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The Effect of Sand-Clay Slurries On The Performance of Centrifugal Pumps

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The Effect of Sand-Clay Slurries on the

Performance of Centrifugal Pumps

Anders Sellgrenl*,Graeme Addie2 and Stephen Scott3
Luled University of Technology, Division of Water Resources Engineering, S-971 87 Luled, Sweden
2GlW Industries lnc., 5000 Wrightsboro Rd, Grovetown, GA. 30813-9750, U.S.A.
3U S Army Corps of Engineering, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd, Vicksburg, MS, 39180-6199, U.S.A.

lurry flow of coarse sand particles in horizontal pipelines is such

S that the friction losses often increase rather slowly with flow rate for
velocities in the range of practical interest. Centrifugal slurry pumps
normally have flat head curves and the clear water head and efficiency of
The addition of clay to sand slurries has been found
to reduce the pipeline friction losses, thus lowering
the pumping head and power consumption. Pump
water heads and efficiencies are decreased by the
a centrifugal pump are generally lowered by the presence of solid particles. presence of solid particles. Experimental results are
The selection of an operating domain is complicated by the flat system presented for a centrifugal pump with an impeller
and pump head curves, and additionally by the pump solids effect which diameter of 0.625 m for three narrowly graded sands
lowers the clear water head and efficiency. For example, a reduction of with average particle sizes of 0.64, 1.27,and 2.2 mm.
the pump head curve by only a few percent can cause large changes in Reductions in head and efficiency of up to 30% were
flow, as shown in Figure 1. observed for sand slurries with volume concentrations
It can be seen from Figure 1 that an error in estimating the solids effect of up to 35%. Head and efficiency were lowered by
could mean that the system might run ineffectively or not at all. Detailed about onethird for sand-clay mixtures with sand to
information is needed on the effect of pump head and power consump- clay mass ratios between 4:l and 6:l. Comparisons
are made with design criteria and a mechanistic
tion in order to achieve reliable and energy-efficient operation.
model approach based on a prediction of the relative
The addition of clay has been found to be effective in reducing friction motion of the solids and water in the volute region of
losses for the pipeline transportation of sand-water slurries, see for the pump.
example Bruhl et al. (1976)and Maciejewski et al (1993).Scott (1997)
investigated the addition of clay to slurries with narrowly graded sands On a trouve que I'ajout d'argile dans des boues de
with average particle sizes from 0.64 to 2.2 m m which were transported sable reduisait les pertes de friction dans les pipelines,
in a horizontal pipeline loop with a diameter of 0.103 m. He found diminuant ainsi la tete de pompage et la consomma-
reductions in the hydraulic gradient (expressed in m of slurry per m of tion d'energie. Les tCtes hydrauliques et les rende-
pipe) of up to 40% and 60% when a phosphate clay was added (sand to ments des pompes sont reduites par la presence de
clay mass ratio of between 5:l and 6:l)giving a total solids concentra- particules solides. On presente des resultats experi-
mentaux pour une pompe centrifuge d'un diametre
tion by volume of 25% and 35%, respectively. A further marginal increase
de turbine de 0,625 m pour trois grades de sables
of the clay content then resulted in increasing hydraulic gradients.
rapproches aux tailles moyennes de particules de
These results illustrated how small variations in the clay content may 0,64, 1,27 e t 2,2 mm. Des reductions de tete et de
cause large variations in the pipeline friction losses; thus, the pumping rendement atteignant 30% ont 6th observks pour
head requirement. Therefore, an important question is how the sand and des boues de sable ayant des concentrations de
sand-clay mixtures influence the pump head and efficiency. volume allant jusqu'h 35%. La charge et I'efficacitk
The objective is to present experimental pump performance results ont 6te reduites d'environ un tiers pour des melanges
with a 0.15 by 0.1 m branch centrifugal pump for the three narrowly sable-argile avec des rapports massiques sable-argile
graded sands and mixtures with clay used by Scott (1997).The aim is de 4:l et 6:l. Des comparaisons sont faites avec des
also to compare the results to simple design criteria and to discuss the criteres de conception et un modele mkanistique
mechanism involved. d'apres un deplacement relatif des solides et de I'eau
dans le diffuseur de la pompe.

Experimental Study Keywords: centrifugal slurry pumps, sand-clay

The experimental work was carried out at the GIW Hydraulic Testing mixtures, head and efficiency reductions, design criteria,
Laboratory, CIW Industries Inc., Crovetown, CA, U.S.A. A radial type modelling.
4-vane all-metal pump with impeller diameter 0.625 m was used in a
0.103 m pipeline loop system. Power input to the pump was measured
with a torque bar. Solids concentrations were measured in a vertical
U-loop and flow rates were obtained from a magnetic flowmeter. Readings power, rotary speed, and solids concentration were
of pump suction pressure and discharge pressure, flowrates, input used to calculate the total pump head developed and
pump efficiency. A detailed description of the facility
and experimental procedures is given by Scott (1 997).
'Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address: anders.sellgren@

764 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August ZOO0
Head (m) Average particle size distributions for the sands and for repre-
sentative mixtures are shown in Figure 2.
The average particle size, dso, of the sands in Figure 2 were
0.64, 1.27, and 2.2 mm. The content of clay or particles smaller
Pipeline curve than 75 pm was approximately 20% of the clay-sand mixtures.
Slurry temperatures were mainly from 30°C to 40°C during testing.
%, Pump curve When pumping slurries, the relative reduction of the clear
water head and efficiency for a constant flow rate and rotary
50 0.95 Ho speed may be defined by the ratios and factors shown in Figure 3.
The pump rotary speeds varied from 500 to 900 r.p.m. with
flowrates varying from about 40% to 75% of the flowrate, Q, at
the best efficiency point (QSEP). It was confirmed that the pump
solids effect could be considered to be independent of the
rotary speed. Results relating to a rotary speed of 600 r.p.m. are
shown in Figure 4 for the finest sand and various contents of clay.
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Flow rate (m3/s)
1. Formation of a deposition on the bottom of the pipe.
2. Operating point with the pump clear water head (Ho) unaffected.
3. Operating point with the pump clear water head lowered by 5%.
x-> -Slurry

Figure 1. Shift of the operating point due to effects of solids on the

pump head curve of a large centrifugal pump.

Head ratio:

HR = H/H,
. Flow rate

Head reduction factor: R,= 1 - HR

Efficiency ratio: ER = ~ l / q o
Efficiency reduction factor: R, = 1 - ER

Figure 3. Sketch defining the reduction in head and efficiency of a

centrifugal pump pumping a solid-water mixture.

0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Head (m)

Particle size (mm)
Figure 2. Particle size distributions for the sands and clay-sand mixtures Water head
used in the experiments. The dashed lines represent sand-clay mixtures
with a sand to clay mass ratio of about 4:l. Solids specific gravity, s, = 2.65.
2ol Efficiency (%I
The rheology of the phosphate clay slurry was investigated in
a vertical extrusion or tube viscometer with an inner diameter
11 mm and in separate tests in the pipeline loop. Solids concen-
-t m Water efficiency

trations by volume of up to about 6% were used, correspond-

ing to the maximum amount present in the sand-clay mixture
0 s -
0 Sand,Cd=28%
o Sand to clay ratio 30:1, Cd-3196
Results x Sand to d a y ratio 6:1, Cd=35%
Sieve analysis of samples taken out before and during the I A l I I I I I b
experiment showed that the coarsest sand had been exposed to 0.030 0.040 0.050
Flow rate (m%)
some degradation and rounding during the circulation in the
loop. It corresponded to a decrease of about 10% of the mass- Figure 4. Performance reductional effect for the finest sand (ds0 =
median particle diameter, dso.All of the phosphate clay particles 0.64 mm) with various clay content. Rotary speed = 600 r.p.m. C, is
were smaller then about 50 pm with half smaller than 1 micron. solids concentration by volume.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August 2000 765
The results in Figure 4 show a trend of increased pump solids 1.o.r- 5 0

effect with decreasing flow rates. Here, a flow rate of

. -B-- * Ba
-- %- -
0.035 m3/s corresponds to about 50% of QBEP.This trend 0.9 -
-a,* %b

matches earlier findings from Wilson et al. (1 997). Therefore, in

pc 0.8 -

order to make comparisons with design criteria which are n Legend - d
related to flowrates from about 50% to 100% of QBEP,only
measured values above flowrates of about 50% of QBEP will be '
- Head,sand
o Efficiency,sand
A Head, sand-clay rabo 4 to 6 Sand 1, dm=0.64mm

considered in the following. 0.6 - A Efficiency, sand-clay ratio 4 to 6 -40

It can be seen in Figure 4 that the addition of a small amount
of clay to the sand slurry has no effect on the pump perfor- '7 1 I I I I I I M

mance. However, an obvious effect is seen with a larger amount

of clay. The reductions are smaller for the mixtures for which 1.0%- cul 0

the solids concentrations also are greater than for sand only at
the largest flow rates investigated.
The rheological results with clay only a t solids concentration
0.9 -
- -w\Q
---. - \
- 10
g 0.8 - -20
by volume of about 690 showed a typical non-Newtonian
behaviour which could simply be characterized by a yield stress
d - -3 d
0.7- Legend -30B
of about 45 Pa. There was no effect on the pump performance. - Head,sand Sand 2, d,=1.27 mm - er:
This is in agreement with other findings. However, pumping
more viscous non-Newtonian media at flowrates much lower
than QBEP may cause a dramatic drop in head and create an
unstable head curve Sellgren e t al. (1 999).
Data in terms of HR, ER, R , and R, (see Figure 3) versus c d
are presented for the three sands and for clay-sand mixtures in
- -.-
*. -. 4
Figure 5.
The dashed lines in Figure 5 represent design criteria from
$ 08-

*. .*..

the generalized diagrams of Wilson et al. (1 997) expressing the \
d - o tffrlency,sand - 'ze
influence of dso, C, and the impeller diameter, and assume a 07 - A Head, sand-clay rams 4 1 to 6 1 -30 5
linear dependence with C, up to the highest investigated - A Effrmcy, md-clay ratus 4 1 to 6 1
concentrations. The results in Figure 5 show that the criteria - Head, sand-clay rahw 4 1 to 5 1
Sand 3, d,=U rnm ' 40
0 EffKlency.sand-ckayratlos41 t o 5 1
represent well the reductions in head. It can be seen in Figure 5
I I I I 1 I I M
that the reductions in head for fine sand was about 12%,
medium sand was 15%, and coarse sand was 18%; all had a
concentration by volume of 20%. The corresponding reduc-
Figure 5. Evaluated experimental results in terms of HR, €R, R, and R,
tions a t C, = 30°h were 17%' 22% and 28%. (see Figure 3) versus solids concentration by volume for the three sands
With the fine sand-clay mixture, R, was reduced from 15% and mixtures with sand-clay mass ratios of 4:l to 6:l. Dashed lines
to 10% at c d = 25%, and from 20% to 12% a t C, = 34.5%. represent design criteria according to Wilson et al. (1 997) assuming a
With the very coarse sand-clay mixture, R, was lowered from linear variation with C,.
2490 to 15Oh a t C, = 26% and from 34% to 22% a t the high
concentrations of 34% to over 37%. In summary, the clay content
seemed to lower the reduction in head by about one-third
when compared to sand pumping only a t the same total solids
concentration. duty pump used here. The influence of the pump configuration
The drop in efficiency was less than the drop in head. For the is complex; therefore, the design criteria in the form of gener-
finest sand R,, was slightly less than half the R,,-values. With the alised solids-effect diagrams are currently different for large
two coarse sands R,, was about half the /?,-values, except for the conventional heavy duty pumps and pumps of newer design,
highest concentrations where there was a trend of to approach
.R, The trends seen here with sand only could also e seen with
the clay-sand mixtures.
Wilson et al. (1 997).
The results obtained here showed that R,, was mainly less
than R , which is in accordance with the generalized criteria for
this type of pump. With newer design pumps R, is less than for
Discussion conventional pumps; however, there is often a tendency of R,,
The lowering of the pump performance derating of about one- to equal R,.
third due to the clay content can be considered to be a reduction The results presented here in Figure 5 showed that the reduc-
in the influence of coarser particles, thus lessening the resistance tions in head and efficiency increased linearly up to very high
to flow. solids concentrations. Generally, R, may exceed R, if C, exceeds
In practical applications which consider wear, the pump used about 20%, Wilson et al. (1997). The results showed that R,
in these experiments with its annular type of shell is suitable for approached R, for the coarsest sands at very high C, values
operation in a wide flow rate range from about 50% to 90°h of (about 3590).
QBEP with rotary speeds not exceeding 900 r.p.m., Wilson et al. The effects of particle properties and solids density and
(1997). Pumps with semi-volute type of casings with twisted concentration on the pump performance show to have similar
vane design impellers have higher water efficiencies and about influences on the slurry friction losses in pipelines. Fully stratified
40% lower solids effect on the head than the conventional heavy flow in a pipeline means that the immersed weight of the particles

766 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August 2000
is transmitted by granular contact with the wall of the pipe, Solid-Liquid Flow
thereby creating mechanical friction. By considering a given Because of the different densities of solids and liquid, a separa-
degree of stratification in a pump and expressing centrifugal tion of the two components will take place in the acceleration
acceleration in terms of rotational speed and impeller diameter, field of the pump. The settling velocity of an individual particle
Wilson et al. (1997) estimated the lost pump head using the affin- in water due to gravity only, W, and the corresponding
ity laws for flow rate, head, and power. It was found the R, was hindered settling velocity, W’, can be expressed approximately
proportional to c d and increasedwith (s,-1). Further similar estima- in the following way for coarse particles:
tions resulted in a maximum impeller size dependence of D’.
Shook et al. (1995) presented a mechanistic analysis with W’ = W(1 - C;)2 (5)
which large particles resulted in a relationship for maximum
head reduction and grouping of variables in dimensionless form where C,is the in situ solids concentration.
for the coupled reductions in head and efficiency. Again, the A characteristic local acceleration, a, of the fluid through the
similarities to the situation in pipeline flow were pointed out, impeller to its exit is: (Roco et al., 1986):
and the mechanistically based relationships for industrial use is
encouraging. L
An approach based on a prediction of the relative motion of
the solids and the liquid in the volute region of the pump was
outlined by Sellgren et al. (1998). With a description of the They then expressed a characteristic separation velocity, W,,
relative motion, in a macroscopic sense, losses may be deter- at the impeller exit as follows:
mined as follows. The pump operation in the best efficiency
region will be considered. W, = W(a/g)0.5= W C , ( Z / ~ D )(1
~ .-~ CJ2 (7)

Modelling Approach where ct is given by Equation (2). Due to the solids used having
Water Flow particle sizes exceeding 1 mm, c2 and cj are in the order of 2
Neglecting pre-rotation of the fluid a t the impeller inlet, the and 0.5.
relationship for the theoretical head developed, H, is: Because of the relative velocity between the components, the
in situ solids concentration in the pump, C,, is not the same as
the concentration, C,, with which the components are intro-
duced into or delivered from the system during steady state
conditions. Relationships expressing the in situ solids concen-
tration (C;)and the delivered concentration (C,) can be calcu-
lated based on the conservation law of mass for the two
where u is the absolute velocity of a point on the periphery of
components of the mixture. The average one-dimensional
the impeller, and where ct is the projection of the absolute
volumetric flow rate through an area A of solids and water is
velocity of the fluid a t the same point in the tangential direction;
V5CjAand (1 - Cj)VoA, respectively. V, is the velocity of solids,
u = KnD, n = rotary speed and g = acceleration due to gravity,
Vo is of water. The total mixture flowrate is Q = VA where V is
the average mixture velocity:

cot p
v = v,c; + V0(l - C;) (8)
KbD The delivered solids concentration, C,, is the ratio of the flow-
rate of solids and the total flowrate of mixture:
where p = blade outlet angle, b = width between impeller
shrouds, and Q = flowrate.
The angle at which liquid leaves the impeller may not corre- (9)
spond to the actual blade outlet angle. Correction for this can
be done with a slip factor o, (see for example, Sayers 1990),
giving a reduced head: where ( V - V,) represents the lag or hold up of the solids which
now, as an order of magnitude estimation, is assumed is to be
(THTh (3) represented by W, (Equation 7) when the mixture enters the
volute region.
Addie et al. (1989) found o-values of about 0.75 for water The kinetic energy gained by the mixture through the accel-
pumping with large slurry pumps. This value will be used here. eration in the impeller is then decelerated and converted into
Friction loss occurs at any point where the fluid is in contact usable pressure and solid-water flow a t the discharge end of the
with a solid surface within the pump, in the casing and impeller pump. Wiedenroth (1970) found from experiments using
vanes. In the best efficiency region, the friction losses can be quartz products of particle sizes up to 10 mm that the velocity
assumed to be proportional to the square of the flow rate or of of the components was equal and uniform due to the volute
the flow velocity. Subtraction of this loss term then gives the action at the discharge end of the pump.
final head characteristics: A characteristic volute velocity, V,, is here defined by the average
velocity of the mixture at the pump outlet with diameter Do:
H, = HT,, o - C, V2/29 (4)

where cI is a constant and V is a characteristic velocity.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August 2000 767
With V = V, and W, = V - V, in Equation (9),it follows that: where Equations (7), (1 l), and (15) give:

c; = c d (1 1) 0 2 = - (2 / g~)O.’c;wct(1-
C;W, / V, - ci)
where 1 - c; VR

Equation (21) inserted in Equation (20) finally gives:
01 = ( l 3

- Cj)
Thus, the overall degree of particle stratification in the volute RH =
region is related to the ratio of the characteristic velocities in 9Ho
Equations (7) and (10).
C;is obtained by an iterative procedure using Equation (7).
According to the affinity laws, R, in Equation (22) is indepen-
dent of the pump speed.
The resulting expression (Equation 22) is now compared to
the experimental results obtained here. Calculated and measured
The holdup or lag of solids means increased liquid velocities
head reductions with the three sands are compared in Table 1.
in the pump. It follows from Equation (8) that the average
It can be seen from Table 1 that the experimental data fits
liquid velocity, ,V, is:
well with the simplified model of Equation (22) where the
pump solids effect is related only to the relative motion in a
macroscopic sense. Qualitatively, Equation (22) shows that R,
decreases with increasing pump impeller diameters in propor-
tion to D’ and that the reduction is independent on the
rotational speed, mainly in agreement with a large variety of
Assume that V, in Equation (1 3) with V = V, characterizes the
experimental results. Quantitatively, the properties of the solids
water velocity in the volute area. Equation (13) can be rewritten
were here represented by the maximum settling velocity of the
in the following form:
largest particles.
The modelling results discussed here were limited to the
v, = VR(l + Q2) (1 4) effect of solids on the pump head. As a continuation of this
study, the effect of solids on the efficiency and the usefulness of
the slip factor concept to characterize solids effects in slurry
pumps will be investigated.

Only the additional friction losses caused by the increased The reductions in head for the pump with an impeller diameter
liquid velocity is now considered. Replacing H, with H on the of 0.625 m were 12Oh, 15%, and 18Oh when pumping the
left side in Equation (4) and insertion of Equation (11) gives: sands 1, 2, and 3, respectively, a t a solids concentration by
volume of 20%. The corresponding reductions at 309/0 were
H = H, - c1 lV(: + @2)2 /29 12V0, 22%, and 28%. The drop in efficiency was less than the
CJ (1 6 )
drop in head, except for the highest concentrations where R,
approached .R,
Expansion of the term in parenthesis on the right side The reductions in head and efficiency for sand only were
neglecting second order terms gives: lowered by about one-third when pumping sand-clay mixtures
with a sand to clay mass ratio of 4:l to 6:l.
H = H, 0 - (C1 :v + C1 v:@22)/29 (1 7)

where H is the head developed when pumping slurry. The two

first terms on the right side represent the flow of a liquid with
the density of the slurry. Assuming an equivalent fluid behaviour,
i.e., the internal flow characteristics within the pump are
Table 1. Comparison of calculated and measured head
unchanged compared to water flow with velocity ,V, Equation (4) reductions for the three sands with maximum particle sizes of
then reads: 1.5, 2.0, and 3.3 mm and maximum particle settling velocities,
W, of 0.28, 0.34, and 0.42 m/s, respectively. Calculated values
H = H, - (cl :V O2 2)/2g (1 8 ) from Equation (22) within parentheses. The pump had B = 40”
The reduction in head was defined as follows: and b = 35 mm (Equation 2) giving c1 = 1.93 in Equation (4)
with u = 0.75.
RH =1-- Conc. by Sand 1 Sand 2 Sand 3
HO volume (%) d,, = 0.64 mm d,, = 1.27 mm d,, = 2.2 mm

Therefore, with Equation (1 8) in Equation (1 9), 10 7 (9) 8 (10) 10 (13)

30 17 (18) 22 (22) 28 (26)
R, = c1 V,Z @2/9H0 (20)

768 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August 2000
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V average mixture velocity, (m/s)
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V, characteristic velocity, ( 4 s )
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p blade outlet angle (1 997).
q pump efficiency (slurry)
qo pump efficiency (water)
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po density of water, (kg/m3)
(J pump slip factor
Q indicates “function of”
@, a function Manuscript received September 22, 1999; revised manuscript received
Q2 a function May 29, 2000; accepted for publication May 31, 2000.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 78, August 2000 769

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