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THE ARTS & READING SKILLS FOR IELTS: SENTENCE COMPLETION ‘Artis making something out ofnothing and selling it: Frank Z9p 1. Doyeu agree with this definition of an? 2 ite your own definition @ There are three texts on these two pages. Skim each text and match each one with iho + ‘SIELTS reading texts Text 1 Thereare more than 300 caves inSpein and France containing at which was stele andyouenly | prodkcedinprestortines is fet to dntethevecovepatngsocaraey bt have 20 minutes tor | mayof them armor than10000 eorscland sets balers he cdest ohare been cseneen roticed round 32000 ears ogo While some a he poitings const abstract shapes Beforeyeulokt | otirsareot clay ientfiase mid anmas Although pangs ullumonchgsonte theavestons you | enenalsareevenelyrere three patios Fhimankans oud sim (rate teae og @_ Read the sentences below and CIRCLE the partofspeech ye thinks mising Then tes of what 1°" te ONEWORD fom Tent n each up to compleethe sentences a ‘oWhen you skin, 1 noun (jective) Humans in Europein, imes created worksofart. don't worry about 2 noun/verb It hasnot been easy for scientists to. the art accurately. thewords you 3 noun /adjective There are examples of abstract art and animals in the sartkno one sTofindtheonsners 4 adlcive wer) pues fhumansinths ancient ot. tasome question Telermn | Text2_ethesntshinse rockband ArcticMankeyshavebrokenounerusrecords ee since they formed in Sheffield back n'2002,® The first single. Bet You Look Good On The mibeemees Dancefiaor was released on 17 October 2005. went straight into the UK Singles Chart at —— Sumber ane. hen the flowing onary they oughta ta debt bum Whatever wn ye | Repl SoulAm The VhottinNot soon bec he atest eligi bn British music histry/(although thisrecerdhas since been broken Ther secondalbum, Fovourite Worst Nightmare which camecut on 23 Ape 2007, sold mare than 225000
BSB, Drees E-Hp.7 se» Speaking p. 108 ‘questions using your notes and some ofthe phrases from theWordbank. 1. Doyouhave any hobbies? 2 Whatelfferenttypesof entertainment aeavailable where you tne? GH 3 Avethere any hinds of entertainment you don't ke? . Pronunciation: Stress changes 1 ~ verbs/nouns 62 001, 6 lgeach word in bold a verb or noun? Mark which sylable you think is stressed, Then listen and check your answers. 1 sorb / sou suspect the main character willbe suspect. 2s, \What means of transport wil they ws to transport the paintings? 3 _/— When you extrac some words froma text, youhave an extract. so Shall hepa record? We need torecordallthe ests For each question, make notes about what you would say. Then, practise answering the othe IELTS Speaking ‘maul, younay need afew seconds to think before youspeak (2 Use phrases ike Well tet me think ‘bout that for 0 moment of Thats on Interesting question! togive youself tine When you answer, sivemore than just fone-wordor very short answers You have toshow that youcan communicate inEnglish4 Grammarbank: Using the passive ine. the incorrect phrasesin the others. Rewrite the phrases correct. ie WRITING SKILLS FOR IELTS: UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETING DATA Itcan se that there has ben a significant increase in cinema vss. be 1 2 Thebulletisvsited by less than ten percent the population, 3 Arts events attended by mote men ten yets ago than now. 44 Plays re seeing by approximately a quarter ofthe people surveyed oes BSB, ErerciesA-C 2.8 4 Wordbank: Writing In IELTS Writing Task 1, you often have to describe how data changes over time, Put each word or phrase listed below into the correct category. oe considerable decline decrease drop fall gradual increas insignificant large rise sharp significant slight steady sow | godown Some of these words are verbs. Find them, and look at how the nouns are formed from ‘them what de you notice? o> BSB, ferciesD-H, pp. 9-10 txchof nese graphs shows something changing overtime. For each one, choose the hase thot best describes the dats, "/ a steady increase followed by a gradual decline a sharp crop followed bya steady decrease a gradual decrease followed bya sudden fall gradual is followed by sharp increase© tWisbarchartshows ar galery attendance. Look tthe dts and dacide ifthe statements are true or false =o i wore (With graphs make foo sce you understand ama what each axis is messing with brand pe chart there's often key which tel you what each a ‘ferent bar or 1 Thenumberofmen attending fll between 1995 fay fase _ 3eareprerents Renate oleaue tiled cca Bie tables ead 2 Thenumberof chen aterdinghasincased gaciatyunt today, we tae * ith tales rnd 3 Therehasbeen aslhtfallrecertyn the numberof women atencing. _tue/fae _“Hedataaose he 4 Sine2005,the numberof menattendnghasshownasgnficanrincease, we/fase ‘Ovando 5 Oveal the numberof chlren attending hasremalred estan twe/fase coluTastidntfy the key Features. @ Write wo sentences of your wn to describe how the numberof men attending iigtloiesharchngedovertinesccrdingtothebarchrtinbawcieB. OY © Thistable shows the results ofa ten-year study about people who attend cultural ‘eventsin the UK Look atthe table an read the paragraph from an IETS candidates description ofthe data Find tree factual mistakes and underline them. The stone hasbeen done aan example iestyear—fithyear— tenthyear (Gnemse zw ” ‘Theatres ap | mw | we ‘Misaleres ” 3 6 “cen mui concerts 10 7 | 5 alee 6 2 a pe 5 7 6 “ma pn ml ii jpg ie imac ere nea : le ee ed sens neinuanghonmedgiiuee | “wibet te ctiel ‘er gradual oping 6% oe the lst five yearsef the buds events in Exercise would you prefer toattend? Why? © east paragaph describing te remaining data inthe abe e means 23 OGEXAM PRACTICE READING oF You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the Reading Passage below, 2 The History of the Guitar ‘The werd uit’ was brought into Enalish ag an «adaptation of the Spanish word ‘guitar which ws, in tum, derived from the Greck kha Tracing the rots ofthe word further back ito laguistc history, it seems to have been a combination ofthe indo-Eviopean stem ‘quit meaning music andthe root tar; meaning chord for stting. The root tar s actually common to a number ‘of languages, and can aso be found inthe word ‘tar also stringed musical instrument. Although the speling _and pronunciation differ berween languages, these key ‘elements have been present in mast words for ‘ular’ throughout history. ‘While the guitar may have gained most ots papulanty 252 musial instrument during the modern ea, guitare instruments have been in exstence in numerous cutures ‘throughout the word for more than 5,000 years. The ‘ates instruments thatthe modern eye and ear would ‘recognise asa‘normal acoustic guitar dat from about S00 years ago. Prior to this time stringed instruments vere in ‘se throughout the world, but these cary instruments are known primary from visual depictions, not from the continued eristence of music wten for them “The majonty ofthese depictions show simple singed Instruments, often lacking some of he pars that define 3 made guitar Anumber ofthese instruments have more Jneomenon with the late than the guia. “There is some uncertainty about the exact date ofthe atest 5-string guitar. The oldest one stil in existence, which was made by Gaetano Vinaci, is dated 1779. Howover the authentic of sisting guitars alleged to hhave been made prior 91790 is often suspect, ax many fakes have been discovered dating to this era The early nineteenth century 1s generally accepted as the time Petiod ducing which sisting guitars began taking on thelr modem shape and dimensions Thus for neat to hundred years, lthirs or uitar makes, have been producing versions ofthe modem acoustic guia. OR 2s 0005 The fist electric guitar was not developed unt the ‘early twentieth century. George Beauchamp received the fist patent for an electric guitar in 1936, and Beauchamp went on to cofound Rickenbacker, orginally known 435 the Electro Sting instument Company, Athough Fickenbacker began producing eectc guitars inthe ate 1930s this brand reelved most of its fe in the 1960s, when John Lennon used a Rickenbacker guitar for the Beatles debut performance on the Ed Sulivan show in 1868, George Harson later bought a Rickenbacker guitar ‘of his on, ond the company later gave him one oftheir eatbest 12sting electic guitars. Paul McCartney aso used a Rickenbacker bass guitar for recording. The Seales ‘continued to use Rickenbacker guitars throughout their ‘arer, and made the instruments highly papular among other musilansof thee, Te Fender Muscal Instuments Company and. the ‘Gibson Gutar Corporation were two other ealy elect ‘guitar loneers both developing made inte ery 1950s, Fender began with the Teleastrin 1950 nd 1951, 8nd the Fender Stratocaster debuted in 1954, Gibson began sling the Gibson Les Paul, based partially on assistance from Jazz musician and guitar innovator Les Pau, n 1952. The ‘majority of present day soli-body electric guitars ae stil based largely on these three eal elec gular design. Tinoughout the history of the guitar, an enormous ‘number of individuals have made their mark onthe way In vhich te instrument was bul, played and percetved. ‘Trough some of these individuals are particularly well known, ik the Beatles or Les Paul the majority ofthese ‘people ae vitally invisible to mest medem quite fens. By looking atthe ene history ofthe guitar, ather than Just recent developments, largely confined electric guitars i is posible to see more of the contibutions of enter generations.Questions 1-7 Complete the sentences. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer, 1 Despite dtferences “guit’ and tar appear in the word for ‘guitar in many languages 2 Instruments that we would call acoustic guitars have been madeand played for approximately 3 Noone knows the ‘when the first sx string guitar was made 4 The of acoustic gitarshave not changed mucin 200 years. 5A for an electric guitar was issued in the mid-1930s, 6 Les Paul the wellknown, guitarist, was involved inthe development ofthe electric gut 7 Most ‘of the guitar know lite about its ich history. Questions 8-13 Complete the summary Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage fr each answer Instruments similar to the guitar have been played by musicians for over 8 years. What we know about many ofthese instruments comes from ° ther than actual physical examples or mest played on then. in some ways these ealy stringed instruments were closer to 10. than the sultaras we know it today. We do have examples of six-string guitars that are 200 years ol. However the 11 of sx-strng guitars made by guitar makers (who are also knoven as 12 ) before the final decade ofthe eighteenth century is often open te question. Although the electric guitar was invented in the 1930, it took several decades for electric Most 13 guitars to develop, with the eompny Rickenbacker playing a major part inthis development. le guitars in use today ae similar in design to guitars produced by the Fender Musical Instruments Company and the Gibson Guitar Corporation fn the 19508, oe BSB, eres AD. 17 ‘© Skim the text before youlook atthe ‘questions togeta neal idea oF what the tentis about, 1 Check the Instructions carefully ‘tofind outhow many words youcanuseto fileach gap. ‘eFor each question, scanthe text find therelevant par, ‘then cead that part carefully tofind the ‘exact word or phrase youneed. ‘eMoke surethe ‘word or words you ‘rite in each ap it ‘rammatialy ‘eRemember that you ‘anttehange the form ‘of the words from ‘the text tomake themft__ ga. 3 meses 25 OGYou only have afew seconds tread each section before you listen but you will have ten minutes atthe end toput your answers on the answer sheet ‘© You only hear each Astening text nce. Read the questions befoce you start stoning and look forkey words and phrases. (0 The questions are ‘alwaysinthe same ‘order as youhear the answers feThetimebetwoon answers inthe recordings short, so don't get left behind wh trying to think of an answec etfyouriss something havea sess based on key ‘words and phases youhave heard, Then move onto thenext question. os O86 08s — LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1-6 8% muw01,7 Choose the correct eter, A, Bor C. 1 Becoming Friend of Laverton Arts Centre A costs 5, B costs £50 © does cost anything 2 How many newsletters do Friends receiv each year? A four 3. Friends ofthe Arts Centre can buy A. more tickets than other visitors, B tickets before ober visitors © books earlier chan other visitors, 4) There might be reductions on tickets for events A inthe Soll Theat. B inthe Main Theatre © atthe Arts Cinema, 5 The Arts Centre is changing A the password forts website B its website addres the design ofits website, 6 Friends of Laverton Arts Cente are AA required toattenda certain number of events B not forced to attend a certain number of events encouraged to count how many events they attend. Questions 7-10 6 Avo01,7 ‘omplete the sentences below Wiite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer. 7 ‘The woman has visited the Arts Centre times in total 8 “The first event at the Arts Cente the woman went to was 9 Thewoman was unaveare there was, at the Arts Centre 10 The woman likes the idea ofSPEAKING PARTI. Let's talk about what you do, + Do you werk or are yous student? Let’ talk about free time, + Hlow much fee time do you generally get? + Do you prefer going out or staying in when you have spare time? + Do you think itis possible enjoy yourself without spending money? + Are thee lots of diferent things te do where you live? WRITING Plan your writing! Read the writing task below, and fill inthe Writing Planner on page 120 BEFORE you complete the task WRITING TASK 1 ‘You should spend about 20 minutes on this task, ‘Write about the following topic: ‘The table below shows the results ofa 20-year study into why adults in the UK attend aris events ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make «comparisons where relevant. ‘Write atleast 150 words Reasons for attending the arts~ UK adults (all numbers below are perce «= skim and scan to complete sentences. (Reading) v “predict before answering multiple choice questions Ustening) + provide information by giving clear and complete answers to questions (Speaking) -understand and write about datain tables and charts. (Writing) ‘*InIELTS Speaking, youget marks for four different things: ‘fluency and coherence, 2 lexical resource. {grommaticarange and accuracy ‘4. pronunciation, fe Remember that they ‘n't mark you on WHAT yousay, but HOW yousayit. SS piney) Ls ‘eniELTS Witing Task 1. yougot marks for four different things: ‘task achievement. 2 lexical resource. 3-coherence and ‘cohesion. 4-grommatical ange ‘ond accuracy. (Remember that Tas 2 ls worth more macks ‘than Task 150 dont spend more than 20 ‘minutes on Task ‘Make poragroph plan and always give ‘examples orelevant supporting data. ‘eMake sure you write atleast 150 words. ‘eRemember tosliow 2 few minutesto check se ge) wens 27
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