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Overall Requirements 1. Scope: Applicable Gazette Notification Under CMVR

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Chapter 1


1. Scope

1.1. This Part applies to the tailpipe emission of vehicles equipped with spark ignition
engines (Petrol, CNG and LPG) and compression ignition engines (Diesel) for all
M & N Category vehicles with GVW upto 3.5 tons for Bharat Stage IV.

At the request of the manufacturers, type-approval pursuant to TAP 115/116

issue 4 may be extended from M1 or N1 vehicles equipped with compression
ignition engines which have already been type-approved, to M2 and N2 vehicles
having a reference mass not exceeding 2,840 kg and meeting the conditions of
Para 6 & 7 of this chapter.

1.1.1 Refer Chapter 16 of this part for tailpipe emission of Hybrid Electric vehicles.

1.2. The method of test for mass emission given in this Part may also be used at the
manufacturer's option for compression ignition engine vehicles wherever
applicable with Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) not exceeding 3500 kg, instead of
Part XV.

1.3. This Part should be read in conjunction with applicable Gazette Notification under
CMVR for which the vehicle is subjected to test.

2. Definitions:

2.1. Spark Ignition Engine: Means an internal combustion engine in which the
combustion of the air/fuel mixture is initiated at given instants by a hot spot,
usually an electric spark.

2.2. Compression Ignition Engine: Means an engine, which works on the

compression-ignition principle (e.g. diesel engine).

2.3. Idle Speed: Means the engine rate, in revolution per minute, with fuel system
controls (accelerator and choke) in the rest position, transmission in neutral and
clutch engaged in the case of vehicles with manual or semiautomatic
transmission, or with selector in park or neutral position when an automatic
transmission is installed, as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.4. Normal Thermal Conditions: Means the thermal conditions attained by an

engine and its drive line after a run of at least 15 minutes on a variable course,
under normal traffic conditions.

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2.14. Starting Aid: Means a device which assists engine start up without enrichment
of the fuel mixture, e.g. glow plug, change of injection timing for fuel-injected
spark ignition engine, etc.

2.15. Engine capacity means: For reciprocating piston engines, the nominal engine
swept volume.

2.16. Anti pollution device: means those components of the vehicles that control and
/ or limit tail pipe and evaporative emissions.

2.17. OBD an on-board diagnostic system for emission control which has the
capability of identifying the likely area of malfunction by means of fault codes
stored in computer memory.

2.18. Type Approval of a vehicle: Means the type approval of a vehicle model with
regard to the limitation of tailpipe emissions from the vehicles.

2.19. Vehicle Model: Means a category of power-driven vehicles which do not differ
in such essential respects as the equivalent inertia determined in relation to the
reference weight of engine and vehicle characteristics which effects the vehicular
emission and listed in Chapter 2 of this Part.

2.20. Vehicle for Type Approval Test: Means the fully built vehicle incorporating
all design features for the model submitted by the vehicle manufacturer.

2.21. Vehicle for Conformity of Production: Means a vehicle selected at random

from a production series of vehicle model which has already been type approved.

2.22. Hybrid Vehicle (HV) means a vehicle with at least two different energy
converters and two different energy storage systems (on vehicle) for the purpose
of vehicle propulsion.

2.23. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) means a vehicle that, for the purpose of
mechanical propulsion, draws energy from both of the following on-vehicle
sources of stored energy/power
• a consumable fuel
• an electrical energy/power storage device (e.g.: battery, capacitor, flywheel/
generator etc.)

2.24 Bi Fuel means a vehicle that can run part-time on petrol and also part-time on
either LPG or NG

2.25 Mono-fuel vehicle means a vehicle that is designed primarily for permanent
running on LPG or NG, but may also have a petrol system for emergency

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purposes for starting only, where the petrol tank does not contain more than
15 litres of petrol.

2.26 Periodically regenerating system " means an anti-pollution device (e.g.

catalytic converter, particulate trap) that requires a periodical regeneration
process in less than 4,000 km of normal vehicle operation. During cycles
where regeneration occurs, emission standards can be exceeded. If a
regeneration of an anti-pollution device occurs at least once per Type I test
and that has already regenerated at least once during vehicle preparation cycle,
it will be considered as a continuously regenerating system which does not
require a special test procedure.

At the request of the manufacturer, the test procedure specific to periodically

regenerating systems will not apply to a regenerative device if the
manufacturer provides data to the type approval authority that, during cycles
where regeneration occurs, emissions remain below the standards given in
applicable Gazette Notification applied for the concerned vehicle category
after agreement of the test agency.
2.27 Defeat Device means any element of design which senses temperature,
vehicle speed, engine rotational speed, transmission gear, manifold vaccum or
any other parameter for the purpose of activating, modeling, delaying or
deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system, that
reduces the effectiveness of the emission control stsem under conditions
which may reasonably be expected to be encountered in normal vehicle
operation and use. Such an element of design may not be considered a defeat
device if
2.27.1 The need of the device is justified in terms of protecting the engine
against damage or accident and for safe operation of the vehicle, or
2.27.2 The device does not function beyond the requirements of engine
starting or,
2.27.3 Conditions are substantially included in the Type I or Type VI test
2.28 Fuel Requirement by the Engine means the type of fuel normally used by
the engine.
- Petrol
- LPG (liquid petroleum gas)
- NG (Natural Gas)
- Either petrol or LPG
- Either petrol or NG
- Diesel fuel

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3. Application for Type Approval

3.1. The application for type approval of a vehicle model with regard to limitation of
its tailpipe emissions, evaporative emissions, durability of anti-pollution devices
as well as to its on-board diagnostic (OBD) system from the vehicles shall be
submitted by the vehicle manufacturer with a description of the engine and
vehicle model comprising all the particulars referred to in Chapter 2 of this Part.

A vehicle representative of the vehicle model to be type approved shall be

submitted to the testing agency responsible for conducting tests referred in Para 5
of this Chapter. Should the application concern an on-board diagnostic (OBD)
system the procedure described in Chapter 13, Para 3 for OBD I & Chapter 14,
Para 3 for OBD II as applicable must be followed.

3.1.1. Should the application concern an on-board diagnostic (OBD)

system, it must be accompanied by the additional information required
in chapter 2 of this part. by the manufacturer for OBD II:

i. In the case of vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engines, the

percentage of misfires out of a total number of firing events that
would result in emissions exceeding the limits given in Para 3.3.2
of Chapter 14 if that percentage of misfire had been present from
the start of a Type I test as described in Para 5.3.1 of Chapter 3;

ii. In the case of vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engines, the

percentage of misfires out of a total number of firing events that
could lead to an exhaust catalyst, or catalysts, overheating prior to
causing irreversible damage; written information fully describing the functional operation

characteristics of the OBD system, including a listing of all relevant
parts of the vehicle's emission control system, i.e. sensors, actuators
and components, that are monitored by the OBD system; description of the malfunction indicator (MI) used by the OBD

system to signal the presence of a fault to a driver of the vehicle; manufacturer must describe provisions taken to prevent tampering

with and modification of the emission control computer; appropriate, copies of other type-approvals with the relevant data

to enable extensions of approvals;

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 872 applicable, the particulars of the vehicle family as referred to in
Chapter 13, Annex 3 or Chapter 14, Annex 2 as applicable.

3.1.2. For the tests described in Para 5 & 6 of Chapter 13 or Para 3 of

Chapter 14 as applicable, a vehicle representative of the vehicle type or
vehicle family fitted with the OBD system to be approved must be
submitted to the test agency responsible for the type-approval test. If
the test agency determines that the submitted vehicle does not fully
represent the vehicle type or vehicle family described in Chapter 13,
Annex 3 or Chapter 14, Annex 2 as applicable, an alternative and if
necessary an additional vehicle must be submitted for test in
accordance with Para 5 of Chapter 13 or Para 3 of Chapter 14.

3.2. A model of the information document relating to tailpipe emissions, evaporative

emissions, durability and the on-board diagnostic (OBD) system is given in
Chapter 2.

3.2.1. Where appropriate, copies of other type-approvals with the relevant

data to enable extension of approvals and establishment of
deterioration factors must be submitted.

3.3. For the tests described in Para 5 of this Chapter a vehicle representative of
vehicle type to be approved must be submitted to the / testing agency responsible
for the type-approval test.

4. Type Approval

If the vehicle submitted for type approval pursuant to these rules, meet the
requirements of Para 5 below, approval of that vehicle model shall be granted.
The approval of the vehicle model pursuant to this part shall be communicated to
the vehicle manufacturer and nodal agency by the testing agency in the form of
certificate of compliance to the CMVR, as envisaged in Rule-126 of CMVR.

5. Specification and Tests:

5.1. General: The components liable to affect the tailpipe and evaporative emissions
of gaseous pollutants shall be so designed, constructed and assembled to enable
the vehicle, in normal use, despite the vibrations to which they may be subjected
to comply with the provisions of this rule.

5.2. Specifications concerning the emissions of pollutants

5.2.1. The vehicle shall be subjected to tests of Type I and II as specified

below according to the category it belongs.

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5.2.2. Type I Test: (Verifying the average tailpipe emissions) vehicle shall be placed on a Chassis dynamometer bench equipped

with a means of load and inertia simulation. test lasting a total of 19 minutes and 40 seconds made up of two

parts, One and Two shall be performed without interruption. An
unsampled period of not more than 20 seconds may, with the
agreement of the manufacturer, be introduced between the end of Part
One and the beginning of Part Two in order to facilitate adjustment of
the test equipment.

If reference fuel is available, vehicles that are fuelled with LPG or

CNG shall be tested in the type I test for variations in the composition
of LPG or CNG, as set out in 3.2 of chapter 3 of this part. Vehicles
that can be fuelled either with LPG or CNG to be tested for Fuel A &
Fuel B in case of LPG and G20 & G25 in case of CNG.

Reference Fuel shall be used for Type Approval and Conformity of

Production one year after the same is available to the test agencies. Till
then, Commercial CNG/LPG fuel shall be used as per applicable
Gazette Notification under CMVR. Part One of the test cycle is made up of 4 elementary urban cycles.
Each elementary urban cycle comprises 15 phases (idling, acceleration,
steady speed, and deceleration). Part Two of the test cycle is made up of one extra urban cycle. The
extra urban cycle comprises 13 phases (idling, acceleration, steady
speed, and deceleration). the test the exhaust gases shall be diluted with air and a
proportional sample collected in one or more bags. The contents of the
bags will be analysed at the end of the test. The total volume of the
diluted exhaust shall be measured. Carbon monoxide (CO), hydro
carbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide emissions (NOX), and in addition
particulate matter (PM) the case of vehicles equipped with compression
ignition engines shall be recorded. Carbon dioxide shall also be
recorded for the purpose of calculation of fuel consumption. test shall be carried out by the procedure described in Chapter 3 of

Part XIV. The methods used to collect and analyse the gases and to
remove and weigh the particulates shall be as prescribed. to the provisions of the paragraphs &, the test
shall be repeated three times, the test results shall be multiplied by

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appropriate deterioration factors as notified in CMVR and, in the case of
periodically regenerating systems also must be multiplied by the Ki factors
obtained from Chapter 15 of Part XIV of this document. The resulting
masses of gaseous emission and, in the case of vehicles equipped with
compression-ignition engines, the mass of particulates obtained in each
test shall not exceed the applicable limits. Approval Mass Emission Standards for Type I test:

Mass emission standards (Bharat Stage IV) for vehicles (4 wheelers)
shall be as per the details given in Rule No. 115 [15 (b) (i)] of CMVR,
as amended from time to time, for petrol and diesel vehicles. For CNG
and LPG vehicles, this rule should be read in conjunction with the rule
115(B) and 115(C)., for each of the pollutants or combination of pollutants

one of the three results obtained may exceed by not more than 10% of
the applicable limits prescribed for the vehicle concerned, provided the
arithmetical mean of the three results is not exceeding the prescribed
limit. Where the prescribed limits are exceeded for more than one
pollutant or combination of pollutants, it shall be immaterial whether
this occurs in the same test or in different tests. number of tests prescribed in Para above shall be reduced

in the conditions hereinafter defined, where V1 is the result of the first
test and V2 the result of the second test for each of the pollutants
referred to in Para above.

i. Only one test shall be performed if the result obtained for each
pollutant or the sum of values for pollutants in case of the limit is
so specified (e.g. HC+ NOx) is less than or equal to 0.7 L i.e. V1 ≤
0.70 L.

ii. If the requirements of are not satisfied, only two tests are
performed, if for each pollutant or the sum of values for pollutants
in case of the limit is so specified (e.g. HC + NOx), the following
requirements are met. V1 ≤ 0.85 L and V1 + V2 ≤ 1.7 L and V2 ≤ <
L. Fig.1 depicts the scheme.

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Figure 1: Flow Sheet for the Type Approval Test as per Bharat Stage IV for 4 wheelers

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5.2.3. Type II Test (Test for carbon monoxide and Hydrocarbons emissions
at idling speed). is applicable only for spark ignition engine vehicles. carbon monoxide and Hydrocarbons content by volume of the

exhaust gases emitted with the engine idling must not exceed as per the
limits mentioned in 4.1 of Part I of this document.

5.2.4. Type III test (verifying emission of crankcase gases). test must be carried out on all 4 wheeler vehicles referred to in

Para 1 except those having compression ignition engines. tested in accordance with Chapter 10, the engine’s crankcase

ventilation system must not permit the emission of any of the crankcase
gases into the atmosphere.

5.2.5. Type IV test (determination of evaporative emission). test must be carried out on all 4 wheeler gasoline vehicles. tested in accordance with Chapter 11, evaporative emission

shall be less than 2 g/test.

5.2.6. Type V test (durability of anti-pollution devices): The requirement of

durability must be compiled on all vehicles referred to in Para 1 of this
Chapter. This may be established by using the deterioration factor
notified in CMVR or by carrying out the durability test. The test
represents an ageing test of 80,000 km for four wheelers driven in
accordance with the program described in chapter 12, on a test track,
on the road or on a chassis dynamometer. For all type of 4 wheelers a deterioration factor as notified in

Notification is applicable.


The vehicle manufacturer may opt for an ageing test of 80,000 km

for 4 wheeler vehicles for evaluation deterioration factor as
described in chapter 12. At the request of the manufacturer, the testing agency may carry
out the Type I test before Type V test has been completed using
the deterioration factors given in Notification. On completion of
Type V test, the test agency may then amend the type-approval

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results recorded in the Notification with those measured in type V
test. Deterioration factor are determined using either procedure in

chapter 12 or using the values in the notifications at the option of
manufacturer. The factors are used to establish compliance with
the requirements of and 8.2.

6. Modifications of the vehicle Model

6.1. Every modification in the essential characteristics of the vehicle model shall be
intimated by the vehicle manufacturer to the test agency which type approved the
vehicle model. The test agency may either

6.1.1. Consider that the vehicle with the modifications made may still
comply with the requirement, or require a further test to ensure further

6.2. In case of 6.1.1 above, the testing agency shall extend the type approval covering
the modified specification or the vehicle model shall be subjected to necessary
tests. In case, the vehicle complies with the requirements, the test agency shall
extend the type approval.

6.3. Any changes to the procedure of PDI and running in concerning emission shall
also be intimated to the test agency by the vehicle manufacturer, whenever such
changes are carried out.

7. Model Changes
7.1 Type I & Type II test

7.1.1 Vehicle models of Different Reference Weights and coast down

coefficients: Approval of a vehicle model may under the following
conditions be extended to vehicle models, which differ, from the
type approved only in respect of their reference weight. Approval may be extended to vehicle model of a reference

weight requiring merely the use of the next two steps higher
or any lower equivalent inertia. If the reference weight of the vehicle model for which

extension of the type approval is requested requires the use
of a flywheel of equivalent inertia lower than that used for
the vehicle model already approved, extension of the type
approval shall be granted if the masses of the pollutants
obtained from the vehicle already approved are within the

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limits prescribed for the vehicle for which extension of the
approval is requested. If different body configurations are used with the same

power plant and drive line and the change in the load
equation due to changes in the coefficient of resistances
that is within the limits that would be caused by the change
of inertia as permitted by Clause 7.1.1 above the approval
may be extended.

7.1.2 Vehicle models with Different Overall Gear Ratios: Approval granted to a vehicle model may under the

following conditions be extended to vehicle models from
the type approved only in respect of their overall
transmission ratios; For each of the transmission ratios used in the Type I Test,
it shall be necessary to determine the proportion,
E = (V2 - V1)/V1,
Where at engine speed of 1000 rev/min, V1 is the speed of the vehicle
model type approved and V2 is the speed of the vehicle model for which
extension of the approval is requested. If for each gear ratio E ≤ 8%, the extension shall be granted
without repeating the Type I Tests. If for at least one gear ratio, E > 8% and if for each gear
ratio E ≤ 13% the Type I test must be repeated, but may be
performed in laboratory chosen by the manufacturer subject
to the approval of the test agency granting type approval.
The report of the tests shall be submitted to the test agency
by the manufacturer.

7.1.3 Vehicle models of Different Reference Weights, coefficient of

coast down and Different Overall Transmission Ratios: Approval
granted to a vehicle model may be extended to vehicle models
differing from the approved type only in respect of their reference
weight, coefficient of coast down and their overall transmission
ratios, provided that all the conditions prescribed in Para 7.1 and
7.2 above are fulfilled.

7.1.4 Note: When a vehicle type has been approved in accordance with
the provisions of Para 7.1 to 7.3 above, such approval may not be
extended to other vehicle types.

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7.1.5 Vehicle model with different makes of emission related
components: the manufacturers shall inform the test agency The names
of suppliers of items such as ignition coil, magneto, CB
point, air filter, silencer, etc. mentioned above, that in
addition to carried out the type approval, the names of new
alternate suppliers for these items as and when they are
being introduced. At the time of first type approval or for a subsequent

addition of a make for a particular part, work out the
combinations of tests in such a way that each make of such
parts are tested at least once,
7.2 Evaporative Emissions (type IV test) Approval granted to a vehicle type equipped with a control

system for evaporative emissions may be extended under
the following conditions. The basic principle of fuel/air metering (e.g. single point

injection, carburetor) must be the same. The shape of the fuel tank and the material of the fuel tank
and liquid fuel hoses must be identical. The worst-case of
family with regards to the cross-section and approximate
hose length must be tested. Whether non-identical
vapor/liquid separators are acceptable is decided by the
technical service responsible for the type-approval tests.
The fuel tank volume must be within a range of ± 10%. The
setting of the tank relief valve must be identical. The method of storage of the fuel vapor must be identical,

i.e. trap form and volume, storage medium, air cleaner (if
used for evaporative emission control), etc. The carburetor bowl fuel volume must be within a 10

milliliter range. The method of purging of the stored vapor must be

identical (e.g., air flow, start point or purge volume over
driving cycle). The method of sealing and venting of the fuel metering

system must be identical.]

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7.2.2 Further notes:
i. different engine sizes are allowed;
ii. different engine powers are allowed;
iii. automatic and manual gearboxes, two and four wheel transmissions are
iv. different body styles are allowed;
v. different wheel and tyre sizes are allowed.

7.3 Durability of anti-pollution devices (Type V Test)

7.3.1 Approval granted to a vehicle type may be extended to different

vehicle types, provided that the engine/pollution control system
combination is identical to that of the vehicle already approved. To
this end, those vehicle types whose parameters described below are
identical or remain within the limit values prescribed are
considered to belong to the same engine/pollution control system

7.3.2 Engine:
• number of cylinders,
• engine capacity (± 15%),
• configuration of the cylinder block,
• number of valves,
• fuel system,
• type of cooling system,
• combustion process,
• cylinder bore center to center dimensions

7.3.3 Pollution control system:

• Catalytic Converters:
- Number of catalytic converters and elements
- Size and shape of catalytic converters (volume of monolith ±
- Type of catalytic activity (oxidizing, three-way),
- Precious metal load (identical or higher),
- Precious metal ratio (+/- 15%)
- Substrate (structure and material),
- Cell density,
- Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s),
- Location of catalytic converters (position and dimension in the
exhaust system that does not produce a temperature variation
of more than 50 K at the inlet of the catalytic converter). This
temperature variation shall be checked under stabilized
conditions at a speed of 90 km/h for Four Wheelers, and the
load setting of type I test.
• Air injection:

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- With or without
- Type (pulsair, air pumps….)
• EGR:
- With or without

7.3.4 Inertia category: the two inertia categories immediately above and
any inertia category below.

7.3.5 The durability test may be achieved by using a vehicle, the body
style, gear box (automatic or manual) and size of the wheels or
tyres of which are different from those of the vehicle type for
which the type approval is sought.

7.4 On-board diagnostics

Approval granted to a vehicle type with respect to the OBD system may be
extended to different vehicle types belonging to the same vehicle-OBD family
as described in Chapter 13, Annex 3 or Chapter 14, Annex 2 as applicable.
The engine emission control system must be identical to that of the vehicle
already approved and comply with the description of the OBD engine family
given in Chapter 13, Annex 3 or Chapter 14, Annex 2 as applicable, regardless
of the following vehicle characteristics:
• engine accessories,
• tyres,
• equivalent inertia,
• cooling system,
• overall gear ratio,
• transmission type,
• type of bodywork.

8 Conformity of Production:

8.1 Every produced vehicle of the model approved under this rule shall conform,
with regard to components affecting the emission of gaseous pollutants by the
engine to the vehicle model type approved. The administrative procedure for
carrying out conformity of production is given in Part VI of this document.
However, when the period between commencement of production of a new
model and beginning of next rationalized COP period is less than two months,
the same would be merged with the rationalized COP period.

8.2 If a type I test is to be carried out and a vehicle type-approval has one or
several extensions, the tests will be carried out either on the vehicle described
in the initial information package or on the vehicle described in the
information package relating to the relevant extension.

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8.3 Three vehicles are selected at random in the series and are tested as described in
para 5.2.2 above. However, in case of vehicle model and its variants produced
less than 250 in the half yearly period as mentioned in clause 11.1 of Part VI of
this document sample size shall be one. The deterioration factors are used in the
same way. The limit values are as specified in applicable notification.

8.4 Type I Test: Verifying the average emission of gaseous pollutants: For
verifying the conformity of production in a Type I Test, the following
procedure as per Option1 is adopted.

8.5 To verify the average tailpipe emissions of gaseous pollutants of low volume
vehicles with Annual production less than 250 per 6 months, manufacture can
choose from the Option 1 OR Option 2 as listed below:

8.6 Option 1

8.6.1 The vehicle samples taken from the series, as described in 8.1 is
subjected to the test described in Para 5.2.2 above. The results shall
be multiplied by the deterioration factors used at the time of type
approval and in the case of periodically regenerating systems the
results shall also be multiplied by the Ki factors obtained by the
procedure specified in Chapter 15 of Part XIV of this document at the
time when type approval was granted. The result masses of gaseous
emissions and in addition in case of vehicles equipped with
compression ignition engines, the mass of particulates obtained in
the test shall not exceed the applicable limits.
8.6.2 Procedure for Conformity of Production as per Bharat Stage IV for
all M and N Category vehicles upto 3.5 tons GVW. Conformity of production shall be verified as per Bharat
Stage IV emission norms for 4 wheeler vehicles as given in
Para and with the procedure given below. To verify the average tailpipe emissions of gaseous
pollutants following procedure shall be adopted: Minimum of three vehicles shall be selected randomly from
the series with a sample lot size as defined in part VI of
MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116. After selection by the authority, the manufacturer must not
undertake any adjustments to the vehicles selected, except
those permitted in Part VI. All three randomly selected vehicles shall be tested
for a Type - I test as per Para 5.2.2 of chapter 1 of this part. Let Xi1, Xi2 & Xi3 are the test results for the Sample
No.1, 2 & 3. If the natural Logarithms of the measurements in the series
are X1, X2, X3 ........... Xj and Li is the natural logarithm of
the limit value for the pollutant, then define:
MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 883 
dj = Xj – Li Table I of Chapter 1 of this part shows values of the pass

(An) and fail (Bn) decision numbers against current sample
number. The test statistic is the ratio dn / Vn and must be
used to determine whether the series has passed or failed as
- Pass the series, if d n /Vn ≤ An for all the pollutants.
- Fail the series if d n /Vn ≥ Bn for any one of the pollutants.
- Increase the sample size by one, if An < d n /Vn < Bn for any one of the
pollutants. When a pass decision is reached for one pollutant, that decision
will not be changed by any additional tests carried out to reach a decision
for the other pollutants
- If no pass decision is reached for all the pollutants and no fail decision is
reached for one pollutant, a test shall be carried out on another randomly
selected sample till a pass or fail decision is arrived at. Running in may be carried out at the request of the manufacturer either as per the
manufacturers recommendation submitted during type approval or with a maximum of
3000 km for the vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine and with a maximum
of 15000 km for the vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine. Alternatively if the manufacturer wishes to run in the vehicles, (“x” km, where x
≤ 3000 km for vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine and x ≤ 15000 km for
vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine), the procedure will be as follows:
- the pollutant emissions (type I) will be measured at zero and at “x” km on
the first tested vehicle,
- the evolution coefficient of the emissions between zero and “x” km will be
calculated for each of the pollutants:

This may be less than 1,

- the other vehicles will not be run in, but their zero km emissions will be
multiplied by the evolution coefficient.
In this case, the values to be taken will be:
- the values at “x” km for the first vehicle,
- the values at zero km multiplied by the evolution coefficient for the other

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 884 All these tests shall be conducted with the reference fuel as specified in the
applicable gazette notification. However, at the manufacturer’s request, tests may
be carried out with commercial fuel.

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Figure 2: Option 1 CoP Test Procedure as per Bharat Stage IV for 4 wheelers.

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Table I: Applicable for CoP Procedure as per Bharat Stage IV for 4 wheelers.

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8.7 Option 2
8.7.1 The vehicle samples taken from the series, as described in 8.1 is
subjected to the test described in Para 5.2.2 above. The results shall
be multiplied by the deterioration factors used at the time of type
approval and in the case of periodically regenerating systems the
results shall also be multiplied by the Ki factors obtained by the
procedure specified in Chapter 15 of Part XIV of this document at the
time when type approval was granted. The result masses of gaseous
emissions and in addition in case of vehicles equipped with
compression ignition engines, the mass of particulates obtained in
the test shall not exceed the applicable limits.
8.7.2 Procedure for Conformity of Production as per Bharat Stage IV for
all M and N Category vehicles upto 3.5 tons GVW. Conformity of production shall be verified as per Bharat
Stage IV emission norms for 4 wheeler vehicles as given in
Para and with the procedure given below. To verify the average tailpipe emissions of gaseous
pollutants following procedure shall be adopted: Minimum of three vehicles shall be selected randomly from
the series with a sample lot size. After selection by the authority, the manufacturer must not

undertake any adjustments to the vehicles selected, except
those permitted in Part VI. MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116 First vehicle out of three randomly selected vehicles shall

be tested for Type - I test as per MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-
115/116 Para 5.2.2 of chapter 1. Only one test (V1) shall be performed if the test results for
all the pollutants meet 70 % of their respective limit values
(i.e. V1 ≤ 0.7L & L being the COP Limit) Only two tests shall be performed if the first test results for
all the pollutants doesn’t exceed 85% of their respective
COP limit values (i.e. V1 ≤ 0.85L) and at the same time one
of these pollutant value exceeds 70% of the limit (i.e. V1 >
0.7L) In addition, to reach the pass decision for the series,
combined results of V1 & V2 shall satisfy such requirement
that : (V1 + V2 ) < 1.70L and V2 ≤ L for all the pollutants. Third Type - I (V3) test shall be performed if the para 4.11
above doesn’t satisfy and if the second test results for all
pollutants are within the 110% of the prescribed COP
limits, Series passes only if the arithmetical mean for all the
pollutants for three type I tests doesn’t exceed their
respective limit value (i.e. (V1 + V2 + V3)/3 ≤ L)

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 888 If one of the three test results obtained for any one of the
pollutants exceed 10% of their respective limit values the
test shall be continued on Sample No. 2 & 3 as given in the
Figure - 2 of chapter 1 of this part, as the provision for
extended COP and shall be informed by the test agency to
the nodal agency These randomly selected sample No.2 & 3 shall be

tested for only one Type - I test as per para 5.2.2. of Part
09, Chapter 1 of MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116. Let X i2 & X i3 are the test results for the Sample
No.2 & 3 and Xi1 is the test result of the Sample No.1
which is the arithmetical mean for the three type - I tests
conducted on Sample No. 1 If the natural Logarithms of the measurements in

the series are X1,X2,X3...........Xj and Li is the natural
logarithm of the limit value for the pollutant, then define :

dj = Xj – Li
1 n
dn = ∑ d j
n j =1

1 n

Vn = (d j − d n ) 2
n j =1 Table I of this part shows values of the pass (An)

and fail (Bn) decision numbers against current sample
number. The test statistic is the ratio d n / Vn and must be
used to determine whether the series has passed or failed as
follows :-

• Pass the series, d n /Vn ≥ Αn for all the pollutants-

• Fail the series d n /Vn ≥ Bn for any one of the pollutants.-
• Increase the sample size by one, if An < d n /Vn ≤ Bn for any
one of the pollutants. When a pass decision is reached for one pollutant,

that decision will not be changed by any additional tests
carried out to reach a decision for the other pollutants.- If no pass decision is reached for all the pollutants

and no fail decision is reached for one pollutant, a test shall
be carried out on another randomly selected sample till a
pass or fail decision is arrived at.

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 889 

8.8 All these tests shall be conducted with the reference fuel as specified in the
applicable gazette notification. However, at the manufacturer's request, tests
may be carried out with commercial fuel.

8.9 Type II Test: Carbon monoxide and Hydrocarbons emission at idling speed.
When the vehicle taken from the series for the first type I test mentioned in
8.2 Para above, subjected to the test described in Chapter 9 of this Part for
verifying the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission at idling speed
should meet the limit values specified in Para above. If it does not,
another 10 vehicles shall be taken from the series at random and shall be
tested as per Chapter 9 of this Part. These vehicles can be same as those
selected for carrying out Type I test. Additional vehicles if required, shall be
selected for carrying out for Type II test. At least 9 vehicles should meet the
limit values specified in Para above. Then the series is deemed to

8.10 For type III test is to be carried out, it must be conducted on all vehicles
selected for type I CoP test. ( The conditions laid down in
must be complied with.
8.11 For type IV test is to be carried out, it must be conducted in accordance
with section 7 of chapter 11.

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 890 

Select 3 samples out of sample
lot size of 10 Test begins with
sample No. 1

Type I Test (V1)

Vi1≤0.7L Series Pass

No No
Vi1≤1.1 Vi1≤0.85
Type I Test (V2) Yes
Vi2≤Li & (Vi1+Vi2)<1.7 Li Series Pass


Type I Test (V3)

No Vi3 ≤ 1.1 Li & X = (Vi1+Vi2+

Series Pass
Xi1 ≤

Test selected sample no. 2 & 3 for only
one type I test Informed to ministry with further
provision for Extended COP

Computation of test statistics for all the

tested samples (Source 94/12/EC)

Here i = Different pollutants

(eg. CO,HC+NOx & PM) TSi=dn/V Series Pass

Yes Does all the
All other points related to pollutant i
TSi ≤ pollutants pass
COP failure consequences to passes
be and finalised An
Yes Series Failed
TSi > Bn

Informed Nodal
Increase the sample size by one (max. up
to 32) and check only for the pollutants
which doesn’t meet the pass decision

Figure 3
OPTION II : COP Test Procedure as per Bharat Stage IV for 4-Wheelers

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)   Page 891 

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