Technical Specification of LT Panel (Switchboard) : To Be Found in The One-Line Diagram
Technical Specification of LT Panel (Switchboard) : To Be Found in The One-Line Diagram
Technical Specification of LT Panel (Switchboard) : To Be Found in The One-Line Diagram
This section covers the detailed requirements of low voltage switchboard, shall be as under
a). Supply voltage : 415V± 10%, 3Ph
b). Frequency : 50 Hz ± 5%
c). Combined voltage/frequency variation : ±10%
d). System earthing : Solidly Earthed (TNS)
This specification covers the design, manufacture and testing of industrial type metal enclosed factory
assembled LV Panels, used in electrical systems of up to 1000V. In general, the LV panels are referred to as
LV switchboard panels in this specification. Throughout this specification reference is made to "specified
elsewhere or as specified". Details for requirements of this type are to be found in the one-line diagram.
(i) The LT panel shall in all respects, be suitable for operations in service conditions and
withstanding the stresses to the seismic conditions.
(ii) The Vendor shall furnish the Single Line Diagram for CLIENT’s approval.
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(iii) All Components shall be rated as per the electrical system. For circuit breakers, special
reference shall be made in respect of enhanced circuit making requirements.
(iv) The Short circuit current with minimum duration of 1sec. for LV switchgear panels shall be as
indicated in SLD.
(v) The LV switchboard shall be type tested assemblies, all type tests as defined in latest IEC
61439-1&2 built up from compartments housing circuit breakers, control-gear, relays,
busbars, controls and other items of equipment as per BOQ. The design of the switchboard
shall be tested design & manufactured by OEM (main switchgear manufacturer)
(vi) The LV main switchboards and the associated equipment, including switchgear, control-gear
and busbar assemblies shall be certified for the category of duty specified. The LV Main
Switchboard shall be identical in mechanical construction to the LV Switchboard which had
been type-tested by an acceptable, multi-fold design with impact test IK07-IK10. Accredited
and independent testing laboratory for the fault conditions, temperature rise limits. Any
manufacturer not having the above will not be considered for supply.
(vii) The design temperature for the equipment provided in the main low voltage switchboards
shall be +50°C. The relative humidity shall be 95% at a temperature rise as per mentioned in
IEC standards.
(viii) Where armoured multi-core cables terminate inside the switchboard enclosure, glanding
plates or glanding brackets shall be provided for securing the cables to the switchboard.
Glanding plates, glanding brackets and extension boxes shall be removable and shall be of
adequate size for the particular cables to be terminated. Separate current transformers shall
be provided for each protection device and for instrumentation.
(ix) Switchboards shall have a short circuit level withstand as per Schedule of Quantities and
(x) The enclosures shall be designed to take care of normal stress as well as abnormal electro-
mechanical stress due to short circuit conditions. All covers and doors provided shall offer
adequate safety to operating persons and provide ingress protection of IP-43/IP-54 as per
BOQ and IP unless otherwise stated.
(xi) Ventilating openings and vent outlets, if provided, shall be arranged such that same ingress
protection of IP-43/IP-54 is retained.
(xii) Switchboards shall also have test certificate for Seismic withstand and internal arc tested
50kA for 300mSec as per IEC-61641
(xiii) The switchboard along with ACBs and connections should have been be type tested design
at CPRI/ERDA/Independent international test house for short circuit, temperature rise,
protective earth short circuit test and dielectric tests of the ratings required .
(xiv) For operator safety IP2X (touch proof) protection to be available even after opening the
feeder compartment door. The compartmentalization to be achieved by using metal
separators, use of PVC sheet/Hylem sheets shall not be allowed.
(xv) As specified in the BOQ the switchboard shall be form-4b. For form of separation only
metallic covers shall be used. Hylem/PVC sheets shall not be allowed.
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4.2 Constructional Features
(i) The equipment shall be arranged within each compartment such that all normal
maintenance can be carried out through hinged access doors or removable covers, and
where possible from the front. The switchboard shall have a rated short time withstand
current as per SLD and a fault withstand for a supply voltage of 415V AC between phases
at 50Hz as per BOQ.
(ii) Protection against shock in normal service shall be achieved by the provision of barriers or
enclosures both vertical and horizontal and between adjacent units to ensure segregation
and prevent accidental contact with live parts, or by complete insulation of all live parts.
Control cables shall be segregated from primary conductors.
(iii) The Switchboards shall be metal clad totally enclosed, floor mounted free standing type of
modular extensible design suitable for indoor mounting.
(iv) Switchboards construction shall employ the principle of compartmentalized and
segregation for each circuit.
(v) The LVSB shall be provided with front and back access and the maximum height shall not
exceed 2.60m. All relays and indicating instruments shall be at least 500mm and not
higher than 1.8m above floor level. The clearances (required) in front, back and side of all
assemblies of switchgear and control gear shall be generally not less than 1.5 meters. The
switchgear shall be considered in the fully drawn out condition for this purpose.
(vi) Incomer and bus section panels or sections shall be separate and independent and shall
not be wired with sections required for feeder. The incomer panel shall be suitable for
receiving bus trunking or LV cable of size specified.
(vii) Switchboards shall be made up of requisite vertical sections, which when coupled
together, shall form continuous dead front switchboards.
(viii) Switchboard shall be readily extensible on both sides by addition of vertical sections after
removal of the end covers.
(ix) The switchboards shall be designed for use in high ambient temperature and humid
tropical conditions as specified. Ease of inspections, cleaning and repairs while maintaining
continuity of operation shall be provided in the design.
(x) Metal based gaskets between all adjacent units and beneath all covers shall be provided
to render the joints dust and vermin proof to provide a degree of protection of IP-54 upto
2500A above & IP-43 above 2500A or as stipulated in schedule of quantities. The unused
openings within the switchboards shall be closed using suitable grommets.
(xi) Special care to be taken to ensure effective earthing of the frame and doors of the
(xii) Each vertical section shall be provided with a rear chamber housing the cable end
connections and power/control cable terminations. There should be generous availability
of space for ease of installation and maintenance with adequate safety for working in one
vertical section without coming into contract with any live parts. The design of the
switchboard shall allow standard extension chambers if required to accommodate cables.
(xiii) Switchboard shall have all structural members made of galvanized steel of thickness 1.6
mm and all other members like door, covers etc. of CRCA Sheet of 2.0mm. While gland
plate shall be 3mm CRCA Sheet and load bearing plates shall be of 2mm thickness. All
above components shall be made of continuously hot dip zinc coated low carbon sheet
steel with zinc coating of 140mm i.e. Z140 category
(xiv) All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the frame. The holes in the
panel shall be correctly positioned.
(xv) Switchboard shall be provided with “Danger Notice Plate” conforming to relevant Indian
(xvi) The LVSB shall be mounted on a robust base frame made up of steel channels with a
minimum height of 75/100mm. The base frame shall be able to withstand the static and
dynamic loads of the LVSB. The steel channels shall be painted with epoxy Polyster paint.
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(xvii) Gland plates of not less than 3.0mm thick shall be provided at the top and bottom of the
LV main switchboard for the termination of incoming and outgoing power cables or bus-
4.3 Switchboard Compartmentalization
(i) For compartmentalized switchboards, separate totally enclosed compartments shall be
provided for horizontal busbars, vertical busbars, ACBs, MCCBs, and cable alleys.
(ii) The LTSB Panel shall be with Form 4b Construction.
(iii) Earthed metal or insulated shutters shall be provided between draw-out and fixed portion
of the switchgear such that no lives parts are accessible with equipment drawn-out.
Degree of protection within compartments shall be at least IP-2X.
(iv) Sheet steel hinged lockable doors for each separate compartment shall be provided and
duly interlocked with the breaker in "ON" and "OFF" position.
(v) For all Circuit Breakers separate and adequate compartments shall be provided for
accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors and control MCB etc.
These shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any danger of accidental
contact with live parts of the circuit breaker, busbars and connections.
(vi) Each switchgear cubicles shall be fitted with label in front and back identifying the circuit,
switchgear type, rating and duty. All operating device shall be located in front of
switchgear only.
(vii) A horizontal auxiliary bus with screwed cover shall be provided at the top to take
interconnecting control wiring between vertical sections.
(viii) Separate cable compartments running the height of the switchboard in the case of front
access boards shall be provided for incoming and outgoing cables.
(ix) Cable compartments shall be of adequate size for easy termination of all incoming and
outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. The construction shall include necessary
and adequate and proper support shall be provided in cable compartments to support
and clamping the cable in the cable alley / cable chamber.
4.4 Switchboard Bus Bars
(i) Busbars and busbar connections shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements
of IEC-61439-1&2
(ii) The short-time withstand current rating shall be at least 50kA for 1Sec. at 415V.
(iii) Busbars shall be of rectangular section hard drawn high conductivity Copper (Tinned ETP)
adequately rated and supported by non-tracking moulded insulators spaced at suitable
intervals. The complete assembly shall be capable of withstanding the maximum
mechanical stresses to which it may be subjected to under fault conditions.
(iv) Busbar, busbar connection and conductors forming part of the equipment of the
switchboard shall comply with IEC-61439-1&2 on current carrying capacity and limits of
temperature rise.
(v) All conductors between the busbars and the switchgear shall be of high conductivity
Copper bar, having a current rating of not less than that of the frame size of the
switchgear to which they are connected. The conductors shall be insulated and colour
coded for phase identification.
(vi) The busbars shall be extendible from both ends.
(vii) Temperature rise of panels shall be in line with latest IEC standards of IEC 61439.
(viii) The bus bar system may comprise of a system of main horizontal bus bars and auxiliary
vertical bus bars run in bus bar alley on either side in which the circuit could be arranged
with front access for cable entrances.
(ix) Auxiliary buses for control power supply, space heater power supply or any other specified
service shall be provided. These buses shall be insulated, adequately supported and sized
to suit specific requirement.
(x) Clearances between phase-phase, phase –Earth/ neutral should be in line with IEC.
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4.5 Switchboard Interconnection
(i) All connection and tap offs shall be through adequately sized connectors appropriate for
fault level at location. This shall include tap-off to feeders and instrument/control
(ii) For unit ratings upto 100A, PVC insulated 105°C withstand, copper conductor wires of
adequate size to carry full load current shall be used. The terminations of such
interconnections shall be crimped. Solid connections shall be used for all rating of above
(iii) All connections, tappings, clamping, shall be made in an approved manner to ensure
minimum contact resistance. All connections shall be firmly bolted and clamp with even
tension. Before assembly, joint surfaces shall be filed or finished to remove burrs, dents
and oxides and silvered to maintain good continuity at all joints. All screws, bolts, washers
shall be zinc plated/blackodised. High Tensile grade nuts and bolts shall be used for
busbar connections.
4.7 Wiring
All wiring for relays and meters shall be with FRLS copper conductor wires. The wiring shall be
coded and labelled with approved ferrules for identification. The minimum size of copper
conductor control wires shall be 1.5mm2. Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched and suitably
supported and clamped. Current circuit shall be 2.5mm2. Means shall be provided for easy
identification of wires. Identification ferrules shall used at both end of wires. All control wires
meant for external connections are to be brought out on a terminal board. The cables and
control wires shall be suitable for withstanding 105°C.
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of providing short circuit, overload and earth fault protection through micro processor
based control unit, sensing the true RMS value to ensure accurate measurement, meeting
the EMI/EMC requirement as per standard.
Air Circuit Breakers shall have same height & depth for the entire range irrespective of
frame size. ACB shall have facility to change from manual version to electrical version at site
(MF – EF, MDO – EDO)
The circuit breakers shall be for continuous rating and service short circuit breaking capacity
shall be as specified on the single line diagram and shall be equal to the short circuit
withstand values. The ACB shall be suitable for ingress protection IP-40.
Circuit breakers shall be designed to `close' and `trip' without opening the circuit breaker
compartment door. The operating handle and the mechanical trip push button shall be at
the front of the breaker’s panel and integral with the breaker.
The ACB shall be provided with a door interlock. The contacts shall be of silver plated
copper. The ACB shall have double insulation (Class-II) with moving and fixed contacts
totally enclosed for enhanced safety and inaccessibility to live parts.
The cradle shall be so designed and constructed as to permit smooth withdrawal and
insertion of the breaker into it. The movements shall be free from jerks, easy to operate and
shall be on steel balls/rollers and not on flat surfaces. There shall be 4 distinct and separate
position of the circuit breaker on the cradle.
Service Position : Main Isolating contacts and control contacts of the breaker are engaged.
Test Position : Main Isolating contacts are isolated but control contacts are still engaged.
Isolated Position : Both main isolating and control contacts are isolated.
Maintenance : Circuit breaker fully outside the panel ready for maintenance after the
cubicle door is opened. There shall be provision for locking the breaker in any or all of the
first three positions.
a. Release Unit
ACB shall be provided with microprocessor based protection unit with the following
a. Protection L, S, I, G with
i. `L’ settable from 0.4 – 1.0 times of `In’
ii. Settable characteristics from 5 – 30 sec
iii. Thermal memory selectable (ON/OFF)
iv. `S’ settable from 1.5 – 10 times of `Ir’
v. Selectable characteristics with t=constant & i2t=constant
vi. `I’ settable from 2 – 15 times of `In’ with `Icw’ as maximum setting
vii. `G’ settable from 0.2 – 1.0 times `In’.
viii. Selectable characteristics with t=constant & i2t=constant.
b. Neutral protection settable 0 – 50 – 100 % of `Ir’.
c. Input to protection release shall be thru `rogowski’ coil.
d. Release shall be provided with LCD display with the following.
i. Current measurement & display with bar graph.
ii. Date & Time stamping for events.
iii. Last trip data and last 20 trip data.
e. Release shall be provided with individual LED indication for faults (L, S, I, G)
f. Release shall have over temperature protection to protect the release with first
alarm (75°C) and then tripping (95°C).
g. Release shall have in-built logic selectivity/zone selectivity to assist selectivity
between ACB – ACB as well as ACB – MCCB.
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h. Release shall be provided with battery back-up to assist user to diagnose in the
events of fault.
i. Release shall have `TEST’ facility to check proper functioning of release.
b. Thermal Memory
When the breaker shall reclose after tripping on overload, then the thermal stresses
caused by the overload if not dissipated completely, shall get stored in the memory of
the release and this thermal memory shall ensure reduced tripping time in case of
subsequent overloads. Realistic Hot/Cold curves shall take into account the integrated
heating effects to offer closer protection to the system.
c. Defined time-current characteristics
A variety of pick-up and time delay settings shall be available to define the current
thresholds and the delays to be set independently for different protection zones
thereby achieving a close-to-ideal protection curve.
d. Trip Indication
Electromechanical fault status indicators shall be provided to display the type of fault
that caused a trip, without any auxiliary supply or battery, resulting in faster fault
diagnosis and reduced system down time.
e. Test Facility
Test facility to test the operation of the release in different protection zones by
simulating CT inputs externally through a testing kit.
f. Self powered
The release shall draw its power from the main breaker CTs and shall require no
external power supply for its operation & Release shall be self-powered through
battery for fault diagnose.
g. Tripping of the breaker
The release shall trip the breaker through a flux shift device which shall directly act on
the breaker trip rod.
h. Zone Selective Interlocking
The release shall be suitable for communication between breakers to enable zone
selective interlocking. This feature shall be provided for both short circuit and ground
fault protection zones to offer intelligent discrimination between breakers. This feature
enables faster clearance of fault conditions; thereby reducing the thermal and dynamic
stresses produced during fault conditions and thus minimizes the damage to the
i. Auxiliary Contacts:
ACB shall be supplied with 4 auxiliary contacts (combinations of NO/NC shall be
selected at site) and 1 trip contact. If need arise there shall be facility to add additional
auxiliary contacts (6 Nos.)
ACB shall have provision to use `Ready to Close’ contact. The contact shall be rated 5
amps. The auxiliary contact blocks shall be so located as to be accessible from the front.
The auxiliary contacts in the trip circuits shall close before the main contacts have
closed. All other contacts shall close simultaneously with the main contacts. The
auxiliary contacts in the trip circuits shall open after the main contacts open.
All current carrying parts shall be silver plated and suitable arcing contacts with proper
arc chutes shall be provided to protect the main contacts. The heat generated in the
contacts due to tripping under fault conditions shall be very nominal. All air circuit
breakers shall be labelled.
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I. The safety shutter shall prevent inadvertent contact with isolating contacts when
breaker is withdrawn from the Cradle.
II. It shall not be possible to interchange two circuit breakers of two different thermal
III. There shall be provision of positive earth connection between fixed and moving portion
of the ACB either through connector plug or sliding solid earth mechanism. Earthing
bolts shall be provided on the cradle or body of fixed ACB.
IV. Arc Chute covers wherever necessary shall be provided.
V. It shall be possible to bolt the draw-out frame not only in connected position but also
in TEST and DISCONNECTED position to prevent dislocation due to vibration and
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• The tripping devices shall be ambient temperature compensated type. The insulating case
shall be made of high strength heat resistant and flame retardant thermosetting insulating
4.12 Earthing
Continuous earth bus sized for prospective fault current to be provided with arrangement for
connecting to station earth at two points. Hinged doors/frames to be connected to earth
through adequately sized flexible braids.
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The housing material shall have unbreakable and fire retardant characteristic. All the metal parts
shall be made up of copper alloy including the screws. Mounting shall be DIN or G-Rail type.
Screws shall be captive type. No protection cover is required and the block shall be touch proof.
5. Testing at Works
Manufacturer shall prepare a QAP and submit to the purchaser for approval. Copies of type test
carried out at ACB/ MCCB manufacturers works. Type tests for the switchboard as per IEC-61439
shall be submitted along with the verification tests. Routine tests carried out at the switchboard
fabricator’s shop shall be furnished along with the delivery of the switchboard. Engineer-in-
Charge reserves the right to get the switchboard inspected and tested (as per applicable codes)
by their representative at fabricator’s works prior to dispatch to site to witness the followings.
a). Physical verifications and dimensional check
b). Verification of bill of material
c). Functional check
d). IR test
e). HV test.
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4. Terminal plans showing terminal numbers, ferrules markings, device terminal numbers and
function details etc.
5. Relay wiring diagrams.
6. Equipment List.
Vendor shall furnish required number of copies of above drawings for purchaser’s review.
Fabrication of switchboard shall start only after purchaser’s clearance for the same. After final
review, required number of copies and reproducible shall be furnished as final certified
The information furnished shall include the following:
1. Type Test and routine test certificates of equipments, components and assemblies.
2. Technical literature giving complete information of the equipment.
3. Erection, Operation and Maintenance Manual complete with all relevant information,
drawings and literature for auxiliary equipment and accessories, characteristics curves for
relays etc.
4. A comprehensive spare parts catalogue.
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Sr. Confirmation by the
Description Recommended Specification
No. Bidders
1 Type of Enclosure Form 4b
2 Reference IEC TTA AS PER IEC : 61439-1&2
3 Type of Mounting Main Enclosure - Free standing Floor Mounted
4 Fault kA 50 kA -1 Sec as per SLD
5 Thickness of sheets
A. Covers and doors - Load 2.0 mm CRCA
Bearing members
B. Mechanical Impact IK-08 as per IEC-62262
C. Non Load Bearing member 1.6mm, 9-folds Constructions
D. Base channel CRCA 2mm of 75mm Height
E. Gland plate 3mm
F. Painting/ Process Epoxy Powder coating with Nine-tank pre treatment
G. Paint shade Inside & Outside - Preferred RAL-7035
6 Busbars Pre fabricated assembly with tinned copper of specified
All Horizontal BUSBAR Phase & Neutral shall be Run
Together as per Clearance of respective IEC
7 Cable Entry For Top/ Bottom
8 Enclosure Protection IP -43 / IP54
9 Switchgears MCCB up to 630A MCCB and Above ACB to be Considered
a. MCCB up to 250A Thermal Magnetic O/C & S/C release and
above MP Based O/C, S/C & E/F release
b. ACBs All ACBs Shall be MDO and MP Based O/C, S/C & E/F Rel.
10 Control Wiring/ Insulated 1100Volts Cu FRLS wire
Power Wiring
A. Voltage Circuit (P.T.) Minimum 1.5mm
wiring Ckt
11 Cable Lugs / Cable Glands & Tinned copper lugs and brass glands
12 Operating Height 1800mm max.
Mounting height of Minimum 500mm & maximum 1800mm
13 Control Switches
14 Type of CTs Cast Resin
15 Design Ambient Temp 50°C.
16 Makes Of the components to As per approved make list
be used
A. ACBs As per approved list.
B. MCCBs As per approved list
C. Meters As per approved list.
D. Ammeter/Voltmeter/Selector As per approved list.
E. Wires As per approved list.
F. CTs As per approved list.
G. Control Fuses As per approved list.
17 Components rating Required rating for continuous operation, as per BOQ &
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Indoor, Single Front, Fixed Type, Floor Mounted with TINNED COPPER Busbar (TTA Panel)
800A FP MDO ACB (50kA) With Microprocessor Based Release for (O/C, S/C & E/F protection),
2 Nos.
4NO+4NC Aux. Contact, U/V Release - Cable Connection
Digital Multifunction Meter Cl.-1,, Flush Mounted 2 Nos.
CTs 800/5A, Class-1, 15VA for Metering (Resin Cast) 6 Nos.
Auxiliary Contactor 2NO+2NC 4 Nos.
Indicating lamps - R/Y/B/ON/OFF/TRIP 12 Nos.
4A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 8 Nos.
800A FP MDO ACB (50kA) With Microprocessor Based Release for (O/C, S/C & E/F protection),
4NO+4NC Aux. Contact, U/V Release - Cable Connection
Only provision
Auxiliary Contactor 2NO+2NC
is required
Indicating lamps -ON/OFF/TRIP
4A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve
500A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
1. 1 No.
ROM – Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (500A) 1 No.
Indicating lamps -ON 1 No.
4A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 1 No.
300A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
2. 1 No.
ROM– Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (300A) 1 No.
Indicating lamps -ON 1 No.
4A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 1 No.
250A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
3. 1 No.
ROM – Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (250A) 1 No.
Indicating lamps -ON 1 No.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 1 No.
200A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
4. 2 Nos.
ROM – Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (250A) 2 Nos.
Indicating lamps -ON 2 Nos.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 2 Nos.
160A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
5. 2 Nos.
ROM – Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (160A) 2 Nos.
Indicating lamps -ON 2 Nos.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 2 Nos.
100A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) &
6. 4 Nos.
ROM – Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (100A) 4 Nos.
Indicating lamps -ON 4 Nos.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 4 Nos.
63A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) & ROM
7. 5 Nos.
– Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (63A) 5 Nos.
Indicating lamps -ON 5 Nos.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 5 Nos.
32A FP MCCB (36kA) with built-in Thermal Magnetic Based Release for (O/C, S/C Protection) & ROM
8. 1 No.
– Rotary Handle
Plug -in Accessories (32A) 1 No.
Indicating lamps -ON 1 No.
6A SP Control MCB (10kA), C-Curve 1 No.
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