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1. Obstruct --------- 2

2. Action -------- 2

3. Connection diagram -------- 2

4. Measurement at Various Stages -------- 3

4.1Relay Measurement at Field wires disconnected ------- 3

4.2 Relay Measurement at Field wires connected ------- 3

5. R factor ------- 3

6. Compensation angle setting ------ 3

6.1 relay Measurement before earthing ------ 4

6.2 Relay Measurement after earthing ------ 4

7. Relay Input connected to 1A terminal ------ 4

7.1 Relay Measurement during earthing ------ 4

7.2 Relay Measurement after R series setting ------ 4

8. Relay Setting after calibration ------ 5

9. Commissioning Measurement ----- 5

10. Conclusion ----- 5

11. Previous Visit Observation ----- 5


1. Obstruct:
The 500MW Unit-5 Generator commissioned on May 2007 except 100% stator
earth protection in MiCOM P343 relay.The concept is low frequency injection (20Hz)
of voltage to stator.The MiCOM P343 relay was used ISEF input for 100% Stator
Earth Fault protection.This is just current based principle. Due to this Problem we
went to MiCOM P345 with internal 100% Stator Earth fault protection.

With MiCOM P345 same protection tried and observed the value of R Primary
measurement is beyond the setting value.During this visit also the protection not taken
into service.The detail of observation is available on section 11.

2. Action:

The connections were revised as per MiCOM P345 relay 100% stator Earth Fault
Protection (low frequency) and the following results were noted.

3. Connection diagram:

Equipment used for Measurement: Multimeter

4. Measurements at Various Stages:

4.1. Voltage Measurement at 20Hz Generator with field side wires disconnected

20Hz Voltage at 4A1 to 4A3 terminal : 28.95V

BPF - At 1B1 to 1A4 terminal : 21.40 V
BPF – At 1A1 to 1A3 terminal : 12.85 V
BPF - At 1A3-1A4 Terminal : 8.54 V
P345 – At F21 to F22 terminal : 8.54V (Meter) & 8.887 (Measure-3)
At Field side wire at TB’s : 21.40 V

4.2. Stator side field wires connected (Now injection to Stator)

At Field side TB’s : 8.54V

P345 at F21 to F22 : 3.4V (meter) & 3.35
Current Measurement at TB’s : 1.92A
Current Measurement at relay panel : 3.84mA
Voltage Measurement at NGT location : 0.450V
Current Measurement at NGT location TB’s : 4.95mA
Lead loop resistance from relay 20HZ Generator to NGT : 4.3 Ohm

5. Rfactor : 104 (Ratio of Rprimary to Rsecondary)

The R factor calculated from following formula.

R primary = 22kV/220V
V divider ratio = 5/2
CT ratio = 400/5A

Make it relay setting as per below detail for calibration

R series :0
R parallel :0
Compensation angle : 0 deg

Make the Earth at NGT side and correct the angle compensation

6. Setting of Compensation Angle:

Check the Compensation angle at Measurement 3 and it should lead +90 deg.If the
Compensation angle is not leading +90 and adjust the value of Compensation angle
setting at Stator Earth fault menu until the current leading +90 deg.This is for
compensating the instrument transformer error.

6.1 Relay Measurement before Earth at NGT Primary side:

Note: The CT input terminated at 5A of P345 relay

RPrimary : 9.99 kilo Ohm

R Secondary : 9.99 Kilo Ohm
Compensation angle : 89.8 deg
I mag : 888 micro Amps
V mag : 3.35 V

6.2 Short made at NGT primary side and following reading were noted

Note: The CT input terminated at 5A of P345 relay

RPrimary : 104 kilo Ohm
R Secondary : 1.002 Kilo Ohm
Compensation angle : 25.74 deg
I mag : 3.536 mA
V mag : 3.184 V

For compensating the above R primary value at setting parameter the setting limitation
was observed. In Technical manual it was mentioned for 5A input the fault current
should be above the 2A and for 1A the fault current should be below 2A.

7. Relay CT Input connected at 1A terminal

The CT input was revised as per the recommendation and the above conditions were

7.1 Short made at NGT primary side and following reading were noted

RPrimary : 20.32 kilo Ohm

R Secondary : 195.2 Ohm
Compensation angle : 23.23 deg
I mag : 17.57 mA
V mag : 3.154 V

7.2 Measurement after compensation setting of 20.32kilo ohms configured at 64S

R series.

RPrimary : 17 Ohm
R Secondary : 106 mili Ohm
I mag : 17.57 mA
V mag : 3.154 V

8. Relay setting after calibration: (secondary)

R series : 195 Ohm

R Parallel :0
Compensation Angle : 10 deg
R<1 Alarm : 96 ohm
R<1 delay :1s
R<2 trip : 48 Ohm
R<2 Trip delay :1s

9. Commissioning Measurement:

Condition R Primary Value

At 3000 RPM rolling 4.561 M Ohm to 9.033 M Ohm
At 3000 RPM with Excitation 893 K Ohm to 933 K ohm
Loaded condition 383 K ohm

10. Conclusion: The relay operation was found stable during above condition.

11. Previous Visit Observation for reference


NGT Ratio 22kV/220V

CT Ratio 400/5
RL 0.2 Ohm

For this test the setting values are primary and local value display also in Primary only.
The machine is standstill condition and Earthing simulated at Generator star point.

R factor calculation as per formula:

(22kV/1.732) 5 5
R factor= ( )²* * =104
220 2 400

I. Initial Measurement before Earthing:

V Magnitude 23.11 V
I Magnitude 888 µA
I Angle 90 deg
R Secondary 997 MΩ
R Primary 997 MΩ

II. After Earthing Measurement (R Factor =104):

Relay setting

R Factor 104
I Angle Compensation 0
Series R 0
Parallel G 0

V Magnitude 21.85 V
I Magnitude 3.889 mA
I Angle 21.52 deg
R Secondary 6.020 KΩ
R Primary 627 KΩ

Note: For making the compensation setting at Series R Value the range available
maximum 72.80 kΩ.

III. After Earthing Measurement (R factor = 200):

R Factor 200
I Angle Compensation 0
Series R 0
Parallel G 0

Measurement at R factor is 200:

V Magnitude 21.85 V
I Magnitude 3.889 mA
I Angle 21.52 deg
R Secondary 6.037 KΩ
R Primary 1.208 MΩ

Note: For making the compensation setting at Series R Value the range available
maximum 140 kΩ.


1. For making the compensation setting value of Series R range available maximum
72.80 kΩ at R Factor 104 setting.

2. For making the compensation setting value R Value the range available maximum
140 kΩ at R Factor 200 setting.

3. The maximum setting range available for R factor 200.

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