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The key takeaways are that the American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive English language program that teaches English for vocational and professional purposes. It is primarily designed for classroom instruction but can be adapted for slower paced learning. It also includes basic military topics and vocabulary.

The American Language Course is designed primarily for intensive English language training in a classroom setting, but it can be easily adapted for slower-paced instruction. Its primary focus is to provide a language curriculum for a diverse international military population.

Each book's coordinated instructional package consists of a student text, instructor text, homework and evaluation exercises booklet, audio recordings, language laboratory activities student text, language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts, and optional computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction.


Book 16

Ocíense Language Instituto

English Language Ce nter
The American Languoge Caitrse (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program for
teachíng English for vocational and profesaional purposes. It is designed primarily for intensive
! '¡ . 1 1 I • languEigt training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. The ALC's curriculum has been developed by the Defense Language Institute
English Language Center (DLIELCt, which is a US Department of Béfense school under the
operational control of the US Air Forcé. The primary focus of the ALC is to prnvide a language
curriculum for a diverse international military popuJation. To that end, the course includes not
only general EngEish n I - K but aJso military topics of a general nature highlighting the typical
I. ii". i . i ' !• military personnel will encounter in the ir professional and vacatianal career fíplds.
The ALC has, however, also been very successfully used in non-militory lefirning cnvironments
and in US high schoola with immigrant student populations.

Course components
Tht coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 confiist of the follovnng:
> Student texUST)
»• Instructor text ÍIT)
*• Hcmework and evaluation exercises booJtlet (HW and EE)
>Audio recordingg (tape or CDt
> Language laboratory activities student text (LLAST)
> Language laboratory activities instructor text with audio scripts (LLA1T)
*• Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instniction (IMI)
> Quiz kit
> Qptional training aids

Inquines and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more ioformation about DL1ELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenas
Lackland Air Forcé Base, Texas 7S236-5259
E-mail: LESL@lackland.af.mu
© 2007 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and tts licensors. Notice oJ'
Rights: All ríghts reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted m any Ibrm
or by any meansh electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwisc, without
prior written permission of the publisher

This book supersedes ALC Book 16 Student Text, January 1991.

Second Edition, April 2007

First printing

ALC Book 16: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1-5

j Lcsson Vocabulary Funclions Grainrrialical Stfiínmas Skills

1 flffcfflfe :- Ask tor and lt+ SÉ + adj./noun phras^ > Read and wnte tcpic &
•- Exercise give advice > Ifs riot a good idea to ¡og mam idea
on healih and al nighl. - Listen & select inference
f ilness Wfiy ffon't /Why not \o givg > Sean lo Identlfy synonyms
- Relanatlon
advice/s ugg eslions *Timed reading (1 minute)
Hadbettertw strongadvice & answer 6 questtons
Past perlect > Sean a lext to complete a

2 US MiUtsry ctisloms > Ask for Presen! BE-passive to * Read and write lopic &
and courtesies and give express present ha bis mam icTea
Information Have gol So To express v Sean & identify synonyms
> Milllary tfaditions about military obligalion or necessiiy i- Give & lake messages
• Rights & pri vileges cusió ms and
Past pertect progressive > Writea paraphrase
> Sénior otlicer ranks courtesies
and grades > Rewrite a text in brieler

íet'sgo totbe > Ask aboul Prefer* noun/pron/gerund + K Read and fifi In Information
Sheater. and express rotraSher fhan -i- noun/pron/ about a person
preferences gerund H Read & selecl inlerence
•- Entertainmenl > \ prefeMea /ocofíea. >• Sean lo identify synonyms
>• An actress and an > 1 preferwaIKing !o & antonyms
ador driving.
* Timed reading (1 minute)
> Interview! ng a Prefer+ íoinfinitiwe +• ralfier & answer 6 qu estío ns
young rnusician írt^n* bare infinitiva > Give S. taXe messages
> 1 preier So swim raíher
*- Re write a texí in brieíer
(han run.

>• Y d fatfter $k\ tfjanswim.

Adjective/adverb + enotigh
> He's oíd 8novgh to join.

^ Ustng computéis > Ask about Be üíiabls to lo express ^ Read and wrlie topic &
and express incapabiliry mam idea
» Computer capability and Too muctíf too many + -- Read & select mference
hardware incapabihty
* Software [non)count no un * Sean to identily synonyms
*-Thereare too manycars. and antonyms
* Smart computers?
>• Smart houses Verbto nounwith -í/onand f- Pronouncp base lonns
-sion and derivatives
*Wrltea paraphrase
i- Sean a lext to wnte
inlormalion in a chart

5 nwiw
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and structures inlroduced in Lessons 1-4.


Notes to the Studen t
The American Language Course focuses on fbur componenta of languege learning:
vocabulary, grammatical structures, language functions, and skills.
• The tessons present vacabulary (individual words as weJl as expressions) that the
learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English.
Each new Jesson builds on the vocabulary of the prevíous lessons.The language
included is appropriate for learners working in profcssional and vocational contexts.
A significan! feature ofthe General English phaseof the ALC is that mihtary
vocabulary is included wherever applicable.
* The presentatíon of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures
presented in the lessons are the forma a language ]earner needa in order to speak
and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that
serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented,
* Language functions are the ways we uae a language to communicate. In each lesson,
exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when to use certain
worda, phrases, and aentences.
• In addition, language and academic akilla exercises are interapersed throughout the
lessons, These focus on developing the learner's language proficiency in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing,
The Scope and Soquence chart located on the previous page shows the content of the
current book, The four columns outline the new material as it relates to the language
acquisition coinponents described above, Each lesson begins with a table of contents
followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a sumrnary of the new material
presentad in the leason. Each ALC book has four lessons íntroducüig new material
and one review lesson. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation
. Various appendices are also included,
The homework and the evaluation exercises are at the back of this texL It generally
takes about two houra to complete the daily homework assignments. Thü evalaation
exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
wcll studunts have leamed the material.
The appendices follow the ñfth leason. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of
new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesaon in which ench word
or phrase is Íntroduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of
grammatica) structures íntroduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along wiLh
each entry for eaay reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials,


Book 16 Con ten ts
LESSON1: Fit for life 1

LESSON 2: US Military customs and courtesíes 29

LESSON 3: Let's go to the theater 57

LESSON 4: Using computers 83

LESSON 5: Review 107

A: WordList A-1
B: Structure List H-l
C: TheEnglishAlphabet C-l
D: American English Sounds D-l
E: List of Contractions E-l
F: Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs F-l
G: Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verba G-l
H: Patterns of Irregular Verbs ,......„,.... - H-l
I: Punctuation and Capitalizaron - 1-1
J: Lesson Resources - — - ..,„...,.,. J-l
1GL1 #1 Listening skill (Making inferences) J-3
1GL1#2 ReadíngskillíTimedreadmg) ..J-5
16L2#la QuestioncardsfExerdgeA) J-7
1GL2 #lb Answer cards (ExerciseA) J-9
1GL2ÍÍ2 ListeningscríptíExercifieB) J-ll
16L2t3a-f \VritingskilHParaphrasing) J-13
16L2 #4 Speakiog skill (Messagea) J-19
16L3tl SpeakíngtíkilHMessageeHExercifieA) -1-21
16L3 #2 Readine skill (Timed reading) J-23
16L4#la-f Writing 9kilUParaphra3mgt J-25
1GL5#1 Speaking skill ÍMessagea) (ExerciseXf J-31
16L5 ft2a-d Writing akill (Paraphrasingí (Eitercifie Y) J-33
K: US Military Ranka, Grades, and Insignia „......,„. K-l




Fit for lite
VOCABULARY: Sun Valley Neighborhood Newspaper; October
Get Going for Fitness 3

GRAMMAR: It's hard to be on time: It in the subject position . . . . 6

VOCABULARY: Sun Valley Neighborhood Newspaper; November

Good Food for Good Health 10

GRAMMAR: The past perfect: had + past participle 14

VOCABULARY: Sun Valley Neighborhood Newspaper: December

Time for Relaxation - , . . 18
LISTENJNG: Making inferencus 20

GRAMMAR: Advicc & suggestions with Why don't? & Why iiot'f . . 21
Giving strong advice with had better (nvt) 23

DIALOG: Askfor and give advice 26

READING: Readíng fastor for bcttcr comprehension 2ñ

Previ e w What's new in Lesson 1 ?


Nouns Verbs Other

activity avoid active
energy check out oloaed
Equipment cut -* cut/cut down ion) convcníent
ñtness cut —' cut /cut out doubtful
health had better even
lap fit
nap look after gradual
relaxation nap gradually
aleep skip imposaible
suggeation take —* took/taken part in it
swimming pool take -» took/taken up little by little
weights try out necessary



It s expensive to take a taxi. Ask for and give advice aboul heallh
Jt's not a good idea to skip meáis, and fitness,

You'd better get to class on time, What should I do to get in shape?

You'd better not be late. Why don't you Htart jogging?
Why don'tyou take upjogging? I ha ven 't been able to sleep for a
Why not teke upjogging? week. Do you have any advice?
I hadn't met him before he joined our You ought to see a doctor.
el asa.
When I met him, he had already joined I get tired of staying in the office,
our clasa. Why not take a walk during your

Vocabulary Sun Valley Neighborhood Newspaper: October

Get Going for Fitness!

In this year's final three newspapers, you'll
fmd some suggestions to help you stay in good
health. The most important things to think about
are fitness, food, and relaxa t ion, This mimth's
articJe is about physical fitnesa.
It's always important to be active and take
part in some kind of exercise to stay in good
shape. Proper exercise which is done regularly
every week can help you stay fit, Firsl, you'd
better see your doctor for a physicat to check that
you're healthy and can in fact start following a
fítness plan. Your doctor will he ahle to tell you the
activities that you should and should not do.
Check out your gyni if you're interested in
lifting v, ci¡íhis Ask a professional trainer to show
you how to safely use the equipment. A gradual
increase in weight is the best way tn guarantee
that you won't hurt yourself.
If lifting weightsisn't an activity that interésta
you, take up a new sport like swimminfj laps
at the local swimming pool or running laps on
a track. You might just want tojog arouiid your
neighborhood. For these activities, you only need
a swimsuit or a guod pair of running shoes, Tt's
uaually unnecessary to spend o lot of money to
stay fit,
Remember if you keep your ñtness plan simple,
you'll be able to follow it easily Also remcmber
to begin any new fitness activity gradually by
increasing little by little the amount of exercise
you do every day. This will keep you safe from
Next month check out our artícle on the right
foods for your health. +

EXERCISE A Write 5 additional activities thal people can do to stay fit.
1 is an example.

play baseball


EXERCISE B Seíect the best word or phrase and write it in the blanfc.

1. Drill instructora tcach soldiers the way to salute.

proper / wrong

2. At what age did Mike tennis? He's very good at ¡t.

take part in / take up

3. Start exercising if you don't want to get hurt.

gradual / gradually

4. It's to know how to type If you want to be a singer.

required / unnecessary

. If you take up jogging, increase the time you run in a

gradual / gradually

6. Thechildren the celehration and had lots of ftin.

took part in / took up

7, Everyone should oxercise to atay healthy and

fit/ fitness

EXERCISE C Match each vocabulary ítem with its meaning.

1. lap a. something peaple do

2. to jog b. often; following a schedule
3. activity c. Ítems that are needed for exercise or a Job
4. equipmcnt e. to run slowly, u.sually fnr exercise
5. regularly f. once around a trac;k


EXERCISE D Fill In the blanks wíth words from the gray box.

regularly little by little equipment

active weights health checkitout
&wimming pool relaxation

1. Eat good food and cxercise regularly to remain in good

2* Let's eat dinner tonight at the new restaurant. I want to
3. Lt Gray has becorae strong because he lifts every day.
4. We can use the indoor to swirn laps in the wi
5, If you have a good idea that can help your company aave money, make a
to your boss,
6. Mrs, Bell is aJways busy doing things. She's very
7. Your vacation is the time when you should slow down and allow plenty of time
for rest and
8. When you have a lot of work to do, it's best to begin
and do juat one thing at a time.
9. These oíd machines are too slow. Our boss had better buy new
if he wants us to continué to do our johñ well.
10, Students must follow a schedule and turn in their work

bOOK 16 LES50N 1
Grammar It's hard to be on time: IT in the subject position

Good afternoon, sir. It's a good idea to gR

ís it possible to get a a new one as soon as possible»
new school ID card but it isn't posRÍhle to heip you
right novj? I lost today Can you come back
mine. tomorrow murning?

It BE adjectíve / noun to-infinitive other words

It 18

toget a new ID card.
a good idea

EXERCISE A Read the statements. Circle A for Agres or D for Dlaagree.

1. Ifs impossible to learn a language in a month.

2. Ifa expensive to uve in big cities.

3. It'aagood ídeato keep your pasaport withyou.

4. It's a miatake to talk on a cell phono at the movies.

5. It isn't dangerous to dríve in a storm.

A 6. It ian't easy to be on time for class every day.

A 7. It isn't a problem to find a parking spacc in a big city,

8. It isn't a good idea to drive fast at night on a narrnw road.


EXERCISE B Flll In Ihe blanks with words from the box.

it's to ask
Itwas tune
to complete
it won't be possible
a problem to understand
Why is it

Alex: Hi, Daniel. I didn't know you were studying EngJish here, too.

Daniel: Hi, Alex. It's O to see you again.

Alex: Nice to see you, too. How do you like your English training?

Daniel: To tell the truth, ® cxtrcmcly hard

for me my teacher.

Alex: o so diffícult to understand him?

Daniel: It's difficult to understand him because he speaks very quickiy.

Alex: I'm sony to hear that, but I think that in a few days

O © to understand him.
Daniel: I hope youVe right, English is so hard for me. Do you thínk it will be

O . O the course
in four months?

Alex: Yes, I do. You juat need to practice a lot. It's always a good ¡dea

O a lot of questionSj too.

Daniel: Qh[ It's © for me to go to class.

Alex: All right. I'll catch you later. ® great to see

you again. Let me know if you need any help.
- •
Daniel: Thanks. It's nice of you to offer to help me, Bye,

EXEPCISE C Wrlte new siaiemcnts S questions wlth /f + BE and (Why) BE + /f.
Work in pairs. Number 1 is <m example.

John ¡5 difficult to

It is


. TheTnoonisimpossibJetoliueon. It's imposaible tu live OQ the moon.

(Why) Is it impoBsible to live on the moon?
2. A new house is expensive to buy.

3. Jane was easy to work with.

4, The oíd car was dangeroua to drive.

fu. Plañe tickets are hard to change.

6. The oíd movies were boring to watch.

7. Joe's plan is to buy five cars.

8, Your goal is to speak English better

EXERCISE D With a partner, ask and answer questions with f Why} BE + it.
Use the moras in the gray büxe& for ideas.

19 it difficult to work
in the mílítary?

Well, sometimes
it's difficult to be away
from my family, but
it's a good opportunity
to travel.

la it...? interesting to travel overaeaa

Whyisit...? difficult to be on time for class
easy to opérate a helicopter
a bad idea to meet new peaple
to study after class
tú buy a computer
unpleasant to change a tire
fun to drive to work
a good plan to lose your pasaport
awful to cook a meal
to rent a car

Vocabulary Sun Valtey Neighborhood Newspaper: November

Good Food for Good Health

Food and the way it helps keep us
healthy are the topics of this month'a
article, Besides doing the proper kínd of
excrcisc, ifs also necessary to eat the right
food to help us stay healthy. Some foods
make us healthier jmd others don't. Lefs
check out which foods are best and
read advice about eating properly.
Grains, fruits, and vegetables are
foods that givo us energy to keep going
every day. We should eat lots of these.
Meat, chicken, and fish are alao good, bul
we should eat them in amaller arnounts.
Foods that we should cut down on
or possibly corapletely cut out are foods
that are made wíth Iota of sugar and fat, like
fast foods. These foods cannot make us
healthy and tan e ven make ufi sick.

Avoid fast food restaurants.

bccausc many are open all night, but How i n possible t o e a t
their food is not good for your hcalth. properly? Read our advico in the
box to the left,
Don't skip any meáis. Remember» a good diet has lote
Breakfast is the most importan! meaí of of vegetables, fruits, aiid graina, H
the day. A reasonable lunch gives you
ihe energy to keep going. Dinner should smaller amount of meat, chicken> or
be the smallest meal of the day. fish, and as few foods as possible
that have sugar and fat,
Yes, you can have snacks! In our December ntíwfipuper,
One small snack bctween each meal is we'Il complete our discussion on
okay. Just be sure to eat good things health with an article that wíll
like fruit. And keep thai fridge closed! recommend somc excellent wuyK to
reías, ^


EXERCISE A Wrile the topJc and main idea of the te*t on the previous page,



Main Idea:

EXERCISE B Check the columns lo make sentences that are Irue for you.

If I want to be
To be healthy, l'd betler... hualthy, Td better cut
eator ^-^^^out chips.
cut out
cut dowr> drinka
on lotof

• chips.

ice cream.

X snacking.
X smoking. ^V
Write your

EXERCISE C Write the words to complete some common phrases.

1 . be ful! of __ _
2- get some rest and __ _
3. gotoafitness-.-_- sugestión
4- an indoor _ ^-.-_
5. tomakea.._ . __ Sht3
swimming pool
b. to Lft _____
7. to get (or atay) _ . -- „
S. to swim (or run) _ . -- _

EXERCISE D Ful in the blanks with words from Exerclse C & the box below.

Ntimber I in an example.

jeg properly necessary active

even possible avoid cut out

1, .TillITTfM t:n Jog_ around the new track at the fitne^ _ center

2. Ken rogularly exercises, jogs, and swims _ _* He has two joba and
sponds a lot of time helping people. He's a very _ .

3. Before the test, get some reñt and ___ if ifa _-

4. ____ fast food restaurants if you want to eat

5. Stay _ __ in wintor by doing laps in an indoor .

6. Why is it . to nave a helper when you lift

7. Jim made a __ ,_ to save money to buy ncw office equipment.

He said we should _ ._ __ spending money on ofílec partios.

8. The new recruita are young, healthy, and full of _ - --- They
_ __ enjoy getting up early for PT every day!
EXERCISE E Gírele the word that has a similar meaning to the key word.

Number 1 is an exampíe.

1. even in fact) maybe rather away no longer

2. blow harvest deposit drill run

3. active upset busy smooth safe fiíll

. cut oí 11 stop count freeze tnrn up replace

5. cut down doubt assign explain decrease offer

6, proper átale poor right calrn glad

7, suggestion duty guest advice point credit

8. properly seldom iastly easily fast currectly

9. check out examine stall promote cancel

10, little by little often gradually quíckly fmally just

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EXERCISE B Underline all parte of the past perfect. Cirde the past simple.
Write the number I obauc the verh íhüt happencd first, and a 2 abfrue the uerb ihat happaied
second. Number 1 is <tn example.

1. The movie had already startcd by the time wcfarrived.

2. When Mike bogan to work out at 6 o'clock, John had already finishcd.

3. By the time I called María, she'd already heard the good newsr

4 r The pólice couWn't cross the river because a storm had deslroyed Llic bridge.

5, Fd just eaten a large snack when you invited me to lunch yesterday.

6. We were happy to see our daughter because she'd been away fbr months.

7. Until you showed Jenny how to ski, she'd never liked snow or the mountains.

8. Tony hadn1! ever seen a baseball game before he carne to the US,

9. I hadn't finished reading the lesson yet when you askod me to rcturn yourbonk.

10. We'd always eaten lunch at the cafetería untíl it closed last year.

EXERCI5E C Fjll in the blankswíth/iadfnofj* past participles from the box,
Somc (inswera fmue ndverbs. Use contracíions when passible. Number I is oír

HAD (atíverb) + past participle

just met had
IKÍIÍ airea dy
al w aya sent flown
never caten been
hadnot = hadn't e ver written

We can put certam adverbs between the two parís of the past perfsct verb.

1, Whenyoucalledmelastnight, I Jdjust£one_ tu btd-

just go
2. AfterI dinner, you invited me to go out to eat.
alrcady eat
3. We our new hoss until he got batk from vacation.
not meet
4. The game . bv the time we íinally íbund our:
G. Until Ann went to Spain, she
never fly
6. John looked awful yesterday because he up ull
7. Diana letters by hand until she got a computer.
always write
8. Cari _ a horse until he visited Joe's ranch in TÍÍXÍIK
nat e ver ride
9, Sue. befare the test, so she knew all the answers.
10. We_ time to finish packing when the taxi urrivccl
not have
11. The worried parents of e-mailü before their
son ürrived. send

EXERCISE D Unscramble the words to make questions.
Number í is an example.

Had (ever) met the Colonel before he retired?

had mei him?

1, had / Where / worked / you

Where had you worked before you carne here?

2, ever /studied/ you / had / English

Before you started this courae,

3. had / you / How long / been / in the military

when your boss sent you here?

4. English tests / had / how many / you / taken

By the time you arrived here,

5. never / you / learned / had / What things

until you joined the railitary?

6. what / thought / had / you / about Americana

Until you müt American instructora,

EXERCISE E In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise D.

Use a síiort response, and tfien explain your

Had you ever

worked before you Yes, I had, No, 1 hadn't.
joined the military? Fd worked for three I joined right aflcr
years before I joined Fd graduated from
Vaca bu la ry Sun Vafley Neighborhood Newspaper: December

Time for Relaxation

Ir this laat article on health, Be sure you're gelting a good
let's look at some advice about night's sleep. If you don't sleep
relaxation. welí at night Fnr one reaann
It's doubtful that or another, try taking a
being in a hurry all nap in the afternoon.
the time is good Napping will
furyour body or help you relax.
your mind. Slowing Sok romonihnr
down and relaxing tusluw duwn,
arepossibly among tako lime to try
the most important out some relaxing
thinga that you can activitiea, und g<;t
do to look after the slwp you necd.
yourself. It's aot imposaibl^
If youhaven't to do all this, and
found a way to your body will
relax, try out some thank you forití
calming activities that are new for In our thret; healtli articles, we've
you, maybe prauticing yoga or going disuuH^cd the important rnles of
for a walk in a park. If reading is exercising, eating weíl, and relaxing.
a good way for you to relax, check Wo hopc youVe enjoyed reading this
out some interesting books from the information. Be surc to look for more
library. articles after the holiday brcak. *

EXERCISE A Check statements that are true for you. Write 2 more activóles,
Think tífthe ke&t waysforyou to relax. Tfan compare milk a ptirtnei:

Forme, relaxation is ...

having a mea) with friends tifting weights

nappíng in the afternoon listening to music

dri^ng in the uountry walking on the bcach

to ü party reading a good book


EXERCISE B Check (•) all the suggestions you found in the 3 health articles.

1. Loso weight, 6. Join a fitness club.

2. Eat properly. 7. Cut out eating meat,

3. Skip meáis. 8. Sleep well.

4. Avoid vegetables. 9. Exercise regularly,

ñ. Get help if you don't know how 10, Gtít a physical examination
to use fitness equipnient. beforc you start esorcising.

EXERCISE C Write the letter of a phrase that can replace the underlined words.

a. very active d- to nap g. check out

b. cuttiog down on e. look after h. H*a doubtful
c. are possibly f. try ít üut i. more convcnicnt

1. WestWind's tickets might be the cheapest if you dun*L mind small

2, Susie, wou]d you please take care of my dog while I'm gone TÜY?

3. I'm happiest when I'm doing a lot uf difteront thmgs.

4. I'd like to take this book from the library,

5. Before you buy an oíd car, you'd better test it by driving it

fi. CarFs tired and is going to sleso for 15 - 20 minutes,

7. Buyingfast food for lunch is easier for me than making myself a lunch,

8. To lose weight, Luke is decreasing the amount of candy he eats,

9. 1 don*t think that Majar Powers will go to the party tonight,

EXERCISE D Choose the phrase with a meaning similar to the underlined words* |

1. For fitness. you should exercise, 6. Is Mark Houbtful we can help?

a. the physical exam a. uncertain
b. a healthy body b. unhappy
c. graduation c. unplcasant
2. Avoid that new store. 7. Gina might go with LIS.
a. Do not go to a. will possibly
b. Be sure to try b. cannot
c. You1!! like c. had better
3. Do not skip any claases. 8. It's impQBsible for us to fly.
a. attend a. It's ujinccessary to
b. tniss We cannot
c. prepare c. We'd rather
4. The school is inconvem'ent. 9. School offers many activitiea.
a. too far a. new buildings
b. very expensive b. interesting people
e. quite small c. thinga to do
Luke enjoys wriling. He even 10. I'd rather take_up a new sport
wants to get a degree in it. than have nothing to do but read.
a. propcrly a- examine
b. really b. be watching
o. enough c. start learning

Listemng Making inferences

Listen to a conuersatiofi. Then select the finswer tfiot hest completen the síatement.

Bob Tlie man .
doesn't like lifting weights a. works out euery day
b.J is tired and needs a nap b. won'tjoin the fitness center
c. has a lot of energy c. plans to begin exerrising

One of the women The man shuuld probably
a. must gain ten pounds a. lie down and rest
b. wants to buy a new uniform b. never eat desaert again
c. should start exercising c. get angry with the cook


Grammar Advice & suggestions with Why don't? & Why not?

I have a terrible Why not see Wky don't I

Why don't you\ a doctor?
headache! get same aspirin
lie down? J
for you?

• base ve rb (+ other words)

don't you / I / we
**j ?
not lie down
see a doctor
could gct somc aspirin
You/I/We should 4

ought to

EXERCISE A Match each probiem with the best advice.

Probiem / Situation Advice/Suggestion

1. What should I order for lunch? a. \\Tiy don't we study together?

2. I have awful flu symptoms, b. Why not borrow niine?

3. We have a big test tomorrow. c. Why don't you go to the doctor?

4. Lot'& ask Tom to go swimming. d- Why don't you try the salad?
5. I can't find my dictionary. e. Why not ask Linda, too?
6. I need to move this big sofá. f. Why don't I help you with it?

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with why not or why don't

1. You should have a new computer. yon ask the boss for one?

2, We could go out of town for the wcckend. we drive to the lake?

3, Yon should meet new people. come with me to the party?

4, Yüu should take some time olT. you take a vacation?

5, Sir, the workmen have fmished. I leí them leave now?

6- Christina's in the hospital .. we vifíjt her after workV

7. John, we'dlike tu seeyou. come over for dinner tonight?

8, Ifyoulikeforeignfood, try that new Asían restaurant?

9. If you want to learn about history, visit the local museum?

EXERCISE O In paire, glva advice and suggestions.

Use Why don't you...? and Why not,,,? i. ] can*t f m d my ID card, T've looked
everywhere for it, Wlmt can T do?

EXAMPLE: 2. I have a big test tomorrow, bul I luivcn'L

I have bugs in my dorm room. studied yet. It's 11:00 p,m. now, and I'm
very tircd because I spent all day playing
soccer. What should T do?
Why dan't you
'í. Yesterday was my uncle's birthdny, and
ask to change
I didn't remember to wish him o hoppy
rooma? birthday or give him a present. What can
I do about that?
4. I bought a car fram my neighbor two days
ago, Nuw the car won't start. Do you have
any suggestions?
the bugs when you
see them? 5. Write your own problem and ask for help,


Grammar Giving strong advice with had better (not)

[ m leaving
next week for a new
overseas assignment.
l'd hetter start packing
my suitcase.

modal base vcrb

had better start packing.
had better not forgef a passport.

•J* Had better (not) tefls you that a bad result may happen if you don ¡ follow the advice.

EXERCISE A Match the advice with the bad result that could happen.
Number 1 is an example.

k 1. Mary had better go to work today, or a. she won't get better

2. You'd better not go to bed late, or b. she could lose her job.
3. Wc'd botler obey the rules, or c. we'll get in trouble.
4. You'd better save more rnoney, or d. you might get a ticket.
5, They'd better not drive on the ice, or e, you'll be broke soon.
6. You'd better not drive too fast, or f. you may fall sJeep in class.
7, The builder had better do a good job, or g. they'll have an accident.
8. Dora had better take her medicine, or h. I won*t pay him.
EXERCI5E B Complete the sentences with had better or had better not.
Use contrGCtiotiR when possibie.

1, If we want to eat at that popular restauran!, we

make reservations first.
2, Thu guests at a hotel in the mountains have heard abont a bad storm m the
área. They — ga rnountain climbing today.
3- Your f&ther is rather heavy and has high blood pressure.
He __ lose some weight and watch his diet

4- Those young people are smoking cióse to a no-smoking sign.

They ^ continué smoking there.

5. My friend has atomach pains, and Pm worried about him.

I __, take him to the hospital right away
6. John, you have a big test tomorrow, and I can see you're already very tired.

You „ go to the party tonight.

7. Tom doesn't have his driver'fi license yet. He drivc to

the testing office.
3. Jill, T can see that there's a terrible storm cominfr I think the childrcn
play outsido anymore.

9. Airman Kent must be at work at 0400 tomorrow, She

wakeup early
10. Your shoelace isn't tied. You tie it, or you1!! fall down.
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Díalog Ask for and give advice

Readthe dialogs and underline the phrases thai introduce asking for and giving advice.

Dialcg 1
Jan: Hi, Rick. You look really tired today. Are you feeling well?
Rick: I'm not getting enough sleep, Jan. I have too much. studying to do,
so I fítay up alt night, DO you have any auggostions?
Jan: Wliy not do your atudying little by little? I take Khort breaks and
eat smaü snacks when I study. Then I don't have to atay up late to finish.
Rick: Thanks. I'lltry your idea.

Dialog 2
Brad: Hey, Mark, How do yon like tbose new weights at the fitness center?
Mark: I tried them out once, but I don*t really know how to use them properly.
What do you think I ought to do?
Brad: You should ask the professional trainer at the gym to help you.
You'd better not use them again without his advice.
Mark: You're right. I don't want to hurt myself.

Asking for advice Giving advice

Do you have any advice? Whydontyou,,.?
ñhcmldl...? Whynot.,,?
Do you think I ought to ...? You could ...
Do you think it's a good idea to ,..? You should ...
You ought lo ... s base
What should I do? verb
What's your advice? It's agoodidea to

What's your suggestion? You'd better .

Wliat do you think I should do? You shouldn't...

What do you think 1 ought to do? You'd better not.





Reading Reading faster for better comprehension

fbr instrjictifrns. Your teacher wiÜ tdl you when lo start.

1, Froni the text, how can you learn about

now ways to get in shape?
a. talk tu a friend
b- watch televisión
c. listen to the radio
d. read the newspaper
2. TV commercials show that losing
weight is
a. easy
b. fast
c. free
d. both a a n d b
3. Which way to lose weight was not in the text?
a. new diets
b. special medications
c. stomach operations
d. positive thinking
4, If the diet program you try doesn't work, what should yon do?
a. try a different way
b. gain weight
c. watch a movie
d. sell your fítness equlpment
5. On TV, losing weight appears to be than it really is.
a, leas interesting
b, harder
c. easier
d. more boring
6. From the text, which ot'the íbllowing statements is probably true?
a, Many Americans don't care about being in shape.
b- Most Americans worry a lot about their weight.
c. Most Americans don't watch televisión commercials.
d, Some Americans Inse weight by aitting on the couch.
US Military customs
and courtesies

VQCABULARY: A histoiy of traditions 31

DIALOGS: Talking ahout customs and courtesies - - 34
VÜCABULARY: Rights and privilcges 35
GRAMMAR: Introducing thc present BE passive * , , , 36
VOCABULARY: Cadets at the US Military Acadcmies 41
GRAMMAR: What fiad he bccn doiiig? . . . - 44
WRITING: Combining sentences to make paragraphs - 47
GRAMMAR: Necessity and obligaLion with hauegoí tu 50

WRiTING: Paraphrasing . 52
VOCABULARY: USOfficerranksandgrades(O-VtoO-lO) 53
SPEAKING: Giving messages , , , 56
Frevíew What *s new in Lesson 2?

Nouns Verbs Ranks
authority behave admiral
behavior have got to brigadier general
belief honor general
chainof command observe \5> lieutenant general
commisaioned officer render niíijor general
courtesy respect rear admiral upper-holf
custom take advantage of rearadniiral lower-half
honor vice admiral
installation Other
loyalty against Military pay grades
priviluge conipulsory O-7 - O-10
regulation honorable
respect júnior
responsibility loyal
right sénior
salute subordinate


The general's letters are typed by the Ask for and give information abouT miliíary
secretary. cusió rus and courtesies.

He had been driving for ten years before When do you aalute i naide?
he got a ticket. You salute inaide when you're
reporting to an officer.
Jim has got to finish this assignment by
tomorrow morning. Wliat do you do when a general
entera the room?
You stand up.


Vocabulary A history of traditions

In my country,
we observe se ve ral holidays
during the winter months but only Holidays
IMIOMOTIOXS two in the summer. What about in
* your country?

Gradual ion MII.ITARV


Thc US miliiary services have long imponaní cuüioms and couríesies nave
histories of tradiiions thac oxplyin what botóme regulíMions,
miliiary personne] should and should nol do Regubrions ¡iré mies dial instniU
in difieren! siCuations, Thest Lradilions can imlitary pcrsonncl on Ihc way ihey muaí
be dividcd into cusloms, courlesies, and bchave and thc way ihcy musí do ihings. For
cxample, when the sénior ranking olficcr
Customs are ihc normal way peopJe do enters a moni, ihe firsr soldicr who observes
things, or bthavü, in i:enyin ^¡Uiilioni. For Ihc officer siands up and calts all personncl
example, it is an oíd cusiom for scr\' i cernen LII (he room lo aUenlion. They musí remain
t>i' júnior rEink lo walk or sil to the left of standing umií ihe cornnijinder ^ay¿ h "At
sénior oftkcrs. ea.se," or "As yon wcrc" Othcr rcgulaiiona
Councsies are forms of polite behavior explain thc way members musí wear their
that honor and show résped for others, uniforms. Anoihcr group of rcgüliilions iclls
Renden n£ a salule and using "sir" or ihem ihe way to drive safdy 011 mililiiry
"m.i'ain'' wlien speaking with offlcers are installations. All mihiury personnel niiiM
two exampJes of miliiary ctjurtesies. All observe Lhese and many other basic
service mt-mbers are expecied to observe regulations for the military scrviccs ro
propcr cusioms and counesies, so many opérate propcrly. *
EXERCISE A Read the text US Military Traditions again.
Then write its topic and main ideo.



EXERCISE B Complete each question with the best word from the box.
Numbar I is an example.

1. IIow do we honor dead soldiers?

2. Why do aoldiers render a to ofllcers?
3. How does your country _ New Ycur's Evo?
render 4. What do the _ say about saluting?

respect 5. What services does the tour office 9r

6. How do you show _ to your commander?

7. How should atíldenla ¡Tí

8. When you meet sonieone, is it your

to shake hands?

EXERCISE C Pick a p]ace. Write down 3 common courtesies for that place.

classroom swimming pool library

store restan rant gym





EXERCISE D Interview a classmate. Wníe about hls or her country's mllitary.

Customs in .& müitary

Regulations in .'s military



EXERCISE E Choose the answer similar ¡n meaning to the underlined word.

1. A lieutenant is a júnior offker.

a. lower rank or standing
b, higher rank or standing
2. The drill sergeant observed the prívale^ unuüual bchavior.
a. ordered a.
b. watched b, statements
3. Colonels and above are sénior officers.
A. lower rank or standing
b. higher rank or standing

4. We were careful not to dríve above the speed limit on the installation.
EL base
h. road

5. Sumu ütudcnLs don't observe the no-smoking rules.

a. like
b, fbllow

Díalogs Taiking about customs and courtesies

Ihlk obout the customs and courtesies that are shown in the photograpiís.

EXERCISE A Maten each situation card with ¡ts custom and courtesy card,
Your tcachcr wiH giue furthvr if

EXERCIGE B Listen to your teacher. CircleT for true and F for false.

1. T 6. T F

2. T 6. T F

3. T F 7. T F

4. T P 8, T
Vbcabulary Rights and Privileges

In America, every person has the right to a basic education. Higher education is
not e right, and it can be very expensive, For this reason, the government offers to
pay all or part of the cost for military personnel who attend colleges, universities, or
vocational schools. It is one of the offers the military may mako to recruit people.
Many soldiers take advantage of this opportunity to get a higher education. It's a
privilege that isn't available to everyone.

EXERCI5E Study thedefinitionsof right and privilege.

Tken read the situafions bdow them. Wrife the word right or privilcge oti the Une.

Right: Being able to have something or behave in a certaio way

because of law or rank, Rights are usually gíven to all peoplc
by law and are taken away only in very special ailuations.
* In the US, all people have íhe right to speak tkeír opinions.

Special permission to do something that Í3 given to certain

people or groups. Privileges are not given tu everyone. A
privilege can be taken away.
» Studying English at DLI is a privilege.

Is it a right or a privilege ¡n the US?

1, Driving a car on a military installation,

2. Choosing the president.

3, Havíng an elomcntary achool education,

4, Getting military discounts on tickets.

5. Üwning a gun,

6. Using the commissary.

Grammar Introducing the present BE passive

Hoiv Generáis are Chosen

General officera, al so callea flag
offkers (O-7 to O-10) in the US Military,
ere promoted in a different way from
other ofílcers of lower rank. Instead of
pasfiing exams, theae ofílcers are
recommended for promotion by othcr
sénior ofílcers. The presídent of the
United States is then given the ñames of
the officers, and he selecta from among
After that, the president's selections
are sent to the sénior lawmakera of the
US Senate, and a meeting is held to approve the president's choices. Usually, ílag
offlcers are promoted after 24 years of service. Fewer than 1% of all sénior officers are
promoted to this rank.
In the paragraph above, who ...

1, recommends officers for promotion? a, the presídent

2. sends the officers1 ñames to the scnate? b, the US tíenate
3. holds a meeting? c, other sénior ofíicers
4. approves the officers?

The president selects flag officers.

SUBJECT BE + pasl participle AGENT [often nol&hown)

PASSIVE Flag officcrs
are selected ¡ (by the president). ¡

In a passive vo ¡ce sen ten ce, a n AGENT does something to the subject of the
sentence.The AGENT can be a person orthlng, It míghl not appear i n the sen lenes.

EXERCISE A Underline ali parts of the active and passive verbs.
Tíien UHifeAfbraCfíoe and P for passi ve. Number 1 is an example.

1. That student dpesn't arríve before breakfast.

2. Doctors prescribe medicine.
3. The information is found on page two.
4. Drivers aren't allowed tu drive through red Jights.
5. Does Brian live in New York City?
6- The new recruits aren't given guns.
7. Is grammar taught in this clase?
8. When are the floors scrubbed?

EXERCISE B Use the words to complete ihe sentences.

Number 1 is an example.

1, students /instructors
Students are taught by instructora
'2. a doctor / a patíent
is exarnined by
3. children/law
are required to attend school by
4. soldiera / drill sergeants
are instructed by
5. wind / clouds
are blown by the
6. pilots/airplanes
are flown by
7. deer/hunters
are shot by
EXERCISE C FIN in the blanks with the present BE passive form.
Number 1 is an

1, The new computéis are used (use) in the classroom every day.

2. Children (tell) to eat their vegetables by their

3. Spanish ÍSpeak) in. many stores in thu city

4. You (not / require) to go to the meetinfí.

5. Mr, Flanagan (sppredate) by his Btudents,

6. We (not / allow) an hour for lunch tuiymorc.

7. Allkindsoffruit fsell) in thaL grocery store.

8. Ham (not / eat) by anyone in my family.

9, I (wake up) too often by my neighbur's

10, Photos of students. (take) on the day they grüduuk'.

EXERCISE D Use the chart to answer your teacher's questions.

Vegetable Gardening Information for Southern Texas

' 1 More Information
Vegetable Planted Harveated
beans in April in 60 days harvesled when plants are young
Jettuce in April in 90 days watered frequently
corn in May in 90 day a grown cióse tngether
peppers in May in 4-5 months kepl in full sun
squash in July ín 4-5 months kept in full sun
EXERCISE E Add a form of BE and change the verba to make questions.
Change the verb to the past participle.

Yes/No Cuestión: Are beana plantea inJuly?

O u e st io n-word O u e s 11 o n: When are beans plantea?

a. beans / plant / in July / ? Are beans plantedinJuly?
b, when / beans / plant / ? When are beans plantea?

1. pnces / reduce / on holidays / ?

2. I / require / to show iny ID to uae the pool / ?

3, any exercises / akip / by the teacher / ?

4. when / your family / expect / to arrive for the wedding / ?

5, where / the horses / ride / ?

6, why / the coffee / keep in the fridge / ?

7. how often / the mail / deliver / ?

8. Why / dogs / traín by the military / ?

EXERCISE F Which of these animáis are eaten in your country?

P¡g l l . l l L frog


snaku monkey

EXERCISE G Interview your partner, takes notes, Ihen report to the class.

How the NewYear is celí íbrated in 's country


Is a parly given? If so, what

kind oí party is given?

When and where is the

celebration usually held?

What special activities are


Whatfood isealen?

What clolhes are worn?

What are people expected

to do at midnight?
Vocabulary Cadets at the US Military Academias

The United Stales Military from superlors and laler how lo man age
are among ihe besl universitics in ihe coun- subordínate persunnel. They al so Jearn
try Applying for the academies is more thal ít's important lo opérate as a group
complicated and ditTicult ihart applying ai and noi lo go against the rcgulation,i and
heliefs of the military or ilie couniry. This
Cadets learn about the sense oí JoyaUy helps them ir thcir fnrure
responsibüities of beíng officers. military careers.
Atter gr¿iduating h cadcis hccome coni-
other universJties, The five academia are míssioncd officers and are assigned ro
very seleetive, Many people compete for mtliiary installations around Ihe worid.
the honor o! atlending onc, bul few are Graduales of these honorable acadcniics
chosen. Every person who wants lo ullend are liighly respecied becuuse they are
musí have good high school grades and be among llie best-iraiticd and most Joyal
in great physical shape. Another differ- ofñccrs in the services. *
eiKre is ihal univcrsity siudents pay money
fur thcir educación, huí cadeis al Ihe acad-
emies don*t. They pay wiih compulsory
military service after gradualion. They
have got to agree lo serve in one of the
military services for five years.
ín addiüon lo their academic siudics,
Ihc cadeis leam abojt the respon.síbili-
íies, or duties, of bcing officers. Cadets in
Iheir third and fourth ycai's have seniority,
and they can behavc like sénior ofticers.
The ncwcr cadete are Iheir subürdin¡iles>
so they musí obey Ihe orders of the sénior AWestPolmCadet
cadets. Colonef Josephus A. Bowman enlisted
By taking ihese posilions, cadets learn In the Arniy in 1933. He wenl to Wesr
Poml, Ihe US Aimy's mililary acadsmy,
the importanceof Ihc chain of command in 1935 and graduated Jn 1939. During
They are laughi how to re&pecl and exer- his service inWortdWarlf, he joined the
Ait Forcé. He reiiretf wilh Ihe rank of
cisc the aulhority thal come* with rank.
Firsih they learn how to carry out orders
EXERCI5E A Write the letter of the word that best completes each sentence.

1. You must wear a seat belt when driving. It's a. commis&ioned

office r
2. Acaptainhas over a Jieutenant.
3. A aecond lieutenant or higher is a
c. respnnRibility
4. Bob always keeps hia promises. He's a friend.
d, respect
5. Acolonelis toa general.
e. aeniority
6. A long time ago, there was a that the world was fíat,
f, subordínate
7. It's- regulations to wear a military hat with civilian
clothea. g.
8. Every student has the of doing his homework, h. loyal
9. Col Lane's júnior officers him a lot. i. against

EXERCISE B Complete the e-mail with the worda in the gray box.

respect sense honorable chain of command

installation observe honor loyalty subordinates

To: New recruits

Subject: E-mail advice Irom your new DI

Let me gíve you some advice about working on this O.

First, youVe got to respect others if you want to get @_ ,YOLJ'|| be

okay if you do your Job and lollow orders. The commanding ofíicer, Col Bassh is an
©.___ man. He only gets upset when his O.

do not Q — the © BLJ* i* he

realizes you work hard and nave a O. ofG

towards himh hell do anything for you. I believe it is an 6 to

work forhim, and you should feel honored to be here. See you soon.

DI Masterson


EXEHCISE C Match the words to make common phrases.

Then write the phrase in the correct sentence beíou: Number 1 is on example.

1. observe a. advantage of
2. take b. and privileges
3. rights c. ofduty
4. be on your best d. the regulations
5. sen se e. eourtesy
G. rcndcr f. behavior
7. common g. a

1- Cadets must earn the of being an officer.

2. All nprflñnngl mnat observe the regulations about driving on base.

3. If you see a sénior offker outdoors, be sure to

4. Children are taught to be polite and practice

5. Bob*s never late for work. He has a strong

6. When the general visitsh picase

7. Pvt Colé wants to the military discount on

búa tickets.

EXERCISE D With a partner, ask and answer these questions.

L How do you honor a guest in your country?

2. Ñame two people that you respect, How did they
earn your respect?
3. Who are you loyal tot and who has been loyal to you?
4. Who do you have authority over, and who has
authority over you?
Grammar What had he been doing?

Cari had been playing soccer for 30 minutes ... no w

f fj ffjt f

he fcll and hurt his

f,ul)| had ( n n t ) been verb + ing (time) (simple past clauca)

He had been playing (for 30 minutes) (when he fell).

V We can use the past perfect progressive to talk about a past actlon that was taking
place before (and somctimes until) anoiher action in the past.

EXERCISE A Match the two columns to make complete sentencia.

1. She'd bcen swimming a. until the DT told them to stop.

2. Gary got in an accident b. so her hair waa wot in cl:i3B.
3. Linda'seyes were red c. before they had their first game?
4. Jimrny got a stomachache d. for that company?
5. Had they been practicing a lot e. becauüc shc'd bcen crying earlier.
6- Howlonghad he been working £ before the bus arrived?
7. Had you been waiting a long time g. because he hfldn't been drivinf-
8- The soldiers had been marching
for hours h. because he'd been ealing
mut;h candy.

*• Contracled form: Hehadbeen eating = He'dbeen eating.
He had noí been eating. = Hehadn't been eating.
EXERCISE B Complete the e-mail using the past perfect progressíve.
Yon tnust add híid bccn and -ingto the uerhs in porentheses f). Use contractions when
possible. Numher 1 is un example.

From; Jonathan Wells Sent;Wed9/14

To; Beth Wells 11;Q2a.m.
Subject: Hi

H¡ Mam,

How are you? l'm doing okay, but yeslerday was terrible! My day starled at
4:30 a.m. I O d been sleeping {sleep) very welf until my
neighbor's car alarm woke me up. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up ano1
got ready for work.
I began my dnve lo work and I © (not, dnve)
lor long when the car in front of me braked fast, f was able lo stop in time, but
the driver behind me wasn'L I think he O (talk]
on his ceJI phone and O {not, watch) the
cars around hirn, so he hit my car. No one was hurt, and my car was okay, buT I
was látelo work.
Afler a long day at work, I finally went home, I feJl extremely tired. My head

0 (ache) all day since the accident. ao I

really needed to get some resl. Well, I 0 (rest)
for onfy ten minutes when I heard my neighbor's car alarm again. Can you
believe it? I went to my neighbor's house to tell him to Turn off his noisy alarm.
JO ^__ (knock) on my neighbor's door for three
minutes befare I realized that no one was home. Yes, il was a very bad day!
Well, Mom, Tve gottogo. I hopeyQu're doing welL Talk to you laten
EXERCISE C Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Use the chart to help yon. Number 1 is ait example.

Had he been U fililí* the oíd computer?

How long kad she been studying for last week's test?

1. planning/Linda/Had/been
Had Linda been planning a surprise party for her friend?
2, you / been / working on your car / Had
all Inst weekend?
3. working out / you / How long / been / had
when I saw you?
4, living / How long / the Smiths / had / been / in the house
when it burned down?
5. you /had / studying/been /Where
before the new library opened?
6. had / been / What / doing / Lt Williams
until he gol súck?
7- viaiting/had/Who/been/Stacy
bcforo she returned last night'.3

EXERCISE D In pairs, ask & answer questions in the past perfect progresa I ve.

T 1- Where had your parents been living when they fírst met?
2. What had you been doing before you joined the military?
3. What kind of assignment had you been doing before you
began this courae?
4. How long had you been studying English before you met
your present teacher?

Writing Combining sentences to make paragraphs

There are many different ways to combine two or more ideas and sentences
to make a clearer single sentence which means the same thing.

A. We can use these words to add descrlptlons to a sentence.

who Mr, Long is the man. He lost his wallet.
which —»• Mr, Long is the man WHO lost his wallet

B. We can use these words to join ideas.

Mr. Long had his ID card. He had his driver's license.
and He had money. They were in his wallet, The wallet fell
but out of his pocket He didn't notice.
so -> Mr. Long had his ID card, driver's license, AND money
inhis wallet. It fell out ofhispocket, BUThe didn't notice.

C. We can use these words to joln sentences.

after Mr. Long ate dinner in a restaurant. He realized
because he had lost his wallet. He couldn't pay for his dinner.
befare He didn't have any money.
until •-*• Mr, Long ate dinner ín a restaurant BEFORE he
while realized he had lost his wallet. He couldn't pay for
when his meal BECAUSE he didn't have any money.

fi about Lhe same topic can be combined into a paragraph. When we
combine thc sentences from Tables A, B, and C, we have the paragraph below.

Mr. Long is the man WHO lost his wallet. He

had his ÍD card, driver's license, AND money in
his wallet It fell out of his pocket, BUT he didn't
notice. He ate dinner in a restaurant BEFORE he
realized he had lost his wallet- He couldn't pay for
his meal BECAUSE he didn't have any money.
EXERCISE A Combine the sentences usmg who, that, or which.
Nuniber 1 is fin exomple.

1. Sam's the boy- He ate all the candy.

Sam's the boy WHO/THAT ate all the candv.
2. There's the car. I want tobuy it

3- Ms. Kent's the woman. Ms, Kent's the buss at my company.

4. The red book's the one. The red book is the hardest to read

5- Clerks are store workers. Clerks help

EXERCISE B Combine the sentences using and, or, so, or bul.

Nitmber í is an example.

1, I ate a cheese sandwich. Jennie ate a chicken sandwich.

I ate a cheeae sandwich, AND Jennie ate a chicken sandwich.
2, We can go to the movies. We can go to a soccer match.

3, Linda has a credit card, She can charge hcr books to her card.

4. I need to lose weight. I don h t like to jog.

5. Tom eats fish. Tom eats chicken. Tom eats beef

EXERCISE C Combine the sentences with the words in the gray box.
Numher 1 is an

before until when aíler becauae

1, Sam went to the library ñrst. Then Sam went to eat dinner.
Sam went to the library BEFQRE he went to eat dinner.
2. Dan won the race. Dan was the fastest runner.

3. Can we get ice cream? Can we see the movie first?

4, Lily waited for the bus. The bus arríved at the bus stop.

5, Was the door open? You carne honie.

EXERCISE D Combine the sentences with these words, Rewrite the paragraph.

who and but sin te

That is the patient. He was in a car accident last night. He was speeding. He
ran a trafile light. The doctor thought that he had serious injurias. He unly broke his
. The pólice gave the driver a ticket. He didn't obey the law.
Grammar Necessity and obtigation with have got to

Do you want to
go with me to get Thanka, but I can't.
something to eat? Fue got to finish my
report before class

Subject Modal Base verb

Jtdl <• f hO9 gOt tO
He/She = must finish.
We/They = has / have to
= am / are / is auppoaed to

*I* There Is no negative form of have got to.

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences with has/have got to.

Uae cQntractions, Nümbei' 1 rs an example.

1. Luke'a suppo&ed to leave at 7:00. HP 'seotto

2. I have to see my doctor. I aee my doctor.

3. Jill has to get her book back. She get her book badí.

4. Wc have to go to the store. We o to the store.

5. TheymustgetnewlDcards. They get new ID cards.

6. You*re supposed to sign in. You sien in.

7. Pal has to leave right away. He leave right away.

8. The clerks must do their work, They _ do their work.


EXERCISE B Write new sentences with has/have got to and the words in (),
Use contracíi&nü whf-n possible. Number 1 ís an exampis.

1. I've lost my driver's license. (I / find it)

I've got to find it.
2. Jack has an English test tomorrow. (he / studyí

3. Our gas tank is almost empty. (we / fill it up)

4. Theae slacks are the wrong color. (I / exchange themj

5. Sharon didn't get much sleep last níght, (ahe / go to bed early tonight)

6. The chain of coramand is very important. (you/follow it)

7. The meeting is compulsory. íeveryone / attendj

& Your gucsts are making too much noise, (they / quiet down.)

EXERC1SE C Write 3 things you have got to do. Get 2 more from your partner.

EXAMPLES: Tve got to deán my room,

My partner has got to buy a new cell phone.



4. My partner

5- Mypertner
Writlng Paraphrasing

EXAMPLE: Daylight Saving Time

In countries north and south of the equator, the total hours of daylight mercase
during their summer season. Many of those countrics movc the time on thcir clocks
forward one hour in the spring becausc they want to be able to use the oxtra
daylight at the end of the work day during the summer. They turn the clocks back in
the falL This practico is known as Daylight Saving Time. The saying, "Spring
forward, fall back," hclps pcople rcmcmbcr how to change their clocks.

Paraphrase of Daylight Saving Time

In most parts of the world, the hours of daylight get longor in sumniür, Pcopk
change their clocks in the spring because they want to uae more dayli^ht to work in
the summer. Clocks aro turned back again in autumn. Changing the time ia called
Daylight Saving Time, An easy way to remember to change the time is with the
phrasc "Spring forward, fall back/'

EXERCISE Write a paraphrase of the text that your instructor gives you.
Readthe text ihree times. Tht>n, ivíell the tevt inynur nivn marda to tkrce diffsrent p&opl&.
Finafíy, rewrite the fexl in your own words using the Unes beloiv.

Vbcabulary US Qfficer ranks and grades (Q-7 to O-10)



General General Genera! Admiral
(GEN) (Gen) (Gen) ÍADM»

Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant
General General General Vice Admiral
(LTG) (Lt Gen) (LtGen) (VADM)


Majur General Major General Major General Rear Admira!

(MG) (MfljGenJ uMajGen) UpperHalf (RADMU)

Brigadier Brigadier Brigadier
General General General Rear Adniiral
(BG) (Brig Gen) LowerHalf(RADlVfL)
Hanksend 12/06

EXERCISE A Inpairs, numberlhe ranks from lowest (1) to highest (6).


. , major general captaín
brigadier general rear admiral lower halí'
colonel admíral
]:eutenant general rear admiral upper hulf
general commander
lieutenant colonel vice admiral
EXERCISE B Use the chart to answer the cuestione.

1. What is the highest officer rank in the US Navy?

2. What grade is a rear admiral lower-halí?
3. Can a lieutenant general give orders to a major general?
4, What does EADMU mean?
5. Which navy rank is the same as a general in the armyV
6. Which sénior officer navy rank is the most júnior?
7. What isanO-9in the navy? .
8, Does a brigadier general have seniority over a major general?

EXERCISE C Complete with is sénior to, is júnior to, or j's subordínate to.
Number 1 is an example.

1. A brigadier general 13júnior/subordínate to a general.

2. A navy admiral . a vioe admiral.

3. A major general a lieutenant general.

4. A rear admiral upper half a brigadier general.

5, A lieutenant general in the army —, an admiral.

EXERCISE D Write your rank and ñame in the box ai the bottom.

Then ¡ist fhe people iu yoitr chain ofcommand abone yon. Inciude their mnkn
EXERCISE E Complete each sentence wlttí the best word from the box.

behavior compula ory loyal

observe authority
against take advantage of honorable

1. A prívate docsrTt have the to give orders.

2. When something is ., you don't have a cholee about doing it.

3. ifyou use an opportunity when it's there, you it.

4. If a snldier doesn't saJute a sénior, he's going regulations.

5. Because of his bad , Bob was asked to leave the testing lab.

6. TheUSArmyis to the US government

7. People in the US Thanksgiving ín the fall.

8. Capt Marks always does the right thing. He's an man.

EXERCISE F Gírele the word that has a similar meaning to the key word.
1. have got toj could must may would should

2. observe slccp confusa imagine watch leave

8. honor respect chance humor future duty

4. regulation área Story rule noise doubt

5. installation
n yard base check office roof

6. admiral O-5 E-6 O-1Q 0-2 E-3

7. compulsory
y requíred lost eagy pretty Qld

8. authority advicc power care idea thought

9. scnse secret ofíer cholee date feeling

10. render point march give s a hite apply

Speaking Giving messages

Folloic the teacher's instructions.

1. Yuu noed to see your commander at 1500 today,

2. The h'brary printor is located next to the restroom door,

3. Students may start using the wyshing machines in the new dorm.

4. The cafetería will be closed for the next thrcc days.

5. The bus wiJl no longer stop in front of the malL

6. You can now pick up your mail uritil 2100.

7. The pricc of stamps has incrcased by two cents.

8- We will re place theTVs in your dorms by the end of the month,

9. üeport for the tourin front of the school at OGOO tomorrow.

10. If you want to bring coííee to clase, use a cup with a lid.

EXERCISE Get 2 messages írom your partner.Then pass on 2 messages.

Let's go to the theater.

VOCABULARY: All kiiids of entertainment ............. - , 69

Local actress in town this weekend . . . ....... GÜ
Acting touple will perform together on stage , . , , . 61

GRAMMAR: Which city would you rather visit?. . . . . ...... 64

SPEAKING: Givíng messages .................... 66

VOCABULARY: All about music—A radio talk show .......... 6S

GRAMMAR: Which do you preferí .................. 74

DIALOGS: Asking and talking about prcfcrenccs ......... 77

GRAMMAR: Are you tough enough to be a Marine? . . . . . . . . . 78

READING: inferen ees ...... . ............ 80

Reading faster for better comprehension ....... 82
l-review Qs new in Lesson 3?
Nouns role Other vuord»
actor row antiquc
actress stage classical
adventure symphony closo (to)
award talent either ^
ballet theater enough
comedy type íofj furthermore
concert viotin humoroufi
drama kind
drums Verbs likewise
guitar actV^ modern
humor award musical
instrument Cfln*t stand neíther v
musical dislike rather than
musician hate scary
opera perform ^ serious
orcheatra play XS*
performance VP prefer (to)
piano quit -* quít/quit
play would rather


I'd rather see a comedy than a drama. Ask and talk about

I prefer swimming to jogging. Would you rather take the train than
the bus?
Paul didn't study enough to pass the test. Do you prefer the train to the bus?
Which do you prefer, the train or the
Td rather take the bus than the
I prefer the búa to the train.
Vocabulary Aíí kinds of entertainment

EXERCISE Choose one of Ihese events to attend.


Your información connection to the city's entertainment


A pJay by Joe Orton A NEW MUSICAL
Tonight the orchestra
perforrns selections from One night uíily! Now playing at
Mozart's Dan Grovünnr Saturdayat7:30 The Downtown Theacer
Swon Loke 5th Street Theater New York City
Curtaín goes up at 8 p.m. New York, New York Mon-Sacat8 h Sun at 2
Buy tickets online at Online tickets at Get your tickets at
o re h estraboxoffi c e .com theatercharge. com tlieaiercharge,cam
or at che box office or cal! 212-555-2341
Vocabulary Local actress in town this weekend

Barbara Blair ís a local actress whn has performed

in movies, on TV programa, and on the stage in plays. Tn
her short career, she has already won many awards for
her performances.
Blair acted in her first movie, Return ofthñ Red Death,
ín 1999. She won the Best Movie Actresa Award for playing
a dead woman who carne back to life in that very scary
movie. Two years later, she received Iclevision's animo!
Best Actress Award. Furthermore, the New York Actors'
Club awarded her the 2007 Wuman of the Year Award
because she had been performing many differcnl juba
without pay in the city to help poor students go to cullege.
The actress prefers performing on stage to actíng in movios. Movies may pay
better, but ahc would rather perforní in front of peoplc, "When I'm on stage," she
says, '1 can make a connection with the people in the audience, cspecially with those
who are sitting in the ñrst two rows." Often her husband, actor Robert Blair, ia in
thu íirst row with their two children.
The actors are both in town this weekend. They'II be performing in the same pUiy,
Who's dt the Door? at the Carver Theater downtown beginning fiaturday night.

EXERCISE Match each vocabulary word with its meaning.

1. actreas a. to like one thing instead of or more than another

2. play b. a line of seats in a theater or atadium
3. theater c. the área in the theater where actor? perform
4. scary d. plays are performed in this building
5. stage e. in addition; besides
6. to perform f. a woman actor
1. furthermore g. frightening
8- toprefer h, to act on stage, TV, or in movies; to do (a Job or duty)
9- row i. something a person receives for doing a goud joh
10. award j, a story performed by actors on a stage
Vocabulary Acting couple wilí períorm together on stage

Actor Robert Blair has performedin plays and mu si c ais

on stage in theaters across the country. His many talents
include singing, dancing, and acting. His last role was the
humor ous Dr Donothing in the comedy The Qnfy Horse
in Town. He often performs serious roles in dramas, but
his preference is comedies I . - . , i . -• he 111, i - to use humor
to make the audience laugh.
Blair also uses his talent off stage to record books, Right
now, he's recording a short story, an adventure about a
boy who secretly travels to several countries on a ship,
Blair's next stage performance will be in the drama
Who'sat thc Door? with his wife, actress Barbara Blair. Robert will play thc role ufa
man who is afraid to Eeave his apartment. Barbara plays his t, mil neighbor who helps
him and gradually becomes his friend.
Robert and Barbara Blair have never acted together in the same play. Neither
actor has ever had the opportunity before. Their Jobs have always taken them to
different parta of thc country. Thc two actors love their careers, but they dislike
working in different citíes. Robert hates being; away from Barbara and their children,
and ahe feels likewise about them. The couple Looks forward to working cióse to
home for tho next two Tnonths. They'll be performing together for the first time thia
wcekend at the Carver Thester. Tickets are on sale at the box office.

EXERCISE A Check the boxes to answer the questions about the Blairs,

Who. Barbara Robert Neither

1. has performed in plays?

2. has won many awards? n
3. has performed in movies?
4. has recordad books?
5. has performed on TV shows?
6- prefers performing in movies to plays?
7. prefers acting in comedies?
performs work to help poor students?
will perform in a play this weekend?
0. will play the role of the apartment manager? D
EXERCISE B In paira, uso the words in the box to complete the artlcle.

musical Theater played

roles actors preference kind
dislikes performance drama neither


Blairs Perform Together in Who's at the Door?

Who's at the Door? is a new O __ _ . written by Bob
Gregory which begins at the Carver O_ .—,- this Saturday
night. It's the fírst time husband and wife 0 ___ , Rubert
and Barbara Blair, have acted in the same play together, The Blairs were
Gregory's O __ for actors to play the
0_ of a man who is afraid to come out of his
apartment and his neighbor who 0_- him at tirat,
then later becomes his friend.
Gregory says, "Robert and Barbara have O -, ---
niany roles in dramas and comedies. The last timí! I saw Robert on the stage,
he was singing and dancing in a 0 I wanted to atu
him in Lhe 0 role of the man in thc apartment,
but 1 didn't yet have a choice for an actress to play the part of the neighbur.
Then I met Barbara and thought she was the right person, I askcd her to
accept the role. She was © . and accepted. I was glad
that ffl actor turned me down,"
Tickets for the Blairs' first © together are on
salenow st the Carver Theater box office. *• by Rager Anderson
EXERCISE C Fill in the blank wilh the correct word.

1. Both my cars are in the garage one is working.

None / Neither
2. Diana enlist in the army than the navy.
would rather / ought to
3. I always have bad dreams after I watch movies.
funny / scary
4. I don't like soccer or baseball , I don't like tennis.
Furthermore / Properly
5. Living in a new country will be a great .
adventure / preference
6. Jim always makes me laugh. Ho has a great sense of
humor /business

7. Don studies hard for aJJ of his tests- Betty does

gradually / likewise
8. John and Jane are looking for a house _. the base.
cióse to / instead of
9. Ms. Clark has in many movies and ptays.
acted / avoided
10. CaptainBrown his duties well.
performs / acts

11. My fsvorite TV show is a

comedy / mu si cían

12. Johnny refuses to oat vegetables because he them.

laves / hates
13. Stophanie has a í'or Jü^rning languages.
drama / talent
14. The city will be money to the builder who has the
showing f awarding
beat plan to bu i Id the new —.
actor / theater
Grammar Which city wouíd you rather visit?

Would you rather visit París . X
visit London than

EXERCISE A Listen and fill in the blanks wfth would rather.

Listen fbr and u/rile contractions. Number 1 is ati exarnpíe,

Jim: Hi, Sam. What should we do tonight? O Wuutu you rathor

go to the movies or watch a movie on TV tonight?
Sam: Neither, IO watch the basketball game on TV.
What O you do?
Jim: There's a new action movie showing in the theaters. I roally want to see it.
Sam: Sorry, but I O not- The game is between two great teams.
Jim: That's okay. Maybe we can see the movie tomorrow.
Sam; Su re. you aoo it in the afternoon or
at night?
Jim: Eíther is fine, but it's more expensive at night, I think.
Sam: You're right, Let's go in the afternoon, There are shows at 2:00 and 4:00.
When O you go?
Jim: Mii hcr time works for me.
Sara; Then Ict's go to the later show.
Which city would you rather visit, París or London?

Would you rather walk in aparkorjogon atrack?

subject modal
cholee 1 / t h ,_ choice 2 )
withbaseverb ' '"'
I/You would rather visit Paria (visit) London.
He/She than
tí raí her walkinapark jog on a track.

When Ihe verb Is Ihe same lor both cholees, we usually dmi't repaat the verb.

EXERCI5E B Wrile senlences using woulct rather + base varb {+ than).

Use contrae!i'otis. Number 1 is an example.

1. l/eat chicken/eat h&ef I'd rather eat chicken fthan beeO,

2. They/stay home/go out

3. She/jog/swim

4. He/fly a plane/drive a car

5. I/study math/history

6. Wp/Iive near the sea/a lake

7. They/visit California/Florida

EXERCISE C Write sentences that are irue for you with woutdfáther + than.

1, play soccer/watch soccer

2, watch a movie/listen to music
3, shop in a atore/shop online
4. buy ahouse/buy a sports car
Speaking Giving messages

Listen to your ieacher read a rtiessage. Wriíe answers to the questions.

1. Can you make an appointment now? For customer

service, presa 1
For hilling
2. When is the doctor'a office open?
preas 2...

3, When are they closed for lunch?

EXERCISE A FollGw ihe teacher's inatraclions. Divide ínto groups of 3:

Studenl 1 reads a message onty to Studfnt 2, who takea notes, then pauses it to Stüdent 3.

sport: time of performance;

day of the week: tickot price for an adult:

time of game: ticket price for a child:

tempera ture now: « museurtí address:

humidity: closed on:

high temperature: free day:

EXERCISE B Practice leaving messages with a partner.

Hi f Ben.Thisis
Susie. Do you want to go
to the movies tonight? There's
a great new comedy showing.
I'll try calling back later,

Phank you for calling

the Waltons. We're not
home right now, but if Hello, thismessagc
is for Chris Walton. Chris,
you leave a message,
we'll get back to yo u. it's Tony Why don't we meet to
study at the library? Cali me
= Beep! í
back at 555-2019,

Write your own recordéd photie message behiv. to

Pind out if your clasamate

wants to ...
• go to a movie
* have dinner at your houae
* tíludy at the library
• take a trip to Dallas
• work out at the gyra
» jog at a park
* look after your plants
while you are gone
• try out your new car
* playsoccer
• go to a concert
* eat out
Vocabulary Aít about music—A radio talk show

Music Talk JÍ with James Ladd

James: Good aftcrnoon, listencrs. This is Jamas

Ladd wíth Music Talk. Our guest Loduy is a
young musician. Twenty-year-old Emma
Flynn lias just joincd tlie city's orchestra,
where she will play first violin Emma t
you certainly play Ihe violin very wclL Do
you play any other musical instrumenta?
Emma: Yes, I also play the piano. Tve playcd
both since I was very young. I used to
practice either the violin or the piano
every day. Now T'll be spending more time
on the violin rather than the piano.
James: How many hours du you practice each
instrument now?

Enuna; I practice the violin about six hours

every day with the orchestra, Then 1
practice a couple of houra at home, too.
Tve quit practicing the piano except for
a little on the weekends. I prectiue just
enough to keep my fíngers in shape.
James: I understand that you have a very special violin.
Emma: Yes, it's an antique violin which was made in
1716. My father played it in many concerU
around the world until he retired three years
ago, I'm lucky to have it.
James: What type of music will you be playing with the
Emma: 1*11 be playing classical music with the
orchestra, of course, We*ll perform a variety of
symphonies and pieces of music from famous
ballets and operas.
James: Do you ever play modera music?
Emma: Not with the orchestra. But I like to play all
kinds of modern music. I used to be in a band
with twn friends when I was in high school.
One played the guitar an^ sang, the othcr
played the drums, and I was on the piano.
James: Is there any kind of music you dislike?
Emma: The only type I can't stand is music that
sends bad messages to young people. Some
songs can make kids think it's okay to act
terribly, That bad behavíor can hurt their
performance in school and get them into

James: Thank you for joining us today^

Emma. Our guest has been Emma
Flynn, the newest member af the
orchestra, Her first performance will
be this Saturday evening at 7 p,m. Well
cióse our program with Emma playing
one of Mozart's sonatas for wolin.

EXERCISE A WriteT for true and F for false.

Ifii is fcilfte, cnrrect i£.

I- Emma is an actreSS,
2. She plays the violin and piano,

3. Asymphony orchestra usually plays classical music.

4. Emma practices the piano for more than three hours every day.

ñ. Emma has a modern violin.

6. Emma doesn't like modern music,

7. The orchestra plays music from operas and ballets.
EXERCISE B Fin in the blank with the corred word.

1. The city has 61 musicians.

2, Somepeople prefer modem muñic to music.
claasical / drama
3- Donna's Job is very good. She'll get a prumotion soon.
performance / inatrument
4. Loud music givea aome people headachea. They it
can't stand / cióse to
5. Paulad alwaya heJping people and animáis. She's very _
kind / scary

6. A musician has broken a string on his

violin / stage

7. Dancers in a dance on theír toes and jump high-

stage / ballet
8. Matt's so funny L He tells some really ^— stories.
9. Betty sings and plays the violin, She has a lot of ta!ent.
modera / musical
10. A drama? No, George doesn't like that
type / award

EXERCISE C Tel! ttíe class about an ¡nstrument you play or mugic you like.

I learnedto play the I play the drums in

violin when I was six. a military band.

pano trumpet
EXERCISE D Complete the sentences with words from the box.

rather tíian musicians

quit Symphony instrumenta
concert opera

1. Let's buy tickets to the comedy the drama.

2. Mike plays two musical ., the violin and the piano.

3, Jeff doesn't play tennis anymore. He after he broke hia foot.

4. Don bought tickets to hear his favorite band play in

5. Many say that Caruso was the greatest _ síngerin history.

6. TheVienna Orchestra has about 95

EXERCISE E Complete the sentences with words from the box.

piano antique niodern

performance award
neither either act

1. Carel will certainly get an for her wonderful

in the

2. My grandfather has an that was built in 1825,

3. Parcnts teach their children to pülilcly

4, Chopín wrote a large amount of music for

6. Busses 11 and 18 both have stops downtown. You can take .

6, Most cameras don't need film anymore.

7. 1 don1! líke fiah or pork. s good to me.

EXERCISE F Match the underlined word or phrase with a word below.

a, talent c. antique e. can't stand

b h humor d- furthermore i. líkewise

1- I stronglv dislike that type of music-

2- Sue has a very good aense of things that make people lauah.
3- I cnjoyed the food at the party. In the same way, I enjuyed Ihc inuaic.
4. My mother has an oíd bracelet from the 1SGO&.
5. People need special ability to play musical instrumente well.
6. We need to sweep the stage floor, In addition. we nued lu mup iL

EXERCISE G Circle S if the words are synonyms or A ¡f they are antonyms.

1. serio QSs hu morous S A

2. an opera
•ra a musicat S A

3. quit begin S A

4. drama comedy s A

5. prefer dislike s A

6. enjoy can't stand s A

7. modcrnn antique s A

8. besidesg furthermore s A

9. nap sleep s A

EXERCISE H With a partner, ask and answerthe questions.

1. Which would you rather see, an opera, a musical, or a ballet?

Can you ñame one that you have seen or would like to see?
2. Ñame a famous performer you would like to meet
What talent does that person have?
3. Have you ever had a role in a play? Or períbrmed in puhlic
in any way?
4. Which do you like: comedy, drama, action, or scary movies?


EXERCISE I Choose the best answer to the questlon.

1. John tells the [unmest stories. 6. Jan owns a car from 1925.
Whctt kind ofstories does John tell? What type of cor does she own?
a. Important ones- a, A fast car.
b. Humorous oríes. b, A car from Europe.
c. Oíd ones. c, An antique car.

2. We want to see a movie matead u f a 7. Johnlaughs at almost everythitig.

play, What can we say aboutJokn?
What do it?e want to scc? a- He sees humor in many things,
a. We want to aee a movie rather b. He thinks life is scary.
than a play.
c. He's too serious most of the time.
b. Wedon't want to see either.
c. We want to see both. 8. Jane couldn't see the actors on stogc
very well.
3. Don enjoys jogging and swrmming, What mas the problem?
Vfhick activity does he like? a. The actors spoke soflly.
a. Either of the activities. b. She was sitting in the last row.
b. Neitherof the activities. c. The orchestra was too load.
c. He didn't say.
9. I offered Katie chocolate or
4. Charles has four musical Htrawberry ice cream to eat with her
Instruments. cake, but she ate only the cake.
What does he own? Whícfi íype ofice cream did she eaí?
a. A violin, piano, guitar, and drums. a. Neíther,
b. A piano, song, guitar, and play. b. Both.
c. A concert, theater, o pera, and play. c. Either.

5. Ellen enjoys laughíng when she 10. Linda usualJy talks a lot. Tnday
watches a movie. she's very quiet.
What type of movie should she see? What can we soy about Linda's
a. A drama, behauior today?
b- A comedy. a. She's acting difíerently.
C- A musical. b. She's going to lunch early.
c. She's perfcirming her Job,
<3rammar Which do you prefer?

Preference Quiz
Which do you prefer? Circle the letter that is truc for yon

-B When you eat at a restauran!, whlch do you prefer?

a. 1 prefer meat to vegetables.
b. I prefer vegetables tomeat.

o When I watch a movie, I prefer _ _.

a. a drama rather than an adventure
b. an adventure rather than a drama

O Which sport do you prefer, fishing or playing soccer?

a. I prefer fishing to playing soccer,
b- I prefer playing soccer to fishing,

A On the weekends, I prefer _

a. staying in my room rather than going out
b- going out rather than staying in my room

c Do you prefer to watch a play rather than act In a play?

a. Yes, I prefer to watch a play rather than act in one.
b. No, I prefer to act in a play rather than watch one.

O Add up the number of A's. and the number of Blg.

Total A's _
Total B's
© Look at your score in the gray box below.

ooj aq

'Suuoq ooi
EXERCISE A Follow the rules to copy your answers to the Preference Quiz*
Afistucrs mili vafy. Number 1 is an example.

1. I prefer + noun + to •+- noun

I prefer meat to vegetables.
2- 1 prefer + noun +• rather than + noun

3. I prefer + gerund + to + gerund

4. ¡prefer + gerund + rather than + gerund

5. I prefer + ¿o-infínitive + rather than +• barc infinitiva

noun noun
rather than
Subject prefer(s) gerund gerimd
rather than
to-infinitive rather than bare inilnitive

V An infinitiva without lo ís called a bare infinitive.

EXERCISE B Circle the correct answer.

1. I prefer eating rice to eat i eating bread.

2. He prefcrs trucks rather than cars I driuing cars.
3. We prefer to take an airplane rather than to drive f drive our car.
4. Does she prefer water to juice I drinking juice?
5. He prefers math to learning history I history.

6- Athletes prefer playing a sport rather than to match / watchíng a sport.

7. Do you prefer togolgo shopping rather than sightseeing?
"os, I prefer cold
Do you prefer
cold weather to
hot weather?

*»* Whcn you answer a questlon, you don't always have to repeal rather than or fo

EXERCISE C Use the verb proferto write answers that are true lor you.
Answers mil vary. Number 1 has tuto example (tnawers.

1. Which do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

I prefer chocolate to vanilla ice cream./ Neither, I prefer atrawberry ico cream

2. Do you prefer working out rather than reading?

3. When do you prefer to take a shower, in the evening or in the morning?

4. Do your friends prefer comedies rather than dramas?

5. Do you prefer a black car to a red one?

6. Do you prefer to read English rather than speak it?

7, How do you prefer to travel Jong distances, by car, train, boatt or plañe?
Pialogs Asking and taiking about preferences

Ask ond answer qttfRtions &bt>ut preference itsing the picíures



Do you prefer hunting to fishing? Yes, I do. / No, I prefer

Do you prefer to hunt rather than fish? No, I prefer to fish.
Which do you prefer, huntmg or fishing? I prefer fishing to huntíng,
Would you rather hunt or fish? I'd rather hunt than físh.
Whicli would you rather do, hunt or fish? Eithcr one ia fine, I like both,
Neither. Td rather play soccer.
(5 ra turnar Are you tough enough to be a Marine?

to be a US Marine?

subject verb + adjective/adverb (to-infinitlve phrase)

is strong
Matt enough (to hecome a. marine).
didn't train hord
_ -— —^^^^^

EXERCI5E A Match the questions and answers.

1. When is Al going to join the array? a. Yes, I heard every word,

2. Are you feeling well enough to go? b. No, he didn't leave early enough,
3. Did Bill get to the airport on time? c, Next year, when hc's oíd enough.
4. Do yon want to go to swiminmg? d. Yes, she drove carefully enougii.
5. Did Jane pass her driving test? c. No, Fm ñtill running a fever,
6. Were you able to understand the map? f. Yes, if the water's warm enough.
7. Did the nurse speak loudly enough g. Yes, it was clear enough lor me
for you to understand? to follow.
EXERCISE B Write a to-infinitive verb to complete lh^ statements,
Choose uerbG that make sense toyou. Ánswers will vary.Number 1 isan example.
to win
1. I*m sure that Ken runs fast enough . the foot race.

2. The Taylors don't look oíd enough „_ five children already.

3. Have you studied hard enough the hcicik quíz?

4. Does Tony play well enough in the World Cup?

5. Are those oíd cars safe enough on the highway?

6, Is the weather good enough 9

EXERCISE C Use an adjective or adverb + enough to complete the answers.

Use eock adjective and adverb in the groy box once.
1. A: Were Paul and Jack able to move the reñigerator?
B: No, they weren't .
2, A: Did you understand the speaker?
well B: No, he never spoke forme to hear.
loudly 3 ¿, Why does Tom dislike the new office furniture?
pleasant B; He thinks the desks aren't

wide 4. A: Should we go to the beach today?

B: No, the weathcr's not _

5. A: Did the city orchestra accept Marta?

B: Yes, she even plays to be ílrst violin.

EXERCISE D Put the words in order to make a statement and a quesiion.

1. the / fast / The cadet / run / to / enough / pass / didn't / PT test.

2. enough / to / a / Jason / car / orive / ts / oíd I ?

Reading Making inferences

When we read a text, it is important to understand the Information that is

written in ít. But it is also important to be able to understand Lhe information
that is not clearly written in it. In other words, we nave to he able to make
inferences from a text. We make inferences hy adding our own knowledge
of the world to the information written in the text. When we add these Lwo
things together, we can understand more than the test by ítself told us.

Tom and Ellen went to an opera last night, They aat Q m a middlo row
of the theater, They could Oclcarly hear the orchestra and the singing. They
could Qeasilv see all parts of the stage. They really enjoyed the performance.

Read Get the ,^ Add yoiir Make ar,

a text Information own KiiDwIedtje Inferen ce
A = middle row
B = clearly hcar
C = easily see



ín the text from your life about the text

+K I


a. The concert didn't begin on time.
b- Tom and Ellen had good seats,
c. Tom and Ellen didn't like crowded placea.
d, Everyone at the concert enjoyed the performance.
EXERCISE Use the Information iri the text to select the inference.

1. The firat thing Martha will do is send oat the invitatíons a week before. Then
she rieeds to go to the store and buy some chocolate, sugar, and other things
to make the cake. Tho day befare, she will bake the cake and wrap the gift.
Finally, she will make some snacks, decórate the room, and put the cake and
the gift on the table.
Martha's planning a
a. dinner
b. birthday party
c. business report
d tneeting
2. Many people give blood three times a year. Giving blood is a quick procese
which takes only ten minutes from start to linish. The person who gives the
blood needs only to sit in a chair while a nurse draws the blood. Afterwards,
the person rests and is given a snack.
Giving blood
a. can be scary
b. is pretty easy
c. takes time
d. doesn't hurt
3, It's that time of year again. The children are now setting their alarm clouks
fur early morning wake-ups and are going to bed earlier than usual. There is
no more time for late night movies or playing with friends until dark. Ifñ now
time to be serious and to start thinking more and playing leas.
The passage is descríbing
a, being nú üummer vacation
b. waking up early in the morning
c. enjoying winter holidays
d, going back to school
For a few hours every year in the month of March, somethin^ very unusual
happens in Chicago. The Chicago River becomes a beautiful green color to
celébrate St Patrick's Day. People all over America observe the holiday on
March 17th by wearing green, drinking green beer, and watching parades. It's
tradition for almost everything to be green for the day, even rivers.
a. The Chicago River is a dirty river.
b. Grttn isn^t a very popular color
c. Something is put in the river to change its color.
d. St. Patrick's Day is onJy celebrated in Chicago.
Reading Reading faster for better comprehenslon

Listen for instructions. Yoitr teacher will tell yvü ivheit to start.

1. While people are

watchíng a drive-in
movie, they're driving a
a, True
b. Falso
2. PeopJe had to pay for the
car and for each person
to get into a drive-in
a, True
b, False
3. Drive-in movies were
probably very popular for
families with children.
a. True
b. False
4. Why have most drive-in theaters closed?
a. People didn*t enjoy watching movies outdoors.
b. Owners made more money by selling the land.
c. Going to the movies was too expensive.
d. Sitting in the car for two hours was uncomfortable.
5. Why did the young man start the first drive-m?
a. He wanted to entertain his family.
b. He wanted to sel) the land later.
c. He loved cars and movies.
d. His boss told him to do it.
G. What will probably happen ta drive-ins in the íuture?
a. Business awners will change them into farm land.
b. Ticket prices will get cheaper.
c. Drive-ins will continué business as usuaL
d. Nobody knows for sure.
Using computers

VOCABULARY: Assembling a new computer 85

Figuring out the parts 86
Computer software 88
GRAMMAR: \Ve']\beufiableto attend 90
DIALOGS: Do you know how to ...? 92
WRITING: Combining sentences to write paragraphs, , , , . , , 93
VOCABULARY: Are computers smart? . 93
GRAMMAR: Toomany problema and too much work 97
VOCABULARY: What'sNext? 99
WRITING: Paraphrasing .1í)ü
GRAMMAR: Changing verbs to nouns with-tion/-$ion 103
REA01NG: Making inferences 106
Previ ew What's new in Lesson 4?


Nouns Verba Other

ability adjust uapablc
air condítioner assemble for
componen! be unable to incapable
copy burn (a CD) intelligent
data copy smart
experience enter
hard drive figure out
hardware ha odie
insta Ustión install
kcyboard lend a hand
monitor load
mouae organize
printer print
program put -* put/put together
aereen replace
software shut -* shut/ahut down
typewriter shut -* shut/shut off
take —* took/taken apart


We're sorry. We're unable to take Ask about and axpress capability
your cali right now. and incapability.

They have too many reportó lo write. Can yo u re pa ir the printer?

They have too much work, Do you know how to fix thc printer?
WÍ31 you be able to do it tomorrow?
e have to cancel our trip, Our aecretary
will make the cancellation for us, I can fíx the printer,
I don't know how to repair it.
I might not be able to do it
Vocabulary Assembfing a new home computar

Andy: Bill, my new computar has

just been deTívered, and
I'm not sure how to put
together í I u components,
Do you know about
computers? Can you lend
me a hand witb i'"
Bill: Sure, Andy, I can htlp you
assemble it, I'm learning a
lot about computéis flt my
job right now. For example,
I helped replace the oíd
computéis at my office with
new ones. By düíng that, I
learned a lot about all the pieces of hardware and tho computer software
which makes everything opérate properly.
Andy: Great. I can't figure out exactly what to do here, so your experíence will
be a lot of help. I'm glad you're so capable with computéis.
Bill: Okay Do you haue the instructions that carne with Ihe fomputer? We
ühould be able to hattdle this problem together.

EXERCISE Match the words to the best tíefinition.

1. to lend a hand a. one single part of a machine

2. to handle b. to exchange one thing with another
3. component c. the physical pieces of a computer
4. to replace d. to help
5. to assemble e. the graup of commands that run a cnmpuLer
6. software f. to manage a problem or situation
7. hardware gr to put something together
8. to figure out h. to understand by thínking over a problem
Vocabulary Figuring out the parís


If your computer won't start, first check the
cables. Adjust them if they aren1! properly
installed.Then if you're still unableto start
your computer, cali our Help Center at
We can help you with all your installatlon
problems. When you cali, please be ready to enter the
number on the back of your computer. Remember to check
us out oniine at http://www.needhelp.computer

EXERCISE A In palrs, match the letters of the components wlth thelr names^

1. printer 3, speaker(s) 5 aereen 7. paper

2. mnuae 4. keyboard 6. monitor 8. hard drive
EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

installation for example

capable experience pul together
handle figure out

1- Before Lt Johnson becanie an army ofíícer, he was enlisted in the air forcé.
Hia past , helps him a lot in his Job today,

2. We have a lot of people and a large numher nf telephones in our cali centor.
We can . up to 500 calis a day.

3, Larry received a postcard in French. He doesn't speak the language,

so he can't the message on it.

4, In addition to the pnce of the new window, which is $150, the repairman
is also charging me S25 for the .

5. Julie wants to cut down. a tree in her yard. It's 30 feet tall. Do you think
she's of doing that by herself?

6, Mr. Stinson hasn't finíshed prepanng his technical repart; __

he hasn't collected any Information on the newest appliances.

7. Bobby read the instructitins and helped his father

new bicycle.

i^i:.;'»;: _LU Gírele the word that doesnTt belong in each row.
Number 1 is an example.

1, mouae CÍD monitor keyboard

2. software computer aoft drink printer

3. screen televisión monitor telephone

4, adjuat change show increaae

5. componcnt píece whole part

Vocabulary Computer software

In addition lo the software that is already Loaded on a

new computar, owners can huy and load other programa
onto their hard drives. Common software progrnms nllnw
computer users to handle lots of different types of data.
For example, one kind of program allows peoplc to mjinagc
their money by entering information on their bank
accounts, credit cards, and the amounts of money they
earn, save and spend. Another type of software letíi
computer users collect and organiza lar^fi amounta of
music, Music lovers can select and buy pieces of music from
the Internet. Then they make their own copies of songs by
burning the selections onto CDs or DVDs, Other programa
help computer users work on, save, organize> and print
pictures. They can even copy their favuritc pictures tr> send
to family and fríends by e-tnail, Cnmputers ^ve people the
ability to work with many different kinds of data eaaily
and quickly.

EXERCISE A In paire, discuss and answer these questions»

1. What do you use your home computer for?

What kindí; of software are on your computer?
2. Ñame aome programs you have used and like,
What do they give you the ability to do?
3. What do you think are some of the most popular
computer programs at the present time?
4. What kinds of tasks and operations have you had
to do using EI computer in your career?
EXERCISE B Match each word to the best definition.

1. program a, to put Information onto a CD or DVD

2. to copy b. Information

3. data c- to put a program into a computer

4. to burn d. to put information into a computer

5. to load e, one kind of computer software

6. to enter f to make anotber of exactly the samo thing

EXERCISE C Ful in the blanks with words from the box.

unable assembled ability

printed burn inatall
adj usted copy

1. The soccer cuach selected 11 new playera for the fall season.

He has now a great team.

2, My new computer has the to run several largo programa

at the same time.

3, 'Fríe wíndow ín my livingroom broke, Since Pm 10 flK ít

myaelf, a repairman will have to a new one for me.

4, Dollar bilis are. on paper that's 6" long and 2.5" wide.

5, Capt Adama made a — of the report fur Col Jouea.

6, John gets conñiaed ín class. He needs to his notes,

7, Jill wants a copy of our class picture. I'll, it onto a CD for

S. Nathan couTdn't see cars behind him, so he the mirror in

his car.
Grammar We'll be unable to attend.

PERFORMANCE Thank yo u for buying

CA ttiis software. If y OLÍ are
unable to Install It easily,

People who nave

been unable to
eat cheese may
soon beableto
enjoy it by taking
a new medicine I

The Jackson Jets

coach said ihat the
rcason his team has Ask your doctor If
been unable lo beat Fromatan is right
!n r yon
our Flagwell Fire
team in fqgtbajl al I

We use BE unable to wlth csrtain verb tenses. It's also a formal way to say
we cannot do something.

EXERCISE A Sean the teiets above to flnd forms oí BE to complete the chart.

subject BE modal base verb

LaDonna perfonn...

The Mills attfind . . .

If you inatall...
unable to
People who eat.,.

HIB team beat...

Fire fighters put out...

— __


EXERCISE B Complete these sen ten ees to make them true lor you.

1. Without money, a person is unable to

2. Animáis are unable to

3. Ten years ago, I was unable to

4. A hundred years ago, people were unable to

5- For years, cars have been unable to _

6. By 2050h people will be unable to

EXERCISE C Fill in the blanks with BE unable ío. Use the correct BE tenso.
Number 1 is un. exampie.

1. Caller: I can't pay online at this time.

Help Line: If you 're unable to pay online at this time, you can
mail in a check to the address on the package.

2. Repórter: Will Diva Grace sing tonight?

Manager: No, the Diva . -iing bc-caufít j of her


3, InviLaLion: We hope you will be able to attend Dr, Lion's retirement luncheon,

KüVP card: We're sorry, but we - attend,

4, Capt Winn: Why was the major general unable to take part in the ceremony?

Capt Coe: He take part beca use be lost bis volee.

5, Repórter: What can Company X do for people who aren'l able to t?aL wheat?

Company X: We have a new medicine for people who

eat wheat.

6. Repórter: Why have the pólice been unable to catch the lawbreakers?

Pólice Chief: We catch them because we don't have

enough polícemen on the street.
Dialogs Do you know how to. .. ?

Do you know how to put Asking about abllity

thia machine together? I don't
ha ve the instructions. Can you ,._?
I know how to Do you know how to .,.?
as semble jufit
about anything,
but Fm unable to Talking about ablllty

t can ...
! know how to ,

Talking about inability

I can't ...
I won't be able to ...
T was unable to ...
I don't know how to .

EXERCISE In paira, use the c harte abo ve to ask & answer que 31 ion 3.
Put a • ifyaurparínercan da itorait X ifhe can't. Then reporí tv ¡heelaaa

Partner's ñame; __,

change a ílat tire sing

repair a motor ski

write a report in English fly an airplane

_] £ive a briefing in English clean a rifle

_] build ahouse play a musical instrumcnt

install a stereo in a car assemble a hicycle

Writmg Combining sentences to write paragraphs

Julie is a teacher. Lt Mann stays in good shape.

Julie works at DLL He lifts weights.
JuTie rides with me to work. He runa,

Julie is a teacher Lt Mann stays in gond shape

WHO works at DLI BECAUSE he lifts weighte
AND rides wíth me to work. AND runs.

EXERCISE A Combine the senté rices using the words In pa re nth e ses.
Do not change the uerb tenses.
1. John drinks coffee. John eats breakfast. John arrivea at work, (and, before)

2. Col Jones was the officer. He was the commaoder of the base.
He retired lastyear. (who, but)

3. We have to wait for the doctor Wo can read a magazine. We can walch TV. (so, or)

4. Alien is the man. He lives in the mountains. He doesn't like fishing.

He doesn't like hunting. (that, but, or)

5, Lt Star got a new assignntent, Lt Star had finished his course,

Lt Star had gone on leave, (aíler, and)
EXERCISE B Combine each group of sen ten ees with words in the gray boxea J
Same worda niay be used .teueral times. Then cumhirn? t!u¡ .sentenees to write a paragraph. A
doí f*> marks each group ofsentences that can easily be combined. The first one is mntten far
yon. Answers mili vary.

* Peuplt? livc around the world. People have been drinking coffee for 1200 years,
* People drink coííee in. the morning, Then they go to work.
* People drink coffee. It tastes good, It hclps them stay awake.
* There are many types of coffee. People enjoymany typtJ* of coffee.
* Sonie coffees are very dark. Some dark types of coffee are strong. Other typea
of coffee are light. Sorae light types of cofiee are weak.
* Coffee ís a traditional refreshment People still like it. People ñtill drink il today.

but because

People who live around the world ha ve been drínkíng coffce for
1200 years.
Vocabulary Are computers smart?

Eric: Do you thínk a computéis an intelligent machine?

David: In my opinión, ít's just a useful tool. It may
seem to be a smart machine, but it's
incapable of really thinking.
Arma: I agree, You can't repiace a person, like a good
secretary, with an office computer. After all,
it's really just an expensive typewriter,
Eric: But computers can do so much work, and they
do it much fastcr than people are capsble of.
David; Well, sure. They can handle lots of data and
aolve all kinds of difficult problema quickly.
But if there's a bug in the computer, someone has to cume and adjust the
software or even take the computer apart to check each piece of
Anna: You're right. A computer's unable to repsir itself
Eric: But I remember reading an article about computers that can find and
fíx their own bugs and hardware problems by themselves. Doea that
mean those new computers are sniart?
Anna: Good question!

EXERCISE A Discuss these questíons with a partner.

1. Is there anything you dislike about working with computers? If, so, give aomc
ex ampies.
2. What are some things a computer can do that
people are incapable of doing?
3. Camputers control many of the things we use
daily. Give some examples,
4. Can you write computer pmgrams or fi\ problems
with computer software? If yüu can, explain some
of the things that you've done.
5. Can you yourself take apart and fix a computer?
If not, ñame some other things you think you
know how to take apart and fix, far example, a
toafiter or a radio.
EXERCISE B Listen to the sentences and check the words that go together.
Nitmber 1 is an exomple.
EXAMPLE; l.There's a volume button on the radio. You can use it íoadjust
the sountí.

SGimd tires
answers phone bicycle

1. at(¡ust

2, replace
3. copy

4, figure out

5. assemble

-' N] l a l l

EXERCISE C Replace the underlined phrase wlth an Ítem from the box.

is unable to install
adjust acnpy
smart can't read

1. Ms. Watkins will orint the samo page for each person.

2. ChiJdren beJow the age of t\vo are incapable of reading,

3. My dogobeys all my commands. She's verv intellígent.

4. Our manager's flight leaves in an hour. He cannot wait.

5. The phone company will put In Jim's phone tomorrow.

6. He wants to change his schedule and start work at 0900.

<3rammar roo many probtems and too much work

Inferview yottr partner and check fa) the boxes with the ansivers.

Do you think.,.

you work too many hours?

you drink too much coffee?

you smoke too many cigarettes?

you eat too much fast food?

you watch too much TV?

V Too means more than enough, more than necessary, or more than you want.

i^'U*"T Jr»!H Put these nouns in the correct category.

nnian tQQ m a n y too much

m f !

words Ítems

trouhle homework

children problems
wnrk rain

Use too rn¿iny with count nouns and too muc/rvirlth noncount nouns.
EXERCISE B Write sentences with too much or too many.
Numbsr 1 is an e

1_ My boaa gave me too much work.




Vocabulary WhafsNext?

Read the article and utrite the topic and main idea. Answers mili vary.

The Home ofthe Future?

This week's Whai's Nexi? anide i u .. ^ [he üunperoniio m cacli loom

is übout ¡i new homc owned by Tom of ihe hojse. Tflht: housc is too warni.
and Linda Turncr. They jusí ñnished ihe computer shuls the heating dimn
building [he "smart house" of their and turns on (he air condUiuntr
dreams. Il's a modern house ihai's Even The ouiside of iheir house
filled wilh eornputers is run by compuicrs,
lo make their lives as The garden compurer
convenieni as pos- keeps the Tu raer'i
sible. yard looking great
Tom and Linda | by checking the lawn
in.sttEled new appli- and lurning ihe wa-
ances thai look like ter on whcn the grass
Ihe usual kind you needs it. The waicr
can huy ul yny appli- [hen shuls ilself off
anee siore. Bul iheir ivhen Ihe grollcn.1 is
appli anees are unusu- wet enougli.
iil muchincs, tlianks lo Tom and Lincto's
[he compiiier chips Inside Ihcm, For house is a modertí machine incide and
exampk, Ihey have a rcfrigeralor ihai oui. Ti allows Ihem lo rclax whilc thdr
lels ihem knww whcti thcy aie oul of house tioes Ihe work.
food ítems like rnilk and buiccr. Nexl week we will lake a nip lo
Computen* opérate ihe whole the office and find ouí how the newesi
house. If Tom wanis to shul the compuieríi have madc me \vorkpl¡ice
lights off, he saya, "Lights off!" and bctier, * by C. Hollín
[he computcr obeys. Computen also chohm @ XTremeHomes.build


Main Idea:
EXERCISE A Fill in the blank with a word from the box.

incapable air CQndJtiíiner

it apart
intelligent were unable to
shuts down
shuts off
enough replace

1- Computers are of feeling.

2. I love my new laptop computcr. It's small to carry

everywhere I go. Now I can throw away my oíd

3. Tony scores 100% on all his tests. He's an child.

4. The iron by itself if it gets too hot.

5. The pólice looked for severa! days, but they _ find

the missing vehicles.

6. Tt's not a good idea to skip healthy meáis and

them with fast food snacks,

7- Ifthe ouen's too hot, the cook may have to the

temperatura a few degrees.

8- The Béfense Language Institute fortheChristmas


9, The house was too hot because the wasn't

working. A repairman had to to ímd the problem.

EXERCISE B Circle the corred answer

1. The volume of the televisión is too 5. My grandma was unabTe to hear me

loud. Yon should it. on the telcphone. I nccded to
a. adjust a. speak louder
b. replace b- cali more often
2. Alfred installed our new computers 6. Col Amos is a very capable ofíicer.
yesterday He
a. He fíxed all their problema, a. does hisjob well
b. He made them ready to use. h. fíkes to read a lot
3. I love sil kindg of fruit , for 7. He's got a lot of experience.
a. He's worked here a kmg time.
a. Apples are my favorite b. He knows a Jot of people.
b. I also like vegetables
8. The installatíon of the doors took a
4. The secretary entered the long time, but now
Information into the computer.
a, the house is ready for us
a, She read the information, to move in
b. She typed the information in. b. the store wíll dolivcr thom
by Monday.

EXERCISE C Answer the questlons wlth a vocabulary word.

l r What are the píeces that make up a computer?

2. What's another word for parta?
3. What doea lend a hand mean?
4. What's another word for to solve a problem?
5. What verb also means topat togethert
6. How do we describe a person who does ajob well?
7. After you've worked many years, what do you have?
8. What is another verb for to changó
9. What do we cali the component of a computer
and the part of a piano that has rows of keys?
"¡- {3 Circle S if the words are synonyms or A ii they are antonyms.
•^ -K^^^HB-1— ^

1. lend a hand help S A

2. take apart assemble S A

3. smart intelligent S A

4. shut off turn on s A

6. capable able s A

6. cxchange replace s A

7. data information s A

8. shut off shut down s A

9. incapable cap able 8 A

10. as semble put together S A

11. enough plenty S A

iting |^53^^^^H^H
fíeotf the tcxtyour instructor gives ynu three tintes. Then, retelf the text m your own mordí* f.u
thrce diffcrcrtt people. Finally, rewrite the text as o paraphrase on the Unes beiow,

you re\vrite ajj of the information in your own words,

In a paraphrase, .,. your text is about the ¿ame Icngth as the o
you don't show your opinión,
Grammar Changing verbs to nouns with -tion/-sion


expect expectation

invite invitation

solve solution

apply -tion /-sion : application

satisfy satis faction

destroy destruction

describe descnption
decide decisión

V Study the unusual spelling changes.

EXERCISE A Listen and wrile the words in the correct column.

are 2 exomp!es: expect and expectation.

* t

expect oxpectation

A r
i .5Cd • unstrossod
EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with the corract word.

1, The captain him íbr promotion.

recommended/ recommcndation

2. David _ tlie hesdphones to the computen

connected /connection

3. Julie's desk is clean. is very important to her

Organize/ Grganization

4. Jamie has made all the for her trip.

p re pa re s / p re parations

5- Harry the vocabular>r fbr the lesson.

mem orí ze d / mem orí zation

6. to gradúate in a month.
intend / intention

7. The guard reported hia to the couimander.

observe s / obs ervatioriñ

, We our trip.
cancolled /cancel lation

9. Pvt Walters will gohome after the of his assipnment.

compl ete / completion

10. Youhadbettor your apeed, nr yuull get a ticket.

reduce / reducti on

11. One way to kamnew words is by

EXERCISE C Write the noun form of the verb in italics.

1. A: What's Jack applying for?

B: He'sfillingüutan for a visa.

2, A: How did the bus driver describe the accident?

B: He gave a very good tci the pólice-

3. A: Has James ¿nuited the whole class to his graduation party?

B: Yes, he brought ten „ to give to everyone.

4. A: Who recommended Lt Taylor for promotion?

B: Capt Shawmade the

5, A: Have you been able to solue your money prohlems?

B: NÜ> I haven't I can't think of a

6. A: How did they divide the small office into four work stations?
B: The was difficult, hut the ofííce looks good.

7. A: Did Greta get the offers that she expeded?

B: No? but I think hcr were too high.
Reading Making inferences

Use the informotion in ihe text to select the i

1. Shopping online can seem to be an easy way to buy thmgs becauso shoppcrs
drm't have to go to a store. But sometimes ítems are hard to see well, so
shoppers míght not get exactly the ítem they oxpect. PayinK online can ulso
cause ahoppers to wony In addition, it may take a long lime for the ítem to
come in the mail,
a, Online shopping is a great way to find a specitil ilem.
b. Online shopping is easy for those who want to have many chnices.
c. Online shopping isn't a problem for penple who luvc to aliop.
d, Online sliopping isn't always a ffí'od way to ahop.

1. Mr andMrs. Smith got home late Wednesday eveníng, Fred met them at the
door. He was very happy to see them because they had been out all day Ho
jnmped up and down and ran in circles around them. Mrs, SmiUi prepared
dinner right away because it was so late, Fred ate his dinner very quickly
and had to wait for the other two to finish. After dinner, they all went into the
living room. Mrr and Mrs. Smith watched some TV while Fred lay on the floor
at their feet
8, Fred is their fricnd.
b. Fred is their dog.
c. Fred is their son.
d. Fred is their neighbor

3. On March 3» 1913, women marched in Washington D,C. for the right tn vote-
There were more than 5,000 marchera divided into groups. In the front, there
were women from other countries who could vote, behind them were American
women, and in the back were men who belicved in a woman's right to vote. It
soon became difficult for the marchers to walk because other groupa ofmen
began lo come into the streets to yell and throw things at thcm. The pnlice did
not want to help tho marchers, They only stayed on the sidewalk and watched,
a. All men let the women have the right to vote.
b. All men believed the womcn shouldn'l have the right to vote,
c. The pólice believed the womt?n shouldn't have the right to vote.
d. Tho pólice did not let the women march.
EXERCISE A Gírele the best answer.

1, It's very hot in this room. Please turn on the

a. screen
b. monitor
c. aír conditioner

2- The new TV comedy will make you

a. cry
c. yell
3, People use a lot of when they are
a. health
b. energy
c. sleep
4. My grandmother can't loud music.
a. stand
b. act
c. copy
5- The teacher was pleased because her students behaved very
a, early
b, iast
c, well
6. Bables learn to walk
a. evenly
b. gradually
c. possibly
7, You can lose weight by e^ery day.
a. jogging
b. napping
c. copying
8. Diana helps everybody. She's so
a. kind
b. modern
c. musical
9. Orive carefully It's a good way to accidenta.
a. résped
b. avoid
c. stand
10. His injuries from the accident were very
a. classical
b. proper
c. serious
11- Tom dislikes pork. He orders it.
a. only
b. usually
c. never
12. Enlisted personnel must always officers,
a. salute
b. replace
c. skip
13. Mary can't go to the party, and can LWe have to work.
a. either
b. neither
c. both
14. The last room in the museum has many antique
a. workers
b. watches
c. plants
15. Americana have the ... . to read any type of book that they like.
a. right
b. regulation
c. courtesy
16, It's quite an tojumpfroin aplana
a. comedy
b. adventure
c. stage
17. Susan: The wheel on my bicycle is loóse.
Steve; Don't worry, I'U — it for you.
a. install
b. copy
c. aojust
18. Ben beef rather than chicken.
a. prefers
b. dislikea
c. performs

19, All countries observe theír differently.

a, flags
b, holidaya
c, land

20. Theclimcis_ frorn 1100 to 1200 for lunch.

a. capable
b. convenient
c. closed
21. John got the computer Job because he has a lot of ínthatfield.
a. suggestions
b. insta llations
c. experience
22. My sister is — Juhet in Romeo and Juliet.
a. quitting
b. playing
c. avoiding
23, T need a new for my computer. Right now, I can*t type anythiiig.

a, kcyboard
b, data
c, copy
EXERCISE B Writea question using Why natío gtve advlce.

Use Í/JC word.t in pamntlieses (). Number 1 is an example.

1. A: I have abad headache. (take an aspírin)

B; Why not take an aapirin?
2, A: I always cough a lot after having a cigarette, (try to quit smoking)
3. A: IVe taken my car to the mechanic three times this month r (buy n now car)

4. A: rmgainingtoomuch weight.
5. A: I don*t like pizza. (order something else)

EXERCISE C Write sentences to give advice* Use Why don't.

Answers may vary. Number 1 is an exarnple.

1. Betty understands math problems» bul I don't. We have a test tomorrow,

Why don't you ask her for help?
2. Ifs very cold in this room. I don't want to get sick.

3, I can't find my pasaport. I had it yesterday at the airport.

4. My husband and I want to go to the theater, but our car won't start.

5. Students, we have 20 minutes before class cnds.

G. We haven't taken a vacation in two years.

EXERCJSE D Match each vocabulary word with its meaning.

1. shut down a. take care of something or someonc

2. put together b. begin to do or study
3. cut down (on) c. stop the operation of something

4. look after d. gradually

5. cut out e. assemble
6. Little by little f. stop doing something
7. take up g. test first
8. try out h, help
9. lend a hand Í, decrease in amount

EXERCI5E E Circle the correct answer.

1- Lt Col Smith has more . than 6. The highest ofíícer rank in the US
Lt Col Dole. Army is _
a. sen ion ty a. general
b, rank b. admiral

2. We niust follow the order, It's 7. Military personnel have that

a. incapable
civilian personnel don't have.
b- compulsory a. privileges
b. behaviurs
3. My furniture ís new and very
8. Generala are oflicers.
a. modern
b, doubtful a, júnior
b. sénior
4, This book is futrnorous. It makes
people laugh, 9. I kate the summers in Texas.
a. funny a., greatly dislike
b- serious b. appreciate

5. Mike plays the drums. 10. There are mony regulationK in the
a. He's apilot.
b. Hc's a musician. a, rules
b. exercises
EXERCISE F Change each verb to a noun using the suffixes -tion and -sion,
Number 1 is an exampie.

1. observe observation 7. invite

2. ¡ T V l . i lI 8. apply

3. examine 9. prepare

4. cancel 10. continué

5. divide 11. satisfy

G. repeat 12. multiply

EXERCISE G Gírele S if the words are synonyms or A if they are antonyms.

1. look afler take care of A

2. had better úught to A

3. jog rest S A

4. render give S A

5. sénior júnior S A

6. impossible possible S A

7. put together take apart S A

8. gradually slowly S A

9. cut out stop S A

10. open cío sed S A

EXERCISE H Complete the sentence with an adjectlve-t- enough* fo-infinitive.
Use the u.-ords in parenthesES ( ). Number 1 is on example.

1. Gata: Let'sgoto lunch, íhungry, eat)

Sara: No thanks, I'm not huTigrjr enough to eat yet.

2. Fred; Ibm'sjoiningthe army, (old.join)

Bob: Really?Ishe

3. Todd: Can you read that sign? ílarge, see)

Ada; Yes, the words are

4. Kate; Do you wsnt to buy this dress? (pretty, wcar)

Lila: Yes, it's to the wedriing.

5. Bill: Are the cherries ready to harvest. (red, pick)

Jane; Yes, the/re

EXERCISE I Complete the sentence using an adverb

Use the itiords ¡n parentheses < ). Number 1 is <in example.

1. Mary cp.^i,g well enough to give a apeech in íroat of the

whole school, (well, give)
2. In rainy weather, people must dríve
an accident, (cautiously, avoid)

3. Sandra brushes her teeth and visits the dentist .—

her teeth healthy, (regularly, keep)
4. Ben has baen overseas three different
. (often, learn)

5. 111 try to finish my homework to the moví es

with you. íquickly, go)


EXERCISE J Use fo mlinitive to complete the senlence.
Ansuiers will irary. Number 1 is an example.

1. Ttfg a l w * g f.m to go on a picnic with my family

2. It's anadventure

3. Itmay not beagood idea

4. It's great
5. Is it boring
6. Why is it difficult

EXERCISE K Rewrite the sentences with It + BE + adjectiveor noun phrase,

the gerund to a lo-ínfinitiue. Number 1 is an example-

1. Spending time with your children is important.

It's important to spend time with your children.
2. Getting to the cliuic on time is a good idea.

3. Skípping meáis is not healthy.

4. Going overseas last year was exciting.

5. Studying with my friends last night was a good idea.

G. Buying a new drcss for the dance is not necessary.

EXERGISE L Gírele the word that has a similar meaning to the key word.

1. check o u i borrow save mensure lower keep

2. humero us funny ugly local ti ring extra

3. intelligent allergic impolite relaxed special smart

4. cióse to through near a round abovíi

5. perform allow complain train yield uct

6. vice admiral 0-10 0-9 E-S 0-7 E-4

7. possibly maybe almo si rcally iinly ever

8. quit feel stop prornote describe gain

9. scary conflising exciting frightening tiring borinp;

10. furthermore before finally usually besides rather

EXERCISE M Ask and answer questions about p referen ees with a partner.
Use fhe verb preferflfl<f rather thanorto. Use fhe words in the box oryourown ¡tkaa.

Do you No, I preler

prefer comedies dramas.
comedien « dramas
to dramas?
meat • vegetables
Do you prefer \
listcning to storíes • telling them comedies rather than ¡

dramas? *r
doing homework • watching TV

play sports • read books

play soccer • íplay) tennis

EXERCISE N In pairs, complete the sentences with your own ideas.
Use would rather ufhen, nccessary. Attsuters wtil vary. Numher 1 is an example.

1. SI: Would you rather meet a general than an admiral

S2: Fd rather meet an admira],

2. SI: Would you rather goto a tlian a

S2: No,

3. SI: Would you IHIP a

S2: Yes,

4, SI: Who would you rather cali, or


6, SI: What rather study,


Read the sentence. Write A if ¡tns active and P if itns passive,

1. Rice is grown in China.

2. Farmers harvest wheat every fall.
3. Trainees deán the barracks daily
4. Plays are performed at the new theater.
5. The US flag is honored on June I4lh,
6. Doctora examine sick people.
7. Enlisted personnel show respect to oñicera.
8. The mailman delívers the mail.
9. The paragraph was written by Boh
10. The soldiers lower the flag at fíve o'clock.
11. Concerts are performed on Sundaya.
EXERCISE P Giveadvíceorally. Use/radbetter fnofjand or.
Use contracíions when possibie. Nurnhef 1 t.s an example.
EXAMPLE: If you skip today's class, yon won't knuw Lhe new words.
You'fiJ better not skfp today's clase, or you won't know the new word&.
1- If we invite Linde to our party, my sister won't come.

2- If the trainees run too much, they'll hurt themselues.

3. If Mary doesn't take an aspirin, her headache wun't stop,

4. If David doesn't finish his dinner, he'll be huní^ry later.

5. If John doesn't slow down, he'll get a speeding ticket.

EXERCISE O Complete the sentences orally.

Answers \t¡ill vary.

1. Tomhad better cali his wife.or ..,

2- I'd better go to the bank today, or ...

3. WeTd better make hotel reservations, or ,,.

4. Dan had better go to the theater early? or ..

5. You'd better not run on this wet floor, or ,..

EXERCISE R Underline the action that happened first.
Number J i$ an exantpie.
1. I'd already learned to read and write when I started school.

2. Amanda was really hungry because she hadn't eaten all day.

3. Before Kate went to the clinic, she'd made an appointment.

4. Lt Miller invited us to lunch, but we'd already eaten,

5. Mr, Scott had planned to go wíth the students, but he got sick.

6. By the end of the school year, Randy had passed all of his tests.

7. The people who had arrived early left by 7:00 p.mr

S. The post office had closed by the time Justin arrived.

9- I couldn't buy anything on the tour because I*d forgotten my wallet.

10. We got there just ten minutes after Ale* had left.

EXERCISE S Use the past perfect & the worda in ( ) to till ín the blanks.
Number í is on example.

1. By the time my neighbor got home. the pólice had already left
(the puliue / ulready / Itsave)
2. When Jenny arrived at the theaterf . ^^
(pfay / already / Stait)
3. Before I was able to fall asleep,
(I / read two magazines)
4. . in the Marines hefore yon rplira
(How long / you / serve)
6. before Logan arrived?
befo re he got sick?
(How many hamburgers / Paul / eat)
EXERC1SE T Match the two columns to make complete sen ten ees.

1. I had been driving for ten years a. befhre helost all that weight?
2* Ben hadn't been feelingwell b. how long had he been smoking?
3. Had Jerry been exercisinglong c. before thcy took their first reat.
4, They'd been marchingfor hours d. so he dccidcd to go to the cünic,
5, She couldn't sleep because e. she'd been watching scary movies.
6. Before Ken quit, f. before I gut my first ticket.

EXEHCISE U Write sentencesüsing/ías/fravegotto and the words

Use contractions ivhen possible. Number 1 is an

1. Susan is going on a trip nest week. (she / get ready)

She's got to get ready _
2. Tom can't fmd his ID card. (he / look for it)

3. The cofíee pot is almost erapty. (we / make soma more coífee)

4. These sweaters are the wrong size. (you / retum them)

5. My son hasn't felt well all week. ti / take him to the ductor)

6, Driving rules are necessary. (everybody / obey them)

7. There's a test tomorrowr (students / study tonight)

EXERCISE V Write too much or too many.

L My mother drinks coffee in the morning,

2. The roomlooks crowded. Thereare pictures on the
3. Bobby has a stoniachache because the ate _ ice crcain,
4. JGhn'sfaihng?Didhetake ,^____ courses this year?
5. It rained 12 inches. San Antonio has had _— rain this
6. Tm not buying that car. It costs mimey.

7. Twenty-six paira? Betty has

EXERCISE W Listen, then complete the sentences using BE unable to + verb.

Think ofa ucrh that fits and think about tfie right cero tense. Nmnber 1 ií anexample.

. fiara is/wiJl be ui ablc to finish the rcport,

2, The doctor his petient.

3. The pólice the misaing car.

4. The si tonight.

5, Tho firefighters the tire.

G. All the students the tcat.

7, Tom the meeting.

EXERCISE X Pass a message to a classmate.
Your tencha- wül give you a message. Read ií, and then teü ¿/ to anather studcni.


Vou got a scwe of

90! Greatjobf

Write Ikree messages that yon remember.




EXERCISE Y Write a paraphrase of the text that your instructor gives you.
Read íAe ¡Cíí í^ree íjmtf*, Then, retell the texl in your own words to 3 different penple. Lastiy,
rewrlte the text in yaur own words using íke Unes below.

active 1 doubtfül ....................... 1

ability - 4 drama ..................... . , . .3
act <|> . , 3 drums ....... . .............. ... 3
activity 1
actor , , - ...**.*..3 either ^ ...................... 3
actress 3 energy ........ . ...... - - ........ 1
adjust 4 enough (adv) ............ . ....... 3
admíral 2 enter .................. - ....... 4
adventure 3 equiprnent ...... . ...... ... ..... 1
againat íprep) 2 even . . . . . ...... ... ............ 1
air conditioner 4
antique (adj) 3
l - ' i ik> - ... 4
figure out ................. -- , , . 4
authority 2
avoid .. 1 fitncss .............. - .......... 1
award (n)(v) . .3 fbr example , , , - ...... - .......... 4
B furthermore .......... - ......... 3
ballet 3
be unable to - 4 general (r.) ............. . ...... . . 2
behave .. -- 2 gradual ........................ 1
behavior 2 gradunlly .............. . ....... 1
belief 2 guitar .................. - ..... - 3
brigadier general , , , - 2 H
burn(aCD) 4 had better ...................... 1
handle (v) ........ - , - ...... - , . . . 4
can't stand 3 hard drive .......... . ...... . . . . . 4
copable -,,.4 hardware ...................... 4
chain of command . .2 hate (v) ........................ 3
chcdt üut ^jp 1 have got to . , , - ....... - ...... . . , 2
classical 3 bealth ......................... 1
cióse tn 3 honor (n}(v) . . . . ................ 2
closed fadj) 1 honorable ..... - - ............... 2
comedy - -- 3 humor ......................... 3
commissioned officer 2
componúnt - - 4
ctimpulsory , 2 impossihle ..................... 1
concert 3 incapable ................ - ..... 4
convenient -....1 install . . . . . ....... - - ........... 4
copy (nHv) 4 insl, 1 !•• i • i i {military base) ........ 2
courtpay 2 installation ..................... 4
infltrument ... .................. 3
cuetom -,, 2
cuí/cut/cut down (on) 1 intelligeiit ...................... 4
cut/cut/cut out -..1 it íanticipatory) ....... - ....... ... 1

data - 4
dislike , .3 júnior (adj) ............. - ...... - , 2
kcyboürd 4 quiL/quit/quit 3
kiiidCadj) 3

lapín) 1 rathcr than 3

lend a hand 4 rear admiral (lower half) 2
lieutenant general ..,,,, 2 rear admiral (upper haJD . , , .2
líkewise ,.. 3 regularly 1
little by íittle 1 regulation 2
Inad (a program) 4 relaxation I
look after 1 render , , - 2
Inyal 2 replacc .4
loyalty 2 respiíct (n)(v) .2
M responaibility .2
major general 2 righUnt 2
modern 3 role 3
monitor (n) 4 row (n) 3
mouse . -4
musical (nKadjj 3 salute 2
mu sitian . 3 ai:ary - -, 3
N aereen 4
nap (nMv) 1 sénior <a<Aj) 2
neceaaary 1 geniority - -,, 2
neithcr ^2 3 sense(n) 2
aerious 3
observe 2 shut/shut/shut down ,...4
open (adj) 1 shut/shut/ahuL ciiT 4
opera 3 akip 1
orchestra 3 aleep ( n ) , , , , - 1
nrganize 4 smart 4
software 4
pi'rform ^ , stage - 3
performance subordínate (nKacU) 2
piano suggestinn 1
play(n) swimmmg pool 1
symphony 3
poaaibly take advantage of 2
prefer (tul - .............. - ...... 3 take/took/taken apart 4
preference ...................... 3 take/touk/laken part in 1
print .......................... 4 take/look/taken up 1
printer ................ . ....... 4 talent 3
privilt'ge ....... . .............. -2 theater 3
program ....... . .............. . 4 try out - -. 1
proper ........................ -1 type(ofi 3
properly ....... . ...... . ........ 1 typewríter - -. 4
put/put/put together ............. 4
unnecessary - 1
vice admiral 2
violin - 3
weights , 1
would rathcr . .3



APPEHDIX B Structure List



Affix Suffix: I want to apply for a Job.

verb to noun with -¿ion FU turn in an application.
and -sion

Noun tnuck + noncount noun There are too many bugs!

too many + count noun We have too ¡nuch work.

Verb Modal: The Smiths wiíl be unable to

be u fiable to attend the reception.
to exprés s incapability

Verb Modal; You'rf better finish your

had better to give strong homework before class.
advice or obligatíon

Verb Modal: WeV got tu fini&h thia book

have got to to express this week.
obligatíon or necessity

Verb Modal: d rather ski than swim. 3

would fGther (+ optional
than) to express preferente

Verb Past pcrfect Bill had neuer seen the occan

until he went to Florida,

Verb Past perfect progressive Dan had bcen driving for ten
years before he got a ticket.

Verb Present BE passive to The gym ís used by students

express a habitual action in the afternoon.
in the present

Verh Question: Wky áon't "wcjng today?

Why doft't and Why not Wky notjog in the morning?
+ bare infinitiva to give
advice or suggestions

Verb ío-infinitive as the subject It's not a good idea tojog

of a sentence following the in the park at night.
anticipatory it = It's dangerous to drive
It + BE + adjectivc/noun without a seat belt.
phrase (+ ¿o-infinitive)

Verb Verbal; He'a strong enoiígh to liEt it.

adjective/adverb + enough She didn't speak c/early
(+ optional íoinfinitive} etiough for me to underatand.

Verb Verbal: Iprefer tea to cofFee.

• prefer + noun/pronoun Iprefer writing tn reading.
+ to/ratker tkan Iprefer to walk rather tkan
+ noun/pronoun run.
• prefer + gerund
+ tofrather than
+ gerund
• prefer + to-infinitive
+ tofrather than
+ bare infinitive
iNDIX C The English Alphabet



A a A a d &
B b £ b B ¿
C c C c e c
D d 0 d 5> 4
E e E e s S

F f F f $ i
G g G Q Q f
H h H h jt h
I i 1 I 9 i
J J J J i i
K k K k K k
L J L 1 £ 1
M m M m M fH

N n N n A ft

O 0 0 o 0 !-

P P F P & ?

Q q Q 1 2 ?

R r R r £

S s 5 « $ í

T t T t 1 i

U u U u fy U-

V V V V V ifr

w w VJ w & At

X X X x X f

T y Y y % ?

Z z Z z 3 ?


APPENDIX D American English Sounds

English is not spelled phonetically The same sound is spelled several different ways.
For this reason it is helpful to assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The following
is the International Phonetic Alphabet UPA) system. Twenty-four (24) consonant
symbols, eleven (11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing diphthongs
are used to represent the significant sounds of American English,
These charts are only aids and not to be memorized, However, the students musí
be aware of the different sounds represented in these charts. They must be able to
recognize and repeat them accurately.

Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
Í\i he, meet h teach, chief /p/ past, ñtop, put, paper
iif in, ia, sit,big AI/ bed, boby, barber, lab
/er/ day, make h train, vein, £tcak i\¡ take, sent, ten, gentle
/£/ met, let, said, bread /d/ date, 9tudentt do, hard
/*/ cash, half, laugh. hand /k/ car, chernical, recordar, hnok
/a/ fatlier, far, hean, pot, not ígí gBB^egga, dog.cigar
all, aaw, bought, caught /"i/ arm, rny, number, írom
go, know, coath towt polo /n/ no, line, find, noon
book, took, goodt should /Q/ sing^ longt wrong, rank
/u/ fond, blue h blew, do, aoup /!/ well, laboratory, nlwaye, let
cup, son, sun, enough /r/ rcnd, ttjurse, ftir, wril.fi
I, nice, tiet buy, by, write /f/ fsrmer, affirin, phone, laugh
noise, boy, point, oil M very, give, live, seven
out, now, town, mouth /B/ thank, Thuraday, bnth, north
ago, alphabet, listen, student /fl/ the h this, these, weather
her, hird h doctor, earn /s/ see, thip, lesson, tapes
/?/ zero, rose, blows, dozen
/]/ ship, nation, should, push
/i/ pleasure, measure, usual
/h/ have, he, how, hot
ftf/ chair, teacher, picture, march
/ds/ judge, brídge, page, July
/w/ we, walk, wish, awíiy
/J/ yes. yon, yesterday,
APPENDIX E List of Contractions

aren't - (are not) we'll (we will / we shall }

can't - (cannot) we're - (we are)
couldn't - ícould not) weVe (we have)
didn't - (did not) whflt's - twhat i&)
doesn't - (dees not) where's - (where is)
don't - Ido not) who's (who is / who hasl
hasn't - (has not) won't - (will not)
haven't - (have not) wouldn't - (would not)
he'd - (he wnuld /he had) you'd (you would / you had)
he'lf - (he will) you'll (you will)
he'g - (he i g / h e has) you're (you are)
how*B - rhnw isl youVe (you have)
Td - (Iwould/Ihad)
ni - (Iwül/lHhall)
Tm - (lam)
Tve - (I have)
isn't - (is notj
it's - (it is/it has)
let's - (letus)
mustn't - (inust not)
she'd — (she would / she had)
she ll - (shewill/sheshall)
she's - (she is / she has)
shouldn't - (should not)
that'a - (thatis)
they'd - (they would / they had)
they'll - (they will / they shall)
they're - (they arel
they've - (they have)
we'd - (we would / we had)


APPENDIX F Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs


talk talked
2 consonante CC
want wanted
repeat ropcatcd
2 vowelg + 1 consonant wc
add clean cleaned
VY •ed
vowel + y play playpd

vowel +• consonant in open opened

a 2-syllable word with ve
stress on first syllable answer onswcrod

Drop the -e cirele circled

cotisotiant + e CE and add
•ed ahave sha ved

vowel + conaonant ín a VC
I-syltable word stop stopped
Double the
vowel -t- consooant in and add occur occurred
a 2-syllable word with ve -ed
stress on seccmd sy Hable pref'er preferred

etudy studied
Change y to i
conaonant + y CY and add dry dricd
try tried


APPENDIX G Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs

Presen! Past Past Participfe Presen» Past Past Participio

arise aróse yriscn fall frll fallen
feed fed fed
be was been freí felt felt
bear bore borne fíght fought fought
beat beat beaten ñnd found found
becnme beca me becorat flee fled fled
begin began begun fly flew ílown
bend bent bent forget forgot forgotten
bet bet bet forgivt forgEivc forgiven
bid btd bid freeze froze fmzcii
bind bound bound
hite bit bítten get got gotten (got)
bleed bled bled give fíave given
blow blcw blown grind ground ground
breali broke broken grow grew grown
bring brougbt brought
build built built haog hung hung
burst burst burst ha ve liad had
buy bought bought hcar heard heard
liide hid hiddüii
cut cast cast hit hit hit
caLch caught caught hold held held
choose chose chosen hurt hurt hurt
come carne come
GOflt CQHt cost keep kept kept
creep crept crept know kntw kmiwn
cut cut cut
Iny luid laid
deal dealt dealt lead led led
dig dug dug leave left left
do did done lond lent lont
draw drew drawn le-t let let
drink drank druuk lie lay lain
drive drove driven lieht üt litílighted)
lose loat lost
eat ate eaten

Presen! Put Past PflrTfcIple Present Past Pasl Participle
mate made made spend apent £pent
mean meant meant - 'in spun .spun
meet met met split split split
spread spread spread
pay paid paid spring sprang sprung
put put put stand stood ñtood
9 tea! titile atolen
quil quit quit stick stutk ptuck
sting stung atung
1 r.J'l read read strike atruck ptruck
ride rodc ridden string strung strung
ring rang rung ñwear gwore sworn
rise rose risen swce¡> swept swept
run ran run swim swam jin
swing swung SWUIIg

say said said

see saw seen take took taken
seek sought sought teach taught taught
shakc shook shaken tear tore tOf-Tl

Mil sold sold tell told told

-i., ' 1 sent gent think thought thought
set set set throw threw tíirown
shed shed shed
shine ghone shone undt'rstond understoad understood
shcGt shot shot
show ahowed shown wake woke woken
shrink ahrank shrunk wear wore worn
shut shut shut weave wuve woven.
ring sang sung weep wepl wept
sink sank sunk wat wel wet
sit aat sat win won won
sleep slept slept wind wound wi>und
slide slid slid wríog wrung wrung
spcak apoke spoken write wrnte written


APPENDIX H Patterns of Irregular Verbs

I.Three principal partsthe same hit hit hit
quít quit quil
split split split
bet bet bet
let let let
set set set
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
cost cost cost
shed shed shed
spread spread spread
cast cast cast

2. Laat tuvo p r i n c i p a l parta the same

a. Final consonant change only have had had
make made madc
build built built
he nd hent beiil
spend spent spent
send sent gent
b. Vbwel change only meet raet met
rend read rufld
bleed bled bled
feed fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sit sat aat
shoot shot ahot
hold held held
win won won
shine ahone shone
fiad found fbund
wind wound wound
bind bound bound
díg dug dug
stíck stuck atuc:k
strikc struck ñtruck

c. Vowel change - Addition of -t or -d sleep slept alept

keep kcpt kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wept
think thought thought
teach taught Lauglit
buy bought bought
• • . . , ¡i cuught cnuglit
fight fought fought
seek sought sought
mean meant meant
leave lea lefl
flee ñed flüd
tell tnld told
sell sold sold
lose bst 109t

hear heard hcord

understand uuderstond underatood

S.Three principal parís diffeT

o. No similarity be was be en
go wenl gone
do dtd di me

b. Vowel change -Addition of-tt arise aróse a rigen

drive drnve driven
fly íiew flown
ride rodé ridden
rifle rose risen

. Vowol ohange - Nc -n sing sang sung

ring rang rung
drink drank drunk
swim swam awum
begin began begun
d, First and third vowela similar blow blew bluwn
know knew known
grow grew grown
throw threw thrown
ron ran run
come carne come
eat ate caten
give gave givoii
see saw seeo
draw drew druwn

e. Second and third vowels similar brcak broke broken

ape;ik spoke spoken
choose those uhüsc?n
steal atole Htolcn
tear tore torn
wear wnre wnrn
swear swore swom
bear bore born
get got got Cgotten}
forget forgot forgotten

APPENDIX I Punctuation and Capitalization



1. Use a period at the end ufa statement or command.

The pen and paper are or> tiie table.
Go Jo the chaíkboard and write your ñame.
2. Use a period aíler an abbreviation or an initial.
NOTE: Ahbreviated military ranks do not require a period.
Feb. (February) Mr. Brown a.m.
Dr. Smith (Doctor Smith) Ms. Littie p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs. White Maj Johnson

Use a queation mark after a queationr Sometimes the questíun nmy be *ritten like a
How many ch'ío'ren are in your fatnity?
He'shere today?

Use an exclamation mark after words, scntences^ nr expresñiooe that ahow excite-
ment, surprise, or emotion. Any exclamation, evenif not a sentence, will end with nn
exclamation mark.
What a gamef
Look ouíf
Do ítf
Wowf Qht


1. Use quotation marks toshow tlie words of a speaker. The^re always placed íibovu
the lino and are used in pairs.
John said, 'The commissary clases at21QQ hours loday."
*Where are the children?" she asked.
2. If the words of the speaker are divided into two parís, use quotatioo marka «round
both parts.
"Do yon," she asked, "go fo the tibraty after class?"
3. Use quotation marka around the titles of chapters, artides, parts of books and maga-
zines, short poema, short ntories, and songs,
Last night, I reatí the chapter "Grammar Is Easy" in our book. Theri, I read ¡he artide
"Learning Engftsh"in the newspaper.

1. Use an apostrophe in contractions,

l'fn she's ¡hey're
isn't aren'/ can't
whaí's where's Bob's
o'ctock (of ¡he dock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indícate possession*
a. If the nounis singular, add-'s,
Biirs book
the gifi's coat
b. When the noun Ls. plural, add-'s, if the plural does not end in a,
the chtídren's ciothes
the men's snirts
c. Jf the plural noun ends in s, add only an apnstrnphe.
the ÍJoys'shoes
the tibraries' books

F. COMMA (.)

1. Use commas to sepárate ítems in a series,

W9 ate sandwiches, pótalo chips. and fruit for lunch.
She looked behtnd the chairs, under Ihe bed, and in the k'ttchen lor her notebook.
2. Use a corania before the conjunctions and, but, or, nur, for, yet wheu thcyjoín
indopendent cLauses.
We íived in Venezuela for three years, and íhen we reíumed ¡o ¡he Umtod Staíos,
Frank can speak Chínese weli, buíhe can't readií.
3. Use a comma after an introductory cíause or phrase to sepurtití: il Irom thp rest of
the sentence,
After we study this fcooít, we want to take a break.
Because John ivas sick, he didn 't take the test.
Looking up at the sky the smail boy suddenly ran home.
4. Use a comma aflcr words such as yes, no, well when they begin a sentence.
Do you want to go to the library? l didn't pass the te$¡.
Yes, i do. Wetír study mora.
5. Use commas to sepárate the words of a speaker from the reat of the gentence,
"Listen to meF"srte s&id,
Jack asked, "Where's my lunch?"
'7 don'í ftnow"said John, "¡he answer to ¡he question."
6. Use a comma in dates and addresses,
June 9, 1970
J43 Main Street, Los Angeles, California
7. Use a comma in figures tu sepárate thousands.
5,000 (or 5000}


1. Capitalize the firet word of a sentence.

The boy stood up and walked outside.
Your book is behind Jhe chair.
2. Capitalize thc nüincs üf peoplí?, cities, states, countries, and languages.
Marfí Bill Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Texas California Flor/da New Vbfk
Spain United States Canadá Venezuela
Arabio Chínese Russian English
3. Capitalize the namea of achools, streets, buildinga, bridgeü, Eind
Béfense Language Inslttuíe Umverstty of Chicago
Main Street Empirs State Buifding
Golden Gafe Bridge Ford Motor Company
General Motors Nalionai Footbatl ieague
4- Capitalize the days ofthe week h mnnths of theyear, and holidflyg,
Sunday Monday Tuesday
June July August
Chrisímas Easter Thanksgiving
5. Capitaliza titlca and military ranks tacfore ñames.
Gen Hoberts Capí Smiíh Sgí Jones
Professor Land President itncoin
6. Capitalize the pronoun H'L"
Icaritgo withyou.
l'rrt happy to see you again.
7. Capitalize the firstword ofevery direct quotation,
She asted, "Can I sit here?"
"We saw her," said John, "a¡The university."


APPENDIX J Lesson Resources

16L1 #1 Listening skíll (Making inferencesí J-3

16L1 St2 Reading skill (Timed reading) J-5

16L2 fría Quefition cards (Exercise A) J-7

16L2 tlb Answer cards (Exertiae A) J-9
1GL2#2 Listening script (Exercise B) J-11
16L2 #3a-F Wriling skill (Paraphrasing). J-13
16L2 W4 Speaking skill (Measoges] J-19

16L3#1 Speaking skíll (Messages) (Exercise A) J-21

16L3W2 Reading skilHTimed reading) J-23

!6L4flla-f Wriling skíll (Paraphrañitig) J-25

16L5 fil Speaking skill (Messages) (Exercise X) J-31

16L5 fl2a-d Writing skill (Faraphrasing) (Exerciae Y) J-33
Listeningskill — 16L1 #1
Lesaon 1
Page 20
Maklng i nf e ronces


SI: Do we have to exercise today?
S2: Yes, you know we're supposed to work out
every day.
Si: I know, but I went to bed late last night.

SI: Is it possible for me to lose ten pounds in one
week if I don't eat much?
S2: Yes, I guess ifs possible, but I don't recommend
SI: I have to do something. My nniform doesn't fit
S2: Why don't you take up jogging?

SI; Did you hear sbout the new fitness center?
S2: Yes, I did, It's going to have the most modern
exercise equipmcnt.
SI: I hope so. I plan to join as soon as it opens,
S2: That's goad, I know you want to get in shape.

SI: What's the matter? You don't look well.
S2: I ate something that made me ilL I was awake
all night.
SI: What do you think made you síck?
S2: I think it was the egg dish.
Reading skill — 16L1 #2
Lesson 1
Page 28
Tlmed reading

The F&st and Easy Way to Lose

Ifyoubelieve whatyou see on TV? losing weight could
almost be as easy as sitting on the couch. In América
you'll certairdy find many commercials telling you about
the quickest and least difficult waya to get fil. Wilh
the push of a button, you can learn about new diets,
special medications, fitness programa, and even stomach
operatíons. AII of these different plaus prumise tu help
you get in shape quickly, On channel five, you may see a
commcrcial for a pill which makes you lose several pounds
in just a few weeks. On channcl 20, you might learn about
a diet program that delivers healthy meáis straight to
your door, On channel 42, you can hear true stories of
people who have lost hundreds of pounds hy uííing fitness
equipment at home. And on channel 50, you will find
a commercial fúr a new bnok with the secret to loaing
weight. Anytime you turn on the televisión, you can find a
díet program that might work for you. Bul if the one you
try doesn't help you get in shape, don't worry. Just change
the channel, and you'll surely find an even better way to
lose weight.
Wordcount: 1S)9
Question cards — 16L2 #1a
Lesson 2
Page 3<J
Exercise A

1. Do people have to salute whon 2, When do service members wear

their hands are ful! of things? ahat?

3, When should service members 4. When should a service member

render a salute to an officor in a render a salute indoors?

6. Who entera and exita vehiclea

5- Who salutes when service first, trie sénior or the junior
members are in formation? service member?

8, What should militan,'memberfi

7. Do mi]itary people have to
do when they are atanding
salute when they are wearing around in a group outsido nnd a
civilian clothes? sénior officer arrives?

10. What should happen when an

9. Where ia the place of honor for a officer enters a room, except for
sénior officer to sit or to walk? a mesa hall?
Answer cards — 16L2 #1b
Lessori 2
Page 34
Exercise A

B. A júnior service member should

A. The sénior officer's place of salute indoors when reporting
honor is always tu the right of to officers (except in the Navy),
subordinates. for some cerernonies, and during
indoor guaro1 duty.

C- The first person to see the D, Military staff uehicle^ that have
a aign or flag to show the rank
officer ahould stand and cali the of the sénior officer must be
room to attention.

E- No, but when a person has his F. Service memberfi must always
wear a hat outdoors, except in a
hands full and cannot salute, a "no hat área." Indoors, service
spnken greeting must take its
place. raembers wear hats only when
they have a weapon.

G. No, saluting is not required H, Only the person who

whon a niilitary member is not responaibility for the formation
in uniform. salutes.

The first person to see the officer

calis the group to attention, and J. Júnior mcmbcrs enter vchicles
everyone renders a salute until ñrst, and sénior mcmbers exit
the officer tells them "at ease" fírst.
or "EIÜ you wt?re."

Listening script — 16L2 #2
Page 34
Exerdse B


1. The person of júnior rank should enter a vehide last,

2. Soldiers use words of respect like sir or ma'am when

they are speaking to ofElcers of a higher rank,

3. Soldiers should walk on the righl of a pcrsun who ÍK

sénior in rank.

4. Soldiers salute when they aren't in uniform.

5. Service members never wear hats indoors.

6. Saluting an ofíicer ia a military tourtesy,

7. Soldiers must salute an offker when he or she entere

a room.

8. Vehicles are sometimes saluted by servio- membera.

Writingskíll — 16L2 #3a-b
Lesson 2
Page 52

Special Soldiers
The Green Berets are Special Forces soldiers
who perform a variety of dangerous Jobs. Some
of theae joba are to fight terrorista, to go behind
enemy lines for Information, or to help civilianf;
or other müitary people who are in danger,
The Green Berets also go into other cnuntries
to train foreign soldiers. To be a Green Beret
rcquires a special kind of soldier who learns fast
and is in great physical shape. Oreen Berets are
also traíned to jump from airplanes- These are
all reasons that an oíd song describes the Green
Berets as "men who jump and die."

B A Road Througk Time

Route 66 was a famous highway in the US that went from Chicago to Los
Angeles. Many people traveled on Route 66 and enjoyed visiting the interestm£
ahops, restanrants, and motéis with unusual
designs. In fact, a world-famous restaurant
started on Route 66, Certainly, the fun and
adventure of Route 66 was very popular with
Aniericans, The highway has been named in
books, on a televisión program, and even in a
song with Route 66 inits title. Gradually, newer
highways caused parts of Route 66 to doae
until most people no longer travel on it, But
these new highways just aren't the same as
the oíd 66.
Oreen Beret Special Forces
dangerous jobs terrorists enemy lines
people in danger train foreign fighters
Green Berets learn fast physical shape
airplanes oíd song jump and die


Route 66 highway Chicago Los Angeles

traveled buildings with unusual designs
a famous restaurant
fun and adventure popular with Aniericans
books, televisión, and a song newer highways
caused parts to cióse oíd 66

Writingskill —16L2#3c-d
Lesson 2
Page 52

TAe Dragona of Komodo

Komodn I si and in
Indonesia ia home to the
írightening Komodo dragón,
The "dragón" is, in fact, a
large lizard which can travel
several miles a day when it's
hungry. The Komodo dragon's
diet is made up of meat, and
deer ís íts foud uf choice. EuL
young Komodos have to be careful, too, Adult Komodo dragons will eat their own
babies when they have a chance, For that reaman, the young stay in trees until
they can live safely on the ground. Komodos seldom hurt people, but dcath is
possible if a Komodo hites and the person doesn't get quick medical altcnlion.

The military coin is one of the niost important ítems in a service membefs
pocket. Commanders and other service members hand out these heavy, often
colorful coins for a Job well done. The coins are a tradítional way for military
members to show that they are proud of their unit, Many al&o have quite a
collection from other units. In a fun teat of unit pride, someone might cali out,
"Coin checkf" at a get-
together. At this signal,
everyone musí show his
coin.The last one to show
his coin, or the person
who forgot his coin, has
to buy everyone a drink.

Komodo dragón Komodo Island frightening
large lizard travel far hungry
diet deer eat babies
stay in trees live safely seldom hurt people
death is possible medical attention


military coin pocket hand out

job well done heavy, colorful
proud of unit collection test of unit pride
"coin check" last to show forgot
buys drinks

Writing skill — 16L2#3e-f
Page 52

The story of the frozen dínner began in 1954
when a businessman had too much turk^y left
over from Thanksgiving sales. Instead of
throwing away the turkey, he decidid tu make
frozen turkey and vegetable meáis. He orgtmizcd
the dinners in divided metal traya that were easy
to heat in the oven. He named the meáis <<FTV
Brand Frozen Dinners." Soon stores began selling
many different kinda of thcse convenient frozen
meáis. People still buy frozen meáis today, but
instead ofheatingup the TV Dinners in the oven,
they now buy a wide variety of frozen
"microwavablc meáis" in plástic trays.

í' Flowers for the Fitture

Because of Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson, more
than a míllion miles of roads in Texas are lined with
wildflowers in a variety of colors.
Since Americans spend so much time
traveling in their cars? she believed
that highways should be beautiful,
She gave awards each year to people
who planted and took care of wildflowers and native plants
next to Texas roads. Drivers from all over the world enjoy the
wonderful blues, reds, yellows and oranges every apring and
summer. Others followed Texas's example and now almost
every state in the US is more beautiful and colorfut thanks
to Lady Bird's love of wildflowers.
frozen dinner 1954 businessman
leñ over turkey instead of throwing away
organized frozen dinners metal trays oven
many kinds of TV dinners
convenient still popular
microwavable meáis plástic trays

"Lady Bird" Johnson

roads in Texas wildflowers
Americans travel a lot beautiful highways
gave awards wildflowers and nativo plants
drivers beautiful colors every year
Texas's example almost every state
thanks to Lady Bird
Speakingskill — 16L2#4
Lesson 2
Page 56

EXAMPLr- Meet me at 1800 at the library to study for

tomorrow's quiz.

Student 1: Read Message 1. Go bach and tell your partner.

Then do the same with Message 2.

Message 1: You can take the test for a new driver's license only
between 0800 and 1100, añer showing your oíd license.

2: The teacher knows a good méchame near the schuol

who can repair your car for a

Student 2: Rcatl Message 1. Go back and tell your partner

Then do the same with Message 2.

Message 1: Free shots are given at the little clinic next to the
library, but only afler noon on weekdays.

Messagc 2: You can talk to the manager of the cafetería if you

think the lines are too long at dinner
Speakingskill —16L3#1
Lesson 3
Page 66
Exercise A

Thank you for calling the Sports Event Holline, To buy tickets, push 1.
To hear Information about games, push 2, Beep! For baseball, push 1. For
hockey, push 2. Por basketball, push 3. Beep! The next basketball game is
this Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. at Anderson Center Buy your tickets now. To
return to the main menu, push 3, To end this cali, push 4. Beep! Thanks
again for calling the Sports Event Hotline, Good bye.

Thank you for calling the Carson Theater Ticket Office. For operas, push
1. For plays, push 2. For ballets, push 3, For symphony performances,
push 4. Beep! This weekend, the symphony will be playing at 7:00 in the
evening. Tickets are $16.95 for adults and $7.50 for chíldren. To repeat
this message, push 3. To end thís cali, push 4, Beep! Thank you and have a
great day

Good morrung. Welcome to the Weather Forecast Service. Today is

September thirtieth, The time is 9:15 a.m. The temperatura now ia 70
degrees Farenheit. It's a sunny day with low humidity. Expect a high of
90 degrees Farenheit in the afternoon and a low of 6B degrees Farenheit
tonight, There will be nice weather this weekend with douds on Sunday.
For more information, visit our webaite at www, dot, weathertoday, dot,
service, Thanks for calling.

Thank you for calling the San Antonio History Museum. For a complete
calendar of events,, please go online to www. dot, historymuseum, dot,
history, For the location, museum hours, and the price to enter, presa
1 now. Beep! The History Museum is located at 200 Main Street at the
intersection of Main and Second Street in downtown San Antonio, We're
tlosed on Mondays and major holidays. Tuesday to Fríday, we're open 10
a.m, to 9 p,m. and from noon to five on weekends. The museum is free on
Reading skill — 16L3#2
Lesson 3
Pag e 82
Timed readlng

The Drive-in Thealer

Drive-in movie theaters are an important part of the
history of American entertainmcnt. The drive-in theater
started in a young man's backyard in 1932, This young
man loved cars and moviesh so he Ihought other people
might enjoy watching a movie outdoora from the comfort
of their cars. He built a large, white aereen and invited
people to park in front of it. At íirst, he showed moviea
using a specíal camera placed on top of hís car and put
speakers behind a tree. Later, people hung small speakers
from their car windows for the sound, PeopJe paid for eudí
passcnger &nd each vehicle.
Drive-in theaters were moro popular in tht! past than.
they are nowr People liked drivc?-ins because they were
inexpensive. Tliey cuuld bring their own snacksh and there
was a play área for children. In 1958 there were about
4000 drive-in theaters in the Un. Síncc tbat time, mosL
drive-ins have closed because drtve-in buainesa uwners
could make more money by selling tlierr land than from
showing movies. For that reason, only around 400 drive-
ins remain in the US today, Only time will tüll if drive-ins
will rcmain or become a part of the past.

Word count: 198

Writing skill — 16L4#1a-b
Lesson 4
Page 102

Lost and Neuer Found

In 1945, ñve airplanes took off írom a naval
base in Florida for a regular training assignment.
Whíle returning to base, it began to rain and the
pilots realized that they didn't know they were
lost. They didn't know their location, spocd, or
direction because they didn't have the proper
technical oquipment. The pilota were in Lrouble
and needed help. The military sent anolher plañe
to look for them, but even now, no one has ever
found anyof the planes, The reason for this awftil
story could be the Bermuda Triangle—fu área of
water that is famous fur causing planes and boats
to disappear

B The Accidental Dessert

For hundrods of years, Americana have
enjoyed sweet foods like doughnuts. These round
desserts don't look like ñuta, but they díd in the
past. Back then, cooks made the dough into balls
and cooked them in grease. Sadly, the doughnuts
often remained uncooked in the middle. This
changed in 1847 when Navy Captain Hansen
Crockett Gregory was sailinghis shíp in a terrible
storm. He needed to use both of his hands, so he
put his tíoughnut on a spoke of the ship's steering
wheel. This gave him the idea of making a hale
in the doughnut which solved the problem of an
uncooked center.
1945 íive airplanes training assignment
began to rain pilots were lost
location, speed, or direction needed help
another plañe looked for them
no one ever found them one possible reason
Bermuda Triangle área of water
planes and boats disappear


Americans doughnuts
round dessert looked like nuts cooked them in grease
uncooked in the center 1847 navy captain
terrible storm needed hands ship's stccring wheel
idea hole in the center solved the problem
uncooked middle

Writingskill — 16L4#1c-d
l.eSSCm 4
Page 102

A Special Trainirtg fíkip

The Coast Guard's Eagle is the only active
sailing shíp in the US military services, It has
an unusual history of helping to train officers
from two difíerent countries. Germany
originally built the Eagle and four othor ñhipñ
to train their naval cadets, but the US took the
ship as a war prize aftcr World War II. It is nuw
located at the Coast Guard Academy in
Connecticut where it serves as a working
tlassroom for around 175 Coast Guard cadets
each year The cadets get to prautiue being
officers, and the Eagle gives them their first
taste of salty air and lifo at sea.

"Start Yoitr Engines"

On Memorial Day Weekend at
the end of May each year, a famoufí
race called the Indianapoliñ 500
takes place, To begin, the drivers
wait to hear the cali to ñtart their
engine.s. Then they take off three
at a time. Some Indy cars seem like
rockets with wheels, and others
look like sports cars with extremely
fast engines. The drivers race for
200 laps, and their spccd is over 220 mph. The cars are almrjst tíj» fasl tu see.
hundred miles later, the winner pa^es the black and white checkered flag and
drinks a bottle of milk to celébrate victory.

Coast Guard's Eagle active sailíng ship
train officers unusual history Germany built
train naval cadets US war prize
World War II Coast Guard Academy
working classroom 175 cadets practice being oíficers
life at sea


Memorial Day Weekend race

Indianapolis 500 start engines three at a time
like rockets sports cars 200 laps
220 miles per hour 500 miles
checkered flag winner drinks milk celébrate

Writmgskill — 16L4#1e-f

Rock climbing is a dangerous sport which requires
skill, strength, and a love of the uncertain. Many peopJe
rock climb for the adventure of holding untu the rock by
their fingertips. Sometimos climbors make it to heightñ of
thousands of feet above the ground. Rock climbers have to
be in good shape because the chance of slippmg and fallí ng
is always possible, Some climbers QSC ropes to make their
climb safcr, but the best climbers use only their physical
strength to go up a vertical wall. Rock clímbing, witli or
without a rope^ is an extremely difficult aport, but il oífors
a lot of satisfacción.


"Swing Your Partner!»
Square dancing is a folk danco that has
become an American tradition. Usually, the
dance is made up of fourcouples, one on each
side of a square, Each couple usually dresses
in colorful clothes which match, The inusic is
oñen fast, full of life, and led by a fiddler. The
dancers follow the instructions of a callen
but the caller doesn't dance. He only tells the
dancers how to move to the music. Square
dancing is enjoyed in every state in the US.
In fact f twenty-six states bave made square
dancing an oficial state dance because it is
so popular.
rock climbing dangerous skill and strength
adventure fingertips thousands of feet
good shape possibility of slipping and falling
use rope physical strength
difficult sport offers satisfaction


square dancing folk dance American tradition

four couples each side of a square
matching clothes fast music is led by a fiddler
follow instructions of a caller how to move
in every state popular official state dance


Speaking skill — 16L5#1
Lesson 5
Exercise X

You left your cell phone in the

Go see the boss after lunch,
cafetería, and the secretary has
Bring your report with you.
it for you.

The study group will meet

You need to sign out at the fronl
tonight in the break room at desk before you go to sick cali.

Your commander needs to apeak There is a problem with your

with you at 0900. documenta, See the secretary.

Tell thc lieutenant that he needs

If you need help finding a book to speak to me about Iris test
in the library, let me know.

Tell the sergeant that the day

Please remember to return both
of thc test has changed from
of your library books tomorrow.
Friday to Monday.
Writing skill — 16L5 #2a-b
Lesson 5
Pagel 22
E xe reine Y

Jumping into the Fire

US Forest Service Smoke Jumpers are
notafraid tojump out of an airplanc with
a parachute.They risk their livea fighting
a fire in the middle uf Lhc forest. Smokc
jumpers are dropped from airptanes deep
into the forest to fight fires with baaic
toáis like shouela and chainaaws. Once
in the forest, the Smoku Jumpers olear
the ground of dry leaves and tree limbH
in front of the fire. The smoke jumpers
usually have to w&]k long distances
through difficult country to get out of the
forest once their johs are done.

Navy Seal Táctica
When fíghtingin the forest, US Navy Seáis
uso special táctica to get away from an enemy.
One is a hit and run tactic calJed the "center
peel." Tt makes the Seal platoon seem like
they are a much larger fighting forcé than
they really are. In just a few minutes, the
Seáis shoot thousands of bullets at the enemy.
At the samo time, each seal ruus from the
front of the group to the beck until the platoon
has moved into the trees. Wlien the shooting
stops and the enemy soldiers have a chance to
look around, the Seáis are no longer there.
Smoke Jumpers par a chute rísk the ir livcs
fight forest fires are dropped deep in the forest
basic tools chainsaws and shovels clear the ground
dry leaves tree limbs
to get out of the forest have to walk far

US Navy Seáis special tactics fight in the forest

get away "center peel" seem larger
shoot many bullets move from front to back
into the trees shooting stops Seáis are no longer there
Writing skill — 16L5#1c-d
Lesson 5
Page 122

A Native American Tradition

Powwows are ceremonies held by Native Americana
across North America. This custom started hundreda of
years ago, bul many Native Americana continué to take
part in powwows today. Usually, people make a circle and
dancers perform in the center área. Same dancera wcar
ítems such as a headdresa, leather clothing, andjewelry,
A drum group traditionally plays music ¡naide tho circlc,
and at the same time, singera chant traditional songa. The
meaning of thia get-together ia to honor the Earlh and tn
connect with people in tho community—it is a time to see
oíd friends and make new anea.

16L5 ttZc

'' A Trip on White Water

White water rafting is an exciting sport
that requirea toamwork. A group of five to
nine people join a gvride in a rubber raft for
a trip on a fast river fiíll of high waves and
very large rocka. The guide tells everyone
how to paddle to avoid the biggeat rooks and
highest waves. Sometimos the raft becometi
stuckon a rock, and eachperson must paddle
hard to continué the trip, Alao aomeone
might fall Ín the water, and the others must
pulí him into the raíl while it continúes
apeeding down the rivcr. Certainly, working
together is necessary for a safe trip.
Native Americans ceremonies powwow
hundreds of years ago make a circle
dancers perform headdress, leather clothing, and jewelry
drummers inside traditional songs
honor the Earth connect with people

white water rafting exciting

teamwork 5 to 9 people a guide
rubber raft fast river waves rocks
guide tells rafters paddle to avoid rocks
gets stuck on a rock paddle hard fall in pulí into
work together safe trip
APPENDIX K US Mílitary Ranks, Grades, and Insignia







.= f[ \TROAK1.FAF r.vTR OAK r EAF



O-2 D


Chif f MHBIT HnWClitofiVtiiOfr.il


Sénior M.-i*trr Srnior Ciüifí Pullv

tíerpennt Finí Gunnerj





Amujín Ftml <;]Li;q Cln"h

Prívele Prívate
'• '" F ~' f ^ i-nipim
E-l /linmín Pl]V4lH' An Urcmil









EXERCISE A Select the best answer.

1, You can use the big dictionaríes here, but you can't
a. try them out
b. check them out
c. cut them out
2. Don't let the baby too long. She might not sleep tonight.
a. nsp
b. look after
c. skip
3. Some kind of physical is important for people who sit at wnrk all day.
a. equipment
b. health
c. activity
4, It's important to get a good night's
a. sleep
b. nap
c. energy
5. Picase come and aee me when it is for you.
a. convenient
b. gradual
c. fit
6. The gym will lend you a towel, It's not to bring one.
a. open
b. necessary
c. iinpossiblc
1. All soldiers must wear the uniform to the promotion ceremony.
a. unnecessary
h. possible
c. proper


B. Jim likes to run, He's going to a race on Saturday.
a. avoid
b. skip
c. take part in
9, Their plañe was late leaving Chicago. Ifa . they'll arrive on time.
a. proper
b. doubtful
c. unnecessary
10. Lori needs to lose weight, She's decided to the amount of'candy she eata.
a. c\it out
b. take up
c. cut down on
11. Joan's sister is going to the kída while we go out to dinner.
a. check. out
b- lüok after
c. take up
12. Ted got a new computer game for his birthday Let's
a, tcy it out
b, take it up
c, cut it out
13. The tloclor told me not to meáis on my new díct. He said to eat three
meáis a day.
a, take part in
b, skip
c, avoid
14. I took Betty's and left ten minutes earlier. It was a good idea; 1 missed all
the heavy traffic.
a. relaxation
b. Suggestion
c. equipment


EXERCISE B Fill in the bfanks to complete the sentences.

O-© Luke Jones is a very O. man. He

goes to the gym and
active several team sports. He O (Ive miles every
even morning, and swims 20 O _ at the base
three times a week, Soon he'll
takes part in
swimming pool take up lifting O

©-© There's no doubt that Luke is very € and

fit takes careof hís ., but his wife still worries
about him. Sometimes he meáis, and he
gradually hesn't taken the time to learn how to use the
in the gym properly. Also, he often does too much «xercise too
had better
quickly instead of © increasing the aniount
he does and the time he takes to do it. Luke <B
be careful, or he could hurí himself.

EXERCISE C Write questlons about the statements using Why.

Number 1 ison example.

1, Whvisita eood idea to exercise?

y a good idea to exercise because it keeps you healthy and fit.

It's dangerous to use the fitness center equipment without training because you
could hurt yourself.

Ifa a bad idea to skip meáis becanse yon may eat too many unhealthy
EXERCISE D Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. Before Ken saw that movie, a. until she moved tú Franco.

2. By the time they went on vacation, b. he finally found a Job.

3. The doctor had alreadyleft c. he hadn't liktíd forcign mavies
4. Ron hadn't ever caten deer meat d. they had packed 10 suitcases.
5. Before Sue bought a car, e. when the patient Brrived,
6. AfterTony had graduated, f. until he leamtd lu hunt.
7. He hadn't seen hia baby girl g. ahe'd always taken the bus.
8. Ana hadn't learned French h, until she was 6 munlhs uld.

EXERCISE E Complete the questions ualng the past perfect.

Use the words in parentheses. Be careful about ¡nord oj-der. Number 1 is an

she alreadv taken a shower

(she / already take a shower)

2. before he joined the army?

(Mark / ever ahoot a weapon)

3. By the time Brian got home,

(he / eat dmner)

4. before you got thst Job?

(you / gradúate from collegej

5. Before Karen went to Hawaii,

(she f learn to swim)

6. Before the Smiths moved to California,

(they/ ever Hee the oceanl

7, By the time you started school,

(you / already learn to read)
EXERCISE F Wnte Wh-questions in the past per red.
the tfltettittft word in parenthcses ( ). Nurnber 1 is an example.

1. (what) What had thev done before they went shoppíng?

They had gone to work before they went shopping.

2. (where) _
James had livcd in Spain before he carne to the US.

3. (whall _
Tom had introducid himself to Linda by the time we arrived.

4. (where) _
We had been at the museum before we wenl to the movies.

5. (whyl
I had ]ocked the door because I thought you were gone.

EXERCISE G Match each vocabulary word wlth its meanlng.

1. to cut out a. to test first

2, open b. to stop; to quit

3- to cut down on c. a ahort sleep, usually during the day

4. toavoid d. to decrease or reduce
5. regularly e. not shut
6. totakeup f. to not do somcthing for a reason
7. littlebylittle g. following a schedule
8. to try out h. to start
9. activity i. gradually
10. nap j. something people do
EXERCISE H Complete the sentences with the correct word forms.

1. My mother taught me how to do many things

proper / properly

2. Thismealis the worst meal I have ovor caten.

possible / possibly

3. Have you noticed the mercase m gas pncear

gradual / graduaLLy

4. It's very warm, so a coat is completely.

necessury / unncccasnry

5, I didn't have the tools, so I couldn't Eíx the car.

proper / properly

6. lait to drive 500 miles in one day?

possible / possibly

EXERCISE I Complete the sentences with had better or had better not
1 is an exampie.

1. You'd better not be late ., or your supervisor might get angrv

(you / be late)
2. , or we'll be late.
(we / leave now)
3, Jf it's going to rain,
(you / take an umbrella)

4, . or he might have an accídent.

(Paul / be careleas)
5. If thebaby's crying,
(you/go seo her)

e. ., or you'll fail the test.

íyou / study tonight)
EXERCISE J Offeradvice using Whydon't yot/or Why not & the words In ().
Number 1 is an example.

1. Fm hungry. (eat sometbing)

Why don't you eat something? / Why not eat something?
2. I think I work too hard. (take a vacation)

3. I'm too weak. (work out more)

4, I don't have cnough money to buy a car. (try to nave more)

5, I feel so tired. (sleep longer tonight)

6, I can't find the correct addreas. ílook at a map)

EXERCISE K Ful in the blanks wlth fo-infinitíve verbs that you think flt
Anuwera nidi wiry. Numher 1 is on exomple.

1. It's interesting to try food from different

2. It waa impossible the test on time.

3. It's a mistake not an officer with n higbcsr rnnk.

a lot of Engliah in ñve months.

5, It's necessary before a test-

6 Itsfun a new sport.

7. It's exciting new people.

8. It will be convenient in the Jibrary

EXERCISE L Fill in the blanks with ít+ BE fi- not) & añ adjective or noun.
Be careful to choose íhe corred verb tense. Ansiueri; will vary. Numbcr 1 is an example.

L It was not easy to understand Matt becauae he apoke too quíckly.

2. to travel overseaa next summer.

3. to see thal raovie last night.

4. . tojump out of airplünes,

5. tn drive a car in the rain.

6. to eat out all the timo.

7. to learn English in fíve weeka.

EXERCISE 1UI Write questions with words from the boxea or make your own.

Number J is ctti example.

possihle to go to the movics

interesting to be on time for class
necessery to meet at 6 p.m.
Waait,..? to meet new people
Will it be.,,? to study after clasa
Whyisit,..? to buy a house
a problem
a good decisión to fix your own car
a miatake to ride to work with you

la It poaaible to be on time for class?




EXERCISE N Scanning a text to complete a chart

Look at the chart. Then sean íhe text to complete the missing information from íhe chart.

7 secónds =
= 1 death
31 secunda =

= 1 total gain

A Quickly Growing Country

The United States is a cauntry made couples began having fewer chíldren,
up of both native-born people and but world changes kept pusbin^
immigrants. Many Americans that are immigrants toward the US, In 2006, the
born in the United States, or native- population hit the 300 million mark.
born, have family who moved to the US The government believes that by 2040,
from other countries, or immigrated, in the United States will have 400 million
the past. New immigrants make up penple.
40% of the 2,4 million people added to The US population Es counted once
the population of the US each year. every 10 years. The gtivernment uses
In fact immigrants have always birth and death numbers in addition to
played an important role in the growth information on immigration to guess the
of the United States. In 1915, population in the years between the
immigrants from Europe pushed the US counts. The governrnent's "population
population to 100 million. The birth of a dock" shows that a new baby ia born
large number of babies after World War every seven seconds, a person dies every
II in the 1940s, and the arrival of 13 seconds, and an immigrant enters
immigrants from non-E uro pean the country every 31 seconds, This
cnuntriea put the US population at 200 equals a total increase in US population
million in 1967. Later, American of one more person every 11 seconds.


EXERCISE A Sefect Ihe bcsl answor.

1. IfyouVe loat your driver's license, you get a new one soon because you
can't drive anywhere without one.
a, are able to
Ix have got to
c. might
2. A sénior officer always sita orwalks on the right side of a júnior officer
the right side is the place of
a. honor
b. salute
c. loyalty
3. When I don't know how to eat something properly at a dinner party, T observe
the other guests and by them, I learn how to do it.
a. showing
b. watching
c. telling

4. Before Dora became a vice admiral, she was ,

a. a rear admiral upper-half
b. an admiral
c. a rear admiral lower-half

5. Mr. McDonald ifi against thc idea of a shopping center near his farm and has
told everyone that he
a. hopes ít opens soon
b. wants to shop there
c. doesn't want it to open
6. When Mr. Masters aays something in a meeting, all , sr.

a. the bosses
b. his subordínales
c. the generáis
EXERCISE B Select the best answer.

1. Mrr Joseph B. Low has more 4. This __ has 50 dormitorios and

seriiority than anyone else in the 1,000 houses available for military
company because he than personnel.
evísryone elae.
a. regnlfltion
a. is more loyal b. insta! lation
b. has worked there longer t. subordínate
c. has earned more money
5. and tkankyou are
2. It was a __ to serve under common
General Westfield.
a. courtesies
a. privilege b. rights
b. right c. salutes
c. authority
6. Customs are things lliat pcople
3- In some countries, military service _ do.
is compulsary, so you join.
a. usually
a. can't b. seldom
b- never c. never
c, have got to

EXERCISE C Combine the sentences using tne words in parentheses

Number 1 is an exantple.

1. I waa in class. The bell rang, (until)

I was ÍD class until the bel! rang.

2. Can we atudy at the library? Then can we go out for dinner? (befare)

3, CPL Greene is leaving now. CPL Foote must stay atwork, Ebut)

4, There's the school. I want to attend it. (which)

5. Sally wants to pass her test. Sally will do her homework every night, fsoJ
EXERCISE D Match the word(s) that can replace ihe underlined words.
Nutnber I is an example.

a. closed f. respect for

b. responsibilities g. regulations
c. behavior h. a right
d. observe i. sense
e. rendering

f/e 1. One way that we show honor to our flag is by tríving a salute,
2. The downtown libran1 is not open after 5 o'clock oo Sundays.
3. The drill sergeant is talking to the prívate about his actions.
4. I had a feeling that he waa lying.
5. T have a lot of duties that I have to perforin in my HHW job.
6. Good medical care should be something that is givgn to everyone.
7. You should ahvays follow thc laws when driving un an ins talla ti on.

EXERCISE E Unscrambfe the words.








EXERCISÉ F_ Complete the senten ees, thert the crossword puzzle.

4. The meeting is . Everyone rnust attend.
7. An , . is the highest sénior oíficcr rank in the US Navy.
8. It's difficult for children to al 1 the time.
9. There are many about saluting.
12- During the wedding ceremony, il is a US for brides to
wear something that is blue, something that is borruwcd and something that ís

13. It's every student's. tx> be in class on time.

1. Since Sally was also going to the library, Michael ,
the opportunity to get a ride.
2. At DLI, generáis have the special . of having a aeptxrüte
graduation ceremony.
3. Lackland AFB is a military
5- An army has four stars.
6- It'a a regulation to salute officers.
1. It's - military regulatíans to mix the uniform with civilian
10. A prívate is . ^ to a sergeant.
11. Rendcring a salute is a sign of __
. It's a to stand and give an oíd person a seat.


EXERCISE G Complete the se n le n ees wilh the past perf ectja rog res 3 i ve.
Use tke words in parenttieses ( ). Number 1 is ari example.

1. hadbeenrelaxing (relax) on the beach for only 20

minutes when it fítarted to rain,

2. I (take) a test when my cell phone

3. Gary_ ínot study) for very lonjj before he took n


4. She was tired because she (watdi) a inovie lote at


5, We . (think) about leaving befóte the teacher carne.

6. Hermother Italk) on the phone fur more than an

hour before she hung up.

EXERCISE H Write questions in the past perfect progressive.

tít& words inparentfteses (). Number 1 ¿san example.

1. (How long/you/rurL/before you hurt your foot)

How long had you been running befare you hurt vour foot?

2. (Where/they/drive/when the tire went flat)

3. (Where/you/expect to go/before your orders were changed)

4. (What/ Jim/read/when the lights went off)

5. 6ONUS: (Who/mop/the floor/when the colonel carne in)


EXERCISE I Complete ttie sentences using the BE passive form.
Use the inoras in parentfwsea. Numbcr 1 is an example.

1. Flag officera are given (give) special privileges.

2. Respect team) by honorable behavior.

3- The chain of command _ _ ifollowJ by all aervice


4. Children (look after) by thcir párente.

5. All injuries (treat) at the emergency ruom.

6. Bad commanderñ (not respect) by their subordínate^

7. Checks (not cash) at the snack bar.

EXERCISE J Change sentences from active to passive.

Number I is an example.

1. The general expects everyone to come to the meeting.

Everyone ia expected to come to tho meeting (by the general),

2. Drill aergeanta teach recruita how to aalute.

3, The ofTicer who is in charge assigns work to the soldiers.

4. Doctors examine patients as aoon as poasible.

5. The installation closes SOITIEJ cif the gfltes at night.

EXERCISE K Write questlons in the BE passlve form for each answer.
Number 1 is an examplc.

1. Are recruits allowed to drive?

No, recruita aren't allowed to drive.

Yes, your brother is invited to the

Yes, sénior officers are given authority to ohange regulations.

4. What __
Proper Identification is required by the gate guards.

5- How
Students are choaen for tours by a computar program.

6. When
gym is cleaned at riight.

EXERCISE L Rewrite the sentences using have got so.

Use coittroctions when possible. Number 1 is on exampie.

1, I have to pick up my medical records.

Tve got to pick up my medical records,
2. Youneed to pack your luggage.

3. Jsck must report to the peraonnel office.

4. Soldiers must buy new uniforms.

5. Jano has to make copies of her


EXERCISE A Use the words from the box to complete the dialoga.

types modern theater ñirthermore

actors play classical
either talent antique Enstrument

1. Bob: Do you want to go to the gun show today?

Dan; Isuredo.You know that I have a collection of all
_ of oíd

2. Paul: Which -_ are we going to?

Margo: The Roxy, We need to huny because the

3. Derek: Which do you want to learn to play,

the piano or the guitar?
Ben: _ is fine with me.

4, Olga: _ get paid very well for thuir

Steve: Yes, but only those with the most _ get paid a lot,

5. Linda: My grandmother doesn't like to listen to __ music,

She prefers the _ aymphonies like Mozart's.
Tom: There'a nothing wrong with that. Symphonies are wonderíul to listen
to __ , a person doesn't have to be oíd to like them.
like them a lot, but I prefer Bach.
EXERCISE B Match the words with their meanings.

1. comedy a. an exciting story

2. adventure b. serious play or movie
3. drama c. drama or comedy where actors aing their parta
4. opera d. humorous play

1. ballet a. classical music played by an orchestra

2, musical b. a part played by an actor or actress
3- symphony c. cl&ssical dance períormed on the toes
4. role d. play or muvie with sjnging and dancing

EXERCISEC Choose the best answer.

1. We nave to quít practicing at noon. 5. I can't stand cold weather.

a. stop a. I like cold weathcr
b, continué b, 1 don't like cold weather,

2. The colonel tells humorous stories 6. Sam will go to the library today.
at his mt-etings. Bill will do Jikewise.
a, long a. similarly
b, funny b. differontly

3. Tom said the flight was scary. He 7. My daughter is studying drama.

isn't going to fly for a while. She likes performing,
a. honorable a. She wanta to be an uctress.
b- frightening b. She wants to be a teacher

4. Tom is famous for his roles in S, I play a gaitar in our group.

m avies.
a. cards
a- He's an actor. b. musical instrunient
b. He's a muaician.
EXERCISE D Select the correct word.

1. Mary very angry. Do you know what happened?


2. A prometían dependa on your Job

ac ting / pe rformance

3. Vanilla or chocolate? I don't like ene.


4. Pat and I sat in the fífth at thc thcater.

5. The guard — . his duty and atopped the people at the gate.
perfbrmed /acted

6. My son íish. He won't eat it,


7. Who will the commander with Soldier of the Year?


8. Who's Romeo in Romeo and Julietf


9. It!3 wonderful to see him m any movie or play,


10. The theater ian't far. It's ^^ my houae. Let'a walk there.
cióse to/cióse
11. Living in another country can be .—,
an adventure/a performance

12. I like to laugh, listen to songa, and see peüple dance. I often go to

13. Which house do you Jike? — I want Lo keep looking,

EXERCISE E Answer the questions. Use enaugh and the words !n Q.
Use pronotins where possibíe. Number 1 isan examplc:

1. Did the teacher explain the directions clearly? (yes/clearly/u nderstand)

Yes, she/he expiained the directions clearly enough to undcrstand.

2. laMary advanced in math? (yes/advanced/take another course)

3. Isthat car safe? (no/nut sofe/drivc)

4, DídBobrunfast? (no/not run fast/score many pointa)

EXERCISE F Circle the best word order in sentences with enough.

1. Please for me to understand 4. Samdidn't. year to lose

you. any weight,
a. slowly enough speak a. exercise long enough
b. enough slowly speak b- long enüugh cxercise
c. speak slowly enough c. enough long

2. The new furniture for us to 5. That big sofá _ to fall aslcep in

move easily. while watching a moví e.
a. light enough is a. is comfortable enough
b. is enough líft b. is enough comfbrtable
c. is light enough c. comfonable enough is

3, The ñsh in the lake have . to 6- Mary -_ to attend elementary

catch and eat. school yet.
a. large enough grown a. isn't enough oíd
b r grown large enough b. oíd enough isn't
c. enough Large grown c. isn't oíd enough
EXERCISE G Circle the correct answer.

1. Actors ancl actresses _ in plays 5. Don't smoke in class , don't

and movies. eat at your desk,
a, prefer a. Would rather
b, perform b. Prefer to
r. promote c. Furthermore
2, Actors perform on the 6. Bill playa the gu'tar. He'a
a. row a. a trainee
b. stage b. an actresa
c. play C. a musidan

3. How many musicians are in the 7. Mary's a wonderful actress. She

schooJ ? just gave an excellent.
a, orchestra a. sJeep
b- stage b- award
c. roic c. performance
4. What you said is not funny. I see 8. Betty's very _ . She always
no in it. helps people.
a. humor a. kmd
b. drama b. humorous
c. stage c. scary

EXERCISE H Complete the sentences with your own i deas.

Answers will vary.
1. The lieu ten ant h ates

2. Mary dislikes
3. My son received an award for
4. My house is cióse to
'i. I went to the concert to see
6. John didn't want to take the test, so he acted
7. Mary plays four Instruments. She plays the _
EXERCISE I Answer the questions. Use prefer an dj hewordsinf ),
Use pronauns whert possible. Answers may uary. Ntitnber 1 give*

1. Daes Mary prefer coffee to tea? (yes)

Yes, shc prefers coffee to tea. /Yes, she prefers cofTee. /Yea, she does.

2, Do the students prefer reading to writing? (no)

3. Do you prefer soccer or baseball? (soccer)

4. Which does Bob prefer, pie or cake? fpie)

5- What do you prefer, swimming or playing tennis? (playing tennis)

EXERCISE J Make se nt enees using prefer + fo-lnfinitive + rather thsn.

Number 1 is an exampie.

1. I / read / books / magazines

T prefer to read books rather than (read) magazines. _

2- recruits / march / run

3, Does / your mother / shop / watch TV / ?

4. Do/they/ walkto school/drive/?

5- Would / Mark / eat athome/eat out/?

EXERCISE K Match Mihe's answers lo Betty's questions.

Betty Mlke
1. I'm going to the theater a, I'd rather you get them. I won't be
Wednesday, Do you want going anywhere near the ticket office.
to come?
2, Then what performance b, Seven will be fine. I'd rather be early,
would you rather attend, too. See you Sunday!
Friday's or Saturday's?
3- That will be fine with me. c, Neither. I'd rather go On Sunday.
Would you rather get the
tickets or do you want me
4, Qkay What row would you d. Td rathor wait till the weekend, I can't
rather our seats be ín, the go on Wednesday night.
first rnw or thc East one?
5, That aounds good to me. e. Td rather have seats in the first row if
I'll try for row one. I'd you can get them.
rather be early than be
late for the show. Let's
meet at seven.

EXERCISE L Complete the sentences and questions with your own i

Answers will vnry.

1. I don't like vanilla. I'd rather

2. My brother prefers to go

3- The teachers would rather not

4. Lt Miller wíiuld rather not live

5, _^__ than basketball?

e, than chicken?

7, ., the park or the theater?


EXERCISE M Choose the best answer.

1. Katie would rather than walk.

d, jogged

2. Mr. Burke received an award for his in the movie Cood Morning,
a. seat
b- musical
c. role
d. theater

3, What's your Chínese or Mexican food?

a. preference
b- comedy
c. instrument
d. adventure

4. He likes singing. He prefers _

a. to singing than to dance
b. sing to dance
c. ñinging rather dancing
d. to sing rather than dance

5. We prefer
a. walking to running
b. rather walk to run
c- walk than run
d. walking to run

6. It's hot enough ,

a. to swinimíng
b. swímming
c. to go swimmíng
d. swíms
EXERCISE N Use the Information in the text to select the inference.

1. While she was in college, Stella Morgan took many courses. She studied
serious drama and comedy, and she learned to sing and dance. She has
performed on atage and in movies. She has also been in many TV dramas.
a. Stella is a teacher.
b, Stella is an actress.
c, Stella likes school
d. Slella likes movies.

2. Greg saw a musical for the first time lastweek. The story itself was good, but
he didn't like the actors and actresses who sang every few minutes. He algo
didn't like all the dancing. He felt the music was unnecessary. It hothered him.
a. Greg will probably see another musical.
b. Greg likes classical music,
c. Greg would rather not see another musical.
d. Greg enjoyed the actors dancing.

3. Car accidenta are the number one cause of death among children in the US
every yoar. Fifty-seven percent of the deaths happen becauae the children
aren't sitting in a chíld's special car seat- In addition, emong the children
that die while in a child's car seat, eighty percent of them aren't aitting in the
aeat correctly at the time of the accident. Using child car seats properly cnuM
decreaae the number of children's deaths which are caused by car accidenta
each year,
a. Most people put their children in car seats,
b. Correct car seat use can save children's lives,
c. Car seats can stop accidenta.
d. Most people use car seets COtTCctly.

4. When Americana fast food restaurante first opened, people were very excited
about eatÍTig a fast meal out instead of makingone at home, People likcd the
salty and greasy food the restaurants offered. and customers began eating faat
food frequently. Gradually, eating fast food began causing heaíth problems for a
lot of people Ln the US. To hclp solve the probiem, these same restaurants havc
begun serví ng healthier menú ítems, Jike salads and fru i t, in addition lo the
greasy hamburgers and salty Frenen fríes,
a. People can now eat more fast food without gaining w
b. People now have ttie opportunity to order healthy faat fouds.
c. People can order extra lettuce on their hamburgers.
d. People musí order less salty and greasy fast food,
EXERCISE O Combine the sentences to make a paragraph.

Daisy is stuck in a trafile jam. Daisy can't get to work.

She is the worker. She is going to give a briefing today. She will be late.
Instead, David will have to give the briefmg. He must prepare in a short
amount of time.
David is nervoua. The commandor will be there.
EXERCISE A Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

waa unable to installation for exaniple

copy print
air conditíoner experience componente
enter shut off

1. The stereo were expensive, so John liad to wail

until the store put them on sale.
2. My math homework was too diñicult, 30 I
complete it.
3. Jim says a new dishwasher is too expensive to buy becauae the cost of the
_ is almost as much as thü uost of the machine,
4, There are many different kinds »f ^heese: _ , Ihure
are Swiss, c}ieddar, and blue cheeses.
5, I need another _ of this report; one for me and one
for the commander
6, Every student should _ ._ his ce)) phone before class
7, SGT Walters has been :n the Army for fifteen years and has a lot of military

8, It's very hot in this room. Please turn on thc

9, Jamie has losl the document you gave her earh'er. Can yon
another one from the color printer?
10, SSgt Wilson will the new military TD numbere
into the cumputer this moming.
EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary itcín wilh its meaníng.

Number lison

1, data a. to put in order

2, lend a hand h. to stop the operation of s
3, put togcther c. to divide ínto pieces
4, mstall d. to help
5, screen e. to make ready for use
6, take apart f. information

7, organíze g. electronic área where informatinn appears

8, shut down h. to as semble parts

EXERCISE C Write the ñames of the Ítems In the picture^

Une words you have learned in Lesson 4.

I. 4.

2. 5. 8,

3. 6.
EXERCISE D Read the sentence.Then choose the question that It answers,

Number í is an example.

1. Yes. You need to adjust it a little. G. We can lond you a hand,

a. IstheTVtoolarge? a. Can somcbody hclp me?
(bj Is the picture too dark? b. Is anybody in here?
c, Is the show on tonight? c. Will somebody lend me a pon?

2. Mrs. Jones is the most capable 7, No. They dccided thut he wus
French teacher. incapable of doing that job.
a. Who's been to France? a, Did John get a promotion?
b. Do you like íVench fries? b, Did Paul finish his humework?
c. Who can teach French the best? c, Did Rnb quit today?

3. I have 25 years of experience, 8. No. I alwaya ahut them oíf.

a, Why should I give you this Job? a. Did yrm leave
b, Who needs this job? b. Are those new lampa?
c, When does the job start? c. Did you leave the lights on?

4. She can only handle six. 9, No. He replaced it with a new one.
a. How many books is John a. Is Mrs. Smith's computar on her
carrying? desk?
b. How many childrcn will Cindy b. Does your brother still have his
look añer? oíd coniputer?
C, How many rooms does Lora's c. Is Jim looking at ncw
house have? computer s?

5. It's part of the hardware. 10, Yes- He needs tu organize his ideas.
a, How do you fix it? a. Is Bill's paragraph hard tt>
h. When did you buy it? read?
c. What's the keyboard? b. WiJJ yttve take his book quiz
c. Can Bob join the studeiits alter
cías a?
EXERCISE E Complete the sentences, then the crossword puzzle.

3. I want to manage my money on my computer. I need to buy a specíal

5. The commander needs a of ynur ordera.

6. Cari will put a toy airplane together. He'll . it,

S. This math problem is easy» It's not hard to,
11. la Susan of running three miles without s
12. It's hard to aee the picture on my computer monitor I need to _
the picture,

13. SGTWaltershas been in the army for fifteen years and has a lut of military

16. Samantha gets the best grades in class. Shs's very

17. I'm - of carrying that heavy bag- Can you Lend me a hand?

1, I need to give you a document to read. I'J] ^ it for you,

2. Thia computer is not working properly, but it's not a software problem. I tbink it

has a ^ problGm.

4r The tires on our car are too oíd. We have to . , them.

7, My computer can do more things with this new

9 b People are more , than animáis.

10. Jane has the to salve problema quickly.

14. When can you the new program on tbese computers?
15. The drill aergeants were able to . the problem in very Httle time.



•4 15

EXERCISE F Complete the sentences wlth BE unable to.
Use the correct verb tenses. Number 1 is an ex&tnple.

1. The baby is only three months oíd,

She is unabíe to walk.

2, My brother didn't have a license last year.

He drive last year,
3- Our family wíll be out of the country in March.
We —. , attend your graduation.

4. The engine didn't start

start my car tilia morning.
5. The pólice have been looking for the lost boy.

But they . find him,

fi. This recruit broke his leg last week.
He run today.

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences wllh your own ideas.

Ansurers will

1. Júnior officers are unable to

2. Last year, I was unable to
3, Tonight the tired traineea will be unable to
4, In ten years, Nora will be unable to
5, The new barbería unable to
6. In 1910, peoplewere unable to
EXERCI5E H Select the correct word and wrrte ¡t in trie blank.

1, Tom filled out an befare he started his new jnb.

apply / applicatíon

2. Are you for the test tomorrow?

preparing / preparatíon

3. Igetalotof from learning English.

satisíy / satisfaction

4. My English instructor said I should more verbs.

memnrize / memorizatton

5, The commander our tmining laat

obaerved / observatiotí

6- I ever made was to join the military,

decided / decisión

7. What'sthe to this math problem?

8. They hopo to the number of car accidenta,

reduce / reduction
, Theteacher the class ínto three groups.
dívided / división

EXERCISE I Combine the sentences using the words in parenthesesJJ.

SSgt Clark is the drill instructor. SSgt Clark teaches recmits to íalute. fi
Clark teaches recruits to march- (whof and)

2. That iü the movie. Bob wanted to see, There were no more tickets, (which, bul)

3. Jim put gas in the car. Mary bought drinks, Mary bought snacks, íwhile, and)
EXERCISE J Write too much or too rnany on the line.

1. data 7. lapa

2, information 8. docks

3. monitors 9, sleep

4, deer 10, copies

5. energy 11, salt

6. actors people

EXERCISE K Check (•) the box under your opinión.

How much is too much? How many is too many?

Too much
not enough noproblem

1. 12 cups of cofíee in 1 day

2. 3 teachers for 50 students

3, 2 students in a class

4, 7 months of wínter

5, 3 inches of rain in a year

6- 10 children in 1 family

7. 5 hours of exercisc in 1 day


EXERCISE L Use the informal ion ín the text to select the inference.

1. Hal has been aneezing all morning. He has a low fever, and he started to cough
right after lunch. His eyes are a íittle red and swollen, too.
He probably has
a. a headache
b. a backache
c. a bad cold
d. an carache

2. John asked his friend, Thomaa, to go tu a play tonight^ Thomatí unid thal
he needed to think about it and would give John the answer later in
the aflernoon, John really wants to see the play, and tonight U the Isst
performance. ButThomas haa an important English test tomorrow. If he
passes, he will gradúate next week. If he doesn't pass, he will continué to study
Engliah for several more months,
a, Thomas will stay borne and study íhr his test.
b. John is the star of the performance.
c. John will forget about the test and see the play.
d, Thomas is having difficulty makmg a decisión.

3. Doga are uaually good family pets. Most of the time, they are friendly. In fnct,
at times, they are quite lovable. Gften, they will only bark at strangers, They
are frequently great wíth young children and babies, and they seldoni bite
family members.
This text says that
a. dogs uaually dislike children because they're not friendly
b- there's a small posaibility that dogs are not good family pets
c. dogs prefer to be with large families with small children
d. cats would be a better family pet because they aren't as large

4. The pólice officer flashed his lights and pulled over the car that was driving
over the center line of the two-way road. He looked at the driver1?? license of the
woman behind the wheel and asked her to get out of the car. She had trouble
standing up. He told her to cióse her eyes, hold her arms out to her side, and
try to touch her nose with her fínger. She almost foll when she tried to do it.
a, The pólice officer is bothering the woman.
b. The pólice officer thinks that she is a good driver
c. The pólice officer thinks that she had too much to drink.
d, The pólice officer pulled over the woman for speeding.
EXERCISE M Sean the paragraph to complete the chart below.

DLIELC*S Chain ofCommand

General EngLish Branch


Just like every military organization, subordínate to the Chief of General

the Defense Language Institute English English Instruction, who, in turn, worka
Language Center ÍDLIELC) has a chain for the General English Branch Chief.
of command. Each group of workers has The branch chi&f is responsible for both
a boss who has authority over them and the instruction and the testbook writing
is responsable for anything that is in General English. The branch chiers
connected to thcir Jobs. The boss is the boss is the Academic Dean. Thu deán has
first person each worker talks to for responsibility for the Atudí?mica División
information or about problems, In at DLIELC. General and Specialized
DLIELC's chain of command, instructors English, Instructor Development, the
are at the bottom. In General English, Library, the Learning Center, and
where mstmction in basic English skills Testing are parts of this división. Piímlly,
happens, instructors are divided into the Academic Dean's boss is the
small groups of six to ten people who Commandant, The DLIELC
report to their boss, a unit supervisor. Commandant has authority over all of
There are several supervisors in GeneraJ the people who work for DLIELC and is
English. Each unit supervisor is at the top of the chain of uoramand.
EXERCISE A Select the best answer

1, Amy likes to play basketbalL She's going to a match on Sunday.

a, cut out
b, take part in
c, cut down on

2. The train left the bus terminal three hours late. It's that it'll arrive on
a. positive
b. doubtful
c. proper

3. Lori needs to lose weight. She's decided to cating

a. take up
b. look after
c. cut dowrn on

4. The Johnsons really enjuy swimmíng, so they're getting their own

a. weights
b. pool
c. sleep

5. The banks in this town are Sundays; thcy don't opon again until
a. closed
b. impossible
c. doubtful

6. I took my friend's and bou^ht snme new tires for my car.

a. energj'
b- suggestion
c. relaxation

7, I'm tíred because I was awake all night, I need to get some
a, sleep
b, activity
c, health
8, My sister will my children while I go to the dentist-
a. chcck out
b. look after
c. take up
9- H's to study for the book quiz.
a. doubtfiíl
b. necessary
c. active
10. The lake fílled with water during the sprin£ rains.
a. properly
b- proudly
c. gradually
11. The snack bar is downstairs, It's really _.
a. convenient
b. unneceasary
c. possible
12. Harry needs to three books from thc library.
a. take part in
b. check out
c. try out

13. T take walks for

a. suggestion
b. relaxation
c. sleep
14. Ted got a new computer game for his birthday. Can we —
a, try it out
b, take part in it
c, cut down on it
EXERCESE B Listen to the question and select the best answer.

1. You use a lot of __

a. energy
b. lap
c. sleep
d equipment
2. a. Yes, she's always doing something.
b. Yes, she must sign in,
c. No, she's not going to the wedding.
d. No, fíhe doesn't need a passport,
3. No,it*s __
a. convenient
b. impossiblc
c. necessary
4. a. It's the first meeting of the year.
b. Five people will be at the meeting,
c. The meeting is in the moming,
d. No, there isn't time for it today.

5, Yes, he __
a. dresses properly
b. plans all our activities
c. thiTiks about liis health
d. exerciser; regularly
G. She's taking care of her
a, job
b. car
c. health
d, family
7. No, I it.
a. ate
b. felt
c. washed
d. an&wered


EXERCISE C Giveadviceusing Whynot/ Why don't
Use the words in parsnthesea ( ). Answers will

1. After I drink coffee, I always feel norvous. ídrink tea instead)

2. I don't have anything to do this weekend. ígo to the beach)

3- I have been sick for five days, (see a doctor)

4. I need to lose weight, (start to exerciae)

b I haven't bought my husband a birthday gift, (buy him a watch)

EXERCISE D Give advice uslng had better.

Ansivers mili vary.

1. Bob has been working in the hot aun for over five haurs.

2. Kate isn't at work, and nobody has heard froni her.

3, Mike has an important meeting early in the morning.

4. The trafííc light at the córner of West Avenue and State Street isn't working.
EXERCISE E FUI in the blanks with the past perfect or simple past
Numhe.r I is nn example.
1. The Hght had turned (turn) ^d by the time

I reached (reach) the interaection.

2. Refore I (come) to work, í

(not watch) the news, so I didn't see the big ñre.

3. Daníelle „ (livel in París for 12 years before

she (move) toTexHR.

4, By the time the student (finish) the exercise, the

teacher (already, start) explaining the next one.

5. Mike_ (work) at the grncery store for scvernl

years befare he (reoeive) his promotion.

EXERCISE F Gírele the best answer.

1, Steve had left the busíneas 4. Harry marched before he

meeting befüre it. joined the army,
a. ends a. had never
b. ending b. has never
c. ended c. will have
d. is ended d- is never

2, A good way to loae weight is to 5. Tm buying 12 applea. I might

eating candy. buy 24 because 1 really like them,
a. take part in a. e ven
b, tske it up b. properly
c, cut dowii on c. gradually
d. try out d. regular

3, By the time I found the right 6. We don't need to make reaervstions

room, class _ for that restaurant. It's
a. starta e. impossib]e
b. had started b. netessery
c. has started c. unnecessary
d. is started d. proper
EXERCISE G Select the best answer.

1. It will be interesting Colonel Jones at tomorrow's

a., meet
b. to mseting
c. will meet
d. to
2, It's . to drive over the speed limit,
a. danger
b. dangerously
c. dangers
d. dangerous
3. Usually it'a a bad idea meáis beeausc yon eat more later.
a. to skip
b. skipped
c. skip
d. to skipping
4. tiring to take that big test tomorrow.
a. I am
b. Tt'llbc
c. You are
d. Ithas
5, I think it's to complete thís courae in five months.
a. reasonable
b. reason

d, reaaona
6. hard to learn a new language.

b. Are you
c. It has
d. There's
7. It's difíiciilt overseas for the first time.
a. go
b. to going
c. will go
d. togo
EXERCISE A Listen to a sentence.Then sefect the best answer.

1. Yes, all military personnel

a. have güt to observe the rules
b. should have responsibilities
c. have difterent ranks
d. liveín barracks
2. a. free medical care
b. shoppmg at the BX
c. help with education costs
d. all of the above
3. They them.
a. mufít follow
b- might accept
c. may change
d. can watch
4. His brother's
a, a general
b. ; ¡ 11 admira!
c. a vi ce admiral
d, a commander

5. John's to his fríen ds.

a. cnnvenient
b. closed
c. subordínate
d. loyal
6. Only he has the.
a. bricfing
b, behavior
c, authoríty
d. record


EXERCISE B Gírele the best answer.

1. A US Army ofíícer who wears four stars on his uniform is

a. a general
b. a vice admiral
c. a lieutenant
2. How did the children in school today?
a. render
b. honor
c. behave
3. The admiral was proud of the sailors' . during the emergency.
a. custom
b. behavior
c. privilege
4. Receiving an award from the base commander is a great ™
a honor
b. cus tora
c. behaviar
5. An army post is & military
a, salute
b, privilege
c, installation
6. An admiral ia to a captain.
a. júnior
b- sénior
c. equal
7. It's a for a man to open the door for a woman,
a. right
b. courtesy
c. regulation


8. People who have a of duty always try to do their Job well.
a. sense
b. custom
u, seniority
9. Each year on July 4lh, Americans the "birthday" of the United States.
a. render
b. behave
c. observe
10. An G-9 in the US Navy is _
a. a rear admiral
b- a vice admira!
c. an admiral
11. Moet attidents by bad íírivers.
a. caused
b. is caused
c. are caused
12. Jane study.
;j. has got to
b- got to
c. has gotten
13. My mother is against the idea of a malí neer our farm. it.
u. likes
b, doesn't like
c, doesn't think about
14. My friends and I study most days after class. WP _ study chías.

a, seldom
h r .sometimes
c. uisually


EXERCISE C Use the past perfect progresaive to complete the sentences.
Change the verbs in the box. Nuinber 1 rs an example.

W U l Ir
IV nn
"Jll prepare
read wait try
^^^•r think stand

1. I bad been working on m y car for three days befare I could start it,
2. Bob diiintr whf¡n the meat caufíht on ñre.
3. Col Hale to cali Maj Clark when he dropped hy
4. Before the bus arrived, Kim at tiie bus stop for
20 minutes.
5. Betty about going on vacation before she
decided to go to Europe,
6- Magda _ her book for an hour before she íbll
7. By the time the theater opened its doora, the people
in line for a long time.

EXERCISE D Use have/has got to to complete the sentences.

Use the verbs iit parentheaes () and contratíions when possible. Number lisan e

1 VQII Ve eotfeogo . (go) to work early tomorrow.

2, Linda íbuy) more milk at the store.

3. PVTCole Cstudy) so he can pass the test.

4. Júnior officers _ (salute) sénior officers.

5. I (rememberí to stop at the bank after work.

6. We (stop) eating a lot of ice cream.


EXERCISE E Use has/have got tojo wrile 5 steps for preparlng a party.

Answers wilf niiry, Number 1 is an exnmpfe.

1. I've got to make a liat of people tu invite, ____





EXERCISE F ñead the sentence. Put A if it's active and P if it's passive.

1, Enlisted personnel salute officors.

2- Gifts are given at weddings.
3. The store's telephone is not answered at mght,
4. The general gives the orders.
5. Patients are seen by a doctor.
6. Flowers are grown in a garden.

EXERCfSE G Complete the sen ten ees with the present passive.
Use the verba in parenlfieses (). Number 1 is an example.

1. Bread. isn't made _ (not make) here. We only rsell

2, The equipment (uso) by everyone.

3. Usually the general's vistt (honor) wiíh a ccromony.

my wife to enter the base?

5. Where the money (hidel?

6. Exams fnot give) at the clinic on Mondays.

EXERaSE H Match each question to the best responso

Getting free
medical careL C.
yourchnin of

1. Does Mike have the most senioríly?

2. Do NCOs tender a salute to commissíoned officera?
3. Whenwill your husband retire?
4. í'm against the new regulation, When. can I talk to the1
5. Which military privilege do you appreciate the most?
6. Who has the authority to recummend me for e promotion?

e. Yes. He's worked

Of course. hcre for 30 year.s.

He has the right to
stop working after
20 years.
EXERCFSE A Choose the best answer.

1. Wo bought tickets for Friday's show at the

a. row
b. seat
c- stage
íL theater

2. í want to go to the eight o'clock

a. performance
b. preference
c. actress
d. humor

3- The city has about 80

a. orchestra, musicians
b. instmment, ballets
c. musical, playa
d. actor, rows

4. I don't thinkany of Bob's stories arefunny. I don't flnd any in thom.

a. musical
b. ñtage
c. humor
d. opera

5. We're going to a country music

a. row
b. stage
c. actor
d. concert

6. Does Linda the piano?

a, act
b, play
c. render
d. behave


7. My mother prefers music to modem muñic.
a. scary
b. kind
c. classical
d. loyal

8. Thanks for giving me a ride to wark, You're very

a. kind
b. antique
c. classical
d. comfortable
9. The teacher was angry becauae the studente acted
a. late
b. badly
c. talking too much
d. too much noise
10. Let's 9¡t in the firat I want to scc and hear the actors better.
a. apartment
b. musical
c. stage
d. row

11. Don: Whích play do you want to see, Little Bob ot My Friend Manfred?
Tom: play is fine with me.
a. Usual
b. Either
c. Both
d. All
12- Betty can sing and dance. She aiso plays the guitar. She's a very porson,
ñ. musical
b. serious
c. scary
d. fresh

13, The armed forces use many of weapons,

a. rights
b. weights
c. types
d. screens


EXERCISE B Lisien then circle the correct answer.

1, Yes, he
a. rarely laughs
b. likes ñmny stories
c. has many fríends
d. often enjoya himself
2, Yes, he
a. faiJedonce
b. never started
c. believea you
d. does it well
3, Yes, Jane's
ü. sick
b. asleep
c. in the play
d. by the bookcase
4- No^youhaveto
a. walk
b. drive
c. turn
d. stop
5, Yes, it'a very
a. funny
b. sad
c. late
d- long
6. Yesjlike__ things, too.
a. dark
b. oíd
c. cheap
d. large
EXERCISE C Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. Torn answered the questions quickly enough a. to cut the meat?

2. It's pleasant enough outside b, to finish the test early.
3. Is the knife sharp cnough c, tu stay in shape?
4. Are yon hungry enough d. to hcor thc mu£Íc?

5. That movie isn't funny enough G. tu bu an .ni i u |i ..•

6. Is the volume turned up high enough f, togoon a picnic.

7. The table isn't oíd enough g, to m.ikp nifi laugh.
8. Do you exercise regularly enough h, to eat Tunch now?

EXERCISE D Write answers using preferand pronouns when posslble.

Answers may uary. Number I is an exampíe.

1. Do the trainees prefer jogging to swimming?

Yea, they prefer jogging to swimmíng.

2, Does your father prefer to hunt rather than fish?

3. Do you prefer the blue shirt to the white one?

4. Do you prefer to exercise in the morning rather than at nighl?

5. Which do the students prefer, adventure stories or scary

6. Does your boss prefer asking questions to angwering them?

EXERCISE E Unscramble the words to write sentences.
Answers may vary. Number I is an example.

1, than / rather / Paul / would / take / the train / the bus.

Paul would rather take the train than the bus.

2. Some people / eat / rather / than / would / at a restaurant / at home.

3. SGT Miller / rather / Would / play / than / tennis / soccer?

4, than / rather/Tom/read/Would/a book/a newspaper?

EXERCISE F Circle the correct answer.

1. Jim prefers tojog 5. Wc would rather go home to

the store.
a. to swim
b. rather than swim a. than
c. than swimming b. rather
c. than going
2. WouTd you rather a car/
6. Which city would Mark _ visit?
a, buy a house to buy
b- buying a house to buying a. prefers
c. buy a house than h. rather
c. rather than
3r Linda preferg
7. The baby juice to milk.
a. eating cake to ice cream
b. eat cake to ice cream a, would rather
c. to eat cake rather ice cream b- prufer
c. prefers
4. Would he ?
8. I prefer drinking coffee tea.
a. rather listen to music
b. rather liatening to music a. to drink
c. rather than listen to music b. to drinking
c. rather to
EXERCISE G Match the q u estío n to its answer.

Because it has stories Because I tan't
that are very humorous. stand tliat
modern music.

1. When did you stop smoking?

2. Where did Bob go to college?
3. Why did yon buy that book?
4. Which movies do you like?
5. Why did you turn off the radio?
6. Who'a Anita Long? e.
She's a famous actress

I quit six months He went to a drama
ago. school. He wants to
be an actor.
EXERCISE A Lisien, then círcle the corred answer.

1. He must it,
a. shut
b. install
c. handle
d. take up
2, Certainly, I can _
a. take a chance
b. help myself
c. lend a hand
d. takc advantage of it
3. Yes, Til give him a
a, monitor
b, printer
c, copy
d, computer
4. Yes, I think he has a lot of for the job.
a. hardware
b. experíence
c. copy
d. tools

5. Sure,
a. it's hot in here
b. I play the violin
c, he's a júnior officer
d, Fm feelingcold
6. Yes, I
a. turned itoff
b. shampooed my hair
c. studied at the ]ibrary
d- aasembled it
EXERCISE B Select the best answer.

1. The of computers and typewriters are similar

a. batteries
b- screens
c. keyboards
d. loyalty

2. Which two wnrds are synonyms?

a. data, information
b. ability, health
c. install, give
d. mouse, copy

3. We must the machine to fmd the problem.

ñ. take up
b. take apart
c. cut down on
d. cut out

4- We need to the volume on the radio. It's too loud.

a. handle
b- ubserve
c, play
d. adjust

5. Which two words are antonyma?

a. handle, opérate
b- capable, incapable
c- stop, cut out
d. sniart, intelligent

6. My boss needs a copy of my report, so I need to another onc

a. organize
b- install
c. print
d, replacc
7. Cindy: Do you think Mike can help me with my math homework?
Linda: Yes, he can difficult math problema.
a. figure out
b- copy
c. replace
d. assemble

8. Mary: My computer doesn't work very well.

Bob: I may need to replace the
a. air conditioner
b. ínstallation
c. hardware
d- stage
9. Which words are synonyms?
a. jog, reat
b, put together, assemble
c, gTüdually, quickly
d. closed, open

10. Kate: How many schedules did you to hand out?

Cari: Twenty.
a. inutall
b. print
c. skip
d. perform

11. Paul's job is to numbers into a computer.

a. award
b. burn
c. enter
d. turn

12. Col Smith is a very good commander. He can any problem.

a, assemble
b. observe
c. replace
d, handle
EXERCISE C Complete with BE unabte to and a word from the box.
Use contrai-lions ¡uhert possible and pay aüention to the tenses. Numb&r 1 is on

j attend
figure out
insta 11

1. Tom'fi in the hospital, so he ^unablejo_go _ to the reception tonight.

2. Sara was sick yeaterday, so she the tour.

3. Jim doesn't have enough esperience, so he the Job.

4. The Smiths , a new car because it's too expenaive.

5. IVe been calling the doctor all morning, but I

to him.
6. I missed my appointment because I the doctor's
7, Theproblemistoodiflicult.I it

S, Dave doesn't know e lot about computers. He the

new hardware tomorrow.

EXERCISE D Complete the sentences using BE unable to.

Answers will uary.

1, Baddrivers_

2. Lastnight,!

3- Formany yeara, doctors

4, Since lastyear, the colonel

5. While 3 persan is on vacation, he or she

6. Until I got a better job, I

EXERCISE E Choose the besí answer to compJete the sentence.

1. My grandfather has a wonderful of International postage stamps.

a. collecting
b. collector
c. collects
d. collection

2. The trainee went to sick cali for a physical .

a, examinatíon
b, examines
c. cxamíner
d. examined

3. What is your _?
a. professional
b. profession
c. professionally
d. professors

4. I didn't understand whgt to do, I need to read the carcñilly again.

a, instructor
b, instructing
c. instructions
d. instructed

5. The problem had an easy

a. suhii ion
b. solving
c. solved
d. gol ves

6, The hospitales new allows the doctors to help more people.

a. add
b. added
c, adding
d, addition
EXERCISE F Fill in the blanks with ton much or too rnany.

1. Does the teacher give homework?

2. Has the child eaten candy?

3. Are there passengers in the taxi?

4. Does John put yugar in his tea?

6, Tm always tired at night, Have I been joggi miles?

6. Haveyougot cats?

7. Does Betty have in her cloaet?

8. Am I sending e-meils to my friends?

EXERCISE G Complete the sentence with your own words.

will vory. Number 1 is an

1. The doctor has too many

2. This room has too much

3. I eat too many

4, We haven't had too many

5. Carol drank too much

American Language Course

Thc American Language Course ¡s a comprehensiva mullileveE

program loraduils tliat leacnesEnglish forvocalionaland profesional
pLirposes. The ALC ¡sdeaigned primarily for intensive Engh&h lanpuage
Iraimng in a classroom seiiing, bul il can be atfapled for slower-paced
insIructJün. A sjgnificanf ícature oí ihe ALC is the inclusión of basic
mililary lopic? and vocabulary.
communicalive approaohes. the ALC's preseniatlon is systemalic and
carefully sequenced lo ensure Thal léame rs can bulld on pre^iously
acquired knowledge. Photogiaphis. illustratians, charts, and lab I es
explain vocabulary and gramtiar, while dialogs and student-centered
aciivities introduce and reinlorc© language lunctions and skills. Each
book is supplemenled by an instruclional package Lhat includes Ihc
• InstruciDr texl
Studenl text
Audio record i ngs
• Language faboratory activities inainicior lexl wilh audio scripta
Language laboiaiory aciivities student lext
Comptrer-dehvered mleraclive mullimedia inslruction (IMI)

• Optional training aids

The ALC's second edition (satures a complelely revised slüdont lexl
wilh an accompanying insrruclor lexl. Instructor noles offcr dotailed
guidelines forpreseming classroom exercises, supplemenial activilies,
and perlinenl culluraí intormation. A variety ot teaching sirategies are
provided to keep studerils moiivated and enhven the classroorn.

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