RP Uc secs
Cambridge English
Nick Kenny
Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer
MAE PEARSONhe Cambridge First Certificate in En«
is made up of four papers, each testing a different area of ability in
[nglish, The Reading and Use of English paper carries 40% of the marks, while Writing, Listening, and Speaking each carry
20% of the marks. There are five grades. A, B and C are pass grades; D and € are fail grades.
Reading and Use of English
‘hour 15 minutes
Writing 1 hour 20 minutes
Listening 40 minutes (approximately) _
Speaking 14 minutes (for each pair of students)
Paper Formats Task focus
Reading and | Part 1: multiple-choice cloze. Choosing which _| Part 1: choice of vocabulary and relationships
Use of English | word from a choice of 4 fits in each of 8 gaps in. | between words
Seven tasks the text. Part 2: grammar, vocabulary and knowledge
52 questions | Part 2: open cloze. Writing the missing word in _| of expressions.
each of 8 gaps in the text Part 3: grammatical accuracy and knowledge of
Part 3: word formation. Choosing the form of | vocabulary and expressions.
‘the word given so that i fits into the gap in Part 4: grammatical accuracy and knowledge of
the text. vocabulary and sentence structure.
Part 4: key-word transformations. Using the key | Part 5: reading for detailed understanding of
‘word to complete anew sentence which means | the text
the same as the one given. Part 6: reading to understand text structure.
Part 5: answering multiple-choice questions. _| Part 7: reading to locate specific information,
Part 6: choosing which sentence fits into gaps | detail, opinion and attitude,
ina text
Part 7: deciding which of the short extracts or
paragraphs contains given information or ideas.
writing Part 1: compulsory task: using given information | Part 1: focus on writing for an English teacher
Two tasks to write an essay of 140-190 words. in a formal style.
Part 2: producing one piece of writing of Part 2: focus on writing for a specific target
140-190 words, from one of the following: reader, using appropriate layout and register.
a letter/email, a report, a review or an article.
Listening Part 1: 8 short texts each with 1 multiple-choice | Part 1: understanding gist, detail, function,
Four tasks question, purpose, attitude, etc.
30 questions | Part 2: long text with 10 sentence-completion | Part 2: locating and recording specific
questions, information.
Part 3: set of 5 short texts on a theme to match | Part 3: understanding gist and main points.
to 1 of 8 prompts Part 4: understanding attitude, opinion, gist,
Part 4: long text with 7 multiple-choice main ideas and specific information.
Speaking Part 1: examiner-led conversation Part 1: giving personal information.
Four tasks Part 2: individual long turn with visual and Part 2: organising discourse, describing,
waitten prompts. comparing, giving opinions.
Part 3: two-way collaborative task with Part 3: sustaining interaction, expressing,
written prompts. justifying and eliciting ideas, agreeing
Part 4: three-way examiner-led discussion. and disagreeing,
Part 4: expressing and justifying ideas, agreeing
and disagreeing,Exam Overview 2 Practice Test 6 104
. Reading and Use of English 104
Practice Test 1 4 Writing 114
Reading and Use of English 4 Listening 116
Writing 16 Speaking 120
Listening 19
Speaking 24 Practice Test 7 122
. Reading and Use of English 122
Practice Test 2 27 Writing 132
Reading and Use of English 27 Listening 134
Writing 39 Speaking 138
Listening a2
Speaking a7 Practice Test 8 140
. Reading and Use of English 140
Practice Test 3 50 Writing 150
Reading and Use of English 50 Listening 152
Writing 60 Speaking 1 156
Listening 62
Speaking 66 Speaking and
. Writing file 158
Practice Test 4 68 speaking file 158
Reading and Use of English 68 Writing file 162
Writing 78
Listening 80 Visuals for
Speaking 84 Speaking test 169
. 169
Practice Test 5 86 a eS
Test 2 in
Reading and Use of English 86 ey 175
Writing bd Test 4 178
Listening 98 Test 5 181
Speaking 102 nate 184
Test 7 187
Test 8 190
Answer key 193TEST 1
Peg UD)
Guidance: Parts 1-4
uly cud
‘The Reading and Use of English paper lasts for one hour fifteen
minutes, It contains seven parts, and has a total of fifty-two
‘questions. There are texts of varying lengths, with a range
Of text types and styles of writing, for example extracts from
newspapers, magazines, websites and novel.
Part 1
In Part 1, you read a short text and complete a multiple-choice
cloze task. Eight words or phrases have been removed from the
text. For each gap, you have to choose from four options the
word or phrase which fits best.
Part 2
In Part 2, you read a short text and complete an open cloze
task. Eight words have been removed from the text, You have to
complete the gaps.
Part 3
In Part 3, you read a short text and complete a word-formation
task. Eight words have been removed from the text. You are