Department of Electrical Engineering: Ee221: Electromechanical Systems LAB Project Report
Department of Electrical Engineering: Ee221: Electromechanical Systems LAB Project Report
Department of Electrical Engineering: Ee221: Electromechanical Systems LAB Project Report
People have been consistently utilizing numerous resources such as coal, oil, gas, and other
natural sources since the birth of generating power. The decline of storage of these sources
has now begun due to constant consumption of these sources. Furthermore, these events have
exacerbated the impact of global warming on a vast scale. As a result, the new era of the
globe is focused more on renewable energy sources, of which wind is one of the cleanest and
most effective. Wind power is one of the fastest growing renewable energy and is promising
as the number one source of clean energy. Among various generators used to convert wind
energy, the induction generator has attracted more attention due to its lower cost, lower
requirement of maintenance, variable speed, higher energy capture efficiency, and improved
power quality.
There are several types of wind power systems. Some are connected to the electricity grid,
while others are self-contained. Our ultimate goal is to transform wind energy into electrical
energy, also known as the Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). As a result, we also
acquire information on the wind's direction and density. Our goal is to develop a simulation
based wind power generator which can generate 1.5 MW energy and with having a control
system of tripping that is if the wind is increased to such an extent that can damage the rotor
of the wind turbine then the tripping system can automatically trip the rotor in order to
prevent the machine to get damage. This machine with such system is built in block in
MATLAB Simulink.
Figure # 2.1
Windmills have been assisting mankind to convert the energy contained in wind to many other
used forms for the last two thousand years. Today’s wind turbines are capable of converting a
great amount of energy in the wind to electricity. This is due to the blades which are developed
using state of the art aerodynamic analysis and the other performance enhancing equipment. If
the blowing wind can turn the wing, we will receive electricity from the generator attach to it.
however, how does the blowing wind turn the wing.
Figure # 2.2
Let’s have a close look at the blade. The blade has a lot of airfoil cross sections consisting of
different sizes and shapes from the root to the tip.
Figure # 2.3
The simple airfoil technology makes the wind turbine blade turn. That means that a lift force is
produced when a fluid moves over an airfoil. The way the wind turbine achieves the basic
rotation. A continuous twist is given to the blade from the root to tip. However, this rotation
cannot be directly coupled to a generator.
Gear Box
However, this rotation cannot be directly coupled to a generator. Because the wind turbine blades
typically turn at a very low rate of rpm. Due to the issues of the noise and mechanical strength.
Considering this low speed rotation, we cannot produce any meaning full electricity frequency
from the generator. So before connecting to the generator the speed is increased in a gearbox.
The gearbox uses a planetary gear set arrangement to achieve the high speed ratio (normally
speed ratio = 1:90)
Figure # 2.4
A brake also sits in the nacelle. The function of the brake is to arrest wind blade rotation during
excessively windy conditions (cut offspeed 80 km/h)
Figure # 2.5
Now finally the circuit is constructed to this part. The Propeller, after it the gearbox then the
brakes and then the generator.
Figure # 2.7
All of the above thing is enclosed in Consequently the electricity that is passed through the
cables towards the base where a step up transformer is situated.
Figure # 2.8
The wind turbine should face the wind normally for maximum power extraction but the wind
direction can change at any time. A velocity sensor on the top of the enclosed box measures the
wind speed and direction
Figure # 2.9
The deviation in the direction is sent to an electronic controller which in turn sends an
appropriate signal to the yawing mechanism to correct the error
Yawing Mechanism
The error is then resolved through yawing mechanism by rotating the main module to the
direction of the wind in order to get the maximum surface area contact of the blade with the
wind. There are motors attached with the gears that make it possible by revolving it to the correct
position and align itself to wind.
Figure # 2.10
Figure # 2.11
2.3 Component Design (Specifications of all the components used in Simulations)
The kinetic energy equations are given below and they are actually stored in wind as
𝐸𝑐 = 𝑚𝑣2
𝑚 = 𝜌𝑣𝑆
𝑚 = air mass
𝑣 = wind speed
𝜌 = air density
𝑆 = surface area of the turbine
Thus, the wind power can be written as:
1 1
𝑃𝑤 = 𝐸𝑐 = 𝑚𝑣2 = 𝜌𝑆𝑣3
2 2
The wind energy is then converted into mechanical torque by a wind turbine. Mechanical
power at the turbine extracted from wind power can be used to calculate it. The turbine's
power coefficient (Cp) is used. It is defined as the ratio of mechanical power (Pm) to
wind power (Pw).
𝐶𝑝 = ; 𝐶𝑝 < 1
The power coefficient varies with pitch angle () and tip-speed (). Pitch angle is the angle
of the turbine blade, while tip speed is the ratio of rotating speed to wind speed. Betz's
limit is the maximum value of the power coefficient (Cp), which is theoretically equal to
0.593. This means that the electricity extracted from the wind turbine cannot exceed 59.3
3. Software Implementation
So far, a mathematical model of all necessary equipment has been constructed. Now we
must put it into practice in a simulation-based study. The MATLAB/SIMULINK software
package is utilized for this, and all of the equipment is correctly modelled with its
corresponding parameters.
3.1.2 Three Phase Transformer (Two Winding)
This block implements a three-phase transformer using three single-phase transformers.
For a detailed description of the electrical model of a single-phase transformer, see
the Linear Transformer block.
3.1.3 Three Phase Series RLC Load
The Three-Phase Series RLC Load block implements a three-phase balanced load as a
series combination of RLC elements. At the specified frequency, the load exhibits a
constant impedance. The active and reactive powers absorbed by the load are
proportional to the square of the applied voltage.
3.1.4 Step (Component as Wind)
The Step block provides a step between two definable levels at a specified time. If the
simulation time is less than the Step time parameter value, the block's output is the Initial
value parameter value. For simulation time greater than or equal to the Step time, the
output is the Final value parameter value.
3.1.5 Inport
This block Create input port for subsystem or external input
3.1.6 Wind Turbine Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Block (Phasor Type)
The wind turbine and the induction generator (WTIG) are shown below. The stator winding is
connected directly to the grid and the rotor is driven by the wind turbine. The power captured by
the wind turbine is converted into electrical power by the induction generator and is transmitted to
the grid by the stator winding. The pitch angle is controlled in order to limit the generator output
power to its nominal value for high wind speeds. In order to generate power, the induction
generator speed must be slightly above the synchronous speed. But the speed variation is
typically so small that the WTIG is considered to be a fixed-speed wind generator. The reactive
power absorbed by the induction generator is provided by the grid or by some devices like
capacitor banks, SVC, STATCOM, or synchronous condenser.
3.2 Results
Active Power
Reactive Power
Pitch Angle
Rotor speed
4. Conclusion
4.1 Summary
4.2 Future Improvements
4.3 Lessons Learned