Phases of Dance: 1.creative Rhythms
Phases of Dance: 1.creative Rhythms
Phases of Dance: 1.creative Rhythms
1.Creative rhythms
2. Folk/Ethnic Dance
The setting of
the social and
ballroom dance
is a social
gathering with
the more formal
atmosphere than
the simple and
informal parties
in which the
dances are the
usual forms.
Social and
ballroom dancing are generally held in the evenings. The
participants are usually in formal attire.
popular couple dances without set patterns are classified as
social and ballroom dances. Most social dances are
characterized by the man leading and the woman partner
following whatever steps, styling, and rhythmic variations
he choose indicates.
Social dances are usually done to introduce people with one
another during a formal social gathering or to welcome
guests to a social gathering. Many of the social dances like
polka and mazurka started as folk dances while some were
deliberately designed for its social purpose, such as the
waltz, regoudon and polonaise (Nimor, 2006). Social
dancing is believed to had existed since the beginning of
human society in some forms.
Swing is a rhythmic rotation of a couple performed with a walking step or shift steps.
Elbow Swing – hook designated elbows firmly of the hand carried at the height of the
locked elbows. While swinging, pull away from partner at shoulders.
One Hand Swing – with the elbow bent and down , join the designated hands at shoulder
height. In balancing “pull against pull” while swinging, apply pressure against the thumbs and
heels of hands, pulling away at shoulders.
Two – Hand Swing – Boy present hands at shoulder height with palms up, elbows close to
sides and should support while balancing “pull against pull” leaning away at shoulders.
Waist Swing – In a modified closed ballroom dance positions with R foot and hips adjacent
the support weight of the body on the R foot swing, balance “pull against pull”, leaning away
from partners at shoulder.
Hungarian or Russian Swing – dancers stand facing in opposite direction with R(L) hips
adjacent, each R(L) arm around each others waist in front, on partners hip, L(R) arm curved over
head, both lean slightly away from each other when turning.
Star post – Partners are in opposite directions, their right hands holding each other, lady
facing away from audience ; while gentleman faces the audience.
Challenge position- Partners face each other about a step apart without touching.