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Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK–91584D

hub is nearly in engagement with the taper fit (not

CAUTION: Zero settings of advance gauge
in actual contact), snap it forcibly into place with a
must not be disturbed until all readings on the
quick push. It is important that the hot hub be in-
hub are completed.
stantly snapped into position before it has
cooled; otherwise, it will freeze to the shaft and
cannot be adjusted further.
Heat the hub in an oven until it has reached a uni-
form temperature (the desired number of de-
6. Check the hot or shrunk–on position of the hub
grees above shaft temperature). For example, if
on the shaft. The advance from cold to hot posi-
shaft temperature is 25 C (77 F), heat hub to
tion along the axis of the shaft must be held with-
25 C (77 F) +171 C (339 F) = 196 C (385
in the limits indicated. Check the actual advance
F). This procedure should provide an advance of
with an indicator gauge, located in the same rela-
approximately 0.085 in.
tive position as used to measure the cold position
in Step 3, Fig. 41.
An accurate method must be provided for mea-
suring hub and shaft temperatures quickly be- If the advance is not within specified limits, re-
fore mounting the hub. This can best be done move the hub and repeat the assembly proce-
with a hand pyrometer. In using the pyrometer, dure.
place points of the gauge inside the bore of the
hub, Fig. 42.
NOTE: The part must be left in the oven long TESTING SERIES MACHINES
enough for the heat to penetrate throughout the (Models 5GE752AUP, AUT)
After the motor has been reconditioned and reas-
Measure the temperature of the shaft and the
sembled, make the following tests to assure it will oper-
hub with the same instrument.
ate satisfactorily.
5. Insure that the hub bore and the shaft taper are
clean. Then, using adequate hand protection, Connect the motor to a d–c arc–welding generator,
quickly mount the hot hub on the shaft in the Fig. 7. Refer to connection diagrams, Figs. 22 and 24,
same angular position as when cold. When the for connections. Run the machine series–connected
without load at 900 rpm and measure bearing tempera-

1. Use Duxseal* putty to hold the thermometers on

the drive end and commutator–end outer bear-



GAUGE. E–5975A.

GEK–91584D, Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752

ing caps. Thermometers should contact the tions. Run the machine by separately exciting the shunt
bearing caps for best results. field from a 125 vdc source. From another source of
power, apply voltage to the armature circuit until the de-
2. Seat the brushes and run for ten minutes at 900 sired speed is obtained.

Frame temperature should not exceed 25 C rise. Motor Operation

3. With machine running up to speed, measure vi-

Ventilated (2300 cfm at 7.6 in. H2O
bration. Vibration should not exceed 0.002 on
at Commutator Chamber)
commutator end. If vibration exceeds this
amount, rebalance the armature. Hold separate field excitation at 50.5 amperes. Vary
the armature voltage to obtain the required rpm. At ap-
4. Check the commutator for roughness and make proximately 700 terminal volts (no load), the speed will
sure the brushes are riding properly. be 900 rpm.
5. Use a listening rod to check for noisy bearings.
6. Stop the machine and mount an indicator on the
Hold the separate field excitation at 10 to 15 am-
frame. While turning the armature by hand, mea-
peres. Vary the armature voltage to obtain the required
sure commutator runout. It should not exceed
rpm. At approximately 338 terminal volts (no load), the
0.001 in.
speed will be 900 rpm.
7. Measure field impedance. With 60 Hz a–c and 24
amperes through each field, measure the volt- 1. Run the motor for five minutes at 450 rpm. In-
age drop across total exciting and commutating crease the speed to 900 rpm and run for two
fields. See the DATA section for voltage limits. hours. Bearing temperatures should not exceed
70 C (158 F). Run until the bearing tempera-
8. Apply a high–potential test to the windings of the ture remains constant for 30 minutes. Increase
assembled machine, as specified in the DATA the speed to 1300 rpm and hold it while perform-
section. ing Steps 2, 3 and 4. Then shut down the motor.
Do not exceed 1300 rpm.
WARNING: Electric shock can cause serious
or fatal injury. Proper precautions should be 2. Measure vibration when running the motor up to
taken and observed by personnel performing speed. Vibration should not exceed 0.004 in. If
testing to avoid such injury. excessive, rebalance the armature.

3. Check the commutator for roughness. Be sure

TESTING SHUNT MACHINES brushes are riding properly.
(Models 5GE752UP and US)
4. Listen for noisy bearings with a listening rod.
After the motor has been reconditioned and reas-
sembled for service, make the following tests to be sure 5. Stop the motor and mount an indicator on the
it will operate satisfactorily. frame. Turn the armature by hand and measure
commutator runout. Runout should not exceed
Connect the motor to a d–c welding generator. Refer 0.001 in.
to connection diagrams (Figs. 21 and 23) for connec-
6. Measure the insulation resistance of the wind-
ings with a megohmmeter. If the resistance mea-
sures not less than one megohm, apply an a–c
high–potential test to ground for one minute as
*Product of Johns Manville Co. outlined in the DATA section.

Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK–91584D


WARNING: Electric shock can cause serious
or fatal injury. To avoid such injury, personnel
should take and observe proper precautions (See Fig. 43)
during the high–potential testing.
1. Remove two diametrically opposite bolts in the
commutator end bearing cap.
LOCKING ARRANGEMENT 2. Install shipping bolts (1) (painted yellow) with jam
nuts (2) applied. Torque bolts to 30 lb.–ft. and
(See Fig. 43) tighten the jam nuts.

CAUTION: Do not rotate the armature when

1. Remove the two shipping bolts (1) from the bear- the locking bolts are in place. Bearing and
ing cap. These bolts are longer and can be identi- commutator damage may result.
fied from the factory by their yellow heads.
3. Attach the two regular bolts and bag–tag (5) to
2. Install the two regular bolts which are in a bag at- one of the locking bolts (1).
tached to one of the shipping bolts.
3. Torque the regular bolts to 115 lb.–ft. Whenever drilling motors are to be shipped, they
must be properly skidded and secured to prevent any
damage in transit. The photographs and drawings which
NOTE: The shipping bolts and bag should be
follow illustrate a proven method of skidding these ma-
saved for future armature locking require-
chines for handing and shipment.

To avoid damage to the machine during handling, re-

view the following cautionary statements:

1. Do not lift motors by the shaft extension of the ar-


2. Do not allow the armature to bump another ob-


3. Do not tighten coupling assembly bolts with an

air wrench or by pounding.

4. Do not remove armature end–play by any other

means than axial blocking.

5. Do not load the armature radially (strap down) for



Before skidding the machine for shipment, all ex-

FIG. 43. ARMATURE LOCKING ARRANGEMENT posed finished surfaces not already painted should be
(41B535748 CHG. 0). E–28735A. cleaned and slushed as follows:

GEK–91584D, Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752

1. Remove all corrosion. curely support and enclose the armature in a totally en-
closed wooden box of sufficient strength to protect the it
2. Wipe off the surface with clean rags and wet with from damage.
petroleum spirits GE–D5B8.
1. Clean the armature by removing dirt, oil or
3. Follow with a clean rag wet with methanol, then grease from its surface.
wipe dry. DO NOT touch the cleaned surface
with bare hands. 2. Treat all unpainted, exposed finished surfaces
as follows:
4. Slush immediately after cleaning with
GE–D6C6A1 slushing compound. a. Remove any corrosion.

SKIDDING b. Wipe off the surface with a clean cloth dipped

in petroleum spirits, GE–D5B8.
Use yellow pine timbers large enough to support the
c. Wipe off the surface with a clean rag, dipped
weight of the machine. The recommended size is illus-
in methanol, and wipe dry. DO NOT touch the
trated in Fig. 44.
cleaned surfaces with bare hands.

PROTECTION d. Immediately after cleaning, slush the cleaned

surface with GE–D6C6A1 shushing com-
When any apparatus is shipped in the open, it should pound.
be fully protected from rain, snow, dirt, etc., by covering
with some suitable weatherproof material. 3. Wrap heavy paper or cardboard around the com-
mutator for protection.
4. Wrap and secure waterproof paper around ar-
mature punchings. This will prevent saddle tim-
To prepare drilling motor armatures for shipment or ber moisture from condensing on the core
storage, clean, slush and wrap the armature. Then, se- punchings.

5. Wrap both ends of the shaft with Grade C, Type

7–1/2” 3/4” DIA. (4 HOLES) 1, wax treated cloth and tape it securely into
25–1/4” 23–1/2” place.
2” X 6”
NOTE: Wherever metal parts come in contact
with the wood, insert a good grade of water-
proof paper between metal and wood. This will
prevent rust formation from the condensation

3” X 6”

3” X 8”

3” X 8”

3” X 6”

of moisture on the metal.



1. Make a suitable box from yellow–pine lumber us-

2” X 6”
ing timbers of proper size to support the weight of
25–1/4” each armature. See Fig. 45.
2. Make 4 saddle blocks of 3 by 6 in. timber cut out
to fit circumference of armature core. Nail two to
FIG. 44. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. E–7754. the bottom of the box in the proper position to

Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK–91584D




1 X 6 X 22


1 X 6 X 57–1/2 3X6
1 X 6 X 22 (18 PIECES)
2 X 6 X 24 SHAFT
(4 PIECES) 1 X 6 X 22
3 X 6 X 57–1/2
ARMATURES. E–3782A. 3. Place two saddle blocks over the core punch-
ings, as shown in Fig. 46, and nail them to the
support the armature on core punchings. side boards. If the box is the correct size, the top
of the saddles will be flush with the top of the side
CAUTION: Locate the saddle blocks so they boards. See Fig. 47.
do not project beyond the punchings; other-
wise, scuffing of coil insulation could occur. 4. Nail the top cover in place. Also nail through to
the top saddle blocks to prevent them from mov-
3. Support the commutator–end of the shaft by two STORAGE
1 X 6 in. boards nailed to the end of the box. Drill a
hole in the two boards just large enough for the PLACING INTO STORAGE
end of the shaft. See Fig. 45. The end of the shaft
will fit in this hole against the end of the box to When placing GE drilling motors into storage, the fol-
prevent movement. lowing preparations should be performed to prevent
damage to the equipment as a result of the storage.
4. After the armature has been placed in the box,
insert a board of proper thickness between the 1. Machines should be placed on a pallet and
end of the shaft and the end of the box. Securely stored indoors if possible. A clean, dry ambient of
nail it in place. This will prevent any lateral move- 60 F is preferred. In a high humidity environ-
ment of the armature in the box. ment, an ambient of 70 F is recommended. Ev-
ery attempt should be made to avoid widely vary-
BOXING THE ARMATURE ing temperatures and high humidity.

2. If it is necessary to store outdoors, a protective

1. Prepare the armature as specified in the forego- cover should be used to prevent entrance of rain,
ing. dust, etc.

2. Place it in the box. Support it on two saddle 3. All exposed machined steel parts and surfaces
blocks under the punchings and secure it against should be slushed. These areas are slushed
lateral movement. See Fig. 46. prior to shipment from the factory, but should be

GEK–91584D, Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752

examined for rust. Any rust found should be re- slush compound, Kendell Grade 5, or the equiva-
moved using fine abrasive paper, after the old lent.
slushing compound has been removed with min-
eral spirits (GE–D5B8). Methanol should be 4. Brushes should be removed from their holders
used to remove all residue. and clamped under the spring clips to prevent
corrosion of the commutator surface as a result
WARNING: Cleaning solvents may be toxic and/ of moisture absorption by the carbon.
or inflammable. They can cause serious or fatal
injury if used without proper precautions. For 5. Do not completely seal the motor, but cover ma-
safety: jor vent areas with a waterproof shipping tape.
1. Do not inhale solvent fumes. Leave enough opening so the machine can
2. Use solvents only in adequately ventilated breathe – i.e., moist air is not trapped. The inten-
areas. tion is to prevent entrance of water, dust, small
3. Avoid contact of solvent with the skin. animals, etc., but not to seal airtight. GE does not
4. Do not expose solvent to flame or sparks. recommend the use of a silica gel or dehydrating
5. Observe caution statements issued by the agent.
manufacturer of the solvent.
6. Since the lubricant drains from the top half of
bearings during storage, this area is subject to
Extreme care should be exercised not to dam- corrosion. The shaft should be rotated periodi-
age critical machined surfaces such as the ta- cally to redistribute a protective film. If stored in-
pered shaft surface while removing rust. The side, rotate every three months. If outside, every
surfaces should be reslushed with GE–D6C6A1 month. Before placing the machine back into
service after prolonged storage (1 year or more)
bearings should be inspected and repacked with
new grease meeting the recommended GE lubri-
cation specification.

7. The machine should be meggered when placed

into storage and periodically while in storage
(3–month intervals). Keep a record of these
megger readings as a rapid decrease in insula-
tion resistance indicates the machine condition
is deteriorating and the storage conditions inade-

Before placing a stored motor back into service, refer

to the applicable instruction “Removing Motors From


Before placing a stored motor in service, perform the


1. Blow dust and dirt accumulation out of the wind-

ings with clean, dry air.

FIG. 47. SHIPPING BOX WITH ARMATURE, 2. Visually inspect for spring corrosion, sticking
LESS COVER. E–3784. brushes in brushholders and general defects.

Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK–91584D

3. Check winding insulation continuity to ground a. Remove the armature from the frame and re-
with a 500 volt megger. If the megger reading is move bearings from the armature shaft.
less than 2 megohms, the winding should be
baked or dried until the moisture content is suffi- b. Heat the frame and armature until dried suffi-
ciently reduced to raise the megger reading to 2 ciently to obtain the 2 megohm reading.
megohms. c. Pack bearings with new grease. Refer to the
DATA table for the proper grease. Refer to the
4. An electrical source of heat is best for drying as it appropriate bearing illustration for the proper
can be easily regulated and is clean. Proceed as amount of grease.
d. Reassemble the motor.
NOTE: Before drying windings, consideration
e. If facilities are available, give the reas-
must be given to bearings and lubricants. Not
sembled machine a running test to check the
only can bearing lubricants be damaged by
heat, but they can also deteriorate with age. For
this reason, it us usually best to remove bear- Refer to Figs. 48 and 49 for outline drawings.
ings before drying and repack with new grease
before reassembly.


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