Fluids and Hydrau 4: Hoop Tension Dams
Fluids and Hydrau 4: Hoop Tension Dams
Fluids and Hydrau 4: Hoop Tension Dams
Hoop Tension in cylindrical gas tanks: Hoop Tension in spherical gas tanks:
Gas tank t(Dt)
t D
L L D p
tts tts F=p(/4)D2
t [Fv = 0] [Fh = 0]
p pD
t 2(t ts) = pDs p(/4)D2 = t (Dt)
t =
t =
Note that for cylindrical gas tanks, the
D 2t
strength longitudinally is twice that
t t circumferentially. Thus, if this tank is
t is called tensile stress, hoop stress, inflated to failure, the tank fails by
circumferential stress, bursting stress, bursting.
and tangential stress. For any shaped gas tanks, sectioning
[Fh = 0] must be done so that the area is
p(/4)D = L (Dt) maximum.
L (Dt)
p D
L L =
Hoop Tension in vertical cylindrical Imaginary liquid surface
tanks with liquids:
TT Head, H =p/
Steel hoops
TT pipe
s s s s s s
h F =pDs
TB F t Ah
[ Fv = 0]
t Ah
2tAh = pDs
p =h
D 2 t Ah
pD pD
Near the bottom, t =
2t Where:
s = spacing of hoops
For wood-stave pipes and horizontal
t = allowable tensile stress of hoops
pipes supported by hoops that are Ah = cross-sectional area of hoops
spaced equally apart, the stress is p = pressure at the center of pipe = H
carried only by the hoops and not by D = diameter of pipe
the material where the pipe is made up.
F =(h/2)Dh
F =Dh2/2
F =pcgA
Dams are hydraulic structures used in 4. Butress Type dams are designed
impounding water for various with buttresses separated equally
purposes such as power generation, apart which serve as the supporting
water supply, irrigation, and structure for the weight of the dam.
recreation. 5. OgeeType dams are designed with
Dams are classified according to shape, curved crest.
size and purpose.
1. Gravity Type dams are designed just Dams are analyzed as if they are just
to hold water by means of their weight. standing and rely on their weights in
2. Earth Type dams are made of earth supporting water pressure.
compacted enough in order to hold
water. This type of dam is obviously The safety of dams is guaranteed when
the cheapest of all types and is the the following factors are satisfied:
basis of analysis.
3. Arc Type dams are designed to have 1. Factor of Safety against sliding
very little cross section yet tall enough greater than 1.
to hold water. The ends are supported 2. Factor of Safety against overturning
by the natural mass of rocks that is is greater than 1.
why it is best suited when constructed 3. The actual maximum soil pressure is
across narrow canyons. less than the bearing capacity of the
headwater W3 1. Horizontal Forces (1-m strip)
Rx = FH - FT
2. Vertical Forces (1-m strip)
hcg Ry= W1+W2+…+…+Wn
W2 Ry= volume of soil pressure diagram
This case assumes no hydrostatic uplift.
H x
FH Considering Hydrostatic Uplift, U.
W7 W4 tailwater
W5 Ry Ry= W1+W2+…+…+Wn - U
H2 3. Factors of Safety
heel Rx Rx FT
3.1 Against Sliding (F.S.)s
1m 1m
ph toe R R.M.
R pt
(F.S.)s = y (F.S.)o= O.M.
Ry Rx
B 3.2 Against Overturning (F.S.)o
1m 3.3 Soil Pressure Intensity
base of dam
[Mtoe=0] Ryx = R.M. – O.M.
k2H2 R.M. – O.M.
k1H1 x=
centroid of uplift Ry
U pressure diagram
Cases of the Position of Ry from the CASE 3: x < B/3 Very Risky; very
toe of the dam. economical
CASE 1: x = B/2 Very Safe; uneconomical 3x
20-mm hoop
PROBLEM 8: The cylindrical tank
shown( 3.6 m) is closed at the 1.5 m air
top and the air space is under a
pressure of 30 kPa. If only the
hoops indicated in the figure resist
the pressure, determine the Oil (s=0.8)
following: 4.5 m
(a) the force in the upper hoop;
(b) Is the lower hoop safe if the
allowable tensile stress in the
hoops is 120 MPa? 28-mm hoop
PROBLEM 9: Determine the PROBLEM 11: The gate is vertical.
minimum safe value of B for the Determine the force on one side of the
rectangular dam shown below. The gate due to water pressure and distance
hydrostatic uplift varies from full of this force from point A both
static head at the heel to zero at the horizontally and vertically.
toe. The coefficient of static friction
between the base of the dam and the
foundation is 0.70.
w.s B
3.0 m
3.6 m
18 m
7.0 m
Problem 22:
A masonry dam has given cross section
shown. The intensity of the hydrostatic 9m
uplift varies uniformly from 100% of
the full hydrostatic uplift pressure at
the heel to zero at the toe. Concrete h=18 m 24 m
weighs 23.6 kN/m3. Find the:
(1) total vertical reaction at the bottom
of the dam.
(2) factor of safety against sliding if the
8m 6m 3m
coefficient of friction at the base is
(3) factor of safety against overturning.
(4) The soil pressure at the heel and at
the toe.
Ans. 4987 KN; 2.197; 1.889 ; qh=0 ;
qt=703.8 KPa