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Defense Language Inal Ilute

Engllsh Language Center
The Ameritan Latt^aof-c CuUfSV (ALC)ÍB U einiipruluinBwu, multiluVL'E
Engli-ih fhr vocaiic-iml and profesional purpOKps. It ia dcsiijncd primiiríly fur
laaguage Lraminft in a claasroom settmg, bul can yasily t>t adupltd fur 9lnwir-puu.il
. The AI JH'p nimniluin haa been developed hy ihe lliTcnw: LuLigu^M" [«-•"itn^
neu^Re Canter ÍDLlELCl h which is a US Department of Dcííinseich(Kj! unJfi lili:
cnnlrol Df ihi: L'S Air Forcé. The pnm¡iry Í-KUS crfUieALC i& In picn-idí a lanj^ua^c
curriculum fom diifer^G inlonmCJonal milltfiry|»pii|sitiDn. 1\- rhat tnd, thc niuríf1 LncLuili^ uní
aoly p-ni-rnl Rngliiíh tnpicF, hut nl.hu mililury [optes n f n prnrrnl n.itury
linguagÉi miLitniy {xraunnul will uncüunleT in thclr pnifo^nipnii] ¡¡ni] vocEiliortnl
The ALC hü9. hnwoi-cr, alf,u bn:n viíij SuKtastully i- Jn nun-miliUiry I1-1!' rrtí njí i'nv L
•nd m US lligll nchqnlp with imnugrnnL ftlll flcnt pnpn lalionS-

Course componente
Qgofdmalcd instrucUnnül p.^kj^ti forDoolu 1-30 coü*i*t i>f tht
• Siudunt itit 1ST>
Tnntmcldr ust ITT)
Honií«irk and iJVülunlion eKercii£9 bochklut iHW diiil EE'
Audin rpci^rdinRí, (lope orCD)
• IninguüK 1 ' Lafwraioi1^1 nctivit íes siudtnt tiíKt f LLAST)
• LapgiiayE Isihoralory flctivities in^Tniciur teatwithetnlin-'irnp
jnlcractive multimpiüii iiiitructiün (IMl)frr I*v4?l^ I-lV

taquines end orders

IVase addtcis inquinen and rvque&ls íor moreinfnrniatiuHUtpjLii DLIftl^C pitliltcFitirrcui tu
2235 Andru
Lacklflnd Air F-irce Baae, Tesos
E-mail: LEST^l^ckland af.mil
C3XH hy DEifcnac J,nncu'1í^ Inatitutu En^lish LnngimRp Cpnltr an J ilí licor non- fJ^tii* oí'
R.-.-ÍV- All rii^l ' refJpp.'iNl. >Ja piirt oniti* booh may be repToduccdurl.ruriflniitlí'd ¡n nny
«rbj1 any muuní,, elecironic, mnchünitül, pbulocíipyinKn i^c^rdinc. ar olhcrwiaií. withuul t
pr»r ^Ticu.'!! ptmiiaaion of the

. book aupiTiCíJcg ALC fiínik 7 StudcM Ifcxt, Janiiery 1091.

SPCMHÍ Editan, January £004
prlnling. June 2QQ5
ALC Booft 7; Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

i^"»i Vocabularv Funcíia»: (irj|imL.nir<il £in*i"«"> Sumí

^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^V^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
í 5/rapesancf toies • Describe- paooto > Uesuri plive* hd|ec[ivE^ , Fpieri miaímjifln nol
• precenling nouns
and oOfetis airai heaid In a ¡t»t
F v^mp^inncf .irirt
al idf desírlpbQiiÉ > Indalinile aü/BC'rjes - Repeal and lecue a
Cor'' 3nd orJiar
> Descnbing paopJe.
places, and fringa - ifJenlify and supply

• n efld a (9*1 hy rhounr"

' Completo a Ewi aul¡ir>e
• Wrup n pmrT'irriijM inm.
a 5ub3iiiuixjn labia
2 UrnterstanOiiig mglli .- Compare and > Compaiabva Farm oí - Falto1" oral instructlcng
t— conlrasi pooplo. adjocbvaa -QJ i (JViai) la dirá* an^peg
> Soturno, mftlii
problema placea, und obiacts t rndfliinire pronoun^ K Idenfify and iipply
SOrÜO and ÍTI/ canlexLual relarenls
- Descnbmgi parts
» IntWfin-ile prcriDur1: - Idenliry Ihe main ideM
and lapic al a paiagr^plí

» AddfBi^ a po^lcard > QuflBfiong wilh fow . Repepl and reolc u

3 and dssáiiE» a nrtT + BE + mif/* or dmkig
- A house aut&idO '«calían an Iha - Read a fo.r tj ihc-ugnt
Card . Supp'laliue lorm oí gíüups
> Ar olfleí IIL - e
» Huad and rollo*
£OQufinCCd 1 u jfr ji.1 LMIL.
* Supply pyixiffuní and
i conlejclüal -ÉilsianE

Jnsitfe fJie liouse • OCÍCIDO and ask - Expío** pulpase > Selacl inlormation nal
aDou! tho pulpóle Hifh Use [+ notíJT h&anl m n led
oí ft/onouríi Por(-" > Supply pranami and
ajid devicos gsrund) and Usa (+ conlexliMl íererenls
- In itie huellen
- ktamity ble main idaa
* Adverbs al and lopiq oF i paragíaph
» Read and tolro*
BBquenced tnatrucMon?
- CDinpTefe a Jicn oulli ne
> Wn[e a paíagraph (rom
a aubstitulion ¡aDle
Lflíí&i 5íflyiOwSüllvC*arnjlar^and5líuClurpfiinrnxlLrted m Lassong 1 -4.

Notes to the Student
Tíie American Langua^1 Coursc fncuaes on four componente of I
uvoabuluty, j>rammal¡cai x¡ru>-.iure£, ¡anguag? fuxclivns, andskiíís.
• The leüsons present vocflbulary (individua] words a*. wiell HR expressmnsí that Iht
leomür noeds to understíind and uac in order ln f>rum uniente effectivuiy ¡U
Eaih fiú\j Icsson buildg un thu vuenbulary oFlhc piovious Icaeone. The
¡nclustpd is appropriate for learncrs workJng ¡n prufefwictnul and vocationjil
A sistulitaiii fcnture of the General . . '. - phase ofthe AT/Í IR thal nulilnry
js i I , i l < i . wherever
The pr&sen lütion ofprdmni»r IH caicñJlysequenced-Thp
presenltdin thclcsaonaare thefnrnif alanpi¡i)!eleí«r[|i>rnciídsin oidfr
wrile ntiindard Enfiliah. New ^rommnr is often depicM "n charls ur ' r i - that
lo focus t\\v kflrncr'a nttenüotí ujl ihc particular Ftnifture heinft pre^tnltdr
I i i • , . funclitms are the ways wt uao n language lo cninmunicjite. ]n eath lesión,
cxcrcísps ih;il TÜCÜS on fiinctinn^ .iliüw tht Icarner how und whon to une CPrtain
woida, phrasen, und pcnlcncea.
In ' I .1 n i laneungt' und Jicadcmic skills evpreisí's are interap-jrsed throughout thp
!- Theac focn^ nn d&veloping Ihe iearnyr'fi language pniritiency in liateniiig,
-, reading, Jind writíng.
The Scnpe flnd Scquente clitirl located on iht prevíius page shows the conten t ofthe
currenl boolt The íbur cohinnü. outlinc the new material as it retales to the Imiguage
n>[iiponenta dearribtd ubovc. Each leM^n Itfgina with n titbb uf contenta
by ñ prtview püge.The prcview page pruvid^e a Buramary of Ülu ütw material .
presented in the lesaon. Each AIXÍ book ha^ íbur Jesfittns introducing n*w maieríuJ
ándeme revjev.1 Ififitin.These are followcd by a homework section and ilflily <>valuatiün
uMcrciaca. Vonous np|M?od¡cep are alao included.
Thohomework íinií ihe cvatuation e^ercieíifi are at the beck of this te>Lt, IlKenerally
tnkce nbout twn houií to compJele Ihe daily homework assifinmcnls. The evaluntion
cxprcises are ühorl iiüizzes that givi1 hnth ihc icacher and the student feedback on how
we.ll studpnts have letínu'd ihe material
Tht appendiciía folios iht Tiflh Icason. Ap¡rcnd¡x Aprovides an alphabiíticnl lisi of
new viigübularv preaenlcd m ihia book, Thi1 nuinhcrof the le^-Hin in which enth word
or phrüSfl ¡a introducid K príivided nest tu tho cntry. Appendiic B prcaents » li.Ht nf
grammatical structures inlroduced ín Ihe bfok; a lr>aaon numbíir ¡6 provided fllont' wiih
. - i . : - for easy reference. The nthcr apptndicts f l r c included a s rftference matenwlar


Book? Contents

LE5SON1: Shapcs and linca 1

LESSON 2: Undersla nd mg math , 31
LESSON 3: America n harnea 59
LESSON 4: the houae B5
LESSON 5: 111
A: Word Lint 127
B: Structure Lifil 129
C: The English Alphabet 131
D: American En^lLsh Soundfi l&t
E: I i i i í ' i i^.H'tifliií 13fi
F: SiMilling Rules fur R^guW Post Tcnae Verhs 337
G: Patlerna of Irregular Vyrba - 133
H: FunctuatLon ünil Capitalizntion t43
I: Transpíirency Maalers and Activity PhoLut'raphs ...—.147
Aclivity cmds, B7L1 «1 149
Activity photoprayhs- B7L3 fll 151
Eye chart; B7L3 #2 153
Activity cards; BTL^ #3 ..., 155
Grid ond kcy: B7L3 «4 157
B]»nk postcard; B7L3 #5 15»
Word bank; B7L4 #1 161
cards; B7Lt EE EX 1 163



Shapesand lines
VQCAHULAflY: Tulkirtgflbout simpes 3
Companng and c<inirastin£ hne& and simpes - - . . . .G

READIhJG: Identjfyinc pronoun reíemices 9

LISTENING Selectirelíslenirie-Whntdon'tyouht'ar? 11

READING: Thoiighl gromi£ - 'mpro^nn^how; yuu r&íid . . . . . . 12

GRAMMAR Contramine &"* Uiinpft that are difl'erent . . . . . . 14

Comparing twu lh\!\£<i Ihtlt flrc olikc 16

VOCABULARV; Contrastingopposilcjs; coníparine Bimilanti^ . . . . 19

A fcvr more oppoSite^ 20

GRAMMAR: Placing adjectivea in fronl "f nüiins 22

VOCABULARY: Df^cnhiiip people, placus, H¡id ihings 24

DIALOGS: Giving dcscriptiona 25

WHÍTING: Takiny nolis in a box outline 26

WrJting fl poragraph from n Enhic 28


Freview What's newin L^sson í?


sustntivo V.TÜÜ Olher worda

holtnm fondo compare comparar ji]¡koparecido
tentar ver describir bulh ambos
circulo dniw -» drew dibujar curvo, en curva
descriptian fíist rapido
wlge llke similar
Job trabajo Mttle pequeño
Une linea angosto extrech
math matem atica otro
round redondo
error lento
rectngulo fuerte
shape forma debil
eide lado wide ancho
top lo mas alto


t\\$ ffltherviüLti'd Frunce nnil England. De&clibe and ask lor d?^cnplion& of
people arnj things.
He liked both
What'a th¡* callad?
hnupht twu pflSlcards. He niailed It's callad a circle.
<|idn't mnil the othcr
What is yourleacher Üfte?
Tht is shorl. Ho hna a map r Jl'fi hig. He'a veiy n¡«. He amiJ&H Q (ot.
The man has a bíg map.
Whst daca your leneher took hkc?
Deñcribt yoiír leecher.
Give m& n ácacripliotí of yo
He'a very fall. He hnb bina cyce.

Vocabulary Talking about shapes

Jim Smith i¿ A Uracher, He [gachés malhemstíca. MalherapticJürifi study numbere

and anapes. In today'k jtiíith class, Jim's studenls are stuctyiflg sliapcs. A shape it H
drawinc made ofhneSr Jim drjiws a shapc on the bnarct an<l lell<¡ hin íitudenta- how lo
mahc ¡t. He describes the liru-fi de hps to draw lo make the shflper Herc's what he

Lookat theüe . E:idmf Ihe

shapcs has three R. A Fihape with
thicc sidps \s

Herí tttt- iwo shapee. Each one hes

bidés. Botli shapes are reciangles, bul
they donhl tuolí lhí> snmc.
Let'a cümparelliprn.'l^cshapeon the
nght ju a ü(nmro hccause n]| ¡is sídes ere
the same, But thí ü[hcr shapc, the one orí
the lefl, IB not a bquarc. It's a recinitgle.

90" Rcclanglcs must hnv.> fonr Rtraight sídes

and four angles. All the nuglps nsust be
tw» eidcs that are long and iwo íídcfi that
Eirw short, or il can have futir üidüí, [hat
n re the same.

The I ahape is e virdo h is round Eike

a bíilI. bul ita ílat. Ynu draw a cirtle wiih
only cine Mne. The Une ufe eircle is curved,
nol s
EXERCISE A Listan and write me word in me column wilh ils stress p. iir-m

drawing describe
compare iriath
curved angle
mangle round rfrjw



EXERCISE B ftepeatlhese dlalags. Ask forlhe narne ot one or more sha pes.

1 Sludentl, Whfll are


2. Studont 1: Whai nrc thesccallcd?

Student2; They're called sruLpes.

3. Student 1: How many ahupes are there?

StudentS; There are fcnir

4. Student 1: Whal's thia?

Student 2: Ithfi ínllpri a ctrclc.

5. Student 1: Whatfc thi 6 shape

. 2: It's ealled a ciirclc. It's a lorj*c circle.

G- Stnrifiit 1: Wbat are these called? How many are there?

Sludcnt í: The/re circlea. There are five small ci

EXERCISE C Listen lo a ñame or number and answeragintheeaamplos.

Ss: NurnbíHand Number 7.

T: Whal'a number 6
S-- It'scalleda


BOC* 7
Vocabulary Cornpartng and contrasting linea end shapes

-lim ñmilh ¡,H íi very güüd múthcmatiiian. Hc's al.no a very (-oíid tcachcr. Students
like hmi- Wlitn Jim lülks aban! mathematica, [lie alúdanla ait on ihe edj;!.1 uf their
chairs, They lisien lo every wtird.

In thi1 cJasTCtrun, -Tim ullfs ahoiic mimbíra,

, nnd MnpR. HP IPÜP the plud^nta
you can du wilh nunib^rs, ¿iiid ht
describes what shapcí Iciok like. HL' uaed
line rirawlníjí. Flrsl, he dravs Ibp shape.s.
Then, ht> doücribes thvm. Final ly, he
ihc Ahapes to othet shapea.


He ahows Ihateome ahupes are nlike. For

esample, he drawa a ¿qudre and
^nd compares ihem. He le lia the
tb¡it both shapes are i'ectanple&b huí not nIL
aro squorcs. Both have four
and four right on^lea 190*), but a
squaie must have fuur ¿ide¿ Chat are Lht

edpc 1 line 4 sides , he drüw.H two more shapes, foi

example, a rectanele and a circle. He
contrasta them und e\plam? hftw they are
different. The Tiist ¡s made "f fnur
3ínea, and ¡I haa fnur lides The uÜíei
is round. It is made with nne cutved linp.
square That Une Ja Ehe uutsidg edge of the circle.

Jim's deacnptions and drawings are very clearr Hifi fitudente learn wcll. When he
tclla them lo drawa circle. they alwdysdruwthoccjrrectfihppe, When he tells thcm
to draw Ji Iriangle, they draw a simpe with three a¡d<?¿r Thty <lon'l make mralokea
becüuse ü¡ey learn wcll.All of Jim's studenla likematha lüt-Because his students
]¡ke mnth, .lirn likcs his job as a math teacher, too.

mi¿jflflJJ Listen lo a phraae and aubsthute the ncw word you hear.

EXAMPLE. T: tha edgeof tho bod

SB: the erige of thfi btfd

T: knife
Ss: the erige of the knife

tahle man

r-j ¿tu 1 blade picture

EXERCíSE B Listen .inr1 repeat (hese

1. Math ¡s D shurt wurd for jn¡ithenliiCiCi>.
2. Sludeutfi study mimbcrs. linea, and shapes. Tht_v slud> muthcmütics.
T. SIMTIÜ -.ludcnts likc Engfiah» but they don't hke mnlh.
4 Mathematiciana. work with large iuimber*i and el?,n vpry ?niall nunibcra.
íi. Mullí [eachors work ¡n achoola.
6, AníFwera to mpth homc^ork are usually m the back ofthe íludenif.' m/ith

EXERCISE C Read a senlen.ce. Ye u r classmsles will read Ihe next

1. I ttwik a teat. I didri't make any mj^tiikfn. Atl my nnf,wcre wcrc right
2. My friend nado twu miütjike^. He hfld iwct wrttric pinbknia.
.1, 1 knüw thnt squares are rectangle^. R;ich ^ nm?,t luiuc faiir ¿trai^ht sidcs.
4, Tnnngtüs nrp not rectanglea. Each trian^Jp hiive thrce eidcs
Ji. The teachcr aaid:"Draw a cupr-ed Mne und n c cm the Icft sido of the board."
G. OTIP flUidenC madi? draivings of ahapes on ibt page ofthe book
7. After tbe ti\il, flll the etudents left the room by the side door.
8. Onr etudcnt leñ ber book on the edge of her ¿huir.
íl. The teecher faund lh& biwk.The edgcs of Ihe pagen were dirly.
10. The tejicher put ihu bunk fln tlic ríght side of her deak.
1L She will ¡fivc ¡i bflck Cfl che ?tudcnt tomorrow.
12. Rifiht now, the teacher i* wriüue test Acores in hcr crnde bouk.
EXERCISE D Wiiía the ñama of the ahape Ihat completes tfíc panern.

1. rec




•AYHAY» re


EXERCISE E FUI In Ihe blanks wllh words from tha gray be*.

dcñcríbed math
bidés mmpflred
draw drew

Jim and Liniin síudv inimbiiTí and ahapcs in Iheir Mathematics

class Theír Math ttaíhpr ¡s Mra. Murphy. Thi¿

Drew fuur shapes to the fitudenls. Then she Compared

Olí the r .1 Linda and Jim h;id tu them in their Dotelxníks, Mr¿,

Murphy looked at Lindad notebook and draw the square tu the Irianglí'.

She&awe . Lindñ & trian^k hüd fnur sides , not threef

On the , edge of the pa^e, Mrs, Murphy *míe: "This \e a rectangle

Reading Identifying pronoun references

Thf prannitn in the Sitnrtf/ *cnIcitce refcnt In íhf ñau II itl lh-.'firal untenct.

L A man into the tibrary.|¿/gjwas lookitig lihr a lunik.

. Mrs. Smilh wcnt li clit drugutore.p^lwas lí>oki[i[¡

3. Tiuo snldierií wítil lo ihe hospital.\The\- ncpded c doulur.

V Singular referió singular nouní; plural proricjurií reler lo plural

EXERCISE A LooK at Ihe undprllned worü and select the word(s) it refers lo
1. The sludtnls lake tests nn Fridays and alwaya Ret pood (¡radcs
[cachera qucsliüne ¡n C\RBR every day nnd aiudy cvery night,
TTftey = _
, teochcrs
. atudenls

2. Lindas [gacher wmtc sonie Rumbera 011 ihc bannl Tli^n. ?he tbe class a
tion. Linda knpw the answcr, bul her fríond dídn't.

a. Linda
br Lindad
e. Lmda's íriend

Alice walked toschGolIhíflmtimmgrThy wtíatherwasramy andcold

umbreltfldidn't helphcr. II waepi borne,
a. sihuul
b. wcathcr
c. umbrrlln
EXfcHCISE B Read the paragraph and wrlte the answer In thc blank
1. California ia s good stiite lora vacütion, L ha* iak<*s. thi- , and n i , r i i i
with snow. The wealher in California ia mee, toor

'¿ Gcnrge sclls cars. Kcn boiight n carfroin hun ]3¿t>/eek. The car ia nlri. huí
likes it. Hí drivoa il [o work every dny.
He =

3. nieve and Mike are barbera. Their customera like thent fl lol, They frive*
haircuis. and thcy talk and listen lo the people in thíir
They =

4- Li.HJi wunL lu France ojid En^land latt unimer. Sh<? buught u

hertríp. The camera didn't coa! much. Ü'a amull, bul ¡t takes gnod pinturea.

G. Mr, flndMm.Stoven3 livcin Florida. Every winter

boxeaof fruit from Ehcm in íhe mail. Thgy. alwayB likt the dehciuus fruiU
They =

&. Henry wanted Lo fly tu New York nn ñunday HecaJIed a taxi. The taxi driver
didn't come on lime, and Henty arrivinJ n[ ihc airport late. Then thc airline
agcnt gflve him the wrong ticket. He didn't go toNcv/ York that dny

7. K¡ithy wanted to buy a bookh bul she didn't hnve any moíiey or Identification.
The cltrlf in tlie ñtore couldn't take Kathy's check. Shp ¡iÉwji>£ needa to aee n
1 '_ rfriver'a licenae orID card before toking a chock.
Lístening Setectfve lístening - Wfiat don't youfiear?

No, he didn't. He said

draw a tnangle witb
and one 19
dtigiec anple

EXERCISE antí select iníormalion that Is NQT In the paragraph.

1. a. She J¡vyf> jn Cunada.
b. She leadies l'ion. L Aiid Euglish.
c. Hhe takes her jludenLs
d. ñhe pocs to France evei>
2. a ea
b Hii office isonThirdStreeL
c. He plays tennis every ^eekendr
J r Hfr coefi to ÜH- hospital every diiy.

3. O fího's from
b. Sho ípínka Spanish.
c. She'g nnt hflppy at schoul.
d. She'll eohom^in thcsummer.
4. a. The wjfpther i p Q]WJI>S gocd.
b. Thu liulol is vory nicc.
L. The fwd is delician?
d. The hotel is near tlie occan

Reading Thaugbt grovps - improving ftowyou read

Itere are Iu'it paragraphs RcaJ doWrt tu tile iiifvetatn ttf tía: amju-, Eacfl gfulijr vf ti'ur'c/s u»
finf ta a thautfht Uraap Reoding thatigitl gfvtipmciü tudpytftf ffad fttftcr. fí-vuí with H'lf
e. MÜM- yaüf tyfiü ta ¡he ílffXt ¡'lie as Qtitekty JJS

Don and I
Janel and tf
playeen mi! went to H
dt aoven Q'Ílock for
pvery Janet nrdered
Welíke soup and B ¿andwich.
ihe t-oot and Sharon ordrred
¡o the niiiniing. a bif! salad.
Wi- ülm> likc The wailrtdi
to eut a biy l?ri-nkli+i¡L injide n mistüke.
uL a gQud restaura ni $Ha jjav u .Jáiiiit
aíler we play. ilip síiup nnri snlnrt.
Many of our (rienda Sliaron the sandwich.
don't like
lü fict up i?ürly her
un •• i • •!,• •! ni í^hrinin gflvq Janet
Somctimcs, her sandwich.
*o fl?k friendo The
tu jslay ipiini? didn't
widí us, fl tjp
bul ihey aay
EXERC1SE A Read eflch group oí worda ni ñ
Last week, Jim flew lu TUMIS (ovisit hia. mother'N
He wanted to take picturee ofclugds friim the airplnne,
bul he had no camera, Hi5 wife packcd ihe camera m his
Thdld why Jim drew with pcocil and papcr lie drew the cl^tids he nilW-
He drcw amjill, white cLouds. He alno druw big, dark, slorm cloiLds.
The clouds carne in rasny x\f£S. Thcy hod many ahnpes. Time flew.
Jim liked hi& ñight very much Wlien lie arrived, he &hcwed his
ID his üimt. 5he aaid shí thoughl Jim drew gcwd pk(uren.

EXERCISE B Read each group oí words al a

Doyouknow wbat e tornadn te? A tornado la a alrong

that travcla. over flüt land- Ii lüüks like n cloud. but hiis thc shapp
of a trianElt- It^ w-iníl Í& ao fapt and so alrong i( c;m pick up O pcrson,
£>r movc a car. Sometimea, strong tornadof
pulí up trees and move hoiiae£r Peopl? say
tomadccs can atea move

Texaa lias Inti oriornfldi>ei- In that stnlc,

tornadoes come ¡n hpringtimí: Pcople ihere say
the lomada monthb are AprJl, May, aniL June.
Tlie aftcrnoon'a the time
loi-nadoes start up. In lh»ie
strnnp winds wiil üílen fttfirt at foiir p.m.
usually alup around eight m Che

Grammar Contrasting two things tfiaf are different

Look üt tliese two shipa. ONÍ ahipisnew Thci>fftfrship ix nld.

EXERCISE A Read mese se menees

l r One boy ia sad.Theolher boy ¡s happy.

2. One answer is wronp. The olher answer ift right.

.•i Wc went toíwuihüws.WeljtLftlonesho^'-Biit w dídn't lüte Lhc üLher

4. Sflm had two sand^nchea. He ate one aandwlchr He <tidn'teat theother une.

5. Ünv book is, on the lable. The other une \s on the chair

fi Salty rcüd QIIC book. But she didn'l reíd the otilar one.

EXERCISE B Listen lo a sentence. Then changa it mto a ncgallvc senté ncc,

fXAMPLES: T: We studied one letíüvn,

S 1 We dldn't stutJy theothfr I
We didn't sturiy the

T: I MHoked one cigarotte.

S: I didn't smokethe other cigarette.
I tJIdn't amóte the other

Qn& brather Is in tho Army.

. The other brotherifl not In the
The other otie 's not in the Army.

Pili In the blank with thawortí
Nurnlxr i mun
1. Tom has Iwo books. One ia a longuagc bcok. Thc_Cthflt_ book ¡s n mullí
2. Mr and Mra. John&on have two cara. One ütr \s oíd. The otheriiln: ¡S ncw
3. David wants to visit two countriea. One country ia China. The other«untry
IP Rustía.
4 Kcvin bought two mapa. Lie put une map in h¡s deak. He put the other onc
in his car.
5. There 6ií Ewo Ktudcnt? in my class Une student speaks French. Theother
fi TfiQp two hooks. Onciaon the tahle.Theother
_ bwk ifi "n Th* floor
7. Tft'o plflTies errived ¡n Chicado at 10:00 p m Onc plañe was from Dallos. The
_ une was from \Jis Angeles.
ti. Catherinp wroic two lettcra. Onc Iciter was ver>r long. The - one

EXERCISE D Hewrlte each sentsnce. Use offterand the worct <n

EXAMPLE: One grade wna guud, (büdi

" • • ' .•' I-"- aradt •.::•.-, .H

dis.li was dirty. (clean)

the other dish was clean .
The other customer ordered cake.
Onc rcstaurant had deüdous food. lawfulí
the other Restaurant had awfull food.
, One dosk ÍB amall.
The Other desk is large.
5. Oneman dnvesa newcar. (oíd)
The other man drives a old car.
. One student studies niaihemai.ica.
The other student studies langues.

Grammar Cotnparing two Ihings tfiat are alike

al iwu tiuck-i. OIIL- i& Guurge's iruck The u ¡a lluJi'v'a trix'k.

Bnth venirles are pick-up trucks.

EXERCISE A Read ihese Matraco*.

Alnrilyn has two broLhera. One broLher ia a cook.The other brullier ¡¿ a

ton. Bfllh brnlher?. are cooks.

jncn>wd«I.TherestniiT!int rimt tnit

Eoth re crowde<lr

Tliefond at thissnflck har is good. The foorf at Ihe other bor ¡s good,
toa Both snack bsrs serve
This IB a dehaous chocolulc c?ike. The cake w¡th cherries i¿ deliciouB, LCHJ,
Doth cakea. are

Suaan and 1 vibiteri Lwo US dUea \ftst month, Wf itiited Lúa Angel&e and
Chicago. We flew t" buth citiea.

EXERCISE B Use bothanü Ihe worü In parcnítieses ( | Tomakea

i" nn rxnmpie.
1- The two boys are-brothers. Are t^th boys tall?
2. BoLh girls are happy. (smilingi Are both girs smiling?
3. The twodays wen? cold. icloudy) were both days cloudy?
4. ünlh iriarifi]&fi are larger (the Are both triangles the sa
5. The two pilota are Are both pilots young

EXERCISE C Compare or contra st, and refrito thiese sentencos.
Ux\' th'-wrdin pnrenthfsex ' J and vlhcr <tr \>aÜi Atltf Hit tvín! UtouIu-H

EXAMPLE One boy ís totl. íshort) The other boy ÍB nhort, ___
One firl is ^nd. iatiA) Thectherairl issad. too, goth^irls are sad

1. One seasun is dry.

the other season is wet.

'2. One room was djrTy (deán!
The other room was clean.
One dock is wren^
The other clock is wrong too
4, Ono
THE other student was early too.
S. One ticket cnsta SíO.

The other one costs 25

. One ufFicer *as a c¡i|jta¡n
the other officer was a mayor

EXERCISE D Uae olhgrand the word in parenlhescs f ( tu makea queatlon,

Yon ttiay atitS the Wtfd olio- tt'tíntbur 1 in ot¡ ¡•xiinijilc

1. One onBworíscortect. (correct) J^the other

2, One -itudcnt was lalc for ciñas, ílatel was the other student also
A. Thibjec^fíi is lürgp. fsmall)

4. Onccustamcr i,n

5. Thdlbtiildinsiy

G. Thifitowel iswet.ldry)

7. Üncshirt is citan. <dirty>

8. Jim Smtth drcw a square. (Irian^lek

EXERCISE E Write -.fnirncc--; i-i, i describe the

one pencil is long One pencil is lon One ball is small

The other pencil is shor The other is big

One ball is small

The other is small too

one clock is round , the other clock is round,too

Both clock are round
Vocabulary Contrasting opposites; comparing sfmilarities

Here are lwo belL^. The leQ. belt is

The right beJt is shon. Short is the
i .,>:vi-1 J r of long.

Hcre nre some other oppreites:

emall large
up down
top botlom

, Iwk ít these twct helts Both hcltí nrc

liS'^ loük thcflnnie.Thp twn hcillí
jin? alikc bücause thoy are tho same color.
The top bílt i-, fllsrt the fiainc íiza an ihc
buUüín bell.

Takea&econ<l look ai thíso boltí.Thpy a

al ¡ke,Their color andsiíoare thc samo,
bul iht bells are nul Un? hEiniurT)ic> aro
dilTerent.TheLopbeU has Rve holefl and
the bultum bell has seven h<jle&.
The lw<í betts are wlike, bul they not
the same.

en? lwo m-irp bplEs Tlicy are alike

ihey flrc tlic s-imc color and ihe
,-nztf. Bfflli beltfi are 32 ¡nchcs long.

But Ihey flrealaodilTereritr Onobelt id

wide and Ihe other b-?lt ¡u ntím>w Thc licH
on top ia a narruw bílt, It'fi 1/í loch wiíio
The botturn belt is a «¡de helt. It'a '¿ incbcs
wide and 32 incites Jonf.

Vbcabulary A lew more opposites

Rcad tiifec íctucncca. Uaíjfrlíralht u-ords¡halare

1. Marjorie mude her Lea wilh 4 ten bagá. It'a alrung.

bottom hift drink wjth nnly 1 tea liap, Steph&u's tea is weakr

2. Jim's an Air Forcé piEuU He Ritu un F-16. Hectín fly lilajtl 600
miles an hour. His pliine is fasl. Whert he's not fJyinp, Jim likos
to waJk. He walka nbout 3 miles in one honr. Wnlkin^is

3, Max ¡in<l Rudy ítrf ¡n the ArmyrThey ilwp m hunk

top L-?d ¡s on 1-ip üf the íUher Hudy ¿Iteps ¡n the buttum. bedr and
Max sleepa in the une on lup.

4. Andrew and Genrge both uve in Los Angt'ltrt- Gcur^u- livca un

Wilshire Boul&^ard, ít'& a vety w~n\e ftlreelr Six cara can drive
b>' sid& al oncean Wilshir& Blvd. Aodreiv liveí on Water
near ibc bench. ll'í, a nannvv inic-w-ij1 street. Only une
car cflinlrivo fln it atonc timo.

bXEPCiSE A Wnle r-'í opposiEe oí each v / o J

l. bul cold diferent

-L biG small 10. inside outside
3. well sick 11. nú yes,
4. sad 12. early late
old 13. fast slow
G. large small 14. botwra ta
7. right 15r w&ak stron
fi. tal] short 16. widc narrow
EX E nciS £ B FUI kn tfte blrmks wllh a word from Ihe gray box.

1. The opposile of bij> is little

2 The oppusjig of njirraw is wide
wide 3, strong is Ihe opposite
4. slow Uthe oppoaite of fnbL
5. SninJI nnd like are
fi AlBo and loo are alike
7 Wct and dry are Alike
8 Check uut iü thf opposite
StTODg S Acurved M n e i a . diferent line.
10r Our English büoks are blut íind>cllow. My Enytifili hw>k iajuat
like ynur Engliah book.

EXERCISE C WrilH a senlence wllh

ffuntbtif I IbV'l

\. My_p.en ifi juflt tlke my teicher'e pen.

2. My computer is diferent
you market is just like how the mine
4. the car alike from of Pedro
B. our boot diferent from
6- The way is norrow and strees is wide

<5rammar Pfacing adjectives in front of nouns

Tmni Hi, finí. The mailman was here.

He left

Ttm: Dld yuu s4\v thiil thu niuiloiun

a tflrfje pftrkag? fur me?

t. lt h efl hiclw>:.
vourname un ít

Tim: Well, itiat'-i fast dplivprj-. 1

¡i twft Hayfl flgrt. It'fi my

EXERCISE A Complele IhE senlences.

í imín cxample.
1, John got a pecknge, U waü Mttle,
John got a Ifttle packa^ff
2. Bi*l> \\fi\-tis ñ lasi. ll ¡s yellow,
Bob drives a _yellow taxi
3. Jim has ;m umbrelln. It\s
Jim has a large Umbrella
4. JcnnJfcr ordcred cofTcc. It ia atronpat th¡s reato urant.
Jcnnilcr ordcred strong coffee
5. I cannot wear this bclt. It is loo wide.
I cnnnnt woar thiB wide belt .,

G. Tlnv,e hoya play fflotball.Theyarc strone-

Tliese strong boys play footbnl].
7. The Street ¡a cn*wd&dr H \s norrow,
The narrow street ia
6. Maggie has a cnr. It'fi faal.
haa a fast car
BUO jsni se LM.VH ,11 i'-' u34lJ5aíuaiU3s aaiyi
¡¡a ni ¡
-¡i b¡n(| ¡HI3.1JO
"lenj si JH3 sqj, JDÜ H tiSAUp ¿H '3unoX SOM l«[rd ÜTJJ,
the young pilot drive a fast car
the short barber give a good haircuts
P uu ^ítoqg un ^nd sp£ i^m sutn urtiu
The wet man put on his dry shoes and socks
scm íoq BPM
The strong boy moved the large TV
My old camera takes good picture
The new restaurant It's near small hospital
The little boy is eating a big ice cream
aqj, "G 'Plffit s; i] jai?M auTi|uup ¿un
the thirty people they are drinking cold
'jíddi?i| jjü ua jpiiqa si] j, '01 -p]o si i] -inoi{B ^\j, fl
the happy children they are watching
Vbcabulary Desctibing people, places, and things
Lraten la thetliulag and antiver your tenfhtr's

Scudcni I 1 Who'fi ynur nwitlii:iii¡itn:s

Siudcnt 2: 1 have Mr. S r m r h formath. I like him.
Stgdent l: I dan'l know Mr. fimüh. Whflt dnes he Lnnk likc?
2: 'P vety Culi. He has bine eyes and browTi hair. It's very phort. He
we&r¿ e suit. whJtt ¿Itirt. luid ti'- whtu ho
1: Oh, .. - I uaufüly scc him ín ihi dining li.ill .it lunch. What'fi 3ic likp?
íi He's very njcc. He sniileñ a Ini, and he tekes hia time tn teach tinwc]| r
He afao alwpys fiíves us lots <>r lime W ask questioria, All ih
are hnppy tu have hira as their tcacher. We like him a lot.

EXERCISE Malch the qifestlons and

c 1. Whttt does hjg uniform look like? a. It'a bine and hua four doora.

e 2. What i¿ the quiz Like? It'a lots of ñin. Bul we studv hard
and Learn a |ot.
f 3. Whal dücí thc cily look like? C The jjic kel iq red and the
are binck
i 4. \Vhnt ¡s your dinner like? d, Thi? ouUide is red. Jt hns RO
. The page¿ hyve lints.
h 5. e. Jt's uhort, It haa onl>r ten
g G. WJiai doea a lennia b;ill look f. it has small buildings and
like? narrow streets.
a 7. Whatdoes herrar look Like1.' g. it'? sniall. round, and asanlly
yellow or whilc.
d li liV lflrger I hftve eight fhi

b 9. ttliat's yourclas? like? I, It's

Díalogs Giving descriptions
titear: dialvgí Tficii, rr'j'f* apprintr, chtm\e oír: diofog añil rolf-plny ti faríln tttut

Mhirk: Is thnt your doctor? Stcvci You'rofratn llm^tori. Tm

Kent: No, that man ¡t, tal). My ihere. Tcll mr wh.iT
doctor Í5 Jíki:
David: U'i v<jry tri'i?» bccause ¡t
Mark: (¡iw me a dcflcription of
has many Iré**- It alsn
hns Ints nt Ifill huí M inca.
Kt-flt: He has broma hnir and ft's crowded, twf. A fuw
hrown eyea. He iisufllly Ulillioil l'L.-1'fJ'i1 livü Üli-n:,
weara auits and ties, and ihtrt an.1 lots of cari.
Mnrk: Is he young? Stove: What's the wí'athpr likí'
Kent: No, he's not. He's an oíd David: H^t! But yon can swim ín
Hc'e 68. ihe irt'í'Jiii to cual olT

EXERCISE Select a situatlnn. Role-play II wlth a

In the clasarüum Al e travul

• Studenl. 1 • Trnvel agent
• Studtnt2 • Cuatoincr buyiny a plañe ticket
Student 1 nsk& Sludent 2 to The cuslomer will fiy to the
describe hia or her hnrnC'líi^n or agenté cuurillj1 next weck. He
city. Tur a description of the weather in

ln üiy ckaearDom Two people ¡n n

* Stüdent1 • Cuilumer
* StudentS
Stüdent 1 sek-s Student 2 to The restaurant serveí diahea Mke
deiLcrlhe a poraon (Tather, mother, tho food from the waitpr'B country.
hrothfr, íialür, wife, huaband, child, The cu^tomur nske the wniíer to
or a friend.) deacnbe fi dish on the menú.


Writing Taking notes in a box outfine
ttie parograph Campare it la the noten in ¡he knxntítünf, fíisfttH* H tvi '!> y"ir

The United States haa big airporta and alsa vcry -muí I oírport&There are bifi
nes and crowds of pcople at larfic airpcrts FlifihL', flrrivy and «frpArl ñt all
hoüra of the day and nighl In cernirás!, emall prrpnrts are notcrov.dcd.Thoy havc
unty Little planes. Travi?lers comí? and go duringthc doy Fwplu uuuully doii't

liCtle not
. \-p\.\ -:'.- crowded

EXERCISE A Read the paragraph and lili In me box outllne.

year, Ri>afinn High Schiw) mako.1. fl ichcílule fnrspnrtí. Rengiin

Sehool hnfl ahnut IñOO aludenUs. It plays tuams frc-in c-lhcr arhoülu thal hnvt uboui
the same numbor offitudalita This years' fall ¿potts are ffiuLtiulI and soetcr Thy
basketball and vnllcy^all Icanis will pky in i\tv winlír. And, m ¿.pring,
play hasebaUor tíoniq, Astudeüt may playc-nlj oneechuuJ sport i n a

EXERCISE B the pn.miinnh and flll In the box outlln».

Thrru is a small alore nt the schiml It's calJcd "The Shopettc-1* It aella
that studenls need.The slare hiis enückfi, drinka, and tüilnlrÍMü. Vuu can buy
sandwiches flntJ candy there. They Imve juiccsh hottled water, and oiher drinh-i,Tliü
store üi^ft eells lailctrlea - suap, Eunlhjiaíti?, and oiher chiiigív^oii use in Ihe
bathrnom. Studenta Bhop therir whyn Ehí'y dnn't have limt lo gütütho comrn¡?f¡flry

EXERCISE C Read the paragraph and Htl tn the bov

Our smflH cily has only three InrB'' huildinps. They a« ibo bankh tTit'
nfficc, and the growry .store. Thü bnnk ¡^ ild- U o|x;ncd ín 1803. It waa the firsl b¡^
.. i • i the city.The posl office looka oíd. The tmtHide wall ihut yuu stx Irom the
has 1903 on it Bul in^idn, the buildin^ is Jkew and clcan. We liki> OLJI new
alore becauw- thty tcll vcr>' good food ihürc. Il's in n big; huildniE thal
in £QQ3 L The fímcpry alore ia oiircJIy'H ne^cst buildingr

Writing Wrillng a paragraph from a table

Auna Chicago Instycar. Hf

Themen went to 1 [. ! i lusl week. Sha
My fnlber KnE'PTid yealerduy. Hiuy

by búa Hfa mother hor

tnveled by Irzun. Hor fn?nd met him
by plañe. Thejr «tudents thí'm

at (he hotel. He her his mom.

¡it the atation. ShP lüük hirn Ii) her hotel.
üt thc airport They them Ihcir lióme.

*** Vüur cholees al '¡- • beglnnlng oí i IL- paragraph hr m MI- neil cholees.


Anna tvant to Chicado laat wgek- She traveletJ bytrain. Hgr

mpthcr mgt hcr at the statleí, Shtf taok hcr to her honse.

Themen wenttp Houeton yg^terdav. The^ travglfld by busr

friand met thom at the ata tío n. He took them to thalr hotel



JIQ¿ %JJlf3

Olí] OS
- .|i, i.


3Jü|? JÍJ330J3 aip
•= Illíí

i|3ea uioj¿ g^Ejgd jo PJOWBUO

Performance Check Matching pictures

top rijjht


bcttom left bottom rfght

EXERCISE 4 [tía plclure wilh a claasmare.Thfln «rila a dflacriptiari.

EXEF1CISE B Find L M" -.luí -.T i with Ehe •...ni that malchí^ yaurs-
wiligtuey<a¡ a ..•'•! " / t ¡ < ; ? . . ' / ' Do nal shúívyourpicl/tn-toiny
. "Rtlk la difieren! xiudt'ufx in yvarcíass. Describeyourpature. Compare and cuntrost
rfesrrrp[ro»S Ittltt ynu finda ptuttent ¡vhcse piel are loaks just íiki1

Underslanding math

VQCABULARY: SoMng fl hjird mjiih probana 33

De-ivribing paits of a cirele 3E

READING: PüllowJng writtcn ¡natmctiüna 37

VOCABULARV: More math problema 38

READING: Idyntjfyiri^lhif topiciiffl pjirjiffríiph 42

ld&nt¡fy¡nk'lhemain ídtaoffl |Kiragraph 44
Camparme tapies and main [di'iis 46

GRAMMAR: Ueing cotnpnralive ndjcctivea 47

Usingboth sndofftíf ns indeEimW pninounf ñl

HEADFNC Idcntifying coiiteKtual referencea 52

DIALOG: Comporing and contraaling 54

GRAMMAR: Using^o^ie and any as indefinite pronouna 55

PERFORMANCE CHECK: FollowinRorül instructinns 58

7 LES30M 2
Previeiv What's new in lesson 2?


Verbs Olh*r words

bajo sumar
aild autesen
center centro COUlll contar any
circum fertilice. circufe divido (i dividir bolh ambos
diame by d.por cada
emir error igular facil
a explicar hard duro
hüllVhalves mitad make ' mude a miülnke heavy pesado
pricc precio mulliplied by into entre
problem proble iDultiply luz
rudius radio meno
top cima undersland ' mure mas
total total weigh pesr olher Otro
peso mas
Symbols presenL presentar
addition snme alguno
subtraction btraight recto
multiplicar than que


Du ^oii havc £01111? coffee? Compare and conirael people. Dieces, and
Nn, 1 don't havc any.
Bolh girie are latí nnrf hnve flhnrt
Tí" ynu want cakp or haiB
1'd likc boih piense. One like? lo read bonkg, hut the other
Hy country if\ hotler then your
One pen is mine; the nther \s my counl-ry.
The pencil un (he lelt is longer than
the pencil on the nght.
Vbcabulary Soíving a tiard maírt
Mim, I wa& absem froni
sclinol last Friday. No» T
dm/l undcrstaníj lhin
pnlslom It's hnrd. My
wpa $L!í í. biit u1-, iyii Jfag- 4-utuTriBu
, I matíe a hnn-WTMH
Cnn yin cnplain ii (o
Mumr Well, leE'a Itmk at it
toe^lier and Kee if wc cnn
ünri yímrcrnr Count thc
Clin iigiiin. Hu«j many are
there in al I?
Julit: Thcra nrt tifn. Olí, T
counled unJy ninehefnre,
That was my mi^Take. Let's went to thc
see, theprice ¡ü $15.00 buy CDs. She
cach. I multiply 3(1 shc wanied and 3 Ibr each of
SIS to sel Ihe toUl her two aJatera. Each CD
Tilia problem í¿ easy, (H). What wüñ the tutal price i
undcrstnnd it now, üf tho CDa''
foryour 10
f (2x5) u HS.OO
10 í 150.00

EXERCI5E A Wrile S ií the words mean ihesameanü O if they are opposltes.

s 1 error s cost

2. pasy h:ircl hard

3. fast s correct

4. prüblum o right

5. te 11 how o Bell

M.ílch words to liieír meanlngs.

e 1. count

d 2. error tQ do M i | i H T l l [ | ] ¡ r

a 3. hard c.

f 4. price d. «naítMní thatlfl wrong

b 5. expLttiEi ^. fiml hnw msny
c fi. underaLdiid f. íiuw much soniethiny: co&ts
g 7. absent g. nali

EXERCISE C Use Ihe words In the boi lo compíele Ihe

mialskc underslocwl
counl explain problem

Julic fiad troublc with her homcivork yesterdey. 3be marfo a mistake
QH a jiwii.li problem She dídn't understanditr Sbo af,kpd! hcr i •• i- i ID

explain it toher Her innlhcrBaid, "Ltt's luok at thtí prublem tu^ether." Julie
and her motilar (<iund ,1 ul iu's error She needed to count thc
CDa each CD cost ^15 ÜO. She did the prablem again W H«d chf
price cíten CDa. Wlien Julie undertood the problem, she thought it



Vocabulary Descríbing parís ot a cfrcle

Mr. Sniilh: GÍMK! mornirtfi, students, I fipo only nine nf you ere prescnt tcday Who's

Tim: Mar/s aick. She wun't l>e hcrc today.

Mr. Snuth: Thankyou, Tinu Yealenley we talked about fuiír simpe!.. \Vlint were
thope ?hapes?

Mr. Sniilh: That's right.Tí-doy WM will Icarn more Jihmilnne "Elhunc aliJipea. Wt
fiomgtostüdy the circle.ftnd wc'll learn abüiiL wurúv lo
ci relés.
Lct'slook al thefirsl circle. See the ,'
Sitraíght line'ÍThflt'b the <iiantctcr. A
diflmotfi- is n strai^hl \\nit tlial RÜCS fi-om
•¡•ai- sidü ofa circle, or iiciy ruund ahape, to
ihc oiher side. It crusses. the center. It
dividca 3 circle ¡n half. iniü lwo equal parís.

Now, Iflükotlhcrtext circltr r Tlii?,5hortcr

is o fod/us.A rddnis is a siroighl Une
the cenler of ihe eircle and any
pninl un i[eoutside erige. It \s li&lfofa

The Jsibt circlf shows a hne thnl

aroiind a circle nr any uther curved
That lirte is the

B0i>¡ 7 LESSQS 3
Label me parís of tus <-.\t.-\?s

Center Diameter Radius Circumference


Foltowing wriíten Instructions

Follow ¡hese iiístrnctioits w¡th your instructor.

1. Gpen your houk t» Lesfion 2.

Counl the "New Grnmmar Structurefl."
Wnte the mjmberof'Ntw
Glose your book.

'2. Opon your book lo Leason 4.

Wrilc ihc titlc of the Icsaon.
Say the títle.

EXERC1SE Head Ihc knatructlons ancT foOOH thern.

1 Opcn your book lo the bñck ¡naide cnver.

In the ccnlcr top hnlf of the pagr, draw s
Eraw a strnight line beloi*1 (lie

2. Tu [b& contcr bottom half rtf the pace, ttraw n circle.

Wrilc circuiTifcrencc around Ihc circle.
Wrilc dibimL'lcc acrosa the cenltr of the circle.

3. Un theboUiunrighlhideof lh&pnge,drji*v a triancle.

ÍÍYÜY- a roctan^lü abavc the

4. Turn to a
Ask your c) inmute, "When your
Write the birlhdey.
Tell the claai the birthda_v.

600K 7
Vocabulary Mote math problems

+ 2

F¡ve plgs tvn Scven Tninu.f uve equals twc.

Five and two is Fivt' frum bevtii ia iv-'o.


Sí>: r i • ; - i n ¡ I I - chrcc is eighteen. by thriK! pquals FÍ\

Siif times ihree cquals eightten. intii eiglilecn s\x times

V MaEhemadcal
-i- Es lor
- i- foreutiriaetlon.
I IsfOrrn ,l'i[ilii ilu. ,
+ ind r- la lor <
= Is lorequals.

EXEHCISE A Read sentences.

L Add two to five toget 7. Subtract the number uf applts Hit
children ate from thc numberyou
Ü. Whjil ÍK ílvc subtractcd from seven? put in tho ho^'l tíi eec how mjiny are
ít Cnn you divide forty-eipht by Ldt
twclvc? 5, Divide tho number of sodas you
4. Multipiy uve times Ihrce. boujjht by Üic number of people
who ürt ctittiififf íf tbe party to see
ó. Aíl<l nLl of Ehe numbers together lo hnw mñny ^odfia yon hnvc for coch
g«t the total, peñón.
S. Whwl by
EXERCISE B Discusa and solve thase math problema wlth your panrter.

Date: fO

1. Lasj year, thanj wsre 376 Une ¡He ptclarc al I ofthe
students gr Jennilor'a schoof. I" artsiiVr i/uestiatit nntt f>.
This year. there are 122 new 4. Look ai Ihe picture below. In
stutients. No elúdante left. iwhich monih did they selí tha
How many sludenls ara al Igrgesl number of
schocl Ihis yaai?

5. Look al the pIcTurg belaw.

How rnany .-.->,'•- did l-u , salí
fíom January 1* lo Aprll
2. 546 slucfcnls wanled lo run
in the slals high school race.
Thft urtühar waabact 432
srudents irom t5 schools
G didn'I come. Ho« niany
ran in rhe race?

Car Salas

3. JanetS sch^ol had fout bake

la si yaar.They sold 512
ar each bake sale.
How msnycookiesdid they
make last year?

"J 1 F ll i HJ-, 1

EXEHCISE C Explain i" yon.- pnrinor howto do Ihese matn problema.

245 214
+ 154 x 22
399 4708

- 623

EXERCISE D Wrlle a paragraph *ilh & mpth prohlem In Ir.

I had four year.

had tres
¿aquí nú n
i ti una -n
'9 OT

ppe p 'p

'¿=9-01 — e sr unja uv '6

P •p jsiuiío 'a I
m 'q tniip^j -3
j3jU£UB 'q lona v
n d b
mot| 6||*i uy 'f U H pUlLDlB ÜU|I V 'í?

ppt 'p juno:» ~¿ 'p JÍldTJlTlUl '3 i

d ( c
¿ i g +frJAMCiie ^ "S noí '¿ = Z * 9 JanvBuiT OJ, 'J

q ppn q
b a £

o *
i n
d t
n a
a n i
t a v
l i
r p d
e x
d i v i d e
n d
u a
Reading Identitying the topic of a paragraph

eaclt bo\. ¡ente ule wartl 1/ial nanita al! Hie ¡htngs m i/H' ÍHII.



EXERCISE A In each calumnh el relé orna íhaí ñames

1. 2. 3. 4.
i _|i apple juico '1Y in ruum
früiljuicea seícer hotel RUy
simpes arango ju¡w spnrta check in
circle penr juico bnakelball late

EXERCISE B Reaú thls paragrapn and ñame ihelopic.

The BX ¡a fl siore un a military base. Militflrypeople Cíin buy muny thin^s ihe.v
iiecd thcto. They caii buy cfíitlil'^, touthpiUiUí, (inJ raEon*. Th(? BX «l¿u seJI¿
telcphoncs, campulerj;, CDf, an<l L J I I H T U fjfnirTIie BX ¡¿ nesr where niüiiury
people worfc, and il has low prices.

The tupie ¡s thff BX


EXERGISE C Wrlfefhe toplc oteach paragraph.

1. Thia morning in my math claas we atudied shflppfi- Mflth is

bullí n u i i • i • - and ahapea. Lasl week, wtr atudiud
Today, we began to Icarn about shiipes and lítlked
pquarcs Tünicirrmv, we w¡ll study circlea, The ntrxt day, wc'll stüdy
trianglcs. Right now, we are leu mine pü¡.y thin^
wo wiUdo vory hardproblemBuainEnumber¿and

Topic: Math class .

Joan has twn housea. OneiB in the atv and the nlheronu 13
a lake. The house near the Inke is not very lar£P. hut ¡Lhj, ciittt It
LÍL whitü and bine and has nice pictures oci the wüJJs ;uid \ur¿ii
wjtjdowg, Joan can goc tlio Lake from aiime oí liie windows. Shc
goes Xliere to relflv ñnnictiniesshconlyBtayalhereovernlcnl, but
al uther timef, f,ho í,iays Ibr a few
Topic: joan house near the lake.

3. John had n bfld day yo.stoníay Firpt, he wa*¡ an hnur late fbr work
in the morniDg. Then. ht? dídTi'Uiu^ his dcsk kcyB.They were
in the auit he wore Tueaday. At noon, he went to a rcatautunt
for lunch. Tho wniter brought him thp wron£ pljite and niadp a
místakeon the bilí. In the ¡iÉU'rin">ri, diílu't fiot a tnlophone ca\\
he wanled. At the tnd of the day, lie teady to real, ul home.
He \vanted to wdtch Lhe bü-kn'tb.iH un TV, but l , i > i. I. , i i
dídn't work.
Topic' john bad day

Atopjc ¡u

about the STibject or topic. All of the aentíncea about

the tftpjclogetíiermflke theparjigraphlAskh1'What Ls th¡b
pürngraph abuiJl?''Thu »ord orgroup ofworda that ünswera
ihat quesEion is the lopic,
Reading Idenlifying Ihe tnain idea oí a

in K'""P of four ientences, setcct tht ¡filetee Üiní tilín nhnuf fftp

1. a. We ¿tudied ahapes. A- -lolin ií. A

b We leamed about the aguare. b. My írieiidíi llkv ipurls.

c. We drew triantes and rectangles. c. Mary ptays
d We talkcd about circle parta. d. Jacte ih rm A

a. Applea are my Pavón te fnnt r 4r Br WP rh^ekí^l in.

b, IlikcalIkíndBDrrruit. b. We wuLcbuJ TV ¡n uu
Cr I Mfco nrjingü.s, too c. WP ílppt imtil fl.no fl,
d Scniotitiieíi, 3 ent penis. rir WP stnypd nt ,T hnlol

EKERCISE A Head and nik about thla paragraph m clase,

Captain Jcnpnn is a Rocid cook. Lnst night hd cnnked

putüloi'^ f(jrliipi wife and childrcn. His Puniily Jiirtiuys Ükes v-lmt
he cooks. HI^ oftE'H curiks fnr hís Prienda, too. On the weektnd.
he likj'- tu ciník uiiL-itlr at In.- hüiisc lie oPten invites hig Friendf.
fur dinner. lji?t Saturday, he cooked ateaks and ihii-ken, He ñlüo
made beñn^ .i'i'l i •:- In mi.- -.[l.nl His friends oPCen .¡-k when he
will cook Por them Pg;nn Kvt-ryfiftí- enjoya tho captain'a muñía.

The mitin idea J

a good cook.


EXERCISE B Selecltne main idea cfeach paracjraph.
Today 1 e-juBiler! niy famity ai home. I left hume si* monthp ago
for ancwjob in New York. I mi^ my brüther and aialer. Tu thn
o-mail, I tolA ihem Jibqut my job, my nev* apartnient, ¡ind iny new
fricnda. I n\bf lold thcm il is harder to e^l to wnrk m Nuw York
ihan in otir city. I nsked my üiitcr [o come lo vieit me, T hipe ahe
will come soon, T likc e-midl, It is eüsier than phoniní luid coste
a. It ia hurd to fícr to work ¡n Now York.
b. [ e-mnilcd my fnmijy at hotlip-
Cr I raias my family mid my c<iJ»try.
Z- Míitiv L U Í mi u and acrgeunt'j likc Eo gn tn ihf Hi|_r
ReslauríinL The food iherv \K • . ! . ! . S|jt MUler likrs to
He doesn't like to eat bíef, hut his frn?i»l ñgt Connors likts bcof u
]ot. fíometimee [he RTQUP gocs thcre for lunch. Dinnvr al the Big
Onion casto $12.95, but lunch \e íinly $5.96.
a. Dínner ni tlic Big Oninn cnata *12.95r
b. Sgt Connors likcs beefa Int, but Sgl Millcr 3ik™
c. Many airm&n and stír^eanls OJit al Ihe Big Onion.

My brotne.r Mickey wtjrks in a barbeiihop in a

downtowiir Every mominfi he lenves h¡s htmac at SiOO 8-in. and
to work, Ht cuta men'a huir and shaves men'a facen »]\ day
. At G:00 p.m,, lie locks the <loor of the barf>erahop and gnes
homc. He hBSíibout 25 customcrs everyday.
a. Mickey ¡& a harbcr, and he ÍS busy ají day \tmfi-
b. Mickey cutEnnen'fihairall düy lonfi.
c. MicTtoy wnrk44 ín-n H'UO a.en, t» 6^00 p.m.

Every good paragruph ia a group ofaentenceií that expLaLna one

thing Hlioul one tapio ai subject. Kpch Aenttnce Íil the
tellssnnjethingjiboui thelopLcrTogetherlhír eenlenccs tel
expUiin one idefl abmit the lopie. Samelimeg one aentence
to£ether whattheolherscntences say-'niat a^ntencc teLlg
idea of tbe parft^rnph. The mirín ¡dea LR whatall o
of a p "m.i-.-p L logeüier^üy aboutthe tupie.

Reading Comparlng tapies and main ideas
Compare t/ic "<¡ mam id*" j'n [Ais tfu dífftrtnee beítotftl them.

John is a fiood s
ioccer Hary plays Bocccr.
basketball Jjick Ijkts basketbull.
TQPIC; MAIN IDEA: My friend* Ithi-

EXERCiSE WrlTe the loplc and maln Jdffa ai each paragraph.

J. Tlúa morninE, Bnb beyan m plan his trip to Lra Anales. Llemantí to vifiii hi-*
brolher this sümmor. He will mflkc h¡s plano n>scrv»tiuns loday, and he will C"
Lo Ihe atore n> huy n [ifw suitcaie and some new cbthflfl. Aftcr heshopa, hg ^'ill
go home nnd pock luí auitcaae. Gob alio n.' ' '• i I . He \itix a new
and he wantj, lo leke pictures of Beb'j;

TOPIC: Bobs trip


2. Today! bou^hta money order Al the puatolTfce. Firsi, 1 íiuori in ütie fur ubout
lliirly minules Then, I yjjt to ihe window and askod iJie ulerk for a manny
for S2ñ 00. The niuney arder cost Í1.00.1 fiflw Lhe clrrk S21.no Ncvl. I
(he nnmc and the acidresa ort the money arder Fjniillí, 1 put it m an
addresacd [he onvchipo, Bddeda atamp wiih the rjghl pniUiBu, aod niuiled it
my wife.

TOPIC: money orden

MAIN IDEA: I bought a money orden
Grammar Ustng comparativa adjectlves

Mr. Smitnr Cood morninE, studenls. Today we will malte some comparisons. Wc'll
talk about Ihinps that are light and heavy. When yon wcigh a thing
you find oul how heavy ¡t is. For example b a book is uaually hcavy and
a pifes uf paper ís usually light. Can you ihínk of other examples?
Jim: Yes, a tennis ball ia líght and a baseball \s heavy, bul ihcy'n? bolli thc
same aize.
Mr, Smith. Thnt's right h Jim. A baseball wei^hs mure Ihan a lenni» bull. It'a
heavier. WhQt other ball ia lighler than a baseball?
Tini 1 How about a tablc lonniti
MrSmilh; Yoü're r¡ent,Tini. The smaller ball is Hfíhter. The lillle hall you ptay
table tonn if. with ia very, very lipht.

BascbulJ K I L J É ] - Bill I Taiile Tennis B.ill

Diameter: '¿ mchea Diameten 2^ inches
l: 2

EXEHCISE A Wrlte words Troni the bou ¡n Ihe blñnksr

1 Tb ñnd QUE how heavy something is you weigh ¡t-

2 A baseball is heavier than st tennis ball.

'¿ A baseball weighs a lot more than a lable tennis ball.

more 4. The table itTíniB beJI ¡s lighter thíin I he baseball.

lighter .S. A smaller [han a
G. Heavy and lipht are oppsites
800K > LESSO'J

Uff l|l j ^uoqE BI iqEiJ 3t(i u" ii

ucqi JoSunj ÉT| •ya] aifi uo ijsiiíid i>ilJ, '(;

al\1 u'mi J9]iJirq BI ni¡r|qüjd puosas

JOIÜPÜ íi i(i»|qnjd


EXERCISE C Use the words you heartomake comparativa santencos.

EXAMPLES: Tüm I Tim i tflll

Tom IB taller tfianTlm.

Bob'acar/Bill'B car/oíd
Etobfecar ta olde-

EXERCISE D Looh a* ttig chart. Wrile thB comparative In tfte last CQlumn.

ancirt fochfífoip ia art


tall tallerthan.

Mostwnrds deán cleaner than

- add-er
Narrower than
weaker than

Words that end in ailent -e \sict larger than

Drop the -e
>* add -cr late later than
witle wider than
1-A^klablc C-V'O* wflrdi, .• Bigger than
Dnuble thc con^jnant
>* add -er gad Sadder than
huí hotter than

happy _^applarthari
WordB that end in -j> hcnv^
-er rainy

EXERCISE E3 Complete the SEnlences. Use the. worús In parentheses.

John is taller than

Anthony. (toUi

2. Jan and Bill aren't older than Richard. (oíd)

3. My ihthcr's car ¡A Faster than

.. my car. ífastj

4. Are Ihe days Longer thanthe ni^hlrt, n«w?

5. Torfoy ie Warmer thanyusltirdEiy, (wumi)

fl Main Street is Norrwer than\ft\m -SlrePl. 1 nürrow^

EXERCISE £ Complete the serien ees lihe the exarnplp

EXAMPLE. The lop of tht híl] ia hifíh. The lop of the houae is not hifih.
The top of the hill is hlflherthan thg-Eop of th

1. LineAlsstralglLt, Lme B is not v<¡ry

Line A i¿ straihter than line

2. Linda is hnppy. Mark iín'tvery hnppy.

r.m<ifl i? Happier than Mark

3. The red car iü new.The green car isnot

The red car IB Newer than the green car

4. My dfluphler ii 18 yearp oíd. My san ifi lGycnrí,old.

IB older than my son

.rj. Thflt - • • i is hard. This i • - - • . - .1. is not hard.
Thflt prablcm is Harder than this problem.
Grammar Using boíh antfotheras indefínlte prono uns

i ti'tinli, bolh tintl other m tlic parafíraph

T have hvo siaters. They aro Lwms.They both hovc the same bulhdjiy Horh 3TP
lalt, ancl buth have &hort brown hair. Bülh like sports, bul OHL likes U^kelb^lL ítnd
the o[hcr likea soccer. One ükes tu read luniks, l)ul ihe othcr docsn'1. My atsliTa look
thcsamc, but they are ver>' dJÍTerenV ]>eu])l<:.

EXERCI3E A Read fhe sentences. Notice how ihe v/ord Oorfr is ussri.
1 Díd yon take my hink atui Janv^ b"ok? Yos. I look bolh.
2. Do yon waiLlmilk orcofT^P? Til hnvc hüth r plcaac.
,1 My c.ir \s new. Your car ta nevé, toyr Rflth ar? new
4 I read lwo book,^. T likul hnlh nf them.
,rj. TJic firat teatwas hard. The aecondtístwaíhjitd, too. Bolh wcrehflrd,
G. Are you goinp Bhoppinp or lo a movjt on Frida.v? T'm doinp bolh.

Ftead the sentemre^Notice how iha word Is used.

1. One -imlí'íir i-, from Europe. Thc olher LS from ATricu.
2. Jl] eat ihfr bigpiecc of cake. You can have ihe ollier,
3. Thi¡> glovc ÍR wel,bul [he olher's nkay
4. Jnck ¡í takinf lwo cla.iíe!,. Ono is Enplish. The olher is njsith.
5. There's only une ahoe hcfc. Whcro'a Ihe olher?
G. We wert on vñcalion for wccks. We spent one week ¡o Ulah and Iho othcr in

Ansv;er youí instruclor^queatlans. Jae boltiand clber.

EXAMPLES: 1. Doytw npqd ü blue shirt ür a white

S: \ need both,

Ij Do yon líke lh¡s blue t¡e?

tí; No, may I see t^e other?

Reading tdentifying contextual references

We visitad England and Frunce. We likeri hnth

•twia sistcra. He visJtw in Los Angtlí'a Iwn Li»iub u yusir.

EXEHCISE A Select Ihe same meanlng as the underHnsd worda.

1. I visited England and Franco lastyeac My H- tnylund uiid

molhpr and faiher went with me, W& spw Lundun b niothcrnnd fnthrr
and PurfS flnd somc amall lowna, tuur We l¡k<xl

'¿. \ ivas Inte to schooL thi-i rninrniig. Tbc radio aaid

ÍL WHR 8 o'cluck, bul my clock j^lmwixl S o'clocfe. b. storm
Thcrc waa a stoni l¡ist niglit ond my clock
stopped for lwo h<mr> I ncod to buy a ncw nne. c. clock

^. Eomctimes Ihe wfathor chanpes a luí in une day a. day

U can be mlH in i In morning and hot in ihe b-
artcrnoun. One d¡iy il was aunnv in Ihe mutning,
AIIÚ tlicn it amwed in ihe aUcrnoon. í don't like i -in ^

4 I'm n pilnt. Myjob 'IR hard, bul L !¡k<b il VITV much. a.

1 n y a smalí pla-no »vor the city and thy lund. b. thc city
around ü. W l&ll radio and TV statknii. ahnut
probtem?. c. the plañe
EXERCISE B FJnd and write words trtat mean ihr- fiama as ihosa undoiimríJ

1. Bob is a mechante. He worka in a garage downlown. Many ppnple

brinfíthcir cara and trucka to him. Hedotan'l like lo wurk un bij¡,
oíd trucka, but he doea it. That'a hw j<il»
a mechanic

2 Wo níwd tu eal veytitables evcry day lo etay hoalthy. There O

niany diffcrcul. vegelables. Tomatoea taid union¿ are ¿wjd in
s'nlarií. ñomcpcíople put thcse vegetables un their
too. Pntatops arn CIHX! in soups. in salnds h nr wilh meat.
: . , - u . i m '. . ¿i- al.^n dolicinu?
many diffrent

3. Joan and Maiy went lu fl plothing sinrc Joan wore a red coat.
Mnry winro a hlue (ule. They lookcd at bota and glovca. Joan aaid h
"I wont ;i redhiiL"Tht-clcrkflaid,"WedQn't have a red on
you MkeloaeeoneinflditTertnlcolyrT'-Nii F UiarLkyíPU,''Joan
A red one =

4. At a trave.1 dge.nt'& office, travel aEvnlü makc aJrlinc

They can alao give you informalion aboul trains end bu^os and
about othpr countriQs This cíTicc may be in a building in town, or


Dialog Comparing and contrasting

Jim: Say, do you nave two saetera1'

Tlm: Yes, 1 do. They're twins. Their ñames are añil -
Jün Do thcy look the same?
Tiro: Well, ypp and no. Both have brown hnir and blue . Hnt -li¡]\f i*
ihan Jiidy, and ihuy always make aure tbey're difTvrvnt
Thcy don't like to louk the aamt when theyTre al schnoi.
Jiiiu T Lhink I know ihem, bul I thought vou liadjuat untí ainUjr, un? Lliuy
Tiiii: Wtll, Judy is voty Rood in achooL She ge!» híghtr !o»lflewrunl\¡un Julie,
She alfio likoB lo read and reada lon^er bocká Than Julie ífnp? -Julie ifl
good 6t sporis. ñhc plays on a ba^kelball team. Wheii Ju3¡« and Judy
pltty, Julie p]i%ay(v *.cr>ri ^ ln^hi-i than Judy
Jim: I síti- The y' re tuith pood at something, but they're gocú ai djíferezit
Tim; Yes, tliat's right.

EXERCISE Wjth a parTnar, ealacl 1 toplc^Wrlte your notes, Ihan díacuss ltr

1. Two Englidh leachera yüu know 5r Yfturdíiasroom and Iht library

2. The wenlher m lwo different places G Two meáis you aleyesterday

d. Two oí your brothere 7. T\vu etiasüns in your counlry

4. Two of your friends S. A ñportyoQ like lo walrtí and a

you like lo play

Grammar Using some and any as indefinita pronouns

Jan: 1 mudéftOtllí>cnffcc. It's (-ood and

hot. Dn hoth of you wjint some?

; Sure. 111 nave aorae. I alwHys likc

to drink a cup ofcuífee m llif

: No. ihanka. I dotí't wjint nny. T

l)¡id --i\ i.iij>-, tüday.

*> use Bla(eínent6r

Un or quastions.

EXERCISE A Read eflch dialog wllh a parlnar Urderllne trte wortí

L Alie*: ls there more orante

: Yes, there'a aome un thc tahlc.

Jack: Duyou noed film for yuur

Jane: No. 1 bouEht aurae

Walt: Kuw wns thc test' Were the prnblcnts h^rd?

Joe: Yes, stíiwtJ oflhtm vvere.

4, Frank: I mflde coffcc. Do you waiit some?

Bctty: Surt, FU tafcfl a cup.

r Isabel: I jusl gol a box ufeandy. Wuuld; yi>u üke some?

lj No, thanks. I'lll not hunprv r now.

G- Boh1 1 need bJack shiK^. Can you shou nn.1

Yes, sir 1'lJ bnng some right

fXERCISE S Rcad each dlalog wilh a parinEr. UnderlÉne The wartí any.

Mary: Does ihc army havc boato?

Linda: I'm not sure, but 1 cfnni thlnk Choy any.

Paul: Did yon order Krench fríes wilh your sandwich?

Mark. Nú, I didn't want

Dan: I need two qunricra Tur thc plnmi'r Di L VÜU huve. any?
Vic: Lct niq clieck Nft f h m sorry. I düfl't have any.

We need three more chaire for nur doss. Df> ytm híiw
Ye¿, yuií con lake theae blue unta.

Lucy: I ti>UI Bob Cu pul a bu* of paper in your c>ffice.

I didn't sue eny, Muybv hy pul it in Ann'a o£fimr.

Linda 1 T inade ihis ^flkp in

Ppler: Cnn 1 havc a pioeo iiuw? 1 didn't gtfi üriy l
Linda: ñnrry, I dtirt'l wnnl lo cut [L no^1. Til brmB luttr.

Jack: Doyou have a lew alampa llialyüu can nuil ln

Jim: No. E don't havc any J nccd lo po (ü tht jiosl office
Jack Wnuld you huy slamp?, fui me wbifu yog'rc
Jnn 1 Surc, n-i pri>l>krn.

Anawer your Inalruclor'a qucsflona. Llae sama and any.

EXAMPLtS: 1: Dnca John havc any B¡

S: Vía. I thlnk he has

I: Would yon libe a cup nf tí-n?

S: NQ, thHHkS I dotlt WflHt
EXEHCISE O Complete Ihe sen lencas with someot tuy.
I u, nt txnmple.

1. Tom: Doycu liave anv

Dick: I have Sffme
1 Larry: John • u • i havu anv

Jill: We need a few picturef, of the children.

Jack: Okny, I h tl tak& some Üiia weekund ni thc

3. Paul: I'd like H piece cf for lunch.

Mark: I dun't have any , but Jock Jia» _some

4. Don: Did yon cat olí the cundyV

Vic: No h Billy ate _some —. too.

5. <3i.iirge: I v:nnt a nevr pair of boots, bul thi1 BX Any

Gary; can buy some at thi1 shdü ¿.lüre downlíhwn.

S. Larry: Were the Mludcnls at the library laat n¡¿ht?

Lonnie: Tdidn't-suu Any Haybe they studied ¡n the barracks

7 Linda: Wc havp hite ofopples on our trce. Do yon w¡int Any

Sure, I'll tnke _
some I'll rnakc a pje.

8. Aun: Any
We need sut'ttrtn make cüükics. Do we have -
Lucy: some
Nti, can you pet - Bi ihc commisaary?
ñurc, J'ltfíet_some lliif. üñemoon.

9. Mike: Mam, that cake sure lookti - Cnn E have Any

Betly: Mu, not now VOLI can huve some
Why can't 1 have Any
BeUy: Becaupn? it's time fordmner.


American homes
VOCABULARY: yuur ho use fl hume. ............. . . . 61
Good land in the country un a liill ........... 64

READING: íiiE pniimun rclerences ............. 65

VOCABULARY: abnut Iwation ................. 66

GRAMMAR: How oíd ¡s yuur hriu*-? ................. 70

VOCABULARY: American liomes - pisi and presem ....... . . . *Í2

READING: ThouEht p-oupi mtreasíí ynur TCJiding spced ...... 14

VOCABULARY: Talkingnbniít thp-Hiin, rjirtli, rjiíPíPii.andBtarn . . . . 76

GRAMMAR: Uaínp the superletivc .................. 7S

DIALOGS: Lnnkingin the newspaper íbr a place lo Uve ...... 82

READING: writtcn ¡nstrucliuna ............. S4

BOC* 7
Freview What's n&w in Lesson 3?


NfHíni past pasado otra palabra

animal animal present presente above encima
retir trasera arededor de
river rio buck atra
hird ronf tejado below debajo
cat gato atar estrella hy
perro mundo front frente
turlli yord patio hígh alto
fence baya cerca JüW

flore Verba ncxlto al lado de

front frente escalar ovor sombre
garaje run --« ran correr paat pasado
puerta grande rcar trasera
hill cerro
iaod tierra lote
leaf / hoja/hojas
nioon luna


HCJWO!<| ¡s the Imuae?
yeers uld-

Who has the smatleat box?

Toni lias the smnllest
uj ui s3up oqi

n pnn iufuj nip ui ||eiu? ü ?nq aanoi) 01^ -jnoi p pun
i| i|ctt|

^|Liuu|XiiJ I^II
¿JA|[ noí
John: You have a greal
Jim: Vea, it ia. Gur boya hke to play socter on the gf¿i¿s m Lhu butkylird. Ttlf
dogalíkc lo playlhereh too. Wealwaya huve Lu cluse the . WadQüt
want our peta togoin the streel. Whert do yon livp, John?
John: In a town Eionse. Ithns an upaíflir 1 '; wp h.ivp i-nninü on twíi IlíMir.',. \rt ihí»
paat, rny faniiJy and I livud in an apartment. U WIF& in a Lall buÜding Uud il
was very ¿niall. The tuwn hume ia juat rj^lit. Illkua nauull
Jim: Yes. Wc're happy with llie hume wc have now> loo.

Vf.i'-! I I M T I I Town

EXERCI&E A Read ihcsenlencPS.WnrcTfDrtruE and F f o r f a l s e .

f 1. Jim tives msidü the city wilh Jiis fíimily.

f 2. Jim's honie has three rucm-i otld O

f 3. John's town huuse is very ñiiifllL

t 4. Jim's boya likc lo play aocter ¡n tht

f 5. Jim's house is wliite und hus « bi^ yard in front.

t 6. John and his family Jjved in a small

t 7. Jim'ayard has two taJI treea ihnt an iban thc roof

t 8. Jim has íi fence and a gate to keep thí doga inaide thcyard.
EXERCISE e Fill ln íhe blanks wllh words from Ihe gray box.

flowcrtí garage roof

feote rear

Peter Uves in an apartment but he wants to buy a house with H \nrff-

yard with many Irees, pretty _flower , and luis of grccn
grass He wanls a Garage for hís car. He luoki.il nt ,i hüUfie
ycítírday. It iieeded a roof . Last week'a rain sol mswk one üí Üie lop
ruunia in the huiisc. The backyard fence waa very oíd. It needed a new
gate . The back ^ale didn't cióse welL The _rear _ door in thp
hnck nf thí liiu.se ncedcd work, too. The pricc fur lh.L houat La guud, but ít ™ill Uike «
lolof wurk. Peter needs lo look atolher houaes before he makes a

EXERCISE C Listen. WrlTe The word Ihal describes the picTure.

garage leaves Animals

-1. gate backyard roof

Vocabulary Good fand fn íhe counfry on a hifl

PeterMy wifc and I bnucht an older huruy. Thcy callcd it a

Es;cr-uppi'r, and \vc inadc muny duiíifíos lo the
casa f.A building. To fix ¡t up, we added Iwo moma Ln the butk
ftfthc houae. I adíled a neiv back gate. It took us &
yenr to fix everythúiE and mo^-e ¡n.
Paul: 1 clidn't like tiny of ihe huusea I anw. WL' wanted fl
place forímrchildren to be abJe to l-un around.
dimb hills, nuil hwim in the FÍVLT, T nuidc the
drjiwiiipa forthc hiiuso wc lívein nnn;r
That's a hard jfjh. My wifcia changue the look
with flowers und sornc trecü. Wf fllan have aomu pvls, o dog aníí
Wc keep our animáis in the baLkyord.
Yt'ü. ít'í nicc lo buy Ji huuac You can chango it lo look likcyou wjint it
Yfiu can have pels, too Our dogs al^y oulüideh and thn hírde are inbide
Peter: Yuu'rc ripht. íiavui^ yüür own ÉiouKe ia nice. T'm ,'imi - in chanfie1 the
uf the üül^ide of the hnuae, loo. Thut ivill takc a
Piml: Thcnb'H more work I nfíMl tu do to my hume, too.

EXERCISE A Answer tti* queslrons about Iha dialog.

1. Wliat did Pelcr and Ms wife buy?

What did Peter add to the housc?


3. WhaE did Pelcr's wife niake in ihe yard?

What pels dw?> Paul have?

\Vherp d<i I^ul'a children swim? When^ d" thcy clinib?

Readíng Ideníifying ptonaun

The car ib jn the garage. It won't

There are applos un ihe trees. Tíiey are

EXEHCI5E Look Bt (he underlined worü and the word(sj il refera ID.
I Bob and Pclcr atudied malh with their Prienda last nifiht. The homewnrk
prüblyjnfi wcre not oasy. They ^ere long and very hard.
They = _
a. Büb and
b. their friends
c. homework
2. ¡son the eilge nf ti «re a fol. of ltee& m bdiikufü. Our du^
(iperi thegale wiih hia HOSP IQJWGS the yanl. H£ likts tu run und aet
the utherdogs
/í =... . He = __
B. !he hon&e H. thtr gaUr
b. thc tüwn b. the dog
c. Ihe Rale c, the
flr Ted lívpp in 1 h u í u' i Ne¡ít nionth hell fly to Pana. Th€in h hell vjgit h¡i hnithi'r
¡n Lumfun fortwo rt'eeks. His brother's ñame ta Tuin. He has y rt^^1 KUUÍE- by u
!ñk(í. He iikea the c;ity and wanta Ted to muve there.
He = __ Ikert = - ,
H. Ttd
b. Tbni
c. París e. August
4 The Smitha hnvemany rice Hüwers ¡n lheiryard r Evcry morning Alite cuta
aomeoFtheñuwei^and lakeb thmn incide. She gives thcm lo her muthcrr Mr»
Petera. Mra, Pulcra likfi J]oun?rs R lr|t, and alio pula tliem in n bowl on n tablp.

a. tlif Smitbs y.
b. the Élowere frora the yard b- Alice
c. Alicc and her mülhcr r.r Ihe

^ 1B
3 H
o '


u> ^ X

E -
5 is
™ r- 1i
= N o
5 S
3 ¡5
EXERCISE 0 Ask and answer guaalions atJOuHhe eye chart.

above arnutid
nexllo by

EXAMPLES Sludont 1: Wh&lfl'ñ Q?

Sludent 1. It's next to 'Gh-

Student 1: What'a around *X?

Studtnt 2: 'ff, 'O', *F. '21, 'Z', 'W, ¡4\ and 'U,


5 Whtíre ait thc humcwork

to thc book. Th&y>e in ihe bsu-k uf thc bnok.

2. Whcre art tKp pcns? 6. WhiTEí'ft your chnir?

in front of you- It'fi ncxt to my p|fleí*Tnate's chuir.

3. Where's your deak? 7, Where'i the clmrk?

It'a in titc- It's above the dwr

4. Where'a Ihe TV? fi Wheres íhe teacher'a deuk?

It's by lh^ It's In the frant uftho raom.

EXERCISE D Ask and afi^ivar questions aboutthirtgs In Tha clflaarogrir

It's next lo my buuk.

v>? t
60C* í LESSO-I ü
Look at Ihe pholographs. Lisien lo y JIM lEach-er's nsii j^i on ,

EXAMPLES; Is the garage neít lo trie

Doea thff y.i.^ I, i.,;

la 1,
^^^^ 2.
Are a
What 4.
Wherc 5,

EXERCISE F Complete Ihe wllh tha LLTICLÍ wortí or

1. The ncvr bousc IB by achcoL


2. The muilman left the packüge _ in front I he door.

m rrnnT n

3r The roed is
below the InU.

4. The dogb ]¡ke to in the backi • 11. .i. i

ovcr/in ihc back oí

G Thcy bought a housc with a fcnce around


6 Thíirc 15 Q trce next to the si de of the house.

1. Many bitdi-; ñy over our houae ¡n the ¿imuner.

B. They park their car in front

,-—, ofoí the
around/in Iront of

9. The
rear ie In back afilie house.

10. Mork cnn hit a above„ the

EXERCISE G Wrile wcrds or prensan under The correct pattem.

* * A


ÉXERCISE H Readtheparagraph.Then wrlteadascrlptíon otyQurhome.

con be oíd or iie*. You con get un n\Aiíf borne and líx it Up, You con ndd
more «voms, put flawers ¡n iheynrd.or pul in n new Bfl'^'^"u can alflDfhflnRe the
loükofthe yard or the color of cbc huuae. If you ctio't find a houae yuu Ilkc, youcmi
buy some land and make your own homef

6COK f LES5C-N ]
Grammar How oíd Is your house?

Tcm; When did ynu huy ynur hnupc?

JelT: Wc bnught it four ycars apc.
Tom; Oh, ¡ thought it was uew. Hnw oíd is if
Jttlr II mis three years oíd thon.Ii'p Reven
oíd nniv. Whpn dfd you huy youra?
TVnii.TVn ycaía agn, It was ncw then, Wc necdcd
moro roonth fnrour fiv& childron Wc wautcd
a large ysrd wiih e tenes for thn dogs.
JeEF: How oíd Jin> your kid',?
Tom: Herf r Til sh»w you a piclurí ü f m y twc aons.
John la tv.tlve, and Charles is tiiner
JcfT: Wc have a daughterand lwo üons. Htrt's u
picLure of HüTj'r She'g flcvpn IVtcHs
fourteen, end Davj<| is Lwelve.
Tbm: We also have three dautThter5. Jjll is íourleen, loor Margo in eight, and
haby of the family is three. Her udniu'9 Kuren.
JeJT: You have Ji nice family.

EXERCISE A Uatan to wch qUMtion- Sean the dlalog and vmta tha

1. ü.
2. 6.

3. 7.Eight years old

4. 8. three years old

EXERCISE B Answeryour teachec's

EXAMPLES' T^aclicr1 How oíd is your houae?

It's five yesrs o\d.

How nld ¡$ ynur

EXERCÍSE C Write questinna wilh How oíd.

1 How old is your son?

My son's fruir.

2. How old is your house?

Thehouaeis tenyeor&uld. Wt.'bouglit it thrco ycars age.

3 How old are Your parents?

My mother's 53 ená my faíher'fl G5.

4. How old is your computer?

I fmu^ht the computer in Austin «ix ycars apo.

EXEflCISE D Write your angwQrs lo thesa

1, How oíd ia your apartmenl? 4. Hou oíd ií yuurTV?

My is tv 2 years old
2. llnwold HrüyüarcMIdreii? 5. How nJri ií ynur car?
My is 4 years old
3. How oíd ¡s your füther? G How oíd is yunr ci>nij>utf>r?
My is 1 yaers

EXERCISE E Wuh B partner, gsk and answer quasllons.

/ How nld aro your

\. phildran?

Vocabulary American bornes - past and prescnt


En ihe pa,it. nome ptupte Iiv^-l ¡n

s, humus nnulu uf luny ¡tulus jiml
animal ¿kms. The bottom had the shape
of P árele. The.y were eifrly jnubdií
humen. People uiten tonk them dnwnr
pnrkcd ibrin nfj, jimí ninvH in (Inri
Today'i motüle homei tun be movud,
They're rectangulnr hcínif llml cmi
put cu the batrtíú ul Irucrks.
1» fií»*! wnrk

Ottier peoplc ín Ihe pnst livprf ¡n

üdube humea Imüde uf doy and
vegetables dried in ihe •mnl.Thpftp
hojne¿ wtre j¡uud where ihe weaLher
was hut and had líttlc rjiin. Mtiiiy
Tamílica livod in cnch rocm. Whcn thc
families got bigger with chiJdren.lhey
added mure ruums abcve the rooras
below Tboy (ookcd likc todny's
ip.ü'riu I.L - and tüwn houscs.

Otlicr peoplc \\ved in

that loütrod Mkc roctanglcs and hnd
curvctl ruofg,Therc wct<¡ many familics
•li.ir Lve<l in i!u *-L' Jidiiii »-. lüu. Mniiy
ilüpl lofifiíhor in une largc
iíioftcnQnly ong
fomily in eoch American hume.
hwv cniíre Üian

At preacnt, most peuple dun'l live in a tepee, adobe, ur longhousc in Xhc US- You
wun't 3ep them in most US citie^ und lown?. Ynu can nnlj see thum m n iiiusuuní oe
when you trnvel to ¿pecial places in the country-
EXERCISE _What's ihg topfc of aach paragrnph? Circle Ihc corree^anawar. ¡


a. hoine-i nn trucks
b. ¡uiimul skins
tí. hoiues thal mtivo

n. ndnbií houseb jn thc paat.

Ij. homcs in Ihe p¡«sl and
c. i«ljiy'B lov-'n hou-iys and npnrlmentf

a. family fil
b. uiitsid^ honic ahupe
c. inajdü ni>m chapes

3COK 7 LE^E^I 2
O- Q
3 m
í 3
3» a' ™
S, |
C ff
t ?
3 í I -í í

EXERCISE A Read each group of words at a glande.

n val peí fuud, like dnp foad, cal food, fian intuí, una hir.1 íoml
You can buy Ibod for your peí at a pet alore or a store.
Luis orAmtrncan fa TU i Mes give nicc gifts lo thcir peta on birlbriny*
fll ChriBtrnaB, and at other tunea. Sometime£h ihe pets geí to eat
Ldke and ice cream or a very nicc mcal. Peoplt can liave pyt pürtíes
and ask other peop3e i%íth peta lo come lo iheir houae for thtir pet'a parly.

EXERCISE B Read each group o 1 words al a glance.

Some people live in upurlments. Often. people in aparlments

can't have pela. People with peta al home hove lo live in nliouec,
a town house, ora mobilchoinc Thcir hnme muy neeri R y^rri,
a fence, and a gate. But somc anlmalE nccd more roüiii tu uve in
becauae they have to be outaíde. Horeea aren't pels, but peuple witb
Jike them alot. They ñamo their bürepfi, tíhi Ponpk' rirtn't hocp
in the city. Horact live in the country whpre they'reoutfiirie I I thí time.

EXERCISE C Read each group oí words at a glance.

Sonic animáis linio lo wurk MiliEsry ílojp. nn> nut

The pictai'e shows a dog learning his Job.

fio to'nijlltary wurhtiiE-dogtidhoor
irFoftfl üoñ*. They learn how iodo
on mititnry hai.es aruund Ihe
yüu üee thtm al work
at The front gate of a mililary base.
They also work ¡nairports,
and around transportation vehiclea.
Mililary dnfs wjtrk b¡inl and thcirjobi
help many people.
Vocabulary about the sun, earth, moon, and stars

Many yeara ORO ¿orne saitors wnnted to iínd new

lamí cind food.They HBÜed tht world's widcst occnnn in
shj[in They traveled around thc circumfcítnce of the
earth with tho stars a¿ their raap. Fiiially, ihey foucid
pUmcs and nict new peopJt.

ARQUNDTHÉ EARTH L¡kc Thc eailora
EVEHY 29^ DAYS- ogo, we bometiTní'í Imk aL Lhe
nipht sky to lind directions
When thc wi-Hlher is clnudy,
we can't ePO tho fiara and
have tu loükat mapa. The sun
ip a star It luüks bíggi?r than
thc atara nt nighl hecmiec it's
mucli closcr to tht uarth than
the other atara.

The moun i-i closcr lo the earth thfrn tha aun. The
inootí duean't alwftyü look round. It chung^f ehape, and
sometimes yon cnn't ace it at al]. When you tan't aet
the moon, ¡[^ called a new moon. No une livea on the
hecnuse thpre nre no lokes, rivers, or occans.

From the moon, the earth looks bine and white.

You cutí 5Cc picces nflnnd. alotnfhliie waler,
white clnuda that chunga direction wíih Ihe
i|| uuriuiuiunouipnu
spno|3 OÍLIJ/A '— —jo 00? UBJ


su ouic? uiLE aifi punuir sfrjACJi uoonr
Grammar Using the superlaíive

Betty: Lel's y
Tom; Wflwf Thpsfl pnrp? are low.
They're luwer Ülml tlttf
ot thi3

Betty: Ye*. We paid very

pricE'3 fitr fimii thofis
Tbm: Thcau tilTIit-
are the fil' alt the
on oui trip.
The food is ^dH, tnn. W
can return here neKt
on ÜUT v¡n:ntj<ni-
Tonv Yes. We íliin'r n>
¿pond money un
|i rices for food.

EXERCISE A Read Ihe descriplions.

ií, \laty Thia ia Peten Tlus is Jane. Tilia ¡^ Jolm. Thia La Mary's
She's 32 yeais Ho's 3. Hc's the Shehs 7. She's He's 9 years huñband,Ibm.
oíd. She'a in the older ihon oíd. He'a older He'fi Sfi years
youiiEer than fomüy. llian Jane and oíd. Hc'a the
her Peter oldeat.

EXERCISE B Gírele and countthc superfllIveE (all wordsendlng In-ealj.

and -tolin went I» a soocer game yestírduy Tbm

u higher price ÜlQis loat yeflr for thc ticketa. It WM the
day oí thi'yi'nr wilh the bi^gcst crowd in li^" yeara. Alter thc
, thcy ate at the novjent Tcsiaurüiit LU tuwn. Thoy hHf3 a

EXERCISE C Looket thechart-WriTe the superlativa En tha

Tfo fi™t tute m IB ai¡ fxa'iipfe.
Simpto Superlativa

Moat wordfl deán the cleanest

>• add -c
mimw the Narrowest
The weakest
Wiirda thflt end in silcnt -f the largest
Drop the -e
>- add -cxl late the latest
wide the widest
wet ««rtt«C
1-flyUablo C-V-C'
Double the
f add -

Wordfi thot end in -y
Chango y to i
i- add -así roiny

" C-V-C =

EXEflCISE D ñead Ihese • ¡'irrnrc'. Un.:- il m Iheadjecllves.

1. Bill is tall, and Mary is tnlW ili:in Bill,

but John is the tahest pcr^uu. Qf Üití
three, John is the ítiitcst

'2. Jolin is yinmc. nnd Mary ia youngcr

ilion Jolin, \mí Bill la Ihe
perdón Of thp Chre^, Hill if< Ihc

Compíete thflSHfitflncea wJlh the superlativa.

1. John is happy, and PoLt-t irL huppicr (han Juhn, butTom ÍA

__The happiest _ pereon I \ino\\:

2. The bluebosia heavy and ihcgrwn hox is heavier than the blue onc, bul
red box is _ --
3. This pcncil 16 long. and thut pencil ia lonfier thnn tliiw unr, ]iut Bfib's pt'ncil
the longest
4. Jody ia nice, and BoLly u) mcir than Jody, but Pul is the nicest
Fnend i have.

EXERCI5E F In pflirs, compare p0opl« in your

My sifllcr's 4. She'6 the My aon'a 12. Hc'a

younf-cstinourfamiJy. the oldest


noA saouaiuas agí ,op SLJOjisanb,



IllJOf 3tH¡ajJ.-ltInFí

oi|i 01 ijaeq u ^ui»] puu 'tí

jíun in v an¡ 'MT|iop íuios iT|ííiiDq i jo amos IB ^uo[ oj

•pj»[|í, if ui A 3JB AUETII pue ftv^u SJü

Pialogs Looking in the newspaper for a place ta Uve

Tom; l-ook at thís ad. This Tom; Lookflt thisafi-This trtvín
apiírtment is y(H>d. houwj cobls onty £600 a
Tim: Yes, it's by a ^rocery atore munth,
Tum: That'a right And wc don'l Tim: Wben we divide ihe monty
h¡i ve a car. m Hfllf, wp*|l hrivp tn pay
nitly iflSOD [L;n:li-
Tidí: The newspaper saya il'a
a búa atop. We need the Tomr Jl's tiL'Lir wvrk.
lo í-ct to work in thc stnre^, and
Tim Vff'rf \O-rf Tnríinly .T
Tom Thal's pood. loo Leí s take ¡t j.It'UbvOKfüfus.
look at it-

EXERCISE wlrh a partner. Use rhe ads on The nrx- page.

siSaatmn Ask anti anmeer each tiShzr'i: ij'it<»tii)iiH lu frtiti ir filan- ín fui'.

In a hotel In a hotel
• Enlistad mlíiÜLry oían • Wifo
• EnÜsted mLEJLary man
They will be ¡n [lie c¡Lj tur onty H fnmily needs & ptjitu [o leve f»r
ahort time. The>r don't have much threeyears. 'I'hey have 3 children
moncy to spond on s placo to thatgo lo school Thchuabond
AÍK»r Üivy don't hflve u car. wíinu Lo live noxt lo Un? mihUiry
base. The wife wants to Uve by

la a Al a school
• Wife • ñtudent Nurso
* Husbond
The wife wants lo Uve uutside Ihe The nurse and the wzutresa are
city.The hiiEh&nd vvants to ]ive fnendí., go to school, añil *ork part-
ne¡ir hia work in a hospital. They time. They need a place to live for a
hjji-ü 2 fhildren. 7 and 9, [liflt go lo yearr Thyy eadi hato a cal Thc
school. Thty i^ünl lo live in e place nurse doean'r havt e cernnd worka
for a long time. m a hospital The waitreza works in
e resta urant.

The FINESTPlacéete Uve!
O 3"S>fli

Town homes

í t 50
;• ;
uM HESli*
" í-
M rt- ^^


ti fO

nfci -i

<v ¡f —•
ie -¿
. •*'
?así gag
ff Efí

tten instructians
¡ =¡ f
P i-

Insidethe house
VOCABULARY: The Anitncnn Liring room , - ............. 87

READ1NG: Ldenti^mg the topic ufa parjicraph ......... W¡3

LISTENING: Selectiva listcning - tt'hal^n't you hear? ...... S3

VQCABULARV; Adverbe oí frhquency

ln the

nbADINC. ind conleslunl rcferencea , . . .

GRAMMAH Talking übünt iif,inp thjngg fot dtHitg RomelhinB . . .102

inRs [udnaomethiiiK ...... 104

WRITING: Teking notes in a box aiitline .............. Í06

froni atable ........... 10B

PERFORMANCE CHECK: Vflwl'a tí uacd Tor?

Preview Whaí's new In tesson 4?

dance floor pista de baile
HMHM flüor piso Verba
appliñnce fumituro muble kvpl
anncluür kitchtn cocina lay *
l"xtku»3e lamp pluc in
cttbiiiet cabi living rnom UKP
can mjcruwjive oven
can opencr outlet Olher » orda
ciirpel pan
ceüing plng prrt.Ly
coflce Inblc pot bi>Ldurn
cauch refrigerator
curtnin rúa US Lililí V
(Jj.sJiwnaher ^hylT/shelvea
drapcs aink
drnwr aofü
cnd labio atuve
fim loaater
fflUCOt pluma


\Vh&t du we uüe a &love fur? A&k ;i •• J answai quasiions aboul ihe
pulposa oí I
Wc use a slDVC lü diinlt food.
We uie H slove for cookinpfood. Whntdo.vou use thJK for?
I use thia for cl^aning The n<»rr
I use thiR to clcan tíio flnnr,
Do you uso ElnK&eu for reading?
No, I use glasés for

líid you use thc money lo buy fuoch?

Yes, I uacd the money to bny lunch,
Vocabulary The American tiving room

livery American houac has n iiving roc-nu Peoplc pul their good furnilure [n that
room. It's a!su the ruurn people use forsiltinü and talkmg \\it\\ friendo or ftunily
visiting their liuu¿e. Sometime» people al;*u u¿e their livinj; ruum lo wbitch TV. Th<.'.v
muy drink tofTee or lea Ihere. bul they scldom eat their incala in that room. A d¡nm£
ronm ÍE^ used foreaLJrtg mcala, but somcLimes people cal aome of iht'ir invuL Jit l]\v
kitchen, loo.

room? cnu bp , tliiíir c^ilings. can be higL or loiv, but ihcy

a tiumbcr nf of furniturc An American living room v^Ul uauaDy
IIHVC ft couch íH, a coffco UiMc, euri tablea nssct to thc nrmcbnirsor
couch, tabJelamp&, floor , d buukc ^e or ji ¿heLf Eor books, and cpbinel5, Tliere
wjüodeii rufi or carpel on ibenooran([<l[flpes£ircgrCHÍÍrifiinfro.nt oftho

Ib makc the rocm Look TÍ ¡ce, people uatially hang picturts or pholojiriiph'. im lli
walls. They often Jay books on the cufTee. table ur an i?nd lable for jienple lo look at
Sometnne¿ they al¿u put (lobera or e plañí with green leeveü un iho cólico cabio lo
iidd color lo the room una malte il pretty.


couches or sofas: *675

Look al ths advartlsement. Listen and answer the quesllona,

EXAMPLE: T: Which mcheap&r, a cotTcc Iflble or an ond table?

Si An enri tsble la cheapír thsn a cortee tapie,

T; How much does the lamp cosí?

S |t coste 515,00,

EXERCI5E B Read and repíal the dlalogs.

Al fl fii'iiluri- sime..

Sales clcrkr Muy í help yüu?

Mary; Yes, T'm lookiiifr for a ncw couch. 1 want une thafs tho ti$iL
wnd &IK& fnr my livinc niom.
Saks clcrk: Dad yon bririf H pfml'kgrjJplí of youc IÍVIIIR rítnm?
Mflfyr Ye?, I did. Hcrt it is. You can see my u]J cundí- T [hink it's otd and
ugly. \Vt kept ¡L for ten ycarsr but now we npfd fl flpw ^n?
Sales dtrk: The picturc ivill help us find Lht rÍBlil juetu Wy havi.- lois oísofos
Oí choosc frorn. Let me ahow ynu.

Saks clcrki ílere's a sofá. U'g the nic?bl ntif in our ítore. Tm sure you'll hkt il.
Mar>-r It*s very pretty I like the color of this i-uuch. lt goca ivilh the
cwrp^l on my floor The aíze and Che price are right, too. I think I'3I
take ti, CbSi you rioliv&i today?
Sales clcrkr Sure. We alwnys have same-day deliverj. f juet need your addreas.

Mary: 1 nlso need a buokcase with six shelvcs, some new drapea fur my
livinRroom,andcuriaJn5 Tur my kiichep.
Sales clcrk: Good dmpcf. k^op ihe aun oul.They'll kecp >iiur furniliirc fookin¡j
nicer I'm suri ynu'll mmt your new sofs Lustíiy niec for a loiig
Mary: Yus, I siirf do. Can you hclp me with Chu^e
Sales clerk: Yca, I can. Come Lhis ^ay,

EXERCI5E C Lisien and A riTe I he seníencES you -ecir

1. The living room is the biggest room in our horse

2. We have nice furt



EXERCISE D Read tríese

1. He lays his buuka un [he Labletvery day.

2. Cari E líiy my cent un the sofá'.'

3. She ¡s £u\t¡g En lúy che bottlc un its side.

•L. H«? !:LII| hi? Ib.ind un the child'á head.

EXERCISE E Iho verba In The [j-,i, bcx to complete Mío santences.

laya L She. lays her car keys nn ihe table every

^. Tnm laid _ the paper <lftwn «n tlie tabfe ÍJiat night.

i. Sue is gning lo laying .^ híir dtüas un the bed.

4. Mary is lay the llenvtrs down on the coffce lable now.


EXERCISE F Use the wards In Ihe gray box lo complete the

furniture bookcose

cnffw floor Inmp

Tim wülbeon H Níivy base near the i-ity fur íi year Tim pjiya 3 fimflll amniint oí

money to a ¿tort cvorj1 month for some Living room —furniture

— Re

ha? acouch, a coffee table. an end labio, mid aome chíiirs. Aftfr the yoar ia

1inisbrtlrT¡m wil! relum thom to the slort near ihe hawt'.There Jin? sonio thi

he u.jint3to_ _ with bim when hp Igavea. He will buy ÍL

lamp so he con sludy üt nighl. He ülsn w,ints a Bookcase

with shelves to kcop all his IxHíks ln>m echffpL Tbey'rt m lUuuy pUices

en the floor righl now, Ho'll go to the BX nn fiaturday mornin^ to buy

these things.

EXERCISf G In paira, role-play üuying furnitute at a storg,

Une iflf ifrírp Siorv m thi*> /j-T6rt". Ojie ffUfdfllt tí

n, l'd like to
buy a now lainp

7 J.E5SON ^
Reading Identifying the topic of a paragraph

1, Gooct shopping mcans geltinc a Jol for your mntwy. Knmelinii'i*, ynn need ín pny
a high pnce for aamcthing thal ía just lighl ALitlbur times, yin look for u jiilu
in a alore orgo to a Jleíi markel lo find aamcthing thnt |í íÉ-fíinrt-hiind. Klefl
ni,n k'1!- .ui j n-u;illy onibide, but thcy may ülao be insidc vcry bjg buJldinHs.
Lotsof pcopleare thorc F nnd thpy.^eH nld nr ní,ed thin^flatmüüh lowcr pnces

Topic: Good shoping.

2 Shopping ot flca markolR esta be fun, bul there are some Ihinr-s you nced lo
know befare you gnr Findout how mnchilcotis Uigelin.Wear walkinsahous
you'll w»lk EI lol, Shop with D lisl of things yon wnnllobuy Bring
ng lo pul ihf? ihings yun buy m, like grocery atore bags or boxea. Gol an
oarly fliart. Arrivc onrly m !he monling before crowda of peopJe ECI thcn?.

Topic: Shopping at Flea markets.

3. When jtm're ahoppjngfor a rug; a lamp, ora piecc of furniíure, takf colur
photniH'Hphfi ofjour borne fümítnre wilh you. Thnl ivill malte it caaierto
compart the. things you ñnd al Ihe flca markct ivilh the unes you have at huniü.
These photosraplia aregood for comparing colors and

Topic: shopping for furniture flea market

Bring loUnfwslL in Fnnüll bilis. Alwwys ¡isk, "Whüt's your beat price for caah?"
or~W]|| yun inke. 3 cash nghl now?"Many sellers will only want to takc
cash. They uñen keep a aniíill cash box on Iheir tablc Later, thcy'lljusl take
their cash home. They won'l have to go lo Ihe bank to cash cualomers' checks.

Topit-r Bring cash in

Listening Seiective llstening - What don't you hear?

/*" No, she didn'í. S

Did she say she bought i, said ahe bouiihi u

EXERClSÉ Listen and select infürmalion Lhat is NOT In the pflragr¿iph

L a. Wccat brcükfpal, lunch, íimi

b. We cat Ihrüi? incala a day.
c. We alwaya eat deí^ort after
d. Cometí mes we tat a snack at n¡ghtr

2. a. Mflry will meet her frienda ¡n hiri^.

b. Mflry trnvels to Eurnpo a lot.
t. Mürj will fly Lo Lundmi.
d. Mur^ bnufíht a ticket si¡< montha agu r

3. a. Turn mnde a bad ücore on thc math tesl-

b. Thi? tcachcr will expliim his nustakeu.
c. Tom v-ab very upset.
d- Tom didn"! siudy before ihe t«Et.

4 a. Tom fvll aelecp on the S»fp

b- Tom nml ñilly bad ¡i snack Iflgcther.
•: Tom read n bflflk laat night.
d. Billy v-aiclied a leleviaiun
Vocabulary Adverbs offrequency

íevery doy)
5 M T W T F 9


I- Hu Jilu nys playa ?. Tlí? titujiHy playa
fülleybaJl on Fridays. oñen basketbüll nn
(many limesf
S M W T s M T W T F S

/7 «

M /
3 rtil m\ lají fifh íer often . He aometimcs playa
on TUÍ sai on
Inot a 11 Ihc time)
9 u T W T F 3 M S

« .'
ínlmost ncvet)

0% Inot nt any lime)
lie seldom playa G. He never ptoys
tennis on Suturdoya.
EXERCISE A Angwer ihe tc-jchrjr b quesllons. Usa adveibs in your sentences.


T: I often eat al the gnack har. How often do yon eül nt thc snjick bar?
Si: I seldom eat at che errackbar. How oftín doyau eat at the snatk bar?
SE: I nevíríüt at thesnack bar. Howoftfln doyou aat at thc snack bar?
53: I . -u 1 1 j •.. ¡\ at the enack bar.

• -:-.:-.. ^^J ln aroun* of 3, ask and answer qupslions «fth Houtofon.

t the iiLitLtiL-afyoiircItHantnfea m the m¡imfí!, ufdt'r (Afiroiuuxr* Tell sin- tlast ¡he F

How otlen do you

go to the movies

c i o

VF' r He omail¿

read ñ ntu'spÉipPT'


Tom always uaea a Henty ontn

diclionary Hcnry gp w riles üinnila Jück
ihe niüviiís. Tom never
to the usually reada


Vocabulary ln Ihe kitchen

kitchcn is tbe room peop]e usp f»r making meáis. Kilcbens can be lürge
small. Large ... J.i .1- - n .-lime* hflv'íi Q kilchcn table wilh chairs. Pefiplt m
wiüi largc lütchens uauíiHy t:n ->'\ti\¡- DÍlhcIr incpla tlierc. Small
nnt heve jt place Ibr sittin^down and eatjng.
All kitchena hnve a aink with íaurels f«r hflt jJ"if cold water. They fllso
and cabincls. People uae druwtr^ U> kutp firkí,, knívcs, apeona, And
like i'JtTi «|>fneTfl. Thcy use cabineta Tor kt^pin^ dishcs, pols, Jind pjins.

Kitchuns alu<í KJIVC üpplinnccs. In Iheir homtí, píOplo uso appliances for
mnk¡nBorkeepJnt'fi>£idFdüamiied¡3hcs,ormHk¡n^ the iwim warmer or cooter.
Kítchcn appliance& use derCricity. You musí pJu^ !ippliance*i intowall oulleta.
Kilchcoa uaually have a ¿lovH fflr conkinE food and a refngerfltnr for kceping food
eald Some[imc3lhereürí?di^li*ashcra.You üsuolly cun'i spfi thc plug far Uieae h¡g
. Often (hert 11 !• fíionn ihe cdíljng. Fans helplfleool thc room. Many
havc micrownve uvenfl llint can heat food inju^l El fe* niiniites.
EXERCISE A Look al the rumbera in (he picture, and wrlte thfl ward.

O Drawer 0 stove
O Cabinet o Pot can
O Shelf o pan refrigeretor
o fan microwe oven

EXERCISE S the words In ¡he grayboxto complete the sentences.

Job kitehen sínk

Mike wantft U> tliüiipe hia kitchen „ He maki", a U his Meals thcre.

He'a Eoinfi lo buy a new Stove lo cüok un s,nü a dishwasher


(lio 'lishes His uld onrp dnn't do a good Job Mikc's küfhen lloor kii'L
pjood. He needa u nev.1 one. It gels wíl ívcry time he (uriis on the Faucet
He turna the Knob _, nnd iho water nins Sink
(o mnke Cabinets tn puthig poLb und pnus in.Wnlircnt 111
lherf>,too. Mike ihirik^L it will take lwo Months - to finiflh his

EXERCISE C In paira, wrlte itie ñamas ot 6 thlngs thel helong tneach room.


TV set

i- NÜÜ531 ¿ ílOOB

lí M

.no.', incqu- sum^anb JBMSLJB pue Í\SB 4jau)jed E LU ,-h\

toaster microoven stove dis refri

can apenen

small large


KOq í.-J| u¡ ||ij pus Mdt'jb^iud JLI oí

^ .L .L .L ...:••. j • • .• M /

.LJ..L, UIM j, ^.|]i'

Keading tdentlfyfng pronoun and contextúa! refere/ices

. L«Jj itndertmetí pronoUH, ond lofüt Wltnt if rvfcrsiti.

L My house tías (ive rootíis, They are the livinRroum, ihe kitchvn. and
Ittdrooms. It a Isa ha* two bnth rocina.

my house
. Tony jind \fnrilyn bought a new bou^t. lia hÍRRcr than their oíd onerThey hiid
to buy more furniíurc.They needrd two S.LI:I¡J-, ü ncw ormchjiir, and
rugs. They arf vpry happy in their new

tony and marilyn

3. I have a b¡y kitchcn, and I tike to couk, On tlie wcekcnd, ^ fpw íHenda cnme tu
my honwtFniidttcccinkdmnertogelher-í>neofTiBnijikesade3aertFiJiieor twu
peopJy c«k the meoí, nnd aomiíonc waahes and culs up v^u-Lubloa for Ji
We all likp to cook and eal

A few friends

EXERCISE Head the paragraph, and tñsn wríte Ihe anawer.

L Ytm cu» use n sufa, chaira, vin3 Lobles, and lamps ¡n ynnr livinc routn. YÜU
can buy thía furniture in Qnü stnrc or in diíTerent sUjrüh- We boueiil allofnnr
fumiturc in theaame í.Eore
sofa, chairs, end table,and lamp
2. M¡iny iicople use a refrieerntiT and a Etovcevery d&y. Evory house sold JH the
nf TÍHQB must have. ibcsc npplinnces. People. ncpd to cook to makr Lboir
Becauae Ihe wtfltlier ¡n Texas ia sonurlimuü hoth they aJso ncoít en kccp
sume nf th(?¡r food cold.That's why thc&e_app]¡aníe? must be in every

I hffíf nppíiancrt= Refrigerator,and stove

3. Muny |*üplíi play aoccer nnd füüEball ín the Uniled Stalcs. Same peopJe tliink
they aTe the same, bul in tho Unittd Statea, tho&g lwo ore diflerent sport?. ID
foolbalLyoiican tnuch theball withyonrhands. In snccer, yon can Itmch
with the otber pntts of your bodyr

ífteae tino PLay soccer and football

il = sports.

Reading -Ready-to-Eat

Napoleón said, "An army travül» un

ilü aLomuch." From dried. and aalled mcat
lo food in cans tu refrigerator tmcka and
stovcs in tcnts, food lór ínldicr? chañad
Now aoldiers cnn chaose a numherof
fooda. Somctimca so[diera aren1! near a
1 • i • j hall. Then they get- MRE's or
Mc."ila-Rejidy-ti>Eat. It's fond ihey can
opcn and eat right aivay. They dnn't need
, hüv.1!?, or can ripuniT^ tu niako
Cooks mjike MRE's ¡n largc kitchcuB.
They put thern in slrnnfi packapes 1'nr
acildieta (o (oke on tripa. SuldJera don'í
need slovea to warm ihcir food. Theyjiist
add watt'r for a hot meul. MRE's don'l
need a refrifierjator. The müitary can
kcep aonie of Ehcm on their shelvea for
[fii ymsts bífftttL- thiy gu bud. MTíE'íi JFLL
iiLcalA. hut ihi' military ¿ilsv» 'LI.I-- ^.ii.n-k1-
Thcre Jiit nlso cjindy bar& und drinka
thnt aoldiers con ent to gcl good food faaL
How will aoldiera cal ¡n the fulure'J
Tlic mililary ia ihinkinfi abuut makint; a
fuud pjiliíi U will bn? a amn\\ piece uf
cluth with all thc food a aoldier needs tu
Gct from a mea!. Sofdiers will woar ¡t on
"ni: -• i.' And thc food will RO
Ihe skin intn thc txidy. It's
eüldicra. will want to u»e foronly a ¿hort
timo, Wc don't know wlioríi thc future
take ^oldlers, Imt the rnilitar>' fcnows
a good eoldier n&eds to eat the right

EXERCISE Select one main ¡dea for the 3 paragraphfl above.

fl. Penple whoefltcandy harsarein ihc mititary.

h. Thc milttary pucf. all food far its ^oldicra. in
c. Tíií- jiiilitnry knüwí that Q gnod ?oldicr needa ID cnt pood food.
d. Snme miliuity íiwjft tan koep for 10 years wjthnut a refrigeratür

(Srammar fíboui using things for üoirtg somethlng

use asmfc
They abrunh for waíhinKdiahtüt
a di^h^uuher
He .


1. T use thjg pcn Par cookicig soitp.

2. Use tilia iiutlel for pLu^ging ¡n ihc lomp.

3. Mflry used the ?¡nl( for

4 John u^es h¡í gln?^es for

[3. Tn the auniiner, lliey USP o ceiling fan íor eoolinR thc room.

ñ- The fiuinlyíiHp-i theliving room

7. Do yon uso n diahwjisher for ordo you wash ihem by lumd?

8. Cen we uao thia box íor carryinp our

9. What do gnod cooka uae a micrnwavp oven for?

10- Did th<? studpnta use their sofá for sleeping?

11. Whfll can wy use thia p¡iper for?

12, laTom ubing ihe garage for 'vorkmg on hiB car?

Ask your classmaTes quealions abauí things in Ihe

fnr Iwkin E un new words

EXERCISE C Read the woids and use thernlnrwntlngsentenceBQrquestlona.

1. lJihlc/da Nancy uses a table for doing her hom

I use a couch for sleeping
Mary uses a drapes for keeping out s
John uses the garage playing

Susan uses stoven for cooking dinner

7. I use my sink for washing dishes.
8. c;m she uses can opener
9. bigpolAuíik
10. kaife/cüt

7 LFÍi?Or, í
(3ra m mar about uslng íhfngs to do something

use drive a car
Thcy Clases IB ri'Jií] books.
work ui thc cumputvi1.

EXERCISE A ••• M-T .-• - IKN f-j - LH- verb.

mfttír / is íjfr fxamplc.

1. He ifi ui,m(í a knifi? íor cultmi; meflt.

• - - . -•" " . ; -ffe Eo cut meat,

3. Jane Uf.íd n pan rnrconkinBsonie vegetoblea.

she used a pan to cook some vegetable

3. Wecan uae a can oponer for c-pcninf! cañe
we can use a can opener to open cans.
4. Mary usea the diíhwn^her for jin<]

Mary uses the dishwasher to wash pots and pans.

ü. They uee che rdngeralor Tor cool,

They use the refrigerator to keep food cool.

6. TVtrn uees the microwave fcr

Tom uses the microwave to warm up his coffe

EXEBCISE B Change these qugsKons lo use the -Ing form oí the vefb.

ho use tus pencíl Uoe& ht uat1 hi» ptncil

to write LetteiS? füf

\. Doea she uat ü pan to cook mcnls?

panfor GüükÍng_mcal*?

Did he une u long fork to pick up thu m0at?

Did he use a long fork for picking up the meat

3, IB hu iittiii an ónice chsir t» ¡-¡t flt his

Is he using an office chair for sitting at his de

4 What ¡iré the chlldron using lo citan the lloor?
5r DOPÍ Pen?r u¿e the barbecuc lo cook meáis

G. \Vhfltdidheuaelocuolofflhckiichtn?

1. Can í use this bookcnsc to keep my

H. Arel.heyufiinglhelin.lt labelo layout the lood Ibr lunch?

Writing notes in a box oulline

fíead thv fmtQgrítph aird fíll tu tiie f/oi witltuí;.

Tuní and Susan w¡!l heve a líarbecuií un tíalurday. Toa will buy the mtatr üt'll
cook steak, hamburyer, üiíd chickenr Peter will brinE tbe drinks Hell hiiy '.n-lfl, IÍ-H,
and cufice. Mary and Paul will bnng vegetabJea. They'JI make Ihe potatoes,
and Rreen beans. They'tl have a good time.
EXEñCISE the Jnstruclions and lili in the bou

1. Look nt the box outline.

2. Rpad the wonls on the left of thc box uutline.
3. In Pflch row, jou will writi* w^rds ¡n thu honcs
4. Wrilnihc wordfu'-nitHre in thp box ¡n !W 1.
5. Tu ftivj 12, wntt the words tivtrtg room ü
6. Lnnk at Row 1. Each roam will have 3 plCccs of fumituro.
7. Wi\h>cnucfi,btH'kcfisf>aíu]íir>i¡fhnir umlfr tho
a. Wr¡iL.cü6íníí,2 chairs, and titiiie undpr the word kitthcn.
9. Chinde n partntr Compnrf ytttir outlioe-
a short piirügrnph übnut furnitüre on tho lines below. Ust
al I thü wordB in y«ui outline,

Row I

Rutn 2

Writíng Wriiing a paragraph from 3

Anua Chitan last year. He

Thi? müii went to Hougton lojt wcck. EOv
My fathcr Englnnd ycslcrdoy. Thpy

by bits. His müthcr bw

trüveled by trumr Her friend mee him
by planc Their fitüd^nte thcm

ni tlic hcttcl. He her hiB nxmí.

at Ihc etation. Shc took him to her hotel.
ai. íhe flirpi.rt. Tbey tlicm their houae.

V Your cholees ptthe beginning of Ihe par&graph llmit ihe


Anna »vent to Chicago la&t week. She traveled by train.

r met her at the station. Shs


Thg mgn wantto Houflton yeflterJay. Thtfy travflled by PUS- Their

frien¿i met Ehcm at thg fltation. He Took thsm to their

EXERCISE SelecI ona word or ptiresefrom oach bDA.Wrlte a paragraph

Linda Ruesia
My brother Enylund year.
Ken a«<l I
Fuur atudrnlb
MrondMrfl Hill
tí California
New York - dumÜL

snow. He alores.
niouiHJiin^- We citicB,
Iwk pirLiirúa of went w mpjiy
Ireoa and lnku!*. Site holcla
düTereni thinüs. rc.staní.sitts.
Thcsky very hot veiy bad.
Thedays ncvcr cold never
and [he fiKid waa
Wcre alw^vb rainy UV.ful.

Tlic wi'uther ^metimüa aunny «ometimee delicious.

want to
He une week
wanla Lo gu Liiek
?is wecks
sUyed nnd dnn'l wnnt lo come back.
She une monlh
wüntbd U> returd.
They three days
didn't want to
Performance Check Whaís !t used for?

f WliQl can you

paper for?
Wc cnn use ¡t for
wríting letlers.


In groups, Iry to thlnk of inany uses for some of íhosc thlngs-
telephonc ahoe ÍIITO
coacli fork acuri ball
niR knífü bel!
fnn pot wntch

EXERCISE A Label ihe plcture.

ít|it O

i. 3.

4. 6,



Iti. 11.
EXERCISE B Lo mi? insiruelions and pul Ihe books on the

mapa dicLiunnriea muair

travcl sports uní m ais
matli televisión picliir^j ¡Qfitmctíoa

Read Ine sentences, Then write them in one senté rice.

1 This book ía for you. It i& b¡£.

2 We saw a movie yusterday. U WHP j"ood.

3. ThiK ih n n¡w íhirt It'a blue.

4, Joe in writinE an e-maü v hr*i wife. Tfa long.

ü- My siater¡^l]tllu r ShelikeahercJasa.It'sn math

6. The glarn ¡ü ^ruen. Tt'a Qn Ehc tabJe. The t&blc i-S rorf.

7. The airplune ¡0 smolL It ñew over the IICUBH, The occün ia

EXERCISE O Listen and anacer as your instructor asks you lo


I: hot
S: ¿oíd

EXERCISE E Write each woixJ underthe problem J1 tolks nbout.
Then ute ¡fie words lo eiplain the probfentí

rfividedby plus multiply

divide inte frnin tunea
total minué

EXERCISE F Malh tenis: (he beglnnJng of the sentence lo thí end-

1. Ibfindatotal,
2. Divide 20 ¡ntu 240 b. yon
3. Acirele e iflhfllfof the
4. Multiply ] íiuftrt by4 d. andit pquals V¿-
hifri H son in 1&67; e thtec

6. A I, i

7. The radiui üf Ji cinb ¡j. LO yut nnu ^nllüri.

8. Subtrflct5 from 9 h, it'fi 20Ü3, and hc's 1G.

EUEHCISE G Compare and conlraslthe two wordayou

A kilchen ia like a bathrucm

S >w ia a ki
.e a balhruom?
bccause both have sinks and water.
They nre noi aüke becHuüe »nly th&
kitchen ia

EXERCISE H Lisien and draw ihe shapes ihe instruclor tella you lo draw.

EXERCISE Work in pairs. Describe a tírawmg To your partnor. I

Yaur ieachiír tviil tiiüi- fin hludent u tiratfiug. The otficr sfadcnt "wat not see it. That
ii'iü dnnrribe thi-draa-nin. Tiif utlttr vnv tiítli trytodraw lhf SUMÉpiclurf. Ust the spuce
fnr tírniuina the picttirp.

BODK 7 l£S£QN 5
EXEHCISE J Lisian and select Ihe bes)

1. It'sa
a. price.
b. hird
c. line
d. raistake
2. lt's_
a. curved
h. easy
c. lípht
d. fast
3. He'a

c. laat
d. slow

4. It'a ín the

5. Putit
a. on the
b. un ihe
c. on the flúor
d in the pan
G- Do you
ü. a can opencr
b- an expUnation
c. a Iflmp
d. npot

1. Put thcm ¡n ihe

fi. iink
b. refrigerator

|. il J 'I I | H I

|1IT| Klh hl

une -q
noctn -B
~~ aqi ÍPW mra j

Rq pire jp?| p
gi jnfi?TiJ -a '3




" ooi sÉ|i

UEJ 'p
diucj q

tironoq a
sorftío q

u< picoq ínjj uo

fs p


SI 33pj S|l 0-L UIOJJ ÜUIJ

qonuí si uns jq^L '£

sdoi 'e


íru oí OP[B i


JÍUD pJDU i.uop i 'ofj ;UT¡jj

jnoí-roj ipnuo MÍU e ínq noí p|Q .||ig •oí

LlH EBq 11
iiu g si sii|j, :nig 6


EXERCISE L Wrlte The foplc of aach paragraph.

1- We have aome new people on ogr sttoot. ,Iaek and Diane just moved here from
HouElon. They oftcn carne lo San AnUniin un vacntiona. They líkrd thís rity
vcry much and wanled to Ic-jlc lin inií.- hi-to. Thcy are bolh lüüchura utid yol
Jobs al Eireúhower High School/riieyíe movingintua n¡ce li'niHe.Thcy will
havemany new fnendft hír&, but thfy'lí visiltheir f^niily and oíd thends m
Houaton, too.
Thc lopic \s

2. Jack and Dianc lookod for a no%v homo fnr sin wccks befare they eaine tn Jlve in
San Antonio. They looked al sume aparEnients, but they liad no yardi fnr
dtiR, Fluffy, Thcy also Looked at. a nice lown hctusp The lown houae was
nnd had n garage, bul no ^»rd for PIjlT^. Finally, thcy found a vety nic?
with a targeynrd on our slr&et. Ilhfl on thc edgeof lown neur lliu rftliuul
thqy will work.

Jjick and Diane havt jobt ihal are alikc. BoÜi of them are leachers. Jatk i«
a acicncc tracherh and Diane is a mptli icachcr. Thcy both like tearhinj; a lt>t.
l¡ke to learn new thinga, and ihty tilti? yüung peoplc. They worked al
achools iu Houaton. Jack worked on <mf aídc of town, and Dinne
on thc other aide. Bolli of Ihetn ha<l longílfives cvery dlay. They're
hflppy fhcy'll both work al. ihe same arhool ¡n San Antonio.
The topic is

EXERCISE M ComplciL' thg nntennB wWl botti or alfier.

1. rfiit-k and Diane are leacherü, work at thc sume arhool.

. One is a inath teather, and lh& ia a acience [eacher

3. UJant lilfea ñowcrs and trees. She iu the backyard.

4. There are twü riops on the atreet. One is big, but the

5. San Anlonioand Houston are

S. Jack and Diane like _ _ cilies.

EXERCISE U Choosfl tha maln Idea of pach pHragraphi.
1, Jack and Diane'a nuw hnuse isvery nice. It has thrce bcdrooms, twn
haLhrooma, a lívjngronm, &nd a dínineraoin. Tin; kilchen ¡s vpr> \nrfff. and
has a bͣ windoft. The garaga ia big and they can kecpboth vrli icios in there
Thc yard iü vti^1 nlce and big. FlufTy LHH play un ihc grass, and Dian^ cun
flowcrs and vegeta blea ihcrc.
a. Jack and Diane have a big garage.
b. Jack and Duinc hnv# a ntcc ncw house.
cr Fluffy likoa tht yird of ihe ncw housu,

2. Difliipis thinkJngabüut tlic fumiture for thc "ew house Somn of their oíd
fumituroís cominp from Houston They alsn bnught soine lie"- furniturc in
Antonio Thc moverá pickfid up the furniUiro i» Houston lafit Katurday. They
naid it would anivi' yc^lordayH but it didn"! come. Thc olljtr furnituro, lii ne^
Ijed and lampa for th<? tiodrooral won't urrivi? for Icn mnre dfl^fl. Thcvll hsivt'
aleep on Üie ño^r for ten dflyfi- Dianc is not
a. Jet'kand Diane are yeLtiiifí new
b. Diane ia thinking ahout ihc funiiture.
u. .Jaek is pickinji up ihe furniíure.

EXEHCISE O Look at Ihe underlInetJ word and cfcrcle tha word It refers lo.
1. Jack and Diane have a prohlcm with their rpfriRcrator.TJiey niay have lo buy

2. The school is and Diane'a h»uSf- Thcy will drivü tr> it


3. OTall thn rooms, Diane sayfi tho stcond hedruom will be the niccpt one.

4, Jack Ükes his truck. People lo Tpxna often drivo gní lo their nfficí^ or athools.

5 Diane wrote a letler to her iriother Sht aaked tier to visit for u wüukcnd.

G. FlufTy will run and play ¡n the backyard. üell haví' a doghoust thgro, loo.

EXERCISE P Wrttaeach word Inlhegraybox Inlhe correct



tnble pan duií tnd Inblc

annchair sink bird

íiolíi lamp cabrinet

rufrigcralor rug alove can apenar



EXERCISE Q Rll in tlm blanks wllh use... foror usa... to,

Diane 1 Jack, wh¡it arpynu going to thia pol __

Jjjck: I'm going ty it cook the hpflni Ifi mar

barbecues. We can kcep it ín this

Okay, whaí csn ve Lhi¿ c:abitn:I ?

Lct'a ¡t.^ kccp nll our n^w ¡íii.bw, Ín.

Thflt's a fíood idea. Whet abcutihis blue rug?

üi it alecping.

EXEHCISE R FIIHnlhE blanks witfi some ar any.

1. Nnw Jack ancl Uiane havc a yard for FhjíIy.Tliere weren'l at [lie

2. Til& h-njsc needs . Diane ivill buy for the hvjng r«na

1. Jack and líiniic need beds, luu. Rigln now they're slcípingon the (loor
they don'l

4. Jack and Diane have Iota ufbuukb n"d wani ne^1 bookcafios. Thcy don h t

o- Diane wants ntu: cabinets in Ihe kilcliüii. Jack ia goinf Lu rrmkc

. Diane wanta t& help makf the cabinels, bul Jack say» he docsii'i nced

EXERCISE S F1II In the comparaUve and sup-erlalivB forma oftha adjecllves.

Simple Comparativa Superlativa

bfe __
early__. __ _
eaey ___________


EXEHCISE I Choose words from Ihe chart above Lo complete thí ItlTcr

Dcnr Mom.
We gnt t<- Snn Antonio at 2:00 p.m,T"(tay's trip uos
niontli's tripr
Work atarla neitt week.The tnn to work will bfifeagyk it
wna ¡n Huustoit- \Vp will go in Juck's truck becpuse ¡l's Inpiv)
my car.
Our new house ií íbig) ourold IIOURP in Houston. It's
ílarge) of aM ihe houscs on our¿treet, and it's (preltyi
We ivj|l put now furniture in the beconi! bfidrnoni. It will be
(niccf rooni in tbí
Will yon come viait 115 for the wf^kend SOÜÍL? You will ]¡ke the Ireiiroom. *{
Lov». T&

eui ssprpui ie-j] eCeipeti legonanjism ue *a p«ueujeid(in; 41 UDM
U 553 sifiis pire suoiniinj a6en&uE| a^jaiuiaj pue Bonpojiuí SSHI^IIJP
pajaiuaa-iuBpnis pue aBc|eip B|IL|WI 'IBUIIJJEJQ pup íieinqEDQ* üiE|dxe
iSioei pjp fi^Eijd '5i]D|ieiiSn||i 'gijdtejfiíjioqj a&paiHQLTH pennb™

^jejodiuau» SP HB" se 6uiy wej 06eíiñuci 10 spoujsuj leuoniDe't 6i»sn

ÜI&VQ ¿u uui&npiii yqi &i 3iv em ju amurep IUEJIJIUÍHS ^ uonJruisui

L _ U ^ ti1 K Jt-' I U. | L u _ . r _ Jt ' JOJ [|ÍI|BU3 EBL|

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