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KOKS 24 (25) - 1VLC000511 Rev. 3, en

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KOKS 24(25) kV
Indoor current transformers
2 KO K S 2 4 ( 2 5 ) K V I N D O O R C U R R E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S

Technical parameters Value

Highest voltage for equipment 24(25) kV

Power frequency test voltage, 1 min. 50 kV

Lighting impulse test voltage 125 kV

Rated short-time thermal current 100 x Ipn kA

Rated dynamic current practically


Rated continuous thermal current

KOKS 24 D11 and _D21 6 000 A

KOKS 24 F11 and _F21 8 000 A

Description Selection of transformer

Cast resin body. Primary winding formed of a The core selection table shows how the core size
straight busbar to be mounted on the site of in- is determined by the primary voltage, accuracy
stallation. At rated primary currents (Ipn>4 000 A) class, and burden when the secondary current is 5
the cores are protected from the magnetic fields A and the frequency is 50 Hz. The core size total
of the adjacent current busbars. Light-metal must not exceed the maximum core size. The core
mounting frame with the secondary terminal box selection table is valid for the types KOKS 24 D11
underneath (sealable terminal box). Two sizes. and KOKS 24 D21 only.
Core number 1...4. The protection cores can be
linearized if needed. Without the mounting frame Max. core sizes
the transformer width is 400 mm. Conductors of KOKS 24 D 11 235
2.5...10 sq. mm or 2x2.5...2x6 sq. mm can be con- KOKS 24 D 21 345
nected to the secondary terminals.
IEC 60044-1
Other standards as requested

Dimensional Drawing




C min.
B 50


KOKS 24 D 11 KOKS 24 D 21 KOKS 24 F 11 KOKS 24 F 21

A [mm] 390 500 400 510
B [mm] 190 245 195 250
C [mm] 35 75 35 75
D [mm] 150 150 205 205

Marking of current transformer outlets - example

a) b) c)

d) e)

a) Single-core design | b) Double-core design | c) Three-core design | d) Single-core design, reconnectable on the secondary
side | e) Double-core design, reconnectable on the secondary side
4 KO K S 2 4 ( 2 5 ) K V I N D O O R C U R R E N T T R A N S F O R M E R S

Core selection table for types KOKS 24 D11 and _D21

Rated continuous thermal current: 1.2 x Ipn except for 6 000 A
where rated continuous thermal current is 1.0 x Ipn

Rated burden 10 VA 15 VA 30 VA 45 VA 60 VA

Ipn/A Class Size Fs < Si Size Fs < Si Size Fs < Si Size Fs < Si Size Fs < Si
[VA) [VA) [VA) [VA) [VA)

6 000 0.2 65 10 25 65 9 25 65 7 25 65 5 25 65 4 25
0.5 65 10 25 65 9 25 65 7 25 65 5 25 65 4 25
1 65 10 25 65 9 25 65 7 25 65 5 25 65 4 25
10P15 55 29 55 29 60 31 65 33 65 33
10P20 60 31 60 31 65 33 70 35 75 37
10P75 90 42 95 44 115 51 130 56

5 000 0.2 60 10 20 60 8 20 60 6 20 60 5 20 60 4 20
0.5 60 10 20 60 8 20 60 6 20 60 5 20 60 4 20
1 60 10 20 60 8 20 60 6 20 60 5 20 60 4 20
10P15 55 24 55 24 60 25 65 27 70 28
10P20 60 25 60 25 65 27 70 28 75 30
10P75 90 34 100 37 120 43 140 49

4 000 0.2 60 9 16 60 8 16 60 5 16 60 4 16 60 3 16
0.5 60 9 16 60 8 16 60 5 16 60 4 16 60 3 16
1 60 9 16 60 8 16 60 5 16 60 4 16 60 3 16
10P15 50 18 55 20 60 21 65 22 70 23
10P20 55 20 55 20 65 22 70 23 80 26
10P75 90 28 100 30 125 36

3 000 0.2 40 8 11 40 7 11 45 6 12 50 6 14 55 6 15
0.5 40 8 11 40 7 11 40 4 11 40 3 11 40 3 11
1 40 8 11 40 7 11 40 4 11 40 3 11 40 3 11
10P15 50 18 50 18 60 20 65 21 70 22
10P20 55 19 55 19 65 21 75 23 85 25
10P75 90 21 100 23 135 29

2 500 0.2 40 8 9.3 40 6 9.3 50 7 11 55 6 12

0.5 40 8 9.3 40 6 9.3 40 4 9.3 40 3 9.3 45 3 10
1 40 8 9.3 40 6 9.3 40 4 9.3 40 3 9.3 40 3 9.3
10P15 45 14 45 14 55 16 65 18 75 20
10P20 50 15 55 16 65 18 75 20 90 23
10P75 95 18 110 21

2 000 0.2 40 7 7.3 45 8 8.1 55 7 9.5

0.5 40 7 7.3 40 5 7.3 40 3 7.3 45 3 8.1 50 4 8.8
1 40 7 7.3 40 5 7.3 40 3 7.3 40 3 7.3 45 3 8.0
10P15 45 11 50 12 60 14 70 15 80 17
10P20 50 12 55 13 70 15 85 17 100 20
10P75 95 15 115 17

1 500 0.5 40 6 5.4 40 4 5.4 45 4 5.9 50 4 6.5 55 3 7.0

1 40 6 5.4 40 4 5.4 40 3 5.4 45 3 5.9 50 3 6.5
10P15 50 9.0 55 9.6 70 11 80 12 95 14
10P20 55 9.6 60 10 80 12 100 15 120 17
10P75 105 12 130 14

1 250 0.5 40 5 4.1 45 6 4.5 50 4 4.5 60 4 5.7

1 40 5 4.1 40 4 4.5 45 3 4.5 45 3 4.5 50 3 4.9
10P15 50 6.8 55 7.2 75 8.9 90 10 110 12
10P20 55 7.2 65 8.0 85 9.7 110 12 140 14
10P75 120 11

1 000 0.5 40 6 3.6 45 6 3.7 55 5 4.6

1 35 5 3.2 35 3 3.2 40 3 3.5 45 3 3.9 50 3 3.9
10P15 50 5.8 55 6.1 75 7.5 100 9.2 120 11
10P20 55 6.1 65 6.8 95 8.8 125 11
10P75 140 10

Fs = Instrument security factor Si = Internal burden (VA)

— —
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1VLC000511 Rev.3, en 2016.08.10

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