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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Learning Episode 1
The Teacher We Remember

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

1. Cite the personal qualities of an effective teacher.

2. State the professional competencies expected of a teacher.

Clarify Your Task

Before you embark on your one-semester journey in Observation and Teaching

Assistantship, it may be good to be reminded of the personal and professional qualities which
we, teachers, ought to possess. Striving to be the best teacher, the teacher who will leave an
imprint of himself/herself on his/her students, is a never-ending journey. The journey began
three years ago when you started discussing who the professional teacher is in your course on
The Teaching Profession, etc. The journey gets more focused and challenging now as you
observe and assist your Field Study Resource Teacher. Don’t you worry! You have been
prepared for this for three years and you will end up stronger, happier, and wiser!

Let’s buckle down for work!

1. You will review the qualities of good teachers as contained in documents such as the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTs) and the Southeast Asia
Teachers Competency Framework and the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
2. You will view on youtube 2 TEDx talks on “What makes a good teacher great” and “The
Power of a Teacher.”

(Note: Kindly see the photos that I sent in MS Teams Files)

Participate and Assist

(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resource

Teacher in her daily task, please take note of what you are expected to give
more attention to as asked in the next step of this Learning Episode,

Participate actively by assisting your Resource Teacher in his/her daily task. Take the
initiative to offer assistance. Don’t wait for Resource Teacher to ask for it.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616


1. Take note of the following:

 your Resource Teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures, and actions in
 students’ comments, facial expressions, gestures, and behavior in class
 how your Resource Teacher relates to you
 the classroom proceedings
 the classroom atmosphere – relaxed or threatening?


1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx
videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?

-For the videos I watched on YouTube, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
For me all the competencies that they tackle is right, but it always depends on every situation
that you experienced in school or on your students. But the best competencies do a great
teacher is “A great teacher listens to students” because as a teacher you don’t need always
teach sometimes teacher can listens on her students and know what the situations are they
have. When you listen to your students, they feel that much more valued and if they feel more
valued, they feel good about themselves which in turn makes them want to do more. Listening
well helps the teacher learn, too.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

-No. because all these competencies can apply all the professional people and
unprofessional in different people that they socialized.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to plan

a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report
grades? Explain your answer.

-The greatness of a teacher is measured on how he/she can handle, how she can
motivate and understand her students. The greatness of a teacher is not measured by
how well he/she is able to plan a lesson plan and execute it, manage a class, assess
learning, or compute and report grades. These are actually just manifestations that a
teacher is doing his/her job based on his/her job description.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important – personal qualities or professional

- For a teacher to be great she needs to be a listener too. Being a good listening teacher
helps to improve teacher-student relationships; contributes to a safe and positive
classroom environment; and improves the process of teaching and learning in the
classroom. Be a teacher that listens.

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

-I remember all the teachers I had in all the years as a student, but for me Mrs. Sheryl D.
Castillo is one of the most I always remember when someone asked me same this question.
She is my adviser back on my 10 th grade. She has a big impact on me not only the way she so
good on teaching but also to give a motivation and always listen on her all students. No
wonder why many students favorite her too. And yes, she is also one of my inspirations to be a
good Science teacher someday.


1. Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?

-I think the personal traits I need to improve are to have a focus to do a thing and make
a schedule to all the task that I have. Because all the time I always says I do it today but at
the end of the day I had nothing was done in a day. But I did not like that before this online
class I feel like I learned nothing in all the lesson. I lost my motivation to all the things I do.

2. Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

-The professional competencies I am strongly capable is to listen to my future students.

Your students need to be heard. All the students are not always listening to their teacher
sometimes teachers need to listen on their students, listen to their side, and their

3. In which competencies do I need to develop more?

-For me the competencies I need to develop more is the quote in the video that I
watched on YouTube says” A great teacher sings” in the story of teacher Azul Terronez her
one of the students tell that line to him it means that he did not believe that he can sing but
he did not expect that he really can sing like me this is the competencies I need to develop
because I always don’t believe in myself of what I am capable that I can be more maybe I
am not that have confident to show it.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

4. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

-I remember all the teachers I had in all the years as a student, but for me Mrs. Sheryl D.
Castillo is one of the most I always remember when someone asked me same this question.
She is my adviser back on my 10th grade. She has a big impact on me not only the way she so
good on teaching but also to give a motivation and always listen on her all students. No
wonder why many students favorite her too. And yes, she is also one of my inspirations to be a
good Science teacher someday.

Write Action Research Prompts


In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as kind, cheerful
and funny person and professional competencies like he masters his professional subject
and his lack of competences in my observing is he always making a joke during in
discussion and always laughing but on the other side its not so very bad I think it can’t
really affect to his teaching and deliver the lesson or the learning on his students. Maybe
its his way to enjoy bj
were least / not displayed and as a result, students were / class was very active in his
discussion, and his students are very attentive but the others are not cooperating in
discussion and some not open their camera.


-The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1)
may be caused by he really a funny and friendly person so he can’t stop himself to make a
joke sometimes during in his discussion and maybe to enjoy his student and not got bored.


I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting an action research
on how teachers can apply the laugh and the learning and teacher do not have to be
serious to be effective.

4. ACT

a. The main objective of my action research are students t they not only learn a great deal
from humorous teachers, but they also enjoy the process of learning from them.

b. My specific research questions are:

Is it possible to have fun and learn at the same time?
Why humour is an important tool for learning?

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

c. To answer my specific research questions,

-I should ask students if it is okay to them if the teacher is having a humor and if
this situation can affect their learning. Next is to research and ask other teachers if they
have humor in class and if its okay to them?

Work on my Artifacts

On this episode 1 I learned different professional competencies. Mostly on the videos

that I watched and it gives me inspiration to be a good teacher someday.

As a student’s teacher and based on my observing on my cooperating teachers I

already got some tips and learning in strategy of teaching. I learned that its okay to have a
humor in class as much as it can’t affect the learning that you give in your students. This kind
of trait well remembered by your students, that your best teachers are those who were
humorous and approachable; those who made their classes worth looking forward to. The
ones who integrated healthy humor in learning.

Furthermore, laughter is such a genuine and authentic human reaction to feeling

enlivened and excited. Feeling excited is an important part of curiosity, and curiosity is one of
the most significant aspects of learning. Humor keeps us engaged and interested; it can also
help us feel like we are part of a community, and it can help us maintain perspective when
something feels hard.

For all of these reasons, humor can be an amazing tool in the classroom. However, like
most things in life, it needs to be used in moderation. Too much humor can be detrimental as
it can undermine the credibility of the instructor and result in a loss of focus of the
instructional objectives It is important to keep this in mind when teaching. If the joke is not
specific to what you are teaching, targeted to enhance learning, or appropriate for the
audience, learning will not take place.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City


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