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Information Technology: "Student Management System"

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A Major Project Proposal on

“Student Management System”

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology
under Pokhara University

Submitted by:
Kushal Krishna Shrestha, 15421
Kribas Rimal, 15318

Submitted to:

Roshan Chitrakar
PhD (Information Security)
Associate Professor, NCIT


Department of Information Technology


Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal


Student Records is a desktop-based online service that allows students to manage their personal
information. All undergraduate and postgraduate students obtain automatic access to Student
Records upon accessing the application. Both student as well as the admin can access the
application on request and upon registration. This allows engineering students to sign up for their
profile and manage their records easily. The main purpose is to reduce cost and time consumed,
which is beneficial to students as well as staff members. With the help of these systems, teachers
will be able to manage their classes a lot better than what they may have done otherwise. No
matter how friendly the atmosphere in your school is there would always be some students who
would hold back for some reason or the other. This is where a student online system can come in
so handy by helping up the doors of communication between one and all. This application aims
to reduce effort and increase efficiency of data without any error. This application will be
designed using C# (.Net) and MySQL. It will have SQL as its database. Completion of this
project ensures no blunder, providing precise information about students and many more.

Keywords: desktop-based, online service, registration, database.

Student Information Management system can be used by education institutes to maintain the
records of students easily. It allows students to keep up to date his profile. Student record
application is designed for the students both newbie and enrolled. It will also facilitate the
keeping all the records of students, such as their id, name, mailing address, phone number, DOB,
etc. The students can view their records from anywhere once they login into their account and
view or modify their specified data in a few seconds.
Overall, it will make students information management an easier job for the administrator and
the students of any organization. The main purpose of this student records application is to
illustrate the requirement of the Student Information System and is intended to help any
organization to maintain and manage its student’s personal data.
The objective of Student Information System is to allow the administrator of any organization to
edit and find out the personal details of a student and allows the student to keep up to date his
profile. It’ll also facilitate keeping all the records of students, such as their id, name, mailing
address, phone number, DOB etc. So, all the information about a student will be available in a
few seconds. Overall, it’ll make Student Information Management an easier job for the
administrator and the student of any organization. Student Information System is intended to
help any organization to maintain and manage its student’s personal data.

A Student Management System is designed to help collages for management of students.
Extensive information is available at your fingertips through this System. Viewing student data,
managing admission and helps to modify their board, semester, faculty, category and for
examination, block allocation, subject management, scheduling exam, result and related issues
are made simple and easy. There are custom search capabilities to aid in finding student
information and working on student records. This can make the system easier to navigate and to
use maximizing the effectiveness of time and other resources. It allows the keeping of personnel
data in a form that can be easily accessed and analyzed in a consistent way.

Proposed project has following objectives:
1. To generate a platform for Engineering Students to create a profile for them and retrieve
and edit their data.

2. It will reduce the effort required of searching student records.

3. It elevates efficiency of the application to search and mange records, hence reduces time
taken to retrieve the data required.

4. It will reduce paper work.

The system provides the flexibility of generating the required documents on screen as well as on
the printer as and when required.

Build an innovative Student Management System application
How we are going to do it?
● Decide which model suite our project base on each characteristic
● Check for resource availability and requirement
● Organize and run systematic process to develop our project
● Categorized work scope into definable tasks
● Identify problem and define suitable solution to enhance to meet performance

What problem are we facing?

Mostly, we face problems on the software part. Even we choose the less complexity coding
format, but still, we are going to use a new application that we didn’t use before. We might get
stuck when execute or compile the code to function as what we wish to do.
How are we going to solve it?
● Seek opinion from advisor and tutor.
● Do some online research and tutorial to get use of the software part.
● Do research on other similar applications and abstract the selling point from them.

In recent years, Student Management System has become very popular . Technological
advancement has rendered a big fillip to day-to-day school activities. Advanced tools, such as
student management system, have eased the daunting tasks of monitoring and updating students’
data–comprising their attendance records, results, grades, among others–providing a big relief to
school management as well as its staff. A significant number of educational institutes have
implemented Student Management System in order to manage all their academic activities with
precision, thereby raising their standards.

Using Student Management System, school staff can store students’ academic records, create
classroom schedules, keep a check on students’ attendance and take better care of various
student-specific data. The size as well as capability of this System varies. A small-scale system
may be only capable of storing students’ academic performance. On the other hand, a large-scale
system can be used for taking care of various aspects of school management. Besides, schools
can increase the capability of their management System by adding various modules to the
already-existing system.

When it comes protecting confidential school-related data, Student Management System is

indeed a boon. The highly secured database of the system can only be accessed by authorized
people. So, it ensures stringent data security. On the other hand, user-friendliness and interactive
user interface are two important features. With these, both school staff and students–irrespective
of their levels of computer proficiency–can perform their tasks.

Students can also harness the benefits. Apart from checking their grades and report cards, they
can also form groups on this platform in order to discuss various study-related matters.

Last but not the least, multiple features of Student Management System are a benediction for
today’s teachers as well. Using these features effectively, teachers can come up with innovative
teaching-learning methods, thereby creating whole new academic benchmarks.


Without a Student Information System, managing and maintaining the details of the student is a
tedious job for any organization. Student Information system will store all the details of the
students including their background information, educational qualifications, personal details and
all the information related to their resume. Login module will help in authentication of user
accounts. Users who have valid login id and password can only login into their respective


1. The system cannot be used by multiple people at once i.e. is not a multi user.

2. It cannot be accessed until and unless we Sign Up.

3. Data loss can occur due to the technical issues so it is necessary to make backups at
regular intervals.

4. Initially, it may be costly and may require maintenance once a week.

Literature review of computerized data collection and student record, information protection and
on student records, and record management on the student records. This section presents a
review of related literature to the study of management information system and student records.
The review has been done in accordance with the research objectives which are impact of
computerized data collection on maintenance of student record, computerized information
protection on student record and computerized record management in maintenance of student
records in Pokhara university.


Theoretical Under-pinning of the Study. Student is an individual who is registered for a

university credit course or program. A student record, also known as an education record,
contains information directly related to a student, which means that the record is personally
identifiable. Personal identifiers that relate a record to a student include student name, student
ID/social security number, student address, parent/family member names, and a list of personal
characteristics. Student records are maintained in multiple media including handwriting, print,
computer’s main memory, magnetic tape, cassette, disk or CD. Student records may be presented
by the student, submitted on behalf of the student, or created by the University. These records are
used to assist offices in their support of basic institutional objectives and to document student
progress and achievement in the educational process of the University. Computerized Data
Collection on Maintenance of Student Records.
The systematic literature review was employed as follows:
● A variety of combinations of search strings were applied to selected scientific databases
and search engines. The search string matrix was developing continually throughout the
review process.
● Papers pre-selected on the basis of their title and abstract were downloaded to the citation
manager, together with their full text
● All duplicates, multiple entries and irrelevant papers were removed; remaining papers
were scanned for the information of interest.
● When a relevant document was cited that had not been previously identified by database
queries, it was downloaded.


The system has a different segment to process a specific task which is the modules. This will
help the system to developed easily and makes it more user-friendly.

The modules of the project are: –

Login Module: –

This will help users to login into the system using institute id and password. A user who has the
valid id and password can only login to their respective accounts. It will help the authentication
of the user who enters the system. The module provides a layer of security over the system as
only authorized personnel can login into the system. This prevents from any anonymous person
to enter the system and mishandle the records. It is better than the manual method as they do not
have any security measure of who can access the system and who cannot.

Registration Module: –

This module the student will get registered as it is new in the educational institute. It will be
formed like structure where all the student details will be filled. It will have the fields regarding
their personal information like date of birth and address along with that it will also ask its
professional details of previous education if it has. As this module is present online, the student
can register them from anywhere in the internet is present. As after registration information will
go to the admin for authentication. This module will reduce the hectic task of taking multiple
forms from the institute and filling them carefully as any mistake will lead to getting new sets of
the forms.

Course Module: –

Each student will be able to select various courses present in the system in accordance to their
faculty. It will be published by the administrator under the specific department. Every course has
the qualification criteria, it will be available to those students who are eligible for it. The student
will pick the course from the given choices according to his/her interest. It will be added in their
professional information details. All the courses will be handled by the department assigned to
them by the administrator.

Search Module: -

In the institution there will be thousands of students and suppose from this there is need to find
the detail of specific student. The only information provided to search is the name of the student.
In the manual system, it will be catastrophic to find the student as it is a very tedious job to do
so. But with the computerized system admin can easily find the specifying student with just
typing the name and click the search button. This module will help the admin in searching the
student record for alteration and maintenance.

Assignment Module: –

As every course has the assignment which will be given to the student to complete. Based on
these assignments every student will be awarded the marks. The assignment can of the various
types which will be provided to the student. The student will be able to access the assignment
given by the department who handles the course. The user will also be able to check its marks
he/she got in each exam. Department can also able to differentiate the assignment into various
categories like quiz, essay or report writing. This helps in making the studies more vibrant for the

Attendance Module: –

This module is one of the essential parts of the system as this will act as the official document of
student presence in the institution. It will show the attendance of the student in every course.

In incremental model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. Multiple
development cycles take place here, making the life cycle a “multi-waterfall” cycle. Cycles are
divided up into smaller, more easily managed modules. Incremental model is a type of software
development model like V-model, Agile model etc. In this model, each module passes through
the requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. A working version of software is
produced during the first module, so you have working software early on during the software life
cycle. Each subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous release. The process
continues till the complete system is achieved. This model combines the elements of the
waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.
The product is decomposed into a number of components, each of which are designed and built
separately (termed as builds). Each component is delivered to the client when it is complete. This
allows partial utilization of product and avoids a long development time. It also creates a large
initial capital outlay with the subsequent long wait avoided. This model of development also
helps ease the traumatic effect of introducing completely new system all at once. There are some
problems with this model. One is that each new build must be integrated with previous builds
and any existing systems. The task of decomposing product into builds not trivial either. If there
are too few builds and each build degenerates this turns into Build-And-Fix model. However, if
there are too many builds then there is too little added utility from each build.


Use case diagram: -

Actors: Student, Administrator, Staff

Structure diagram: -

• Week 1 Module
– Find group members and set up a blog site for project progress reporting

• Week 2
– A project proposal (1-2 pages) submit to lecturer (Uploaded to the blog)
i. Project Title
Admin Manage
ii. Group member details (ID, name, email, major)
ment Staff Student

iii. Introduction to the background of your system

iv. Objectives and features of your system
v. Problem definition:
User Admission
Creation Process Allocate Student
-What we want to do
Assigning Fees Assignments Report
Rights Structure Student View-
-How are we
Preliminary going to do it Staff Attendance Allocated
Settings Attendance Student Assignments
-What problem are we face Staff Progress Exam Time
Academic Allocation Table
-How are we going to solve it Notice Report
Quick Subject Book
Mail/SMS Board Entry Syllabus Details
– Identify what technologies going
Examto use:
TimePHP, ASP.Net, JSP or others. Feedback

• Week 2 – 11
– Update project progress on the project blog site. (Instructions will be put on the MML online
bulletin and/or during lecture/tutorial by Mr. Simon)
– Every student’s individual effort is to be stated in the blog regarding the diagrams / content etc.

• Week 3 – 5
– A project planning diagram (network diagram) and a Gantt Chart are to be drawn.
– Prepare a system requirement diagram (to be taught in lectures)
– Design of the system MUST be done using diagram learned such as Unified Modeling
Language (UML) diagram (Use Case, Activity, State, Sequence etc.)

• Week 10-12
– We are tested on our developed application and document.

• Week 11-12
– Write a final technical report to describe the features of software system.
Show some screenshots of the system. (Strictly between 8-12 pages only not including source

• Week 12
– A group presentation which takes 15 minutes per group (date/time will be announced later)

• Week 13
– Submission of project final technical report. A weekly project progress documentation or
report on development status is uploaded to the blog every week.

● Projects https://www.youtube.com/watch?
● Design details
● Tutorials


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