE C In paire, ask and answer these questions.
Respond tising the verbs in the box and so or not

think imagine hope

fiuppose believe guess

1. Will the weather be pleasant tonight?

2. Will it rain tomoirow?
3. Are you going lo study tonight?
4. Areyougoingtorelaxthie weekend?
5- Will yon ever travel to New York City?
6. Will you ever drive a race car?
7. Will you ever enjoy grammar?

Write 2 more questions to ask your partner


Are you gomg out


I beheve so.
I'vebeen sludying I don t imagine fio
all week. I have to etudy.

Grammar Using adjective + THAT-cIause

Tm sure
I put the cookies
on the table.

certain I put the cookies an the tahle.

*** Wo raroly use that \v\\cn speaking.

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with your opinión.

1. that it will rain tomorrnw.

2. the weather will be terrific next weekend.

3. it won't snow tonight.

4, Til pass the book quiz easily.

Fíl cxercise for more than 10 hours this month.

that Til ruad mcirt- than 25 booka Ihis year.

7. my favorite sports team will win. thia year.

Are you positive
the traille light

EXERCISE B Mark the place where that could go.

Number 1 is an

1. Are you sur^you're all right?

2- Are you certain it's going to rain tonight?
3. We're positive we'll win the game*
4. I'm not positive you can smoke here.
5. Are Bob and Al sure there are lots of fiah in this lake?
6. Ts Julie certain she paased the test yesterday?
7. T'nt not sure the boss will let you take a vacation next week.
8. The writer is positive his article does not have any mistakes.
9. The pólice are sure the young man caused the terrible accident.
lü. Are medical profeasionals certain Americans eat too much fast food?
EXERCISE C Rewrite the sentences into one sentence.
Number 1 is an

1. We won't fail this course. We're sure,

We're eure fthatl wff won't fail th te course.

2. Thfire was a meeting at 3 o'clock, WasMary certain?

3. I can finish my work on time. Pm positive.

4. The sergeant raailed the letters. Are you sure?

5- Lt York had an accident. The captain isn't aure.

6, Our son hasn't saved enough money to buy a car. We're positive.

7- The customer wanted a refund. The manager was certain.

8. Your relatives don't want to visit us this year. Are you sure?

9. The new cashier took the money. Are the pólice poñítiue?

10. I can make it to your office at 2 p.m. Tm not certain.

Dialogs Expressing certainty and unceríainty

Workers ages 18-25 say what's most Importan! in a Job.


EXERCISE A Read the dialog betow with a partner.

Rcad the dialog again and tinderlinf the phrases expressing certainty amf
Steve: Hi, Mark. I haven't seen you in a long time. I wasn't certain that you wurc
still here at the university, Are you finishing your studics this sprinff?
Mark: Yes, I'm graduating this year for sure. My father says I need to ñnd a Job
soon. Business i a my field of study, but I'm uncertain aboul thekind of Job
Fd like to ha ve, What about you?
Steve: Fm lookingfor work, too. I may decide to work for one uf my úneles. It
would be a very interestingjob, but I'm not really positive that 1 want to
work for a relative. There's a lot to think about for
Mark; What do you mean?
Steve: Well, this is what I am sure of. I know that I want to work for a
that will help me get ahead in my career. I don't belleve that money is the
most important thing in a Job- J'd like to work with nice people who are
interested in the work they do, and I won't mind working long hours if the
work is interesting.
Mark: Great! You know what you want- Then what are you not sure of/
Steve: Well, 1 doubt that I'd like to be tied to the dock. I dun't want ajoh that
makKK mt? Hit at a desk eight hours a day, Where 1 work ia certninly also
Jmportant. I'm uncertain about how far I'd like to drive to work. I doubt
that I want to drive much more than 20 miles each way. The furthest I
will drive is 25 miles each way. My uncle's company is that fur from my
Mark: Stevc, you should really think hard about thejob your uncle's offering you.
Pd surely like to have it h I guess that it's time I started thinking nbnut
what I want in a Job.
EXERCISE B Listen and check (•) the six phrases you hear

1. I wasn't certain that

2* Fm uncertain about
3. I imagine so.
4. I supposenot.
5. Fmnotreally poaitive that
6. without a doubt
7. for su re
8. what I am sure of
9. Tm certain that
10. I'dsurelike

EXERCISE C Read 3 te ve's statements again and answer the questions.

Number 1 Is an example.

1. What does Steve say about working for a relative?

JHe's not really pogitivg that he wanüe to work for a rfilative.

2. What does Steve say about the money he needs to earn on the job?

3. What doea Steve say about working long hours?

4. What does Steve say about working at a desk job for eight hours every day?

5. What doea Steve say about driving to work?

EXERCISE D Write statements about what's important for you in a Job.
Use thephrasea in ExerciseA ítj write about ¡vorkplace and career chorees you think are
important. Look oí the. topic in each box. Teíl tvhatyau are certain and utuxrtain about.


Tilinga MI be certafn or uncertaln about

l look for a ¡ob in my career fleld.


EXERCISE E Interview a partner. FUI out the queatlonnaire with the answers.

QUESTIONNAIRE: What's Important for you In a |ob?

an X in thv correct colutnn.
Yes No Notsure
1. Lots of money n
2. Workschedulc of40 hoursa week

3- Pleasant office or nice workplace n

4. Office or workplace cióse to home n
5. To be my own boss n
6. Lots of vacation time n
Grammar Using superlativo adverbs

Eick runs Matt M I E L -

faster ¿han Jim, the fastest.
Jim runa fasi.

Jim runs /así.

Rick runs /osíer ífcan Jim.
Matt runa ífre fastest íofall).

EXERCISE A ünderline both parts oí the superlativa adverbs.

Then circfe the verbs they describe. Nutnber 1 is an example.

1. Paul studies harder than Ann. Petetstudie^Jthe hardest.

2. Lt Long traveled farther than Lt Kane. Lt Lee traveled the farthest.
3. Ted is walking slower than Gary. Ben is walking the slowest of all-
4. Lt Wells arrived atwork later than Lt Dale. Lt Lañe arrived the latest of all,
5. Pat will gradúate sooner than Beth. Tom will gradúate the soonest,
6. Meg drew a line Etraighter than Jake. Bob drew a fine the straighte.st,
7. Sid clímbed higher than Grant. In fact, Sid climhed the highest of all.
8. Mr. Watt left the meeting earlier than Mr. Mills, but Mr. Peters lefl the meeting
the earliest of all.
EXERCÍSE B Complete the chart with compara tí ve and superlativa adverbs.

Spelllng changes Adverh Comparatíve SuperPatlve

1. straight straighter than the atraighUjst

For rnost short adverba
>- add -er or -est 2. fast
3. síow
4. high
5. low
6. soon
*For adverbs that end 7. hard
in a silent -e:
» drop the -e 8. near
*- add 'er or -eai
9. late*
10. early earlier than
add -er or -est
Far (2 forms) farlhcr tban
>- add -th 11. far
>- add -er or -est furihor than

EXERCISE C Write the correct forms of the adverbs.

1. near Sam Uves to the fichool than Jen',

but I live the
2. low Can helkopters fly the of allj or can airplanes
fly . than helicoptera?
3. soon Who will gradúate . than Mike?
Will Mike gradúate the 9

4. high Gary climbed .than Daii-lasLyear

Tim climbed the _ofall.
5. hard I didn't think anyone worked than Bob.
but Sue said she worked the .
6. straight Joe can shoot his rifle the . of all the


EXERCISE D Read the chart Listen and write Y for yes or N for no.

ID = meters
sec. = secnncta
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 3.

EXERCISE E Write 3 more q u e stion s and an s we rs with supe Nati ve adve rbs.
Use the information in the chart abaue. Then ask another stitdent, Numbcr 1 ¿san examplc.

I Q Who jumpgd the lowest ín the high jump?

A, Tom jumped the \owest.

2. Q.


3. Q.


4. Q.

EXERCISE F Talk about theae questIons In groups.Then, report to the class.
Write yvur tiitrn queñtiom; for Nitmber 5 and Numbcr 10.

Of all the students kn your group

1. „, who has traveled the farthest to get to thiñ school?

1. ... who can run the faatest?
3. ... who can swim the farthest?
4. ,.. whci has climbcd the highest?
5. , who

Of all the vehicles ln the world

6. ... which one can go the faatest?

7. ... which one can fly the highest?
8. ... which one can fly the furthest without extra gas?
9. ... which one can go the deepest in the ocean?
0. . , which

Who has lived

the longest?
Writing Editing a paragraph for text changes

Read Püragraphs 1 and 2. They ore vcry similar, buí in l'aragraph 2, the writer changed i fu
he. Pronouns and uerbñ also liad to be i-hanged. The writer underiined all the changes.

Paragraph 1: I love to play soccer» Sometiines I play with fll¿[ friends after
work. I_be!Í£ve_that soccer is good exercise for me. I know that it
helps me stay in shape, and it also relaxes me after a long day at my
desk. I don f t play for a long time each evening, bul I inako sure tlial
f play every chance I get.

PürographS- He leves to play soccer. Sometlmes jie plays wlth hls fñsnds

after work. He belíevee that eoccer te good exerclee for hJm, He

knows that it help& HEm etay in ehape, and it gjggj-ejflxee him

aftor a long day at hie deek. He doeen't play for a long time each

evening, but he makes eure that he plays eyery ¿hanoe he

EXERCISE Chsnge the suhjcct and rewrjte the paragraph.

Change the subjectfrnm w§_to$ke_. Make any Qtherchanges

We often sing in the music program at the uníversity. WP think it*s Pntertaining,
and we enjoy it very much. Many of our friends also believe that it is good because
the program's selection ofíers a. wide variety of music, We're glad our friends invited
us to go with them.
Reading Reading faster for better comprehension

Listen for instructions. Your teefhgr mili tcll you wheti to slart. Yon will kaue 1 minute to
read the paragrofth. After reading, answer the questions below luithout looking ni the
parQgraph again.

1. What does foolish mean? It's a person who . .

a. doesn't think before doing something
b. doesn^t want to break a city's laws
c. likes to do things in a difieren! way
2. This newspaper wrote about a man who ia from a the
newspaper office.
a. town near
b. country far from
c. state that isn't near
3. The man wanted to ^ for the cigarettea
a. pay cash
b. write a check
c. use a credit card
4, The cashier gave the man almost
a. three thousand dollars
b. thirteen dollars
c. three hundred dollars
5, The pólice caught the man casily because
a. he gave his ínformation to the cashier
b. the pólice saw him drive too fasl
c. the cashier described the man*a face
6, The writer of this article thinka that the man ie
a. cautious
b funny
c. carelesa
Materials people use

VOCABULARY: Materials Lackland Air Forcé Base recydeK. . . . . . 33

How to count materials 37
Recyclingat home 38

GRAMMAR: Using compound nouns 41

VOCABULARY: Shoppíng for jewelry with only $75 to spend . . . . . 43
READ1NG: Summarizing a paragraph orally . 45
VOCABULARY: A man-raade material that'í; easy to carc for 46
GRAMMAR: Uaixigcoiíld topolitely ask permiüsion 48

DIALOGS: More ways of asking permission 50

GRAMMAR: Modal review 52
READING: Writing aummaries . . . . . . . . . , , , 56
Preview What's new in Lesson 2?


Nouna plástic veri»

ashtray polyester allow
b rácele t ring appreciate
chain rock be made (up) of
copper rubber could
cotton silk do->did/doneover
diamond silver owe
earringñ stone pay -* paid / paid bnclt;
glass wool put -• put / put out
gold throw -* threw / thrown away
Other throw -* threw / thrown out
jewclry away wake —* woke / wokun up
leather fond (of)
leave man-made
material natural
metal past


Could I leave early today? Polrtely ask permission.
Yes, you can. Give and deny permission.
No, you can't. Couid I borrow the car tonight?
Meet me at the train station. No, you can't,
May I borrow your book?
Yes, yon can. ••
Do you mind if I turn on aome music?
No, I don't mind.
Is it okay if T amoke?
Sorry, but you can't smoke in the
Vocabulary Materials Lackland Air Forcé Base recycles.

Lackland Air Forcé Base is a large rnilitary base in San PLÁSTIC

Antonio, Texas, The Lackland Recyclmg Center does an
important Job for people living and working on base. The
thouaanda of people who work and live there use many
different materials every day, After people use these
materials., they throw them away or recycle them.
The base cullectshundredsofpoundsof different materials
that people throw out. The Recycling Center divides thc
recyclable materials by type, washes thern, and then sells
them to civilian companíes, It collects materials like paper,
f*lassh plástic, metal, rubber, rock? and stone.
The largest amountof material recydedby the Lackland
Recycling Center is cardboard. Boxes are made of cardboard,
whích is a very heavy, atrong paper» that is usuülly bruwn
in color Almost everything that Lackland AFB buys comes
In a box. That is why more than half the material Lackland
recycles is cardboard.
The Recycling Center sells mast recycled materials to
civilian companies outside the military. The materialfi
these companies buy most often are recycled paper, glass
and plástic bcittles, empty metal cans, oíd rubber tires, and
newspaper. These companies take the ítems and use them
to rnake other thíngs. For example, iron» which is a strong,
hard metal, is used by faetones to make machine parts,
The Lackland Recycling Center can't sell some materials
because civilian companies can't use them, Ammunition,
which ÍB made of metal, is one of them. The Recycling
Cenler cuta it into very small pieces. Then, thia metal is METAL
used to make ammunition again.
CertaÍnlyh the Lackland Recychng Center does very
important work for the people who live and work on the Air
Forcé Base. It also makes sure the base doesn't throw out
material that someone may be able to use again.

EXERCISE A Discuss these questlona ffrst, and then wrlte the answers.

1. What do people at Lackiand AFB do with things after they've used them?

2. Why doea Lackiand AFB have a recycling program?

3. Ñame five materials people recycle at Lackiand AFB.

4. How does the Recycling Center prepare bottles and cañe for recycling?

5. How do compañías and factories use recycled iron?

6. Lackiand AFB recycles ammunition. What ia ammunition mude oí?

7, Can the US military sell metal from ammunition t¿> civilian companies?

S- Which material does Lackiand AFB recycle the rnost?

9. Doea your city or town have a recycling program? Describe iL

EXERCISE B Listen and select the tapie.

L a. writing diíferent material*;
b. wrapping things in paper
c. matenals for making paper
2. a. wrapping up boxos
b. washing different materials
c. recycling at home
3. a. colora
b. plástic
c. materials
EXERCISE C Readeach paragraph. Ñame the material it describes.

1. Penplt? use thifí material to write on. It can be made from wood,
but other materials can also be used to make it. Hundrcds of
years ago, it was made from the skins of animáis. Today, faetones
sometíales make it from recycled newspapers and oíd clothes,

2. Every day we use many things made of this material It's light
and strong. It can be hard or soft. When you heat it, you can
easily change its shape.

3. This is a hard material that you can see through. It comes in

many colors, but windows made of it usually have no color.
Bottles are frequently clear, green, or brown.

4- Car tires are usually made of this material. A tire is E thick ring
that fita around the edge of the wheel nfa vehicle.

5. This is a metal peopte fmd in the ground- Faetones heat it and

put it together with other metala to mate it stronger and hardfir.
They can use it to make strong parta for cars and buildings.

6. There are many different kinds of this material that you can find
in the earth, All over the world, countries use it used to make
coins. Pennies» nickcls, dimes, and quarters are made of it.

7. Thia is a hard material that cov&rs parts of the earth. You can
pick up a small piece of it on the ground next to a river or in a
field, but you can also find large amounts of it in one place. The
tops of some mountains are completely made up of this matcrinl,

8. There is another hard material that we can find in thc ground. It

is often used for buildíngs like houses and office buildings. Stairs
on the outside of houses are also frequently made of this. Surnc
pieces of this materia! are vcry beautiful and can be used in

9. BONUS: This material is made from the skin of animáis, We

have to prepare the skin in certain ways to make it soft and also
to make it last a long time. We use this material to make things
like purses, wallets, shoes, and bclts.
EXERCISE D Read the senlences. Wríte T for true and F for false.

1. Iron IH a metal used in cara. 6- Good tires are made of metal.

2. Paper can be made of stone. 7. Yon cannot recycle rubber.

3. AJÍ materíals are man-made. 8. People can recycle oíd tires.

4. All stoves aro made of plástic. 9. Thruw away means throw out.

5. You can find rocks in the ground. 10. Monoy iü mude o

EXERCISE E FUI In the blank with a word from the box,

Yon may use a word more ¡han once.

material paper mado

wood throw glass plástic

metal rubber stono

1. Tablea and chairs are usually of wood.

2. Glass Í9 a hard that you can see through.
3. When people finish using a newspaper, they usually , it away.
4. Drinks come in bottles which can be made of ur
6- A material that faetones can use to make the bottoms of boots is
6. We use metal coins for money, but the bilis we use are made of _
7- Fumiture Can be mude of many different kinds of maU-rial, for L'X;mipk:h
, . , , and
8. If a hits your car window when you're driving, the window will
Vbcabulary How to count materíals

Lotsofthings are made afinare th.an ane kind of material. Look atyour pen. Ifsprobably
made of plástic and metal, it has ink inside it. Look around the classroom. Find things made
ofjust one or mostiy one material Write them in the chart. The Uffird window is an example.



+1* Most materials ere noncount nouns. In order to count a material, place In front of It a
measurement word, container, or form of the material that you can count.

paper glass paper
a pound of plástic a píe ce of paper a sheet of plástic
metal plástic glass

EXERCISE Read and underline phrases that allow you to count the paper.
Jim: Can 1 borrow some papor from you?
Aune: 1 don't think I brought much paper. Let me check to aee how many sheets
of paper I have. Fm sorryt bul 1 left my big notebook at home, 1 have only
a few pieces of white paper with me, 1 also have several pieces of blue
paper, but 1 dcmbt that you want that color
Jim: I don't need much, just some ft>r writing down new informatioí». I can use
any color since it's for my own notes. If you don't mind, you can just give
me two sheets of bine paper. I'd really appreciate it,
Anne: No problem, I'll use the blue ones. You can have these two píeces of whíte
paper. I have to ieave early today because I have an appointment. I
certainly won*t be using much paper during this clasa.
Jim: Thanks a lot. I guess I owe you a few sheets of paper now. FU pay you
back the next time we have class.
Vtocabulary Recycting at hotne

When people want to recycle paper, plástic, glass, and metal at home, they have to
collect the malcriáis they have used, They put the bottles, cans, and newspaper they
want to recycle ¡oto plástic bins or cardboard boxes, Sometimes they write the ñame
of the material on the outside ofthebinorbox.Thenevejyoae in the family knows
where to put their recycling.
In same tcwns and titiesh peoplc have to deliver the materials they've collected to
a recycling center. In other places, people can put out their recycling in front of
their houses, and the city's recycling truck will pick ít up. Once a week, they carry
out their bins and put them next to the street. On that day, a collection truck drivos
past to pick up and lake away the recycling they've collected. Every week, people
repeat these steps and do them over again, First, they follect recycling materials.
Then, they divide them by type. Finally, they put out their bins or boses.
Sometimes people forget to put their bins out. If the sound of the truck wakes
them up and they're quick, they can still put out tbe things they need to throw
away. But if they're late, the truck driver won't see any bina, andlie'lldrivcpast
and not stop. Then, they1!! have to wait for the next recycling collection date.

EXERCISE A Answer these questions with your class.

1. What things do people throw away that they can
2. How do people collect the things they want to recycle?
3. Where do people put out recycling for pick up by Lhc city?
4. How often does city recycling collection •usually take píace?
5. If a city does not pick up recycling, where can people take the things that they
need to throw out?
6- In yfmr home, what happens to the diíferent materials you can
EXERCISE B Interview a classmate. Check (•) each YES answer.











EXERCISE C Heport what your partner said about recychng In i no country.

Who did you talk to,

and how doea his
country recycle? talkcd to Karl. He said
every house in Germany
musí recycie all material
made of paper, glasa,
plástic, and metaL
EXERCISE D Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

thrown out woken up wakes up

do over throws out puta out

woke up threw away pick up

1. David needs to some work h« did ibr his boss yeaterday.

2. The boy the chewing güín because he didn't want it.

3. Ted his wife in the morning because she sleeps BO deeply,

4. Every morning, Sus an her cat becau^e ñhe doesn't like to
leave it in the house when ahe'a at work.

5. On Saturdays, Jim . oíd magazines,

6. Children like to _ small stones and play wilJi them.

7. Stan has his children late every morning thís week because
his alarm clock broke.

8. Last week, Julia played very loud music and thp nfti

9. It's only 9 a.m., and Ray has already today'íi newspaper.

Gra ritmar Usíng nouns as modifiers

baseball a glove a baseball glove

V Thefirst noun ¡na compound noun is always singular: baseball glove.

J im plays baseball, He's a baseball

player. He plays the game on a
large field Part of the field is in the
can return the baíl or touch hím with
the it.
Jim always wears a baseball cap when
shape of a diamond (^). Each córner of he plays baseball. When it's hia tum to
the baseball diamond has a base with a hit the baseball, he uses a bat made ufa
player who stands near it. piece of wood that's about 3V£ feet long.
Jim plays on a baseball team with Some playera use baseball bata made of
eight othor playera A baseball game is meta], but Jim likes wood. When his
between two teams with nine playera on team is catching instead of Iiitting, he
each team. Each team tries to hit a uses a large baseball glove made of
baseball. If a player hits it, he then tries leather to catch thp hall.
to run around the four bases of the Baseball is Jim's favorite sport, He's a
baseball diamond before the other team good player and enjoys it.
You can use several nouns logether to mean one thing, lor example: a leather
baseball glove, a plástic salad forte.

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with noun + noun from the tevt

1. Baseball teams play the game on a

2, Jim likes to wear his on his head when he plays.
3. He hits the ball with a made of wood.
4. A baseball player uses a ]eather tocatch tbeball-
5. BONUS: What do we cali the uniform the players wear?
EXERCISE B Write noun compcmnds and noun + noun.
Turn to lhe page before this onc. Read fhe fourparaftraphs again. Nuirtber 1 is an example.

1. baseball 5
2. 6.
3. 7
4. 8.

EXERCISE C Fill ¡n the blsnks with noun -i- noun.

1. The store next door selle shoes. It's a

2. Cindy takes classes at night. She takes .
3. This lesson is about grammar, Thiü is a
4. The machine in the hall makes ice. It's an

5. Al ordered soup. He needed a spoon to eat it. He asked fur a

6. Mark likes stores that give disuounU, He likes
7. Henry has an ache in his stomech. He has a
8. ThÍ5 paper gives yon the news. Read the

EXERCISE D Work wíth a partner. Write seven more.

Therc are more words ¡han yon need, and yon may tí.te .tome tuordv more thtin once.
Numbers 1 and 2 (iré examplea.

air stop cookbook

bus i i
2, library
• i ' •• '
credit room 3
bath book
library plañe
dining dñver 5
movie account 6
bünk lacea
ticket 7.
cook station 3.
Vocabulary Shopping forjewetry with only $75 to apend

Lt Barnes: Cood aílernuon, ma'am, You have some beautifuT bracelets in your
store window, Could I see them?
Clerk: You certainly may. Our bracelets are made of gold, silver, or copper.
Lt Barnes: My mother's very fond of gold. She likes to wear it a lot. Could you
show me tho gold bracelets? I ptan to give her jewelry for her
Clerk: Take a look at this one. It's a chain with ten diamonds. It's beauliful
on a woman'a wrist We also have a matching necklace. If your
mother likes to wear rings on her fingere, we have a ring to go with it
as well.
Lt Barnes: Diamonds are so expensive. Do you have anything else? I saw in the
newspaper today that you're having a sale.

Mother's Day Sale!

1 lulrkuújli i Ji-wlry blun, 1 I 1 Mullí S

Clerk: That*s right, we are having a sale. How much do you want to apend?
Lt Barnes: Only about $75.
Clerk: Well, then, allow me tu offer a solution to your problem. The beautiful
pairof gold earríngs that you sawin the newspaper costs just $59.
Those earrings are only on sale this week because of Mother's Day. If
your mother's fond of gold, she'll surely wear them often.
Lt Barnes: They're beautiful. Til take them. Ctíuld you put the earrings in a box
and tie it up with some e»ld string? I have a few days ofleave, and Tm
goíng away to vifjit my mother today,
Clerk: Certainly3 sir. I'd be happy to make a pretty package for you.
EXERCISE A Fíll in the blanks with worcls from the box.

¡ r ' " - •i
glass diamond sil ver stones
bracelets cecklaces gold copper
.. . . - fond of earring ohaní rings

1. Gold and silver are two metáis whlch are harder than
2. Both silver and copper are lesa expensive than
3. Women wear around their necks.
4. US hospitals put medical on patients* wrists for identification.
6, A ring with a glass stone is IÍÍSK uxpcnsive than one with a

6. Some people have a hole in each ear into whiuh they uaii pul aa
7. A gray metal that coins and jewelry can be made of is .—.
8. Glasa ^^ in jewelry arn man-made and not natural matcrialp.
9- Windows are usually made of elear that Lets in. sunshine,
10. Moat children are of playing Carnes and collecting things.
11. A is made of metal rings. Each ring is connecUid U> Ihe ring
in front of it and the one after it.
12. A man and a woman often give each other matching when they
get raarried.

EXERCISE B Match the phrase on the left with a word on the right.

1. the hardest natural material we can fínd in the earth a. ring

3, a piece of jewelry a pernun woars around the wrist b. diamond

3. a shiny grey metal that jewelry can be made uf c. silver
4- a shiny yellow metal that is very expensive d. bracelet
5, ádrele ofgold, ailver, or other metal for the finger e. gold
Reading Summarlzing a paragraph orally

WritE the lopicofthis

US Army soldiers wear a uniform for everyday work. In the year 2004, the Army
made some importan! changes to it and gave soldiers a new combat uniform. To
make the new uniform, they chose a material that is easier to wash, dry, and keep
looking nice. They ¿uso changed some of the things on the uniform. First, they moved
the hottom pockets to the shoulder s]eeves to make the them easier to reach. Then,
they usetí zíppers instead of buttona because zippers are easier to open with one
haiid, These three changes and some others, too, have served to iower the price of
the uniform, make it better to wear, and easier to use, Soldiers know that a good
uniform that fits right, feels good? and looks profesional will help them do their Jobs


EXERCISE Reatl Ihe paragraph again and give an orar summary oí it.

• gives the main idea and the most imporlanl informalion
• does not show your opinión of the reading
• is very short
Use ihe spoce nefí to the ptivtugraph fvr yvur fióles.
Vbcabulary A man-made material that's easy to care for

Adam: Honey, can you come herc to

take a look at this Smith
Brothers' ad vertía ement? It's Smitfi <Bwtfter$'
for a ahirt with a matching
•;ilk lie. I really like the way
they look together,
Emily: Yes, it looka nice, but the
shirt's not 100% cotton. It's
a man-made material that's
65% cotton, 30% polyesíer,
and 5% nylon. T don't think •s*
- ..—•?'-
¿"^ *'
you '11 like it,
Adam: Oh, but Tm aure I wilL This
kind of material is really
easy to care for, My ñ-ienda
at work have it. They say
that you just wash it in cold
water and hang it up to dry.
You can wear it again in less
than an hour. It's perfect for
Smith ftrothera* ftnetá sum.mer shirt
trips and vacations.
made of&5% cotton, 30% pofyorfffl] and
Emily: If that's tme, a waah-and- 5% nylon material alway* fafiks perfect
wear shirt would be good to with or without tke matcking silk té?.
have. Right now, you have
only cottan and wool shirts.
I like them becatiae they're
made of natural materials. Fine Ciotheg for Mcn, Women, & Chílííren
But this shirt might be a 800.555.5555 1 smithbrolhers buy
good choict! for the summer
The tie also matches nicely,
Adam: I think 1*11 go to the store and buy it during their summer sale. I lo
gel a brown leather belt, too. Did you knnw that I have a little extra
money? Tim paid me back the $75 he owed me- You remember he borrowed
money from me last month. Wcll, I was able to throw away his IUU today.
Emily: I'm aure you appreciate gettingyour money back. Do you mind ¡f I come to
the store with you? With the extra money, maybe we can get somcthing for
me, too.
EXEPCISE A nif m the blanks with words from the box.

Some words uuíi be iiaed mure thrtn anee.

nylon leather polyesti

silk pay back appreciate owe
wool cotton man-made

1. Many beautíful ties are made of

2, In cold dimates, people wear sweaters made of to keep warm.
3. Belts and shoes are ususlly made of
4. Polyester, nyJnn, plástic, and glass ere material».
5, In stores» you can usually find shirts made of different materials, like
, , , , and
6. Store clerks Hke to be helpful. Most customers good aervice.
7. Jennífer wrote him an IOU note that said, "I _ you $30.
return the money ncxt Wednesday."
8. When I lend friends money, I like them to the amoimt the
next day.

EXERCJSE B Let your ciassmates guess the ítem you are ihinking ot.

19 it made of a
natural or man-made
Is it a piece
:•.aterí al?
Can 1 see
bhrough it?

(3ra m mar Using could to potitefy ask permission

Lt Tran: Could I please borrow your dictionary tonight?

Lt Como: Sure, you can have it until toniorrow rnorning,

Students: Ms. Pim, could we leave ten minutes early today, please?
Teacher: I'm sony. You can't. We have too much work to do before class ends.

Could I íplease) borrow your dictiunary?

Can we leave early today (picase)?

V Use coultf to ask permlssfoo tn the same way you use may and can.

YES answers NO answers

Yes, you can.

Fm sorry Ynu can't.
Of coursc.

We usually add an expfanaiion to a NO answer.

EXERCISE A Match each qutistion with ti le corred response.

Then, repeat afteryour instructor.

1. Could I use your pen, please? a. I'm sorry, but I won't be home.
2. May I borrow your book? b. Certainly. I hav« my ID nglit li
3. Can I ask you a question? c- Tm sorry You can't. Tt doesn't work.
4. CouLd we visit you tonight? d- Yes, you can. Ht?rt?!K anoLht-r piece.
5. May we smoke here? e. Sorry, but I have to return it tud&y,
6. Could I have aome more cake? f. Of course. What do you need to know'/
7, Can I see aorae idectification? g- No, you can't, Please go outsíde.
EXERCISE B Complete each queatiori with your own ¡deas.
Ib make your questions, uñe the words in the box below or selecí oíher mords and phrases
that yon knuw. When you've finished, ask yatir paríner the quesiions yau've written. Ifyaur
partnergives yon a iwgatiue answer, fitik him orherto explain whyyou do nothaue
permissitm. Then, switch roles and answeryour partner's quesfions.

TV chair
car light
book curtains
pen camera
desk window
door díctionary
radio CD player

1. Could I borrow
2. Could I use
3. Could I cióse
4. Could I move
5. CouídT turnan

Could I open
the window, please? This
room is too hot.
Dialogs More ways ofasking permission

Read íhe underline the words that ask for, give, or deny permistión.

Mr. Wilson: Do you mind if I emoke?

Ms. López: No, I don't mind, But you can't
smoke inside this building.
Mr. Wilson: Is it okay ifl smoke outside?
Ma. López: Yes, it's okay, But you may only PUT OUT
smoke 25 feet away from the YOUR CIGARETTES
Mr, Wilfion: Thanks. Where can I put out IN THE ASHTRAYS
my cigarette?
Ms. López: There's a sign outside that says
o e
to put cigarettes out in the

EXERCISE A Listen and fill ¡n the blanks. Then, repeat after your teaeher.

1. Bob: Do you mind ifl bring my friend to your party?


2, Student; Could I p]ease drink my coffee in the classroom?

Teacher: . .

3- Tom:
Jay: Sure. Til get it for you.

4. Lt Fifik: la it okay if we take pictures of the graduation?

LtCole: -

5- Student:
Teacher: Please, don't. There's too much noise

G. Capt Jobs:
Capt Wolf: No, you can't- Captain Miles is goíng to sit therc.
EXERCISE B SeJect one sltuatlon and role-play it with a partner.

Boss of a busy garage • Méchame

You have severa! customers Ask the boss to allow you to
who are in a huny to get le a ve three hours early taday,
their cars back, Several of You need to go to the airport to
your medíanles did not report pick up a relative who doesn't
for work thia morning. speak English»

* Fu rniture store manager • Salesperson

Your store is having trouble Ask the manager for more
making enough money- You money. You've been working
think you might have to cióse here for yeara and have many
your store ín the next six happy customers who come
montha. back year after yearh You don't
know the store has monpy

• Customer ín restauran! • Server

You are eating alone at a table Several custümers have come
ibr two, Several customers just in, They want to sit together.
sat down at the table next to Theír table needs one more
you. They want your extra chair. Aak the customer at the
chair, but earlier a fríend said table next to them to let you
he might meet you for dessert. take the extra chair,

EXERCISE C Write a situation for 2 other students to role-play.

Gra minar Modal review

Tolalkabout. Modals Examples

/ may stay late at the office tonight ifl haue too

50% possibility mi£ch inork ío do.
might Tkey might not come with us ifthey arriue late,
h could rain tonight. Look at títose cloudsf

can She can swim two miles, but ¡¡he can't do ií qmckly.
Prese nt abilily
be able to He is able to speak French.

could Sam couldn't come to the party yesterday.

Past ability
be able to He was able to run

may May / borrow yourpen?

Permisslon can Can we xmuke in here?
could Could I use your phone?

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with couid, fnight, or may.

Think ofthitigs tkat are 50% likeiy to happen or 50% possibíe ío do. Number 1 i» a>¡ vrample.

1. Ifyoadon'tatudyhard.yPüCQuIdfail thateat/you might not paee tha tó&t,

2. If you run a red light, -

3. If you never exercise, .

4. Ifyoudríve toofaat,
5. If we don't have any homework tonight,
6- If tbc weather is nice tornorrow, .

7. Ifl have any free time this weefcend

8. Ifl don't pass the test,




EXERCISE C Ask your partner questions about abllfty. Checkthe answers.

Are you able to ... ? fe : No

Can you ... ?

1, run five miles every day?

2. Lift 50 poundg?

3. stay awake all night?

4. stand on your head?

5. sing well? J
6. read an American newspaper?

7. fly an airplane?

EXERCISE D Rewrite the questions in Exercise C In the paat tense.

With your cÍQssmiztes, ask and answer the íiuestivnf ynií'vc written. Then, íalk about the
changes in Luhatyou cando now and whatyou contado then. Number I isan exampte.

TÉ?H ycars ago, were No, 1 couldn't

you able to run ñve miles Could yon?
every day?

1. were you able to / could you run fíve miles day?



Ten yearsago, 4.

EXERCISE E Match the sentences that are similar in meaning.

1. May I sit here? a. Wertü you able tu repaír it?

2. 1 couldn't hearthe teacher. b. It might be a machine,

3. Can I borrow your pen, please? c. Is it okay if I sit next to you?

4. Could you fix my car yesterday? d- I'm not able to prepare hot food.
5. I may go. I don't know, e. I could fail the test.
6. I might not pasa the test. f. I wasn't able to hear her.
7. Are you able to run very fast? g. I might go,
8- It muid he an appliance. h. Do ycu mind if I use it?
9, I can't cook. i. Can you run qukkly?

EXERCISE F Match each sentence with a purpose. Write a, b, c, or d.

Purpose Modals 1, John can't Rwim very well.

2, Could I speak to you, sir?
a. 50% possibility
3. May I borrow your car tonight?
could 4. Ann may be going on vacation
in July.
5. Fred wasn't able to visit u 3 laat
b. Present ability
can Satorday.
be able to
6, Sara's able to ñame all the
coun tries in the world,
could Befare his accident» Mike could
c. Past ability 7.
be able to ptay soccer very welL
8. mighl have a now studunt
may in class tomorrow.
d. Permission can 9. ñ^ you can leave the
could after you fínish the test,
Readíng Writing summaríes

Read íhe two pitragr&phs helttuf and write a skort summary fbr each one.

Steel is a metal that people use every day It's a nian-made material that ia made
uí'iron plus smaller amounts of one or more other metala. In faetones where they
make steel, workers heat iron and the other metáis together to a very high
temperatura. When the metala cool, the workers can make the steel into thin piecea
or thin sheets. Steel ia a very good material because ít is hardcr und stroiiger than
iron, because factoriea can make Ít into different shapes, and beeauae Ule metal
keeps its shape better than iron. Aiao, different from iron, steel doesn't feaaily rust,
which is what happens when water and air change iron, Steel is a metal uaed to
make vehicles and machiní-s. Il'a also in many things you can find in the home, like
refrigeratora, stoves, and washing machines, and even knives, forka, aiid spuons.

Pftragrapk 2

Many atones that are used to makejeweh^ looklike dmmondb, bul. Llujy'ro iiot
natural diamonds. Some are glasa, others are zircon (a natural Ktojje thut is not B8
hard as diamondsj, and some are cubíc airconia (which is a nuoL-made Ktone). These
other stones don't shine the way diamonds do, and that's how profesHiunal jewelers
can sec the difference between them and diamonds. People who don't have a íot of
money to apend usually can't buy real diamonds, but they may be ablo Lo buy the
other stones. While it is true that circón and cubic zirconia cost more thtuí glass»
they're certainly leas expensive than diamonds.
What's your size?

VOCABULARY: Finding the right size 59

Measuring recruits for their first uniforms 62
REAOING: Usingthe title to predict contents 66
GRAMMAR: A person who teaches is a teacher. , 66
VOCABULARY: Coata on sale al 50% off 6S
GRAMMAR: Usingmodals inreported speech 70
READING: Reading faster for bctter comprehension . . . . . . . 73
VOCABULARY: That woirian drives a hard bargain! . 74
GRAMMAR: Uaing separable phrasal verbs 78
DIALOGS: Asking a salesperson for help 82
1 Preview ^g newin LessonS?
Nauní percent (%) Qther
amount percentage for sale
bargain receipt free
centimeter / cm sale irregular
cloth size leas
deal tax médium
discount waist much
distancs ofF
dressing room Verbs on sale
fabric amount to percenl (%)
fit bargain sales
height decreese
hip discount
inch / irj. fit-*fit/fit Symbol
Ítem increase %
- measure
length reduce
measurement sew -* sewed / K«wn
pair try on


Jack Smith drives a bus. Ask and respond lo questions rolaling
to the buying and selling of clorhes and
He's a bus driver accessories in d role-play between a
customer and a cloThes slore
Jim is going to hang up his clothes.
rRm is going to hang his clothes up. May I help you.eir?
Jim is going to hang them up. .
Yes, I want to buy a pair of panta,
but I don't know my
What did Mr. Rogers tell you?
He told me he might see me at 2 p.m. Let's measure your waist and clieck
the iength. Then we'll know what
size you wear,
Vocabulary Finding the right slze

Smitd (Brothers


40% off regular pnces for suits and jackels
60% off regular prices for shirts and pañis"

Smitn ^Brothers
Fine Clothes for Mcn, Womcn, & Children -/.vi-: frse tí m --
800.555.5555 [ smithbrolhers.buy

Harry: I'm interested in buying a sports jacket. TheyVe 40 percent nff, Hght?
Clerk: Yes, they certainly are. Do you know your sise, sir?
Harry: I'm aorry, but I don't. I think I usually wear a médium jacket.
Clerk: Wel], sir, if you don*t mind, Fd like to measure you, Our jackets are very
well made, and we have exact aizes - not just small, médium, and large.
When I know your measurementsh I'll be able to fít you better, Clothes
that fit well always look best, A goad fit usually feels better, too. I'm sure
we'll be able to find that special jacket that looka great on you.
Harry: What measurementa do you need?
Clerk: 1 need to measure your síeeve length, around your chest, and the length
from your shoulder lo your iv¿ii¡;t I'd aliso like to get a pants measurement.
You may want to buy some other Ítems taday, perhaps a pair of pants or a
shirt, For the pants. Til take your waist measurement and
EXERCISE A Read the sen ten ees. Wrlte T for true and F for false.

1. The customer knows his jacket eize.

2. Médium is the size that the Customer uaually buys,
3. The store only has jacketa in sizes small, médium, and large.
4. The clerk wants to measure the fustomer's waiflt for a jackct,
5. The clerk says that dothes lookbest if they fit well.
6. For a pairof pants, the clerk needs two measurementa.
7. The customer wants to buy three Ítems írom thJs store.
8. The store ls selling sports jackets at 40 percent ofT

EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

measure special ítems

médium fit waiat meawurementa
size pair

1. To find your pants size, around your waist.

2. Peopleoften wear shocs when they play sports.

3. Johnboughta of diamond earringíi to give his wife on her birthday.
4. A leather belt around your looks nice with wgol alacks.
5. Excuse me, ma'am. Td like to buy a new &uit, but I don't know my
6. This dress is too large. Do you have it in a aízc?
7. How many different ^ do you have in that big box you're carrying?
8. If both the amall and the large jackets don't , maybe médium will.
9. When you buy panta, you sometimos need to know the of your leg.
10. For a jacket, the sales clerk needs to take three different
sleeve length, around the chest, and the length from shoulder to waist.
EXERCISE C In pairs, useatape measure lo ffll in the lengths in centimeters.
In the US, body measurements for clothes are usually in inches. In other
countriea, measurements are often in centimetera. People use a tape measure to
takc clothes measurements. A tape measure is usually 60 inches long or about 152
Look at the picture of the tape measure below. Its length is 6V? inches or about
16V£ centimeters. Take a look at the 1 inch. mark. Compare inches and centimeters.
You'll see that 1 in. = 2.54 cm, Now look at ítems 1-8 below. Use the tape measure
Ui flnd uut which centimeter amount compares most closely with the inch amount.


1 is an example.

1. 1 ia. = about 214 cm 5, in. - about

2. 2 in. = abmit cm G. Ín. = abuut

3. 4 in, = about 7. 4'^ in. = about

4, 6 in = about cm 8. in. = ebout

EXERCISE D Listen and write the topic.

• is Ihe subjecí of the paragraph.
• is a word or phrase.

Vocabulary Measuring recruits for thelr first uniforms

When new recruits join the military, the first thing they get is a uniform. The
uniform must fit well because a person in the military must always look
profeasional. To gelect a new recruit'g uniform, the military csrefully measuros each
person to find his or her correct size.


USA Size (Reg) 6 e 10 12 14 16 18 20 WShQfl

E uro pean Size 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50

S-M-L-XL Síze Small Médium Large Extra Large

CKest 37 38 39 41 43 45 47 49
Waist 27 28 29 31 33 35 37 39
Hips 37 38 39 41 43 45 47 49
Inseam 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ±1 .
Shoulders 16& 17 ITtó 19 18!4 19 tefe 30
Sleeue 3014 3Q& 31 3114 32 32 ¿ 33 33^ ±1
Collar-Waisl 1714 17 4a
18 18% 1B!4 18% 19 m ±1¿
Helght: Regular65 in.-68in. Tall68in.-71 in.

WOMEN'S SIZES: To fmd out a woman's size, the military takea Ihrec measurementa.
They measure around the bust, waist, and hipa. A bust meusurement ie aroimd the
widest part of a woraan's back and chest. They take this measureiucni under the
arms. For the hip meaaurement, they pul the tape measure around the widcst pert
of the body below the waist and above the k>p of the legs, Some sizta forwomen are
6 P 8( 10, 12, or 14, A waman who is 67 inches tall and measures 38-^8-38 probubly
fits insiae 8 or 10.
S-M-L-XLSize Small Médium Large Extra Large
Cheat 34 36 38 40 42 46 48
Waisl 30 34 36 38 42 44
Hrps 36 38 40 44 48 50
Inseam 30 29'? 30 30!, 3DV2 31 ±114
Shoulders 18 1BV, 19 20 21
Sleeve 30 32V¿ 33 34 ±1
Collar-Waisl 19U 19% 20 21
Height: Regular65in.-66in, Tall68ln.-1 in.

MEN'S SIZES: For shirts, the military measures the circumference of the neck for the
shirt collar and the length of the arm for the gleeve- For thc- arm meaKurement, the
recruit must hold his arm straight out at shoulder height, They will measure from
the center of the back to the wrist. For pauta, they first take a waist Tnuaaurc?ment,
and then they meaaure the length of the inside of the leg down to the ankle—thia is
called the inseam. For example, a man 67 inches tall might wear ahirt size
15Vi -32 (neck-arm) and pants size 30-32 (waist-inseam).


USA Size (Reg) 26 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Tall'ShQrt

E uro pean Size 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58

Waist 30 32 34 36 33 40 42 44
Hips 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Inseam 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 ±2

ALTERATIONS: Uniforma don't always fit exactly right, Pants are often too long or
too short, A tailor can change or alter them. A tailor is a person who can scw an
ítem of clothing to make it shorter or longer, looser or tighter. AJterations for the
first uniform are free, that is, there is no charge. For other uniforms» the recruit will
have to pay both uniform and alteration costa.
EXERCISE A Fill ín the blanks wlth words from the box.

measured fit inches

length size me asure menta

Alien; Can you help me? I need to buy a shirt to go with my uniform,
Clerk: Certainly, sir. What do you wear?
Alien: I don't know, They me before, but TVc forgotten what my
Clerk: Okay, then, weTl find out First, Tm going to measure your neck, and then
the of your arma. Let's seef that's 16. for
the neck and 32 for your arm length.
Alien: 1 guess that means íhat a aize 16 - 32 shirt should mu
quite well.

EXERCISE B Filk ín the blanks with words from the box.

free paír wuist

hip iteras
meaaure aew amount

Clerk: Good afternoon. Are you looking for anything special tuday, ma'am?
fíylvia: Yes, I need to buy several af clothing. The first thingl need
is a nice of slacks.
Clerk: Your size, please, ma'am.
Sylvia: I'm sorry, I don't remcmber it. Could you ~ me?
Clerk: Certainly, that's no trouble at all. I'll need k> get your size
and also your measurement,
Sylvia: Fm not very talL 1 usually aak a tailor to aborten my elacks, But if that's
expensive, I can them at home, Will you add an extra
. to the salea price if your tailor shortena the slacks?
Clerk: No, ma'am. If our tailor shortena or lengthena tho pantlcgs, that'll be
We also don't charge for changes to the waist*
Reading Using the title to predio! contents

A title is often the first piece of iriforinativn yon. get about a texí.A title rnay telf yon what will
be in the text, Befbre good readers begin readiiig, they take time to imagine what the text will
say. Use the titles beiow to make guesses or predictions about each íexí.

EXERCISE A Read a title. Cfrcfe Information that might be ¡n the paragraph.

More than one answer is possible.

1. College: The Key to Your Future

College: The Key to
a, careerfields Your Future! That
b. dining hall food sounds interestingr
c. college courses
d, classroom furniture
2. Know Your Medicine
a. the beat way to ask a doctor for information
b. \\o\v to study to be a doctor
c. where to read sports magazines
á. medical advice on the internet
3. Best Vacation Places
a. hotels
b. hospitals
c. beaches
d. basic training

EXERCISE B Read a title. Select questions the paragraph might anawar.

1. Lend and Climate in the State of Arizona

a. How hot is it in the desert?
b. How many colleges are there?
c. Dot?H il Hvt?r freeze at night?
d. Do you need a better Job?
2. BicycJe Racing
a. What kind of shoes do racers wear?
b. Who made the fírst bicycle?
c. Which bicycles are the lightest and fastest?
d. At what time does the bicycle shop open?
Grammar A person who teaches is a teacher.

A person who serves food in a A person who collccts stamps

restauran! is a server. is a 3tamp collector

%* Adding -erand -orto some verba makes nouns that mean"somecme who."

An appliance which makes cunee A tool which opena cans

is a coffeemaker. ¡K a can apenen

V Adding -erto some verbs makes nouns that msan "somelhing which.1

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with words from the box.

1. Ken drives a truck. He's a truck

2, Lora carries themail. She'sa maíl
B, This appliance washes dishes. It's a
4. Use this todry yourhair. It'sahair
5. Julie instructs uhildren. She's an
6. This toáis sharpens pencils. It's a pencil
7. PJease visit me often. I enjoy having „
8. You can freeae food with this. It*s a
9. Al just began learníng French. He's a
EXERCISE B Change the underlined verbs to nouns with -er or -or.
The Miller Family
Mark Miller owns a company that builds houses. He's a „ On the
weekends, he likes to play tennis, He's a good tennis Sarah his wife,
man ages a small bank, She's been a bank for a long time, Sara
enjoys collecting coins, too, so she's a]so a coin ., Theirson, Cari, is
still ÍD school. He enjoys wríting short stories for the school newspaper. He wants to
be a Their daughter, Annt likes to sing and play the piano. She'a a
very good and piano Sometimes, the whole family
goes to the mountaias and spends a weekend mountain climhing. They are £0od
numntain Every month they visit Mark'a parenta. HÍ3 párente likn
having , They wish they could see the family more often.

EXERCISE C Pick words and describe them for your partner to guess.
In your dwcription, use words tkat are differp.nt from the nt)ün your classmafea wili aay.

This person goes from one place to

another. Sometimes he uses a car.
íSometimes he flies on a plañe to get He's a travelfr.
where he wants to go, What is he?

heater receiver traveler owner entertainer
lighter recorder shapper planner educator
hanger marker learner dancer repórter
toaster fastener gardener swimmer operator
ahaver zipper cleaner follower Ipnder
timer stopper speaker reviewer borrower
hair diyer refrigerator renter mover guaran tor
caller readñr rider
catcher amoker sel ler
Hailiir goat keeper buyer
Vbcabulary Coate un sale at 50% off

Sid: Hi! Your sign says you're having a sale and giving a discount of 50
Clerk: That's right, Our year-end sale started today We llave some good defllfl at,
low pnces. Td be happy to fit you with a winter coat. What'a your size, sir?
Sid: I wear a 40.
Cletk: Try on this coat. The fabric is 100% wool. It'll keep you wonderfully warm.
This coat justwenton sale today at 50% off the regular price. Itwas $500,
now it's $250.
Sid: I see. You've reduced the price by half becauae winter's half over. Will
your pnces decrease more?
Clerk: I doubt that we'll discount our coate much more. Our prices are already
quite low. You know, you rcally should buy now because our statc's sales
tax i- going up soon. The percentage the state adds will increase from
6% to 7.5% on January lat. This year yon pay $30 in sales tax on a $505
coat, Next year, youll pay $37-50, Everything's going to be more expensive.
Sid; The price you're asking for this coat is $250 plus 6 percent tax. That
amounts to $265. That's too expensive for me, but thanks for your holp.

EXERCISE A Ask and answer these questions with a partner.

1. What kindof saléis the store having?
2. By how much is the store reducing its coat pnces?
3. What sizedoes Sid wear?
4. What is the price of the coat after the 50% discount?
5. Does the clerk believe the store will reduce its prices more this year?
6. What percentage of sales tax will Sid pay on thE- price of a mal thiü year?

7. How much will the sales tax increase next year?

8. Do you pay a sales tax in your country? If yes, what percentage do you payT and
what do you cali the tax?
EXERCISE B With a partner, fill rn the blanks with words from the boxes.

1. percent off sale deal on sale

The Coat Store ia having a this week on its winter coats.

Every coat in the store ia _ at half pnce, At 50 off,
a coat for sale at a price of $750 ia $325 the regular price.
That'a a vcry good ,

tax amounts to ítems increases on saltf amount

The store adds state sales to an Ítem when someone buys a

coat. That the amount the store charges the customer by
For examplc, for a $500 coat, the store's cashier muat add $30 to the sales price.
The final price that the customer has to pay $530. When
clothing goes __ at lower prices, the state always gets a smaller
of sales tax because the the store solía coet leas.

3. increasea decreases amount sales tai free

In my opinión, one thing that never is taxes. But I know that

the state earns alarge of money from the laxes it collects. This
money helpa to pay for our children's achools, our city atrccts and sidcwalks, our
state's highways, our pólice, and many other things. These things are certainly
not In íact, Üxey cosí a lot. I guess the best way to pay for them
is to make evcryhody pay a , I hope ours doesn't go up soon.
When the state. taxes, it is hard on a person's wallet.
Grammar Using modats in reponed speech

Sir, are you going He said it

to fly today? was cloudy, but he
It's cloudy, but What did the mighi nuil f\
I moy still fly. captain say?

Lt Gray Cspt Lanu Lt Green Lt Gray


The captain said (that) might

*** Some modals change in reponed speech» Some pronouns do, too.

Di re el Speech Reportad Speech



ara/is/are able to was/were able tó

EXERCISE A Underline all the parts that show reported speech.
Then, repeat afteryaur instructor. Numher I i.t ftti

1. Randall: "You might want to wait for better weather" What did he tell you?
He told as that we might want to wait for better weather.
2. Ms. Kap: "Your teacher may not come because he's aick." What did she say?
She said that our teacher might not come because he was sick.
3- Sgt Bag: "Prívate, you can go to the library whcn I return." What did he say?
He said I could go to the library when he returned.
4. Jackie: l£We couldn't take a break yesterday," What did she tell you?
She told me that they couldn't take a break yesterday.
5- Mr. Dell; "The new secretary isn't able to type fast." What did he toll you?
He Lold me the new secretary wasn't able to type fast.
6. LtCort: "My men are able to do anything I ask them to do," What did he say?
He said his men were able to do anything he asked them to do.

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with changes lor reported speech.

Tkeií, repeat afteryour instructor.
1. George: "We might go out tonight."
He told me that they go out tonight.
2- Lt T^ash: "ñergeant, you can leave early because youhre finished.'
She said I leave early because fmished.
3. Lt Pace: "I couldn't understand the second speaker at the meeting."
He told us that he understand the second speaker
4. Harvey: *Tm not able to play because my foot hurta."
He said he play because
5. Pamela: "I canpt hear you because you don't speak loudly."
She said she hear him because speak loudly.
6. Sgt Poe: "All the inen are able to swim faster this rnonth."
He told the lieutenant all the men faster this month.
EXERCISE C WrttQ answers to the queslions. Use modais for reportad speech j
Nambers 1 and 2 are exampies.

1. Lt Pión: Captain, can we take a break now?

Capt Jobb: Not now» Lieutenant.
Lt Heinz: What did the captain say?
LtPinn: Hg said we couldn't take a break now. _

2. Philip: Linda, what are our plaiiK for tliis weekefid?

Linda: Well, my parents may visit HR on Sunday.

George: Philip, what aro yon doing this weekend?

Philip: i^ds aairf th^t hgr párente miaht viait u& ¿>n Sunday.

3, Capt Vale: Sir, could I speak to you thia afternoon?

Maj Roger: Yes, I believe 111 be free at 1430.
CaptMÍH: What did the major tell you?
Capt Yate: He told me that I

4. Capt Boat; How are the men doing?

Lt Ream: Great. They're able to run faster nnd farther than before,
Lt Holuis; What did you tell the captain about the men?
Lt Ream:

5. Mr. Lind: Mr. Hart, did you repair that oíd bicycle?
Mr, Hart: No, I wasn't able to fix it.
Ms. Lind: What did Mr. Hart aay about the bicycle?
Mr. Lind: ,

6. James: Did you win the soccer game yeaterday?

Kevin: We couldn't play because the weather was too bad.
Alien: Did Kevin tell you who won the game yesterday?
James: No, he said ^
Readíng Reading faster for better comprehension

Lisien for instructivas. Yvur teacher will telf yau when tostart. Yon wifl have I minute to
read Ihe paragrapk. After reading, answer the quesíions beiour wiíhout looking a( the

1. Which one of theae courses is one that all students musí take?
a. French
b« music
c. English
2. Students can chooae one of these courses» but they donft have to take it. Which
course is that?
a. matheniaticg
b. Spanish
c. history
3. Which sport may a atudent choose tu play?
b. body
c. running
4. Where are most of the schools that offer sports and other interés ting COEITSCH?

a. in small towns
b. in large cities
c. in all of the towns and cities
5. Can astudentgo to a college if he or she doesn't study Engliah and history in
a. yes
b- no
6- Where does a atudent get the best education?
a. in a large public high school
b. at a small public high schoo]
c. at home
Vocabulary That woman dríves a hará bargaln!

María: Excuse me. Your sign says you have

coats for sale. Is that right?
Clerk; Yes, ma'am. But all our coats are
irregular, Tbere'a something wrang
with every one of them.That's why
they're 15% off the regular store price.
María: Oh, I see.
CUrk: Can you sew?
María: Yes, I have a sewing machine, but I don't
use it much. l'm loaking for a good
deal—a low price on a fine coat. What
can you show me?
Clerk: Take a look at these coats. They're made
of bcautiful cloth- The fabric's 100%
wool, but the sleeves are much too long.
If you can sew, it'll be easy to anorten
them. The department atore was selling
the coats for $400 each, but nobody
bought them because of'the extra long
sleeves. We're selling Üi^m for $100, Try
one on- We have a dressing room with
mirrors in the back.
EXERCISE A Read thesentences-WriteTfor trueand Ffor faise.

1. The derk in this store on!y sells fabric.

2. Maris is looking for a good dea! on a coat,
3. All coats in this atore are seveitty-fíve percent off.
4. There is nothing wrong with the coats this atore aclis.
5. Maria does not know how to sew,
6. The coat ismadc of 100^ wuol.
7. The coat's price in the department store waa $100,
S. If Maria buys a coat at Barbie'a, it willcost only 25% of the regular
department store price.
EXERCISE B Read the dialog.
María returns from the dressitig ruom carrying a coat.
Maña; This coat's nice, but sewing the sleeves Js too much trouble. I'll have to
take it to a tailor for the alterations, and that will cost more money.
But I can offer to pay $40,
CJerk: Ma'am, that's 90% lees than the department store pricel I ufiually
don't bargain with customers, but Til take your offer of $40.1 really
necd to sell these wintor coats fast because summer's just around the
Mana: Fm pleased to get a bargain, With 6% sales tax, I guess that amounts
to $42.40. Here's my check,
Clerk: Ma'am, you drive a hard bargain. But we certainly appreciate your
business! Let me give you a receipt fur the sale. Do you need a pair of
blue jeans? We reduced them by 33%.

EXERCISE C Ask and answer ttiese questions with a partner

1. What does María want to buy?
2. Why does Barbie's sell coats at reduced prices?
3. What is the problem with the wool coats that are on sale?
4. Where does Maria go to try on the coat?
5. How much does Maria want to pay for the coat?
6. Does the derk usuaHy bargain with customers?
7. The clerk says Ma'am, yon drive a hard bargain. What does he mean?

EXERCISE D Match each vocabulary Ítem with ¡ts meaning.

1. fabric a. to uso a piece of atring to fasten pieces of cluth

2. for sale b. ásales slip
3. sew c. ofFered at a prictj

4. jeans d. not of a norma] shape or size

5. percent e. material or cloth used to make clothes
6. irregular f. one part in a hundred
7. receipt g. a kind of pants
EXERCISE E Wiíh a partner, sean the receipt toflnd answers to the questions.

SHOP QNLINEiclydasclQlhes buy



WOGLSLACKS-SIZF 30-32 $24.00
SALE DISCQUNT @ 25% -56.00
SALEDISCQUNT@75% -$75.00


1. How many T-shirts did the customer buy?

2. Ñame the fabric each Ítem is made of: T-shirts, slacks, tie,
3. Which ítems were on sale?
4. How much was the discount on the slacks?
5. How much raoney did the customer save on the slacks?
6. How much did the store discount ita silk ties?
7. What was the final príce that the customer paid for the tie?
8. What percentage is the sales tax in Anytown, USA?
9. What was the total tax amount for the three Ítems the customer bought?
10. What was the total amount the customer paid at Clyde's Clothes Shop?
11. Why should the customer keep the store receipt?
12. BONUS: Does Clyde's Clothes Shop have an internet website? If yes, what is it?
EXERCISB F Cross out the word that doesn't belong in each group.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

FXFRCfSF G Listen and select the types of Information you hear.

More ¡han one ariswer is possible.

L a, instructions for signing up

b, rules about clothes
c. the cost of the classes
á. description of an oíHce

2. a. dircctions to the market

b. descriptions ofAmerican garages
c. information about places with bargains
á. advice about flea rnarkets and garage sales
Grammar Using separable phrasal verbs

I'd like to listen to

some music. Can I turn
on the radio?

V Put the noun att&r both parts of these verbs or between both parts ot theae verbs.

He turned on the radio.

He turned


V Always put the pronoun between both parts of these verbs.

EXERCISE A ünderline the two parts of the verbs.

Then, repeat after your instructor.

1. Don't wake upthebaby 2. Dan peid badt Greg. 3. John tried on two suits,
Don't wake the baby up. Dan paid Greg back. John tried two suits on,
Don't wake her up. Dan paid him back, John tried thera on.
EXERCISE B Put a check (•) beside all the sen ten ees that are correct.

1. Jack didn't look up the telephone number.

Jack didn't look up it.
2. I took the milk out five minutes ago.
I took it out five minutes ago.
Are you going lo put them on?
Are you going to put your shoes on?
4. David picked his brother up from the dentist.
David picked up him from the dentist
5. She hung them up.
She hung up her clothes.

EXERCISE C Write seniences wlth pronouns.

Nuniber 1 is at¡ exampíe.

1. The student took out his book.

He took ¡t out.
2. The visitors wrote down. the address.

3. The manager turns ofTthe lights at 11:00 p.m.

4. Linda hung up her clean clothes.

5. We're going to talk over our plans tomorrow.

6. I didn't turn down that Job offer.

7. Thü cleaners don't throw out the newspapers every day.

EXERCISE D Give a partner commands uslng the verbs in the box.
Follvw the curiiiiíand, and then tell your partner whatyou did.

turn on put on throw out

look up hangup
turn off take out write down
pick up take oif

I picked ^
it up. J

EXERCISE E Fill In the blank with the correct vetb and a pronoun.
Nitmber 1 is an example.

I. Jim's ready ta come horne. Ted will pick hím up

pick up
2. Peggy doesn't understand those words, She has to _
look up
3. It's cold. Your sweater's in the closet. You should
4. Your shoes are wet, You musí now.
take off
5. Bob's awake now because Tim _ . fíve minutes ago
wake up
6. Larry will ask Barbara to marry him, but she1!!
turn down
7. Andy's homework was wrong. He had to
do over
EXERCISE F Answer the questions using pronouns and the words in ().
Nuntber 1 is ttn exomple.

1. When is Jeffgoing to píck. up his sistcr? (Thursday)

Hete going to pick her up on Thursday,
2. Did Patricia turn down that Job? (no)

3. WhoturnedontheTV?

4. Will Robert fill out the deposit slip at the bank? (yes)

5. Where did Sam pul out his cigarette? (ashtray)

EXERCISE G Write questions using the wortis in ( ) and the phrasal verb.
Nttmber I is ai example.

1. He wrote down Kelly's address. íWhat/JimJ

What did Jim wríte down?

2. Yes, Pat Lurncd it down. (Did/jnh)

3. They talked over the^r vacation. (WhaÜthey)

4. No, he didn't think it over. (Did/decision)

5. Shc himg it up in the closet, (Where/coat)

6. They'll pick us up at 7 p.m. (WhenAis)

Dialogs Asking a salesperson for help

Listen and repeat the dialogs abnut buying and sdling dothes.

1, Clerk: MaylheJpyou?
Customer: Yes, thank you. Fd likc to buy a pair of jeans,
Clerk: What size do you need?
Customer; Fm not sure. I have a 27 waist, but I think I need a 33 length-
Clerk; I'm KQiry, sir. We don't have that size. Would you like to try a 28-33?

2, Customer: Could you help me, picase?

Clerk; Certainly. What can I do for you?
Customer; I'd like to try on this pair of slacks.
Clerk; Of course. Plea^e füllow me. Our dreasing room'g overhere.

3, Customer: Excuse mp. Hnw much do these wool slacka coat?

Clerk: They're on sale for $29.99.
Customer: That's a bargaín! 1*11 take them,

4- Clerk: Can I help you, air?

Customer Yes, I'd like to buy a long-sleeved ootton shirt.
Clerk: What size do you want?
Customer: I need a 15Vz collar and 37 slccve.
Clerk: T'm sorry, sir. All Our cotton shirts come only in pmall, mfidium, and
large sizes. You might try médium. I think il1!! fit yuu wall.

May T help you? J Yes. rdlike tnhuy



EXERCISE A In pairsT write each word In the box in the correct category.

diamond jacket wool ailver

gold cotton sweater walEet

dress leather earrings bracelet

U11 ttl I i coat nylon shoes

necklace belt ring cap


EXERCISE B Replace the underlined words with the words in parentheses {J.

EXAMPLE: Excuse me, please. May T try on this silk blouse? (wool/coot)
Excuse me, please. May I try on this wool coat?

1. Excuse me, picase. I'd like to buy a pair of blnejeans. (sílver/earringsí

2. Can you help me? I'm looking for a size médium wool coat. (cotton/s we ater}
3. Pardon me, sir. Could you show me a pair of rubber jjgjots? íleather/sboes)
4. Would you help me? Td like to try on these two nylon shirts.
5. May I ask your advice? Should I buy this leather belt? (wool/cap)
6. How much is the sales tax on this silver chain? (diamond/neckl ace)
7. I wear size 16-35. Can you please show me a cotton ghirt? (wool/jacket)
8. What percent tax da I havc to pay on this gold ring? (nylon/belt)
EXERCISE C In paira, select and prepare a role-play. Perform it for Ihe class.

« Clerk in a clothmg store * Customer

Go to the customer.Ask ifyou You want to buy a shirt for a
can help him or hcr. You have fríencL His mea sur ementa are
only fu 11 sizes in shirts, no half 16W-37. You'd like to have a
sises. You have shirts in many light blue shirt.
colorsh but no blue ones.

" Gwner of a jewelry store • Customer buying a ring

Your store has expensive You want lo buy a ring ior a
jewelry, You only have Ítems special friend. You hsvü Iota of
made of natural materials, money, but you'd like to keep
Your opinión is that when the price low be cause you are
someone spends money, it uncertain about the íriendship.
should be on the best their
dollar can buy.

* Salesperson ín a men'a store • Cuatomer carrying a box

You see a customer with a box You received a shirt for your
from your store. Your store birthday. It'a atill in the box.
does not give reí'unds on sale The shirt's too sraall. You'd
ítems. Ask ifyou can help the very much like to get a cash
customer. vefund for it.

EXERCISE D Listen to a role-play, then summarize it for the clasa.

The man wanted a

blue ahirt. The clerk
didn't have a blue one.
The man bought a
green one.
* -^


VOCABULARY: BasketballintheUSA 87
Huw higare profcssional basketball pJayers? 38
Staying in shape for a basketball career 90
GRAMMAR: The conditional: General truths and cnmmanrlñ . , , 92
VOCABULARY: Comparing US and metric mcasurcmenU , . - , . . 96
The length, width, and depth of sports Facililla . . . 96
GRAMMAR: Asking questions with I-íaw + adjeclive 100
DIALOGS: There's only so much room in an airplane 103
GRAMMAR: Using indeíínite pronouns 1U4

WRITING: Editing a paragraph for text changes 107

READING: Summarizing a paragraph IOS
Preview What's new in Lesson 4?

Nouns Verbs Other
age diet a few (pron)
cenlimeter / caí gain a little (pron)
depth measure a lot (pron)
diet weigh by(x)
diatance fat
foot/feet/ft.C) tgo) on a diet
height many (proní
inch/in. (") much (pron)
kilometor /km thick
length thin
miles /mi. (
milliroeter/mm (inch)
se ale " (feet)
strength xíby)
yard /yd.


If you're cold, open the window. Ask for and gíve informarion about
What do you do if you arrive to work late?
T talk to the boss if I arrive late. How wide is the toacher's desk?
It's 120 cm widc.
How deep is the swimming pool?
What ÍB the desk's width?
1 don't have any quarters for the vending It'a 47 in. wide.
machine. Can I borrow a few?
Vocabulary Basketball in the USA


Basketball is the third mnst popular

1. WhatdothelettersNBAmcan?
sport in the US after football and
baseball» Men and women as well as
boya and girh play ii. They play in
2. About how many mon play schools, colleges, universitíes, and on
professional basketball for the NBA? professional teams, After í^raduatron,
a. 950 the best high íichool barjkelball playera
b. 425 often go on to play on college teams,
c. 275
Many of the young men who play
3. How many points does a team get basketball hope to become ríen and
fnr each basket íor goal)? fammis profesional bafikefbaH píayers
a. I,2,or3 after college, but only a few great
b. 2or3 players make it to the pros, The NBA
c. 2
Delecte only ebout 60 new playera each
4. How many men play on each team year The new players, who are cr&lled
during a game? rookies during their first year in the
NBA, usually come from American
colleges. Occasionally, the NBA recruils
playera who have just graduated from
5, How long does a professional high school. A few come from countriea
basketball game last? outside the United States.
a. 48 minutes '"National
b. 120 minutes
c. 30 minutes
Vocabulary How big are professional basketbait players?

Most American men are about 5 feet 10 inches tall.That isthe same as 70 inches,
or about 178 centimeters. NBA players are usually much taller. Many are a whule
fooL (12 inches) or more taller Most NBA players stand at a height of ahout G ft. 7 in.,
or 201 cm. A lot are taller than 6'7",
and a few are almu&t S feet tall.
NBA players may look tilín, bul
they ofíen weigh a lot. Most American
men weigh about 190 pounds, or 86
kilograms, Professional basketball
players usually weigh about 225 Ib.,
nr 102 kg. Usually, a person who
weigbs 200 Ib. or more looks fat, but a
basketball player's great height
allows him to be heavier and still look
Occasionally, a player gaina too
much weight, and his coach will tell
him to go on a diet. That means the
piayer wül have to choose healthier
foods like fruita and vegetable?; and
eat smaller meáis and fewer snacks.
He may have to get on the scale once
a week to show the coach that he is in
fact losing the extra weight A few
players have to watch their weight all
the time, but mast players diet for
only a short time because they need to loae just a little. One famous player, who is
very tal! at a height of 7'1", had to go on a diet becouse he weighed 32% Ib. He didrrt
have to lose much, only about 15 pounds. Now at 310 Ib., he is much quicker on his
feet. He remains one of the NBA's best players.
EXEPCISE A Read the sentences. WriteT for true and I1 lot falso

1. Most NBA players are 6'10" or 82 inches tall,

2. Many profeasional basketball players are 8 feet tall,
3. Most American men are shorter than G ft. tall,
4. NBA players never worry about their weighL
5. Coaches sometimes tell their players to go on a dií-t.
6. NBA players look fat because of their height.
7. Profesaional basketball players weigh less than most men.
8. A scale tells you what your weight is.
9. People ufíually diet because they want to gain weight*

EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

foot centiineter inch

feet cenümeters inches

In the US, there are two different ways to meaüure peuple, animáis, and things,
One way is called metric and the other imperial. People in most tountries measure
a person's height using metric measurements. They report the information about
the measurementa in But Americana usually don't use
centimeters. They like to use imperial measurements like and
For exampltí, when an American taJks about a person's height,
he will say that the pcrson is 5 íeet 7 ínches (or 67 in,) tall. In other countries,
peuple will give metric information and say the person is 170 tentimeters tall, One
is a little less than half an inch. One is
exactly equal to 2.54 cm r And P of course, one is 12 inches, which is
30.48 cm.

BONUS CUESTIÓN: Exactly how tall are you? in.

Vbcabulary Staying in shape for a basketbafl career

Professional basketball playera must out almost every day. Many eat a
work very hard to stay in top shape. diet of healthy foods, and must
Players have to be very quick, they must don't smoke dgarettea.
be able to jump hígh, and they have to Playing profesional basketball is au
shoot the ball over Ihe heads of the tall exciting career, but it ís usuaJJy a very
players on the other team. Also, they short one- Most professional playera are
have to be able to run the length of the quite young- If you add the ages üf ull of
court from basket to basket more than a the NBA players togethcr and divide by
hundred times in every game they play. the total number of playera, the average
To keep in shape, professional players age is about 27 years oíd. NBA playera
shoot baskets and practice their game stop playing professional ball and retire
much of the time. They also build their quite early. Most retire befare they reacli
strength at the gyra, where they work the ageof 36.

EXERCISE A Answer these questions

1- Why do professional basketball players have to be in top shape?
2. How much does a player have to run in one game?
3. How do professional basketball playera keep in shape?
4. What is the average age of NBA players?
5. At what age do rnost NBA players retire?
EXERCISE B Match each word or phrase with its mearui xj

1. length a. how tall something or someone is

2. alittle b. a lot
3. strength c. not much
4. many d. how long sumething is
5. height e. how strong something or someone is

EXERCISE C Match each word or phrase with its meaning.

1. age a. eat lesa tlian usual in urdtr tu luai: wcight

2. gain b. not many
3. go on a diet c. how heavy someone or ^omethine is
4. a few d. add extra wcight
5. thin e. how oíd someone or something is
6. wcight f. not fat

EXERCISE D Write your answers» and then dlscuss them wfth the class.

1. What kinds of füods are part of a healthv diet for a regular person?

2, Why do you think inost profesional basketball careers are short?

3, At what age do people usually retire in your country?

4 What do you think NBA playera do after they retire from the sport?
Grammar The conditional: General truths and commands

What do you do
if you want to
get in shape1:

If you want to
gct in fihape, yon
work out every day.


^ •—• ___-_^^___

you work out every day.

If you want to get in shape,
work out every day!

EXERCISE A Match the 2 columns to make complete sentencia.

1. If it's freezing and itrains, a. ifwe don't study.

2. Ifyou make a fire in the fireplace, b, the teacher marks them turdy.
3. You gain weight c. the ruum gcls warmer,

4. We don't understand the Lessontí d, the roads get glippeiy.

5. If studcnta are late to class, e, if you eat a lot and don't
6. Teatasteabad f you burn your finger
7. Ifyou touch ahot stove, g, if you don't use boiling water.
EXERCISE B Make true sentenees wilh your own words. Use simple present.
Number 1 ía an example.
1. If it's 0° centigrade, water _ freazgg

2. If you don't take care of your weapon,

3. Iflgettobedtoolate,
4. „, the room gets too cold.
5. , the deer run away.
6- . h the pólice give you u ticket.

EXERCISE C Change the order of the two clauses In these questions

The dialog betivecn the tU'Q figures bctow is an example for Nutnhcr 1. Rend it.
with yourpartner, auk and answerthe 8 questiaiis bvlvw.

1. Is itdangerous ífyoulookat the sun too Iong?

2. Does it get too hot in here if we keep the windows closed?
3- If you don*t gct to slecp on time, do you feel terrible in the morning?
4. If it rains, do we stil! play aoccer?
5. What happens to ice if you put it in water?
6. What do you do if you have free time after dass?
7. If your a]arm clock doesn't work correctly. what happons?
8. If you don't eat breakfast, how do you fue] in

If you look at Yes, if you look et

the sun too long, the sun too long, it's
is il very dangürous. You
can hurt your t?yes.
EXERCISE D Match the 2 columns to make complete sentences.

1. If it's freezing and ít rains, a. if yon don't want to fail the test,
2, If you want to make a fire, b. don't drive.
3. Exercise every day c. join a soccur club.

4. Study moreoften d. if you don't Uke the heat.

5, If a student is late to cías», e. if you wont ti> gct in shape.

6. Put un ajacket f. markhimíardy,

7, If you líke kicking a ball, g. use the dry wood in the ahed.
8, Stay out of thekitchen h. if it'scold outsido.

EXERCISE E Use your own words to write a command to f inish the proverbs.

í. Ifat first you don't succeed,

2. If you live in a glass house,
3. Ifyou want something dañe well,

4, Ifyou can't be good,

5, Ifyou can*t beat them,
6. If the shoe fila,

L...J' |! U{o[ '. \ . .•'•.'•: 1 1 - 1 ' • noA j| S
•[njejEO aq 'pOO& aq l,ueo noA j| >
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-seuojs viOJijl l.uop Hasnoy SS^ifi e u¡ eA|| noA )| '3
Aa'An'paeoonsi^pnoíiiUUlBii i
Vocabulary Comparíng US and metríc measurements


1 inch 1 in. 1" 2.54 cm

1 foot 1 fl. 1' 12' 30.48 cm
1 yartí 1yd, none 3' or 36" 0.91 m
1 mlle 1 mi. none 5,280'or 1,760 yd km



1 millimeter 1 mm none H 0,039"

1 ce nti meter 1 cm none 10mm > < 0.39"
1 meter 1 m none 100cmor 1,000 mm 39.37", 3.28', OF 1 .09 yd.
1 kilometer 1 km none 1,000m 0.62 mi.

EXERCISE Measure these Jtems. You may use the ruler in the appendix.

Useynurown ruler, or cut QUÍ íhe ruler in the httck oftliis honk to nteosut-e these Ítems.

1. Whatisthisline'slength? -I m.
2. How long is this Une in inches? in.

3. Give this line's length in centimeters. cm

4. How long is this line in millimeters? mm
5. How wide and long is this page? in. and in.
6. Measure your English book. in r and in. and in,
7. Measure the height of your desk. in.
8. Measure the length of your penciJ. in.
Vocabulary The iength. wltfth, and depth of sports facilities

text and sean the diagram abaue it forthe ineasurements to write in the
94 ft.-
üivisiQn line

6 fl. radius

People play basketball on a hard, fíat floor made of wood. The playing field ia a
basketball court. It has marks en it that you can see in the diugram abuve, The tuurl
feet long by _ feet wide. (In metnc measurementsh its Iength
is 28.7 meters, and its width is 16.5 meters.) There is a división line that divides
the iength of the court into two halves. In the middle of this line,there aro two ci rulen.
ThefimaLlercircle has a radius of _ feet» and the larger cirelo lias a radium of
Basketball gets its ñame froni the baskets which it uses as goals. Players
must throw a ball through the basket tn make points. The hífskítf,
hangs from a metal circle or hoop which is 10 feet (or 3.05 meterá)
above the ground, The ball adult players use is _ inches or
76.2 centimeters in circumference, Its weight in 20 to 22 minees
(528-62Í5 grams).
Swimming is a very popular sport- Many peopíe awim for fun, but some people alan
like to swim in races. The Olympic pool in the diagram ahove is the best pool for races.
Its length is meters, and it's wídth is meters. It's called an Olympic pool
because it is the siae used for the Olympic Games. Tn yards, this pool's measuremente
are hy
For the hest swimming, ropes divide the poní into lañes. In races, each Kwimmer

swims alone in a lañe. Nine ropes evenly divide tbe pool into lañes, and each
lañe is 5 meters wide. Thick black lines on the bottom of the pool mark oach lane's
center. A perpendicular line marks the end of each
lane just before the wall. This shows the swimmer
when he should make his turn,
The pool is meters deep, which is equal to
feet inches. At that depth, the water
is o ver mo&t people'a heads.
Track fength = 400 m or 440 yd

100 yus
There are scveral different kinds of tracks. Horses and dogs run on special tracks,
bicycles and motorcycles race on other tracks, and there are also tracks just for car
racing. People run races on a track the size of the one in the diagram abovo.
Once around this track raeasures a di st anee of meters or abuul
yards. One half of the way around the track ís meterá or about yards,
Four times around the track equals meters, which is almost thp carne Ipn^th
as one mile or yards.
Different races start and stop at different places on this track. Une of'Uie races
starts at the white line [B], and it stops at exactly the same place. It's the 400-meter
race. Another race goes from the white line at [A] to the white line at [B]. This race is
only meters long. It's very short and very fast- There are no curvea in the race,
Runners in the 100-meter race are sometimes so fast that they travcl the distante in
fewer than 10 seconds.
EXERCISE A Match each vocabulary Ítem wlth its meaning.

1. a. how iar away something is

2. width b. S'/j ínches by 11 inches
3- kilometer c. 3'or36"
4- measure d. how deep something ¡3
5- meter e. a distance that equals 1,000 meteré
6, thick f\ the opposite of thin
7, distante g. how wide aomething is
8, yard h. equaltol.09yd.
9, depth i. 1/10 cm
10. millimeter j - to ímd the size in inches or centimeters

EXERCISE B Listen to instructioRS. Draw what your teacher describes.

Grammar Asking questions with How + adjective

How oíd is the

How high is Taj Mahal?
Mount Everest?

How wide is a
V tennis court?
How deep is
V the ocean?
"•HW ^

a diacu3?
How far ís it
from New York City
to Washington, DC?
Ffow hot is
the sun?

How tall is the

How coíd i 3
the moon?

How cold/hot i3 it? What's its temperature?

How deep is it? What's ita depth?
How far is it? What's its distance?
How heavy is it? Wliat's its wcight?

Howhigh/tall'isit? \Vhat's its heíght?

How long is it? What's its length?

How oíd is it? What^s its age?
How wide is it? What's its width?

* Use tall to talk about penple and narrow things ía tai! glans}. Use high for mounlaina
Lhings above the ground (How high was the plañe?). Use both for
EXERCJSE A Use the words in Q lo write answers to the questions.
Change the adjectives to nontis and wrife oití ¡he abhreuiatifujs. Number I is an exarnpíe.

1. How high is Mount Saint Helens? (2,220 m) Its heiflht is 2.220 meters.
2. How long is the table yon need? (4*5").
3. How deep is the middle of this river? £12 h )
4. Howhotisboilíngwater?(2l2°FJ
5. How high isthis office door? 18')
6, How tall is the Statue of Liberty? (46 m)
7, How heavy is your auitcase? (53 Ib,)
8. How cold was the coldest day hcrc last year ? (24°F.)
9. How long is the Fnmklin Bridge? Í2 mi.)
10. How wide are train tracks? t4'8^").

EXERCISE B Match the questions with the answers.

1. How cold is it outaide? a. It's 450 degrees Fahrenheit

2. How tall/highis that building? b. SEx stories.
3. How high is that bridge? c. It's about 4,500 miles away.
4. How hot is this oven? d. Exactly 5 pouiids, 2 ouncos.
5- How tal! do you think Lisa is? e. I think shc's 5 tbet G inchcs tall.
6. How long is your fishing line? f It's about 3 feet wide.
7. How deep is the lake at this point? g. Maybe 30 feet high.
8. How heavy is that big book? h. I guess it's 40 feet deep.
9. How wide is that window? i. It's 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

10. How far ÍB it from here to Rome? j. It's 160 feet lung.
EXERCISE C Make guestions with How + adjective and the words in().

Number 1 is an exampie.

l. : How lona are these pantg?

A; TheyVe 32" Long. (pants)

2. Q:
A: Ifs 0°F, (free^er)

3. Q;
A; The water's 78cF.íswimming pool)

4. Q:
A: Ifs 45 storíes high. (office building)

5, Q:
A: It's over 200 years oíd, (house

6. Q:
A: Ifs 40 m wide here. (riverí

7. Q:
A: It's less than a block away. (library)

8. Q:
A: He's 7'2" tall. (basketball player)

9. Q:
A: She^s only 32. (boss)

10. Q:
A: They'reall22'lon^(boats)

EXERCISE D Listen and write the topic.

Dialogs There's only so much room in an airplane.

u'iíh o. partner. Use the chart below to ask and answer quesüons about the size tind
weight of suitcases that tkeairlines otlow their passengers to carryonto the airplane.

I'm flying with Alpha

Airlines. What's the It's length can't be
length of the saltease I more than 45 inches
can take on the plañe?



Alpíia Airlines 2 pieces plus 26.4ibtolal 12 Kg 45" long 115cmlong

some small
carry-on Ítems

Jrs\''j Ai hiñes 1 su ¡teas e plus 11 Ib 5kg 46' total 1 15 cm total

1 carry-on bag (add length + (add Iengíh +
width + height) width + heighí)

Echo Airlines 2 suitcases plus 26,4 Ib Total 12 kg total 22'xlOlx14" 55 x 25 x 35 cm

1 carry-on bag

Golf Airlines 1 s jilease plus 14 Ib Gkg 1B'x9 B x14' 45 x 23 x 35 cm

1 cafry-on bag

'Measurements are iengíh x width x height tn inches and ceníimeters.

<3rammar Using indefinita pronouns

I could use some I have a lot,

güín. Do you htivc Take u
of mine.

a lot.
a lot
so me.
some I have
a few.
a little.
Do you have 7 nonc.
a few
a lot.
a little I don't have much.
much any.

V* Use a few and manytor count nouns. Use a tittleand rnuch for noncounl nouns.
EXERCISE A Using ttíe list, write all the possible answers to each questlon,
Four anstuers iviü be used twice.

Yes, I have some. Yes, I have a few.

Yes, I have a lot. Yes, I have a íittle.
No, none,* Yes, but I don't have rnany.
No, I don't have any. Yes, but I don't have rauch.

Do you have
any coffee lefl?

* NOTE: You will hear the ana\ver I don't haue any far more frequcntly than
No, norte or / haue none.
EXERCISE B Make questrons and answers. Use the words In parentheses.
Nitmber I is &n

1. Rick: I did all my homework, Píd Ken do any? .iKuriYaiiy)

Tony: Yes, but he didn't do much. (much)

2, Lora: Jane wants some fruit. waht .íyou/somc)

Lisa: Vea, t want a little. (a iíttle)

3. James: I bought 12 ateaks for the party

Larry: Yes, ía Jot)

4. SgtTap: I don't have change. .Íyou/Éomo)

SgtBay: No, íurty)

6. Clara: We don't have pencils. .(Tina/some)

Dennis: Yes, (a fr»w)

6, Alice: 1 gained weight on vacalion.

Monica: Yes, but (much)

7. Jerry: I caught six fish at the lake. .(Paul/alut)

Megan: No,

8. Lt Binn: We saw 36 atudents. .(officera/many)

LtHill: Yes (a lot)

9. Danny: I found coffee on sale. .íyou/ñome)

Buddy: No, . (none)

10, Mr. Boíl: I need some cigarettes. .(Mr, Pat/a few)

Mr.Kim: Yes
Writing Editing a paragraph for text changes

ffeod and compare Paragraphs I and 2. They ore very similar, baí Paragraph 2 is in ihe past
tense. Notice the underlmed verbs. The writer had to chftnge these words.

Poragrapk 1: I'm rcaíly excitcd. I have tickets for the last football game of the
year. I4n sure it^s going to be greatl Both teams are winners, I expect
to see a lot of people at the stadíum, but lia not worríed. I have
reservations, and I know I have gnod tickets.

Paragraph 2: I was rea]ly excited. I had tickets for the last football gume üf the
year. I was sure it was going to be great! Both teams were winners. I
expected to see a lot of people at the stadíum, biat I was not worried.
I had rcaervationa, and I knew I had good tickets-

EXERCISE Underlme the verbs, and then rewrJte the text in the past tense,
Every day, Captain Cari Miller gets up at 5 a.m. He puts on his shorts and a
T-shirt and runs two miles. After he (inishes his run, he takes a shower. Then he
gets dressed in his military uniform. He eata breakfast and reada the newspaper
before he leaves for work. He's at work from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p,m, at the military
hospital where he sees patients all day. Añer work. Cari doesn't watch TV, and he
also doesn't go to movies. He plays soccer with friendo. After aoccer, he goes home
and is in bed by 10:00 p.m.
Readíng Summarizing a paragraph

• gives the mam idea and the most important Information.
• does not show your opinión of the reading.
• is very short

EXERCISE A Read the paragraph silently.ThenTg!ve an oral summary oí it.

When you buy clothes in another country, it can be a probiem. Diñerent countries
use different measurements for their clothes, Most countries use metric
measurements, but the United States uses feet and inches. In countries that use the
«ame measurements, the sizes are still a little different, That's beca use most
countries use the average height, shape, and weightof their people for tlieir KÍZOÉ.
Yuu niay íhink you know the size you want, but remernber it's always best to try un
clothes before you buy them.

EXERC15E B Read the paragraph sUently.Then, write a summary of it.

For many years, dentists have used gold tu rcpair and flll tücth. Tliey like to use
gold bccause they can shape it easily and use it to ñll a tooth. It's soft enough k>
work with, but it's strong enough to last a long time. Because the price ufgold issu
high, many of today's dentists are not using as much of it as they did before. More
and more, they are using man-made materials instead of gold to repair and fill

i v. í
EXERCISE A Choose the correct answer.
I, Jimmy broke the in the window.
a. deal
b. rock
c. wool
d. glass
2. When my grandfather was a boy, he play baseball.
a. might
b. could
c. is able to
d. is going to

3. They say women are diamonds, but Mary doesn't like tham.
a. put out
b. fond of
c. bargaining
d. appreciate
4. The sales receipt shows the amount of, thyt yon pay.

a. size
b. length
c. fabric
d. tax
5. The clerk measured my — and said Lhat I wcar size 32 pants.
a. head
b. waist
c. depth
d. arm
6- The Wilsons have their oíd car sale becauae they want Lo buy a new onc.

a. on
b. for
c. with
d. in
7. We to the beach every weekend if we enough time.
a. will go / will have
b. have gone / have
c. go / have
d. went/have
8, The new oven must fit in the kitchen, so we measured its ,
a. kick
b. weight
c, width
d, distance
9. Kent: I smoke in here, please?
Jane: Yes, you may
s. Could
b, Would
c, Will
d, Did

10. A person can drivc at the of sixteen in thís state,

a. height
b. weight
c. jump
d. age

11. Thanks for makíng these cookies, but I don't want right now.
a, any
b- a little
c. much
d. none

12. Andy wants to collect coins. He wants tu be a

a. coins collector
b. collect coins
c. coin collector
d. collects coins

13. My aon to run one mile in twí) minutes.

a. can
b. may
c. is able
d. míght

14. Airman Banks bought his mother a ring for her birthday.
a. gold
b. wooí
c. nylon
d. cotton
15. BG careful when you drive fast. You get a ticket.
a. were ablc to
b, are able to
u- might
d. would
16. We go downtown last níght.
a. couldn't
b. may not
c. are notable to
d. might not

17. Mike threw the to me.

a. shed
b- time
c, boat
d. ball

18. His ~ is to become a pilot,

a. pair
b. goal
c. copper
d. médium
19. How is that new truck?
a. longer than
b. thc longest
c. length
d- long
20. We have juice, but I don't want
a. many
b. any
c. a few
d. none
Ken: Did you find any tickets for sale?
Ann: No,
a. none
b. any
c. a little
d. much
EXERCISE B FUI In the blanks with the words from the box.

Last night at South Stadium, the Lions the Tigers with a final
of 31 to 28, Their best player kicked a in the last
two minutes of the game. When asked how the Lions _ ., Coadi Bell
said, " They all playea together well. We have a great _ ..* Last week,
the Liona the Bears 6 to 6. "I had my _ about this
week," said Coach Bell, "but the players really that they could win.
They did an excellent job.w

EXERCISE C Completó the tiialog with the words from the box.
Then, read íhe txnttpleted díalos witli a partner.

try un médium cotton dres&ing

polyester size paír

Customer: Excuse me. Could you help me?

Clerk: Yes, how can I help you?
Customer: I need to buy a of pants to match this shirt.
Clerk: Okay. We have some nice, natural pants here.
Customer: I'd like pants made of . They last longer
Clerk: We have some polyester pants here. What do
you wear?
Customer: I wear a
Clerk: This pair is a 32 médium,
Customer: Can I them
Clerk: Ofcourse.The is over there.

Customer: Thank you.

EXERCISE D Complete the sentences with -erl -or words.
Nitmbers 1 and 5 are examples.
1. Sue swims on the Olympic team. She's a ewímmer

2. Greg instructs soldiers. He's an

3. We vísit my mom often. We are frequent
4- Tom helps Steve at his work. Tom is Steve's
5, Andyk learning a lan^nage. He'g a
6- Jerry likes to climb mountains. He'a a

1. Katie playa basketball for her schooL She's a

8- That machinfiopens cans. It'sa

9. That cup holds pencils. It's a

10. BONUS; Jeffworks out to build his body. He's a

EXEflCISE E Write the words from tí le shurtest measurement to the longest.

foot kilomettr yard

mile mili im éter inch
meter centimeter







EXERCISE F In paírs, put the words in the box En the columns.

médium cotton nylon

silk filase gold

irotí rock leather

rubber distante polyeater

wool height plástic

depth weight silver

Man-made malcriáis Natural materials Measurements

EXERCISE G Cross out the word that doesn't belong In each group.


EXERCISE H Select the best meaning for each underlined word.

1. The man on the beach walked 2. The personnel on the ship really
gingerly around the broken glass like the cooks1 diahes, Everyone
because he didn't want to get hurt. wants more to eat.
a. quietly a. all of the ofrlcers
b. carefiílly b. aLL of the enJisted
c. easily c. all of the workers
d. frequently d. all of the cooks
EXERCJSE I Answer the questions uslng sure, ceitáin. or positive.
Answer with the words in parentheses f ). Make all ofthe changes necessary. Number 1 ¿s an

1. Are you sure it1!! rain? íyes)

Yes, l'm sure (that) it'll rain.

2. Are you positive we'll take the test on Friday? (yes)

3. Are you certain that the teacher will be back soon? (yes)

4- Are you sure that they're ready for the book quiz? (no)

5- Are you positive you'll be here tomorrow? (no)

6- Are you certain you can help me later? íno)

EXERCISE J Complete the sentenoes with your own opinión.

Une sure, positive, certain in afftrmative and negative senfences. Number 1 is an

1. l'm not sure (that) the weather will be grcat tonight.

2, the food in my country is the best,

3. my favorite team will win.

4, Til pass the book quiz.

5. Til have free time tonight.

6. I'll go the library next weekend.

EXERCISE K Use the su per la ti ve (-esp form of the ad verba in ().
Number 1 is an example.

1. John runs one mile in three minutes. Steve runs one mile in fíve
minutes. Alien runs one mile in ten minutes, (fast)
John ruñe the fastest,

2. Mrs, Smith goes to work at 6:00 a.m. Mr. Barry goes to work at 6:30
a.m,, and Mr Cordón goes to work at 8:00 a.m, íearly)

3. Joe's acore on the test is 82, Bob's scort? is 90. Cind/s score is R5. (low)

4. Janet livea ten miles from school. Ron Uves íivií mili?a from school
Carol lives 12 miles from school. ífar}

5, Fred will gradúate in three weeks. Jim will gradúate in two weoks
Linda will gradúate nextweek, (soon)

6. The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Harvard arrived at 10:05 a.m.
Ms. Morgan arrived at 10:07. Mr. Phillips arrived at 10:10. (late)

7. A small businesa airplane flies at 375 miles per hour. A bigger

airplane that carries many people flics at 600 miles per hour. An
F-15 ílies at 1,665 miles per hour. (slow)
EXERCISE L Rewrite the sentences. Make changes followíng the example.

EXAMPLE: The major picked up the tickets.

Thg major picked the tickets up.
The major pisked them up.

2. Paul took off his shoes.

3, HeJen hasn't filled out the form yet

4. Alex didn't turn off the lights.

5. Cindy^s looking up dilFicult words ín the dictionary. •

6. He'll pay back his friend next week.

7. Has Matt already tried on the suit?

EXERCISE M Wrlte short answers wíth so.
Nitmber 1 is an exfimpie.

1. Mike: Did Helen decide to take that trip?

Sara: I guess (that) she decided to take that trip. 50.

2. Jill: Will they arrive by noon?

Ted; I don't think (that) they will arrivt- by noon.

3. Mike: Do you think that yuull niake a good score?

Sara: I hope (that) I make a good score.

4. Jill: Is the Captain working late tonight?

Ted: I don't believe (that} he is.

5. Mike: Can we buy cofTee at that store?

Sara: I imagine (that) we can buy cofFee there.

6. Jill: Is Dan going to meet us this evening?

Ted: I don't suppose íthat) he will meet us.

7. Mike: Can you come with me to the doctor's?

Sara: I believe íthat) I can come with you.

8. Jill: Do yon think it's going to rain?

Ted: I guess (that) it ian't going to rain.

9. Mike: Will the toacher give us a test tomorrow?

Sara; I hope (that) she doesn't give us a test.
EXERCISE N Wr¡te questions. Use hoy/and the untferlined words.
Ntimber 1 is an example.

1. The baby has a high temperature, It's 103 degrees.

How high ig the baby's temperatura?

2. The box was too heavy to lift.

3. Thatlake'slGOfeetdeep.

4. The weather's been quite hot, It was 104 degrees all week.

5. This room's ten feet wide.

Q, The íj^hool's far away. It's 17 miles from here.

EXERCISE O Ask and answcr questions about mea su reme nls.

With a parínei; ask and answer questions about the lengthr widthr depth, height, and
ofthings in ytjur classroom or your schoo!. YOIÍ do not have to use corred

How wide are

the windows in this

f I think it's
V seven feet high,
EXERCISE P Write Ihe words in the box in the correct columns.
Write piarais in the column for Cfrunt nouns.

a few / many a little / much

count nonas nancüiint nvufis

EXERCISE O Fill in the bfanks wlth the pronouns much or many.

1. We drank same tea this morning but we didn't drink

2. I need to buy aome lemana, but I don't need
3. They moved some uf Lhc boxes, but they didn't move .
4. The mechanic put some grease in the t-ngme but not
6. Linda cookt-d üome meat but not
6. There are Icaves on the gruund but not
1. Some of the students left early but not „ of them.
8, I know some of the new people, but I don't know of them.
EXERCISE R Write the correct pronouns to complete the sentences*

1. There's a lot of coffee, but the ofítcers don't want

none / any

2. Roger didn't know ^ of the answers on the test.

nono / many

3. Andy has a just few books, but Sue has of them.

a lot / much

4. Alien doesn't )ike of the new movies,

any / none

5. Tom drank just a little water. He didn't drínk ..

much / m a n y

6. Did you spend of your time sick in bed?

much / many

7. Didyou see ofthe students leaving earJy?

much / any

8- I think of us could study last night because of the noise.

none / any

EXERCISE S Fill in the blanks with the pronouns any, none, or

1. Al: Do you need oil for your car?

Pat: No, thanks. I don't need
2, Lena: Could you lend me money for coffee, please?
Rita: Surc, I can lend you
3, Al: Did you find any problems in the engine?
Pat: No,
4, Lena: Did any students go downtown last níght?
Rita: No h of them went downtown.
5, Al: Do you have stamps from my country in your collection?
Pat: Yes, I have
6, Lena: Would yon like pie for dcssert?
Rita: No, thankH, I don't wanl
EXERCISE T Complete the answers wlth reported speech,

Number 1 is an example.

1. Amn Jones: Sergeant, can I leave the base this ovcning?

Sgt Kidd: Yes, you can.
Sgt Kidd said fthat) the airman cpuld leave the base.

2. Customer: May I use the phone?

Clerk: No, Tro sorry, you can't.
The clerk said ,

3. Jane; That box is heavy. Are you able to lift it?

Fred; Yes, Fm able toliflit easily,
FVed told Jane

4. Sue: Doyou thinkit might rain today17

Cindy: Yes, ít míght rain today.
Cindy said .

5. Alien: Is John able to drive yet?

Ted: Yes, be's able to drive.
Ted told Alien

6. Kim: Where are you going tonight?

Matt: I may go downtown.
Matt told Kim

EXERCISE U Clrcle the iniorrnation that may be in an article with the title.

1. Today's Movle News 2. Healthy Foods

a. movies in the theaters now a. the gym'sliours
b. how to make popcorn b. foods which are good for you
c. free parking Iota c. places that aell healthy
d. the most popular actors now d. ahealthy díet
EXERCISE V Circle the questions answered in an arlide with the title.

1. Today's Movie News 2. Healthy Foods

a. What time do the new a. Why did they put sugar
movies start? in the cookies?
b. Where is the candy? b. How do I choose a good gym?
c. Where are the new c. What kinds of food are
movies showing? the healthiest?
d. Why did the coach buy d. How do I choose a hcalthy
a new house? diet?

EXERCISE W Match the clauses to form complete sentences.

1. If you don't know your síze, a, save a percentaje aFyour money.

2. I f y o u g o o n a diet, b, if your tooth hurte.
3. Turn this knob c, take measurements.
4- If you want to buy a car, d- if you have an auto uccidí-nt.

5, Take a vacation e. be careful with your foud choices,

6. Go see the dentist f. add salt.
7, Cali the pólice g. if you need to relax.
8. If the food doesn't taste good, h. if the TV sound is too lowr

EXERCISE X Complete the sentences with your own //-clauses.

1. Water becomiiS ice

2. Milk tastes bad

3. Irelax
4. I gain weight

5. I getto class on time

6. I learn more easily _

7. We enjoy the clase

. We pass the book quiz


fat 4
a few (pron) 4 field 1
a little (proli) 4 fit 3
a lot(pron) 4 fit-»fit/ñt 3
age - 4 fond fof) 2
allow 2 fnot/feet/ft. O 4
amount ,. - 3 for aale -.... 3
amount to -- 3 .1
apprecialí? - -- 2 E re e.
ashtray 2
away - - -2
bargaín {n)(v} , , 3 glass
be made lup) of 2 goal
beat -» beat / bcaten -, - 1 gold 2
believe 1 (gof on a diet 4
bracelet 2 H
by (sXprflp) - 4 heighi
centimeter / cm 3 bip . . .
cenümeter / cm 4
certain - - 1 imagine - . .
certaínly , , , , . , , , . . 1 incb /in. . .
chain 2 inch/in.(")
cloth 3 mercase 3
couch(n)(v),, 1 irnn 2
coppcr - - 2 irregular - 3
cotloti. - 2 item - 3
could 2
jeans 3
dcalín) 3 jewelry - -,,2
decrease 3 join 1
depth 4 jump <ní(v) .1
diamond - 2
dicUnHv) 4 kick(v)
discount (n)(v) - 3 kiloineter/ km
distance - 4 knot (n) .
do —* did / done over 2
Do you r.. i jii I if... ? 2 leather 2
doubt(n)(v) 1 leave (n) -- 2
dresaing room 3 Icngth . , , - 3
length 4
carring 2 less Cadj) 3
-er/or 3 lose —* lost / lost 1
fabnt 3 man-made - -£
Farthest . .1 manylpron) 4
match <n)(v) i score 1n|(v) . . . . 1
material r . , , - - 2 Bew —* sewed / sewn 3
meaning 1 shoetace 1
raeasure (v) 4 silk 2
measurement . . .3 silver . . , - - 2
médium . ,3 size - -. 3
metal 2 so 1
meter,,, - 4 spcdaí 3
mile/mi 4 i • ! i u. - -- 1
millimeter / mm 4 strenglh 4
most (adj) 1 stfing. - - I
mudí Uidv) 3 ptone -... .2
much Ipron) 4 auppoae 1
N surely 1
natural. ..,...,,... 2
necklace 2 taxín) 3
nylon 2 thick 4
thin 4
offtadv) 3 throw -* threw / thiwn 1
on sale 3 throw -f threw / thrown a w a y . . . . - , 2
owe. 2 throw -»tlirew / thrown out -2
tie(n) 1
pair 3 tieCupt 1
past Iprepl 2 toward(s) I
pay -* paid / paid back 2 try on 3
percent (%)(advHn) 3 U
percentage 3 uncertnin
plástic - 2 V
player 1 W
point 1 waist -- - 3
polyestcr 2 wake -* woke / woken up .2
positive 1 weigh 4
pructice (n) 1 wciight 4
put * put/putout. . , , 2 width 4
win -* won / won 1
quite. wool. - 2
race (n}(v) 1 Y
receipt 3 yard / yd.
reduce - ,3
repórter 1
ring(n) 2 SVMBOLS
rock 2 (footí 4
rope 1 "(inch) 4
rubber .2 % (percent) 3
S x (by) 4
sale 3
sales ladjl 3
átale (n). ,4
APPENDIX B Structure List



Adverb Intcrrogative: Hou? far is the school?

How + adjective

Adverb Superlative fonn: Jack runs títe fastcst.

the •+• -esí
Adverb Conditional: He tvrifes to me if
Clause //with real condítions he has time.
(general truths / customary

Adverb Conditioual: Take o^yoorjacket if

Clause Jjfwith real conditions you're too hot.

AfQs Suffix to form nouns: He teaches English.

verb + -erl-or He h sa teocher,

Clause Noun: Tm sitre (that} I put my

that noun clause after wallet orí the dí¡&k.
predícate adjective
sure, cerlain,positi\¡e

Clause Noun: Did Alien arrive on time?

that noun clause I think so.
replaced by so or TIOÉ I guess not.

Nouns Noun adjuncts as modifiers This store sells skoes. 2

in campound nuuns It's a xhue s

Pronouns Indefiníte pronouns Apples? Yes, I have soma. 4

a few, a liítle, a fot, any, None of the students carne.
many, much, none, some

Reported Present tense statements "lean helpyou."

speech with say or tell and What did he say?
reported mudáis: be able to, He said he cauta help us.
can, could, may, might

Verb Modal coíild for Could T use your phnne, 2

permission. Can and pie a se?
can't in reaponsea- Yes, you can. Here it is.
Sorry.youcan't. I needít.
Verb Modal review: We rnight aee the new movie
Possibility (50%): could,
may, might I was able to swim every day
Ability (present /past): when T was young.
be abíe to, can, could
Permission: can, cculd, May we leave now?
Verb Separable phraaai uerbs Pat threw the oíd boxes out.
=NDIX 0 The English Alphabet



A a A a /7 a

B b e b & Á

C c C c Q c
D d P A ^ d
E e E e e
F f F f $ i
G g G 9 Q f
H h H h ¡i
fff n

I i 1 i 9
J J J J í t
K k K k £ ¿
L I L 1 £ i
M m M m M *
N n N n
ft *
O 0 0 o 0 a
P P F P P ?-
Q Q Q q 2 ?
R r E r R i
S $ 5 S S *
T t T t 7 t
U u U u fy «
V V V v V *
W w W w <k¿
X X X X Á *
Y y Y y ^ ?
Z 7. Z Z
2 ?
APPENDIX D American English Sounds

English is not spelled phonetically- The same sound is spelled several different ways.
For this reason it is helpful to assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The following
is the Internatíonal Phonetic Alphabet <IPA) system. Twenty-four (24) consonant
symbols.. eleven < 11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing diphthongs
are used to represent the significant sounds of American English.
These charts are only aids and not to be mcmorizcd. However, the students niufít
be aware of the different sounds representad in these charts. They must be able to
recognize and repeat them accurately.

Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
he, meet, teach, chief /P/ past, stop, put, paper
in, is, sit, big /b/ bcd, baby, barber, lab
day, make, train, vein, steak /t/ takp, spnt, ten, gentle
met, let, said, bread /d/ date, student, do, hard
cash, half. laugh, hand /fc/ car, chemicalf recorder, bnok
/a/ iather, far, heart, pot r not /9/ gae, egge, dog, cígar
all, saw, bought, caught /m/ annh my, number, frum
go, know, cíiat, tow, pole /n/ no, line, find, noon
/u/ book, took, good, should /f)/ sing, long, wi-ong, rank
/u/ food, blue, blew. do, aoup /!/ well, laboratory, always, let
A/ cup, son, sun, enough /r/ read, courseh for, write
/ni/ 1, nice t tie, buy, by, write /f/ farmer, affirm, phone, laugh
noíse, boy, point, oil /v/ vcry, givt1, livc, at'vi'n
outt aow, town, mouth /6/ Üiank, Thursday, bath h north
ago, alphabct, Iiaten, aludont /O/ Lhe, this, Ihese, wüather
!¡f her, bird, dnctor, earn /s/ see, this^ lessonh tapes
fzf zfift, rosf, blnws, dnzen
/J/ ship, nation, should, push
/i/ pleasure, measure, usual
/h/ have, he, how, hot
/t// chairh teacher, picturet march
i&ll judge, bridge, page, July
/w/ we, walk, wish, away
l\l yes, yon, yesterday, young
APPENDIX E List of Contractlons

areiVt (are not) well - (we will / we shall )

cairt ícannot) we're - (we are)
couldn't (couid not) we've - (we ha ve)
didn't (did not} what's - (what ia)
doesn't (doea not) where's - (where is)
don't ido not) who's - (who is / who hasf
hasn't (has not) won't - (will not)
haven't (have not) wouldn't - (would not)
he'd (he would / he hadí you'd - (you would /you had)
he'll (he will) youll — (you will)
he's (he is / he has) you're — (you are)
how's (how is) you've - (you have}
rd (I would / I hadí
ru (Iwill/Iahall)
Tve ü haveí
ian't (íe not)
it'e (it is lii has)
Let'g (let ua)
mustn't ímust not)
she'd (she would / she had)
(she will / she shall)
she's (she is / she has)
shouldn't (shoutd not)
that's Cthatis)
the/d (they would/ they had>
theyll (theywül/theyahall)
fthey are)
theyVe {they ha ve)
we'd would /we had)


APPENDIX F Spellíng Rules for Regular Pasi lense Veibs


talk talked
2 LunBuntinLü
* ' rtrt LJ rtrt ^j rt ^ ¿^ rT~
want wanted

repeat repeated
V j
¿ lvuwtls
rbliri^ C 1 d"*r~b r^ & Kb rt J"b 1*1 Í
r 1 (.UlltíUIlíiIJl wur
tf VVx

add olean clt-'íineci

vüwel +y W play pJaycd

vowel + conscnaut in open opened

a ¿-&yiU"ijiu woríi witn
O ¿riiljia ^ i i 'i i >-i J i ^ 1 li UP

stress i <i i fírüt syllable answer anpvveved

Drop the -e circle circled

oonsonant + e CE and add
-ed shave shaved

vuwtíl + i^onsonant in a
VC stop stopped
1 -syllable word
Double the
vowel -i- consonant in and add occur occurrcd
a 2-ñyllable word with \tr-
vi* -eJ
stress on second syllable prefer proflatred

gtudy studied
Change y to i
consonant + y Cv and add dry dncd
tiy tried

APPENDIX G Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs

Prese ni Pasí Ptst Participle Preacnt Piit PasL Participle

arise aróse arisen fall ffíll tallen
feed fed fed
be was been feel felt felt
bcar bore bonie figlit fought fought
heat beat beaten find found found
be come became becnme flee fied aed
begin began begun fly ñew flown
bend bent bent forget forgot forgutten
bet bet bet forgive forgave forgiven
bid hid bid freeze froae fruaen
bind bound bound
bilc bit bitten get got gotten (got)
bleed bled bled give pave given
blow blew blowo grind yround ground
break broke broken grow grew grown
bring brought bruught
build buill built hang liiiii'1 hung
buret burst burst have had hnd
buy bought bought hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
cast cast cast hit hit hit
catch cflught caught hold heid held
diuose chose chosen hurt hurt hurt
come carne come
cost cost cost kcop kept kept
creep crept crept know knew known
cut cut cut
lay laid laid
denl dealt deaJt lead led led
dig dug dug leave left left
do díd done leod lent lent
draw drew drawn let let let
drink drank drunk lie lay lain
drive drove driven light lít lit (lighted)
lose loet lost
eat ate eaten
make made made
PTMMÍ Part PasI Parliciple Presen! PasI Paal ParlJcIple
mean meant meant -! i . i spun Epun
rneet met rnet split BpKt 6plit
spread spread sprend
pay paid paid spring sprang tipruntf
put put put stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
quit quit quit stick stuck Étuck
stíng StUUK stun^
read read read strike struck struck
ride rodc riddon atring Btrunj; struiit;
ring rang rung swear swnrt1 üwom
rise rose risen swctíp swtpL swt'pL
run ran run swim gwam swum
swing swung awung
say aaid said
sea saw seen take tonk takon
seek sought sought tcach tuufíht tought
shake -!i n.l ahaken tear tore tom
sel] sold sold teíl told tóld
Rpnd -' l l l sent think Llujuglll tlHiiitfhL
Bflt set set throw threw thrown
shed shed shed
shine shone ahone understand understood underatood
shoot abot shot
ahow ñhowed shown wake woke woken
ahrínk shrank shrunk wear wore wurn
shut shut ñhut weave wove woven
aing sang sung weep wept wept
sink tíanh sunk wet wet wet
ait sat sat wio won won
sleep slept slept wind wound wound
sude 8lld slid wring wrung wning
speak spoke spokea write wrote written
spuínd speot spent
APPENDIX H Patterns of Irregular Verbs


1 .Three principal parts the same hit hit hit
quit quit quit
split split split
bet het bet
íet let M
set aet fiet
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burat burst
cost coat coat
shed shed shed
spread spread spread
caet cast cast

2. Last two principal parts the same

a. Final cnnsonant change only have had hail

make made uuidi1
build built built
bend bent bent
spend spent spent
send sent so ni

b. Vowel change ooly meet met met

read read read
bleed bl«d bled
feed fed fed
lead led led
l'ght lit lit
slide slid slíd
sit sat sat
ñhnot shot shot
hold held held
wiifí won won
shine shone shone
find found fmmd
wind wuund wound
bind Ijound bniiinJ
dug dufí
stick atuck atuck
strike struck

c. Vowcl changc - Addition of-í or tlept fclopL

kccp itept kept
creep crept crept
wccp wept wept
teach taught taught
catch taught caught
ñght fought fought
mean rneant meant
leave left left
flee fled fled
tcll told told
Bell aold Bold
lose lost lost
hcar heard
understand understood understood

3.Three principal parts differ

a. No similarity be been
vent gone
do did done

b. VowpJ change - Addition of -n arise aróse ariaen

driv* drove driven
fly flew ñown
ride rodé rídden
riae roae rinen

c. Vowel change - No -n sing sang Eung

ring rung
drink drank drunk
swim ewam - ". n ; j i

bir^iu began begun

d r First and third vowela similar blow blew blown
know knew known
grüW grew grown
throw threw thrown
run ran nm
come carne come
eat ate baten
give gave given
see saw seen
draw drew drawn

e. Socund and third vowels similar break broke broken

speak spoke spoken
choose chose chosen
steal atole piulen
tear tare torn
w^ar wore wnrn
swear swore sworn
bear bore born
get gul got (gottenl
fofget forgot forgotten
APPENDIX 1 Punctuation and Capitalization



1, Use apenad st the endof a stalement or command.

The pen and paper are on íhe table.
Go lo the chalkboard and write your ñame.
2. Use a period after an abbreviation or an initial.
NOTE: Abbreviated müitary ranks do not require a period.
Feo. (February) Mi. Brown a.rn.
Dr. Smith (Doctor Smitfi) Ms. Liüte p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mis. Whiíe Maj Johnson


Use a question mark afler a question. Sometimes íhe questiun may be ivritten like a
How many chitaren are tn your famiiy?
He's h&e ioday?


Use an exclamation mark after words, sentencesh or expresaions thut ahow exute-
ment, surpriae, or emotion. Any exclamation, evenif not a sentence, wil] end with an
exclamation mark.
Look out!
Do it!
! Oh!


1. Usequatation marks toshow the words of a speaker. They're alwíiys placed above
the line and are uñed írt paira.
Johnsaid, "The commissary clases at210Qhours íoday."
"Where are the chiiürerj?" she asked.
2. Tf tht words of the speaker are divided into two parta, use quotation marks around
íxith parta.
"Do you"she asked, "go lo íhe library after dass?"
3. Uso quotytion marks around the titles of chapters, artic1esh parts ofbooka and maga-
zines, úhort poema, short stories, and aonga.
Lasfnight, I readlhe chapíer ILGrammar ¡s Easy" in our book. Then, t readfhe aríide
"Learning Engíish" in íhe newspaper.

1. Use an apostrophe in contractions.

!'m she's tiiey're
isnt afert't cant
whaí's where's Bob's
o'ciock (otíheclock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indícate pogsession.
a. If the noun is singular» add—'s-
thegirt's coat
b. When the noun is plural, add-'s, if the plural does not end in g r
the chiidren's clothes
the men's shirts
c. If the plural noun ends in s, add only an apostrophe.
1he boys'shoes
Ihe libiaries' books

F. COMMA (,)

1. Uso commas to sepárate ítems in a series.

We ale sandwiches, pctatochips, and fruifior lunch.
She fooked behind the cttairs, under the bed, andin íhe kitchen tor hef nolebook.
2. Use a torania before the conjunctions and, but, ork ñor, for, yetwhen theyjoin
independenl clauaes.
We lived ín Venezuela for three years, and tnen we retumed ío the Urated Siates.
Ffank can speak Chínese we!f, but he can'1 read it.
3. Use a conuna after an introductory clause or phrase to sepárate iL froni the rv.^L
the sentence,
After we study íhis book, we want to take a break.
BecauseJohn wasstck, hedidn't lake the test.
Looking up at íhe sty, íhe stnaíl boy suddeníy ran home.
4. Use a comma after words such as yes, nü h well when they bcgin a scntence.
Do you want to go to the iibrary? I diün't pass the test.
Yes, l do. Well, study more.
5. Use cerninas to sepárate the words of a speaker from the rest of thesentence.
"Listen to me."she said.
Jackasked, "Where's my lunch?"
"idon'tknow,"$a¡d John, "the answer to Ihequestion*
6. Use a comma in dates and addresses,
June 9, 1970
143 Main Street Los Angeles, California
7, Use a comma in figures to sepárate Ihousands.
5,000 (or 5000)

1. Capitalice ihe first word of a sentence.
The boy síood up antf waíked ouíside.
Your hook is behind the cliair.
2. Capitalize the ñames of people, cities, atalas, coxintries, and languages.
Mark Btll Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Texas California Florida New York
Spain United States Canadá Venezuela
Arabio Chínese Russian English
3. Capitalize the ñames of schools, streets, buildings, bridges, companics, and

Defense Language intitule Universily of Chicago

Main Sfteet Empire State Bviltíing
Golden Gate Bndge Ford Motor Company
General Motors National Football League
4. Capitalize the dayg of the week, montha of the year, and holidays.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
June July August
Christmas Easier Thanksgivtng
5. Capitalize tilles and military rajiks before oarnes.
Gen Hoberts Cap¡ Smirh Sgt Jones
Pfofessor Land President Uncoln
6. Capitalize the pronoun "I."
¡can'fgo wiíh you.
i'm happy to see yon again.
7. Capitalize the ñraL word of every direct quolation.
She askedr "Can i sit here?"
"We saw herr"$a¡d John, "al the university."
APPENDtX J Lesson Resources

B13L1 #1 LJgtening skilL , J-3

B13L1 #2 Reading skill J-5
B13L1 #3 Listening skill J-7

B13L2 #1 Listening skiíl J-9

B13L2 #2 Listeníng akill J-ll

B1SL3 #1 Listening skiU J-13

B13L3#2 Rcading skill J-16
B13L3 #3 Lístenme skill J-17
B13L3 #4 Listening skiil J-lí)

B13L4W1 Ruler J-21

B13L4 #2 Lialeoing skill J-23
B13L4 «3 Listening skill . J-25
Listening skill — B13L1 #1
Lesson 1
Page 14
Exerclsa A

Will you go swimming this sumniLT? Do you plan to spend time

at a river, lake, or beach? If yon do, enjoy the water, but please
follow this good advice and stay safe;
• Learn how to swim.
» Always swim with a frisnd.
• Obey all rules and signa.
• When the weather is bad, get out of the water.
Jf you're careful, swimming ¡s a wonderful sport that ia both
good exercise and fun. It's a cool way tu c-njuy the summer!

Today, more people are playing sports. Children of all ages

play sports in school or after school. Adulta ulsu cnjoy sports.
They may play for fun or as a profession. Sometimea people get
hurt when Ihey play. Who can help them when this happens?
Doctora who workin the field of sports medicine can. The sports
doctor often works for a team. During games, when players get
sick or hurt, the doctor goes onto th<_- playing field, makes an
examination, and decides if the piayer should rcturn to the game
or stop playing. His professíonal advke is vt¡ry important. When
the team practiceñ, he may give other advice. He may tell playera
which food und exercise will make them stronger, liealthier,
and faater. Both coaches and players need the informotion and
advice that a sports doctor can give.

Chüdren need tohave free time.This is anideii that neema quite

easy lo understand, but children's doctors say Ihat young peopln
today often don't have enough free time to relax, FrequunÜy,
children are very busy and very tired all of the time, How can
we explain this problem? First, many parents want the best for
their children, so they want them to play sports, take music or
art classes, and have extra lessons after school. Second, parents
are often afraid to let their children have a lot of free time, lí'
they do, they might watch too much televisión or get into trouble.
While adults can plan some parts of a child's day, they must
raake sure that their children have enough free time to play
with friends and relax.
Readingskill — B13L1 #2
Lesson 1
Pagc 3D

Tbday's funny news story is about a foolish man. A local

man went into a gas station and waited imtil there were
no other customers in the store. The man asked the cashier
for a pack of cigarettes. He wanted to pay for the dgarettefc
with a check> so the cashier aaked the man for his ID. The
cashier wrote the man's personal information on the check,
When she returned the mun's ID, the niun pulk'd uut u
gun and ordered the cashier to give him all the money she
had. She gave him the store's money, aud the ninn Irft with
about $300—but without his check, The pólice were waiting
for this man whon he arrived homo. Horo's aomo advico For
people who want to break the law: don't pay with a check!
Listeningskill — B13L1 #3
Lesson 1
Page EL 1
Exerclse A

There are good and bad things about borrowing

money Some people feel that borrowing any money
is a bad idea. Others feel that sometimes borrowing
money is okay. When they want to tmy a house, for
example, S'.mr people borruw money froin the bank,
but then they have to pay the bank back for 30 yearp.
Many people don't like to borrow from the bank and
borrow from fríends or famüy instead. Borrowing likc
this can also cause problema. What do you think is
better, to not have the raoney you need, or to borrow
money from others?

It's really not easy being a team coach, The players

need tb.eir coach to help them win the game and to
keep them together as a team. Sometimes the players
get tired and don't care aboul playing, but they
continué to try hard because the coach tells them that
they must. They like their coach and work hard to
do their best. People wbo come to games want to see
their team win. If tho leam loses a lot of games, the
coadi is not popular. Sometimes the fans and players
become angry and want the cnach tci leave his job.
Being a coach is a difficult profeasion.
Listening skill — B13L2 #1
Exerclse B

1. People started making paper about 2,000 years ago.

Qver the years, people have used several difTerent
kinds of material to make the sheets of paper that we
write on and that we use forwrappingpackages. Peopte
used to use leather a long time ago. Wood and leavea
can be used to make paper It can be made from oíd
clothes that people have thrown away. There are also
some kinds of paper that are made of plástic, which ia
a man-made material.

2. It's easy to start a i-RCycling program in your home.

First» take four empty boxes and write these words on
them: PAPER, CANS, GLASS, 0nd PLÁSTIC. Next,
wash your empty bottles and cans, and remove all the
paper stuck on them or wrapped around them. Aftcr
that, divide the things by kind of material, and put
each one in the correct box, Finally, on thp day the clty
picks up recycling on yaur slreeL, put your boxee üf
deán recyclmg on your sidewalk or in your drivcwey.

3. Ith3 hard to imagine what we would do without plástic,

a material that's been around for only the putít hundred
years or so. Plástic ia used for making everything &om
toys and clothes to airplane and car parts. It comes
in red, blue, yellow, green and almost any other color
you can think of. There's even dear plástic you can see
through. You can get it in any size and shape, It comes
in pieces that are thick or sheets that are thin. Today,
thcre are many different kinds of plástic. It's a material
that can be used to make many different things.
Listening skill — B13L2 #2
Page EE-8
Exercise B

When I first carne to the USf I didn't know English

very we33, so I had some problema. For example, one
day Isawabagof cookies m a store.The baghad many
colors ofcüokies in it, and the price was low, so I bought
it, I had a few cookies with milk, and I thought thcy
were a little hard but atill good, When a friend carne
to visit, I got the bag to get some cookies for her When
she saw the bag, she started to laugh, I asked her why
she was laughing, and sho soid that the conkies were
for doga, Now I can read English much better, and I
remember to read food packages twice.

2. Exercise is good for you, and it can be fun. There are

many ways to exercise. Some people like to run. Others
like to work out in a gym. Some liko to pJay soccer»
baseball, basketbaJJ, or other team sports. Some pcople
líke to swim, and others like to walk. In fact, the kind
of exercise thatyou choose to do ifin't really important,
but it is imporlant to exercise every day.
Listening skill — B13L3 #1
Lesson 3
Page G1
Exerclse D

Shoppers, picase listen carefuliy We nave H amall child

at the Information desk who has lost hia parents. He
has been at the information desk for about 5 minutes,
and he wants to find bis mother and father, The little
boy is about three years oíd, 36 ínches tall, and has
brown hair and blue eyes. If this suunds like your son,
picase come to the information desk now lo pick lüm

People often wear special clothes, almoat hke a uniform.

when they play tennis, Every piece of clothing is white.
Men usually wear a white shirt, white shurl paiits,
and white socks and shoes, Women may wear a white
dreas or a blouse wíth a skirt ar ahort pants. Skirts and
dresses are always short in length. If the tennis player
wears a hat, it will also be white, Sometimep you'll see
people wearing other colors, but white is thi> colur yuu
most frequently see on a tennis court, It's a useful color
because people who are watching the players tan see
them more easily on tennis courts made ofgreen or red

People who want to be mountain climbers must be in

very good shape. They must wear special clothing and
good boots-They should aisocarry strongropes and use
special mountain climbing tools, If somí-onc slips while
he or she is climbing a mountain, the ropes will keep
him or her from falling. A fall from a high mountain
can be very dangerous for a climber.
Readingskill — B13L3#2
Page 73

Public high schools in the United States have several

courscs that all students must take. These courses are
necessary for those students who plan Lu go to college.
Some of these couraes are English, math, and hiskuy
Many of the larger high achools, those with over a
thousand students, also offer interestin£ courses and
sports which students may choose to study Some of
these courses are foreign languages, music, medíanles,
and auto repair, The sports that students may choose
to play are often football, baseball, basketball, HUUCLT,
and tennis. The students join teams and play matches
with teams from other schools, The schools that tan
offer these thiags to their students are usually in the
larger citíes of the US.
Listening sklll — B13L3 #3
l.esson 3
exercise G

1. Mcn and women who want to learn to play tennis this

summer should fill out a form in the QÍTice at the base
gym. Classes will beon MondaysandWedncsdays from
10 to 11:30 a.m. andTuesdays andTrmrsdaysfrQm 6 to
7:30 p.m. at the tennis courts next to the gyra. Classes
are free for militery and for civilians who work on the
base. Select the class you want. Wc do not pJIow tennis
playera to wear jeans on our courts. Pleaae wear a
white shirt, white shorts, and tennis shoes. Alao bring
one can of new tennis

2, Most people are interested in getting a good deal.

People who frequently ask for reduced prices are called
bargain hunters. Customers in the US uaually don't try
to bargain in regular shops or department stores. But
there are places where you can bargain, for examplü,
flea markets and garage sales. Also, a company that
sella cars will discuss reducing a car's price with a
customer who looks like he wants to huy. Bargaining is
not common in the US, but there are lots oí"peopte who
like to buy Ítems at the loweat possihle price.
Listening skill — B13L3 #4
Lesson 3
Page EE-14
Exercise B

1. There will be a meeting in the audítorium for anyone

who wants to go to tht- football game this weekend.
Tickets will be on sale for half price, but you can only
pick them up at this meeting. Peuplti from the tour
office will be there with a sign-up aheet for the bus. If
you don't want to take the búa, the tour peopltí will give
you a map with directions to the etadium. All people
wauting to go to the football garne should come to this

2. There are many waya to atay healthy. Most doctora aay

that drinkíng a lot of water every day helps your body,
Sleep is also very important., but people often don't yct
enough. Here's sorne advice if you start to feel sick:
• Drink lots of water.
• Get aome real.
• Have some hot chicken soup.
• Eat Iota of orangea or drink iemon juice for
th<? vitamin C they have.
This advice might stop you frorn feeling worse. Always
think about your body, and the things you can do to
atay healthy. What is your favoríte way?

3. The Great Lakes are very important íbr people in

North America. The five Great Lakes in the northern
United Statoa have one fifth of the world'a freah water
(water without salt), Many people like to go to the lakes
to relax, swirn, fish, and go boating. Every year there
are boat races on Lake Ene, and peüple come from far
away to race. People in the states around the Great
Lakea need the water from the lakes for drinking,
cooking, bathing, and many other thinga, Ofcourae, all
the husinesaea and companies need water, too. It's euíjy
to see why the Great Lakes are important for everyont-
in North America.
Ruler —B13L4#1
Lesson 4
Page 95

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Listening skill — B13L4 #2
Lesson 4
Exercrse D

The rockathatwe find on the earth are very oíd. People

who study the earth say thatif we study the age of the
rocks, we can learn a lot about earth's past. So, how
oíd are Earth's rocks? Studies tell us that the rocks we
ñnd on the ocean íloor are about 300 million years oíd.
Rocks on land arp much nlder: they are over 4,500 Cflic}
millioa yeara oíd.
Listening skill — B13L4 #2
Lesson 4
Page EE-21
Rxercise B

1. There are many things to think about when yon are

ready to buy your íirst house. Piral, you must choose
the place you want to live, so think about questiona
like these:
* Do I want to be near my family or my work?
" Do I need a good school in my neighborhood?
After you answer these quesliona, you should decide
how big you want your house to be.
* How many bedrooms do I need?
* Do T want a small or big kitchen?
* Do I need a big backyard?
The answers to these questinns will help you decide
what kind of house you need and where it should be.
Ifs important to think carefully before you Jook at
houses because you don't want to live in a huuao that
doesn't fityou-

2. Without a doubt, the Internet haa changed the worid

we ]ive in. The number of things that we can do with
the services of the Internet is growing at a great Kpeed.
For many, the Internet is first of alí a post office» and we
can easily send our e-mail anywhere in the world, Tt'p
also a library, a place to read information un any topic.
We can take classes on the Iiití-ruot at, homc uaing our
owa computers. We can shop, bank, and plan our travol
all atthe touch of our fingers, Lots of us like tause the
Internet for entertainment: we can sec moviea, ploy
music, and take part in games with people we knuw
and those we meet through the Internet. There are so
many waya the Internet touchea our lívos. Cortainly
we havtí juHt begun to see a small part of what the
Internet can oílér.
EXERCISE A Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

goal throws
towards match player
teams kick scores

BASEBALL Baseball is a aport that is popular in the US and same countries ín

Central and South America- There are two
ofnine players each. One player the ball.
A player from the other team tries to hit the ball with a baseball bat,

SOCCER la soccer, there are two teams of 11 players each, The playera
the ball towards the end of the field to try
to niake a

VOLLEYBALL Two teams hit a large ball with their hands. If a player on one
team allows the ball to fall to the ground, the other team
. a point.

FOOTBALL In football (that is, American football, and not soccer), wheu a
gets the ball» he holds it and runs down
the field the goal.

TENNIS In a tennis , there are uüually two players

who try to hil a small ball. Sometimes teams of two people play each

MARATHÓN A marathón is a long in whit;h. a pcrson

nins a little more than 26 miles (about 42 kilometers).
EXERCISE B Cross out the word that doesn't belong.
Nurnher I is an exampie.

1. rope shoelaces string l^wJT

2. win practice tie lose

3. player kick throw jump

4. certain sure believe positive

5. suppose imagine guess beat

EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

i *f • j
so beat win goal
doubt most quite meaning

1- Lisa: Who do you think will the game tonight?

Rick: There's no about it. Simth^ide High Suhuul bes thtí
best football team in the city.

2. Fred: Our teacher said that worda can have more than one
Can you think of any examples?
Fran: Yes, 1 can. The word can mean something you use to
start a fire, orit can be another way to soy game.

3. Paul: Does Max always Jerry and Bob in tennis?

Pete: Yea, he's a better player, and he has the
Yea, he's time to

4. Mona: This salad is delicious, Would you like some?

Mark: I guess .. Fm very hungry.

5. Gary: Tve asked Scott Jones to our football team.

Greg: That's a good idea. He told me his was to work with
one of the city teams.
EXERCISE D Use the underlined words to write answers with so or tiot.
Number 1 i» an exatnph.

1. Aniy thinks that Brenda won the tennis match.

Greg: Did Brenda win the tennis match?
Amy: ' t h i h k &o- She's won all of her matches so far.

2. Sam imaginas that he will take a vacation this summer

Mark: Will you take a vacation thia summer?
Sam: . I want to travel to California,

3. Roy guesses that the teacher will give os a quiz tomorrow.

Ken: Will the teacher give us a quiz tomorrow?
Roy: .^ . We've fínished atudying the book.

4. Evan doesn't believe that he has time to work out at the gym loday.
Ruth: Are you going to work out at the gym today?
Evan: . I have a doctor's appointment.

5. Roy hopea that Sandy wasn't angry that he forgot to bring her lunch.
Manny: Was Sandy angry that you forgot to bring her lunch?
Roy: , but that's the second time Tve forgotten.

6. Jack doesn't suppose that we're going to have e new hoss next month.
Brad: Do you suppose that we're going to get a new boss next month?
Jack: . I spoke with several people who think the
oíd boss will stay.
EXERCISE E Complete the sentsnces with a ñame and a süperlative adverb.
Chance and write the underlined adverb. Numh&r 1 i$ fin nxample.
1. Rita, Bill, and Sammy all paid their apartmenl bilis early.
* Rita paid hers on April 28,
* Bill paid bis on April 30,
* Sammy paid bis on April 29.
Rita paid hers the earliest.

2. Mack, Sara, and Ken have cars that can go very fast.
• Mack's car can go 120 miles per bour,
• Sara's car can go 13Ü mph.
• Ken's car can go 100 mph.


3- Richard, Della, and Terry are all from San Antonio, Texaa, Each person had to
travel far for a busine&s trip,
• Richard traveled to London, Englartd.
• Della traveled to New York City.
• Terry traveled to Dallas, Texaa.


4- Cal, Brian, and Luke went to riíle practice.

* Brian didn't shoot very straight.
* Cal shot very straight.
* Luke couldn't hit the target!


5. On Saturdays, Mary, Betty, and Mark like to sleep late.

a. Last Saturday, Mary woke up at noon.
h. Betty woke up at 12:30 p.ra.
c, Donna woke up a little after 10 a.m.

woke up .
EXERCISE F Choose the correct adverb and write íts 3 u per la ti ve form.


Cari, Bob, Al, and Dan are friends who like to run. They
believe that running is good physical exercise, To keep ín shape,
they often. run in races on the weekend, The men always practice
hard befare a ra.ce, bul Al practices .
Cari runa five miles every day. Bob and Al run three miles farther
than Cari Dan runs five miles farther than Cari, so Dan runs

They get up early and practice before they go to work.

Al has to be at work before everyonc else does, so he gets up
Cari goes to work later than the
others do, so he can sleep
The men like to practice at the schooJ stadíum. All of them
live near the stadium and can get there soon after they finish
work, Because Bob lives.^ , he can get
there .
This year Cari, Bob, Al, and Dan decided to join the city
team. Their firat race was on Saturday. All of the men did very
well. Car]and Bob ran fast, and Dan ran euen faster, But Al won
the race because he ran
EXERCISE G Mark the place where ¡hatean go.
Number 1 is a/í exotiple.
1. Robby thinks he'll get a high score.

2. He's certain he can score a goal

3. Charlie didn't remeraber his sister was Icaving at 8 p.m

4. He's sure he turned offthe oven.

5. Meg knows her boss has left for the day

6. She's positíve she didn't cause the accident.

7. Betty thinks John's lasl ñame isn't Smith.

8. Helen's not sure Mark lives near the office.

9. Paul supposes he has rifle practice today.

10, He isn't certain he's paid the bilis yet.

EXERCISE H Combine e¿ich palr of sentences^ Use the conjunction in ().

1, Our team was losing. There were only three minutes left in the game, (and)

2. Tom wanted to play. The coach wouldn^ let him. (bul)

3, He was a great player. The coach ñnally had to let him play. (sof

4. They could win the game. They could lose it. (or)
EXERCISE J Combine each pair of sentences. Use the conjunctlon in ().

1. My frienda and I had a get-together. The football game ended. (after)

2, Mr. Smith cleaned the house. His wifc returned home. (before)

3. We ate snacks. We watched TV. (while)

4. The children stayed outsíde. It got dark. (witil)

EXERCISE J Combine the sentences. Use tarar with.

Number I ia an example.

1. Our team wore uniforms. The uniforms had blue numbera.

Our tgam wore uniforma with blue numbgi-6.

2. We went on a fishing trip. We were gone for three days.

3. My brother washed the car. He used soap and water,

4. Ed traveled to San Francisco. He went with some frienda.

5. I bought a new couch. I'm putting it in the living roum.

EXERCISE K Read a title. Select questíons that the lext might answer.
More than one ansiuer is possible.

1. Animal Languages
a. What are examples of animáis that have a langua^e?
b- How are bird songs a kind of language?
c, How do children learn a new language?
2. Dccísions a Coach Musí Make
a. Which players will play and when?
b. What time ahould the stadium open?
c. What plan will the coach use for the game?
3. The Sports Medicine Doctor
a. What kind of medica] problems does the sports doctor work on?
b. Where can you find a local doctor's office?
c. When did the field of sports medicine begin?

EXERCISE L Guess Ihe meaningofthe italiclzed words.

1. I auppose my 19-year oíd son is a vegetarían now because ht? never eata
or (ish.

a. person who doesn't eat vegetables or frviit

b, person who likes vegetables
C- person who has decided not to eat meat or flsh
2. Caral can never find anything in her apartraent because it's always messy with
oíd magazinea, dishes and clothes everywhere.
a, dirty
b, cold
c, expensive
3. I was tired after lunch, so I took a little nap.
a. a warm drink made with milk and Bugar
b. a piece of paper to deán the face after eating
c. a short time for sleeping, usually during the day
EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1, ShoeK, belts, and wallets are made of

2. Sweaters and warm auits are made of stones
3. Gold, iron, silver, and copper are leather

4. Car tires and some baila are made of nylon

5. Some shirts and stockings are made of
6. Rings are often made of metáis and
7. Bracelets, earrings, and rüiga are

EXERCISE B Change the phrases to compound nouns.

Nitmber-1 te an exampfe.

1. ghampoo for a baby 6. a ring with a diamond in il

baby shampoo

2. a book about law 7. a bolt made of leather

3. a key for a car 8, a jacket made of wool

4. a cupfor coffee 9- a necklace made ofgold

5. a car for the pólice 10, a spoon used for soup

EXERCISE C Put Ihe words in the corred columns.

iron cotton
plástic 3J

wool copper

gold diamond stone

polyester glaas rock

Materials for
Metals Üthcr materials
EXERCISE D Read a title. Select the Information that might be ¡n the text.
There tnny hp more than one answer.

L Man-madc Materials 3. Military Leave

a. ways to make them a. the number of leave days
b. things we use to make them each year
c. kinds of man-made b. places to go on vacation
materials c. the person to ask for leave

2. Military Unlíorms 4- Your New House

a. Üio diffcrences between winter a. materials uaed for building
and summer uniforma b. things yon need to dn after
b. military clothes to weer for you buy a houae
battle c. buymg your huuse
c. uHin a clothes washer

EXERCISE E Read a title. Select the questions that the text might answer.
There may be more thait one answer.

1, Smoking In the Office 3. Pay Schedules

a. Where can you smoke? a. Which day of the week do we
b. Which stores sell cigorettes? receive our mooey?
c. Where do you put out yout b. How often do we receive our
cigarettes? money?
c. How much do uniforma cost?
'2. Metal Parts in an Engine
4. SNverand Copper
a. How long do they last?
a. What can we make with these
b. Can we exchange them when
they break?
b. Are tbey expensive?
c. Are they expensive?
c. Where do wa find them?
EXERCFSE F Match each clause to make a complete sentence.

1. Bob might go to the store a. the car tonight.

2. They were able b. for bread.

3. Andy could fiy planea when c. fixall car pro

4. You can bomiw d. to see the movie yesterday,

5. Sarnas able to e. he was in the US Navy,

6. Martha and her sons f can sing well.

EXERCISE G Wríte the sentences you made In Exerclse F \n the negatlve.

Number ! is an example.

might not qo to the store for bread.






EXERCISE H Write dialogs about permission with can and could.
Kequest permission with can or could. Answer with can or can't, Number 1 is an example.
1. A youog boy is asking his fathor for permission lo play outsidt?.
son: Pad, can I play outeide, pisase?
father: No. &on, you cgn't, It's rairring. Maybe latgr

2. A lieutenant is asking to talk to a captain,

lieutenant: ,

3. A student is asking a teacher for a pencil.


4. A man is aaking his friend to use the bathroom in his house.

man: .

ñ. A captain ia askiog a major forleavG.


6, A student is asking a teacher to open the window.


No, you can*t,

It's raining.
EXERCISE I Selectthe best answer.
1, When I was young, I lift heavy boxes.
a, can
b, could
c, may
2, John's not home yet. He still be atwork.
s.. is ,i N i- to
b. can
c. iriight
3. Sirp I speak with you, please?
a. may
b. will
c. be abíe to
4. A few years ago, Tom run three miles a day. Now he can't
a. can
b. may
c. was able to
5. Betty's lived in many countries, and now she speak four languages.
a. was able to
b. can
c. could
6. I borrow your book, please?
a. Am able to
b. WÍ11
c. Can
7. They visit us when they were in town last week.
a. couldn't
b. raight not
c. aren't able to
EXEPCISE J Reatí the e-mail. Underline the verbs in the past tense.

e-mail, changing the underlined veros to the future luith wilL Use coníracíiorts
when possible. Underline and make ony other changes w.wsiiary for a text iit the future tense.

„, JphnWaters Senl: Wed 8/12/2006 11:02 a.m.

To: 'fomSIater
Subjecl: A GrealTrip!

WhaT's new? I want to lell you about the great vacaiion thai I Took lasr month. My
familyand 1 1 eft Chicago on July Istandflewto London Then we caughta flightto ons
oí the most beautiful ciíies in Ihe world—Venice. We were very busy every day because
mere are so many great places to see. On the first day, we visited a large outdoor park,
the Giardini Pubblíci. After that, we went downtown and listened To some music ouldoors.
We stayed in Venice ror a week, so we saw rnany oíher famous places and ale Iota of
delicfous Hallan food. IT was a wonderful Irip. I took a lol oí pictures with my new camera,
so Pll e-mail you some photos.
Say "ni* to Cathy forme.


ñay "hífl to Cathy for me.



EXERCISE K Underline Importan! words and phrases in the paragraph.
, write a summary using the things yon itnderlined-

People all over the world need a second language. They need to talk with
people who don't speak their language. Profesaional people and state workers in
many countriea speak English or French as a second language. They use thcsc
lan^juages to do business with people from other cauntries. They often slarl to sludy
these languages at an early age in achool and learn to speak very well. It's very
helpful to them to know a second language.
EXERCISE A Change the sentences using the pronoun instead of the noun.

Number 1 ¿san example.

1. Frank hanga up his clothcs.

Frank hanas them up.

2. Janet looked up the new words.

3. Roger has forgotten to write down the phone number.

4. Joe didn't turn on the televisión.

5. Peter's going to pick up the children.

6. Mary filis up the gas tank every week.

7. WíllJoc fii] out the forro today?

EXERCISE B Read the paragraph and underfine the importan! words.

The First Jeans

Levi Strausa was born in Gerraany and carne to New York ¡n 1847. When he
was a young man, Strauss workod in his familia businesa. Their business sold both
fabric and cluLhea. Later, when peopJe began tu find gold in California, Strauss
decided to go west to make money- Gold miners, people who look for gcild, needed
strong work pants. Strausa solved their problem. He used denim, a strong cloth
madeof cotton. Mincrs and many other workers bought theae spedal workpanU,
Today we cali these pants jeans or LeviV,


EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks wlth the wortís from the box.

try on waist dressiug

fit pair much
size médium measurement

Clerk: May I holp you?

John: Yes, Fm looking for a of blue jeans.

Clerk: What's your.

John: I*m not sure.

Clerk: Til measure your . Aílur wu hjivc?

., we'll know.
John: Okay.

John: I also need a shirt. I wear a size.

Clerk: How about this one?

John; I like the color. I want to ít

Do you have a
Clerk: Yes, it's over there.

John: It doesn't .. The arms are too long.

Clerk: Okay. Try this shirt.

John: This shirt fits better. I'll buy ít.

Clerk; Good. The cashier will take care ofyou.
EXERCISE D FUI in the blanks with the words from the box.

receipt amounts to percentage

tax leas
amount percent increased

Cashier: The. for the shirt and jeans is $22.98.

Plus ., the total $24,82
John: What _ of the total is the sales tas?

Cashier: The salea tax is 8

John: WowT It was . last month, only 7%,
Cashier: Yes, it 1% last week. Here's your

Kcep it becaiise you may want to exchange aomething.

John: Thank you for your help.

EXERCISE E Guess the meaníng of the ¡talíclzed words.

1. Phyllis plañís a vegetable garden every spring. It's a lot of work

to prepare the ground, but sho enjoya eating the vegetables
when thf-y have grown.
a. visits
b. tica up
c. reads about
d. pute in the ground
2. She]s attempting to complete her course in just onc ycar
She's not sure she can do it, but she's going to try.
a. atudying
b. buying
c. trying
d. learning
EXERCISE F Fill In the blanks and solve the puzzle.
Use thespoces in the puzzle to help yon guess the words.


3, Clothes bigger than a US 6 are too large for me. I wear

a very small
5. The clerk forgot to put an in my bag, so I left
the store with 11 things instead of 12.
6. The clerk measured Joe's and legs to flt him
for a new pair of pants.
10. In many countries, clothes are in centimeters.
12. Thejeans at that store were 20% offlast wcek.That store had
a good. -
14. Are the aeats in your car ur leather?

15- Wegota on our new car, It was $1,000 less than

the desler's price.


1. Sally hit her on. the table when shc stood up.
2. Alien wore a nice pair of blue to Ann's party nn ñaturday.
4, Petcr's showed the total amount he paid for his jacket,
7. What of time didyou spend cleaning yuur

R, What ¡H the of sales tax in this state?

9. The of the sleeves on that jacket is wrongfor me.
11. How much is the sales . in Texas?
13. That suit is msde of an expensive
EXERCISE G Read the title. Select the Information that mlght be In the text.

Women in Sports
a. famous women in sports
b, sports clothing
c, popular sports for women
d. movies that women Eike

EXERCISE H Read the tille, Select the questions that the text mlght answer»

Howto BulldaShed
a. When will it rain?
h How do I choose the right place to build it?
c. What materials do I have to buy?
d. Where doea the road go?

EXERCISE I Read the texL Underline the pronouns and the verbs.
Rewrite the text, changing the underfined words to tttake the text aboiít another airfbrce
offtcer, Captain Mork Mass.

My ñame is David Fratt, and I work for the military. I'm a captain in the
US Air Forcé. I manage flight training programs. It's a very interestin^ Job and
somctbing new happens every day. J always meet interesting peoplfi and have to
ñolvf! problemfi. Sometimes I havu tu make important decisions quickly. I work hard
at my Job, but 1 Hke it very much. I don't like to be bored, so I don/t wanl tu chun^c
iny occupation because difficuJt Jobs like this one are more interesting.
EXERCISE J Chango the verbs to nouns wíth -er or -or.
Number 1 is an example.
1. Mrs. Huí drives a taxi. She's a taxi driver

2. Roger playa football.

3. Jill teaches science. She's a

4. Jerry manages the office. He's an
5. Carie reporte the news, She's a.
6. Pam collects coins, She's a.
7. Kevin builds houses, He'a a _
8. Joe works in a factory. He'sa_

EXERCISE K Read the story. Complete the sentences below.

Joe drives a truck that takes niaterials to different faetones. His friend Alien
manages a factory- They've been friends for a long time. Both men like Lo play soccer
Alien plays better than Joe, but Joe can run faster than Alien, They have fun
playing soccer on the weekends, When Joe isn't driving his truck or playin^ fioccí-rf
he likes to paint. He painta pictures of the lake near his house. Alien used to be in
the US Army. He traveled all over the world. He started to collect coins from
difícrent countries when he was in the US Army. Joe and Alien like to share their
hobbies. Joe gave Alien a coin from England that he found, and Alien bought Joe
paints for his pictures.

1. Joe]s a
2. Allen'sa
3. Both men are
4. Bocause he likes to paint, Joe's also a

6. Allen'sa because he likes to collect coins.

6. Allen's a good soccer ., but Joe's a fast

EXERCISE L Wrile answers to the questlons uslng reponed speech.
Number I is on

1. SgtTill: Sir, could I have two days of leave nextweek?

Capt Lay: Yes, you can.
What did Captain Lay say to Sergeant Till?
He 5a id [that) he cpuld havg two daye of \eave.

2. Lisa: Kevin, why do you have an umbrella?

Kevin: Because it might rain,
What did Kevin tell Lisa?

3. Thomas: Dad, can I borrow the car Priday

Father: No, you can*t-
What did the father tell bis son?

Ellen: Can you help me move my refrigerator?

Tony: Sure, I can.
What did Tbnysay?

Steve; Why did you bring your &wün clothes to work?

David: Because I may go swimming after work-
What did David tell Steve?

6. Maj Ray: How are your men doing m the new riñe training?
Capt Fry: They're able to shoot better than before, sir.
\Vhat did Captain Fry tell Major Roy?
EXERCISE A Select the best answer.

1 . Some animáis eat only vegetables. There's no meat in their

b. diet
v. weight
2. Joan: How much do you _ ?
Stan: A hundred and fifty pounds.
a. scale
b. weight
c. weigh
Joan: What was your when you got married, Stan?
Stan; Oh, I was 24.
a. age
h. weight
c. height
4. Tf you want to lose weíght, you have to and cxercisc.
a. eat a diet
b. go on a diet
c. scale
5. Jane's been sick for a long time. I doia't think she has enough
to get up.
a. age
b. length
c. strength
6. He used to weigh 140 pounds, and now he woighs 150, He's _ 10 pounda.
a. gainod
b. dieted
c. lost
7. Where's the ? I want to find out how meny pounds Tve Joat.
a. scale
b. weight
c. me asure

8- Mr. Davisis 5'11" and weighs only 135 pounds. He's very
a. heavy
b. thin
c. thick

9. Is your dictionary a thin or book?

a. thick
b. wide
c. hot

10. Before I gol sick, my was 125 pounds.

a, width
b, measure
c, weight

11. Mr West: What's the between San Antonio, Texas and AuaLin, Tcxus?
Mr. King: It's about 80 miles.
a. length
b. height
c. distance
12. A thermometer tcmperature.
a. measures
b. gains
c. decreases
13. Joan: What are the measurementa of your office?
Stan: It measures 12 feet by 24 feet.
What was Stan's answer?

a. 1 2 x 2 4
b. 12"x24"
c. 12/24
EXERCISE B Look al the picture and answer the questlons.

1. Fill in the measurements of the suitcase,

The length measures
The width measures
The depth measures
2. What is the total measurement of this suitcase?
Length •+• width + depth =
3. You want to take thia suitcase with you on your next airplane trip,
but the airline rule is: The total ofall three measurements cannot be more
íhari 75 ¿fiches.
Can you take this suitcaae with you on the airplane? yes/ no

EXERCISE C Complete the sentences below.

1, If the suitcase ís too big,

2, If the suitcase is srnall enough,
3. If you lose your suitcase,

4. If the suitcase ístaoheavy,

5. If you don't like your suitcase.


EXERCISE D Complete the sentences with the correct ínformatlorv
Then, complete the tab!e. Number 1 is an example.
Abbrevtalion Symbol

1. A meter equals 39.37 ínches. m

2. Therearelüü in one meter.
3- There are 10ÜÜ meterá in one
4. TweJve inches equal one
5. Thirty-six equal ane yard.
6. Three feet equal one
7. The room is 18 feet 15 feet.
8. 2.20 equal one kilogram.
9. One centimeter equals 10
10. There are 1.61 kilometers in one

EXERCISE E Complete the questions.

Number 1 is un exampie,

, WhaC^the width of thiscloset?

This closet is 4( wide.

2. of the hihotít muunlain?

Mt. Everest is 29,035 feet high.

3. of the longest river?

The Nile ifi about 4,157 miles long.

of the Caspian Sea?

The Caspian Sea is 3,104 feet deep.

5. of this room?
T think it's about 68° Fahrenheit

6- to the moon?
The moon is 240,250 miles (334,400 km) away.
EXERCISE F Ful in tlie blanks wlth words from the box.

1. Many people diet because they are

2. If somconc asks you how tall you are, they want to know
your akt
3. A yard is almost the same as one meter.
4. If you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes each day, your doctur
might aay you smoke a few

5. Paul: Do you have any cigarettes? fat

Mary: I have 3 or 4,1 have

6. Judy: I nave homework tonight.

Toro: Do you have length
Judy: Yes, I tmve a lot,
1. Cindy: How many students learn a new langaage in just
one month? none

8. David: Since you are on a diet, do you still want dessert?

Steve: Yes, please give rne

EXERCISE G Read the paragraph. Underllne the Important words or phrases.

Do you want to lose weight? If you do, think about these ideas. First, yon must
eat the right kinds of food. Fruits and vegetables shouJd be on your diet. Don't eat
food with a liiL of silgar like cakes, pies, or cookies, Second, you must bo careful
about the amount of food you eat. You must eat less and learn trj say "no"to a second
serving of food. Third and last, you noed to esercise. Exercise helps keep your weight
EXERCISE H Guess the meanlng of the Italicized words.
1. My brother is a geaman. on a íarge ship,
a. someone in the US Army
b. someone in the US Air Forcé
c. someone in the US Navy
2- He enjoya his Job because his assigument is tíi cnnk fiír th<* mun.

a. work
b. choice
c. direction

EXERCISE I Read the tltle. Select Information that mlght be In th& texl
1. Friday Night's Game
a. the time the game started
b. the ñames of the teams
c. the time the movie started
d. the number of parking spaces

2. Sam Johnson Gets A New Coaching Job

a. other teams he has coached
b, the year he joined tbe military
t- his goals for the auaüon.
d. what he does afLer work

EXERCISE J Read the title. Selecl questions the text might anawer.
1. New üiel Food
a. Where can I buy it?
b. How much does it coatí
c. What does it taste like?
d. What size shoe do you wear?

2. US and Metric Measurements

a. How do we talk about time in diñbrcnt countries?
b. Which countries use which measurements?
c. Why do dífferent countries use different measurementa?
d. How do we change measurements from US to metric and metric to US?
EXERCISE K Wrlte questions with fíowand an adjective from the box,
Niimber 1 is an exatnple.

cold hot far

long --old-
high tall heavy

How oíd le the baby?

The baby is 3 months.

The box weighs 120 pounds.

It's 46° Fahrenheit in here.

His pants are 30" in length.

The oven is 350° Fahrenheit.

The buíldingis 15 stories.

That person is 5 ft. 4 in.

The beach is 121 miles away.
EXERCISE L Read the e-mail. Underlíne the verbs in the past tense.

Rtíwrite íhfí e-maií, changing the underíined verbs to the presen! tense. Undurline and makt-
atiy Qtfter dtatigfs nfcessoryforo text in íhe present tense.

Frorn: Mary Sent: Wed 5/12/2005 11:02 a.m.

To: Jenny
Subject: My English Classes
Dear Jenny,
Helio, what's new? I wanted to write back and answer your questlons about the
English classes I took a! DLI. Every day I slarted class al 0730 (Ihat's 7:30 civilian time)
andlínished at 1435 hrs (2:35 p,m,), llwasafot of workevery week, bul I llkedilvery
much. I enjoyad learning ne\v things, and all of my teachers laughl me a lot. I mei ño
many interestíng people from all over the worid, Eveíy weekend I spenl time with a new
group of Iriends from difieren! countries, We always helped each olFier and had a good
Time learning about the US. I know you will enjoy your classes at DLI next year

Dear Jenny,

I know you will eiyoy your cla&Hcs at DLT next year.

Your friend,
EXERCISE M Match the clauses to mafce complete sentences.

1. If you don't want a stomachache, a. be careful when you drive,

2. If you don't want to have an accident, b. leave now,
3. If you want to gain weight, c. don't go shopping a lot.
4. If you want to learn English, d- don't eat fast.
5. If you want to arrive early, e. practico as much as you can,
6. If you want to savo money, f. eat a lot of food.

EXERCISE N Complete the sentences with your own Ideas.

1. If you want to have a grcat vacation, _

2. Ifyou want lo get married,
3. Plan your time carefully if
4. Dont waste your maney if .

EXERCISE O Select the corred answer

1. Barbara loves tomatoes, She bought _ yesterday.

a. much
b. some
c. any
d. a Hule
2. She answered only three questions, She didn't answer of them.
a. a little
b. many
c. much
d. some
3. Do you have creaní? I want _ _ .
a. a little
b, many
c. none
d, a few
4. Do you have cake? Fd like of it, pisase.
a. any
b, many
c- a few
d. some
5. T have some pens. Do you need ?
a. none
b. much
c. a little
d. a fcw
6. I need only two potatoes. I won't buy
a, some
b, much
c. many
d. a little
1. A: Did eny students come late?
E: Nú, ofthem.
a. some
b. any
c. none
d. all
8. David drank water, but he didn't drink
a. alot
b. a few
c. many
d- none
9. Jackworked on the math problems but only solved of them.
a. none
b, a few
c, a little
d. much
10. She has money, but she doesn't have
a. some
b. a few
c. much
d. many
EXERCISE A Listen to a paragraph. Select the topic.

1. a, a new house
b. borrowing money
c. the bank's nioney
d. family and friends

2. a. a coach's profession
b. sports teams
c. the besl teams
d the most famous coaches

EXERCISE B Write the letter of the answer that matches the question.

I hope not. She's a good
I believe so, but
friend, and I don't want
I didn't hear the
her to leave. c.
final score. I gueas not. I juat
oalled him two

1, Do you think it's going to rain?

2. Will Steve and his family arrive soon?
3- Is María moving to San Francisco?
4. Dtd our team win the game last night?
5. Do you want to go soe a movie?
6. Will you cail your brother this weekend?

Yes» I thínk so.

I sec a lot of dark
f. clouds.
T suppose so.
Which movie do you
want to see?
EXERCISE C Use compara ti ve and superlativa formsjo f ínlsh the sentencea.
Use the adverb in parenlheses {). Number 1 ¡san example.

1, Chris arríved at 7:00, Bart arrived at 7:30, Lisa arrived at 7:45. (early)
Bart arrived earllerthan Lisa.

Chris arrived the cariiast.

2, Sara works until 4:30. Henry works until 5;QÜ_ Andy works unti] 5:30. (lato)

Henry works

Andy works

3, Nancy, Meg, and Tina climbed the hill. Nancy climbed 40 feet. Meg climbed 60
feet, Tina climbed 100 feet. fhigh)

Meg climbed

Tina climbed

4. Greg drives 55 miles per hour on the highway, Lany drives 65 on the highway.
Tony drives 70 on the highway. tfast)

Larry drives

Tony drives _

5. George lives 3 miles from the city. Fred Uves 15 miles fruní Ule dty. Tim lives
25 miles from the city (far)


Tim Uves
EXERCISE D Read a title. Select Information yon might find in the text
More íhari one Qtiswer is possible.

1. Hunting ¡n the United Staies

a. good places to hunt
b. different weapons you can use
c. placea that sell mest
d. hunting seasons

1. Going Fishing
a. the best timo to fian
b. different kinds of fishing rods
c. fishing from a boat
d. choosing and buying delicious fish

EXERCISE E Read a title. Select questions the text might answer.

More than one ansu/tír is possible.

1. Atlanta's Basketball Team Gets a New Coach

a. How Jong has he been a coach?
b. Does he likc to play baseball?
C- Will Atlanta become a winning team?
d- Wherc was he coaching before?

2. Famous Player Givea Advice on How to Play Better Soccer

a. Why is soccer more íun than American football?
b. What exercines should a soccer player do to get in shape?
c. What should a player do to prepare before a game?
ú. Who are some famous soccer, basketball, and baseball players in the
United States?

3. TheWeather in Hawaii
a. Is it hot?
b. Are the beaches clean?
c- Does it rain every day?
d. What are the summcr temperatures?
EXERCISE F Circle the best answer
Bob told me that baseball is from 4 p.m. U> 6 p.m. this afternoon. Are you
a. team
b. fíeld
c. stadium
d. practico

2. Silvia's on the school's volleyball She plays veiy welL

a. pmnt
b. team
c. coach
d. match
3, Kob the bal! to Mark, but Mark couldn'l caUli il.
a. raced
b. beat
c. tíed
d. thrcw

4. The woman walked me and shook ray hand.

a. towards
b- fartheat írom
c. certainly
d. surely

5. I that I can go with you next weekend. I'm too busy.

a. believe
b. suppose
c. imagine
d. doubt

6, Mark: Who the game?

Mary: Wedid, 5 t o 3 .
a. tied
b. won
c- beat
d. joined
7. Select the three things you can tie.
a. repórter, string, rope
b. string, point, stadium
c. rope, string, shoelaces
d. shoelaces, field, meaning
&. Which two words have opposíte meanings?
a. sure, positive
b. wín, lose
c. point, goal
d. imagine, suppose
9. What is another word that meana

a. field
b. stadium
c, race
d, match
10, Jane's a hetter player than I am. Sh& always me at tennis.
a. beats
b. wins
c. ties
d. loses
11. The university built a new for the football team.
a. string
b. coach
c. stadium
d. race
12. The final was 3 to 1,
b. player
c. goal
d. point
13. My house is srnall.
a, ever
b. certain
c. quite
d, positive
EXERCISE G FUI In the blanks wíth words from the box.


kicked jumped
doubted field uncertain
beateiL raced
farthest most poaitive
match surely

1. The player raced down the field and the winning goal.

2, He was the faatest runner that I have ever seen on a baseball

3, The fans became excited as the two horses toward& the íímsh

4. I when I heard the sound of the hunter's gun.

5. Are you that the pólice officer is following us? We werenTt


6. The exercise asks the students to the words with their correct

7. The coach never that Jeff could become a profesaional

basketball player.

you don't want any dessert. You couldn't possibly be hungry

after that large mea 11

9. Ofall our relatives, Aunt Julie and Únele Jim live the . We love
them, but we seldom see them.

10. When people are looking for a Job, they think about things like
money, the time they spend going to work, and if they will be happy

11. Our team has always the Stars at our yearly matches.

12. Fm which road to take. Da yau have a map?

EXERCISE A Listen to a sentence and select the best answer.
1. Yes, he it.

a. plans
b- eata
c. touches
d. likes
2* Yes T IwQiild it.

a. owe
b. join
c. appreciate
d. practice

3. Thankyou. It's
a. metal
b. silk
c. plástic
d. stone

4. Nn, I have tu —

a. go físhing
b. go shopping
c. work
d- play

5. Yes, it doesn't fit on my

a. finger
b- head
c. foot
d. neck

6. the money already.

a. Jent me
b. gave me
c. saved
d. kept
EXERCISE B Listen to a paragraph and choose the toplc.
1. a. delicioua coakies
b. trouble with English
c. a friend's visit
d. cheap food for dogs

2. a. :'nn sports
b. the need for fun
c. playing team sports
d. exercise for health

EXERCISE C Select the best answer.

1. The storm the children.

a. threw out
b. woke up
c. put out
d. paid back

2. Keith lent me monsy last week- Now I him five doUars,

a. owe
b. allow
c. lose
d. buy

3. It's nice to cook outside, but you must remember to the fire when you
finish cooking.
a. start
b. put out
c. do o ver
d- kick

4. You can those newspapers if you're fínished reading them.

a. beat
b- throw oul
c. pay back
d. match
5- A bird was in the tree a minute agoh but it flew
a. after
b. under
c. away
d. between

6. David needs to the flve dollars that his frieud lent hirn.
a. doubt
b. throw away
c. pay back
d. owe

7. Wo went the house because it was cold and windy ftutside.

a. in front of
b. in back of
c. into
d. above

8. I like your new belt.

a. glass
b. stone
c. leather
d. iron

y. The post office ia one block the library on Maple Street.

a. into
b. past
c. during
d. above

10, Mary used to run every day, but now she

a. may
b. can't
c. could
d- wouldn't

11. The atudents take the test yesterday because the computers didn't work.
a. couldn't
b. might not
c. areable to
d. may
12. Joe bought his mother a piece of for her birthday.
a. rock
b. jewelry
c. metal
d. plástic
13. Thistoolis . It's very heavy.
a. iron
b. wool
c. rubber
d. glass
14. Thatcandy chocolate.
a. is lost i n
b. joins
c. is made of
d- appreciates
15- Theydon't you to smoke in this building.
a. believe
b. allrtw
c. owe
d. suppose
16. You need to do over these sentences because they're
a. dirty
b- wrong
c. ready
d. good
17 My family nocds tickets for the bus, They need
a. tickets bus
b. buses ticktit
c. ticket buses
d. bus tickets
18. These plates are made of paper. They're
a. paper plates
b. papers plates
c. píate paper
d. plates paper
EXERCISE D Fill In the blank with the best word to make a compound noun.

1. We have to pick up my sister at the train

table / station / ticket
2. My brother filled up his car at the station.
3. Maryusedher _ card to buy a dress.
4. Alien gave Betty a ring.
gnld / rubber / silk
5. The studenthad touse a phone.
bus / game / public:
6. The Millers watched a match on TV last night.
traffic / point / tennis

EXERCISE E Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

- •'
1. What did you use to make that table?
2. Saradidn't. the children to play in the rain.
|j¡ 3. Aloud noise the baby.
4, Jason Rick $5 for the movie.
woke up
5 tied their dog to the pule.
glaas 6. Cindy bought her bracelct at the new store.

allow 7, Jeny rodé his bicycle over a and broke the wheel.
8. Joe ^ his cigarette onthe ground.
9. Tom tbrew his ball at the window and broke the
-i n - r l
10. I drove the grocery store and didn't stop to buy milk.
EXERCISE A Listen to the questions and select the best answer.

1. No, ifs a one.

a. special
b. man-made
c. natural
d. clean

2. YES, you need _

a. a seles
b. a médium size
c. another bag
d. another deal

3. Yesithey're
a. irregular
b. médium
c. free
d. fat

4. It
a. matches
b. decreases
c. fits
d. jumps

5- a. about 10 percent
b. in the dressing room
c. there's no doubt
d. ahout 10 ítems

6. Yes, I have a
a. goal
b. poimd
c. pair
d. coach
EXERCISE B Listen to the paragraph and select the toplc.

1. a, a raeeting about a bus

b. a raeeting about the weekend
c. a. meeting about a football game
d. a meeting about the tour office
2. a. water for health
b. staying healthy
c. the need for eleep
d. feeling good
3. a. boat races
b. the need for water
c. the Great Lakes
d. Lake Erie

EXERCISE C Select the bes! answer

1. Last month, the number of students in the school was 821,

This month it's 865-The number of students has
a. discounted
b. be aten
c. íncreased
d. matched
3. A belt goes around the
a. waiat
b. head
c. size
d. shoe
4. Jack didn't have to buy the shirt. It was
a, positive
b, sales
c. free
d- natural
5. That tie is too long. It goes down to the _
a. chest
b, shoulder
<;. hipa
d. stomach
6. Wegot agood on the price ofthe car we bought,
a. deal
b. goal
c. Ítem
d. jump
7. Prívate Johnson learned how to a button on his uniform,
a. i n crease
b. try on
c. sew
á. tíe
8. My neighbor bought a new car, Hia oíd one ís _.
a. for sure
b. for sale
c. irregular
d. uncertain
9. You can easily wash and dry that
a. knot
b. deal
c. fabric
d. field
10. Alice manages an office. She's a
a. managing
b. manages
c. managed
d. manager
11. Jim works for a newHpaper. He's a
a. reports
b. repórter
C. reporting
d. reported
12. That tool opens cans. It's a can
a, opener
b. opening
c, opened
d. open
EXERCISE D Select the best answer.

1- Alien: I mighl go to the store.

Gary: What did Alien say?
Mary: HG said __ go to the store.
a. I might
b- he may
c. he might
d. I may

2. Mary: I can't go with you.

John: What did Mary say?
Tony: She asid _ go with me,
a. I cant
b. she couldn't
c. she can't
I couldn't

3. Mike: Ted, I'm not ablo to help you tomorrow.

Andy: What did Mike tell Ted?
Mary: He told Ted that to help him tomorrow.
a. he wasn't able
b. he isn't able
c. you're not abie
d. Ted wasn't able

4. Tony: Dad, Mary and I may buy a new house next year.
Andy: What did Tbny tell his father?
Gary: He told him that _ _ buy a new house next year-
a. I may
b. he and Mary may
c. he and Mary might
d. Mary and I could

5, Sally; I can go to the beach this weekend,

Tony: What did Sally say?
Mike: She said that - go to the beach this weekend.
a. she could
b. she might
c. I might
d. 1 can
EXERCISE E Read a tltle. Select Information that might be in the te«t.
1. ClothesThatFit
a. finding the right size
b. summer fabrica
c. saving money to buy cJothes
d. the best restaurante

2. New York Beat Houston

a. the ñame af the best player
b. the winning team aTid coach
c. the sizeof the fiel d
d. the ñames of the teams

EXERCISE F Read a tltle. Select questions that the text might answer.
1. Highway Workers
a. Will they work at night?
b. Which highwaya will they work on?
c. What will they buy?
d- Can we drive on the beach?

2, When to Cali a Doctor

a. Do you have a fever?
b. Did you get up early?
c. Do you have a stomachache?
d. Did you buy a lot of medicine?

EXERCISE G Choose the best sentence.

1. a. Hal buckled up his seat belt. 3. a. Bill his coat put on.
b, Hal buckled up it b, Bill put on it.
c. Hat his seat belt buckled up. c. Bill put ít on,

2. a. He pickud the tickets up, 4. a. Jim put out it.

b. He theiii picked up, b- Jim it put out,
c. He picked up them. c, Jim put it out.


EXERCISE _A JJsten to the question and seleci the best answer,
It's200 __
a- degrees
b. miles
c. inches
d. dollars

2. He's
a. 120 pounds
b. very tall
c. 80 years oíd
d. a médium aize

3- It'a
a. lOfeet deep
b. 10' by 20'
c. 70 irdllimeterK
d. 6 years oíd
4. It*s7 __
a. inches
b. yarda
c. nieters
d. miles

5. Nu> thank you. I'm

a. diet
b. for a diet
c. on a diet
d. eating a diet

6. It'saboutñO _ ..
a. dolí ara
b. stories
c. pounds
d. years


1. 1 don't know, Put it

a. In tJie water
b. on a scale
c. in the race
d. on a píate
8. It'sabout9G
a. degrees
b. pounds
c. inches
d. miles
9. Yes, it waa very
a. special
b. thin
c. thick
d. difíicult

10. a. No, Tm not sure he's here.

b. No, yon can't.
c. Yes(it's 10%oíT.
d. Yes, it's two feet long.
11. a. No, it!3 11 miles away,
b. No, it doesn't fit.
c. Not I'm not certain.
d. No, I don't.
12. a, It'3 100 yarda.
b. Yes, youcan.
c. It^onsale,
d. I'm positive.
13. a. I want to try a smaller size,
b- I'm really sure of it,
c. It'a 12 meterá.
d. No, you may not.
14. a, The sleeves are too long.
b. It's 12 hours by car-
c. Yes, you can.
d. Fm certain.
EXERCISE B Listen lo the paragraphs and setect the Information you h&ar.
More thfin one answer is possibie.
1. a. choosing the place you want to 2. a llu' kinds of games on the
live internet
b. getting to know your neighbors b. the different uaes of the
c. choosing the size of the house internet
d. finding a school for your c. how the internet touches our
children lives
d. how to use the internet aa a
post office

EXERCISE C Select the best answer.

1. I ate a lot of sweet food last year, so I ten pounds.
a. measured
b. gained
c. lost
d. won

2. My grandmother feeda her cat too much food^ so he's ,

a. t l i l n
b- young
c. fat
d. free

3. Sue: How far is it to the mountains?

Joe; It's50
a. kilometerfí
b. yards
c. centímeters
d. inches

4. That soccer field is 100 fong,

a. acales
b. yards
c. distantes
d- pounds

5. The workers the pieces of wood for the house they^re building-
a. measured
b. amounted to
c. paid back
d. tried on
6. This bug's only 15 _ long.
a. feet
b- raeters
c. miles
d. milliraeters
7, Tony: How long is this?
Clt-rk: Il>K 98 __
a. percentage
b, centimeters
c, pointe
d. degrees
8- Jerry: Do you have tickets for the game on Saturday?
Sleve: Yes, I have - -
a. some
b. any
c. nene
d. much
9. Mary: Do we have any milk?
Sally; No, we don't have -.
a. none
b. a few
c. any
d. many

10. Ann; Do you need some paper?

Sara: Yes, 1 need __
a. a few
b. many
c. a little
d. much
11. Dan: Is there any sugar?
Alien: Yes, but there isn't.
a. any
b. many
c. much
d. lesa
EXERCISE D Select the correct verb form.

1. If you put ice in water, the water cold.

a. was becoming
b- becomes
c. becarae
d. has become
2. Tf sludents are late for the book quiz, the teacher thera a zero.
a. givea
b. gflve
c. wiis giving
d. has given
3. You can't sleep if you loo much coffee.
a. drank
b. will drink
c. drink
d. were drinking
4, You burn your ñnger ¡f you a hot pan.
a. touuh
b. touched
c. will touch
d. have touched
G. Studyif you to pass the test.
a. planned
b. plan
c. have planned
d. will plan
6. Tf you doa't want to get a ticket, your seat belt.
a. wear
b. wearing
c. wore
d. worn
EXERC1SE E Fill fn the bfank with the correct word.

1. What'sthe ofthatfootballfield?
length / strcngth / weight

2. What'sthe of tliat bmlding?

weight / depth / height
3. What'sthe üfthatlake?
strength / weight / depth

4, Whut'ti your brother'fl

weight / width / wide
5. A rope has more than a string.
depth / strength / strong
fi. We couldn't put the TV in the ]iving room because the
height / weiglit / widtli
of the door was too narrow.
American Language Course

The American Larcguage Course FS a cómprelensive, mufMevei

program Jor adulls that (saches Enghsh tor vocaiionai and profesional
purposes. The ALC isdesignsd pnmanly íonnterisive Engíish language
tramirig m a classroorn seiimg bul it can be adapied for slo^er-paced
irisiructiort, A significant fealure of Ihe ALC is The inclusión of basic
mihtary lopics and vocabulary
communicalive approaches. ttíe ALC's presenlalion is syslematic and
carefully sequenced lo ensure that learners can build on previouslv
acquired knowledge. Pholographs. illusUations. charla, and labJes
explaín vocaüulary and grammar while dialogs and sludenl-cenlered
ad'Vilies introduce and reinforce fanguage lunclions and skills Each
book 15 supplemenled by an instruchonal package Ihal includes the

Insfructor rexi
Studenr ;ex(
Ai,dio recordmgs
Language laboraiory activilies instructor text with auüio scnpls
Langi/age laboratory aciiuities sludent rexi
Compuier-delivered inieraciive mullimedia inslruciion {IMI>
Quiz kit
Oplional Irainmg aids
The ALC's second edilion lealiires a cOmpJetely revised student lexl
wilh an accompanying instructor lexl. InBlructor notes oíler delailed
gijidefines for presenting classroorri e>;ercises. suppiementar aclivities.
and pertment cultural informarían A vaneiy of teachmg stralegies are
provided to keep studenls motivated and enliven the classroorn

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