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ASTM E290 - Bend Testing of Material For Ductility1

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The document describes various standardized bend test methods to evaluate the ductility of materials.

The different types of bend tests described are guided bend test, semi-guided bend test, free-bend test, and bend and flatten test.

The two directions are longitudinal tests and transverse tests. Longitudinal tests use a specimen aligned with the processing direction such that the bend is formed across the processing direction.

Designation: E290 – 09

Standard Test Methods for

Bend Testing of Material for Ductility1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E290; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 These test methods cover bend testing for ductility of 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
materials. Included in the procedures are four conditions of E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
constraint on the bent portion of the specimen; a guided-bend E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic
test using a mandrel or plunger of defined dimensions to force Materials
the mid-length of the specimen between two supports separated E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
by a defined space; a semi-guided bend test in which the terials
specimen is bent, while in contact with a mandrel, through a E190 Test Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of
specified angle or to a specified inside radius (r) of curvature, Welds
measured while under the bending force; a free-bend test in
which the ends of the specimen are brought toward each other, 3. Summary of Test Methods
but in which no transverse force is applied to the bend itself 3.1 Four methods for ductility testing employing bending
and there is no contact of the concave inside surface of the are included in these test methods. Three methods have
bend with other material; a bend and flatten test, in which a subgroups with specific procedures.
transverse force is applied to the bend such that the legs make 3.1.1 Guided Bend:
contact with each other over the length of the specimen. Guided Bend, No Die,
1.2 After bending, the convex surface of the bend is Guided Bend, U-Bend,
examined for evidence of a crack or surface irregularities. If Guided Bend, V-Bend,
the specimen fractures, the material has failed the test. When Guided Bend, V-Bend for cold rolled sheet,
complete fracture does not occur, the criterion for failure is the 3.1.2 Semi-guided Bend:
number and size of cracks or surface irregularities visible to the Arrangement A, specimen held at one end.
unaided eye occurring on the convex surface of the specimen Arrangement B, for thin material.
after bending, as specified by the product standard. Any cracks Arrangement C, mandrel contact force in the bend.
within one thickness of the edge of the specimen are not 3.1.3 Free-Bend:
considered a bend test failure. Cracks occurring in the corners Type 1, 180° bend.
of the bent portion shall not be considered significant unless Type 2, bend flat on itself.
they exceed the size specified for corner cracks in the product 3.1.4 Bend and Flatten:
standard. 3.2 A guided-bend test for ductility of welds is described in
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as Method E190 and may be used for flat-rolled materials when
standard. Inch-pound values given in parentheses were used in specified by the product standard. The essential features of this
establishing test parameters and are for information only. bending method are employed in, Guided Bend,
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the U-Bend.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.3 Bend tests are made in one of two directions relative to
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- the principal working direction employed in production pro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- cessing of the material.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.3.1 Longitudinal tests use a specimen with its long dimen-
sion aligned with the processing direction such that the bend is
formed across the processing direction, as shown in Fig. 1.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E28 on
Mechanical Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E28.02 on
Ductility and Formability. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved April 1, 2009. Published June 2009. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as E290 – 97a(2004) Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/E0290-09. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E290 – 09
V-bends it may be necessary for the specimen to bottom out in
the female die to ensure the correct amount of bending.
3.6.1 The radii of the plunger and of the two supports shall
be defined in the product specification as related to the
thickness (t) of the specimen being tested. A clearance of three
thickness with a tolerance of one half thickness shall be
provided between the pins, plunger, and specimen in the initial
bend fixture. The distance between supports (C) shall be three
NOTE 1—Arrow indicates direction of processing. thicknesses plus twice the plunger radius, with a tolerance of
FIG. 1 Longitudinal Bend Test one-half thickness, as shown in Fig. 3. When female dies are used for U-bend and V-bend,
3.3.2 Transverse tests use a specimen with the long dimen- they shall conform approximately to the geometries shown in
sion perpendicular to the processing direction so that the bend Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6.
axis is aligned with the processing direction, as shown in Fig. 3.6.2 The surfaces of the supports and plunger shall be
2. The axis of bend is the center of the bend radius. hardened to at least 20 HRC. Refer to Test Methods E18.
3.3.3 Thin sheet products are generally produced by reduc- 3.6.3 The supports can be fixed or free to rotate. A lubricant
ing the thickness of stock in rolling mills and from this the term may be applied to the supports and plunger.
rolling direction is used to identify the principal processing 3.6.4 The width of the guided-bend fixture, including the
direction. Similarly, a product produced in coil form may have supports and plunger, shall be such that the bend region of the
the processing direction referred to as the coiling direction. specimen is subject to the bending force across its width (w)
3.4 The location of the force application to the specimen during bending.
relative to the bend itself and the amount of bending differen- 3.6.5 When the thickness or strength of the specimen, or
tiate the four methods of bending covered in these test capacity of the guided-bend test fixture (shown in Fig. 3) does
methods. The two semi-guided bend test procedures provide not produce the required amount of bending, the specimen can
radiused surfaces over which the bend is formed. The results be removed from the fixture and the bend completed by
obtained by different test procedures may not be the same, applying force against the ends of the specimen, as shown
especially for material with a tendency to crack or fracture. schematically in Fig. 7. A spacer with a thickness equal to
3.5 The test is completed when the designated angle of twice the required bend radius is inserted at the location of the
bend, or other specified condition, has been reached. bend. The edges at the ends shall be constrained so the
3.5.1 If a defined amount of cracking is permitted by the specimen cannot eject from the fixture under the bending force.
product standard, the convex surface of the bend region is 3.6.6 Surface cracks and imperfections resulting from the
examined for cracks and surface irregularities. bend shall be evaluated and reported.
3.5.2 Surface irregularities, such as orange peel, loss of 3.7 Semi-guided Bend—The semi-guided bend test employs
coating adherence, or imperfections resulting from the bend, a constraining force on the inside of the bend during the
shall be noted as required by the product specification. initiation of the bending and continuing until the final bend
3.6 Guided Bend—The guided-bend test is made by sup- condition is achieved.
porting the specimen near each end on pins, rollers, or flat 3.7.1 The semi-guided bend test is made by applying a force
surfaces with appropriate end radii and applying a force transversely to the specimen’s long axis in the portion that is
through a pin, mandrel, plunger, or male die midway between being bent.
two supports, as shown schematically in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, 3.7.2 The angle of bend in the semi-guided bend test is
and Fig. 6 until the desired bend is formed. No force is applied measured while the specimen is held stationary under the force
directly to the outer face of the bend when no female die is forming the bend.
used ( Some force may be applied by the female die to 3.7.3 The location of the bend along the length of the
the outer face of the bend in the case of U-bend ( and specimen is unimportant. The specimen is clamped or sup-
V-bends ( and In some cases, for U-bend and ported by one of the methods shown schematically in Figs.
8-10. It is possible that different results will be obtained with
the use of different devices. The method used shall be
described in the test report on the ductility of the material being
3.7.4 Arrangement A—One End Held—Arrangement A in-
volves holding one end of the semi-guided bend specimen and
applying a force transversely near the free end as in Fig. 8. The
bend is formed around a stationary pin, mandrel, or roller of a
specified radius. Bending is continued until failure occurs or
the specified angle of bend has been achieved.
NOTE 1—Arrow indicates direction of processing. 3.7.5 Arrangement B—Thin Materials— Arrangement B is
FIG. 2 Transverse Bend Test for semi-guided bend tests of thin specimens, and includes a

E290 – 09

NOTE 1—C = distance between lower supports,

r = radius of the end of the mandrel or plunger,
t = sheet specimen thickness,
d = round specimen diameter, and
w = sheet specimen width.
FIG. 3 Schematic Fixture for the Guided Bend, No Die Test

support between the clamp and the bend radius, as shown 3.8.5 The bending force is more severe in a Type 2-Free-
schematically in Fig. 9. No tension force is applied to the Bend test than in a Type 1-Free-Bend test. For this reason, the
specimen during the bending. The results should be the same type of bending used shall be described in the report.
for tests using either Arrangement A, or Arrangement B. 3.8.6 Materials that age harden at room temperature shall be
3.7.6 Arrangement C—Mandrel Contact on Outer tested within the allowed period of time, as defined in the
Surface—Arrangement C employs a stationary pin, or mandrel, product standard.
over which the semi-guided bend specimen is bent by the force 3.8.7 After completing the free-bend, the surface is exam-
of a roller, or mandrel, in contact with the outer surface of the ined for cracks and imperfections.
bend (as shown schematically in Fig. 10). This may exert a 3.9 Bend and Flatten—For the bend and flatten test for
small tension force in the bend. The test is sometimes referred ductility, an initial 180° bend is made as described in 3.8.1 and
to as a wrap, but it is distinct from the wrap around wire test 3.8.3. The specimen is then placed between two parallel
described in Method E6. platens extending beyond the bent portion of the specimen and
3.7.7 Surface cracks and irregularities resulting from the wider than the specimen width.
bend shall be evaluated and reported. 3.9.1 Force is exerted to clamp the specimen and cause the
3.8 Free-Bend—The free-bend test is made with no external two legs to contact at the bend, exclusive of the eye of the bend
force applied to the specimen in the immediate area of the (as shown schematically in Fig. 14).
bend. 3.9.2 Examination for cracks in the outer surface of the bend
3.8.1 The force to initiate bending for a free-bend test shall is done after removing the specimen from the bending force
be applied at, or within one width distance from, the ends of the and allowing springback. The allowed number and size of
specimen. This may be done by gripping the specimen. If the cracks on the outer surface of the bend shall be as specified in
material is too stiff to respond to such force it shall be the product standard.
supported at the mid-length (as shown schematically in Fig. 11) 3.9.3 Any surface imperfections resulting from the bend test
over a span of at least the specimen width while the initial force shall be noted and reported.
is applied near the two ends of the specimen.
3.8.2 The angle of a free-bend is measured once the 4. Significance and Use
specimen has been removed from the bending fixture and is 4.1 Bend tests for ductility provide a simple way to evaluate
under no constraining force. There is no radius of bend the quality of materials by their ability to resist cracking or
measurement required for a free-bend test. other surface irregularities during one continuous bend. No
3.8.3 Type 1-Free-Bend–180° Bend—The bending is initi- reversal of the bend force shall be employed when conducting
ated as described in 3.8.1 and is then continued until a 180° these tests.
bend is developed by applying force to bring the legs of the 4.2 The type of bend test used determines the location of the
specimen to a parallel position (as shown schematically in Fig. forces and constraints on the bent portion of the specimen,
12). ranging from no direct contact to continuous contact.
3.8.4 Type 2-Free Bend (Flat on Itself Bend)—The legs of 4.3 The test can terminate at a given angle of bend over a
the specimen are placed under flat platens and compressed to specified radius or continue until the specimen legs are in
contact no closer than one width of specimen distance from the contact. The bend angle can be measured while the specimen is
outer extension of the bend (as shown schematically in Fig. under the bending force (usually when the semi-guided bend
13). test is employed), or after removal of the force as when

E290 – 09

FIG. 4 Schematic Fixture for the Guided Bend, U-bend Test

performing a free-bend test. Product requirements for the shown in Fig. 3 or Fig. 4, a fixture shown schematically in Fig.
material being tested determine the method used. 7 can be used to position the ends of the specimen and prevent
4.4 Materials with an as-fabricated cross section of rectan- it from being ejected while a compression force is applied to
gular, round, hexagonal, or similar defined shape can be tested bring the legs of the specimen together until they are parallel to
in full section to evaluate their bend properties by using the each other. A spacer with a thickness equal to twice the
procedures outlined in these test methods, in which case required radius is inserted at the bend to stop the force at the
relative width and thickness requirements do not apply. specified spacing.
5. Apparatus 5.3 Semi-guided Bend Tests—For a semi-guided bend, the
inside of the bend is controlled by contact with a pin or
5.1 To prevent the introduction of uncontrolled forces while
mandrel having a defined radius.
accomplishing the bend, the following clamping and force
application devices shall be used. 5.3.1 Semi-guided Bend—Arrangement A—This arrange-
5.2 Guided-Bend Test—The shape of the material during ment involves holding one end of the specimen while a
bending is controlled by employing a pair of pins, rollers, or reaction pin, or mandrel, bears against the specimen at an
flat surfaces with end radii, to support the specimen while a intermediate location, usually the mid-length. A device (as
guided plunger bends the material at its mid-length, as shown shown schematically in Fig. 8) is used to apply the bending
schematically in Fig. 3. A more detailed description of a fixture force near the free end of the specimen.
used for this test is given in Method E190. 5.3.2 Semi-guided Bend—Arrangement B for thin
5.2.1 When the guided-bend test is to be finished by bending material—The specimen is placed against a support with a
through a 180° bend that cannot be achieved using the fixture suitable end radius and clamped in a bench vise, as shown

E290 – 09

FIG. 5 Schematic Fixture for the Guided Bend, V- Bend Test

schematically in Fig. 9. This controls the location of the bend 5.5 Bend and Flatten Test—The outer surfaces of the legs of
away from the clamping force. the specimen in the flat sections near the bend are subjected to
5.3.3 Semi-guided Bend—Arrangement C—The specimen a compressive force during a flattening test.
is held at one end while a reaction pin, or mandrel, contacts the 5.5.1 The test is initiated in the same manner as the free
inside surface of the specimen at the location of the bend. A bend. A compressive force is then applied to the bend portion
rotating device applies the bending force against the opposite of the specimen. The force shall be sufficient to close the eye
side of the specimen to make it conform to the pin, or mandrel, of the bend until the two outer surfaces of the bend are parallel,
as shown schematically in Fig. 10. exclusive of the outer radius of the bend (as shown in Fig. 14.)
5.4 Free Bend Tests—No bending force is applied directly
to the bend area in a free bend test during the final bending. An 5.6 The radius of any pin, mandrel, or roller, used in each
initial bend can be made using a semi-guided bend device. arrangement of the several bend test methods shall not differ by
5.4.1 A uniaxial force, such as a clamping vise, or a more than 6 5 % of the specified nominal value for the radius.
compression testing machine, is used to bend the specimen. A 5.7 The length of all pins, mandrels, rollers, and radiused
support (as shown in Fig. 11) may be necessary to initiate the flats used in bend testing shall exceed the width of the
bend. No tension loading along the length of the specimen is specimen. They shall be strong enough and sufficiently rigid to
permitted. resist significant deformation.

E290 – 09

FIG. 6 Schematic Fixture for the Guided Bend, V- Bend Test for Cold Rolled Sheet

FIG. 8 Schematic Fixture for Semi-Guided Bend Test

Arrangement A—One End Held—Force Applied Near Free End

6. Sampling
FIG. 7 Schematic Fixture for Completing the Guided-Bend Test 6.1 Sampling for a bend test shall be performed in accor-
Started as Shown in Fig. 3 dance with the requirements of relevant standards, specifica-
tions, and codes.

E290 – 09

NOTE 1—The distance from the clamping platens to the outer bend shall
not be less than the width (w) of the bend specimen.
FIG. 13 Type 2 Flat-on-Itself Free Bend
FIG. 9 Arrangement B for Semi-Guided Bend Test of Thin
Specimens—One End Held

FIG. 14 Bend and Flatten

FIG. 10 Schematic Fixture for Semi-Guided Bend Test
Arrangement C—One End Held—Force Applied Near Mandrel
7.1.2 Full-Thickness Specimens—Any material that is
tested for ductility in the as-fabricated condition may be
subjected to a bend test, provided the specimen width and
length are sufficient. When it is not practicable to test full-cross-section
specimens, but when it is still practicable to test full-thickness
specimens from materials not exceeding 38 mm (11⁄2 in.)
nominal thickness, the specimens shall be of the thickness of
the material and the ratio of width to thickness shall be either:
(a) (a) 2:1, provided that the minimum width shall be 18
mm (3⁄4 in.) regardless of thickness.
FIG. 11 Free Bend Support and Force
(b) (b) 8:1, or greater for thin sheet where it is impractical
to use specimens of type (a). A width of 38 mm (11⁄2 in.) may be used for bend
tests of steel products tested in the as-finished thickness. Laboratories using 20 mm wide blanks for preparing
tension test specimens may perform the bend test using a
similar 20 mm wide specimen. Refer to Test Methods E8/E8M.
Refer to Test MethodsE8/E8M for the use of –3⁄4 in. wide
7.1.3 The length of the specimen shall be sufficient to permit
bending to the specified angle without introducing external
FIG. 12 Type 1 180° Free Bend constraining forces that would adversely affect the bend test
results. The test specimen width-to-thickness ratio can affect
bend ductility.
7. Test Specimens 7.1.4 Machined Surface of Specimens—For materials ex-
7.1 Specimens shall be selected from the material to be ceeding 13 mm (1⁄2 in.) in nominal thickness, distance across
tested using one of the following procedures: flats, or diameter, the specimen may be machined from the
7.1.1 Full-Cross-Section Specimens—If the smallest dimen- material when full-section, or full-thickness specimens are not
sion of the cross-section is equal to or less than 38 mm (11⁄2 used. The thickness, or diameter, of the specimen shall be at
in.), the specimen can be of the full thickness provided there is least 13 mm (1⁄2 in.). The ratio of width to thickness of
sufficient specimen length to permit bending to the specified rectangular specimens shall be 2:1, and the length sufficient to
angle. permit bending to the angle specified.

E290 – 09
7.1.5 When machined specimens must be bent around a achieved. The angle of bend is measured while the specimen is
stated axis with respect to the major dimensions of the product, under the bending force.
the axis of bending shall be suitably marked on the specimen. 8.3.4 When the required angle cannot be achieved in the
7.1.6 When samples are taken by core drilling, a 13mm by bend fixture shown in Fig. 3, complete the test by pressing the
13 mm (1⁄2 in. by 1⁄2 in.) square cross section specimen may be specimen between suitable platens until the specified condi-
machined from the core to make a bend test specimen. tions of bend are obtained, as shown in Fig. 7. Apply the force
7.1.7 One major surface of rectangular specimens of re- smoothly, without shock. When it is desired not to exceed 180°
duced thickness shall be an as-fabricated surface of the section. of bend while completing the bend, place between the two legs
7.2 Surface Finishing of Specimen Edges—The longitudinal of the specimen a spacer having a thickness twice the required
edges of a rectangular specimen may be rounded to a radius not bend radius.
exceeding 1.5 mm (1⁄16 in.) for specimens equal to or less than 8.4 Procedures for Semi-Guided Bend Tests:
50 mm (2 in.), and rounded to a radius not exceeding 3 mm (1⁄8 8.4.1 The procedure for performing the test shall follow one
in.) for specimens over 50 mm (2 in.) in thickness. Flame cut of three methods: A—Held End, B—Bend Area Supported, or
surfaces shall be machined to remove metal affected by the C—Mandrel Guided. Refer to 3.7 and 5.3.
flame cutting. Sheared edge surfaces shall be either machined 8.4.2 Held-End—Arrangement A:
or smoothed with a belt sander, file, or similar abrasive, to Securely hold one end of the specimen so that the
remove metal affected by the shearing. axis of bending lies on the centerline of the reaction pin or
7.3 Determination of Test Direction for Specimens from roller.
Wrought Materials: Bend the specimen by employing a fixture embody-
7.3.1 For a longitudinal test specimen, the length shall be ing the appropriate features shown in Fig. 8.
parallel to the direction of rolling, forging, stretching, drawing, Apply the bending force smoothly, without shock.
or extrusion (as indicated in Fig. 1). Refer to 3.3.1. Continue bending until the specified angle of bend is
7.3.2 For a transverse test specimen, the length shall be at an achieved with the specimen in the bend fixture and under the
angle of 90° to the direction of rolling, forging, drawing, or bending force, or until failure occurs.
extrusion (as indicated in Fig. 2). Refer to 3.3.2. 8.4.3 Arrangement B—Bend Area Supported—Thin Mate-
7.4 Marking for Identification: rial:
7.4.1 Specimens shall be stamped or otherwise suitably Hold one end of the specimen securely against the
identified. bend support by clamping in a vise, as shown in Fig. 9. The
7.4.2 The identification shall be near the end of the speci- support shall extend a minimum of two specimen widths
men when practicable. beyond the clamp.
7.4.3 No stamping or marking shall be done in the bend Using a mallet, hammer the specimen over the
region of the specimen.
rounded edge of the support. Do not strike the specimen in an
8. Procedure area that will form any part of the bend.
8.1 Direction of Test: Continue bending until the specified angle of bend is
8.1.1 In tests of longitudinal specimens, the axis of the bend achieved or failure occurs. When hammer blows are the source
shall be 90° to the direction of rolling, forging, drawing, or of the bending force, the angle of bend shall be measured under
extrusion, as shown in Fig. 1. Refer to 3.3.1. no force.
8.1.2 In tests of transverse specimens, the axis of the bend In case of dispute, the Held-End Arrangement A of
shall be parallel to the direction of rolling, forging, drawing, or 8.4.2 shall be used.
extrusion, as shown in Fig. 2. Refer to 3.3.2. 8.4.4 Mandrel-guided Bend—Arrangement C:
8.1.3 For round specimens machined from sections other Securely clamp one end of the specimen, as shown
than round sections, the surface of the specimen shall be schematically in Fig. 10.
parallel to the surface of the parent product. Place a reaction pin, with the specified bend radius
8.2 Surface Subjected to Tension—In tests of reduced- (r) against the specimen. If the thickness of the specimen has
thickness specimens, the tension surface shall be the as- been reduced by machining, the machined surface is to be
fabricated surface of the section. placed against the pin. For bend angles of 180° or less, a
8.3 Procedure for the Guided-Bend Test: radiused surface may be substituted for the pin.
8.3.1 Place the specimen over two rounded supports sepa- Hold a second mandrel in contact with the opposite
rated by a clearance (C) equal to (2r + 3t), 6 (t/2), as shown surface of the specimen and rotate this mandrel under force in
in Fig. 3, where (r) is the radius of the plunger or mandrel and an arc to maintain the inside of the bend surface against the first
(t) is the specimen thickness. mandrel. The radius of the second mandrel is not critical and
8.3.2 Bend the specimen by applying a force through a can be of any convenient size. The second mandrel can employ
plunger or mandrel in contact with the specimen at the a roller as the contact surface with the specimen.
mid-length between supports (C/2) on the opposite side of the Continue bending until the material successfully
specimen from the end supports. Apply the bending force reaches the specified angle or until failure in the bend occurs.
smoothly and without shock. The angle of bend is measured while the specimen is under the
8.3.3 Continue bending until failure occurs, or until the bending force.
specified angle of bend, or maximum angle for the fixture is 8.5 Procedures for Free-Bend Tests:

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8.5.1 Initiate the bend by grasping the specimen near each
end and bringing the ends toward each other, provided the
material is sufficiently ductile. If the material does not bend
easily, use a device such as that shown in Fig. 11 to initiate the
bend. Refer to 3.8 and 5.4.
8.5.2 Type 1-Free Bend Test—Continue bending the speci-
men under force in a clamping device until the two legs are
NOTE 1—Bend and flatten bend of material in which the eye of the bend
parallel as shown in Fig. 12. This completes the Type 1, 180°,
did not collapse, and the outer surface of the bend split open as cracks
free bend test. formed in two places during the Bend and Flatten test.
8.5.3 Type 2-Free Bend Test—If the test requirement is that FIG. 16 Bend and Flatten Test (Eye of the Bend Did Not Collapse)
the two legs be in contact, the force of the clamping device is
increased until the condition shown in Fig. 13 is reached, otherwise, shall not be smaller than the required value specified
without applying force at any location less than one specimen in the product standard.
width from the outer end of the bend. This is referred to as a 8.8.1 Springback, when the bending force is released, will
Type 2, flat-on-itself, free bend test. cause the radius and angle of bend to increase. No adjustment
8.6 Procedure for the Bend and Flatten Test: in the bend angle shall be made to adjust for springback.
8.6.1 Form an initial bend to an angle of approximately 8.8.2 If the material collapses by a localized kink, the test is
180° using the procedure outlined in 8.5.1. Refer to 3.8.1 and not valid. An alternative procedure shall be used to control the
5.4.1. inside bend radius.
8.6.2 Place the specimen between two platens that will 8.8.3 The test is complete when the specified conditions of
cover the bent portion of the specimen. Apply force until the bend are achieved. If significant cracks appear in the outer
specimen is flattened as shown in Fig. 14. surface of the bend while the bending force is being applied,
8.6.3 The flattening operation may develop longitudinal the test shall be stopped and the material shall be evaluated
strains exceeding the forming limit of the material. This is according to the appropriate product standard.
dependent on the material and the specimen thickness. 8.8.4 Cracks occurring in the corners of the bent portion Bending followed by flattening imposes extreme shall not be considered significant unless they exceed the size
outer fiber stresses and the material may show external specified for corner cracks. If no crack size is specified, corner
cracking in the bend or there may be compressive failure of the cracks not exceeding the nominal thickness of the specimen
inside surface of the eye of the bend. shall not be considered a failure. The outer fiber strain is reduced when the inside of 8.8.5 In tests required by produce specifications, the test
the bend collapses, as shown in Fig. 15, since this reduces the may be considered completed when the acceptance conditions
amount of stretching of the outer surface. This may be have been met.
sufficient to avoid surface cracks on the outer surface of the 8.9 Speed of Bending—The rate of motion in forming a
bend. bend shall conform to that of the anticipated process applica- If the inside of the bend does not collapse, it is tion of the material being tested. When no rate is specified, the
possible for excessive strains to develop that cause the outer test shall be conducted at a rate consistent with safe practice for
surface of the bend to crack, as shown in Fig. 16. the method.
8.7 Examination of the Surface of the Bend—The bend
specimen may be removed at any time during the bending 9. Evaluation
operation for inspection of the convex surface of the bend for 9.1 Examine the convex surface of the bent specimen for
the presence of cracks or irregularities. Subsequent bending cracks or other open defects, using the unaided eye (without
shall be continued immediately following the examination. magnification). Edge cracks associated with sample prepara-
8.8 Angle of Bend—The angle of bend is determined by the tion shall not be considered during the evaluation. Refer to
projection of lines with the flat surfaces of the specimen 8.8.4.
outside of the bend region and is the intersecting angle of these 9.1.1 When the test is conducted as an acceptance criterion,
lines. When the bending is completed, the radius of the bend the allowable crack size shall be specified by the code or
throughout the bend region, under no force unless specified specification requiring the test.
9.1.2 Material that is susceptible to age hardening shall be
tested within the time allowed by the product specification.
9.1.3 Surface irregularities, loss of coating adherence, or
other discontinuity developed by the bend test shall be evalu-
ated according to the appropriate product specification.
9.1.4 Surface disturbances, such as orange peel, that de-
velop during a bend test, where there is no penetration of the
surface, are not considered a crack failure.
NOTE 1—Bend and flatten bend of material in which the eye of the bend
10. Report
collapsed, relieving strain on the outer surface of the bend during the Bend
and Flatten test. 10.1 Report the following information:
FIG. 15 Bend and Flatten Test (Eye of the Bend Collapsed) 10.1.1 Specimen identification,

E290 – 09
10.1.2 Size and type of specimen (Section 7), 10.1.8 Whether the specimen passed or failed to meet the
10.1.3 Type of test (Section 8), requirements.
10.1.4 Radius used to form the bend, 11. Precision and Bias
10.1.5 If lubricated, type of lubrication,
11.1 No information is presented about either the precision
10.1.6 Angle of bend, or bias of Test Method E290 for measuring ductility by
10.1.7 Number and size of any visible cracks in the bend, bending, since the test is non-quantitative.
and When the test is conducted for informational pur- 12. Keywords
poses, report the size and location of any and all cracks visible 12.1 bend; crack; ductility; flattened bend; forming limit;
to the unaided eye. fracture; free bend; guided bend; mandrel; pin; plunger; roller

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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