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Teacher’s Name: Erica Jane S. Armada

Date: February 15, 2021


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1) use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving

information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in
personal or factual recounts.


A. TOPIC: Cultural Ties

B. MATERIAL : PowerPoint presentation
C. REFERENCE: English 7 Learner’s Material


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer and Greetings

Let’s stand for a short prayer. Kindly Let us put ourselves in the holy
lead the prayer, _____. presence of God.

Good morning class! How are you Good morning, ma’am Erica! We’re
today? good!

Nice to hear that, class. Kindly pick up (Students pick up the pieces of paper
the pieces of paper under you chairs under their chairs and arrange their
and arrange your seats properly. seats.)

You may now take your seats. Thank you, ma’am Erica!

2. Checking of Attendance

Class secretary, please check the Yes, ma’am Erica!

attendance. (The class secretary checks the

3. Collecting of Assignment

Class, kindly pass your assignment. (Students pass their assignments.)

4. Review

As a sort of review, what was our lesson Our lesson yesterday is all word
yesterday? analogy.

What is word analogy? Word analogy is a comparison between

two things.

Very good!
What are the different types of word The different types of analogy are
analogy? synonym, antonym, object/location,
part/whole, classification, tool/worker,
action/object, item/purpose,
product/worker, verb tenses,
object/group, and problem/solution.


5. Motivation

Video Presentation

Do you know the song; We Are The Yes, ma’am!

World by Michael Jackson, class?

This time, I am going to show you a Wow. Okay, ma’am.

video of that song sang by different
artists in America in order to provide
food and relief aid to starving people in
Africa, specifically Ethiopia, where a
1983–1985 famine raged.

(The teacher shows a video of the song: (Students listen attentively.)

We Are The World.)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity

Study the questions listed on the Bingo

Card. Based on your understanding of
the song, answer the following
questions. Whoever explains the
answer correctly will be given a star.
Your goal is to get three (straight) stars
diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.

What is the According to As a student,
underlying the song, how will you
message of what do we encourage
the song? all need as your friends
God’s great and
big family? classmates to
stand with
the common
Why is it How can you What can be
important to relate to the your best
value other line – ‘’ We contribution
people? are the ones to make the
who make a world united
brighter day, as one?
so let's start
What How does In your own
happens culture affect words, define
when you people’s unity.
turn your relationships?
back to
people you
needs your

2. Analysis

What is the underlying message of the The message of the song is that, each of
song? us has the power to change the world
and make it a better place to live in if
we all join hands in helping each other.

According to the song, what do we all We are all part of God’s great big family
need as God’s great big family? and love is all we need.

As a student, how will you encourage Just what the song tries us to realize, I
your friends and classmates to stand also want my friends and classmates to
with the common principle? appreciate the idea of sharing and
giving regardless of what type of family
and culture one comes from.

Why is it important to value other It is important to value other people

people? because they are just like you. Giving
them love will resonate to you and to
the world.

How can you relate to the line – ‘’ We I can relate to that line because I too
are the ones who make a brighter day, have done helping other people and I
so let's start giving’’? know how fulfilling it is to share what
you have to the people in need.

What can be your best contribution to My best contribution would be treating

make the world united as one? people the way I want to be treated,
hence, doing the golden rule. If we treat
other people right, they will listen to us
and it will be easier to be united to

What happens when you turn your back The moment you turn your back on
on people you need your help? someone who needs your help, you are
depriving that person the chance to
better himself.

How does culture affect people’s Culture affects people’s relationship

relationships? because it’s diverse and that we need
to acknowledge its differences by being
sensitive and showing respect to remain
peace and unity.

In your own words, define unity. Unity is where different individuals are
gathered together to join hands in
achieving one goal may it be in a
community, country or world.

3. Abstraction

What do you call something that brings It is called cultural ties, ma’am.
two different cultures together?

What is an example of cultural ties in An example of cultural ties in our
our community? community is when Christians and
Muslims happily celebrate Araw ng
Iligan together.

Another idea? Another example of cultural ties in our
community is making sure that our
Badjao brothers and sisters are taken
care of in the midst of covid-19

What is the importance of cultural ties Cultural ties create a place of unity and
in our community? harmony in a certain community,
country or world.

4. Application

Group Activity
In Action
(Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence)

Make an interpretative dance about the

song, “We Are The World” by Michael
Jackson, emphasizing that indeed the
world shares a common ground and
environment. Be artistic and creative as
you can.
5. Generalization

What have you learned in today’s Today, I have learned about cultural
lesson? ties. It is something that brings two
different cultures together.

I also learned that a single act of sharing

and giving will make great impact on
other people’s lives.

I have learned to be more sensitive and

be more respectful with other people
regardless of the race, skin color, and
culture they have.

I have learned to be more responsible

and selfless in giving love with other


Group Activity
Jingle Bells (Musical Intelligence)

Write a song that highlights cultural ties

despite individual diversities. Emphasize
that every part of the world can
become one when we set aside
differences. Consider the following
criteria as you write the song
(Musicality, Content, and
Interpretation. Present your output to
the class.


Watch the film “2012” – a 2009

American science fiction disaster film
directed and co-written by Roland

Checked by: Mrs. Fely N. Pacquingan

Critic Teacher

Noted: Carlito A. Abarquez, Ph.D.

Department Head

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