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Basic 3G Training: Najaf Office / Cii

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Basic 3G Training


Eng. Hussein Muwafaq

Format DUW
Connect the serial cable to the LMT A port of DUW and run
putty software.
Make sure that you see the command prompt $
Format DUW
Put the Node B in BackUp mode, by issuing the following
Reload --
• We can check the directories within the Node B by
using command vols
Since the /c2 is not automatically mounted, we will have to manually
mount the drive by issuing the following command.
Now we will proceed with the formatting of the hard drives /c2 and /d. The
commands to do
the format is given below.
Formathd /c2
formathd /d
• Once the format is done, reload (restart ) the RBS.
After this is done, we again move to the back up
mode to start the configuration. This is done by
issuing a reload – command
Set the IP address in your laptop to
Make sure that you set the Default gateway IP address in the laptop
without which the integration scripts will fail
The next step is to proceed with setting the IP address in the
node B. The command is
ifconfig le0 netmask
Transfer the Basic software package to Node B
Open an WS_FTP95 and connect to the RBS
IP address through LMT B port of DUW by LAN cable
Make sure you select the root directory at the RBS side.
Transfer /c2 and /d directories to the DUW as shown below

Laptop DUW
Now we have to restart the RBS with the basic software. The command to be issued is
Reload . Wait till the RBS restart is completed
Wait till the RBS restart is completed , the commend will show
• We login to the RBS using the element manager software.
The local maintenance IP address of the RBS 6201 is always
The RBS is configured with the cabinet type when we run the Cabinet equipment wizard. Also some basic sector and IP
definitions are done in the Cabinet equipment configuration. The script to be run is 1_Cabinet.xml.
From the tools menu, select Cabinet Equipment configuration. We can choose the wizard or the scripts option. Since cabinet
equipment configuration is quite simple, we will be running the wizard manually. Please follow the screenshots below
Click Next
• Select use configuration file and do browse and go to place that you
save 1_Cabinet.xml.
Select open 1_Cabinet.xml
• Since we are running the wizard manually click Next. The RBS will
proceed with a restart and it is a normal behavior. Wait for the restart
to complete.
In the next screen you will select the RBS cabinet type, key in the
cabinet information and select the Radio Building blocks for the sectors.
Note /waiting to finish download and click continue
From tools select O&M access configuration
Select use configuration file and browse
Since we will be using the 2_OAM_Script.xml
Site Equipment Configuration
Select the Site equipment file 3_Site_Equipment.xml and
Click next
This screen shows the Site name and the logical name.
The next screen shows the PSU, PDU ,PFU configuration.
EC BUS configuration
GPS setting
The screen shows the Carrier configuration on per sector basis
To Check basic CV
The last data that you upload in Duw will be startable
Export & Delete – CE & SE
Export & Delete – CE & SE
Export & Delete – CE & SE
Save in laptop

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