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eet eit gee rl a) aa = 5 = : Fi Rod Fricker Suzanne GaynorUnit Reading 1 Four-legged fiends ce fren ps treaings th pagacphs Mutipl choice Revision page 16 2 Celebrities we be ae BONS UUES ectiny cay Revision 2 page 28 Fy Dream jobs ee Multiple matching Sea Waitt choice Pores) Revision 3. page 40 r ‘Tale, danger ioc welche CI cscs Teen Hacker Lae Saves the Dayt AF Helo ook CLE UEg Horror stories page53 eae sentences pen questions Revision 5 page 64 Vocabulary Personality and feelings Word fermaton:rom Word formation nouns from adjectives Negative preiee ‘Aceldentsand heath Phrasal verbs Vira fxm: om Aa ‘ejector wth-ef ng Pasa vets Prepostions + noune ‘callecstone Word xmation nouns tomers Jobs and work Word formation: fam Work Compound nouns Workplaces Eveaion Collocations Peaal verde Activities, uipment anddangers Wordfemtonfromtent Sports end equipment Versterspors Phrasal vee Wordformatin:aective prefoes Computers Word formation: fom Computer equipment Verbs elated to| computers Minar asasters Grammar Present tenses Stave verbs asttenses tet / would Future the past sie, eather Future forms Ccomparatives Superiatives uanuers ‘001 enough o/h few Iie Notonlyx butabo Sodio! Nettherdod Modal vets Listening ture muiple choice Tue orale ‘completion Malte ratehing Mutipe choice Table completion Mutiple choice Tue Fase or No Information Picture mute cholce Multichoice recone ‘questions Speaking Personal auestions Talking about femyand Tends Comparing two photographs Waking shoe Reaching decision Foe ply Writing Leet ‘pinion Diecursve essay Laner of Complaint Informal EmaReading Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Writing : Meee |rttxtnigont [enone |ipecee [memes [say Mane (rica woe [imme [oe Ea hy ‘and areunion | Word formation: from ‘matching Pe i |e pees” Reema eee nce | ta meat asec Revision 6 page 76 s 7 Sea seems [memes [arene [emia [te co cm (pas nitty lee ete PL ‘Communication and pase? ome sce rn avons #2 Weenie Jroualdaces [rates [ott | npn ones meee |secteaartimme| teen fase [pnco =, joss leon lay on [gion [cman a crn | rome om Omen cere tien cemasnt—[tomrtnsri ine |r tmnt [Sas [omen [ercer ce co mur lance Lie ‘Clothes ‘Determiners ea oo on cae lor Revision 9 page 112 0 aneceee esos, mca [mci igs Terstesoes estat” lene monn” [gma pa — page 113 ca "Revision 10. page 124 5 ‘Speaking Activities page 125 Use Your English page 128 Word List page 146 Grammar File page 156.HHHYHHHH HU HU eeu Trve just done one of those magazine quizzes thet tell you what type of person you are. Te says I able and Jove going out! but T ‘could he more sensitive at time ‘What about you? What sort of person are you? Vocabulary Starter 2. Match the words with the photos above. sonality and feelings i camaumecions ‘grumpy compete effectionate 41 Dothe quizand find ut what typeof person youre. impatient exctad 13 Complete the sentences withthe words from the bow. ‘emotions grateful rewordad express | ‘conduat stressed sceptical 1 Sarah is gatting ery about her exams she aa that she's going to fal 2 tmabwaysvery about what readin newspapers and magaeines. They often print things which are not tue 3 Scant are preparing to. aseriesof ‘experiments tothe eration fe of animals. 4 Strong such ay and sainess are | sometimes not easy to express 5 mreally—__—foryourhelp with my science research projet. euldit have done it without you. 6 When the crus animals perorma tckcorrety they are___— by thettraine. 7 Most people agree that ls etter. your feelings athe than keeping them hidden rokznn.op soup cp ch pwned SR “seals! ko eipoouey mas a patra sao recuse + Do the qulzresuls describe your personality comectiy Why Why 0X? «Which adjectives from this page would you use to describe yourbest fiend?Four-legged Friends Friends sclentists and other researchers have Conducted numerous experiments and come up with proof that we can't ve without therm, At ther best, we ‘can express al our emotions to our fiends; whether wet feeling grumpy, stressed {G imen ner pooate, Poopsie, died, Marge Cameron feta depth of sadness and loneliness shed never thought possible, Her daughter was anwious about her and insisted she get new pet. Warge refused to discuss the issue. Tat was uni she met Tiny. Siting inthe park one day, Marge fed up, we usualy tum to true friends to cheer us tp and get us through bad tines. People being people, however, fiends can also be competitive, impatient, and even downright distoyall So, Fran Thomas, Teen ‘bays loyal tous. Curious? Read on! Lites top reporter, has been ding research to avather pe offend he orld kind hats = GL oe, the cocker spaniel, belongs to the Mins fami. Today, tes being treated ike royalty. He's Jost eaten a hambuger, ané now he’s eyeing a bow of icecream vith great enthusiasm, Whats the faiied to notice her walt faling out of her bag. As she was walking special occasion? Joe is a hero. home, she noticed she was being followed by a very excited litle Last night, while the family sieptin (Chihuahua. in hs mouth, he had a walt. Marge was so shocked, the upstairs becrooms, ther home \and so grateful she rewarded the ite fellow by is allowed to. ethos ‘Adams wherever he is ‘So imagine the neighbours’ suprise when, sot On vest, found Mr Adams unconscious onthe floor of is fat. When he came to, he explained that burglars had broken into is flat and frightened him so badly hed fainted. Ginger, ferocious when necessary, tad chased them out before they could take a thing!
aannnistsiorninietteticers interview sabout Aw 7 1 Sa oumey truth ope cen 3 Sodthanutoceal ing nar eee cn — Listening: @1_Youwithearsicshor conversations Aeryou hear each ‘one you willbe asked a question about what you heard. The answer cholces are shown as pictures. Choose A, Bor. @2 Noten tothe interview and deceit Shestaementsaretnieor ae, 1 Sonia wasnt wored about meeting new tends. 2 Sonia fet impatient and angry because she could talleto the teachers 13 The allan students didn want practise | thelr English vocabulary. 4 Sonia ike the fac thatthe takan | students showed what they vere fling. 5 English students are sociable, 6 tdoesrit matter to Sonia what opinion other people have of he 7 Sonia agrees that the experience was ‘0d, 8 Sonia experience taught her about people inher own country. + How do you think person fels when they areina new school ortown? + How would you describe people in your townicauntry? 7 R S12a Personal questions 1 ee ( steatth fretine * (ane i) Start by asking the students to look atthe photo. Elicit any views or opinions they may have about it. « Put the students in pairs to discuss the topics briefly and to complete the task « Take feedback from as many paits as possible, ‘The students can either do the exercise individually or in pairs ~ whichever you think is best. ‘ Check answers as class, Cncourage students 12 explain how they made their choices. 1 feelings, 2 my future, 3 my personality, 4 friends, [€D1 Track 06) [Teeacher’snote: see audioscript on page 176] « Play the CD. Ask the students to listen carefully and to match as many answers as they can. « Play the CD a second time so the students can completefcheck their answers. © Check answers asa class. 6 [CDITrack 07} [Teacher's note: see audioscript on page 177] © Explain that the students are now going to listen to a gitl describe her best fiend. «Ask the students what words they are going to listen out for (words the speaker uses that are listed in Bvercise5). « Play the CD. Ask the students to listen and note the relevant words. © Check answers as a class, Discuss whether or not the speaker used the descriptive adjectives in a good ‘way, See ifthe students would have used sny other ‘words instead of the ones the speaker used. ‘6 (..1tSnice..catch up with people) Telnet avira cuente >| €2 1m thinking of... have to.) (oi eesongase one I 4 13 Explain thatthe students are now going to answer the {questions from Exercise 2 themselves, «© Choose a student to read the tip out oud, Explain. that itisimportant for students to show they have ‘a good command of the language when they are doing a speaking exam in English. Therefore, they need to say as much as they can and to use longer and more complex sentences, « Put the students in pairs with people they don't usually work with. Ask them to take turns asking their partner the questions from Exercise 2. Before reading the rubric, ask the students if they ‘can think of what makes a good friend. Elicit as many suggestions as possible and write them on the board f° Ask the students to read the words in the box to themselves. Allow one minute for the students to ick the words they think describe a good friend. 1 Check answers as a class, See how much agreement ‘there is, Discuss whether there are any other words the students felt should have been included in the box. Write any suggestions on the board. Answers 1 Well, 2 Erm, let me see, The best thing, 4 nearly 8 Put the students in pairs and ask them to first of al decide who is Student and who is Student B, Point ‘out that after doing the task once, they will swap roles anyway. «Refer the students to the Language Upload. Work through this with the class: read the phrases and each time ask for a volunteer to complete the phrase with an idea of their own. For each section, {ry to elicit other phrases the students think would also be appropriate. «Time the students — ensure that they talk for one ‘minute. Remind the non-speaking partners to ask ‘questions as per the instructions ifthetr partner stops talking «Take some feedback before the students swap roles. then repeat the activity, 9 Putthe students in small groups. Choose some students to come to the front and share their descriptions with the class. «© Remind the students to use the phrases from the Language Upload. « Praise the students’ efforts.yu Personal questions ‘1 Lookat the photo. Tick (V7) what you most ke taking about with your fiends 1 Pransforthe evening 2 Yourexams 3 Other fends 4 Yourteachers 5 Yourhomework 6 Thenews 7 Shopping 8 Yourfavourte must 2 Match the questions with the topics from the box. ‘riends fesings freetime health ‘my future _my personality 1 How doyou feel when you've got an exam? oo0000000 2 De youwant to go tounivesy? 3. Are you acompative person? 4 What characterises must agood fend have? 5 Have you ever had a swollen ankle/a bad bruse/a black eye? What happenéa? 65 What do you Tike doing ot the weekends? Listen to some students answering the questions in ‘Exercise 2. Match thelr answers withthe questions. oe ee ee 4 Workwitha partner Askand answer the questions in Exercise, o 5 Tiekthe words that describe a good frend, ‘compettive hanest enthusiastic ‘creative sceptical sensitive LUsten to Julia describe her fiend, Antoni. Which words from Eeercise § does she ute? Listen again and complete the sentences, 1 weve been menas since we ware five 2 ____ helo very honest 3 about Antonis he kes helping people, 4 Obvand! forgot. Workin pars to complete the task. When you have ‘inshed change roles. Use the Language Upload box tohelp you, ‘Student ArYoU are going to describe sometiody in ‘yur family Thinkabout words and structures you ‘wll use. You must talk for one minute, you stop talking, student B will aska question, 2 Now talk for one minute about your best fend. errr (ne of my bast fiend. "like to taleabout (cosleeaiiiarease peel ‘ont opoerine en think’ becouse Letmesee Well. Yousee hand neary forgot Thebestthing... Aboveall.. Apartffom that... AS wellasthat.. And at ofl ST 1B8 Number the information in the order it appears in the letter | Giving fist opinion and saying why 8 Closing Reference to opposite view and explanation Confirmation of opinion Gg E Greeting i F nroduction and reason for writing a © Read the Wiking Checklist and find examples ofeach point in the mal ator Time to write 10 Lookatthe picture and answer the questions 1 Isthe picture similar or ifeent to your school? 2 Where do you go during breskt school Isit nice 27081 bein? Why Why not? ‘11 Work with a partner and decide ifyou agree or isogree withthe following? Why? Schools should spend money on equipment for ‘tasstooms and laboratories. Youcan give studentsa nce place to sitin, but they wonttbe grateful frit Ifthe outdoor ares isn safe, students could injure themselves, 4 Students need to rlax They should have atactve placesto sit : 12 Read theaticleand underline the key ideas. More safe space for schools! Head Teacher, Matin Dyers, believes that safe futloor eorex important For top nn {ood heal nelly and psc. "hey nod Somewhere they ean exeese and be sociable fe says. 'AE the moment any. schools have angrous sess where students might ip rave tmacideat™ te a eter to the editor explaining your views Write between 150 and 175 words Writing Checklist: cmc 1 Road the prompt carefully and underline key words and phrases, 2 Moke nutes uf your opinions, Things | agree wh Things | cisagree wth) 3 Think of reasons to back up your opinian. 4 Bqplain why you are wing, 5 Give your fst opinion and support 6 Give the opposite view 17 Finally confirm your option, Does your letter include 1a formal greeting and clear introduction? 2 rolovant ad intresting vocabulary? 3 one or two phrasel verbs? 4 statve verbs? 5 an agreement or disagraement with something? {6 a final opinion and a formal ending? era) CT aad the erticle about ..wth nerest. | was intrested inthe article bout | have experionea of thie | Fst | cule't agree more that Ft ofall To begin with Furthermore | Inaddtion Therefore 2s avesult of thie CENT However On the other hand Finally Lstiy Taking all ofthis into consideration |S16 Vocabulary 1 Compete the article with the words rom the box ee = 2 Choose the conectanswers. 1 Mow do you know she's not wal?"Shes gone off/ turned to her food 2 Iminjured / under the weather toy Nothing serious, but think go back to bed fora while, 3. Awhole week of exams. How are we going to get ‘through /eometo them? 4 Amanda hasnt been feling wel for awhile and collapsed / tripped on her way to work thie ‘morning 5 Jack’ fingers broken. The doctor says iv be swollen stung fora few days, © Sam gota black eye /a rash afterhe ran into another player duting the basketball match 7 When Amy tured to/came to after her accident, ‘he couldn remember her name. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct noun form ‘oftheadjectivesin capitals. 1 Melisa ends respected her and vere ‘lod she hac decided to ell the uth, HONEST) 2 Alex belonged to largely ene wasnt somethinghe had ever experienced: LONELY) 3 Thebest waytodeal wth, ‘one long Journey sto stent lots of music (BORED) 4 Afterall the. othe birthday party the ast ‘thing Amy coud do was sleep (EXCTTED} 5 Thecompany expects fromaltofits workers LOYAL) Grammar 4 Choose the conect answer 1 Have you decked /Do you dc wht youd te dboingtorioh? 2 Kote being interviewed /sinterviewed tthe moment 2 They avert /haventbeen thiexstedsee the pty, 4 Malus rans /israining ony ithe! 5 Ineed amneeding inc uy you are ae bey nay with me '5 Complete the email with the correct form ofthe verbs, Timm New dire, Bi Custing, Greetings from Warsaw! We ust/ (si in my hotel rom. 1 cried) and 1 (ave fortwo days, soit (leet good tobe here a as Wareaw is an amazing place! Aer dinner we, ‘Goon ataucaf the ety. Charlie (aot come) with. fact he °—___latreaty/ go) 1 bod! Typical Charla! [i Speen [iene et f | Hove, laabot TT Sa Compete the second sentence 0 thatit has a similar ‘meaning tothe ist. Use the word in capita, 1 eS the iste Fve vised sl, Neve D Russa before 2. The doctors examining John now, EXAMINED Se is 3 Thelast time saw Rachel ws fve yeas aga. FoR i five years. 4 Hela abvaysasks er sister for help. Tuas Helen alvays hersite, 5 Wtlooksas ithe children have arash. SEE ‘The cidsen arash 6 Youlook upset. Are your exams worying you? nour Mea anes 7 ‘Nick started behaving badly a year ago. BEEN Nck—_orayez SL
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Anh Nguyễn
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Unit 9 1
7 pages
Unit 9 1
Anh Nguyễn
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Unit 6 1
7 pages
Unit 6 1
Anh Nguyễn
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)