Book 13 PDF
Book 13 PDF
Book 13 PDF
The American Language Course (ALO is a comprehensive, multilevel languagt? program for
teaching EngHsh for vocational and profesional purposea. It is deaigned primarüy for intensiva
English language training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for alower-paced
inatruction. The ALC's curriculum has been developed by the Defense Languago IiisLitiiU:
English Language Center (DLIELCK which is a US Department of Defense schnol underthe
operational Control of thc US Air Forcé. The primary focus of the ALC ís toprovidí? n Inn^iin^fi
curriculum for a diverse mternational military populatiun. To that end, the course in^hidea nut
only general English tópica, but also military tupies of a general nature highlighting Lhe lypical
language military personnel will encounter ÍTI theír professional and vocational career fjeldg.
The ALC hag, howeverh alsobeen very successfiílíy used in non-milítary learning environments
and in US high schools with immigrant student pnpulations.
Course components
The e' 'i'-.h ii.j i ,1 instructional packages Jbr Uooks 1-UU tunaist of Lhe following:
* Instructor tóxt(IT)
v Homewotk and evaluatíon cxercises booklet <HW and EE)
*- Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)
> Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLATT)
> Computer-deLivered Interactive multimedia instructjoo (IMI)
> Quiz kit
*-OptÍonal trainingaids
ALC Book 13: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5
1 We'resure we'l! > Ask about Replace rhat-ciause with so > Lisien & select topic
win. and exprese or not. > Read (ule & listinfo
certainty and > WilJ i( rain1 1 believe so. hkRly lohfi in ilñ rfrxl
^Today'5 sports üncertamty 1 hope not.
page i- Read di le & select info
> Interview atte r a Express certainty with Hkely to be Inflslejit
basketball game Cñrfatn, positive, sure > Read title & select
Followed by (hat-clause. questFcns llker/to be
•- Coach Tom
Short süpeilaiive adwerbs: answered ir itstext
ear¡y, ¡ar, tasf, iiartS, Itiglr, -- Tlmed reacllng J1 minute)
late, IQW, near, sfow, soon, & arswerfj quastions
straighí > Edit a lexi. Underiine
changos & rowritotoxl
2 Materials people >- Request and Permission with cculd; > Listen 3 select topio
use deny permission response with can & cari'! * Read Text 5 glve oral
Revtew jnodals for 50% summary
* Recychng
materials possibility, permission. & *• Read Lexlfi «rile
•* Shoppingfor ability (presenT* past) summary
icwelry Noun adj uncís /coinpound
> Clothing nouns
maten ais > sftoe shop, booKsfore
What's your sise? *- Role-play buying Separable phrasal verbs > Lisien & wrfte Eopic
$ selllng cloihss *• l'll wakeyou upat Ga.m. > Lisien & select types oí
- Finding ,'our size A accessories Reportad spaech wilh safó info in a lext
> Measuring
& íoSdand Ihe modals > Rol e- pía/ with cía ásmales
i. Coate at 50% off may, might, can, coufd, » Listen, sümmarize role-
b& able to play
> She ddves a hard
bargaJn. Verb + -GF/-OÍ to forrn y Read tille & selecl info
nouns meanmg one who hkely lo be in ils lent
4 oiré whfch > Read tille & selecl
> He visils often. He's my questions likely to be
tavorite visitor. an^vered ir itstext
* Tlmed readrng <1 minute)
& answer G questions
~ Lel's play batí! - Ask for and How+ adjecTivo inquestions t- Listen & write lopic
give intormalion about linear measurement, >• Read text & give oral
i- BasKelball in
dbout linear age, weighl, lemperature summary
the USA
measüremeni Srmple present it dause + * Read lext & write
> The helght
of basketball present (general Irulhs) su m mar/
players Simple prese ni if clause + > Edil a tetó, rewhte it. &
>- Slayjng in shapa i m peralte LJnderlme The changes
íor sports Irvli 'ir !i pronouns a few.
.. Companng a iiítie, a lo!, any, many,
USa metnc rnuch, none, some
5 Review
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and slruclures iniroduced m Lessons 1 - 4.
Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focusea on four componente of language learning:
vocabulary, graimnutical structures, language funcüons, and ñkills.
• The lessona present vocabulary (individual worda as well as expressions) thal Lhc
learner needs to understand and use in arder to comrnunicate effectively in Eiiglish.
Each new leason builds on the vocabulary of the prevíous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in profesional and vocational contexts.
A significant fes ture of the General English phaae of the ALC is that military
vocabulary is included wherever applicable,
* The presentation ofgrammarís carefully sequenced.Thegrammatkalatruutures
presented in the lessons are the forais a language tearner needs ín order to speak
and write standard English, New grammar is often depicteci in charts or tahles that
serve to íbcus the Icarner's attention on the particular structure being presentecl.
* Language fanctíons are the ways we aae a language to communicatc, Jn each lesson,
oxercises that focus on functions show the learner how and whcn to use ccrtain
words, phrases, and sentencos.
• In addition, language and academit skills ejierciaes are interapersed throughout the
lessons. These focus on developiog the learner's language proficiency in listeoing,
speaking, reading, and wríting.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the contení of the
current book. The four columns autlíne the new material as it relates to the language
acquisition components described above, Each lesson beginü with a table of contente
folJowed by a prevíew page. The preview page provides a summary of the ncw niuterial
preaented in the lesson. Each ALC book has four lessons introducing now material
and one review lesson, These are foüowed hy a homework section and daily evaluntion
exercises. Various appt?ndicea are also included.
The homework and the evaluation exercises sre at the back of this text. It generally
takes aboul two hours to complete the daily homework assígnments. The evaluation
exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
well students have learned the material.
The appendices follow the fifth lesson, Appendix A provides an alphabotical list of
new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word
or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of
grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is providud along with
each entry for easy reference, The other appendices are included a^ reference materiala.
Book 13 Con ten ts
LESSON 1: We're sure we'Il win 1
LESSON 2: Materials people use 31
LESSON 3: What's your size? 57
LESSON 4: Let's play ball! 85
LESSON 5: Review 109
A: WordList A-l
B: Structure List B-1
C: TheEnglishAlphabet C-l
D: American Engiish Sounds D-l
E: List of Contractions - — E-l
F: Spelhng Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs F-l
G: Principal Parts of Some Irregular Vorbs G-l
H: Patterns of Irregular Verbs H-l
I: Punctuation and Capitalizetion 1-1
J: Lesson Resources „„..... - J—1
B13L1 ti Listening akill 1-3
B13L1 #2 Rcading skill ... «.,.. - J-5
B13L1 #3 Listening skill J-7
B13L2 #1 Listening skill J-9
B13L2#2 Listenúig skill J-ll
B13L3 #1 Listening skílf J-13
B13L3S2 Readíng skill J-15
B13L3 #3 Listening skill J-17
B13L3#4 Listening skill J-19
B13L4 #1 Rute J-21
B13L4 #2 Listening tikill ,„.„,..« J-23
B13L4 #3 Listening skill J-25
- saioN uasn -
We're sure we'll win.
Previeiv ••'s new in Lesson 1?
Nouns Verba Olher words
coach beat -* beat / beaten certaín
doubt believe certainly
field coach farthest / fvirthcst
goal doubt for sure
jump imagine most
knot joín poñitive
match jump quite
meaning kick ao
meter lose -* lost / tost surely
player match towardís)
poínt race uucertaiii
practico acore
race suppose
repórter lie (up)
ropc throw -* tbrew / thrown
acore win —• won / won
Jane is sure (that) she'll wín the tennis Do you think you did well on
match. test?
No, I didn't. I didn't have enough
Sam ran the fastest of all the boys in the time to read all the
clasa. Are you going to the beach
I suppase ao, but l'm not really aure-
Vocabulary A look at today's sports page
EXERCISE A Match each item wrth Its meanlng.
EXERCISE E Write 3 more statements about sports that are true for you.
Afteryou write 3 statements, discuss the Ítems you ckecked in Exerrise D and the staíements
you turóte bdow with ynur classmates.
Vocabulary An interview after a basketball game
Rcod tíie co/wersotion about íhegame. There are three speaker^: Max Lt th? TV repórter,
Hank Cárter is tlie ha sk etbnll player, and Brnd SiniK in thecoack.
EXEROSE B Match the beglnning of the sentence with the best ending.
EXERCISE C Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.
EXERCISE D Cross out the word that doesn't go wilh the center word.
team coach
EXERCISE E Write the new phrases you can make wilh the words above.
match 2, aball 3. a
a a soccer
a match a
a match a
a a
Reading Predicting a text's contení from its title
is the first thing we see or hear about an article, a book, a movie, or a song,
can be a sentence, phrase, or a single word.
has specíal punctuation:
• capitalizo the first word, the last word, and all majorwords.
• don'l capitalice words like a, an, íha, and, or, but, to, from, in, on.
• don'l end wi(h a period, but do end with a question or exclamation mark.
EXERCISE D Reatí a titlc. Wrjte two or three thlngs the text míght fia y.
John tookoffhisjacket and loosened The dog a]ways ran away, so the man
knot of his tie. tied it up with a rope.
The man put on his ahoes and There was a tie in the men's high
fitarted to tic his shoelaces. One jump.'Fwo meneachjumped 1-7
shoelace broke. He took a píece of meters. They tied for the hi^hest
and used ít to tie th3t shoe. jump.
EXERCISE B Read sentence pairs. Find one word that goes in both blanks.
tiod match
goaí fieid point
EXERCISE A Listen and circle tne letter that best identífles the toplc.
Vocabulary Coach Tom isn't like most coaches.
EXERCISE Check the boxes lo show your opinión. Discuss with a partner.
Write your own quesiion for Number 8. Ask yvur partner's opinión.
I beheve that
he carne to work
I haven't seen
Sam today-Did he
come to work?
I hope
I guess not,
I suppose
I beheve so.
I'vebeen sludying I don t imagine fio
all week. I have to etudy.
Grammar Using adjective + THAT-cIause
Tm sure
I put the cookies
on the table.
certain I put the cookies an the tahle.
6, Our son hasn't saved enough money to buy a car. We're positive.
8. Your relatives don't want to visit us this year. Are you sure?
9. The new cashier took the money. Are the pólice poñítiue?
2. What does Steve say about the money he needs to earn on the job?
4. What does Steve say about working at a desk job for eight hours every day?
EXERCISE E Interview a partner. FUI out the queatlonnaire with the answers.
ID = meters
sec. = secnncta
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 3.
EXERCISE E Write 3 more q u e stion s and an s we rs with supe Nati ve adve rbs.
Use the information in the chart abaue. Then ask another stitdent, Numbcr 1 ¿san examplc.
2. Q.
3. Q.
4. Q.
EXERCISE F Talk about theae questIons In groups.Then, report to the class.
Write yvur tiitrn queñtiom; for Nitmber 5 and Numbcr 10.
Read Püragraphs 1 and 2. They ore vcry similar, buí in l'aragraph 2, the writer changed i fu
he. Pronouns and uerbñ also liad to be i-hanged. The writer underiined all the changes.
Paragraph 1: I love to play soccer» Sometiines I play with fll¿[ friends after
work. I_be!Í£ve_that soccer is good exercise for me. I know that it
helps me stay in shape, and it also relaxes me after a long day at my
desk. I don f t play for a long time each evening, bul I inako sure tlial
f play every chance I get.
PürographS- He leves to play soccer. Sometlmes jie plays wlth hls fñsnds
aftor a long day at hie deek. He doeen't play for a long time each
We often sing in the music program at the uníversity. WP think it*s Pntertaining,
and we enjoy it very much. Many of our friends also believe that it is good because
the program's selection ofíers a. wide variety of music, We're glad our friends invited
us to go with them.
Reading Reading faster for better comprehension
Listen for instructions. Your teefhgr mili tcll you wheti to slart. Yon will kaue 1 minute to
read the paragrofth. After reading, answer the questions below luithout looking ni the
parQgraph again.
EXERCISE A Discuss these questlona ffrst, and then wrlte the answers.
1. What do people at Lackiand AFB do with things after they've used them?
4. How does the Recycling Center prepare bottles and cañe for recycling?
7, Can the US military sell metal from ammunition t¿> civilian companies?
1. Penplt? use thifí material to write on. It can be made from wood,
but other materials can also be used to make it. Hundrcds of
years ago, it was made from the skins of animáis. Today, faetones
sometíales make it from recycled newspapers and oíd clothes,
2. Every day we use many things made of this material It's light
and strong. It can be hard or soft. When you heat it, you can
easily change its shape.
4- Car tires are usually made of this material. A tire is E thick ring
that fita around the edge of the wheel nfa vehicle.
6. There are many different kinds of this material that you can find
in the earth, All over the world, countries use it used to make
coins. Pennies» nickcls, dimes, and quarters are made of it.
7. Thia is a hard material that cov&rs parts of the earth. You can
pick up a small piece of it on the ground next to a river or in a
field, but you can also find large amounts of it in one place. The
tops of some mountains are completely made up of this matcrinl,
4. All stoves aro made of plástic. 9. Thruw away means throw out.
Lotsofthings are made afinare ane kind of material. Look atyour pen. Ifsprobably
made of plástic and metal, it has ink inside it. Look around the classroom. Find things made
ofjust one or mostiy one material Write them in the chart. The Uffird window is an example.
+1* Most materials ere noncount nouns. In order to count a material, place In front of It a
measurement word, container, or form of the material that you can count.
paper glass paper
a pound of plástic a píe ce of paper a sheet of plástic
metal plástic glass
EXERCISE Read and underline phrases that allow you to count the paper.
Jim: Can 1 borrow some papor from you?
Aune: 1 don't think I brought much paper. Let me check to aee how many sheets
of paper I have. Fm sorryt bul 1 left my big notebook at home, 1 have only
a few pieces of white paper with me, 1 also have several pieces of blue
paper, but 1 dcmbt that you want that color
Jim: I don't need much, just some ft>r writing down new informatioí». I can use
any color since it's for my own notes. If you don't mind, you can just give
me two sheets of bine paper. I'd really appreciate it,
Anne: No problem, I'll use the blue ones. You can have these two píeces of whíte
paper. I have to ieave early today because I have an appointment. I
certainly won*t be using much paper during this clasa.
Jim: Thanks a lot. I guess I owe you a few sheets of paper now. FU pay you
back the next time we have class.
Vtocabulary Recycting at hotne
When people want to recycle paper, plástic, glass, and metal at home, they have to
collect the malcriáis they have used, They put the bottles, cans, and newspaper they
want to recycle ¡oto plástic bins or cardboard boxes, Sometimes they write the ñame
of the material on the outside ofthebinorbox.Thenevejyoae in the family knows
where to put their recycling.
In same tcwns and titiesh peoplc have to deliver the materials they've collected to
a recycling center. In other places, people can put out their recycling in front of
their houses, and the city's recycling truck will pick ít up. Once a week, they carry
out their bins and put them next to the street. On that day, a collection truck drivos
past to pick up and lake away the recycling they've collected. Every week, people
repeat these steps and do them over again, First, they follect recycling materials.
Then, they divide them by type. Finally, they put out their bins or boses.
Sometimes people forget to put their bins out. If the sound of the truck wakes
them up and they're quick, they can still put out tbe things they need to throw
away. But if they're late, the truck driver won't see any bina, andlie'lldrivcpast
and not stop. Then, they1!! have to wait for the next recycling collection date.
7. Stan has his children late every morning thís week because
his alarm clock broke.
8. Last week, Julia played very loud music and thp nfti
EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with noun + noun from the tevt
1. baseball 5
2. 6.
3. 7
4. 8.
Lt Barnes: Cood aílernuon, ma'am, You have some beautifuT bracelets in your
store window, Could I see them?
Clerk: You certainly may. Our bracelets are made of gold, silver, or copper.
Lt Barnes: My mother's very fond of gold. She likes to wear it a lot. Could you
show me tho gold bracelets? I ptan to give her jewelry for her
Clerk: Take a look at this one. It's a chain with ten diamonds. It's beauliful
on a woman'a wrist We also have a matching necklace. If your
mother likes to wear rings on her fingere, we have a ring to go with it
as well.
Lt Barnes: Diamonds are so expensive. Do you have anything else? I saw in the
newspaper today that you're having a sale.
Clerk: That*s right, we are having a sale. How much do you want to apend?
Lt Barnes: Only about $75.
Clerk: Well, then, allow me tu offer a solution to your problem. The beautiful
pairof gold earríngs that you sawin the newspaper costs just $59.
Those earrings are only on sale this week because of Mother's Day. If
your mother's fond of gold, she'll surely wear them often.
Lt Barnes: They're beautiful. Til take them. Ctíuld you put the earrings in a box
and tie it up with some e»ld string? I have a few days ofleave, and Tm
goíng away to vifjit my mother today,
Clerk: Certainly3 sir. I'd be happy to make a pretty package for you.
EXERCISE A Fíll in the blanks with worcls from the box.
¡ r ' " - •i
glass diamond sil ver stones
bracelets cecklaces gold copper
.. . . - fond of earring ohaní rings
1. Gold and silver are two metáis whlch are harder than
2. Both silver and copper are lesa expensive than
3. Women wear around their necks.
4. US hospitals put medical on patients* wrists for identification.
6, A ring with a glass stone is IÍÍSK uxpcnsive than one with a
6. Some people have a hole in each ear into whiuh they uaii pul aa
7. A gray metal that coins and jewelry can be made of is .—.
8. Glasa ^^ in jewelry arn man-made and not natural matcrialp.
9- Windows are usually made of elear that Lets in. sunshine,
10. Moat children are of playing Carnes and collecting things.
11. A is made of metal rings. Each ring is connecUid U> Ihe ring
in front of it and the one after it.
12. A man and a woman often give each other matching when they
get raarried.
EXERCISE B Match the phrase on the left with a word on the right.
EXERCISE Reatl Ihe paragraph again and give an orar summary oí it.
• gives the main idea and the most imporlanl informalion
• does not show your opinión of the reading
• is very short
Use ihe spoce nefí to the ptivtugraph fvr yvur fióles.
Vbcabulary A man-made material that's easy to care for
EXERCJSE B Let your ciassmates guess the ítem you are ihinking ot.
19 it made of a
natural or man-made
Is it a piece
:•.aterí al?
Can 1 see
bhrough it?
(3ra m mar Using could to potitefy ask permission
Students: Ms. Pim, could we leave ten minutes early today, please?
Teacher: I'm sony. You can't. We have too much work to do before class ends.
V Use coultf to ask permlssfoo tn the same way you use may and can.
1. Could I use your pen, please? a. I'm sorry, but I won't be home.
2. May I borrow your book? b. Certainly. I hav« my ID nglit li
3. Can I ask you a question? c- Tm sorry You can't. Tt doesn't work.
4. CouLd we visit you tonight? d- Yes, you can. Ht?rt?!K anoLht-r piece.
5. May we smoke here? e. Sorry, but I have to return it tud&y,
6. Could I have aome more cake? f. Of course. What do you need to know'/
7, Can I see aorae idectification? g- No, you can't, Please go outsíde.
EXERCISE B Complete each queatiori with your own ¡deas.
Ib make your questions, uñe the words in the box below or selecí oíher mords and phrases
that yon knuw. When you've finished, ask yatir paríner the quesiions yau've written. Ifyaur
partnergives yon a iwgatiue answer, fitik him orherto explain whyyou do nothaue
permissitm. Then, switch roles and answeryour partner's quesfions.
TV chair
car light
book curtains
pen camera
desk window
door díctionary
radio CD player
1. Could I borrow
2. Could I use
3. Could I cióse
4. Could I move
5. CouídT turnan
Could I open
the window, please? This
room is too hot.
Dialogs More ways ofasking permission
Read íhe underline the words that ask for, give, or deny permistión.
EXERCISE A Listen and fill ¡n the blanks. Then, repeat after your teaeher.
3- Tom:
Jay: Sure. Til get it for you.
5- Student:
Teacher: Please, don't. There's too much noise
G. Capt Jobs:
Capt Wolf: No, you can't- Captain Miles is goíng to sit therc.
EXERCISE B SeJect one sltuatlon and role-play it with a partner.
can She can swim two miles, but ¡¡he can't do ií qmckly.
Prese nt abilily
be able to He is able to speak French.
4. Ifyoudríve toofaat,
5. If we don't have any homework tonight,
6- If tbc weather is nice tornorrow, .
EXERCISE C Ask your partner questions about abllfty. Checkthe answers.
7. fly an airplane?
With your cÍQssmiztes, ask and answer the íiuestivnf ynií'vc written. Then, íalk about the
changes in Luhatyou cando now and whatyou contado then. Number I isan exampte.
Ten yearsago, 4.
EXERCISE E Match the sentences that are similar in meaning.
Read íhe two pitragr&phs helttuf and write a skort summary fbr each one.
Steel is a metal that people use every day It's a nian-made material that ia made
uí'iron plus smaller amounts of one or more other metala. In faetones where they
make steel, workers heat iron and the other metáis together to a very high
temperatura. When the metala cool, the workers can make the steel into thin piecea
or thin sheets. Steel ia a very good material because ít is hardcr und stroiiger than
iron, because factoriea can make Ít into different shapes, and beeauae Ule metal
keeps its shape better than iron. Aiao, different from iron, steel doesn't feaaily rust,
which is what happens when water and air change iron, Steel is a metal uaed to
make vehicles and machiní-s. Il'a also in many things you can find in the home, like
refrigeratora, stoves, and washing machines, and even knives, forka, aiid spuons.
Pftragrapk 2
Many atones that are used to makejeweh^ looklike dmmondb, bul. Llujy'ro iiot
natural diamonds. Some are glasa, others are zircon (a natural Ktojje thut is not B8
hard as diamondsj, and some are cubíc airconia (which is a nuoL-made Ktone). These
other stones don't shine the way diamonds do, and that's how profesHiunal jewelers
can sec the difference between them and diamonds. People who don't have a íot of
money to apend usually can't buy real diamonds, but they may be ablo Lo buy the
other stones. While it is true that circón and cubic zirconia cost more thtuí glass»
they're certainly leas expensive than diamonds.
What's your size?
Smitd (Brothers
40% off regular pnces for suits and jackels
60% off regular prices for shirts and pañis"
Smitn ^Brothers
Fine Clothes for Mcn, Womcn, & Children -/.vi-: frse tí m --
800.555.5555 [
Harry: I'm interested in buying a sports jacket. TheyVe 40 percent nff, Hght?
Clerk: Yes, they certainly are. Do you know your sise, sir?
Harry: I'm aorry, but I don't. I think I usually wear a médium jacket.
Clerk: Wel], sir, if you don*t mind, Fd like to measure you, Our jackets are very
well made, and we have exact aizes - not just small, médium, and large.
When I know your measurementsh I'll be able to fít you better, Clothes
that fit well always look best, A goad fit usually feels better, too. I'm sure
we'll be able to find that special jacket that looka great on you.
Harry: What measurementa do you need?
Clerk: 1 need to measure your síeeve length, around your chest, and the length
from your shoulder lo your iv¿ii¡;t I'd aliso like to get a pants measurement.
You may want to buy some other Ítems taday, perhaps a pair of pants or a
shirt, For the pants. Til take your waist measurement and
EXERCISE A Read the sen ten ees. Wrlte T for true and F for false.
1 is an example.
• is Ihe subjecí of the paragraph.
• is a word or phrase.
Vocabulary Measuring recruits for thelr first uniforms
When new recruits join the military, the first thing they get is a uniform. The
uniform must fit well because a person in the military must always look
profeasional. To gelect a new recruit'g uniform, the military csrefully measuros each
person to find his or her correct size.
CKest 37 38 39 41 43 45 47 49
Waist 27 28 29 31 33 35 37 39
Hips 37 38 39 41 43 45 47 49
Inseam 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ±1 .
Shoulders 16& 17 ITtó 19 18!4 19 tefe 30
Sleeue 3014 3Q& 31 3114 32 32 ¿ 33 33^ ±1
Collar-Waisl 1714 17 4a
18 18% 1B!4 18% 19 m ±1¿
Helght: Regular65 in.-68in. Tall68in.-71 in.
WOMEN'S SIZES: To fmd out a woman's size, the military takea Ihrec measurementa.
They measure around the bust, waist, and hipa. A bust meusurement ie aroimd the
widest part of a woraan's back and chest. They take this measureiucni under the
arms. For the hip meaaurement, they pul the tape measure around the widcst pert
of the body below the waist and above the k>p of the legs, Some sizta forwomen are
6 P 8( 10, 12, or 14, A waman who is 67 inches tall and measures 38-^8-38 probubly
fits insiae 8 or 10.
S-M-L-XLSize Small Médium Large Extra Large
Cheat 34 36 38 40 42 46 48
Waisl 30 34 36 38 42 44
Hrps 36 38 40 44 48 50
Inseam 30 29'? 30 30!, 3DV2 31 ±114
Shoulders 18 1BV, 19 20 21
Sleeve 30 32V¿ 33 34 ±1
Collar-Waisl 19U 19% 20 21
Height: Regular65in.-66in, Tall68ln.-1 in.
MEN'S SIZES: For shirts, the military measures the circumference of the neck for the
shirt collar and the length of the arm for the gleeve- For thc- arm meaKurement, the
recruit must hold his arm straight out at shoulder height, They will measure from
the center of the back to the wrist. For pauta, they first take a waist Tnuaaurc?ment,
and then they meaaure the length of the inside of the leg down to the ankle—thia is
called the inseam. For example, a man 67 inches tall might wear ahirt size
15Vi -32 (neck-arm) and pants size 30-32 (waist-inseam).
ALTERATIONS: Uniforma don't always fit exactly right, Pants are often too long or
too short, A tailor can change or alter them. A tailor is a person who can scw an
ítem of clothing to make it shorter or longer, looser or tighter. AJterations for the
first uniform are free, that is, there is no charge. For other uniforms» the recruit will
have to pay both uniform and alteration costa.
EXERCISE A Fill ín the blanks wlth words from the box.
Alien; Can you help me? I need to buy a shirt to go with my uniform,
Clerk: Certainly, sir. What do you wear?
Alien: I don't know, They me before, but TVc forgotten what my
Clerk: Okay, then, weTl find out First, Tm going to measure your neck, and then
the of your arma. Let's seef that's 16. for
the neck and 32 for your arm length.
Alien: 1 guess that means íhat a aize 16 - 32 shirt should mu
quite well.
Clerk: Good afternoon. Are you looking for anything special tuday, ma'am?
fíylvia: Yes, I need to buy several af clothing. The first thingl need
is a nice of slacks.
Clerk: Your size, please, ma'am.
Sylvia: I'm sorry, I don't remcmber it. Could you ~ me?
Clerk: Certainly, that's no trouble at all. I'll need k> get your size
and also your measurement,
Sylvia: Fm not very talL 1 usually aak a tailor to aborten my elacks, But if that's
expensive, I can them at home, Will you add an extra
. to the salea price if your tailor shortena the slacks?
Clerk: No, ma'am. If our tailor shortena or lengthena tho pantlcgs, that'll be
We also don't charge for changes to the waist*
Reading Using the title to predio! contents
A title is often the first piece of iriforinativn yon. get about a texí.A title rnay telf yon what will
be in the text, Befbre good readers begin readiiig, they take time to imagine what the text will
say. Use the titles beiow to make guesses or predictions about each íexí.
%* Adding -erand -orto some verba makes nouns that mean"somecme who."
V Adding -erto some verbs makes nouns that msan "somelhing which.1
EXERCISE C Pick words and describe them for your partner to guess.
In your dwcription, use words tkat are differp.nt from the nt)ün your classmafea wili aay.
heater receiver traveler owner entertainer
lighter recorder shapper planner educator
hanger marker learner dancer repórter
toaster fastener gardener swimmer operator
ahaver zipper cleaner follower Ipnder
timer stopper speaker reviewer borrower
hair diyer refrigerator renter mover guaran tor
caller readñr rider
catcher amoker sel ler
Hailiir goat keeper buyer
Vbcabulary Coate un sale at 50% off
Sid: Hi! Your sign says you're having a sale and giving a discount of 50
Clerk: That's right, Our year-end sale started today We llave some good defllfl at,
low pnces. Td be happy to fit you with a winter coat. What'a your size, sir?
Sid: I wear a 40.
Cletk: Try on this coat. The fabric is 100% wool. It'll keep you wonderfully warm.
This coat justwenton sale today at 50% off the regular price. Itwas $500,
now it's $250.
Sid: I see. You've reduced the price by half becauae winter's half over. Will
your pnces decrease more?
Clerk: I doubt that we'll discount our coate much more. Our prices are already
quite low. You know, you rcally should buy now because our statc's sales
tax i- going up soon. The percentage the state adds will increase from
6% to 7.5% on January lat. This year yon pay $30 in sales tax on a $505
coat, Next year, youll pay $37-50, Everything's going to be more expensive.
Sid; The price you're asking for this coat is $250 plus 6 percent tax. That
amounts to $265. That's too expensive for me, but thanks for your holp.
*** Some modals change in reponed speech» Some pronouns do, too.
1. Randall: "You might want to wait for better weather" What did he tell you?
He told as that we might want to wait for better weather.
2. Ms. Kap: "Your teacher may not come because he's aick." What did she say?
She said that our teacher might not come because he was sick.
3- Sgt Bag: "Prívate, you can go to the library whcn I return." What did he say?
He said I could go to the library when he returned.
4. Jackie: l£We couldn't take a break yesterday," What did she tell you?
She told me that they couldn't take a break yesterday.
5- Mr. Dell; "The new secretary isn't able to type fast." What did he toll you?
He Lold me the new secretary wasn't able to type fast.
6. LtCort: "My men are able to do anything I ask them to do," What did he say?
He said his men were able to do anything he asked them to do.
5. Mr. Lind: Mr. Hart, did you repair that oíd bicycle?
Mr, Hart: No, I wasn't able to fix it.
Ms. Lind: What did Mr. Hart aay about the bicycle?
Mr. Lind: ,
Lisien for instructivas. Yvur teacher will telf yau when tostart. Yon wifl have I minute to
read Ihe paragrapk. After reading, answer the quesíions beiour wiíhout looking a( the
1. Which one of theae courses is one that all students musí take?
a. French
b« music
c. English
2. Students can chooae one of these courses» but they donft have to take it. Which
course is that?
a. matheniaticg
b. Spanish
c. history
3. Which sport may a atudent choose tu play?
b. body
c. running
4. Where are most of the schools that offer sports and other interés ting COEITSCH?
a. in small towns
b. in large cities
c. in all of the towns and cities
5. Can astudentgo to a college if he or she doesn't study Engliah and history in
a. yes
b- no
6- Where does a atudent get the best education?
a. in a large public high school
b. at a small public high schoo]
c. at home
Vocabulary That woman dríves a hará bargaln!
SHOP QNLINEiclydasclQlhes buy
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
V Put the noun att&r both parts of these verbs or between both parts ot theae verbs.
He turned
1. Don't wake upthebaby 2. Dan peid badt Greg. 3. John tried on two suits,
Don't wake the baby up. Dan paid Greg back. John tried two suits on,
Don't wake her up. Dan paid him back, John tried thera on.
EXERCISE B Put a check (•) beside all the sen ten ees that are correct.
I picked ^
it up. J
EXERCISE E Fill In the blank with the correct vetb and a pronoun.
Nitmber 1 is an example.
3. WhoturnedontheTV?
4. Will Robert fill out the deposit slip at the bank? (yes)
EXERCISE G Write questions using the wortis in ( ) and the phrasal verb.
Nttmber I is ai example.
Listen and repeat the dialogs abnut buying and sdling dothes.
1, Clerk: MaylheJpyou?
Customer: Yes, thank you. Fd likc to buy a pair of jeans,
Clerk: What size do you need?
Customer; Fm not sure. I have a 27 waist, but I think I need a 33 length-
Clerk; I'm KQiry, sir. We don't have that size. Would you like to try a 28-33?
EXERCISE A In pairsT write each word In the box in the correct category.
U11 ttl I i coat nylon shoes
EXERCISE B Replace the underlined words with the words in parentheses {J.
EXAMPLE: Excuse me, please. May T try on this silk blouse? (wool/coot)
Excuse me, please. May I try on this wool coat?
VOCABULARY: BasketballintheUSA 87
Huw higare profcssional basketball pJayers? 38
Staying in shape for a basketball career 90
GRAMMAR: The conditional: General truths and cnmmanrlñ . , , 92
VOCABULARY: Comparing US and metric mcasurcmenU , . - , . . 96
The length, width, and depth of sports Facililla . . . 96
GRAMMAR: Asking questions with I-íaw + adjeclive 100
DIALOGS: There's only so much room in an airplane 103
GRAMMAR: Using indeíínite pronouns 1U4
Nouns Verbs Other
age diet a few (pron)
cenlimeter / caí gain a little (pron)
depth measure a lot (pron)
diet weigh by(x)
diatance fat
foot/feet/ft.C) tgo) on a diet
height many (proní
inch/in. (") much (pron)
kilometor /km thick
length thin
miles /mi. (
milliroeter/mm (inch)
se ale " (feet)
strength xíby)
yard /yd.
Most American men are about 5 feet 10 inches tall.That isthe same as 70 inches,
or about 178 centimeters. NBA players are usually much taller. Many are a whule
fooL (12 inches) or more taller Most NBA players stand at a height of ahout G ft. 7 in.,
or 201 cm. A lot are taller than 6'7",
and a few are almu&t S feet tall.
NBA players may look tilín, bul
they ofíen weigh a lot. Most American
men weigh about 190 pounds, or 86
kilograms, Professional basketball
players usually weigh about 225 Ib.,
nr 102 kg. Usually, a person who
weigbs 200 Ib. or more looks fat, but a
basketball player's great height
allows him to be heavier and still look
Occasionally, a player gaina too
much weight, and his coach will tell
him to go on a diet. That means the
piayer wül have to choose healthier
foods like fruita and vegetable?; and
eat smaller meáis and fewer snacks.
He may have to get on the scale once
a week to show the coach that he is in
fact losing the extra weight A few
players have to watch their weight all
the time, but mast players diet for
only a short time because they need to loae just a little. One famous player, who is
very tal! at a height of 7'1", had to go on a diet becouse he weighed 32% Ib. He didrrt
have to lose much, only about 15 pounds. Now at 310 Ib., he is much quicker on his
feet. He remains one of the NBA's best players.
EXEPCISE A Read the sentences. WriteT for true and I1 lot falso
In the US, there are two different ways to meaüure peuple, animáis, and things,
One way is called metric and the other imperial. People in most tountries measure
a person's height using metric measurements. They report the information about
the measurementa in But Americana usually don't use
centimeters. They like to use imperial measurements like and
For exampltí, when an American taJks about a person's height,
he will say that the pcrson is 5 íeet 7 ínches (or 67 in,) tall. In other countries,
peuple will give metric information and say the person is 170 tentimeters tall, One
is a little less than half an inch. One is
exactly equal to 2.54 cm r And P of course, one is 12 inches, which is
30.48 cm.
Professional basketball playera must out almost every day. Many eat a
work very hard to stay in top shape. diet of healthy foods, and must
Players have to be very quick, they must don't smoke dgarettea.
be able to jump hígh, and they have to Playing profesional basketball is au
shoot the ball over Ihe heads of the tall exciting career, but it ís usuaJJy a very
players on the other team. Also, they short one- Most professional playera are
have to be able to run the length of the quite young- If you add the ages üf ull of
court from basket to basket more than a the NBA players togethcr and divide by
hundred times in every game they play. the total number of playera, the average
To keep in shape, professional players age is about 27 years oíd. NBA playera
shoot baskets and practice their game stop playing professional ball and retire
much of the time. They also build their quite early. Most retire befare they reacli
strength at the gyra, where they work the ageof 36.
EXERCISE D Write your answers» and then dlscuss them wfth the class.
1. What kinds of füods are part of a healthv diet for a regular person?
4 What do you think NBA playera do after they retire from the sport?
Grammar The conditional: General truths and commands
What do you do
if you want to
get in shape1:
If you want to
gct in fihape, yon
work out every day.
1. If it's freezing and ít rains, a. if yon don't want to fail the test,
2, If you want to make a fire, b. don't drive.
3. Exercise every day c. join a soccur club.
EXERCISE E Use your own words to write a command to f inish the proverbs.
L...J' |! U{o[ '. \ . .•'•.'•: 1 1 - 1 ' • noA j| S
•[njejEO aq 'pOO& aq l,ueo noA j| >
'HasjnoA i 1 op '\\QfA euop 6u|L|i3UJos IUBM noA \\ •£
-seuojs viOJijl l.uop Hasnoy SS^ifi e u¡ eA|| noA )| '3
Aa'An'paeoonsi^pnoíiiUUlBii i
Vocabulary Comparíng US and metríc measurements
EXERCISE Measure these Jtems. You may use the ruler in the appendix.
Useynurown ruler, or cut QUÍ íhe ruler in the httck oftliis honk to nteosut-e these Ítems.
1. Whatisthisline'slength? -I m.
2. How long is this Une in inches? in.
text and sean the diagram abaue it forthe ineasurements to write in the
94 ft.-
üivisiQn line
6 fl. radius
People play basketball on a hard, fíat floor made of wood. The playing field ia a
basketball court. It has marks en it that you can see in the diugram abuve, The tuurl
feet long by _ feet wide. (In metnc measurementsh its Iength
is 28.7 meters, and its width is 16.5 meters.) There is a división line that divides
the iength of the court into two halves. In the middle of this line,there aro two ci rulen.
ThefimaLlercircle has a radius of _ feet» and the larger cirelo lias a radium of
Basketball gets its ñame froni the baskets which it uses as goals. Players
must throw a ball through the basket tn make points. The hífskítf,
hangs from a metal circle or hoop which is 10 feet (or 3.05 meterá)
above the ground, The ball adult players use is _ inches or
76.2 centimeters in circumference, Its weight in 20 to 22 minees
(528-62Í5 grams).
Swimming is a very popular sport- Many peopíe awim for fun, but some people alan
like to swim in races. The Olympic pool in the diagram ahove is the best pool for races.
Its length is meters, and it's wídth is meters. It's called an Olympic pool
because it is the siae used for the Olympic Games. Tn yards, this pool's measuremente
are hy
For the hest swimming, ropes divide the poní into lañes. In races, each Kwimmer
swims alone in a lañe. Nine ropes evenly divide tbe pool into lañes, and each
lañe is 5 meters wide. Thick black lines on the bottom of the pool mark oach lane's
center. A perpendicular line marks the end of each
lane just before the wall. This shows the swimmer
when he should make his turn,
The pool is meters deep, which is equal to
feet inches. At that depth, the water
is o ver mo&t people'a heads.
Track fength = 400 m or 440 yd
100 yus
There are scveral different kinds of tracks. Horses and dogs run on special tracks,
bicycles and motorcycles race on other tracks, and there are also tracks just for car
racing. People run races on a track the size of the one in the diagram abovo.
Once around this track raeasures a di st anee of meters or abuul
yards. One half of the way around the track ís meterá or about yards,
Four times around the track equals meters, which is almost thp carne Ipn^th
as one mile or yards.
Different races start and stop at different places on this track. Une of'Uie races
starts at the white line [B], and it stops at exactly the same place. It's the 400-meter
race. Another race goes from the white line at [A] to the white line at [B]. This race is
only meters long. It's very short and very fast- There are no curvea in the race,
Runners in the 100-meter race are sometimes so fast that they travcl the distante in
fewer than 10 seconds.
EXERCISE A Match each vocabulary Ítem wlth its meaning.
How wide is a
V tennis court?
How deep is
V the ocean?
"•HW ^
a diacu3?
How far ís it
from New York City
to Washington, DC?
Ffow hot is
the sun?
* Use tall to talk about penple and narrow things ía tai! glans}. Use high for mounlaina
Lhings above the ground (How high was the plañe?). Use both for
EXERCJSE A Use the words in Q lo write answers to the questions.
Change the adjectives to nontis and wrife oití ¡he abhreuiatifujs. Number I is an exarnpíe.
1. How high is Mount Saint Helens? (2,220 m) Its heiflht is 2.220 meters.
2. How long is the table yon need? (4*5").
3. How deep is the middle of this river? £12 h )
4. Howhotisboilíngwater?(2l2°FJ
5. How high isthis office door? 18')
6, How tall is the Statue of Liberty? (46 m)
7, How heavy is your auitcase? (53 Ib,)
8. How cold was the coldest day hcrc last year ? (24°F.)
9. How long is the Fnmklin Bridge? Í2 mi.)
10. How wide are train tracks? t4'8^").
10. How far ÍB it from here to Rome? j. It's 160 feet lung.
EXERCISE C Make guestions with How + adjective and the words in().
Number 1 is an exampie.
2. Q:
A: Ifs 0°F, (free^er)
3. Q;
A; The water's 78cF.íswimming pool)
4. Q:
A: Ifs 45 storíes high. (office building)
5, Q:
A: It's over 200 years oíd, (house
6. Q:
A: Ifs 40 m wide here. (riverí
7. Q:
A: It's less than a block away. (library)
8. Q:
A: He's 7'2" tall. (basketball player)
9. Q:
A: She^s only 32. (boss)
10. Q:
A: They'reall22'lon^(boats)
Dialogs There's only so much room in an airplane.
u'iíh o. partner. Use the chart below to ask and answer quesüons about the size tind
weight of suitcases that tkeairlines otlow their passengers to carryonto the airplane.
a lot.
a lot
so me.
some I have
a few.
a little.
Do you have 7 nonc.
a few
a lot.
a little I don't have much.
much any.
V* Use a few and manytor count nouns. Use a tittleand rnuch for noncounl nouns.
EXERCISE A Using ttíe list, write all the possible answers to each questlon,
Four anstuers iviü be used twice.
Do you have
any coffee lefl?
* NOTE: You will hear the ana\ver I don't haue any far more frequcntly than
No, norte or / haue none.
EXERCISE B Make questrons and answers. Use the words In parentheses.
Nitmber I is &n
ffeod and compare Paragraphs I and 2. They ore very similar, baí Paragraph 2 is in ihe past
tense. Notice the underlmed verbs. The writer had to chftnge these words.
Poragrapk 1: I'm rcaíly excitcd. I have tickets for the last football game of the
year. I4n sure it^s going to be greatl Both teams are winners, I expect
to see a lot of people at the stadíum, but lia not worríed. I have
reservations, and I know I have gnod tickets.
Paragraph 2: I was rea]ly excited. I had tickets for the last football gume üf the
year. I was sure it was going to be great! Both teams were winners. I
expected to see a lot of people at the stadíum, biat I was not worried.
I had rcaervationa, and I knew I had good tickets-
EXERCISE Underlme the verbs, and then rewrJte the text in the past tense,
Every day, Captain Cari Miller gets up at 5 a.m. He puts on his shorts and a
T-shirt and runs two miles. After he (inishes his run, he takes a shower. Then he
gets dressed in his military uniform. He eata breakfast and reada the newspaper
before he leaves for work. He's at work from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p,m, at the military
hospital where he sees patients all day. Añer work. Cari doesn't watch TV, and he
also doesn't go to movies. He plays soccer with friendo. After aoccer, he goes home
and is in bed by 10:00 p.m.
Readíng Summarizing a paragraph
• gives the mam idea and the most important Information.
• does not show your opinión of the reading.
• is very short
i v. í
EXERCISE A Choose the correct answer.
I, Jimmy broke the in the window.
a. deal
b. rock
c. wool
d. glass
2. When my grandfather was a boy, he play baseball.
a. might
b. could
c. is able to
d. is going to
3. They say women are diamonds, but Mary doesn't like tham.
a. put out
b. fond of
c. bargaining
d. appreciate
4. The sales receipt shows the amount of, thyt yon pay.
a. size
b. length
c. fabric
d. tax
5. The clerk measured my — and said Lhat I wcar size 32 pants.
a. head
b. waist
c. depth
d. arm
6- The Wilsons have their oíd car sale becauae they want Lo buy a new onc.
a. on
b. for
c. with
d. in
7. We to the beach every weekend if we enough time.
a. will go / will have
b. have gone / have
c. go / have
d. went/have
8, The new oven must fit in the kitchen, so we measured its ,
a. kick
b. weight
c, width
d, distance
9. Kent: I smoke in here, please?
Jane: Yes, you may
s. Could
b, Would
c, Will
d, Did
11. Thanks for makíng these cookies, but I don't want right now.
a, any
b- a little
c. much
d. none
a. can
b. may
c. is able
d. míght
14. Airman Banks bought his mother a ring for her birthday.
a. gold
b. wooí
c. nylon
d. cotton
15. BG careful when you drive fast. You get a ticket.
a. were ablc to
b, are able to
u- might
d. would
16. We go downtown last níght.
a. couldn't
b. may not
c. are notable to
d. might not
Last night at South Stadium, the Lions the Tigers with a final
of 31 to 28, Their best player kicked a in the last
two minutes of the game. When asked how the Lions _ ., Coadi Bell
said, " They all playea together well. We have a great _ ..* Last week,
the Liona the Bears 6 to 6. "I had my _ about this
week," said Coach Bell, "but the players really that they could win.
They did an excellent job.w
EXERCISE C Completó the tiialog with the words from the box.
Then, read íhe txnttpleted díalos witli a partner.
EXERCISE F In paírs, put the words in the box En the columns.
1. The man on the beach walked 2. The personnel on the ship really
gingerly around the broken glass like the cooks1 diahes, Everyone
because he didn't want to get hurt. wants more to eat.
a. quietly a. all of the ofrlcers
b. carefiílly b. aLL of the enJisted
c. easily c. all of the workers
d. frequently d. all of the cooks
EXERCJSE I Answer the questions uslng sure, ceitáin. or positive.
Answer with the words in parentheses f ). Make all ofthe changes necessary. Number 1 ¿s an
3. Are you certain that the teacher will be back soon? (yes)
4- Are you sure that they're ready for the book quiz? (no)
1. John runs one mile in three minutes. Steve runs one mile in fíve
minutes. Alien runs one mile in ten minutes, (fast)
John ruñe the fastest,
2. Mrs, Smith goes to work at 6:00 a.m. Mr. Barry goes to work at 6:30
a.m,, and Mr Cordón goes to work at 8:00 a.m, íearly)
3. Joe's acore on the test is 82, Bob's scort? is 90. Cind/s score is R5. (low)
4. Janet livea ten miles from school. Ron Uves íivií mili?a from school
Carol lives 12 miles from school. ífar}
5, Fred will gradúate in three weeks. Jim will gradúate in two weoks
Linda will gradúate nextweek, (soon)
6. The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Harvard arrived at 10:05 a.m.
Ms. Morgan arrived at 10:07. Mr. Phillips arrived at 10:10. (late)
3. Thatlake'slGOfeetdeep.
4. The weather's been quite hot, It was 104 degrees all week.
f I think it's
V seven feet high,
EXERCISE P Write Ihe words in the box in the correct columns.
Write piarais in the column for Cfrunt nouns.
Number 1 is an example.
EXERCISE U Clrcle the iniorrnation that may be in an article with the title.
3. Irelax
4. I gain weight
fat 4
a few (pron) 4 field 1
a little (proli) 4 fit 3
a lot(pron) 4 fit-»fit/ñt 3
age - 4 fond fof) 2
allow 2 fnot/feet/ft. O 4
amount ,. - 3 for aale -.... 3
amount to -- 3 .1
apprecialí? - -- 2 E re e.
ashtray 2
away - - -2
bargaín {n)(v} , , 3 glass
be made lup) of 2 goal
beat -» beat / bcaten -, - 1 gold 2
believe 1 (gof on a diet 4
bracelet 2 H
by (sXprflp) - 4 heighi
centimeter / cm 3 bip . . .
cenümeter / cm 4
certain - - 1 imagine - . .
certaínly , , , , . , , , . . 1 incb /in. . .
chain 2 inch/in.(")
cloth 3 mercase 3
couch(n)(v),, 1 irnn 2
coppcr - - 2 irregular - 3
cotloti. - 2 item - 3
could 2
jeans 3
dcalín) 3 jewelry - -,,2
decrease 3 join 1
depth 4 jump <ní(v) .1
diamond - 2
dicUnHv) 4 kick(v)
discount (n)(v) - 3 kiloineter/ km
distance - 4 knot (n) .
do —* did / done over 2
Do you r.. i jii I if... ? 2 leather 2
doubt(n)(v) 1 leave (n) -- 2
dresaing room 3 Icngth . , , - 3
length 4
carring 2 less Cadj) 3
-er/or 3 lose —* lost / lost 1
fabnt 3 man-made - -£
Farthest . .1 manylpron) 4
match <n)(v) i score 1n|(v) . . . . 1
material r . , , - - 2 Bew —* sewed / sewn 3
meaning 1 shoetace 1
raeasure (v) 4 silk 2
measurement . . .3 silver . . , - - 2
médium . ,3 size - -. 3
metal 2 so 1
meter,,, - 4 spcdaí 3
mile/mi 4 i • ! i u. - -- 1
millimeter / mm 4 strenglh 4
most (adj) 1 stfing. - - I
mudí Uidv) 3 ptone -... .2
much Ipron) 4 auppoae 1
N surely 1
natural. ..,...,,... 2
necklace 2 taxín) 3
nylon 2 thick 4
thin 4
offtadv) 3 throw -* threw / thiwn 1
on sale 3 throw -f threw / thrown a w a y . . . . - , 2
owe. 2 throw -»tlirew / thrown out -2
tie(n) 1
pair 3 tieCupt 1
past Iprepl 2 toward(s) I
pay -* paid / paid back 2 try on 3
percent (%)(advHn) 3 U
percentage 3 uncertnin
plástic - 2 V
player 1 W
point 1 waist -- - 3
polyestcr 2 wake -* woke / woken up .2
positive 1 weigh 4
pructice (n) 1 wciight 4
put * put/putout. . , , 2 width 4
win -* won / won 1
quite. wool. - 2
race (n}(v) 1 Y
receipt 3 yard / yd.
reduce - ,3
repórter 1
ring(n) 2 SVMBOLS
rock 2 (footí 4
rope 1 "(inch) 4
rubber .2 % (percent) 3
S x (by) 4
sale 3
sales ladjl 3
átale (n). ,4
APPENDIX B Structure List
A a A a /7 a
B b e b & Á
C c C c Q c
D d P A ^ d
E e E e e
F f F f $ i
G g G 9 Q f
H h H h ¡i
fff n
I i 1 i 9
J J J J í t
K k K k £ ¿
L I L 1 £ i
M m M m M *
N n N n
ft *
O 0 0 o 0 a
P P F P P ?-
Q Q Q q 2 ?
R r E r R i
S $ 5 S S *
T t T t 7 t
U u U u fy «
V V V v V *
W w W w <k¿
X X X X Á *
Y y Y y ^ ?
Z 7. Z Z
2 ?
APPENDIX D American English Sounds
English is not spelled phonetically- The same sound is spelled several different ways.
For this reason it is helpful to assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The following
is the Internatíonal Phonetic Alphabet <IPA) system. Twenty-four (24) consonant
symbols.. eleven < 11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing diphthongs
are used to represent the significant sounds of American English.
These charts are only aids and not to be mcmorizcd. However, the students niufít
be aware of the different sounds representad in these charts. They must be able to
recognize and repeat them accurately.
Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
he, meet, teach, chief /P/ past, stop, put, paper
in, is, sit, big /b/ bcd, baby, barber, lab
day, make, train, vein, steak /t/ takp, spnt, ten, gentle
met, let, said, bread /d/ date, student, do, hard
cash, half. laugh, hand /fc/ car, chemicalf recorder, bnok
/a/ iather, far, heart, pot r not /9/ gae, egge, dog, cígar
all, saw, bought, caught /m/ annh my, number, frum
go, know, cíiat, tow, pole /n/ no, line, find, noon
/u/ book, took, good, should /f)/ sing, long, wi-ong, rank
/u/ food, blue, blew. do, aoup /!/ well, laboratory, always, let
A/ cup, son, sun, enough /r/ read, courseh for, write
/ni/ 1, nice t tie, buy, by, write /f/ farmer, affirm, phone, laugh
noíse, boy, point, oil /v/ vcry, givt1, livc, at'vi'n
outt aow, town, mouth /6/ Üiank, Thursday, bath h north
ago, alphabct, Iiaten, aludont /O/ Lhe, this, Ihese, wüather
!¡f her, bird, dnctor, earn /s/ see, this^ lessonh tapes
fzf zfift, rosf, blnws, dnzen
/J/ ship, nation, should, push
/i/ pleasure, measure, usual
/h/ have, he, how, hot
/t// chairh teacher, picturet march
i&ll judge, bridge, page, July
/w/ we, walk, wish, away
l\l yes, yon, yesterday, young
APPENDIX E List of Contractlons
talk talked
2 LunBuntinLü
* ' rtrt LJ rtrt ^j rt ^ ¿^ rT~
want wanted
repeat repeated
V j
¿ lvuwtls
rbliri^ C 1 d"*r~b r^ & Kb rt J"b 1*1 Í
r 1 (.UlltíUIlíiIJl wur
tf VVx
vuwtíl + i^onsonant in a
VC stop stopped
1 -syllable word
Double the
vowel -i- consonant in and add occur occurrcd
a 2-ñyllable word with \tr-
vi* -eJ
stress on second syllable prefer proflatred
gtudy studied
Change y to i
consonant + y Cv and add dry dncd
tiy tried
APPENDIX G Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs
Use a question mark afler a question. Sometimes íhe questiun may be ivritten like a
How many chitaren are tn your famiiy?
He's h&e ioday?
Use an exclamation mark after words, sentencesh or expresaions thut ahow exute-
ment, surpriae, or emotion. Any exclamation, evenif not a sentence, wil] end with an
exclamation mark.
Look out!
Do it!
! Oh!
1. Usequatation marks toshow the words of a speaker. They're alwíiys placed above
the line and are uñed írt paira.
Johnsaid, "The commissary clases at210Qhours íoday."
"Where are the chiiürerj?" she asked.
2. Tf tht words of the speaker are divided into two parta, use quotation marks around
íxith parta.
"Do you"she asked, "go lo íhe library after dass?"
3. Uso quotytion marks around the titles of chapters, artic1esh parts ofbooka and maga-
zines, úhort poema, short stories, and aonga.
Lasfnight, I readlhe chapíer ILGrammar ¡s Easy" in our book. Then, t readfhe aríide
"Learning Engíish" in íhe newspaper.
F. COMMA (,)
1. Capitalice ihe first word of a sentence.
The boy síood up antf waíked ouíside.
Your hook is behind the cliair.
2. Capitalize the ñames of people, cities, atalas, coxintries, and languages.
Mark Btll Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Texas California Florida New York
Spain United States Canadá Venezuela
Arabio Chínese Russian English
3. Capitalize the ñames of schools, streets, buildings, bridges, companics, and
= TO
i Ifl
': &
Listening skill — B13L4 #2
Lesson 4
Exercrse D
goal throws
towards match player
teams kick scores
SOCCER la soccer, there are two teams of 11 players each, The playera
the ball towards the end of the field to try
to niake a
VOLLEYBALL Two teams hit a large ball with their hands. If a player on one
team allows the ball to fall to the ground, the other team
. a point.
FOOTBALL In football (that is, American football, and not soccer), wheu a
gets the ball» he holds it and runs down
the field the goal.
EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
i *f • j
so beat win goal
doubt most quite meaning
2. Fred: Our teacher said that worda can have more than one
Can you think of any examples?
Fran: Yes, 1 can. The word can mean something you use to
start a fire, orit can be another way to soy game.
4. Evan doesn't believe that he has time to work out at the gym loday.
Ruth: Are you going to work out at the gym today?
Evan: . I have a doctor's appointment.
5. Roy hopea that Sandy wasn't angry that he forgot to bring her lunch.
Manny: Was Sandy angry that you forgot to bring her lunch?
Roy: , but that's the second time Tve forgotten.
6. Jack doesn't suppose that we're going to have e new hoss next month.
Brad: Do you suppose that we're going to get a new boss next month?
Jack: . I spoke with several people who think the
oíd boss will stay.
EXERCISE E Complete the sentsnces with a ñame and a süperlative adverb.
Chance and write the underlined adverb. Numh&r 1 i$ fin nxample.
1. Rita, Bill, and Sammy all paid their apartmenl bilis early.
* Rita paid hers on April 28,
* Bill paid bis on April 30,
* Sammy paid bis on April 29.
Rita paid hers the earliest.
2. Mack, Sara, and Ken have cars that can go very fast.
• Mack's car can go 120 miles per bour,
• Sara's car can go 13Ü mph.
• Ken's car can go 100 mph.
3- Richard, Della, and Terry are all from San Antonio, Texaa, Each person had to
travel far for a busine&s trip,
• Richard traveled to London, Englartd.
• Della traveled to New York City.
• Terry traveled to Dallas, Texaa.
woke up .
EXERCISE F Choose the correct adverb and write íts 3 u per la ti ve form.
Cari, Bob, Al, and Dan are friends who like to run. They
believe that running is good physical exercise, To keep ín shape,
they often. run in races on the weekend, The men always practice
hard befare a ra.ce, bul Al practices .
Cari runa five miles every day. Bob and Al run three miles farther
than Cari Dan runs five miles farther than Cari, so Dan runs
1, Our team was losing. There were only three minutes left in the game, (and)
3, He was a great player. The coach ñnally had to let him play. (sof
4. They could win the game. They could lose it. (or)
EXERCISE J Combine each pair of sentences. Use the conjunctlon in ().
2, Mr. Smith cleaned the house. His wifc returned home. (before)
1. Animal Languages
a. What are examples of animáis that have a langua^e?
b- How are bird songs a kind of language?
c, How do children learn a new language?
2. Dccísions a Coach Musí Make
a. Which players will play and when?
b. What time ahould the stadium open?
c. What plan will the coach use for the game?
3. The Sports Medicine Doctor
a. What kind of medica] problems does the sports doctor work on?
b. Where can you find a local doctor's office?
c. When did the field of sports medicine begin?
1. I auppose my 19-year oíd son is a vegetarían now because ht? never eata
or (ish.
iron cotton
plástic 3J
wool copper
Materials for
Metals Üthcr materials
EXERCISE D Read a title. Select the Information that might be ¡n the text.
There tnny hp more than one answer.
EXERCISE E Read a title. Select the questions that the text might answer.
There may be more thait one answer.
EXERCISE H Write dialogs about permission with can and could.
Kequest permission with can or could. Answer with can or can't, Number 1 is an example.
1. A youog boy is asking his fathor for permission lo play outsidt?.
son: Pad, can I play outeide, pisase?
father: No. &on, you cgn't, It's rairring. Maybe latgr
e-mail, changing the underlined veros to the future luith wilL Use coníracíiorts
when possible. Underline and make ony other changes w.wsiiary for a text iit the future tense.
WhaT's new? I want to lell you about the great vacaiion thai I Took lasr month. My
familyand 1 1 eft Chicago on July Istandflewto London Then we caughta flightto ons
oí the most beautiful ciíies in Ihe world—Venice. We were very busy every day because
mere are so many great places to see. On the first day, we visited a large outdoor park,
the Giardini Pubblíci. After that, we went downtown and listened To some music ouldoors.
We stayed in Venice ror a week, so we saw rnany oíher famous places and ale Iota of
delicfous Hallan food. IT was a wonderful Irip. I took a lol oí pictures with my new camera,
so Pll e-mail you some photos.
Say "ni* to Cathy forme.
People all over the world need a second language. They need to talk with
people who don't speak their language. Profesaional people and state workers in
many countriea speak English or French as a second language. They use thcsc
lan^juages to do business with people from other cauntries. They often slarl to sludy
these languages at an early age in achool and learn to speak very well. It's very
helpful to them to know a second language.
EXERCISE A Change the sentences using the pronoun instead of the noun.
Levi Strausa was born in Gerraany and carne to New York ¡n 1847. When he
was a young man, Strauss workod in his familia businesa. Their business sold both
fabric and cluLhea. Later, when peopJe began tu find gold in California, Strauss
decided to go west to make money- Gold miners, people who look for gcild, needed
strong work pants. Strausa solved their problem. He used denim, a strong cloth
madeof cotton. Mincrs and many other workers bought theae spedal workpanU,
Today we cali these pants jeans or LeviV,
Do you have a
Clerk: Yes, it's over there.
1. Sally hit her on. the table when shc stood up.
2. Alien wore a nice pair of blue to Ann's party nn ñaturday.
4, Petcr's showed the total amount he paid for his jacket,
7. What of time didyou spend cleaning yuur
Women in Sports
a. famous women in sports
b, sports clothing
c, popular sports for women
d. movies that women Eike
EXERCISE H Read the tille, Select the questions that the text mlght answer»
Howto BulldaShed
a. When will it rain?
h How do I choose the right place to build it?
c. What materials do I have to buy?
d. Where doea the road go?
EXERCISE I Read the texL Underline the pronouns and the verbs.
Rewrite the text, changing the underfined words to tttake the text aboiít another airfbrce
offtcer, Captain Mork Mass.
My ñame is David Fratt, and I work for the military. I'm a captain in the
US Air Forcé. I manage flight training programs. It's a very interestin^ Job and
somctbing new happens every day. J always meet interesting peoplfi and have to
ñolvf! problemfi. Sometimes I havu tu make important decisions quickly. I work hard
at my Job, but 1 Hke it very much. I don't like to be bored, so I don/t wanl tu chun^c
iny occupation because difficuJt Jobs like this one are more interesting.
EXERCISE J Chango the verbs to nouns wíth -er or -or.
Number 1 is an example.
1. Mrs. Huí drives a taxi. She's a taxi driver
Joe drives a truck that takes niaterials to different faetones. His friend Alien
manages a factory- They've been friends for a long time. Both men like Lo play soccer
Alien plays better than Joe, but Joe can run faster than Alien, They have fun
playing soccer on the weekends, When Joe isn't driving his truck or playin^ fioccí-rf
he likes to paint. He painta pictures of the lake near his house. Alien used to be in
the US Army. He traveled all over the world. He started to collect coins from
difícrent countries when he was in the US Army. Joe and Alien like to share their
hobbies. Joe gave Alien a coin from England that he found, and Alien bought Joe
paints for his pictures.
1. Joe]s a
2. Allen'sa
3. Both men are
4. Bocause he likes to paint, Joe's also a
6. Maj Ray: How are your men doing m the new riñe training?
Capt Fry: They're able to shoot better than before, sir.
\Vhat did Captain Fry tell Major Roy?
EXERCISE A Select the best answer.
8- Mr. Davisis 5'11" and weighs only 135 pounds. He's very
a. heavy
b. thin
c. thick
11. Mr West: What's the between San Antonio, Texas and AuaLin, Tcxus?
Mr. King: It's about 80 miles.
a. length
b. height
c. distance
12. A thermometer tcmperature.
a. measures
b. gains
c. decreases
13. Joan: What are the measurementa of your office?
Stan: It measures 12 feet by 24 feet.
What was Stan's answer?
a. 1 2 x 2 4
b. 12"x24"
c. 12/24
EXERCISE B Look al the picture and answer the questlons.
5. of this room?
T think it's about 68° Fahrenheit
6- to the moon?
The moon is 240,250 miles (334,400 km) away.
EXERCISE F Ful in tlie blanks wlth words from the box.
2. If somconc asks you how tall you are, they want to know
your akt
3. A yard is almost the same as one meter.
4. If you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes each day, your doctur
might aay you smoke a few
Do you want to lose weight? If you do, think about these ideas. First, yon must
eat the right kinds of food. Fruits and vegetables shouJd be on your diet. Don't eat
food with a liiL of silgar like cakes, pies, or cookies, Second, you must bo careful
about the amount of food you eat. You must eat less and learn trj say "no"to a second
serving of food. Third and last, you noed to esercise. Exercise helps keep your weight
EXERCISE H Guess the meanlng of the Italicized words.
1. My brother is a geaman. on a íarge ship,
a. someone in the US Army
b. someone in the US Air Forcé
c. someone in the US Navy
2- He enjoya his Job because his assigument is tíi cnnk fiír th<* mun.
a. work
b. choice
c. direction
EXERCISE I Read the tltle. Select Information that mlght be In th& texl
1. Friday Night's Game
a. the time the game started
b. the ñames of the teams
c. the time the movie started
d. the number of parking spaces
EXERCISE J Read the title. Selecl questions the text might anawer.
1. New üiel Food
a. Where can I buy it?
b. How much does it coatí
c. What does it taste like?
d. What size shoe do you wear?
It's 46° Fahrenheit in here.
His pants are 30" in length.
The oven is 350° Fahrenheit.
The buíldingis 15 stories.
That person is 5 ft. 4 in.
The beach is 121 miles away.
EXERCISE L Read the e-mail. Underlíne the verbs in the past tense.
Rtíwrite íhfí e-maií, changing the underíined verbs to the presen! tense. Undurline and makt-
atiy Qtfter dtatigfs nfcessoryforo text in íhe present tense.
Dear Jenny,
1. a, a new house
b. borrowing money
c. the bank's nioney
d. family and friends
2. a. a coach's profession
b. sports teams
c. the besl teams
d the most famous coaches
EXERCISE B Write the letter of the answer that matches the question.
I hope not. She's a good
I believe so, but
friend, and I don't want
I didn't hear the
her to leave. c.
final score. I gueas not. I juat
oalled him two
1, Chris arríved at 7:00, Bart arrived at 7:30, Lisa arrived at 7:45. (early)
Bart arrived earllerthan Lisa.
2, Sara works until 4:30. Henry works until 5;QÜ_ Andy works unti] 5:30. (lato)
Henry works
Andy works
3, Nancy, Meg, and Tina climbed the hill. Nancy climbed 40 feet. Meg climbed 60
feet, Tina climbed 100 feet. fhigh)
Meg climbed
Tina climbed
4. Greg drives 55 miles per hour on the highway, Lany drives 65 on the highway.
Tony drives 70 on the highway. tfast)
Larry drives
Tony drives _
5. George lives 3 miles from the city. Fred Uves 15 miles fruní Ule dty. Tim lives
25 miles from the city (far)
Tim Uves
EXERCISE D Read a title. Select Information yon might find in the text
More íhari one Qtiswer is possible.
1. Going Fishing
a. the best timo to fian
b. different kinds of fishing rods
c. fishing from a boat
d. choosing and buying delicious fish
3. TheWeather in Hawaii
a. Is it hot?
b. Are the beaches clean?
c- Does it rain every day?
d. What are the summcr temperatures?
EXERCISE F Circle the best answer
Bob told me that baseball is from 4 p.m. U> 6 p.m. this afternoon. Are you
a. team
b. fíeld
c. stadium
d. practico
a. field
b. stadium
c, race
d, match
10, Jane's a hetter player than I am. Sh& always me at tennis.
a. beats
b. wins
c. ties
d. loses
11. The university built a new for the football team.
a. string
b. coach
c. stadium
d. race
12. The final was 3 to 1,
b. player
c. goal
d. point
13. My house is srnall.
a, ever
b. certain
c. quite
d, positive
EXERCISE G FUI In the blanks wíth words from the box.
kicked jumped
doubted field uncertain
beateiL raced
farthest most poaitive
match surely
1. The player raced down the field and the winning goal.
3, The fans became excited as the two horses toward& the íímsh
6. The exercise asks the students to the words with their correct
9. Ofall our relatives, Aunt Julie and Únele Jim live the . We love
them, but we seldom see them.
10. When people are looking for a Job, they think about things like
money, the time they spend going to work, and if they will be happy
11. Our team has always the Stars at our yearly matches.
a. plans
b- eata
c. touches
d. likes
2* Yes T IwQiild it.
a. owe
b. join
c. appreciate
d. practice
3. Thankyou. It's
a. metal
b. silk
c. plástic
d. stone
4. Nn, I have tu —
a. go físhing
b. go shopping
c. work
d- play
a. finger
b- head
c. foot
d. neck
2. a. :'nn sports
b. the need for fun
c. playing team sports
d. exercise for health
3. It's nice to cook outside, but you must remember to the fire when you
finish cooking.
a. start
b. put out
c. do o ver
d- kick
6. David needs to the flve dollars that his frieud lent hirn.
a. doubt
b. throw away
c. pay back
d. owe
11. The atudents take the test yesterday because the computers didn't work.
a. couldn't
b. might not
c. areable to
d. may
12. Joe bought his mother a piece of for her birthday.
a. rock
b. jewelry
c. metal
d. plástic
13. Thistoolis . It's very heavy.
a. iron
b. wool
c. rubber
d. glass
14. Thatcandy chocolate.
a. is lost i n
b. joins
c. is made of
d- appreciates
15- Theydon't you to smoke in this building.
a. believe
b. allrtw
c. owe
d. suppose
16. You need to do over these sentences because they're
a. dirty
b- wrong
c. ready
d. good
17 My family nocds tickets for the bus, They need
a. tickets bus
b. buses ticktit
c. ticket buses
d. bus tickets
18. These plates are made of paper. They're
a. paper plates
b. papers plates
c. píate paper
d. plates paper
EXERCISE D Fill In the blank with the best word to make a compound noun.
EXERCISE E Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
- •'
1. What did you use to make that table?
2. Saradidn't. the children to play in the rain.
|j¡ 3. Aloud noise the baby.
4, Jason Rick $5 for the movie.
woke up
5 tied their dog to the pule.
glaas 6. Cindy bought her bracelct at the new store.
allow 7, Jeny rodé his bicycle over a and broke the wheel.
8. Joe ^ his cigarette onthe ground.
9. Tom tbrew his ball at the window and broke the
-i n - r l
10. I drove the grocery store and didn't stop to buy milk.
EXERCISE A Listen to the questions and select the best answer.
3. Yesithey're
a. irregular
b. médium
c. free
d. fat
4. It
a. matches
b. decreases
c. fits
d. jumps
5- a. about 10 percent
b. in the dressing room
c. there's no doubt
d. ahout 10 ítems
6. Yes, I have a
a. goal
b. poimd
c. pair
d. coach
EXERCISE B Listen to the paragraph and select the toplc.
4. Tony: Dad, Mary and I may buy a new house next year.
Andy: What did Tbny tell his father?
Gary: He told him that _ _ buy a new house next year-
a. I may
b. he and Mary may
c. he and Mary might
d. Mary and I could
EXERCISE F Read a tltle. Select questions that the text might answer.
1. Highway Workers
a. Will they work at night?
b. Which highwaya will they work on?
c. What will they buy?
d- Can we drive on the beach?
1. a. Hal buckled up his seat belt. 3. a. Bill his coat put on.
b, Hal buckled up it b, Bill put on it.
c. Hat his seat belt buckled up. c. Bill put ít on,
2. He's
a. 120 pounds
b. very tall
c. 80 years oíd
d. a médium aize
3- It'a
a. lOfeet deep
b. 10' by 20'
c. 70 irdllimeterK
d. 6 years oíd
4. It*s7 __
a. inches
b. yarda
c. nieters
d. miles
6. It'saboutñO _ ..
a. dolí ara
b. stories
c. pounds
d. years
a. In tJie water
b. on a scale
c. in the race
d. on a píate
8. It'sabout9G
a. degrees
b. pounds
c. inches
d. miles
9. Yes, it waa very
a. special
b. thin
c. thick
d. difíicult
5. The workers the pieces of wood for the house they^re building-
a. measured
b. amounted to
c. paid back
d. tried on
6. This bug's only 15 _ long.
a. feet
b- raeters
c. miles
d. milliraeters
7, Tony: How long is this?
Clt-rk: Il>K 98 __
a. percentage
b, centimeters
c, pointe
d. degrees
8- Jerry: Do you have tickets for the game on Saturday?
Sleve: Yes, I have - -
a. some
b. any
c. nene
d. much
9. Mary: Do we have any milk?
Sally; No, we don't have -.
a. none
b. a few
c. any
d. many
1. What'sthe ofthatfootballfield?
length / strcngth / weight
Insfructor rexi
Studenr ;ex(
Ai,dio recordmgs
Language laboraiory activilies instructor text with auüio scnpls
Langi/age laboratory aciiuities sludent rexi
Compuier-delivered inieraciive mullimedia inslruciion {IMI>
Quiz kit
Oplional Irainmg aids
The ALC's second edilion lealiires a cOmpJetely revised student lexl
wilh an accompanying instructor lexl. InBlructor notes oíler delailed
gijidefines for presenting classroorri e>;ercises. suppiementar aclivities.
and pertment cultural informarían A vaneiy of teachmg stralegies are
provided to keep studenls motivated and enliven the classroorn