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Qualification and Long-Term Stability of Computed Radiology Systems

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The key takeaways are that this standard specifies parameters to ensure satisfactory and repeatable results for non-destructive testing using computed radiography systems. It describes evaluating CR systems for industrial radiography to ensure image quality meets user needs and enables testing long-term stability.

This standard specifies fundamental parameters of computed radiography systems to ensure satisfactory and repeatable results for non-destructive testing. It describes evaluating CR systems for industrial radiography to ensure image quality meets user needs and enables testing long-term stability.

The referenced documents mentioned are ASTM standards E1316 on terminology for non-destructive testing, E1647 on determining contrast sensitivity in radioscopy, E2002 on determining total image unsharpness in radiology, E2007 on computed radiology (PSL method), E2033 on computed radiology (PSL method), and E2446 on classification of computed radiography systems.

Designation: E 2445 – 05

Standard Practice for

Qualification and Long-Term Stability of Computed
Radiology Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2445; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice specifies the fundamental parameters of 2.1 ASTM Standards: 3
computed radiography systems to assure satisfactory and E 1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Testing
repeatable results for nondestructive testing. E 1647 Practice for Determining Contrast Sensitivity in
1.2 This practice describes the evaluation of Computed Radioscopy
Radiology (CR) systems for industrial radiography. It is E 2002 Practice for Determining Total Image Unsharpness
intended to ensure that the evaluation of image quality, as far in Radiology
as this is influenced by the scanner/IP system, meets the needs E 2007 Guide for Computed Radiology (PSL Method)
of users and enables the test of long-term stability. E 2033 Practice for Computed Radiology (PSL Method)
1.3 Each of the tests described may be performed with E 2446 Practice for Classification of Computed Radiogra-
individual gages specified. The user shall decide which tests phy Systems
shall be used for system control using individual test objects or
the CR test phantom2 (Appendix X1). The computed radio- 3. Terminology
logical tests, specified as “user tests” in this practice, may be 3.1 Definitions—The definition of terms relating to gamma-
utilized at appropriate intervals determined by the user, based and X-radiology, which appear in Terminology E 1316, Guide
on the application of the examination operations. The tests E 2007, and Practice E 2033 shall apply to the terms used in
shall be appropriate for the materials and range of use of the this practice.
system. Fading, uniformity, and erasure tests shall also be part 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
of the control system. All other tests for qualification and 3.2.1 aliasing—pre-sampled high spatial frequency signals
capability are to be performed and certified by the CR beyond the Nyquist frequency (given by the pixel distance)
equipment manufacturer. reflected back into the image at lower spatial frequencies.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 3.2.2 computed radiology system (CR system)—a complete
standard. Values in inch-pound units are for information system of a storage phosphor imaging plate (IP) and corre-
purposes. sponding read out unit (scanner or reader), which converts the
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the information of the IP into a digital image (see also Guide
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the E 2007).
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.3 computed radiology system class—a particular group
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- of storage phosphor imaging plate systems, which is charac-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. terized by a SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) range shown in
Table 1 and by a certain unsharpness range (for example,
MTF20-value) in a specified exposure range.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nonde- 3.2.4 CR phantom—a device containing an arrangement of
structive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.01 on test targets to evaluate the quality of a CR system, as well as
Radiology (X and Gamma) Method.
Current edition approved June 1, 2005. Published June 2005.
monitoring the quality of the chosen system.
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Nuclear Associates, A Division of Cardinal Health, 120 Andrews Road,
Hicksville, NY 11801, Phone: 1-888-466-8257, Catalog Number: 07-605-2435. If For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 2445 – 05
3.2.5 gain/amplification—opto-electrical gain setting of the The tests described in 6.2.1 through 6.2.6 require
scanning system. usage of quality indicators of 5.1 or the CR test phantom shall
3.2.6 ISO speed SIPx—defines the speed of a CR system and be used regularly at user-defined intervals to test the basic
is calculated from the reciprocal dose value, measured in Gray, performance. The documentation shall contain:
which is necessary to obtain a specified minimum SNR of a CR (1) Spatial resolution (by duplex-wire method, optional
system. converging line pairs),
3.2.7 laser beam jitter—a lack of smooth movement of the (2) Contrast (recognized contrast percentage of the material
imaging plate/laser scanning device, which results in lines of to examine),
the image, which consist of a series of steps. (3) Slipping (yes/no),
3.2.8 linearized signal intensity—a numerical signal value (4) Jitter (yes/no),
of a picture element (pixel) of the digital image, which is (5) Shading (percentage at selected distance),
proportional to the radiation dose. The linearized signal inten- (6) Radiation parameters of the performed tests, and
sity is zero, if the radiation dose is zero. (7) Date and operator name.
3.2.9 long-term stability—performance measurements of a Fading tests should be performed only if the scanner
CR system over the life-cycle of the devices, used to evaluate or IP-brand is changed without data from the CR equipment
relative system performance over time. manufacturer, or the system is used under extreme (beyond
3.2.10 scanner slippage—the slipping of an IP in a scanner manufacturer’s recommendation) temperature conditions. The
transport system resulting in fluctuation of intensity of hori- fading should be less than 50 % in the expected period between
zontal image lines. exposure and scan.
3.2.11 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)—quotient of mean value The IPs shall be checked for artifacts (6.2.7) and
of the linearized signal intensity and standard deviation of the proper erasure (6.2.6).
noise (intensity distribution) at this signal intensity. The SNR Degradation of IPs or photo multipliers in the
depends on the radiation dose and the CR system properties. scanner may reduce the system sensitivity after extensive
usage. For this reason, the SNR should be measured at longer
4. Significance and Use intervals (for example, annual period) by the user or service
personnel. The SNR shall not be less than 90 % of the original
4.1 There are several factors affecting the quality of a CR value. The increase of the SNR can be accepted without limits,
image including the spatial resolution of the IP system, if the system unsharpness is not increased.
geometrical unsharpness, scatter and contrast sensitivity
(signal/noise ratio). There are several additional factors (for 5. Apparatus—CR Quality Indicators
example, scanning parameters), which affect the accurate 5.1 Description of CR Quality Indicators for User Tests—
reading of images on exposed IPs using an optical scanner. The following is a description of CR quality indicators, which
4.2 The quality factors can be determined most accurately will be identified by reference to this practice.
by the CR equipment manufacturer tests as described in 5.1.1 Contrast Sensitivity Quality Indicator:
Practice E 2446. Individual test targets, which are recom- The description of the contrast sensitivity target
mended for practical user tests, are described for quality corresponds to Practice E 1647. For use with this practice,
assurance. These tests can be carried out either separately or by three targets are made from aluminum (Material Group 02),
the use of the CR phantom (Appendix X1). This CR phantom copper (Material Group 4) and stainless steel (Material Group
incorporates many of the basic quality assessment methods and 1). The target thickness is 12.5 mm (0.50 in.) aluminum, 6.3
those associated with the correct functioning of a CR system, mm (0.25 in.) copper and stainless steel. Each target contains
including the scanner, for reading exposed plates and incor- a contrast area for 1, 2, 3, and 4 % wall-thickness contrast
rectly erasing IPs for future use of each plate. sensitivity.
4.3 This practice is for users of industrial CR systems. This 5.1.2 Duplex Wire Quality Indicator:
practice defines the tests to be performed, by users of CR The description of the duplex wire quality indicator
systems, periodically to evaluate the CR systems to prove corresponds to Practice E 2002. The gage shall be oriented at a
proper performance over the life-cycle of the system. 5° angle to the direction of the scanned lines (fast-scan
4.4 Application of Various Tests and Test Methods direction) or the perpendicular direction (slow-scan-direction).
4.4.1 Tests after Repair, Upgrade or the Use of Another IP 5.1.3 Converging Line Pair Quality Indicator:
Type: The target consists of five converging strips of lead
Since modifications, such as repair or upgrade of the CR (0.03 mm (0.001 in.) thickness), which can be used for a spatial
scanner and improved IP may improve the functionality of the resolution test by reading the limit of recognizable line pairs. It
system, specialized tests are required to prove the proper shall cover a range from 1.5 to 20 line pairs per mm (lp/mm).
performance of the CR system. Two quality indicators shall be used, one in parallel with the User Tests for Long-term Stability—Quality assur- scanned lines and the other one oriented in the perpendicular
ance in test laboratories requires periodical tests of the CR direction.
system to prove the proper performance of the system. The 5.1.4 Linearity Quality Indicators:
time interval depends on the degree of usage of the system and Rulers of high-absorbing materials are located on
shall be defined by the user and consideration of the CR the perimeter of the scanned range. Two quality indicators shall
equipment manufacturer’s information. be used, one parallel with the scanned lines and the other one

E 2445 – 05
oriented in the perpendicular direction. The scaling should be large pixel size settings (high unsharpness) than for small pixel size setting
at least in mm or tenths of inches. (low unsharpness).
5.1.5 T-target: 5.2.2 Initial Assessment of CR Quality Indicators: This CR quality indicator consists of a thin plate of For initial quality assessment, examine the radio-
brass or copper (#0.5 mm (#0.02 in. ) thick) with sharp edges. graphic image(s) of the CR phantom or the separated quality
This plate is manufactured in a T-shape with 0.5 mm (0.2 in.) indicators on the monitor (or hard copy) for the features
wide segments. The T should have a size of at least 50 by 70 described in 5.1.1 to 5.1.8 and 6.2.1 to 6.2.8. The results can
mm (2 by 23⁄4 in.). It shall be aligned perpendicular and parallel provide the basis of agreement between contracting parties.
to the direction of the scanned lines and is used to check for 5.3 Periodical Control:
laser jitter and may be used to measure a modulation transfer 5.3.1 The CR quality indicators of 5.1.1 through 5.1.7
function of the complete system (see Fig. X1.1). (alignment by 5.1.8) or the CR phantom shall be exposed and
5.1.6 Scanner Slipping Quality Indicator: the results examined at any interval agreed between the The quality indicator consists of a homogeneous contracting parties. For periodical control, ensure that the
strip of aluminum 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) in thickness. The quality agreed quality values of the tests 6.1.3 and 6.2.1 to 6.2.8 are
indicator has the shape of a rectangle (see Fig. X1.1) and shall achieved.
be aligned perpendicular and parallel to the direction of the 5.4 Imaging Plate Fading:
scanned lines. 5.4.1 The intensity of the stored image in the imaging plate
5.1.7 Shading Quality Indicator: will decrease over time (called “fading”). The measurement of Different shading quality indicators may be used. fading characteristic shall be done by performing the following
One type is based on the homogeneous exposure of an imaging steps:
plate (IP) with a thin Al-plate 0.5 to 1.0 mm (0.06 to 0.04 in.) Expose a plate homogeneously using typical expo-
above the IP. The exposure shall be made with low-energy sure conditions. For documentation, the following parameters
radiation (50 to 100 keV). shall be recorded: kV, mAs, SDD, pre-filter and plate material, Another type is the shading quality indicator of the and thickness. The exposed image shall have an intensity
CR test phantom (see X1.1). between 70 and 90 % of the maximum possible intensity of the
5.1.8 Central Beam Alignment Quality Indicator (BAM- CR reader at lowest gain and under linearized condition.
snail): Readout the imaging plate five minutes after expo- The alignment quality indicator consists of a roll 1.5 sure.
to 2.0 mm high (0.06 to 0.08 in.) of thin lead foil separated by Set the linearized read-out intensity of this measure-
a spacer of 0.1 to 0.2 mm (0.004 to 0.008 in.) of low-absorbing ment as reference (=100 %).
material (see X1.2). Always expose the imaging plate with the same
5.2 Application Procedures for CR Quality Indicators—The X-ray parameters (kV, mAs, and distance).
CR quality indicators provide an evaluation of the quality of a Change the time between exposure and read-out.
CR system as well as for a periodical quality control. Arrange- The time interval between exposure and readout will be
ment of the CR quality indicators shall be in accordance with doubled for every measurement; steps are 15 min, 30 min, 1 h,
this practice, or as specified by the cognizant engineering 2 h, 4 h, and so forth, up to 4 days or as needed to match
organization. application requirement for read-out.
5.2.1 Exposure of CR Quality Indicators (User Test): Plot the linearized read-out intensity (gray value) The CR quality indicators can be applied separately versus time between exposure and read-out of the imaging
or all together in the CR phantom. The selected set of CR plate.
quality indicators or the CR phantom is placed on the cassette, 5.4.2 The fading effect needs to be considered to ensure
which contains an imaging plate. The radiation source is set at correct exposure conditions.
a distance of 1 m (39 in.) or greater and the beam is aligned 5.4.3 To enable reproducible test results, it is important to
with the center of the plate. Above radiation energy of 100 keV, consider fading effects, which influence the required exposure
a lead screen of 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) shall be applied between time. The time between exposure and read-out for all tests shall
CR quality indicators or CR phantom and the IP to reduce correspond to the typical application of the CR system.
scattered radiation. Test exposures are made and the radiation 6. Qualification and Long-Term Stability Test of CR
and CR system functions are optimized. The final image for Systems
evaluation is to be agreed among contracting parties. 6.1 Determination of Contrast, Unsharpness, and Basic The exposure time and the parameter setting of the Spatial Resolution
CR scanning unit determine the image quality as well as the 6.1.1 Contrast Sensitivity Measurement:
type of imaging plate to use. These values, the X-ray settings, Practice E 1647 contrast sensitivity gages are useful
and the type of IP have to be documented and agreed, as well for visual and computer aided determination of contrast sensi-
as the radiation energy (keV, gamma-source type), dose (for tivity for a selected wall thickness. Four levels of contrast
example, in mAs) and quality (prefilters, tube type and tube sensitivity can be measured: 1 %, 2 %, 3 % and 4 %, indepen-
window). dent of the imaging spatial resolution limitations. For interpre-
NOTE 1—High exposure time and low gain settings yield high contrast tation, see Practice E 1647. If image processing is available, a
resolution and SNR. Furthermore, the contrast sensitivity is higher for profile (width = 1 pixel) shall be taken through the target. The

E 2445 – 05
average noise of the profile shall be less than or equal to the Converging line pair quality indicators shall be read
difference in the intensity between the full and reduced wall both parallel and perpendicular to the scanned lines. If a
thickness at the read-out percentage. The exposure conditions converging line pair target is located 45° to the scanning
(kV, mAs, filters, distance, exposure time, date) and CR system direction, the read-out value must be divided by 1.414.
settings and type shall be documented. These quality indicators consist of converging line
6.1.2 Determination of Unsharpness and Basic Spatial pairs and a scale in lp/mm. The read-out value in lp/mm is
Resolution by the Duplex-Wire Method: either taken (case “a”) at the location between separated and For testing of the basic spatial resolution, the unseparated line pairs or (case “b”) at the location, where the
duplex-wire gage corresponding to Practice E 2002 can be number of lines is reduced by one or more.
applied. The exposure shall be performed in a distance of 1 m In case “a,” the basic spatial resolution (SR) is
(39 in.) or greater with a focal spot size #1 mm. Focal spot size calculated by 1 / [2·read-out (in lp/mm)]. In case “b,” the gages
and focus detector distance shall be selected for a geometric determine at what resolution aliasing (pre-sampled high-
unsharpness of less than 10 % of the total measured unsharp- frequency signals beyond the Nyquist frequency reflected back
ness. The duplex-wire gage shall be positioned directly on the into the image at lower spatial frequencies) occurs. Usually this
cassette with the IP and lead screen. The measurement shall be corresponds to the pixel size of the scanner. It is also calculated
performed perpendicular and parallel to the scanning direction by 1 / [2·read-out (in lp/mm)].
of the laser beam. This requires two exposures with one gage The recommended quality assurance schedule shall
or one exposure with two gages. The duplex-wire gage shall be be agreed between the contacting parties. However, the reso-
used in an angle of about 5° to the scanning direction of the lution test should also be assessed after any servicing of the
laser beam and 5° to the perpendicular direction. optics of the CR reader and usage of new IP types. The measurement of unsharpness may depend on the The accuracy of the converging line pair method
radiation quality. For applications above 160 kV the test shall
depends on the SNR of the exposure, the radiation quality and
be performed with 220 kV (X-ray tube with beryllium window,
the geometrical conditions as well as scatter effects in the
tungsten target and no pre-filtering). For low energy applica-
cassette/IP/screen system. For high SNR (>100) and negligible
tions the radiation quality shall be 90 kV (X-ray tube with
geometrical unsharpness the standard deviation of this method
Beryllium window, Tungsten target and no pre-filtering).
between 1 and 10 lp/m is about 60.2 lp/mm. If there are The first unresolved wire pair shall be taken for
differences between the method in accordance with 6.1.2 and
determination of the unsharpness value corresponding to Prac-
6.1.3 the value of 6.1.2 shall be taken (in agreement with
tice E 2002. This is the first wire pair, which is projected with
Practice E 2002).
a dip between the wires of less than 20 % (see Fig. 1). The
basic spatial resolution SR corresponds to one half of the 6.2 Other Evaluations
measured unsharpness. 6.2.1 Geometric Distortions: The duplex-wire read-out shall be documented and The spatial linearity of the CR system shall be
used for long-term stability test of the system. checked by exposing a spatial linearity quality indicator The duplex-wire method allows the read-out of (mm-scale or finer), which is made from high-absorbing
stepped unsharpness values only (see table in Practice E 2002). material) in x- and y-direction. The IP transport system should
6.1.3 Use of Converging Line Pair Quality Indicators: not allow the IP to tilt or twist during the scan resulting in a

x – length in mm
y – signal intensity in arbitrary units

NOTE—The two wires of a wire pair are resolved if the dip between the line maxima is greater than 20 % of the maximum intensity.
FIG. 1 Resolution Criterion for the Evaluation of Duplex-Wire Profiles

E 2445 – 05
geometrical image distortion. The measured spatial non- the shading of an exposure with a SDD of 1 m (39 in.) has an
linearities shall be less than 5 %. inherent shading of up to 8 %. Therefore, users should allow
6.2.2 Laser Beam Function: 615 % shading. The recommended quality assurance schedule Laser beam scan line integrity, beam jitter, signal for the application of this test is agreed by the contracting
dropout, and focus are evaluated in this test. parties. However, shading correction, if necessary, should be Expose a T-target from high-absorbing material (see assessed following any service to the optical system. The CR
5.1.5). Laser beam jitter is evaluated by examining the edges of phantom of Appendix X1 contains quality indicators for a
the “T” on the image. The “T” edges should be straight and specialized shading test, which fulfils the above requirements.
continuous. Under- or over-shoot of the scan lines in light to 6.2.6 Erasure:
dark transitions along the “T” edge indicates a timing error, or Upon completion of all the tests, the erased imaging
laser beam modulation problem. View the image scan lines plate shall be processed through the CR reader without any
with a 103 (or greater magnification) on the computer screen, exposure. If the CR system is used for a particular application
or the printed film (with a magnifying glass) in various areas (for example, high-energy X-rays or gamma sources), an object
across the image to check for uniform spacing. The “stair step” of high absorption (for example, tungsten or lead) shall be
characteristics of the straight edge are normal due to digitiza- exposed in such a way, that the acquired image contains the
tion effects. Scan line dropout is detectable as a lucent straight projection of the object and an unabsorbed radiation area. For
line in the open field and likely represents dust/dirt particles on this application, the IP shall be erased and processed without
the pickup light guide, a fairly common artifact. exposure. If a latent image exists, the erasure time is not long Image artifacts indicate sub-optimal performance enough or the erasure unit is malfunctioning. Possible ghost
and necessitate corrective action by service personnel. images shall have an intensity of less than 1 % of the maximum This process can be utilized to determine laser beam intensity after image conversion to a linearized intensity (gray
function in the CR system. The comparison of the computer level). The recommended quality assurance schedule for the
image and the printed hard copy permits the evaluation of the application of this test shall be agreed between the contracting
hardcopy device. parties.
6.2.3 Blooming or Flare: 6.2.7 IP Artifacts: For the following tests, all parameters, including Examine the computed radiographs of the T-target
scanning parameters and radiation conditions shall be re-
for the evidence of intensity overshoot or streaking in areas
with high density contrast, which can be caused by saturation All IPs in inventory should be serialized. Special
of the light detector, or intensity transfer from regions with
attention and identification should be made for IPs that come
high light intensities into dark regions with a low intensity.
into contact with unprotected lead screens.
This test shall be done in comparison of an exposure with low Expose each IP to the lowest kV used in examina-
exposure intensity (high read-out gain) and high exposure
tion. Use sufficient exposure conditions (for example, mAs) to
intensity (low read out gain), but with no saturation of the
produce uniform exposure intensity (see also 6.2.5). Scan the
electronic system.
IP and store the corresponding image file. A CR image file of
6.2.4 Scanner Slipping:
each IP should be saved regularly to identify possible artifacts Slipping of imaging plates in the scanner or any and be allocated with the IP serial number of the IP.
distortion in the homogeneity of the scanning and reading
system leads to different intensities between the read lines of a NOTE 2—Interpreters should have access to the CR IP artifact image
homogeneous exposed area. For this reason, the computed files to avoid problems in interpretation.
radiograph of the scanner-slipping target shall be inspected for 6.2.8 Measurement of the Normalized SNR:
deviations in the intensity of the scanned lines. The deviation A system of cassette and imaging plate shall be
between the line intensities shall be less than (or equal to) the uniformly exposed. The IP, with front and back lead screens of
noise, measured inside one of these lines. A possible test target, 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) thickness in the typical exposure cassette,
to detect slipping, is shown in the CR phantom (Appendix X1). shall be positioned in front of an X-ray tube with tungsten
6.2.5 Shading: anode. Make the exposures with an 8 mm (0.32 in.) copper This test is used to ensure that the scanning laser filter at the X-ray tube. The kilovoltage setting shall be 220 kV.
intensity is uniform across the scanning width of the imaging For low-energy applications the radiation quality
plate as well as checking for proper alignment of the light shall be 90 kV and the filter shall be of aluminum 32.5 mm
guide/photo-multiplier tube assembly. (1.2795 in.) in thickness. No front and back screens of lead are An IP is exposed homogeneously to a source from required.
large distance >5 m (>16 ft) as a CR equipment manufacturer The SNR shall be measured at 90 6 5 % intensity of
test. Users may apply this test for testing of the long-term the maximum possible intensity of the reader imaging plate
stability with a SDD $1 m ($39 in.). On the computer, the system at lowest gain and linearized characteristic curve. The
average pixel value of the center and the edges of the IP is value of 90 % intensity shall be achieved by adjustment of mA
measured for a linearized intensity. On a printed film, the film and exposure time and, if necessary, by lengthening the SDD.
density is measured with a densitometer. The outside areas The SDD shall be at least 1 m (39 in.). Use no lead or any other
should not have a pixel intensity value, or density, exceeding material behind the cassettes. Leave free space of at least 1 m
610 % of the central area of the IP. The user may realize that (39 in.) behind the cassettes.

E 2445 – 05 The signal intensity Imeas and standard deviation The normalized SNRN is calculated by:
sPSL shall be calculated from a data set of 1100 values or more Imeas
of the central IP area. No major scratches or dust and no SNRN 5 s (2)
shading shall be visible in the measurement area. The data set
shall be subdivided into 55 groups or more with 20 values per The measured and normalized SNR shall be docu-
group. For each group with index i, the value Imeas_i is mented. This procedure (consisting of, for example, software,
calculated as the mean of the unfiltered group values and also system setting and exposure data) should be provided by the
the value sPSLi is calculated from the corresponding group CR equipment manufacturer for the user. The user or service
values. technician does the exposure and applies the software for The final value Imeas is obtained by the median of all SNR-measurement.
Imeas_i values. The final sPSL value is obtained by the median The test shall be performed with the same radiation
of all sPSLi values. sPSL shall be calculated as reference value quality (voltage and pre-filter), the same distances and colli-
to a resolution of 100 µm, measured with a circular aperture, or mation. All parameters and results shall be documented.
88.6 µm measured with a squared aperture. The final value
sPSL100 is calculated by: 7. Report
sPSL100 5 sPSL · 88.6 (1) 7.1 The user shall document all tests its conditions and
results. The period of testing shall be documented in the
where: company’s written procedure or agreed between the contract-
SRmax = maximum value of basic spatial resolution in µm. ing parties. The basic spatial resolution is half of the unsharp- 7.2 The results shall be summarized in Table 1.
ness value, measured in accordance with Practice E 2002 (see
description in 6.1.2). The basic spatial resolution shall be 8. Precision and Bias
measured both perpendicular and parallel to the scanning
direction of the laser. The higher value of both SR-values in µm 8.1 No statement is made about the precision or bias of this
shall be used for normalization in Eq 2. The values shall be practice. The results merely state whether there is conformance
calculated in µm. to the criteria for success, specified in the procedure.

E 2445 – 05
TABLE 1 Test Report of CR Systems
CR System
Construction Year
Last Service
Used IPs
Date of Tests
Tests Result Remark
Basic Spatial Resolution Duplex Wire
E 2002
Line Pairs
Geometric Distortions
Laser Beam Function
Blooming or Flare
Scanner Slipping
IP Artifacts


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Location and Alignment of CR Quality Indicators in a imaging plate as well as checking for proper alignment of the
CR Phantom light guide/photo-multiplier tube assembly. On the computer,
X1.1.1 All described CR quality indicators (see 5.1) are the pixel value of the holes is measured as gray value of the
located in a convenient test object, called a CR phantom. It pixel or on a printed film as density value. The outside circles
consists of a carrier plate of low-absorbing material (for (EL and ER) should not have a pixel value or density
example, Lucite). Fig. X1.1 shows the arrangement. The CR exceeding the value of the circle EC by 610 %. The recom-
quality indicators shall be located on the IP side. If desired, mended quality assurance schedule for the application of this
individual test gages may be utilized to determine specific test is to be agreed by the contracting parties. However,
results. shading correction, if necessary, should be assessed following
any service to the light guide/photo-multiplier tube assembly.
X1.2 Shading Test—Different shading tests are possible.
The CR phantom uses the following target and procedure: X1.3 Central Beam Alignment
X1.2.1 Shading Quality Indicator: X1.3.1 CR Alignment Quality Indicator (BAM-snail):
X1.2.1.1 The quality indicator consists of a set of three X1.3.1.1 The target consists of a section of a roll 0.3 to 0.5
holes of 19 mm (0.75 in.) diameter and 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) depth mm thick (0.01 to 0.02 in.) of thin lead foil separated by a
in a Lucite plate (of the CR phantom). These holes shall be spacer of 0.1 mm of low absorbing material (see Fig. X1.2).
separated by at least 10 cm (3.93 in.). The holes shall be Honeycomb material may also be used.
aligned parallel to the scanning direction of the laser beam. X1.3.2 Procedure:
X1.2.2 Procedure: X1.3.2.1 The radiation beam shall be aligned perpendicular
X1.2.2.1 There are three holes (EL, EC, and ER) in the CR to the center of the alignment quality indicator (BAM-snail)
phantom, measuring 19 mm (0.75 in.) in diameter and 0.3 mm within the CR phantom. The resulting computed radiographic
(0.01 in.) deep. These holes are used to ensure that the scanning image, consisting of a regularly spaced spiral, indicates that
laser intensity is uniform across the scanning width of the alignment is correct.

E 2445 – 05

A: T-target for Laser Jitter Test Length 114 by 5 mm H (4.48 by 0.2 in.), Brass
B: Duplex-Wire Image Quality Indicator; in accordance with Practice E 2002
C: Central Beam Alignment (BAM-snail)
D: Converging Line Pair Quality Indicators
E: EL, EC, ER: Measuring Points for Shading Correction 19 mm (0.75 in.) Diameter, 0.3 mm (0.1 in.) Acrylic Removed
F: Cassette Positioning Locator (does not appear on radiographic image)
G: Homogeneous Strip: Al, 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
H: Lucite Plate
I: Inch/cm Ruler for Linearity Check
J: Contrast Sensitivity Quality Indicators
Aluminum: 12.7 mm (0.50 in.)
Copper: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)
Stainless Steel: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.)
FIG. X1.1 CR Phantom Containing CR Quality Indicators for Qualification of Computed Radiography Systems

NOTE 1—Its radiographic image indicates deviations from the perpendicular position of the radiation source above the BAM-snail.
NOTE 2—The following dimensions are recommended: h = 1.5 to 2 mm (0.06 to 0.08 in., s = h/11.5 mm (0.45 in.)) (structure disappears at deviations
>5°), ds > 8 mm (0.31 in.), di = 0.02 to 0.1 mm (0.0008 to 0.0004 in.).
FIG. X1.2 Alignment Quality Indicator and Source Position Indicator “BAM-snail”

E 2445 – 05
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