Keys For Leadership (Keys For - .) - Myles Munroe
Keys For Leadership (Keys For - .) - Myles Munroe
Keys For Leadership (Keys For - .) - Myles Munroe
Title Page
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Keys for Leadership
About the Author
Religious Tourism
More Inspirational Quotes
Keys to Leadership
Myles Munroe
Whitaker House
Keys for Leadership
ISBN-13: 978-1-60374-029-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-60374-775-2
Printed in the United States of America
© 2008 by Dr. Myles Munroe
Whitaker House
1030 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068
Every human being was created to lead in an area of gifting. This means the Creator designed you to fulfill a specific
purpose and assignment in life, and your assignment determines your area of leadership.
The ability to fulfill this assignment, however, begins with developing a leadership mind-set. When you think
according to the spirit of leadership, you begin the process of becoming a leader. Some of the unique attitudes or
qualities of leaders include passion, initiative, teamwork, innovation, persistence, discipline, time management,
confidence, positive disposition, patience, peace, and compassion.
When the spirit of leadership comes alive within someone, it produces an attitude that transforms that person from a
follower into a leader. It also takes those who are in leadership positions into a realm of leadership they never before
have experienced.
Meditate on the following Keys for Leadership and develop a spirit of leadership as you move forward in fulfilling your
special, God-given assignment on earth.
—Dr. Myles Munroe
Trapped within every follower is
a hidden leader.
The most important quality of true leadership is the spirit of leadership. All
humans inherently possess the leadership spirit, but only those who capture
spirit of leadership ever become
truly effective leaders.
Every human has the instinct and capacity for leadership, but most do not
have the courage or will to cultivate it.
True leaders do not seek power, but are driven by a passion to achieve a
noble cause.
Your assignment determines your area of leadership. Deep inside each of us
is a big dream struggling to free itself from the limitations of our past
experiences, present circumstances, and self-imposed doubts.
Your thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your convictions,
your convictions create your attitude, your attitude controls your perception,
and your perception dictates your behavior.
All the money in the world can make you rich, and all the power in the
world can make you strong, but these things can never make you a leader.
Each of us was created to rule, govern, control, master, manage, and lead
our environments.
You are in essence a leader, whether you manifest it or not. Whether you
are rich, poor, young, old, male, female, black, white, a citizen of an
industrialized nation, a citizen of a Third-World nation, educated, or
uneducated—you possess the nature
and capacity for leadership.
Leadership is not an elite club for a certain few. It is the true essence of all
human beings. Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our
origins, our human makeup, and our destiny.
Most of us are not leaders today because, in our hearts, we don’t believe
that is who we are.
If inspiration is the key to legitimate influence and thus the source of true
leadership, then inspiration should be the pursuit of all true leaders.
True leaders are those who effectively express their inner passion, which
finds a common response in the hearts of others. It is passion that attracts
people to the leader who, in turn, motivates them to take action.
When you have a purpose and a passion, you must act on it, even if you’re
the only one who believes in it at the time.
True leaders discover keys to the nature of leadership from the examples of
others, but they never try to become those other leaders. They must use their
own gifts and abilities to do what they are individually called to do.
True leadership is first concerned with who you are, as opposed to what you
do. Leadership action flows naturally from a personal leadership revelation.
The leadership spirit is the inherent leadership capacity and potential that is
the essential nature of human beings. The spirit of leadership is the mind-set
or attitudes that accompany a leadership spirit and allow dormant leadership
potential to be fully manifested and maximized.
The inherent capacity of the human spirit to lead, manage, and dominate
was placed there at the point of creation and made necessary by the purpose
and assignment for which mankind was created.
To exercise leadership, you must believe that you are inherently a leader.
Do not seek greatness, but seek to serve others with your gift to the
extent that you can, and you will become
a sought-after person. In essence, Jesus
defined true leadership as becoming a
person who is valuable to others rather
than a person of just position or fame.
The shortest distance to leadership is service. Genuine leadership is not
measured by how many people serve you, but by how many people you
serve. The greater your service, the greater your value to others,
and the greater your leadership.
Loving money at the expense of the dignity, value, and welfare of others is
an abuse of our “power to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
True leaders are born in the presence of their Creator because that is where
they discover the truth about themselves. To discover the truth about your
ability and destiny, you must rediscover the value of a relationship with your
True leaders respect and honor authority but are comfortable in its presence.
You have to choose to fulfill your leadership nature. Having the leadership
spirit without developing the attitudes and qualities of leadership is like
having a powerful automobile without acquiring the knowledge or ability to
drive it.
If you love yourself in the true sense, you’ll always use your power to help
other people rather than to harm them. How you see yourself is how you will
see everyone
else you relate to. You cannot love anyone beyond your love for yourself.
The essence of leadership is that you give other people value. In other
words, you give them something valuable to contribute to and become
involved in. True leadership provides people a cause, a reason for living,
and a sense of significance that gives meaning to their lives so that they
feel necessary and purposeful.
The value you place on others is a reflection of the value you place on
The beliefs and convictions of a leader regulate the nature of his leadership.
What you believe in your heart is essential, vital, crucial to your life. You
live out of
your heart. You see through your heart.
You interpret through your heart.
You judge through your heart.
You lead out of your heart.
If you do not erase or replace the “corrupt” information about leadership you
have taken into the “hard drive” of your heart, then your leadership will be
distorted. True leadership demands a constant monitoring of what goes into
your heart.
True leadership is manifested when one individual uses his or her flame to
light the lives of many and help them discover the reservoir of hidden oil in
their lamps.
True leadership has more to do with mind-set than with methods and
Cultivating the spirit of leadership is a choice, and only you can make it.
You will always act in a way that is consistent with your self-image.
How you define yourself is the single most important statement you can
make about yourself, and it is the heart of
attitude. The spirit of leadership will
emerge from your self-definition.
Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought produced by your self-
self-worth, and self-esteem. These habits
can be acquired and changed by the
reconditioning of the mind.
Your leadership is hidden in your purpose, and your purpose is the key
to your passion.
To become the leader you were created to be, you must find a purpose for
your life that produces a passion for living.
Leaders don’t just do, they feel what they’re doing. Their passion
continually motivates and inspires them.
Leaders are willing to put their whole selves into accomplishing their
True leaders are resolved in their decisions to pursue their goals and
Passion helps us to rise above
our daily routines.
If you capture a sense of destiny that existed before you and will continue to
exist after you, and if you feel you’re involved in something that is larger
than yourself,
you’re on your way to leadership.
Passion is born when you connect
to both the past and the future.
Leaders know that purpose is much bigger than one incident or several
incidents. They keep on moving toward the fulfillment of their purposes, no
matter what.
You know your vision is from God when you are still at it once the storm
Leaders don’t wait for the future to come; they create it. They don’t wait for
others to do what they know they
should or could do.
Leaders don’t just dream; they awaken and act on their dreams.
The attitude of initiative enables you to be your own coach so that you
maintain momentum in pursuit of your life’s purpose.
Be a leader—initiate.
We can do many things, but not everything is constructive to our lives. One
of our major responsibilities as leaders is determining what is best for
ourselves according to our life’s purpose and vision.
A leader understands how to set the right goals. This is a vital attitude to
cultivate because your future and your life depend on the goals you set—
either consciously or subconsciously. Where you end up in
life is a result of the goals that you
set or did not set for yourself.
Goals protect us from undue influence from other people. True leaders are
always zealous for and jealous of their goals because these goals represent
their lives. Our lives change when our goals change, so we must carefully
guard our goals.
• measure their progress and
success by their goals.
• revise their goals when necessary.
• protect their goals from interference
and distraction.
• transfer their goals to their coworkers
and the next generation.
The secret to leadership success is living a very focused life in line with
your purpose.
True leaders possess the attitude of teamwork because they do not care
who gets the credit.
A leader is always a team player. True leaders are cognizant that no great
accomplishment has ever been achieved
by one individual.
A leader understands that every person was created to fill a need. Everyone
has an ability that no one else has and is indispensable in the world.
True leaders learn from their experiences, but they never live in them. They
never live their lives by prior experiences or they would become entrenched
in the past. Leaders don’t allow the past to dictate or entrap the future.
True leaders are conscious of their stewardship of the trust given to them by
those whom they serve. The spirit of leadership seeks to be faithful to the
sacred trust of the followers rather than doing what will only please the
The protection of leadership is in a voluntary submission to a trusted
authority. The spirit of accountability is the active manifestation of
submission to authority.
Leaders persist because they have a firm grasp of their purposes, know
where they
are going, and are confident that they
will arrive there.
Genuine leaders
understand that self-discipline is
the manifestation of the highest form of government—self-government.
The leadership attitude is more concerned with fully expressing itself than
with attempting to prove itself to others.
Leadership is the only thing that will fulfill our innate passion for greatness.
D r. Myles Munroe is an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and
consultant for government and business. Traveling extensively throughout the world, Dr. Munroe addresses critical
issues affecting the full range of human, social, and spiritual development. The central theme of his message is the
transformation of followers into leaders and the maximization of individual potential.
Founder and president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI), a multidimensional organization
headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas, Dr. Munroe is also the founder and executive producer of a number of radio and
television programs aired worldwide. He has a B.A. from Oral Roberts University, an M.A. from the University of
Tulsa, and has been awarded a number of honorary doctoral degrees.
Dr. Munroe and his wife, Ruth, travel as a team and are involved in teaching seminars together. Both are leaders who
minister with sensitive hearts and international vision. They are the proud parents of two college graduates, Charisa and
Chairo (Myles, Jr.).
For Information on Religious Tourism
These inspirational quotes from best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe
on leadership, single living, marriage, and prayer can be applied
to your life in powerful and practical ways.
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Keys for Living Single:ISBN: 978-1-60374-032-6 • Gift • 160 pages
Keys for Marriage:ISBN: 978-1-60374-030-2 • Gift • 160 pages
Keys for Prayer:ISBN: 978-1-60374-031-9 • Gift • 160 pages