Alternative Learning System: Strategic Roadmap
Alternative Learning System: Strategic Roadmap
Alternative Learning System: Strategic Roadmap
Strategic Roadmap
My warmest congratulations to the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Task Force on
its development of the Department of Education’s (DepEd) ALS Version 2.0 Strategic
As a truly inclusive basic education program, ALS 2.0 envisions lifelong learners who
are equipped and enabled to respond to the challenges and opportunities despite their
personal circumstances. The ALS Roadmap, which prioritizes the Plugging of Resource
Gaps, Laying Foundations for the Future, and Institutionalizing Reforms, concretizes
the steps toward achieving inclusivity and innovation for OSYA learners.
Again, I congratulate each and every one of you for your commitment and service, and
for the opportunities that you have given our learners. May this Roadmap empower
you to open more doors so that learners who were not able to attend regular schools
will have the chance to live fruitful lives. Thank you for your contributions to the legacy
education program of this administration.
Three years have passed since the Department of Education (DepEd) received a tall
order from the President of the Philippines: strengthen and intensify the implementation
of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the country.
It is an immense challenge given the magnitude of out-of-school youth and adult (OSYA)
learners and the dissolution of the Bureau of Alternative Learning System following the
Rationalization Plan in early 2016.
But its realization is not entirely impossible. With the steady increase in ALS enrollment,
the creation of the ALS Task Force, the roll-out of the ALS Version 2.0, the completion
of the enhanced ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), and the development
of a comprehensive five-year strategic ALS Roadmap, it is safe to say that we have
come a long way in a span of three years.
This Roadmap intends to keep the focus of the Department, its ALS implementers, and
Assistant Secretary its partners on the vision of molding ALS learners into nation-loving and competent
lifelong learners. Transcending the years of the current administration, the Roadmap
aims to help address these challenges: expand and improve the implementation of
ALS; develop ALS into a program that is valued and supported inside and outside
DepEd; and determine the measure of the program’s success.
As we move past the setbacks and pivot from access to quality of basic education,
the Roadmap provides us with a fresh perspective on how and where ALS should be
in the future. It likewise guides us through the improvements in program execution
that is expected to result in a reformed view of ALS and its learners: a second-chance
program that is not second- class.
With less than three years to work on further improvements, I cannot overemphasize
my gratitude for all mobile teachers, instructional manager, literacy volunteers, district
ALS coordinators, ALS regional and division focal persons, partners and stakeholders
for making ALS 2.0 possible. I would also like to give a special mention to our partner,
the World Bank, for providing us with valuable research and technical assistance in the
last three years.
Your hard work and dedication despite the challenges pave the way toward the
realization of the ALS learners’ dreams and aspirations. In turn, may this Roadmap
pave the way toward the recognition of your handiwork and meaningful contribution to
the development of future leaders and nation-builders.
Thank you!
The Department of Education has defined This Roadmap aims to provide a comprehensive picture of where the ALS program
its Strategic Directions for the period should be by the end of 2024. It is of the same length as the Department Strategic
2017-2022. At the Department level, the Directions, but it spans more than one political administration. It is important that the
Strategic Objectives seem to correspond thinking behind the contents of the Roadmap are properly understood, and that the
to the various programs and projects elements of the Roadmap are not rendered obsolete before the planning horizon ends.
the Department is implementing. In this
perspective, the entire ALS program is
categorized under the Strategic Objective DepEd Strategic Directions 2017-2022
of “Expanding Coverage of Inclusion
By 2022, we will have nation-loving and competent lifelong learners able to
respond to challenges and opportunities through quality, accessible, relevant,
However, the same Strategic Goals and liberating K to 12 Program delivered by a modern, professional, pro-active,
and Objectives can be applied to the Vision nimble, trusted, and nurturing DepEd.
ALS program itself, to further unpack
the details of its implementation. This
provides a framework for the Roadmap Expand Access
Improve Quality
Modernize Education
that also ensures alignment with the overall to Basic Management &
Strategic and Relevance
Education Governance
institutional framework. Goal
Marriage/ 37%
Lack of 24.7%
Strengths Weaknesses
The main strength of ALS is its design. It provides education Unfortunately, after the major ADB project on Non-Formal Education
to individuals who otherwise would not have access to it. in the 1990s, the program has seen significant underinvestment. ALS
The flexible nature of ALS allows it to serve a diverse set of has about 0.8 million learners in 2018, which represents 3 percent
learners: some just want to know basic literacy, others want of the total students in the K-12 education system, but the allocated
to gain a high school certificate, while the rest want to learn budget remained very low at 0.1 percent of the total DepEd budget.6
skills they can use to make a living. This translates to shortage of mobile teachers, low number and quality
of Community Learning Centers, and unavailability of learning modules
The ALS program also benefits from being part of the largest and other resources nationwide.
bureaucracy in the country. While mobile teachers usually
teach alone in various locations, they have the support of Another weakness of the program is that regardless of the academic
organizational structures from the district, division, region achievement of mobile teachers, very few individuals have the capability
and up to the national levels. In many places, public schools to teach a diverse set of learners across three major educational stages
are highly supportive of ALS and open their doors to the and six learning strands. This leads to some kind of “regression to an
mobile teachers and learners. educational mean”, that imparts some knowledge to all, but may prove
to be insufficient for the personal and professional objectives of many
Despite these weaknesses, there are still some factors the program can maximize. First, The biggest threat to any improvement
the demand for alternative education will be present for the foreseeable future. Just among to ALS is the deeply rooted negative
Filipinos aged 16-30 in 2018, there are already 6.6 million who can benefit from ALS . Even perception of the program. While
if the formal school system performs perfectly and no additional dropouts are generated learners welcome ALS as a viable
in the future, at least one decade is needed if DepEd is to reach all of these disadvantaged second chance to improve their lives,
individuals, given the current resources provided to ALS.7 The task becomes even harder if many stakeholders who can provide
the millions of out of school adults aged 31 onwards are added to the target population. tangible value to the program remain
skeptical: higher education institutions,
Second, DepEd is not and should not be doing second chance education alone. There are employers, and even some individuals
plenty of stakeholders who have been or plan to implement some form of ALS. These include within DepEd. This low opinion of ALS
church-based organizations, local and international NGOs, local governments, and even big is not unwarranted, and reforming this
aid agencies and development partners. perspective requires significantly better
program execution.
These organizations have been working independently of each other so far, but harnessing a
combined effort is definitely doable.
Lastly, Republic Act 10931, or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, has
made Higher Education as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training virtually
free in all public institutions. This landmark legislation is expected to increase the aspiration
and actual demand for education, and the main vehicle for OSYAs to access this is through
The ALS program has anchored its
More teachers;
vision to DepEd’s overall vision for its 30% more and better training;
programs and its organization. While investing in CLCs;
20% equipment in CLCs;
the Roadmap period goes past the more learning materials;
DepEd vision period by two years, that 10% better service
vision is expected to remain unchanged
for ALS up to 2024. 0%
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
The activities discussed not just aim to redesign ALS, but also to improve
access to the program. These (1) increase the reach of ALS, (2) improve
the learning environment and teaching strategies, (3) maximize ALS
efforts outside DepEd, and (4) ensure support from within the wider DepEd
There is a growing consensus that simply By the end of the Roadmap period, it is envisioned that ALS 2.0 has evolved into a program
improving what ALS is doing now will that properly complements K to 12 education in formal schools in the Philippines. Among
not be enough to meet the demands of other characteristics, ALS 2.0 should be:
basic education, let alone Industry 4.0.
Plugging resource gaps and improving 1 Able to properly recognize prior learning and provide genuine modular courses leading
effectiveness and efficiency in current to micro-level certifications that are useful for the labor market;
program implementation are important 2 Of an optimal size and offering high quality academic education to individuals facing
tasks, but DepEd cannot lose sight of the difficulty in completing basic education;
requirements of the future. 3 Providing skills and livelihood training through partnerships with local industries and
This Roadmap begins the look to the future 4 A fair career path that allows professional growth for its teachers within the context
by questioning long-held assumptions and of Department-wide human resource development;;
practices about ALS and postulating that 5 A program respected within the Department of Education and provided with adequate
these are NO LONGER SENSIBLE moving resources and support to be able to meet its targets properly.
ALS 2.0 is redefining a program that has been misunderstood for the last two decades. It
1 Improving ALS has a negative tradeoff recognizes its shortcomings and it reinvents its strengths. ALS 2.0 is a complementary
with formal education program under K to 12, but it can also provide innovations that improve access to quality
2 ALS is a standalone education system education nationwide.
3 The A&E test should only be held once
a year
4 DepEd cannot invest in CLCs
5 DepEd cannot provide equipment for ALS
6 ALS teachers can produce high school
graduates by themselves
Annex 1
Department of Education
Alternative Learning Ststem Version 2.0 5-year Strategic Plan (ALS 2.0 Roadmap)
Vision Mission
By 2022, we will have nation-loving and competent lifelong learners able to To develop exemplary programs and open learning opportunities for OSYAs to
respond to challenges and opportunities through quality, accessible, relevant and achieve multiple competencies and skills for Industry 4.0.
liberating K to 12 Program delivered by a modern, professional, pro-active, nimble,
trusted and nurturing DepEd
LEG END B Baseline gathering P Pilot phase D Policy decision HI Headline Indicator NA Not applicable
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Expand Expand ALS Literacy Mapping % of identified OSYAs reached
Annex 1 | 3
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Enabling ALS implementers
to access alternative learning
environments for specialized
Expand Improve % share of DepEd-contracted
Access to partnership- Engage non-DepEd ALS ALS providers among total
N P 3% 7% 10% 13%12
Basic building and providers9 DepEd-financed10 implementers11
Education linkages
% of private ALS providers
P B 25% 50% 75% 99%
accredited and monitored
Assumptions: Activities:
DepEd will still hire additional Developing policy on
mobile teachers. accreditation of non-DepEd ALS
DepEd is still open to an im-
proved ALS contracting scheme
Increasing ALS plantilla items too much is not acceptable to many in DepEd; non-DepEd ALS 12
Target should go down after this year
providers allow more flexibility, especially when there is less demand for ALS; however, the body 13
Should include guidelines on assignment / deployment of contracted implementers
should decide how to treat this dilemma, as the period for the decline in demand for ALS is at least 14
Timing of advocacy: if non-election year, focus on internal; if election year, focus on external
10 years away 15
Targets are cumulative for the ALS 2.0 Roadmap period, but needs periodic massive reorientation
DepEd Delivered plus DepEd Procured implementers within a decade
This should be a moving target, based on performance of DepEd implementers and remaining 16
Define / limit external stakeholders to be targeted
OSYAs; but general trend is that this will increase first before it is reduced
Annex 1 | 4
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Assumptions: Activities:
Orientation / training on ALS for
internal and external stakehold-
Immersion program for internal
DepEd stakeholders18
Participating in conferences of
associations of various DepEd
Participating in conferences of
associations of LGU officials20
and other stakeholders
Coordinating all ALS initiatives
Developing a feedback mecha-
nism for accredited ALS imple-
Improve Full imple- Promote team teaching, espe- % of ALS implementers conduct-
Quality and mentation cially in Secondary level22 ing appropriate23 team teaching
P 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Relevance of K to 12 strategies with formal school
program teachers
Developing guidelines for team
Piloting team teaching in ALS
Refining, scaling and monitoring
team teaching in ALS
If standalone: this can take many forms: national conference, regional workshops, division 21
Planning, monitoring, reporting, of all implementers, including development partners
orientations, etc. 22
ALS teachers and specialists from formal schools
Suggestion: target division superintendents and regional directors, along with their chiefs, 23
Only appropriate in Secondary Level and Skills Training; need to define guidelines, esp. on
and school principals frequency, content and other details
League of Provinces, Municipalities and Barangays; other stakeholders include conferences of
State Universities and Colleges, TVET institutions, Guidance Counsellors, etc.
Annex 1 | 5
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Improve Improve Training Needs Assessment24 Conduct of Training Needs
Quality and quality of Assessment for ALS implement- P 99% 99%
Relevance teachers ers25
Maintenance of Teacher % of ALS implementers
Portfolios maintaining individual teaching P 99% 99% 99% 99% 99%
Training of ALS implementers26 % of ALS implementers trained27 99% 50% 99% NA 50% 99%
National ALS Trainers Pool of National ALS Trainers
organized and operational
Assumptions: Activities:
ATF will coordinate with NEAP ALS 2.0 Mass Training of
and HRDS for any plans they Teachers
have for ALS implementers Continuous capability building28
Should include reporting on progress from original (baseline) TNA and how these needs have 29
Suggestion: target plantilla teachers in 1st year of ALS teaching; will serve as MTOT for new
been addressed teachers
No need for this every year 30
Including Process Skills Test in English, Science and Math
Need to define modalities of training (e.g. cascading, distance, LAC, others)
2019 is an MTOT year; for subsequent years, alternating batches of teachers can be used
As comprehensive as MTOT, but with topical updates and with addition / removal of topics,
if necessary
Annex 1 | 6
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
% of DepEd ALS implementers
who have minimum required
NA B 70%
proficiency31 from the
competency test for teachers
Improve Expand Make LRMDS more accessible % of ALS teachers with active32
Quality and the use of and useful for teachers LRMDS accounts
80% 85% 90% 95% 99% 99%
Relevance technology for
Assumptions: Activities:
ALS can develop and procure Tagging and mapping of compe-
new learning resources / tencies between new curriculum
materials and existing LRs
Monitoring the utilization of
LRMDS accounts33
Coordinating with BLR on
improvement of library of
resources available in the LRMDS
Improve Expand Provide Science, Math, Tec-Voc % of CLCs with appropriate
Quality and the use of and other ICT equipment to equipment35
B 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Relevance technology for qualified CLCs34
ICT for Education36 % of CLCs with appropriate ICT
B 20% 40% 60% 80% 99%
Assumptions: Activities:
DepEd will provide Capital Develop and issue a policy on
Outlay for equipment in selected providing the appropriate equip-
CLCs ment to different types of CLCs
Have the appropriate competencies to teach at their assigned level(s) 35
Correlated with progress on Type 3 CLCs; decide if other types of CLC can have basic equipment
“Active” is defined as “used when necessary” 36
Ensure other dimensions as well: investment plan, strategy how to maximize (educational
One of the main targets for monitoring: ensure that all implementers have the non-negotiables management and instruction)
(curriculum and modules); BLR should provide analytics 37
Differentiate ICT provision for various types of CLCs
Ensure other dimensions as well: investment plan, strategy how to maximize (educational
management and instruction)
Annex 1 | 7
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Improve Enrich curric- Improve learners’ performance COMPLETION RATE38
Broken down per program
Includes test, project and portfolio
Including Language of Instruction and others
Examples include: RBI, e-Skwela, others
Annex 1 | 8
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assump- (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Improve Enrich curricula to Life Skills % of ALS learners trained on
Quality and address cross-cutting socio-emotional and life skills
Relevance issues and foster
P 50% 55% 60% 65% 70%
critical thinking
towards Liberating
Basic Education
Assumptions: Activities:
MYDev Life Skills Implementation of Life Skills
modules will require modules
enhancements at some Training of remaining ALS
point implementers not yet trained
Revisiting the Life Skills modules
and evaluating implementation42
Enhancement Training of ALS
implementers on improved Life
Skills modules
Development and utilization of
modules that impart socio-emo-
tional skills
Improve Enrich curricula to ALS+ST % of CLC effectively implement-
Quality and address cross-cutting (livelihood and skills) ing ALS+ST programs
Relevance issues and foster
NA NA P 20% 40% 60%
critical thinking
towards Liberating
Basic Education
Assumptions: Activities:
DepEd will scale Redesigning the ALS+ST
up livelihood skills program
development as a Piloting the ALS+ST program
component of A&E
programs Institutionalizing the ALS+ST
Task for new admin
Annex 1 | 9
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Introduce an ALS-specific Post % of CLCs with multiple
Program Support System43 post-program pathways for ALS NA P 50% 75% 99% 99%
completers in place
Assumptions: Activities:
ATF will work with BLSS to Setting up a learner guidance and
ensure ALS is included in its counseling program
guidance program Setting up a career development
program for learners
Modernize Automate Strengthen databases related Accuracy of ALS data in LIS and
Education core to ALS BEIS
Management systems and NA P B 80% 85% 90%
and processes
Assumptions: Activities:
ATF will coordinate with EMISD Including ALS-specific data
on plans to validate ALS data elements in LIS and eBEIS44
and improve current databases Validating ALS data in LIS and
Work on interface of existing
systems with planned ALS MIS / Developing new ALS indicators
Including career counselling, employment referral/OJT/immersion, seed capital for
self-employment, scholarships for further study, etc.
Including information like profile of teachers, etc.
Needs to be linked to PBB or IPCR, among other things
Include Socioemotional skills, cognitive skills, ST (not census)
Define quality dimensions of M&E
Annex 1 | 10
Strategic Goals Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assump- (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
% of CLCs monitored by Division Office
NA P 80% 85% 90% 95%
Assumptions: Activities:
ALS M&E System based Designing a comprehensive M&E system
on DepEd BEMEF for ALS48
Piloting ALS 2.0 M&E system
Institutionalizing ALS 2.0 M&E system
External Impact Evaluation of ALS 2.0
conducted at end of Roadmap Period
Modernize Improve Exercise better internal Providing procurement requirements as
Education procurement planning to improve early as possible to facilitate the work of
Management process procurement timelines Procurement Service
and Governance
Modernize Accelerate Tracer Studies Number of tracer studies conducted50
Education Research and
NA NA 1 1 1 1
Management Development49
and Governance
Feasibility Study on Final decision (and design) of ALS SHS
alternative delivery of curriculum NA P D
SHS curriculum
Feasibility Study on ALS Final decision (and design) of ALS SBM
SBM policy (esp. MOOE)
Feasibility Study on ALS Final decision (and design) of ALS Micro
Micro Certification Certification policy
Feasibility Study on ALS Final decision (and design) of an ALS
Voucher Program Voucher Program
Feasibility Study on Participation in international adult /
International Adult workforce skills assessments51
/ Workforce Skills
Develop the ALS 2.0 Conduct of other studies included in
NA D 1 1 1 1
Research Agenda Research Agenda
Should be based on roles and functions of the office (different at different levels of governance)
ALS needs a strong and dedicated unit on this, based on various programs to be piloted and studies to be conducted
Start with first batch of ALS 2.0 completers
Examples: EDC, SFI, others
Annex 1 | 11
Strategic Objectives Programs, Projects and Objectively Verifiable Targets and Timelines
Goals Activities Indicators
(with Critical Assumptions) (with Component Activities) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Assumptions: Activities:
Develop the ALS 2.0 Research
Conduct of studies included in
Research Agenda
Modernize Improve Develop the ALS 2.0 governance Submission of proposal for new
Education DepEd structure52 ALS structure
Management independence NA 1
and from
Governance interference
Develop an External Submission of External
Coordination Framework Coordination Framework /
D P 40% 50% 60% 70%
/ Stakeholder Alliance Alliance Mechanism for all levels
Mechanism of ALS operations
Modernize Improve Implement a comprehensive Creation / definition of career
Education Human and fair Performance path / professional progression
Management Resource and Management System for ALS implementers53 NA P D
and Development
Lobby for specialized degrees Creation / definition of
on ALS teaching specialized ALS courses
Including appropriate resource requirements (e.g. per capita cost, teacher allowances, etc.)
Includes standardized OPCR / IPCR (including MOVs) and Performance Bonus Indicators
Annex 1 | 12
Alternative Learning System
Version 2.0 Roadmap Costing
Annex 2
Department of Education Roadmap Costing
Alternative Learning Ststem Version 2.0
Expense Category
Nature of Investment
Annex 2 | 1
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
1 Expand Expand Improve ALS
Access to coverage Literacy Mapping
Basic of 37,200,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 38,560,000
Education Inclusion
2 Determining Series of
baseline of meetings
3 Finalizing 2-day consultation
enhanced workshop in
mapping Manila; policy on
procedures mapping
4 Training on Litera- LuzViMin clusters
cy Mapping 2.0
5 Monitoring of 1 monitor per
Literacy Mapping region 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000
6 Expand Expand Intensify
Access to coverage Inclusion
Basic of Dimensions of 4,380,000 37,540,000 340,000 37,540,000 340,000 80,140,000
Education Inclusion ALS
7 Maximize the Develop and
use of existing disseminate
modules, when Teaching Guides
appropriate on Inclusion
8 Develop new Writeshops
inclusion- related
learning materials 4,040,000
based on ALS 2.0
9 Train ALS teach- LuzViMin clusters
ers on inclusive 37,200,000 37,200,000
10 Collect accurate 1 monitor per
information on region
340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000
of inclusion
Annex 2 | 2
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
11 Expand Expand Increase number
Access to Access to of ALS teachers
294,587,500 431,175,000 567,762,500 704,350,000 840,937,500 2,838,812,500
Basic Seconary
Education Education
12 Regular positions New items per
158,000,000 158,000,000 158,000,000 158,000,000 158,000,000
13 Contracting 3 teachers per 75
136,587,500 273,175,000 409,762,500 546,350,000 682,937,500
scheme students
14 Expand Expand Improve
Access to coverage Accreditation and
Basic of Equivalency 50,223,000 105,223,000 105,223,000 207,723,000 210,223,000 678,615,000
Education Inclusion
15 Improving Twice a year
administration of starting 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
A&E test 2023
16 Improving Information
utilization of / dissemination
feedback on A&E 223,000 223,000 223,000 223,000 223,000
test scores and
other information
17 Piloting of online
(and/or other
forms of) A&E
18 Institutionalizing
the online (and/
5,000,000 7,500,000 10,000,000
or other forms of)
19 Expanding A&E Operating
Certification to expense for
50,000,000 50,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
include portfolio portfolio
assessment assessment
Annex 2 | 3
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
20 Expand Expand Explore online
Access to Access to delivery of ALS
2,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 102,000,000
Basic Seconary
Education Education
21 Development of Series of
policies, meetings
materials and
online platform
22 Piloting and
23 Full
20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000
24 Expand Provide Develop
Access to non- Community
Basic classroom Learning Center
Education facilities in policies and 401,820,000 2,248,630,000 2,248,290,000 2,248,290,000 2,248,290,000 9,395,320,000
remote and guidelines
25 Inventory of all Report
existing CLCs and submissionby
other learning divisions, then
environments validation by 2 680,000
used by monitors per
DepEd ALS region
26 Inventory of all Report
CLCs submission by
and other divisions, then
learning validation by 1
340,000 340,000
26 environments monitor per region
used by
non-DepEd ALS
Annex 2 | 4
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
27 Issuance of CLC Series of
policies meetings
28 Upgrading Type 1 Modest structure,
CLCs into Type 2 just to secure 938,190,000 938,190,000 938,190,000 938,190,000
CLCs property
29 Upgrading Type 2 Property
CLCs into Type 3 improvements 909,760,000 909,760,000 909,760,000 909,760,000
CLCs only
30 Monitoring of 1 monitor per
CLC types region
of accredited 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000
non-DepEd ALS
31 Enabling ALS Renting
implementers appropriate labs
to access and workshops
400,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000
for specialized
32 Expand Improve Engage non-
Access to partner- DepEd ALS
Basic ship- providers
7,216,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 8,576,000
Education building
33 Developing Series of
policy on meetings
accreditation of 3,200,000
non-DepEd ALS
34 Developing policy Series of
on contracting meetings
non-DepEd ALS
Annex 2 | 5
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
35 Orientation/ Regional
training on orientations,
Accreditation but with cost
and Contracting sharing from 816,000
policies for interested NGOs
non-DepEd ALS (registration fees,
implementers etc)
36 Monitoring 1 monitor per
performance of region
340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000
non-DepEd ALS
37 Expand Improve Intensify capacity
Access to partner- building for ALS
Basic ship- stakeholders
276,600,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 273,400,000 562,600,000
Education building
38 Orientation / 5 from region,
training on ALS 5 from division,
for internal 47000 school
250,000,000 250,000,000
and external heads and 3000
stakeholders slots for other key
39 Immersion
program for
19,200,000 19,200,000
internal DepEd
40 Participating in Key ALS TF
conferences of members serving
associations of as resource 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000
various DepEd persons
41 Participating in Key ALS TF
conferences of members serving
associations of as resource
1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000
LGU officials and persons
Annex 2 | 6
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
42 Coordinating all Series of
ALS meetings
1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000
43 Developing a Series of
feedback meetings
mechanism for 3,200,000
accredited ALS
44 Improve Full imple- Promote team
Quality mentation teaching,
5,000,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 232,440,000
and of K to 12 especially in
Relevance program Secondary level
45 Developing Series of
guidelines for meetings
team teaching
46 Piloting team Honorarium for
teaching teaching
in ALS (secondary
47 Refining, scaling Honorarium for
and teaching
47 monitoring (secondary 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000
team specialists)
teaching in ALS
48 Improve Improve Implement a
Quality quality of continuous and
and teachers comprehensive
116,700,000 79,270,000 22,410,000 79,950,000 79,270,000 377,600,000
Relevance ALS 2.0
building program
49 Training Needs 2 assessors per
780,000 680,000
Assessment region
50 Training of ALS two batches
implementers trained in 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000
succeeding years
Annex 2 | 7
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
51 ALS 2.0 Induction
Program for new 50,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
ALS teachers
52 Developing pool
of National ALS 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
53 Piloting and Series of
scaling of LAC meetings in 2020;
1,600,000 4,950,000 4,950,000 4,950,000 4,950,000
sessions for ALS LAC sessions
2021 onwards
54 Strengthening
Supervision, 4,460,000 4,460,000 4,460,000 4,460,000 4,460,000
Coaching and
55 Improve Improve Competency Test
Quality quality of for Teachers
5,686,000 - - 5,686,000 - 11,372,000
and teachers
56 Administration of
Competency Test 5,686,000 5,686,000
for Teachers
57 Improve Expand Make LRMDS
Quality the use of more accessible
1,850,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 2,050,000
and technology and useful for
Relevance for learning teachers
58 Tagging and Hiring of
mapping of consultant and
competencies RAs
between new
curriculum and
existing LRs
59 Coordination Series of
with BLR and meetings
50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
monitoring of
Annex 2 | 8
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
60 Improve Expand Provide Science,
Quality the use of Math, Tec-Voc
and technology and other ICT 3,413,200,000 1,705,800,000 1,705,800,000 1,705,800,000 1,705,800,000 10,236,400,000
Relevance for learning equipment to
qualified CLCs
61 Develop and Series of
issue a policy meetings
on providing
the appropriate 1,600,000
equipment to
different types of
62 Provision of
Science, Math
2,274,400,000 568,600,000 568,600,000 568,600,000 568,600,000
and Tec-Voc
63 ICT for Education 1,137,200,000 1,137,200,000 1,137,200,000 1,137,200,000 1,137,200,000
64 Improve Enrich Improve learners’
Quality curricula academic
and to address performance and
Relevance cross-cut- assessment
ting issues
and foster
83,230,000 53,200,000 53,200,000 53,200,000 53,200,000 296,030,000
Basic Edu-
65 Reviewing and Hiring of
finalizing ALS 2.0 consultant and
curriculum RAs
66 Issuing policy on Series of
curriculum imple- meetings
mentation and
Annex 2 | 9
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
67 Monitoring ALS Hiring of
implementers consultant and
utilizing full-cycle RAs
assessment tools
and appropriate
strategies in
various ALS
68 Evaluating and Series of
enhancing exist- meetings
1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000
ing ALS programs
/ delivery modes
69 Developing new Series of
modalities to meetings 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000
deliver ALS
70 Providing ade- Reproduction and
quate learning distribution of
modules for all existing modules 28,430,000
learners with teaching
71 Procuring and de- One lot initial
veloping supple- estimate
50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
mentary learning
72 Improve Enrich Life Skills
Quality curricula
and to address
Relevance cross-cut-
ting issues
and foster
2,000,000 - 2,000,000 80,000,000 80,000,000 164,000,000
Basic Edu-
Annex 2 | 10
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
73 Revisiting the Life Series of
Skills modules meetings
and evaluating
74 Enhancement
Training of ALS
implementers 80,000,000 80,000,000
on improved Life
Skills modules
75 Development Series of
and utilization of meetings
modules that im- 2,000,000
part socio-emo-
tional skills
76 Improve Enrich ALS+ST
Quality curricula
and to address
Relevance cross-cut-
ting issues
and foster
4,000,000 500,000,000 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 6,504,000,000
Basic Edu-
77 Redesigning the Series of
ALS+ST program meetings
78 Piloting the Additional mooe
ALS+ST program (some level of
CO are already
allocated above)
79 Institutionaliz- Additional mooe
ing the ALS+ST (some level of
1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 3,000,000,000
program CO are already
allocated above)
Annex 2 | 11
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
80 Improve Enrich Introduce an
Quality curricula ALS-specific
and to address Post Program
Relevance cross-cut- Support System
ting issues
and foster
8,000,000 113,720,000 113,720,000 113,720,000 113,720,000 462,880,000
Basic Edu-
81 Setting up a
learner guidance
4,000,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000
and counseling
82 Setting up a
career develop-
4,000,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000 56,860,000
ment program for
83 Mod- Automate Strengthen
ernize core databases
Education systems related to ALS
Manage- and 11,280,000 9,680,000 680,000 680,000 680,000 23,000,000
ment and processes
84 Including Series of
ALS-specific data meetings
elements in LIS
and eBEIS
85 Validating ALS Field work
data in LIS and 680,000 680,000 680,000 680,000 680,000
86 Developing new Series of
4,000,000 4,000,000
ALS indicators meetings
Annex 2 | 12
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
87 Develop ALS-spe- Estimate for
cific MIS / dbase
database to 5,000,000 5,000,000
supplement LIS
and eBEIS
88 Mod- Automate Improve
ernize core Monitoring
Education systems and Evaluation
Manage- and processes 4,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 15,000,000 34,000,000
ment and processes
89 Designing a com- Series of
prehensive M&E meetings 4,000,000
system for ALS
90 Piloting ALS 2.0
M&E system
91 Institutionalizing Phased rollout
ALS 2.0 M&E 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
92 External Impact Contracted study
Evaluation of ALS
2.0 conducted at 10,000,000
end of Roadmap
93 Mod- Accelerate Develop the ALS
ernize Research 2.0 Research
Education and Devel- Agenda
Manage- opment 19,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 69,000,000
ment and
94 Develop the ALS Series of
2.0 Research meetings 4,000,000
Annex 2 | 13
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
95 Conduct of stud- in-house or
ies included in contracted studies 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Research Agenda
96 Tracer Studies in-house or
5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
contracted studies
97 Feasibility Study in-house or
on alternative contracted studies
delivery of SHS
98 Feasibility Study in-house or
on ALS SBM contracted studies
99 Feasibility Study in-house or
on ALS Micro contracted studies 5,000,000
100 Feasibility Study in-house or
on ALS Voucher contracted studies 5,000,000
101 Feasibility Study in-house or
on International contracted studies
Adult / Workforce 5,000,000
Skills Assess-
102 Mod- Improve Internal and Ex-
ernize DepEd ternal Operation-
Education indepen- al Structures
Manage- dence from 8,000,000 - - - - 8,000,000
ment and interfer-
Gover- ence
103 Develop the ALS Series of meetings
2.0 governance 4,000,000
104 Develop an Exter- Series of meetings
nal Coordination
Framework / 4,000,000
Stakeholder Alli-
ance Mechanism
Annex 2 | 14
Order Strategic Objectives PPA Remarks 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
105 Mod- Improve ALS-specific
ernize Human HRD reforms
Education Resource
Manage- and Devel- 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - - 8,000,000
ment and opment
103 Implement a Series of meetings
and fair Perfor- 4,000,000
mance Manage-
ment System
104 Lobby for special- Series of meetings
ized degrees on 4,000,000
ALS teaching
Annex 2 | 15