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40 Chapter Three

and 16 output signals are available. The current status of these signals
is available inside a program through certain system variables, as
already explained by some examples.
Two types of system variables are available: for 16 single-bit sig-
nals and for one 16-bit signal (for both input and output signals). The
given examples pertain to system variables for single-bit signals
which can only be 0 or 1. The variables for 16-bit signals are used to
read/write all the 16 signals simultaneously by a single program
statement. For example, if the first and the second signals (i.e., F54.0
and F54.1) are 1 and the rest are 0 then the corresponding 16-bit sig-
nal would be 0000000000000011 (the decimal interpretation of which
is 3). So, #1100 = 1; and #1101 = 1; is same as #1132 = 3; except that the
two outputs are triggered simultaneously in the second case. It is a
matter of individual choice/requirement whether the signals are
read/written by the program one-by-one or simultaneously. The
complete variable list is given below. (32-bit signals are also available.
These are not described here, because these are rarely used.)

System Variables for Input Interface Signals

#1000 to #1015, #1032: #1000 to #1015 are single-bit signals. #1032
is a 16-bit signal, whose individual bits
(starting from right) correspond to #1000
to #1015. These are read-only variables.

System Variables for Output Interface Signals

#1100 to #1115, #1132: #1100 to #1115 are single bit signals. #1132
is a 16-bit signal whose individual bits
(starting from right) correspond to #1100
to #1115. These are read/write variables.

The decimal values of #1032 and #1132 (all other variables are
either 0 or 1) would be given by the following equations:
# 1032 = ∑ #[1000 + i] × 2i

# 1132 = ∑ #[1100 + i] × 2i

where the individual terms on the right-hand side would be either 0

or 2i, depending on whether the corresponding signal is 0 or 1.
The correspondence between these variables and the F- and G-
signals is given in Table 3.1.

Geometry and Wear Offset Values

The specified geometry and wear offset values are stored in certain
system variables. These variables are described below, for recent

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Ty p e s o f Va r i a b l e s 41

G54.0 #1000 G55.0 #1008 F54.0 #1100 F55.0 #1108

G54.1 #1001 G55.1 #1009 F54.1 #1101 F55.1 #1109
G54.2 #1002 G55.2 #1010 F54.2 #1102 F55.2 #1110
G54.3 #1003 G55.3 #1011 F54.3 #1103 F55.3 #1111
G54.4 #1004 G55.4 #1012 F54.4 #1104 F55.4 #1112
G54.5 #1005 G55.5 #1013 F54.5 #1105 F55.5 #1113
G54.6 #1006 G55.6 #1014 F54.6 #1106 F55.6 #1114
G54.7 #1007 G55.7 #1015 F54.7 #1107 F55.7 #1115

TABLE 3.1 Correspondence between Interface Signals and System Variables

versions of 0i series controls which use what is called Memory Type C.

For an older control version (i.e., for those using Type A or Type B
memory), refer to the machine manual.
Since, there is a difference in the tool geometry on lathes and mill-
ing machines, the system variables for the various offset distances
carry different meanings on these two types of machines. Typically,
64 (#2000 series) or 99 (#10000 series) offset numbers on a lathe (#10000
series can be used for 64 offset numbers also), and 200 (#2000 series)
or 400 (#10000 series) offset numbers on a milling machine (#10000
series can be used for 200 offset numbers also) are available. It is,
however, better to use the #10000 series, because its range is higher,
and it can be used for the lower range also. #2000 series was used in
older control versions. #10000 series was introduced for the purpose
of increasing the offset numbers, which also allows for further increase
beyond 99 (on lathes) and 400 (on milling machines), in future control
versions. If an attempt is made to read/write undefined system vari-
ables, an error message, “ILLEGAL VARIABLE NUMBER,” is dis-
played. For example, a command such as #1 = #10065; would give an
error message on a lathe with 64 available offsets. Tables 3.2, 3.3, and
3.4 show the system variables for various offset values on lathe and
milling machines.
When offset setting is done, the corresponding system variables
automatically store the respective offset distances. These are read/write
variables. So, it is also possible to change the offset values by modify-
ing these variables. This can be done by executing, say, #15001 = 5;
in MDI or memory mode, which will set the specified value (5, in this
example) as the X-axis geometry offset value corresponding to offset
number 1, on a lathe.
For modifying offset values during the program execution, the
appropriate system variables need not explicitly be re-defined. It is
possible to modify the offset values (and hence, the associated system
variables also) through the programmable data entry command, G10,

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42 Chapter Three

Offset Wear Offset Geometry

Number Value Offset Value
1 #2001 #2701
2 #2002 #2702
X-axis offset values … … …
… … …
64 #2064 #2764
1 #2101 #2801
2 #2102 #2802
Z-axis offset values … … …
… … …
64 #2164 #2864
1 #2201 #2901
2 #2202 #2902
Nose radius values … … …
… … …
64 #2264 #2964
1 #2301
2 #2302
Tool-tip directions … …
… …
64 #2364

TABLE 3.2 System Variables for Lathe Offsets (with 64 Offset Numbers)

which is described in Chap. 13. G10 can also be commanded in the

MDI mode.
Since an error in specifying offset values produces bad parts, and
a serious error may even cause an accident on the machine, offset
modification should not be done during the automatic execution of a
program unless its effect is fully verified by first testing the effect of
the modification in MDI mode. For this, first execute the offset change
command (direct assignment or through G10) and the T-code in MDI
mode, and then check the position display after manually bringing
the tool to a known position. On a milling machine, tool length com-
pensation code (G43/G44) also will have to be executed for verifying
the tool length offset value. Tool radius (nose radius and tip direction
on a lathe) can simply be seen in the offset tables for verification of its

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Ty p e s o f Va r i a b l e s 43

Wear Offset Geometry Offset

Offset Number Value Value
1 #10001 #15001
2 #10002 #15002
X-axis offset values … … …
… … …
99 #10099 #15099
1 #11001 #16001
2 #11002 #16002
Z-axis offset values … … …
… … …
99 #11099 #16099
1 #12001 #17001
2 #12002 #17002
Nose radius values … … …
… … …
99 #12099 #17099
1 #13001
2 #13002
Tool-tip directions … …
… …
99 #13099

TABLE 3.3 System Variables for Lathe Offsets (with 99 Offset Numbers)

Workpiece Coordinate System Shift Amount

The workpiece coordinate systems, defined by G54 etc. can be shifted
by the desired amounts along X- and/or Z-axis, through the workpiece
shift screen on a lathe. Such a facility is not available on a milling
machine. Press the right extension soft key twice on the offset/setting
screen, to get the workpiece shift screen.
Such a shift, which applies to all subsequent operations of the
machine till the shift value is changed, is useful for shifting the defined
workpiece coordinate system (by the shift amount, in the opposite
direction) without changing the offset distances. For example, if the
position display is 100 and –50 (for X- and Z-axis, respectively, on a
lathe), a shift of +1 in both X- and Z-direction would shift the coordi-
nate system by 1 mm in the negative X- and Z-direction, changing the

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44 Chapter Three

Offset Geometry Offset

Number Wear Offset Value Value
1 #10001 (#2001) #11001 (#2201)
2 #10002 (#2002) #11002 (#2202)
Tool length … … …
offset values
(H) 200 #10200 (#2200) #11200 (#2400)
… … …
400 #10400 #11400
1 #12001 #13001
2 #12002 #13002
Tool radius
… … …
values (D)
… … …
400 #12400 #13400

1. This table corresponds to parameter 6000#3 = 0. When this parameter is set to 1, the
wear and geometry variable numbers get interchanged.
2. When the available offset numbers are not greater than 200, #2001 through #2200 can
also be used in place of #10001 through #10200. Similarly, #2201 through #2400 can be
alternatively used for #11001 through #11200.

TABLE 3.4 System Variables for Milling Machine Offsets (with 200/400 Offset

position display to 101 and −49, respectively. The specified shift uni-
formly applies to all the workpiece coordinate systems, defined by
G54, G55, etc.
The associated system variables are given in Table 3.5. These are
read/write variables. For example, to specify a shift of +1 for the X-axis,
set #2501 = 1. Similarly, to read the shift amount for the X-axis, set #1 =
#2501, and read the value of variable #1 on the macro variable screen.

Macro Alarms
Alarm refers to an error condition which terminates the execution of
the current operation. Pressing the MESSAGE key on the MDI panel

Controlled Axis System Variable for Shift Amount

X-axis #2501
Z-axis #2601

TABLE 3.5 System Variables for Workpiece Coordinate

System Shift Amount

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shows the error message. The alarm condition may arise due to a
number of reasons, including hardware problems with the machine.
Further operation on the machine is possible only after rectifying the
problem, and thereafter, pressing the RESET key. A syntax error in the
program, out of range values, illegal data entry, etc., are software-related
error conditions. CNC automatically issues alarm in such cases.
There are, however, situations when the control will not sense the
error, even though the program execution must be terminated. For
example, a probing system installed on the machine may detect tool
breakage, necessitating immediate termination of program execution,
though the control will not recognize this problem. To tackle such
cases, provision has been made to issue user-generated alarms also,
which are called macro alarms.
When a value from 0 to 200 is assigned to system variable #3000,
the machine stops with the alarm message, “MACRO ALARM.” The
displayed alarm number is 3000 plus the number assigned to it. Thus
#3000 = 1; would terminate the current operation, and display “3001
MACRO ALARM,” when the MESSAGE key is pressed.
It is also possible to display a user-specified message up to 26
characters, as alarm message, by typing it within parentheses, after
the assigned value for variable #3000.

#3000 = 1 (TOOL BROKEN);

which would display “3001 TOOL BROKEN” on the message screen.

Time Information
The system variables for time-related information are given in Table 3.6.
Variable #3001 and #3002 are read/write variables, whereas #3011 and
#3012 are read-only variables. So, it is not possible to change the current
date or time through these variables.
Current date/time can only be set/altered on the time setting
screen, which is called timer/part count screen (Select MDI mode →
Press OFS/SET key → Press SETING soft key → Press page down key
twice → Using up/down/left/right arrow keys, bring the cursor to
time or date display, type the new value and press INPUT key). This
screen also displays some time-related information such as power
ON time and cutting time, in hour-minute-second format. Part count
information (the number of parts required and the number of parts
produced) is also displayed on this screen, which is discussed in
section “Number of Machined Parts”.

Automatic Operation Control

The single-block switch on the MOP can be used to execute a pro-
gram block-by-block, that is, one block at a time. For executing the
next block, the CYCLE START button is required to be pressed again.

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46 Chapter Three

Variable Number Function

This variable functions as a timer, with 1-ms increment.
It counts the total “on-time” of the machine in the
current session. When the power is turned off, the
#3001 value of this variable is reset to 0. When 2147483648 ms
(which is nearly equal to 25 days) is reached, the value
of this variable resets to 0, and time counting starts
This variable functions as a timer, with 1-hour
increment. It counts the total “run-time” of the machine
(i.e., the duration of on-time of CYCLE START lamp) in
all the sessions. When the power is turned off, the
value of this variable is preserved. When 9544.371767
hours (which is nearly equal to 13 months) is reached,
the value of this variable resets to 0, and time counting
starts again.
This variable stores the current date (year-month-day)
#3011 in decimal format. For example, 4 February 2009 is
represented as 20090204.
This variable stores the current time (hour-minute-
#3012 second) in decimal format. For example, 21 minutes
and 30 seconds past 8 pm is represented as 202130.

TABLE 3.6 System Variables for Time Information

However, it is possible to disable this switch through the system vari-

able #3003.
Another feature, which is controlled by variable #3003, is regard-
ing completion of auxiliary functions (M-, S- and T-code), specified in
a block having a G-code also. The G-codes allow specification of aux-
iliary codes in the same block. Whether the execution of the G-code
starts immediately or waits for the completion of the auxiliary com-
mand is decided by this variable. For example, if G01 X100 S500; is
commanded, the linear interpolation may start immediately, without
waiting for the spindle to attain 500 rpm, or it may wait till the speci-
fied rpm is reached. Note that the T-code possibly cannot be used for
changing the tool during machining, because of a possible interfer-
ence between the tool and the workpiece or the machine body. The
only use of the T-code, in such a case, would be for changing the tool
offset number (e.g., T0101, T0111, T0112, etc., with tool number 1
being in the cutting position, on a lathe).
Even if the auxiliary codes are specified in a separate block, the
execution of the next block may or may not wait for the completion of
the auxiliary command, depending on the setting of variable #3003.

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#3003 Single Block Completion of an Auxiliary Function

0 Enabled To be awaited
1 Disabled To be awaited
2 Enabled Not to be awaited
3 Disabled Not to be awaited

TABLE 3.7 System Variable (#3003) for Automatic Operation Control

Table 3.7 gives the effect of assigning the four permissible values to
this variable. When the machine is switched on, the value of this vari-
able is 0, irrespective of its value in the previous machining session.
Another system variable #3004 controls feed hold and feed over-
ride switches on the MOP as well as the exact stop check performed
internally by the control at the end of a cutting motion. Pressing the
feed hold button stops tool movement without terminating the pro-
gram execution. The tool movement again starts as soon as the feed
hold button is released. Feed override switch allows feedrate from
0 to 254 percent of the programmed value (or less, depending on par-
ticular machine tools), except in threading where it is automatically
disabled by the control (i.e., it remains fixed at 100 percent). The exact
stop check is performed by the control to ensure that the tool reaches
the commanded point within specified tolerance. This slows down a
little bit the performance of the machine. So, if too much accuracy is
not desired for a particular cutting operation (e.g., a rough cutting,
which is to be followed by a finish cutting), this check may be tempo-
rarily disabled. Table 3.8 shows the effect of variable #3004 on feed
hold, feed override, and exact stop check. When the machine is
switched on, the value of this variable is automatically made 0 by the
control, irrespective of its value in the previous machining session.

#3004 Feed Hold Feed Override Exact Stop Check

0 Enabled Enabled Performed
1 Disabled Enabled Performed
2 Enabled Disabled Performed
3 Disabled Disabled Performed
4 Enabled Enabled Not performed
5 Disabled Enabled Not performed
6 Enabled Disabled Not performed
7 Disabled Disabled Not performed

TABLE 3.8 System Variable (#3004) for Automatic Operation Control

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48 Chapter Three

Execution Pause
System variable #3000 generates an alarm condition and terminates
the program execution, whereas variable #3006 causes temporary
pause of execution which can be restarted by pressing the CYCLE
START button again. In the paused state, pressing the MESSAGE key
displays the user-specified message (up to 26 characters). Assigning a
number to variable #3006 halts the program execution. There is no
significance of this number, as message number is not displayed. So,
normally, 1 is assigned. Example:

This would temporarily stop the execution, and display “CHECK

THE DIAMETER” on the message screen. If no message is typed,
nothing would be displayed.

Mirror Image Information

Apart from programmable mirror image command, it is also possible
to obtain mirror image profiles using external switches on the MOP
(there are separate switches for different axes), or through the mirror
image setting screen (Select MDI mode → Press OFS/SET function key
→ Press SETING soft key → Now, after pressing page down key, the
mirror image screen will appear, on which select 1 for activating the
mirror image for a particular axis).
The mirror image status of each axis gets stored in a read-only
system variable #3007. This is a bit-type variable, but it stores the
value in decimal form. For example, 00000011 (where 1 indicates mir-
ror image enabled, and 0 indicates mirror image disabled) gets stored
as 3. So, the value stored in this variable needs to be converted into
binary for interpreting it. For example, a value of 3 indicates that mir-
ror image is enabled for the first two axes. Table 3.9 shows the bit
settings for this variable.
On a lathe, the first and the second axes refer to X- and Z-axis,
respectively, and on a milling machine, the first three axes refer to X-,
Y- and Z-axis, respectively. Additional axes may or may not be avail-
able on a particular machine. Only the first four bits of this variable
are used on Fanuc 0i series.

Number of Machined Parts

The number of parts required and the number of completed parts in the
current machining session can be read or written in system variables

Bit #7 Bit #6 Bit #5 Bit #4 Bit #3 Bit #2 Bit #1 Bit #0

4th axis 3rd axis 2nd axis 1st axis

TABLE 3.9 Bit Settings for System Variable #3007

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#3902 and #3901, respectively. Part count information can also be seen/
modified on the timer/part count screen, or through parameters 6713
and 6711 which store the number of parts required to be produced and
the number of parts produced, respectively.
The timer/part count screen also displays the total number of
parts produced during the entire service time of the machine, as a
read-only information. Whenever a part is completed, both the num-
ber of parts produced and the total number of parts produced are
incremented by 1. While the required and the completed number of
parts can be altered (through the associated system variables, param-
eter settings, or the setting screen), as and when desired, the total
number of completed parts can only be altered through parameter
6712. This information has been made available to keep a record of
the total number of parts produced during the entire service time of
the machine.
The default setting (parameter 6700#0 = 0) of the machine incre-
ments the part count by 1 whenever M02, M30, or the M-code num-
ber specified in parameter 6710 (which normally contains 30 only,
signifying M30) is executed. If it is desired to increment the part count
only after the M-code specified in parameter 6710 is executed (which
may be same as or different from 02 or 30, but not 0, 98, or 99), set
parameter 6700#0 = 1.
Finally, note that M02 or M30 must be typed with the end-of-block
(EOB) symbol (i.e., as M02; or M30;), otherwise the part count will
not be incremented, even though the part would be produced with-
out any error message (the control allows missing EOB symbol at the
end of the program).

Modal Information
The G-codes have been categorized into different groups based on
similarity in functionality. At any time, one G-code from each group
(except Group 0) remains active. Those belonging to Group 0 are
called nonmodal codes, which remain effective only in the block where
they are programmed. Other codes are modal codes, which remain
effective until replaced by some other code from the same group. For
example, G01 is a modal code, grouped with G00, G02, G03, etc. So, if
G01 is used once in the program, it need not be typed again, if the
subsequent motions are to be executed with linear interpolation.
However, as soon as G02 (or some other code from the same group)
is commanded, G01 gets cancelled and G02 becomes active.
During programming, specially while using general-purpose
macros which are to be used with several programs, it may be needed
to know the active G-code of a particular group. For example, refer-
ring to a milling machine, if the main program calls a macro in incre-
mental mode, the macro should interpret the values in the macro call
argument list as being incremental values. The macro should work

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50 Chapter Three

correctly in both cases of absolute and incremental modes of the call-

ing program. This would be possible only if this information is avail-
able while executing the macro. The system variable #4003 stores 90
or 91 depending on whether absolute or incremental mode is cur-
rently active. The macro can read this to have information about the
active mode. For example, let us assume that variable #1 of the macro
represents the absolute X-axis position, and it gets a value through
the argument list of the macro call. Then, to take care of the possible
incremental mode of the main program at the time of calling the
macro, the following statement in the beginning of the macro would
require to be inserted (IF_THEN_ statement is described in Chap. 5):
IF [#4003 EQ 91] THEN #1 = #5041 + #1;

The system variable #5041 stores the current position of the tool
along the X-axis, as described in Table 3.11.
The system variables for various modal information on Fanuc 0i
series are given in Table 3.10 (a) and (b). The vacant columns are for

Number Function G-Code Group
#4001 G00, G01, G02, G03, G33, G34, G71–G74 1
#4002 G96, G97 2
#4003 3
#4004 G68, G69 4
#4005 G98, G99 5
#4006 G20, G21 6
#4007 G40, G41, G42 7
#4008 G25, G26 8
#4009 G22, G23 9
#4010 G80–G89 10
#4011 11
#4012 G66, G67 12
#4014 G54–G59 14
#4015 15
#4016 G17, G18, G19 16
#4017 17
#4018 18

TABLE 3.10(a) System Variables for Modal Information on a Lathe

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Number Function G-Code Group
#4019 19
#4020 20
#4021 21
#4022 22
#4109 F-code (feedrate)
#4113 M-code number
#4114 Sequence number
#4115 Program number
#4119 S-code (rpm/constant surface speed)
#4120 T-code (tool number with offset number)

TABLE 3.10(a) (Continued)

Variable Number Function G-Code Group

#4001 G00, G01, G02, G03, G33 1
#4002 G17, G18, G19 2
#4003 G90, G91 3
#4004 4
#4005 G94, G95 5
#4006 G20, G21 6
#4007 G40, G41, G42 7
#4008 G43, G44, G49 8
#4009 G73, G74, G76, G80–G89 9
#4010 G98, G99 10
#4011 G50, G51 11
#4012 G66, G67 12
#4013 G96, G97 13
#4014 G54–G59 14
#4015 G61–G64 15
#4016 G68, G69 16
#4017 17
#4018 18

TABLE 3.10(b) System Variables for Modal Information on a Milling Machine

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52 Chapter Three

Variable Number Function G-Code Group

#4019 19
#4020 20
#4021 21
#4022 22
#4102 B-code number
#4107 D-code number
#4109 F-code (feedrate)
#4111 H-code number
#4113 M-code number
#4114 Sequence number
#4115 Program number
S-code (rpm/constant surface
#4120 T-code (tool number)
P-code number of the currently
#4130 selected additional workpiece
coordinate system

TABLE 3.10(b) System Variables for Modal Information on a Milling Machine


other versions of Fanuc. These system variables are, obviously, read-

only variables. Note that all the G-codes of a particular control ver-
sion may not be available on a particular machine. Some G-codes
are optional features of the control (which need to be separately
purchased), and some other cannot be used because of hardware lim-
itation of the machine tool.
The parameter 6006#1 (on Fanuc 0i series milling machine controls)
decides whether the modal information obtained through system vari-
ables (#4001 to #4022) is up to the immediately preceding block (which
is the default setting) or up to the currently executing block:
6006#1 = 0 (up to the immediately preceding block)
6006#1 = 1 (up to the currently executing block)

The control automatically highlights the currently executing block on

the display screen. This parameter, however, is not available on lathe
where model information is available up to the last executed block.

Current Tool Position

The system variables, which store information about the current tool
position, are given in Table 3.11. These are all read-only variables.
Note the following:

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03_Sinha_Ch03_p027-056.indd 53
Read Operation During
Variable Number Position Information Coordinate System Tool Compensation Value Tool Movement
Workpiece coordinate
#5001–#5004 Block end point Not included Enabled
Machine coordinate
#5021–#5024 Current position Included Disabled
Workpiece coordinate
#5041–#5044 Current position Included Disabled
Workpiece coordinate
#5061–#5064 Skip signal position Included Enabled

#5081–#5084 Tool offset value Disabled

#5101–#5104 Deviated servo position Disabled

TABLE 3.11 System Variables for Current Tool Position


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54 Chapter Three

Variable Number Function Remark

External workpiece coordinate system
offset values
G54 workpiece coordinate system offset
G55 workpiece coordinate system offset
G56 workpiece coordinate system offset
G57 workpiece coordinate system offset
G58 workpiece coordinate system offset
G59 workpiece coordinate system offset
1st additional workpiece coordinate
system offset values (G54.1 P1)
2nd additional workpiece coordinate Optionally
#7021–#7024 available
system offset values (G54.1 P2)
on milling
… … machines
48th additional workpiece coordinate
system offset values (G54.1 P48)

TABLE 3.12 System Variables for Work Offset Values

• The first digit from right (1, 2, 3, or 4) represents an axis num-

ber. So, on a 2-axis lathe, 1 represents X-axis, 2 represents Z-
axis, and the remaining two are not used. This applies to
Tables 3.12 and 3.13 also.
• The tool position where the skip signal is turned on in a G31
(skip function) block is stored in variables #5061 to #5064.
When the skip signal is not turned on during the course of
tool movement under G31, the specified end point in this
block is stored in these variables.
• Certain variables, such as those for the current tool position,
cannot be read while the tool is moving. The values stored in
these can only be read when the tool movement stops. So the
“current position” is not really the instantaneous position.

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Ty p e s o f Va r i a b l e s 55

Function Variable Numbers Alternate Variable Numbers

External offsets #5201–#5204 #2500–#2800
G54 offsets #5221–#5224 #2501–#2801
G55 offsets #5241–#5244 #2502–#2802
G56 offsets #5261–#5264 #2503–#2803
G57 offsets #5281–#5284 #2504–#2804
G58 offsets #5301–#5304 #2505–#2805
G59 offsets #5321–#5324 #2506–#2806

TABLE 3.13 Alternate System Variables for Work Offset Values

Work Offset Values

Refer to Sec. 5.5 for a detailed discussion on how offset distances for
various workpiece coordinate systems are defined. The measured work
offset distances get stored in certain system variables. These are read/
write variables. So, it is also possible to change the offset distances by
modifying the contents of these variables. Table 3.12 explains the func-
tion of these variables. Table 3.13 shows alternate variable numbers
which can also be used on milling machines, for work offset distances.

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