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Comprehensive Sexuality Education Daily Lesson Plan: I. Objectives: A. Content Standard B. Performance Standard

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Daily Lesson Plan

Date: December 16, 2020 Week: 9th
Subject: Grade: 11

A. Content Standard
The dynamics of attraction, love, and commitment.
B. Performance Standard
Appraise one’s present relationships and make plans for building
responsible future relationships.
C. Learning Competencies
Demonstrate and create ways to communicate, manage and
understand teenage relationships. (EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.1).

CSE Integration
II. Explain common pregnancy complications in teen-aged mothers; and
the impact of unintended pregnancy on girls, families and society. (K5.

Topic: Building and Maintaining Relationship
Reference/s: K-12 Curriculum Guide in Personal Development
Comprehensive Sexuality CG
Comprehensive Sexuality Reader
Personal Development Module
Time Allotment: 60 minutes
Teaching materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Pictures, Metacards

A. Review (5 minutes)
The teacher will ask his/her students what they have learned from
the previous lesson which is the Introduction of Personal

B. Motivation (10 minutes)

The students will be grouped into three (3) groups and will be given
metacards to fill in on a tree representing the root causes and the
results of teen-age pregnancy.

Consequences of unwanted/unprotected sex

Contributing factors of unwanted/unprotected

Root causes of unwanted/unprotected sex

C. Presentation of the Lesson
The teacher will present the lesson of the day: Building and
Maintaining Relationship

Introduce the following words terms:

Relationships, Personal relationships, Love, Attraction,
Commitment, Sex, Communication and STI’s

How to Communicate

Talking openly makes relationships more fun and satisfying;

especially when you both talk about each other’s needs for
physical, emotional, mental and sexual health. You can’t expect a
partner to know what you want and need unless you tell them. The
simple fact is that none of us are a mind reader--so it's important
to be open about your needs and expectations.
In a romantic relationship, it is important to communicate openly
on issues of sex and sexual health. The decision to enter into a
sexual relationship is entirely up to you, and you always have the
right to say "no" at any time to anything that you don't feel
comfortable with. Remember, there are many ways to express love
without sex. If you do decide to become sexually active, there are
things about which you do need to communicate.

1. Activity: MY PERSONAL TIMELINE (20 minutes)

Draw a timeline on the overhead or board. Demonstrate filling in a

timeline with examples of times and goals you would like to obtain.
Explain how a timeline is laid out (from present to future) and
what types of items are included in one’s timeline, (graduate from
high school, attend college or technical school, enroll in the armed
forces, marriage, job, career, children). The events need to be in a
logical sequence.

Ask students to create their own timeline starting now, at their

present age, and projecting 20 years into the future. Have students
write goals at different points along the timeline. Circulate around
the room providing student help. Once all students have finished,
briefly discuss their individual timelines, looking at similarities and

On your timeline, write specifically how a teen or unintended

pregnancy would interfere with or delay your goals. Modify your
timeline by showing what will be change if a pregnancy occurs.

2. Analysis
Processing Questions:
1. Is a teen or unplanned pregnancy going to affect a person’s
goals? How?
2. What type of decisions does that individual need to make?

It is important when making decisions to consider the consequences.

Pregnancy is a consequence of being sexually active that can affect
the mother, the father, and the child in the future.
Note: Teacher should let his/her student post their outputs on the corners of
the classroom.

3. Abstraction
Discuss the following in the class:


Common pregnancy complications in teen-aged mothers; and the
impact of unintended pregnancy on girls, families and society.

Teen Pregnancy
is defined as a teenage girl within the years of 13 - 19
becoming pregnant
Engaging in sexual risk behaviors such as having sex at an
early age, having more than one sex partner, and not using
condoms or contraceptives can lead to unintended pregnancy,
STD’s, and HIV infection
Teen Pregnancy Prevention is important to the health and
quality of life for youth
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): This is actually an issue
that all teenagers and adults must be aware of. Anybody who
engages in sexual activity is prone to have this one.
Possibility of Pregnancy: Females who engage in sex have a
high percentage of putting themselves in this kind of situation.
Right time for sex: You can consider your current status as a
student if it is really high time to be involved in this kind of
activity. Will this make or break your future?
Boundaries: Making the decision to set your limits in a
relationship shows your maturity to assert your priorities and
respecting yourself.

Risk Factors/ Complications

Low birth weight
Premature birth
Pregnancy induced high blood pressure (preeclampsia)
Higher rate of infant death
38% of teen girls who have a child before 18 get a high school
diploma by age 22
30% of teen girls who have dropped out of high school say
pregnancy is a reason
67% of teen mothers who moved out of their families’ house live
below the poverty level
Children born to teen mother score significantly worse on math &
reading tests.

Impact of unintended pregnancy on girls, families and society

Children of teen parents suffer higher rates of abuse and neglect
Daughters of teen mothers are more likely to becomes teen
mothers themselves
More likely to drop-out of high school
Children of teen mothers are more likely to enter the foster care
Children of teen mothers are more likely to be raised in single
parent families
4. Application

The teacher will present some situations that students personally

encounter different ways of doing things, behaving, and making
sense of the topic.

Students will think of more situations that they personally

encounter and apply.

IV. Evaluation

In your Journal Notebook, write a reflection paper for your

understanding about teenage relationship and what are the things
or ways to communicate and manage teenage relationship?

V. Assignment

In addition to the basic right on a relationship consider how you can

develop patience, honesty, kindness and respect.

VI. Reflection
VII. Remarks


Rubrics for Reflection Paper

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher- Maasin City Division

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