Energy Vectors
Energy Vectors
Energy Vectors
Prof. Fabio Orecchini Prof. Vincenzo Naso
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca
Per Sviluppo Sostenibile (CIRPS) Per Sviluppo Sostenibile (CIRPS)
Sapienza Università di Roma Sapienza Università di Roma
Piazza San Pietro in Vincoli 10 Piazza San Pietro in Vincoli 10
00184 Rome 00184 Rome
Italy Italy
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1 Energy Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 The Energy Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Energy and Power: Natural Forms of Energy . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Units of Measurement in Energy Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1.4 Energy Availability in Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.5 Classification of Energy Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Closed Cycles of Energy Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.1 The ‘‘Measurable’’ Definition of Sustainability . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.2 The Earth, as an ‘‘Open’’ Energy System, Allows
the Realisation of Closed Cycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 19
1.3 Energy Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 19
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 23
2 Energy Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1 Definition of Energy Potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 The Earth’s Energy Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Renewable Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.1 Solar Energy (Direct) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.2 Hydropower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.3 Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3.4 Biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.3.5 Geothermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.3.6 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.3.7 Current Renewable Energy Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.4.1 Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.4.2 Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
vi Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Chapter 1
Energy Systems
1.1.1 Introduction
The energy cycle concerns energy evolution in its passage from natural availability
to the most suitable form for end use, meaning the form that allows the desired
useful effect and entails the disposal of its unexploited portion.
Energetics is the branch of learning that studies the forms and quantities
through which nature provides energy to human beings, and the sources (called
primary sources) through which this availability is carried out. Energy systems are
those devices in which, through transformation and conversion processes and
flows, energy is processed until reaching end uses and thence the useful effect.
Obviously, as shown in Fig. 1.1, the energy cycle—in its form commonly used
nowadays—entails an interaction with the environment as well as the production
of waste and pollutants.
This cycle is shown in detail in Fig. 1.1, with the general reference scheme. It
shows the so-called primary (or natural) forms of energy, the energy flows,
which include the transformation from primary energy into secondary forms
of energy, through their processing and physical or chemical transformation, that
is to say the transformation into electric energy and the energy of end use, until
achieving the useful effect.
By following the indications of the arrows shown in the figure, the possible
pathways of the energy cycle can be identified. It is therefore shown how some sources
of primary energy are directly employable for end use (line (a); for instance: the
natural gas or coal used for domestic heating, the wind energy or hydropower directly
used in mills since ancient times, or the wind energy used for sailing purposes).
More often, the forms of energy available in nature must be adapted to the
demand coming from end users that is, to say transformed and/or converted. In this
way, a passage occurs from primary forms (i.e., the potential chemical energy
contained in liquid hydrocarbons) to secondary forms (line (b); i.e.: oil refining
products) and they are directly employed for end use (line (c)).
In other cases, some primary sources (line (d)), such as natural gas and coal, or
secondary sources, can supply the thermoelectric plants that generate electric
power (line (e)). In turn, the latter is employed by end users (line (f)); in this final
process of the cycle, energy allows the achievement of the desired useful effect,
whereas the portion not used is generally released into the environment.
In this chart, particular attention is paid to electric power, due to its peculiarity
and the priority it is gaining in the entire energy framework, compared to the other
forms of energy used.
It is appropriate to underline that the definitions herein introduced differ from
those that several authors adopted on the basis of other nomenclatures. For
instance, some prefer to define ‘‘secondary energies’’ those types of energy that
allow to transfer energy in space or in time, with a view to make it available
wherever and whenever needed. In this framework, the name energy vector is
ascribed to this type of function.
For instance, when hydrogen production is finally obtained—having considered
that it is a very good fuel not directly available for use in nature—by using the
waste heat of thermoelectric power plants, a sort of energy recovery through heat
‘‘accumulation’’ in hydrogen is carried out. In fact, the hydrogen energy vector
will collect the waste thermal energy that would otherwise be lost. The availability
of hydrogen so produced, in fact, will make energy available wherever and
1.1 The Energy Cycle 3
whenever needed. As a matter of fact, through this process, the waste thermal
energy will be transferred over time by means of the hydrogen energy vector.
In the next few paragraphs, an analysis is made of the main usable natural forms
of energy. Subsequently, the units of measurement used in the energy sector will
be dealt with, since some of them—although commonly used among operators—
are not the ones adopted by the International System. As a matter of fact, as we
will see more in detail afterwards, these particular units were selected for their
characteristics and size, which make their use handy in the analysis of energy
Finally, an analysis of natural energy sources will be made, preceded by general
considerations on global energy flows on the Earth, seen as an energy system
interacting with the surrounding space.
This concept can be more easily understood by means of an example. Let’s consider the case of
electric utilities: since it is known that electric power is stored with difficulty and expensively, it
is not easy for Utilities to avail themselves of all the necessary energy. Supplying the electric
power demanded by users will entail the ability of providing, moment by moment, the exact
quantity of energy requested that is, to say supplying the power demanded second after second.
4 1 Energy System
In fact, according to the characteristics and the attitude of each form of energy
that is converted into useful work to be destined to a particular end use, it is
possible to adopt each time the most convenient energy source, that is to say the
conversion process that is most suitable to pursue the objectives set.
For instance, in all the applications in environments with no free oxygen—as
space and submarine applications—it is little convenient, if not impossible, to
use the chemical energy developed from conventional combustion reactions,
namely those that develop heat through exothermic oxidation reactions,
entailing the availability of oxygen. In these cases, other conversion processes
are privileged or, alternatively, other forms of energy: a technically interesting
solution may be represented by nuclear power, supported by closed-cycle
thermodynamic plants, or by the resort to special systems for energy conver-
sion, such as some so-called direct conversion devices that will be described
Here it follows a brief description of the characteristics and properties of the
different forms of energy available in nature.
It is inborn in the bond strengths existing at a molecular and atomic level in some
particular substances. It can be defined either as potential, underlining the intrinsic
character that can be expressed through suitable reactions in the form of thermal
energy, or electric. In the former case, exothermic reactions (in general, oxidation)
occur, and the quantity of heat provided, called reaction energy or reaction heat,
corresponds, in an absolute terms, to the enthalpy variation pertaining to each
reaction. Conversely, the generation of electric power is due to the variation of free
energy relating to oxidation–reduction reactions or to the concentration gradient of
different substances in given solutions (in this case, reference is made to free
energy of mixing). The chemical energy that is mainly used is the one contained in
fossil fuels.
This form of energy, utterly linked to the development of the human society,
is produced by the movement of free electrons in conductors. Although it is
incorrect to refer to ‘‘electric power’’—since, in addition to the electric field, a
magnetic field is always involved and therefore the definition of ‘‘electromag-
netic energy’’ should apply—this distinction is however suitable to define the
type of energy used for its electric features only. The electric power available in
nature (for example through the phenomenon of thunderbolts) is not directly
exploitable at the present state of technology; it is therefore necessary to pro-
duce electricity artificially, converting other forms of energy available in nature
into electric power.
1.1 The Energy Cycle 5
It is available in nature in two different forms: potential and pressure, and kinetic.
It derives from the gravitational pull acting on the Earth; it is owned by bodies at
rest and depends on the position (‘‘height’’) that they have in that pull, in relation
to a conventional position which is ascribed the reference potential energy content.
The water stored in a basin, for instance, has a potential energy proportional to hits
height, h, compared to a reference point (i.e., the discharge of a turbine down-
stream) (Fig. 1.2).
A potential energy is also pressure energy, strictly linked to the homologous
status variable. Also in this case, the reference to a hydraulic example can be
useful, in the sense that there is always a component of this form of energy in a
moving fluid.
Also (incorrectly) called atomic energy, it is due to the cohesive strengths present
in the nucleus of atoms. In nature it is spontaneously released by elements, gen-
erally of a large atomic mass, called radioisotopes,2 which emit radiations and/or
particles (natural radioactivity).
Furthermore, as with chemical energy, also for nuclear power a potential form
exists, which can be released through the fission of nuclei of heavy atoms (such as
some isotopes of uranium) or the fusion of nuclei of light atoms (such as, for
instance, hydrogen and its isotopes); this is the case of artificial radioactivity.
It is the energy contained in any body depending on the fact that their temperature
is higher than absolute zero and is due, from the microscopic viewpoint, to the
energy (kinetic and potential) linked to the state of motion present in the matter at
a molecular, atomic or subatomic level.
In the thermodynamic approach, thermal energy is considered as the less
‘‘noble’’ form of energy, since all the other forms tend to almost entirely transform
themselves into it, whereas the opposite phenomenon is not so spontaneous. As
stated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics, in fact, a free thermodynamic
transformation whose only result is to transform heat into another form of energy
is not possible.
An example of thermal energy available in nature is geothermal energy.
On the basis of the nature itself of energy and the use that human beings make of
it, energetics and any of its related subjects range among fields that are even too far
from the merely engineering framework, adopting each time economic, political
and social values.
The principles of the International System (SI) of units of measurement in the
energy sector are shown in
Table 1.1, Whereas
Table 1.2 sums up the main units derived from it.
Radioisotopes are the radioactive isotopes of some chemical elements. The word ‘‘isotopes’’
indicates the atoms of chemical species that have the same atomic number, namely that own the
same number of protons; for this reason—and this is the etymological explanation—they are
positioned at the same level in the scale of elements. However, they have a different number of
neutrons in the nucleus, therefore a different atomic weight. Most of elements are available in
nature in the form of mixtures of isotopes with constant composition.
1.1 The Energy Cycle 7
This is the lower heating value: it is obtained by deducting from the higher heating value the
heat deriving from water condensation that is formed during combustion, as well as the latent heat
of the humidity contained in the fuel. The higher heating value is the quantity of heat, expressed
in kilocalories, generated by 1 kg of fuel by burning entirely, at a constant pressure, when the
products of combustion are brought to 0C and 760 mmHg. Frequently, in case of gaseous fuels,
instead of referring to kg, reference is made to the normal cubic meter (Nm3).
A barrel of oil corresponds to 158.98 l.
A BTU corresponds to the quantity of heat necessary to increase the temperature of a pound of
water (1 lb % 4.44 kg) by 1 degree Fahrenheit (1 F % 0.55C).
8 1 Energy System
Table 1.2 Main energy-related units of measurement ‘‘derived’’ from the S.I.
Magnitude Unit of measurement
Name Symbol
Frequency Hertz Hz
Force Newton N
Pressure Pascal Pa
Energy, work, quantity of heat Joule J
Power, energy flow Watt W
Quantity of electricity, electric charge Coulomb C
Electric voltage, electric potential, electromotive force Volt V
Electric resistance Ohm X
Electric conductance Siemens S
Electric capacitance Farad F
Magnetic induction flux Weber Wb
Magnetic induction Tesla T
Electric inductance Henry H
Flux of light Lumen lm
Illumination Lux lx
Activity Becquerel Bq
Absorbed dose/Radiation dose Gray Gy
Equivalent dose Sievert Sv
The analysis of energy availability in nature starts from the global energy cycle of
the system in which human beings operate the Earth system.
Table 1.6 Classification of primary energy sources according to the criterion of renewability
Energy flows of the earth system Non-renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
Solar radiation Petroleum Human and animal energy
Coal Wood/biomass
Natural gas Energy crops
Bituminous schist Solar energy
Oil sands Wind energy
Sea waves
Saline gradient of the sea
Gravitational energy Tides
Internal energy of the earth Natural radioisotopes Geothermal energy
uranium, thorium, lithium
hydrogen isotopes
The figures and energy flows making up the Earth’s energy balance are shown
in Sankey diagram (Fig. 1.3), in which these flows are represented through arrows
whose width indicates the total contribution of each single item [1].
It is therefore evident that the energy balance of our planet is mainly based on
the energy flow coming from the Sun, accounting for 99.98% of the total.
The mean energy flow coming from the Sun is called solar constant and cor-
responds to the energy that, outside of the atmosphere (namely without atmo-
spheric absorption) and at the average distance of the Earth from the Sun, passes
through a surface of 1 m2, placed perpendicularly to the direction of the flow, in
the interval of 1 s. Measurements made through artificial satellites have indicated
for the solar constant a value of 1.353 kW/m2, with a ± 3% variability due to the
10 1 Energy System
ellipticity of the Earth orbit.6 Conversely, on the average, the value of incident
radiation on the terrestrial surface, considering the effect of absorption of the
atmosphere, amounts to nearly 1 kW/m2. In any case, the amount of total mean
power intercepted by the Earth is estimated at nearly 173,000 1012 W.
Besides the direct solar energy, the other sources contributing to the Earth’s
energy balance include the energy coming from the gravitational interaction
(involving the triad Earth, Sun and Moon, with a prevalence of the Earth-Moon
interaction), as well as the thermal energy present inside of the Earth, conveyed to
the surface through conduction and convection. A further contribution finally
comes from natural radioisotopes (radioactive elements), mainly responsible for
the phenomenon of geothermics.
The Sankey Diagram in Fig. 1.3 shows how a remarkable portion of the inci-
dent solar energy (52,000 1012 W) is directly returned to the external space,
whereas the remaining portion proceeds towards the Earth’s surface, passing
through the atmosphere.
As a matter of fact, the causes of the variability of solar flow are manifold: the irregularity of
the solar surface, the different emissions by the star, the rotation of the Sun and of the Earth
around their axis, the variability of the Sun-Earth distance, etc.
1.1 The Energy Cycle 11
Please note that the energy flows referred to are intended in a time unit,
therefore ‘‘power’’ will more precisely be referred to (See Sect. 1.1.2). In this
connection, it is suitable to underline the critical aspect of the energy issue:
although, at any moment, the power available in nature is, as described more in
detail afterwards, at least four orders of magnitude higher than the present needs
of the entire world population, it is technically and/or economically impossible to
meet energy demands, at any moment and for each user, with the only power
that is directly and instantaneously available in nature from the Sun or from the
other renewable sources mentioned above.
Meeting energy needs is, therefore, a problem relating to the availability in
space and time rather than being a problem of quantity. The issue to be solved is
that of making available to individual users the suitable quantity of energy (and
in the suitable form) they instantly need.
The Earth’s energy balance will be analysed in detail in the next chapters.
After considering in which forms energy is available in nature and what are the
sources that ensure the total energy supply of the Earth system, an ‘‘operational’’
classification of the energy utilisation cycle is needed, indicating which energy
sources allow to meet the energy needs of the human society, and which is the
contribution that each of them can offer. To do so, it is necessary to refer back to
the diagram of Fig. 1.1, which will represent the starting point for the more
detailed classifications hereunder.
In fact, if from a global viewpoint the Sun represents the most substantial
energy source for the Earth system, different ways are in place for its processing,
storage and availability throughout our planet. This storage allows the availability
of new forms of energy that, together with those already seen in the global balance,
are defined as primary energy sources. They originate, either directly or indirectly,
the energy continuously provided to users for the so-called end use.
However, in order to contribute to end use, primary energy sources cannot be
directly used in the forms and quantities available in nature, but rather they have to
be modified and adjusted to the demand. In addition, the problems of transpor-
tation and cost-effectiveness of exploitation have to be solved, as well as meeting
technological and environmental needs, supplying the type, the nature and the
quantity of instant energy demanded by users.
evolutions, and to underline the incidence of use of the different forms of energy, it
is suitable to know the usual subdivision of the various primary energy sources
into conventional, nuclear, new and renewable energy sources (Fig. 1.4).
Conventional Energy Sources (CES) are characterised by the most extensive
use and by a well-established structure in the energy market. Therefore, these
sources are commonly defined as commercial sources.
Nuclear energy is considered separately since, although its role in the energy
market is largely well-established and has major possibilities of use, it shows
problems that need to be analysed separately. Furthermore, its use as primary
1.1 The Energy Cycle 13
The reference scheme for reaching the sustainability of Energy Systems is referred
to as ‘‘Closed Cycles of resources’’. What yesterday seemed impossible, today is
the clear and declared objective: to realise energy systems that do not consume
resources and do not produce waste. Energy systems based on what we call
‘‘Closed cycles of energy resources’’ can be set-up and run by human technical
skills in the twenty first century.
Zero-consumption, zero-waste: this is the objective, together with high effi-
ciency conversion technologies and flexibility of energy end uses.
Renewable sources are those sources with a relatively short recovery period, and in any case
comparable to the duration of the utilisation cycle (which guarantees their practically unlimited
availability over time). Non-renewable sources, on the contrary, are those sources in which the
recovery cycle has a duration largely higher than the utilisation cycle. Usually, non-renewable
sources include fossil fuels, since the fossilisation cycle necessary for the formation of fossil fuels
has a duration amounting to millions of years (which makes these primary energy sources
exhaustible or non-renewable from a practical viewpoint). Even nuclear fuels, deriving from
natural raw materials which cannot be regenerated with the present technological processes, have
to be considered as non-renewable sources.
14 1 Energy System
For ages the human society has been consuming resources that it is not able to
reproduce. Its activity can be considered as still based on ‘‘open cycles’’, starting
from a condition of natural environmental balance that brings to environmental
imbalance. The general challenging purpose of scientific and technological
research towards sustainability appears extremely clear if based on this assump-
tion: to identify and implement new social and economic systems based on ‘‘closed
cycles’’ of resources.
The challenge of closed cycles allows to propose a new definition of sustain-
ability, able to indicate the way leading to—as well as stating the general prin-
ciples of—sustainable development.
In the energy sector, the implementation of the sustainability scheme of closed
cycles shows its real feasibility, together with its theoretical inspiring role. Energy
vectors—some of which are well-known and established like heat-transfer fluids,
electricity, or others that are not yet as used and widespread as hydrogen—allow to
close the energy resource cycle in this field by effectively meeting the zero-
consumption and zero-waste objectives through viable technological solutions.
Any technological cycle that brings either a product or a service to our everyday
life presently consists of a sequence of activities. From a wider perspective, these
activities include:
• extraction of resources
• storage
• transportation
• processing/transformation
• production
• storage and distribution
• use
• waste formation
• partial recycling of materials and product reuse
• waste disposal into water, air and ground.
This cycle, commonly used and apparently normal, implies all the limits that
the sustainability concept has brought to evidence in our current development
model. It might represent, in a close future, the main element leading to the end of
our civilisation.
By only considering the first and the last rings of the chain, it is immediately
evident how human beings take any matter—which is in a condition of natural
equilibrium with the environment—and transform it into useless waste—which
1.2 Closed Cycles of Energy Resources 15
unfortunately, in most of cases, is even dangerous for the mankind, the wildlife,
and the environment as a whole [2, 3]. Human activities consume resources that
they are not able to reproduce. This is an open cycle: a cycle that starts from a
status of environmental balance and ends with a condition of environmental
imbalance. This cycle ‘‘consumes’’ resources, and ‘‘produces’’ waste.
The human society as seemed to accept this flow as inevitable, mainly because
till now human economic development was almost entirely based on such an
apparently simple and convenient solution. During the last two centuries,
humankind has built its industrial evolution on the exploitation of raw materials
which, through production processes, end products and waste disposal, imposed
open cycles on the environment. It is usually known where these cycles begin
(usually in a mine shaft, or in a well), but most of times it is not exactly known
where they end – water, air, ground (in a specific natural reservoir, such as a
landfill, or randomly all over the planet, as uncontrolled waste).
The era of open cycles must come to an end. It has been an era of rapid
development, but only for a portion of the human population. Consequently, the
possibility of finding resources to be consumed and land destined to waste disposal
was huge if compared to the percentage of world population that was undergoing
development. In the last decades this system evolved towards more and more
complex cycles, and now includes recycling and reuse practices. In this way, the
main cycle has been enlarged by adding secondary cycles, able to extend the useful
life of materials and products. Such extension in useful life is obtained by spending
energy and by progressively deteriorating the quality of original materials and
products. This can be considered as an excellent practice, but not a final solution: it
still brings from consumption to waste.
Thinking ahead, cycle corrections of this type cannot be enough. The challenge
lays in the realisation of entirely closed cycles. Anything but closed cycles, which
start from useful resources, and return to useful resources after their use, are unable
to realise truly sustainable development: diffused, shared, and ideally endless for
the entire human society.
The lesson learned from nature is simple and clear: only those organisms that
succeeded in being part of closed cycles are able to survive, whereas those that are
imprisoned in an open cycle disappear.
Many other statements apply, and most of them express similar concepts. What
is missing to achieve a scientific theory of sustainability is a definition that goes
beyond principles, indicating the pathway to follow and not just the objective to
achieve. We have to give the Earth ‘‘back’’ to future generations in an appropriate
manner—but how? How can we measure and evaluate whether a behaviour cor-
rectly leads towards sustainable development?
The proposal of closed cycles of resources provides enough elements to make a
definition of sustainable development, together with stating the following principle:
‘‘Sustainable development does not consume resources.
It uses and re-uses them, endlessly and without environmental consequences’’
separate issue: it is released into the air through the combustion of fossil fuels in the
form of ‘‘natural’’ re-coupling between carbon and oxygen. CO2 is not a directly
dangerous pollutant for human health, but its massive re-loading in terrestrial
atmosphere in the time of a ‘‘geological instant’’ is a real threat to the climate.
The open cycle of fossil energy resources takes billions of tons of ‘‘potential’’
CO2 securely stored underground in deep oil, coal and natural gas deposits, and
releases them in the atmosphere. The scientific community is nearly unanimous in
indicating an unsustainable increase in the Earth’s temperature if this open cycle is
not remarkably changed from its present trend:
Hydrocarbons ! Carbon dioxide
Paying attention to the small number of technicians and scientists who
express doubts and scepticism about the projected temperature increase as a
result of CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it is evident that their
scepticism is focused on the indicated effects of the GHG content variation in the
atmosphere, and not on the presence of a tangible risk for the natural balance.
Almost all of them oppose the calculations and projections on the effects of the
change, and not the change itself. And most of them do not deny the presence of
a risk.
Therefore, the vast majority of the scientific community identifies the cause and
the effect as follows:
CO2 increase ! Climate instability
and a small minority does not agree on the effects, while agreeing on the cause.
They state that anthropic carbon dioxide emissions only lead to a risk, and not to
the certainty of a climate change:
CO2 increase ! Unidentified Risk:
The common element is at least the presence of a ‘‘risk’’, such as the risk of
losing the environmental balance.
Even the chain of nuclear power is characterised by an open cycle:
The practical implementation of closed cycles of resources has long been deemed
as impossible in the energy sector, since it was considered as non complying with
the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics. Some confusion was generated
between the concept of closed cycles of resources and the concept of closed energy
cycles. The latter is evidently and clearly impossible to achieve, due to the
qualitative degradation of the energy resource in any conversion, revealed by the
increase of entropy, or related to the decrease of the energy content.
Fortunately, however, the particular conditions of the Earth characterise its
energy status as this of an open system rather than a closed one; in this way, the
real scenario in which actions are made in relation to the theoretical energy
analysis changes completely.
The Earth constantly receives energy from the Sun. The planet-system, there-
fore, does not have an equalised situation in terms of energy balance, but rather,
conversely, a situation of own energy balance largely positive that allows to
hypothesise what would be considered as impossible without taking into account
this simple but peculiar starting point. The constant and distributed inflow of
additional energy in the Earth system allows it to be practically defined in energy
terms in conditions of constant energy surplus.
This daily available – and thence usable – surplus is at the basis of the
incredibly charming possibility of developing on Earth energy systems based on
closed cycles of resources and on renewable forms of energy. What is renewable,
in fact, is not the energy detected and exploited by a suitable energy system, but
rather its cyclical and repeatable natural availability, largely linked to the new
quantities of energy that from the Sun reach the surface of the Earth.
The continuous availability of an energy source, assimilable in human activities
and practically inexhaustible, allows to face the energy spending necessary for the
production of energy vectors, their exploitation, and the replenishment of the
primary resources available.
includes the energy resource available in that case, the end use, and the
achievement of the useful effect) passing through any possible intermediate
‘‘dimension’’. A complex energy system represents in this way the set of several
simple energy systems interacting among themselves.
In its widest meaning, an energy system is made up of the set of primary energy
resources, the processes and the relevant technologies for energy transformation,
conversion, transportation, storage and end use, as well as the waste produced and
the interactions with the environment generated in all the phases and processes
mentioned above.
The basic structure of a complete energy system is therefore shown in Fig. 1.7.
In its most detailed representation, an energy system is made up of the set of
primary energy resources, processes and technologies for conversion, transporta-
tion, storage and end use of energy, waste production and interactions with the
environment in all the different phases.
The concepts implied in the definition of energy system (resources, processes
and technologies for energy transformation, transportation, storage and end use)
will be tackled more extensively afterwards; it looks however suitable and useful
to immediately make a brief reference to them.
The ‘‘pathway’’ from the primary source to energy use, generally entails dif-
ferent needs.
First of all, a primary energy source is usually available in places other than the
points of utilisation, which are also called end users. This poses – practically in the
22 1 Energy System
stored, and it is as well a secondary resource and energy vector (however not
‘‘complete’’, meaning that it only owns one of the two characteristics applying for
the definition of vectors: yes for the transportation capacity, no for the storage
World Energy Council (WEC) in 1998 defined energy resource a primary energy source with a
demand and conversion and use technology.
The economic potential is the fraction of the technical potential that is also
cost-efficient to exploit. The equivalent for fossils resources is represented by the
reserves (verifiable, possible and feasible). Finally, the effective potential of
the RES is the fraction of economic potential exploited, taking into account the
demand and the energy policies adopted in each country. As far as fossils
are concerned, considering an existing demand and a ‘‘favourable’’ policy, the
effective potential is analogous to the verifiable reserves, being the resources
effectively measured, whose production is possible according to the economic and
technological conditions.
Obviously potentials are influenced by several factors (environmental, techni-
cal, economic and social), therefore each numerical value changes dynamically
according to environmental changes, technological development, market condi-
tions and the relevant political situations.
The analysis of energy availability in nature starts from the global energy cycle of
the system in which human beings operate: the Earth system. The Earth is not
exchanging matter but only energy with the outside, mainly electromagnetic
energy from the Sun and releases it in the space (so keeping its average temper-
ature constant). Besides the direct solarpower (accounting for around 99.98% of
the entire energy available on Earth) the other sources contributing to the energy
balance of the Earth for the remaining 0.02% include the energy coming from
gravitational interaction (practically reduced to the triad Earth, Moon and Sun), as
well as the thermal energy present inside of the Earth, conveyed to surface through
conduction and convection. A further contribution finally comes from natural
radioisotopes (radioactive elements).
Solar radiation is radiant energy emitted by the Sun from a nuclear fusion
reaction that generates electromagnetic energy. The spectrum of solar radiation is
close to that of a black body with a temperature of about 5,800 K (according to
Wien’s Law, derived from Plank’s Law, the Sun emits radiations with a peak
wavelength of 500 nm). About half of the radiation is in the visible shortwave part
2.2 The Earth’s Energy Balance 27
of the electromagnetic spectrum. The other half is mostly in the near-infrared part,
with some in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
The average energy flow coming from the Sun is called solar constant and
corresponds to the energy that, outside of the atmosphere (that is to say, without
atmospheric absorption phenomena) and at the average distance of the Earth from
the Sun, passes through a surface of 1 m2, perpendicular to the direction of the flow,
in the interval of 1 s. Measurements made through artificial satellites calculated for
the solar constant a value of 1,353 kW/m2, with a ±3% variability due to the
ellipticity of the Earth’s orbit. Considering the solar constant and the average Earth
surface irradiated by the Sun, the estimated amount of the total average power
intercepted by the Earth is nearly 173 9 1015 W, to which corresponds an annual
incident quantity of 5,404 9 1021 J/year (that is to 1.3 9 108 MTOE/year).
As shown in Fig. 2.2, nearly 30% of the solar incident radiation is reflected at
its arrival and dispersed in the external space under the form of short wavelength
radiation (nearly 52,00012 W), whereas the remaining part proceeds towards the
surface of the earth, through the atmosphere.
28 2 Energy Resources
The atmosphere, the surface of the Earth, and oceans absorb nearly 47% of the
total (nearly 81,00012 W). Considering that the average insulation at ground level
over an entire year (including nights and periods of cloudy weather) is much
lower—for example, in North America it ranges between 125 and 375 W/m2
(3–9 kWh/m2/day)—and the utilisation of 1% of lands above sea level (for
instance through the direct photovoltaic and thermal solar conversion mentioned
below), the theoretical potential corresponds to nearly 80 9 1012 W corresponding
to an annual energy availability of 5.9 9 104 MTOE/year (values similar to those
reported by IEA [1] and Nakícenovíc et al. [2]).
Twenty three percent (nearly 40,00012 W) is used in the water cycle that is, to
say in the evaporation, precipitation and runoff characterising the hydrologic
cycle. The water vapour formed, while raising as a consequence of thermal
gradients and of pressure effects, cools beyond the saturation point, and subse-
quently condenses around ions or dust particles, originating the formation of
clouds. When the size of drops reaches at least 1 mm of diameter, atmospheric
precipitations (rain, snow and hail) take place in suitable temperature and
pressure conditions. The amount of inland precipitations slightly varies according
to the different continents by 740–800 mm per year. The two exceptions are
South America (1,600 mm per year) and Antarctica (165 mm). Not all the water
returns on Earth at the same rate at which it evaporated; a portion of it remains
in the upper air, thence allowing its accumulation in the form of potential
mechanic energy. Out of the 577,000 km3 of water evaporating from oceans and
land surfaces, 119,000 km3 precipitate on the soil. About two-thirds are absorbed
in almost equal parts by vegetation and soil; the remaining one-third becomes
runoff water. Most of the quantity absorbed by vegetation and soil evaporates
again, and this percentage amounts to 72,000 km3. The difference of 47,000 km3
is, in principle, available for energy purposes. The convolution of runoff water
allows to take into consideration the theoretical hydropower potential, whose
amount (theoretical potential) is estimated as 5 9 1012 W, with an annual energy
amounting to 3.6 9 103 MTOE [13]. The largely prevailing energy use of this
resource is electricity production in hydroelectric power plants; this is the reason
for the word hydroelectricity.
A small fraction of the sun energy, amounting to 0.2% (nearly
370 9 1012 W), is destined to winds, ocean circulation, and sea state, and is
partly dispersed in the form of frictional heat. Wind is caused by heterogeneous
air warming: the air above ground is warmer than air above the sea, and as a
consequence of density variation, the warmest air rises and triggers the
movement of air masses (AM). A region’s mean wind speed and its frequency
distribution have to be taken into account to calculate the amount of electricity
that could be produced by wind turbines. Wind resources can be exploited in
areas where wind power density is at least 400 W/m2 at 30 m above the ground.
If we consider the exploitable part of wind, then the technical potential is
estimated around 15 9 1012 W, to which corresponds an annual energy
amounting to nearly 10 9 103 MTOE.
2.2 The Earth’s Energy Balance 29
32 9 1012 W is obtained, that is 2,4 9 104 MTOE per year. Thermal sources and
volcanoes, however, emit only 1% of total heat, thence the power actually
available is reduced to nearly 0.3 9 1012 W. Heat migrates from the hot nucleus
of the planet towards the Earth’s crust through two main processes: conduction,
which contributes to a minor extent since rocks are poor conductors of heat, and
convection, which conversely rapidly spreads thermal energy in fluid materials.
Although heat propagation takes place towards the surface of the Earth, and from
here towards the space, the temperature inside of the nucleus is rather constant
thanks to the contribution of radiations and of the particles released by the
radioisotopes present inside of the Earth’s crust. Therefore, geothermal energy
mainly derives from the decay of radioactive substances inside of the Earth and,
having considered the quantities involved, it represents a practically inexhaustible
source of energy.
The energy flows and figures making up the energy balance of the Earth are
shown in Sankey diagram, where these flows are represented through bands whose
width are propotional to the total contribution given by each item. In this
framework, another interesting representation is shown, which highlights the water
cycle (at the basis of the life on our planet and that, also from the energy view-
point, has huge proportions and plays a major role).
It is important to consider the critical aspect of the energy issue: although, at
any moment, the power available in nature is—as described afterwards—at least
four times as much as higher than the needs of the entire world population, it is
technically and/or economically impossible to meet energy needs at any time and
for each user, through the only power that is directly made available in nature by
the Sun or by the other sources mentioned above.
Meeting energy needs, therefore, is not a problem in terms of quantity but rather
of availability of quantity in quality (suitable form), in the space, and at the time
needed by users.
If, on the one hand, solar energy has several advantages (such as the absence of
polluting agents, the possibility of direct conversion into electric power, a prac-
tically unlimited duration as well as a global quantity available far higher than
human kind’s energy needs), on the other hand several problems must be over-
come for its widespread use, including technical and economic ones, linked to the
low energy density, and to its discontinuity (night/day alternation, seasons cycle,
variation in weather conditions). It is clear, then, how big is the gap between
potential availability and practical possibilities of use.
2.3 Renewable Sources 31 Overview
As already mentioned in Sect. 2.2, outside of the Earth’s atmosphere the incident
power on an area perpendicular to the direction of Sun rays slightly exceeds
1,300 W/m2 and this value is named solar constant. In its passage through the
atmosphere, however, the spectrum of solar radiation changes both quantitatively
and qualitatively. More in detail, the interaction of solar radiation with the earth’s
atmosphere and surface is mainly determined by 3 groups of factors:
1. The Earth’s geometry, revolution and rotation (declination, latitude, solar
2. Terrain (elevation, surface inclination and orientation, shadows).
3. Atmospheric attenuation (scattering, absorption) by:
a Gases (air molecules, ozone, CO2 and O2).
b Solid and liquid particles (aerosols, including non-condensed water).
c Clouds (condensed water).
The first group of factors determines the extraterrestrial radiation available
according to the solar position above the horizon, and it can be precisely calculated
through astronomic formulas.
The radiation input to the Earth’s surface is then modified by the topography of
its terrain—namely slope, inclination and aspect—as well as by the shadowing
effects of neighbouring terrains. This group of factors can also be modelled at a
high degree of accuracy. The elevation above the sea level determines the atten-
uation of radiation by the thickness of the atmosphere.
The intensity of the extraterrestrial solar radiation passing through the earth’s
atmosphere is attenuated by various atmospheric constituents, namely gases, liquid
and solid particles and clouds. The path length through the atmosphere is also
critical. Because of its dynamic nature and complex interactions, the atmospheric
attenuation can be modelled only at a certain level of accuracy.
The quality of radiation, that is to say the distribution of wavelengths in the
solar spectrum, undergoes a variation due to the scattering phenomenon, based on
which the photons of different wavelengths are spread according to different
angles. The radiation that reaches the ground has then a different composition from
the radiation originally released by the sun.
To quantify the spectrum of ground radiation, reference is often made to the
concept of AM: it is defined as the ratio between the length of the real path of Sun
rays and the length of their shortest possible path, that is to say with the Sun at the
zenith. By convention, it is agreed that outside of the atmosphere the solar spec-
trum has an AM equal to 0. At the sea level, on a clear summer day, the radiation
coming from the Sun at the zenith corresponds to AM1, whereas other positions
correspond to an AM of 1/sin h, where h is the zenith angle (Fig. 2.3). As a
reference magnitude for the measurement of cells and of photovoltaic modules, an
AM of 1.5 is used.
32 2 Energy Resources
Fig. 2.3 Air mass (AM) and schematization of the solar radiation incidence angle
This condition is true for the regions of the Northern Hemisphere placed north of the Tropic of
Cancer (lat. 2327’N); in the regions of the Southern Hemisphere placed south of the Tropic of
Capricorn (lat. 2327’S) the suitable orientation is northward; finally, in case of the regions of the
tropical zone, it depends on the period of the year.
34 2 Energy Resources
equalling the latitude of the site. Orientation optimises reception during the entire
day, whereas inclination minimises the radiation variations due to the annual
oscillation of the earth’s axis that determines a variation in the direction of Sun
rays compared to the vertical axis (Fig. 2.6).
Let us turn now to the calculation of global solar incident radiation on a surface
placed in any position. Clearly, this is the most interesting calculation for the
evaluation of electric power production potential by a photovoltaic system
installed in a given site.
The main sources to estimate the incident solar radiation in a given period on a
surface are the Solar Radiation Atlas. They collect data mostly provided by
national meteorological institutes or, in exceptional cases, by universities. This set
of data is collected in maps and tables, and usually derives from 10-yearly mea-
surements. In the case of Europe, the European Solar Radiation Atlas is divided
into two volumes: the first one relates to horizontal surfaces; the second volume
concerns tilt surfaces. In the first volume of the Atlas tables show the values of
mean daily radiation for each place considered, expressed in Wh/m2 (o kWh/m2),
that is to say in energy density.
Each place is characterised by its coordinates (latitude and longitude), and by
its altitude above the sea level. The most important value is the one appearing in
the first row of each table, indicated with letter G. It expresses the mean daily
radiation and is shown for each month and then as annual mean value.
The values of incident global radiation on a horizontal surface; however, have a
limited interest for the design and development of photovoltaic systems, since, in
order to optimise their electric output, these systems are always arranged with a certain
2.3 Renewable Sources 35
inclination on the horizontal plane. Therefore, the determination of the incident solar
energy on a tilt surface with a given angle becomes of paramount importance.
This problem can be solved through two different approaches: the consultation
of the second volume of the European Solar Radiation Atlas, or the mathematical
calculations of the radiation on a tilt surface starting from the corresponding data
for a horizontal surface.
The first approach resorts to the second volume of the Atlas, which refers to tilt
surfaces. For each place, tables show the mean daily radiation (both global and
diffuse) per each month and on an annual basis, corresponding to different positions
of the collector surface. This position is characterised by two angles (Fig. 2.7):
• The tilt angle (shown in the figure with letter b) that measures the tilt of the
surface considered, as compared to a horizontal plane.
• The orientation angle (or azimuth, shown in the figure with letter c), which
indicates the orientation of the surface vis-à-vis the cardinal points (the orien-
tation southward corresponds to a null azimuth); more precisely, it is the angle
that the projection on the horizontal plane of the normal surface forms with the
southward direction in the northern hemisphere (or northward in the southern
In order to know the values of solar radiation according to the reference geo-
graphical site, suitable maps, called iso-radiation maps, are used. Radiation values
mainly depend on orographic characteristics and, to a lower extent, on latitude
It is necessary to specify that, in most of data available, no distinction can be
made between the component of direct radiation of diffuse radiation.
Maps show the distribution of daily mean radiation for the different months and
on an annual basis (Fig. 2.8). The black lines in the maps are the isoradiative
36 2 Energy Resources
Fig. 2.9 Procedure for the calculation of the global solar radiation on a tilt surface
curves that is, to say lines indicating the constant value of the mean daily radiation,
measured in kWh/m2.
Note that the values shown in the second volume of the European Atlas were
calculated by hypothesizing a fixed value for ground reflectivity, amounting to 0.2
2.3 Renewable Sources 37
(meaning that the ground reflects 20% of incident radiation; a value corresponding
to a grassland). If the site in question shows a different reflectivity, corrective
formulas shall be used to determine the exact value of the reflected component.
However usually the reflected component provides global radiation with a rather
limited contribution, amounting to a few percentage points.
The second approach for the determination of solar radiation on a tilt surface is
the calculation starting from the data on a horizontal surface, which in turn can be
derived from the Solar Radiation Atlas.
Without lingering on the detail of the calculation procedure, here it follows a
short description of the fundamental steps at the basis of this approach (Fig. 2.9).
The first step consists in determining the extra-atmospheric radiation starting
from the evaluation of a few astronomic parameters as the eccentricity of the earth’s
orbit. The comparison between the global values of extraterrestrial radiation and the
incident radiation on a horizontal surface shows the so-called ‘‘clearness index’’.
The diffuse component of radiation (always on a horizontal surface) is then
calculated as a complex function of this newly-determined index. The direct
component is found as a difference between the global and the diffuse radiation. At
this point of the procedure, the three components of solar radiation on a horizontal
surface are taken into consideration. It is then possible to calculate, through rather
complex formulas, the values of these three components for a given surface
arranged in space. Different input parameters are necessary in this calculation
phase, and in particular surface tilt, ground reflectivity (for the determination of
the levels of the reflected component) and the latitude of the installation site.
2.3.2 Hydropower
The rain and the snow give origin to the water flowing on our planet’s lands. The
quantity of precipitations, the configuration of the territory and its type of rock or
ground, are the factors that determine the characteristics of a watercourse. It is
therefore important to know ‘‘how much water falls’’ on a territory to imagine and
plan the use of this resource that is so important for all the human kind. The
measurement of precipitations is indicated in millimeters of water, and is carried
out in the ‘‘Precipitation Stations’’ suitably installed throughout the territory.
As mentioned in Sect. 2.2, hydropower directly depends on the portion of solar
radiation that originates the water cycle on Earth. This resource is, to all intents
and purposes, a renewable source; but, due to its intensive use in electricity
production, it is traditionally included among conventional energy sources.
In the last few years, a renewed interest was expressed vis-à-vis the use of water
basins that can fuel small plants with a maximum power of 3,000 kW. Mini-
hydraulic energy (or minihydro is the name of the branch dealing with these
plants) can, in fact, remarkably contribute to the electrification of developing
countries, where small-sized isolated users are present, although almost lacking in
a distribution grid linking them to large plants. Finally, particular importance is
38 2 Energy Resources
ascribed to water basins or watercourses that can fuel very small plants of tens of
kW, micro-hydraulic plants. Overview
Drainage Basins
River courses always develop at valley bottoms, having considered that water
flows due to the effect of gravitational forces; the valley where the river flows, and
the mountains surrounding it, up to the watershed peak, is called catchment area.
Through the analysis of the basin ground and the measurement of precipitations
in that given area, it is possible to define the behaviour of the river and the quantity
of water that can be used.
A watercourse can be named in different ways: river, torrent, brook etc.; each of
these names indicates its different characteristics dealing with the continuity of the
flow rate, its volume and the size of the watercourse itself.
The study of water resources is fundamental, and involves the science of hydrology,
the study of rainfall and stream flows, the measurement of drainage basins,
catchments, evapotranspiration and surface geology. While flowing from point A to
point B of a watercourse, water looses potential energy according to (2.1). This
available power can be converted, by limiting friction, into useful kinetic energy.
P¼QqgH ð2:1Þ
In (2.1), P is the power [W], Q the flow in [m /s], q the water density (1,000 kg/m3),
g the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2) and H the gross head [m] (the vertical
useful difference in level). Therefore, to estimate the water potential, it is necessary to
know the variation of the discharge throughout the year as well as level of the gross
available head. A United Nations Organisation was established—the World
Meteorological Organisation—providing hydrologic information service besides
National Hydrological Services, River Basin Authorities and other institutions, but it
is unusual to make regular gauging in the stretch of river where the development of a
small hydro scheme is proposed. Thus, normally, through the models of local data in
terms of precipitation (monthly rainfall), evaporation discharge (linked to tempera-
ture values, etc.), stage (water level), sediment and water quality and groundwater of
the areas, it is possible to calculate the variation of the discharge throughout the year
and the available head. Generally, an area with mountains and high precipitation has
several good hydropower sites (Fig. 2.10).
To estimate the hydroelectric potential of a site, the annual variation of the flow
rate during the year must be known, as well as the gross head available. In the best
2.3 Renewable Sources 39
of cases, the drainage services have installed a measurement station, and the
historical series of effluent flow rates will be collected. In case of unknown
hydrological data, the flow rate for at least one year will have to be measured.
Equation 2.1 clearly shows the power (and thence the energy) obtainable as
determined by the head (H) and by the flow rate (Q) of the watercourse considered.
The head is the difference in level between the point of water inlet and the point
of water outlet [m].
Hydroelectric power plants are divided according to the value of this size into:
• High head over 100 m
• Medium head 30–100 m
• Low head 2–30 m
The flow rate taken from a hydroelectric plant is the water volume taken in a
time unit [m3/s]. According to the flow rate, reference is made to
• Small flow rate up to 10 m3/s
• Medium flow rate from 10 to 100 m3/s
40 2 Energy Resources
The net head of a hydraulic turbine is the difference of hydraulic loads, namely of
fluid mechanic energy, between two conventional sections taken before and after
the machine.
2.3 Renewable Sources 41
Vi2 pi V 2 po
þ þ zi ¼ o þ þ zo
2g c 2g c
2.3.3 Wind
The power owned by the wind, so called wind energy, has been used by men since
ancient times for purposes ranging from sailing (Egyptian images of 2,500 BC.) to
the winnowing of cereals, to the drying of farming and fishery products.
Windmills in Europe first appeared in the middle ages, at the time of crusades.
Completely different from the conceptual viewpoint, with horizontal-axis wheels,
these windmills were larger in size, technologically more complex, with a higher
yield. They were used for the grinding of cereals, olive pressing, water pumping,
setting in motion and operation of sawmills, paper mills, dye-works and tobacco
In the last century, multi-blade rotor ram-air turbines became widespread,
subsequently used in large numbers in the farms of newly colonized territories.
A further step forward in the transition from windmills to modern aero-gen-
erators was made in Denmark by Paul La Cour, between 1891 and 1907. His rotor
had four rectangular warped blades, typical of a European wind mill.
During World War II, some studies were launched in the USA, in the Neth-
erlands and in Denmark that—boosted by the problems of a war economy—led to
the design and development of machines (at that point aerogenerators) with two-
bladed and three-bladed rotors.
In 1924, the Finnish engineer Savonius tested a new and innovative type of
vertical-axis aerogenerator.
Another type of rotor, Darrieus, derives from an original plan dating back to the
beginning of the ‘30 s by Darrieus. At the moment, it represents the only vertical-
axis machine able to really counter the supremacy of the HAWT (Horizontal Axe
Wind Turbine).
The possibility of exploiting the wind source with directly competitive costs, or
at least costs comparable to conventional sources, is heavily limited by its low
energy density (in the windiest areas, it is possible to reach the maximum3 value of
400–600 W/m2), as well as by its marked changeableness and uncertainty, also
while considering seasonal and annual mean values. Furthermore, there is also the
problem of windblasts that is, to say winds whose high and suddenly variable
intensity generate—in wind power plants—mechanical resistance problems and
may also cause breakings.
These are annual mean values of power per surface unit affected by the blades of a wind
42 2 Energy Resources
Fig. 2.12 Wind circulation linked to phenomena operating at the Earth level (Source: ENEL
SpA) Overview
Wind energy means the kinetic energy owned by AM moving in the Earth’s
atmosphere. In general, their movement is linked to the action of atmospheric
pressure, or better, pressure gradient, and therefore of temperature, in the sense
that air tends to move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure adjacent areas,
with a speed related to such gradient.
The wind and its main characteristics, namely intensity and direction, depend
upon several factors acting at a local and global scale.
The most important factor is solar radiation and its different intensity, higher in
the equatorial zone and lower in the areas close to the poles. The Earth’s surface
releases to the atmosphere part of the heat received from the Sun; the equatorial
air, warmer thus with a lower density, tends in any case to rise, generating a
depression that attracts other AM from the poles, and triggering—at the planet
level—a circulation of cold air from polar zones to the equator.
Among the other factors influencing the circulation of winds, from a global
viewpoint, there are the inclination of the Earth axis and the movement of revo-
lution around the Sun, which seasonally move the most insulated areas inside of
the tropical zone. On the contrary, the movement of rotation of the Earth deter-
mines a daily alternation of solar radiation, and induces the Corioliscomplemen-
tary acceleration on the moving AM, producing the typical spiral movement of
wind currents; the lack of uniformity and homogeneity of the earth’s surface is
finally responsible for the different absorption capacity and for the exchange of
solar heat between the Earth and the atmosphere above it.
2.3 Renewable Sources 43
Figure 2.12 shows a global representation of wind circulation due to high and
low pressure flows,4 which develop at a regional level as a consequence of the
phenomena mentioned above.
As regards Fig. 2.12, there are in particular one zone of low pressure at the equator; two
tropical areas of high pressure; two areas of low pressure in sub-polar zones; two high pressure
zones on the polar caps.
Table 2.1 Beaufort scale
Force Equivalent speed Description Specifications for use on land Specifications for use at sea
10 m above ground
miles/hour knots
0 0–1 0–1 Calm Calm; smoke rises vertically Sea like a mirror
1 1–3 1–3 Light air Direction of wind shown by smoke drift, but not Ripples with the appearance of scales are
by wind vanes. formed, but without foam crests.
2 4–7 4–6 Light breeze Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; ordinary vanes Small wavelets, still short, but more
moved by wind. pronounced. Crests have a glassy
appearance and do not break.
3 8–12 7–10 Gentle breeze Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind Large wavelets. Crests begin to break. Foam
extends light flag. of glassy appearance. Perhaps scattered
white horses.
4 13–18 11–16 Moderate breeze Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are Small waves, becoming larger; fairly
moved. frequent white horses.
5 19–24 17–21 Fresh breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested Moderate waves, taking a more pronounced
wavelets form on inland waters. long form; many white horses are formed.
Chance of some spray.
6 25–31 22–27 Strong breeze Large branches in motion; whistling heard in Large waves begin to form; the white foam
telegraph wires; umbrellas used with crests are more extensive everywhere.
difficulty. Probably some spray.
7 32–38 28–33 Near gale Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt when Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking
walking against the wind. waves begins to be blown in streaks along
the direction of the wind.
8 39–46 34–40 Gale Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes Moderately high waves of greater length;
progress. edges of crests begin to break into
spindrift. The foam is blown in well-
marked streaks along the direction of the
2 Energy Resources
Table 2.1 (continued)
Force Equivalent speed Description Specifications for use on land Specifications for use at sea
10 m above ground
miles/hour knots
9 47–54 41–47 Severe gale Slight structural damage occurs (chimney-pots High waves. Dense streaks of foam along the
and slates removed). direction of the wind. Crests of waves
begin to topple, tumble and roll over.
2.3 Renewable Sources
The last factor recalled that is, to say the varied and uneven type of the Earth’s
crust (oceans, lands above sea level with mountain chains, valleys, plains and
depressions, glaciers, etc.) also acts on a local scale, together with other elements
as frictional force and orography. The frictional force, due to the roughness of the
earth’s surface, determines a dissipation of the energy of wind currents, as well as
the development of a border layer of the atmosphere (1–1.5 km of thickness),
inside of which wind speed increases with height and its trend can be represented
through a logarithmic function (Fig. 2.13).
The most immediate way to quantify the wind consists in measuring its speed.
To this end, devices called anemometers were developed, the most common types
of which are shown in Fig. 2.14.
Approximate expeditious measurements of wind speed can be made through the
Beaufort scale (Table 2.1).
Wind up to 5 m/s (breeze) is a low wind (scarcely perceivable: thus class 1
areas are unsuitable for wind energy development); from 5 to 15 m/s (around
54 km/h) is a ‘‘normal’’ wind (but only areas designated as class 4 or greater are
suitable with the actual wind turbine technology; class 2 and 3 areas may be
suitable for future technologies, and over is the storm range (35 m/s, i.e., 126 km/h
is normal speed of a hurricane; these values are very rare).
On the basis of the measurements made through anemometers, the isovelocity
curves are defined. The measurements made in a place are extended to the
neighbouring areas under suitable hypotheses and through the use of suitable
models (Fig. 2.15).
To evaluate the energy provided by the wind, some quantitative analyses have
to be made, starting from the physical and geographical values involved. In this
connection, the two following theorems are referred to:
2.3 Renewable Sources 47
• Froude’s theorem: the speed of fluid vein at the level of the propeller disk equals
the arithmetic mean of the speed that the fluid vein has upstream and down-
stream the blade itself.
• Betz theory: the maximum possible energy derived from the wind for a windmill
is 0.59 of the power available.
Froude’s theorem can be demonstrated by assuming the following hypotheses:
• Fluid density, due to the limited velocity variations, is considered as constant.
• The flow rate inside of the stream tube is constant.
• Energy exchanges are only axial that is, to say the variations in momentum are
only axial.
• The propeller has infinite blades.
• There are no rotational motions.
The analysis of pressure distribution shows that:
• The fluid vein stresses the windmill with a strength amounting to F
• The windmill stresses the fluid vein with a strength amounting to -F
• The fluid vein holds back both upstream and downstream.
All this determines that:
• The stream tube takes the shape of a bottleneck (for continuity).
• Velocity variation is continuous along the stream tube.
As regards Fig. 2.16 the pulse theory is applied to the windmill. According to
the law of continuity, it follows that:
A1 V1 ¼ A2 V2 ¼ A V ¼ cos t ð2:2Þ
By applying the pulse theory between sections 1 and 2 and sections I and II
48 2 Energy Resources
q A V ðV2 V1 Þ ¼ F ð2:3Þ
q A V ðV V Þ ¼ 0 ¼ A p0 A p00 F ð2:4Þ
From (2.4) it can be easily derived that:
P ¼ F V ¼ q A V V12 V22 ð2:11Þ
The velocity of the fluid vein decreases along the stream tube. Indicating the
percentage of loss (as compared to the value of the velocity of the undisturbed flow
upstream the blade V1) with e, it is possible to express V and V2 according to V1:
V ¼ V1 V1 e ¼ V1 ð1 eÞ ð2:12Þ
V2 ¼ V V1 e ¼ V1 ð1 2eÞ ð2:13Þ
By replacing (2.12) and (2.13) in (2.11) it follows:
This shows that the maximum power that a windmill can take from the wind
accounts for 59% of wind power.
Equation 2.20 shows that power increases by a factor of three as wind speed
increases, and it is proportional to air density and to the swept area (for a HAWT the
area through which the rotor blades pass by the rotors). Because of the low air
density (1.25 kg/m3), wind power density is much lower than water power
(1.000 kg/m3). If the diameter of the rotor blades is doubled, the power increases by
a factor of four. If the wind speed then doubles, power increases by a factor of eight.
The wind source is an intermittent energy source, with characteristics of space–
time uncertainty, and therefore characterised by its own availability in time that
can be very much variable although within the statistical limits of the phenome-
nological. Therefore, the following definitions apply:
• Maximum resource available: fifty nine percent of the energy actually contained
in the incident flow.
• Resource actually available: the resource that, following the meteorological
phenomena related to local and global climate, is present on the site.
• Accessible resource: the resource obtained by applying to the maximum
resource the maximum efficiency of present machines.
• Actual accessible resource: the one obtained by applying to the resource actu-
ally available the maximum efficiency of present machines.
2.3.4 Biomass
The word biomass indicates each and every organic matter, either vegetal or
animal, in a non-fossil form. Biomass represents the most ancient energy form ever
known by human beings. By storing solar energy in chemical bonds, it also rep-
resents the most sophisticated form of energy storage in nature. In fact, through
photosynthesis, plants containing chlorophyll convert water and CO2 into organic
matter during their growth, that is to say they use solar energy to create long chains
mainly made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. However, only one part of the
solar spectrum (45%) intervenes in photosynthesis and a further 20% is lost due to
reflection or poor absorption phenomena. Therefore, the yield of this process is
low (between 0.1% (world average) and 1% (crops)); however, due to the large
spreading of biomasses, energy values are considerable. In this way, in fact, nearly
2 9 1011 tons of carbon are ‘‘fixed’’ overall every year, and 120 Gt of biomass are
produced with an energy content of 70 9 109 TOE distributed as follows:
• 50% in water
• 35% in forests
• 10% in savannahs and grasslands
• 5% in farmlands.
2.3 Renewable Sources 51
Nearly 19,000 kJ/kg for high-quality wood, with 15% in weight of humidity.
Generally, for distances exceeding 80–100 km the cost of wood becomes higher, given the
same energy content, than other conventional sources.
52 2 Energy Resources
the availability of residual biomasses (wood, farming and agri-food industry res-
idues, urban waste and zootechnical industry) in Italy amounts to nearly 66 million
tons of dry matter every year, equivalent to 27 MTOE.
Through a suitable reforestation and forest maintenance programmes, in fact,
new biomasses could be available for an annual amount of nearly 2 MTOE.
Besides the existing forests, new conventional wood surfaces could be obtained by
exploiting part of the over 2,000,000 ha that are not destined to farming due to
their low productivity. Furthermore, coppice stands and ground crops mainly
destined to energy use could be planted, hence reconverting part of the 250,000 ha
that are presently left uncultivated, in compliance with the EU directives enacted
in relation to the problem of farm surpluses: the present surface destined to energy
crops—extremely limited indeed—should be extended to 3,500–5,000 ha of short-
cycle cultivations, but the potential surface amounts to nearly one million ha.
The use of this resource varies according to the origin, the chemical compo-
sition (in particular the C/N ratio) and the humidity content. Biomass can be
burned directly to obtain thermal energy, or transformed into various types of fuels
(biogas or bio-fuels), which improve their quality and usability but lower the level
of energy content. In particular, transformation processes aim at producing
methane gas compounds with a low or medium calorific value, or other fuel
substances (methanol, ethanol, carbon substances, etc.).
As regards the possibility of producing fuels from human waste, it is necessary
to consider the potential interest of energy enhancement from municipal solid
waste (MSW), a percentage of which is made up of organic matter and which can
therefore also be considered as biomass. Overview
Being every renewable organic matter biomass is integral to life. This means that
biomass is the ‘‘fuel’’ of life, a source of energy and materials.
In practice, organic materials (carbon compounds) can be used either ‘‘directly’’
by organisms as their own source of energy and nutrients (in this case, reference is
made to food) or ‘‘indirectly’’ as a source of external energy or materials (clothing,
furniture, building, chemicals, etc.).
Thus food, biomass and renewable materials are strictly connected. From these
preliminary definitions, it is possible to understand the usefulness of energy-farm
and bio-refinery: they propose, respectively, the integrated production of power-
food and power-chemicals from biomass.
Biomass has been (and in many cases, in Africa in particular, remains) the first
‘‘fuel’’ of mankind. Today about 11% (around 1,200 MTOE) of total world pri-
mary energy supply (nearly 13,200 MTOE) comes from biomass [4].
Biomass is the fourth primary energy resource worldwide (following oil, coal
and natural gas) although in industrialised Countries it only accounts for 3% of the
total, whereas in developing Countries it accounts for 35%, being in many cases
the main energy resource. As a matter of fact, a change is occurring in the use of
2.3 Renewable Sources 53
biomass energy from traditional and non-commercial to modern use (high effi-
ciency, high-value energy vectors produced, such as electricity and bio-fuels, and
integration with industries operating in the food sector or in the field of renewable
materials). The transformation as well as the increase in the use of biomass energy
are due to the trends explained in the previous chapter on renewable energy
sources, and to the potential of energy biomass which is not fully exploited.
Therefore, not only the theoretical potential but also the technical and economic
ones (that take into account actual technologies and costs) are sometimes higher
than actual energy consumption [5].
In brief, biomass is one of the main energy sources available: the challenge,
therefore, resides in its sustainable use and not in its availability.
As it happens with other energy sources, the use of biomass depends on the
global analysis of the production-use system. Different from the other renewable
energy sources, biomass—being a fuel (and not a directly convertible energy
source, like solar, wind, hydropower and geothermal energy)—is subject to the
traditional energy chain (and relevant impacts) that provides a ‘‘natural’’ resource
to our daily life.
Current energy chains deplete non-renewable resources and release harmful
substances, producing waste as well as local and global pollution.
Given that long-lasting development can only exist through the realisation of
energy cycles by using renewable energy sources; in this way, the main aim of the
energy sector shifts to the so called closed-cycles, and aimed at achieving a ‘‘zero-
impact’’ on the environment.
In the case of biomass, the first part of the entire energy chain (extraction and
processing) is replaced by growing, harvesting and treatment. Therefore, the entire
energy chain encompasses the following steps:
1. Production (growing, harvesting and treatment)
2. Transportation
3. Conversion (and relevant initial and final treatment)
4. Distribution
5. End use.
Different from the other renewable energy sources, biomass (owing to the large
variety of renewable multi-carbon compounds) can be converted through several
54 2 Energy Resources
Biomass is characterised by many properties which vary within a wide range (from
countries to countries, land, season, management, etc.). In order to use biomass for
energy production purposes, all the properties shown in Table 2.2 must be taken
into account [5, 6]. Obviously, owing to the very large range of biomass typolo-
gies, the value range has to be considered as example (Table 2.2 mainly refers to
crops and vegetable residues, the most frequently used biomass).
The first two categories (proximate and ultimate analysis) and the bulk volume
show the main chemical and physical biomass proprieties. The moisture content
and the cellulose/lignin ratio are of primary concern in the biochemical conversion
processes while the moisture, fixed carbon, ash, alkali content and the calorific
value are of prime concern in the thermo-chemical conversion processes. The bulk
volume is relevant in the transportation and feeding systems (together with the
friction and others particular properties).
Times and requirements of cultivation and yield are general characteristics of
crops. The energy yield (yield and CV multiplied) is the main quantity to consider.
Production and transportation costs are the main economic characteristics to
take into account. Owing to the large amount needed (the biomass, as shown, has a
low energy density) and to the great variability, the supply conditions are
After all, since biomass is a fuel with a large property variety, the possible
variation of all the related parameters must be analysed. Thus, the biomass energy
use implies a careful study of:
• the territory and biomass properties and characteristics
• the place where the power plant is setup (not in distant from the biomasses to be
• the reliability of supplies, conversion technologies, etc.
2.3.5 Geothermal
Geothermal energy (from the Greek ‘‘gê’’ and ‘‘thermòs’’, ‘‘heat of the Earth’’) is
the energy contained inside of the Earth in the form of ‘‘heat’’.
The origin of this heat relates to the inner nature of our planet and to the
physical processes taking place in it.
This heat, although available in huge and practically inexhaustible quantity, is
very much dispersed and only rarely concentrated.
56 2 Energy Resources
The internal heat regularly dissipates towards the surface of the Earth; its
existence can be perceived through the progressive increase of rock temperature as
depth increases; the geothermal gradient is, on average, 3C every 100 m of depth,
namely 30C every km.
Geothermal energy here indicates the exploitable part of natural heat present
inside of the Earth’s crust. The subsoil of our planet, in fact, shows a thermal
gradient linked to the hot nucleus at the core of the Earth according to which
temperature increases as depth increases, but mostly to spontaneous radioactivity
phenomena, which develop thermal energy locally. The main radioactive elements
include Uranium 235U and 238U, Thorium 232Th and Potassium 40K.
Most of the endogenous heat is available at too high depths or in conditions that
make it technically impossible to allow its exploitation as energy source. However,
there are zones on the surface of our planet whose thermal energy concentration is
very high locally (high thermality areas). Heat concentration in less deep layers of
the Earth’s crust, as volcanoes, geysers and hot-water springs, originates the so-
called geothermal systems; they are effects of natural radioactivity, and not of the
gradient. Overview
The only systems presently used on an industrial scale are the so-called hydro-
thermal systems. They are made up of permeable rocks containing hot fluid (water
or steam); named aquifers, they are delimited by layers of impermeable rock
(Fig. 2.19).
The feeding of aquifers, which can be considered as natural reservoirs, is due to
the introduction of meteoric water—that is to say coming from atmospheric pre-
cipitations—through the recharging surfaces, formed by zones where the reservoir
itself comes to surface. The heat that warms the fluid is provided by the natural
decay of isotopes within the Earth; the particles emitted by the basins of radio-
active material are, in fact, slackened by the surrounding masses, converting their
kinetic energy into heat.
2.3 Renewable Sources 57
Some necessary conditions (although not sufficient) must be assessed for the
existence of hydrothermal systems. They include the presence of a heat source at a
suitable temperature (at least 600C) at a not too high depth; the presence of
permeable rocks, making up the aquifer, and impermeable rocks; and the suitable
renewal, in the subsoil, of meteoric water. In general, the renewal is guaranteed by
the fact that meteoric waters, while warming up, undergo a pressure increase and
often turn into vapour, hence tending to raise through either natural or artificial
shafts. The hollow deriving from this process is filled with other meteoric water
that, through its infiltration in the ground, feeds the cycle. The upper impermeable
layer guarantees a suitable pressure and reduces the thermal flow towards the
According to geological and thermodynamic conditions, the endogenous fluid
can appear at the shaft outlet in three different ways: in liquid phase, as saturated
vapour (low enthalpy), or superheated vapour (high enthalpy). In case of presence
of high quantity of vapour, the hydrothermal system is defined as vapour-domi-
nated; in case of presence of liquid and low quantity of vapour, a water-dominated
system takes place.
All the reservoirs contain, in variable percentages, incondensable minerals and
gases, mainly formed by carbon dioxide.
Presently, most of the electric energy produced from geothermal energy is
based upon high-enthalpy sources, although there are already several applications
using saturated vapour and even hot water.
Non-hydrothermal systems are represented by the so-called hot dry rocks and by
magmatic systems.
The former are highly-thermal zones of the Earth’s crust, although free from
aquifers, therefore lacking in a vector transporting heat to the surface. In order to
exploit this energy source, it is possible to cause, through artificial fracturing, a
forced circulation of endogenous fluid.
Magmatic systems are made up of high-temperature fused rocks (magma) and
entail huge difficulties in terms of energy extraction; the possibility of their
exploitation is remote even if recently innovative energy systems have been
The disadvantages relating to the use of geothermal energy are mostly linked to
the uncertainty of its finding and of the consistency of the source, as well as the
high extraction costs. Huge investments are needed for the more and more difficult
determination of exploitable zones and for shaft drilling. Before its use, the fluid
coming from the subsoil always has to be processed since it contains, as already
said, gases, minerals and dissolved water (in case of vapour-dominated systems),
which are harmful both for the conversion plants and for human health.
the fractures of superficial layers; some of these zones are traditionally called
‘‘volcanic zones’’ (Fig. 2.21).
Globally, the first experiments entailing the industrial exploitation of geother-
mics were performed in Larderello (Tuscany, Italy) in 1904, whereas the first
geothermal power station (with a power of 250 kW) was established in the same
area in 1913.
Having considered that the word geothermal comes from the Greek gea (Earth)
and thermos (heat), geothermal energy is usually defined as the heat stored within
the Earth. Heat originates from the Earth’s molten interior and from the decay of
radioactive materials. Its quantity is larger than the solar energy theoretical
potential (the annual solar radiation). In fact, not only the total geothermal
2.3 Renewable Sources 59
theoretical potential is more than 100,000 times higher than the world’s energy
consumption, but also its smaller total technical potential (about 5 9 1012 GJ) is
higher than the world’s energy consumption (about 45 9 109 GJ), despite an
actual use of about 2 9 109 GJ. However, like other renewable sources (solar
energy, wind energy), geothermal energy is widely dispersed. Consequently, the
technological ability to use geothermal energy will determine its future spreading.
The Earth has four main layers, and each layer has different compositions,
functions and temperatures, as is shown in Fig. 2.20.
The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth, the land that forms continents and
ocean floors. It can be from 3 to 8 km thick under the oceans and from 25 to 55 km
thick on the continents.
As a matter of fact, the heat of the Earth dissipates towards its surface in a way
that leads the Earth’s temperature to increase by nearly 3C every 100 m of depth,
being therefore a difference in temperature too low to generate a great local power.
However, the Earth’s crust is broken into pieces called plates; magma therefore
comes close to the Earth’s surface, near the edges of these plates. Consequently,
geothermal energy is generally greater in areas where tectonic plates collide and
generate volcanic activity, as it can be seen in Fig. 2.21, which shows where plate
boundaries and geothermal power plants are located. For example the Pacific ring
(ring of fire) is a prime spot for the harnessing of geothermal activity because it is
an area where tectonic processes are always taking place.
Even if most geothermal reservoirs are deep underground with no visible clues
showing above ground, the geothermal energy can sometimes find its way to the
surface in the form of volcanoes and fumaroles (holes where volcanic gases and
vapour are released), hot springs and geysers as shown in Fig. 2.22.
When magma comes close to the surface, it heats the ground water trapped in
porous rock or water running along fractured rock surfaces, and faults. These
features are called hydrothermal and have two common ingredients: water (hydro)
and heat (thermal). Thus, water at high temperatures (300C) can also be available
for many applications. Large areas with hydrothermal resources are called geo-
thermal reservoirs. Therefore, four types of geothermal energy are usually
• Hydrothermal hot water or steam at moderate depths (0.1–4.5 km).
• Geopressed hot-water aquifers containing dissolved methane under high pres-
sure, 3–6 km depth.
• Hot dry rock abnormally hot geologic formations with little or no water.
• Magma molten rock at temperatures of 700–1,200C.
Today only hydrothermal resources are used on a commercial scale for elec-
tricity generation and as a direct heat source. These four types of geothermal
energy located in particular areas have to be added to the use of Earth’s stable
ground or water temperatures near the Earth’s surface; therefore, it is possible to
take advantage of the relatively constant temperature of the core of the Earth,
using it for both heating and cooling purposes. Moreover this source of energy is
available everywhere.
60 2 Energy Resources
Since some renewable energy sources can only operate under favourable
weather conditions, they are often considered as limited in their ability to meet the
looming large-scale power needs of the 21st century. However, geothermal energy,
has the potential to provide reliable electricity sources while still offering signifi-
cantly lower emission levels than fossil fuels, as well as avoiding problems in terms
of radioactive waste disposal. Geothermal relies on a readily available, constant
source of heat for generation, and is therefore considered a base-load resource. A
base-load resource operates most efficiently at a relatively constant level of gen-
eration, and is not limited by changes in weather conditions or other factors. The
availability factor is measured as the number of hours that a power plant is
available to produce power divided by the total hours in a given period of time,
usually 1 year. Geothermal energy availability factor is about 95%. This means that
geothermal power plants are available for generation 95 % of any given time, based
on decades of observations by plant operators. While availability factor measures a
plant potential for use, the capacity factor measures the amount of real time during
which a facility is used. A Geothermal plant also has a great capacity ranging from
89 to 97%, depending upon the type of geothermal system in place.
2.3.6 Other
Since the prehistory, human beings learned how to use animal energy, besides
human energy, for the individual and social needs of their community. Still
nowadays, in many developing countries, this energy resource is among the most
common and widespread energy sources, also because very often it is the only one
easily and conveniently available.
The size of this source varies according to the animal providing energy and,
different from almost all the other sources, from the duration of the period in which
the effort is provided; in this case, then, it is more suitable to refer to the available
2.3 Renewable Sources 61
power. Figure 2.23 shows some power values according to the weight of the
animal involved.
The analysis of human and animal energy lies outside of the purposes of this
research; however, it has to be taken into consideration, not only in relation to the
situation of some Countries that largely use it still nowadays, but also as a basis of
comparison of any energy system. OTEC
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is the technology that exploits the
heat stored in oceans to generate electricity. In order to allow an OTEC plant to
produce a suitable quantity of energy, it has to be installed where the difference in
temperature between hot surface waters and cold deep waters amounts to nearly
20C. These conditions are identified in the coastal areas of the tropical seas
between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer.
Cyclic phenomenon extended to the entire hydrosphere and generated by the pull
of the moon and of the Sun on bodies of water. Tidal excursion is the tidal range
between the two limits of high and low water (intertidal height).
Depending on the positions of the moon and of the sun, the higher high water
occurs after the phases of full moon and new moon, and is named springtide,
whereas the lower low water occurs after moon quarters and is called neap tide.
According to the size and the geometry of the sea and ocean basins involved in the
passage of the tide, the tidal stream can reach remarkable levels of flow and
velocity. A tide gauge is installed in water for the measurement and recording of
tidal range.
Energy can be derived from the regular lowering and increasing of water bodies.
To build a tidal plant, an estuary must be dammed towards the sea with an artificial
dam. The energy technique exploits tidal excursion (the high-water and low-water
range). A sufficient tidal excursion, as it happens in Northern France, at St. Mâlo,
where the difference between the lower and higher water is around 12–13 m.
Tidal power plants; however, have the disadvantage that their maximum yield
daily shifts by nearly 50 min with the rhythm of the tides. The optimal conditions
for tidal power plants are rarely met. Besides St. Mâlo, small devices are operating
on the banks of the White Sea in Russia, in Scotland and in China.
Wave energy can be exploited in different ways for the production of electric
energy. The main ones are the following:
62 2 Energy Resources
• Waves are directed towards a concrete chamber the increase in water level
compresses the air inside of the chamber that activates a turbine. Also the
depression during wave return is exploited to activate the turbine.
• The vertical motion of waves moves a piston designed as a floating body.
• A collection tunnel lifts waves for several metres and lets them fall on a turbine.
The kinetic energy of sea currents can be successfully exploited. Indicating with
Q the volume flow rate (m3/s), with q seawater density (kg/m3), with A the passage
section of sea current (m2) and with V current velocity (m/s) the power available
(W) is:
1 1
P ¼ q Q V2 ¼ A q V3 ð2:21Þ
2 2
Considering a unit section (A = 1 m2) and assuming q = 1.000 kg/m3, (2.21)
P ¼ 500 V 3 ð2:22Þ
From the economic point of view, this resource is exploitable if the power
available is not lower than 500 W/m2. Equation 2.22 shows therefore a minimum
current velocity of 1 m/s.
The current use of RES is about 10% of world energy consumption, but the
theoretical and technical potential of renewable energy is huge and it is mainly due
to solar and geothermal energy (Table 2.3). In fact, only about 0.02% of global
2.3 Renewable Sources 63
contribution to the Earth energy balance7 does not come from solar energy, but
rather from geothermal, gravitational and nuclear energy. Moreover, the technical
potential of solar indirect power (wind, hydro, biomass, wave) are about half or
one-third (depending on individual evaluations) of solar direct technical potential.
Geothermal energy theoretical potential originates from the Earth’s molten interior
and from the decay of radioactive materials; its quantity is larger than the solar
energy theoretical potential (the annual solar radiation). In short, not only the total
theoretical potential is 100,000 times higher than world energy consumption
(geothermal 100,000, solar 10,000, and the rest about 10),8 but also the total
technical potential of RES is 20 times higher. Therefore, its implementation
mainly depends on technological capacity and costs, not on availability. Therefore,
in consideration of the huge unexploited potential, perspectives are very inter-
esting; it is necessary to take into account the expected capacity, efficiency, as well
as economic, social and environmental impacts.
If for large hydropower and geothermal plants it is difficult to foresee techno-
logical improvements, thermal solar power plants can only be considered in a
future perspective (in fact, exception made for some pilot plants and projects, there
are no commercial power plant). For mini-hydropower, wind and photovoltaic
power, an efficiency increase can be foreseen (and a cost decrease of 10 and 50%,
respectively). The same considerations apply for bio-energy systems, but in this
case improvements are linked to an increase in annual hours of operation (i.e.,
from 5,000 to 7,000).
The Earth is a physical open system (exchange only energy no matter) so, normally, receives
energy from the Sun and returns almost the same energy quantity to maintain its average temperature.
From the mean average value of annual solar constant (1.37 kW/m2) and the mean radiate
terrestrial surface, it is possible to calculate a terrestrial annual solar irradiation of about
5.44 9 1024 J (1.370 W/m2 9 1.27 9 1014 m2 9 3.600 J/W 9 24 9 365) against an annual
primary energy consumption of about 550 9 1018 J = 550 EJ (1 oil kg has 10,000 kcal =
4.1868 9 107 J; thus 1 Gtoe = 4.1868 9 1019 J = 41.868 EJ).
64 2 Energy Resources
2.4.1 Coal
Coal, or better, hard coals are solid mineral substances and, from the energy
viewpoint, represent the most important and abundant class of natural solid fuels.
Traditionally, coal is divided into four categories:
• Peat
• Lignite
• Bituminous coal
• Anthracite
Out of them, only bituminous coal and anthracite represent proper coal.
Table 2.4 shows some pieces of data on the main features of coal according to this
These values shall be considered as indicative of different categories that are
not however strictly differentiated.
As to its structural features, coal is made up of a large variety of macromole-
cules,9 very much different in terms of weight, although; however, sharing a
common lamellar morphology.
In each macromolecule two areas can be identified; the condensation nucleus of
aromatic rings, whose size characterises the carbonisation degree,10 and one
peripheral area, made up of different types of functional groups, which charac-
terise the molecule itself.
The total percentage of carbon depends on the degree of transformation
achieved, and ranges from 55 to 95% (on the dry substance); the uncombined
portion (aromatic nuclei) ranges from 20 to 90%.
The processes that led to the formation of fossil fuels are still analysed nowadays,
although it is considered as clearly determined that the different types of coal share
a sedimentary and phytogenic origin. In fact, it is certain that, starting from the
paleozoic age,11 huge quantities of organic matter, mainly of vegetable origin,
These are mainly high-molecular mass carbon compounds with hydrogen and oxygen,
containing, in minor percentages, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur.
From the chemical viewpoint, carbonisation consists of a process that increases the size of the
aromatic nucleus and increases its condensation; the latter inversely depends from the quantity of
non-aromatic bridges that connect aromatic rings.
More precisely, one of the periods of the Paleozoic era, which goes from 570 to 225 million
years ago. It is the Carboniferous period, which began nearly 350 million years ago and takes its
name from this important phenomenon.
66 2 Energy Resources
Mainly leaves, stems, seeds and, sometimes, carbonised trunks that perpendicularly cross coal
layers and that still have roots in the ground underlying the bank.
This is in line with the hypothesis made by Alfred Wegener, in his continental drift theory
(1915), and confirmed by more recent studies that led to the formulation of the plate tectonics
In northern French–Belgian basin there are up to 400 coal-beds of a thickness of 2,000 m.
The thickest bank known is the one of the Kommentry basin, in central France that in some
points exceeds 24 m of thickness.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 67
The relationship between the chemical composition and the technological features
of coal is rather complex; for this reason, it is preferable to directly take into
Complex material, of vegetable origin, mainly made up of carbon.
68 2 Energy Resources
The subdivision introduced in Sect., according to which coals are divided
into peat, lignite, bituminous coal and anthracite is not sufficient to rigorously
identify the possible energy use.
The classifications adopted for commercial purposes, in fact, were drafted
without any reference to univocal and rigorous criteria. This also for the evident
purpose by each producing country to use parameters that better highlight and
enhance the characteristics of the coals extracted in their own basins. In any case,
these classifications are based on the content of volatile matter and, secondarily, on
calorific value.
Part of water is also formed during combustion.
Coke is the solid residue left after coal warming at 1,000–1,100C without air, once it lost its
volatile substances—either pre-existing or which formed during warming. This material is hard,
porous, grayish, with metallic nuances, and is endowed with a high calorific value (up to
7,400 kcal/kg).
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 69
Coal capacity to agglomerate inert substances.
American Society for Testing and Materials.
Solid residue obtained through distillation and determined with normalized methods without
considering ashes.
They represent the portion transformable into gas through warming and is determined by
heating the fuel inside of a closed oven filled with inert material for a given time and at a
predetermined temperature.
70 2 Energy Resources
Among fossil fuels, coal is undoubtedly the one that offers more guarantees in terms
of future supplies, thanks the huge reserves identified, as shown in Table 2.5.
On the basis of present production and consumption rates, the estimated avail-
ability of coal apparently ensures stocks for the next 133 years (Fig. 2.24). This
estimate, however, is not entirely exhaustive, first of all because the level of coal
exploitation is strictly connected to the other commercial sources, mainly oil and
natural gas, whose depletion is expected to occur far earlier. Furthermore, it is
necessary to take into consideration the uncertainty in the determination of eco-
nomically usable reserves, which change according to the variations in market prices.
The localisation of world reserves sees coal sufficiently available in all geo-
political areas; however, a particular concentration is present in North America
(29.6%), in ex-URSS (26.7%) and in China (13.5%), as shown in Fig. 2.25.
Fischer–Tropsch process: method for the synthesis of hydrocarbons and other aliphatic
compounds. Synthetic gas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, is reacted in the
presence of an iron or cobalt catalyst; much heat is evolved, and such products as methane,
synthetic gasoline and waxes, and alcohols are made, with water or carbon dioxide produced as a
by-product. An important source of the hydrogen–carbon monoxide gas mixture is the
gasification of coal (see water gas). The process is named after F. Fischer and H. Tropsch, the
German coal researchers who proposed it in 1923.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 71
Table 2.5 World coal reserves at the end of 2007, in million tons [7]
Anthracite and Sub-bituminous and Total %
bituminous lignite
USA 112,261 130,460 242,721 28.6
Canada 3,471 3,107 6,578 0.8
Mexico 860 351 1,211 0.1
Total North America 116,592 133,918 250,510 29.6
Brazil – 7,068 7,068 0.8
Colombia 6,578 381 6,959 0.8
Venezuela 479 – 479 0.1
Others 172 1,598 1,770 0.2
Total Central America 7,229 9,047 16,276 1.9
Bulgaria 5 1,991 1,996 0.2
Czech Republic 1,673 2,828 4,501 0.5
Germany 152 6,556 6,708 0.8
Greece – 3,900 3,900 0.5
Hungary 199 3,103 3,302 0.4
Kazakhstan 28,170 3,130 31,300 3.7
Poland 6,012 1,490 7,502 0.9
Romania 12 410 422 0.0
Russia 49,088 107,922 157,010 18.5
Spain 200 330 530 0.1
Turkey – 1,814 1,814 0.2
Ukraine 15,351 18,522 33,873 4.0
UK 155 – 155 0.0
Others 1,025 18,208 19,233 2.3
Total Europe and Eurasia 102,042 170,204 272,246 32.1
South Africa 48,000 – 48,000 5.7
Zimbabwe 502 – 502 0.1
Other Africa 929 174 1,103 0.1
Middle East 1,386 – 1,386 0.2
Total Africa and Middle 50,817 174 50,991 6.0
Australia 37,100 39,500 76,600 9.0
China 62,200 52,300 114,500 13.5
India 52,240 4,258 56,498 6.7
Indonesia 1,721 2,607 4,328 0.5
Japan 355 – 355 0.0
New Zealand 33 538 571 0.1
North Korea 300 300 600 0.1
Pakistan 1 1,981 1,982 0.2
South Korea – 135 135 0.0
Thailand – 1,354 1,354 0.2
Vietnam 150 – 150 0.0
Other Asia–Pacific 155 276 431 0.1
Total Asia–Pacific 154,255 103,249 257,504 30.4
Total 430,935 416,592 847,527 100
72 2 Energy Resources
2.4.2 Oil
The word petroleum derives from the two Latin words petra and oleum that is, to
say ‘‘stone oil’’ and, in its general use, it indicates an oily liquid, with a variable
density, brown in colour with yellow or fluorescent black shades, insoluble in
water. The scientific and technical meaning is wider and includes all natural
mixtures mainly made up of hydrocarbons,24being either liquid or gaseous or
solid; in this framework, liquid oil (at room conditions) is called fuel oil and the
gaseous one is called natural gas.
Petroleum is the primary energy source presently most used all over the world.
The reasons for this spreading are mainly linked to its relatively high energy
density (on average 10,000 kcal/kg that is around 41,860 kJ/kg), its considerable
chemical–physical stability and the limited quantity of solid residues produced
with its combustion. Furthermore, since petroleum is liquid at its normal
Hydrocarbons are, by definition, exclusively made up of hydrogen and carbon; strictly
speaking, then, the word ‘‘hydrocarbons’’ shall not be used as a synonym of petroleum, since it
contains, in lower percentages, other organic compounds made up—besides hydrogen and
carbon—by nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen and other elements.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 73
An oil field, that is to say the reservoir in which oil is concentrated in such
quantities that make its extraction cost-effective, is the final result of a very slow
process that determines petroleum formation and, generally, its migration from the
place of origin to the place of storage, which are often far from one another.
Because of the particular complexity and duration of this process, its phases have
not been, until today, sufficiently clarified, although in the last few years satis-
factory progresses were obtained, especially in the field of geochemical research.
In the past, the origin of petroleum was ascribed to the combined action of
pressure andtemperature on the remains ofcrustaceans, molluscs and, in any-
case,large animals (both sea and terrestrial animals); present hypothesis, on the
contrary, indicate that the initial organic matter originated from sea settlements of
74 2 Energy Resources
During the XIX century, many supported the inorganic origin of petroleum. In fact, it is
theoretically possible that the formation of hydrocarbons through chemical processes that occur
among inorganic compounds of petroleum, or by polymerisation of primordial methane making
up the stellar matter; the presence of methane among volcanic gases is ascertained. It is however
incompatible with the mechanisms characterising inorganic chemistry the formation of complex
organic substances as those that can be found in petroleum, and is in any case difficult to justify
the distribution of deposits, more abundant in the recent layers of the Earth’s crust.
Aerobic bacteria need free oxygen to develop their action; conversely, anaerobic bacteria only
use combined oxygen.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 75
prevails, and they use the oxygen belonging to organic molecules and, through
fermentation processes, mainly produce carbon dioxide and methane.
In environments similar to the one described above, through given biochemical
reactions and the influence of some physical factors as temperature and pressure,
the so-called naftogenesis occurs, which transforms organic raw materials into the
compounds that make up petroleum (Fig. 2.27).
Furthermore, in order to allow environmental conditions to remain unchanged,
it is necessary that depths undergo a continuous and regular lowering called
subsidence, able to offset the supply of sediments; in this way, large quantities of
organic matter will settle for very long times (several geological eras), without
assisting to an interruption of the conditions favourable to deposit.
The slow and progressive subsidence of the Earth’s crust, determined by both
the attraction action of underlying fluid levels, and by the weight of sediments
themselves, allows an accumulation of organic matter included in detritus, which
reach several kilometres in thickness, although generally the waters above have
limited depths (ranging from a few meters to a few hundreds of meters).
The subsidence of sedimentary sequences is also important since the reaching
of higher and higher depths leads to an increase in their temperature, in consid-
eration of the geothermal gradient, originated from the endogenous heat of the
earth. The action of temperature and its persistence for very long times, repre-
sent—as described afterwards—the pre-requirements for most of the chemical
transformations of the organic matter.
Naftogenesis is a complex process, still not entirely known, from whose
interpretation many theories were developed. One of the most exhaustive and
accredited theories was presented by Tissot and Welte [9]. According to this
theory, the naftogenesis process is divided into four stages:
• Diagenesis
• Catagenesis
• Metagenesis
• Metamorphism
76 2 Energy Resources
Figure 2.28 shows a simplified evolution of sediments in the first three phases
of naftogenesis that is, to say those that properly concern petroleum formation.
Diagenesis begins as organic sediments and detritus settle on the bottom of the
basin. During this first phase, deposits gradually reach depths of nearly 1,000 m
and temperatures of about 50C. Water, still present in relevant percentages, is
partly expelled following compaction, a process due to the load exercised by the
layers above and that, together with the cementation made by the salts dissolved in
water, transforms inorganic detritus into sedimentary rock. Furthermore, an intense
activity of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria takes place, whose quantity is not suf-
ficient for the decomposition (and thence the disruption) of the organic matter.
They operate the separation of biopolymers, that is to say the molecules that make
up the organic matter, originating new structures made up of smaller and simpler
organic molecules. Besides providing nutrition to bacteria, they tend to react
among themselves, combining into new large molecular formations called geo-
polymers. In these compounds, the macromolecule with the highest concentration
is kerogen.27 This is the substance from which, thanks to the transformations
occurring in the subsequent phases, petroleum originates.
Besides kerogen, representing the main derivative of the organic compound,
high-molecular weight compounds are formed, defined as geochemical fossils,
which are synthesised from plants and animals and absorbed in sediments. From a
chronological standpoint, they represent the original substance from whose evo-
lution hydrocarbons originate; consequently, they are considered as contributing—
Kerogen is an organic matter composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; three main types of
kerogen exist, with different evolution and therefore leading to different end product; they are
differentiated according to the relative quantities of hydrogen and oxygen compared to carbon.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 77
This is the historical sequence of these eras:
Palaeozoic era (from 570 to 225 million years ago);
Mesozoic Era (from 225 to 65 million years ago);
Cenozoic Era (from 65 to 2 million years ago).
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 79
In nature, it is not possible to find two oilfields providing petroleum with the same
composition. They are different to such an extent that sometimes there are changes
in the petroleum of the same oil well at the moment of extraction. It is therefore
necessary to carefully assess the characteristics of each crude oil, in order to
identify the appropriate refining processes.
From the energy viewpoint, the main property is the lower calorific value. In
case of petroleum, different from what one might expect because of the variability
of its composition, the lower heating value has a little variable value
(9,600–10,800 kcal/kg)29; the higher heating value is generally higher by nearly
10%. The high energy density of petroleum is the main reason for the very large
spread of this substance as a primary energy source.
Another important characteristic is density that is, to say the weight of the
substance by unit of volume, which obviously varies according to temperature.
From density it is possible to derive the first information on the refining processes
to be followed; high-density crude oils, for instance, contain petrol in lower
quantities and, consequently, are less valuable. Furthermore, as density increases,
the calorific value decreases.
Usually, reference is made to relative density, that is to say the ratio between
the oil mass under consideration and the mass of the same volume of water, both at
a temperature of 60F (15.6C).30
In density determination, API degrees are very much used, and they vary
according to the relative density, based on the formula:
1 API ¼ 131:5
relative density
Usually, a medium calorific value of 10,000 kcal/kg is considered, which is also the reference
value for ton of oil equivalent. A t.o.e. has then a thermal content of 107 kcal, amounting to
nearly 41.99109 J = 41.9 GJ.
Relative density differs from specific gravity since, although being a ratio between equal
values of matter and water, it is calculated at a temperature of 4C.
80 2 Energy Resources
Table 2.6 shows some values of API degrees with the corresponding relative
In general, petroleum has a relative density ranging from 0.950 to 0.750 kg/dm3
(17–57 API), with the most frequent values included between 0.950–0.850
(17–35 API).
The other properties of petroleum include viscosity, whose determination is
necessary for the extraction procedures.
For safety purposes, during transportation and storage, important items include
the flash point (that is to say oil temperature at which the vapours released from it,
in the presence of a flame, catch fire without creating combustion to petroleum
itself) and the burning point, which corresponds to the temperature of oil at which
vapours develop at such quantities that, if triggered, are also able to fire the liquid
petroleum. As to the transportation of crude oil through the pipelines crossing cold
regions, it is also important to take into account the freezing point (pour point),
that is to say the temperature below which petroleum is completely coagulated and
does not flow any longer. As regards petroleum containing paraffin solutions,
instead of the pour point, the temperature at which paraffin starts to solidify (cloud
point) is taken into consideration, producing a ‘‘cloud of wax’’. Finally, the boiling
point of the different components of crude oil, sets the reference temperatures for
fractional distillation.
The petroleum extracted from oil fields is generally subsequently refined (some
Arab countries also use it directly), to obtain products with a higher energy content
and a better combustion capability.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 83
The definition ‘‘oil reserves’’ generally indicates the quantity of petroleum that can
be cost-effectively drilled from oil fields either through flowing wells or by means
of suitable interventions (repressurisation, fluidization, pumping, etc.).
The recoverable quantity of the petroleum originally present in the oil field
depends on many factors; in particular, it varies according to the hydrocarbons
composing it and to the type of rock containing it. This percentage may range
between 10 and 50% of the real quantity of oil originally present in the field, called
original oil in place (OOIP).
The determination of the quantity of petroleum still present in a production
basin or in a newly discovered oil field implies a careful geological and chemical
analysis. It is however necessary to underline that very often the official assess-
ment is heavily influenced by political and economic interests.
However, thanks to the improvement of surveying and production methodol-
ogies, the crude oil reserves which can be really exploited are destined to increase.
Furthermore, despite the objective difficulties in the determination of the real
capacity of an oil field, large areas of the Earth—first of all seabed—are still
nowadays almost entirely unexplored, and this justifies a certain optimism.
Table 2.8 shows the data on the distribution of ascertained petroleum reserves.
It shows that these reserves are almost exclusively concentrated in some geo-
graphical areas. In fact, over 60% of oil fields are located in the Middle East. In
particular, Saudi Arabia—the richest country in petroleum—hosts over one-fifth of
world reserves, followed by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
(the first non-Middle East country), and the Russian Federation (Fig. 2.32).
Based on the present production and consumption rates, the estimated avail-
ability of petroleum apparently guarantees stocks for the next 42 years (Fig. 2.33).
84 2 Energy Resources
Tar sands are sedimentary rocks (either coherent or incoherent) containing bitu-
men31 or another type of thick petroleum, which cannot be drilled with the con-
ventional methods used for petroleum with an API32 density below 12.
These sands, usually quartzous, originated from lake and river sediments, and
deposited on the layer of parent rocks between the end of the Upper Devonian and
the beginning of the Lower Cretaceous (in a time leg that lasted nearly 225 million
years). Through this contact, they absorbed the underlying oil and gas, hence
saturating over 90% of their porosity. In this way, an oily content was created,
whose weight reaches a maximum of 18–20% of sand mass, and that therefore has
a typically wet appearance.
In particular, tar sands are traced back to the Lower Cretaceous33 and derive
their tar content from the underlying layers of parent rocks dating back to Upper
Devonian34 and rich in organic remains.
Tar sand stocks amount to nearly 2/3 of our Planet’s oil stocks; the main deposits
are located in Canada (1,700 billion barrels, corresponding to 270 9 109 m3 in the
deposit of Athabasca) and Venezuela (235 billion barrels, corresponding to
37 9 109 m3 in the deposit of Orinoco). Overall, the Canadian and Venezuelan
deposits contain 570 9 109 m3 of petroleum, corresponding to 280 9 109 m3 of
conventional petroleum, far more than the one contained in the subsoil of Saudi
Arabia and of Middle East Countries. Tar sands reserves are also present in Russia
and Middle East, although the largest deposits are the two ones mentioned above.
In consideration of their size, the deposits of this energy source arouse
increasing interest, mainly in Canada, which depends upon a concrete technical
and economic difficulty for the exploitation in percentages comparable to con-
ventional fields. This is the reason for the previous reluctance in promoting
research campaigns, especially by those Countries that have at one’s disposal
abundant quantities of petroleum.
Bitumen, together with other types of heavy oils available in these sands, belongs to solid or
semisolid hydrocarbons. They are composed of high-molecular weight complex blends, whose
chemical knowledge is imperfect because of analysis difficulties. This category also includes the
asphalts used for road paving.
Cf. Sect.
Geological period belonging to the Mesozoic Era, dating back to nearly 135 million years ago.
Geological period belonging to the Palaeozoic Era, dating back to nearly 360 million years
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 87
the cavities of crystal lattice and originated from water molecules, it is possible to
derive natural fuel gas.
The genesis of gaseous hydrocarbons representing the energy source called
naturalgas is strictly related to the modes and conditions of formation of liquid
hydrocarbons (see Sect., since both derive from a common matrix.
The chemical analysis of natural gas is by far less complex than petroleum,
because of the lower number of its compounds and their simplicity; it is performed
through distillation by means of mass spectrometers and gas chromatographs.
As to its composition, methane is the hydrocarbon present in the highest per-
centage; for this reason, people tend to use the word methane as a synonym of
natural gas. The other compounds generally belong to the paraffin series and to
olefins (ethylene in particular). If the deposit also contains petroleum, then the
quantity of hydrocarbons other than methane (ethane, propane, butane and higher)
may reach 50%.
Natural gases are classified into dry, lean and wet, according to the content in
liquid hydrocarbon vapours. Vapour content represents a point of strength, since
they can be separated,35 condensed and used for the production of light diesel oils.
Another characteristic that enhances natural gas is the presence, more or less
marked, of propane and butane in quantities that make its separation economically
convenient. These hydrocarbons, whose liquefaction is simple and occurs at a
relatively low pressure, are very much used as fuels and marketed in easily
transportable cylinders, at a pressure of 4–6 bars, with a composition of 60–70%
butane and 30–40% propane; their product name is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
The other main gases that can be identified in natural gas include nitrogen (N2),
carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and, rarely, hydrogen (H2), carbon
oxide (CO) and helium (He) (Table 2.9).
As regards the lower heating value, the average value of 12,000 kcal/kg can be
considered, that is to say 8.200 kcal/m3.
Among the main values linked to natural gas, besides density (both absolute and
relative) and specific gravity,36 particular importance is also ascribed to pressure,
temperature, volume and flow rate. The latter, very much used especially in
transportation phases, is generally expressed in m3/h and, when referred to normal
conditions, is measured in Nm3/h.
Over the last decades, natural gas gained a growing importance in energy
Although the areas rich in crude oil are generally also rich in natural gas, not
always the importance of the latter in the scale of production of primary sources
has been considered as the former. Its main drawbacks include the need for major
financial investments and technological hindrances, mostly linked to the trans-
portation problems due to its gaseous physical state. The transportation of natural
Through the so-called ‘‘degasolination’’ process.
As regards absolute density and specific gravity in natural gas compared to liquid fuel, the
dependency from pressure and temperature is higher. Methane relative density amounts to 0.57.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 89
gas, in fact, demands large infrastructures, gas pipelines, sometimes long thou-
sands of kilometres, with pumping and decompression plants and widespread
distribution networks.
The political stability of producing Countries as well as of the Countries of
transit of gas pipelines is key for supplies. Furthermore, natural gas demands
particular caution during distribution, due to the risk of gas leaks and explosions.
Finally, another of its drawbacks is the fact that combustion—that is triggered at a
high flame temperature—entails a high development of nitric oxides. In the past,
this aptitude determined some marketing difficulties.
Another drawback of natural gas is represented by the fact that it is not possible
to have a constant flow rate of gas for the entire life of the deposit; the production
profile, in fact, rapidly peaks during the first years of gas extraction, and then
slowly decreases for the rest of the life of the deposit.37
However, natural gas has many of the advantages of petroleum and, in addition,
further positive aspects as, for instance, a limited global production of polluting
substances and of CO2 following its combustion. With respect to the already
mentioned development of nitric oxides, methane combustion determines:
• A reduction of CO2 emissions accounting for 50% compared to the CO2 pro-
duced by coal and 30% compared to petroleum38;
• Total or nearly total absence of sulphur oxides, particulate,metals and non-
combustible residues.
Other advantages of natural gas include the higher efficiency of combustion and
its high calorific value (12,000 kcal/kg).
Particularly noticeable is also the availability ensured by the diversification of
stocks, possible thanks to a geopolitical distribution far less critical than
The setting up of gas storage reservoirs, possibly in areas close to highly
consuming regions, can be carried out through the utilisation of:
• Gas deposits close to depletion (during the period of low consumption, generally
in summer, the gas coming from distant deposits or from import is pumped in
the storage reservoir in order to be extracted during the peaks of demand).
• Reservoirs in the liquefied natural gas regasification plants, which allow a rapid
conversion and availability of natural gas.
• The transportation routes of the network of gas pipelines, in which the operating
pressure is higher than the distribution pressure, can also be considered as
storage reservoirs to be used in the periods of daily peaks.
Sometimes this behaviour can be seen—although more limitedly—also in crude oil fields.
Given the same energy produced through combustion.
90 2 Energy Resources
Very often, methane is used in the form in which it is extracted, without any pro-
cessing whatsoever; its gaseous state allows its good distribution in the short range
(long-range distribution is costly, while transoceanic distribution is highly difficult).
Table 2.10 shows the distribution of natural gas reserves ascertained in the dif-
ferent geographical areas (Fig. 2.34).
On the basis of present production rate, stock would cover nearly 60 years
(Fig. 2.35).
Because of the technological problems that make its transportation more
expensive, the growth in natural gas consumption mainly occurred in industrialised
countries, whereas there are still large intact deposits in regions located far away
from the areas of consumption, mainly in some newly industrialising countries.
Due to the difficulties mentioned above, in fact, many Countries potentially rich
in natural gas do not extract it or decide to extract limited quantities of it. So, for
instance, the present phase of intensive exploitation of petroleum allows the Arab
Countries in the Middle East to preserve the huge gas reserves located in their
areas to use them when oil begins to be in short supply.
As far as the huge reserves of the ex-USSR are concerned, shorter times of
depletion are envisaged, since they are destined, already nowadays, to cover a
larger portion of European consumption.
reactions can be calculated through the well-known Einstein relation that links
mass and energy.39 The calculation is based on the massdefect that the
products of the reaction show compared to the elements involved in the
reaction itself.
The remarkable difference between the quantities of energy that develop
through these reactions and those linked to combustion is explained with the fact
that in the latter the forces keeping electrons are exploited, hence involving the
outer levels of the atom, whereas in nuclear reactions the nucleus of atom is
decomposed or in any case it undergoes a transformation, and during these actions
higher forces come into play. For instance, the energy generated through fission by
1 g of uranium is equivalent to nearly 8.4 9 1010 J, whereas the one released
through combustion by 1 g of gasoline is equal to nearly 4.84 9 104 J; given the
same masses, then the ratio between the two energy capacities amounts to nearly
24 9 106.
The chemical elements involving spontaneous nuclear reactions are called
radioisotopes and can be either natural or artificial.
The processes that make this form of energy available include the fission of
nuclei with a high atomic weight and the fusion40 of light nuclei.
This is the famous equation E = mc2, where e is, by definition, the value of nuclear power
owned by a mass, m is the so-called mass defect and c is the speed of light (c % 39 108 m/s).
The mass value of a nucleus, theoretically calculated by adding up the masses of neutrons and
protons that compose it, is higher than the one experimentally calculated, and the difference
between the two quantities is precisely the mass defect.
This is a reaction in which, through the fusion of nuclei of light elements, a mass nucleus
lower than the sum of the initial masses is formed, and energy is generated in a quantity
proportional to this mass defect.
94 2 Energy Resources
From fission, through one neuron, of a 235U atom (Fig. 2.36) it is possible to
obtain one cesium atom, one of rubidium, two neurons41 and a quantity of energy
amounting to 200 MeV.42
From the fusion of two hydrogen atoms, it is possible to obtain one helium atom
and a quantity of energy amounting to 3.2 MeV.
In consideration of molecular weights and by comparing the energy released
given the same mass, it is possible to derive that from the fission of 1 kg of 235U
18.6 GWh are obtained, whereas from the fusion of 1 kg of hydrogen, 5,262 GWh
are obtained.
Nuclear fission
In theory, all the elements with a sufficiently high atomic weight can undergo the
fission process, that is to say the splitting of the nucleus through a neutron bom-
bardment with a suitable energy level; in practice, however, only a few elements
are fissile that is, to say able to really generate this reaction.
In nature, the only fissile element known is uranium (U), which is, therefore, the
only primary source presently available for the fission process. Natural uranium is
made up of a mixture of three isotopes, with an atomic weight of 234, 235 and 238,
present in the percentages of 0.01, 0.71 and 99.28%, respectively. Isotope 235U is
the only fissile out of the three of them; the other fissile isotope of uranium, 233U,
is artificial and can be derived, through neutron bombardment, from isotope 232 of
thorium (232Th), that for this reason, is called fertile isotope, and can be numbered
among the primary sources of nuclear power. Also uranium isotope 238 is fertile
since, when undergoing suitable processing, originates plutonium 239 isotope
(239P), fissile as well. The next Chapter provides a description of the methods used
to artificially increase the percentage of fissile isotopes.
Minerals containing uranium43 and thorium are rather widespread throughout
the surface of the Earth, but the concentrations of these minerals hardly make
deposits economically interesting.
In any case uranium, out of these two elements, arouses the main interest. In the
main deposits, minerals have an average uranium content of 1%; they are located
in Australia, Nigeria, Brazil, Canada and United States.
Neuron emissions allow the fission reaction to be self-sustained (chain reaction); in fact, the
neurons produced will affect other uranium atoms by causing other fissions that in turn produce
other neurons, etc.
MeV: MegaelectronVolt. 1 MeV = 1,60217646 9 10-13 J.
Those with the highest uranium content are pitchblende and uranites, made up of blends of
uranium oxides in variable percentage. They are also called ‘‘primary minerals’’, as opposed to
‘‘secondary minerals’’, with a minor uranium content.
2.4 Non-renewable Energy Sources 95
Nuclear Fusion
Recent figures are those collected by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and are
referred to 2003 estimates. The quantity of Uranium available in deposits, which
can be extracted at the presently competitive cost of 80 $/kg, amounts to around
2.5 Mt. Conversely, if a highest extraction price amounting to 130 $/kg is con-
sidered as acceptable, then the reserves of Uranium increase to the value of 3.2
Mt.47 Thus, at the today rate of consumption:
Enriched U derived from the one at 80 $/kg R/P = 36 years.
Enriched U derived from the one at 130 $/kg R/P = 47 years.
The deuterium–hydrogen report is nearly 1–6,500; the percentage of tritium is, on the
contrary, negligible (nearly 10-15%).
Is the time needed so that 50% of the atoms considered turn into stable elements through the
natural decay process.
Every 6 tons of natural U generate 1 ton of enriched U.
96 2 Energy Resources
It is then necessary to stress that the strategic importance of nuclear power does
not consist in the possibility of ‘‘controlling’’ uranium basins (that are also rather
uniformly distributed from the geopolitical viewpoint), but rather in owning the
updated ‘‘know-how’’ on the most economically-effective and efficient processes
for the energy exploitation of the primary source.
While considering the human use of energy, ‘‘where’’ and ‘‘when’’ are often more
important than ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘how much’’. Human beings do not simply need
energy: they need it wherever and whenever they decide. An energy system is
therefore satisfactory when it is able to guarantee the right quantity and form of
energy in the right moment (for all required time) and at the place of need.
From the energy market viewpoint, to succeed in meeting the demand in the
place and at the moment requested is often considered more important than the
way in which energy is supplied and also than the quantity of primary energy
needed to make the quantity and form requested available in the place and at the
moment of the demand.
The process of energy production and supply is dominated by the economic
conditions of demand, largely more than by its energy balance.
A common example, familiar to all, can easily clarify the issue: we all know
that the sunlight is available during the daytime; however, if from a social and
economic viewpoint it is considered more convenient to play a sports match in the
evening—although from an energy viewpoint this choice is absolutely unjusti-
fied—the match is played in the evening with artificial lighting and subsequent
energy spending. Although lightning would be cheaper from an energy perspective
in a place rather than another, the match would take place in any case in the place
privileged by the socio-economic reality, irrespective of the necessary energy
The modern concept of energy system, therefore, has to be able to meet—even
better to ‘‘foresee’’—these needs. The concepts of time and space therefore
forcefully fall within energy analysis and in the capacity to develop, design and
implement energy systems. Energy transportation and storage become in this way
the main attributes to be considered while standardising systems and usage tech-
nologies; in a word, the way itself of reasoning in terms of energy.
The main energy characteristic of a vector is the form of energy that allows it to
transport and thence to make it available at the ‘‘delivery’’, in a place and time
other than those available at the source. Knowing the form of energy transported
and stored allows the correct inclusion of each energy vector in the framework of
each complex energy system.
The energy vectors presently most known and used transport the following
forms of energy:
• Fossil fuels ? chemical energy
• Electricity ? electric power
• Heat-transfer fluid ? thermal energy
• Hydrogen ? chemical energy
• Mechanical transmissions ? mechanic energy
• Radioactive transfer ? radiant energy
As it can be easily inferred, some of these vectors are also primary sources (this
is the case of fossil fuels), others (mechanical transmissions and thermal vectors)
carry forms of energy demanded and directly used in the form transported for end
use. In particular, vectors as electricity and hydrogen must be the object of specific
production processes; they require technologies within the system that might be
useful for their final conversion, allowing to provide users with the useful effect
needed (thermal, electric, mechanic and luminous).
The lack of interest for the new formation of the natural resource freely taken is
commonly accepted by the human society, particularly as concerns mineral
resources, whose extreme difficulty (in almost all cases, impossibility) of re-for-
mation through human work has not discouraged its extensive use, without con-
sidering its inevitable depletion. In different periods, the lack of resource
replenishment capacity has been, only partly mitigated by techniques destined to
reuse products and their components, and in recent times by the end-of-life
recycling of part of raw materials.
The extraordinary capacity of keeping the quantity of energy stored—the real
access key to the world spreading and the commercial success of fossil fuels—is
inborn in their structure. Fossil resources, in fact, are available to us because it was
possible, for millions of years, to thoroughly preserve the quantity of energy that
had been fixed and stored in them in past geological eras.
Once extracted from the subsoil, coal and oil in particular maintain, at atmo-
spheric conditions, also the quantity of energy they contain in an extremely stable
way, hence favouring the storage in deposits rather easy to create and the trans-
portation through simple and inexpensive means.
The superiority of oil over coal from the viewpoint of easiness of storage and
transportation in terms of energy density, and easiness of handling (far better for a
liquid substance rather than for a fragmented solid one) is the main reason for the
success that allowed the former to replace the latter as a leading fuel in the world
energy scenario of the 20th century.
The characteristics of fossil fuels as energy vectors are, therefore, at the basis of
their global success and are the ones with which each new vector has to be
compared in order to show its competitiveness.
Putting (for the time being) any other considerations aside—as for instance the
obtainability from different primary sources, the renewability of the source, the
level of emission of undesired and polluting substances at the point of use, which
are certainly penalising for fossil fuels—and focusing on their capacity to allow
the movement of a quantity of energy in time and space—that is to say their best
qualities—it is easily possible to understand what are the characteristics requested
to each energy vector that intends to play a major role in world’s energy system.
Indirect storage methods allow to achieve the two most important conditions for
the economic enhancement of an energy vector that is, to say the short and
medium term storage capacity. And in many cases long-term storage as well is not
beyond the technological and economic range.
Hydrogen, while allowing energy storage and transportation in the chemical
form, and since it can be employed in all energy conversion technologies using
fossil fuels, besides in other new generation technologies (as fuel cells), is very
often immediately associated to fossil fuels, and also considered—for these sim-
ilarities—as a possible ‘‘new universal fuel’’.
In theory, hydrogen allows a short, medium and long-term storage when in
gaseous form and in a form absorbed or chemically bonded with other substances.
As concerns, on the contrary, the storage in a cryogenic liquid form, it is possible
to state that it is only possible in the short term and gradually less and less
satisfactorily as the timeframe extends. Yet, in any case, storage is never possible
with a zero-energy spending and always needs committing technological condi-
tions as concerns the solutions for thermal insulation or the presence of ancillary
components that envisage a continuous heat subtraction.
Synthetic fuels basically have the same features as fossil fuels, with which they
share applications; therefore, they easily allow storage and transportation in the
short, medium and long term/range.
Heat transfer fluids allow both transportation and storage, but transportation is
limited to the short range and storage to the short term.
Mechanical transmissions, as well as oleodynamic and pressure-dynamic
transmissions, like the heat-transfer fluids with which they share several applica-
tions for the simultaneous transfer and thermal and mechanic energy, allow both
transportation and storage, but only in the short range and short term.
Radiation allows, on the contrary, transportation and not storage. Transporta-
tion can take place at a very long range (interstellar and interplanetary distances),
in the vacuum of space, and in a very short range, in the atmosphere.
Table 3.1 sums up the aptitudes of the different vectors mentioned above.
For each energy system, it is possible to identify the vector that allows energy
transportation and storage, the way in which storage and transportation–distribution
are possible, and the means that allows its storage, transportation and distribution.
This paragraph contains an analysis of the definition of vector and of its main
properties and functions.
3.4 Characteristics of Energy Vectors 103
Table 3.1 Energy transportation and storage capacity of the main energy vectors in the short,
medium and long range and in the short, medium and long term
Energy vector Transportation Storage
Fossil fuels Short, medium, long range Yes, short, medium, long term.
Electricity Short and medium range No (indirect methods)
Hydrogen Short, medium, long range Yes, short, medium, long term.
(cryogenic exception)
Synthetic fuels Short, medium, long range Yes, short, medium, long term.
Heat exchanging fluids Short range Yes, short term
Mechanical, oleodynamic Short range Yes
and pressure-dynamic
Radiation Very long range in space Short No
range in the atmosphere Vector
The energy vector is the minimum unit of the system: it is the substance, the
chemical compound or element, or the physical phenomenon that allow the
transportation of a given quantity of energy. More precisely, a vector (substance or
phenomenon) allows the transportation of an energy potential, since what is
transferred in time and space is the ‘‘potential’’ capacity of a given substance or of
a given phenomenon to allow the achievement of a useful energy conversion.
By convention, therefore, reference is made to energy vector rather than energy
potential vector, although assuming that the correct and complete definition would
impose to refer to the potential.
An energy vector is therefore the fossil fuel (chemical compound), electricity
(more correctly: the electronic flow, physical phenomenon), hydrogen (chemical
element), synthetic fuel (chemical compound), heat-transfer fluid (substance with
given physical characteristics), the shear stress or tensile-compressive stress,
oleodynamic pressure, aerodynamic pressure (physical phenomenon), solar
radiation (physical phenomenon).
The modalities for the transportation and distribution of vectors can vary, in
different applications, also for the same vector. The possibility of different ways
of storage, transportation and distribution is an indirect index of the good quality
of a vector. Having a higher number of possible choices makes, in fact, the
vector more easily usable in different frameworks and for different solutions of
energy systems.
Transportation procedures necessarily envisage the use of a network of infra-
structures that can be:
104 3 Energy Vectors
• Dedicated network
– Oil pipelines
– Gas pipelines
– Long-distance power lines
– Mechanical transmission
– Oleodynamic transmission
– Pressure-dynamic transmission
– Heat-transfer fluid distribution systems
• Non-dedicated network (also existing for other purposes of transportation of
goods and persons):
– Water (sea, river)
– Road
– Railway
– Air
– Remote transmission
Each transportation system envisages one or more possible means, whose charac-
teristics relate to the quantity of energy to be transferred, the distances to be
covered, and the energy system in which they have to be included; these means are:
• Dedicated network
– Oil pipelines ? pipe.
– Gas pipelines ? pipe.
– Long-distance power lines ? electric cables.
– Mechanical transmissions ? shaft, connecting rod, crank.
– Oleodynamic transmission ? pipes.
– Pressure-dynamic transmission ? pipes.
– Heat-transfer fluid distribution system ? pipes.
• Non-dedicated network
– Water (sea, river) ? ship.
– Road ? road vehicle.
– Railway ? train.
– Air ? aircraft, helicopter.
In the same way, for the use of suitably developed technological structures or
solutions the storage modality provides:
3.4 Characteristics of Energy Vectors 105
This chapter deals with the characteristics of the main energy vectors and primary
and secondary energy sources in their function as energy vectors (that is to say
useful for energy transportation and storage) as well as the relevant processes and
Among fossil fuels, oil is the vector that shows the best transportability charac-
teristics, thanks to its physical features (it is liquid at ambient temperature and
In general, the transportation and distribution of oil and its derivatives takes
place through the modes described in Fig. 3.1.
Crude oil is transported for long/very long distances through oil pipelines or by
sea in oil tankers (in this case, it reaches the port through an oil pipeline where it is
loaded on oil tankers and taken to the port of destination; from there, through an
oil pipeline, it is transported to refineries). Once arrived to the user Country, it is
refined and oil products (petrol, gasoil, LPG, fuel oil and others) are transported,
for short/medium ranges to end users or to the distribution facilities, normally by
means of oil road tankers.
When calculating the energy spending due to a given energy quantity trans-
portation through vectors starting from the data relating to the transportation of
goods in general, it is necessary to consider that the mass transported is the sum of
the mass of the vector plus the mass of the container. This means that per each kg
of energy vector, the total mass transported is higher.1 Therefore, indicating with
mv (kg) the mass of the energy vector transported and with LHV (kJ/kg) its lower
heating value, the energy transported is:
Ev ¼ mv LHV ð3:1Þ
For solid and liquid substances (at room temperature) this aspect is little relevant: conversely, it
is very much significant for low temperature liquefied and pressurised gases, since in these cases
the weight of the container is often of the same order of magnitude as the gas therein contained.
106 3 Energy Vectors
Indicating with Rp the ratio between the mass of the vector and the overall mass
mtot (vector ? container), it follows that:
mv ¼ Rp mtot ð3:2Þ
Therefore, the energy transported Ev is
Ev ¼ Rp mtot LHV ð3:3Þ
Now, indicating with Et the energy spent for the transportation of the mass unit
(mtot = 1) (kJ/kg km) shown in Table 3.2, the energy spending for the transpor-
tation of a fuel along n km, expressed as a percentage of the energy transported
(Et%,n) can be calculated as follows:
Et n Et n
Et%;n ¼ ¼ ð3:4Þ
Based on (3.4), since oil lower heating value amounts to 41,868 kJ/kg,
assuming Rp = 0.9 and according to the data shown in Table 3.2 it is possible to
calculate the energy costs for the different types of transport.
Table 3.3 shows the energy spending, expressed as a percentage of the energy
transported, along a distance of 1,000 km.
As already said, oil can be transported through oil pipelines. In this case, energy
spending can be calculated as follows.
If we consider the generalised form of the first law of thermodynamics2 for
open systems and for adiabatic transformations (without heat exchanges, that is to
say Q = 0), indicating with DH the enthalpy variation (per mass unit), DEp the
variation of potential energy (per mass unit) and DEc the variation of kinetic
energy (per mass unit) and with n the energy losses due to the load loss (per unit of
length of the pipeline), the work L necessary to transport an oil mass m for a
distance D, is the following:
Kinetic energy and potential energy are also taken into consideration.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 107
Table 3.3 Energy spending Transportation system Energy spending (%/1,000 km)
for oil transportation through
non-dedicated networks Road 7.0
Railway 3.4
Water (sea, river) 2.0
Table 3.2 Energy spending Transportation system Energy spending (kJ/kg km)
for freight transportation [1]
Road 2.638
Railway 1.298
Water (sea, river) 0.754
k v2
J¼ ð3:6Þ
where k is an adimensional coefficient of resistance function, in general, of the
relative roughness factor of the pipeline e and of the Reynolds number, d is the
diameter of the pipeline, and g is the gravity acceleration. The coefficient k can be
calculated by using the Colebrook–White equation:
1 2:51 e
pffiffiffi ¼ 2 log pffiffiffi þ ð3:7Þ
k Re k d 3:71
where e is the relative roughness factor and Re is the Reynolds number as
expressed by the ratio:
Re ¼ ð3:8Þ
where q is density and l the dynamic viscosity.
Once J is known, the energy loss is (J/m):
n¼Jmg ð3:9Þ
Thence, as concerns the mass unit, the following unitary work Lu is obtained:
Lu ¼ DH þ DEp þ DEc þ J g D ð3:10Þ
Indicating with q fluid density, with p pressure, with h height and with
v velocity, the following is obtained:
Physically, then, J is dimensional.
108 3 Energy Vectors
DH ¼ ð3:11Þ
DEp ¼ g Dh ð3:12Þ
DEc ¼ Dv2 ð3:13Þ
Pressure remains constant (Dp = 0, thence DH = 0); furthermore, the height
variations can be neglected4 (Dh % 0, thence DEp % 0). The initial velocity is
The unitary work, therefore, is the following:
1 2
Lu ¼ v þJgD ð3:14Þ
In general, oil pipelines are made of steel pipes with a diameter varying
between 0.3 and 1.4 m; fluid velocity ranges between 1 and 6 m/s.
For example, considering a section of a steel oil pipeline (for which a relative
roughness e = 0.01 mm can be assumed) with a diameter of d = 1 m and a
velocity of crude oil of v = 4 m/s, the following is obtained5: Re = 16.000,
k = 0.02735 and J = 0.02231.
1 2
Lu ¼ v þ J g D ¼ 4 þ 0:21883 D½J ð3:15Þ
For a distance of 1,000 km (D = 1.000.000 m), the unitary work Lu (J) is6:
Lu ¼ v2 þ J g D ¼ 4 þ 218:827 ¼ 218; 831 ð3:16Þ
In loss calculation, only distributed losses were taken into consideration; as a
matter of fact, it is also necessary to consider the concentrated losses due to bends,
joints, valves, gates, etc. These losses are calculated by considering for each
element an equivalent length. Therefore, for the calculation of total losses, a
fictitious length of the pipeline is considered, given by the sum of the real pipeline
and the equivalent one due to the elements generating concentrated losses. It is
readily evident that to calculate the equivalent length it is necessary to know in
detail the pipeline in question: in a first approximation, it is possible to consider a
fictitious length amounting to 1.2 times the real one. Therefore putting aside the
It is possible to assume that positive and negative height variations along the pathway are
equivalent, that is to say the height of the starting point is the same as the end point.
Considering for crude oil a dynamic viscosity of 0.215 Pa s and a density of 0.86 kg/l.
In general, for long distances (typical of oil pipelines) the term relating to kinetic energy
becomes negligible compared to load losses:
J g D [ [ 12 v2 ) L ffi J g D.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 109
level relating to kinetic energy variation, the unitary work for the transportation
along a section of length D is:
Lu;D ¼ J g 1:2 D ð3:17Þ
Then, to calculate the real energy spending for transportation, it is necessary to
consider the efficiency of pumping stations (gSP). Considering a 40% efficiency,
the following is obtained:
Leff;D ¼ 1:2 D ð3:18Þ
For a section of 1,000 km: Lu,eff = 656.48 kJ/kg.
Considering oil lower heating value (41,868 kJ/kg), energy spending for
transportation as a percentage of the energy transported is nearly 1.6% for a
distance of 1,000 km.
In general, oil pipelines (Fig. 3.2) as a means for oil transportation, as well as
gas pipelines, show the following characteristics
• Disadvantages
– High construction and laying costs
– Cost for pumping and distribution stations
– Difficult conversion in case of oilfield or deposit exhaustion or depletion
• Advantages
– Low energy transportation costs
– Good level of safety7
Safety and damage risks vary according to the Countries and the regional areas crossed.
110 3 Energy Vectors
In general, oil pipelines are made up of steel pipes with a diameter ranging
between 30 and 140 cm, possibly laid aboveground in order to make inspections
easier. The liquid is channelled through pumps that give the flow a velocity
ranging between 1 and 6 m/s.
The most famous oil pipelines nowadays include:
• The Friendship Pipeline. It is the longest pipeline in the world and transports oil
along nearly 4,000 km from Russia, crossing Ukraine and Hungary, and
reaching Germany. Today it is the main route for the transportation of Russian
and Kazak oil to Europe. Its range amounts to 1.2–1.4 million barrels per day.
The diameter of pipelines ranges between 420 mm and 1,020 mm. 20 pumping
stations are active.
• Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline. It is used to transport the oil extracted at
the oilfield of the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea shores. It is endowed
with eight pumping stations and its total length is 1.776 km. It stretches to
Azerbaijan for 440 km, then to Georgia for 260 km and finally to Turkey for
1,076 km, and it is able to transport one million barrels per day.
• Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. It connects Alaska with the heart of America
through a pipeline of nearly four thousand kilometres.
As far as storage is concerned, crude oil is stored in large quantities and for long
times at a national level. These storages represent the strategic stocks of importing
As already said, petroleum is not used as crude oil, but rather it is processed to
obtain different types of fuels. After some pre-processing stages (as water elimi-
nation), it undergoes continuous distillation processes in tray columns whose
pressure is close to atmospheric pressure. As shown in Fig. 3.3, the most volatile
products are released from the top of the column, whereas less volatile products
are collected at decreasing heights.
The quantity of refining products obtained hugely varies with the quantity of oil
processed. The quantities of products obtained are rather predefined, and, in any
case, the refining process always produces—from a given type of petroleum—all the
different products. On average, nearly 20% of crude oil provides petrol, nearly 55%
diesel oil and fuel oil, 7% covers internal refining consumption, 7% oil, 3% LPG, 3%
bitumen, 1% lubricant bases, and the remaining 4% includes other products as
petroleum coke, paraffin, petrolatum, etc. Petrol, diesel oil and fuel oil totally
account for a large portion of refining products (75%). In order to change the petrol
and fuel oil percentages that, as already said, are on average predefined, according to
the quality of crude oil processed, and adjust them according to their demand, further
processing is necessary to obtain light hydrocarbons (petrol, made up of hydrocar-
bons containing 5–10 carbon atoms) starting from heavy hydrocarbons (diesel oil
and fuel oil, made up of hydrocarbons containing 12–30 carbon atoms).
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 111
This processing consists in the breakage of large molecules into small ones: this
processing is called ‘‘cracking’’, and can be either thermal or catalytic.
The main refining products include:
• Gas (in general LPG, liquefied)
• Petrol
• Kerosene
• Diesel oil
• Lubricant bases
• Fuel oil
• Bitumen
• Other products
It is important to recall that it is not possible to obtain one single distillate from
refining, since it produces all the different fuels at the same time.
The quantity of the different distillates can vary through subsequent processing
• Cracking
• Alkylation
• Reforming.
From the energy viewpoint, the refining process efficiency can be defined as the
ratio between the energy content of fuel products alone (LPG, petrol, kerosene,
diesel oil and fuel oil, without considering those products destined to non-energy
use) and the energy content of crude oil. In this way, the efficiency of the distil-
lation process accounts for nearly 87%.
LPG, one of the most widespread oil gases, is mainly made up of propane, butane
and their blends; it can be liquefied, under pressure, to facilitate its transportation
112 3 Energy Vectors
and storage. LPG can be used as fuel for domestic use and heating, as aerosol
propellant, and as fuel for vehicles. It should be noted that a relevant part of the
LPG presently in the market derives from methane production processes, and is
obtained through the purification of natural gas.8
At the liquid state and at a temperature of 40C, the absolute maximum vapour
pressure amounts to 16.5 bar. Density ranges between 0.508 and 0.585 kg/dm3 at
15C and the lower heating value amounts to nearly 46,100 kJ/kg.
Mixture of hydrocarbons included in the distillation range between 20 and 215C,
used to fuel spark-ignition internal combustion engines for the propulsion of
Leaded petrol. Gasoline complying with UNI 20156 regulation, with a mini-
mum octane-level of 97 RON, whose maximum level allowed of lead compounds
shall not exceed 0.15 g Pb/1.
Lead-free petrol. Gasoline complying with European Regulation 228, with a
minimum octane-level of 95 RON, whose contamination with lead compounds
shall not exceed 0.013 g Pb/1
On average, density amounts to 0.74 kg/dm3 and LHV amounts to nearly
43,350 kJ/kg.
Blend of hydrocarbons included between the distillation range of 180 and 230C.
It is used as a propellant for jet engines and as heating and lighting fuel. In addition
to the aviation turbine kerosene (ATK), Deodorised kerosene provides, other
products such as:
• Domestic kerosene Product that, while burning, releases a limited amount of
smoke, has no odour emission, and is therefore suitable for domestic use and
heating purposes.
• Power kerosene Distillate with sufficient antiknock properties, used in special
internal combustion engines;
• Tractor kerosene Fuel for agricultural vehicles. In countries where tax benefits
are available for this class of products, it undergoes a specific colouring.
Density amounts to 0.8 kg/dm3 and the average lower heating value amounts to
nearly 43,200 kJ/kg.
Propane and butane are contained in natural gas (see Sect.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 113
Diesel Oil
Blend of paraffin and aromatic hydrocarbons that distil between 150 and 400C, is
obtained from the atmospheric distillation of crude oil and from processes
including cracking and hydrocracking. Its viscosity at 40C ranges between 2.0
and 4.5 mm2/s, an average density of about 0.83 kg/dm3 and a LCV of nearly
42,000 kJ/kg.
Engine diesel oil is used to fuel spontaneous ignition internal combustion
engines. It is characterised by a high number of cetane, a low-sulphur content
(0.005%, 50 ppm decreasing to 10 ppm and lower in many markets) and by a
distillation range which also provides for a limit at 95%. The limits relating to cold
performance must be met.
Heating diesel oil is used for heat and energy production in residential
buildings. It must comply with less strict constraints in terms of viscosity, distil-
lation, cold performance, ignition features and sulphur content (0.2% in weight).
Lubricant Bases
Fuel Oil
Fuel Oil (HS) This term includes all those products, including blends, whose
viscosity exceeds 53 mm2/s at 50C, and with a maximum sulphur content of 4%
in weight.
Fuel oil (LS)–(SF) This term includes all those products and blends, whose
viscosity exceeds 53 mm2/s at 50C and with a maximum sulphur content of 1% in
On average, its density amounts to 0.83 kg/dm3 and its LHV to nearly
42,000 kJ/kg.
Other Products
Among fossil fuels, coal is the one that shows the less favourable characteristics as
energy vector. In fact, since it is a solid fuel, its transportation is more burdensome
from the energy viewpoint, and, given the same energy stored, its storage involves
larger volumes than oil (coal: 68.24 dm3/GJ; oil: 28.10 dm3/GJ).
The long-range transportation of solid coal mainly takes place via water. In
many cases, in order to give coal the best possible characteristics for its trans-
portation, it undergoes several processes, the same already described in
Sect. (Fig. 3.4), that is:
• Pulverisation
• Gasification and liquefaction
• Hydrocarbonisation
• Hydrogenation
• Fischer–Tropsch process
• Coal–oil
• Coal–water
The calculation of energy spending can be made similar to the case of oil,
considering that the average lower heating value of coal amounts to 29,308 kJ/kg
and assuming Rp = 0.9. These costs are shown in Table 3.4. They are expressed as
a percentage of energy transported along a distance of 1,000 km.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 115
Table 3.4 Energy spending Transportation system Energy spending (%/1,000 km)
for coal transportation
Road 10.0
Railway 4.9
Sea 2.9
As far as transportation and storage are concerned, natural gas shows intermediate
characteristics between oil (liquid) and coal (solid). It can be suitably transported
in gas pipelines (Fig. 3.5), but, although it is in a gaseous state, transportation is
more expensive from the energy view point. The strategic importance of this
vector encouraged the resort to the diversification of supply sources and tech-
nologies. In particular, the transportation via sea of liquefied gas (LNG) at cryo-
genic temperatures and its regasification at the delivery ports is a more and more
widespread practice. This solution is adopted for transportation via sea through the
so-called ‘‘methane tankers’’ or LNG tankers, ships endowed with cryogenic tanks:
liquefaction hugely reduces volume9 and this allows to transport natural gas in an
energy-efficient as well as safer way (natural gas is not inflammable at the liquid
state). Normally transportation takes place at atmospheric pressure at a tempera-
ture of nearly—163C (at atmospheric pressure, the boiling point is—161.4C),
and in some cases pressure tanks are used, therefore with higher temperatures.
Once arrived to the port, the gas, still liquefied, is transferred from the ship to a
storage tank inside the regasifiers. It is subsequently sent to a vaporiser, that acting
on temperature performs, gasification through gas expansion, with gas that goes
back to its natural state. Temperature variation generally takes place through
thermal exchange in tube bundles between liquid gas and seawater, which releases
The density of gaseous methane at 75 bar and room temperature amounts to 55.9 kg/m3,
whereas at the liquid state it amounts to 424.7 kg/m3.
116 3 Energy Vectors
its heat to the gas; pressure, on the contrary, is reduced through gas expansion in
suitable tankers.
Instead of unnecessarily dispersing the ‘‘cold’’ in the sea, regasifiers can be
associated to plants that envisage the use of low temperatures (for instance, food-
freezing facilities, typically present in ports), ‘‘recovering’’ in this way the freezing
energy with remarkable saving.
Natural gas is stored in a gaseous state at high pressure in cylinders or at low
pressure in gasometers. In many Countries, the use of natural gas as energy vector
is very much diffused also thanks to a widespread distribution network that reaches
an extremely high number of users, including residential users.
For the calculation of the energy spending related to transportation in gas pipe-
lines, the same procedure as oil transportation in oil pipelines applies. Then:
Lu ¼ DH þ DEp þ DEc þ J g D ð3:19Þ
In case of gas, the variation of potential energy can be neglected; therefore the
enthalpy variation relates to the adiabatic compression of gas:
DH ¼ cp DT ð3:20Þ
where cp is the constant pressure specific heat and DT is temperature variation due
to compression. In order to have an adiabatic compression, the following applies:
T2 p2
¼ ¼ bk1=k ) T2 ¼ T1 bk1=k ð3:21Þ
T1 p1
where k is the ratio between constant pressure specific heat (cp) and constant
volume specific heat (cv):
k¼ ð3:22Þ
In case of high compression ratios, as in the case of compression of natural gas
for transportation purposes, compression takes place in several inter-refrigerating
stages.10 Indicating with n the number of stages, the compression ratio of the
single stage11 bs is:
bs ¼ ½nb ð3:23Þ
Between the exit of one stage and the access to the next, the liquid is cooled at constant
temperature. In this way the needed compression work decreases.
Considering the compression ratio as equal in the different stages.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 117
Table 3.5 Polynomial coefficients for the calculation of constant pressure specific heat (kJ/kg)
Polynomial coefficients
Gas A B C D
Natural gas 1.57 9 10-8 2.22 9 10-5 6.74 9 10-3 2.68
Hydrogen 6.60 9 10-8 8.44 9 10-5 3.61 9 10-2 9.31
cp ¼ A T 3 þ B T 2 þ C T þ D ð3:24Þ
Table 3.5 shows the polynomial coefficients to calculate the constant pressure
specific heat (kJ/kg) for some gases.
The end-of-compression temperature12 is:
T2 ¼ T1 bk1=k
s ¼ 298 4; 220;15 ¼ 370 K ð3:25Þ
The ideal enthalpy variation (isoentropic compression) of the single stage is
DHs;i ¼ cp DT ¼ 3; 480 72 ¼ 247; 900 J/kg ð3:26Þ
The total enthalpy variation is obtained by multiplying for the number of stages:
DHi ¼ DHs;i n ¼ 743; 700 J/kg ð3:27Þ
It is also possible to take into account irreversibility (compression is not iso-
entropic) considering a thermodynamic compression efficiency gc defined as
gc ¼ ð3:28Þ
The k value used concerns the average temperature between the initial and the final one. The
calculation can be made through the following procedure: a value of the end temperature is
hypothesised and the average temperature is calculated, followed by the calculation of the value
of k and the value of end temperature that is compared to the hypothesised one. If a marked
difference is obtained, the value of T2 is assumed as the one calculated, and the same procedure is
followed until the value hypothesised and the value calculated of end temperature coincide (or,
better, the difference is not limited to a given value considered as acceptable).
118 3 Energy Vectors
1 102
DEc ¼ Dv2 ¼ ¼ 50 J/kg ð3:30Þ
2 2
As in the case of oil, the variation of potential energy is neglected. For loss loads,
Re = 50,827,273 is obtained, from which k = 0.00829 and J = 0,04228.
Considering a section of 1,000 km, the following is obtained: Lu =
743,700 ? 50 ? 414,778 = 1,158,528 J/kg.
In this case, the compression activity and the load losses for 1,000 km are of the
same order of magnitude. This compression is in any case convenient from the
energy viewpoint. It should be noted that, in transporting the gas at atmospheric
pressure, the load losses (always for a distance of 1,000 km) per kg of gas
transported would increase by over three times.
With considerations similar to oil in relation to concentrated losses and the
efficiency of pumping stations, the following applies:
DH J g 1; 2
Lu;eff;D ¼ þ D ð3:31Þ
In a section of 1,000 km, Lu,eff,D = 3,490,803 J/kg is obtained. This value
includes over 7% of the energy content of gas transported. To offset the load losses,
compressor stations are planned every 100–150 km. These stations are fuelled by
the gas itself, therefore this consumption corresponds to gas consumption. In
practice, for a transportation distance of 1,000 km, nearly 90% of the gas initially
sent reaches its destination; the rest is consumed to supply compression stations.
Compression stations are mainly made up as follows:
• Compressor unit, normally centrifugal compressors activated by gas turbines,
equipped with own control systems.
• Pipes and the relevant mechanical equipment, for complete gas processing
(filters, valves, air-coolers etc.).
• Plant control systems, able to perform the entire management of turbo-com-
pressors and of the plant processing systems.
• Electric system, able to guarantee the necessary power supply according to the
various needs and priorities.
• Civil infrastructures, for plant-engineering use (switch room, control room,
etc.), personnel offices, workshop and storehouse.
It is evident how the variation of kinetic energy is negligible compared to the compression
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 119
Table 3.6 Energy spending Transportation system Energy spending (%/1,000 km)
for the transportation of
natural gas Compressed Liquefied
(200 bar) (-163C)
Road 11.6 7.9
Railway 5.7 3.9
Water 3.3 2.3
Referred to atmospheric pressure (pr = pass–1 bar).
Gas density at 200 bar amounts to 159.5 kg/m3.
The density of liquefied methane gas at -163C amounts to 427.4 kg/m3.
The values shown relate to transportation only and do not consider the energy spending for
compression, liquefaction and regasification.
120 3 Energy Vectors
The energy spending for the transportation of liquefied gas via sea accounts for
2.3% of the energy content of the gas transported; therefore, also considering the
energy spending for liquefaction and regasification (which, on the contrary, can be
recovered), this procedure is energy efficient.
As described in the previous chapter, the energy spending for a 75 bar18 compres-
sion amounts to 855 kJ/kg. Considering the efficiency of electric engines moving
compressors amounting to 93%, it is possible to obtain a compression (electric) work
of 919 kJ/kg, corresponding to 1.9% of the energy content of the gas stored.
Besides the necessary energy spending, other relevant characteristics for the
storage systems include:
• Storage capacity It is the ratio (expressed as a percentage) between the mass of
the stored vector and the total mass of the storage system (including the vector).
• Energy density, in volume It is the energy stored per unit of volume of the
storage system;
• Energy density, in mass It is the energy stored per mass unit of the storage
system (including the vector)
A cylinder of a 40 l capacity contains 2.31 kg of gas19 (with an energy content
of 111,352 kJ), has a size of nearly 54 l and weighs 47 kg. On the basis of the
descriptions made, Table 3.7 shows the storage characteristics for natural gas.
The role of electric power and of its applications in the energy field is to be
considered as absolutely important from the Twentieth century onawards, in
consideration of the huge changes occurred in the social and productive activities
of the economic systems that availed themselves of the use of electricity. The use
of electric power spread in developed countries first, and subsequently in all the
others, permeating any form of individual and social activity.
The energy density (kJ/m3) of natural gas at 75 bar is similar to the one that hydrogen owns
(described in detail afterwards) at a pressure of 350 bar.
Gas density at 75 bar amounts to 57.9 kg/m3.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 121
The transportation20 of electric power, from production plants to users, takes place
at different voltages in the different sections of the pathway (Fig. 3.6).
Often, in relation to electric power, reference is made to transportation and distribution:
transportation means high or very high voltage transportation for long distances from the
production plants to the AT/MT transformation plants, whereas distribution means the medium–
low voltage transportation for limited distances from the MT/BT transformation plants to end
122 3 Energy Vectors
Q ¼ q I2 ð3:32Þ
The electric power PE is:
PE ¼ V I cos u ð3:33Þ
Q¼q ð3:34Þ
V 2 cos2 u
Considering the power factor (cosu) as constant, being q a characteristic of the
cable, the following applies
Q¼K ð3:35Þ
The distribution and utilisation voltage is relatively low (100–120, 220, 380 V
according to the different cases and of geographical areas) for safety purposes as
well as for technical–economic reasons (low unit power requested by household
appliances), and makes it necessary a differentiation in the voltage levels, in the
production, transportation and utilisation phases, respectively.
It would be suitable to further increase the operating voltage of the electricity
transmission grid, but unfortunately there are practical limits due to the high cable
insulation costs, to the problems of mechanical instability of cables, as well as to
the presence of dissipative phenomena, typical of high voltage (corona discharge).
Furthermore, beyond a certain voltage threshold, the costs of foundations, trans-
formers, and of the other elements of the transmission line rapidly increase. It is
also necessary to recall that, since electric power cannot be stored in its form, the
excess electricity introduced in the grid and not immediately used is lost, with a
subsequent financial loss.
An important characteristic of electricity transmission grids is the creation of a
mesh scheme, hence allowing the continuity of power supply also in case of failure
in some lines.
As already said, the voltage of the main electricity transmission grids varies
according to production, transportation and utilisation needs. Generally, high-volt-
age lines for large distances are run at 220, 400 or at the so called ‘‘Extra high
voltage’’ of 765 kV (Fig. 3.7). The nodes of meshes include step-up transformers in
case of energy input from a power plant, and step-down transformers if energy is
Represents the phase shift between voltage and current.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 123
supplied through regional or provincial dispatch grids. The latter, at a voltage of 60–
150 kV, supplies medium-voltage primary distribution networks (10–20 kV), whose
range does not exceed tens of km. Representing a maximum limit in rural areas. The
last transformation finally takes place in switching stations, in order to supply to users
electric energy at the voltage—in general—of 100-12, 220 and 380 V.
Due to its strategic role in the overall energy framework, the electric power
distribution grid shall comply with strict requirements in terms of continuity of
supply, reduction within close limits of frequency variations in the grid, as well as
minimisation of delays in the nominal voltage at the delivery point.
As far as frequency variations are concerned, they can produce oscillations in
the rotation speed of synchronous or asynchronous motors, whereas voltage dif-
ferences may cause voltage drops in various elements of the plant (lines, trans-
formers, etc.).
These requirements are suitably met by the mesh networks, endowed with great
flexibility in the management of faults to the lines and in the lack of uniformity
between electric production and consumption.
For instance, to prevent problem in case of a fault to the line or to a generator, it
is sufficient to oversize plants by 10%, in order to face the total load of the
network. Furthermore, at least two lines always converge to each node, hence
making it possible the overload of one line to face the demand in case of fault of
the other. There are then systems to automatically regulate the frequency and the
voltage, through which it is possible to obtain excellent supply standards. For
instance, the frequency oscillation of the large network interconnected all over
Western Europe is of 0.1 Hz only, for a nominal frequency of 50 Hz (0.2%).
The already mentioned technical problems have to be carefully analysed and
solved in the most cost-effective way, so as to reduce the environmental impact of
transmission lines. In fact, it is necessary to carefully analyse the clearance
between conductor and support, mainly linked to the likelihood of line discharge in
switching transients, and the clearance between conductor and ground, in order to
avoid discharges towards objects placed under the line. Conductors, furthermore,
will have to be chosen not only on the basis of losses due to the Joule effect, but
also according to the losses due to the corona discharge and radio interferences.
The technical–economic solution of these problems might entail huge advantages.
With a line of 1,050 kV it is possible to supply a power of 5,600 MW with a
corridor of 70 m rather than 280 m, necessary if a 380 V line was used (Fig. 3.7).
This extraordinary result can be obtained thanks to the higher power density that
can be reached through a voltage of 1,050 V (80 MW/m instead of 20 MW/m).
The characteristics of the distribution network vary according to the electric
standards in force in different Countries: in particular, the distribution system and
the voltage and frequency of electricity supplied to users vary, besides the type of
electrical outlet for civil/household use.
The distribution system can be:
• M: single-phase
• S: three-phase star with neutral
124 3 Energy Vectors
Tokyo, Kawasaki, Sapporo, Yokohoma and Sendai.
Osaka, Kyōto, Nagoya, Hiroshima.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 125
Fig. 3.8 Electricity voltage and frequency map in distribution plants for domestic use (sources
Standard elettrici nel mondo,
Q q
Pd% ¼ ¼ PE D ð3:36Þ
PE V 2 cos2 u
In case of copper cables, resistivity is q = 1.72 9 10-8 X/m
Considering an average power factor of 0.75, the power losses in the network
along 1,000 km are shown in Fig. 3.9.
Given all the same parameters (including the power transported) the ratio
between power losses amounts to the ratio of squared voltages; this explains the
different voltage transformations although they obviously entail power losses due
to the efficiency of transformers (Fig. 3.6). For instance, it is possible to consider
that, while transporting an electric power of 10 GW along a distance of 500 km,
the losses on the line at 380 kV (HV) amount to 0.1% of the power transported,
whereas at 20,000 V(MV) these losses amount to 38.2% of the power
126 3 Energy Vectors
An extensively used technology for the indirect storage of electric power is rep-
resented by electric accumulators: these devices transform electric power into
chemical energy through an electrochemical reaction, and are also defined as type
II or rechargeable batteries to distinguish them from type I batteries (that are non-
rechargeable). In the latter, in fact, the discharge—and therefore during energy
release—irreversible phenomena take place which lead to a structural change of
chemically active materials or, in any case, to chemical transformations that do not
allow the system to return to the initial configuration any longer. In some cases,
then, although it is possible to trigger the recharge process, the energy to be
employed is such that the process would no longer be convenient (high
In type II batteries, on the contrary, this energy can be newly transformed into
electric power through the opposite process; the efficiency of this storage process24
on average amounts to 85%.
The operating principle is rather complex. From the structural viewpoint, the
‘‘classical’’ accumulator can be described as follows: two electrodes are plunged in
an electrolytic fluid and act as poles, one positive and one negative, which can be
connected to the circuit to be powered or to a circuit they are powered from
(Fig. 3.10).
When the accumulator acts as a generator and provides direct current, it goes
out of the positive pole and goes back to the negative pole.25
It is generally said that accumulators are electrochemical generators of electric
power because when they release current, during the discharge phase, the chemical
energy available is transformed into electric power through electrochemical
reactions. Obviously, the opposite happens in the charging phase; the electric
Namely the ratio between the electric power available from the accumulator for use and the
electric power spent to charge the accumulator.
It is widely known, however, that positive charges are so called by convention; as a matter of
fact, it is negative charges that enter, electrons, and therefore the terms should be used the other
way around!
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 127
power received from the grid is stored through the opposite electrochemical
reactions, under the form of chemical energy.
Therefore an accumulator is a voltaic cell whose structure is similar to that of a
battery and, as all the other electrochemical generators, it is able to supply part of
the chemical energy of its active matter in the form of direct current circulating in
the user circuit. The recharge of the accumulator is obtained through its connection
to a suitable generator of direct current.
As already said, an accumulator, in its simplest form, mainly includes two
electrodes, one positive and one negative, and an electrolyte. Besides the two
electrodes—containing the active matter—accumulators include other compo-
nents: ‘‘current collectors’’, carrying electric power from and to electrodes, and
separators (soaked with electrolyte), which prevent the two electrodes, the positive
and negative one, from coming into contact inside of the voltaic cell, causing a
short circuit.
An accumulator may consist of a single element, although usually it is formed
by several elements connected in series and, in this second case, it is called
secondary battery (commonly speaking, the word ‘‘secondary’’ is generally
omitted). The voltage between the battery clips is therefore determined, besides by
the electrochemical system used, also by the number of cells connected in series;
for instance, a common 12 V lead battery for automobiles is formed by six lead
cells, connected in series, each one of 2 V. More generally, the appliances to be
powered operate at different voltages and demand different power levels; the sizing
of an accumulator in terms of voltage and power supplied, is determined by
selecting both the electrochemical system to be adopted and the number of cells. In
principle, the capacity of an accumulator to supply electric power should not be
influenced by the number of charge and discharge cycles made. In practice, on the
contrary, in each charge and discharge cycle there are changes in the structure and
in the volume of electrodes that gradually reduce the performance of the accu-
mulator. For this reason, while designing each accumulator, it is necessary to take
this effect into consideration, and to offset it as much as possible.
In order to evaluate the performance of an accumulator, various parameters
must be considered: nominal voltage, capacity, energy, power, lifetime and
128 3 Energy Vectors
• Lead batteries
• Alkaline batteries (cadmium–nickel or nickel–metal hydride)
• Lithium batteries
As regards applications, accumulators can be divided into fixed systems, trac-
tion, starting and portable accumulators.
Accumulators for Fixed Systems (Stationary Accumulators): are the accumu-
lators (lead or nickel–cadmium) for fixed or even floating systems, that are
installed for emergency power supply (lighting or other services) at electric power
stations, telecommunications stations, hospitals, etc.;
Traction Accumulators are destined to supply energy for the traction of electric-
driven vehicles (city centres factories, golf courses, railway stations and airports,
etc.) or for the propulsion of boats. Often, in these accumulators, the active matter
is contained in electrolyte-permeable pipes, grouped in a chassis. Their main
requirements include:
• Long discharge duration.
• Good resistance to mechanical stress.
Plate data shall include: nominal voltage and discharge capacity in 5 h.
Starting Accumulators (APU-Auxiliary Power Units); are used in vehicles for a
set of functions: starting and sparking of internal combustion engines, lighting and
auxiliary services.
Portable Accumulators; are characterised by a high compactness and a good
resistance to crashes and vibrations. Another fundamental requirement is tightness,
to prevent electrolyte leakage and the corrosion of the components of the equip-
ment in which the accumulator is included.
Lead–Acid Accumulators
Lead–acid batteries were the first secondary batteries that were commercialised,
and their production gradually increased as the demand for portable energy grew,
as well as its possible destination to different applications: from the sparking of
boats and aircrafts, to the power supply of the electrical system and the injection
system of these vehicles; from energy storage in electric power plants to unin-
terruptible power supply for emergency energy in general; from the use in com-
munications devices to the power supply to the memory circuits of computers.
Lead–acid accumulators, both for the simplicity of reactions, and for the eas-
iness of realisation, have been developed in different types and for several desti-
nations of use.
Their main characteristics include:
• Advantages
– Cheapness and easiness of production
– Various sizes, ranging from small one (1 Ah) to large size ([100 Ah)
– Good performance for high discharge velocity (starting)
130 3 Energy Vectors
In sealed batteries, this reaction is controlled so that the hydrogen and oxygen
that are formed react as follows:
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 131
Pb þ HSO þ
4 þ H þ 1=2 O2 ! PbSO4 þ H2 O
PbO2 þ HSO4 þ Hþ þ H2 ! PbSO4 þ 2 H2 O
As already said, this reaction only takes place during the charging phase and
only if the cell is sealed. As a matter of fact, these types of cells have a safety valve
that opens when the internal pressure reaches 4 bar.
The nominal potential of the cell is 2 V in open-circuit, although this depends
on the concentration of the electrolytic solution (for instance V = 2.125 V for a
cell whose solution has a specific gravity of 1.28 g/ml and V = 2.05 V when the
specific gravity is 1.21 g/ml). At the end of the discharge, if carried out at low-
current, it amounts to 1.75 V although it can reach a value of 1.0 V per cell in case
the discharge takes place at a high velocity and low temperature.
The cell potential depends on the concentration of the solution, and the choice
of the specific gravity is made according to the applications that the batteries are
destined to. In principle we can say that the concentration of the solution must be
such as to have a very good ion conductivity and to be neither too aggressive vis-à-
vis separators, nor corrosive for some components of the cell, as the metallic grids
supporting electrode materials.
The Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) for a lead–acid battery is a function of
temperature and of the concentration of the electrode solution, as expressed in the
Nernst equation:
RT aH2 SO4
E ¼ 2:047 þ ln ð3:37Þ
F aH2 O
where E is the open circuit voltage (V) of the cell, R is the gas constant (8,314 J/K
mole), T is temperature (K), F is the Faraday constant (96.490 C) and ai is the
activity (concentration) of the mixture (mole/litre).
Since the electrolyte concentration varies during the discharge, the relative
activity of H2SO4 in Nernst equation changes, and consequently the OCV of the
battery changes. Since the change in the concentration of the solution leads to a
proportional variation of its specific gravity, it might be possible to trace back the
OCV value when the density of the electrolyte is known. However, this is not
generally true for the different types of batteries.
The OCV is also more or less markedly influenced by temperature, and it can
even shift from a direct to an inverse proportionality according to the concentra-
tion of the electrolyte. For instance, the OCV temperature coefficient dE/dT is
positive for concentrations of the solution exceeding 0.5 M, whereas below 0.5 M,
the temperature coefficient is negative.
Normally, lead–acid batteries operate with concentrations exceeding 2.0 M
(corresponding to a density of 1,120 g/ml) and with a temperature coefficient of
nearly +0.25 mV/C.
The self-discharge rate (loss of capacity, or state of charge, when an external
charge is not applied) of the lead–acid cell is rather quick, but it can be
132 3 Energy Vectors
NiMH–NiCd Batteries
NiMH batteries are an evolution of nickel–cadmium batteries (NiCd) and com-
pared to the latter, they have the advantage of a higher energy density by 30–40%
(Wh/kg or Wh/dm3), and they do not have the disadvantages due to the use of
heavy metals.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 133
When current has the value of C (Ah), that is to say the value of capacity, the battery is
discharged after 1 h. If the value of current is 5C, the battery is discharged in 1/5 of an hour
(20 min), whereas finally if current amounts to C/10 the battery will be discharged in 10 ore.
134 3 Energy Vectors
Fig. 3.11 Discharge performance in Ni-MH cells at 20C (a) and 45C (b)
influence the electrochemical process itself are triggered. Remarks on the capacity
are more evident in Fig. 3.14 concerning lithium–ion batteries.
Lithium–Ion Batteries
Lithium–ion batteries, put in the market in the 90s, have higher energy density,
number of charge–discharge cycles and discharge performance than the other
solutions described above, but also higher costs. The charge electrochemical
process at the positive pole, made up of graphite, is represented by the following
reaction (Fig. 3.13):
C þ yLiþ þ ye ) CLiy
during which lithium is inserted in the graphite layers, whereas at the negative
pole, made up of oxide mixed with lithium and cobalt, the following electro-
chemical reaction takes place:
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 135
• a long life, in terms of number of charge and discharge cycles, with low capacity
loss from one cycle to the next one;
• low environmental contamination.
Having considered that the capacity of lithium-ion accumulators is lower than
the one obtained through negative electrodes in metallic lithium, researches were
launched on lithium accumulators using solid polymeric electrolytes.
In these accumulators, the anode is made of a metallic lithium film that is
applied on a thin layer of polymeric solid electrolyte, in turn with a metallic
contact with the cathode (formed by transition metallic oxides, as magnesium,
nickel or cobalt). The layer of polymer, with a very low ion conductivity, also acts
as a separator between anode and cathode.
In these batteries, electrodes are made up of a special lithium mixture. The
Li-Ion battery is activated when ions move between electrodes following the
charge–discharge process. Thanks to the special lithium compound, the battery
maintenance is easy.
The Li-Ion battery is characterised by a high performance, which makes it
useful in a wide range of applications. These batteries can be charged over 1,000
times and are free from the so-called ‘‘memory effect’’.
Energy density is very high as well: almost two times as much as higher than
the NiCd battery. Li-Ion batteries support considerably well overcharges.
The almost continuous charge that is necessary, for instance, for the battery of a
cordless telephone shows not problems for a Li-Ion pack, whereas many NiCd
packs do not survive more than a few months.
The loss due to self-discharge of these new batteries is nearly 50% lower than
NiCd and NiMH batteries, and automatically entails a longer storage time. Li-
Ion batteries, however, have a high voltage per cell (3.6 V), therefore they are
not compatible in voltage with dry batteries or NiCd batteries. Their main
application therefore takes place in battery packs, where each Li-Ion cell
replaces three NiCd.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 137
On the basis of the above, it is now possible to make a comparison between the
performance expected for the main types of accumulators (Table 3.9)
The rating of a battery includes:
• Mechanical characteristics
– Size
– Material of the container
– Type of electrodes
– Metal alloy
– Vents
– Gaskets
– Handles
– Cable terminations
– Electrolyte
• Electric features
– Nominal voltage Un (V)
– Capacity: Cn (Ah)
– Nominal current: In [1 A (100 h of current)]
– Charge voltage: Vmax (V a 25C)
– Final charge voltage: Vmin (V a 25C)
– Limit temperature (range of operation in C)
– Recommended temperature (Range of operation in C)
– Self-discharge (in % per month)
– Minimum duration: (number of years—depends on temperature, on the dis-
charge cycles, and their intensity)
– Discharge allowed (in % of Cn)
– Maintenance (number of times per year—i.e.: filling-up)
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 139
Tables 3.10 and 3.12 show how lithium batteries overall have the best per-
formance. As energy accumulators, they have the least self-discharge, nearly 12%
per month although, in absolute terms, this value always remains rather high. As
energy generators, they show the best performance, having a value of working
potential tripled compared to Ni–Cd and NiMH batteries, and nearly doubled
compared to lead accumulators. Their specific energy and energy density are the
highest ones, therefore as energy vector they own by far the best performance. The
number of cycles for lithium batteries is high, thence although they are more
expensive compared to the other batteries, the cost per cycle is low and this is what
matters from the economic viewpoint. From a general perspective it is therefore
possible to understand the market success of this type of batteries.
An ideally polarisable electrode is an electrode with an infinite polarisation resistance and, at
the same time, the curve in diagram i/V is a horizontal straight line. Conversely, for an electrode
ideally not polarisable, the polarisation resistance is null, and the line in diagram i/V is vertical. In
the former case the potential can be varied without having any current leaking in the circuit; in
the latter case, the potential cannot be shifted from the balance value for the very high current
values (infinite) that would be produced. In practice, polarisation resistance takes finished values
that can range from fractions of X to several MX.
The relevant dielectric constant indicates the number of times by which the electric field is
reduced between the plates of the condenser compared to the case of vacuum. For instance, water
is used (er = 80) as dielectric, between the plates there will be an electric field 80 times lower
than in the case of vacuum.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 141
Fig. 3.16. In the opposite process, the potential gravitational power of water is
converted, within pipelines, into kinetic energy and then into mechanical energy
by a hydraulic turbine; this energy, in turn, generates electric power thanks to an
electric generator.
The overall efficiency29 of the process amounts on average to 75%.
Very encouraging results are recorded in this field. As regards the former, suc-
cessful tests were made with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the range of
temperatures between 100 and 150C, whereas as to the latter, the threshold of
superconductivity operation was increased, hence allowing to hope in a future
electric power storage in an electromagnetic field.
Energy storage in this form is, on the contrary, a relatively ancient technology,
which is also widely used in combustion engines. In order to level out the diagram
of consumption, the installation of flywheels that can be mechanically or induc-
tively charged and discharged, is being increasingly considered when designing
energy systems.
Namely the ratio between the electric power produced by the potential gravitational energy of
a given quantity of water and the electric power spent for its storage.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 143
The technical lifecycle expected is about 20–30 years, with a low level of
maintenance, and the duration and density of electricity storage do not substan-
tially depend on charge and discharge trends. This makes the flywheel particularly
interesting for those applications in which there is a slow charge and rapid dis-
charge cycle, or viceversa.
In consideration of these positive elements, several problems emerged, linked
to the dynamic balancing of rotating blades, to the lubrication of supporting
bearing and to the minimisation of power losses. A possible solution is represented
by magnetic-rotor suspensions, although their management is still very complex.
Different materials were tested, ranging from kevlar to nylon and to steel, but the
present trend goes towards composite materials due to their higher potential energy
Hydrogen can be transported and stored in a gaseous, liquid or solid state, and in
particular it can be absorbed on special materials. Each form shows advantages
and disadvantages, and all of them, although mostly already used, demand sig-
nificant efforts in terms of research and development in order to be entirely reliable
and competitive from the economic and commercial viewpoint.
In case of transportation of gaseous hydrogen, it is possible to develop a system
similar to methane pipelines; some problems relating to the materials used have to
be solved, as well as the need for a higher compression energy (the lower heating
value in volume of hydrogen compared to methane30 demands a higher range for
the same quantity of energy, given the same operating pressure). The transporta-
tion in the liquid form shows more complex problems and, perspectively, it seems
to be convenient only for large quantities and high mileage.
Hydrogen distribution to users, in case of a more extensive use (i.e., in the
transportation sector), entails the problem of a suitable distribution network
infrastructure as well as the need for huge investments necessary for its
implementation. Storage technologies depend on the applications considered
and are decisive especially for the use onboard of vehicles, where a high
energy density is necessary. The present solutions (cylinders, hydrides, liquid
hydrogen) might not be able to ensure a large-scale distribution in the medium-
long term. Their further development, or completely new solutions, are there-
fore necessary, and are the object of several research and development pro-
grams all over the world.
Hydrogen: 10,692 kJ/Nm3; Methane: 34,535 kJ/Nm3.
144 3 Energy Vectors
New materials allowed the manufacturing of storage tanks able to keep hydrogen
at extremely high pressures, therefore decreasing weight and size (Fig. 3.17).
These aspects are fundamental for the applications in the sector of transports,
since they can be a cause of severe limitations in terms of autonomy and loading
capacity. The introduction of tanks with metallic or thermoplastic liners, rein-
forced with carbon, glass and aramid fibres, reduced the weight by 3–4 times
compared to common tanks, and allowed therefore to partly exceed the restrictions
linked to the use of traditional cylinders. These tanks are able to operate at
pressures up to 700 bar, therefore allowing to obtain energy storage densities
suitable to the use onboard of vehicles.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 145
Between the exit from one stage and the access to the next one, the fluid is cooled at constant
temperature. In this way, the total compression work decreases.
Considering the compression ratio as equal for the different stages.
146 3 Energy Vectors
DH ¼ DHs ns ð3:46Þ
Considering an efficiency of electric motors gME activating compressors, it is
possible to calculate the work L for hydrogen compression:
L¼ ð3:47Þ
It is readily evident how the compression work depends, besides on the storage
pressure and the efficiency of the conversion process, also on the pressure at which
hydrogen is produced. For instance, many electrolysers available in the market
produce hydrogen at a pressure ranging between 5 and 20 bar; reformers produce
hydrogen at pressures that range between 8 and 30 bar according to their size.
Table 3.11 shows the hydrogen compression work for different values of the
storage pressure and of the pressure at which hydrogen is produced, considering a
compression in three stages, a compression thermodynamic efficiency of 87% and
an efficiency of electric motors of 93%.
Other relevant characteristics for storage systems include the following:
• storage capacity, that is the ratio (expressed as a percentage) between the mass
of the stored vector and the total mass of the storage system (including the
• energy density in volume, that is the energy stored per volume unit of the storage
• energy density in mass, that is the energy stored per mass unit of the storage
system (including the vector).
As an example, let’s consider the cylinder in Fig. 3.17 that is able to contain
50 l of hydrogen at the pressure of 200 bar. Its unladen weight amounts to 44 kg, it
has an external diameter of 229.5 mm and a length of 1,435 mm.33 Hydrogen
density at 200 bar at a room temperature (25C) is 14.0534 kg/m3, therefore the
Calculated through the Van der Waals equation. At high pressures, since the effects of
interactions between the gas particles and the volume of particles themselves are not negligible
(being both considered as null in the ideal gas law) the ideal gas law is not applicable, since it
originates significant errors (hydrogen density at 200 bar and 25C calculated with the ideal gas
law is 16.16 kg/m3).
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 147
where a and b are the Van der Waals constants, R the universal gas constant and cp
the molar specific heat at constant pressure. The temperature variation corre-
sponding to a given pressure variation is
DT ¼ l Dp ð3:49Þ
In ideal gases, in a free expansion, temperature remains constant.
148 3 Energy Vectors
Since in the expansion Dp \ 0, it is evident that in the expansion itself the gas
cools if l [ 0 that is to say if the cycle operates at temperatures lower than the so-
called inversion temperature36 of the cooled gas.
Different gases have an inversion temperature higher than room temperature
(nitrogen, oxygen); others, among which hydrogen, have much lower inversion
The inversion temperature is obtained, by definition, by considering l = 0.
From Eq. (3.48) it follows:
ð2 a=R T Þ b 2a 2a
lT;p ¼ ¼0, b¼0)T ¼ ð3:50Þ
cp R Ti Rb
It is evident how hydrogen, having an inversion temperature much lower than
room temperature, cannot be liquefied by using the Linde process, or better, the
Linde process can be used to liquefy hydrogen only after it was cooled at
For all gases a temperature exists, called reversal temperature, below which the Joule–
Thomson coefficient is positive, whereas in case of higher temperatures it is negative.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 149
Other gases as helium can be used as well.
Considered as the ratio between the minimum liquefaction work of hydrogen (DG between
gaseous hydrogen at 300 K and liquid hydrogen at 20 K) and the energy actually spent.
150 3 Energy Vectors
well-established in Germany, where BMW has been using it for over 15 years in
hydrogen cars with internal combustion engines. The tank shown in (Fig. 3.20) can
contain nearly 8 kg of liquid hydrogen (957.600 kJ) and its unladen weight is
about 100 kg. Table 3.13 shows the storage capacity of this tank.
The tank is made up of a double-walled structure made of two stainless steel
plates with a 2 mm thickness, and one vacuum super-insulating layer (thermal
conductivity of 10-4 W/m K) of 30 mm thickness, which separates the external
tank from the internal one. The insulation system is used to keep liquid hydrogen
at a pressure of 3–5 bar and at a constant temperature of nearly –250C in the long
term. The period expected for the complete emptying of a half-full hydrogen tank
is nearly nine days. But also in this phase, the car is still able to cover about 20 km
(12 miles) with the remaining hydrogen stored in the tank. The accumulation in the
liquid form is perhaps the technology that apparently better meets the automotive
needs although showing some limits. Among the cons of liquid hydrogen there is
the higher complexity of the system, not only onboard the vehicle, but also in
terms of distribution and refuelling, and the higher related costs. Also the energy
cost of liquefaction is considerable, since it amounts to about 30% of the fuel
energy content, against a value between 4 and 7% for compressed hydrogen.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 151
For hydrogen conservation at the liquid state, the phenomena linked to elec-
tronic spins39 of hydrogen atoms must be considered. Hydrogen molecules are
made up of two electrons and two protons; the combination between the two
electronic spins leads to the formation of a molecular bond only in case of anti-
parallel spins. This entails the existence of two different types of hydrogen mol-
ecules, according to their total nuclear spin:
• I = 0 with anti-parallel nuclear spin;
• I = 1 with parallel nuclear spin.
When I = 0 hydrogen is indicated with ‘‘para’’, whereas when I = 1 it is
indicated with ‘‘ortho’’.
At room temperature (300 K), 25% of hydrogen is in the para form, whereas
75% in the ortho form. By cooling hydrogen, the concentration of ortho-hydrogen
varies, shifting from 75% (at room temperature) to 50% at 77 K, up to 0.2% at the
liquefaction temperature (21 K). The conversion reaction from ortho to para is
exothermic and the conversion heat depends on temperature: at 300 K the con-
version heat amounts to 270 kJ/kg and increases at 519 kJ/kg at 77 K. In case of
lower temperatures, the conversion enthalpy remains rather constant and
amounting to 523 kJ/kg. This value is higher than the latent heat of hydrogen
vaporization (451.9 kJ/kg) at 21 K; therefore, in storing non-converted liquid
hydrogen from ortho to para, the conversion enthalpy causes hydrogen evapora-
tion. It is therefore necessary to preventively convert ortho hydrogen into para40
[2]: this conversion can be catalysed by active surfaces (activated charcoal) and by
paramagnetic species (chromium oxide and gadolinium); in this way, nuclear spins
can be converted without causing the breaking of the H–H bond.
Different pure or bonded metals can be combined with hydrogen, producing metal
hydrides. These compounds are able to trap hydrogen at relatively low tempera-
tures. Hydrogen penetrates the crystal lattice of the metal, and occupies the
interstitial spaces.
Hydrogen can be stored in the form of hydride, at low pressures, with a higher
density compared to simple compression, similar (according to literature data,
even higher) to liquid hydrogen. The use of this storage system, safe and efficient,
Electrons own an intrinsic angular phase, associated to a magnetic phase. This property is
defined as electronicspin and can have two different stages, characterised by a magnetic quantum
number of spin, ms, which can have two values only: +1/2 or -1/2.
Theoretically speaking, the conversion process from ortho to para is spontaneous, but very
slow: the time to halve the conversion is over one year at 77 K. This means that, considering the
cooling times, this conversion de facto does not take place. Furthermore, from the energy
viewpoint, it is convenient to carry out the conversion at high temperatures since the conversion
enthalpy increases as temperature decreases.
152 3 Energy Vectors
Table 3.14 shows the main characteristics of some simple metal hydrides.
Compared to simple metal hydrides, complex hydrides show a similar perfor-
mance (or better performance) than palladium in hydrogen absorption and release;
lower costs, but a good storage capacity. Table 3.15 shows the absorption features
of some binary hydrides of light metals, whereas Table 3.16 shows the main
features of some complex hydrides of light metals; they have high theoretical
storage capacity, and the main problem with their use is represented by a difficult
Hydride technology (Table 3.17) is under study in the US, in Europe and in
Japan, where automotive manifacturers fine-tuned special titanium alloys in the
framework of their programme envisaging the introduction of fuel cell vehicles.
Interesting results were obtained with magnesium alloy, light, and with a high
hydrogen storage capacity (7% in weight, Tdesorb: 300C).
As concerns the storage capacity, the Series HBOND 1,500 tank can be con-
sidered as an example; its main features are shown in Table 3.18, from which it is
possible to easily calculate the storage characteristics of this tank (Table 3.19).
As regards energy for storage purposes, please refer to the enthalpy of hydride
formation: in the case in point, at 21C.41
This enthalpy amounts to 30.1 kJ/mole of absorbed hydrogen, corresponding to
nearly 12.5% of the energy content of the hydrogen stored.
An important role in storage is played by the dynamic behaviour of hydrides; in
particular, the kinetics of adsorption and desorption must be considered. In
practice, besides in a maximum value of the flow of hydrogen instantly available—
The formation enthalpy varies with the temperature.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 155
- 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00
this leads to a decrease of the hydrogen actually supplied by the hydride42 as the
flow requested increases.
In this connection, Fig. 3.23 shows the maximum maintenance time of hydride
according to the flow requested.43 From the chart it is possible to define, besides
the maximum flow available (nearly 10 Nl/min), the dynamic behaviour of the
hydride. Let us consider, for instance, the values of the hydrogen flow requested
amounting to 1.5 and 6.5 Nl/min. In the former case there is a maximum
Similarly to what happens in other accumulators.
This phenomenon depends on the temperatures and conditions of thermal exchange. The
diagram in the figure refers to tests made at 50C and with an internal heat exchanger (described
in Table 3.18): this mode of thermal exchange is more efficient than the one of a temperature
bath, in which the thermal power is supplied through the external wall of the tank.
156 3 Energy Vectors
maintenance time of 900 min (meaning that the quantity of hydrogen actually
desorbed amounts to 1,350 Nl), whereas in the latter case the maintenance time
amounts to 40 min (the quantity of hydrogen really desorbed amounts to 260 Nl).
Therefore, in real operation conditions, hydride is not able to desorb the entire
quantity of hydrogen adsorbed, and the quantity of hydrogen actually desorbed
varies with the flow requested, decreasing as it increases. Figure 3.24 shows the
percentage of hydrogen actually desorbed compared to the normal capacity of the
tank according to the flow requested.
The chart shows how, for low values of the flow requested, the percentage of
desorbed hydrogen is constant and amounts to nearly 90%. As the flow increases,
this percentage hugely decreases (around 20%) and is kept rather constant (it
slightly decreases); beyond a certain value of the flow (maximum flow available),
it sharply drops.
In practice, with the use of hydrides it is necessary to consider their behaviour
that is, to say it is necessary to check that the tanks used are able to provide the
flow requested by users, beyond the storage capacity of tanks themselves.
Figure 3.26 shows a possible arrangement, together with the relevant size, of
carbon nanotubes. In this arrangement, hydrogen can be stored, also with high
density and low pressures.
Figure 3.27 shows the ‘‘positions’’ that hydrogen can have inside of a carbon
nanotube: hydrogen can occupy the interstitial spaces (between one tube and the
other inside of the structure), the internal spaces (inside of the tube), an external
channel (between one tube and the other on the external surface of the structure)
and the external surface.
158 3 Energy Vectors
They consist of small crystal spheres, empty, with a diameter ranging between 25
and 500 lm and a thickness of 1 lm only. Microspheres are processed and
commercially transported in the form of fluid powder. They can be used on large
bases to store high pressure hydrogen.
Hydrogen encapsulation is made through the heating of a bed of empty
microspheres in a hydrogen-dense environment. Hydrogen is introduced in spheres
through the thin external crystal sheath, permeable, thanks to the temperatures at
which the process takes place (from 200 to 400C). This process ends when
hydrogen, inside of the spheres, reaches the same external pressure. The bed is
finally cooled and the non-encapsulated hydrogen is either released or kept for
other applications. Therefore the process efficiency depends on the values of some
parameters, including: hydrogen pressure, bed temperature and volume, size and
chemical composition of microspheres. Once cooled at room temperature, the
spheres withhold hydrogen, and are subsequently covered, stored in low-pressure
tanks and transported in the form of thin powder. The extraction of hydrogen from
microspheres takes place through their heating, and subsequently they are again
covered and recycled for other encapsulations. The release of hydrogen can also be
caused by the breaking of spheres, entailing; however, the disadvantage of not
being allowed to reuse them any longer. The thermal energy necessary to this end
can be supplied by an electric heater powered by a small hydrogen cell or by a
battery, recharged through a mechanical generator.
The use of ammonia as a hydrogen storage system clearly entails the production of
ammonia starting from the hydrogen to be stored and its decomposition at the
moment of hydrogen demand.
Ammonia represents a good example of hydrogen storage at the liquid non-
cryogenic state, which consists in the use of liquids with high hydrogen content
from which extracting this element on-demand that is, to say when users demand
it. This solution has its main points of strength in the stability of liquids, partly in
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 159
the storage conditions that in general are not particularly prohibitive as concerns
temperature and pressure, but mostly in the density of storable hydrogen, which
can be even higher than liquid hydrogen. Other liquids are useful for the same
purpose, but ammonia has such characteristics that allow it to be one of the few
energy vectors that, exception made for fossil fuels, in line with the DoE’s goals
for 2020, as shown in Fig. 3.28 [4].
Other advantages to take into consideration include the possibility of performing
the decomposition reaction without any additional reagents (which might lower the
real energy density of the liquid, as it happens for instance, with methanol, whose
decomposition needs water), the absence of carbon atoms in its molecule (which
excludes the presence of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide among the reaction
products); the fact that it is by now a fundamental product in chemical industry
(which eliminates the critical aspects relating to the marketing and distribution,
typical of those cases in which there is the will to extend the use of new materials
outside of laboratories). The most interesting characteristic consists therefore in the
high density of the storable hydrogen (in fact, its hydrogen content accounts for
17.6% in weight), which is even higher than the one obtainable by pure hydrogen.
If gaseous ammonia and hydrogen are considered at the conditions of 25C and
1 bar, then the densities of nearly 0.771 and 0.09 g/l are obtained, respectively.
Since the molecular weight of the two species is respectively 17 and 2 g/mole, then
ammonia has a hydrogen density amounting to 1.5 times the same pure hydrogen:
0:136 gl1
1; 5 ð3:52Þ
qH2 0:09 gl1
160 3 Energy Vectors
Also as concerns the real gravimetric and volumetric density of the devices
used for storage purposes, the advantage of ammonia compared to hydrogen is
huge, since it is distributed in the liquid form, because its liquefaction temperature
is relatively low (the atmospheric pressure amounts to -33.4C). Furthermore,
cylinders do not demand high pressurisation, since it amounts to the tension of the
saturated vapour of the substance (and, for instance, varies from nearly 4 bar at 0
up to nearly 20 bar at around 50C).
Table 3.20 shows the examples of cylinders available in the market for the
distribution of anhydrous ammonia.
Note how the higher the capacity of the containers considered, the higher the
percentage of weight of ammonia and hydrogen contained, obviously corre-
sponding to a higher energy density; for commercial purposes, the cylinders
presently used are the same type as those used for the storage of hydrogen at
200 bar. Ammonia is at the liquid state and the pressure inside of cylinders is the
pressure of ammonia vapour saturated at the temperature of the cylinder: nearly
4 bar at 0C up to nearly 20 bar at around 50C. It is evident that the cylinders
used are oversized and, therefore, the use of ad hoc cylinders would allow to
reduce volume and weight (given the same ammonia contained) and to increase
the storage capacity and energy density in volume and in mass.
As already said, the use of ammonia as a hydrogen storage system clearly
entails the production of ammonia itself, starting from the hydrogen to be stored
and its decomposition at the moment of hydrogen demand. The synthesis and
decomposition reactions of ammonia are the following:
Table 3.21 Pressure and temperature conditions as well as reaction enthalpy for the processes of
synthesis and decomposition of ammonia
Reaction T (C) P (bar) DH (kJ mol-1)
3 H2 ? N2 ? 2 NH3 400–600 200–300 -92.4
2 NH3 ? 3 H2 ? N2 700–800 9–36 66.5
hydrogen and nitrogen at the gaseous state, with different pressure and temperature
conditions according to the processes used (which de facto differ for the synthesis
plants), but in most of cases range between 200 and 300 bar and between 400 and
600C. An exothermic reaction occurs, but it shows a very high activation energy
(of nearly 230–420 kJ mol-1 [5]), for which reason it is necessary to use catalysts
made of nickel–alumina, iron, ruthenium, without which it would be necessary to
work at much higher temperatures.
As regards the decomposition process, it is generally considered as the inverse
process of synthesis, although the working conditions are not identical in the two
reactions. Decomposition is an endothermic reaction that needs higher tempera-
tures than synthesis, of nearly 700–800C and prefers low pressures [6]. However,
it must be underlined that also in this case the use of catalysts allows a huge
reduction of the working temperature and improves the percentage of ammonia
produced. Based on data in the literature, catalysts can reduce working conditions
at pressures and temperatures between 9 and 36 bar and 400–600C. Table 3.21
shows the working conditions of the synthesis and decomposition process, as well
as the relevant enthalpy variations.
For the calculation of the energy spending, it is possible—as an example—to
consider a facility powered through a 50 MW wind farm: 45 MW are used for
hydrogen production through water electrolysis, 2 MW for air liquefaction and
nitrogen production, 3 MW for the Haber–Bosch synthesis process, with a daily
production of 24 tons of H2 (and 196 tons of O2), 112 tons of nitrogen and
136 tons of ammonia [7]. To analyse the cost to store hydrogen in ammonia, it is
necessary to start from hydrogen availability and consider the energy spending for
the production of nitrogen plus the one needed for the synthesis process. In con-
sideration of the above, the following energy spending applies:
Considering that a mole of ammonia (NH3) contains 1.5 mol of hydrogen (H2)
the energy spending referred to the mass unit of the hydrogen contained in
ammonia amounts to nearly 16,967 kJ/kg, corresponding to 14.1% of the energy
content of the hydrogen stored.
As concerns the decomposition process, since a system of preferential use has
not been identified yet, then the field of testing is still open.
162 3 Energy Vectors
As an example, consider the use of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), powered
by ammonia on the anode and by air on the cathode, inside of which the
decomposition reaction of ammonia into nitrogen and water takes place
(Table 3.22) [8]:
The energy spending for the ammonia decomposition phase amounts to
11.25 kJ/molH2 that is, to say 5,625 kJ/kg of hydrogen (accounting for 4.4% of
hydrogen energy content). The value shown does not consider the possible
recovery of the heat produced at the anode that would significantly increase the
overall efficency.
On the basis of the examples made, the overall energy spending (synthesis and
decomposition of ammonia) amounts to 22,592 kJ/kg of hydrogen, corresponding
to 18.8% of the energy content of hydrogen itself.
A further possibility found in the literature is the use of ammonia at the solid
state (Solid State Ammonia Storage - SSAS), meaning by this not the solidification
of pure ammonia, but rather the production of ammonia-based chemical com-
pounds that, at room temperature and pressure, appear at the solid state, similarly
to hydrogen storage through complex hydrides.
This solution is considered as suitable in terms of size and safety, although in
the literature data relating to production and use are not yet available.
The density of hydrogen compressed at 200 bar is 14.2 kg/m3.
The density of liquefied hydrogen at -253C is 71 kg/m3.
The values shown refer to transportation only and do not consider the energy necessary for
compression and liquefaction.
All over the world (USA, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, etc.) some thousands of kilometres
of pipelines are nowadays used for the transportation of hydrogen.
164 3 Energy Vectors
Fig. 3.29 Liquid (a) and gaseous (b) hydrogen distribution unit
Synthetic fuels are obtained through the processing of biomasses (in that case, we
refer to biofuels or renewable fuels) or fossil fuels as natural gas and coal.
The main synthetic fuels include:
• Biodiesel
• Ethanol
• Methanol
• Syngas
• Biogas Biodiesel
Biodiesel is obtained starting from agricultural products such as soya, rape and
sunflower, but also from animal fat, original or waste vegetable oil and fat, such as
waste edible fat and oil (exhausted frying oil). The seeds of the crops mentioned
above represent the basic material: they are pressed to obtain a vegetable oil,
which then reacts with methanol in the presence of alkaline catalyst, to form
methyl ester and, as a secondary product, raw glycerine. There can be different
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 165
production procedures but, in all the cases, through this chemical procedure called
transesterification, it is possible to obtain a blend of fatty acid methyl ester, which
is called biodiesel. Ethanol
Ethanol is a short-chain alcohol, also known as ethyl alcohol or spirit of wine; its
chemical formula is CH3CH2OH.
At room temperature, it appears as a colourless liquid with a typical smell. It is
basically volatile and extremely inflammable.
It is completely soluble in many organic solvents—for instance chloroform—
and in water, with which it forms in a proportion of 95:5 a low-boiling-point
azeotrope that makes it impossible to obtain by simple distillation an ethanol with
a higher purity.
Pure ethanol at 100%, or absolute or anhydrous ethanol can be obtained by
removing water from the azeotrope through the addition of benzene and sub-
sequent fractional distillation, or by using metallic magnesium that, when added to
the water/ethanol azetrope, quantitatively reacts with water and originates
hydrogen, which is separated by the solution through degassing, and magnesium
hydroxide through the distillation of absolute ethanol. In this way, the remaining
water is completely eliminated.
Bioethanol is ethanol produced through a fermentation process of biomasses
that is, to say farm products rich in sugar (glucides) such as cereals, sugary crops,
starchy products and marcs.
In the energy sector, bioethanol can be used as a component for petrol or for the
preparation of ethyl tertiary buthyl ether (ETBE), a high-octane derivative. It can
be used blended in petrol with percentages up to 20% without modifying the
engine, or even in higher quantity or even pure in so called Flex Engines.
The production of bioethanol occurs through the anaerobic fermentation of
glucose; the theoretical reaction is the following:
C6 H12 O6 ! 2CH3 CH2 OH þ 2CO2
On the basis of this reaction, from 1 kg of glucose it is possible to obtain
0.51 kg of ethanol and 0.49 kg of carbon dioxide. As a matter of fact, what is
obtained is an aqueous solution with an ethanol content ranging between 5 and
15% according to the type of biomass and to the processes used.
Alcohol retrieval from the aqueous solution occurs through distillation, which is
the most energy-consuming phase of the entire process.
Bioethanol can also be produced starting from synthetic gases (syngas48), gases
rich in hydrogen also containing CO. Bioethanol, using syngas alone, can be
produced according to the reaction:
See Sect.
166 3 Energy Vectors
2CO þ 4H2 $ C2 H5 OH þ H2 O
Another possibility is using methanol with syngas; in this case the reaction is:
CH3 OH þ CO þ 2H2 $ C2 H5 OH þ H2 O Methanol
Methanol is the simplest among alcohols, also known as methyl alcohol or wood
spirit, and its chemical formula is CH3OH.
At room temperature it appears as a colourless liquid with a typical smell. It is
highly volatile and extremely inflammable. The methanol flame is invisible.
It is completely soluble in many organic solvents, such as chloroform and
Methanol is toxic and causes damage to the optic nerve and to the retina. A
lethal dose for a human being ranges from 0.3 to 1 g/kg of body weight.
Methanol can be produced from natural gas, coal and biomasses.
From the energy viewpoint, the balance of methane transformation into
methanol is negative, although the same transformation is convenient as far as the
transportation of natural gas in the form of methanol is concerned.
Given the lower heating value as well as the toxicity characteristics of methanol
against ethanol, the latter is usually indicated as preferable as fuel. Syngas
S and N are extremely low (\0.3%). Biomass is made up of over 95% of carbon,
oxygen and hydrogen, in addition to percentages of sulphur, nitrogen and other
elements depending on the type of soil and water, as well as on the type of
fertilisers and parasiticides used. Biogas
Energy efficiency means the ratio between the useful energy and the energy spent
in the production process. It is important to underline that useful energy (Eu) is,
besides the energy content of the fuel produced, also the energy deriving from the
possible energy use of other products of the supply chain. The energy spent (Es),
using biomass as primary resource includes, in general, the energy used for
farming, the energy spent for the production of the biomass used, starting from the
cropped plant, and the energy of the processes carried out to obtain biofuels:
RE ¼ ð3:54Þ
When energy efficiency is lower than 1, reference is made to negative energy
efficiency: this means that the energy spent for fuel production is higher than the
energy content of the fuel itself. In case of energy efficiency higher than one,
reference is made to positive energy efficiency.
It is important to make some considerations on the meaning of energy efficiency
so defined from the viewpoint of the sustainability of energy systems.
Besides the above, sustainability must be considered; in this sense, it is neces-
sary to underline that fuel can be obtained from a renewable source. In this case,
although the value of energy efficiency, defined as seen above, was lower than 1
(negative energy efficiency) there would be in any case the advantage of producing
a fuel (that would replace fossil fuels in end use) without any consumption of non-
renewable energy. Therefore, it is probably more appropriate to distinguish the kind
of energy spent in producing the energy vector and to better relate energy efficiency
168 3 Energy Vectors
to the consumption of non-renewable energy, and say that a negative energy effi-
ciency is obtained if the consumption of non-renewable energy for its production
exceeds the energy content of the fuel produced: this means that it appears as
necessary to consider as energy spent (3.54) only non-renewable energy.
The calculation of energy efficiency demands a detailed analysis of all the
processes involved (from farming to the entire fuel cycle) and the knowledge of all
the sub-processes involved in order to correctly quantify the useful energy pro-
duced and the energy spent in the processes.
For instance, biodiesel can be produced (always through the transesterification
of biomasses) starting from the cropping of sunflowers: this process provides
biodiesel, as a single product that can be used from the energy viewpoint. In this
case, the energy spent for production purposes also has to include, besides the
energy for the production process itself, also the one relating to the cropping of
sunflowers. Another system to produce biodiesel includes the use of pomace
(a sub-product of olive-oil production process) and this process allows to supply,
besides biodiesel, also pellets and syngas. In this case, the energy spent is only the
one dealing with the production process itself, and while calculating useful energy,
the energy contained in pellets and/or in syngases must be considered as well.
In the case of production of bioethanol from sugar cane, finally, all the energy
spent (bioethanol production process and cropping of sugar cane) shall be ascribed
to the production of bioethanol. Furthermore, in calculating useful energy, one
must consider that from other parts of the same plant it is possible to produce
Apart from the energy efficiency of the single processes (that in any case play a
fundamental role as far as energy efficiency is concerned), it is evident how it is
possible to obtain very different energy efficiencies according to all the processes
and sub-processes somehow related to fuel production process. Obviously, as
already mentioned, energy efficiency is also influenced by the technologies used:
for instance, biomasses suitable for thermochemical processes (defatted pomace in
the case of production of biodiesel from pomace and bagasse and leaves in the case
of production of bioethanol from sugarcane) can be used in different ways: directly
(or upon pre-processing obtaining pellets) as renewable solid fuels, or, indirectly,
producing syngas through gasification.
Energy can be transported and stored in the form of heat. As regards transport, the
heat energy vector is only suitable for short distances, since in case of long
distances energy losses would be excessive. An example of heat transport is
represented by the systems for room heating: in this case, the distance covered by
heat depends on the type of system used. Options include the independent heating
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 169
system, with minimum distances, limited to heat distribution in the single apart-
ment, up to the case of district heating, in which the heat produced through a
central heating system at the district (or small city) level, is distributed to all the
users in a district for distances reaching some kilometres, passing through the
condominium heating systems. In all these cases, the heat-transfer fluid is water:
temperature amounts to nearly 70C for the use in radiators, whereas in case of
district heating, superheated water at nearly 120C49 is used. In general, on the
basis of specific needs, a gas (hot air, CO2, dry water vapour, etc.) is preferibly
used as heat-transfer fluid.
For storage purposes, water is often used (electric boilers, water heaters) or
alternatively other fluids with suitable physical characteristics; when heat must be
stored at high temperatures, solid vectors are used as in the case of heat storage in
solar plants for the production of electricity or hydrogen (still in an experimental
phase). In this case, the storage system is schematically made up of a thermally
insulated container of a suitable size, filled with small spheres (pebbles) or other
solid objects of an appropriate shape, compactly distributed (packed bed), so that
In this case, the fluid used for (primary) transport is not the same that reaches the radiator
(secondary); the former releases heat to the latter in a heat exchanger; therefore, it is necessary to
have a fluid at a temperature markedly higher than the end use on, in order to allow heat
170 3 Energy Vectors
T2 ,p2,v2
gas can pass through them. The thermal conductivity of the whole set is very low
(which minimises heat dispersion), but the thermal contact between the gas and the
‘‘pebbles’’ is excellent (which guarantees a good heat exchange with the heat-
transfer fluid). The operation is schematically shown in Fig. 3.30 [9].
The storage and transport of mechanic energy can mainly take place in the ways
described below:
• pressurised fluids (transport and storage);
• flywheels (storage alone);
• springs (storage alone);
• shafts and mechanical transmission systems (transportation alone).
One way for storing mechanic energy envisages the compression of elastic fluids.
Referring to Fig. 3.31, the work made by force F on the fluid is stored in the
compressed fluid of the force itself.
As it is well-known, in closed systems the reversible work of fluid
compression is:
L¼ pdV ð3:55Þ
Since heat transmission is a ‘‘slow’’ phenomenon, quick transformations can be considered
with a good approximation as adiabatic.
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 171
" # " #
1 p1 q2 k1 1 p1 p2 k1=k
L¼ 1 ¼ 1 ð3:56Þ
k 1 q1 q1 k 1 q1 p1
where k is the ratio between the specific heats at constant pressure (cp) and at
constant volume (cv):
Therefore, once the initial conditions of the fluid and the mechanic energy to be
stored are known (L12), the final conditions of the fluid itself can be calculated:
k 1 q1
p2 ¼ L þ1 p1 ð3:57Þ
k p1
From adiabatic equations it is also possible to see that:
k1=k k1=k
T2 p2 p2
¼ ) T2 ¼ T1 ð3:58Þ
T1 p1 p1
And from the equation of state:
p2 p2
¼ R T2 ) q2 ¼ ð3:59Þ
q2 R T2
Obviously, in allowing the fluid to expand from the new conditions to the
previous conditions, the work spent in compression is given back after deducting
the compression and expansion losses:
" #
1 p2 p1 k1=k
Le ¼ 1 ¼ L ð3:60Þ
k 1 q2 p2
These losses can be taken into account through the compression (gc) and
expansion (ge) efficiency: the storage efficiency (gs) is therefore the outcome of the
two efficiencies
gs ¼ gc ge ð3:61Þ
If the compressed fluid is stored for longertime, it is necessary to consider that,
due to the unavoidable thermal exchanges with the outer part, the temperature of
the fluid decreases (going back, at most, to the initial value T1) and, therefore, the
‘‘energy content’’ of the fluid decreases, as well as the energy stored. In fact, in
considering the borderline case mentioned above (T3 = T1 \ T2), since heat
exchange is an isochoric process (at a constant volume), it follows that:
p3 p3 p2 T1
¼ ¼ ) p3 ¼ p2 \p2 ð3:62Þ
T3 T1 T2 T2
And the reversible work obtainable in the expansion is therefore:
172 3 Energy Vectors
" #
1 p3 p3 k1=k
L0e ¼ 1 \Le ð3:63Þ
k 1 q2 p1 Flywheels
Flywheels are quite commonly used to lower the degree of periodical irregularity
by alternative storing and releasing kinetic energy. Having defined x angular
velocity (rad/s), the kinetic energy E (J) stored by a flywheel with a moment of
inertia I (kg m2) is:
E ¼ I x2 ð3:65Þ
3.5 Analysis of the Main Energy Vectors 173
m R2
I¼ ð3:66Þ
The mechanic energy spent to bring the flywheel from an angular velocity x1 to
x2 [ x1 by applying a torque C is stored by the flywheel, in the form of a moment
of inertia, and is ‘‘returned’’ in the moment in which the torque stops (or
decreases). Springs
Springs can store mechanic energy in the form of elastic potential energy. The
elastic potential energy Ep,el stored by deforming a spring, having defined P the
applied force and f the arrow, is:
Ep;el ¼ P f ð3:67Þ
After deducting losses, the mechanic energy spent for deformation is stored in
the form of elastic potential energy and is ‘‘returned’’ by taking the spring back to
its free configuration (unchanged).
The future of energy depends on the energy vectors that human intelligence will be
able to develop and to integrate in its development systems. After the era of oil, it is
not realistic to wait for the era of another primary source; the next era is the era of
vectors. It is an era characterised by the capacity of energy systems to use different
primary sources in the different places and for different local socio-economic
conditions, but also to be able to standardise applications, energy conversion and
transformation systems, in order to identify the most flexible energy vector, the one
that shows the highest production potentials and the lowest utilisation problems.
The success of each energy vector is in fact linked to its appropriateness,
adaptability and integrability with the local and global energy system. The most
important characteristics for the penetration of energy vectors in the modern
energy system, besides their suitability for storage and transportation, is the pos-
sibility of their production from different energy resources and the possibility of
their end use with the lowest possible level of waste and the minimum impact on
the environment. In both cases, with the highest possible efficiency.
The integration of vectors in the energy system, from the primary source to end
use, always entails costs in terms of energy spending, conversion and transfor-
mation. These costs can be fully repaid, and can even lead to advantages when at
least one of the following conditions applies:
1. Acceptability of the energy spending: if the energy spent for the production of
the vector wouldn’t be otherwise used for environmental, technological or
socio-economic reasons;
2. Transportation or storage needs: if energy transportation or storage wouldn’t
be possible without the passage through the conversion or transformation in the
vector identified for environmental, socio-economic or technological reasons;
3. Restrictions for end-use: if the energy end use wouldn’t be possible without the
passage through the conversion or transformation in the vector identified for
environmental, socio-economic or technological reasons.
In the analysis of modern energy systems, and even more by considering future
ones, it is possible to realise that at least one of the conditions mentioned above is,
and will increasingly be, present.
In case of option 1 (acceptability of energy spending), it is possible to easily
note that it always occurred when the source is available in places or times dif-
ferent from those relating to the use (this is the case of fossil fuels, but also of
energy production centralised in large or very large size plants with a level of
production scarcely adjustable as in the case of nuclear power), or its exact
availability cannot be foreseen (and this is the case of many renewable energies).
In the case of option 2 (transportation or storage needs), it is evident how the
real availability of huge quantities of energy is increasingly linked to the char-
acteristics of the vector selected, in terms of availability, energy spending and
transportation and storage.
3.6 The Era of Energy Vectors 175
The age of energy vectors begins as a response to the growing scarcity of non
renewable primary energy sources due to the problems linked to their natural
availability, but also for the unforeseeable economic–political conditions of many
areas of our planet. The energy vectors destined to be the protagonists of the new
era must therefore guarantee the possibility of production from several different
sources, also allowing the passage from one source to another over the time, as the
availability conditions change.
Among the vectors analysed in this chapter, certainly electricity, synthetic fuels
(either liquid or gaseous), heat-transfer fluids, and hydrogen show the highest
potential as concerns their possible production starting from different sources.
These four energy vectors shall therefore be taken in due consideration while
176 3 Energy Vectors
conceiving present and future energy systems able to provide the necessary
flexibility of the primary source. The achievement of the results in the field of
technological research and development for the production, transportation, storage
and the most efficient end use of these vectors has a strategic value.
The remarkable economic, energy and technological expenditure necessary for the
production, transportation and storage of vectors with all the characteristics
3.6 The Era of Energy Vectors 177
1. ENEA, Rapporto energia e ambiente (2010); also: European Environment Agency (2008),
Energy and Environment Report 2008, Rep 6/2008, ISBN 978-92-9167-980-5.
2. Zuttel A (2004) Hydrogen storage methods. Springer, Heidelberg
3. Innocenti L, Il consumo energetico nella produzione, stoccaggio e distribuzione dellı idrogeno,
4. Zamfirescu C, Dincer I (2008) Using ammonia as a sustainable fuel. J Power Sources
5. Modak JM (2002) Haber Process for ammonia synthesis. Resonance, 7(9):69–77 DOI:
6. Holladay JD, et al (2009) An overview of hydrogen production technologies. Catalysis Today.
7. Gruhn S, Sackett B (2008) Wind to NH3: Freedom fertilizer - Green fertilizer and fuel for the
future, the 5th Ammonia Fuel Conference; Minneapolis
8. Zamfirescu C, Dincar I (2007) Ammonia as a green fuel and hydrogen sources for vehicular
applications, Elsevier
9. Maccari A, Vignolini M (2001) Progetto di massima di un impianto pilota per la produzione di
2000 m3/giorno di idrogeno solare basato sul processo UT-3. ENEA Report, Rome
Chapter 4
Energy Conversion and Transformation
4.1 Overview
The energy necessary for end-use has different forms (mechanic, luminous,
electric, thermal); it can be of different origin, and there are different processes that
make it available.
The primary sources directly available in nature are not always conveniently
and efficiently usable in the processes from which the most suitable form of energy
for end-use can be obtained. For this reason, in almost all cases, primary sources
undergo conversion or transformation processes, whose outcome is indicated by
the so-called secondary sources.
Conversion processes are characterised by a passage from one energy form to
another (for instance from electric power to mechanic power, as it happens in
electric motors), whereas in transformation processes the form of energy remains
the same although with different characteristics (as it happens, for instance, in
electric transformers, which vary in terms of current intensity and voltage, keep-
ing—net of the losses—the same power; or in heat exchangers in which only
energy flow characteristics, like temperature, vary, but not the form of energy).
F. Orecchini and V. Naso, Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors, 179
Green Energy and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-244-5_4,
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
180 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
This introduces a thermodynamic limit to the conversion process efficiency, the so called
Carnot efficiency.
These plants can also be powered with solar, nuclear, or other types of energy.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 181
Table 4.1 summarizes the systems under consideration with the relevant
The cycle for the production of electric power through hydropower plants can be
summarizes as follows: due to the effect of the solar energy, the water of seas, rivers
and wet surfaces evaporates. The masses of damp air, transported by winds,
encounter favourable condensation conditions and originate rainfalls. The water
that falls on mountains has a potential mechanic energy that generally disperses
through friction by flowing downstream; by limiting this waste by means of suitable
pipes, such energy, instead of being dissipated in the form of heat, is transformed
(unless unavoidable losses occur) into usable kinetic energy; through a hydraulic
turbine, then, the kinetic energy of water is transformed into mechanic work.
Basically there are two plant layouts: run-of-river plants, that use the flow rate
of the river by following its natural variation, and reservoir plants, which allow to
fill reservoirs with volumes of water hence making them available according to
energy needs, clearly within the volume limits of the reservoir itself. The works
that are necessary for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant include:
• Weirs: normally, in reservoir plants, intake works consist of dams, whereas in
run-of-river works there are simple weirs. Dams are taller since, besides inter-
cepting the water flow, also create a reservoir that is useful to regulate flow
rates. Weirs, on the contrary, are works of moderate height that generally limit
the level of water upstream within the line of the riverbed.
• Intake works: which allow to transport water from the weir to the plant. They are
made up of an intake work (endowed with grids and interception devices)
followed by a diverting channel that can be either free-surface or a pressure
pipeline. Free-surface channels generally have a trapezoidal section and can be
dug into the ground and endowed with a concrete coating; pressure pipelines, on
the contrary, have a round section and are made with steel pipes.
• Adduction and transportation work at the plant: these pipes begin from the
forebay reservoir or from the surge tank and bring water to the machines of the
plant; they are heavily inclined and made of round steel plate. They always have
head and foot valves that allow to prevent the passage of water when needed.
• Disconnection work: at the end of the diversion channel is located a forebay
reservoir if the diversion is an open channel, or a surge tank in case of a pressure
derivation. The disconnection aims at reducing the effects of the sharp changes
in the flow rate caused by the regulation of the power to be produced,
182 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
introducing at the end of the diversion channel a tank that can either temporarily
absorb the overflow or provide additional overflow in case of need. These works
also aim at reducing the effects of pressure variations (water hammers) in water
channels because of the manoeuvres on the machines of the plant.
• Plants: they can be open-air with the building above the ground, sunken or in a
vertical shaft, underground or as caverns. They include the turbine, the electric
transformer and all the auxiliary components.
• Outlet works: they are made up of an open channel or a pressure channel that
gives back the water flow used in the watercourse, hence bringing water from
the plant to the watercourse.
The criterion at the basis of the construction of these works varies according to
the type of plant made as shown in Table 4.2.
It can also be expressed according to mass flow rate Q, instead of power N, that is to say:
n Q
Nsq ¼ 3=4
184 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
0,01 0,05 0,1 0,5 1 5 10 50
The characteristic velocity has an important practical meaning since, given the
same hydraulic head and power, it is proportional to the rotation speed of the
machine, and since the weight of the machine (and thence its cost) decreases as
speed increases, machines are developed with the highest possible characteristic
velocity. Table 4.3 shows the indicative values of the characteristic velocity of the
most commonly used hydraulic turbines4 [1].
The values shown are obtained by expressing n in revolutions/min., Q in m3 and Hm in m.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 185
In case of impulse turbines5 (Pelton) the impeller completely rotates free in the
air, hit by one or several jets, therefore the outlet pressure is the atmospheric
pressure, namely po = pa. Furthermore, the outlet velocity is to be considerated as
null, considering calculations in the corresponding energy (kinetic) dissipated in
the turbine (the turbine is charged with a loss that as a matter of fact is not related
to it). Therefore in case of impulse turbines, the following applies:
Ho ¼ zo þ ð4:3Þ
As an outlet section, the height of the touching point of the jet axis at the
average diameter of the wheel is considered; in case of horizontal axis two-jet
turbines, the average of the heights of the touching points defined above is con-
sidered. In case of multi-jet turbines, the height of the plane containing them is
taken into consideration. As an inlet section, the connection flange between the
pressure pipeline and the machine is considered. By replacing (4.3) in (4.2), it
follows that the net head for impulse turbines is:
Vi2 pi pa
H¼ þ þ zi zo ð4:4Þ
2g c c
In reaction turbines (Francis and Kaplan), the outlet pressure is different from
atmospheric pressure due to the presence of the diffusion-aspiring pipe. This
allows not to lose the net head corresponding to the height of the outlet section of
the machine at the discharge canal. As concerns Fig. 4.4 by applying the
In general, action (or impulse) turbines are those in which there is no pressure difference in the
operating period between inlet and outlet from the impeller, whereas in reaction turbine the outlet
pressure is lower than the one at the inlet of the impeller.
186 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Bernoulli’s principle (with no losses) between the outlet section of the machine
(o) and the discharge section (d), it follows that:
Vo2 po V 2 pd
þ þ zo ¼ d þ þ zd ð4:5Þ
2g c 2g c
At the discharge, velocity can be considered as null and pressure is the atmo-
spheric one, therefore (4.5) it becomes:
Vo2 po pa
þ þ zo ¼ þ zd ð4:6Þ
2g c c
From which, bearing in mind (4.2), it is possible to write the equation of the net
head for reaction turbines:
Vi2 pi pa
H¼ þ þ zi zd ð4:7Þ
2g c c
To determine the expression of the hydraulic head according to the height of the
intake reservoir, of the discharge canal and of the machine, as regards Fig. 4.5 by
applying the Bernoulli equation between the intake section (in) and the inlet
section to the machine (i), it is possible to obtain:
Vin2 pin V 2 pi
þ þ zin ¼ i þ þ zi ð4:8Þ
2g c 2g c
In the intake section, velocity can be considered as null and pressure is the
atmospheric one, therefore (4.8) becomes:
pa V 2 pi
þ zin ¼ i þ þ zi ð4:9Þ
c 2g c
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 187
By replacing (4.9) in (4.4) and in (4.7) the expressions of the net head for
impulse turbines (Himp) and reaction turbines (Hreact) are obtained:
H ¼ zin zo ð4:10Þ
H ¼ zin zd ð4:11Þ
It is therefore possible to see how in impulse turbines the net head corre-
sponding to the height of the outlet section from the machine is lost compared to
the discharge canal.
continuous fine-tuning of the fluid-dynamic design of blades and with the expe-
rience acquired in the solution of problems related to high heads, as well as the use
of high discharge heads, there is a continuous trend by Francis turbines to trespass
the Pelton turbines’ field of application. As the head increases, however, the
economic convenience of the Francis turbines decreases, due to the worsening of
seal and cavitation problems.
In case of small heads with large flow rates, Kaplan turbines are used: with
them, the adjustable blades allow not only to keep a good efficiency in terms of
adjustment, but also a good operation in case of variations of the net head—
including considerable ones.6 For this reason, despite of the construction com-
plexity and, therefore, of high costs, the Kaplan turbines tend to trespass the
Francis turbines’ field of application.
As concerns efficiency, Pelton and Kaplan turbines are endowed with an
adjustment system (variation of the jet section with Pelton, variation of the pro-
peller-blade angle with Kaplan) that allows to keep a good efficiency for wide flow
For small heads (i.e. 10 m), head variations, although limited in absolute terms, entail
variations that from a percentage viewpoint are relevant for the head itself.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 189
rate variations (given the same hydraulic head and power); the Francis turbine has
no adjustment systems and its efficiency markedly decreases for flow rate varia-
tions—including limited ones.
Pumped-storage Plants
One particular feature of hydraulic plants is that demand of they allow the con-
struction of pumping plants, which, in the situations of low electricity, use electric
power to pump upstream the water.
These devices are typical of pondage installations in which a pump (Francis
turbines are reversible, they can work both as a turbine and as a pump, and
therefore in some cases there is one machine only) takes water from the basin
downstream back to the basin upstream, consuming electric power (usually in the
night lower demand). The alternator, being a reversible engine, while pumping
works as an electric motor. It is obvious, while considering efficiency, that the
electric power consumed in the pumping phase is higher than the one produced
during generation, and therefore the entire process wastes part of the electric
190 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
power globally produced. However, some considerations are needed. The pumping
process allows not to drastically intervene, interrupting the water flow and
therefore the production of electricity in some cases. This interruption would entail
management problems as well as energy waste higher than the energy spending
entailed by the pumping plant. And, what is more important, this process makes
the conversion requested to thermoelectric plants more efficient, since their per-
formance are very much influenced by sudden variations of loads than in the case
of hydroelectric plants.
In case of not too high hydraulic heads (up to 600 m) it is possible to use the
Francis turbine that, since it is a reversible machine, during the pumping process,
in rotating inversely, can also act as a pump. This solution, which only includes a
hydraulic machine, is more convenient from the economic viewpoint.
If the head is higher, it is necessary to use two different hydraulic machines: one
Pelton turbine and one pump. The Pelton turbine, working as an impulse turbine, is
always above the level of the afterbay reservoir, whereas the pump, in order to
avoid cavitation problems, must be placed below the level of the lower basin; in
this way the two machines are located distant from one another, and this entails
construction problems linked to the length of the shaft connecting the two
machines. This solution is more expensive than the previous one.
An alternative solution that allows to eliminate the problem of the length of the
shaft (excessive lengths may entail problems linked to shaft vibrations, at the point
of making the work practicably impossible), consists in the creation of two sep-
arate plants in overlapping caves, one at a higher height with Pelton-alternator
groups, the other one at a lower height with pump-electric motor groups. The cost
of these plants heavily exceeds the one of single-cave plants.
Another solution, successfully tested and implemented consists in making a
multistage pump working as a turbine by making it turn in the opposite direction.
The adoption of particular profiles of the impeller allows to obtain a good effi-
ciency both in terms of generation and pumping. This type of machines allows to
adopt binary groups (i.e. groups with one hydraulic machine only) for high heads
(600–1,300 m) and high power (larger then 150 MW) [2].
One limitation for multistage reversible groups is the impossibility of adjusting
the power supplied since the hydraulic machine has no diffuser and works ‘‘all or
Wind power plants convert the kinetic energy of moving air masses into mechanic
energy of blade rotation. The set of blades represents the rotor of the wind turbine,
the nacelle contains all the other elements that are necessary for energy conver-
sion, and the tower acts as a support (Fig. 4.9).
In general, the mechanic energy linked to blade rotation can be exploited in two
different ways:
192 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
where n is the rotation speed of the alternator (revolutions per minute), f is the
mains frequency7 (Hz) and p is the number of polar couples of the generator.
The number of polar couples is limited, due to their size and to the cost of the
generator, to a maximum of 3. Therefore, in case of a frequency of 50Hz it is
possible to obtain the rotation velocity of 3,000 rpm (1 polar couple), but also
1,500 rpm (2 polar couples) and 1,000 rpm (3 polar couples). If we consider, for
instance, a rotation speed of 1,000 rpm and a turbine with a diameter of 40 m, the
peripheral speed of the tip of the blade amounts to over 2,000 m/s. It is evident that
such a speed would entail an overstress for the blades. It is therefore necessary to
differentiate the rotation speed of blades from the speed of the generator.
Many manufacturers solve this problem by inserting a reduction gear with a
ratio of about 1:50. This is a configuration with a direct connection to the mains
and entails a constant rotation speed for the rotor of the wind turbine. The con-
sequence of this option is a non-suitable behaviour whenever conditions differ
from those of the design.
An alternative option is to use axial flux permanent magnet slow generators. A
generator with 30 poles, for instance, rotates with a speed of 200 rpm. This
rotation frequency entails a peripheral speed that is still acceptable for small-sized
turbines (some tens of kW), due to the small standard radius. For instance, a
turbine of 10–20 kW, with a diameter of 8 m, would have a speed at the blade tip
of nearly 84 m/s corresponding to a rotation frequency of 200 rpm. Thanks to this
configuration, it is possible to make a direct coupling between rotor and generator,
avoiding the presence of the reduction gear, hence with a huge saving in terms of
weight, cost and energy losses.
The most frequently adopted configuration to avoid the use of the reduction
gear, however, is the one of the indirect connection to the grid. In such a con-
figuration, a synchronous generator (alternator), directly connected to the rotor,
produces electric power in multifrequency alternating current (since the rotation
speed varies); this current is transformed into direct current by a rectifier, and
subsequently transformed again into constant-frequency alternating current
through an inverter.
The disadvantages of this configuration are linked to the additional cost of
transformation devices. The advantages include the possibility of avoiding the
presence of the reducion gear and to obtain a variable rotation speed for blades,
with the subsequent optimisation of efficiency for a wide range of wind speed.
The tip speed ratio, k, is defined as the ratio between the maximum peripheral
speed of the blade (that is to say the speed at the tip of the blade, vp), and wind
speed (v):
vp x r
k¼ ¼ ð4:13Þ
v v
50 or 60 Hz (see Sect.
194 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Furthermore, the power coefficient, cp is defined as the ratio between the energy
transferred to the rotor and the one contained in the wind current. Please note that
cp is proportional to the efficiency of the machine, although it takes on higher
values since it considers neither the mechanical loss in the other components (for
instance the reduction gear), nor the electric ones in the generator.
The power coefficient of a wind turbine varies with k, reaching a peak whenever
a given value applies. Figure 4.10 shows the qualitative trend of the power
coefficient according to k.
Fixed rotation speed turbines, for which k necessarily varies as wind speed
changes, operate at optimal k only for a particular value of wind speed. Variable
speed turbines, on the contrary, operate at optimal k in a wider field of wind speed
values, since they are able to adapt their rotation frequency to the instantaneous
velocity of the wind, therefore keeping the value of k constant. The result is that
the variable rotation speed allows an increase of average efficiency. The choice of
the optimal number of blades for a wind turbine is linked to the k ratio. The
turbines with a high number of blades have a low value of the optimal ratio of
peripheral speed (k = 1) and are therefore characterised by a low number of
revolutions, given the same wind velocity. They show, however, a remarkable
starting torque, and this is the reason why they are used for water pumping or for
other purposes in which mechanic energy is directly necessary. The high torque
demands a great strength for the rotor and therefore a high number of blades.
Conversely, the turbines with a lower number of blades are used for electric
power generation and are characterised by a high rotation speed and a high value
of k (5 7 8).
Nowadays, turbines with k [ 8 are not manufactured, since the level of noise,
approximately proportional to the peripheral speed of the blade, would reach
inacceptable levels.
The large-size turbines that are presently used for electric power generation are
almost exclusively manufactured with three blades. The need for blades with a
large diameter, in fact, entails high peripheral speeds at the tip of blades, given the
same wind velocity. This means, in practice, a high value of k. Three-blade tur-
bines are then preferred, since they operate at the highest efficiency with high
values of k. The recent trend to manufacture turbines with two or even one blade is
linked to the cost reduction that could be obtained. All the large-size turbines
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 195
belonging to the first generation were endowed with two-blade rotors. Nowadays a
different approach is followed, according to which a three-blade rotor is preferred,
given its more uniform weight distribution in the area swept out. This circum-
stance entails a higher uniformity of the stress on the structure and also a lower
visual impact during the rotation of blades.
According to the present regulations for the certification of wind turbines, the
resistance of components must be tested with less frequent and strong winds
(between 50 and 70 m/s). It is readily evident that it is not convenient to design a
machine able to operate at such values of wind speed, since the additional cost
would be huge, while the increase of additional energy production negligible,
having considered the low frequency of very strong winds. For this reason,
designers prefer to adopt measures that reduce the power absorbed by a wind
turbine as the wind speed increases, and put it ‘‘out of use’’ in case such velocity
becomes excessive. According to international regulations, this operation includes
two braking systems, one for operation and one for emergency. Namely, a power
regulation is carried out. This operation consists of dispersing excess energy,
besides a given value of wind velocity, in order to prevent damages to the plant.
Usually, there are four running speeds relating to wind turbines:
• Standstill rotor
• Partial load operation
• Adjustable nominal power operation
• Stop.
In order to characterise the operation of wind turbines, a series of values for the
speed of the wind hitting the rotor are defined (Fig. 4.11).
Until the wind reaches a minimum speed, called ‘‘cut-in’’, the energy transferred
to the blades is not sufficient to overcome the inertia of the rotor and of the
generator, and the turbine cannot then be started up. Subsequently, the nominal
speed is defined, as the one at which corresponds the rated power of the machine.
Between the ‘‘cut–in’’ and the nominal speed, the machine operates at a partial
196 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
load. In case of values higher than the nominal one, the turbine works in a power
control speed, until reaching the ‘‘cut-out’’ speed, at which the machine is not
exposed to the wind action any longer, in order to avoid structural damages. In any
case, the resistance of the machine up to the survival speed is guaranteed. The
indicative values of the speeds described for a modern turbine are summed up
• ‘‘Cut-in’’ speed: 3.5 m/s
• Nominal speed: 13 m/s
• ‘‘Cut-out’’ speed: 25 m/s
• Survival speed: 70 m/s.
The most widespread methods for power regulation are the following:
• Pitch control allows to vary the pitch of blades by rotating them around their
longitudinal axis, so as to ‘‘take them out’’ of the wind. Thanks to this control, in
case of speed values exceeding the nominal one, the power remains constantly
as the rated power. The pitch variation allows a mild control of power, although
demanding a blade rotation mechanism as well as an active control of output
power that controls the implementation of the pitch.
• Stall is based on the homonymous phenomenon. Stall consists in the detachment
of the fluid vein from the surface of the blade as the wind speed increases.
Following this detachment, the lift force decreases due to the rotation of blades,
and the excess energy is dispersed in the form of vortexes. Compared to the
control for pitch variation, the ‘‘passive’’ use of the stall phenomenon requires
neither a mechanism of blade rotation around their longitudinal axis, nor a
control mechanism. The stall, on the other hand, needs a high-level aerodynamic
design and also leads to the development of vibrations on the wind machine.
• Yaw: the rotor is ‘‘taken out’’ by the wind through a rotation around the vertical
• Tilt variation: the rotor is ‘‘taken out’’ by the wind through a rotation around the
horizontal axis.
Normally, high-power turbines are controlled by stall or pitch variation,
whereas small-sized ones by yaw or by tilt variation.
As a matter of fact, the yaw mechanism is used in all turbines to point the nacelle
towards the direction of the prevailing wind, as this direction varies in time. This
variation can be carried out passively, by means of a weathercock, or through an
active control operated by an anemometer. The signal of the anemometer records
the wind direction and transmits this information to the yaw system. The use of
weathervanes is allowed for rotors with a diameter up to 10 m, because in case of
larger turbines it would be too large to be economically convenient.
The power produced by wind turbines, as already underlined, depends on wind
speed. The nominal power is the one that corresponds to the nominal speed for a
given machine. The energy actually produced by a machine in a given period of
time, normally 1 year, cannot be simply calculated by multiplying the nominal
power by the number of operations hours, since speed varies in time.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 197
These plants are based on the ‘‘direct’’ conversion of solar radiant energy into
electricity as a consequence of the photovoltaic effect.
Other materials (for instance organic materials) are being studied.
198 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Fig. 4.14 Variation of curve I–V with the temperature of the cell and with the solar radiation
On the contrary, by exposing the cell to the light electric power is generated in
any case; if the junction is in short circuit (V = 0) a maximum current is generated
(Isc), whereas in case of open-circuit (I=0), a maximum voltage is determined on
the two sides (Voc). In the case of standard silicon cells (10 9 10 cm), Icc is nearly
3 A, whereas Voc amounts to about 0.6 V. Having considered that the power of a
generator is the product of its voltage by the current generated, in the two cases
described above the power will be null, and from the characteristic curve it is
possible to identify the point in which the system provides the maximum power.
The characteristic curve of a cell depends, besides its intrinsic properties (the
material), also on two important parameters: the intensity of luminous radiation
and the temperature of the cell itself (Fig. 4.14). It is evident, therefore, that at the
maximum power it takes different values as I and V vary; the corresponding values
of current and voltage are called current (Ipmax) and maximum power voltage
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 199
Device converting the inlet direct current into alternating one.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 201
Edc ¼ Hp A gp ð4:16Þ
Such energy shall be converted into alternating current and then transferred to
users, and in these operations part of the energy is lost. The BOS efficiency
measures the amount of said losses11. The useful energy Eu produced by the plant
is, therefore:
Eu ¼ Edc BOS ¼ Hp A gp BOS ð4:17Þ
By referring to the surface unit and assuming gp = 16% and BOS = 90%,
(4.17) becomes:
Eu ¼ Ecc BOS ¼ Hp 0:144 ð4:18Þ
that is to say the useful energy accounts for 14.4% of the incident solar radiation.
In considering, as an example, Hp = 1.800 kWh/m2 year12 it follows that with
1 m2 of panels it is possible to produce nearly 260 kWh/year.
Equation 4.17 can be written according to the nominal power of the plant Pn
(kW). By definition of the nominal efficiency of the panel13:
gp ¼ ð4:19Þ
By replacing (4.19) in (4.17) it follows that:
Eu ¼ Hp Pn BOS ð4:20Þ
As regards the nominal power unit, the useful energy is a fraction (equal to
BOS) of the specific incident solar energy. The product of Hp by BOS represents
the equivalent hours for the photovoltaic panel. On the basis of the hypotheses a
1 kWp plant produces nearly 1.600 kWh/year.
As a matter of fact, the definition of BOS efficiency often includes other factors of loss that are
not linked to other parts of the system, but still to the module and in particular to some of its
peculiar operating conditions. These are the losses due to the effect of temperature, losses due to
reflection on the frames of modules, etc. In the case of isolated systems, the battery charge and
discharge process entails an additional loss, which can be estimated as amounting to nearly 10%
of energy.
Solar radiation in Rome with a tilt of 30, azimuth equal to 0 and without shading.
Standard conditions provide for an incident radiation of 1 kW/m2.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 203
storage batteries must therefore be able to meet the entire electric power needs,
and sizing is consequently strictly related to consumption.
In case of grid-connected systems, on the contrary, there is not any new con-
straint, since users can be directly supplied through the electric grid, which acts as
an almost unlimited storage capacity. The starting points for sizing can therefore
be different from consumption and, in particular, they can be linked to the surface
available or to the initial investment budget, as well to feed-in tarrif rules.
The cost of photovoltaic modules is obviously different according to the size of
the plant to be developed, and is continuously evolving. Photovoltaic modules are
presently sold ‘‘on a power basis’’, meaning that, for instance, several polycrys-
talline modules are sold at the same price as a minor quantity of single-crystalline
modules provided that the nominal power of the two groups is the same.
Prices are continuously evolving, also in consideration of the incentives in
force, and the present trend indicates a progressive reduction of prices.
Thermodynamic Cycle
The basic reference cycle is the Joule cycle (Fig. 4.1514) made up of two adiabatic
processes (compression and expansion) and two isobaric processes (heating and
Considering air, a perfect gas is H = cpT and being cp constant H and T only differ for a scale
factor, therefore the cycle has the same form on planes H–S and T–S.
204 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
As a matter of fact, in widespread plants the cooling process does not exist since
these are open-cycle plants; at the end of expansion, air is released into the
Air, taken from the atmosphere and compressed in an axial compressor
(transformation 1–2), is then sent to the combustion chamber where its tempera-
ture is increased at a constant pressure (transformation 2–3); this is followed by the
expansion in the turbine (transformation 3–4) and the release into the atmosphere.
In the ideal cycle, the reversible isentropic compression and expansion transformations are
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 205
Subsequently, since the compression ratio b and the parameter e are defined as
b¼ ð4:24Þ
¼e ð4:25Þ
By replacing (4.23), (4.24) and (4.25) in (4.22), the ideal efficiency gi is
gi ¼ 1 ð4:26Þ
Indicating with gc the efficiency of the compressor and with gt the efficiency of
the turbine, the real specific work of cycle Lr is:
Lr ¼ Ltr Lcr ¼ cp gt ðT3 T4 Þ ðT2 T1 Þ ð4:27Þ
After adimensionalising, dividing by cpT3 (T3 is fixed at a maximum value for
technological reasons), and considering
s¼ ð4:28Þ
through a procedure analogous to the previous one, it is possible to obtain:
Lr s 1
¼ gt s e ðbe 1Þ ð4:29Þ
cp T1 b gc
The trends in efficiency and in the specific work according to b are shown in
Fig. 4.17. The respective maximum values are obtained for different values of the
206 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Thermal Regeneration
With the values of maximum temperature of cycle T3 and of the compression ratio
b mentioned above, it is possible to obtain a temperature T2, & 320C at the end
of the compression and T40 & 500C at the end of the expansion. Having con-
sidered T40 [ T20 thermal regeneration is therefore possible. It consists in using the
heat of flue gases at the discharge of the turbine (corresponding to area CF40 D in
Fig. 4.18) to preheat the air before accessing the combustion chamber. Taking into
consideration the thermal gradients that are necessary for thermal exchange, it is
not possible to perform a ‘‘complete’’ regeneration; the heat that is actually usable
to preheat the air is the one corresponding to area C0 F0 40 D in Fig. 4.18 that will
take the air before accessing the combustion chamber at temperature TP0 (in the
ideal case of complete regeneration, the temperature TP would be reached). In this
connection the degree of regeneration R is defined:
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 207
cc T40 TF0
R¼ 0 ð4:30Þ
cp T4 TF
The quantities of heat Q1 and Q2 that the fluid exchanges with the outside
Q1R ¼ cp T3 T40 þ ð1 RÞcp T40 T20 ð4:31Þ
0 0
Q2R ¼ cp T2 T1 þ ð1 RÞcp T4 T20 ð4:32Þ
Consequently, the efficiency, according to the characteristic parameters and to
the degree of regeneration, is:
1 g g
c t 1 1
b e 1sðbe 1Þ
gR ¼ h i ð4:33Þ
gc g 1 1e ð1 RÞ g 1 1e 1 þ 1 be 1 þ 1
t b t b s gc
The efficiency trend is plotted in Fig. 4.19 against b by varying R. As the degree
of regeneration increases, also the maximum value of efficiency increases, and that
208 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
value is obtained for lower values of b. As a matter of fact too low compression
ratios would penalise the specific work; for this reason, also considering that costs
and size of heat exchangers increase as the degree of regeneration increases, values
of R not too high are adopted, that is: 70–75% (with b = 8; R = 0.7 gR = 0.4189,
with R = 0.8 gR = 0.4332, with R = 0.9 gR = 0.4486). Regeneration entails the
presence of a heat exchanger that would otherwise be absent in gas plants.
At the usual values of the compression ratio, nearly b = 12, the air is in a combustion
chamber at the pressure of nearly 12 bar. In those cases in which high compression ratio values
are adopted, b = 30, obviously a higher pressure for natural gas, nearly 35 bar, is necessary.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 209
strengths of turbogas systems, it is easy to understand why almost all of them are
open-cycle. For the same reason, also the convenience of thermal regeneration
must be evaluated for each single system at the moment of construction.
Further Improvements
Further measures to improve the performance of turbogas plants have been
studied. Besides the already-mentioned thermal regeneration, there are two main
improvements introduced:
• Intercooled compression
• Fractioned expansion with reheating.
Power Regulation
The regulation of the power supplied occurs by varying the initial expansion
temperature T3 acting on the fuel flow rate.17
Having considered that the conditions of the fluid vary, and since the rotation
speed must remain constant (at least in case of electric energy production, to
mantain grid frequency synchronous speed), the efficiency of the turbine, and
therefore of the cycle, heavily decreases while departing from the conditions
provided for in the plan. However, taking also into account that around 2/3 of the
power supplied by the turbine are absorbed by the compressor and nearly 1/3 by
the alternator, and that the fluid conditions at the beginning and at the end of the
compression do not vary (therefore the power absorbed by the compressor remains
unchanged), the decrease in the power supplied by the turbine is highly lower than
the reduction of electric power that is intended to be obtained.18 This allows rather
wide regulations of the electric power supplied without excessively damaging
A plant solution that allows regulations of the power supplied with limited
decrease of efficiency is represented by two-axle plants. In these plants there are
two different shafts: one moves the alternator, the other moves the compressor.
Obviously, a turbine must be mounted on each shaft, and therefore expansion must
be divided into two machines with power ratios produced approximately as 2/3 (for
the compressor) and 1/3 (for the alternator).
In this way the rotation speed of the compressor is not related to the one of the
alternator, and it is possible to assign to the compressor, as the load varies, the
speed that allows the maximum efficiency for that load value. The two turbines can
operate either in series or in parallel.
From (4.21) it is readily evident that by decreasing the fuel flow rate, T3 decreases.
For instance, to halve the electric power supplied, it is necessary to bring the power supplied
by the turbine at nearly 83% of the nominal value.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 211
Fig. 4.22 Hirn cycle on the enthropic (T–S) and on the enthalpic level (H–S)
General Characteristics
The considerable technological development of gas turbines in the last decades,
with the introduction of the several improvements mentioned mentioned above,
entailed huge increases in the efficiency of gas plants: from 25–27% during the
1970s to 32–35% of modern plants. A peculiar characteristic of these plants is their
significant flexibility; very short transients (from the still position, the plant
reaches the maximum steady-state condition in a few tens of minutes) allow to
quickly adapt the power supplied to the demand. These characteristics make it
suitable to cover the top side of the load diagram, that is to say to provide the
power requested by the grid in the periods of highest consumption. In a plant there
are several turbogas groups; the power supplied is regulated by acting on the
number of groups operated simultaneously besides regulating the supply of each of
them in an interval that ranges from the operation at full capacity to 50% of the
nominal power. The hours of operation per year are 4,000–4,500. Compared to
steam plants, gas plants generally have a lower power, from less than hundred of
kWe, to some hundreds to MWe.
Thermodynamic Cycle
The basic reference thermodynamic cycle is the Hirn Cycle (Fig. 4.22) envisaging
two isothermobaric (water evaporation (2–3) and vapour condensation (3–6)), one
isobaric (steam superheating) and two adiabatic (water compression (6–1) and
steam expansion (4–5)) transformations (3–4).
Water evaporation occurs in the steam generator. In a first phase (economiser)
water is brought to temperature T2; this process is obtained by recovering the
212 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
residual heat (transformation 1–2). In the second phase (vapouriser) the evapo-
ration occurs by exploiting the heat produced in the burner through combustion
(transformation 2–3) and finally the steam superheating occurs in the superheater
up to the maximum temperature allowed (transformation 3–4). At this point,
saturated and superheated steam expands in the turbine (transformation 4–5) and
reaches the condenser. Here, at constant pressure and temperature, by exchanging
heat with the cooling water, it condenses (transformation 5–6). Pumps bring water
back to the steam generator and increase its pressure (transformation 6–1).
As regards Fig. 4.22, the efficiency and the specific work of the cycle are,
H5 H1
g¼1 ð4:34Þ
H4 H1
L ¼ H4 H5 ð4:35Þ
In a steam power plant, in order to improve efficiency, it is convenient that
condensation takes place at the lowest possible pressure. The reason for the
importance of a vacuum pushed in the condenser is that work $dp/q is higher,
given the same Dp, with low values of density q, namely with low pressures. Being
steam saturated, pressure depends on temperature; therefore the pressure inside of
the condenser is determined by the temperature of the refrigerant: normally
working temperature is around 35C and therefore 0.05 bar is the working pres-
sure. In the condenser, besides condensation, steam outgassing occurs through
extractors connected to the coldest areas. The choice of outgassing in the con-
denser is due to the fact that at the conditions therein existing, air solubility in
water and air density is more than double than dry saturated steam, and therefore
the quantity of steam inevitably removed together with air will be limited.
Once the conditions at the condenser are set, the cycle performance depends on
the fluid conditions at the outlet of the steam generator. The search for optimal
conditions is carried out by setting in advance the superheating temperature
(maximum temperature of the cycle): this is set as a compromise between ther-
modynamic needs (Carnot effect) that demand values as high as possible, whereas
technical–economic reasons impose some limitations. In consideration of these
elements, the superheating temperature is typically set at 550–600C. At these
temperatures, the pressures corresponding to optimal conditions exceed the critical
pressure of water (218 bar); as a matter of fact, although supercritical plants exist
(in the case of large-size groups), in the vast majority of cases the outlet pressure
of the steam generator is 100–180 bar. This is because the efficiency gain Dg/g
decreases as pressure increases, and it is therefore necessary to evaluate the
convenience in pushing maximum pressure beyond some values to the detriment
of costs, safety and easiness of management.
From the steam conditions mentioned above, an increase in the specific volume
of over 1,000 times is reached during the duty cycle. For this reason turbines are
divided into three bodies (high, medium, and low pressure ones) so that a limited
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 213
increase of the specific volume occurs in each of them. The low-pressure bodies
are often divided into several elements (usually two) placed in parallel.
The cycle described until now is the reference basic cycle, to which some
typical changes are made in order to improve its efficiency, mainly thermal
regeneration and repeated superheating.
Thermal Regeneration
Thermal regeneration consists of using the heat, Q, avaible during the steam-
condensation before the end of expansion (CEFD area in Fig. 4.23), in order to
preheat the water coming from the condenser before entering the steam generator
(area A12B).
Thermal regeneration through heat subtraction, however, is not convenient
since the steam fraction at the end of expansion (point F) would be too low,
endangering the integrity of the turbine or, at least, its efficiency.
The same regenerative effect can be obtained by removing steam from expan-
sion rather than heat and mixing such steam with the water to be preheated. In this
way the steam removed directly gives its thermal content to the liquid during the
heating phase, whereas the steam in the turbine continues its expansion undis-
turbed. In fact, practical thermal regeneration takes place through a given number
of bled-steam during expansion: the number and the position of this bleeding is
fixed according to technical–economic optimisation criteria.
The regeneration degree R is defined as the ratio between enthalpy variation by
mass unit conferred to the liquid through regeneration (hx1 – h0) and the total one
(h1 – h0):
h x1 h 0 h x 1 h 0
R¼ ¼ ð4:36Þ
h1 h 0 k
214 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
k ¼ h1 h 0 ð4:37Þ
Indicating with z the number of steam bleedings, the maximum efficiency value
is obtained for:
R¼ ð4:38Þ
With these assumptions, the efficiency increase (Dg/g) is plotted against z in
Fig. 4.24 As z increases, the efficiency gain increases to a lower rate; besides a
given value it is not convenient anymore to add other bleedings, hence further
complicating the plant without a valuable increment of efficiency increase. The
value of z for large installed powers is 8–10.
Fig. 4.25 Steam cycle with double superheating on the anthropic and enthalpic level
the bled-steam. Such pressure must exceed atmospheric value to favour the
spontaneous outburst of bases from the water-steam system.
General Characteristics
Steam power plants show rather high efficiencies which in the best possible cases
reach 46%; load regulation is possible only within given limits, beyond which
efficiency drastically decreases and transients are deleterious for the plant, since
they negatively impact its lifetime. And in any case the thermal energy of the large
fluid mass involved would not allow the quick response that is conversely possible
in turbogas power plants. For these reasons, steam plants are used for the production
of basic electric power, that is to say cover the lower part of the load diagram, in
large-size plants often (exceeding 1,000 MW), and have a high number of hours of
full load equivalent operation of 6,000–6,500 h/year, and even beyond.
A plant is usually made up of several groups, whose size ranges between 300
and 660 MW.
the initial expansion temperature and the compression ratio, by room temperature.
Since the two limits are complementary, it is possible to combine two cycles so
that the exhaust heat of the gas cycle represents the source of heat, or part of it, for
the steam cycle. From the thermodynamic point of view, the gas plant is over-
lapped (topper) to the steam plant (bottomer); the maximum and minimum tem-
peratures of the cycle ‘‘deriving’’ from the combination of the two simple cycles,
are, respectively, the maximum temperature of the gas cycle, exceeding 1,000C,
and the minimum temperature of the steam cycle, nearly 30C (Fig. 4.28).
The efficiency of the combined cycle depends on the efficiencies of both cycles
and is, in any case, higher than each of them. Figure 4.28, having defined gc, gg
and gv the efficiencies of the combined cycle, of the gas cycle and of the steam
cycle respectively, it follows that:
Q4 Q4
gc ¼ 1 ) 1 gc ¼ ð4:42Þ
Q1 þ Q3 Q1 þ Q3
Q4 Q4
gv ¼ 1 ) 1 gv ¼ ð4:43Þ
Q3 þ Q2 Q3 þ Q2
Q2 Q2
gg ¼ 1 ) 1 gg ¼ ð4:44Þ
Q1 Q1
Q1 þ Q3
l¼ ; ð4:45Þ
replacing (4.45), (4.44) and (4.43) in (4.42) it is possible to obtain:
Q4 Q4 Q2 þ Q3 Q2 þ Q3
1 gc ¼ ¼ ¼ ð 1 gv Þ ð4:46Þ
l Q1 Q2 þ Q3 l Q1 l Q1
1 Q2 þ Q3 1 Q3 gg
¼ 1 gg þ ¼1 ; ð4:47Þ
l Q1 l Q1 l
220 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Equation 4.50, assuming constant gv and gg, is the maximum value obtainable
in (4.49).
Two fundamental solutions are possible for gas-steam combined plants: with or
without the afterburning of gas turbine exhaust gases.
The efficiency of combined cycles depends on the efficiency of component
cycles according to (4.49); in the last few years, the development of gas turbine
technologies allowed huge increases in the efficiency of combined plants, presently
reaching values exceeding 55%.
The high efficiency, as well as the use of a ‘‘clean’’ fuel as methane, allow to
reduce NOx, SOx, CO, and CO2 emissions, as well as particulate emission
abatement compared to conventional solutions.
The origin of fuel cells date back to 1839, the year in which the British William
Grove generated electricity from a cell containing phosphoric acid, delimited by
two electrodes reached by hydrogen and oxygen, respectively.
The basic principle of operation is the following: the cell is made up of two
electrodes of porous material, separated by an electrolyte. Electrodes act as cat-
alytic sites for the breakdown of reagents into ions; the electrolyte conducts ions
preventing the passage of electricity, conveyed to an external circuit on the tips of
the two electrodes.
Fuel cells are electrochemical systems that directly convert the chemical energy
of a fuel (usually hydrogen) into electric power, according to an isothermal and
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 221
reaction; the movement of electrons makes up the electric current that, through an
external load, produces work. Therefore, in this way it is possible to obtain electric
work directly from the chemical process.
Electrodes act as catalytic sites for the cell reactions that mainly consume
hydrogen and oxygen, with the production of water and passage of electric current
in the external circuit. The electrochemical transformation is accompanied by heat
The Stack
The exposed surfaces must have a sufficient area to obtain current strengths suitable
to the application needs. It is possible to have the desired surfaces, by silling the
cells. The stacking of cells obtained in this way forms the so-called fuel cell stack
(Fig. 4.30), which represents the basis of the typical technological use of fuel cells.
The exact value (National Institute of Standards and Technology—2008) is
F = 96,485.3399 C/mol.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 223
gram equivalent of substance on each of the electrodes. The weights of the sub-
stances that intervene in the reactions of electrons are linked to the charge
transported (q) according to the equation:
q¼nzF ð4:51Þ
where n is the number of grams-atom or moles that react and z is the number of
electrons transported by each ion.
In considering the first Law of thermodynamics in its form:
DU ¼ Q Ltot ð4:52Þ
in the case of fuel cells, Ltot is referred both to the electric work Le and to the
expansion mechanic work, Lm. The maximum value of the electric work amounts
to the product of f.e.m. of the cell, E, times the charge that goes through it:
Le ¼ E q ð4:53Þ
On the other hand, using (4.52), (4.53) can be written as follows:
Le ¼ n z F E ð4:54Þ
And the total work, therefore:
Ltot ¼ p Dv þ n z F E ð4:55Þ
Having considered (4.55), (4.52) becomes:
DU ¼ Q p Dv n z F E ð4:56Þ
Thus, introducing the second law of Thermodynamics:
DU ¼ T DS p Dv n z F E ð4:57Þ
The reactions in the fuel cell take place at constant temperature and pressure,
therefore the variation of Gibbs’ free energy20 (G) and of the enthalpy21 (H) are
the following:
DG ¼ DH T DS ð4:58Þ
DH ¼ DU þ p Dv ð4:59Þ
By replacing (4.59) in (4.58) it follows that
ðDGÞp;T ¼ DU þ p Dv T DS ð4:60Þ
G ¼ H TS:
H ¼ U þ pv:
224 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Equation 4.61 shows that the electric work produced by the fuel cell amounts to
the decrease of Gibbs’ free energy of the reaction.
With this expression it is possible to derive the maximum potential for a cell;
therefore from (4.61) and (4.54) it is obtained:
E0 ¼ ð4:62Þ
In case hydrogen and oxygen react to form water in standard conditions22 then
it is possible to obtain E0 = -1,186 V.
The ideal thermodynamic efficiency (assuming the reversible transformations)
gt ¼ ð4:63Þ
In the case in point, always in standard conditions, gt = 0.9458 is obtained.23
Gibbs’ free energy and enthalpy variations depend on temperature and pressure;
therefore, as they vary, both the ideal voltage (open circuit) and the ideal ther-
modynamic efficiency vary accordingly. Without lingering on the details of cal-
culations, it is possible to conclude that the ideal voltage and the thermodynamic
efficiency slightly increase as pressure increases (Fig. 4.31), whereas they decrease
as temperature increases (Fig. 4.32).
The previous reactions are obtained by considering all processes as reversible.
Taking into consideration irreversibility, indicating with DS* the entropy variation
in case of real transformations (irreversible), with DSirr the variation due to irre-
versibility and with DS the one of reversible transformations, it follows that:
DS ¼ DSirr þ DS: ð4:64Þ
The reaction DG of water formation in standard conditions (T = 25C and p = 1 bar)
amounts to 228,888 J/mo, the number of moles (n) involved in the reaction is 2, and the number
of electrons transported by each (hydrogen) ion is 1.
The reaction DH to water formation in standard conditions amounts to 242,000 J/mol.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 225
The passage of current generates irreversibility; therefore it is possible to consider V as the
driving force in case of irreversible transformations.
226 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
having defined the system efficiency gsist as the ratio between the useful electric
power and the one produced by the fuel cell stack(s), namely:
gsist ¼ ð4:72Þ
Vr I r
By defining the efficiency of cell e as the ratio between the real and the ideal
voltage, (4.71) can be described as follows:
Vr Ir Vid Ic
g ¼ gsist Vid ¼ gsist e ð4:73Þ
Vid m_ comb LHVcomb m_ comb LHVcomb
The Faradic current (IF) is the current that would be in the cell according to
Faraday’s Law in case of absence of irreversibility and other losses, that is to say:
IF ¼ z n_ F ð4:74Þ
where n_ is the mole rate (moles/s) of hydrogen consumed at the anode.
A Faradic (or current) efficiency is the ratio between the real current and the
Faradic one:
Ir Ir
gF ¼ ¼ ð4:75Þ
IF z n_ F
On the basis of (4.74) and (4.75), (4.73) can be written as follows:
Ir Vid z n_ F Vid z n_ F
g ¼ gsist e ¼ gsist e gF ð4:76Þ
z n_ F m_ comb LHVcomb m_ comb LHVcomb
Not all the hydrogen that reaches the anode reacts; a fraction goes to the anodic
discharge. Having defined n_ a the mole rate of the anodic supply, the hydrogen use
coefficient UH2 is the ratio between the hydrogen rate consumed by the anode and
the one of the anodic supply:
UH2 ¼ ð4:77Þ
n_ a
Having considered (4.77), (4.76), by multiplying and dividing by n_ a becomes:
Vid z F
g ¼ gsist e gF UH2 n_ a ð4:78Þ
m_ comb LHVcomb
Recalling (4.54), the molar electric work Lm
e;id results as:
e;id ¼ z F Vid ð4:79Þ
Therefore, indicating as MH2 the molar mass (kg/mole) of hydrogen and with
LHVH2 its lower heating value (per mass unit), the ideal (thermodynamic) effi-
ciency gid can be described as follows:
z F Vid
gid ¼ ð4:80Þ
228 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
where DV is the decrease of the electric potential25 due to waste phenomena and I
is current. Such heat can be conveniently used for cogeneration purposes, recov-
ering in this way the energy wasted during the operation of the fuel cells and
obtaining global efficiency (electric power ? heat) close to one.
Some considerations on the global efficiency of fuel cells must now be made.
As concerns the system efficiency, the useful electric power Pe,u can be
expressed as the difference between the electric power generated by the stack and
the electric power absorbed by auxiliaries. The global efficiency is:
Pe;u Vr Ir Pe;aux Pe;aux
gsist ¼ ¼ ¼1 ð4:86Þ
Vr I r Vr I r Vr Ir
The electric power absorbed by auxiliaries is the one relating to pumps (for the
circulation of liquid and/or humidification of cells), compressors or blowers
(anodic or cathode supply): if the cell works at low pressures (close to atmospheric
pressure) the supply is made by blowers, whereas if the cell works at higher
pressures, compressors are necessary. The adoption of high operating pressures on
the one side increases the ideal efficiency, on the other side decreases the system
25 DG
DV ¼ E E e ¼ nF ð1 eÞ:
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 229
efficiency, since the power absorbed by compressors is far higher (given the same
flow rate) than the one absorbed by blowers.
As concerns the hydrogen utilisation factor, it is necessary to observe that cells
must be supplied with a quantity of hydrogen always exceeding the one that
effectively reacts to the anode. This because, in absence of such ‘‘excess’’, and due
to the unavoidably inhomogeneous distribution of hydrogen, there would be areas
on the anodic surface in which hydrogen concentration would be lower than
necessary for anodic reactions, and this would drastically reduce the (real)
potential of the cell. In brief, the real potential of the cell increases as the excess of
hydrogen increases; therefore, by increasing the surplus of hydrogen, on the one
side there is a decrease in the utilisation factor UH2 , whereas on the other side the
efficiency of the cell e increased. The optimal value of UH2 depends on the kind of
cells; it ranges between 0.75 and 0.85. Excess hydrogen can be obviously
recovered and reused; in this way it is possible to increase the excess of hydrogen
(and, therefore, e), without decreasing UH2 . It is necessary to consider the
expenditure for the pumping activity destined to the recovery of excess hydrogen,
which decreases the system efficiency gsist.
As concerns the Faraday efficiency, it must be observed that this is always close
to one 1, as a first approximation, it is possible to consider gF = 1. In case the
plant is directly supplied through hydrogen (produced through other means) the
efficiency of the fuel treatment system must be considered as amounting to 1.
• Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), operating at high temperatures (about 900–
1000C) to ensure a sufficient conductibility to the electrolyte, made up of
ceramic material (yttrium oxide–doped zirconium oxide); as carbonate fuel
cells, they are promising especially for electric power generation and cogene-
ration of some kW to some dozens of MW;
• Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), operating at temperatures between 70 and
120C. Like PEFC, they use a polymeric membrane as electrolyte. DMFC are
directly fed by methanol at the anode. Methanol is easier than pure hydrogen to
store because it is liquid at ambient conditions.
The fields of application of each type of fuel cells is determined by its operating
characteristics, and in particular by the working temperature and by the type of fuel
used. Table 4.5 sums up the different types of fuel cells with their main charac-
teristics and the present state of technology.
The operating temperature of the cell influences the reaction kinetics, which
increases with temperature. When it is particularly high, the heat generated can be
profitably used, improving the general efficiency of the production system, but it
generates a series of drawbacks: thermal expansion makes the assembling of
components difficult, thermal stresses require materials able to support particularly
severe working conditions, the lifecycle of the cell is mostly influenced by the
operating cycles, and a rather long starting time is necessary.
Another important aspect tied up to high temperature operating is the possibility
of producing H2 inside of the cell itself, starting from conventional fuels, carrying
out an internal reforming. This possibility turns out into a higher simplicity of the
system, since it allows to eliminate the need for an external processor and to
directly supply the cell with a conventional fuel.
High-temperature fuel cells (MCFC and SOFC) are therefore suitable for
applications linked to the production of electric power for stationary use with
cogeneration of electricity-heat and with gas and/or steam plants.
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell: in this type of fuel cells, the electrolyte
is made up of a proton conducting polymer membrane.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 231
The platinum content for this type of cells presently amounts to nearly 0.6 mg/cm2. The
electric power supplied by a cell per unit of anodic surface is nearly 0.4 W/cm2, therefore the
Platinum content amounts to 1.5 g/kW. The cost of Platinum is about 40 €/g, which means that
the cost of the Platinum alone contained in the anode amounts to about 60 €/kW.
232 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
The great interest for this type of technology is sided by the need to solve the
still open technical problems that limit their immediate application. DMFC, in
fact, still have a rapid decay in time, besides a low efficiency, and also show fuel
‘‘cross-over’’ problems (part of the methanol that feeds the anode crosses the
electrolytic membrane and reaches the cathode by deactivating the catalyst), and
furthermore the quantity of the necessary catalyst is high if compared to the one of
Alkaline Fuel Cell In this type of cells, the electrolyte is liquid, and made up of
an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) with a concentration (in
weight) that varies from 30 to 85% according to the operating temperature (from
usually 70 to 250C). Electrodes are made of a carbon porous base on a mesh of
Nickel with a hydrophobic coating polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with a low-
platinum content (0.3 mg/cm2).
The following reactions occur in an AFC:
Anodic reaction H2 þ 2OH ) 2H2 O þ 2e
Cathode reaction 1
2 O2 þ H2 O þ 2e ) 2OH
Overall reaction H2 þ 2 O2 ) H2 O
The circulation of the electrolyte (liquid) allows to use the electrolyte itself as a
cooling substance and to empty the cell during the periods of down-time, hence
avoiding the carbonisation of the cell increases its useful life. On the other hand,
the corrosiveness of the electrolyte imposes the use of special materials as stainless
steels and polymer materials (PVDF—polyvinylidenefluoride, PFA—formed by
PVDF and HFP—perfluoropropene). These cells must be powered with very pure
hydrogen and, furthermore, they show a very low tolerance to CO2, therefore it is
necessary to envisage a system to remove the CO2 in the air for cathode supply.
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells: in this type of cell the electrolyte (liquid) is formed
by a concentrated solution (85–100%) of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in a matrix of
silicon carbide. Electrodes are made of a graphite base on which carbon catalysts
with PTFE and platinum are applied (0.1 g/cm2 at the anode and 0.5 g/cm2 at the
The following reactions take place in a PAFC:
Phosphoric acid solidifies at 42 ± 5C.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 233
Molten carbonate fuel cells: in this type of cell the electrolyte is made up of a
mix of alkaline carbonates (lithium, potassium, sodium) in a lithium—aluminium
porous matrix. Electrodes are in a nickel alloy with 10% of chromium (anode) and
porous nickel oxide with 1–2% of lithium (cathode).
The reactions in a MCFC are the following:
Anodic reaction H2 þ CO3 ) H2 O þ CO2 þ 2e
Cathode reaction 12 O2 þ CO2 þ 2e ) CO3
Overall reaction H2 þ 12 O2 ) H2 O
These cells need to be fed at the cathode, besides with oxygen (or air), also with
carbon dioxide.28 This makes them particularly suitable to be fed with hydrogen
locally produced by gas reforming: in this case it is possible to use the CO2
produced by the reforming system for the cathode supply of the cell. Thanks to the
high operating temperatures (to keep molten salts the operating temperature of the
cell must exceed 600C), internal reforming is possible; by powering the cell with
CH4 and H2O (steam), the reforming reactions take place first, followed by the
already seen anodic reactions. Furthermore, high temperatures allow these cells to
present a high tolerability to impurities.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: in this type of cell the electrolyte is made up of ceramic
material (yttrium-zirconium oxide) with a thickness of 30–40 lm. Electrodes are
free from platinum; the anode is of cobalt or nickel zirconium oxide and the
cathode of strontium-doped lanthanum magnetite.
The H2 reactions in a SOFC are the following:
Anode reaction H2 þ O ) H2 O þ 2e
Cathode reaction 2 O2 þ 2e ) O
Over reaction H2 þ 12 O2 ) H2 O
The co reactions in a SOFC are the following:
In these cells, the presence of gas and solid phases alone reduces the corrosion
problems, whereas high temperature reduces the polarisation losses and markedly
improves the tolerance to impurities. For SCFC, CO is not a poisoning agent but
rather a fuel (namely it actively participates in electrochemical reactions); CH4 can
be inert (while not participating in reactions, it does not cause any damages) or
fuel; H2O and CO2 are inert, whereas the compounds of Sulphur are harmful in
concentrations exceeding 1 ppm.
The quantities of CO2 requested are by far higher than those normally contained in the air: two
moles of CO2 every mole of O2. Air contains nearly 20% (in moles) of oxygen and 388 ppm
(parts per million) of CO2, which accounts for 0.039%. Therefore, on average, in the air the ratio
CO2/O2 amounts to 0.00195, that is to say over 1,000 lower than the one demanded.
234 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
solutions (fuel cells for the production of electric power onboard together with both
traditional storage systems—accumulators—and new generation ones—superca-
pacitors) allow to conjugate the high efficiency of electric vehicles with accumu-
lators without the limits due to the limited range and the long recharge times.
Among all the types of cells, the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel
cells are those that, in consideration of their working temperature, power, weight
and size, are suitable for the applications in the sector of transports.
Portable applications: in the field of portable electronic equipments, batteries
are at the moment the only possible option for products that require a power up to
100 W. The limits of batteries in the applications, for instance, for notebooks, are
determined by weights and sizes, by the limited autonomy, the recharge times and
their replacement which entails disposal problems. A fuel cell might, conversely,
supply energy for times very much higher than present Li-ion batteries. Further-
more, given the same weight, hydrogen-rich fuels contain electrochemical energy
that is two order of magnitude higher than whatever type of battery. These con-
siderations led to the development of testing activities for the use of fuel cells for
small electronic units that need high-quality power supply.
The main problems to be solved are linked to the complexity of the internal
design of the device, in particular as concerns the storage hydrogen subsystems,
fuel and oxidant control, and cooling system. Miniaturisation entails therefore a
delicate balance of different factors, such as power, size, handiness and costs.
In these systems, the chemical energy of a fuel is converted into heat through
combustion; such heat is converted into mechanic energy through a
236 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Otto Cycle
Figure 4.34 shows the ideal Otto cycle p–V. The engines adopting this cycle can be
fuelled with petrol, LPG, hydrogen and methane, or a mix of them.
The following phases can be identified in the Otto cycle:
• 1–2: Constant pressure aspiration of the air–petrol mixture;
• 2–3: Rapid compression, ideally an adiabatic one, of the mixture;
• 3–4: Combustion, phenomenon summarised through an isochoric heating;
• 4–5: Rapid expansion, ideally an adiabatic one;
• 5–2: Opening of the discharge valve with isochoric reduction of pressure;
• 2–1: Exhaust at constant pressure.
The ideal efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle is:
gid ¼ ð4:87Þ
For the Otto cycle there is:
L ¼ Q1 Q2 ¼ cv ðT4 T3 Þ cv ðT5 T2 Þ ð4:88Þ
By combining the better two equations and assuming cv as constant one carry to:
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 237
T5 T2
gid ¼ 1 ð4:89Þ
T4 T3
Applying the equations of the related thermodynamic transformations (adia-
batic and isobaric) of the cycle, then
T3 T2
¼ ð4:90Þ
T4 T5
one comes to:
T5 Vb
¼ ð4:91Þ
T4 Va
Considering (4.90) and (4.91), (4.89) can be written as follows:
T5 1 T2 =T5 T5 Vb
gid ¼ 1 ¼1 ¼1 ð4:92Þ
T4 1 T3 =T4 T4 Va
Having defined the compression ratio r as follows:
r¼ ð4:93Þ
the ideal efficiency of the Otto cycle is:
gid ¼ 1 ð4:94Þ
It is evident how the ideal efficiency increases as the compression ratio
increases; in the practical Otto cycles, however, it is not possible to exceed a
compression ratio of 8–10 in order to avoid the self-ignition of the mixture that
would occur during the compression phase, before the piston reaches the top dead
centre, since a fuel–air mix is compressed and in some temperature and pressure
conditions, it spontaneously burns out.
With c = 1,4 and r = 8, the ideal efficiency is 56.5%. The real cycle
(Fig. 4.35) is very much different from the ideal one, having considered the
irreversibility of transformations and most of all the fact that induction and
exhaustion do not take place at constant pressure, generating in this way a negative
work in the cycle.
The maximum efficiency29 of the real cycle amounts to about 25%. If the
engine operates at a variable speed (automotive powertrain), considering the
operation at variable speed the average efficiency drops at nearly 18–20%.
The efficiency of the real cycle (differently from the ideal one) varies according to the number
of revolutions of the engine and presents a maximum of nearly 2/3 of the maximum number of
238 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Diesel Cycle
Figure 4.36 shows the Diesel cycle p–V diagram. Engines adopting this cycle can
be fuelled with gas oil.
In the Diesel cycle the following phases can be identified:
• 1–2: Aspiration at constant pressure of air only;
• 2–3: Rapid compression, ideally an adiabatic one;
• 3–4: Combustion, which takes place by introducing the fuel when air has
reached the conditions suitable for air–fuel mixture burns spontaneously, a
phenomenon that can be regarded as isobaric heating;
• 4–5: Rapid expansion similar to an adiabatic;
• 5–2: Opening of the discharge valve with isochoric reduction of pressure;
• 2–1: Exhaust at constant pressure.
For the Diesel cycle there is:
L ¼ Q1 Q2 ¼ cp ðT4 T3 Þ cv ðT5 T2 Þ ð4:95Þ
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 239
1 ð1=eÞc ð1=rÞc
gid ¼ 1 ð4:101Þ
c ð1=eÞ ð1=rÞ
In this case as well, efficiency increases as r increases. In the case of the Diesel
cycle, however, the real value of r can be higher than in the case of the Otto cycle
since, by compressing only air, the problem of self-ignition does not appear; the
effective values of r can be 18–20. With r = 18 (e = 9) a value of the ideal
efficiency is obtained as amounting to 63.2%. Also in this case as well, the real
cycle (Fig. 4.37) is heavily different from the ideal one for the reasons seen above.
is heavily different from the ideal one for the reasons seen above. The maximum
240 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
efficiency values of the real cycle are around 35% and, during operation at variable
speed, the average value of efficiency drops at around 25–28%.
Solar energy can be captured and used in a thermal form, and this can happen
without concentration (thermal solar at low temperature) or with concentration.
In the case of concentration plants, there are two different applications:
1. The systems with a limited concentration, in which case the thermal energy will
have a relatively low operational temperature (i.e. up to 250 C) and heat is
used for process purposes, whenever a thermal source is needed, i.e. for drying
purposes in agriculture or for chemical-industrial processes.
2. The systems with a high concentration, in which case maximum operational
temperature is high and applications can include industrial processes or ther-
modynamic conversion to produce electric power.
corresponding to the infrared (nearly 7.7 lm). Therefore, to maximise the useful
energy, the transparent covering should reflect (q % 1) these wavelengths.
Obviously, the collecting plate must be as absorbent as possible (a % 1) for all the
wavelengths, and have a low submissiveness for the wavelengths of the infrared.
The collecting plate, made in copper or steel, is superficially treated with dark
and opaque paints that reduce reflection and increase absorption (low emissivity
for wavelengths, typical of infrared radiation). The main function of the plate is to
divert heat and send it to the pipes: it is important to privilege those solutions in
which the thermal resistance between said elements is reduced to minimum levels
(for instance welded pipes and plate). Normally, canalisations are made to resist
pressures of 6–7 bar.
The insulating material, with a porous structure, has to reduce at minimum the
losses due to conduction towards the lateral and lower surfaces of the collector.
The materials that are mostly used include polyurethane, polyester wool, glass
wool or rock wool (sheets, rolls, pressure-injected foams). Thermal insulation
gives out in case of storage of humidity (often, therefore, a sheet of aluminium is
placed on the insulating plates with the aim of stopping condensation and
reflecting the radiation coming from the plate towards the plate itself).
The transparent covering, as already mentioned, must be extremely transparent
for the wavelengths typical of solar radiation and, at the same time, opaque to
infrared radiation. The materials most frequently used for its implementation
include: single glass (very good transparency without blocking convection losses,
it is heavy and fragile), double glass (decreases transparency but increases the
thermal insulation capacity), honeycomb polycarbonate (light, inexpensive,
resistant, it is characterised by reduced convection losses compared to the single
glass, although it is less transparent, tends to be opaque in time and, therefore, its
lifecycle is shorter than the collector).
The containment case gives compactness and mechanical strength to the col-
lector, and aims at protecting the internal elements from dirt and atmospheric agents.
The materials that are usually used to realise it include stainless steel (generally
galvanised and pre-treated), anodised aluminium or, more rarely, fibreglass.
The heat-transfer fluid must have a limited volume (in order to use small-size
pipes), a high density and a high specific heat. It shall not be corrosive for the
circuit, and must be chemically inert and stable at temperatures around 100C. It is
also necessary that the fluid selected has a low hardness in order to limit the
limestone deposition, besides having a low freezing point and a low viscosity (in
order to favour an easy flowing of the fluid without introducing excessive load
losses in the circuit). In those cases in which the collector is used to supply sanitary
hot water, it shall not be toxic (otherwise there would be huge complications of the
system for safety reasons). Fluids that corresponding to these characteristics, at
limited costs, include water (characterised, however, by non negligible problems
of hardness and also an easily reachable freezing point in areas with a temperate
climate), a solution of water and ethylene glycol (toxic and not suitable to systems
for the production of sanitary hot water (SHW)) or, in most of cases, a solution of
water and propylene glycol.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 243
Indicating with Q the incident flow, with Qu the flow of useful heat, with Qp the
flow of dissipated heat, the balance can be written as follows:
Q ¼ Qu þ Qp ð4:103Þ
Indicating with s the transmittance of the transparent coating, with a the
absorbance of the collecting plate, with I the incident solar radiation and with A the
active surface of the collector, the total incident flow is:
Q¼IsaA ð4:104Þ
With reference to specialised literature, the flow of dispersed heat (sum of
thermal losses and of optical losses) can be expressed as:
Qp ¼ Uc ðTp Ta Þ ð4:105Þ
Table 4.6 Values of the parameters for the calculation of useful energy
Parameters for the calculation of useful energy
Thermal loss coefficient Uc Non-selective plate and simple glass transparent 7–8
(W/m2 K) covering
Non-selective plate and double glass covering 4–6
Selective plate and double transparent covering 3–5
Effective product sa Simple glass covering 0.9
Double glass covering 0.8
Thermal removal factor Fr Liquid collectors 0.9
Air collectors 0.7
Fr Uc ðTi Ta Þ
g ¼ Fr ðsaÞ ð4:109Þ
Since Fr(sa) and FrUc can be considered as constant, the efficiency depending
on the variable Ti-Ta/I is an angular coefficient line FrUc, as shown in Fig. 4.40.
The results obtained are supported by the experimental analysis, from which it
emerges that efficiency has an almost linear trend, sloping down as temperature
increases due to the variation of Uc. As wind speed increases, efficiency is reduced
by some percentage points with more marked variations over the speed of 5 m/s,
and as the temperature of collectors increases. The influence of wind is negligible
for those collectors endowed with two or more transparent coverings.
The intersection of the efficiency line with the axis of abscissas defines the
stagnation temperature that, after setting room temperature and the intensity of the
incident radiation, represents the temperature at which the plate is taken in con-
ditions of null useful energy.
insulation beyond the 5–10 cm that are usually used, whereas there are consid-
erable reductions of losses by taking care of the elimination of all possible thermal
bridges, the most common of which is represented by the plate-external covering
contact outside of the collector.
Particular importance is also ascribed to the characteristics of the insulating
material that shall not degrade over time because of severe thermal stresses. Since
the radiation exchange depends on the fourth magnitude of absolute temperature,
as temperature increases, radiation dispersions increase as well, which explains the
use of selective plates when operating temperatures are higher. This intervention,
however, in lowering the equilibrium temperature of glass, stresses the convective
losses between plate and glass; this increase, however, is lower than the reduction
of dispersions by radiation.
Dispersions by convection can be drastically reduced, creating vacuum between
the plate and the glass, with pressures lower than 10 mbar as it happens in vacuum
To increase Fr it is possible to increase the flow rate which should be included
between the minimum value of 0.007 kg/m2s, necessary to guarantee a sufficient
irrigation of all canals, and the maximum value of 0.03 kg/m2s beside which the
advantages of the best thermal exchange can be overcome by an increased
pumping activity. As the flow rate decreases, the temperature drop between the
input and the output of the collector increases, and therefore also the instantaneous
efficiency, which in the long term may cause a penalisation of the overall per-
formance, is reduced. The Fr increase is also obtained by paying attention to the
thermal exchange between plate and canalisation, which might also be limited in
the case of canalisations welded to the plate. Furthermore, it is important that the
plate has a good thermal conductivity, which might be obtained by using metals as
copper (which shows the best conductivity), aluminium and steel.
Apparently, performance should be penalised as the thermal capacity of the
collector increases, because of the impossibility of exploiting short favourable
periods, characteristic of a variable climate.
Besides the glazed ones mentioned above, there are other types of collectors:
uncovered, integrated-storage and vacuum.
Uncovered collectors, made with plastic pipes (propylene, neoprene, synthetic
rubbers, PVC) have the advantage of being cost-effective in some conditions
although free from any type of insulation and transparent cover, and provide
satisfactory performance only if used for plants working in the summer period,
when the great availability from the solar source makes up for their low efficiency.
In integrated storage collectors, a single element replaces the collecting plate,
the coil and the external storage; this single element can be made up of siding
pipes (diameter of nearly 10 cm), large pipes between two plates facing each
other, and a single large container of different shapes. The water necessary for
users remains inside of the collector (slow heating with convective motions).
246 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Plant solutions
Fig. 4.42 Natural (a) and forced (b) circulation plant configurations
Fig. 4.43 Plant configuration: closed systems (a) and draining systems (b)
Another distinction in the plant configuration concerns the state of the circuit
when the plant is stopped: there are closed-loop systems and drainback systems
(Fig. 4.43).
In closed-loop systems, solar collectors are always loaded with fluid, even when
the circulation pump is stopped. In this case the heat-transfer fluid must be able to
face low temperatures without freezing, and impose the use of an antifreeze liquid:
this prevents the direct exchange. In closed systems it is always necessary to
interpose a heat exchanger between the solar circuit and the users.
In drainback systems, as soon as the circulation pump stops, the solar circuit
empties in a drainage reservoir, placed under collectors themselves. Since one
better avoid using antifreeze liquids, open systems can be used with a direct
exchange without placing any exchanger between the plant and users that, obvi-
ously, entails a higher complication of the system and an overall loss of efficiency.
Conversely, the disadvantage of direct exchange systems that use running water as
heat-transfer fluid is the danger of calcareous deposits on the internal walls of pipes.
248 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Heat storage
Since solar radiation and consumption of thermal energy do not happen simul-
taneously, it is necessary to include a heat storage reservoir in the plant. Heat storage
can be done on a daily, weekly or seasonal basis. For the sizing of storage (usually
daily) it is necessary to refer to the diagrams of daily heat production and needs.
In any case, seasonal storage is also possible. There are two storage systems:
the first one (very much used in northern European villages), is obtained by
digging in rocky masses a cave with a capacity between 100 and 1000 m3. If there
are no aquifers nearby, the rock, once filled with hot water, reaches a stable
thermal equilibrium. The reservoir is sized to meet the thermal needs from Sep-
tember to the end of February. In March the direct use of water from solar collector
begins once again. Very often the heat coming from inter-season storage is inte-
grated with chimney boilers. In the second one (very much used in Middle East)
systems called ‘‘Solar Pond’’ are made. These are large artificial reservoirs; the
bottom of the reservoir is made in black plastic or in any other material provided
that it is safe (sometimes also seaweeds). The reservoir is divided into two layers
through a polyethylene film or in any case with a transparent plastic: the most
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 249
superficial layer is filled with freshwater, the deepest layer with saltwater. The
transparent film acts as a selective material. The temperature of deep saltwater
reaches even 90C.
The weekly storage aims at ensuring the availability of heat in long periods with
a low or very low solar radiation. In this case the storage system is a reservoir of
such size that guarantees a reserve of thermal energy. Storage can be done through
a single reservoir or with several reservoirs, one of which has to be sized for the
daily needs of the normal period of use, whereas the secondary ones must be used
according to the quantity of storage thermal energy selected. In case of the Mild
climate areas, weekly coverage solutions are avoided, since they are more suitable
for cold climate regions.
Integrated plants
Given the uncertainty of the source, solar collector plants, in order to guarantee
the continuous availability of heat to users, must usually be integrated with tra-
ditional plants. The heat produced from solar energy will integrate the one pro-
duced in traditional boilers: the integration factor is determined according to
technical–economic considerations, normally around at least 60%.
The insertion is extremely simple in case of integrated storage in the collector.
In fact, having considered that the hydraulic circuit between collectors and storage
is not present, any control equipment is necessary (differential thermostat and
minimum thermostat). The solar collector can be installed upstream the integration
250 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
boiler and uses the thermostat of the integration system (gas boiler or electric
water heater) as a control of the system. Modern gas boilers and electric water
heaters can be crossed by hot water. The load losses of the fluid in crossing the
boiler are limited, having considered that the length of the coils inside of it does
not exceed two meters in linear length. A scheme of integrated plants is shown in
Fig. 4.44.
The heat produced by concentration solar plants has different types of appli-
cations. It can be used by the industrial sector as process heat, or to feed a
thermoelectric (steam) plant; in this case, the plant as a whole operates a con-
version from radiant energy to electric energy. Another possible application (for
those operating at high temperatures, that is to say dish concentrators and solar-
power towers) consists in providing the necessary heat for the thermodynamic
fission of water to produce hydrogen. In that case, the plant as a whole performs a
conversion from radiant energy to chemical energy. Thermolysis
In general, the thermolysis process consists in the fission of the water molecule
into hydrogen and oxygen, using heat for the fission reaction
H2O ? heat ) H2 ? O2. Thus it is a system converting thermal energy to
chemical energy. Heat can be produced in different ways, and several studies
252 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
assess such technologies. One option is to exploit the heat produced in thermo-
electric plants: the thermolysis allow a transformation of chemical energy (a fossil
fuel is used as a primary resource, and another fuel is produced, hydrogen). Also
heat produced in nuclear plants can be used: in this we have a conversion from
nuclear power to chemical energy. Another possibility consists in the use of
concentrated solar energy, which allows to reach very high temperatures; in this
case the plant operates a conversion from radiant energy to chemical energy.
In any case, the reaction of direct fission of water, heavily endothermic, without
the use of catalysts, takes place at very high temperatures (besides 2,000C). To
obtain the fission at lower temperatures, it is necessary to use particular catalysts
forming intermediate compounds.
When heat is produced by thermoelectric or nuclear power plants, a promising
chemical process is the one made up of three phases: thermal decomposition of
hydrogen iodide from which H2 and I2 are obtained; thermal decomposition of
sulphuric acid, from which SO2 and O2 are obtained; reaction of I2 and SO2, in
aqueous solution at ambient temperature, from which HI and H2SO4 in cycle are
In brief, the process is the following:
Phase 1ðT ¼ 300 CÞ 2HI ! H2 þ I2
Phase 2ðT ¼ 870 CÞ H2 SO4 ! H2 O þ SO2 þ 12 O2
Phase 3ðT ¼ 25 CÞ 2H2 O þ SO2 þ I2 ! H2 SO4 þ 2HI
Global reaction H2 O ! H2 þ 12 O2
The efficiency of the chemical plant under consideration (defined by the ratio
between the energy content of the hydrogen produced and the heat consumed)
amounts to nearly 50%. The overall efficiency of the plant clearly depends on the
efficiency of the heat production process.
Another chemical process, used in the plants in which heat is produced through
solar concentrators, is based on the use of iron oxide as catalysts. The process is
therefore the following:
The use of concentration solar plants allows to reach very high temperatures,
necessary for the dissociation reactions of the water molecule: in the focus of a
parabolic mirror concentrating direct solar reactions, temperatures exceeding
2,000C are reached.
Figure 4.47 shows the diagram of a solar thermolysis plant. The heat produced
by parabolic concentrators is stored in suitable systems since the chemical plant
must operate with continuity: in the periods of peak solar radiation, the heat
produced is partly used to feed chemical plants, and partly stored. In the hours of
absence of radiation, the chemical plant continues to operate, powered by the heat
storage system.
Considering an efficiency of the heat collection and accumulation system
amounting to 65% and an efficiency of the chemical plant of 53%, a global
efficiency relating to hydrogen production from solar energy is obtained and
amounts to nearly 35% [3]. Electrolysis
On the basis of the above, it follows that:
• If a PD lower than E (threshold) is applied to an electrolytic cell,there is no
passage of current and therefore there is no electrolysis. This happens since
there are conditions of equilibrium (between cemf and applied PD) and con-
sequently the reaction speeds on electrodes are globally null.
• If the PD applied is higher than E, there are no more equilibrium conditions, the
passing current has an intensity I and electrolysis takes place.
In order to have electrolysis, then, a PD higher than E must be applied, that is to
say an overvoltage indicated as intrinsic overvoltage (Vi), since it is implied in the
phenomenon of electrolysis itself.
Another unavoidable increase of electrolysis PD, necessary to keep constant the
value I of current, is due to the discharge of ions on electrodes, causing a decrease
of concentration in the solution areas in contact with them, with subsequent
migration towards those areas of other ions from the bulk of the solution (where
concentration is higher). The slower the ion supply (for instance due to the high
viscosity and/or low concentration of the solution), the more marked the con-
centration decrease in the electrode areas, the higher the cemf. This increase
demands, in order to allow I to be constant, an equal increase of the electrolysis
PD. In this way, there is another type of overvoltage, of concentration (Vc), dif-
ferent from the one described above.
Finally, there is the increase of electrolysis PD due to the ohmic drop in the cell,
whose value (V) is given by the product of the electric resistance of the cell (X) by
the intensity of the electrolysis current (A); it varies with the distance between
electrodes and with the resistance of the solution. This phenomenon represents the
so-called ohmicovervoltage (Vh).
Therefore, having called DEterm the thermodynamic voltage, the PD needed for
electrolysis is given by
V ¼ DEterm þ Vi þ Vc þ Vh ð4:110Þ
In practice, in order to improve efficiency, the maximum reduction of the
overvoltage has to be implemented. The intrinsic overvoltage is reduced by using
catalysts (on the surface of the electrode), the concentration one by keeping the
solution rough, and the ohmic drop by making electrodes as close as possible. Each
reduction of V, in fact, represents an energy saving, an element which is very much
important in the economy of industrial processes.
256 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
A solution of KOH with [aOH] = 1 is taken into consideration. In this case, the
following electrode processes take place:
Cathode ðreduction of H2 OÞ 4H2 O þ 4e ! 2H2 þ 4OH
Anode ðoxidation of OH Þ 4OH ! O2 þ 2H2 O þ 4e
Global reaction 2H2 O ! 2H2 þ O2
Electrolysis of neutral solutions A solution of K2SO4 is considered, since the
K2SO4 does not hydrolyse, the concentration of ions H3O+ and of ions OH- is
small and the processes to the electrodes are:
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 257
Electrolysis Efficiency
The efficiency of the electrolysis process can be defined as the ratio between the
electric power theoretically necessary to the process according to the Faraday’s
Law, and the one that is actually used. Indicating with F the Faraday constant, with
z the number of electrons transported by each ion, with c the speed (in mole/s) at
which the reagent is consumed, the current, IF, necessary to the process according
to the Faraday’s Law is:
IF ¼ z F c ð4:111Þ
The necessary voltage according to the Faraday Law is DEterm, therefore effi-
ciency, indicating with V and I the effective voltage and current, is:
DEterm z F c
g¼ ð4:112Þ
Introducing the voltage efficiencyg V, defined as ratio between thermodynamic
and real voltage:
gV ¼ ð4:113Þ
And the current efficiencyg F, defined as the ratio between the Faraday current
and the effective one:
gF ¼ ð4:114Þ
Replacing (4.113) and (4.114) in (4.112), the efficiency of the electrolysis
process can be expressed as a product of the two efficiencies defined above:
g ¼ gV gF ð4:115Þ
As already said, the thermodynamic potential of water electrolysis amounts to
1.23 V; however, considering the inevitable overvoltage, at least 1.4 V are nec-
essary to obtain an acceptable reaction speed. In the current density conditions
typical of commercial electrolysers (amounting to nearly 1 A/cm2), there is a cell
voltage between 1.7 and 2.0 V; current efficiency is close to the unit, thus to these
values efficiencies of the electrolysis process of 60–70% correspond. As concerns
258 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Figure 4.51 shows the chart of an electrolysis system; the electrolyser, fed with
deionised water, produces hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen produced under-
goes first of all a de-oxidation process and subsequently dehumidification to
eliminate the (distilled) water present, which is then reused to fuel the electrolyser;
at the outlet of the dehumidifier there is hydrogen with a very high degree of purity
Water electrolysis always takes place in solution and not in pure water, since its
conductibility would be very low and the current crossing the cell would be
negligible; very often a basic solution of KOH (alkaline electrolysers) is used. As
the concentration of the solution increases, two contrasting phenomena can be
observed: on the one side, the number of charge conveyors increases (which
improves conductivity); on the other side the interactions between ions which
obstacle movement increase, hence leading to a decrease of the conduction
movement. The maximum electric current in the cell is obtained with a concen-
tration of the electrolytic solution of nearly 30%.
Electrolysers can be classified as follows:
• Conventional alkaline electrolysers: the concentration of the electrolytic solu-
tion (normally KOH) ranges between 20 and 30%, operating at temperatures
ranging from 70 to 100C and pressures between 1 and 30 bar;
• Advanced alkaline electrolysers: characterised by a lower distance between
electrodes (which reduces the ohmic resistance of the electrolyte), by new
techniques for the catalysation of active surfaces (which decrease overvoltage)
and higher operating temperature;
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 259
• Solid polymer electrolysers: in which the PEM unifies the separator and elec-
trolyte functions; they show potentially very high efficiencies (94%), but pres-
ently the actual efficiency is lower than the in alkaline ones and entail high costs;
• Steam electrolyser: the electrolyte is ceramic (ion conductor); the efficiency is
potentially very high, but not yet available in the market.
Table 4.7 shows the main characteristics of conventional and advanced alkaline
electrolysers. Photoelectrolysis
body, that is to subtrac heat from a body and reduce its temperature (from a few
degrees above 0C even up to cryogenic values of -250C and less). In the latter
two different functions are possible: can be provide both heat and cool, for winter
heating purposes as well as for summer conditioning.
The heat pump is a machine able to transfer heat from a lower temperature room to
another higher temperature area (Fig. 4.52). In general, the purpose is to heat a
room at higher temperatures; sometimes the objective is to refrigerate a body at the
lower temperature. Reversible heat pumps operate in both conditions, simply by
changing the interval of operating temperatures.
The heat pump is made up of a closed circuit crossed by a fluid (refrigerant)
with suitable characteristics that, according to its temperature and pressure con-
ditions, takes a liquid or gaseous state, usually steam.
In its standard configuration, the closed circuit is made up as follows (Fig.
• A compressor, C
• A condenser
• An expansion valve, V
• An evaporator
The condenser and the evaporator are two heat exchangers, namely two pipes in
which a refrigerant fluid flows exchanging energy with a service fluid (either water
or air). The refrigerant releases heat in the condenser and removes it in the
evaporator. The components of the circuit can be grouped into a single block or
divided into two parts (‘‘split’’ systems) linked by the pipes in which the refrig-
erant fluid flows. In its operation, the refrigerant fluid, within the circuit, undergoes
the following transformations (Fig. 4.54):
• Compression (1–2): the gaseous and low pressure refrigerant fluid, coming from
the evaporator, is taken to high pressure during compression, and heats itself by
absorbing a given quantity of heat.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 261
• Condensation (2–3): the refrigerant fluid, coming from the compressor, passes
from the gaseous to the liquid state, releasing heat outside.
• Expansion (3–4): passing through the expansion valve, the refrigerant fluid
partially transforms into steam and cools down.
• Evaporation (4–1): the refrigerant fluid absorbs heat from outside and evapo-
rates completely.
The overall set of these transformations is the heat pump cycle: providing
energy to the refrigerant fluid with the compressor, it absorbs heat from the sur-
rounding medium in the evaporator and, through the condenser, releases it to the
body to be heated.
In the compression heat pumps, that are the far most widespread ones, the
energy absorbed by the cycle (E in Fig. 4.52) is the mechanic energy necessary to
activate the compressor; as it often happens, from an operative viewpoint, the
energy supplied to the machine is electric power and the compressor is set in
motion by an electric motor, therefore the plant, as a whole, operates a conversion
from electric energy into thermal energy.
Thermodynamic Cycle
While discussing about the thermodynamic cycle, reference will be made to
compression heat pumps.
The phases of the cycle of a heat pump are shown in Fig. 4.53. The refrigerant
fluid, at the liquid state and at a temperature T1 and pressure p1, absorbs heat from
the outside, evaporating; as it is known, the passage from one phase to another
takes place at constant temperature and pressure. The steam is then taken to
pressure p2 [ p1 through an adiabatic compression; therefore, the temperature at
the exit of the compressor (which absorbs the mechanical work L) will be T2 [ T1.
In these new conditions, the refrigerant fluid, at the gaseous state, releases heat to
the outside by condensing at a temperature T2 [ T1. At the exit of the condenser,
the fluid is expanded adiabatically up to conditions p1 and T1 and the cycle starts
again. Since the refrigerant fluid is at the liquid state, the (useful) work obtainable
262 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Q1 ¼ T1 ðS3 S2 Þ ¼ T1 DS ð4:119Þ
By replacing (4.118) and (4.119) in (4.117), it follows
COP ¼ ð4:120Þ
T2 T1
The refore, the COP, depends on the limit temperatures of the cycle and
decreases as the difference between the two temperatures increases.30 Considering,
For this reason, heat pumps are more suitable for mild climate.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 263
This type of heat pumps operates on the basis of the Peltier effect. To briefly recall
the characteristics of this effect, one can refer to Fig. 4.56, in which a thermo-
electric circuit is connected to a battery that allows direct current I to flow in. As it
is known, two different metals have free electrons at different levels of Fermi,31
characterised by separate values of kinetic energy and concentration; as a conse-
quence of this, at the contact of the two metals the e.m.f. allows each electron that
crosses the interface to deliver a given quantity of energy (positive in one
At absolute zero the Fermi level or Fermy energy is, at absolute zero, the highest energy level
occupied by the ‘‘free’’ electrons of the conduction band. It is typical of the material considered
and weakly depends on temperature. At higher temperatures, some free electrons can be at higher
levels, according to the statistical distribution function provided by the Fermi–Dirac theory.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 265
p n
direction, negative in the other). This energy exchange translates into a heat
absorption in one of the junctions and into release in the other.
The electric power Wp developed and absorbed in each junction is given by the
WP ¼ aP1;2 ðT Þ I ð4:123Þ
where aP,1,2 (T) is the Peltier coefficient. It has the same physical mean of a
e.m.f and, depends on the materials used and varies according to temperature. If
dependency upon temperature is put aside32, then the quantity of heat absorbed in
a time unit at a junction is exactly the same as the one developed at the other.
It is useful to consider the Peltier coefficient as follows:
aP1;2 ¼ aP1 aP2 ð4:124Þ
By convention, the Peltier coefficient is positive if heat is absorbed when the
current flows from the material with a Fermi level higher than the one with the
lower level 0.
This admission does not introduce a significant error.
266 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
The Peltier effect can be exploited for the carrying out of heat pumps; in these
applications, electric current is circulated in a circuit as the one shown in Fig. 4.56:
exploiting as a ‘‘useful effect’’ the passage of heat from one junction to the other.
Figure 4.57 shows the scheme of this type of heat pump: the use of semicon-
ductors imposes the adoption of low voltages and, therefore, given the same
power, high currents; to avoid too high currents, several cells in series must be
connected. In any case, this type of heat pumps is only used for small powers. The
COP is low (1.2–1.4) and markedly decreases as the difference of temperature
increases: therefore, to obtain acceptable values of COP, the temperature differ-
ence between the hot joint and the cold joint shall not exceed 20C.
Historically, incandescent lamps are the previous ones and nowadays are still the
most widespread; their success over time is due to the good compromise they make
between mean life, luminous efficiency and price.
The most common model of incandescent lamps is represented by general
lighting service (GLS) lamps (Fig. 4.58). The first patent of these lamps dates back
to Edison, in 1841, but it was only in 1880 that they were actually commercialised.
They are made with a base and a glass bulb inside of which there is a filament
that, when the lamp is connected to a power circuit, is crossed by an electric current
that heats it until reaching incandescence, leading it to emit radiant energy
including different wavelengths. The filament emission is regulated by the Planck’s
Law, since in general it is a material similar to a high-emission black or grey body
(Fig. 4.59). Therefore, it emits on the entire spectrum, for wavelengths between 0
and ?, and the emission decreases until becoming null for k = 0 and k = ?.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 267
2:9 106
kmax ¼ ð4:125Þ
As temperature increases, this maximum moves from the infrared
(T = 1.500 K) to the field of visible light (T = 3.000 K). In particular, in order to
have it at k = 555 nm, to which corresponds the maximum level of visibility, it is
necessary that the filament reaches a temperature of 5,225 K, too high for what-
ever known material: therefore, in practice, the maximum emission mainly occurs
in the field of infrared radiation. In the first models, until 1913, the filament was
linear and made up of coal; it worked at nearly 1,800C, since it was not possible
to reach higher temperatures in order to avoid the sublimation of carbon. This
phenomenon must be generally avoided for two reasons: because it produces a too
rapid destruction of the filament that, in loosing matter, weakens and breaks, and
because of the subsequent deposit of the vapours released on the internal surface of
the glass bulb darkening it and therefore decreasing the transparency of the glass
and, subsequently, the luminous flow emitted outside.
At 1,800C the maximum emission is at k = 1,400 nm, whereas only a small
portion of the radiation energy falls in the field of visible radiations. Furthermore,
the lamps work with very low pressures in the bulb: in fact, the vacuum was
created in it to delay the oxidation of the filament and prevent it from burning;
however, the low pressure had, together with high temperature, the unwanted
effect of accelerating carbon sublimation. This problem has represented for a long
time a limitation to temperature increase, since it was kept very much below the
melting temperature, until tungsten was adopted, once all the techniques necessary
for its processing in rather thin wires of suitable electrical and mechanical char-
acteristics were fine-tuned.
This material, due to its very high melting point (3.770 K), allows to reach very
high temperatures (it should not exceed 2,500C in vacuum and 2,800C in inert
gas), hence guaranteeing high-energy emissions with wavelengths that fall in the
visible light.
Furthermore, it shows outstanding features in terms of ductility and electric and
mechanical resistance, which allow in the lamps that are presently available in the
market, differently from the first types of products, to coil it up in a double-helix
shape to increase its mechanical resistance and allow a minimum heat dispersion.
In case of powers exceeding 25 W, inert gases are generally introduced in the
bulb, usually argon and nitrogen mixes (but also, in case of special applications,
kripton or hydrogen) that reduce the sublimation of the filament, although in this
way a certain heat transmission is activated by convention between the filament,
the gas and the glass, which lowers the temperature of the filament and subse-
quently reduces its efficiency. In general the best filling gas is kripton since,
besides having a sufficient chemical inertia, it also shows a low value of thermal
268 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
I2 ! 2I
W þ 2I ! WI2 2:000 K
WI2 ! W þ 2I 2:800 K
In the area of the lamp with the lowest temperature, the vapours of tungsten
freed from the filament are chemically combined with the iodine present, forming
gaseous tungsten iodine (WI2) or other similar compounds. This compound, while
migrating to the area of the hot filament, decomposes in its elements, forming
metallic tungsten that newly deposits on the filament. In this way, most of the
sublimated tungsten deposits once again, markedly slowing down both the erosion
process of the filament and the deposition on the inside of the bulb.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 269
Excitation consists in the removal of electrons from the stable orbit, made by other electrons
accelerated by an electric field.
Due to the fact that these sources emit a light whose spectrum is discontinuous.
270 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
They are essentially made up of a container, generally in glass or quartz with two
electrodes, in which a gaseous body is fit (metallic vapours, sodium or mercury in
particular, since the radiations they emit are found in the visible spectrum, xenon
or rare gases) at a suitable pressure (Fig. 4.61).
Sodium in particular, being solid at the ordinary temperature, must pass to the
gaseous state to be able to emit: therefore it is plunged in a neon atmosphere which
allows the triggering of the discharge and the necessary temperature increase.
According to the value of pressure of the discharge pipe, this type of lamp can, in
turn, be divided into two sub-groups: high and low pressure. In low-pressure
sodium steam lamps (0.5 Pa) the discharge takes place in a glass U-shaped pipe,
protected by an external glass tubular bulb, whose internal surface is covered with
indium oxides to ensure a good thermal insulation, having considered that the lamp
works better at high temperatures (270C) (Fig. 4.62).
At low pressures, sodium emits a practically monochromatic yellow light (a
doublet of yellow-orange spectral lines, very close to the maximum light sensi-
tivity, at 589 and 589.6 nm), and cannot be used for internal lighting and for all
those applications in which the distinction of colours is important: for this reason,
their use is destined to those cases in which colour rendering is not important; in
particular, in Italy this lamp is mostly used for road lighting. Light efficiency in
low-pressure lamps reaches 200 lm/W, whereas their mean life ranges between
8,000 and 10,000 h. Colour rendering is obviously completely insufficient
(Ra = 0): in particular the low-pressure sodium lamps are disadvantaged from this
viewpoint. In high-pressure sodium lamps (40 kPa) the discharge still takes place
at high temperature, with the emission on a line spectrum or continuous spectrum
in the visible light, therefore the colour is not monochromatic yellow any longer,
but rather white-gold (Ra = 60) with a colour temperature varying from 2,200 to
4,200 K (Fig. 4.62).
The luminous efficiency is slightly lower than the one obtained at low pressure,
in any case exceeding 100 lm/W. Its lifetime goes from 5,000 to 12,000 h, and the
flow at the end of the useful life is reduced on average to 90% of the initial one.
4.2 Energy Conversion Plants 271
See Sect.
272 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
electron goes back to its initial level and in passing from a higher energy status E2
to a lower one E1 the atom emits a quantum of light (photon) amounting to the
E 2 E1 ¼ h m ð4:126Þ
with h as Planck’s constant (6.63 9 1034 Js) and m as frequency of the emitted
radiation (in s-1). Since the energy released by the electron with the collision
amounts to eV, the wavelength of the photon emitted will be given by:
c ch
k¼ ¼ ð4:127Þ
m eV
When finally the collision takes place at a speed so high that a peripheral
electron is taken away from the atomic system, the atom is charged positively and
therefore it ionises. The freed electrons behave exactly like a colliding electron,
whereas the ion can recombine with another electron producing light, or release
heat through collision against the walls. If an appropriate continuous voltage is
applied to the discharge tube, there will be a continuous formation of ions moving
towards the cathode and a production of other electrons that will very quickly
move towards the anode. In the characteristic curve of the tube, this phenomenon
turns into a rapid increase of current as voltage increases. Under the bombardment
of ions, the cathode heats and emits in turn electrons due to the thermionic effect:
therefore the ionisation increases and a number of electrons is produced that is
sufficient to allow the discharge to become independent from the original free
electrons (in this case it is generally said that it is self-sustained). The gas has
become in this way a conductor, the voltage drop on the lamp decreases and the
current increases. The minimum voltage able to trigger this process, that corre-
sponds to the voltage at which the lighting of the lamp takes place, is called in fact
triggering voltage.
In the typical curve there is then a section of negative resistance (corresponding
to the operation of discharge lamps) in which the potential drop between elec-
trodes decrease as current increases. The voltage at the terminals sufficient to keep
the discharge is lower than the triggering voltage. Another section corresponding
to the disruptive or arch discharge finally follows that is only exploited for arch
lamps, used in special applications.
The trend of the curve (triggering voltage, arch voltage, etc.) depends on the
form of the tube and on the nature of gas. In particular, the triggering voltage
depends on the product of pressure by the distance between electrodes (Paschen’s
Law), therefore the higher their values, the higher it will be: this can be explained
by making the following considerations.
At high pressures the mean free time (the time between the two subsequent
collisions) is rather short, therefore they do not succeed in gaining a sufficient
kinetic energy to produce the ion ionisation in collisions. Only by increasing the pd
at the terminals it is possible to suitably accelerate the particles in such a way as to
274 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
allow collisions to have the ionisation of other atoms: this translates, therefore,
into an increase of the value of the triggering voltage.
At low pressures, when the gas is very much rarefied, the mean free time is
much larger, therefore the possibility of having a collision before the accelerated
particle reaches the opposite electrode is rather low. Also in this case, only by
increasing voltage it is possible to reduce the mean free time producing a higher
agitation of particles and this, once again, translates into an increase of the trig-
gering voltage.
Furthermore, for a given gas and at a given pressure, the triggering pressure
increases as the diameter of the tube decreases. This can be explained by
observing that a small diameter facilitates the possibility of ion and electron
recombination on lateral surfaces before causing other ionisations. The value of
the triggering voltage can however be reduced by using both rare gases, and
appropriate electrodes. The former show an excitation voltage very close to their
ionisation voltage, which facilitates the definition of the discharge through the
gas (furthermore these gases, as all the metallic vapours, have a monatomic
molecule, and this allows not to disperse energy in the collisions with electrons
to excite oscillations and rotations of the atoms of the molecule). As to the
appropriate electrodes, it is possible for instance to coat the cathode, which is
generally made in tungsten, with layers of alkaline-terrous oxides, such as BaO,
SrO and CaO, with a low exit potential, which facilitate ionisation phenomena).
It is also possible to adopt auxiliary electrodes, that is to say the heating of
In order to allow the phenomenon of the discharge not to be exhausted, it is
necessary that the gas remains ionised, with shifts towards the cathode of positive
ions and of electrodes towards the anode. In this way a progressively higher
current is however determined, which must be stabilised by using some current
limiters, called reactors, inductive ballast resistors that are used to limit power
Fluorescent Lamps
Mixed-Light Lamp
These are mercury vapour bulb fluorescent lamps, where inside of the bulb, a
filament of tungsten is added and connected in series to the discharge tube
(Fig. 4.66). The filament, in emitting through incandescence with its continuous
276 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
Induction Lamps
These are new generation lamps, whose functioning is based on the fluorescent
lamps, but in which electrodes are eliminated since they represent the weak point
in terms of duration. The power requested is in this case provided by a high-
frequency electronic generator (2.65 MHz) that, once coupled with a coaxial cable
to an antenna, creates an alternate magnetic field that in turn induces a secondary
electric field (Fig. 4.67). Therefore, an induced current is generated which circu-
lates in the mix of mercury vapour and rare gas contained in the bulb, triggering
the ionisation phase previously described.
The efficiency is around 65 lm/W, the colour temperature around 3,000–
4,000 K, the colour-rendering index is higher than 80 and the estimated mean life
is 60,000 h.
4.3 Energy Transformation Plants 277
Also in the case of transformation plants aimed at producing energy vectors, the
same concepts and criteria exposed for conversion plants apply. In general, in a
plant, different energy transformation and conversion processes take place that
allow to transform the resource used into the desired form of energy. For instance,
in the steam reforming process there is also a conversion of chemical energy into
thermal energy (part of the fuel to be reformed to produce hydrogen is burnt to
produce the necessary heat to trigger reactions); the heat produced is in turn
converted into chemical energy. Therefore, globally, a steam reforming plant
operates a transformation of chemical energy, producing a fuel with given char-
acteristics starting from a different fuel with different characteristics.
Table 4.8 shows the transformation plants tackled in this paragraph.
This process, which since the mid-60 ranks first in the industrial preparation of
hydrogen (presently, the most cost-efficient, the most common and with the
highest efficiency), is based on the reaction of a hydrocarbon (mainly methane)
278 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
with water vapour according to the reaction CH4 ? H2O $ CO ? 3H2. This is an
endothermic reaction and the relevant balance, at low temperatures is heavily
shifted to the left side. Therefore, this reaction is carried out at high temperatures
(nearly 800C36), in the presence of catalysts (nickel salts supported on aluminium
oxide), and at a pressure of nearly 30 bar.
The CO ? 3H2 mix produced, also containing low percentages of CO2,37 is
indicated with the name of water gas, is then subtracted from the equilibrium,
enriched with a suitable quantity of water steam and passed through catalysts (with
iron and cobalt) at temperatures of nearly 400C (shift reaction). In this way there
is a reaction called water gas conversion reaction CO ? H2O ? CO2 ? H2.
In brief this process, with a global efficiency of around 75%, will be:
First phase CH4 þ H2 O ! CO þ 3H2
Second phase CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2
Global reaction CH4 þ 2H2 O ! CO2 þ 4H2
In the ideal case, as it can be derived from the global reaction, there is the
emission of 1 mole of CO2 for every 4 mole of hydrogen produced. Considering
molar weights, there are 5.5 g of CO2 for every g of hydrogen produced. As
concerns the methane produced, there is the emission of a mole of CO2 for every
mole of CH4 consumed, that is to say 2.75 g of CO2 every g of CH4 consumed. As
already mentioned, as a matter of fact, a part of methane is burnt to produce the
heat necessary to reactions. The methane combustion reaction is
CH4 ? 2O2 ? CO2 ? 2H2O, from which it is possible to infer than in the
combustion there is an emission of 2.75 g of CO2 every g of CH4 burnt. Therefore,
every gram of methane consumed in the reforming process (burnt for heat pro-
duction or reformed to produce hydrogen) there is the emission of 2.75 g of CO2.
The actual consumption can be expressed according to the process efficiency.
Indicating with mH2 the mass of hydrogen produced and with LHVH2 its lower
heating value, with mCH4 the mass of methane consumed and with LHVCH4 its
lower heating value, by definition, the efficiency of the reforming process gR is:
gR ¼ ð4:128Þ
Thus the mass of methane consumed is:
mCH4 ¼ ð4:129Þ
Indicating with EMsCO2 the CO2 emissions per g of CH4 consumed, the
CO2 EMCO2 emissions are:
The necessary heat is produced by the combustion of a given quantity of methane.
Also at high temperatures and pressures, the reaction is never complete.
4.3 Energy Transformation Plants 279
EMCO2 ¼ mH2 EMsCO2 ð4:130Þ
Assuming an efficiency of the reforming plant scheme accounting for 75%,
from (4.130) it is possible to obtain:
EMCO2 ¼ mH2 9:13 ð4:131Þ
Therefore, there are emissions of 9.13 g of CO2 for every gram of hydrogen
Figure 4.68 schematically shows a reforming plant. These are generally, large
plants, with a production capacity around 800 MNm3/year of hydrogen.
Partial oxidation consists in the reaction of hydrocarbons with oxygen. The tem-
perature at which the oxidation reaction occurs depends on the hydrocarbon and on
the presence of catalysts: light hydrocarbons react, with the catalyst, at nearly
600C, whereas heavy hydrocarbons (for instance naphtha), in the absence of
catalysts, need temperatures around 1,400C.
280 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants Gasification
Coal Gasification
In coal gasification, carbon reacts with water steam according to the reaction
C ? H2O ? CO ? H2. This is an endothermic reaction and the relevant balance,
at low temperatures, is heavily shifted to the left. Therefore, this reaction must be
carried out at high temperatures (800–1,000C), which are kept through the
combustion of a part of coal with dosed inlets of air or oxygen or heat from a
combustion chamber. The reaction described represents the first phase of the
process. Subsequently, the mix CO ? H2 produced (synthesis gas called water
gas), also containing small percentages of CO2, is subtracted from the equilibrium,
enriched with a suitable quantity of water steam and passed through catalysts (with
4.3 Energy Transformation Plants 281
iron and cobalt) at temperatures of nearly 400C, similar to the case of the
reforming process. In this way a reaction occurs, called water gas conversion
reaction: CO ? H2O ? CO2 ? H2.
In brief this process, with a global efficiency of around 50%, is:
First phase C þ H2 O ! CO þ H2
Second phase CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2
Overall reaction C þ 2H2 O ! CO2 þ 2H2
Gasification of Biomass
One of the most advanced systems for the gasification of biomass is represented by
two fluid beds in which combustion and gasification occur separately to produce a
gas not diluted with nitrogen. In this case (fluid bed indirect heating gasificator) an
oxygen generator is not necessary and there are no problems in the materials for heat
transportation to high temperatures. This type of plant allows a high conversion of
the carbon present in the biomass, which can be used also in a non-dried state.
The output synthesis gas from the gasificator must be treated before being used
in combustion engines, turbine or high temperature fuel cells. There are two main
gas conditioning methods that are substantially used: cold and hot.
The cold methods consist in the mechanical removal of particles through porous
membranes (bag filters) or sand (sand filters) or water jets (scrubber); although
sophisticated in their realisation, they are conceptually very simple and do not
need in-depth analyses.
In hot methods the first cleaning stage is always represented by a cyclone,
which removes the entire char38 and part of the TAR (Topping Atmospheric
Residue)39 and of the particulate. The subsequent stages remove the fractions of
TAR and particulate (ceramic filters) not removed by cyclones. Where possible
these methods, are be preferred, since they mostly retrieve the thermal and
chemical content of the gas produced, do not have to cool the gas and do not
produce polluted wastewater.
The efficiency of these plants, defined as the ratio between the energy content of
the synthesis gas produced and the one of the biomass used, is on average 70%.
Carbonaceous solid product mainly made up of carbon, containing residues at a high
molecular weight, as furan-derivatives and phenol compounds.
‘‘Liquid oily’’ fraction containing water and compounds with a low molecular weight as
aldehydes, acids, ketones, alcohols, heavy hydrocarbons condensed at temperatures lower than
282 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants Fermentation Photoproduction
Operational Principle
Absorption heat pumps operate on the basis of the capacity of some substances to
absorb large quantities of steam of others, hence forming a mix or forming weak
chemical bonds.
The principle at the basis of the operation of absorption machines is based on
the behaviour of liquid mixtures in equilibrium with their own vapour.
To analyse the phenomena determining the operation of these machines, two
containers shall be considered: A (absorber) and E (evaporator), the former
(A) containing a mix of substances a and b (i.e.: liquid in equilibrium with its
vapour) and the latter (E) substance a alone (also in this case in liquid phase in
equilibrium with vapour). The two containers communicate through an initially
closed tap, as shown in Fig. 4.69. In these conditions it is possible to express
pressure in A (pA) and pressure in E (pE) according to the concentrations (Xa and
Xb) and the partial pressures of the vapour phase (pa and pb)40 of the two solutions
through the Raoult’s Law. In container A there is a solution of a and b, therefore:
In the presence of the two phases of liquid and steam, the pressures of the steam phase (pa and
pb) only depend on the temperatures exciting in containers (TA and TE).
284 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
α+β α
P A ¼ X a P a þ Xb P b ð4:132Þ
In container E there is pure a, therefore:
P E ¼ Pa ð4:133Þ
If substance a is more volatile than b, that is if Pa Pb (4.132) can be as
P A ¼ X a Pa ð4:134Þ
The Clapeyron’s Law links temperature and pressures in a biphasic system
through the following ratio:
¼ ð4:135Þ
where DV = Vv–Vl is the variation of volume in the passage of phase from vapour
(Vv) to liquid (Vl) and DH is the latent heat of evaporation.
Putting aside the volume of the liquid compared to the one of vapour
(DV % Vv), considering vapour as a perfect gas and DH constant, it follows that:
dP DH dP DH dT
¼ P) ¼ ð4:136Þ
dT RT 2 P R T2
Integrating (4.136) and indicating with K the constant of integration, it follows:
DH 1
ln P ¼ þK ð4:137Þ
Therefore the pressure of the steam phase of substance a according to tem-
perature is:
DH 1
Pa ¼ e R T þK ð4:138Þ
From (4.133) it follows:
DHa 1
PE ¼ e R TE
þ K1 ð4:139Þ
From (4.134) it is obtained:
DHa 1
PA ¼ Xa e R T A þ K1 ð4:140Þ
4.3 Energy Transformation Plants 285
That is in line with the hypothesis according to which a is far more volatile than b.
286 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
QA α+β α QE
• Steam generator (G): here the fluid absorbs heat QG at temperature TG. This
entails an evaporation of the mix with its subsequent dilution42;
• Condenser (C): here the fluid releases heat QC at temperature TC by condensing
it at high pressure;
• Evaporator (E): between it and the condenser there is a pressure difference
(through a valve) (pE \ pC) that allows the refrigerant to evaporate by absorbing
heat QE at temperature TE.;
• Absorber (A): here the refrigerant is reabsorbed by the solution, completing the
cycle. The absorption causes the condensation of the refrigerant, therefore it is
necessary to subtract heat QA (at temperature TA).
As mentioned above, the cycle of an absorption heat pump is based on the use
of a binary mix of fluids, for instance a solution of water and lithium bromide
(H2O–BrLi), or ammonia and water (NH3–H2O). The first of the two substances of
the mix behaves as a refrigerant fluid; the second as solvent, in which the
refrigerant is dissolved in a more or less high concentration according to the point
of the plant.
To keep the necessary difference of pressure between condenser and evapora-
tor43 (and, therefore, between steam absorber and generator) it is necessary to
Being a more volatile than b, the steam will be richer than a compared to the liquid phase.
Normally the pressure at the condenser is nearly 10 times as much as higher than the one at the
4.3 Energy Transformation Plants 287
3 5
2 6
insert a laminating valve between condenser and evaporator and a pump between
steam absorber and generator.44
Figure 4.72 shows a more detailed diagram of the operation cycle of an
absorption heat pump. The cycle uses a solution of water and lithium bromide,
which is represented here as an example with the values indicating the typical
values of the cycle (concentrations, temperatures and pressures).
At the exit of the absorber (section 1) the solution is rich in refrigerant
(Xa = 59%, Xb = 51%) and is at a pressure of 800 Pa and at a temperature of
41.5C. Unless load losses occur, the pressure in the evaporator is the same
available in the absorber, a pressure at which water evaporates at around 5 7 6C.
The solution (at the liquid state) taken by the absorber is compressed at a
constant temperature through the pump and in section 2 the pressure is nearly
8,000 Pa: from here the solution enters the heat exchanger (where it exchanges
heat with the solution outgoing from the steam generator) heating up to a tem-
perature of nearly 77C, at a constant pressure and concentration. In the steam
generator (where heat QG is absorbed) there are two phases: in the first one there is
a heating (up to nearly 85C) at constant pressure and concentration; in the second
one, being the solution in equilibrium with its steam, at an increase of temperature
corresponds a separation (through evaporation) of the refrigerant from the solution.
Pressure remains constant also in this second phase, at the end of which there is a
pure refrigerant at the vapour state and a solution at the liquid state rich in solvent
(Xa = 36%, Xb = 64%) at the temperature of nearly 94C. The liquid solution is
introduced in the exchanger where it heats the solution coming from the absorber;
from here it is sent to the absorber itself, providing it with a solution, rich in
solvent, able to absorb the refrigerant. The refrigerant is sent to the condenser,
where it condenses by releasing heat QC at a high temperature (94C). From here it
Also in this type of pumps, therefore, there is a compression: however, compared to the case
of compression heat pumps where a gas is compressed through a compressor, in the absorption
ones a liquid is compressed through a pump, and therefore the compression work is much smaller.
288 4 Energy Conversion and Transformation Plants
crosses the laminating valve, decreasing its pressure (from 8,000 to 800 Pa) and it
is injected in the evaporator, where it evaporates by absorbing heat QE at the
temperature of nearly 5C. At this point the refrigerant (at the vapour state) is
taken from the evaporator and introduced in the absorber by closing the cycle.
The absorption plant can take a more complex configuration: in fact in order to
improve the efficiency of the cycle two-stage concentrators are used (Fig. 4.73). In
this case the steam generator is divided into two sections, one at high and one at
low temperature.
value of COP varies in the range 0.6–0.75, with higher values for lithium bromide
machines compared to the ammonia ones: In the case of double effect machines,
the COP can reach values exceeding the unit, generally in the range of 1.1–1.3.
Furthermore, performance vary if the machine works in a partial load. In this
connection, it is possible to observe that an absorption machine shows a lower
consumption compared to a compression machine and in particular a partial load
cooling COP can outperform the corresponding full load value. This is due to the
absence, in absorption machines, of auxiliaries with parts in motion, whose per-
formance always decrease with partial loads, and with the increase in the exchange
efficiency in system exchangers when the system operates with ranges lower than
the design ones.
1. Caputo C (1979) Le turbomacchine vol III. Editoriale ESA. ISBN:88.405.3216.1. Also: Logan
E (1983) Turbomachinery: basic theory and applications, CRC press, ISBN 9780824791384,
and Baskharome EA (2006) Principles oh turbomachinery in air breathing engines, Cambridge
University Press, ISBN 9780521858106
2. Pello’ PM (1990) Impianti di accumulo mediante pompaggio per la generazione elettrica: il
caso italiano in L’energia elettrica no 9 p 369
3. Maccari A, Vignolini M (2001) Progetto di massima di un impianto pilota per la produzione di
2000 m3/giorno di idrogeno solare basato sul processo ut-3
4. Nucara A, Pietrafesa M (2001) Elementi di illuminotecnica, Universita’ degli Studi
‘‘Mediterranea’’ di Reggio Calabria; Facolta’ di Ingegneria; Dipartimento di Informatica
Matematica Elettronica e Trasporti. Also: Dilouie C, Advanced lighting controls: energy
saving, productivity technology and applications, The Fairmont Press, ISBN 0-88173-510-8
Chapter 5
Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
F. Orecchini and V. Naso, Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors, 291
Green Energy and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-244-5_5,
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
292 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
Distributed generation plants (including stand alone ones) must meet specific
requirements, including:
• plant-engineering modularity which means reduced scale economies and
installation costs almost independent from the size; this allows to scale power
according to users’ needs;
• reduced management and maintenance needs: this characteristic is due to the an
installation closer to the users’ place is hardly suitable for plant solutions
requiring frequent maintenance with specific professional skills;
• reduced emissions installations at users, including in towns, impose particularly
strict limits to emissions.
As stand-alone units, macro-generators in distributed generation allow the use
of a potentially unlimited range of energy sources and, in any case, much wider
than central systems, which mainly operate with traditional fossil fuels. In par-
ticular, the small scale entails flexibility in the choice of energy sources, depending
on local availability, geographic characteristics, as well as on the technological
and economic conditions of users. In this framework, the provisions of the United
294 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
passive and able to absorb power only from higher voltage grids. Therefore, it is
limitedly suitable for a bidirectional system in which distributed production has a
particular relevance from the quantitative viewpoint. Therefore, the introduction of
distributed generation in this type of network, entails problems that can be over-
come only until limited quantities are involved. Conversely, a massive penetration
would entail a high degradation of the quality of the service as well as problems in
terms of operation and protection.
The momentum given by low-carbon generation technologies, associated to a
higher efficiency (therefore a lower energy consumption), will allow consumers a
higher interaction with the networks.
Making consumers active players in the process of energy supply, and pro-
moting the spread of renewable sources and distributed generation: these are the
main objectives of Smart Grids.
In Europe, in fact, the SmartGrids European Technology Platform (ETP) was
set up in order to face the problems linked to an electric grid system no more
unidirectional. The aim of the SmartGrids ETP for electricity networks was to
formulate and promote a vision for the development of Europe’s electricity
networks looking towards the future [2].
Compared to traditional electric grids, characterised by large plants with a
technology consolidated over decades, centralised control and optimal manage-
ment at a regional level, Smart Grids exploit at best the advantages offered by the
digital era (Table 5.2), but for this purpose they have to be:
• flexible, fulfilling customers’ needs while responding to the changes and chal-
lenges ahead;
• accessible, granting connection access to all network users, particularly for RES
and high efficiency local generation with zero or low-carbon emissions;
296 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
• reliable, assuring and improving security and quality of supply, consistent with
the digital era demands;
• cost-effective, providing the best value through innovation, efficient energy
management and ‘‘level playing field’’ competition and regulation.
In such a project, a smart grid scheme (Fig. 5.1) must envisage that:
• the system operation will be shared between central and distributed generators.
• the control of distributed generators might be aggregated to form micro-grids or
‘‘virtual’’ power plants to facilitate their integration both in the physical system
and in the market.
In a smart grid perspective, and always bearing in mind the things said about
energy systems, sources and vectors, it is necessary to increasingly adopt the larger
concept of Smart Energy Networks, as ‘‘renewable’’ as possible.
It is readily evident that the passage towards distributed production neither does
necessarily envisage the complete elimination of large plants, nor the possibility of
siding them with small production plants directly at users’; it is rather possible to
envisage intermediate levels of energy production and distribution, as well as
energy vectors at the city or district level.
Figure 5.2 shows a possible organisation of the energy system based on dis-
tributed generation.
In an organisation as a Smart Energy Network, thanks to a ‘‘smart’’ use of a
different mix of energy vectors (priority given to zero emission usability), like
electricity, heat and hydrogen, the coverage of the energy needs of single users
will no longer be entirely met by the network but rather partly covered by the
integrated plants that produce energy directly for users (micro energy networks in
Distributed Generation) and partly by the grids. Therefore, the energy taken from
the network by a single user will partly come from the national grid (powered by
large concentrated production plants), partly from medium-sized local plants, and
partly from other users at the city and/or district level (Fig. 5.3) shows that during
the production phase it had no consumption needs. This type of system therefore,
will have a series of energy production and storage microstations locally.
Furthermore, from an energy viewpoint, the use of distributed generation allows
to employ cogeneration, which is very much efficient; this is clearly impossible in
5.1 Distributed Generation 297
the case of concentrated generation, since heat transportation for long distances is
not feasible from the energy viewpoint.
A Smart Energy Network has to be flexible, accessible, reliable and cost-
efficient. It should also guarantee; renewability of energy resources; efficiency in
energy conversion, distribution and use; lowering of the environmental impact;
increasing of energy access; tailor making of energy systems on local social-
economic-environmental conditions.
users), but neither the size nor the distance from users indicate any values of sharp
distinction between distributed and concentrated production.
Secondly—although on the basis of this qualitative distinction alone—it is
evident that production can be ‘‘more or less’’ distributed: it ranges from the plant
directly installed at one user and that supplies that given user (for instance a
photovoltaic plant integrated on the roof of a house), to the plant that supplies a
group of users (one or several buildings or groups of users), up to the plant that
supplies entire groups of houses, industries or commercial activities (districts,
cities, industrial and commercial areas). In all the cases mentioned above, refer-
ence is made to distributed production, but it is evident that the characteristics of
plants are completely different, and the ‘‘degree of distribution’’ varies as well.
As regards the ‘‘degree of distribution’’ some considerations are needed; as
already mentioned, from the global energy efficiency point of view, an advantage
of distributed generation is the elimination (or strong reduction) of the losses
derived from the transportation of the vector produced from the production site to
end users. In this connection, in case of plants whose resource used is a primary
resource available on site and which does not need any energy spending for its
transportation, the increase of global efficiency due to the decrease of transpor-
tation losses always applies and increases as the degree of distribution increases
that is, to say by approaching production to users.
In other cases, when the plant into consideration, although ‘‘distributed’’
throughout the territory and therefore close to end users, uses an energy vector for
which transportation energy must be spent (see chapter on vectors), the decrease in
overall transportation energy spending mentioned above shall be carefully eval-
uated and on a case-by-case basis since, as the degree of distribution increases, the
expenses for the transportation of the vector increase. In these cases, therefore, it is
necessary to identify an ‘‘optimal value’’ of the degree of distribution.
On the basis of the above, from the energy analysis perspective, not always
distributed production is better than the concentrated one. Distributed production
of energy, in fact, refers to an energy conversion process close to end users which
can start from an energy vector produced in a remote place and distributed up to
the final conversion point, or a process that directly starts from a primary energy
resource available at the user.
It is therefore necessary to make a differentiation between the two situations
already in their definition, since they are completely different from one another. To
do so, it is necessary to introduce a specific characterisation besides the indication
of distributed production. Therefore we define distributed production of type I as
the production through plants that use primary resource locally available as a
resource. Conversely, we define distributed production of type II the production
through plants that use as a resource an energy vector made available to the end
user and for whose transportation energy was spent.
In the case of distributed production of type I, global efficiency increases with
the degree of distribution, whereas in the case of distributed production of type II
the degree of optimal distribution must be evaluated.
5.1 Distributed Generation 299
Incident solar radiation depends on the latitude and on the cloudiness of a given area. In
practice, the solar radiation available can be considered as constant within rather wide macro-
In the case of wind energy, the availability of the source varies according to micro-areas; this
makes necessary a detailed assessment of the resource.
Concentration solar plants, for instance thermodynamic solar plants, are necessarily large and
demand large areas with particular infrastructures.
Such solution includes the possibility of producing heat for domestic heating at the level of
single house, single flats or groups of flats or at a district level.
See Sect. 3.4.
300 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
The word cogeneration indicates the set of operations targeted to the combined
production (cascade) of electric power and thermal energy, both considered as a
useful effect. This solution consists in the recovery of heat otherwise released in the
environment by electric power production plants, with subsequent increase of the
overall efficiency compared to the separate production of electric power and heat.
Also considering the necessary voltage transformations for the transportation of electric power
for long distances.
See Sects. and
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 301
Table 5.3 Costs and Type Size (MW) Initial Electric Efficiency of
efficiencies of cogeneration cost efficiency use (%)
technologies (€/kW) (%)
Micro-CHP \0.015 2,700 15–25 85–95
Micro-turbine 0.1 1,970 29 59
Diesel engine 0.1 1,380 28 75
Fuel cells 0.2 3,800 36 73
Diesel engine 0.8 980 31 65
Turbine 1.0 1,600 22 72
of use of the source energy doubles (from 30% to over 60%) (Table 5.3). The
precondition for an economic convenience, although not always met, is that the user
simultaneously uses the electric power produced and the heat recovered.
Cogeneration is increasingly integrated, especially in commercial sectors, with
‘‘cold’’ production, in particular for room air conditioning, in which case the word
trigeneration is used. Its development is supported by the huge savings following the
replacement of electric air conditioning systems with gas-absorption ones. In par-
ticular niches of users, it is also convenient to install hot/cold water generators with
the supply of electric power as a sub-product. The present penetration of trigener-
ation is even more limited than CHP; however, cautious estimates indicate for the
future a considerable market growth, especially in the most advanced EU Countries.
gc m_ c LHV ¼ Pe þ Pt ð5:2Þ
By definition, electric efficiency is
Pe ¼ ge m_ c LHV ð5:3Þ
Indicating with Ie the electric index, from its definition, we have:
Ie ¼ ð5:4Þ
Pe þ Pt
Replacing (5.2) and (5.3) into (5.4), one comes to:
ge m_ c LHV ge
Ie ¼ ¼ ð5:5Þ
gg m_ c LHV gg
In these plants, electric efficiency generally amounts to nearly 30%, whereas the
overall cogeneration one accounts for about 80%.
As shown in Fig. 5.6 the heat available can be recovered, more or less in the
same quantities, at the discharge: at temperatures of about 350–400C, and from
the cooling circuit at lower temperatures (85–90C).
These plants are characterised by high electric efficiency (from 50% to over 60%,
according to the type of cells used).
The heat flow (thermal power) generated by a cell8 is:
See Section ‘‘The Thermodynamics of Fuel Cells’’ of Chap. 4.
304 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
Q¼ þ DV I ¼ þ DV I ð5:6Þ
nF nF
The voltage drop DV is:
DV ¼ E E e ¼ ð1 eÞ ð5:7Þ
Replacing (5.7) in (5.6) it is possible to obtain
Q ¼ ½DH DG þ DGð1 eÞ ð5:8Þ
from which,
Q ¼ ½DH DG e ð5:9Þ
Assuming, the Faradic efficiency of the cell as amounting to 1, (5.9) becomes:
Q ¼ DH DG e ð5:10Þ
The ideal electric work is equal to DG. The real one, having assumed the
Faradic efficiency and the fuel processing system as amounting to one, is:
Le;r ¼ DG e UH2 gsist ð5:11Þ
From (5.10), the total useful energy (electric + thermal) is:
Q þ Le;r ¼ DH DG e þ Le;r ð5:12Þ
Replacing (5.11) in (5.12) it is possible to obtain:
Q þ Le;r ¼ DH DG e þ DG e UH2 gsist ð5:13Þ
By definition of cogeneration efficiency, we have:
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 305
Q þ Le;r
gc ¼ ¼ 1 gi e þ gi e UH2 gsist ð5:14Þ
(5.14), indicating with ge the electric efficiency of the fuel cell (5.14), can be
written as follows:
Q þ Le;r ge 1
gc ¼ ¼1 þ ge ¼ 1 ge 1 ð5:15Þ
DH UH2 gsist UH2 gsist
(5.15) gives the cogeneration efficiency according to the electric efficiency of
the fuel cell: ge exceeds 85%. The temperature at which heat is available deeply
changes with the type of cell used: it ranges from 70C of PEMFC up to over
1,000C of SOFC. Since electric efficiency is around 50–55%, the electric index
takes values of 0.55–0.65.
This system is very much used for industrial cogeneration, since it is possible to
make the steam available for thermal use at pressure values that are more fre-
quently requested by processing, that is to say between 2 and 10 bar. It is also used
in the civil sector for district heating.
The characteristic parameter of this type of plants is the so-called degree of
recovery, which expresses the ratio between the mechanical energy produced by
the steam flow rate recovered for thermal use and the mechanical energy overall
Two different plant solutions are possible for the production of electric power
and heat with steam cycle:
• backpressure plants;
• condensation plants with controlled bled-steam.
The most relevant aspects of the plant include:
• high investment costs (they sharply vary according to the kind of plant, such as
either backpressure or controlled bled-steam);
• possibility of using different types of fuel (external combustion);
• good reliability with reduced maintenance costs;
• low electric index value;
• electric index depending on the temperature at which heat is requested.
Backpressure Plants
is used for heat production purposes. This solution is the easiest and cheapest one
from the plant viewpoint (the condenser is replaced by the heat exchanger),
although showing a scarce operational flexibility; electric and thermal power are
produced in a pre-fixed ratio, and an increase of the former necessarily implies an
increase of the latter.
As concerns heat demand, the steam status and its range (that is to say the
thermal power requested) are defined. As regards Fig. 5.8, Z being the point
representing the status of steam requested by the industrial process (or, more
generally, by users), after tracing the isothermobaric process passing from point
Z and estimating a value for the efficiency of turbine gt it is possible to trace the
expansion line, being:
gt ¼ ¼ ¼ ð5:16Þ
AC AB þ BC 1 þ BC
The point I at the beginning of the expansion must be identified on the line for
points A and Z according to the ratio between thermal power and electric power to
be supplied: the mechanical power obtainable, having defined M as the steam
range and gm as the mechanical efficiency, is
P ¼ M DH gm ) DH ¼ ð5:18Þ
M gm
Such a procedure makes it is possible to identify the point I at the beginning of
the expansion, while the isobaric process passing for point I indicates the pressure
that the fluid must have outside of the steam generator. Please note that, after
setting the heat power requested, as the obtainable electric power increases, the
pressure at the beginning of the expansion also increases (even much faster), that is
to say the operating power of the steam generator, with obvious consequences on
the plant and management costs. This practically limits the electric index:
IE B 0.2. In any case, after fixing point I, as the temperature (and thence the
pressure) at which expansion stops increases, heat production increases and
electric power, i.e., electric efficiency, decreases.
Since electric power and heat are obtained from the same range of steam, it is
possible to vary the total power supplied only by changing this range, and leaving
IE unchanged. The degree of recovery in this type of plants, for the same reason,
always amounts to one.
Acting on the flow of the bled-steam, giving the same flow at the input of or
acting on the flow of such a turbine giving the same bled-steam, the value of the
electric index IE changes.
The maximum and minimum flows of the bled-steam (and, therefore IE values)
are defined by the steam flow (both maximum and minimum) of the condenser, as
well as by the maximum flow of the steam generator. The minimum steam flow to
the condenser sets a lower threshold to the electric index at around 0.2. The
maximum flow to steam condenser and generator impose a minimum value to the
flow of the bled-steam, then a maximum value to the electric index. While
developing the project it is evidently possible to envisage maximum flows to
condenser and steam generator so as to allow the working of the plant without any
bleeding: in this case, the electric index clearly amounts to one.
For the management of the plant, besides the project, it is necessary to know the
correlation between the different variables: mechanic power, thermal power, steam
flow rate in the turbine T1 and flow of bled-steam. This correlation is given by the
working diagram of the plant, obtained by tracing the two turbines of the Willan’s
lines for the different flows obtained as the spilled flow or the input flow of high
pressure turbine change.
The Willan’s line for a turbine is the diagram of flow M absorbed according to
the power P supplied (Fig. 5.10): it is nearly linear from point A of no-load
running (to which corresponds a given steam flow M0 necessary to keep the turbine
rotating without supplying any power) up to point B (project conditions at which
there is the highest performance of the turbine), beyond which the slope increases
up to point C corresponding to maximum overload. For industrial applications, the
linear Willan’s line is adopted in the entire field of operation of the turbine.
As the spilled steam flow changes, the degree of recovery of these plants takes
values ranging between 0 and 1.
Systems based on gas turbine as a prime mover have the advantage of making
independent, in a wide field of variation, production of electric power from
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 309
thermal one. The latter takes place downstream in the machine at the expense of
the heat of fuel gases that would be in any case released into the atmosphere, at
temperatures of 400–500C; the air excess of exhaust gases allows, in case heat is
requested at higher temperatures, to operate an afterburning that increases the level
of gas temperature.
The main characteristics of this type of plants, whose scheme in shown in
Fig. 5.11, are the following:
• low installation costs;
• easy following of load variations;
• short assembling period;
• reduced maintenance costs;
• high-quality fuels required;
• heat available at a high temperature (the temperature of exhaust gases is nearly
The heat obtained in the form of steam in the heat-recovery boiler placed
downstream the turbogas, can be used for the direct distribution to technological
users, for urban heating through a superheated steam/water exchanger, or it can be
used to supply a steam turbine that operates an electric generator obtaining in this
way the gas-steam combined cycle, that shows huge efficiency for both cogene-
ration and electric power production purposes (see next paragraph).
Considering a cogeneration efficiency of 85% and an electric performance of
around 30%, the value of the electric index amounts to about 0.35.
Combined plants are particularly suitable for the combined generation of electric
power and heat. The combined cycle, in carrying out thermodynamic transfor-
mations far more efficient than the steam processes traditionally used for cogen-
eration purposes, is able to generate, given the same quantity of thermal energy,
higher quantities of ‘‘fine’’ (electric) energy. Therefore, the efficiency values
obtained are far higher than the case of cogeneration with a simple cycle, with
considerable savings in terms of primary energy, even more than doubled com-
pared to the steam solution. Another very important advantage offered by the
combined cycle is that it keeps high ‘‘energy indexes’’ also in case of a very
much variable thermal load: it is possible to use a plant destined to cogeneration
for the production of electric power alone, continuing to save remarkable quan-
tities of primary energy, whereas with simple cycles this saving depends on the
use of heat.
The main characteristics include:
• high electric efficiency;
• huge working flexibility as concerns the thermal and electric power supplied;
310 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
Stirling machines are potentially very effective cogeneration systems. Their his-
tory, their potentialities and the reasons of their limited diffusion up today are
referred in [3, 4].
The recent rebirth of such external combustion engines is particularly con-
centrated in micro-cogeneration applications [5].
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 311
It is also called fuel global utilisation index and expresses the ratio between the
sum of the thermal and electric powers obtained and the power supplied to the
system by the primary energy source.
Indicating with Pe the electric power, Pt the thermal power and Pc the power
supplied to the system by the fuel, we have:
Pe þ Pt
gI ¼ ð5:19Þ
The efficiency of the first principle is nothing else but the already defined cogen-
eration efficiency. This parameter equally measures the thermal and electric power
supplied (from which the definition of efficiency of the first principle), and does not
consider the level of temperature at which the thermal power is obtained. As shown
above, its value is substantially the same for all the cogeneration technologies.
It is also called fuel qualified utilisation index and expresses the ratio between the
sum of the powers supplied, where thermal power is translated into conventional
mechanical power through the Carnot efficiency, and the power supplied to the
system by the primary energy source.
Please note that this parameter is more significant than the previous one, in
converting the thermal power into conventional mechanical power, differently
weights the powers supplied and also considers the temperature at which heat is
obtained as a qualifying element (from which the definition of efficiency of the
second principle).
If we consider Pt; T the thermal power supplied at temperature T and Ta the
reference room temperature, the corresponding mechanical (or electric) conven-
tional power Pe; T is:
Pe;T ¼ Pt;T 1 ð5:20Þ
Pe þ Pe;T
gII ¼ ð5:21Þ
Considering (5.20) and (5.21) can be written as follows:
Pe þ Pt Pt
gII ¼ T ¼ g Pt Ta ð5:22Þ
Pc Pc T
Indicating with Ptot the total power (electric + thermal) produced, (5.22) can be
written as follows:
Ptot Pe Ta
gII ¼ gI ð5:23Þ
Pc T
Bearing in mind (5.4) and (5.23) becomes:
Ta Ta Ta
gII ¼ gI gI ð1 IEÞ ¼ gI 1 gI IE ð5:24Þ
(5.24) can be written as follows:
gII ¼ gI 1 ð1 þ IEÞ ð5:25Þ
From (5.25) it is possible to infer that the efficiency of the second principle is
always lower than the one of the first principle. Furthermore, given the same
efficiency of the first principle, the efficiency of the second principle increases as
the temperature T at which heat is available increases, and as the electric efficiency
increases. Therefore, whereas—as already recalled—the efficiency of the first
principle is substantially independent from technology, the efficiency of the second
principle markedly varies according to the specific characteristics of the technol-
ogy under consideration, and is high in those cases in which heat is available at
high temperatures and/or in case of high electric indexes (namely of high electric
efficiencies), as for instance high temperature fuel cells.
The Primary Energy Saving index RI is defined as the ratio between the consumption
of primary energy of the cogeneration process Pc and the consumption of a con-
ventional process Pc that separately produces the same quantities of thermal Pt and
electric Pe energy. Indicating with gt the production efficiency of separate thermal
energy, ge the production efficiency of separate electric energy, it follows that:
RI ¼ Pm ð5:26Þ
ge þ Pg t
This parameter highlights the saving that can be achieved through the cogen-
eration process, although it does not take into account the level of temperature at
which heat is supplied and produced.
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 313
The use of cogeneration in the civil sector mainly consists of using the heat
produced in cogeneration plants for the heating and the production of sanitary hot
water for domestic use.
As far as the efficiency of this solution is concerned, some considerations are
necessary. Besides the evident advantages entailed by the combined production of
electric power and heat which are also highlighted by the parameters defined
above, it is useful to examine the efficiency of traditional heat production systems
for heating purposes: combustion of fuels in boilers, mostly gasoil and methane.
Very often efficiency is only considered according to the first law of thermody-
namics, that is to say energy conservation. This means considering as cause of
inefficiency only the energy losses in the passage from the combustion to the
utilisation phase, that is a problem of combustion efficiency and thermal insulation.
Clearly, obtaining good combustion efficiency values and reducing as much as
possible heat losses entails primary energy saving but, even accepting heating
systems that have an efficiency of the first principle close to 100%, there is in any
case energy waste that cannot be avoided, since it is due to the fact that the
chemical potential of the fuel (gasoil or methane) is transformed into heat at
40–50C, as requested by the household comfort.
We better consider also the degradation of the energy level from high tem-
peratures, beyond 1,000C, supplied by through fossil combustion, to the end use
temperatures. This degradation can be identified by considering the exergy that,
according to the second law of thermodynamics, sets some ‘‘quality criteria’’ of
energy. These criteria are the following:
• Heat and work are not equivalent forms of energy, since work can be entirely
transformed into heat, whereas heat can be transformed into work only in a
maximum percentage equal to Carnot efficiency. Therefore, work is a form of
energy more ‘‘valuable’’ than heat;
• Thermal energies quantitatively equal, available at different temperatures, are
not equivalent: the one at a higher temperature is more ‘‘valuable’’.
Therefore, while considering the second item, it is possible to understand that
the drop of nearly 1,000C, typical of residential boilers for the production of hot
water, originates a thermodynamic ‘‘waste’’ that does not depend on the quality of
the system.
The curve of durations of thermal need for remote heating is clearly linked to the climate
characteristics of the area.
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 315
meet the integration and reserve functions. These plants, in the implementation by
subsequent stages of a general district heating plan, meet the entire heat needs
during users’ integration transition phase.
After these preliminary remarks, if Ft is the thermal need and gCC the average
efficiency of building or family boilers of the traditional heating system, the
consumption of Ef fuel without cogeneration is:
Ef ¼ ð5:27Þ
To calculate the consumption in case of cogeneration, it is necessary to consider
the technology used and make some general considerations on the entire energy
cycle in order to evaluate general and global benefits (primary energy consump-
tion). As an example, let’s consider steam (backpressure) and gas cogeneration
plants, powered by fossil fuels. In order to assess consumption required to meet
thermal needs in case of cogeneration, the following criterion can be applied:
considering that a cogeneration plant produces electric power and heat, after
calculating the fuel consumed by the cogeneration plant for the production of the
heat requested and the corresponding electric power produced, the production of
heat requested is attributed to the difference between this consumption and the one
that would apply by taking the same quantity of electric power from the network.
As for the consumptions due to the intake of electric power from the network, it
is necessary to consider first of all the losses due to the transportation of the energy
itself pT (expressed as a percentage of the energy transported); indicating with Ep
the electric power produced and with Eu the one available to users also considering
losses, we come to:
Eu ¼ Ep Ep pT ¼ Ep ð1 pT Þ ¼ Ep gTR ð5:28Þ
where the transportation efficiency gTR is a complement to 1 of the losses. After
calculating Ep it is necessary to consider the percentage produced by non
renewable sources (ENR) on the basis of the percentage of electric power pro-
duction INR of the national electric endowment:
ENR ¼ Ep INR ¼ Eu ð5:29Þ
Indicating with gm the average efficiency of the production endowment from
fossil fuels (or, more generally, non-renewable sources) at a national level, indi-
cating with EPNR the consumption of non renewable primary energy, it follows10:
EPNR ¼ ¼ Eu ð5:30Þ
gm gTR gm
It is also necessary to consider energy consumption due to the extraction, the processing and
transportation to the plants of the fuels used: in an approximation analysis, they can be neglected.
316 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
Let’s now define a fictitious global electric efficiency, geg that besides pro-
duction and transportation, takes into consideration also the percentage of electric
power produced from renewable sources, as follows:
gTR gm
geg ¼ ð5:31Þ
It is evident that such ‘‘efficiency’’ increases as the efficiencies of plants and
transportations increase, so as the percentage of electric power produced by
renewable sources.
In consideration of (5.31) and (5.30) becomes:
EPNR ¼ ð5:32Þ
Efc ¼ þ ¼ ð5:34Þ
gt gCI gDT
(5.34) can be written by expressing the thermal efficiency according to the first
principle and the electric efficiency, as follows:
Efc ¼ þ ¼ þ ð5:35Þ
gDT gt gCI gDT gI ge gCI
In this case, the use of fossil fuels is hypothesised both for the cogeneration plant and for the
boilers. In general, the consumption of non-renewal primary energy consumption must be
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 317
Recalling the definition of electric index Ie, and (5.33), the corresponding
electric power produced by the cogeneration plant (and therefore available to
users) is:
Eu ¼ ð5:36Þ
gDT ð1 Ie Þ
By replacing (5.36) in (5.32) we obtain:
EPNR ¼ ð5:37Þ
gDT geg ð1 IEÞ
Finally the total consumption for heat production through cogeneration; Ec tot
" #
Ec tot ¼ Efc EPNR ¼ þ ð5:38Þ
gDT gI ge gCI geg ð1 IeÞ
The ratio R between the consumption to cover the thermal need without
cogeneration and the one with district heating, from (5.38) and (5.27) is:
R¼ ð5:39Þ
gCC þ gQI g
eg ð1IEÞ
gI ge CI
Equation 5.39 shows that the ratio R depends on the characteristics of the
cogeneration plant (gI, ge and Ie), of district heating network (gDT), on the tech-
nology of the plant (IQI and IQT), of the traditional heat production systems that is
being replaced (gCC), finally on the characteristics of the national energy system
As an example, let’s consider a district heating system with a gas plant
(ge = 30%, gI = 80%; therefore Ie = 0.375). Then it is possible to assume
IQT = 0.85, IQI = 0.15 and gCI = 90%. Furthermore, the heat losses in the district
heating network are considered as accounting for 8%, that is to say gDT = 92%,
while for integration boilers gm = 90%. As concerns the national energy system, by
considering the case of Italy, let’s assume gm = 39%, the average distribution losses
accounting for 5% (therefore gTR = 95%) and INR = 80% [1]. On the basis of this
data we calculate geg = 46.3%. Finally, taken gCC = 80%, one comes to R = 1.72.
The effectiveness of this solution is linked to the ‘‘duration’’ of heat demand for
heating purposes12; in fact, during the periods in which there is no heating request,
the thermal demand is limited to sanitary hot water needs. Sizing the plant giving
priority to heating needs, the plant—as far as heat production is concerned—would
Therefore this solution is particularly suitable for cold climate.
318 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
be practically unused.13 Furthermore, from the economic viewpoint, the use of heat
for short periods of time prevents the amortisation of the relevant costs of the heat
distribution network. In this connection, it can be the technology of absorption heat
pumps look attractive, which use heat for the air conditioning (both winter and
summer). In this way, there is a heat demand for long periods also in mild climates
in which the request would be limited to a few months for year in winter time.
Another consideration relates to the technologies that can be used: on the basis
of the above, it is evident that district heating is energy efficient with the use of
mature and tested technologies presently competitive as gas turbine plants. The use
of innovative technologies, such as high temperature fuel cells powered through
syngas produced locally by the gasification of biomasses (hence from a renewable
source) would make this solution even more interesting from the energy and
environmental viewpoint. From an economic perspective, however, these tech-
nologies are not yet competitive.
In general, as concerns the cogeneration technologies to be adopted for district
heating purposes, it is interesting to note the modularity of the entire district
heating system (heat distribution network, integration boilers and substations)
against the technology used. In other words, it is possible to plan and implement a
district heating system by immediately using the most competitive technologies
presently available (steam and gas plants), moving on in the future to new and
more efficient technologies that avail themselves of renewable sources, by using
the same district heating network.
Regulations impose minimum limits to the ratio between the heat actually used and the one
produced by the plant to ‘‘certify’’ the plant as a cogeneration plant. To comply with these limits,
when there is no heat demand for long periods of time, the plant must be stopped.
5.2 Combined Production of Electric Power and Heat: Cogeneration 319
• oil;
• textile;
• food;
• paper;
• ceramics and glass;
• brick.
For the different industrial sectors, the characteristics of the simultaneous
demand for electric power and heat vary on a case-by-case basis: in particular, the
quantities of electric and thermal power demanded vary, and consequently the
electric power/thermal power ratio, as well as the temperature at which heat is
demanded. However, this does not endanger the convenience of cogeneration.
As concerns the variations in the quantity of electric and thermal power, that is
to say the electric power/thermal power ratio, it is possible first of all to chose the
type of plant that is most suitable for specific users. In general steam plants are
suitable for huge power and low electric power/thermal power ratios. In particular,
the backpressure plants supply electric power and heat always with the same pre-
determined ratio, whereas the controlled bled-steam ones allow to largely vary this
ratio within given limits. Gas plants are suitable for lower powers and higher
electric power/thermal power ratios. Highly important is also the connection of the
station to the electric power distribution public network, with the possibility of
purchasing electric power from the network in the periods of highest consumption
and to sell to the network itself the electric power, when in excess, at economically
convenient conditions. This allows to separate—within given limits—the pro-
duction of electric power from its consumption and therefore to size and manage
the plant with particular reference to the thermal demand having considered that
the separate heat production is the most penalising from the energy previously
As concerns the efficiency viewpoint, at different values of temperature at
which heat is demanded in different specific cases, it is possible to meet this need
within given limits according to the type of plant being considered. In steam
cogeneration plants, for example, both backpressure and controlled bled-steam, it
is possible to select in the project design phase the temperature at which the
thermal energy is intended to be available, setting the steam conditions at which
expansion stops in the former case, or in which spilling is made in the latter one.
However, it is necessary to bear in mind that by increasing the temperature at
which heat is ‘‘recovered’’, the electric energy production efficiency drastically
decreases; as a matter of fact, this limits the arbitrariness in the choice of tem-
perature for heat utilisation purposes.
As we said the maximum temperature of a steam cycle is around 550C, thus
when heat is demanded at very high temperatures, the use of gas systems is
necessary in which the temperature of exhaust gases is 400–500C. Furthermore,
as already said, the strong air excess of exhaust gases allows to perform post-
combustion with the possibility of obtaining very high temperatures (over
2,000C). It is clear that, in the case of post-combustion, the heat sent to thermal
320 5 Distributed Generation and Cogeneration
users is not entirely ‘‘recovered’’, but it is partly produced ad hoc. This implies a
decrease in the global efficiency of the cycle as much as higher than the tem-
perature at which heat is demanded (more precisely the difference between the
temperature at which heat is requested and the one of exhaust gases). In any case,
it is possible to obtain, in this instance as well, a saving of primary energy
compared to the case of combustion of air taken from the atmosphere, precisely
amounting to the one corresponding to the quantity of heat necessary to bring air—
through combustion—from room temperature to the exhaustion temperature of the
It is interesting to observe how, sometimes, in industrial cogeneration, more
generally in industrial energy self-production it is possible to have a further
possibility of saving primary energy, namely fuel, burning the residues of the
production process; this solution appears particularly interesting in the agricultural
sector, despite the low incidence of energy consumption in this sector out of the
total, since many remains of agricultural activities can easily be used as fuels.
In order to build these plants, the technology of fluidised-bed combustion
chambers is fundamental, since it allow to burn, with very good results both in
terms of efficiency and harmful emissions, materials with poor chemical physical
characteristics and potentially very much polluting.
6.1 Introduction
The exploitation of energy sources and the entire pathway of energy vectors in
time and space have a main purpose: to meet the needs of human beings in order
to make their lives more comfortable, more productive and socially active.
Apparently human beings do not directly need any energy sources or vectors
additional to food. As a matter of fact, they have concrete and easily identifiable
needs for better living, and energy is aimed at meeting these needs.
As already highlighted in Chap. 1, the human needs that can be met, thanks to
the implementation of a suitable energy flow are grouped under the definition of
useful effects. As said, human beings need to warm or to cool the rooms in which
they live, work or carry out their social activities; they need to operate their
vehicles, their household appliances, to move quickly and safely. Furthermore,
human beings need to light the rooms in which they live, irrespectively from
the availability of natural light, in order to free themselves from the rhythm of the
alternation of day and night and seasons. They also need to operate their
information technology (IT) and telecommunications equipment, their small and
large monitors and displays.
The useful effects from an energy perspective are represented by the reaching
and keeping of the desired comfort (temperature and humidity) in our rooms, by the
useful result deriving from the operation of machines, household equipment and
means of transport, by the correct level of lighting of indoor or open-air places, and
the processing, sending or receiving of data thanks to their electronic devices.
From the energy viewpoint, in the end use—the one that directly produces the
desired useful effect–men need mechanic energy, thermal energy, luminous
energy, and electric power—in the last few years, the most required. The entire
world energy system must therefore be finalised to the availability and accessi-
bility for each end user, namely for each man living on Earth, of these forms of
energy in the time, space, quantity and quality desired.
F. Orecchini and V. Naso, Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors, 321
Green Energy and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-244-5_6,
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
322 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
The point of contact between energy vectors and useful effects is therefore
fundamental for the implementation of the entire energy system. In fact, any
system is aimed to the realisation of useful effects, attainable thanks to one of the
four energy end uses mentioned above. The correct knowledge of useful effects,
and from an energy viewpoint especially of the energy end uses in which they can
be translated, allows to identify the appropriate energy vector able to meet such
human need, within the level of technological development of the solutions
This chapter, therefore, contains an analysis of the energy end uses that is the
energy summary of all human needs:
• mechanical:
• thermal;
• luminous;
• electronic/electrical.
These four groups of end uses allow to achieve all the possible useful effects.
In fact, useful effect is defined as the real and concrete need met, such as the
heating or cooling of a room, the lighting of a hall, the rotation of the drum of a
washing-machine or of the wheels of a vehicle and the activation of the
microchips of a computer, of liquid crystals, or of the light emitting diode (LED)
of a video screen.
Therefore the energy end use indicates the form in which energy is used by men
at the point of need (Table 6.1).
Electric/electronic use means that the form in which energy is used to achieve
the useful effect, i.e. electric power, as it happens in computers, printers, faxes, TV
sets, etc.
In many other cases, on the contrary, although the equipment placed at the end
of the energy chain under consideration is supplied by electric power, it is not the
energy form that leads directly to the useful effect. Very often, in fact, electricity is
converted in a more or less distant point of the energy chain into another form of
energy: mechanic, thermal or luminous. For instance, thinking about home
applications, many household appliances convert the electric energy with which
they are powered into mechanic energy (vacuum cleaners, washing-machines,
etc.). The same happens for the equipment destined to industrial production: in
these cases, the form of energy that must be identified with the useful effect is
mechanic energy, not electric energy. Similarly, many types of equipment (electric
fires, ovens for both domestic and industrial use and many others), convert the
6.1 Introduction 323
electric power with which they are powered into thermal energy through the Joule
effect. In these cases, the energy end use is the thermal one.
As for mechanic use, in the industrial and agricultural sector this form of energy
is used in productive processes (process work) and for the handling of goods; in
the civil sector, mechanical energy is often used in household appliances. A
particularly important sector for the use of mechanical energy is ground trans-
portation of goods and people.
6.2.1 Overview
Some exemples of energy thermal end use are the heating of rooms, the supply and
implementation of the thermal conditions necessary to carry out several industrial
production processes, in addition to cooking and to the production of domestic hot
These applications have very different needs in terms of characteristics of the
energy flow (the temperature requested in particular) and this determines the
choice of the single technologies used in the various cases. The heat requested is
presently produced in industrialised countries mainly through the combustion of
fossil fuels at the point of need, or by deriving it from the distribution grid of the
electricity vector (heat pumps, boilers, electric heaters and electric ovens), and
more rarely by using the renewable fuels or solar energy locally available at the
point of used.
The thermal uses can be divided as follows:
• Industrial, agricultural and food-industry use, including, among the most
important ones one finds:
– Process heat
– Air-conditioning of greenhouses–Cooking
• Civil and residential use, including:
– Room air-conditioning
– Production of domestic hot water
– Cooking
Industrial use means the use of heat in production processes, whereas applications
for room air-conditioning and for the production of hot sanitary water (also present
324 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
in the industrial framework) are considered as a civil use. There are many
industries in which production processes demand thermal energy; among them:
• extraction
• steel
• metallurgic
• mechanic
• chemical and electrochemical
• oil
• textile
• food
• paper
• ceramic and glass
• brick
• other
The use of heat in production processes is mainly at high temperatures, and the
specific characteristics of the heat flow demanded, therefore the usable heat-
transfer flow, depend on the specific productive process. In these applications, heat
is traditionally produced by the combustion of fuels in boilers.
The analysis of the global energy needs of an industrial site, or of the industrial
park in which it is included, shows how to obtain the desired heat flows by strongly
improving the energy efficiency of the system thanks to the cogeneration of
electricity and heat. This evidence is making industrial cogeneration more and
more widespread.
Less widespread, although equally useful, are renewable energy sources and
theire conversion technologies. This is evident while moving from a standard
efficiency analysis to a more advanced analysis of system efficacy, which also
takes into consideration the parameters as the renewability of sources, the decrease
in the quantity of emissions produced and the local availability of energy
The two energy vectors mainly requested by the industrial system, that is heat-
transfer fluid and electricity, are both directly producible from the conversion
technologies of renewable sources that are almost always available, such as solar
radiation, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, biomass and geothermal energy. And
perspectively also from cogeneration plants based on the technology of high tem-
perature fuel cells, powered by syngas rich in hydrogen that can be equally pro-
duced locally and from renewable sources or distributed with the same procedures
as methane or other fuel gases of fossil origin already widespread for energy use.
As already mentioned, thermal energy in the civil sector is mainly used for
cooking food, for the production of hot sanitary water and for room air-
6.2 Thermal End Use 325
Q ¼ m c ðTf Ti Þ ¼ m c DT ð6:1Þ
indicating with c the water specific heat, Tf and Ti the final and initial temperatures
of water. Having considered water specific heat amounts as 4.186 kJ/kg, and
considering DT = 35C, the unitary heat necessary for the production of domestic
hot water is 146.5 kJ/kg.
The daily need for domestic hot water depends on the type of users (such as
households, hospitals and offices): based on the average data available in literature,
this need ranges between 50 and 200 l/person/day. Tipically the need is of 60 l/
person/day and DT = 35C, then daily energy need relating to the production for
one person amounts to about 8,790 kJ.
The use of heat in the civil sector is typically at low-temperature, with
predictable characteristics of the heat flow requested, then the usable heat-transfer
fluid is practically always water. In these applications, heat is produced in
many countries by electric boilers in single apartments, or by the combustion of
fossil fuels (gasoil and methane, more rarely coal) in traditional boilers, directly at
the point of need (as district heating in case of compounds or block of flats, but
also entirely autonomously for single flats). In other countries, whose urban areas
developed simultaneously with the electricity production system or with the
industrial system, heat is supplied by cogeneration plants located even at tens of
kilometres from the point of use (district heating).
A standard analysis of global energy needs of each single building, or of the
residential district in which a building is located, shows how it is possible to obtain
the desired heat flows by improving the energy efficiency of the system thanks to
the cogeneration of electricity and heat.
Moving from considerations linked to the pre-determination of fossil fuels,
electricity from the electricity grid and (where possible) the district heating heat-
transfer fluid as the only alternatives available, to more careful considerations of
energy analysis, it is then clear in this case as well how many more attractive
alternatives are available. A system efficacy analysis, which also takes into con-
sideration the parameters of renewability of the sources, and of lowering of
emissions, as well as the local availability of energy resources, certainly leads to
resort to renewable sources and to the relevant conversion technologies.
326 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
Room Air-Conditioning
In this type of application, the useful effect is the thermal comfort of the rooms in
which human activities are carried out. Therefore, we better first define room comfort.
Room comfort: an univocal definition of room wellbeing is very difficult, since
the concept of wellbeing itself is part of the perception, intrinsically subjective
although influenced by objective and measurable magnitudes as temperature and
level of humidity. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Con-
ditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) defines thermal comfort as the condition in which
men express their satisfaction for the surrounding environment. It is evident how
such definition, although simple and clear, is not objective at all: it stresses, on the
contrary, that the comfort is a personal feeling and that therefore there is no con-
dition identifiable through objective parameters (temperature, humidity, etc.) that
might be rigorously defined as optimal for all from the thermal comfort viewpoint.
In the same environmental conditions, different people can express different
opinions on their level of wellbeing. More frequently, however, that are some
ranges of climatic conditions in which anybody, or almost anybody, finds his
optimal comfort conditions.
The magnitudes that mostly influence these conditions are temperature and
relative humidity. One of the mostly accredited methods for the identification of
room comfort conditions is the Fanger method [1].
The human body exchanges heat with the surrounding environment by con-
vection, radiation and evaporation (conduction is little significant); the factors that
influence this exchange are the following:
• Environmental factors
– room temperature1
– radiant average temperature2
Average temperature measured close to individuals.
It is given by the weighted average of the temperature of walls and of the objects present in a
room, where weight is the surface of walls and of objects.
6.2 Thermal End Use 327
– air temperature
– relative humidity
• Personal factors
– metabolic activity3
– thermal insulation of clothes
• Physiological factors
– skin temperature
– fraction of body area covered with dresses
According to the Fanger model, the feeling of hot, neutral and cold is linked to
the energy balance of the human body that is, to say the difference between the
heat produced by the body metabolism and the heat exchanged by the body with
the surrounding environment.
Three objective conditions necessary for the achievement of the thermal
comfort can be identified:
1. in the human body there shall be neither accumulation nor release of heat;
2. the average skin temperature must be as close as possible to 35.7C;
3. the thermal exchange through sweating must be limited.
Through the study of significant samples of people it was possible to find a
correlation between the predicted mean vote (PMV) and the predicted percentage
of dissatisfied (PPD). This correlation (ISO 7730) considers room conditions as
acceptable when the PMV is included between –0.5 and +0.5 that is, to say when
the percentage of dissatisfaction is lower than 10%.
The ISO regulation 7730 describes the room conditions guaranteeing the
thermal comfort:
• The difference between the radiant temperature of the different vertical surfaces
must be below 10C;
• air temperature and speed must be:
– winter
temperature: between 20 and 24C
speed: below 0.15 m/s
– summer
temperature: between 23 and 26C
speed: below 0.25 m/s
• temperature difference between the heights of 0.1 and 1.1 m from the floor must
be below 3C
It is linked to the physical activity, to motion and to other individual factors.
328 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
• the floor temperature must range between 19 and 26C, exception made for
radiant floors for which it shall not exceed 29C.
Calculation of the energy needs for room comfort: the thermal energy necessary
to keep in the surrounding environment the conditions requested for room comfort
is calculated on the basis of the following contributions:
• heat transmission through walls, windows, doors, ceiling and floor;
• energy necessary for the treatment of external air;
• thermal contributions to solar radiation;
• thermal contribution of people and equipment.
Heat Transmission
Dispersions Uc through walls, ceiling and frames (Fig. 6.1) depend on the dif-
ference of temperature (DT), the extension of the dispersing surface (S) and its
thermal characteristics that is, to say the thermal transmittance k (W/m2 K)
through the ratio:
Uc ¼ S k DT ð6:2Þ
Ui ¼ d1 d2 d3 If Sf ð6:3Þ
6.2 Thermal End Use 329
They concern people who reside in the room to be air-conditioned and all the other
sources therein present. An important contribution is given by luminous sources;
other sources include machine tools, office machines (photocopiers, printers, PC,
etc.). Indicating with n the number of people present in the room under consid-
eration, Us the thermal flow generated by each individual and Ui the flow of an
equipment present, the total flow Ua of the thermal powers produced in the room is
given by:
Ua ¼ n Us þ Ui ð6:4Þ
In order to keep the room comfort, it is necessary to continuously renew the air in
the rooms, generally with external air, which has to be brought to the temperature
and humidity appropriate conditions, with subsequent energy spending.
Energy expenditure can be read in the psychrometric diagram: such energy
expenditure is partly due to temperature variation (sensible heat) and partly to the
variation of relative humidity (latent heat).
As concerns sensible heat, indicating with DT the difference in temperature,
with ca the specific heat of the air (1 kJ/kg) and with qa air density (1.2 kg/m3),
with m_ a the mass flow (kg/s) and with V_ a the volume flow (in m3/s), the flow of
sensible heat is given by:
Us ¼ m_ a ca DT ¼ V_ a qa ca DT ð6:5Þ
The range of air renewal is generally expressed as the number of air changes in
1 h (n), depending on how many times the entire air volume in the room under
consideration is renewed in 1 h. Therefore, indicating with V (m3) the volume of
the room, it follows that:
V_ a ¼ ð6:6Þ
3; 600
Replacing (6.5) in (6.6) and the values of specific heat and air density, the flow
of sensible heat is obtained (W):
Us ¼ n 0:33 V DT ð6:7Þ
The flow obtained in this way can be referred to the unit of volume and to the
unit of temperature drop (W/K m3):
Uus ¼ n 0:33 ð6:8Þ
330 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
Fig. 6.2 Energy expenditure for the treatment of 1 kg of external air for summer air-
Relative humidity is defined as the ratio between the partial pressure of the steam present in
the air (that depends on the quantity of steam present in the air, namely the absolute
humidity 9 expressed in g/kg) and the pressure of saturated vapour at the air temperature.
6.2 Thermal End Use 331
Fig. 6.3 Energy expenditure for the treatment of 1 kg of external air for winter heating
From the energy viewpoint, the isoconcentration heating from TD and TE may
not be considered; in fact such heating can take place by using the external air (at
higher temperature) without any energy expenditure.5
In the case of winter heating (Fig. 6.3) considering, for instance, external air at
5C with 50% of relative humidity (point A) and internal air at 20C with 50% of
relative humidity (point B), DT is:
DT ¼ TA TB ¼ Te Ti ð6:10Þ
(in the case of winter heating). Part of the energy spending relating to sensible heat
can be retrieved by heating the input air in a heat exchanger using as hot fluid the
stale air to be expelled, that is at the internal temperature (in the case described in
the example, at 20C); in the example shown in Fig. 6.4 the internal air is at 20C
and the external one at 0C. In this case, without heat recovery there would be
DT = 20C that, with the exchanger is reduced at only 5C since air renewal is at
Sensible heat must be supplemented by the latent heat necessary to steam
condensation (in the case of summer cooling) or water evaporation (in the case of
summer cooling). Indicating with UA the absolute humidity and with m_ a the air
mass flow, the vapour mass flow, mv, to be generated (in the case of winter
heating) is:
m_ v ¼ m_ a ðUAe UAi Þ ¼ V_ a qa ðUAe UAi Þ ð6:11Þ
Alternatively, as it usually happens in practice, it cools up to temperature TD a fraction of the
air change that, subsequently mixed with non-cooled air, brings mixed air to temperature TE.
From the energy viewpoint, the two processes are equivalent.
332 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
Table 6.2 Values of the crowd indexes and air changes per person
Room Crowd index (persons/m2) Air changes (m3/h person)
Recommended Minimum
Services 0.055 54–90 36
Areas of transit 0.055 12–18 9
Offices 0.111 27–45 27
Indicating with k the condensation, or evaporation, latent heat the latent heat
flow is:
Ul ¼ k m_ v ð6:12Þ
With considerations similar to the remarks above on the flows of air renewal
and considering k = 2,500 kJ/kg, the latent heat flow is obtained (W):
Ul ¼ 833 n V DUA ð6:13Þ
Air renewals are provided for by the regulations in force and refer to the air
renewals that are necessary for each individual; values depend on the destination
of use of the room under consideration. The quantity of air to be changed in a
given environment is calculated on the basis of the changes envisaged per person
and the value of the crowd index of the room itself; also the values of this index are
referred to by technical regulations. As an example, Table 6.2 shows some values
of the crowd indexes and the air changes per person.
On the basis of the above, it is evident that the energy need for air-conditioning
varies—also markedly—according to the climate of the site, the characteristics of
the building and the air changes necessary on the basis of the destination of use of
the rooms according to the regulations in force. In order to have an idea on the
level of these needs, considering the climate characteristics of Rome, Italy, a
building with average size and air changes for ‘‘normal’’ rooms (i.e. offices), the
winter heating needs are about 28 W/m3, whereas the needs for summer cooling
are slightly higher, amounting to nearly 32 W/m3.
From the energy viewpoint, also air-conditioning end use, as well as the heating
of domestic hot water, is low-temperature (hot) or at a temperature that can be
reached by simple refrigeration cycles (cold). The heat flow requested leads the
heat-transfer fluid traditionally used for heating purposes to often be water,
especially in those countries in which room heating became widespread before
room cooling.
In these applications, heat is produced by boilers in the single buildings or even
in the single apartments, through the combustion of fossil fuels (gasoil and
methane), or through a thermal exchange with water vapour distributed by district
6.2 Thermal End Use 333
heating originating from cogeneration plants in the electric sector (electricity and
heat) or the use of the waste heat of industrial processes (high-temperature heat for
the process, with a cascade distribution of low-temperature heat for residential
district heating).
In other Countries, whose electric energy is generally use electricity produced
by large-size nuclear power plants (i.e. France), heating mainly depends on the
electricity energy vector. The ‘‘all electric’’ model as an ideal reference of par-
ticular interest from the viewpoint of simplicity and standardisation of end use, in
these cases has prevailed over considerations of energy and non-energy nature,
bringing electricity to be used for all domestic uses, including food cooking.
The analysis of the global energy needs of each single building, or of the
residential district in which it is included, together with a structural (social and
cultural) analysis of the energy distribution model used until now (distribution of
liquid or gaseous fossil fuels, district heating with distribution of water steam heat-
transfer fluid, electricity network) leads to considerations on the most suitable and
largely realisable evolution of the system.
In this case, it is possible to carry not the same analysis of the possible solutions
relating to the production of domestic hot water. Moving from the pre-determi-
nation of fossil fuels, of electricity from the electric grid and, where possible, of
the district heating heat-transfer fluid as the only alternatives available, to real
considerations of energy analysis, it is evident how there are several and attracting
alternatives. A system efficacy analysis, that also takes into consideration
parameters dealing with the renewability of sources, the lowering of the produc-
tion of emissions, and the local availability of energy resources, certainly includes
in the scenario the resort to renewable sources and their conversion technologies.
If the energy vector requested heat-transfer fluid is water (at temperatures
ranging from 60 to 120C, according to the applications and to the resort to local
distribution networks for district heating), it can be produced either directly or in
cogeneration with conversion technologies of available renewable sources as solar
radiation, wind energy, hydroelectric power, biomass and geothermal energy.
Looking at the future, it is also possible to think about cogeneration plants based
on the technology of high or low-temperature fuel cells (according to the size
used), powered by gases rich in hydrogen or pure hydrogen, producible from
distributable or locally renewable sources.
The use of heat pumps for room air-conditioning is likely to be more and more
widespread, as an alternative to the conventional systems made up of a cooler and
a boiler. The same equipment in fact, through a simple valve, is able to exchange
334 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
the functions of the evaporator and the condenser, hence supplying heat in winter
and cold in summer (reversible heat pump).
The application of the heat pump to room air-conditioning (heating and cool-
ing) is interesting since it generally entails a cost amortisation time acceptable for
end users. In the case of existing buildings, the application of the heat pump for
room air-conditioning, both in winter and in summer, could demand an inter-
vention for the restoration of the entire thermal and electric plant, with a sub-
sequent increased cost.
There are different applications of the heat pump in the sectors of services and
industry, as in the case of the air-conditioning of sports facilities and venues, low-
temperature technological processes and drying in the agricultural and food sector,
Heat pumps can be used for heat production purposes both for room heating and
for domestic (sanitary) hot water, competing with traditional systems as electric or
gas boilers and water heaters.
In case of room heating, plants can be:
• Monovalent
• Bivalent
The monovalent configuration is used when the heat pump is able to entirely
meet the thermal needs necessary for heating purposes. If heat pumps use as source
the external air, this configuration can be adopted in the climate areas in which the
external temperature drops below 0C. Otherwise, it is necessary to develop a
bivalent system, made up of heat pump and of an auxiliary heating system, that is
to say a traditional boiler that meets thermal needs when air temperature drops
below 0C.
For the heating of domestic water, storage tanks larger than those used in
normal water heaters are needed, since the temperature of the water produced does
not exceed 50–60C.
Types of Plants
For small powers (up to nearly 2 kW), also usable for the heating of domestic
water, heat pumps can be as follows:
• Monobloc, all the components are grouped together;
• Split, the plant is made up of:
– External unit, including the compressor and a heat exchanger with the
function of evaporator or condenser;
6.2 Thermal End Use 335
– Internal unit, with a cabinet from which hot or cool air is released in the room,
depending on the different cases. This system allows to install the noisy
components of the plant in an area external to the room to be air conditioned.
In case of medium power (up to 10 to 20 kW) suitable for serve several rooms,
they can be:
• Monobloc, all the components are grouped together;
• Multisplit, the plant is made up of:
– External units, including the compressor and a heat exchanger with the
function of evaporator or condenser;
– Internal units, made up of several cabinets, regulated individually, from
which hot or cool air is released in the room, depending on the different cases.
This system allows to install the noisy components of the plant in an area
external to the room to be air conditioned.
In case of large power (exceeding 20 kW), destined to several apartments,
offices and commercial activities. The plants are made up of:
• External condensing units: they produce hot water and cool water;
• Fan-coils: internal cabinets, which release in the rooms hot air in winter or cool
air in summer, and keep a comfort temperature also in intermediate seasons.
The scheme of the different plant solutions is shown in Fig. 6.5.
In order to improve the efficiency of heat pump plants, very often a device is
installed that allows to recover (at least partially) the heat contained in the internal
336 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
air to pre-heat the air coming from outside. This device is a heat exchanger, an
example of which is shown in Fig. 6.6.
Lighting engineer studies all the aspects relating to lighting, both natural and
artificial, in order to guarantee adequate visual conditions to human beings. In
particular, in a closed environment, lighting must guarantee the execution of the
visual tasks performed and to carry out conditions of visual comfort, that is to say
mental conditions of satisfaction expressed vis-à-vis the visual environment. These
requirements are met if all the internal elements can be clearly distinguished
without any difficulty and tasks performed without any effort whatsoever. To
obtain such a result, the lighting to be achieved can be essentially obtained either
by exploiting natural lighting or by integrating it with the artificial one.
These two options are not however equivalent: in fact, although artificial
lighting, different from the natural one, can be designed with more precise char-
acteristics in terms of quality and quantity, natural lighting has the advantage of a
better quality of light (better performance of colours) and the higher levels of
lighting that can be reached, which from the quantity viewpoint is practically
impossible to achieve with artificial lighting. Furthermore, natural lighting uses
6.3 Luminous End Use 337
solar energy, that is to say the renewable source of lighting par excellence,
allowing huge energy savings and a neutral impact for the environment.
Light is the electromagnetic radiant energy that human eyes are able to perceive; in
particular, the white light is given by a mix of all the wavelengths of the visible
spectrum and also contains radiations belonging to infrared and ultraviolet rays.
The evaluation of the fundamental magnitudes that are used to measure the radiant
energy emitted or received by a surface in relation to the feelings produced on
individuals through their eyes represents the object of a preliminary part of light
engineering that falls within the name of photometry.
Photometric Magnitudes
I¼ ð6:14Þ
It is measured in candelas (cd).
Candela is the fundamental lighting unit in the International System: subse-
quently, the luminous flux is a derived magnitude, defined through (6.14) as ‘‘the
luminous flux emitted into a solid angle of one steradian by an isotropic point
source having a luminous intensity of one candela’’.
338 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
The radianceM in a point of a large surface is given by the ratio between the
luminous flux du emitted by a surface element containing the point and the area of
the surface itself:
M¼ ð6:15Þ
It is measured in lm/m2 (lumen for square meter).
Radiance refers to the visibility curve: it is valid until the source observed has a
radiance of 100 lm/m2 (photopic vision); in scotopic vision, on the contrary,
radiance drops below 0.01 lm/m2. Luminance
It must be observed how the reflexion coefficient is different from the one used in the thermal
radiation case, since lighting engineering only considers the one relating to the visible band.
6.3 Luminous End Use 339
composition of the spectrum. In particular, the sending back of the incident light
can take place through a spectrum reflection (a single incident ray produces a
single reflected ray) as it happens on glossy or smooth surfaces, diffused (the
presence of infinite infinitesimal surfaces specularly reflecting and oriented to all
direction leads the light to be globally reflected randomly), in the case of mat or
opaque surfaces that show a certain degree of roughness,7 or mixed (diffuse
reflection with a predominant component in the specular direction) on semi-glass
The reflecting body can be considered in turn as a luminous source that is
generally defined secondary source.
The primary light sources are the sun and the celestial vault. In particular the light
can directly come from the sun, although partially absorbed by the atmosphere
(direct light), or consist in the diffused light of the celestial vault, which is made up
of the scattered radiation in the atmosphere by gases, water vapour and particulate,
and reflected by the different surfaces of the environment, being it natural (sky,
trees, mountains, etc.) and artificial (buildings, parts of the internal environment)
(diffused light).
The external space performs a role analogous to the one of a lighting equipment
(which has the task of filtering and distributing the artificial light) as concerns
natural light, scattering, reflecting and transmitting the light.
This happens when the size of the surface irregularities is of the same order of magnitude as the
wavelength of the incident light.
340 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
The entire set of direct and diffused light represents the global daily illumi-
nation; the average value of extraterrestrial solar radiation (called solar constant)
is 1,353 W/m2. The solar radiation, passing through the atmosphere, changes its
spectral composition, and the process in general strongly depends on climatic
conditions: it is however possible to assume that radiation, as it reaches the earth’s
surface, shows a spectral distribution that is close to a black body at a temperature
of nearly 5,760 K.
The normal curve of visibility of the human eye in a photopic vision8 is suitable
for this spectral composition: its peak (at k = 555 nm), in fact, corresponds to the
maximum of the spectral emittance of the black body at the temperature of 5,225 K.
In the field of visible and ultraviolet radiations and in wide bands of infrared
radiation, the spectral power of the solar radiation is however lower than the black
body, especially near the absorption bands typical of molecules of O2, N2, H2O, O3
and CO2 that is the chemical species. Among those that are present in the atmo-
sphere, that determine a higher absorption of the relevant spectral components.
When sheltered by the direct solar radiation, that is to say when the light arrives
only after undergoing the reflection diffused through the atmosphere and on the
surrounding bodies, the spectral composition is conversely variable according to
the presence of dust and clouds in the air, and is also affected by the presence of
buildings, mountains, trees, etc.: in general the diffused solar radiation has a colour
tending to light blue.
Obviously, the light on the earth’s surface depends on the position of the sun
(and therefore on its height and azimuth) and is variable in its spectral content, in
the different months of the year, both in terms of quantity, intensity and quality.
The possible extreme conditions are those of completely bright sky, without any
clouds, and the uniformly covered sky. The former case corresponds to a trans-
parent hemisphere, which disperses the light only in small angles (on the basis of
this phenomenon, the sky appears blue and not black), the latter corresponds to a
translucent hemisphere that disperses radiation in big angles; all the other condi-
tions can be considered as intermediate between these two.
The sky (or celestial vault) as light source can be characterised through the
distribution of luminance or illumination on a non-obstructed horizontal surface.
Artificial light sources are needed to make up for the shortage of natural light.
They are generally made up of two parts, the lighting equipment and the lamp. In
particular, in electricity-powered sources, lamps are used for the conversion of
The photopic vision is only due to the activity of retina cones. It is the type of vision that occurs
when the level of lighting is ‘‘normal’’ (daylight) and allows to identify chromatic differences.
6.3 Luminous End Use 341
electric power into a luminous flux, whereas the lighting equipment has the task of
suitably distributing this flow.
Lighting Equipment
Reflectors: they change the photometric solid of the source, exploiting the
reflection properties, and inhibit the vision of the lamp only in some directions.
From the manufacturing viewpoint, they are made up of a shell of opaque material
with the internal side treated in such a way that allows to have a high reflection
coefficient (Fig. 6.8).
Refractors: they are used to modify the emission photometric solid allowing the
directional control of the light and avoiding dazzling dangers. The change in the
spatial distribution of the flux emitted by the source takes place by exploiting in
particular the refraction phenomenon. From the manufacturing viewpoint, they are
made up of a glass or plastic shell that can partially or totally contain the source
(Fig. 6.9).
Projectors: they have the task of addressing the luminous flux emitted by a
source towards a given direction and within a limited solid angle, to particularly
light some areas or objects (Fig. 6.10).
Equipment Classification
(a) Equipment for direct light, in which the flux is mainly emitted downwards (90–
100%) and for a minimum part (0–10%) upwards. It is the cheapest illumi-
nation, since the lighting equipment is generally simple, cost-effective and high
performing. With this type of lighting, the absorption by walls and ceilings is
negligible, but shadows are marked and it is advisable to use several luminous
sources to reduce them. It is convenient both in exteriors, and in laboratories or
344 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
Fig. 6.12 Examples of trend of photometric curves for the different types of lighting
(b) Semi-direct lighting equipment, in which the flux is mostly emitted downwards
(60–90%) and for a minor percentage (10–40%) upwards. By adopting this
type of lighting, shadows are softened. Furthermore, the part of the flux dif-
fused by the ceiling contributes to increase the global efficiency of the
installation and avoids the shadows above the equipment. It is mainly used in
offices, houses, canteens, etc;
(c) Equipment for diffused general lighting, in which the flux is emitted, with a
partly diffused distribution (40–60%) downwards and part of it (40–60%)
upwards. It is the type of lighting adopted in department stores;
(d) Equipment for mixed lighting (or direct–indirect), in which the flux is emitted
without any diffusion both upwards (40–60%) and downwards (40–60%). This
type of lighting can only be used in facilities with very much reflecting walls
due to luminous efficiency issues. Since the contribution of walls is funda-
mental, it is necessary to keep the rooms and the ceiling light fixtures clean;
(e) Equipment for semi-indirect lighting, in which the flux is mostly emitted (60–
90%) upwards and to a minor extent (10–40%) downwards. This type of
lighting entails a low efficiency, slightly improved by the direct component and
by the geometry of the diffuser, open towards to top; it also requires very light
(f) Equipment for indirect lighting, in which the flux is mainly emitted upwards (90–
100%) and in a minimum percentage downwards (0–10%). This type of lighting
gives a remarkable uniformity of lighting, but it obliges to install very powerful
lamps, since it generally has a low luminous efficiency. It is used to obtain
particular aesthetic results or to highlight architectural details: therefore, it is
mostly destined to showrooms, some restaurants, museums, monuments, etc.
Figure 6.12 shows an example of trend of the photometric curves relating to
different types of lighting. The same figure also shows a further organisation of the
types of equipment in 20 classes, indicated from A to T (ranging from the most
concentrated direct to the indirect one), and defined by the CIE to classify the large
number of possible spatial distributions of luminous flow.
6.3 Luminous End Use 345
The class of an equipment is defined on the basis of the flux ui emitted in five
different spatial portions, obtained by dividing the space around the photometric
centre into five cones around the axis of the equipment, having a solid angle of p/2,
p, 3/p, 2p ster, respectively (upper and lower hemispheres) (Fig. 6.13.). The values
of the flux emitted in the different spatial portions are provided by manufacturers or
can be determined starting from the knowledge of the photometric curve.
By using the values of ui it is possible to define the efficiency of the equipment
gi, relating to the flow emitted by the source inside and not outside the equipment
itself, which is given by:
u1 þ u2 þ u3 þ u4 þ u5
gi ¼ ð6:18Þ
where utot represents the total flow emitted in all directions.
Electricity is the main energy vector for the luminous end use, targeted to meet
the useful effect in terms of room luminosity in the absence of natural lighting, up
to its completion or independently from its availability.
The main characteristic of each energy vector usable to make the luminous end
use possible is its availability at night and in periods of scarce availability of solar
energy. Although it might appear trivial at a first sight, this is the key element for
the development of energy systems that exploit renewable energies (the main of
which is the direct solar source) to supply the energy quantity necessary to meet
lighting needs. If electricity is suitable for the achievement of all the applications
requested, both in closed rooms and in open ones, and also for large surfaces (as it
happens in the case of sports events, social meetings or the lighting of large areas
346 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
as car parks and airports) and it is therefore the most appropriate vector to reach
end users, much space—in the area of energy vectors—remains available to
optimise and improve the production procedure and sources, as well as the pos-
sibility of more or less distributed storage and close to the point of end use.
The technological progress of electricity-luminous energy conversion systems,
in fact, makes it possible for the implementation of energy systems that envisage
the integration of diffuse production of electric power as integration or as an
alternative compared to the systems based on the storage through the electric grid.
Low power and low requests for energy flux in fact increasingly allow to achieve
adequate luminous flows, able to meet a growing number of needs. The connection
to the distribution network always entails more or less complex infrastructural
works, and the presence of power-supply cables translates into a not always
foreseeable control and maintenance work, which cannot even be precisely eval-
uated in terms of resources requested.
The competitiveness of solutions exploiting the sources available at the point of
need of luminous energy, usually characterised also by the feature of being
renewable, with the further advantage of releasing zero emissions in the atmo-
sphere, depends on the capacity of the energy vector produced of being stored and
distributed, at least locally.
For its luminous use, electric power can therefore be certainly produced also by
renewable sources, besides from fossil and nuclear sources, the letter are not
limited by definition by the availability of the solar source, although under the
condition of reaching the point of need for a distribution grid. However,
production must occur also through a storable vector, and this opens large
perspectives to renewable energy sources based upon the development of
electrochemical accumulators:
The mechanic end use of energy is aimed at the carrying out of tasks originally
performed directly by men with their bodies, with or without the use of any
The replacement of human work, as well as the speeding up, the increase in
precision and repeatability of tasks and works is among the main purposes of the
6.4 Mechanic End Use 347
mechanic end use of energy. There are several useful effects in the industrial,
agricultural, civil and services fields, ranging from the processing and assembly of
industrial components and products, to the performance of household tasks
(movement of water and of the drum of the washing-machine), to carry out
agricultural tasks (digging, seeding, harvesting, etc.), up to the movement of things
and people in the sector of mobility.
All these applications have extremely variable needs in terms of characteristics
of the energy flow, and this determines the choice of the single technologies used
in the various cases. The mechanic energy demanded is presently obtained in
industrialised countries through the distribution network of the electricity vector
and by operating an electric power-mechanic power conversion with electric
machines and procedures. A specific predominance of the combustion of fossil
fuels is present in the sector of transports. In developing countries, animal energy
or human energy are still extensively used, with the manual carrying out of tasks
that are entirely performed by machines in industrialised areas.
Among mechanic use, it is possible to identify the following:
• Industrial, agricultural and agro-industrial uses, among which:
– Extraction, transportation and handling of raw materials and derivatives
– Handling and assembly for mechanised production
– Mechanic processing of parts and components
– Land cultivation, seeding and collection in agriculture
– Handling and processing of raw materials and agro-industry products
• Civil uses and Residential, among which:
– Operation of household appliances
– Operation of lifts, moving pavements, moving staircases
– Automatic doors
– Fans and ventilators
At present, the possible solutions for the production of mechanic energy for end
use are the following:
• conversion from chemical energy to mechanical energy in a thermodynamic
cycle that exploits the heat produced through the burning of fuel:
– gas turbine power plants
– steam turbine power plants
– internal combustion (or, more rarely, external combustion) volumetric
• conversion from electric power to mechanic energy:
– electric motors
In consideration of their characteristics, gas and steam turbine power plants are
used in particular cases in which huge power is required. A typical application of
gas turbine power plants for the production of mechanic energy is air transport.
348 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
Steam plants are used for the production of mechanic energy in particular
industrial sectors; in these cases a part of the mechanical power generated by
turbines is normally used, while a part of it is converted into electric power.
As already mentioned internal combustion engines (external combustion ones,
of the Stirling type, have a limited use today), are extensively used in the sector of
transports and cover almost all transports on road, and part of the maritime and air
The most widespread solution is represented by electric motors; their wide-
spread use is due to various practical factors and to the fact that the global energy
efficiency of this solution is in any case similar to the possible alternatives that,
however, in many cases are not applicable or show practical problems. Electric
motors, in fact, represent now a widely fine-tuned, reliable and cost-effective
technology. Furthermore, in the different construction solutions (direct current,
alternating current, synchronous or asynchronous) they do not show any limit from
the size viewpoint, since they can supply power ranging from a few W to hundreds
of kW. An important characteristic is compactness that allows to integrate electric
motors in the utilisation equipment, being it a household appliance, or an equip-
ment for mechanical working. In many cases it is possible to take electricity
directly from the electric grid: alternatively, the electrochemical storage (with a
high efficiency) is in any case possible. Another fundamental aspect is represented
by the absence of whatever type of emission (almost always acoustic), which
makes them usable also in closed areas (including domestic use).
As far as the global energy efficiency of the solutions mentioned above is
concerned, the following must be underlined: in case of gas and steam plants, the
values of conversion efficiency (from chemical energy to mechanic energy) are
similar to those typical of these plants for the production of electric power (see
chapter on technologies). As widely known, electric motors have very high effi-
ciencies (exceeding 90%); for a global energy analysis, however, it is necessary to
consider the efficiency of the production of electricity.
As an example, considering a gasoil ICE, it is reasonable to hypothesise a
conversion efficiency from chemical energy to mechanic energy amounting to
36%; considering the losses due to fuel extraction, transportation, refining and
distribution as amounting to 10%, a global efficiency of nearly 32% (from the
primary source to the useful mechanic energy) is obtained. Considering, on the
contrary, an electric motor, it is possible to hypothesise a conversion efficiency
from electric power to mechanic power of 92%; considering the losses due to
transportation (5%) and the efficiency of electric power production (40%) as well
as the losses for the transportation of the fuel to the plant, a global efficiency of
33% is obtained. In terms of primary energy consumption, given the same useful
effect, this means that to obtain, for instance, 100 kJ of useful mechanic energy
there is a consumption of primary energy of 309 kJ in the case of ICE and of
304 kJ in the case of the electric motor. As in the case of the ICE the primary
energy is not renewable (oil), in the case of electric motor a part of the electricity is
produced from renewable sources for which, as underlined in several occasions, it
is not suitable to talk about ‘‘consumption’’. Assuming that 20% of the electric
6.4 Mechanic End Use 349
Fig. 6.14 Production of mechanic energy by ICE: energy cycle from the primary source to end
Fig. 6.15 Production of mechanic energy by electric motors: energy cycle from the primary
source to end use
The electric/electronic end use of energy entered in the group of the four end uses
only in the last decades. In a classic schematisation and in many texts, in fact, there
is still a classification limited to the three groups of mechanic, thermal and
luminous energy. As a matter of fact, with the advent of electronics and the
explosive growing of information Technologies (ITs) and information and Com-
munication Technologies (ICTs) in the economic and social lives of human beings,
this family of end use has played and will increasingly play a major role. The
power and quantity of energy requested, although still limited compared to the
typical ones of mechanic and thermal use, are becoming globally significant.
The electric/electronic use of energy is generally aimed at performing tasks that
were previously made through the resort to mechanic use or to the capacity of men,
therefore resorting to human energy. The development of numerical data man-
agement replaces and widens the capacity of mnemonic or management manual
calculation of men, as well as the previous generation of mechanic calculators,
theoretically able to perform all the tasks of electronic calculators but in practice
limited by insurmountable problems of size, reliability and speed of response.
Data transmission, with the subsequent possibility of sending information, voice
data and images, and increasingly complex digital products, replaced in this case
as well and widened the communication tasks previously carried out by type-
writing, drawing and photography of physical images, and their transportation
from the place of creation to the place of destination with animal means first and
mechanical means afterwards.
The replacement of human work, the speeding up, the increased precision,
repeatability and widening of possible tasks are among the main targets of electric/
electronic energy end use. Useful effects are continuously increasing, also thanks
to the continuous development of new applications and to the advent of new
technologies in the industrial, agricultural, civil and services sectors.
These applications show needs that are generally limited to the energy flow in
terms of power and current intensity; this opens large possibilities of choice of
energy technologies, of the sources and of vectors that can be used in the various
cases, before the necessary conversion into electric power as end use. The electric
power requested is obtained today both in industrialised and in developing
countries, with the electricity vector mainly being supplied by the distribution grid.
The growing demand for portable applications with end use of electric/elec-
tronic energy and the continuous growth of the networks dealing with the distri-
bution, repetition and transmission of signals for their operation have opened the
largest market in our history for energy electrochemical storage systems. The new
and growing demand in this sector, in fact, is the portability of equipment, being a
computer, a telephone, a sound or video player, a palmtop and much more, having
considered the continuous development and the continuous fusion and separation
between electronic devices able to perform one or several tasks with this family of
6.5 Electric/Electronic End Use 351
The electric/electronic uses are therefore usable nowadays either statically, with
fixed equipment, and dynamically, with portable equipment. Among them, it is
possible to identify working and extra-work use, including:
• working and extra-work use, including:
– Calculation and data processing
– Connection to telecommunications networks (Internet, wireless, telephone and
– Inbound and outbound data transmission (voice, images and numerical data)
– Sound or image play
The electric/electronic use of energy opens interesting opportunities, in con-
sideration of its characteristics that make it particularly different from the three
other end uses, and in particular from the thermal and mechanic ones: the low or
very low power at stake, and portability as an element of certain and growing
The low power also allows to consider particularly interesting some energy
sources that in the past were particularly ignored by classic energy studies, mainly
concentrated on the use of industrial and agricultural energy applications, typi-
cally involving a high power. Small power and limited quantity of energy pave the
way to the possibility of exploiting renewable sources that are practically avail-
able all over the world, in the same way as all over the world there are electric/
electronic applications that are the symbol of development and of global relations
that ask to operate and to be powered. All the conversion technologies of
renewable energy sources allow the production of the quantities of electricity
requested. Therefore, for the first time all the sources are fully involved in energy
competition. In many cases with the advantage (once considered as a disadvantage
and still wrongly presented in this way by many authors) of being distributed all
over the earth and not focussed in single areas of availability, from which it is
necessary to organise a complex, little safe and expensive distribution system.
Conversely, the request for portability paves the way for the development of
better and better new solutions of energy storage, which, thanks to their distri-
bution and acceptance in the market of electric/electronic use, show today to the
large public and to the global market their existence and their potential usefulness
also in other sectors. The characteristic of this sector—new but that can already be
considered as dominating from the viewpoint of energy trends—is the precondi-
tion for the creation and development of new generations of electrochemical
accumulators, increasingly efficient and competitive, in order to allow the access
in world markets of new energy vectors that are only competitive in niche
applications, such as hydrogen and new chemical, physical or chemical–physical
solutions for their storage, and the appearance of mechanical storage systems,
easily convertible into electric energy, such as micro and mini flywheels, springs
or pressurised fluids.
352 6 Energy Useful Effect and End Use
1. ISO regulation 7730. Moderate thermal environments—determination of the PMV and PPD
indices and specification of the condition for thermal comfort
2. Nucara A, Pietrafesa M (2001) Elementi Di Illuminotecnica, Universita’ degli studi
‘‘Mediterranea’’ di Reggio Calabria facolta’ di Ingegneria Dipartimento Di Informatica
Matematica Elettronica e Trasporti
3. Jokem E (2000) Energy End Use Efficiency, World Energy Assesment: Energy and the
Challenge of Sustainability, Chapter 6, UNDP and World Energy Council, New York.
Absorption heat pumps, 277, 283–284, Balance Of System, 201
288, 318 Barrel of oil equivalent, 7
Accumulators, 126–130, 132, 135–136, Benzene, 80–81, 165
138–140, 155, 169, 201, 234–235, Bernouilli
346, 351 theorem, 48
Activation polarisation, 226 Betz theory, 47–48
Aerobic bacteria, 66–67, 74, 76 Bi-directional power flows, 295
AFC, 229–230, 232 Biodiesel, 164–165, 168
Air Biofuels, 164, 167
heating, 22 Bio-fuels, 52–53
mass, 28, 32, 191, 204, 331 Biogas, 52, 164, 167, 292
Aleatory sources, 292 Biomass energy, 13, 53, 55
Aliphatic, 70, 81 Biomass index, 25
Alkali metal, 54 Bio-refinery, 52
Alkaline batteries, 129, 135 Bitumen, 73, 83, 86, 110–111, 113
Alkaline electrolysers, 258–259 Bituminous coal, 64–66, 68
Alkaline solutions, 256 Bituminous Schist, 9, 13
Alkylation, 111 Black absorbing plate, 240
AM, 28, 31–32, 42, 49 Bliss equation, 243
American Petroleum Institute, 73 BOE, 7
Ammonia, 144, 158–162, 177, 286, 289 Boiling point, 80, 115, 165
Anaerobic digestion, 282 BOS, 201–202
Anaerobic process, 282 Bosch-Haber process, 160
Anemometer, 43, 46, 196 Bottomer, 219
Anthracite, 64–66, 68–69, 71 British Thermal Unit, 7
API, 73, 79–80 BTU, 7, 9
Aquifers, 56–57, 59, 247 Bulk Volume, 54–55
Aromatic rings, 65 Burning point, 80
Aromatic series, 81, 83 Butane, 80, 87–88, 111–112.
Artificial light, 97, 336–338
Artificial radioactivity, 6
Ash, 54–55, 64, 82 C
ASHRAE, 326 Calorific Value, 7–9, 51–52, 54–55, 64,
Atlas, 34–37 68, 79, 89, 167
F. Orecchini and V. Naso, Energy Systems in the Era of Energy Vectors, 353
Green Energy and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-244-5,
Ó Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
354 Index
E (cont.) Fossil fuels, 4, 13, 16–17, 25, 29, 60, 65, 68,
ETBE, 165 70, 98–103, 105, 114, 159, 164,
Ethane, 52, 59, 70, 74–75, 77, 80, 87–89, 92, 167, 174, 293, 315–316, 323, 325,
112, 115, 119, 143, 162, 166–167, 332–333, 347
220, 236, 242, 247, 278, 280, 294, Fractional distillation, 80, 165
300, 313, 324–325, 332 Francis, 183–185, 187–190
Ethanol, 52, 159, 162, 164, 165–166, 168, Freezing point (pour point), 80, 342
230–232 Frequency, 8, 28, 123–125, 180, 192–195,
Ethyl tertiary buthyl ether, 165 210, 264, 273, 276
ETP, 295 Froude’s Theorem, 47
European solar radiation atlas, 34–35 Fuel cell, 102, 154, 162, 177, 180, 182,
European technology platform, 295 220–235, 281, 293–294, 302–303,
Evaporation latent heat, 332 305, 312, 318, 234, 236, 333
Evaporator, 260–261, 263–264, 283, 286–288, Fuel global utilisation index, 311
334–335 Fuel oil, 22, 72, 83, 105, 110, 111, 113, 215
Exhaustion, 109, 237, 285, 320 Fuel qualified utilisation index, 311
Exothermic reactions, 4
Expansion valve, 149, 260–262
External Condensing Units, 335 G
External unit, 334–335 Gas hydrates, 87
Extra-atmospheric solar spectrum, 332 Gas pipelines, 89, 104, 109, 115–116, 119, 163
Extraction of resources, 14 Gasification, 70, 89, 114–115, 119–120, 166,
Extraterrestrial radiation, 31, 37 168, 277, 280–281, 318
Gasoil, 22, 105, 204, 313, 325, 332, 348–349
Gasoline, 70, 83, 93, 112
F Geopressed, 59
Fanger method, 326 Geothermal, 6, 9, 25, 29–30, 53, 55–60, 62–63,
Faraday 75, 324, 326, 333
constant, 131, 257 GHG, 17
law, 257 Gibs’ free energy, 4, 149, 223–224
Faradic current, 227 Global development, 98
Faradic efficiency, 259, 304 Global energy efficiency, 298–300, 348
Fermentation, 75, 165, 277, 282, 292 Global occurrences, 25
Fermi level, 264–265 Global solar radiation, 32, 36
Final charge voltage, 138 GLS, 265–266
Final discharge voltage, 128 Gravitational Energy, 9, 142
Finished cells, 200 Gravitational interaction, 10, 26
First Law of thermodynamics, 106, 223, 313 Gravitational potential energy, 141
Fischer-Tropsch process, 70, 114 Greenhouse gas, 17
Fission, 6, 8, 92–94, 251–252 Grid-connected systems, 200, 203
Fixed carbon, 54–55, 69 Ground solar spectrum, 32
Fixed resources, 25
Flash Point, 80
Flat-plate collectors, 182, 244, 325 H
Flat-plate solar collector, 240–241, Haber-Bosch synthesis process, 161
245, 250 HAWT, 41, 50
Flow rate, 38–40, 47, 49, 62, 88–89, 181, HDPE, 142
183–184, 188–189, 191, 209–210, Heat exchanger, 332
216–218, 226, 229, 243, 245, Heat pump, 182, 259–267, 283–288, 318,
305, 308 323–335
Fluid bed, 281 Heating diesel oil, 113
Fluorescent lamps, 271, 274–276 Heat-transfer fluid, 14, 98–99, 102–104,
Flux of light, 8 168–169, 175–177, 240, 242,
Flywheels, 105, 142, 170, 172, 351 246–247, 250, 325–326, 332–333
Index 357
Synthetic fuels, 102–103, 164, 167, Transformation processes, 22, 52, 77, 98, 126,
175–176, 300 177, 179–180, 277, 292
Synthetic gas, 70 Transportation
capacity, 23, 101, 119
or storage needs, 174
T procedures, 103
TAR, 86, 166, 281 Tritium, 95
Tar sands, 86
TCE, 7, 9
Technical potential, 25–26, 28, 59, 62–63 U
Technology used, 2, 280, 301–302, Ultraviolet radiations, 274, 340
315, 318 Unidentified risk, 17
Temperature interval, 139 Unidirectional, 294–295
Tension efficiency, 259 Uniformly covered sky, 340
Theoretical available potential, 25 Unlimited duration, 30
Theoretical potential, 25, 28, 53, 58–59, 62–63 Unsustainable increase, 17
Thermal energy, 2–4, 6, 10, 13, 20, 26, 30, 52, Upwind, 192
56, 61, 99, 158, 182, 213, 218, 221, Uranium, 6, 9, 56, 93–96
231, 240, 248–249, 251, 259, 261, Useful effect, 1–2, 13, 20–22, 99, 175–176,
269, 277, 283, 300–301, 309, 316, 262, 264, 266, 300–301, 321–322,
319, 321, 323–325, 328 326, 345, 347–350
Thermal insulation, 102, 240, 242, 270,
313, 327
Thermal loss coefficient, 244 V
Thermal radiation, 241, 338 Van der Waals, 146–147
Thermal radiators, 22 Van’t Hoff equation, 153
Thermal regeneration, 206–207, 210, 213 Vapour-dominated, 57
Thermal removal factor, 244 Verifiable reserves, 26
Thermal solar plants, 240 Vertical axis turbines, 192
Thermal use, 305, 350 Virtual power plants, 296
Thermochemical decomposition, 282 Volatile matter, 54, 68–69
Thermodynamic cycle, 211, 236, 261–264, Volcanic zones, 58
302, 347
Thermoelectric plants, 2, 22, 182, 190, 218,
252, 292 W
Thermoelectric power plants, 2 Waste
Thermolysis, 182, 251–253 disposal, 14–15, 17, 60
Tidal power, 61 formation, 14, 18
Tides, 5, 9, 29, 61 heat, 2, 333
Tilt, 33–37, 196, 201–202 Water
Times of cultivation, 54 capacity, 25
Tip speed ratio, 193 cycle on Earth, 37
TOE, 7, 9, 50 Water gas conversion reaction, 278, 281
Ton of coal equivalent, 7 Water-dominated, 57
Ton of oil equivalent, 7, 79 Watt peak, 199
Topper, 219 Wave energy, 61
Topping Atmospheric Residue, 281 Wavelengths, 31, 241–242, 266–267, 271, 337
Tractor kerosene, 112 Weirs, 181
Transfer Well to use, 22
in long range, 101 Wien’s Law, 26, 241, 267
in medium range, 100 Wind
in short range, 100 energy, 1, 5, 9, 41–42, 46, 59, 299,
Transformation and conversion processes, 1, 324, 326, 333
179, 277 map, 46
362 Index
W (cont.) Z
power plants, 41, 180, 182, 191–192 Zenith, 31, 199
speed, 25, 28, 43, 46, 50, 193–196, 244 Zero
Wood, 9, 13, 51–52, 54, 73, 166, 217 consumption, 13, 18
Working voltage, 128 emission vehicles, 234
World coal reserves, 71 emissions, 176, 346
waste, 13–14, 18
ZEV, 234
Xenon, 270–271
Yaw, 192, 196
Yield (potential annual production
capacity), 54